Ficha Tecnica Poliamida
Ficha Tecnica Poliamida
Ficha Tecnica Poliamida
Common name - polyamide-6, nylon 6, poly(-caprolactam)
IUPAC name - poly[imino(1-oxohexane-1,6-diyl)]
CAS name - poly[imino(1-oxo-1,6-hexanediyl)]
Acronym - PA-6
CAS number - 25038-54-4
RTECS number - TQ9800000
Person to discover - Paul Schlack Schlack, P, US Patent 2,241,321,
IG Farben, May 6, 1941.
Date - 1941
Details - preparation of polyamides
Monomer(s) structure -
Crystallinity % 26-50; 42 (dry); 34 (wet) Extrand, C W, J. Colloid Interface
Sci., 248, 136-42, 2002; Yebra-
Rodriguez, A; Alvarez-Lloret, P;
Cardell, C; Rrodriquez-Navarro, A
B, Appl. Clay Sci., 43, 91-97, 2009.
Cell type (lattice) - monoclinic Holmes, D R; Bunna, C W; Smith,
C J, J. Polym. Sci., 17, 159, 1955.
Cell dimensions nm a:b:c=0.956:0.801:1.724 Holmes, D R; Bunna, C W; Smith,
C J, J. Polym. Sci., 17, 159, 1955.
Unit cell angles degree =67.5 Holmes, D R; Bunna, C W; Smith,
C J, J. Polym. Sci., 17, 159, 1955.
Number of chains per unit cell - 8 Holmes, D R; Bunna, C W; Smith,
C J, J. Polym. Sci., 17, 159, 1955.
Crystallite size nm 23.3 Rajesh, J J; Bijwe, J, Wear, 661-
68, 2005.
Cis content % 1.64 Davis, R D; Jarrett, W L; Mathias, L
J, Polymer, 42, 2621-26, 2001.
Entanglement molecular weight dalton, g/ calc.=1988-2490
mol, amu
Crystallization temperature o
C 191.8-193.2 Faghihi, M; Shojaei, A; Bagheri,
R, Composites: Part B, 78, 50-64,
Rapid crystallization temperature o
C 173-180 Adriaensens, P; Pollaris, A;
Carlleer, R; Vanderzande, D;
Gelan, J; Litvinov, V M; Tijssen, J,
Polymer, 42, 7943-52, 2001.
Some manufacturers - BASF, DSM; EMS; DuPont; Kolon Plastics; Eurotec; Zig Shen
Trade names - Ultramid B; Aculon; Grilon; Zytel; Kopa: Tecomid; Zisamide
Density at 20oC g cm-3 1.06-1.16; 1.23-1.56 (12-50% glass fiber, dry); 0.96-1.07
(melt); 1.34 (50% glass fiber)
Bulk density at 20oC g cm-3 0.5-0.8
Color - colorless to white
Refractive index, 20 Co - calc.=1.513-1.530; exp.=1.53
Birefringence - 1.580/1.582
Transmittance % 85
Odor - odorless
Melting temperature, DSC o
C 220-260; 218.6-220 Faghihi, M; Shojaei, A; Bagheri,
R, Composites: Part B, 78, 50-64,
Heat of melting J g-1 53.8-62.1 Faghihi, M; Shojaei, A; Bagheri,
R, Composites: Part B, 78, 50-64,
Thermal decomposition tempera- o
C >300
Activation energy of thermal kJ mol-1 162 Herrera, M; Matuschek, G; Kettrup,
degradation A, Chemosphere, 42, 601-7, 2001.
Elastic modulus MPa 3,080-3,330; 9,860-10,820 (33% glass fiber); 14,110-16,440 Jia, N; Kagan, V A, Antec, 1706-12,
(50% glass fiber) 1998.
Tenacity (fiber) (standard atmo- cN tex-1 40-90 (45-100) Fourne, F, Synthetic Fibers.
sphere) (daN Machines and Equipment Manu-
facture, Properties. Carl Hanser
Verlag, 1999.
Tenacity (wet fiber, as % of dry % 80-90 Fourne, F, Synthetic Fibers.
strength) Machines and Equipment Manu-
facture, Properties. Carl Hanser
Verlag, 1999.
Fineness of fiber (titer) dtex 1.4-300 Fourne, F, Synthetic Fibers.
Machines and Equipment Manu-
facture, Properties. Carl Hanser
Verlag, 1999.
Length (elemental fiber) mm 38-300, filament Fourne, F, Synthetic Fibers.
Machines and Equipment Manu-
facture, Properties. Carl Hanser
Verlag, 1999.
Poisson’s ratio - calc.=0.440; exp.=0.33
Shrinkage % 0.87-1.4; 0.33-0.82 (12-50% glass fiber)
Viscosity number ml g -1 140-270; 130-170 (12-50% glass fiber, dry)
Melt viscosity, shear rate=1000 Pa s 220-1,070
Melt volume flow rate (ISO 1133, cm3/10 40-185; 20-50 (15-50% glass fiber)
procedure B), 275oC/5 kg min
Melt index, 190oC/2.16 kg g/10 min 7.7-36.4 Faghihi, M; Shojaei, A; Bagheri,
R, Composites: Part B, 78, 50-64,
Water absorption, equilibrium in % 7.1-10; 4-8.1 (12-50% glass fiber, dry)
water at 23oC
Moisture absorption, equilibrium % 2.0-3.3; 1.2-2.3 (12-50% glass fiber, dry)
Acid dilute/concentrated - good/poor
Alcohols - good
Alkalis - dilute - good, concentrated - poor
Aliphatic hydrocarbons - resistant
Aromatic hydrocarbons - resistant
Greases & oils - resistant
Ketones - resistant
Good solvent - acetic acid, chlorophenol, m-cresol, ethylene carbonate, formic
acid, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, trichloroacetic acid
Non-solvent - alcohols, chloroform, DMF, esters, ethers, hydrocarbons,
Flammability according to UL-94 class V-2 or HB; HB (12-50% glass fiber, dry)
standard; thickness 1.6/0.8 mm
Ignition temperature o
C 400
Autoignition temperature o
C 424
Limiting oxygen index % O2 20-27; 22.5 (15-50% glass fiber)
Char at 500oC % 0 Lyon, R E; Walters, R N, J. Anal.
Appl. Pyrolysis, 71, 27-46, 2004.
Heat of combustion J g-1 31,400
Volatile products of combustion - CO, HCN, caprolactam
Spectral sensitivity nm 290-310, 340-460
Activation wavelengths nm 300, 313, 334 (radical formation); 320 (yellowing)
Excitation wavelengths nm 282, 300, 310
Emission wavelengths nm 380, 420, 455, 460, 470
Important initiators and - thermal degradation
Products of degradation - CO, HCN, caprolactam, amines, carbon monoxide, hydrogen,
hydrocarbons, crosslinks, carbon dioxide, acids, aldehydes,
ketones, water, ammonia, hydroperoxides, pyrrole, ethylene
Typical biodegradants - bacterial hydrolases; filametous fungus (Phanerochaete Klun, U; Ffriedrich, J; Krzan, A,
Chrysosporium) Polym. Deg. Stab., 79, 99-104,
HMIS: Health, Flammability, Re- - 0-1/0-1/0
activity rating
Carcinogenic effect - not listed by ACGIH, IARC, or NTP
Typical processing methods - extrusion, injection molding
Preprocess drying: temperature/ o
C/h/% 80/4-10/0.15
time/residual moisture
Processing temperature o
C 250-280 (injection molding); 245-250 ( film extrusion); 270-290
(profile extrusion)
Processing pressure MPa 3.5-12.5 (injection pressure)
Applications - safety helmet parts, washers, gears, engine and motor parts,
chutes; plugs, receptacles, covers, weed trimer components,
clips, fasteners, flanges, key housing, flexible tubing, film,
fans, hand-help power tools
Outstanding properties - temperature resistance, chemical resistance to greases and
Suitable polymers - ABS, chitosan, HDPE, LDPE, NR, PA66, PBT, PC, PP, PPO,
FTIR (wavenumber-assignment) cm-1/- C=O 1715; CH2 1463 Dong, W; Gijsman, P, Polym. Deg.
Stab., 95, 1054-62, 2010.
Raman (wavenumber-assign- cm-1/- amide 1 1636; N-H 1233; C-C 1063/1076 Hendra, P J; Maddams, W F;
ment) Royaud, I A M; Willis, H A; Zichy, V,
Spectrochim. Acta, 64A, 5, 747-56,
NMR (chemical shifts) ppm see ref. Davis, R D; Jarrett, W L; Mathias, L
J, Polymer, 42, 2621-26, 2001.