Mathematics of Finance: S USD Euro R R e Fe e F e
Mathematics of Finance: S USD Euro R R e Fe e F e
Mathematics of Finance: S USD Euro R R e Fe e F e
S 1.15USD / Euro;
rEuro 2.5%; rUSD 4.5%;
1.15e10.045 Fe10.025
One-Year forward exchange rate: 1.15e0.045
F 1.1732
Assume the Call option price with K=90 is C 1, Call option price with K=100 is C 2.
The payoff table shows below:
Short call with K=90 (C1) -(105-90)+C1
Long 2 calls with K=100(-2C2) 2*(105-100-C2)
Total payoffs C1 -5-2C2
Straddle: Long (or Short) the same amount of calls and puts at the same strike price
Straggle: Long (or Short) the same amount of calls and puts at the different strike
Straddle Strangle
Long Short Long Short
Long/Short same units of calls Long/Short same units of calls and puts with
and puts with the same strike different strike (Kc,Kp)
Cost/Premium Cost=C+P Premium=C+P Cost=C+P Premium=C+P
Break-Even K (C P ) K (C P ) K c C P; K P C P K c C P; K P C P
The parameters affecting European currency option price and its direction toward
option price are:
European currency options
Call Put
Spot FX + —
K — +
σ + +
T-t + +
rL(Local rate) + —
rF (Foreign rate) — +
rf f t (r rf ) X t f X 2 X 2 f XX
The Black-Sholes option price for currencies is:
rf T
C St e N (d1 ) Ke rT N (d 2 )
rf T
P Ke rt N ( d 2 ) St e N ( d1 )
St: the exchange rate at time t; K: strike exchange rate; r: domestic rate; r f: foreign
rate; σ: volatility of exchange rate; T-t: time to maturity.
St 2
ln (r rf )(T t )
K 2
where d1
T t
d 2 d1 T t
(i) It is possible that two investments have same VaR but different CVaR. Since the
CVaR is the conditional expectation of losses exceeding VaR, we can find 2
different portfolios with the same VaR under 95% confident level but different
conditional expectation loss beyond VaR if one of them has extreme loss in
some cases while the other doesn’t have.
(ii) It is possible that two investments have same CVaR but different VaR. The
same, we can find 2 portfolios with the same conditional expectation of losses
beyond critical level but different at that critical point.
dX t 0.15 X t dt 0.35 X t dWt
X 0 100
Since the stock price follows geometric Brownian motion,
(0.15 0.352 ) t 0.35 t t
X t 100e 2
, t ~ N (0,1)
Xt 1 0.352
ln( ) (0.15 0.35 )t 0.35t t ~ N ((0.15
)t , 0.352 t )
100 2 2
ln X t ~ N (ln100 (0.15 )t , 0.352 t )
Xt follows Log-Normal distribution with mean ln100 (0.15 0.35 )t and variance
2 .
0.35 t
The PDF for the stock price in 1 year is:
[ln x (ln100 (0.15 0.352 )1]2
1 1
p ( x,1) e 20.352 1
,x 0
x 2 0.352
The PDF of Normal distribution with mean=1, standard deviation=0.5 is
( x 1) 2
1 2(0.5) 2
f ( x) e
2 (0.5) 2
r=0, S=100, K=100, σ=0.2, t=1
C SN (d1 ) Ke rt N (d 2 )
100 0.22
ln( ) (0 )1
d1 100 2 0.1;
0.2 1 0.4
d 2 0.1 0.2 1 0.1
C 100 N (0.1) 100e 0 N (0,1)
100 N (0.1) 100(1 N (0.1))
100(2 N (0.1) 1)
100(2 0.539828 1)
The probability for a boy being born p=0.51, for a girl q=1-p=0.49, n=3
Prob(3 children are all grils)=
C03 (0.51)0 (0.49)3 0.1176 11.76%
The put-call parity index:
( Se q De r ) P C Ke rT where S: spot price; K: strike price; C: call price;
P=put price; T: time to maturity; q: dividend yield; r: risk-free interest rate; D: cash
dividend; τ: time to next dividend paid.
When we consider index option, the problem will be the dividend. Of course if all
the component stocks in this index never pay dividend, the index is just like an
individual stock, the put-call parity holds.
When a call is deeply out-of-the-money, which means the stock price is far lower
than the strike price, there almost doesn’t need any hedge position, the Delta is near
to zero.
An example: suppose S=10, K=100, r=0.02, t=1, σ=0.3, the delta is near zero:
X 10
K 100
sigma 30.00%
r 2%
t 1
q 0.00%
Call 0.0000
Delta 0.000
However, if the volatility of the stock return or there is still long time before
maturity, the delta may not be zero:
X 10
K 100
sigma 80.00%
r 2%
t 1
q 0.00%
Call 0.0149
Delta 0.0071
X 10
K 100
sigma 30.00%
r 2%
t 10
q 0.00%
Call 0.1156
Delta 0.0408
r 3%;0 r4 4%;
0 2