Suite8 Leisure Manual V8.9 PDF
Suite8 Leisure Manual V8.9 PDF
Suite8 Leisure Manual V8.9 PDF
May 2016
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Preface ........................................................................................................................... 5
Audience ............................................................................................................................ 5
Customer Support ............................................................................................................. 5
Documentation .................................................................................................................. 5
Revision History ................................................................................................................ 5
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 7
Logging In .......................................................................................................................... 7
Using the blue drill down arrow ...................................................................................... 8
Navigation Keys ................................................................................................................ 9
HTML View ..................................................................................................................... 10
View information in HTML format ............................................................................ 11
Change the display of the HTML ....................................................................... 13
The Quick Keys ................................................................................................................ 13
The Date Box .................................................................................................................... 15
Changing the date............................................................................................................ 15
Customising Fidelio Suite8 Grids ................................................................................... 16
Customising the HTML display ..................................................................................... 20
Manager on Duty ............................................................................................................. 22
Favourites ......................................................................................................................... 22
Security ............................................................................................................................. 23
Logging off, Exiting Fidelio Suite8 and Locking the Station......................................... 24
2 Leisure.................................................................................................................... 25
Integrated Leisure Module .............................................................................................. 25
Accessing Leisure ............................................................................................................ 25
How to access Leisure.......................................................................................... 26
How to search for leisure bookings .................................................................. 26
Editing a leisure booking ................................................................................................ 28
How to edit a leisure booking .................................................................................. 28
Posting a leisure booking charge .................................................................................... 28
How to post a leisure booking charge ..................................................................... 28
3 Suite8 Configuration .............................................................................................. 31
Trouble Shooting ............................................................................................................. 31
4 Leisure Configuration ............................................................................................ 33
Reports.............................................................................................................................. 33
Mobile Reports .......................................................................................................... 33
5 Index ...................................................................................................................... 35
This user guide for Suite8 Leisure is intended for system users, system administrators and support
familiar with Suite8.
Customer Support
To contact Oracle Customer Support, access My Oracle Support at the following URL:
When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:
Product version and program/module name
Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)
Detailed step-by-step instructions to re-create
Exact error message received
Screen shots of each step you take
Oracle Hospitality product documentation is available on the Oracle Help Center at
Revision History
Date Description of Change
July, 2005 - First Issue Small Business Edition
May, 2008 8.7 - Updated for Version 8.7
June, 2008 - Updated for Version
May, 2009 8.8 - Updates for Version 8.8
Sept, 2010 8.8 - Updates for Oracle 11gR1
Jan, 2012 8.9 - Updated for Version 8.9
Nov, 2012 8.9 - New cover page
June, 2015 8.9 – Oracle template applied
Preface 5
1 Introduction
Logging In
To use Fidelio Suite8 you must first log into the system with a user identification and password.
The Suite8 Splash screen is displayed for several seconds with the Payment Application Data
Security Standard (PA-DSS) disclaimer
2. Enter your user identification (case sensitive) in the Login Name box.
3. Tab to the Password box and enter your password (case sensitive).
Introduction 7
4. Click Login, the Suite8 main menu screen is displayed.
You are now logged into the system.
For example, on the House Status screen clicking the blue drill down arrow on the Out of Order
line displays the Out of Order Rooms screen.
8 Introduction
Navigation Keys
Accelerator keys
Accelerator keys are used for fast access to a box on a screen or dialog box. When a letter is
underlined you can press the Alt + letter keys and the cursor moves into the appropriate box. For
example, on the Profile Search screen the letter “A” is underlined in the Name box. By pressing the
Alt + A keys, the cursor moves into the Name box.
Shortcut keys
Fidelio Suite8 has shortcut keys that allow you to perform actions directly from the keyboard
without having to use the mouse. Using these keys saves you time.
Fidelio Suite8 Shortcut keys
Introduction 9
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Moves backward through tabs.
Escape In general cancels the current action. However, in some screens, such as Customer
Profiles, CCM Booking and Events a message is displayed "xxx was modified. Do you
want to cancel?" if there are changes which have not yet been saved.
Removes a Combo box before a selection has been made.
Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of a box.
End Moves the cursor to the end of a box.
Fidelio Suite8 offers the possibility to view information in HTML format. HTML is the
abbreviation for "Hypertext Markup Language." This is the system of marking a document so it
can be published on the World Wide Web and viewed with a browser. The main areas where
information can be viewed in HTML format are as follows:
Reservation Navigator
Tasks and Activities
Conference Reservation
The HTML display on the reservation navigator can be hidden so that the reservation grid is
expanded. Double-click in the blue reservation header bar or right-click and select/deselect
Lower part of the screen from the short-cut menu to view or hide the HTML display. This setting
is stored per user and remains until the next time it is changed.
10 Introduction
Expand the HTML tree
Click the collapse icon to collapse all folders to the uppermost level.
1. Click the Customer Relation menu and select Profiles to display the customer profile screen.
This main customer profile screen is called the Navigator and is divided into 3 distinct areas:
Query - basic and advance profile search criteria
Introduction 11
Query Results - the results of the query shown in a grid format
Tree Listing and HTML Page
A tree listing of all the details associated with this profile including address,
communications, links, reservations or history
A freely definable HTML display which by default has a 'big' format where
the details are displayed in a non-grid style format or a list format. The
HTML display can be printed by using the right mouse click.
2. Enter the name to search for in the Name box and click Search.
3. The query results are shown in grid format in the middle section of the screen and the tree
and HTML formats are shown in the lower section of the screen.
4. In this instance the HTML view displays a summary of the profile details. The tree listing is
displayed by default expanded by one level. A plus sign next to a folder indicates that it can be
expanded to show more folders; a minus sign indicates that it can be collapsed.
12 Introduction
Change the display of the HTML
Two additional buttons on the html display allow you to change whether certain details are
displayed in a non-grid style or in a list format. By default the 'big' view is displayed.
Copy to clipboard
It is possible to copy information from the HTML files to clipboard by selecting items from HTML,
using right mouse short cut menu and selecting Copy to clipboard or short cut key Ctrl + C. This
information can then be pasted to any open file by using right mouse menu option Paste or short
cut key Ctrl + V.
The menu option Copy to clipboard is controlled by the user right Copy to clipboard from
HTML under Users → User Definition → Rights → Miscellaneous
Introduction 13
To access the Quick Keys main menu
Click the Quick Keys menu option.
The Quick Keys menu is displayed.
14 Introduction
The Date Box
The format of the dates and the separators between the dates may vary from one hotel to another.
The date format is defined in the Control Panel Windows Regional Settings/Options.
Typical date formats include the following:
You can type the date directly in the date box; however it must be typed exactly as per the pre-
defined format.
There are many date boxes in the system, for example, Arrival Date or From Date. The date can be
either a specific date or an as of date.
A specific date is when you need to see what happened on that day. For example, you need to see
which guests have departed 01/01/03.
An 'as of date' is when you need to find out information starting from that date. For example, you
need to read the room rack starting from 09/09/03 through 12/09/03.
2. Change the month to a previous month or future month by clicking the horizontal arrows
located on the top of the calendar or by pressing the Ctrl + Page Up or Ctrl + Page Down key.
Introduction 15
3. Place the cursor on the date and click the left mouse button or move the keyboard arrow keys
to locate the date and press Enter, the date is changed.
1. Place the cursor in the grid and right-click to display the short-cut menu.
A list of the column names with their field name and field type is listed.
16 Introduction
The list can be copied to the clipboard or saved to a file.
1. Place the cursor in the grid and right-click to display the short-cut menu.
Introduction 17
The fields already used are marked with a green check mark.
1. Place the cursor in the grid and right-click to display the short-cut menu.
The fields already used are marked with a green check mark.
18 Introduction
3. On the grid point to the column to be removed and drag it to the customize screen; yellow
arrows are displayed at each end of the column name.
Once the column has been removed the green check mark is removed from the field name on the
customize screen.
4. Click the in the top right-hand corner to close the customize screen.
5. A message is displayed asking if you want to store the grid layout.
Column Properties
Field Description
Field name The field name as it is defined in the database table.
Caption The field caption.
Fixed Defines if the column will be fixed to the left side, when scrolling to the right to
view additional fields of the grid. Columns marked as fixed are highlighted grey.
This functionality is controlled by the parameter Custom view in Profile Search under
Setup → Configuration → Global Settings → Miscellaneous → Search Screens 2 tab.
To add fields to the Grid Customization dialog box, the view V8_sys_customxcmssearch
has to be amended.
Example: "Adding the financial account long description to the profile
The view has to be changed as follows:
CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE VIEW v8_sys_customxcmssearch
(customxcmssearch_xcms_id, zfac_longdesc)
AS SELECT xcms_id customxcmssearch_xcms_id,
(select zfac_longdesc from zfac where zfac_actvalidfrom is not null and zfac_actvaliduntil is null and
xcms.xcms_id=zfac.zfac_xcms_id and rownum=1)
from xcms;
The fields from the custom view are automatically added to the grid.
How to create a customised grid view for reservation search
Users familiar with the Fidelio Suite8 table structure and fields can create a customised grid view
for the reservation navigator.
This functionality is controlled by the parameter Custom view in Res. Navigator under
Setup → Configuration → Global Settings → Miscellaneous → Search Screens 2 tab.
To add fields to the Grid Customization dialog box, the view V8_sys_customxcmssearch
has to be amended.
Introduction 19
Example: Adding the housekeeping status to the reservation navigator
The view has to be changed as follows:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v8_sys_customressearch
AS SELECT yres_id customressearch_yres_id, yhks_shortdesc HSK_Status
FROM yhks, yrms, ydet,yres
WHERE yhks_id = yrms_yhks_id
AND yrms_id= ydet_yrms_id
and yres_current_ydet_id=ydet_id;
The fields from the custom view are automatically added to the grid.
This functionality is controlled by the parameter Custom view in Booking Search under
Setup → Configuration → Global Settings → Miscellaneous → Search Screens 2 tab.
To add fields to the Grid Customization dialog box, the view V8_sys_customybomsearch
has to be amended, however it must contain the field customybomsearch_ybom_id.
Example: "How to display the function type description"
The view has to be changed as follows:
ybom_id customybomsearch_ybom_id,
ybom, yfty
Customization functionality is controlled by the user right Edit under Setup → Configuration
→ Users → User Definition → Rights → Miscellaneous → Grid layout Customization.
Print functionality is controlled by the user right Print Grid under Setup → Configuration →
Users → User Definition → Rights → Miscellaneous.
20 Introduction
Print - prints an exact copy of the HTML display. The print page margins and the actions to take if
the HTML printout is too large for the defined paper size can be defined in the configuration.
Print with Setup - displays the printer options and then print the HTML display.
View source - displays the HTML code; no changes can be made.
Edit template with notepad - opens the relevant *.htm and *.qry in notepad. Users with HTML
programming knowledge can edit these files to meet the requirements of the property.
Edit template with associated application - opens the relevant *.htm and *.qry with the program
associated with these file types. Users with HTML programming knowledge can edit these files to
meet the requirements of the property.
How to use HTML Expressions to customize the HTML display
Properties can configure and store customised html files in the Version 8 directory for htm files.
The files are displayed in Suite8 either by logged in user, user language, customised htm files for
all users or language specific htm files for all users.
The priority Suite8 uses to determine which file to use is in the sequence as listed:
Customised htm file by user initials
To display a customised htm file by user initials, the htm file has to be called
Example: For a user with the initials DS the file has to be called usr_ds_quickinfo.htm.
Customised htm file by user language
To display a customised htm file by user language, the htm file has to be called
cust_lang_language short description_quickinfo.htm.
Example: If the language short description is F for French, the user has to select this language
under User Settings → Startup → Language and the file, such as quickinfo.htm has to be called
Customised version for all users
To display a customised version of htm files for all users, the html files have to be called
Example: cust_quickinfo.htm.
Customised version by language
To display a customised version by language, the html files have to be called lang_short
description of the language_htmlfile.htm.
Example: lang_f_quickinfo.htm, where f stands for the short description of the language.
If none of these files can be found then the standard htm file is displayed
How to hide or show expressions depending on activated features or license
The following expression can be used to hide for example, Conference Information on the HTM
file when working with the small business edition:
if ({const isBnB})=(1)}{/if}{else} {if {feature Meeting Planner}} Conference {runquery 2}
Customization functionality is controlled by the user right HTML source view and edit under
Setup → Configuration → Users → User Definition → Rights → Miscellaneous.
The print page margins and the actions to take if the HTML printout is too large for the
defined paper size are defined via the option HTML printout under Setup → Configuration →
Global Settings → Miscellaneous → Visual Appearance 4.
Introduction 21
Manager on Duty
The manager on duty can be displayed at the bottom of Suite8 screen next to the date and the
name of the logged in user.
If this functionality is activate then a manager on duty must always be assigned; a new manager
can be assigned by clicking on the Manager on Duty panel.
To select the manager on duty
1. Click the Manager on Duty panel at the bottom of the screen.
2. Select the required Manager on Duty from the list and click OK.
The manager on duty functionality is controlled by the parameter Assign Manager on Duty
under Setup → Configuration → Global Settings → Generic → Generic 3 tab.
All relevant users can be designated as a 'Manager on Duty' via the option Manager on Duty
under Setup → Configuration → Users → User Definition.
The Favourites shortcut toolbar allows you to keep your most frequently used options right where
you can find them. Your most used options can be added to the Favourites shortcut toolbar where
they are more noticeable and more easily organized to suit your purposes.
To make the most of the Favourites shortcut toolbar, you need to organize the options in it; this can
be done using drag and drop.
In user settings the Favourites shortcut toolbar can be set to be listed first and will then be the
default shortcut toolbar opened when logging on to Fidelio.
22 Introduction
Note: Options from Web Services cannot be added to the Favourites
shortcut toolbar.
On the toolbar the Favourites shortcut bar can be listed first by selecting the option Favourite
buttons on top under Miscellaneous → User Settings → Appearance Tab.
As of Version all Fidelio Suite8 program deliveries are signed with a Suite8 Certificate.
This integrity validation of the executable's and DLL's has been implemented in order to prevent
manipulation of the Fidelio Suite8 Program Deliveries.
In the case that a file has been tampered with then an error message is displayed when Fidelio
Suite8 is started:
Introduction 23
Logging off, Exiting Fidelio Suite8 and Locking the Station
The windows menu consists of the following options:
Close All - closes all open screens and dialog boxes
Lock Station - locks the workstation
Logout - closes all open screens and logs off Fidelio Suite8
Exit Application - closes all open screens and exits the application
Options Description
Close All Click the Windows menu and the option Close all.
All open screens and dialog boxes are closed.
Lock Station Click the Windows menu and the option Lock Station.
All open screens and dialog boxes are closed and the Login screen appears. A
new user can now login.
Logout 1. Click the Windows menu and the option Logout
All open screens and dialog boxes are closed and the Login screen appears. A
new user can now login.
2. To close the application completely click Cancel.
Fidelio Suite8 is closed and the desktop appears.
Exit Click the Windows menu and the option Exit Application.
Fidelio Suite8 is closed and the desktop appears.
Lock Station - the open screens and dialog boxes from the user who locked the station will not
be closed if the parameter Leave opened screen on Switch User is selected under Setup →
Configuration → Global Settings → Generic → Generic 3 tab.
24 Introduction
2 Leisure
Integrated Leisure Module
The integrated leisure module is activated with the license code Leisure Module, the following
functionality is available via the Leisure drop down module:
Leisure Booking List
From the Leisure Booking List, the plan schedule can be accessed.
Opening the booking edit screen switches to the Leisure system and allows modification and
viewing all details for the leisure booking
Posting Functionality resides in Suite8, no additional interface is needed. The leisure booking
charges are posted to the guest’s room using posting functionality in Suite8.
Full Leisure Module using the Leisure Interface
When using the full Leisure Module, the license code for the Leisure Module has to be activated
and the flag: Use Leisure Interface under Global Settings → Interface 3 tab selected. The Leisure
Interface is configured under this option, please refer to the section Global Settings in this
document. The following functionality is available:
Full Leisure Module
The communication and posting functionality is performed via FIAS Interface.
Whenever updates are made to Profiles or Reservations linked to leisure bookings a notification is
triggered to the Leisure System.
Accessing Leisure
The Fidelio Suite8 Leisure module integrates with the Spa Wellness Software BellaVita. BellaVita
software maintains the multiple leisure facilities a property might offer, including sports or
wellness treatments such as massages or facials. With BellaVita both the resources and the leisure
bookings can be maintained and scheduled.
From Fidelio Suite8, leisure bookings can be listed, edited, created, deleted, scheduled and posted.
When selecting a booking from the Leisure drop-down menu, BellaVita is opened so that Offers,
Employees, Schedules and all Leisure bookings can be maintained.
1. Click the Leisure menu and select View Bookings or press Ctrl + Shift + L.
2. In the Facility box select a leisure facility from the drop down list.
3. Type the date required in the Date box or click the drop down arrow and select a date from the
4. In the Booking # box enter the BellaVita leisure booking number to limit the search to a
specific booking.
5. Type the guest's last name in the Last Name box.
6. Type the guest's first name in the First Name box.
7. Type the description of the leisure booking in the Description box, for example entering
'Tennis' will list all guests booked for a tennis lesson.
8. In the Reservation ID box enter the reservation ID number in order to limit the search to a
specific reservation ID.
9. Select the option Include History to include historical leisure bookings in the search.
10. If the option Only Problematic is selected, then only problematic leisure bookings are listed.
26 Leisure
11. Select the option Needs to be posted to list only leisure bookings which have not yet been
12. If the option Include Inactive is selected, then inactive leisure bookings are also listed.
Click Search, all leisure bookings meeting the entered search criteria are listed.
To clear the search text click Reset filter.
Leisure Booking Search Criteria
Leisure booking posting functionality is controlled by the user right Post under Setup →
Configuration → Users → User Definition → Rights → Cashiering.
Leisure 27
Editing a leisure booking
How to edit a leisure booking
1. Click the Leisure menu and select View Bookings or press Ctrl + Shift + L.
The Leisure Booking List dialog box appears.
2. Search for and locate the booking to be edited.
3. Click Edit.
Suite8 Leisure is opened and the selected leisure booking is displayed.
28 Leisure
5. After logging in, the Price update dialog box is displayed; make any changes necessary and
click OK.
6. the charge is posted automatically and the leisure booking marked with a cross in the Posted
Leisure 29
3 Suite8 Configuration
Trouble Shooting
Listed below are helpful hints and solutions for troubleshooting the installation of the integrated
leisure module as well as scenarios for possible software problems.
Troubleshooting Guide
When a Leisure The charge type may not be linked to the offer. Check in the master data
posting should be that the charge type is
booked, Suite8 linked to the offer and
prompts the message: that it is linked as
No department code standard charge type,
No languages are The Leisure Booking Service is not running. If the problem persists
displayed for selection and the language can
An incorrect Server URL address entered on the Global
in the drop-down box not be selected on the
Settings → Interface 4 tab.
when configuring server, try if it works on
leisure on the Global If it is http://localhost:8195/IBookings?wsdl another workstation, the
Settings → Interface 4 then change this to: port 8153 is blocked on
tab. http://[servername]:8195/IBookings?wsdl the server. In this case
For versions 8.9 and above use : you can continue the
configuration but leisure
will not be available on
server later on.
When opening Leisure This issue is resolved
from the Suite8 drop since version of
down menu, the Suite8.
following message is
Can't establish
connection with GUI
Web Service
The view for the Incorrect Oracle rights Oracle rights - make
reports can not be sure that all grant
created. permissions have been
4 Leisure Configuration
To run the leisure reports, the view: V8_Rep_Lei_Infos has to be executed on the Suite8 database,
this can be done using TOAD.
In Suite8 under Miscellaneous → Reports, the following reports can be added:
The reports, parameter info and view are available on the MICROS-Fidelio FTP server in the
directory /S8Leisure/
Mobile Reports
Suite8 Leisure reports are also available on Suite8 mobile reports:
5 Index
Accelerator keys ......................................... 9
Blue drill down arrow ................................... 8
Changing the date
Typing a new date ................................. 15
Using the calendar................................. 15
Customising the HTML Display ................. 20
Date field
Changing a date using the calendar ....... 15
Control Panel Windows Regional
Settings/Options .................................... 15
Typing a new date ................................. 15
Editing a leisure booking ........................... 28
Change the HTML display ..................... 10
Collapse HTML Tree.............................. 10
Expand HTML Tree ............................... 10
View HTML display ................................ 10
HTML View ............................................... 10
Accessing .............................................. 25
Editing a leisure booking ........................ 28
Posting a leisure booking charge ........... 28
Searching for a leisure booking .............. 25
Logging In ................................................... 7
Navigation keys
Accelerator keys ...................................... 9
Quick keys............................................. 13
Shortcut keys........................................... 9
Posting a leisure booking charge ............... 28
Quick keys ................................................ 13
Shortcut keys .............................................. 9
Index 35
36 Index