Manual PDF
Manual PDF
Manual PDF
13 March, 2019
Like in previous years, this year also Manual is being issued in soft copy only
as part of "Green initiative" of the Bank and no printed copy of the Manual will
be issued.
Similarly submission of LFAR & Tax Audit Report will also be by soft copy
through CFA (a web application) and no hard copy needs to be submitted.
This Manual not only provides complete instructions/guidelines at one place but also
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enables the Branches/Offices to complete the entire audit process smoothly and well
in time.
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In this 17th Edition of Manual, closing instructions / guidelines from all Head Office
Divisions have been incorporated for Annual Audit of Financial Year 2018-19.
P. K. Sharma
General Manager
Enclosed: as above
4. Preparation of First Dispatch 39-49
14. Tax Audit Report : Instructions for Tax Audit for FY 2018-19 223-278
1.1 Web based and automated certificates are available in CBPMS/CFA, printout to
be taken after submitting the data in the respective module. All the manual
certificates have been placed at “Compendium of Certificates” intended for Audited
branches & un-audited branches separately. Branches are advised to refer the
Compendium available at the below link to download the Certificate formats:
1.1.1 Compendium of Certificates- Audited Branches Click Here
1.1.2 Compendium of Certificates- Un-Audited Branches Click Here
1.2 The detailed guidelines on Centralized Loan Processing Centres (CLPC) were
issued vide IRMD circular Nos. 55 dt 28/06/2018, 91 dt 20/09/2018 and 101 dt
20/10/2018. For the current FY 2018-19, statutory audit of CLPC linked branches will
be conducted at the respective branches as the system of CLPC is not yet fully
stabilized. The officials of CLPC are to coordinate with the linked branches for audit.
Branch heads will be responsible for smooth audit and CH / ZM to closely monitor
such branches. DGM (ZO) / AGM (CO) may be made responsible for smooth and
timely audit of such branches by way of office order.
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been decided by the Government of India to increase Interest Equalization rate from
3% to 5% w.e.f. November 02, 2018 in respect of exports by the Micro, Small &
Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector manufacturers under the Interest Equalization
Scheme on Pre and Post Shipment Rupee Export Credit. RBI vide notification
DBR.Dir.BC.NO.22/04.02.001/2018-19 dated 11.01.2019 has advised that it has
been decided by the Government of India to include Merchant Exporters also, w.e.f.
January 2, 2019, under the ongoing Interest Equalization Scheme for Pre and Post
Shipment Rupee Export Credit and allow them interest equalization at the rate of 3%
on credit for export of products covered under 416 tariff lines identified under the
Scheme.(For detailed guidelines refer Chapter -12 of Manual).
1.5 During the current Financial year MSME Division has issued guidelines for
providing 2% interest subvention to MSME units which are registered under GST
and having valid udyog aadhar number(UAN) vide MSME circular no 62/2018 dated
28.12.2018 & circulating format for submission of claims vide MSME Circular No.09
dated 25.02.2019.(For detailed guidelines refer Chapter -12 of Manual).
1.7 During the year HO GSAD has amended the policy for application of
depreciation of Fixed Assets:
1.7.1 In case of fresh additions to the assets during the year, depreciation as
per applicable rates be charged, starting from the date of
purchase/addition i.e. on daily basis instead of monthly basis.
1.7.2 In case of fixed assets sold/ disposed of during the year, depreciation
would be charged up to the date of sale/disposal by passing accounting
voucher, to be generated by system i.e. on daily basis instead of monthly
basis. 12
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1.8 As per GST Law every taxable person who has been granted multiple
registrations under the existing service tax or VAT law on the basis of a single PAN
in a State, shall be granted only one provisional registration under the GST Act in
that State or Union territory in which it is already registered under the existing law.
In view of the same, Bank has obtained single registration in every State and Union
Territory where it operates through Branches/ Offices. Hence, we have designated
the Circle offices located in the Capital of each State as Nodal Offices for GST
compliance within that State. The States where we do not have Circle offices, the
Main branch located in the Capital of that State has been designated as Nodal Office
for GST compliance in that State. The Bank has obtained Registration at 35 Nodal
Offices (29 states and 6 Union Territories). –Refer Chapter 14 for GSTIN list.
on late depositing.
1.10 ICAI has made it mandatory for all Chartered Accountants (CAs) in practice to
register all certificates at UDIN portal, which are being issued on or after 1 Feb.
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2019, vide Press Release dt. 24 Jan. 2019, i.e. a Unique Document Identification
Number (UDIN) comprising of 18 Digits is required to be generated via system as
unique number for every document certified/ attested by Practicing Chartered
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1.11 “Section 40A(3) of the Income Tax Act, provides that any expenditure in respect
of which payment or aggregate of payments made to a person in a day, otherwise
than by an account payee cheque drawn on a bank or account payee bank
draft, exceeds ten thousand rupees, shall not be allowed as a deduction except in
specified circumstances. However, if the payments are made for hiring or leasing
carriages for goods such as lorries, trucks etc then the limit is extended to Rs
35,000/-. During the Tax Audit of the Bank for FY 2017-18, it was observed that still
many Branches incur expenditure in cash/ bearer cheque for an amount exceeding
Rs 10,000/- which resulted in disallowance of expenditure in Income Tax. As such,
it is hereby advised to all the offices to avoid making any payments over Rs
10,000/- by bearer cheque or cash to a single person in a day.”
1.12 Tax Audit Report (TAR) As per Section 44AB of Income Tax Act, 1961, the
Bank is under statutory obligation to get the Tax Audit conducted for the financial
During the financial year 2017-18, Bank has centralized process of e-filing of TDS
returns at Head Office. A Centralized E-TDS Cell has been constituted at Finance
Division, HO for E-filing of TDS Returns as well as Form 15G/H Returns w.e.f quarter
ending September 2017 onwards. The remittance of TDS deducted is also being
done centrally at Head office.
As per the policy, TDS Returns of the Branches have been consolidated at their
respective 76 Circle Offices under 76 TANs. However Returns for the HO Divisions
continued to be filed against their respective TANs. For Branches/Offices where
Lower TDS Deduction Certificate has been obtained by our customers on Branch
TAN, returns are filed on Branch TAN and not on their Circle Office TAN.However
TDS returns 24Q is being filed against three TANs separately for Salary, Staff
Pension and Public Pension. The centralized TDS Returns filed at E-TDS Cell at HO
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is as below:
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The tax deposited under various heads along with details of challans and TDS
returns for all the quarters of FY 2018-19 will be provided by E-TDS Cell, Head
Office at E-TDS Portal on Non CBS Page. Branch Office can login into the E-TDS
Portal by entering the Login Id (6 digit Sol Id of Branch) and Password (6 digit Sol Id
of Branch). After login, select Financial Year 2018-19 and click Ok. In the next
screen, at item No 5, Tax Audit Data for FY 2018-19 will be available.
During Tax Audit for FY 2017-18, it has been observed that in Annexure XA –
Payments where TDS is to be deducted but has not been deducted and
Annexure XB – Payments where tax has been deducted but has not been paid,
many transactions were wrongly reported. Those transactions were also reported
where TDS was already deducted/ deposited or TDS was not required to be
deducted resulting in wrong reporting of the data. Nodal Officers for TDS at
Circle Offices are advised to ensure the correctness of data reported in
Annexure XA and XB on daily basis during the time of Audit.
Payment to Banker’s Club, rotary/ lion clubs which are not for entertainment but
are incidental to Banking are not to be reported under Annexure VIII.
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Payment of rent revised on or after 01.04.2018 from back date for months of
prior years and booked during FY 2018-19 and refund/ reversal of interest/
charges/ commission of LG etc during FY 2018-19 are not prior period
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With the help of TDS statement(s) (which should be readily available with all the
offices for all the quarters), Branches/Offices to keep data ready as per clause 34
(a), (b) & (c) before the commencement of audit to avoid any delay in completion of
statutory audit and submission of Tax Audit Report.
The details of all 76 Circle Offices with their respective TANs are as below:
Dealing officer at HO: Anil Popli Dealing officer at HO: Kiran Mathur
Andhra - Vijaywada HYDP09833F Allahabad ALDP02370E
For any further details/ clarification on TDS related matters, contact numbers and
details of E TDS Cell at Head Office are as below:
Murli Dhar, Senior Manager
Contact: 8586983871
Vishwa Mohan Mishra, Kiran Mathur, Vijay Malviya, Anil Popli,
Manager Manager Officer Officer
8586983872 8586983873 8586983875 8586983874
Circle offices to ensure that all the branches/offices compile their Tax Audit
Report as per various annexures having certain data so that the same may be
timely submitted through CFA, as any delay in submission of TAR may uphold
the audit process.
The Branch Heads should impress upon the branch auditors that the branch
tax audit is conducted simultaneously with the statutory audit as no separate
TA/DA is payable to them for a second visit for Tax Audit.
minority communities under Padho Pardesh Scheme.
b) The Government of Uttar Pradesh has formulated a Crop Loan redemption
scheme for upliftment and Sustainable Development of Small & Marginal
farmers (Applicable for UP state only). The scheme stipulates one of the
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conditions that the lending institution (those branches identified for Debt
Waiver) will provide AUDITED CERTIFICATE (Statutory Branch Auditor) to
their respective DLCs (District Level Committee), regarding the correctness of
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eligible farmers and the amount credited to their identified crop loan accounts
under the scheme. In this respect all branches to ensure obtention of the
auditor’s certificate in four copies as per the scheme (One for branch; One
for SBA; One for Zonal Office Lucknow & One for DLC). Branches will
send one copy to ZM Lucknow and one copy directly to their respective DLCs
(district level committees, headed by DMs). Format of certificate will be
shared separately.
c) During the current Financial year MSME Division has issued guidelines for
providing 2% interest subvention to MSME units which are registered under
GST and having valid udyog aadhar number(UAN) vide MSME circular no
62/2018 dated 28.12.2018 & circulating format for submission of claims vide
MSME Circular No.09 dated 25.02.2019. The claim of interest subvention for
all eligible accounts of entire Bank is to be submitted by Bank to SIDBI who is
Nodal agency for disbursement of claims to Banks. Every bank has to submit
claim certificate duly certified by Statutory Auditors on half yearly basis to
SIDBI for the demanded claim on the format prescribed by RBI in its circular
dated 21.02.2019. Formats of certificate and role of branches/circles and
zones will be communicated by MSME division separately. In case of any
query please contact:
Shri Sudhir Kumar, Chief Manager - Mob. No.: 7389908622
Shri Ved Prakash, Sr. Manager (Industry) – Mob. No.: 8800661252
2.2 Statement of Balance with Bank (pls. refer chapter 4) contains the balance with
other banks in credit /debit. Branches will mention Name of the Bank/Banks with
which they are maintaining the account.12
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2.3 The bifurcation of signing and verification of the MOCs (Loan) will be as
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MOC (Loan) up to Rs. 10.00 Lac will be signed by Branch Manager &
MOC (Loan) for more than Rs. 10.00 Lac and upto Rs. 2 crore will be
signed by Branch Manager & Auditor and will be verified by Executive
Incharge at Circle Office.
MOC (Loan) for more than Rs. 2 core and upto Rs. 5 crore will be signed
by Branch Manager & Auditor and will be verified by Circle Head at Circle
MOC (Loan) for more than Rs. 5 crore will be signed by Branch Manager
& Auditor and will be verified by GM/DGM at respective Zonal office.
2.4 At the time of passing the MOC(s) in relation to the Income on Advances,
classification e.g. Loan to Real Estate - Commercial / Housing Loans / others, loan
Advances to Capital Market, Agriculture Loan, Industrial Loan etc. is also to be
2.5 At the time of passing the MOC(s) in relation to the Expenditure interest paid on
Deposits, classification e.g. Interest paid on time deposit for >Rs. 15Lakh, Rs. 15
Lakh >Rs.1 cr., Rs.1 cr. > Rs.10 cr. etc. is also to be provided.
2.6 CBPMS (Centralized Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Management System) is
the Software for posting of MOCs (Memorandum of changes) suggested by the
Statutory Branch Auditors / Circle Offices / Concurrent Auditors (Only for quarterly
closing), related to assets, liabilities, income, expenditure, loans (fund based &non-
b) TUFS - SSI Sector
c) Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme
If no data is to be reported in any one or more of these statements, branch will mark
NIL against it and generate consolidated NIL statement. However, those branches
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who have to report under any or all of the above statement may mention that
statement is annexed.
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2.7 VALIDATION OF DATA - Every month Balance sheet and Profit & Loss data for
last working day is provided to Circles from Finance Division along with
discrepancies list for validation. Circles in turn follow up with the branches for the
rectification of these entries. Checking and Rectification of errors (like wrong head
debited, credit balance in revenue heads etc.) should be an ongoing exercise at
branch level. Branches should make correction in the system regularly and avoid
2.10 MOC IEAL is given for any correction in CBS data (any change in the GL/SGL
head) whereas MOC Loans is given for any correction in LADDER. It means that -
MOC Loans will come only if any change is required in ladder.
If any correction is required in CBS then only MOC IEAL will be
If change is required in both CBS and Ladder then both MOCs will be
2.11 MOC Loans - Circle Head / Executives at Circle office / Zonal office will confirm
MOC loans in CBPMS, wherever the change in the asset classification is done
through MOC as per paragraph 2.3.
2.12 Formats of the following Statements are NOT BEING PRINTED, as the
information is available through CBS (morning checking):
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(I) Balance Sheet (PNB 259) (II) Revenue Statement (PNB 260)
(III) Suspense Statement (PNB 268) (IV) Sundries Statement (PNB 269)
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However, branches under statutory audit for the year ending March, 2019 must
ensure that hard copies of Balance Sheet and Revenue Statement generated
through CBS (morning checking), are made available to the Statutory Branch
Auditors, for verification and certification by them.
One page report named "Abridged Balance Sheet & Profit-Loss statement"
(available in the morning checking report in CBS) will also be signed by
For SFF statements (PNB 263) please follow instructions in Chapter 9 of this
2.13 Following Statements will be generated from CBS and verified by the SCAs at
the corporate level, therefore are NOT REQUIRED to be submitted by the
2.14 Transfer of Income & Expenditure for the year 2018-19 to H.O Accounts
Department (Finance Division) - Distinctive Number-014400 will be taken care of by
the Data Centre.
2.15 Old formats should not be used under any circumstances. Cutting and
overwriting must be avoided. However, in case of unavoidable circumstances,
cutting/ overwriting must be authenticated by Incumbent In-charge.
2.16 All the Closing Returns must be signed by the Incumbents and Concurrent
Auditors (wherever posted) during quarterly closing of June, Sep & Dec. Annual
Closing Returns shall be signed by Statutory Branch Auditor & Incumbent Incharge
in branches under Audit for March 2019 and by Incumbent Incharge in branches not
under audit for March 2019.
2.17 Number of copies and statements/certificates to be obtained from the
Statutory Branch Auditors are mentioned in the Annexure-II Table I of this
Chapter and statements/certificates to be submitted by unaudited branches to
circle office are mentioned in the Annexure – II Table II of this chapter.
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2.18 All Incumbents and Concurrent Auditors (wherever posted) must ensure
correctness of Cost of Deposits (COD) & Yield on Advances (YOA). The officials at
the respective Circle Offices must regularly check branch-wise position of COD &
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YOA and in case of any abnormality the reasons be ascertained from the branches
and corrective action be initiated, wherever required.
2.19 Incumbents must ensure that advances and deposits of the branches are
correctly reported and there should be No Window Dressing e.g. utilizing un-drawn
cash credit limits and placing the amount in deposits at the year end. Such actions
will be viewed very seriously and also call for penal action from RBI under Section 46
of the Banking Regulation Act. All concerned are advised to ensure meticulous
compliance of instructions issued by Inspection and Audit Division vide their circular
no.IAD/ 13/2015 dated 24.08.2015.
2.20 Circle Offices (COs) must ensure to undertake the exercise on regular basis
in respect of the following and in case of aberrations, wherever necessary, corrective
action be initiated:
Variations in the Income & Expenditure heads compared to the
corresponding previous year/period of the previous year.
Sundry Provision-Others (Code 42044) showing Nil, Negligible Balance or
same amount as per previous quarter. Normally the balance
outstanding against this head cannot be Nil, unless the branch has
already paid the expenses related to telephone, water, rent,
electricity etc. of the last month of the quarter.
Sundry -Provision for expenses - Paid through suspense (42041) should
tally with Suspense - Items against which provision is lying in Sundries
be reflected by Zonal/Circle Offices in their Monthly Revenue Statement at
appropriate Code Number of Revenue expenditure:
(a) Electronic Media on Local Cable TV Network (b) Fair Exhibitions designing
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and Public Notices (i) Advertisements expenses GAD matter (j) Corporate
Social Responsibility (k) Sports & Cultural Activities.
(For further details, refer Circular No. ITD/CBS/15/2014 dated 30.04.2014).
At the time of finalization of annual accounts of the Zonal offices, the
necessary provision is to be made for the Expenditure- Publicity and CSR
which are accrued but not paid by crediting Sundry Provision Account. Any
unutilized provision left in the Sundry Provision Account after the payment of
expenditure accrued and provision made for, should be credited to the
respective head of Expenditure of Revenue statement.
The necessary instructions and guidelines issued from time to time by the
Finance & Taxation Division (HO) in respect of tax deductions at source are to
be adhered strictly, while making payment to the advertising
agencies/contractors/suppliers. The Zonal Offices/Circle Offices should
keep the proper record of the Bills/Receipts, duly verified in respect of
expenditure incurred.”
4.1 Suspense entry related to the cash given to the outside agencies for deposit
in the ATMs must be adjusted on the T+2 days basis and no such entry
should remain outstanding on the date of the balance sheet.
However, it must be ensured that only those entries are reported in the
“Annexure-Impersonal Heads - Part B” which are of adjustable nature.
A list of entries which do not require any provision is given below, which is
suggestive in nature and not exhaustive:
Entries which are not of adjustable nature i.e normally remain in books of
accounts, almost permanently e.g advance rent given to the landlord of the
premises under use by Bank.
Entries pertaining to Govt. or Govt. Departments e.g Pension, Gratuity, Arrears of
Pension paid to the Pensioners, Interest Subvention, Export Subvention, Deposit
with Govt. Deptt. as Security & Deposit with Court as deposit/ Security etc. for
which provision is not required to be maintained. Entries outstanding for less
than 1 year.
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Branches must ensure to report eligible entries in the Annexure-Impersonal head (XII
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vii), Circle Offices will consolidate the information, received from, both audited and
un-audited branches, for further submission to the Head Office. However,
Circle Offices will send the consolidated position of ONLY THOSE ENTRIES
Inspection & Audit Division at for scrutiny &
consolidation. IAD would consolidate the data (circles and Head Office
Divisions) for bank as a whole and get it audited by the Central Statutory
Auditor of the Division and inform Finance Division the amount of Provision
5.5 The Banks has in place its duly approved Loan Review Mechanism Policy for
the year 2018-19 which provides that all standard risk rated accounts
except (a) Retail Banking segments (i) Rule Based Lending (housing, vehicles
& personal loan) (ii) Advances against consumer durables, (b) Advances
against Bank Deposits, LIC policies, Govt. securities, Gold/silver jewellery &
ornaments, advance against shares, debentures & Mutual Fund) will be
covered under credit audit.
The cut off limit for the purpose of credit audit of risk rated standard accounts
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shall be as under:
All rated standard accounts with exposure of Rs.10 cr. & above. In
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of the takeover and the next audit is to be carried out within three months after
completion of one year of first credit audit. On takeover of such accounts the
branches are to inform CARD, HO through respective Circle Office for
ensuring first credit audit within three months of takeover
For detailed guidelines refer Credit Audit & Review Division Circular
No. 4 /2018 dated 26.04.2018.
6.1 Calculation of Provision on NPA in Loan MOCs has been automated, which will
be calculated at central level after processing of MOCs. Further, pre MOC
details in Loan MOCs (as per Ladder) will be automatically picked up by the
system on entering the CBS account number. Please ensure that account
number in which MOC is suggested is correctly entered.
6.2 Certificate pertaining to additional information of deposits required for payment
of insurance premium to Deposit Insurance Corporation by the bank.
integrated FAMS with CBS and is operational in all respect. Statement of SFF
& MCC (PNB 263) as well as Schedule X, are to be generated through CBS
menu option FAMS RPT 8 (PNB 263 REMODELLED for SFF/MCC) & FAMS
RPT 15 (SCHEDULE – X) respectively. Further Sol-wise PNB 263 & Schedule
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X shall be placed in the morning checking report of respective sols by ITD HO.
Before sending the concerned Statements, offices are advised to ensure that
31.03.2019 are duly tallied with the balances conveyed by our Division. For any
other query, field functionaries may send email to Please refer
chapter 9 for further details.
6.5 Annexure I, II, III and IV related to restructured accounts and template for
calculation of Diminution in Fair Value of restructured accounts would be
submitted online through CFA after being digitally signed by Statutory Branch
Auditors (SBA) and incumbent incharge where the Branches are under audit.
For branches which are not under audit, Annexure and Template are required
to be uploaded.
6.6 At the start of the audit at Branch, the Auditor is required to fill in certain details
e.g. name, membership no., FRN, UN number, GST number(if available),bank
account details etc under “Auditor’s Profile Registration” link of CBPMS.
Further, Auditor has to register his/her digital signature by clicking on “Auditor
Registration” link.The date on which auditor’s digital signature is registered in
CBPMS will be treated as date of commencement of audit. The report of
commencement of audit shall be made available to Circle Offices also. Circle
Office to ensure that all the auditors have registered their digital signature on
commencement of branch audit.
Note: As soon as auditor’s reach the branch they should immediately register their
Digital signature into CBPMS portal.
List of Private Sector Banks in India List of Public Sector Banks in India
Sr. Sr.
Name of the Bank Name of the Bank
No No
1 Axis Bank Ltd. 1 Allahabad Bank
2 Bandhan Bank Ltd. 2 Andhra Bank
3 Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd. 3 Bank of Baroda
4 City Union Bank Ltd. 4 Bank of India
5 DCB Bank Ltd. 5 Bank of Maharashtra
6 Dhanlaxmi Bank Ltd. 6 Canara Bank
7 Federal Bank Ltd. 7 Central Bank of India
8 HDFC Bank Ltd 8 Corporation Bank
9 ICICI Bank Ltd. 9 Dena Bank
10 IndusInd Bank Ltd 12 10 IDBI Bank Limited
11 IDFC Bank Ltd. 11 Indian Bank
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23 Krishna Bhima Samruddhi LAB Ltd Name of the Bank
National Bank for Agriculture and
24 Subhadra Local Bank Ltd 1
Rural Development
List of Small Finance Banks (SFB) 2 Export-Import Bank of India
25 Au Small Finance Bank Ltd. 3 National Housing Bank
Small Industries Development
26 Capital Small Finance Bank Ltd 4
Bank of India
27 Fincare Small Finance Bank Ltd.
28 Equitas Small Finance Bank Ltd List of Regional Rural Banks in India
29 ESAF Small Finance Bank Ltd. Name of the RRB
Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas
30 Suryoday Small Finance Bank Ltd. 1
31 Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Ltd. 2 Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank
Chaitanya Godavari Grameena
32 Utkarsh Small Finance Bank Ltd. 3
2 National Australia Bank 18 Ellaquai Dehati Bank
Jammu & Kashmir Grameen
3 Westpac Banking Corporation 19
4 Bank of Bahrain & Kuwait BSC 12 20 Jharkhand Gramin Bank
5 AB Bank Ltd. 21 Vananchal Gramin Bank
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(i)Statement of SFF/MCC (PNB 263) (ii) Annexure-Impersonal Heads
(iii) Information related to Restructured Accounts
Based on the un-audited copies of the above mentioned statements, Circle
Offices will consolidate the data and in case of any discrepancies, will take up
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Table I:
Certificates/Statements/ Information to be submitted by Audited Branches
S. Particulars
belonging to economically weaker section (ews) for March quarter of scheme
year 2017-18 (Refer chapter 12).
Padho Pardesh-Statement on Interest subsidy claimed for the quarter ending
/20 19
Certificate Regarding Claim Under Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Scheme of
Interest Subsidy (ACSIS) for the students belonging to OBCs & EBCs for June
quarter scheme year 2018-19. (Refer chapter 12).
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27 Certificate pertaining to DICGC Transactions (Refer Chapter 12).(Available in
28 Certificate of Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme
12 (Refer Chapter
12).(Available in CBPMS)
/20 19
Chapter 12).
Interest Subvention on KCC/ Short Term Crop Loans restructured (to be digitally
signed) (Refer Chapter 12).
Interest Subvention of additional 3% for short term crop loan (to be digitally
signed) (Refer Chapter 12).
32 LFAR (Refer Chapter 13)
31 Tax Audit Report (Refer Chapter 14)
33 Location Certificate (Selected Branches) * (At 3 locations only)
34 Annexure I, II, III, and IV related to Restructured Accounts and Template for
calculation of – Diminution in fair value for restructured accounts (Refer Chapter
Table II:
Certificates/Statements/ Information to be submitted by Unaudited Branches
S. Particulars
their own record)
1 Balance Sheet (available in morning checking report) PNB –259
2 P&L A/c (available in morning checking report) PNB –260
3 Annexure-E (Containing information in respect of all advances) generated
/20 19
through Ladder+.
as per Basel-III.
Three copies (Printout) of following statements / certificates to be prepared
(One - Branch/One – Circle/One – HO Division).
5 Third Dispatch- Certificate related to Lending to Sensitive Sector and Maturity
Pattern of Borrowings Annexure PNB/CAD/AD/S-2, PNB/CAD/AD/S-3
PNB/PSFI/AD/S-7 (Refer Chapter-8)
Statement of SFF/MCC PNB –263 (Refer Chapter 9).
7 Certificate of additional depreciation charged on account of impairment of
assets for the year ended 31.3.2019 – Annexure GSAD-1 (Refer Chapter 9)
8 Statement of Bank's own premises pending for registration/execution of title
deeds as on 31.03.2019 – Annexure GSAD-2 (Refer Chapter 9)
9 Statement of Contingent Liabilities (Refer Chapter 10 )
10 Claim for Interest Subvention on loans to SHGs. (Refer Chapter 12).
11 Interest Subvention of additional 3% on loans to SHGs (Refer Chapter 12).
12 Central sector interest subsidy scheme on educaitonal loans to students
belonging to economically weaker section (ews) for March quarter of scheme
year 2017-18 (Refer chapter 12).
Padho Pardesh-Statement on Interest subsidy claimed for the quarter ending
June 2018 (Scheme Year: 2018-19). (Refer chapter 12).
Padho Pardesh-Statement on Interest subsidy claimed for the quarter ending
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17 Annexure-Impersonal Heads for entries older than 1 year (Refer Chapter -12).
18 Certificate related to Disclosures on Unsecured Advances (Refer Chapter-
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following address:
M/s _____________________ (Name of the SCA Firm)
Punjab National Bank 12
Head Office, Finance Division (East Wing, 1st Floor)
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Sector-10, Dwarka
New Delhi-110075.
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5.2 If desired by the auditors, Incumbent should make available latest Inspection
Report, previous Statutory Audit Report, Long Form Audit Report, Revenue
Audit Report, RBI Inspection Report, Concurrent Audit Report, previous
period’s MOC details, Acknowledgement of TDS return etc. to Statutory
Auditors. All these reports must be kept ready with the Incumbent In-charge.
5.3 The Incumbent should personally attend to the Auditors as well as their
queries and furnish them desired information so as to avoid any observation/
qualification by the Auditors not based on the facts. In case of any difficulty,
branches should contact respective COs, for their guidance and instructions.
Auditors have also been requested to discuss the observations/queries etc.
with the Incumbent In-charge before incorporating in the Report.
5.4 All MOCs are required to be discussed and finalized at branch level or at the
5.5 Branches must ensure that all relevant information/records are kept ready for
the auditors to finalize Tax Audit & LFAR, along-with the branch audit.
for the purpose.
9. COs must maintain proper follow up with the Auditors and branches/offices.
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/03 633
CBPMS (Centralized Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Management System)
has been developed by the ITD, HO in discussion with Finance Division for posting
of MOCs by the branches (suggested by the Statutory Branch Auditors, Statutory
Central Auditors / Circle Offices & Concurrent Auditors (Only for quarterly closing).
For annual closing (March), this will be applicable for all branches, Circle offices,
Zonal offices and Head offices.
Link for CBPMS is also available on Non-CBS main screen of our intranet. This
software facilitates the branches to post the MOCs, electronically, which expedites
incorporation of the changes in the final Balance Sheet of the Bank. Further, in
addition to posting of MOCs, following certificates / statements are to be generated
from CBPMS-
Branches under audit and not under audit will follow instructions given in
Annexure II (Table I & II) of Chapter 1 of this manual for taking the printouts.
STEP-1- For March 2019 closing all branches under audit will post MOCs {MOC-
BSPL, MOC-Loans (fund based & non-fund based) and MOCs pertaining to
Capital Adequacy} suggested by the Auditors. Various steps involved in the posting
of MOCs are given below:
Login in CBPMS by typing the following address in the Finacle Screen at the
address box.
Ghosh Jilani Forms)
Submission ( Previous Year MOC Incumbent, Previous Year MOC
Auditor ,MOC Summary Auditor, MOC Summary incumbent and
Branch Audit Detail Entry)
Submit the "Final Submit" to the Circle Office by clicking the option.
/20 19
/03 633
*For Circles: Important Instructions will contain Closing Circular &
other important Instructions relating to closing.
STEP-2- After posting of the MOCs and e-submitting to Circle office through
CBPMS, Circle Offices will have to ensure that all the branches under their
jurisdiction have e-submitted the reports to them.
STEP -3- Quarterly Closing - After posting the MOCs, Branch user has to submit
the Branch with Digital Signatures. Branch for their own record will keep one hard
copy of the MOC duly signed by the Incumbent In-charge and the Concurrent
Annual Closing- After posting the MOC and e-submitting to circle office through
CBPMS. Branch will take 3 copies of MOCs (One for Branch, One for SBA and One
for SCA) duly signed by the Incumbent In-charge and the Statutory Branch Auditor/
Statutory Central Auditor.
Please follow page no. 11 & 24 for instructions for marking NIL and feeding
/20 19
data for identified 3 statements- (1) DICGC Transactions (2) TUFS - SSI Sector
(3) Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme
/03 633
Only Single Debit & Single Credit Entries are allowed under CBPMS.
For example - Auditor gives MOC IEAL having 3 Debit and one Credit entry as under
If there are 3 debits- Expenditure - Rent paid for office Premises (10511) 100.00,
Expenditure Water, Lighting & Electric Charges (10520) 200.00, Expenditure
telephone (11130) - 300.00 and credit is to be given to Sundries-Provision for
CFA (Centralized Financial Audit) has been developed by the Finance Division
for posting & online submission of various reports by all the branches and circle
offices under following modules:
STEP-1- For March 2019 closing all branches under audit will punch LFAR related
data in CFA as suggested by the Auditors. Various steps involved are given below:
Enter User ID
(For all Branches/Offices, their CBS Sol-IDs will be their User
ID in six digit)
/20 19
STEP-1- For March 2019 closing, all branches will punch Tax Audit related data in
CFA . Various steps involved are given below:
Important Note - Detailed Operational Guidelines Are Available By
clicking The User Manual Option.
Steps for Priority Sector & Financial Inclusion (PS&FI) and DICGC (Deposits)
A new module has been developed by the Finance Division for submitting Interest
Subvention and DICGC (Deposits) Certificates by all the branches and generation of
different types of reports at branch level, circle level and HO level.
Link of PS&FI and DICGC (Deposits) certificate application is available in CFA login
Note : - For un audited Branches options related to auditors will not be applicable.
Further, application for PS&FI and DICGC (Deposits) certificates will
properly work on internet explorer 9 & higher versions only.
Step 1:-
Login in PS&FI and DICGC (Deposits) Certificates by typing the
following address in the Finacle Screen at the address box.
Enter User ID
(For all Branches/Offices, their CBS Sol-IDs will be their User
ID in six digit. Example- For 144 it is 014400)
By default password is pnb@123.
On successful login, you will reach the Page showing various
certificates: i.e. PS&FI and DICGC (Deposits).
Branch/offices have to click on the certificate name to fill that
On clicking the certificate name, corresponding certificate dashboard
will open which shows:
Viewing options for Branches
1. Registration of Auditor and Incumbent.
2. Four Annexure forms to be fill by the branches for PS&FI.
3. One annexure form to be filled by the Branches for DICGC
/20 19
Step 2:-
Steps to be followed by Branch for PS&FI & DICGC (Deposits)
Certificates -
On home page click on the Submit Annexure, Annexure form will open.
After submitting the value in form click on validate, then submit button
will be shown.
By clicking on submit button, data will be submitted and a message will
be shown to user.
After this click on home page, submit annexure link will be shown in
green, it means annexure has been submitted successfully.
In order to sign the document digitally by branch incumbent click on
Incumbent signature link on the homepage. After that click on the
Digital Signature button to sign the document digitally.
Procedure to add digital signature in CBPMS and CFA
1) Pre requisites
a) Add the CBPMS and CFA IP Address (i.e. in the
/20 19
Note: Once the record e.g. MOC entry, is digitally signed it cannot be modified. So
Branches to ensure that only final data/record is to be digitally signed.
Can any data be modified after Digital Signature has been applied?
No, once the data has been digitally signed, it cannot be modified. Therefore,
one should digitally sign only after the data is frozen.
For any help, please contact the Circle Office IT officials.
/20 19
/03 633
GSAD, HO, New Delhi).
Annexure- Impersonal Heads (giving details of outstanding entries for
more than 1 year) 12
Statement of Balances with Banks & Supplementary information on Basel III
/20 19
March 19 will generate report from CBPMS and submit to circles signed by
Incumbent along with supported document.
Check points-
a) Related to Returns
As per Priority Sector & FI Division’s guidelines, there should not be any
outstanding entry in suspense related to Debt Waive/Relief Scheme at the
The guidelines of Retail Banking Division, Head Office should be followed for
/20 19
equivalent to one month interest provision on saving fund accounts.
RMD, HO vide their Circular No. 06/2016 has clarified that No amount shall
remain outstanding in “Interest Accrued on Deposits- Fixed Deposits” as on
the last day of the quarter as interest is paid/credited into the accounts upto
/20 19
Sundry Unclaimed Credits: Inspection and Audit Division circular no. 28/
2017 dated 03.08.2017 prescribes that the sundry entries outstanding for five
years and above be segregated every year at the end of January and
aggregate amount be transferred to Circle Office along with full details. The
details would also be maintained at the branch in a separate sundries register
with nomenclature ‘Sundries Account-Entries Transferred to Circle Office.’
This is an annual exercise and be done every year. On receipt of the amount
from the branches, the same be credited to the ‘Miscellaneous Income’ at the
Circle Office. The branches should attempt to adjust all outstanding entries in
and no contra vouchers are to be passed by the Advising / Confirming branch.
In case these contra vouchers are wrongly passed, the same should be
reversed. 12
Cash in hand is to be reported under Code No.61010. Foreign currency
/20 19
Attention is invited to Foreign Exchange Circular No. 48 dt. 22.12.2017 in
which it is specifically stated that the rupee equivalent of balance as per
currency note stock register should be deducted from balance in Foreign
Outward Bill Purchased (FOBP) and added in cash balance held at branch in
the weekly statement of affairs. The rupee equivalent may be arrived at by
applying current selling rate for the currency notes.
Branches should ensure to follow the guidelines issued by ATM Cell HO for
cash lying in the ATM Machines. Consolidate Guidelines have been issued
Balance with Other Offices Imprest: By prompt reconciliation and
adjustment, ‘Balance with Other Offices Imprest’ account is to be brought to
NIL as on Balance Sheet date. However, if any amount remains outstanding
as on Balance Sheet date, the same should be reported under Code
/20 19
The amount reported against “Balance with RBI/ SBI/Other banks” should
tally with the amount mentioned in the Balance Confirmation Certificate
obtained from them, as on the date of Balance Sheet. However, in case of
difference, proper entry-wise reconciliation be prepared along-with the date of
adjustment of such entries. It must be ensured that items of
expenditure/income nature must not form part of reconciliation. Copy of the
reconciliation and Balance Confirmation Certificate of the RBI/SBI/Other bank
be also sent to the respective Circle office. Branches must make all possible
efforts to adjust such entries before close of the day end.
against LTC, TA Bill etc. The amount be credited to 'Sundry Provision' and
reported against code 42041 of liabilities side. On the asset side this amount
be reported against Code 63563 (suspense). Branches to ensure that both
codes 42041 and 63563 are showing equal balance.
/20 19
Adequate provisions should be made for all expenses which have become
due for payment but not paid by Balance Sheet date e.g. telephone bills,
electricity bills, water charges, rent, publicity, etc. In such cases, following
entries are required to be passed:
elsewhere' (code 11426) and in case of any mistake, the same be booked
under appropriate heads by reversing the entries which have wrongly been
debited to this head. No expenditure should be booked under “other
expenses” for which specific expenditure head is already available.
/20 19
reflect only that amount against Code 11426 & 20616, for which no specific
/03 633
Accordingly, all the expenditure incurred by Circle Offices is to be reimbursed
by HRM Division. In respect of expenditure for the month ended March,
such claims should be entered in HRMS by 27th of March each year so
as to ensure that the amount outstanding in Suspense Account is
reimbursed by HRM Division by the end of Financial Year i.e. on 31 st
/20 19
The following two heads under Staff Welfare Fund (1042601/10426101) have
/03 633
Branches will generate all statements related to SFF/MCC & other vehicles
from Fixed Asset Management System (FAMS) through CBS. Reports, so
generated from FAMS/CBS should be reconciled with respective GL heads for
The opening balance of 'Original Purchase Value’ (Column A-1) and total
Depreciation up to last year 31st March (Column A-2) must tally with the
closing balance of the previous year's statement. Effect of MOCs given on
account of capitalization of any asset or reversal there of, if any, should also
be taken into account. In case opening balance does not reconcile, separate
reconciliation statement be sent along with the closing returns.
Amount of "Fresh Purchases"(Column B),"Sold/Written off" (Column
E),"Received from Branches" (Column C) and “Transferred to Branches"
/20 19
bare minimum.
As per guidelines issued by Govt. Business Deptt. H.O., normally there should
not be any outstanding in suspense on account of pension as at the close of
the year.
/20 19
Suspense and Other Impersonal Heads' Entries, outstanding for more than 1
year as on 31.03.2019”.Branches must ensure to give details of entries also, to
enable the Circle Offices to extrapolate only those entries of non-permanent
nature, for which provision is required to be made. Branches will report all such
entries giving details of nature of entry, to be certified by the respective Branch
Statutory Auditors. However, Circle Offices will send the consolidated position
of only those entries for which provision is required to be made, to Inspection &
Audit Division at for scrutiny & consolidation. IAD
would consolidate the data, get it audited by the Central Statutory Auditor of
the Division and inform Finance Division the amount of Provision required
against each head for passing necessary accounting vouchers.
This statement contains the balance with other banks either in credit or debit.
Branches will mention Name of the Bank/banks with which they are maintaining
current account for clearing purpose etc. (Banker’s account). Branches under Audit
for March 2019 will submit it in CBPMS with Digital Signatures and where branches
are not under audit will generate the report from CBPMS and submit to their circle
office along with Balance confirmation certificates, which are to be obtained from the
respective banks. If the figures reported in the Balance Sheet differ from the
Balance Confirmation Certificates, Reconciliation statement should be
prepared as per format in CBPMS. Further additional information required for
/20 19
/03 633
With the implementation of LADDER System in the Bank, all credit-related closing
returns are generated from system instead of preparing the same manually.
Branches are required to prepare statements of Loan Returns in two parts (a) For
Non Performing Assets & (b) For Advances other than Non Performing Assets to
facilitate asset classification and provisioning for the purpose of Balance Sheet.
Branches under statutory audit and un-audited branches will follow separate
procedure for submission of the above returns, as per the details given in chapter-1
of this manual. 12
/20 19
In addition to assets wise classification of advances, Branches are required to
/03 633
Priority Sector
Public Sector
PRIORITY SECTOR- All advances presently classified as Priority Sector, (as per
guidelines issued by PSFID) should be reported under this head. Advances granted
to Govt. Undertakings/ Public Sector Corporations, which are engaged in the
activities, which can be classified as Priority Sector should be classified under this
OTHERS- Advances not reported under any of the above three heads should be
reported under this head.
iii. Others: All other facilities except (i) and (ii) above are required to be
clubbed together and reported.
/20 19
NOTE: Attention is invited to L&A Circular No. 79 dated 04.07.2005 wherein it
has been clarified that:
/03 633
Demand Loan would be a loan which is repayable on demand and in one shot
i.e. bullet repayment.
Term Loan would be a Loan which has a specified maturity which may be
payable in instalment or in bullet form. However, short term loans with
maturity up to one year be treated as demand loan and classified accordingly.
Term Loans with maturity in excess of one year shall continue to be classified
as term loan.
While classifying the advances as secured, the primary security should be applied
first and for the residual balance, if any, the realizable value of collateral security
should be taken into account. If the advance is still not fully covered, then, to the
extent of bank/government guarantees available, the advance should be classified
as `covered by bank/government guarantee’. The balance, if any, remaining after the
above classification, should be classified as unsecured.
The following points are relevant for classifying the advances based on security.
balance) should be reported. In case of ECGC/CGTSI the amount of
ECGC/CGTSI cover as per eligibility after reducing the coverage under
tangible assets from net balance should be reported. The amount of
ECGC/CGTSI cover should be calculated on the uncovered portion i.e. Net
outstanding minus Amount secured by Tangible assets. But the amount
/20 19
should be shown to the extent not exceeding outstanding balance less value
of tangible security.
/03 633
are with the bank on this date) should be classified as secured. All accepted
bills should be classified as `unsecured’ unless collaterally secured.
Cheques purchased including self-cheques (where the drawer and payee are
one and the same) should be treated as unsecured unless collaterally
Advances against supply bills, unless collaterally secured, should be
classified as unsecured even if they have been accepted by the drawee.
In suit filed cases where attachment(s) before judgment(s) has/have been
awarded, details of the present value of IPs so attached, to the extent of its
realizable value, the same can be considered as "Secured".
Amounts received by the Receiver on auction of the securities lying with
him/or the Bank (kept as FD, in the current account etc.) which will ultimately
be remitted to our Bank for appropriations in the account, should be reported
in security column & treated accordingly.
a. Accounts which are guaranteed by Central Govt. and where
guarantee has not been invoked should be classified as Standard
irrespective of the overdue/irregularity in the account is over 90 days.
/20 19
if the guarantee has been invoked but repudiated by Central Govt. the
accounts should be classified in accordance to the RBI guidelines
applicable to non Govt. guaranteed accounts.
State Govt. guaranteed accounts will be NPA if interest / principal / other dues
remain overdue for more than 90 days.
Centralised LADDER+ system has been introduced in Bank, which uses CBS as its
source of all information pertaining to loan and non-fund accounts for asset
classification, provisioning and risk weight computation. No data entry and
modification is allowed in LADDER+ system at any level i.e. branch, circle, ZO or
HO. With the implementation of LADDER+, it has been imperative that branches,
which are the sources for all types of data input in CBS, take utmost care for data
feeding during opening of a loan or non-fund account in CBS or take immediate
corrective measures for all existing data feeding errors. Various types of errors
/20 19
commonly made by the branches, their adverse effect on Bank’s Balance Sheet and
remedial measures are described below:
/03 633
Effect on Balance Sheet: As per IRAC norms prescribed by RBI, Bank cannot allow
DP against stocks or Bookdebt which are 90 days or more old. In case Bank
continues to allow DP in a CC a/c against stock or Bookdebt older than 90 days and
if such situation continues for another 90 days, the CC a/c and all other facilities of
the customer are classified as NPA. This increases NPA exposure and provision
Resolution: Branches should update the stock or Bookdebt details in CBS in all
feasible cases.
2. Non-renewal of limit
Effect on Balance Sheet: The limit in running a/c like a CC/OD/KCC is considered
as ZERO, once it is expired and once this happens, such types of accounts are
considered as out of order. If out of order situation continues for more than 90 days,
the account along with other accounts of the customer is classified as NPA. This
increases NPA exposure and provision adversely affecting profitability.
Resolution: Branches should renew/review the limit well in time in all feasible cases.
3. Expired LG/LC
Effect on Balance Sheet: Expired LG/LC only inflates Bank’s off-balance sheet
exposure and Bank needs to provide capital for these expired LG/LC adversely
affecting Capital Adequacy Ratio.
Identification: EDW report ‘BG and LC Expire but Liability Amount Pending’ under
Resolution: Branches should close all such LG/LC on case to case basis after
necessary verification.
Effect on Balance Sheet: Bank is not required to provide capital on any Fund
margin like FDR, LIP & Govt. Securities. Non capturing of details relating to cash
margin while issuing LG/LC(in margin tab) in spite of the fact that LG/LC is actually
issued against sufficient cash margin adversely affects Bank’s Capital Adequacy
Effect on Balance Sheet: Bank is not required to provide capital on any Fund
Based/Non Fund Based facility to the extent it is covered by cash securities/cash
margin like FDR, LIP & Govt. Securities, which are also called Credit Risk Mitigation
(CRM) securities. However, the aforesaid securities are considered as CRM security
as long as those are within their due date or date of maturity. Non renewal of CRM
securities in CBS adversely affects Bank’s Capital Adequacy Ratio.
6. Unrated customers/accounts
Effect on Balance Sheet: External rating is the key component for computing Risk
Weighted Asset for Corporate customers. 20%, 30%, 50%, 100%, 150% risk weight
are applied on AAA, AA, A, BBB, BB & below rated customers respectively. For
unrated customers, 100% risk weight is applied. On expiry of the external rating, the
customer is treated as unrated. Timely capturing of fresh external rating in CBS
could avert application of higher risk weight and adverse impact on Capital
Adequacy Ratio.
Identification: LADDER+ report ‘Expired rating’ under BASEL III
/20 19
Resolution: Branches should capture the latest rating in CBS through CRMS menu
in all feasible cases.
/03 633
level makes the loan account unsecured. When such accounts slip to NPA, 100%
provisioning is done instead of legitimate 15% adversely affecting Bank’s profitability.
Identification: EDW report ‘Loan Accounts where Limit-Id Entered but Security not
Maintained at Node Level’ under PNBEDW/DATA CLEAN/DAILY folder.
Resolution: Branches should either maintain security at node level or remove Limit
Node Id from Drawing Power maintenance screen.
8. Other issues
Resolution: Branches should recover the CAD amount beforehand without waiting
for the last day. In case borrower insists on paying the dues only on the last day,
then the CAD amount as well as the interest to be applied is also to be recovered. To
assess the interest amount, branches may run HACINT menu in CBS in Trial Mode
on the last day of the month to assess the interest to be applied by the system as the
part of the month/quarter end activities. HACINT in trial mode assesses interest
amount correctly provided there is no further debit in the account after running
4. Annexure E
5. Movement of NPA/Provision
5.1. Form D1 – Summary & Details
5.2. Form D2 – Summary & Details
5.3. Form D3 – Summary & Details
5.4. Form D4 – Summary & Details
8. Basel Worksheet
NB: For any other report on asset classification, provisioning & RWA computation, if
required by Statutory Auditors, may be requisitioned to MISD on ad hoc basis.
/20 19
/03 633
A Guidelines for categorizing a Borrowal account as NPA
B Recognition of Income and Appropriation of recovery in NPAs
C Guidelines on Asset classification
D Guidelines on Provisioning
E Operating Instructions & Accounting
F Prudential norms for Projects under implementations
Prudential guidelines on Restructuring of advances by Banks
/20 19
/03 633
Amount due to the bank under any credit facility is ‘overdue’, if it is not paid
on the due date fixed by the bank.
A.2.1 A cash credit or overdraft account will be treated as NPA if the account
remains ‘out of order’. A Cash Credit and Overdraft account is treated as ‘out
/03 633
of order’ if:
A.2.2 Branches should ensure that drawings in the working capital accounts are
covered by the adequacy of current assets, since current assets are first
appropriated in times of distress. Drawing power is required to be
calculated/arrived at based on the stock statement which is current. However,
considering the practical difficulties of large borrowers, stock statements relied
upon by the banks for determining drawing power should not be older than
three months. The outstanding in the account based on drawing power
calculated from stock statements older than three months, would be
deemed as irregular. A working capital borrowal account will become NPA if
such irregular drawings are permitted in the account for a continuous period of
90 days even though the unit may be working or the borrower’s financial
position is satisfactory.
A.2.3 Regular and adhoc credit limits need to be reviewed / regularised not later
than three months from the due date/date of adhoc sanction. In case of
constraints such as non availability of financial statements and other data
(i) The installment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for two
Crop seasons for short duration crops,
(ii) The installment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for one
Crop season for long duration crops,
(i) In credit card accounts, the amount spent is billed to the card users
performing status.
(ii) The bill discounted under LC favoring a borrower may not be classified as a
Non Performing Advances (NPA), when any other facility granted to the
borrower is classified as NPA. However, in case documents under LC are not
accepted on presentation or the payment under the LC is not made on the
due date by the LC Issuing Bank for any reason and the borrower does not
immediately make good the amount disbursed as a result of discounting of
(iv) In case of bank finance given for industrial projects or for agricultural
plantations, etc. where moratorium is available for payment of
interest, payment of interest, becomes `due' only after the
moratorium or gestation period is over. Therefore, such amounts of
interest do not become `overdue' and hence do not become NPA with
/20 19
reference to the date of debit of interest. They become overdue after due
date for payment of interest, if uncollected.
/03 633
A.9.5.1.For the purpose of calculating the margin, value of security should be taken
as under:
(i) In case of advances against Term Deposit in the nature of recurring and
reinvestment deposits, the principal and interest accrued thereon shall
be taken into account.
(ii) In case of advances against LIC policies, the latest surrender value of
the policy may be taken into account.
(iii) In case of advances against NSCs eligible for surrender, IVPs and KVPs
the interest accrued on the value of security should be taken into account.
A.9.5.2. Further, it is also clarified that NSCs may become eligible for surrender only
on maturity or on happening of any of the following mentioned events:
/03 633
A.9.5.3 Accounts covered under above exemption are exempted from application of
principle of percolation (i.e. all accounts of the Borrower are to be classified
as NPA if one account becomes NPA) as mentioned in para A.9.2 above.
account of the party before the provisions of NPA norms are applied for
deciding the asset classification.
A loan granted for short duration crops will be treated as NPA, if the
installment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for two crop
seasons. A loan granted for long duration crops will be treated as NPA, if
the installment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for one crop
season. For the purpose of these guidelines, “long duration” crops would be
crops with crop season longer than one year. Crops, which are not “long
duration” crops, would be treated as “short duration” crops.The crop
season for each crop, which means the period up to harvesting of the
crops raised, would be as determined by the State Level Bankers’
Committee in each State. Depending upon the duration of crops raised
by an agriculturist, the above norms would also be made applicable to
agricultural term loans availed of by him. The above norms should be made
applicable to all direct agricultural advances as listed below:
A.9.7.1 Direct Agriculture Finance
(a) Loans to individual farmers [including Self Help Groups (SHGs) or Joint
Liability Groups (JLGs), i.e. groups of individual farmers, provided banks
maintain disaggregated data on such loans] engaged in Agriculture only.
/20 19
(i) Short-term loans to farmers for raising crops, i.e. for crop loans. This
(ii) Medium & long-term loans to farmers for agriculture (e.g. purchase of
agricultural implements and machinery, loans for irrigation and other
developmental activities undertaken in the farm).
(v) Loans to small and marginal farmers for purchase of land for
agricultural purposes.
(i) Short-term loans for raising crops, i.e. for crop loans. This will include
traditional / non-traditional plantations and horticulture.
(ii) Medium & long-term loans for agriculture (e.g. purchase of agricultural
implements and machinery, loans for irrigation and other
developmental activities undertaken in the farm).
(iii) Loans to farmers for pre-harvest and post-harvest activities, viz.,
spraying, weeding, harvesting, grading, sorting and transporting of their
own farm produce.
(iv) Loans up to 50 lakh against pledge / hypothecation of agricultural
produce (including warehouse receipts) for a period not exceeding 12
A.9.7.2 Kisan Credit Cards
“A loan granted for short duration crops will be treated as NPA, if the
installment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for two crop
seasons. A loan granted for long duration crops will be treated as NPA, if
/03 633
the installment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for one crop
season. For the purpose of these guidelines, “long duration” crops would be
crops with crop season longer than one year and crops, which are not “long
duration” crops would be treated as “short duration” crops. The crop season
for each crop, which means the period up to harvesting of the crops raised,
would be as determined by the State Level Bankers’ Committee in each
State. Depending upon the duration of crops raised by an agriculturist, the
above NPA norms would also be made applicable to agricultural term loans
availed of by him.”
a) There are no credits in the account continuously for two crop seasons/one
crop season (as the case may be) as on the date of balance sheet.
b) The outstanding remains continuously in excess of the limit for two crop
seasons/one crop season (as the case may be) as on the date of balance
c) The credits in the account are not sufficient even to cover the interest
debited in respect of the account for two crop seasons/one crop season
(as the case may be).
and for Additional Incentive Subvention under Subvention Scheme of Govt
of India, each debit entry should be adjusted within a maximum period of
12 month.
Please refer the circulars on KCC issued by PSFID from time to time
/20 19
A.9.7.3 In respect of agricultural loans, other than those specified above and term
/03 633
member banks and therefore, be treated as NPA. The banks participating
in the consortium should, therefore, arrange to get their share of recovery
transferred from the lead bank or get an express consent from the bank for
the transfer of their share of recovery, to ensure proper asset classification
in their respective books.
/20 19
Take out finance is the product emerging in the context of the funding of
long-term infrastructure projects. Under this arrangement, the institution/
the bank financing infrastructure projects will have an arrangement with any
financial institution for transferring to the latter the outstanding in respect of
such financing in their books on a pre-determined basis. In view of the time-
lag involved in taking-over, the possibility of a default in the meantime
introduced a guarantee-cum-refinance programme whereby, in the event of
default, EXIM Bank will pay the guaranteed amount to the bank within a
period of 30 days from the day the bank invokes the guarantee after the
exporter has filed claim with ECGC. Accordingly, to the extent payment
has been received from the EXIM Bank, the advance may not be treated as
/20 19
books of the bank, but the importer’s country is not allowing the funds to be
remitted due to political or other reasons, the asset classification may be
made after a period of one year from the date the amount was deposited by
the importer in the bank abroad.
A.9.13 Prudential norms for banks for the purchase/ sale transactions
which cash received exceeds the NBV of the asset.
5. With regard to assets sold before 26th February, 2014, the quantum of excess
provision reversed to the profit & loss account on account of sale of NPAs
shall be disclosed in the financial statements of the Bank, under “Notes to
/20 19
6. The provisions of above mentioned paras shall be given effect to, by the
Finance Division after taking approval from the competent authority (ED/MD),
Head Office.
/03 633
(a) When the bank sells its NPAs to other Banks/FIs/NBFCs etc., the
same will be removed from the books on receipt of full payment/transfer.
(b) If sale is at a price below the Net Book Value (NBV) i.e. Book Value less
provision held, the shortfall shall be debited to the Profit & Loss A/c of that
(c) If sale is for a value higher than the Net Book Value (NBV) i.e. Book Value
less provision held, the excess provision shall not be reversed but will be
utilized to meet the shortfall/loss on account of sale of other NPAs.
(d) In case there is overall surplus over and above the excess provision in any
of the sale transaction that surplus amount will be taken in the profit & loss
The provisions of above mentioned paras shall be given effect to, by the Finance
Division after taking approval from the competent authority (ED/MD), Head Office.
A.9.14 Valuation of properties in NPA Accounts
time to time, latest being L & A Circular no. 19/19 dated 21.02.2019.
I. Para 1(i) of Annexure A of the L & A Circular no. 19/19 dated 21.02.2019
stipulates the following criteria for valuation of properties:-
II. Wherever the Incumbent feels that realizable value of IPs is significantly lower
than the one on bank’s record in accounts with aggregate limits/ outstanding
of Rs.10 lakhs & above but less than Rs.1 crore and value of immovable
property mortgaged/charged to the bank is Rs.20 lakhs & above, he may get
the property re-valued from the bank’s approved valuer provided the valuation
is more than one year old.
III. As regards borrowal accounts having aggregate limit of Rs. 1 crore & above,
valuation of immovable properties charged/mortgaged to the Bank be got
done from approved valuer once in three years.
IV. However, where the value of immovable property to be mortgaged/ charged is
Rs.5 crore & above, branches shall get valuation of such IPs done from
minimum two valuers on the Bank’s approved panel.
V. In pursuance of IBA report 2017, Board in its meeting dated 26.04.2017,
approved that in case the difference in two valuations is more than 15%, 3rd
valuation may be got done from a senior valuer in category A and the average
of the two valuation reports having difference of not more than 15% be taken
II. RBI teams and Statutory Auditors also do not entertain the old valuation
reports, as result of which higher provision rates are advised by them.
III. In absence of latest valuation report, which should not be normally more
than 1 year old, as per Bank’s guidelines for fixation of Reserve Price for
a sale process, non-realistic Reserve Price is fixed, which is the main reason
for failure of sale process.
d) Thus, it is clarified that, the criteria for valuation of properties (both borrower’s
and/or guarantor’s) in existing accounts, circulated through circulars
/20 19
by HO: IRMD also holds good for NPA accounts except where OTS
/Sale to ARCs proposals/Sale under SARFAESI Act are under
revaluation, Bank will be making higher NPA provision, which will
adversely affect profitability of the Bank, unnecessarily. Thus, it is
very important that, Bank’s guidelines on periodic valuation of
securities in all loan accounts, including NPA accounts are
adhered to. On the other hand in multiple banking and/or consortium
/20 19
Thus, Circle Heads must ensure that account-wise data is up-dated in the CBS,
especially in NPA accounts, periodically, in all the branches under their
jurisdiction. All the officials are advised to ensure meticulous compliance of
the above mentioned guidelines.
the account are not out of fresh/additional credit facilities sanctioned to the
borrower concerned.
B.1.1 The guidelines also require that branches should not take to income
any fees/ commission and any similar income on non-performing
/20 19
B.1.2 However interest on advances against term deposits, NSCs, IVPs, KVPs
and Life Policies should be taken to income account on the due date,
provided adequate margin is available in the accounts.
B.2.1 When a credit facility is classified for the first time as NPA the entire interest
accrued & credited to the income account in the past periods, which has
not been realized should be ascertained and same should be reversed and
should be credited back in the respective account itself at the close of the
year/half-year/Quarter at the branch level by debiting Profit & Loss Account
with following particulars:
B.2.3 In respect of NPAs, fees, commission and similar income that have accrued
should cease to accrue in the current period and should be reversed with
respect of past periods, if uncollected, as above.
stopped. However Accrued Interest (including Penal Interest, if any) will
continue to be recorded in Memorandum accounts.
In the absence of a clear agreement between the bank and the borrower for
appropriation of recoveries in NPAs, the appropriation of Recoveries in NPA
accounts (irrespective of the mode / status / stage of recovery actions) shall
be regulated in the following order of priority:
Debits in Cash Credit - NPA account with tagging facility can be allowed
dependent upon extent of tagging permitted by appropriate authority. The
proceeds received through tagging arrangement would also be utilized in the
following order:
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/03 633
All Borrowal accounts (including Borrowal Fraud accounts) need to be classified into
four categories taking into account the degree of well defined credit weaknesses,
period for which the asset has remained non performing, realisability of the dues and
extent of dependence on collateral security for realisation of the dues as given
C.1.1 Standard asset is one which does not disclose any problem and which does
not carry more than normal risk attached to the business. Such an asset is
not an NPA.
doubtful or loss, after interest / principal / any other amount due to the bank
remains overdue for more than 90 days.
C.1.4 Further, advances against term deposits, NSCs eligible for surrender, Indira
VikasPatra, KisanVikasPatras and Life Insurance Policies, are to be classified
as Standard assets provided adequate margin is available.
A sub-standard asset is one, which has remained NPA for a period less
than or equal to 12 months; such an asset will have well defined credit
weaknesses that jeopardize liquidation of the debt and are characterized by
the distinct possibility that the bank will sustain some loss, if deficiencies are
not corrected.
A loan classified as doubtful has all the weaknesses inherent in assets that
were classified as sub-standard with the added characteristic that the
weaknesses make collection or liquidation in full, on the basis of currently
known facts, conditions and values, highly questionable and improbable.
A loss asset is one where loss has been identified by the bank or internal or
external auditors or the RBI Inspectors but the amount has not been
written off wholly . In other words, such an asset is considered uncollectible
and of such little value that its continuance as a bankable asset is not
warranted although there may be some salvage or recovery value.
The extant instructions provide that a NPA need not go through the various
stages of classification in case of serious credit impairment on account of
erosion in the value of security or non-availability of security and existence of
other factors such as frauds committed by borrowers. Such assets should be
straightaway classified as a doubtful/loss as appropriate viz.
(i) Erosion in the value of security can be reckoned as significant when the
realisable value of the security is less than 50 per cent of the value
assessed by the bank or accepted by RBI at the time of last inspection, as
the case may be. Such NPAs may be straightaway classified under
/20 19
(ii) If the realizable value of the security, as assessed by the bank’s approved
valuers/RBI is less than 10% of the outstanding in the borrowal accounts,
the existence of security should be ignored and the asset should be
straightaway classified as loss asset. It may be either written off or fully
provided by the Bank.
C.5.1 Exception
If the arrears of Interest and principal are paid by the borrower and/or in
working capital limits, the account does not show irregularities
mentioned in A.2.1 above, the account no longer can be treated as NPA
and be classified as Standard. There shall be no need to wait till
balance sheet date for reclassifying the account as performing.
RBI has stipulated that Bank should establish appropriate internal system
(including Technology based processes) for proper and timely identification
of NPAs and the responsibility and validation levels for ensuring proper
asset classification may be fixed by the Bank. RBI has also directed that
doubts in asset classification due to any reason are settled through specified
internal channels. Accordingly bank has laid down the following guidelines:
Balance Outstanding of asset classification
Rs.1 crore and above Circle Head / Branch Head of LCB (Under intimation to
Zonal Manager)
Rs.10 lac and above but AGM/Chief Manager of ELBs/VLBs/MCB/ Circle
below Rs.1 crore Office (Under intimation to Circle Head & Zonal
/20 19
wherever posted.
/03 633
MOCs at the time of Audit and/or give rise to the mis-matching of
perceptions between Auditors and Branch Functionaries.
/20 19
/03 633
The Primary responsibility for making adequate provisions for any diminution in the
value of loan assets is that of the Branch Manager (and Concurrent Auditor,
wherever posted). Therefore it shall be the responsibility of the Branch Manager to
ensure that proper data is fed into LADDER system/CBS records particularly with
reference to Date of NPA, Value of Security, and Special categories of the Assets
etc. to enable the LADDER system/ to correctly classify the NPA accounts and
calculate the provisions. The detailed instructions relating to provision requirements
of different categories of assets are given hereunder:
If loss assets are permitted to remain in the books for any reason, 100% of
the outstanding should be provided for.
100 percent of the extent to which the advance is not covered by the
realisable value of the security to which the bank has a valid recourse and
/03 633
D.3. Sub-standard
D.4.1 The ‘unsecured exposures’ which are identified as ‘substandard’ would attract
additional provision of 10 per cent, i.e., a total of 25 per cent on the
outstanding balance. However, in view of certain safeguards such as escrow
accounts available in respect of Infrastructure lending, Infrastructure loan
accounts which are classified as Sub Standard will attract a provisioning of
20% instead of aforesaid prescription of 25%. To avail of this benefit of lower
provisioning, the bank should have in place an appropriate mechanism to
escrow the cash flows and also have a clear and legal first claim on these
cash flows.
D.4.2. The rights, licenses, authorizations, etc. charged to the Banks as collateral in
respect of projects (including infrastructure projects) financed by them should
not be reckoned as tangible security. Such advances shall be reckoned as
D.4.3. However annuities under Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model in respect of
road/highway projects and toll collection rights where there are provisions to
compensate the project sponsor if a certain level of traffic is not achieved may
be treated as tangible securities subject to the condition that bank’s right to
/20 19
(i) User charges / toll / tariff payments are kept in an escrow account where
senior lenders have priority over withdrawals by the concessionaire;
(v) Upon termination, the Project Authority has an obligation of (i) compulsory
buy-out and (ii) repayment of debt due in a pre-determined manner.
(i) Loan accounts are to be categorized as “Secured or Unsecured
“based on the latest sanction of the loan accounts.
(ii) Loans where the realizable value of the security, as assessed by the
Bank/ Approved Valuers/ RBI Officers is not more than 10% of the
/20 19
exceed 10% of the total Floor Space Index (FSI) of the project. In case the FSI
of the commercial area in the predominantly residential housing complex
exceeds the ceiling of 10%, the project loans should be classified as CRE and
not CRE-RH. 12
/20 19
D.6.1 Advance covered by Credit Guarantee Trust for Micro & Small
Enterprises (CGTMSE) and Credit Risk Guarantee Fund Trust for Low
Income Housing (CRGFTLIH) guarantee
(Rs. In lacs)
Position of account as on 31.03.15 Provision calculation for 31.03.15
Outstanding Balance 25.00 Outstanding Balance 25.00
CGTMSE cover 75% (Max Less Value of Security 3.75
Date of NPA 31.03.2010 Unsecured Balance 21.25
Asset Classification DB-III Less CGTMSE Cover (75%) 15.94
Value of Security Held 3.75 Net Unsecured Balance 5.31
Provision Required 31.03.15
100% Unsecured Portion 5.31
100% Secured Portion (DB- 3.75
Total 9.06
/20 19
D.7.1 Banks are not permitted to upgrade the classification of any advance in
respect of which the terms have been negotiated unless the package of
renegotiated terms has worked satisfactorily for a period of one year. While
the existing credit facilities sanctioned to a unit under rehabilitation
packages approved by BIFR/Term Lending Institutions will continue to be
classified as Sub standard or doubtful as the case may be, in respect of
additional facilities sanctioned under the rehabilitation packages, the
Income Recognition, Asset Classification norms will become
applicable after a period of one year from the date of disbursement. So
D.7.2 The provision should continue to be made in respect of dues to the bank on
the existing credit facilities as per their classification as sub standard or
doubtful asset.
D.7.3 In respect of additional credit facilities granted to SSI units which are
identified as sick (as per extant RBI guidelines) and where rehabilitation
packages / nursing programmes have been drawn by the banks themselves
or under consortium arrangements, no provision need be made for a period
of one year. In respect of additional credit facilities granted to SME or other
units where rehabilitation packages/ nursing programmes have been drawn
by the banks themselves or under consortium arrangements, no provision
need be made for a period of one year.
(i) The loss on revaluation of assets has to be booked in the bank’s profit &
loss account.
(ii) Besides the provisioning requirement as per Asset Classification, banks
/20 19
should treat the full amount of the Revaluation Gain relating to the
corresponding assets, if any, on account of Foreign Exchange
Banks shall make provisions, with effect from the year ending March 31,
2003, on the net funded country exposures on a graded scale ranging from
0.25 to 100 percent according to the risk categories mentioned below. To
begin with, banks shall make provisions as per the following schedule:
Insignificant A1 0.25
Low A2 0.25
Moderate B1 5
High B2 20
Very high C1 25
Restricted C2 100
Off-credit D 100
Banks are required to make provision for country risk in respect of a country
where its net funded exposure is one per cent or more of its total assets.
The provision for country risk shall be in addition to the provisions required to
be held according to the asset classification status of the asset. However, in
Banks may not make any provision for ‘home country’ exposures i.e.
exposure to India. The exposures of foreign branches of Indian banks to the
host country should be included. Foreign banks shall compute the country
exposures of their Indian branches and shall hold appropriate provisions in
their Indian books. However, their exposures to India will be excluded.
Banks may make a lower level of provisioning (say 25% of the requirement) in
respect of short-term exposures (i.e. exposures with contractual maturity of
less than 180 days).
lease rentals (Finance charge) on the leased asset accrued and credited to
income account before the asset became non performing, and remaining
unrealized, should be reversed or provided for in the current accounting
period. The terms ‘net lease rental’ would mean the amount of finance charge
taken to the credit of P&L account and would be worked out as gross lease
/20 19
Period%age of Provision
Upto 1 year 25
1 to 3 years 40
Above 3 years 100
iii Loss Asset The entire asset should be written off.If for any reason,
asset is allowed to remain in books, 100% of the sum of
net investment in the lease and the unrealized portion of
separately by Recovery Division from time to time. In case any sale
transaction has taken place in terms of the policy, following guidelines
should be strictly complied with:
Prudential norms for the sale transactions to SCs/RCs
/20 19
(a) When the bank sells its NPAs to other Banks/FIs/NBFCs etc., the same
will be removed from the books on receipt of full payment/transfer.
(b) If sale is at a price below the Net Book Value (NBV) i.e. Book Value less
provision held, the shortfall shall be debited to the Profit & Loss A/c of that
(c) If sale is for a value higher than the Net Book Value (NBV) i.e. Book Value
less provision held, the excess provision shall not be reversed but will be
utilized to meet the shortfall/loss on account of sale of other NPAs.
(d) In case there is overall surplus over and above the excess provision in any
of the sale transaction that surplus amount will be taken in the profit & loss
The provisions of above mentioned paras shall be given effect to, by the Finance
Division after taking approval from the competent authority (ED/MD), Head Office.
the financial asset in the books of the purchasing bank at the time of purchase
shall be the same as in the books of the selling bank. Thereafter, the asset
classification status will continue to be determined with reference to the date
of NPA in the selling bank.
(iv) Any restructure/reschedule/rephrase of the repayment schedule or the
estimated cash flow of the non performing financial asset by the purchasing
bank shall render the account as a non performing asset.
Sub-standard Upto 6 months 25 (other than
(unsecured Infrastructure loans)
ab- initio) 20 (infrastructure
6 months to 1 25 (other than
/20 19
year infrastructureloans)
/03 633
Doubtful I 25(securedportion) 40(secured portion)
2nd year 100 (unsecured 100(unsecured
portion) portion)
Doubtful II 40(securedportion) 100 for both
100 (unsecured secured
portion) and
3 & 4th year unsecured
Doubtful III th
5 year onwards 100 portions
a. The entire amount due to the bank (irrespective of the quantum of security
held against such assets), or for which the bank is liable (including in case of
deposit accounts), is to be provided for over a period not exceeding four
quarters commencing with the quarter in which the fraud has been detected;
b. However, where there has been delay, beyond the prescribed period, in
reporting the fraud to the Reserve Bank, the entire provisioning is required to
be made at once. In addition, Reserve Bank of India may also initiate
appropriate supervisory action where there has been a delay by the bank in
reporting a fraud, or provisioning there against.
/20 19
Advances :
which is restructured must be downgraded to NPA upon restructuring and will
slip into progressively lower asset classification and higher provisioning
requirements as per extant IRAC norms. Such an account may be considered
for upgradation to ‘standard’ only if it demonstrates satisfactory performance
during the specified period. ‘Specified Period’ means a period of one year
/20 19
E.1.1 For treating an irregular account as NPA some branches wrongly mention the
date as at the end of financial year i.e. 31st March. For example, in case an
account becomes out of order or irregular from 26.01.2013, it shall be treated
as NPA as on 26.04.2013, in case default persists. The date of NPA in this
account will be 26.04.2013 (and not 30.06.2013).
share in security of the 1st charge holder should be assessed.
E.1.4 In case of primary security, value of security should be taken on the basis of
the latest stock report. In case the stock report is not available/ old, bank
/03 633
official should inspect the stock physically, after drawing a stock report where
signature of borrower/ borrower’s authorised signatory is obtained and fair
value be arrived at.
E.1.5 Net means of borrowers and guarantors are not to be included as security.
E.1.6 In all accounts identified as NPAs including Govt. guaranteed accounts under
standard assets, the unrealized interest (earlier termed as Derecognized
Interest) and future interest is to be recorded only. Further, in NPA accounts
(except where operations are allowed under tagging arrangement & accounts
covered under Credit Guarantee scheme) expenses like Insurance
Premium, Stamp Duty, Legal Expenses, Emoluments paid to the
Godown Keeper or such other expenses incurred for safeguarding the
interest of the bank should not be debited to the concerned NPA
account. Instead, such expenses should be charged to revenue and recorded
in the NPA Memoranda Account. The same may be claimed by the branch
from the borrower at the time of filing the suit or entering into Negotiated
Settlement. If recovered, the same may be taken to revenue at the time of
actual recovery’.
E.2.1 The outstanding balance in the account as on date of transfer shall be the
opening debit entry in the Memoranda Records Section. Thereafter, the
interest on quarterly/half-yearly rests, as the case may be, shall be calculated
and posted. All other debit and credit vouchers as are entered in the Ledger
Section shall also be entered in the Memoranda Record Section.
E.2.2 Ledger Section of NPA Ledger shall reflect balance outstanding without
interest/charges elements; and the Memoranda Record Section of NPA
Ledger shall reflect balance outstanding inclusive of recorded interest/charges
E.2.3 It is clarified that even after the account gets classified as NPA,
notwithstanding that interest is not to be debited to the Loan Accounts of the
party, the interest (including Penal Interest) shall continue to accrue in terms
of loan agreement/documents.
E.2.4 While initiating Recovery Actions viz. SARFAESI/DRT Claim etc. it is the
Memorandum Dues (i.e. including Penal Interest) that have to be taken
cognizance of and claimed.
/20 19
E.2.5 For the purpose of negotiating OTS offers, if any, the Memorandum Dues is
terms of OTS Policy are purely for internal purpose and have to be kept
strictly confidential.
For Credit facilities granted in Foreign Currencies Recovery Action i.e. Filing
of Suit and Action under SARFAESI Act against the borrower/obligates shall
continue to be governed as per the underlying loan agreements/contracts
i.e. if the contract/agreement provide recovery in Foreign Currency then
Demand/Claim has to be realized in Foreign Currency. Further, valuation of
such NPA accounts for the purpose of reporting as on Balance Sheet date
shall continue to be converted in Indian Rupee as per notional rates and
difference, if any due to exchange fluctuation shall continue to be routed
through Exchange Fluctuation Reserves as hitherto.
to be no justification in allowing the allocated limit to continue at the other
branch in the CBS environment. Therefore, Allocated Limit cannot be
allowed to be continued/ parked at a branch other than the parent
branch, without the prior written permission of the Controlling
Authorities. Parent branch should call back the allocated limit from the
/20 19
Functionality has been provided for Creation of kitty of Written off accounts to
monitor recovery in such accounts, which should be updated at all times.
(i) Asset quality of bank is one of the most important indicators of its financial
health. Bank has, therefore put in place a robust MIS mechanism for
early detection of signs of distress at individual account level as well as at
segment level (asset class, industry, geographic, size, etc.). Such early
warning signals should be used for putting in place an effective preventive
asset quality management framework, including a transparent
restructuring mechanism for viable accounts under distress within the
prevailing regulatory framework, for preserving the economic value of
those entities in all segments.
(ii) The bank’s IT and MIS system are robust and able to generate reliable
and quality information with regard to their asset quality for effective
decision making. There should be no inconsistencies between
information furnished under regulatory / statutory reporting and the bank’s
own MIS reporting. Branches should also have system generated
segment wise information on non-performing assets and restructured
assets which may include data on the opening balances, additions,
reductions (up gradations, actual recoveries, write-offs etc.), closing
balances, provisions held, etc.
/20 19
/03 633
The guidelines given below relate to IRAC norms for projects under
implementation in general. For projects restructured/covered under specific
schemes (flexible restructuring etc.) and for Refinancing of Project Loans,
Financing of Cost Overruns for Projects under implementation and other topics
relating to Project under implementation please refer to relevant L&A circulars
for operational guidelines and amendments in undernoted guidelines, if any.
F.1 For all projects financed by the FIs/ banks , the ‘Date of Completion’ and
the ‘Date of Commencement of Commercial Operations’ (DCCO), of the project
should be clearly spelt out at the time of financial closure of the project and the
same should be formally documented.
F.2 There are occasions when the completion of projects is delayed for legal and
other extraneous reasons like delays in Government approvals etc. All these factors,
/20 19
which are beyond the control of the promoters, may lead to delay in project
implementation and involve restructuring / reschedulement of loans by banks.
/03 633
Accordingly, the following asset classification norms would apply to the project
loans before commencement of commercial operations.
a) The units representing remaining 50 per cent (or lower) of the originally envisaged
F.4 In such cases, banks may, at their discretion, also effect a consequential shift
in repayment schedule of the debt attributable to units which have not commenced
commercial operations for equal or shorter duration (including the start date and end
date of revised repayment schedule) i.e., one year, subject to adhering to other
applicable guidelines.
F.6 Guidelines relating to project loans which are applicable after DCCO of a
project, including flexible structuring of project loans shall not be applicable to project
loans attributable to units which have not commenced commercial operations.
F.7 'Project Loan' would mean any term loan which has been extended for the
purpose of setting up of an economic venture. The project loans have been divided
into the following two categories:
(a) Project Loans for infrastructure sector
(b) Project Loans for non-infrastructure sector
i) Deferment of DCCO and consequential shift in repayment schedule for equal or
shorter duration (including the start date and end date of revised repayment
schedule) will not be treated as restructuring provided that:
/20 19
a. The revised DCCO falls within the period of two years and one year from the
original DCCO stipulated at the time of financial closure for infrastructure
These will be treated as standard assets in all respects and they will attract standard
asset provision of 0.40 per cent.
ii)Banks may restructure project loans (except commercial real estate sector) by way
of revision of DCCO beyond the time limits quoted at paragraph (i) (a) above and
retain the ‘standard’ asset classification, if the fresh DCCO is fixed within the
following limits, and the account continues to be serviced as per the restructured
(b) Infrastructure Projects delayed for other reasons beyond the control
of promoters: Up to another one year (beyond the two year period quoted
at paragraph 1(a)above, i.e., total extension of three years), in case the
reason for extension of DCCO is beyond the control of promoters (other
than court cases).
(iii). It is re-iterated that a loan for a project may be classified as NPA during any time
before commencement of commercial operations as per record of recovery (90 days
overdue).It is further re-iterated that the dispensation at paragraph (ii) is subject to
the condition that the application for restructuring should be received before the
expiry of period mentioned at paragraph (i) (a) above and when the account is still
standard as per record of recovery. The other conditions applicable would be:
a. In cases where there is moratorium for payment of interest, banks should not
book income on accrual basis beyond two years and one year from the
original DCCO for infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects respectively,
considering the high risk involved in such restructured accounts.
b. Banks should maintain following provisions on such accounts as long as
these are classified as standard assets in addition to provision for diminution
in fair value due to extension of DCCO:
i. In order to facilitate revival of the projects stalled primarily due to
inadequacies of the current promoters, if a change in ownership takes
place any time during the periods quoted in paragraphs mentioned in F.8
above or before the original DCCO, banks may permit extension of the
/20 19
ii. In cases where change in ownership and extension of DCCO (as indicated in
paragraph F.8 (i) above takes place before the original DCCO, and if the
project fails to commence commercial operations by the extended DCCO,
the project will be eligible for further extension of DCCO in terms of
guidelines quoted at paragraph F.8 above. Similarly, where change in
ownership and extension of DCCO takes place during the period quoted in
paragraph F.8 (i) above, the account may still be restructured by extension
of DCCO in terms of guidelines quoted at paragraph F.8 (ii) above, without
classifying the account as non-performing asset.
iii. The provisions of paragraphs F.9 (i) and (ii) above are subject to the following
(a) Banks should establish that implementation of the project is
stalled/affected primarily due to inadequacies of the current
promoters/management and with a change in ownership there is a very
high probability of commencement of commercial operations by the
project within the extended period;
(b) The project in consideration should be taken-over/acquired by a new
promoter/promoter group with sufficient expertise in the field of
operation. If the acquisition is being carried out by a special purpose
vehicle (domestic or overseas), the bank should be able to clearly
from the date of execution of such binding agreement. Further in line
with other guidelines on change in ownership, there will be ‘stand-still’
in asset classification status during the above 12 month period. If the
change in ownership is not completed within 12 months from the date
of the binding agreement, the asset classification will be as per the
/20 19
(i) All other aspects of restructuring of project loans before & after commencement of
commercial operations would be governed by the provisions of Annexure G of this
(iv) Banks, if deemed fit, may extend DCCO beyond the respective time limits
stipulated at paragraphs F.8 (ii) above; however, in that case, banks will not be able
to retain the ‘standard’ asset classification status of such loan accounts.
/20 19
(v) In all the above cases of restructuring where regulatory forbearance has been
extended, the Boards of banks should satisfy themselves about the viability of the
(i) Banks may recognize income on accrual basis in respect of the projects under
implementation, which are classified as ‘standard’.
(ii) Banks should not recognize income on accrual basis in respect of the projects
under implementation which are classified as a ‘substandard’ asset. Banks may
recognize income in such accounts only on realization on cash basis.
(iii)Banks which have wrongly recognized income in the past should reverse the
interest if it was recognized as income during the current year or make a provision
for an equivalent amount if it was recognized as income in the previous year(s).
apply to zero coupon bonds or other instruments which seek to defer the liability of
the issuer. On such debentures, income should be recognised only on realisation
basis. The income in respect of unrealised interest which is converted into
debentures or any other fixed maturity instrument should be recognised only on
redemption of such instrument. Subject to the above, the equity shares or other
/20 19
instruments arising from conversion of the principal amount of loan would also be
subject to the usual prudential valuation norms as applicable to such instruments.
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(i) From lenders who are part of Indian banking system (where
permitted); or
(ii) With support (where permitted) from the Indian banking system in the
form of Guarantees/Standby Letters of Credit/Letters of Comfort, etc.;
then, in addition to any applicable guidelines issued under the Foreign Exchange
Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999), the refinance shall be treated as
• Continuous irregularities in cash credit/overdraft accounts such as
inability to maintain stipulated margin on continuous basis or drawings
frequently exceeding sanctioned limits, periodical interest debited
remaining unrealised; 12
• Repeated undue delay in making timely payment of instalments of
/20 19
G.1 A restructured account is one where the bank, for economic or legal reasons
relating to the borrower's financial difficulty, grants to the borrower concessions that
the bank would not otherwise consider. Restructuring would normally involve
modification of terms of the advances / securities, which would generally include,
among others, alteration of repayment period / repayable amount/ the amount of
instalments / rate of interest (due to reasons other than competitive reasons).
However, extension in repayment tenor of a floating rate loan on reset of interest
rate, so as to keep the EMI unchanged provided it is applied to a class of accounts
uniformly will not render the account to be classified as ‘Restructured account’. In
other words, extension or deferment of EMIs to individual borrowers as against to an
/20 19
G.2 In the cases of roll-over of short term loans, where proper pre-sanction
/03 633
assessment has been made, and the roll-over is allowed based on the actual
requirement of the borrower and no concession has been provided due to credit
weakness of the borrower, then these might not be considered as restructured
accounts. However, if such accounts are rolled-over more than two times, then third
roll-over onwards the account would have to be treated as a restructured account.
Besides, banks should be circumspect while granting such facilities as the borrower
may be availing similar facilities from other banks in the consortium or under multiple
banking. Further, Short Term Loans for the purpose of this provision do not include
properly assessed regular Working Capital Loans like revolving Cash Credit or
G.3.1 Banks may restructure the accounts classified under 'standard', 'sub- standard'
and 'doubtful' categories.
G.3.4 No account will be taken up for restructuring by the banks unless the financial
viability is established and there is a reasonable certainty of repayment from the
borrower, as per the terms of restructuring package. Any restructuring done without
looking into cash flows of the borrower and assessing the viability of the projects /
activity financed by banks would be treated as an attempt at ever greening a weak
credit facility and would invite supervisory action by RBI. Banks should accelerate
the recovery measures in respect of such accounts. The viability should be
determined by the banks based on the acceptable viability benchmarks determined
by them, which may be applied on a case-by-case basis, depending on merits of
each case. Illustratively, the parameters may include the Return on Capital
Employed, Debt Service Coverage Ratio, Gap between the Internal Rate of Return
and Cost of Funds and the amount of provision required in lieu of the diminution in
the fair value of the restructured advance. As different sectors of economy have
different performance indicators the viability should be determined by the banks
based on the acceptable viability parameters and benchmarks for each parameter
determined by them. The benchmarks for the viability parameters adopted by the
/20 19
CDR Mechanism are given hereunder. RBI has advised that the individual banks
may suitably adopt them with appropriate adjustments, if any, for specific sectors
Present value of total available cash flow (ACF) during the loan life period
(including interest and principal)
LLR= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maximum amount of loan
G.3.6 BIFR cases are not eligible for restructuring without their express approval.
CDR Core Group in the case of advances restructured under CDR Mechanism, the
lead bank in the case of SME Debt Restructuring Mechanism and the individual
banks in other cases, may consider the proposals for restructuring in such cases,
/20 19
after ensuring that all the formalities in seeking the approval from BIFR are
completed before implementing the package.
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G.4.2 The non-performing assets, upon restructuring, would continue to have the
same asset classification as prior to restructuring and slip into further lower asset
classification categories as per extant asset classification norms with reference to
the pre-restructuring repayment schedule.
G.4.3 Standard accounts classified as NPA and NPA accounts retained in the same
category on restructuring by the bank should be upgraded only when all the
outstanding loan/facilities in the account perform satisfactorily i.e. principal and
interest on all facilities in the account are serviced as per terms of payment during
the ‘specified period’. Specified Period means a period of one year from the
commencement of the first payment of interest or principal, whichever is later, on the
should be regular.
Note: RBI has observed that in a rising interest rate scenario, banks normally extend
the repayment period by keeping the EMI constant. However, in a few cases this
resulted in extending the repayment period much beyond the retirement age or the
/20 19
revenue generating capacity of the borrower. Therefore, RBI has advised that:
(i) While extending repayment period in respect of housing loans to keep the EMI
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G.4.4 In case, however, satisfactory performance after the specified period is not
evidenced, the asset classification of the restructured account would be governed as
per the applicable prudential norms with reference to the pre-restructuring payment
G.4.5 Any additional finance may be treated as 'standard asset' during the specified
period under the approved restructuring package. However, in the case of accounts
where the pre-restructuring facilities were classified as 'sub-standard' and 'doubtful',
interest income on the additional finance should be recognised only on cash basis. If
the restructured asset does not qualify for upgradation at the end of the above
specified period, the additional finance shall be placed in the same asset
classification category as the restructured debt.
(i) Banks will hold provision against the restructured advances as per the extant
provisioning norms.
(ii) Restructured accounts classified as standard advances will attract a higher
provision (as prescribed from time to time) in the first two years from the date of
restructuring. In cases of moratorium on payment of interest/principal after
/20 19
restructuring, such advances will attract the prescribed higher provision for the
period covering moratorium and two years thereafter.
standard category will attract a provision of 5% in the first year from the date of
(iv) The above-mentioned higher provision on restructured standard advances (2.75
per cent as prescribed vide circular dated November 26, 2012) would increase
to 5 per cent in respect of new restructured standard accounts (flow) with effect
from June 1, 2013 and increase in a phased manner for the stock of
restructured standard accounts as on May 31, 2013 as under :
o 3.50 per cent – w.e.f. March 31, 2014 (spread over the four
quarters of 2013-14)
o 4.25 per cent - w.e.f. March 31, 2015 (spread over the four
quarters of 2014-15)
o 5.00 per cent - - w.e.f. March 31, 2016 (spread over the four
quarters of 2015-16)
banks in future. Further, it is reiterated that the provisions required as above
arise due to the action of the banks resulting in change in contractual terms of
the loan upon restructuring which are in the nature of financial concessions.
These provisions are distinct from the provisions which are linked to the asset
classification of the account classified as NPA and reflect the impairment due to
/20 19
deterioration in the credit quality of the loan. Thus, the two types of the
provisions are not substitute for each other.
(iv) It was observed that on a few occasions, there were divergences in the
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gets captured on such valuation. Therefore, for the purpose of arriving at the
erosion in the fair value, the NPV calculation of the portion of principal not
converted into debt/equity has to be carried out separately. However, the total
sacrifice involved for the bank would be NPV of the above portion plus valuation
loss on account of conversion into debt/equity instruments.
(v) RBI has advised that Banks should correctly capture the diminution in fair value
of restructured accounts as it will have a bearing not only on the provisioning
required to be made by them but also on the amount of sacrifice required from
the promoters. Further, there should not be any effort on the part of banks to
artificially reduce the net present value of cash flows by resorting to any sort of
financial engineering. Banks are also advised to put in place a proper
mechanism of checks and balances to ensure accurate calculation of erosion in
the fair value of restructured accounts.
(vi) In the case of working capital facilities, the diminution in the fair value of the
cash credit / overdraft component may be computed as indicated in para (i)
above, reckoning the higher of the outstanding amount or the limit sanctioned
amount of excess provision held in the distinct account.
(ix) If due to lack of expertise / appropriate infrastructure, a bank finds it difficult to
ensure computation of diminution in the fair value of advances, as an alternative
to the methodology prescribed above for computing the amount of diminution in
the fair value, banks will have the option of notionally computing the amount of
/20 19
diminution in the fair value and providing therefor, at five per cent of the total
exposure, in respect of all restructured accounts where the total dues to bank(s)
(x) The total provisions required against an account (normal provisions plus
provisions in lieu of diminution in the fair value of the advance) are capped at
100% of the outstanding debt amount.
A part of the outstanding principal amount can be converted into debt or equity
These instruments should be held under AFS and valued as per usual valuation
norms. Equity classified as standard asset should be valued either at market value, if
quoted, or at break-up value, if not quoted (without considering the revaluation
reserve, if any) which is to be ascertained from the company's latest balance sheet.
In case the latest balance sheet is not available, the shares are to be valued at Re.
1. Equity instrument classified as NPA should be valued at market value, if quoted,
and in case where equity is not quoted, it should be valued at Re. 1. Depreciation on
these instruments should not be offset against the appreciation in any other
securities held under the AFS category.
G.8 Prudential Norms for Conversion of Unpaid Interest into 'Funded
Interest Term Loan' (FITL), Debt or Equity Instruments
The FITL / debt or equity instrument created by conversion of unpaid interest will be
classified in the same asset classification category in which the restructured advance
/03 633
has been classified. Further movement in the asset classification of FITL / debt or
equity instruments would also be determined based on the subsequent asset
classification of the restructured advance.
G.8.2.3 In the case of conversion of unrealised interest income into equity, which is
quoted, interest income can be recognized after the account is upgraded to standard
category at market value of equity, on the date of such upgradation, not exceeding
the amount of interest converted into equity.
G.8.2.4 Only on repayment in case of FITL or sale / redemption proceeds of the debt
/ equity instruments, the amount received will be recognized in the P&L Account,
while simultaneously reducing the balance in the "Sundry Liabilities Account (Interest
G.9 Miscellaneous
G.9.1 The banks should decide on the issue regarding convertibility (into equity)
option as a part of restructuring exercise whereby the banks / financial institutions
shall have the right to convert a portion of the restructured amount into equity,
keeping in view the statutory requirement under Section 19 of the Banking
Regulation Act, 1949, (in the case of banks) and relevant SEBI regulations.
G.9.2 Conversion of debt into preference shares should be done only as a last resort
and such conversion of debt into equity/preference shares should, in any case, be
restricted to a cap (say 10 per cent of the restructured debt). Further, any conversion
/20 19
of debt into equity should be done only in the case of listed companies.
from the mandatory rating requirement and the prudential limit on investment in
unlisted non-SLR securities, prescribed by the RBI, subject to periodical reporting to
the RBI in the aforesaid DSB return.
G.9.6 As stipulating personal guarantee will ensure promoters’ “skin in the game” or
commitment to the restructuring package, promoters’ personal guarantee should be
obtained in all cases of restructuring and corporate guarantee cannot be accepted as
a substitute for personal guarantee. However, corporate guarantee can be accepted
G.9.8 Promoters must bring additional funds in all cases of restructuring. Additional
funds brought by promoters should be a minimum of 20 per cent of banks’ sacrifice
or 2 per cent of the restructured debt, whichever is higher. The promoters’
contribution should invariably be brought upfront while extending the restructuring
benefits to the borrowers. Promoter’s contribution need not necessarily be brought in
cash and can be brought in the form of conversion of unsecured loan from the
promoters into equity;
G.9.9 Banks should determine a reasonable time period during which the account is
likely to become viable, based on the cash flow and the Techno Economic Viability
(TEV) study; 12
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G.9.10 Banks should be satisfied that the post restructuring repayment period is
reasonable and commensurate with the estimated cash flows and required DSCR in
G.9.11 Each bank should clearly document its own due diligence done in assessing
the TEV and the viability of the assumptions underlying the restructured repayment
G.11 Disclosures
With effect from the financial year 2012-13, banks should disclose in their published
annual Balance Sheets, under "Notes on Accounts", information relating to number
and amount of advances restructured, and the amount of diminution in the fair value
of the restructured advances. The information would be required for advances
restructured under CDR Mechanism, SME Debt Restructuring Mechanism and other
categories separately. Banks must disclose the total amount outstanding in all the
accounts / facilities of borrowers whose accounts have been restructured along with
the restructured part or facility. This means even if only one of the facilities /
accounts of a borrower has been restructured, the bank should also disclose the
entire outstanding amount pertaining to all the facilities / accounts of that particular
G.12 It has been reiterated that the basic objective of restructuring is to preserve
economic value of units, not ever-greening of problem accounts. This can be
Provisioning required as per normal IRAC norms shall continue to be done.
In addition to normal IRAC provisions, RBI vide their Master Circular dated
01.07.2015 on IRAC norms, has reviewed & advised modifications in the Prudential
Guidelines on Restructuring of Advances by Banks and Financial Institutions as
/20 19
For Accounts where total dues to Banks are less than Rs. One Crore diminution in the fair
value be calculated at 5 percent of the outstanding amount.
For Accounts where total dues to Banks are Rs. One Crore and above
-Existing guidelines as enumerated under on computation of DFV of these accounts, to
On a review, it has been decided that a rate equal to the actual interest rate charged
to the borrower before restructuring may be used to discount the future cash flows
for the purpose of determining the DFV of loans on restructuring. In cases where the
existing credit facilities to a borrower carry different rates of interest, the weighted
average interest rate (with share of each credit facility in the total outstanding of the
borrower as on the date of restructuring being used as weights) may be used as the
discounting rate. This discount rate may be used to discount both the pre-
/20 19
The above methodology may be consistently used wherever banks are required to
/03 633
compute fair/present value of loans under the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank
of India, including for the purpose of computing net present value of project loans as
required in terms of Circular DBR.No.BP.BC.53/21.04.132/2014-15 dated December
15, 2014. It is clarified that this instruction will be applicable to all projects where
changes in amortization schedule have been carried out under the above circular.
Revised template for calculation of diminution in fair value has also been provided to
the Circle Offices / LCBs, which has been made applicable w.e.f. Sept.-15 closing.
Template is also enclosed.
Diminution in fair value is to be re-computed on quarterly basis till satisfactory
completion of all repayment obligations, so as to capture the changes in the fair
value of advance on account of changes in outstanding and the asset classification
of the borrower. Consequently, bank would provide for the shortfall in provision or
reverse the amount of excess provision held in the distinct account.
In view of the complexity involved in computing the diminution in the fair value of
restructured advances, Bank has decided to exercise the option of notionally
computing the amount of diminution in the fair value and providing thereof, at five
percent of the total exposure, in respect of all restructured accounts where the total
dues to bank are less than rupees one crore till the further review.
Circle Offices / LCBs / Branches may also be advised to meticulously follow RBI
guidelines on the matter vide their master circular dated 01.07.2015.
respects and they will attract standard asset provision of 0.4 per cent.
Provision Guidelines relating to DCCO – Non Infrastructure
RBI has also extended the prescribed period of six months from original DCCO to
/20 19
one year from the original DCCO, within which a non-infrastructure project will have
to commence commercial operation for complying with the provisions of para of Master Circular of RBI on IRAC Norms 2015. Consequently, if the delay
/03 633
same vetted, branch should send the template and statement to the Circle Office.
After consolidation, Circle Office should send the statement to IRD Head Office
along-with templates of all the respective branches.
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For quarterly closings for June, September and December, Internal Auditors posted
at the branch shall do the needful and vet the templates and statement of
restructured accounts.
/03 633
G.14 As per the RBI circular RBI/2017-18/131 dated 12.02.2018( L& A Circular No
09 dated February 14, 2018) , the existing guidelines for resolution of stressed
assets have been substituted with a harmonized and simplified generic framework.
Bank vide IRMD ( Loans & Advances) Circular No 49 dated June 06, 2018 ) has
put in place Board-approved policies for resolution of stressed assets under
this framework, including the timelines for resolution.
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Standardized Approach on Credit Risk under Basel III -Guidelines on CRAR for
credit risk as at 31.03.2019
With a view to calculate capital adequacy of Bank as per Basel III framework,
Reserve Bank of India has issued guidelines vide their circulars from time to time.
With the objective to improve the banking sector’s ability to absorb shocks
arising from financial and economic stress, Bank has implemented the Basel III
guidelines w.e.f 01.04.2013 on the basis of regulatory guidelines issued by RBI.
Guidelines of this Framework (Standardized Approach) seek to arrive at significantly
more risk-sensitive approach to capital requirements.
Bank on its part has issued following internal circulars on the subject under LA/
IRMD series, which may be referred in case of need:
Table A
Sl No. Circular No. Date Contents
The Basel III guidelines broadly cover the following: (a) Classification of entire credit
portfolio in various asset classes. (b) Application of prescribed risk weights against
each asset class. (c) Recognition of certain collaterals (Basel guidelines does not
distinguish between Primary security & Collateral security and any type of
security/cover available is called as ‘collateral’) as credit risk mitigates. (d)Treatment
of Non Fund Based limits including un-availed limits.
Risk Weighted Assets under Standardized Approach (Basel III)- RBI Guidelines
The following table depicts the various asset classes and applicable risk weights for
/20 19
/03 633
- Housing loans to public
@ Note: The risk weight applicable to claims on central government exposures will
also apply to the claims on the Reserve Bank of India, DICGC and Credit
Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Industries (CGTMSI) and Credit Risk
/03 633
NOTE: Following modifications have been made to the risk weights applicable for
unrated exposures as per guidelines of RBI:
(ii) All other guidelines in the matter shall remain unchanged.
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Borrowers with total exposure (both Fund Based & Non Fund Based) of up to Rs.10
/03 633
Crore may not be insisted for external risk rating, where exposure is fully secured by
collateral in the following forms:
However, levying of penal interest @1% instead of earlier 0.5% in respect of those
borrowers who are otherwise eligible and have not got themselves externally rated
from any of the approved rating agencies or whose external rating has expired.
With a view to reflect a higher element of interest risk which may be latent in entities
whose obligations have been subjected to restructuring / re-scheduling either by
banks on their own or along with other bankers/creditors, the unrated standard /
performing claims on these entities should be assigned a higher risk weight until
satisfactory performance under the revised payment schedule has been established
for one year from the date when the first payment of interest/ principal falls due
under the revised schedule. The applicable risk weights will be 125%. It is therefore
**Borrowal accounts, which are not rated by domestic rating agencies, will be treated
as “Unrated” even if they have been internally rated by our bank.
RW (%) 20 50 100 150 100
E) All credit above Rs 5 Crore or with average annual turnover of Rs 50 Crore &
/20 19
above, other than those which qualify for inclusion under ‘sovereign’, ‘bank’,
‘regulatory retail’, ‘residential mortgage’, ‘non performing assets’or specified
/03 633
a) A loan a/c (against security of FDR/NSC) with an amount over Rs 5 Crores will be
classified as ' Corporate'.
b) A loan a/c of the borrower with exposure of Rs 4.50 crore and average turnover of
Rs 55 Crore will be classified as ' Corporate'.
It is very important that the turnover details of the borrower are correctly fed in CBS
for appropriate risk weight calculation. If in example (b) above, in case the amount of
turnover is incorrectly reported as Rs 49 Crore or the field of turnover is left blank,
the system will recognize the a/c under "Regulatory retail portfolio" instead of
corporate loan.
F) In accordance with the guidelines laid down in the Revised Framework, Bank has
decided to use the ratings of the following domestic credit rating agencies for the
purposes of risk weighting their claims for capital adequacy purposes:
Common referred to s referred other referred to s referred Other
Equity Tier in to in para claim in 5.6.1(i) of to in para Claim
1 capital paragraph 5.6.1(ii) of s RBI 5.6.1(ii) of s
including 5.6.1(i) of RBI 12 guidelines RBI
applicable RBI-Basel guidelines guidelines
/20 19
capital III
conservatio guidelines
/03 633
n buffer
(CCB) (%)
of the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Applicable 125 % or 250 20 125% or the 300 100
Equity +
CCB = 0%
and <50%
/20 19
/03 633
stress, appropriate transitional arrangements have been made. Capital ratios and
deductions from Common Equity will be fully phased-in and implemented as on
March 31, 2019. The phase-in arrangements for banks operating in India are
indicated in the following Table:
from March 31, 2019 to March 31, 2020. As such Minimum Total Capital +CCB will
be 10.875% as at 31.03.2019.
The claims on foreign banks will be risk weighted as per the ratings assigned by
international rating agencies as under:
/03 633
the last three years in the case of existing entities; projected turnover in the case of
new entities; and both actual and projected turnover for entities which are yet to
complete three years. 12
/20 19
It is therefore very important that the turnover details in respect of borrowal accounts
enjoying aggregate (FB+NFB) credit limits are correctly reported in LADDER for
/03 633
appropriate risk weight calculation. It has been decided that branches should
calculate/feed the turn over in respect of accounts where aggregate credit limit is
above Rs.1 crore and upto Rs 5 crore. This is based on the premise that in general a
borrower availing limits up to Rs.1 crore does not have annual turn over of Rs.50
crore & above. However, incumbent in-charge of branch should ensure that no loan
account (with aggregate credit limit upto Rs.1 crore) in the branch has three year’s
average sales turnover of Rs.50 crore and above and if any exception is found then
the sales turnover as required should be fed in the LADDER system. It may also be
ensured that the turnover details are updated for latest turnover figures.
Accordingly, the prudential norms on risk weight, and LTV ratio for individual housing
loans, CRE and CRE-RH exposures have been rationalized, as under:
Category of Loan
LTV * Ratio (%) Risk Weight (%)
(a) Individual Housing Loans
i) Upto Rs. 30 lakh ≤ 80 35
> 80 and ≤ 90 50
ii) Above Rs. 30 lakh and upto Rs. ≤ 75 35
75 lakh > 75 and ≤ 80 50
iii) Above Rs. 75 lakh ≤ 75 75
Risk weight as prescribed above ((i) to
(iv) Restructured housing loans (iii)) + 25%
(b) CRE-RH NA 75
(c) CRE 12 NA 100
* LTV: Loan to Value
/20 19
Note: 1. "Loan" means total outstanding in the loan account. 2. " Value" means latest
Realizable value of the residential IP mortgaged to the bank, as per bank record,
Up to Rs. 30 lakh
> 80 and ≤ 90 50
Above Rs. 30 lakh and up to 0.25%
≤ 80 35
Rs. 75 lakh
Above Rs. 75 lakh ≤ 75 50
7. a) Capital Market exposure - Exposure to capital market will attract a higher risk
weight of 125% or a risk weight warranted by the external rating (or lack of it) of the
borrower, whichever is higher. Thus the minimum risk weight against such exposure
even when the account remains un-rated, will be 125%.
7 b) NBFCs
RBI vide notification dated 21/02/2019 has decided that exposures to all NBFCs,
excluding Core Investment Companies (CICs), will be risk weighted as per the
8. Consumer credit & Personal loans - Consumer credit, including personal loans
and credit card receivables but excluding education loans will attract a higher risk
weight of 125% or a higher risk weight (more than 125%) as warranted by the
external rating (or the lack of it) of the counter-party.
9. Venture Capital Funds:- Fund based and non-fund based claims on Venture
Capital Funds, which are considered as high risk exposures will attract a higher risk
weight of 150 per cent.
The unsecured portion of NPA net of specific provision will be risk weighted as
a) NPAs other than qualified residential mortgage (Housing Loan to Public)
/20 19
150% risk weight when specific provisions are less than 20% of the
outstanding amount of the NPA;
/03 633
100% risk weight when specific provision are at least 20% of the outstanding
amount of the NPA;
50% risk weight when specific provisions are at least 50% of the outstanding
amount of the NPA.
For the purpose of defining the secured portion of the NPA, eligible collateral will be
the same as recognized for credit risk mitigation purposes (paragraph 11). Hence,
other forms of collateral like land, buildings, plant, machinery, current assets, etc. will
not be reckoned while computing the secured portion of NPAs for capital adequacy
In addition to the above , Where NPA is fully secured by following forms of collaterals
either independently or along with other eligible collaterals a risk weight of 100% will
apply where provisions reach 15% of outstanding amount.
i) Land and Building which are valued by an expert valuer and where the
valuation is not more than three years old, and
ii) Plant and Machinery in good working condition at a value not higher than the
depreciated value as reflected in the audited balance sheet of the borrower,
which is not older than eighteen months.
The above collaterals will be recognised only where the bank is having clear title to
realise the sale proceeds thereof and can appropriate the same towards the
amounts due to the bank. The bank’s title to the collateral should be well
11. Credit Risk Mitigants (CRM) Banks use a number of techniques to mitigate the
credit risks to which they are exposed. For example, exposures may be
collateralized in whole or in part by cash or securities, deposits from the same
counter-party, guarantee of a third party, etc. The revised approach to credit risk
mitigation allows a wider range of credit risk mitigants to be recognized for regulatory
capital purposes.
Under Standardized Approach, the following securities (either primary or collateral)
/20 19
fixed deposit receipts issued by the lending bank) or deposit with the bank
which is incurring the counter-party exposure.
(ii) Gold: Gold would include both bullion and jewellery. However, the value of the
collateralized jewellery should be benchmarked to 99.99 purity.
(iii) Securities issued by Central and State Governments
(iv) Kisan Vikas Patra and National Savings Certificates provided no lock in period
is operational and if they can be encashed with in the holding period.
(v) Life insurance policies with a declared surrender value of an insurance
company which is regulated by an insurance sector regulator
(vi) Debt securities rated by a chosen Credit Rating Agency in respect of which
banks should be sufficiently confident about the market liquidity $$ where
these are either:
(a) Attracting 100 per cent or lesser risk weight i.e., rated at least BBB- when
by public sector entities and other entities (including banks and Primary
dealers); or
(b)Attracting 100 per cent or lesser risk weight i.e., rated at least A3 for
Short-term debt instruments.
(vii) Debt securities not rated by a recognised Credit Rating Agency in respect of
which the bank should be sufficiently confident about the market liquidity
where these are (a) issued by a bank; and (b) listed on a recognised
exchange; and (c)classified as senior debt; and (d) all rated issues of the
same seniority by the issuing bank that are rated at least BBB- or A3 by a
chosen Credit Rating Agency ; and (e) the bank holding the securities as
collateral has no information to suggest that the issue justifies a rating below
(viii) Units of Mutual funds regulated by the securities regulator of the jurisdiction of
the bank’s operation mutual funds where:
a price for the units is publicly quoted daily i.e., where the daily NAV is
available in public domain; and
Mutual fund is limited to investing in the instruments listed in this
Haircuts: Haircuts are discounting factors to be applied on CRM value. Banks in
India are allowed to use Standard supervisory haircuts.
11.1 Benefits of Credit Risk Mitigation (CRM) The availability of a CRM security in
/20 19
a loan accounts reduces the risk weight against the exposure. For example: In case
of a loan of Rs.10000/- against security of FDR (where the FDR is yet to be matured)
/03 633
The above example clearly shows the benefit of CRM security. It is therefore
important that the details of the CRM securities, if available in a loan account
(whether primary or collateral), are correctly filled and no relevant field is left blank in
the LADDER/CBS system. Value of the CRM to include accrued interest also.
11.2 Important points for filling up the data for Basel-III calculations - The
following are the important points for filling data for ensuring calculation of
appropriate risk weights in CBS/LADDER:
Accounts and feeding of details in CBS menu RSAM.
xiv) Correct feeding of external credit ratings in CBS through menu option CRMS
customized for the purpose
xv) ECGC/CGTMSE/CRGFTLIH/Other Govt. Guarantees covers are to be fed
properly in CBS system under “V” detail in case of fund based, and through
/20 19
The branches should therefore ensure correct feeding of data to obviate any
discrepancy in risk weight calculation.
*** Note: In its guideline on “Standardized Approach”, RBI has decided that the
amount of un-availed limit is also to be risk weighted. The unavailed commitment is
the unutilized portion of the sanctioned limit that could be availed by the borrower.
The amount of unavailed limit is to risk weighted as under:
a. In the case of a cash credit facility for Rs.100 lakh (which is not
unconditionally cancellable) where the availed portion is Rs. 60 lakh, the
unavailed portion of Rs.40 lakh will attract a Credit Conversion Factor (CCF)
of 20% (since the cash credit facility is subject to review / renewal normally
once a year). The credit equivalent amount of Rs.8 lakh (20% of Rs.40 lakh)
will be assigned the appropriate risk weight as applicable to the counterparty /
rating to arrive at the risk weighted asset for the unavailed portion. The
availed portion (Rs.60 lakh) will attract a risk weight as applicable to the
counterparty / rating.In terms of L&A circular no. 142/2007 the guidelines for
insertion of limit cancellation clause in loan documents have already been
issued. To capture this information, functionality in the CBS has been
developed under menu option CCLD where Limit cancellation flag “Y” shall be
auto populated which is modifiable by the branches.
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/03 633
After clicking the “Add Stage Calendar” button, the following screen will
Branches can fill the appropriate details of stage wise disbursement of TL in “Stage
/20 19
wise calendar” window as shown above. Further, Branches are required to feed the
disbursement schedule in “D” details while opening the account in CBS. In case of
/03 633
existing accounts the information can be entered through modification mode under J
option of HACMLA.
11.3 The instructions contained in various IRMD circulars listed in Table A are to
be adhered to.
11.4 Branches must ensure that all efforts are made to avoid any discrepancies in
data, submitted by them. The discrepancies in data invites wrath of SCAs/RBI
Auditors and also can have adverse impact on the computation of Risk
Weighted Assets (RWAs) and as such on the Capital to Risk Weighted Assets
Ratio (CRAR) of the bank. It is therefore necessary to ensure that data in the
CBS system is fed correctly.
11.5 The software shall calculate the amount of Risk Weighted Assets and
required returns detailed below shall be generated through LADDER:
a. Master Summary of Risk Weighted assets as per Basel III (with undrawn) $
with balance sheet
To depict the total RWA of the branch
Master Summary of RWA (with
2 (inclusive of RWA on undrawn
undrawn) 12
/20 19
All branches under statutory audit must ensure to get the RWA MASTER SUMMARY
(with undrawn) of risk weighetd assets for the year ending March 2019, certified by
/03 633
Note: For details on generating above reports & relevant steps please refer MIS
Division circulars on LADDER DATA UPDATION GUIDELINES – issued before the
quarter/half year/annual closing.
12. Important points before finalizing the RWA master summary (with &
without undrawn) : Before finalizing the RWA summary, branch should carefully
check the same and it should be ensured that no wrong classification is shown in the
summary due to incorrect feeding of data at branch. Appropriate codes should be fed
in the system so that loan account, which attracts higher risk weight, is not shown in
lower risk weight category and vice versa. COs while compiling at their end should
also ensure this by randomly checking the reports/ master summary.
12.2 CRMs: As informed in para 11, certain financial securities and guarantees are
eligible for treatment as credit risk mitigants which are referred to as CRM securities.
Capital charge in respect of these accounts has to be calculated on the CRM
adjusted exposure. Therefore, it is very important that the details and amount of
CRM securities are correctly filled in to obtain the capital relief.
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/03 633
Q1. How to segregate the claims on Banks under scheduled and other banks
as per their respective CRAR?
Ans. Branches are simply to pick the name of the Bank/Branch using the bank code
list available in the system. It would classify the bank as per its status and
would apply RW as per its CRAR and other details already fed in Bank Master
at the back end. Similarly, Branches are required to select appropriate
constitution code in CBS for direct exposures on Banks and mandatorily feed
the bank/branch code in Bills maintenance (MEOB/MIIB menus) during
purchase/discount of bills under LC as well as counter guarantee details of
the bank (if applicable), while issuing Guarantees.
Q2. Why it is important to feed turnover of the borrower accounts?
Ans. It is important for the purpose of segregating an exposure between regulatory
retail and corporate. Any exposure beyond Rs. 5 crore is classified as
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Q8. Is it necessary to obtain external credit risk rating for exposure eligible
to be classified under commercial real estate (CRE) and commercial real
estate-residential housing (CRE-RH)?
/20 19
Ans. Risk weights for CRE & CRE-RH are not linked with External Credit Risk
Ratings. RBI guidelines on standardized approach prescribe risk weight of
100% for CRE & 75% for CRE-RH. However, the External Credit Risk Rating
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is used for understanding the inherent risk and pricing of the credit facilities.
Q9. Who will pay the fee and approach to ECAI, borrower or bank?
Ans. The borrowers themselves have to approach to ECAI and also bear the
expenditure associated with the external rating.
subsequently have become unrated will attract a risk weight of 150% from
Q11. Which agency to prefer & whom to contact?
Ans. RBI has identified 7 external credit rating agencies. Bank has entered into
MOU with all of them. Borrower is free to choose and negotiate with any
approved agency.
Q12. How to get the rating and when to do with that?
Ans. Ratings shall be provided to bank by borrower himself. List of ratings is also
available on the respective web sites of ECAIs.
Q13. What happens if borrower rating is not filled in the system?
Ans. The very purpose is defeated and the bank is deprived of the benefits
accruing from the rating.
Q14. What is short term and long term rating?
Q17. Do I need to take unconditional undertaking in all accounts & facilities?
Ans. RBI has introduced risk weights on un-drawn/partially undrawn portion of
facilities if the same are not unconditionally cancellable. As such, to make the
facilities unconditionally cancellable, such undertakings are obtained, which
/20 19
form part of loan documents and need to be captured under CCLD menu
option of CBS.
/03 633
Ans. Functionality to capture the same has been developed in CCLD menu of CBS
where branches to mark the flag “Y” or “N”.
Q21. Do I need to take this every time when limit is enhanced?
Ans. The undertaking is a part of loan document. Hence it is to be obtained with
fresh documents.
Q22. What is draw down schedule?
Ans. It is applicable in term loans accounts, where the disbursement is spread over
more than one year in different stages by obtaining draw down schedule duly
approved by competent authority. Disbursement scheduled for future stages
do not attract risk weight for undrawn amount. Detailed Guidelines issued vide
ITD-CBS circular 73/2011 on 27th July 2011.
Q23. Do I need to take draw down in all term loan accounts?
Ans. It is required where disbursement is spread in stages spanning over more
than a year.
consolidated IRMD circular no. 17/2017 dated 11/09/2017 on the Basel III
- Equity and convertible bonds are not eligible CRMs.
- Deposits being maintained by a borrower, even in the same name and style,
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Q28. Why there is so much stress on correct feeding of one time casual limits
(FOBP/ODD etc) permitted to sundry parties, which do not enjoy regular
limits. Ans. As already discussed, risk weights have also been introduced
on un-availed portion of facilities. Bank can avoid the same by taking
undertaking in personal accounts, but no such undertaking is possible in
these impersonal accounts. Hence, it becomes imperative to ensure that the
limits in such accounts do not exceed the outstanding. Otherwise also, such
limits are fed in for operational convenience only without any sanction.
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/03 633
SASTRA (Credit Review & Monitoring) Division is the Nodal Division for
computation and Audit of the information required on this aspect at corporate level.
As per directions of Audit Committee of Board, the process of finalization of annual
accounts has been centralized at Head office level.
IMPORTANT - “Circle Offices/Branches will not send the Maturity Pattern of Loans &
Advances statement to SASTRA (Credit Review & Monitoring) Division, Head Office.
At Corporate level, the statement shall be prepared by SASTRA (Credit Review &
Monitoring) Division, HO by obtaining data from MISD/ITD for Bank as a whole. Audit
of the statement shall be done at corporate level only.”
Maturity Pattern of Advances as per revised guidelines, viz, time buckets, distributed
as under:
S.No. Time Buckets
(i) Next Day 12
(ii) 2 to 7 days
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(iii) 8 to 14 days
(iv) 15 to 28 days
/03 633
Classification Of Bills
Bills purchased and discounted are classified in respective maturity buckets
according to residual maturity period.
Demand/ Sight bills purchased: In respective maturity buckets according to
residual maturity period.
Usance Bills purchased and discounted: In respective maturity buckets according
to residual maturity period.
Overdue bills for less than one month: Maturity bucket of 8 – 14 days.
Overdue bills for one month and above: Maturity bucket of 29 days – 3 months.
For example a loan of Rs.75000/- has been sanctioned in the month of October
2007, repayable in 50 monthly installments of Rs.1500/- plus interest each w.e.f.
November 2007. Suppose repayment of Rs.6000/- has been received upto
31.3.2008 and an amount of Rs.5000/- (Rs.1000/- in Dec. and Rs.4000/- in March)
/20 19
appear as under:-
Time bucket Amount (in rupees)
Next day NIL
In Term Loan Accounts with repayment in terms of EMI, the amount of EMI is
converted (reduced by interest element) into simple installment and then the
outstanding balance as on 31st March is classified in respective maturity buckets in
terms of inflow as per reduced installment. To make it clear an illustration is given
below: -
Suppose a loan of Rs.75000/ has been sanctioned in the month of October 2007
/20 19
received upto 31.03.2008 and an amount of Rs. 5000/- (Rs.1000 in Dec. and
Rs.4000 in March) has been charged towards interest. Balance outstanding as on
31.03.2008 is Rs.74000/-.
For classification of the captioned Term Loan account into various maturity buckets
as on 31.03.2008, amount of EMI will be reduced from Rs.2000/- to Rs.1500/- plus
interest.(Rs.75000/- divided by 50 ) per month. Five installments have become due
upto March 2008. According to reduced monthly installment of Rs.1500/-, an amount
considered as irregular.
Overdraft & Demand Loan Accounts
On the basis of residual maturity of underlying security.
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These are granted for a maximum period of two years only. Classification of these
advances is done according to their residual time period of two years from the date
of sanction.
Loans against security of shares
Classified in the 8th time bucket of 1-3 years.
Sub-standard Assets: Classified in the 9th time bucket of over 3-5 years.
Doubtful & Loss Assets: Classified in the 10th time bucket of over 5 years.
ALM Cell at Integrated Risk Management Division, HO, is the nodal office for
information regarding Maturity Pattern of Deposits (MOD) Statement.
IMPORTANT- “Circle Offices/Branches will not prepare the MOD statement. The
statement shall be prepared by ALM Cell, (IRMD) by obtaining data from MISD/ITD.
Audit of the MOD statement shall be done at corporate level only”.
(i) All term deposits are to be classified as per above mentioned time buckets
and reported in the statement. These would include all term deposits shown
against Balance Sheet Codes 41301 to 41318.
Total term deposits should be equal to balance sheet code 41399.
(ii) The total of CDs + Wholesale Deposits + Other Term Deposits (Retail) in
Format ALM: RMD: AD: WS: 4 should tally with Balance Sheet code 41399.
(iii) Classification of current and saving deposits will be done based on behavioral
(iv) All overdue term deposits, unless transferred to current account, are to be
treated as due next day and be included in the “Next day” bucket.
Maturity profile of all Foreign Currency Assets & Liabilities of the Bank as on the date
of Balance Sheet (31st March) is to be disclosed under 11 maturity buckets, based
on Residual Maturity. For this purpose International Banking Division, HO New
Delhi is the Nodal Division. For Overseas Branches the statement of Maturity
/20 19
profile for Foreign Currency Assets and Liabilities will be consolidated duly audited
by SCA as per extant guidelines/practice.
/03 633
For Domestic branches, the Maturity profile of Foreign Currency Assets and
Liabilities, the information will be submitted by the Treasury Division –HO as a whole
duly audited by SCA.
Various components of the foreign currency assets and liabilities, as reflected in the
balance sheet, are as under:
1. Foreign Currency Deposits: (i) FCNR (B) (ii) HO-Treasury
EEFC (iii) RFC
2. Lines of credit HO-Treasury
3. Overdraft in Nostro Accounts HO-Treasury
4. Other foreign currency borrowings HO-Treasury
1. Foreign Currency Loans (i) PCFC (ii) HO-Treasury
EBR (iii) FCL (iv) FCTL
2. Balances held in Nostro Accounts HO-Treasury
ASSETS: Foreign Currency Assets
The components relating to foreign currency loans such as, PCFC, EBR,
FCL and FCTL are to be reflected depending upon their nature, whether
they are for working capital purposes or for term loan purposes. Treatment
/20 19
PS & FI Division will obtain maturity pattern of borrowings outside India from
IBD, HO and to include in the statement.
PS & FI Division, while compiling the statement of Bank as whole should take
care that figures reported in the Format PNB:PSFI:AD:S:7 for March 2019 to
tally with the figures reported in the respective code of Balance sheet.
SASTRA (Credit Review & Monitoring) Division, HO is nodal office for disclosure
in the `Notes on Accounts’ of the Balance Sheet for sensitive sector and unsecured
advances. As such, the Returns on exposure to sensitive sectors (real estate sector,
capital market and commodity sector) and unsecured exposures are required to be
submitted to our Division.
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In order to ensure smooth conduct of audit of the year end closing, the instructions
/03 633
SASTRA (Credit Review & Monitoring) Division HO is the Nodal Division for
compiling information of outstanding exposure to sensitive sectors in respect of
Capital Market Exposure (advances), Real Estate Sector and Commodity Sector.
The information required for this purpose is to be submitted by the branches to their
respective controlling offices in the prescribed formats. LCBs are required to submit
the statements to their respective Circle Offices who, in turn, will submit the
consolidated statement of the Circle. It is advised that Circle Offices will COLLECT,
Will collect and scrutinize the statements received from each Branch in their
Circle (audited as well as un-audited).
Will forward consolidated statement for the Circle as a whole (including LCBs,
if any) duly signed by the Circle Head. NO BRANCH SHOULD BE MISSED
Will forward duly signed hard copy of the `Consolidation Sheet’ as well as the
soft copy thereof at,
equity oriented mutual funds, i.e. where the primary security other than
shares/ convertible bonds/ convertible debentures/ units of equity oriented
funds does not fully cover the advances;
iv. Secured and un-secured advances to stock brokers and guarantees issued on
behalf of stock brokers and market makers;
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(Since the report has been customized in EDW, please ensure that the statement
Direct exposure
Residential Mortgages
Commercial Real Estate
Investments in Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) and other
securitized exposures: a. Residential, b. Commercial Real Estate.
projects (except for captive consumption) under CRE segment. Such projects
should ordinarily not include non-residential commercial real estate. However,
integrated housing projects comprising of some commercial space (e.g.
shopping complex, school, etc.) can also be classified under CRE-RH, provided
that the commercial area in the residential housing project does not exceed
10% of the total Floor Space Index (FSI) of the project. In case the FSI of the
commercial area in the predominantly residential housing complex exceeds the
ceiling of 10%, the project loans should be classified as CRE and not CRE-RH.
Indirect Exposure
Exposure to National Housing Bank and Housing Finance Companies
Direct Exposure
the sale of the asset. The borrower may be, but is not required to be, an SPE (Special
Purpose Entity), an operating company focused on real estate construction or
holdings, or an operating company with sources of revenue other than real estate. The
distinguishing characteristic of IPRE versus other corporate exposures that are
/20 19
collateralised by real estate is the strong positive correlation between the prospects for
repayment of the exposure and the prospects for recovery in the event of default, with
From the definition of IPRE given above it may be seen that for an exposure to be
classified as IPRE/CRE, the essential feature would be that the funding will result in
the creation / acquisition of real estate (such as, office buildings to let, retail space,
multifamily residential buildings, industrial or warehouse space, and hotels) where the
prospects for repayment would depend primarily on the cash flows generated by
the asset. Additionally, the prospect of recovery in the event of default would
also depend primarily on the cash flows generated from such funded asset which
is taken as security, as would generally be the case. The primary source of cash
flow (i.e. more than 50% of cash flows) for repayment would generally be lease or
rental payments or the sale of the assets as also for recovery in the event of default
where such asset is taken as security.
These guidelines will also be applicable to certain cases where the exposure may
not be directly linked to the creation or acquisition of CRE but the repayment
would come from the cash flows generated by CRE. For example, exposures taken
against existing commercial real estate whose prospects of repayments primarily
depend on rental/ sale proceeds of the real estate should be classified as CRE. Other
such cases may include: extension of guarantees on behalf of companies engaged in
commercial real estate activities, exposures on account of derivative transactions
undertaken with real estate companies, corporate loans extended to real estate
companies and investment made in the equity and debt instruments of real estate
Indirect Exposure
Fund based and non-fund based exposures on National Housing Bank (NHB)
and Housing Finance Companies (HFCs).
It may be noted that as per the revised RBI guidelines, the scope of exposure to
Real Estate Sector has been enlarged and now the following category of advances
will also form part of Real Estate Sector Exposure:
i) Housing loans to public;
ii) Finance against Mortgage of Immovable Property;
iii) Finance against Future Lease Rentals;
iv) Investments in Mortgage based securities (MBS) and other securitized
exposures i.e. a) Residential and b) Commercial Real Estate.
ii) Account-wise details of borrowers availing credit limit of Rs.1 crore & above
under various segments of Real Estate Sector (PNB/CAD/AD/S-2B) is to be
submitted alongwith statement PNB/CAD/AD/S-2A. Branches/Circles to
ensure that account-wise details are kept ready for audit purpose.
ii) (b) The sum of outstanding under ‘Housing Loans’ (A.3) and ‘Others’ (B.3)
should be equal to ‘Residential Mortgages.’ as reported in Col. 1 of the other
6 Item 3 C Col. 7
Branches/Circles may note that in respect of Real Estate Sector and Land & Building
Developers & CRE-RH, certain ceilings have been prescribed in the Loan Policy of
/20 19
the Bank for outstanding exposure (fund based and non-fund based), as such, care
should be taken that these statements are prepared with due care and consistency is
/03 633
satisfy them for authenticating the information on formats meant for sending to CO.
(1) Premises (2) Safe, Fixture & Furniture (3) Motor Car, Cycles & Other
Vehicles of the Bank (4) Leased Assets.
up to the date of sale/disposal by passing accounting voucher, to be
generated by system i.e. on daily basis instead of monthly basis.
Depreciation on Fixed Assets is chargeable annually in March every year on
/20 19
Software marked as obsolete will be written off from the book of accounts.
& 10740 of Profit and Loss Statement.
Depreciation on assets taken over from eNBL to be charged as per rates
prescribed by GSAD, HO. 12
A nominal amount of Re1/- per item must remain in the books as ‘Book Value’
/20 19
1.1 All premises are parked at Circle Offices/Head Office; therefore, branches are
not required to submit any return or information regarding premises.
1.2 In case any land/ building has been acquired by the Bank in satisfaction of
claims, the same should not be treated/ shown under premises. This should
be shown as ‘Non Banking Assets Acquired in Satisfaction of Claims’
against Code 65010/65099 of the Balance Sheet (PNB-259).
1.3 Capitalization of Fixed assets: Capitalize the assets on fulfilling of any one of
ii. Revalue land and building separately where the plot is owned
exclusively by the Bank or Bank is having proportionate share of the
land in property. The residual useful life of the building (constructed
part only) will be assessed by Structural Engineer. The bank will
charge depreciation on the additional revaluation reserve in terms of
/20 19
b) Leasehold Properties:
i. No depreciation is required to be provided on cost of land in respect of
properties acquired on Perpetual Leasehold basis where no lease
period is mentioned. Revalue land and building separately where the
plot is owned exclusively by the Bank or Bank is having proportionate
share of the land in property. The residual useful life of the building
(constructed part only) will be assessed by Structural Engineer. The
bank will charge depreciation on the additional revaluation reserve in
c) However, where land cost is not segregated, the total cost is required to
be depreciated over lease period.
Under Column No.2, the status of property, whether purchased built-up or
constructed on a plot, be mentioned;
Under Column No.3, Cost of Land in case of freehold properties and Premium
Paid in case of leasehold properties be shown. However, where land cost is
not available but the same is possible to segregate, the services of Govt.
/20 19
Under column No.27, total lease period be shown in case of leasehold
properties. In case of leasehold properties with perpetual lease, where no
lease period is mentioned, Perpetual Lease be shown.
Under Column No. 29 & 30, the rate of depreciation on land and construction
cost as arrived at as per the above guidelines, be shown separately for land
and construction cost.
c. All SFF items (for office use + residential) relating to Zonal Managers
Office, residential SFF items of officers posted at ZO will be capitalized at the
respective ZOs.
d. All SFF items (for office use + residential), relating to other Offices (CSC,
RSC, IT Centre, ZAO, ZTC, RSDC, FEO etc.) will be capitalized at the
respective Offices.
e. All SFF items for office use, relating to HO Divisions, will be capitalized at
the GAD Cell of respective Building, where the Division / part of the Division /
Department / Cell is housed.
f. All SFF items (residential) provided to Officers in various HO Divisions will
continue to be capitalized at GSAD, HO.
Transfer- In and Transfer-Out of Fixed Assets
/20 19
SFF/ MCC items received from branches or HO/CO should not be treated as
fresh purchases and be shown as ‘Received from Branches’. Similarly, if
any item has been transferred to other office, the transferor office should not
/03 633
Further, it must be ensured that Closing Book Value, Depreciation charged,
Profit / Loss on Sale of SFF/MCC etc. do tally with the respective heads of the
Balance Sheet & Revenue Statement. Circle Office will submit the
consolidated statement to Zonal Office. Zonal Offices will collect and
/20 19
consolidate the statements from Circle Office and submit to Head Office for
further consolidation
/03 633
Office Statements, Annexures V-A, V-B, V-C, V-D and consolidation Sheets.
Circle Office will submit the consolidated statement to Zonal Office. Zonal
Offices will collect and consolidate the statements from Circle Office and
submit to Head Office for further consolidation
6. Accounting Standard 28: Impairment of Assets (Fixed Assets)
Necessary instructions/guidelines on Accounting Standard 28 on impairment
of assets effective from 01.04.2004, were given vide GSAD Circular no.
21/2004 dated 27.12.2004 and 3/2005 dated 28.02.2005. In terms of this
standard, if the value in use or carrying value (Book value) of fixed assets
exceeds the present value (Recoverable value), the same may be accounted
for in the books of accounts. All Circle Heads/Divisional heads to ensure that
the cases of impaired assets, if any, capitalized in the branches/offices under
their control are examined for providing additional depreciation/write-off etc., if
found within the said Accounting Standard. The relevant information/data
Zonal Offices will collect and consolidate the statements and submit to Head
Office for further consolidation
/20 19
/03 633
Miscellaneous suits (other than money suits) whether filed by or against the
bank are not to be included in this statement.
While submitting the captioned statement, it must be ensured that the brief
history of each case is self speaking. It shall give the facts in brief as to what
is the matter about, what stand bank has taken, whether bank has filed the
W.S and if the matter is in appeal, whether the stay of decree has been
taken place during the period for the suits which are pending at the close of
the quarter/half year/Year.
The amount of suits be not increased from period to period. Even if the suit
/20 19
Circle Offices will collect information on quarterly basis from both audited and
un-audited branches {which will submit the information as per Format (XII i a)}
and after scrutiny, will CONSOLIDATE the position for the Circle as a whole.
Officials of Law Division will consolidate the data received from all Zones
along-with branch-wise statements/certificates and get the same certified from
the SCAs at the corporate level.
In respect of the cases filed by landlords against the bank claiming damages
after a particular date, each case be examined on its merits about
requirement of provision separately based on the defence taken by the bank
in the case. In such cases where the bank has filed appeal against the lower
court in higher court, any amount deposited by the bank in the court or paid to
the landlord in terms of Court Order be also indicated in remarks column.
While submitting the statement it must be ensured that in remarks column the
amount of claim/damages awarded against the bank is mentioned along with
/20 19
Branches which are subject to Audit should get it signed by Auditors also.
/03 633
Branches must ensure that guidelines stipulated by the bank have been complied
with. This is utmost necessary so as to avoid any subsequent changes suggested by
Statutory Auditors. However, if any changes are suggested by the auditors, it should
be made through Memorandum of Changes (MOCs) only and in no case the
statements be amended.
MOCs should be complete in all respects, incorporating all required details and are
to be digitally signed in CBPMS by the Branch Statutory Auditor and Incumbent In-
charge. In case of difference of opinion regarding any MOC, the Incumbent should
take a print out of digitally singed MOC (CBPMS) and thereafter refer the matter to
CO through a dissent note with documentary evidence and proper explanations. The
circle should examine the matter and in case they concur with the views of the
Incumbent Incharge, they should send a proper case to HO Finance Division, duly
signed by Circle Head, alongwith all documents.
The bifurcation of signing and verification of the MOCs (Loan) will be as under:
/20 19
MOC (Loan) up to Rs.10.00 Lac will be signed by Branch Manager & Auditor.
/03 633
MOC (Loan) for more than Rs.10.00 Lac and upto Rs.2 crore will be signed by
Branch Manager & Auditor and will be verified by Executive Incharge at Circle
MOC (Loan) for more than Rs.2 core and upto Rs.5 crore will be signed by
Branch Manager & Auditor and will be verified by Circle Head at Circle Office.
MOC (Loan) for more than Rs.5 crore will be signed by Branch Manager &
Auditor and will be verified by GM/DGM at respective Zonal office.
All the changes suggested by Statutory Branch Auditors at the branch will be given
effect through MOC IEAL (Which will affect the Income, Expenditure, and Assets &
Liabilities) some of the examples are given below:
Affecting profit of the branch, in other words, if one of the head required to be
changed, is of Profit & Loss A/c then the other head will be of Balance Sheet
e.g depreciation less charged by the bank, interest less/more charged in a
loan account etc.
Mistake of accounting entry of Balance Sheet heads only, either while passing
the voucher or posting in books of accounts.
MOC IEAL gives impact in CBS. Branches will post MOC IEAL in CBPMS after
logging in with the user id and password given already.
The MOC related to loans will also be posted in CBPMS, MOC loans is utilized for
updating LADDER. While giving MOC Loans branch should ensure that if branch
intends to change in CBS data also then MOC IEAL is also required to be passed.
For example - If any amount is to be debited in a term loan account. MOC IEAL and
MOC Loans both are to be passed. But if branch has already made correction in
LADDER then only MOC IEAL is required, which will change only CBS data.
3. MOC Capital Adequacy Statement (Advances)
Branches will also post MOC related to Capital Adequacy (BASEL III - Annexure - I)
/20 19
/03 633
Auditor, give Reason for MOC under the head Remarks and then click on submit.
1) Name of Borrower 2) Ladder Account no
3) Ladder Customer ID 4) Letter of Credit no
Further in detail: For Letter of Guarantee -
/20 19
Branch will select the category from the column of Nature of Guarantee as per
Branch and enter the amount for the rows under heading DETAILS - i.e. Amount o/s
/03 633
Branches will also post MOCs in CBPMS related to Capital Adequacy (BASEL- III) –
Fund based and Non - Fund based.
Branch will select the category from the column of Particulars as per Branch and
enter the amount for the rows under heading DETAILS i.e. Counter party* name,
Counter party* CRAR**, Counter party Rating, Rating Agency Name, Date of Rating,
Security code, Constitution code, Sub Sector Code, Guarantee Cover Code, Fund
Same information as above will also be entered under column Particulars as per
Auditor, give Reason for MOC under the head Remarks and then click on submit.
*: Counter Party: Whether Retail, Corporate, Commercial Real Estate, Public Sector
Entity, Claim on Banks etc.
**: CRAR of the Counter Party: Applicable only in case of Claim on Banks.
System of Posting: In the window following detail of customer to be inserted:
1) Name of Borrower
2) Ladder Account no
/20 19
Further in detail: Branch will select the category from the column of Constitution as
/03 633
per Branch and enter the amount for the rows under heading DETAILS- i.e. O/s
Amount, Margin Available in Cash, Amount kept in Sundry, Provisions.
Same information as above will also be entered under column Constitution as per
Auditor, give Reason for MOC under the head Remarks and then click on submit.
No hard copy for moc is printed for the annual closing of March, 2019; all the
branches under statutory audit will post the MOCs through CBPMS.
Branches must ensure that on receipt of Audit Report, they should pass necessary
vouchers/ effect necessary corrections in CBS in current date, as the case may be,
as suggested by Auditors through MOCs and send a confirmation to their respective
Circle Office.
All branches whether subject to Audit or not, are required to submit following
certificates. Branches which are subject to audit, will also get these certificates
certified from Statutory Auditor.
Circle offices must ensure to send the branch-wise certificates/ statements received
from their branches/ offices under audit & un-audited ones to the respective HO
division’s alongwith consolidated statements, wherever required, as per the details
mentioned below. Before sending the certificates they must attach forwarding
attendance Sheet, so that no branch/office is left out:
2. Certificate relating to MOC entries for the previous year (Finance Division)
- (Link available at main screen of Non CBS -CBPMS)
Branches must ensure that they have passed necessary accounting entries
as suggested by the Auditors through MOC IEAL pertaining to audit of
previous year, before annual closing. Branches are advised to submit the
certificate in CBPMS. Branches under Audit will digitally sign this certificate.
Branches under audit will generate the report from CBPMS and get it duly
signed by Incumbent Incharge and the Statutory Branch Auditor only for
Branch, SBA and SCA copies. (Please refer Chapter 3 for details). However,
Branches not under audit will take out printout (3 copies) from CBPMS after
entering the required data and submit to Circle office.
Henceforth Certificate of Cash & Bank Balance of the bank is looked after by
Treasury Division at HO and no information is required from the
Treasury division must ensure that amount to be filled in “cash and bank
balance on 12 odd dates” is reported in thousands only.
It is certified that Cash and Bank balance on above 12 dates is as per report
generated from CBS system of the bank.
Note: This certificate of Cash & Bank Balance of the bank is looked after by
Treasury Division at HO and no information is required from the branches.
Seal Date
Note: If any of the above date(s) is a holiday, balance on the previous working
day be reported against the relevant date(s).
Certificate of Cash & Bank Balance of the bank is looked after by Treasury
Division at HO and no information is required from the branches.
(XII i)
Zonal Office has been included as a tier in the existing system of CFA for
scrutinizing the interest subvention certificates submitted by respective
circle offices.
The certificates will be submitted in CFA package. The navigation and procedure for
submission of certificates is as under:
Non CBS Application – Finance (CFA) – Priority Sector & Financial Inclusion &
DICGC Certificates
The branches will then log into the utility (User ID will be Branch Sol ID) and
password will be pnb@123
The branches will submit all the 4 forms. The forms are to be submitted even if the
statement for the Branch is NIL.
The forms will be submitted after being digitally signed by Statutory Branch Auditors
(SBA) and Branch Head where the Branches are under audit and where the
branches are not under audit
The Auditors Certificate will be available only after the Branch Head has signed the
form digitally. The Auditor’s Certificate then will be filled by the Auditor and the
authorized signatory will sign digitally.
The Circle Offices can access the reports by logging into the utility. Clicking on
Incumbent Report will show the certificates of all the branches in the Circle. The
If any changes are required, then the form can be deleted by the Circle Office user
and the Branch will have to fill the forms afresh.
After all the branches in circle office have submitted the final claim, the circle will
submit to Zonal office. The Zonal Offices can access the reports by logging into the
utility. Any changes required by the Circle Offices in the claim certificates submitted
after final submission by the circle will be allowed by Zonal Offices.
(iii) At the time of receipt of claim from RBI, Priority sector & FI Division,
Head Office will adjust the suspense entry and will pass the following
entry in their books.
(iv) Information Technology Division, HO and Priority sector & FI Division, HO has
sent to all Offices the detailed guidelines for charging the 7 per cent per
annum rate of interest on short term credit provided to the farmer’s upto Rs. 3
lakh. In all the regular crop loan / KCC accounts, 7% p.a. rate of interest is to
be charged upto outstanding balance of Rs.3 lakh. In the irregular accounts
applicable interest is to be charged and no subvention is to be claimed. For
balance outstanding more than Rs.3 lakh in regular accounts also the
applicable rate of interest be charged. Further, in Produce (Marketing) Loan
accounts (of Small & Marginal Farmers having KCC) against negotiable
warehouse receipts, 7% interest will be charged for a period of 6 months from
the date of disbursement on the balance outstanding upto Rs 3 Lakh.
Similarly, in KCC/ Short-term crop loans restructured on account of Natural
Calamity 7% rate of interest is to be charged upto outstanding of Rs. 3 lakh
for the first year and applicable normal rate of interest from the 2 nd year
onwards. On the outstanding balance beyond Rs.3 lakh applicable normal
rate of interest is to be charged.
(v) The reports (MIS) are available in Menu option PNBRPT 3/26.
(vi) The branches will claim the interest subvention on half yearly basis w.e.f
01.04.2018 after careful and detailed scrutiny will submit the certificates
through CFA package so that the correct claim can be lodged with Reserve
Bank of India within the stipulated time schedule.The branches will submit
their one time consolidated claims for the entire year 2018-19 latest by
15.04.2019 duly audited by Statutory Auditor certifying the correctness
Branches shall keep ready all the relevant records required for Statutory Audit
certifying that the claims for subvention for the half years ending September
30, 2018 and March 2019 are true and correct and submit the same through
CFA package.
(i) Branch will calculate the 3 per cent incentive interest subvention for timely
repayment of short term crop loan disbursed in 2017-18 and after thorough
scrutiny will submit the claim through CFA package. The branches will pass
the following entries in their books:
1. Branches will credit the farmers’ account with the amount of additional 3 %
incentive subvention to the debit of suspense account and submit the claim
through CFA package.
2. After receiving the claim amount from Circle Office, the Branches will adjust
the suspense entries.
(i) Circle Offices will SCRUTINIZE the branch wise certificates submitted in the
CFA package and will pass the following entry in their books:
(ii) Circle Office will send the Credit to all eligible Branches by debiting its
Suspense Account.
(ii) Circle Office will adjust the Suspense entry after receiving the claim amount
from respective zonal offices.
(i) Zonal Offices will SCRUTINIZE the Circle wise certificates submitted in the
CFA package and will pass the following entry in their books:
(ii) Zonal Office will send the Credit to all eligible Circle Offices by debiting its
Suspense Account.
(iii) Zonal Office will adjust the Suspense entry after receiving the claim amount
from PS&FI Division, HO.
(i) After doing the necessary scrutiny, PS&FI Division, Head Office will submit
the consolidated claim to RBI.
(ii) Priority Sector & FI Division, Head Office will send the Credit to Zonal Offices
by debiting its Suspense Account and will pass the following entry in their
Debit: Suspense Account - Amount receivable from Government
Credit: Non Customer Account (3171160) –Zonal Offices
(iii) At the time of receipt of claim from RBI, Priority Sector & FI Division,
Head Office will adjust the suspense entry and will pass the following
entry in their books.
Debit: Banker Account
Credit: Suspense Account - Amount receivable from Government
(iv) Information Technology Division, HO has sent to all Offices the detailed
guidelines for calculation of 3% incentive subvention in respect of those prompt
paying farmers who repay their short term production credit within one year of
disbursement of such loans.
(vi) The branches will submit their one time consolidated claims for the entire year
2017-18 latest by 15.04.2019 duly audited by Statutory Auditor certifying the
Branches shall keep ready all the relevant records required for Statutory Audit
certifying that the claims for 3% incentive subvention for the year 2017-18 are
true and correct and submit the same through CFA package.
2. The scheme provides full interest subsidy during the period of moratorium on
education loans for EWS students on loan disbursement made on or after
01.04.2009 for pursuing any of the approved courses of studies in technical /
professional streams from recognized institutions in India, which is linked with
the education loan scheme of IBA’s Model Education Loan Scheme.
3. The clarification received from Govt. of India / IBA and other operational
guidelines on the CSIS have been consolidated and is available in RBD Cir.
42/2018 dated 22.06.2018. The process flow for making accounts eligible for
CSIS subsidy is also included in the above circular.
Note: As per letter no. RB/CIR/EDL/5439 dated 05.07.2018 from IBA, it has
been informed that Ministry of HRD, GoI has advised Nodal Bank (Canara
Bank) to implement Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) process for CSIS scheme,
so that the subsidy released by the MoHRD can be credited directly to the
individual loan accounts. The said guidelines are under implementation
process at the Nodal bank
(i) Branch will obtain valid income Certificate from the student borrower issued
by the designated State Govt. authority and will establish eligibility of the
borrower strictly as per provisions of the scheme.
(iv) The claim in the eligible accounts, so completed / updated in the system
through menu option “EDULOANM” (Previously SUBEDU), can be generated
from the CBS through PNBREP 1/34j for the FY 2017-18. Further, branches
have to ensure that the amount of interest subsidy generated is correct.
(v) On receipt of the amount from Circle Offices, branches will again ensure that
all the stipulations for determining eligibility stand complied with, before
crediting the subsidy in the individual education loan account of the eligible
(vi) In case of ineligible accounts, if any, the branches will return the amount of
subsidy mentioning valid reasons, to the respective Circle Offices for onward
submission to HO, Retail Banking Division which in turn will remit to Government of
India through Nodal Bank, as per provisions of the scheme.
(vii) The branches will credit interest subsidy amount in the respective account of
the eligible borrower/s as per extant guidelines.
(viii) The branches will certify the interest subsidy claimed in the accounts for
Scheme year 2017-18, as per Format XII iii- a. This certificate will be signed by
the dealing officer & Branch Incumbent and will be certified by Branch Statutory
Auditor/Auditor (in case of audited branches).
(ix) Branches will keep ready all the relevant records required for statutory audit in
this regard.
(i) Circle Office to ensure that the guidelines and instructions issued, under the
provisions of the scheme, by the Division are percolated to the field
functionaries for meticulous compliance.
(ii) On receipt of the subsidy amount from the Division, Circle will pass on the
same along with account wise detail to their respective branches mentioning
the observation of the Division, if any, for crediting the account of the eligible
borrowers as per the provisions of the scheme.
(iv) After consolidating the branch wise and account wise detail of such excess
claim, the Circle Office will remit the consolidated amount to the Division
along with the detail of each account for onward returning of the amount to
Government of India through Nodal Bank as per provisions of the scheme.
(v) Circle Office will collect the Interest Subsidy Claim Certificate Format XII iii-
a, in three copies from all the branches under their jurisdiction.
(vi) Based on the Interest Subsidy Claim Certificate (audited / unaudited (in case
of unaudited branches) received from the individual branches under their
jurisdiction, Circle Offices will prepare consolidated Interest Subsidy Claim
Certificate for the Circle as a whole, as per the referred formats, for the
scheme year 2017-18. This consolidated certificate is to be signed by the
authorized officer of the Circle, not below the rank of Chief Manager along
with the Circle Head.
(vii) One copy of the Circle wise consolidated certificate/s duly tallied with that of
the total of all the branches of the Circle, along with one copy of the
individual (audited / unaudited (in case of unaudited branches) certificates of
each branch of the Circle for the above referred period be forwarded to RBD
(Adv), HO as per time frame specified under 2nd Dispatch guidelines.
(viii) Soft copy of the above consolidated Certificates as per the format for the
scheme year 2017-18, be also mailed to
(i) The centralized claim generated through the system will be lodged online by
the Division with the nodal bank i.e. Canara Bank on Comma Separated
Value (, Comma delimited file) making it compatible with the web portal
provided by Nodal Bank, for lodgement of such claims.
(ii) On receipt of the claim amount, from the nodal bank, the same will be sent to
respective Circle Offices by the Division along with the branch wise and
account wise detail for passing on the subsidy to their respective branches
for onward credit to the individual borrower’s account.
(iii) On receipt of the refund amount from Circle Offices which has not been
passed on to the borrowers / wrongly received / received in excess, the
same will be remitted to Government of India through Nodal Bank as per
provisions of the scheme.
On the basis of consolidated certificates of all the Circles as detailed under para B
(vii) above,the Division will get the certification from the Statutory Auditor (SCA) for
(ii) The scheme provides full interest subsidy during the period of moratorium on
education loans taken by EWS students belonging to minority communities,
which have been sanctioned and disbursed from FY 2013-14 onwards, for
pursuing Post Graduate Diploma, Post Graduate degree course/Masters,
M.Phil & Ph.D from any Foreign University. Students, who have completed
M.Tech in India but is now pursuing MBA abroad and have received subsidy
under CSIS/ state subsidy scheme for the M.Tech course, are also eligible
in this Scheme.
(iii) The functionality for generation of the claim in CBS module is also provided
and the operative guidelines in this regard have been issued vide our
consolidated RBD(A) Circular No. 82/2018 dated 01.10.2018.
(iv) As per directions under the scheme, certificate pertaining to interest subsidy
claimed by the Bank in the accounts for period 01.10.2016 to 31.03.2017 (2
quarters) for scheme year 2016-17, for period 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018 (4
quarters) for scheme year 2017-18 and for period 01.04.2018 to 31.12.2018
(3 quarters) for scheme year 2018-19 for which the claim lodged during the
period 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019, is to be got certified by the statutory
auditor of the Bank.
(v) The required certificates are placed under format XII iii- b1, b2, b3, b4, b5,
b6, b7, b8 and b9.
(i) Branch will obtain valid income Certificate from the student borrower issued
by the designated State Govt. authority and will establish eligibility of the
borrower strictly as per provisions of the scheme.
(iii) Branches will incorporate/ update the record/data in CBS through menu
option “EDULOANM” (Previously PPEDU) as per operational instructions
issued vide our consolidated RBD(A) Circular No. 82/2018 dated
01.10.2018, in eligible accounts where guidelines stated at para (i) & (ii)
above are complied and eligibility of the borrower, course and institute is
established strictly as per the provisions of the scheme, to ensure
lodgement of the claim under the scheme.
(iv) The claim in the eligible accounts, so completed / updated in the system
through menu option “EDULOANM” (Previously PPEDU), can be generated
from the CBS through PNBREP 1/37 for period 01.10.2016 to 31.03.2017
for scheme year 2016-17, for period 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018 for scheme
year 2017-18 and for period 01.04.2018 to 31.12.2018 for scheme year
(v) On receipt of the amount from Circle Offices, branches will again ensure that
all the stipulations for determining eligibility stand complied with, before
crediting the subsidy in the individual education loan account of the eligible
(vi) In case of ineligible accounts, if any, the branches will return the amount of
subsidy mentioning valid reasons, to the respective Circle Offices for onward
submission to HO, Retail Banking Division which in turn will remit to
Government of India through Nodal Bank, as per provisions of the scheme.
(vii) The branches will credit interest subsidy amount in the respective partition
account of the eligible borrower/s.
(viii) The branches will certify the interest subsidy claimed in the accounts for
period 01.10.2016 to 31.03.2017 for scheme year 2016-17, for period
01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018 for scheme year 2017-18 and for period
01.04.2018 to 31.12.2018 for scheme year 2018-19 as per Format XII iii-
b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 and b9. This certificate will be signed by the
dealing officer & Branch Incumbent and will be certified by Branch Statutory
Auditor/Auditor (in case of audited branches).
(ix) Branches will keep ready all the relevant records required for statutory audit
in this regard.
(i) Circle Office to ensure that the guidelines and instructions issued, under the
provisions of the scheme, by the Division are percolated to the field
functionaries for meticulous compliance.
(iii) Circle Office will call back the amount not passed on to the borrowers /
wrongly received / received in excess from the Division, from its branches
along with the complete details/reasons.
(iv) After consolidating the branch wise and account wise detail of such excess
claim, the Circle Office will remit the consolidated amount to the Division
along with the detail of each account for onward returning of the amount to
Government of India through Nodal Bank as per provisions of the scheme.
(v) Circle Office will collect the Interest Subsidy Claim Certificate Format XII
iii- b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 and b9 in six/three copies from all the
branches under their jurisdiction.
(vi) Based on the Interest Subsidy Claim Certificate (audited / unaudited (in
case of unaudited branches) received from the individual branches under
their jurisdiction, Circle Offices will prepare consolidated Interest Subsidy
Claim Certificate for the Circle as a whole, as per the referred formats, for
period 01.10.2016 to 31.03.2017 for scheme year 2016-17, for period
01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018 for scheme year 2017-18 and for period
01.04.2018 to 31.12.2018 for scheme year 2018-19. This consolidated
certificate is to be signed by the authorized officer of the Circle, not below
the rank of Chief Manager along with the Circle Head.
(vii) One copy of the Circle wise consolidated certificate/s duly tallied with that of
the total of all the branches of the Circle, along with one copy of the
individual (audited / unaudited (in case of unaudited branches) certificates of
each branch of the Circle for the above referred period be forwarded to RBD
(Adv), HO as per time frame specified under 2nd Dispatch guidelines.
(viii) Soft copy of the above consolidated Certificates as per the format for period
01.10.2016 to 31.03.2017 for scheme year 2016-17, for period 01.04.2017
to 31.03.2018 for scheme year 2017-18 and for period 01.04.2018 to
31.12.2018 for scheme year 2018-19 be also mailed to
(i) The centralized claim generated through the system will be lodged online by
the Division with the nodal bank i.e. Canara Bank on Caret Separated
Value-CSV (^ delimited file) making it compatible with the web portal
provided by Nodal Bank, for lodgement of such claims.
(ii) On receipt of the claim amount, from the nodal bank, the same will be sent to
respective Circle Offices by the Division along with the branch wise and
(iii) On receipt of the refund amount from Circle Offices which has not been
passed on to the borrowers / wrongly received / received in excess, the
same will be remitted to Government of India through Nodal Bank as per
provisions of the scheme.
(iv) On the basis of consolidated certificates of all the Circles as detailed under
para B (vii) above, the Division will get the certification from the SCA for the
bank as a whole, for period 01.10.2016 to 31.03.2017 for scheme year
2016-17, for period 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018 for scheme year 2017-18 and
for period 01.04.2018 to 31.12.2018 for scheme year 2018-19 in the claim
lodged during the period 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019, for onward submission
to the Nodal bank.
(ii) The detail has been circulated vide our consolidated RBD(A) Circular No.
82/2018 dated 01.10.2018 and 06/2019 dated 02.02.2019.
(iii) As per directions under the scheme, certificate pertaining to pending interest
subsidy claimed by bank in the accounts for scheme year 2013-14, 2014-15,
2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 in the claim lodged during the period
01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019, is to be got certified by the statutory auditor of the
(iv) The required certificates are placed under format XII iii- b10, b11, b12, b13,
b14, b15.
(i) Branch will obtain valid income Certificate from the student borrower
issued by the designated State Govt. authority and will establish eligibility of
the borrower strictly as per provisions of the scheme.
(iii) Branches will incorporate/ update the record/data in CBS through menu
option “EDULOANM” (Previously PPEDU) as per operational instructions
issued vide our consolidated RBD(A) Circular No. 82/2018 dated 01.10.2018,
in eligible accounts where guidelines stated at para (i) & (ii) above are
complied and eligibility of the borrower, course and institute is established
strictly as per the provisions of the scheme, to ensure lodgement of the claim
under the scheme.
(iv) The claim in the eligible accounts, so completed / updated in the system
through menu option “EDULOANM” (Previously PPEDU), can be generated
from the CBS through PNBREP 1/37 for period 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 for
scheme year 2013-14, for period 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2015 for scheme year
2014-15 and for period 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016 for scheme year 2015-16,
for period 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017 for scheme year 2016-17, for period
01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018 for scheme year 2017-18 and for period 01.04.2018
to 31.03.2019 for scheme year 2018-19.
(v) On receipt of the amount from Circle Offices, branches will again ensure
that all the stipulations for determining eligibility stand complied with, before
crediting the subsidy in the individual education loan account of the eligible
(vi) In case of ineligible accounts, if any, the branches will return the amount
of subsidy mentioning valid reasons, to the respective Circle Offices for
onward submission to HO, Retail Banking Division which in turn will remit to
Government of India through Nodal Bank, as per provisions of the scheme.
(vii) The branches will credit interest subsidy amount in the respective
partition account of the eligible borrower/s.
(viii) The branches will certify the interest subsidy claimed in the accounts for
period 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 for scheme year 2013-14, for period
01.04.2014 to 31.03.2015 for scheme year 2014-15 and for period 01.04.2015
to 31.03.2016 for scheme year 2015-16, for period 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017
for scheme year 2016-17, for period 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018 for scheme
year 2017-18 and for period 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019 for scheme year 2018-
19 as per Format XII iii-b10, b11, b12, b13, b14, b15. This certificate will be
signed by the dealing officer & Branch Incumbent and will be certified by
Branch Statutory Auditor/Auditor (in case of audited branches).
(ix) Branches will keep ready all the relevant records required for statutory
audit in this regard.
(ii) On receipt of the subsidy amount from the Division, Circle will pass on the
same along with account wise detail to their respective branches mentioning
the observation of the Division, if any, for crediting the account of the eligible
borrowers as per the provisions of the scheme.
(iii) Circle Office will call back the amount not passed on to the borrowers /
wrongly received / received in excess from the Division, from its branches
along with the complete details/reasons.
(iv) After consolidating the branch wise and account wise detail of such
excess claim, the Circle Office will remit the consolidated amount to the
Division along with the detail of each account for onward returning of the
amount to Government of India through Nodal Bank as per provisions of the
(v) Circle Office will collect the Interest Subsidy Claim Certificate Format XII
iii- b10, b11, b12, b13, b14 and b15 in two copies from all the branches
under their jurisdiction.
(vi) Based on the Interest Subsidy Claim Certificate (audited / unaudited (in
case of unaudited branches) received from the individual branches under their
jurisdiction, Circle Offices will prepare consolidated Interest Subsidy Claim
Certificate for the Circle as a whole, as per the referred formats, for period for
period 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 for scheme year 2013-14, for period
01.04.2014 to 31.03.2015 for scheme year 2014-15 and for period 01.04.2015
to 31.03.2016 for scheme year 2015-16, for period 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017
for scheme year 2016-17, for period 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018 for scheme
year 2017-18 and for period 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019 for scheme year 2018-
19. This consolidated certificate is to be signed by the authorized officer of the
Circle, not below the rank of Chief Manager along with the Circle Head.
(vii) One copy of the Circle wise consolidated certificate/s duly tallied with that
of the total of all the branches of the Circle, along with one copy of the
individual (audited / unaudited (in case of unaudited branches) certificates of
each branch of the Circle for the above referred period be forwarded to RBD
(Adv), HO as per time frame specified under 2nd Dispatch guidelines.
(viii) Soft copy of the above consolidated Certificates as per the format for
period 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 for scheme year 2013-14, for period
01.04.2014 to 31.03.2015 for scheme year 2014-15 and for period 01.04.2015
to 31.03.2016 for scheme year 2015-16, for period 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017
for scheme year 2016-17, for period 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018 for scheme
year 2017-18 and for period 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019 for scheme year 2018-
19 be also mailed to
(i) The centralized claim generated through the system will be lodged online by
the Division with the nodal bank i.e. Canara Bank on Caret Separated
Value-CSV (^ delimited file) making it compatible with the web portal provided
by Nodal Bank, for lodgement of such claims.
(ii) On receipt of the claim amount, from the nodal bank, the same will be sent
to respective Circle Offices by the Division along with the branch wise and
account wise detail for passing on the subsidy to their respective branches for
onward credit to the individual borrower’s account.
(iii) On receipt of the refund amount from Circle Offices which has not been
passed on to the borrowers / wrongly received / received in excess, the same
will be remitted to Government of India through Nodal Bank as per provisions of
the scheme.
(iv) On the basis of consolidated certificates of all the Circles as detailed under
para B (vii) above, the Division will get the certification from the SCA for the
bank as a whole, for period 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 for scheme year 2013-
14, for period 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2015 for scheme year 2014-15 and for
period 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016 for scheme year 2015-16, for period
01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017 for scheme year 2016-17, for period 01.04.2017 to
31.03.2018 for scheme year 2017-18 and for period 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019
for scheme year 2018-19 in the claim lodged during the period 01.04.2018 to
31.03.2019, for onward submission to the Nodal bank.
10. Certificate regarding claim under Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Scheme of
Interest Subsidy (ACSIS) to provide interest subsidy on education loan for
overseas studies for the students belonging to OBCs & EBCs (Retail
Banking Division (Advances) (format- XII iii- c1, c2 and c3)
(i) The scheme provides full interest subsidy during the period of moratorium.
The student should belong to the OBCs & EBCs communities. The OBCs
(ii) As per directions under the scheme, certificate pertaining to interest subsidy
claimed by the Bank in the accounts for period 01.01.2018 to 31.03.2018 (1
quarter) for scheme year 2017-18 and for period 01.04.2018 to 30.09.2018 (2
quarters) for scheme year 2018-19, for which the claim lodged during the
period 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019, is to be got certified by the statutory auditor
of the Bank.
(iii) The required certificates are placed under format XII iii – c1, c2 and c3.
(i) Branch will obtain valid income Certificate from the student borrower issued
by the designated State Govt. authority and will establish eligibility of the
borrower strictly as per provisions of the scheme.
(iii) Branches will incorporate/ update the record/data in CBS through menu
option “EDULOANM” (Previously OBEDU) as per operational instructions
issued by our consolidated RBD(A) Circular No. 81/2018 dated 01.10.2018, in
eligible accounts where guidelines stated at para (i) & (ii) above are complied
and eligibility of the borrower, course and institute is established strictly as per
the provisions of the scheme, to ensure lodgement of the claim under the
(iv) The claim in the eligible accounts, so completed / updated in the system
through menu option “EDULOANM” (Previously OBEDU), can be generated
from the CBS through PNBREP 1/46 a (OBC) & 1/46 b(EBC) for period
01.01.2018 to 31.03.2018 for scheme year 2017-18 and for period
01.04.2018 to 30.09.2018 for scheme year 2018-19.
(v) On receipt of the amount from Circle Offices, branches will again ensure that
all the stipulations for determining eligibility stand complied with, before
crediting the subsidy in the individual education loan account of the eligible
(vi) In case of ineligible accounts, if any, the branches will return the amount of
subsidy mentioning valid reasons, to the respective Circle Offices for onward
submission to HO, Retail Banking Division which in turn will remit to
Government of India through Nodal Bank, as per provisions of the scheme.
(vii) The branches will credit interest subsidy amount in the respective partition
account of the eligible borrower/s.
(viii) The branches will certify the interest subsidy claimed in the accounts for
period 01.01.2018 to 31.03.2018 for scheme year 2017-18 and for period
01.04.2018 to 30.09.2018 for scheme year 2018-19, as per Format XII iii- c1,
c2 and c3. This certificate will be signed by the dealing officer & Branch
Incumbent and will be certified by Branch Statutory Auditor/Auditor (in case
of audited branches).
(ix) Branches will keep ready all the relevant records required for statutory audit in
this regard.
(i) Circle Office to ensure that the guidelines and instructions issued, under the
provisions of the scheme, by the Division are percolated to the field
functionaries for meticulous compliance.
(ii) On receipt of the subsidy amount from the Division, Circle will pass on the
same along with account wise detail to their respective branches mentioning
the observation of the Division, if any, for crediting the account of the eligible
borrowers as per the provisions of the scheme.
(iii) Circle Office will call back the amount not passed on to the borrowers /
wrongly received / received in excess from the Division, from its branches
along with the complete details/reasons.
(iv) After consolidating the branch wise and account wise detail of such excess
claim, the Circle Office will remit the consolidated amount to the Division
along with the detail of each account for onward returning of the amount to
Government of India through Nodal Bank as per provisions of the scheme.
(v) Circle Office will collect the Interest Subsidy Claim Certificate Format XII iii
- c1, c2 and c3 in two copies from all the branches under their jurisdiction.
(vii) One copy of the Circle wise consolidated certificate/s duly tallied with that of
the total of all the branches of the Circle, along with one copy of the
individual (audited / unaudited (in case of unaudited branches) certificates of
each branch of the Circle for the above referred period be forwarded to
RBD, HO as per time frame specified under 2nd Dispatch guidelines.
(viii) Soft copy of the above consolidated Certificates as per the format for period
01.01.2018 to 31.03.2018 for scheme year 2017-18 and for period
01.04.2018 to 30.09.2018 for scheme year 2018-19 be also mailed to
(i) The centralized claim generated through the system will be lodged online by
the Division with the nodal bank i.e. Canara Bank on Caret Separated Value
(^ delimited file) making it compatible with the web portal provided by Nodal
Bank, for lodgement of such claims.
(ii) On receipt of the claim amount, from the nodal bank, the same will be sent
to respective Circle Offices by the Division along with the branch wise and
account wise detail for passing on the subsidy to their respective branches
for onward credit to the individual borrower’s account.
(iii) On receipt of the refund amount from Circle Offices which has not been
passed on to the borrowers / wrongly received / received in excess, the
same will be remitted to Government of India through Nodal Bank as per
provisions of the scheme.
Branches are to submit the above claim for the Financial Year 2018-19 w.e.f. 01st
April 2018 to 31st March 2019 (FY2018-19) as per RBI circular No.
DBR.Dir.BC.No.62/04.02.001/2015-16 dated December 04, 2015 on the same terms
and conditions mentioned in Annexure- III.
(a) The rate of interest equalisation @ 3% per annum will be available on Pre and
Post Shipment Rupee Export Credit to specified categories as per RBI
guidelines. RBI vide notification DBR.DIC.BC.NO.09/04.02.001/2018-19 dated
29.11.2018 has advised that it has been decided by the Government of India to
increase Interest Equalisation rate from 3% to 5% w.e.f. November 02, 2018 in
respect of exports by the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector
manufacturers under the Interest Equalisation Scheme on Pre and Post
Shipment Rupee Export Credit. (Refer L&A Cir. No. 120/2018)
(b) The scheme would be applicable w.e.f 01.04.2015 for 5 years. Government,
however, reserves the right to modify / amend the Scheme at any time.
(c) The scheme will be available to all exports under 416 tariff lines [at ITC (HS)
code of 4 digit] as per IRMD (L&A) Circular No. 116/2015 dated 9th Dec 2015
and exports made by Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) across all ITC
(HS) codes.
(e) Banks are required to completely pass on the benefit of interest equalisation, as
applicable, to the eligible exporters upfront and submit the claims to RBI for
(f) Ministry of Commerce and Industry will place funds in advance with RBI for a
requirement of one month and reimbursement would be made on a monthly basis
through a revolving fund system.
(g) All eligible exports under the scheme would have to meet the criteria of minimum
processing for the goods to be called as Originating from India and would be
governed by provision of Paragraph 2.108 (a) (Rules of Origin [Non preferential])
of Handbook of Procedures of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020.
(h) The rebate will be from the date of disbursement and upto the date of repayment
or upto the date beyond which it becomes overdue. Further the benefit is
applicable only during the period till the scheme is in force.
(i) For the period April 1, 2015 to November 30, 2015 and thereafter on a
monthly basis, banks shall identify the eligible exporters as per the Government
of India scheme and credit their accounts with the eligible amount of interest
(ii) From the month of December 2015 onwards, banks shall reduce the
interest rate charged to the eligible exporters as per extant guidelines on
interest rates on advances by the rate of interest equalisation provided by
Government of India.
(iii) The interest equalisation benefit will be available from the date of
disbursement up to the date of repayment or up to the date beyond which the
outstanding export credit becomes overdue. However, the interest equalisation
will be available to the eligible exporters only during the period the scheme is in
5) Proper record of all the claims lodged, reimbursement received and reversed
should be meticulously kept for audit and record at all levels.
NOTE: If there is NIL claim for the Branch, duly signed NIL certificate must be
sent as per prescribed format to their respective Circle Offices .
(a) Circle Offices after scrutinizing and verifying the duly signed and auditor
certified claims received from the branches (including LCBs), will submit a
consolidated Interest Equalization claim of the Circle (including LCBs), duly
signed and certified by Internal Concurrent auditor/ External auditor in the
prescribed format on a monthly basis to Head Office, IBD before 7 th of each
month after ensuring that the claim is as per RBI / Bank’s guidelines.
NOTE: If there is NIL claim for Circle, duly signed NIL certificate to be sent as per
prescribed format.
Zonal Offices will coordinate and ensure timely submission of duly signed
scrutinized and verified auditor certified Circle-wise (including LCBs)
consolidated claim data on interest equalisation rupee export credit, from all the
Circles under their Zone to IBD HO before 7th of each month strictly as per RBI /
Bank’s Guidelines.
IBD after scrutinizing and consolidating the claim received from all
Circles(including LCBs), as per RBI guidelines, shall submit the claim in original
within 15 days from the end of the respective month, with bank’s seal and signed
by authorised person, in the prescribed format to the Chief General Manager,
Department of Banking Regulation, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Shahid
Bhagat Singh Marg, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001 accompanied by an External
Auditor's Certificate, as advised by RBI .
On receipt of reimbursement from RBI, IBD HO will reverse the entry and accord
credit to the respective Circle Offices immediately.
Other Guidelines: The concerned branches, Circle Offices, Zonal Offices and IBD
HO shall keep ready all the relevant records required for statutory audit certifying
that the claims for the equalization for the period 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019 (FY
The branches shall ensure that correct interest has been charged on the specified
category of exporters. Any amount charged in excess is refunded to the concerned
exporter before lodging the claim.
Branches are required to submit this certificate in DICGC through CFA and same is
to be digitally signed.
Branches are required to furnish additional information on deposit as per Statement,
DI, and DI-01& DI-02(Available in CFA). Insurance premium is calculated at H.O.
14. Certificate –Country-wise Exposure (Mid Office Annexures I, II, III &
IV(a),IV(b) & V Mid Office, Integrated Risk Management Division)
II. As per RBI guidelines, Bank has to reckon both funded and non-funded
exposures from their domestic as well as foreign branches while identifying,
measuring, monitoring and controlling country risk. An illustrative list of funded
and non-funded exposures is furnished below:
III. Bank has also to take into account indirect country risk. For example,
exposures to a domestic commercial borrower with a large economic
dependence on a certain country may be considered as subject to
indirect country risk. Indirect exposures have to be reckoned at 50%
of the exposure for the purpose of these guidelines.
IV. Exposures are required to be computed on a net basis i.e., gross exposure
‘minus’ collaterals, guarantees, insurance etc. Netting is permitted for cash
collaterals, bank guarantees and credit insurance available in/ issued by
countries in a lower risk category than the country on which exposure is
VI. The provision for country risk shall be in addition to the provisions required
to be held according to the asset classification status of the asset. In case
of ‘loss assets’ and ‘doubtful assets’, provision (including provision held for
country risk) should not exceed 100% of the outstanding. Hence, please
provide separate detail of country wise exposure reported in Annexure I &
III in respect of Loss & Doubt full assets where 100% provision is held
according to the asset classification status so that further provision is not
made for Country risk for that exposure.
VIII. Branches/Offices having NIL exposure are required to submit the above
statement to their circle/controlling office on Mid-Office Annexure-V.
FORWARD the statements/certificates/information received from branches
(both audited and unaudited) along-with the consolidated position of the
Circle as a whole and submit the same to MID OFFICE, Integrated Risk
Management Division, HO, Dwarka, New Delhi under intimation to their
Zonal Office. Please ensure that Country Risk Exposure should be
verified/signed by concurrent auditor of the branch/office, if any, posted at
the branch/office. While forwarding statements/certificates/information
received from branches under audit and other branches which are not
subject to audit, Circle Offices must ensure that no branch under their
jurisdiction is left.
X. The above statement forms part of the disclosures in the Notes on
Accounts for the financial year ending 31.03.2019. Finance Division, Head
office, has included the above statements in the documents to be signed by
the Statutory Central Auditors. Circle Offices must send the un-audited
information through e-mail (,, along-with the list of branches under their jurisdiction.
Whether the branch is subject to audit or not, should also be mentioned
against each branch. Audited statements be provided immediately at the
completion of statutory audit.
(i) Total amount of unsecured advances for which intangible securities such
as charge over the rights, licenses, authority etc. has been taken.
(ii) The value of such intangible collateral.
In view of the foregoing, it is advised that the Circle Offices will Collect, Scrutinize,
Consolidate and Forward (CSCF) the STATEMENT AS PER FORMAT i.e.
PNB/CAD/US/1 (XII viii), received from branches under audit and un-audited
branches alongwith the consolidated position of the Circle as a whole (including
LCBs, if any) under the signatures of Circle Head to SASTRA (Credit Review &
Monitoring) Division, HO. While forwarding, they must ensure that no branch/ office
under their jurisdiction is missed out. Thus, the Circle Offices will proceed as under:
Will collect and scrutinize the said statement received from each Branch in
their Circle (audited as well as un-audited).
Will forward consolidated statement for the Circle as a whole (including LCBs,
if any) duly signed by the Circle Head. NO BRANCH SHOULD BE MISSED
Will forward duly signed hard copy of the `Consolidation Sheet’ as well as the
soft copy thereof at, or
The format for submission of statement containing 3 parts on the unsecured
exposure has been revised and is enclosed herewith.
17. Certificate of Interest subvention for MSME units registerd under GST
During the current Financial year MSME Division has issued guidelines for
providing 2% interest subvention to MSME units which are registered under
GST and having valid udyog aadhar number(UAN) vide MSME circular no
62/2018 dated 28.12.2018 & circulating format for submission of claims vide
MSME Circular No.09 dated 25.02.2019. The claim of interest subvention for all
eligible accounts of entire Bank is to be submitted by Bank to SIDBI who is
Nodal agency for disbursement of claims to Banks. Every bank has to submit
claim certificate duly certified by Statutory Auditors on half yearly basis to SIDBI
for the demanded claim on the format prescribed by RBI in its circular dated
21.02.2019. Formats of certificate and role of branches/circles and zones will be
communicated by MSME division separately. In case of any query please
Shri Sudhir Kumar, Chief Manager - Mob. No.: 7389908622
Shri Ved Prakash, Sr. Manager (Industry) – Mob. No.: 8800661252
(A) Incumbents Incharge of branches selected for Statutory Audit shall obtain a
certificate (Proforma at Annexure-PMEGP-B) from Statutory Branch Auditors
and forward the same immediately to their respective Circle Offices. Similarly,
branches which are not selected for audit shall forward the certificate, as per
Annexure-PMEGP-A , duly signed by the Incumbents Incharge, to their Circle
Offices immediately after the close of the financial year alongwith usual
closing returns.
(B) Subsidy claim certificate for the financial year 2018-19 should include those
cases for the Programme Year 2018-19, which were lodged during the
Financial Year 2018-19.
Compilation of PMEGP at Circle level for audited and unaudited branches should
be done (Proforma at Annexure PMEGP-C) and be sent to Head Office: MSME
Division, 4th Floor, Sector-10, Dwarka, Delhi-110075 along with branch wise Audit
Certificates as per Proforma Annexure PMEGP A and Annexure PMEGP B for
unaudited and audited branches respectively.
Incumbents Incharge and Circle Heads are requested for meticulous compliance of
these instructions for smooth conduct of the audit work.
19. Subsidy utilization Certificate under Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme
Branches who have received subsidy under CLCSS during the FY 2018-19,
are required to furnish certificate as per Annexure- CLCSS-1, (will be
generated through Non CBS-CBPMS link) confirming that the claims made
by their branch are as per the guidelines under Ministry of MSME. In case
certificate reveals excess/short claims, the same will be rectified by
recoveries/adjustments against future claims. The said certificate for
preceding financial year is required to be furnished by the said branch before
submission of claims for the following financial year. In case the certificate is
not furnished by the said branch in respect of claims for the preceding
financial year, the claim(s) for the following financial year will not be paid.
2) Branches, who have not received any Subsidy amount from the HO: MSME
Division during the financial year 2018-19 under CLCSS, are required to
submit NIL Certificates to their Circle Offices.
3) However Every Circle Office should submit a list of branches under their
control showing amount of subsidy received during FY 2018-19 against each
branch, as per Annexure-CLCSS-2 (XII x –b) .
Centralised Financial Audit (CFA) - web application: A web application i.e. CFA
(Centralised Financial Audit) developed by Finance Division for posting & online
submission of various reports viz. pertaining to Tax Audit and Long Form Audit
Report and Statements of Restructured Accounts (Non CDR) and templates of Rs.1
Crore and above for calculation of diminution in fair value, in restructured accounts,
by the Branches and Circle Offices, is available on CBS Main page under Non CBS
Formats and templates in respect of restructured accounts (Non CDR) of Rs.1 Crore
and above are available in Centralised Financial Audit (CFA) for which, LOGIN ID
and password is separately provided by Finance Division, Head Office.
Statements and template relating to NON CDR restructured accounts, as per details
given below are to be uploaded:
Formats in respect of above statements and templates are also attached herewith.
The Branches having accounts of eligible borrowers under TUFS are required to
furnish certificate as per Annexure- TUFS (MSE)-1 (will be generated through
Non CBS-CBPMS link) confirming that the claims made by their branch are as
per the guidelines under TUFS. The said certificate for preceding financial year
is required to be furnished by the said branch before submission of interest
reimbursement/Capital Subsidy claims for the following financial year. In case the
certificate is not furnished by the said branch in respect of claims for the
preceding financial year, the claim(s) for the following financial year will not be
2) Branches, who have not received any Subsidy amount from the HO MSME
Division during the financial year 2018-19 under TUFS SSI cases, are
required to submit NIL statement to their Circle Office.
6) However Every Circle Office should submit a list of branches under their
control showing amount of subsidy received during FY 2018-19 against each
branch, as per Annexure-TUFS (MSE)-2 (XII xii b).
Bank has decided not to share the recoveries with DICGC w.e.f. 01.11.2002
and to keep the amount of share of DICGC in Sundry Account. The format is
accordingly amended so as to depict factual position.
the certificates received both, from branches under audit and un-audited
branches to the PS&FI Division, for consolidation and getting them
verified and certified from the SCAs at the corporate level.
The Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai vide its Circular RBI/2018-
19/FIDD,GSDD,CO,BC.NO. 1030/09.01.003/2018-19 dated October 31st, 2018 has
issued detailed guidelines for operationalization of the interest Subvention Scheme
I. Interest subvention scheme for the SHG credit during the year 2018-19 in
250 districts.
Interest subvention scheme on credit to Women SHGs during the Year 2018-19 for
all Commercial Banks (only Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks and Regional
Rural Banks) and Co-operative Banks in 250 districts.
1. All women SHGs will be eligible for interest subvention to avail the credit up to
Rs. 3 lakhs at 7% per annum. SHGs which have availed capital subsidy under
S.G.S.Y in their existing loans, will not be eligible for benefit for their subsisting loan
under this scheme.
2. Bank will lend to all the women SHGs at the rate of 7% in the 250 districts
(Annexure-1 )
3. Bank will be sub vented to the extent of difference between the Weighted
Average Interest charged (WAIC as specified by Ministry of Finance, Department of
Financial Services,- Annexure II) and 7% subject to the maximum limit of 3.40%, for
the FY-2018-19. This subvention will be available to banks on the condition that they
make SHG credit available at 7% p.a. in the 250 districts.
4. Further, the SHGs will be provided with an additional 3% subvention on
prompt repayment of loan. For the purpose of the Interest Subvention of additional
3% on prompt repayment, an SHG account will be considered as prompt payee if
it satisfies the following criterion as specified by RBI:
b. For the Term loans: A term loan account where all of the interest payments
and/or instalments of principal were paid within 30 days of the due date during the
tenure of the loan, would be considered as an account having prompt payment.
II. Interest Subvention Scheme for the Category II Districts (other than 250
For the category II districts, comprising of districts other than the above 250 districts,
all women SHGs under N.R.L.M will continue to be eligible for interest subvention to
avail the loan facility at an interest rate of 7%. The funding for this subvention will be
provided to the State Rural Livelihoods Missions (S.R.L.Ms). The State-wise
distribution of the provision under this budget head would be determined each year.
In the Category II districts, Banks will charge the SHGs as per their respective
lending norms to the SHGs and the difference between the lending rates and 7%
subject to a maximum limit of 3.40% for the year 2018-19 will be subvented in the
loan accounts of the SHGs by the SRLM. In pursuance of the above, the salient
features and the operational guidelines in respect of the interest subvention for the
category II, for the year 2018-19, are as follows:
All the banks who are operating on the Core Banking Solution (CBS) are required to
furnish the details of the Credit disbursement and credit outstanding of SHGs
across all districts in the desired format as given by the MORD, directly from the
CBS platform, to the Ministry of Rural Development (through FTP) and to the
SRLMs. The information should be provided on a monthly basis to facilitate the
calculation of the Interest Subvention amount to SHGs.
1. All women SHGs, comprising of more than 70% BPL or rural poor members
(rural poor as per the Participatory Identification Process) are regarded as NRLM.
Such SHGs comprising of rural poor members from the intended NRLM target group
will be eligible for interest subvention to avail the credit up to Rs. 3 lakhs at the rate
of 7% per annum on prompt repayment.
3. The SHGs will be sub vented with the extent of difference between the
Lending Rate of the banks and 7% subject to a maximum limit of 3.40% for the year
2018-19 by the SRLMs, directly on a monthly/quarterly basis. An e-transfer of the
subvention amount will be made by the SRLM to the loan accounts of the SHGs who
have repaid promptly.
5. Women SHGs who have availed capital subsidy under S.G.S.Y in their
existing loans will not be eligible for benefit of Interest Subvention for their subsisting
loan under this scheme.
Annexure I
1 Guntur 1 Bijapur 1 Agra
2 Krishna 2 Chamrajnagar 2 Aligarh
3 Srikakulam 3 Chitradurga 3 Auraiya
4 East Godavari 4 Gulbarga 4 Basti
5 Vijaynagram 5 Mysore 5 Bijnor
6 Visakhapatnam 6 Tumkur 6 Lakhimpur Kheri
1 East Siang 8 Koppal 8 Varanasi
2 East Kameng MADHYA PRADESH 9 Bara banki
3 Papumpare 1 Sager 10 Gorakhpur
4 Lohit 2 Damoh 11 Lucknow
ASSAM 3 Tikamgarh 12 Chandauli
1 Chirang 4 Panna 13 Mirzapur
2 Karbi Anglong 5 Chahatapur 14 Sonbhadra
3 Sonitpur 6 Jhabua 15 Badaun
4 Tinsukiya 7 Dhar 16 Hardoi
5 Hailakandi 8 Annupur 17 Etwah
6 Dhemeji 9 Balaghat 18 Azamgarh
7 Jorhat 10 Dindori 19 Allahabad
8 Nagaon 11 Mandala 20 Ambedkarnagar
BIHAR 12 Seoni 21 Bahraich
1 Saharsa 13 Shahdol 22 Deoria
2 Supaul 14 Sidhi 23 Jalaun
3 Madhepura 15 Umaria 24 Hamirpur
4 Nalanda 16 Chhindwara 25 Banda
5 Khagria 17 Singrauli WEST BENGAL
6 EastChamparan (Motihari) 18 Badwani 1 Alipurdwar
7 Arwal 19 Sheopur 2 Purba Medinipur
8 Aurangabad 20 Alirajpur 3 South 24 Parganas
9 Gaya MAHARASHTRA 4 Bankura
10 Jamui 1 Solapur 5 Medinipur West
11 Jehanabad 2 Ratnagiri 6 Coochbehar
12 Kaimur 3 Thane 7 Birbhum
13 Munger 4 Wardha 8 Puruliya
14 Nawada 5 Beed TELANGANA
15 Rohtas 6 Sindhurdurg 1 Mahabubnagar
16 Paschim Champaran 7 Chandrapur 2 Adilabad
17 Sitamarhi 8 Gadchiroli 3 Warangal
CHATTISGARH 9 Gondia 4 Khammam
1 Balarampur 10 Jalna 5 Karimnagar
2 Surajpur 11 Osmanabad KERALA
3 Sukama 12 Nandurbar 1 Idukki
4 Kondagaon 13 Yavatmal 2 Vayanadu
ODISHA 3 Pallakkad
5 Gariyaband 1 Angul 4 Mallapuram
6 Baloda Bazar 2 Bhadrak HARYANA
7 Dhamtari 3 Balasore 1 Mahendergarh
8 Raigarh 4 Cuttack 2 Karnal
9 Bastar 5 Balangir 3 Jind
10 Bijapur 6 Devagarh 4 Mewat
11 Dantewada 7 Gajapati 5 Bhiwani
Annexure II
For the computation of capital charge for Operational Risk under Basic Indicator
Approach (BIA), the “Income from Legal Settlement & Insurance Claims” is to be
booked correctly by all the offices.
In terms of HO-IRMD Circular No. 14/2013 dated 20.05.2013, all branches, Circle
Offices (COs), Zonal Manager’s Offices (ZOs), Zonal Audit Offices (ZAOs), HO-
GL Revenue
Sl. Revenue Description of
Sub Sub-code Created for
No Code code
Head No.
Income from All Branches/Circle
1 20616 45250 2061605
Legal Settlement Offices/Offices other
Income from than HO Divisions &
2 20616 45250 2061606
Insurance Claim ZAOs
Income from
3 20616 HO616 20616105 All HO: Divisions
Legal Settlement
Income from
4 20616 HO616 20616106 All Zonal Audit Offices
Insurance Claim
It may be observed that two sets of revenue sub-codes have been created in CBS –
One applicable for HO Divisions & ZAOs and the other for all branches/Cos/other
Amount of Income from Legal Settlement decided in favour of the Bank: This
pertains to income received on a/c of legal settlements decided in favour of the bank
and the amount that has been credited into P & L a/c (PNB 260). This income shall
NOT INCLUDE the recovery of interest or other charges in borrowal accounts.
Given below are two such examples which are illustrative and not exhaustive in
(i) Bank booked a car by paying advance payment but the dealer was not able to
deliver the car for a long. The bank filed a suit and was awarded refund of
amount along-with payment of compensation. The compensation received over
and above the amount paid and cost of suit was credited in the P & L account.
Only that portion over and above the amount paid and cost of suit will be
booked against Revenue sub code 2061605 & 20616105.
(ii) In any suit involving bank (not in lender capacity e.g. defamation suit etc.) and
case is decided in favour of the bank and receives some amount and the same
is credited to P & L account net of expenses incurred. Such amount shall be
booked against Revenue sub code 2061605 & 20616105.
Amount of Income from Insurance Claims decided in favour of the Bank: This
pertains to income received on account of insurance claims decided in favour of the
bank and the amount has been credited into P & Loss Statement (PNB 260). This
income shall NOT INCLUDE the recovery of interest or other charges in borrowal
accounts. Given below are two such examples which are illustrative and not
exhaustive in nature:
(i) One of the Bank’s car, having Book value Rs. 0.80 lacs and insurance amount
of Rs. 1.00 lacs, met an accident and got totally damaged. Insurance claim of
Rs. 1.00 lacs was received. The insurance claim received over and above the
Book value was credited in the P & L account. Only that portion over and above
the book value of the asset will be booked against Revenue sub code 2061606
& 20616106.
(ii) In case of insurance of primary/ collateral security charged in favour of the bank
and thus insurance is obtained in Bank’s name. The amount of claim received is
credited to borrowers’ account and any amount received over and above the
bank’s dues is refunded to borrower. In this case, NO amount is credited to P&L
a/c and thus NO amount shall be booked against Revenue Sub Code 2061606
& 20616106.
The incomes booked under the new revenue codes will be got audited by the Central
/ Branch Statutory Auditors (CSAs) before finalization of Balance Sheet in the
following format:
(Amount in Rs.)
Amt Amt Amt Amt Total
for 1st for 2nd for 3rd for 4th Amount
Sr. Code quarter quarter quarter quarter for the
No. No. ended ended ended ended Financial
Jun, Sep, Dec, Mar, year
2018 2018 2018 2019 2018-19
Amount of
Income from
2061605 /
1. 20616105
decided in
favour of the
Amount of
2061606 /
Income from
2. 20616106
Further, offices booking income/reversing the entries booked earlier under these
revenue sub-codes are to submit the additional information as per following formats:
a) Revenue Code: 2061605 – Income from Legal Settlement: Details of
income from legal settlement and justification for reversal of entry (ies) in
CBS, if any.____________________________________________________
b) Revenue Code: 2061606 – Income from Insurance Claim:
Na ok
me Val Clai
Detail Origi unt
S of Date Depreci ue m Inco
D. s of nal of
r. the of ation of Amo me Rem
N Items Purc Clai
N Bra Purc (up to the unt boo arks
O. Dama hase m
o. nch hase date) Ite Recei ked
ged Value Lod
/Offi m ved
ce (F-
Authorized Signatory
26. CGTMSE A/B/C (Link available at main screen of Non CBS –CBPMS) (XII
xv a-c)
Bank is required to send the certificate to CGTMSE duly signed by the
Statutory Auditors that recoveries made post settlement of claims have been
fully passed on to CGTMSE as per the provisions of the Credit Guarantee
Scheme. The said certificate is required to be submitted once in a year i.e. as on
March 31 of every year. Details are as follows:-
The formats for the LFAR provided by RBI vide their circular
No.DBS.CO.PP.BC.11/11.01.005/2001-2002 dt.17.4.2002, are explained below:
At Branch Office
1. From the Financial Year 2012-13, the system of sending hard copies of Long
Form Audit Report has been replaced by on-line submission of digitally signed
2. The format of LFAR and the annexure / templates for recording of account -
wise observations of the Statutory Auditors will be made available in the ‘CFA’
(an in-house developed web application) for downloading/filling. The
operational guidelines regarding the Digitalized version of LFAR will also be
placed in the same web application.
5. All branches under Audit must compile / prepare and keep Annexure F (i.e.
large / irregular / critical borrowal loan accounts outstanding of Rs. 2 crores
and above) ready with all the data well in advance for audit and for auditor's
certification/ observations. Branch incumbents should be ready with
necessary data / information before commencement of audit, which is crucial
for the successful implementation of Digitalized LFAR.
6. Branches should ensure that comments proposed in LFAR are discussed with
the auditors and are based on facts & figures. Branches should also ensure
that Long Form Audit is completed simultaneously with the Statutory Audit. It
should be ensured that the irregularities/deficiencies are removed on the spot
to the extent possible and the report is clean.
8. It may be noted that no change shall be permitted in the Long Form Audit
Report after it has been digitally signed. If any change is necessary, the report
has to be digitally signed again.
10. Branches should remove irregularities pointed out in LFAR on priority basis
and submit regular progress report to the respective Circle Head / Zonal
Manager who is empowered to drop/mark off the items*.
Circle Offices should finalize the Circle LFAR as per format (Annexure-'G')
simultaneously with the progress of audit and ensure to submit the same to
Finance Division by 26th April 2019.
4. Immediately on receipt of LFAR from branches, Circle Offices (for other than
LCBs)/ Zonal Offices (In case of LCBs only) should go through the Inspection
Report of the concerned branches/ LCB vis-à-vis LFAR and mark off the
irregularities in the LFAR, which also appear in Inspection Report of the
branches so that these can be followed up through the Inspection file and
there is no duplication of such irregularities.
7. Vigorous follow up be made with the branches by the respective Circle Offices
(for other than LCBs)/ Zonal Offices (In case of LCBs only) and it should be
ensured that all irregularities pointed out in the branch LFARs are removed
before 31st August 2019.
8. The Circle Offices (for other than LCBs)/ Zonal Offices (In case of LCBs only)
should ensure that all the irregularities are dropped/ marked off and progress
report/closure report (Annexure – H) is submitted to the Finance Division, HO
New Delhi, within the stipulated time schedule i.e. latest by 31.08.2019
positively to enable Finance Division to place the closure report to Audit
Committee of the Board for approval, within the stipulated time.
9. Besides, Circle Offices/ Zonal Offices are also required to submit progress
(reply of branches along with dropping confirmation) by 20.07.2019 on all the
irregularities incorporated by the Statutory Central Auditors (SCAs) in Bank’s
LFAR (which will be conveyed separately by Finance Division, HO: New
Delhi) to enable Finance Division, HO: New Delhi to place the bank’s reply
before ACE/ACB/Board, for approval and onward submission to RBI with in
the stipulated time.
(To be submitted by Circles/ Zonal Offices to Finance Division, HO: New Delhi
From First week of May 2019 on weekly basis)
In terms of section 44AB of the Income-Tax Act, 1961, the Bank is under statutory
obligation to get the tax audit conducted for the financial year 2018-19. Bank’s tax
audit will be conducted by the Central Statutory Auditors on the basis of:-
(i) The tax audit reports to be submitted by the respective auditors (Form 3CA &
Form 3CD) along with Annexure & Inputs in case of audited branches and
administrative offices and
(ii) Statements (Form 3CD) along with Annexure & Inputs by the Branch Heads
of unaudited branches/ offices.
The Tax Audit Report is to be submitted on-line through a web application namely
CFA (Centralized Financial Audit). Detailed guidelines for feeding the data in various
annexure, Input Sheet, preparation and download of Audit Report (3CD) has been
provided in the CFA for user.
For the purpose of tax audit, a questionnaire as per Form 3CD consisting of 44
clauses in which information/comments of the auditor in case of audited
branches/offices and statements in case of unaudited branches/offices is required to
be filled in. Certain new clauses have been incorporated in the Tax audit Report
(Form 3CD) requiring additional information. The auditors are required to give their
Tax Audit Report as per Form 3CA as prescribed under the Income Tax Rules. Most
of the clauses of Form 3CD is either not applicable as Assessee being a bank or to
be done at HO level. The clauses where information/ comments are required as part
of tax audit report, are being captured/reported through various Annexures.
Accordingly, the Annexure along with Form 3CD & Form 3CA have been customized
and facilitated in CFA.
Tax Audit Report (Form 3CA and 3CD) in case of audited branches is to be
digitally signed by auditor and Branch Heads.
Circle offices to ensure that all the branches/offices compile their Tax Audit
Report as per prescribed annexures having certain data so that the same may
be timely submitted properly through CFA.
(a.) The data should be fed in the Annexure and Input Sheet as listed below. After
completion of feeding, it should be signed (digitally) by Branch Heads and Auditors in
case of audited branches/offices. Thereafter, One set of soft copy (branch copy) of
tax audit report (PDF) as fed in CFA be downloaded, got signed by the auditor in
case of audited offices and kept as branch copy. It has been observed that in most of
the branches, there is NIL information in many Annexure and submitting such
Annexure having NIL information serves no purpose. Rather, it results in wastage of
man power delaying thereof the compilation process of Tax audit at HO level.
Therefore, only those Annexure having some information/data is to be
submitted and all others having NIL information are not to be submitted.
(b.) Nodal Officer at Circle Office to ensure that all the Branches under their
command have submitted correct data in Annexure within the prescribed time limit
as per the guidelines of the Bank.
(c.) Branches/offices selected for audit, are advised to prepare and keep ready the
Tax Audit Report as per enclosed Performa for submission to the Branch Statutory
Auditors. The Branch Heads should impress upon the branch auditors that the
branch tax audit is conducted simultaneously with the statutory audit as no separate
TA/DA is payable to them for a second visit for Tax Audit.
(d.) In the case of unaudited branches/offices, the Branch Heads should feed the
statements of Tax Audit Report prepared as per the Annexure and Inputs facilitated
in CFA latest by 10.4.2019 without fail.
(e.) It may be mentioned here that wrong reporting of information may cause
additional Tax liability to the Bank. While preparing the tax audit report, the
branches/offices are advised to keep in mind the action points given below
every item of Annexure/statement, and wherever required to get the reporting
modified/ amended from Statutory Auditors before submitting Tax Audit
(a.)Access to CFA has also been provided for Circle Offices to check the
correctness of data and submission thereof of TAR of all the offices/branches
under their jurisdiction. Circle Office will ensure that Tax Audit Reports of all
the sols has been submitted within the prescribed time limit with correct data
and send confirmation for the same to Finance Division (Taxation Cell) at by 16.04.2019.
(b.) As per guidelines issued by GSAD, HO, Circle Offices prepare schedule-X of
premises, other Fixed assets (SFF & MCC), software & leased Assets for the Circle
(all sols) as a whole and forward the same to GSAD, HO along with consolidated soft
as well as hard copy of Annexure VA to VD. However, it has been generally
observed that information provided in Annexure VA to VD of tax Audit Reports does
not match with the figure reported as above causing delay in compilation/
consolidation of Tax Audit of the bank as a whole at HO level.
Circle office will ensure that the figure reported by the branches in the Annexure VA
to VD of Tax audit Report must tally with the information provided to GSAD for
Further, all the Annexure and Input Sheet required to be submitted in Tax Audit
report should be got duly audited from the auditors.
(a) the audited Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 2019;
(c) documents declared by the said Act to be part of, or annexed to, the said Profit
and Loss Account and Balance Sheet in which are incorporated the returns of ( i )
______ branches audited by us, (ii) ______branches and _______other controlling
offices and ATM Centres audited by other auditors and (iii) unaudited returns in
respect of ___________branches not visited by us . (Applicable at HO Level)
( )
Place: Partner
Date: ,2019 Membership No.
(Firm’s Name)
Chartered Accountants,
9. (a) If firm or association of persons, indicate names NOT APPLICABLE
of partners/members and their profit sharing ratios.
(b) If there is any change in the partners or NOT APPLICABLE
members or in their profit sharing ratio since the
last date of the preceding year, the particulars of
such change
10. (a) Nature of business or profession (if more than Banking, Treasury and
one business or profession is carried on during the other ancillary/ related
previous year, nature of every business or business
(b) If there is any change in the nature of business Nil
or profession, the particulars of such change.
11. (a) Whether books of account are prescribed under No books of account are
section 44AA, if yes, list of books so prescribed.prescribed under
Sec.44AA for Banking
(b) List of books of account maintained and the As per Annexure II
address at which the books of accounts are kept.
i. Details of property
ii. Considerations received /accrued
iii. Value adopted or assessed or assessable.
18. Particulars of depreciation allowable as per the
Income Tax Act, 1961 in respect of each asset or
block of assets, as the case may be, in the
following form :-
(a) Description of asset/block of assets. To be done at HO level.
(b) Rate of depreciation.
(c) Actual cost of written down value, as the case
may be.
(d) Additions/deductions during the year with dates; Refer Annexure – VA,
in the case of any addition of an asset, date put to VB, VC & VD for the year
use; including adjustments on account of – ended 31-03-2019.
i) Central Value Added Tax credits claimed and
allowed under the Central Excise Rules, 1944, in
respect of assets acquired on or after 1st March,
ii) change in rate of exchange of currency, and
iii) subsidy or grant or reimbursement, by whatever
name called.
(e) Depreciation allowable.
(f) Written down value at the end of the year
iii)Net profit/turnover
iv) Stock-in-trade/turnover
Membership No.
Dated :-
Place :-
Annexure I
Annexure II
All the following transactions are captured code wise in Centralised Banking
Solutions (CBS):
1. Cash transactions, Transfer entries, Clearing Report, Deposit A/c, Advances A/c,
Bills Report, GL/SGL, Revenue Statement, Imprest Report, Suspense statement,
Sundry statement, L/C, L/G Report, Overdraft statement, Cash Order issue Report,
Cash Order Payment Report, Draft Issue Report, Investment Report.
2. Fixed assets Register.
Out of the above, Branches/COs/HO Divisions maintained such books which are
necessary for the purpose of carrying out business for complying with the HO
Cash transactions, Transfer entries, Clearing Report, Deposit A/c, Advances A/c,
Bills Report, GL/SGL, Revenue Statement, Imprest Report, Suspense statement,
Sundry statement, L/C/ L/G Report, Overdraft Statement, Cash Order Issue Report,
Cash Order Payment Report, Draft Issue Report, Investment Report.
Seal Date
Membership No.
The Bank is generally following accrual system of accounting, read with Significant
Accounting Policies of the bank detailed in Schedule 17 of the annexed Balance
Sheet as at 31st March 2019, except the following:
Seal Date
Membership No.
1. Purchases of Block Assets made in Year 2018-19 shown in Col.(5) at Sl.No.10 to tally with col.B-I of SFF (PNB 263-Part 1) statement of YEAR
ended 31.03.2019
2. Original purchase price of computer software capitalized at Circles to be reported in col.(5) at Sl.No.9. It may be noted that figures of purchase price
of computer software capitalized during the year is to be reported and not book Value (which denotes original purchase price minus depreciation)
3. Amount booked by branches under Revenue Code No. 11425 for purchasing computer software upto Rs.5000/-to be reported in col.(5) at S.No.11.
Any amount of repair, computer stationery, AMC etc. booked, if any, under this Revenue Code not to be reported. This should tally with the Annexure
i.e. Capital Expenditure booked to Revenue.
4. Figures of Sale Price of SFF Items sold during the YEAR ended MARCH 2019 to be reported in col. (16).In case any SFF items is written off then its
book value is to be reported in column no. 16
5. Figure of Sale Price/Written Off in Col (16) at Sr. No. 10 to tally with at A plus B of PNB 263 Part C.
DETAILS OF MCC PUT TO USE & SOLD/WRITTEN OFF DURING THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 2019 (Amt. in Rs.) Item Total Addition Assets Purchased Prior to Assets Purchased Assets Assets Put to use Assets not Sale
During 2018-19 1/4/2018 but not put to use in 1st Half Year Purchased put to use till Value /
in 2nd Half 31st March written
Year 2019 off
Ist 2nd Tot-al Opening Put Put Not put Not Put to Not But not 1st Half 2nd Half
Half Half Balance to to to use put use in put to put to use
on use use till 31st to 2nd use till 31st
1/4/2018 in in March use Half till March
1st 2nd 2019 till Year 31st 2019
Half Half 30th March
Year Year Sept. 2019
1 2 3 4 5=3+4 6(a) 6 7 8=6a- 9 10 11=9- 12 13=(3+6- 14=(4+7+10-12) 15=(8+11+12) 16
(6+7) 10 9)
Cars & Jeep,
Vans & Buses,
Motor Cycle,
Scooter & Cycles
1. Purchases of Block Assets made in financial Year ended 31.03.2019 shown in Col.(5) to tally with col. B-I of MCC (PNB
263-Part II) statement for the year ended 31.03.2019
2. Figures of Sale Price of MCC Items sold during the year ended MARCH 2019 to be reported in col. (16). In case MCC item
is written off then its book value is to be reported in column no. 16
Particulars Amt. in Rs
Certified that value of premises ( L&B ) tallies with the Head "Premises" (Code No.
62710/62799 of Balance Sheet as at 31.03.2019) and also with Schedule 10 of Balance
Sheet as at 31.03.2019. Figures of depreciation should tally with the total of the head
“Depreciation on Bank's own Premises" (Code No. 10730 ) of P&L Account for the year
ended 31.03.2019.
Statutory Auditor
(AMT. IN Rs.)
Under Construction Construction In use COL. 3 TO 8 before 31.3.18,
completed but not TO 8 but put to use
put to use during the
01.04.2018 to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
(2) In case of Buildings where ever the cost of land & construction made thereon is inseparable then the cost of construction charged to the debit
of Head "Premises" is to be reported in Col.No.4,6 or 8.
(3) The total of Addition of "Premises" during the year as per Column 10 (Grand Total) should tally with Additions shown
in Schedule 10 of Balance Sheet.
(i) Expenditures required to be debited to SFF, MCC, Land and buildings are of capital expenditure. If such expenditures are debited to
Revenue instead of SFF/MCC/Land & Building as the case may be, then MOC should be passed to rectify the entry before finalizing P &
L statement for 31.03.2019.
(ii) Any MOC suggested by Branch Auditor when given effect at Circle/ Head Office, will have the effect of reversing the wrong debit to
revenue. It is to ensure that entries, in respect of which MOCs given by Auditors have been passed to capitalize the item, are not
Debited to Revenue Code 11420 of P&L A/c. Give reve-nue Amount Date of payment
Sl. Name of Name of Entra Subscription Cost of Club code if any
No. the club Employee nce fees Services other head
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Amt Nature (8) (9) (10)
(6) (7)
A. Debit to Revenue Code 11420 of Profit & Loss A/c:
Grand Total
Statutory Auditor
S1. No. Nature of penalty or fine or for any violation Amt. Remarks
of law for the time being in force/an offence (Rs.)
or which is prohibited by law
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Sl.No Date of Credit/ Payment Amount of payment Nature of Expenditure TDS to be deducted Resident/Non-resident Remarks
Statutory Auditor
Sl.No Date of Credit/ Amount of payment/Expenditure Nature of payment/Expenditure TDS (tax) Resident/Non-resident Remarks
payment deducted
Statutory Auditor
Note: Auditor should also verify that the particulars given under this clause do not differ from the particulars given under clause
34 of Form no. 3CD to the extent applicable.
Payment of expenditure made other than by account payee cheque or demand Draft in excess of Rs.10,000/- which have been
debited to P & L account in 2018-19
Sl.No. Nature and Date of Amount Name and Reasons for Revenue
particulars of revenue payment Permanent making cash Code
expenditure & debited Account payment in Debited
to which head Number of the excess of
payee, if Rs.10,000/-
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)
Statutory Auditor
Guidance Note:
(i) Only those payments which are made to the debit of any revenue expenditure head if made in cash in excess of Rs.10,000/- should
be reported.
(ii) On Account’ (through employee’s/party’s Bank account) or payment to the debit of Suspense account as advance for LFC,
purchase or Impersonal Accounts or Capital Accounts (for purchase of SFF/MCC etc) not to be reported here, but adjustment
against such `On Account` payments if routed through Profit & Loss account to be reported.
Amount of interest paid to the Micro Small & Medium Enterprises under section 23 of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises
Development Act, 2006
Sl.No. Name of the enterprise Amount of Date of payment Period of delay Amount of interest
covered under expenditure paid
MSMED Act, 2006
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)
Sr. Name of Name of Designation Emoluments Traveling Halting Meeting INTT. IN Total( col
No. Circle/Divn. Director Paid including Expenses expenses Fees DEPOSIT 5+6+7+8+9)
employer’s (Board- ACCOUNTS
contribution ing &
to PF Lodging
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Any Statutory Payment such as in the nature of any tax & interest on Public Financial Institutions, duty, cess or fee payable by whatever name
called and amount payable in lieu of any leave by the Bank under any law for the time being in force and Interest on borrowings/refinance from
Public Financial Institutions e.g. SIDBI/IDBI, EXIM to be reported.
S.No Nature Amount Amount Amt. Whether Amount paid against Date of Balance Remarks
of incurred paid Outstanding passed col. No. 5 after last pay- outstanding on
liability during during the as on through the day of the year i.e ment the date of the
the year year in 31.3.2019 P&L A/c from 1.4.2019, to the audit report
ended respect of (indicate date of signing this
March column Yes or No) form
2019 No. 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Guidance Note:
(i) Commercial expenditure like water, lighting and electricity charges (code no. 10520),Expenditure on Bank Premises (Revenue code
10530) are not to be reported as these are not Statutory payments
(ii) Provident / Pension contribution SHOULD NOT be reported under above item as information in this regard is to be reported under
Annexure -VI.
(iii) Payment made after the submission of Tax Audit Report, as mentioned in Column No. 7 should be intimated to HO Finance Division
(Taxation Cell) immediately along with the proof of payment viz copy of challan etc.
(iv) Note to report amount paid /shown in Col. No.(4 ) also in Col. No. (3).
Opening Balance
(if any)
CENVAT Availed
CENVAT Utilised
Closing/ Outstanding
Statutory Auditor
Guidance Note:
i. Prior period items refer only to Income which arise in current period as a result of
errors or omissions in preparation of financial statements of one or more prior periods.
(iii) Entries booked in prior period based on accounting estimates which by nature are
approximations may need revision as additional information became known in current
period e.g. Income recognized on outcome of contingency which previously could
not be estimated reliably does not constitute a prior period item. In such cases,
though income may relate to earlier year, it can be considered as arising on basis that
liability materialized or crystallized during the current financial year and such cases are not
to be reported under this clause.
(iv) All foreseeable income to be booked on accrual basis. MOC given by branch
auditor to be given effect before finalizing P& L statement of 31.3.2019. Check if MOC
passed at CO/HO level and if so then such entries not to be reported.
(v) Thorough scrutiny of items based on facts to be done before reporting entries giving
reasons for crediting income of prior year(s) booked in this year in Col. No. (6).
(vi) The objective of reporting prior period items is to know their material impact on P&L
of current period.
Statutory Auditor
Guidance Note:
(i) In case of non-receipt of bills/demand, estimated amount based on past bills/demand
to be booked. Only expenditure items which crystallized in previous year and for
which no MOC was given effect at branch / circle/HO level and expenditure
booked during current year are to be reported .
(ii) Thorough scrutiny of entries based on facts to be done before reporting as
income tax authorities do not allow prior period expenditure; Branch to give
detailed reasons for debiting expenditure of prior period in this year in Col. No.(6).
(iii) Payment of rent “revised” on or after 1.4.2018 from back date for months of
previous year booked during 2018-19 is not prior period expenditure.
(iv) Payment of arrears of salary on wage revision, salary for suspended /dismissal
period on reinstatement by Disciplinary Authority/order of Court, of past period, paid
during 2018-19 is not prior period expenditure.
(v) Officiating allowance (OA) is paid in succeeding months for total no. of days of month
an employee has worked in branch. OA for March, 2019 paid in April, 2019 and
likewise OA for March, 2018 paid in April 2018 should not be treated as prior-period
(vi) Any refund of interest/charges/Commission of/LG etc. arrived in financial year 2018-
19 should not be treated as prior period expenditure
(vii) Interest for past period paid at the time of renewal of FDR is not prior period as
depositor’s decision to renew/to encash has happened in financial year 2018-19.
Payment of interest for past period on settlement of claims in financial year 2018-19
in favor of legal heirs in case of deceased depositor’s FDRs, is not prior period.
Name of Branch :
Clause 34 (a) Whether the assessee is required to deduct as per the provisions of
Chapter XVII-B or Chapter XVII-BB, if yes please furnish:
Secti Natur Total Total Total Amoun Total Amoun Amount
(TA on e of amoun amoun amoun t of tax amoun t of tax of tax
N) paym t of t on t on deduct t on deduct deducted
ent payme which which ed out which ed on not
nt of tax tax of (6) tax (8) deposite
the was was was d to the
nature require deduct deduct credit of
specifi d to be ed at ed at the
ed in deduct specifi less Central
colum ed out ed rate than Governm
n (3) of (4) out of specifi ent out of
(5) ed rate (6) and
out of (8)
1 2 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Note: (i) Since the reporting under column (4) is required to be made with regard to the
nature of payments made, there may be a difference in the amounts reported under
column (4) and column (5). The reasons for difference may be applicability of
certificates issued under section 195/197 or threshold limits provided in specific
sections or difference of opinion with regard to applicability of a particular
section and the like.
(ii) In column (6) to furnish the total amount out of the amount deductible as mentioned
in column (5) at which the tax was deducted at the specified rate. In case tax deducted
at source at a rate lower than the specified rate on the basis of certificate issued under
section 195 or 197, the lower rate or nil rate, as the case may be, will be considered as
the specified rate for the purpose of reporting under this clause.
In the case of payment to non-residents the applicable rate of tax deduction at source
is to be read along with the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement.
(iii) Column (8) requires to furnish the total amount out of the amount deductible as
mentioned in column (5) at which the tax was deducted at the rate less than the
specified rate. The lesser deduction is required to be reported in this clause. This will
include deduction at a lower rate than what is prescribed, application of wrong section
(iv) The information given in clause 34 should tally with the disallowances
reported u/s 40(a) in clause 21(b) to the extent applicable.
Statutory Auditor
34 (b) Whether the assessee has furnished the statement of tax deducted within the
prescribed time. If not, please furnish the details:
TAN Type of Due date for Date of Whether the statement
Form furnishing furnishing, if of tax deducted contains
furnished information about all
transactions which are
required to be reported.
If not, please furnish list
of details/ transactions
which are not reported
(i) The reporting requirement arises only where the assessee has either not
furnished within prescribed time or furnished the statement of tax deducted after
the expiry of prescribed time.
Statutory Auditor
34 (c) Whether the assessee is liable to pay interest under section 201(1A). If yes,
please furnish:
(i) Furnish detailed information in case there is liability to pay interest under section
201(1A) of the Act.
(ii) Section 201(1A) provides for payment of interest at a specified rate in case the tax
has not been deducted wholly or partly or after deducting has not been paid to the credit
of Central Government as required by the Act.
(iii) The reporting as to whether liable to pay such interest, should be in consonance
with the reporting under clause 34(a) where the details of non-deduction are required to
be reported by him.
Statutory Auditor
Statutory Auditor
Statutory Auditor
Circle official is required to play the role of the facilitator, provider and coordinator. At times
circle office will also be consolidating and reconciling the data inputs of various statements,
with the help of the other Sections of the Circle Office. They will be taking care of various
aspects of the closing work, to ensure smooth audit.
Time is the essence of the balance sheet exercise. Circles Offices are required to
initiate all possible steps to ensure timely submission of closing returns and
statements without compromising on the quality. For this, proper follow-up with the
branches/offices is necessary. All efforts must be made to inform the important
changes in the bank’s guidelines to all the branches/offices, well in time.
Communicate the names, addresses & telephone numbers of the branch statutory
auditors (if available from the previous years lists etc.) to the branches.
Send letters to all the auditors, welcoming them for the audit work of our bank and
inform them:
(i) Telephone numbers of the Executive Incharge & other dealing officials of
the Circle Balance Sheet Cell. This facilitates the auditors to contact the
Circle Office in case of any constraints faced during the audit of the
(ii) Apprise the auditors about deposits & advances of the branches to be
audited by them to facilitate & organize the audit programme.
Follow up with the branches and the auditors for an early start/finalization of audit
and submission of the audit report.
Be in touch with the branches to ensure that wherever required, necessary
guidance/support is provided, to avoid unnecessary MOCs, especially in large
borrowal accounts.
In case of any difference in opinion in respect of any issue, with the Auditor,
wherever required necessary guidance be sought from the concerned HO division,
through their Circle Offices.
No issues/MOCs be left to be discussed at the Head Office level. This results in
delay in finalization of accounts of the bank.
All efforts be made for maintaining the minimum possible level of Suspense,
Sundries (including non-finacle) Draft Payable Imprest, Inter-bank entries etc., as
these have multiple adverse impact. First being, requirement of provision for the long
outstanding entries and secondly these affect the CRAR of the bank adversely. The
dealing Inspection/Audit division at Circle Office must initiate necessary steps to
keep the balance of Impersonal Heads at the minimum level.
Before start of the audit, Planning & Development Section at the Circle Office must
analyze the branch-wise position of the cost of deposit & yield on advances for checking
by the SCAs and in case of abnormal variations, matter must be immediately taken up
Despite the fact that branches/administrative offices are aware of the afore-said
facts, differences/discrepancies are observed due to the following:
Whenever a fixed asset item is transferred from a branch/office to the other, complete
details in respect of (i) original purchase value (ii) depreciation charged upto the
previous year (iii) book value as on the date of transfer, are not apprised. Generally
book value is informed by the transferor branch, which is inadvertently taken as the
original purchase value by the transferee branch, taking depreciation to date as
An item is transferred and intimation is sent by the transferor branch but the same is
not/correctly/late responded by the transferee branch.
Many credit linked Govt Sponsored Schemes have a provision of back ended subsidy
i.e. the subsidy amount received from the Govt. remains with the bank branch and is
adjusted in the loan account after the lock-in-period prescribed in each scheme. The
subsidy amount is to be kept in PMRY as a Fixed Deposit carrying 0% interest and in
other schemes in the Subsidy Reserve Fund Account.
The detailed guidelines for administration of subsidy are given in our various schemes
as under:
Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai has issued Circular RBI / 2018-19 /89
FIDD .GSSD .CO.BCNo.11/ 09.16.03 /2018-19 dated Dec. 6, 2018 incorporating
guidelines on National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM).
The Government of India, Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA),
has restructured the existing Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) and
launched the National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM). The Self Employment
Programme (SEP) component of NULM will focus on providing financial assistance
through a provision of interest subsidy on loans to support establishment of Individual &
Group Enterprises and Self-Help Groups ((SHGs) of urban poor.
The existing provision of capital subsidy for USEP (Urban Self Employment
Programme) and UWSP (Urban Women Self-Help Programme) components of SJSRY
has been replaced by interest subsidy for loans to Individual enterprise (SEP- I), Group
enterprise (SEP- G) and Self Help Groups (SHGs).
All branches would be eligible for getting interest subvention under the scheme.
After disbursement of loan to the beneficiaries, the concerned branch of the bank will
send details of disbursed loan cases to ULB along with details of interest subsidy
(i) Subsidy disbursal – The PMRY has been discontinued w.e.f April 2008 by
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Govt. of India, New
Delhi. However, the guidelines on administration of subsidy contained
in our Codified Circular referred to above will continue to be operative in
the existing loan account which are reproduced hereunder:
The subsidy made available by Government of India and passed on to the banks
through Reserve Bank of India. As per the extant guidelines under the scheme, the
subsidy portion is kept as fixed deposit with the banks in the name of the borrower for
the duration of the term loan component but will not earn any interest. The subsidy
deposit will be available to the borrower for adjustment against the last instalment(s)
due under the term loan component. In any case, the fixed deposit should run for a
minimum period of 3 years and would be available for adjustment only thereafter.
a) As the subsidy amount is remitted in advance to the Head Office of the bank,
the date of the fixed deposit created out of subsidy amount will be the date on
which the last instalment of the loan is disbursed by the branch. From that
date, no interest will be charged on the subsidy portion of the loan.
b) Even if the subsidy amount is received by the Head Office after the loan is
disbursed, to avoid inconvenience to the borrowers, the FD shall run from the
date on which the last of instalment of the loan was disbursed and no interest
on the subsidy portion of the loan shall be charged from that date.
Further, guidelines on subsidy handling in Term Loan accounts opened prior to 01st
April 2012 have been circulated vide ITD Circular No.ITD/CBS/51/2012 dated
Name of Name
Sol ID Designation Mobile No. Landline No. E-mail ID
Circle S/Shri/Smt
Circle Head-
377900 Agra P.K. Gupta 9007705480 0562-2851336
Dy Circle Head-
377900 Agra P.K.Pathak 7251077747 0562-2850023
Dy Circle Head-
377900 Agra B.B. Thareja 7042557272 0562-2850288
Ajay Kumar
377900 Agra Chief Manager 7060090590 0562-2851116
377900 Agra Sr.Manager Kumar 9568950222 0562-2858436
377900 Agra Manager Chitranshu 8960670362 0562-2858436
377900 Agra Officer 9627123999 0562-2858436
Chaudhary n
384400 Ahmedabad Circle Head jagdeep singh 8511132224 079-26583958
384400 Ahmedabad Dy. Circle Head N K Jain 7042622335 079-26584702
384400 Ahmedabad Senior Manager 9974100381 079-26586220
384400 Ahmedabad Sr. Manager(IT) Mikhael Dund 8000828233 079-26577892
384400 Ahmedabad Manager Mitesh Pal 9879347212 079-26584375
384400 Ahmedabad Officer Ravi Shah 8511141676 079-26577892
999200 Allahabad Circle Head Puskar Tarai 8826779888 0532-2560410
999200 Allahabad Chief Manager V P Bansal 7752882627 0532-2560410
999200 Allahabad Sr. Manager Aasutosh 6388843949 0532-2560553
pratap singh
999200 Allahabad Officer Prateek 8853305209 0532-2560553
Srivastava in
T. Praveen
653500 Ernakulam Senior Manager 9847523828 0484-2384603
Kumar /
653500 Ernakulam Senior Manager Arpan Sherpa 7086021976 0484-2384610
Ratan Singh;
653400 Faizabad Circle Head Rohil 9621533444 05278-244370
653400 Faizabad Chief Manager Singh Bisht 7042883122 05278-244373
Ravi Shanker;
653400 Faizabad Sr Manager Mishra 7081374000 05278-244522
378500 Gaya MANAGER 9955993970 0631-2225394
Chief Manager
378500 Gaya KUMAR 8873035730 0631-2221683
378500 Gaya MANAGER 9903807475 0631-2225394
378500 Gaya Senior Manager Abhishek 9761673735 0631-2221683
383400 Gorakhpur Circle Head 0551-2205046
SH KUMAR 9599508707
383400 Gorakhpur Chief Manager 7234900630 7234900523
Kumar Joshi
Ravi Pratap
383400 Gorakhpur Senior Manager 9682877913 0551-2335598
379600 Guwahati Circle Head 8486657700 0361-2458797
Kumar Mangal
Hemanta Kr
379600 Guwahati Officer 7005473944 0361-2529963
999300 Gwalior Circle Head P K Jain 9711731195 0751-2322994
383100 Jhansi Dy. Circle Head O P Gupta 9450960585 0510-2322105 .in
Sanjay Kumar
383100 Jhansi chief manager Sinha 7317514523 0510-2321461
383100 Jhansi Circle Head ,RCP 7607001307 0510-2321460
382200 Jodhpur Chief Manager Sunil Negi 8126757023 0291-2635744
382200 Jodhpur Sr. Manager Renu Verma 9414056433 0291-2616822
382200 Jodhpur Sr. Manager RP Choudhary 8769161222 0291-2635179
383500 Kanpur Circle Head Subodh Kala 7607001301 0512-2312448
383500 Kanpur Dy Circle Head 7607001302 0512-2313734
383500 Kanpur Chief Manager 7607001314 0512-2331311
Kumar Mishra
Senior Manager- Binay Kumar 0512-
383500 Kanpur 7607001334
Recovery Jha 2319424
383500 Kanpur officer 7607001328 0512-2330926
383500 Kanpur Manager-PND Nalin Mehrotra 7607001191 0512-2303403
383500 Kanpur manager-IT 8173007279 0512-2300115
653200 Kapurthala Circle Head SH.S.P.SING 8146024000 01822-509540
653200 Kapurthala HEAD GUPTA 9958188038 01822-509640
653200 Kapurthala CHIEF SH.SANJAY 8811081846 01822-509629
653200 Kapurthala MANAGER SH.CHAMAN 9876159891 01822-509553
427700 Kozhikode Chief Manager KR 7510401989 0495-2744360
427700 Kozhikode Officer Gopal Krishna 8985374002 2743064
Shashi Kumar
653000 Kurukshetra Circle Head 9053011700 01744-224716
653000 Kurukshetra Manager Kavita 9017875800 01744-224655
653000 Kurukshetra Sr. Manager Jagmal Singh 9813350137 01744-224633
384200 Muzaffarnagar Senior Manager 8171997720 0131-2601126
379100 North Delhi Senior Manager Sharad Malik 9873245950 011-25744372
Telangana Radhika
(Hydrabad) Circle Head Bhatwakar 7997703825 040-23235646
Telangana 023243080-
(Hydrabad) AGM DN Ambedkar 9900011610 040
Telangana 023230174-
(Hydrabad) Senior Manager Ch Srinivasa 8106636707 040