Ultrasonic Welding 2009

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2 Ultrasonic Welding

2.1 Process Description Force

Ultrasonic welding, one of the most widely used

welding methods for joining thermoplastics, uses ultra-
sonic energy at high frequencies (20–40 kHz) to pro- Energy director
duce low amplitude (1–25 μm) mechanical vibrations.
The vibrations generate heat at the joint interface of the
Upper part
parts being welded, resulting in melting of the thermo-
plastic materials and weld formation after cooling.
Ultrasonic welding is the fastest known welding tech-
nique, with weld times typically between 0.1 and
1.0 seconds.
In addition to welding, ultrasonic energy is com-
monly used for processes such as inserting metal parts
into plastic or reforming thermoplastic parts to mechani- Lower part
cally fasten components made from dissimilar materials.
When a thermoplastic material is subjected to ultra- Fixture
sonic vibrations, sinusoidal standing waves are gener-
Figure 2.1. Ultrasonic welding using an energy director
ated in the material. Part of this energy is dissipated
(Source: TWI Ltd).
through intermolecular friction, resulting in a build-up
of heat in the bulk material, and part is transmitted to
the joint interface where boundary friction causes local
Heat generation is greatest at this point, and the energy
heating. Optimal transmission of ultrasonic energy to
director melts and flows into the joint during Phase 1 of
the joint and subsequent melting behavior is therefore
the welding process (Fig. 2.2). The displacement—the
dependent on the geometry of the part, and also on the
decrease in distance between the parts that occurs as a
ultrasonic absorption characteristics of the material.
result of melt flow—increases rapidly, then slows down
The closer the source of the vibrations is to the
as the molten energy director spreads out and contacts
joint, lesser the energy that is lost through absorption.
the lower part surface, and the melting rate then drops.
When the distance from the source to the joint is less
In Phase 2, the part surfaces meet, and the melting rate
than 6.4 mm (0.25 inches) the process is referred to as
increases. Steady-state melting occurs in Phase 3; a
near-field welding. This is used for crystalline and low
constant melt layer thickness forms in the weld, accom-
stiffness materials, which have high energy absorption
panied by a constant temperature distribution. After a
characteristics. When the distance from the source to
specific time has elapsed, or after a particular energy,
the joint is greater than 6.4 mm (0.25 inches), the pro-
power level, or distance has been reached, the power is
cess is referred to as far-field welding. This is used for
turned off, and ultrasonic vibrations cease at the start of
amorphous and high stiffness materials, which have a
Phase 4. Pressure is maintained, causing some additional
low absorption of the ultrasonic energy.
melt to be squeezed out of the joint interface; a molec-
Heat generated is normally highest at the joint surface
ular bond is created and the weld then cools [2–4].
due to surface asperities, which are subjected to greater
strain and frictional force than the bulk material [1–3].
For many ultrasonic welding applications, a trian- 2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages
gular-shaped protrusion, known as an energy director,
is molded into the upper part. This is used to concen- Ultrasonic welding is one of the most popular weld-
trate ultrasonic energy at the joint interface (Fig. 2.1). ing techniques used in industry. It is fast, economical,
During welding, vibration is perpendicular to the easily automated, and well-suited for mass production,
joint surface, and the point of the energy director is with production rates up to 60 parts per minute being
forced into contact with one of the parts being welded. possible. It produces consistent, high-strength joints


Beginning Coupling between Steady-state melting Cooling under pressure

of melting upper and lower
Weld displacement

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4


Figure 2.2. Stages of ultrasonic welding (Source: TWI Ltd).

with compact equipment. Welding times are shorter • Automotive: headlamp parts, dashboards, buttons
than in any other welding method, and there is no need and switches, fuel filters, fluid vessels, seat-belt
for elaborate ventilation systems to remove fumes or locks, electronic key fobs, lamp assemblies, air
heat. The process is energy efficient and results in higher ducts.
productivity with lower costs than many other assembly • Electronic and appliances: switches, sensors,
methods. Tooling can be quickly changed, in contrast data storage keys.
to many other welding methods, resulting in increased
• Medical: filters, catheters, medical garments,
flexibility and versatility. It is commonly used in the
masks [8].
healthcare industry because it does not introduce con-
taminants or sources of degradation to the weld that • Packaging: blister packs, pouches, tubes, storage
may affect the biocompatibility of the medical device. containers, carton spouts [9].
A limitation of ultrasonic welding is that with cur-
Some examples of ultrasonically welded items, toge-
rent technology, large joints (i.e., greater than around
ther with the joint designs used are shown in Fig. 2.3.
250 × 300 mm; 10 × 12 inches) cannot be welded in a
single operation. In addition, specifically designed joint
details are required. Ultrasonic vibrations can also dam-
age electrical components, although the use of higher 2.4 Materials
frequency equipment can reduce this damage. Also,
depending on the parts to be welded, tooling costs for 2.4.1 Polymer Structure
fixtures can be high [5–7].
Amorphous plastics have a random molecular struc-
ture and soften gradually over a broad temperature range
2.3 Applications (Fig. 2.4). They reach a glass transition state, then a
liquid, molten state; solidification is also gradual, so that
Ultrasonic welding is used in almost all major premature solidification is avoided. Amorphous poly-
industries in which thermoplastic parts are assembled mers transmit ultrasonic vibrations efficiently and can
in high volumes. Some examples are as follows: be welded with a broad range of processing conditions.

Description: Description:
Coffee pot Medical bottle
Material: Polystyrene Material: Lexan
Joint: Tongue and Joint: Butt joint with
Groove joint with energy director
Energy director

Description: Diaphram assembly
Electrical switch Application: Spot
Application: Stacking welding
Material: ABS Material: Noryl-30%
glass filled

Description: Description:
Reflector Fuel filter
Material: ABS to Material: Nylon 6-6
polycarbonate Joint: Shear joint
Joint: Step joint with
energy director

Electrical lens Description:
assembly Electrical junction box
Material: Application:
ABS to acrylic Inserting
Joint: Butt joint with Material: Polystyrene with
energy director brass inserts

Electrical connector
Application: Description: Rotor
Swaging Material: Polystyrene
Material: Joint: Butt joint with
ABS to metal energy director

Figure 2.3. Examples of ultrasonically welded items.


Specific heat



Figure 2.4. Specific heat of amorphous

and semicrystalline polymers at the
glass transition (Tg) and melting (Tm)
Tg Tm Temperature temperatures (Source: TWI Ltd).

Hermetic seals are also easier to achieve with amor- hardened steel or carbide coated titanium horns is rec-
phous materials [10]. ommended. Higher powered ultrasonic equipment may
Semicrystalline plastics are characterized by regions also be required to create sufficient heat at the joint [10].
of ordered molecular structure. High heat is required to
disrupt this ordered arrangement. The melting point 2.4.3 Additives
(Tm in Fig. 2.4) is sharp, and resolidification occurs
rapidly as soon as the temperature drops slightly. The Additives often increase the difficulty in achieving
melt that flows out of the heated region of the joint a good welded joint, even though they may improve the
therefore solidifies rapidly. When in the solid state, overall performance or the forming characteristics of
semicrystalline molecules are spring-like and absorb a the base material. Typical additives are lubricants, plas-
large part of the ultrasonic vibrations, instead of trans- ticizers, impact modifiers, flame retardants, colorants,
mitting them to the joint interface, so high amplitude is foaming agents, and reground polymers.
necessary to generate sufficient heat for welding [10]. Internal lubricants (waxes, zinc stearate, stearic
acid, fatty acid esters) reduce the coefficient of friction
between polymer molecules, resulting in a reduction of
heat generation. However, this effect is usually mini-
2.4.2 Fillers and Reinforcements
mal since the concentrations are low and they are dis-
Fillers (glass, talc, minerals) present in a thermo- persed within the plastic instead of being concentrated
plastic can enhance or inhibit ultrasonic welding. Mate- at the joint surface [10, 12].
rials such as calcium carbonate, kaolin, talc, alumina Plasticizers, high-temperature organic liquids, or
trihydrate, organic filler, silica, glass spheres, calcium low-temperature melting solids impart flexibility and
metasilicate (wollastonite), and mica increase stiffness softness, and reduce the stiffness of the material. They
of the resin and result in a better transmission of ultra- reduce the intermolecular attractive forces within the
sonic energy throughout the material at levels up to 20%, polymer and interfere with the transmission of vibratory
particularly for semicrystalline materials. At levels energy. Highly plasticized materials such as vinyl are
approaching 35%, insufficient thermoplastic resin may very poor transmitters of ultrasonic energy. Plasticizers
be present at the joint interface for reliable hermetic are considered internal additives, but they do migrate to
seals. At 40% filler content, fibers accumulate at the the surface over time, making ultrasonic welding virtually
joint interface, and insufficient thermoplastic material impossible. Metallic plasticizers have a more detrimen-
is present to form a strong bond. Long glass fibers can tal effect than FDA-approved plasticizers [10].
cluster together during molding, so that the energy Impact modifiers, such as rubber can reduce the
director can contain a higher percentage of glass than material’s ability to transmit ultrasonic vibrations, mak-
the bulk material. This problem can be eliminated by ing higher amplitudes necessary to generate melting.
using short-fiber glass filler [7, 10, 11]. Impact modifiers can also affect the weldability of the
Abrasive particles present in many fillers cause material by reducing the amount of thermoplastic
horn wear when filler content exceeds 10%. The use of material at the joint interface [10].

Flame retardants, inorganic oxides, or halogenated damaging effects of these grades on ultrasonic welding
organic elements such as aluminum, antimony, boron, are lowest [10, 12].
chlorine, bromine, sulfur, nitrogen, or phosphorus are
added to resins to inhibit ignition or modify the burn-
ing characteristics of the material. For the most part, 2.4.5 Material Grades
they are nonweldable. Flame retardants may comprise Different grades of the same material may have dif-
up to 50% or more of the total material weight, reduc- ferent flow rates and different melt temperatures. One
ing the amount of weldable material in the part. High- part may melt and flow but not the other, and no bond
power equipment, higher than normal amplitudes, and will form. For example, the cast grades of acrylic have
modification of the joint design to increase the amount higher molecular weights and melt temperatures, and
of weldable material at the joint interface are necessary are more brittle than the injection/extrusion grades; they
for welding these materials [10]. are therefore more difficult to weld. Generally, both
Most colorants (pigments or dyestuffs) do not materials to be welded should have similar melt-flow
inhibit ultrasonic energy transmission; however, they rates (melt-flow rate gives an indication of molecular
can cause the amount of weldable material available at weight) and melt temperatures within 22°C (40°F) of
the joint interface to be reduced. Titanium dioxide each other. For best results, resins of the same grade
(TiO2), used in white pigments, is inorganic and chemi- should be welded [10, 12].
cally inert. It can act as a lubricant and if used at levels
greater than 5%, can inhibit weldability. Carbon black
can also interfere with ultrasonic energy transmission 2.4.6 Moisture
through the material. The presence of colorants may
require modification of processing parameters [10, 12]. Moisture content of a material can affect the
Foaming agents reduce a resin’s ability to transmit strength of the weld. Hygroscopic materials such as
energy. Depending on the density, voids in the cellular polyester, polycarbonate, polysulfone, and especially
structure interrupt energy flow, reducing the amount of nylon, absorb moisture from the air. When welded, the
energy reaching the joint area [10]. absorbed water will boil at 100°C (212°F); the trapped
Welding materials with either high or varying gas will create porosity and can degrade the plastic at
amounts of regrind content should be carefully evalu- the joint interface, resulting in a poor cosmetic appear-
ated. Control of the quality and volume of regrind ance, a weak bond, and difficulty in obtaining a her-
material in the parts to be welded is necessary for opti- metic seal. For best results, such materials should be
mum welding. In some cases, 100% virgin material welded immediately after molding. If this is not possi-
may be required. ble, the parts should be kept dry-as-molded by storage
in polyethylene bags. Special ovens can be used to dry
the parts prior to welding; however, care must be taken
to avoid material degradation.
2.4.4 Mold Release Agents
External mold release or parting agents (zinc stearate,
2.4.7 Dissimilar Materials
aluminum stearate, fluorocarbons, silicones) applied to
the surface of the mold cavity (usually by spraying) In welding dissimilar materials, the melt temperature
provide a release coating that facilitates part removal. difference between the two materials should not exceed
Mold release agents can be transferred to the joint 22°C (40°F), and both materials should be similar in
interface, where they lower the coefficient of friction of molecular structure. For large melt temperature dif-
the material being welded, affecting heat generation at ferences, the lower-melting material melts and flows,
the joint interface, and interfering with the fusion of the preventing enough heat generation to melt the higher
melted surfaces. Furthermore, the chemical contami- melting material. For example, if a high-temperature
nation of the resin by the release agent can inhibit the acrylic is welded to a low-temperature acrylic, with the
formation of a proper bond. Silicones have the most energy director molded on the high-temperature part,
detrimental effect. External mold release agents can the low-temperature part will melt and flow before the
sometimes be removed with solvents. If it is necessary energy director, and bonds with poor strength may be
to use an external release agent, paintable/printable produced. Only chemically compatible materials that
grades do not transfer to the molded part, but do pre- contain similar molecular groups should be welded.
vent the resin from wetting the surface of the mold, and Compatibility exists only among some amorphous

plastics or blends containing amorphous plastics. Typi- increase or decrease the amplitude of vibration, a horn,
cal examples are ABS to acrylic, PC to acrylic, and fixtures or nests to support and align the parts being
polystyrene to modified PPO. Semicrystalline PP and welded, and an actuator that contains the converter,
PE have many common physical properties, but are not booster, horn, and pneumatic controls (Fig. 2.5).
chemically compatible and cannot be welded ultrasoni-
cally [5, 10, 13]. 2.5.1 Power Supply/Generator
Table 2.1 shows the material compatibility of some
thermoplastics for ultrasonic welding. The power supply/generator converts the 50–60 Hz
line voltage into a high voltage signal at the desired
frequency (typically 20 kHz). The power supply/
2.5 Equipment generator may include a built-in control module for
setting weld programs and other functions.
Equipment for ultrasonic welding consists of a Power supplies are available with varying levels of
power supply, a converter with booster attachment to process control, from basic to microprocessor-controlled

Table 2.1. Polymer Compatibility for Ultrasonic Welding (Source: TWI Ltd)

Cellulose acetate












ABS/polycarbonate O O
Acrylic O O O
Cellulose acetate
PC/polyester O O O O
Polystyrene O O

O Some compatible

Microprocessor control system and Titanium Precompression

user interface (can be remote) end cap bolt

PZT crystals

Transducer/ + Ve
– Ve

Welding horn

Molded parts
Holding fixture system
Emergency press
Stop button

Base-plate Titanium
Two-hand safety operation block

Figure 2.5. Components of an ultrasonic welder (Source:

TWI Ltd).
15–20 μm
units. Power output ranges from 100 to 6000 W. Con-
trollers can operate at a constant frequency or, in newer
models, the amplitude can be changed instantaneously
during welding, in either a stepwise or a profile fash- Figure 2.6. Diagram of an ultrasonic transducer (Source:
ion. The actuator brings the horn into contact with the TWI Ltd).
parts being welded, applies force, and retracts the horn
when the welding is complete.

Since the piezoelectric discs have poor mechanical

2.5.2 Transducer
properties in tension, a bolt through the center of the
The transducer, also known as the converter, is the key device is used to precompress the discs. This ensures
component of the ultrasonic welding system. The trans- that the discs remain compressed as they expand and
ducer converts the electrical energy from the generator to contract, that is, they have a mechanical offset bias.
the mechanical vibrations used for the welding process. A
schematic of the component is shown in Fig. 2.6.
2.5.3 Booster
The transducer consists of a number of piezoelectric
ceramic (lead zirconate titanate, PZT) discs sandwiched The booster, also known as the booster horn, imped-
between two metal blocks, usually titanium. Between ance transformer or amplitude transformer, is a
each of the discs there is a thin metal plate, which forms machined part mounted between the converter and the
the electrode. As the sinusoidal electrical signal is fed horn to couple the ultrasonic vibrations from the con-
to the transducer via the electrodes, the discs expand verter to the horn. The primary purpose of the booster
and contract. Frequency of vibration can be in the range is to amplify the mechanical vibrations produced at the
15–70 kHz; however, the most common frequencies tip of the transducer. The secondary purpose is to pro-
used in ultrasonic welding are 20 or 40 kHz. The ampli- vide a mounting point to attach the welding stack
tude or peak-to-peak amplitude is the distance the con- (transducer/booster/horn) to the actuator.
verter moves back and forth during mechanical vibrations. Boosters that change the amplitude are machined
Typical values are 20 μm (0.0008 inches) for a 20 kHz with different masses on either side of the booster’s
converter and 9 μm (0.00035 inches) for a 40 kHz center or ‘nodal’ point (Fig. 2.7). The amplitude is
converter [12, 14]. increased when the lower-mass end is attached to the

1:2.5 Booster 2.5.4 Horns

A welding horn, also known as a sonotrode, is an
acoustical tool that transfers the mechanical vibrations
to the workpiece, and is custom-made to suit the require-
ments of the application. The molecules of a horn expand
and contract longitudinally along its length, so the horn
expands and contracts at the frequency of vibration.
The amplitude of the horn is determined by the move-
ment from the longest value to the shortest value of the
λ horn face in contact with the part (i.e., peak-to-peak
2 movement). Horns are designed as long resonant bars
with a half wavelength. By changing the cross sectional
shape of a horn, it is possible to give it a gain factor,
increasing the amplitude of the vibration it receives
from the transducer–booster combination. Three com-
mon horn designs are the step, exponential, and catenoi-
dal, as shown in Fig. 2.9.
Clamping ring Step horns consist of two sections with different
at nodal point but uniform cross-sectional areas. The transition between
the sections is located near the nodal point. Due to the
abrupt change in cross-section in the nodal plane, step
Figure 2.7. Schematic of a 1:2.5 booster (Source: TWI Ltd). horns have a very high stress concentration in this area
and can fail if driven at excessive amplitude. Gain factors
up to 9:1 can be attained with step horns.
horn; conversely, the amplitude is decreased when the Exponential horns have a cross-sectional area that
lower-mass end is attached to the converter. The mag- changes exponentially with length. The smooth transi-
nitude of increase/decrease is proportional to the mass tion distributes the stress over a greater length, thus
differences, expressed as a gain ratio. The gain ratios offering lower stress concentrations than that found in
are usually marked on the booster or indicated by color step horns. They generally have lower gain factors, so
coding (Fig. 2.8). are used for applications requiring low forces and low
A metal ring around the center (nodal point) acts as amplitudes.
the clamping point to the actuator, where the load can Catenoidal horns are basically step horns with a
be transferred from the welding press to the compo- more gradual transition radius through the nodal point.
nents being welded. They offer high gains with low stress concentrations.
Larger welding horns (typically greater than 90 mm
(3.5 inches) in width or in diameter) have slots added
to reduce general stress caused by horizontal vibra-
tions. The slots, in effect, break large horns into smaller,
individual horns, to ensure uniform amplitude on the
horn face, and reduce internal stress (Fig. 2.10).
In applications where there are multiple welding
operations taking place at the same time, a composite
horn can be used. A composite horn is comprised of a
large base, round or rectangular (half-wavelength),
with half wave horns (usually stepped or circular)
attached to it. It is important that the horn is acousti-
cally balanced and is symmetrical.
100 mm
A contoured horn is any standard shape horn with
a specific part contour trace-milled into its contact
Figure 2.8. Examples of ultrasonic boosters (Source: TWI surface. The contour is worked into the horn by copy-
Ltd). milling the part or digitally recording the part followed



Amplitude Amplitute

Step Exponential Catenoidal

Figure 2.9. Step, exponential, and catenoidal welding horn profiles (Source: TWI Ltd).

and fatigue properties. However, it can be coated or

plated with chrome or nickel to help alleviate these
Titanium has good surface hardness and fatigue
strength and excellent acoustic properties. However, it
is very expensive and difficult to machine. Titanium
may also be carbide-coated for high wear applications.
Steel horns can only be used for low amplitude
applications due to its low fatigue strength. For severe
wear applications such as ultrasonic metal inserting
and welding glass filled materials, steel horns can be
Good horn design is a key to successful welding.
Horns are precision parts that should only be manufac-
tured by specialists who are adept in acoustical design
and testing.
width > λ/3

Figure 2.10. Slotted welding horn (Source: TWI Ltd). 2.5.5 Actuator
The actuator, or welding press, houses the transducer,
booster, and horn assembly (also known as the stack).
by CNC milling. The horn must be thought of as a pre- Its primary purpose is to lower and raise the stack and
cision tuning fork; its shape should be as balanced and to apply force on the workpiece in a controlled, repeat-
symmetrical as possible. able manner.
Horn materials are usually high-strength aluminum
alloy, titanium, or hardened steel. Aluminum is a
2.5.6 Fixtures
low-cost material which can be machined easily, and
which has excellent acoustic properties. For these rea- Fixtures are required for aligning parts and holding
sons, it is used for welding large parts and to make pro- them stationary during welding. Parts must be held in
totype horns or horns requiring complex machining. alignment with respect to the end of the horn so that
Aluminum may be inappropriate for long-term produc- uniform pressure between them is maintained during
tion applications due to its poor surface hardness welding, and the process is repeatable. The fixture must

also hold the parts stationary to transmit ultrasonic static loads but act as rigid restraints under high-
energy efficiently. Resilient fixtures and rigid fixtures frequency vibrations. A rubber lining may also help
are the two most common types. absorb random vibrations which often lead to cracking
Rigid fixtures (Fig. 2.11) are generally made of or melting of parts at places remote from the joint area.
aluminum or stainless steel. They are normally used PTFE, epoxy, cork, and leather have also been used as
with semicrystalline materials or when welding flexi- dampening materials [15].
ble materials. Rigid fixtures should also be used for Ease of loading and ejection are important consid-
ultrasonic insertion, staking, spot welding, or swaging. erations for fixtures.
Resilient fixtures (Fig. 2.12) are usually less costly to
manufacture than rigid fixtures and are commonly
made from poured or cast urethane. They are typically 2.5.7 Controls
used for welding rigid amorphous materials. Resilient
fixtures cause less part marking but also absorb more Ultrasonic welding machines equipped with
energy [5, 15]. microprocessor-controlled power supplies can be oper-
Flatness or thickness variations in some molded ated in a time (or open-loop) mode, in which ultrasonic
parts, which might otherwise prevent consistent welding, energy is applied for a particular time, or an energy or
may be accommodated by fixtures lined with elasto- peak-power mode (closed-loop), in which power is
meric material. Rubber strips or cast- and cured sili- monitored throughout the welding cycle and ultrasonic
cone rubber allow parts to align in fixtures under normal vibrations are terminated when a particular power level
or energy level has been reached. Other welding modes
possible with newer machines include welding to a
predetermined displacement or distance traveled by the
horn, and welding to a fixed finished part height [16].
On-screen monitoring of all process parameters is
possible with microprocessor-controlled systems, in
addition to programming of weld parameters and features
for monitoring quality control (production counters,
rejected parts counters, fault indicators). Welders with
microprocessors perform self-diagnostics, and can be
automated and integrated into external production
lines [7, 12, 13].

Figure 2.11. Rigid ultrasonic support with toggle clamp 2.5.8 Machine Types
arrangement (Source: Branson Ultrasonics Corp.).
A number of different welding machine configura-
tions are available, depending on the intended scope of
operation. An integrated machine (Fig. 2.13) contains
all the equipment in a one-piece unit and usually requires
just a connection to compressed air and power to become
operational. Such machines are most commonly used
for manual load and unload welding application. A
component system is assembled from interchangeable
power supplies, actuators and stands, and is custom-
ized for each specific application. A handheld system
(Fig. 2.14) consists of a power supply and converter
designed to be held by the operator. They are used in
simple applications where consistency and appearance
are not particularly important, such as spot welding of
sheet. The power supply contains all the controls and
Figure 2.12. Resilient fixture (Source: Branson Ultrasonics monitoring devices, except for the manually operated
Corp.). trigger switch that is mounted on the converter.

Figure 2.14. Handheld ultrasonic welding system (Source:

Branson Ultrasonics Corp.).

• Is a hermetic seal required?

• What are the cosmetic requirements of the
• Is outward or inward flash objectionable?
Joint design is crucial for optimal results in ultra-
sonic welding. It depends on the type of thermoplastic,
part geometry, and end-use requirements. Designs for
ultrasonic welding should have a small initial contact
Figure 2.13. Integrated ultrasonic welding machine
area between the parts to be welded, to concentrate the
(Source: Branson Ultrasonics Corp.).
ultrasonic energy and decrease the total time needed
for melting. Mating parts should be aligned and in inti-
The typical cost for either an integrated unit or a mate contact, but should be able to vibrate freely in
component system that includes a power supply and relation to each other in order to create the required
actuator (without tooling) is $12,000–$60,000 (US friction for welding. Mating surfaces should be uni-
dollars). form, and the surface in contact with the horn should
be large enough to prevent its sinking into the plastic
during vibration [5, 17].
2.6 Joint Design For optimal welding, the joint interface should be
in a single plane that is parallel to the contacting sur-
Selection of the joint design must be considered early face of the horn; ultrasonic energy then travels the same
in the part design stage. The product designer should distance to all points in the weld, and a uniform weld is
ask the following questions before choosing the type of produced. In addition, the part surface in contact with
joint design the product will need: the horn should be in a single plane parallel to the joint
interface. Several unfavorable joint designs are shown
• What is the material to be used?
in Fig. 2.15.
• What are the final requirements of the assembly? Flat, parallel mating surfaces are especially impor-
• Is a structural bond necessary, and what load forces tant if hermetic seals are desired; hermetic seals are
does it need to sustain? easier to achieve with amorphous materials [5, 17].

2.6.1 Energy Directors solidify gradually; the strength of welds in semicrystal-

line materials obtained with energy directors is not as
An energy director is a raised triangular ridge of
high. Energy directors ensure that a specific volume of
material molded on one of the joint surfaces (Fig. 2.16).
material is melted to produce good bond strength with-
The apex of the energy director is under the greatest
out excessive flash. They do not provide part alignment
stress during welding and is forced into contact with
or control flash.
the other part, generating friction, which causes it to
A general recommendation is that for most amor-
melt. The molten energy director flows into the joint
phous materials, the apex of the energy director should
interface and forms a bond. Energy directors are well-
be at a 90° angle and have a height 50%–65% of the
suited for amorphous materials, since they flow and
width of the base. Size ranges from 0.127–0.762 mm
(0.005–0.030 inches) high and from 0.254–1.53 mm
(0.010–0.060 inches) wide. For semicrystalline materi-
als it is recommended that the apex should be at a 60°
angle, with a height of 85% of the width of the base.
Base width ranges from 0.254–1.27 mm (0.010–0.050
The steeper angle and sharper point of energy direc-
tors for semicrystalline materials causes the energy
director to partially embed itself into the mating surface
during the early stages of welding, reducing premature
(a) (b) solidification and degradation due to air exposure. A
higher bond strength is obtained, and the chances of
obtaining a hermetic seal are increased. This design
also provides superior results with polycarbonate and
acrylic [5].
Various joint designs are used with energy direc-
tors. The butt joint (Fig. 2.17) is one of the simplest and
most common designs. Because butt joints do not self-
align, fixtures are necessary for part alignment. Hermetic
seals in amorphous materials can be obtained with butt
joints, as long as the mating surfaces are almost per-
(c) (d) fectly flat with respect to one another. Hermetic seals
Figure 2.15. Unfavorable joint designs: (a) joint interface is with butt joints are difficult to achieve with semicrys-
in a single plane but not parallel to the horn contact surface; talline polymers because the melt is exposed to air dur-
(b) joint interface is not in a single plane; (c) horn contact ing welding, which can accelerate crystallization and
surface is not parallel to the joint interface; (d) horn contact cause oxidative degradation of the melt, resulting in
surface is not in a single plane (Source: TWI Ltd). brittle welds [5, 14].

45º 45º 60º 60º

90º 60º
Figure 2.16. Energy directors for
amorphous and semicrystalline
Amorphous resin Semicrystalline resin materials (Source: TWI Ltd).

0.25–0.50 mm

Figure 2.17. Butt joint with energy director (Source: TWI


Figure 2.18. Energy director with textured surface on

mating part (Source: TWI Ltd).
A modification of the energy director joint design
consists of many small surface projections molded into
the joint surface opposite the energy director (Fig. 2.18).
The textured surface, typically 0.0765–0.152 mm
(0.003–0.006 inches) deep, enhances surface friction
by preventing side-to-side movement of the energy
director, and peaks and valleys formed by texturing
form a barrier that prevents melt from flowing out of
the joint area. Flash is reduced, and a greater surface
area is available for bonding. Weld strengths of up to
three times that of an untextured surface are possible,
and the total energy required for welding is reduced [18].
The step joint with energy director (Fig. 2.19) elimi-
nates flash on the exterior of the joint, and is useful
1/3 W
when cosmetic appearance is important. The generated
flash flows into a clearance gap or groove provided in Slip fit
the joint, which is slightly deeper and wider than the
tongue. Welds with good shear and tension strength are
produced. Because only part of the wall is involved in
bonding, step joints are sometimes considered to pro- 1/3 W
duce lower strength welds than butt joints with energy
directors. The recommended minimum wall thickness
is 2.03–2.29 mm (0.080–0.090 inches) [5, 14].
The depth of the groove should be 0.13–0.25 mm W
(0.005–0.01 inches) greater than the height of the
tongue, leaving a slight gap between the finished parts. Figure 2.19. A step joint with energy director (Source:
This is done for cosmetic purposes so that it will not be TWI Ltd).

W = Wall thickness
A = Energy director height
B = Energy director base width
H = Tongue height
T = Tongue width
C = Clearance
G = Groove width
D = Groove depth
H B = W/4 to W/5
A = B × 0.5 (amorphous)
A = B × 0.866 (semicrystalline)
A H = W/3
C T = W/3
T C = 0.05 to 0.10 mm
G G = T + (0.1 to 0.2 mm)
D D = H – (0.13 to 0.25 mm)

Figure 2.20. Tongue and groove joint

with energy director (Source: TWI

obvious if the surfaces are not perfectly flat, or the

parts are not perfectly parallel. The width of the groove
is 0.05–0.10 mm (0.002–0.004 inches) larger than
that of the tongue, leaving a slight gap between the
finished parts.
In the tongue and groove joint (Fig. 2.20) the melt
is completely enclosed in a groove in the joint, which
is slightly larger (0.05–0.10 mm; 0.002–0.004 inches)
than the tongue. It is used to prevent flash when cos-
metic appearance is important, and aligns the parts so
that additional fixtures are not necessary. It produces a
low pressure hermetic seal. Close tolerances required
in this joint make parts more difficult to mold, and rela-
tively large wall thicknesses are necessary. Minimum Figure 2.21. Criss-cross energy director design (Source:
wall thickness is 3.05–3.12 mm (0.120–0.125 inches). TWI Ltd).
The energy director is dimensionally identical to the
one used for the butt joint [5, 17].
Other joint designs with energy directors are less
and result in structural welds. Energy directors can also
common. In the criss-cross joint (Fig. 2.21), energy
be perpendicular to the wall, to gain resistance to peel-
directors are present on both mating surfaces and are
ing forces (Fig. 2.24).
perpendicular to each other. This design provides mini-
mum initial contact at the interface with a potentially
larger volume of material involvement in welding. The
2.6.2 Shear Joints
size of the energy director should be about 60% of a
standard energy director design. The shear joint (Fig. 2.25) is used in welding
A cone design (Fig. 2.22) reduces the overall area semicrystalline materials that have a sharp and narrow
to be welded, and requires less energy and weld time. melting point. Energy directors are not as useful with
It requires minimum heat generation which is impor- crystalline materials, because material displaced from
tant in preventing shrinkage, but it results in lower the energy director either degrades or recrystallizes
structural strength. before it can flow across the joint interface and form a
Interrupted energy directors (Fig. 2.23) are used to weld. The small, initial contact area of the shear joint is
reduce the overall weld area; they require less energy the first to melt during welding; melting then continues

Energy directors (cone)

0.2–1.0 mm
(0.01–0.04 in.)


Figure 2.22. Cone energy director

design (Source: TWI Ltd).

Figure 2.23. Interrupted energy directors (Source: TWI

Figure 2.24. Energy director design with energy directors
perpendicular to the joint interface (Source: TWI Ltd).

Depth of

Minimum lead-in 30–45°

0.76 mm


Typical interferance for shear joint

Maximum Interferance
part dimension per side
19 mm or less 0.20–0.30 mm
19–38 mm 0.30–0.41 mm
Fixture 38 mm or more 0.41–0.51 mm
Figure 2.25. Shear joint design.

along the vertical walls as the parts telescope together with shear joints in parts with square corners or rectan-
in a smearing action that eliminates exposure to air and gular designs, but substantial amounts of flash will be
premature solidification. Strong hermetic seals can be visible on the upper surface after welding [17, 19].
obtained. Rigid side-wall support is necessary to pre- Shear joint modifications for large parts or for parts
vent deflection during welding. The top part of the joint in which the top part is deep and flexible are shown in
should be as shallow as possible, similar to a lid, but of Fig. 2.26. When flash is unacceptable, traps can be
sufficient structural integrity to withstand internal incorporated into the shear joint design (Fig. 2.27).
deflection. Shear joints provide part alignment and a
uniform contact area [5, 17].
Higher energy is necessary when using shear joints
2.6.3 Part Design Considerations
with semicrystalline materials, due to the greater melt
area and the high energy required for melting crystal- Since sharp corners localize stress, parts with sharp
line materials. This requires either longer weld times (up corners may fracture or melt when ultrasonic vibrations
to 3–4 times longer than other joints) or greater power are applied. Appendages, tabs, or other protrusions also
(3000 W instead of 2000 W) and greater amplitudes. localize stress and may fall off during welding. To
Shear joints are useful for cylindrical parts, but do not avoid this, a generous radius should be allowed on all
work as well with rectangular parts in which the walls the corners and edges, and areas where appendages join
tend to oscillate perpendicular to the weld axis, or with the main part. To further minimize stress on append-
flat, round parts that are subject to hoop stress. Her- ages, the use of a 40 kHz frequency, the application of
metic seals and high weld strengths can be produced light force, or thicker appendages are recommended.

0.3 mm (0.012 in.)

Figure 2.26. Shear joint

modifications for large parts
Supporting fixture (Source: TWI Ltd).

0.127–0.203 mm
(0.005–0.008 in.)

Figure 2.27. Shear joint modifications

incorporating flash traps (Source: TWI Ltd).

Energy does not travel well around holes, voids, or performance engineering resins, can be effectively welded
bends and little or no welding will occur directly at 15 kHz. At these lower frequencies, horns have a
beneath these areas, depending on the type of material longer resonant length and can be made larger in all
and size of the feature. Where possible, all sharp angles, dimensions. Another important advantage of using 15
bends, and holes should be eliminated. kHz is that there is significantly less attenuation through
Thin sectioned, flat, circular parts may flex or “dia- the thermoplastic material, permitting the welding of
phragm” during welding. The horn may bend up and down many softer plastics, and at greater far field distances
(“oil canning” effect) when it contacts the part, and intense than possible using higher frequencies [22].
heat from the flexing may cause the horn to melt or burn
a hole through the material. Diaphragmming often occurs
in the center of the part or in the gate area; making these 2.7.2 Weld Time
sections thicker may therefore prevent it [5].
The weld time is the length of time the horn vibrates
per weld cycle, and usually equals the time the horn is
actually contacting the part. The correct time for each
2.7 Welding Parameters application is determined by trial and error. Increasing
the weld time generally increases weld strength until
Important processing parameters in ultrasonic weld-
an optimal time is reached; further increases result in
ing are weld time, (the time vibrations are applied),
either decreased weld strength or only a slight increase
weld pressure or force, hold time (the time allowed for
in strength, whilst at the same time, increasing weld
cooling and solidification after vibration has ceased),
flash and the possibility of marking the part.
hold force, trigger force (the force applied to the part
before ultrasonic vibrations are initiated), power level,
and amplitude of vibration. The horn must be properly
2.7.3 Weld Pressure/Force
positioned in contact with the top part before ultrasonic
vibrations are initiated; welding cannot be performed Weld pressure provides the static force necessary
successfully if the horn contacts the part after vibra- to ‘couple’ the welding horn to the parts so that vibra-
tions have begun. tions may be introduced into them. This same static
load ensures that parts are held together as the molten
material in the weld solidifies during the ‘hold’ portion
of the welding cycle. Determination of optimum pres-
2.7.1 Frequency
sure is essential for good welding.
Most ultrasonic welding equipment operated at Weld pressures that are too low generally result in
20 kHz until the early 1980s; 30 and 40 kHz frequen- poor energy transmission or incomplete melt flow,
cies are now common, in addition to low frequency leading to long weld cycles. Increasing either the weld
(15 kHz) equipment for semicrystalline materials. force or pressure decreases the weld time necessary to
Advantages of higher frequency equipment include less achieve the same displacement. If pressure is too high,
noise, smaller component size (the tooling of 40 kHz the greater melt volume results in molecular alignment
welders is one-half the size of units operating at 20 kHz), in the flow direction and decreased weld strength, as
increased part protection due to reduced cyclic stress- well as the possibility of part marking. In extreme
ing, and indiscriminate heating in regions outside the cases, if the pressure is high in relation to the horn tip
joint interface, improved control of mechanical energy, amplitude, it can overload and stall the horn.
lower welding forces, and faster processing speeds. Most ultrasonic welding is performed at a constant
Disadvantages include reduced power capability due to pressure or force. On some systems, the force can be
the small component size and difficulty in performing altered during the cycle. In force profiling, weld force
far-field welding due to the reduction in amplitude. is decreased during the time that ultrasonic energy is
Higher frequency ultrasonic machines are generally applied to the parts. Decreased weld pressure or force
used for small, delicate components such as electrical later in the weld cycle reduces the amount of material
switches [7, 13, 20, 21]. squeezed out of the joint, allows more time for inter-
With 15 kHz welders, most thermoplastics can be molecular diffusion, reduces molecular orientation,
welded faster and, in most cases, with less material and increases weld strength. For materials like poly-
degradation than with 20 kHz. Parts marginally welded amide, which have a low melt viscosity, this can sig-
at 20 kHz, especially those fabricated from the high nificantly improve weld strength.

2.7.4 Amplitude achieve good melt flow and consistent, high weld
In ultrasonic welding using energy directors, the
With combined amplitude and force profiling, high
average heating rate (Qavg) is dependent on the complex
amplitudes and forces are used to initiate melting,
loss modulus of the material (E″), the frequency (ω),
which are then decreased to reduce molecular align-
and the applied strain (εo): ment with the weld line.
Qavg = ωεo2 E″/2

The complex loss modulus of the thermoplastic is 2.7.5 Process Control

strongly temperature-dependent, so that as the melt or
glass transition temperature is approached, the loss Most ultrasonic welding machines nowadays fea-
modulus increases, and more mechanical energy is ture fully programmable, microprocessor control to
converted to thermal energy. Temperature at the weld program and monitor all welding parameters. Some
interface rises rapidly (over 1000°C/sec or 1800°F/sec) machines monitor and adjust the entire process every
after heating is initiated [23]. millisecond. The controller takes 1000 actual reference
The applied strain is proportional to the vibrational weld measurements per second, providing true quality
amplitude of the horn, so that heating of the weld interface control. The welding modes of time, energy, or dis-
can be controlled by varying the amplitude of vibra- tance can be selected from the controller.
tion. Amplitude is an important parameter in control- Welding by time is the most basic mode of opera-
ling the squeeze flow rate of the thermoplastic. At high tion. The components are preassembled in the fixture
amplitudes, the weld interface is heated at a higher rate; and the horn brought into contact with the upper part,
temperature increases, and the molten material flows at whilst the ultrasound is activated for the designated
a higher rate, leading to increased molecular alignment, time. The power drawn from one cycle to the next can
significant flash generation, and lower weld strength. be monitored to give some indication of weld quality,
High amplitudes are necessary to initiate melting. and if it falls outside a range, alarms signals can warn
Amplitudes that are too low produce nonuniform melt of a potentially defective weld.
initiation and premature melt solidification [23]. Welding by energy is based upon closed feedback
As amplitude is increased, greater amounts of control, that is, the machine monitors the power drawn
vibrational energy are dissipated in the thermoplastic as the weld cycle progresses and terminates the weld
material, and the parts being welded experience greater once the set energy is delivered.
stress. In using constant amplitude throughout the weld- In welding by distance, a linear encoder mounted
ing cycle, the highest amplitude that does not cause to the actuator accurately measures either the weld col-
excessive damage to the parts being welded is gener- lapse or total distance traveled by the welding horn,
ally used. For semicrystalline polymers such as PE and allowing components to be joined by a specific weld
PP, the effect of amplitude of vibration is much greater depth. This mode operates independent of time or energy
than for the amorphous polymers such as ABS and poly- and compensates for any tolerance variation in the
styrene. This is probably due to the greater energy molded parts, giving the best guarantee that the same
required for melting and welding of the semicrystalline amount of material in the joint is melted each time.
The amplitude can be adjusted mechanically by
changing the booster or horn, or electrically by varying
the voltage supplied to the converter. In practice, large
2.8 Variants of Ultrasonic Welding
amplitude adjustments are made mechanically, while
2.8.1 Ultrasonic Spot Welding
fine adjustments are made electrically. High-melt-
temperature materials, far-field welds and semicrystal- Ultrasonic spot welding joins two thermoplastic
line materials generally require higher amplitudes than parts at localized points without a preformed hole or
do amorphous materials and near-field welds. energy director. It produces a strong structural weld,
Typical peak-to-peak amplitude ranges are 30–100 μm and is especially suitable for large parts or parts with
(1.2–3.9 mil) for amorphous plastics, and 60–125 μm complicated geometry or hard-to-reach joining sur-
(2.4–4.9 mil) for crystalline plastics. faces. Spot welding lends itself to sheets of extruded or
Amplitude profiling, in which the amplitude is cast thermoplastic and is often used on vacuum-formed
decreased during the welding cycle has been used to parts, such as blister (clamshell) packaging.

In spot welding, the horn has a pilot tip, which

melts through the top part and into the bottom part to a
predetermined depth, when ultrasonic vibrations are Vibrating
applied. When vibrations cease, the melt from both parts horn
flow together, forming a weld with the top side having
a raised ring produced by the welding tip (Fig. 2.28).
The bottom layer of a spot welding joint has a smooth
appearance. Spot welding can be performed with hand-
held guns, single- or double-headed bench welders, or
with ‘gang welding’ systems composed of many spot
welding heads that perform several welding operations
simultaneously [5, 7, 12, 24].
Guidelines for spot welding include a rigid support Direction in
directly under the spot weld area to prevent marking; which the
medium to high amplitude to ensure adequate material travels
penetration; and low pressure to ensure adequate melt
at the joint interface.

2.8.2 Ultrasonic Welding of Fabrics and Films

Fabrics and films used across a range of industries
such as the medical, packaging, and textile industries Rotary drum (Anvil)
can be welded using ultrasonic energy. Continuous ultra-
sonic bonding and plunge mode processing are described
In continuous ultrasonic bonding (Fig. 2.29), two
or more material layers are assembled by passing them
through a gap between a vibrating horn and a rotary
drum or anvil. The rotary drum is usually made out of Figure 2.29. Ultrasonic bonding.
hardened steel and has a pattern of raised areas machined
into it. Ultrasonic vibrations and compression between
the horn and the drum create frictional heat at the point
and other applications used in clean room environments
where the horn contacts the materials. Bonding occurs
and the medical industry. Ultrasonic bonding uses
only at these points, creating softness, breathability, and
much less energy than thermal bonding, which uses
absorption in the bonded materials. These properties are
heated rotary drums to bond materials together [5].
important for hospital gowns, sterile garments, diapers,
In the plunge-mode process, the material remains
in a fixed location and is periodically contacted by the
ultrasonic horn (Fig. 2.30). Either the horn face or the
anvil will incorporate a pattern to focus the ultrasonic
Horn energy and produce a melt. The horn may also be adapted
to perform a cut-seal operation. Typical plunge appli-
cations include filters, strapping, buckles, belt loops,
bra straps, and vertical blinds.
Pilot tip The fabrics and films best suited to ultrasonic welding
contain thermoplastic materials with similar melting
points and compatible molecular structure. Favorable
characteristics include a uniform thickness, high coef-
ficient of friction, and a minimum 65% thermoplastic
content. The actual structure of the material also has
a significant effect on the weldability. Major catego-
Figure 2.28. Ultrasonic spot welding. ries of thermoplastic textiles and films are wovens,

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