GM 18
GM 18
GM 18
“Test Methods, Test Properties and Testing Frequencies for Flexible Polypropylene (fPP
and fPP-R) Nonreinforced and Reinforced Geomembranes”
This specification was developed by the Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI), with the
cooperation of the member organizations for general use by the public. It is completely optional
in this regard and can be superseded by other existing or new specifications on the subject matter
in whole or in part. Neither GRI, the Geosynthetic Institute, nor any of its related institutes,
warrant or indemnifies any materials produced according to this specification either at this time
or in the future.
1. Scope
1.2 This specification sets forth a set of physical, mechanical and endurance properties
that must be met or exceeded by the geomembrane being manufactured.
1.3 In the context of quality systems and management, this specification represents
manufacturing quality control (MQC).
1.4 This standard specification is intended to ensure good quality and performance of
fPP and fPP-R geomembranes in general applications, but may not be adequate for
*This Registered GRI standard is developed by the Geosynthetic Research Institute through consultation and review
by the member organizations. This specification will be reviewed at least every two-years, or on an as-required
basis. In this regard it is subject to change at any time. The most recent revision date is the effective version.
Copyright © 2009 Geosynthetic Institute
All rights reserved
GM18 - 1 of 12 Rev. 8: 9/10/15
the complete specification of a specific situation. Additional tests, or more
restrictive values for the tests indicated, may be necessary under conditions of a
particular application.
1.5 This specification does not cover installation considerations which are independent
of the manufacturing of the geomembrane.
2. Referenced Documents
3. Definitions
Rework, n - Polymer which has been converted into a geosynthetic material and then
ground into chips for reintroduction into the extruder without leaving the plant, e.g., edge
trim, out-of-spec thickness material, etc.
Chalking, n. – Formation of powdery deposit on the surface of a coating that has been
exposed to some form of degradation. It is commonly found on coatings that have been
exposed outdoors to sun and rain. The powder is in fact the pigment and extender that
remains after the binder has been destroyed by weathering. (BS 3900-H6: ISO 4628/6)
Minimum Average, n. - Many index test methods, such as thickness, mass, puncture, tear,
etc., require a number of test readings to be taken across an individual roll or panel
immediately after it is manufactured and then averaged accordingly. The particular
standard calls out this practice in de tail. For a full field project, however, m any rolls or
panels are required and the minimum average is the minimum of all the specific average
values of the individual rolls or panels. In this regard, “minimum average” is invariably
lower than the “average of the average” values which has sometimes been reported in the
4.2 The flexible polypropylene resin from which the geomembrane is made shall
conform to the definition presented in Section 3.
4.3 The flexible polypropylene resin shall be virgin material with no more than 10%
rework. If rework is used, it must be an approved formulation similar to the
parent material.
4.4 No post consumer resin (PCR) of any type shall be added to the formulation.
5.1 The geomembrane shall conform to the test property requirements prescribed in
Tables 1(a) and 1(b). Table 1(a) is in U. S. Standard units and Table 1(b) is in SI
(metric) units. The conversion from U. S. Standard to SI (metric) units is soft. It
is to be understood that the table refers to the latest revision of the referenced test
methods and practices.
Note 7: There are several tests that could have been included in this
specification which are omitted because it is felt that they are
outdated, irrelevant, or generate information that is not necessary
to evaluate on a routine MQC basis. The following tests have been
purposely omitted:
Note 10: There are several GRI tests currently included in this standard.
Since these topics are not covered in ASTM standards, this is
necessary. They are the following:
Surface Cracking
Surface Chalking
5.2 Details of the endurance-related procedure, i.e., the UV Fluorescent Method per
ASTM D7238 (mod. to 70°C) incubation procedure, are as follows:
Note 11: Earlier versions of this specification had the endurance criteria
(oven aging and UV weathering) based on reduction of oxidative
inductive time (OIT) from the as -received value. This was
subsequently found to be not fully reliable so this reinstated
specification is now based completely on UV weathering using the
fluorescent tube method (ASTM D 7238). The 20,000 light hour
exposure time is admittedly long, however, is felt to be in keeping
Note 13: Earlier versions of this specification had the endurance criteria
based on black versus other colors. This version does not
distinguish on the basis of color and all colors must meet the
criteria given.
5.3 As noted in the adoption and revision schedule included on Page 10, this
specification was suspended in 2004 and then withdrawn in 2007. During this
time and up to its reinstatement in 2009 considerable research on the durability
criterion has been undertaken by the institute. This effort resulted in the 20,000
light hour requirement per ASTM D7238 at 70°C; see Koerner, et al. (2008).
Related research activities are given in the following notes:
Note 14: There have been field reports that imposed tensile stresses have
caused premature failures in both fPP and fPP-R geomembranes.
At the institute we have evaluated two types of such stresses (wide
width and over rollers) and not found issues in products that passed
20,000 light hours of incubation. That said, further research might
still be considered.
Note 15: There have been field reports that abrupt corners in the products
during factory folding have caused premature failures in both fPP
and fPP-R geomembranes. At the institute we have evaluated 90°,
180°, and corner (or dead) folds in numerous aggressive solutions at
50°C for 1000 hours and not found issues in products that passed
20,000 light hours of incubation. That said, further research might
still be considered.
Note 16: There have been field re ports that chlorine and chloride compounds
(even in minute quantities) have caused premature failures in both
fPP and fPP-R geomembranes. At the institute we have evaluated a
number of chemical solutions (tap water, 1% sulfuric acid, 10 M
calcium chloride, 10% Igepal, 10 M lime 10% hydrogen peroxide
and 10% bleach solution) at 50°C for 1000 hours and not found
issues in products that passed 20,000 light hours of incubation. That
said, further research might still be considered.
6.1 Smooth fPP geomembrane shall have good and uniform appearance qualities. It
shall be free from such defects that would affect the specified properties of the
6.2 Scrim reinforced fPP-R geomembrane shall generally have a uniform undulating
appearance. It shall be free from irregular yarns, yarns that are bunched together,
yarns crossing over one another, and such defects that would affect the specified
properties of the geomembrane.
6.3 For fPP-R geomembranes there is to be no exposed scrim except for roll ends. A
0.375 0.25 in. (10 6 mm) edge encapsulation on each side is required.
7. MQC Sampling
7.1 Sampling shall be in accordance with the specific test methods listed in Table 1.
If no sampling protocol is stipulated in the particular test method, then test
specimens shall be taken evenly spaced across the entire roll width.
7.2 The number of tests shall be in accordance with the appropriate test methods
listed in Table 1.
7.3 The average of the test results should be calculated per the particular standard
cited and compared to the minimum value listed in these tables. For the entire lot,
or complete field project, of rolls or panels the values listed are the minimum
average values and are designated as "min. ave." (See Section 3 for definition)
8.1 If the results of any test do not conform to the requirements of this specification,
retesting to determine acceptance or rejection should be done in accordance with
the manufacturing protocol as set forth in the manufacturer's quality manual.
9.1 The geomembrane shall be rolled onto a substantial core or core segments and
held firm by dedicated straps/slings, or other suitable means. The rolls must be
adequate for safe transportation to the point of delivery, unless otherwise
specified in the contract or order.
9.2 The geomembrane can also be folded in an accordion manner and placed on a
wooden pallet. The entire package is to be protected by a cardboard enclosure
and the entire assembly banded together with plastic strapping.
9.3 Identify the product per ASTM D4873, which also includes information on
storage and handling.
10. Certification
Note 20: The authentication that the precise formulation of the material
shipped to the job site is the same as that originally tested should
be communicated between the parties involved. By precise
formulation is meant the type and amount of resin(s), as well as the
types and amounts of all additives; recall Note 3.
Table 1(a) – Flexible Polypropylene Nonreinforced (fPP) and Reinforced (fPP-R) Geomembranes
Property Test Method fPP fPP fPP fPP-R fPP-R fPP-R Testing
ASTM or GRI 30 mils 40 mils 60 mil 36 mils 45 mils 60 mil Frequency
Mass per Unit Area – lb/ft2 (min. ave.) D5261 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.15 0.18 0.24 15,000 lb
Thickness D5199
Nominal (mils) 30 40 60 36 45 60 per roll
min. ave. (mils) 27 36 54 32 40 54
Tensile Strength
dumbbell(1) – lb/in. (min. ave.) D6693-IV 60 72 96 - - - 15,000 lb
grab(1) – lb (min. ave.) D7004 - - - 200 250 300 15,000 lb
Tensile Elongation
dumbbell(1,2) - % (min. ave.) D6693-IV 700 700 700 - - - 15,000 lb
grab(1) - % (min. ave.) D7004 - - - 22 22 22 15,000 lb
Multiaxial Elongation - % D5617 120 120 120 - - - formulation
Tear Resistance
nonreinforced(1) – lb (min. ave.) D1004 10 12 18 - - - 15,000 lb
reinforced(1) – lb (min. ave.) D5884 - - - 55 55 55 15,000 lb
Puncture Resistance – lb (min. ave.) D4833 25 30 40 75 85 100 15,000 lb
Ply Adhesion – lb/in. (min. ave.) D6636 - - - 15 15 15 15,00 lb
Low Temperature Flexibility - F D2136(3) -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 formulation
Carbon Black Content(4) - % D4218 2-15 2-15 2-15 2-15 2-15 2-15 45,000 lb
Ultraviolet Light Resistance(5,6) D7238 @ 70°C per formulation
(a) % strength retained after 20,000 light hrs. D6693-IV 50 50
- or -
(b) % elongation retained after 20,000 light hrs. D6693-IV 50 50
- and -
(c) Surface Cracking Observation after 20,000 light hrs. GM16 none none
(d) Surface Chalking (or Powdering) after 20,000 light hrs. GM23 minor minor
(1) Test methods modified to 20 in./min. for unreinforced and 12 in./min. for reinforced
(2) Calculation based on a 2.0 in. gage length
(3) Using 1/8 in. mandrel for 4-hours.
(4) Applicable only to black geomembranes. Also D1603 is an acceptable method to determine carbon black content.
(5) The conditions of the UV Fluorescent exposure method should be 20 hr. UV cycle at 70C followed by 4 hr. condensation at 60C.
(6) See Section 5.2 for fPP-R geomembranes.
Property Test Method fPP fPP fPP fPP-R fPP-R fPP-R Testing
ASTM or GRI 0.76 mm 1.02 mm 1.52 0.91 mm 1.14 mm 1.52 Frequency
mm mm (minimum)
Mass per Unit Area – kg/m2 (min. ave.) D5261 0.59 0.78 0.98 0.73 0.88 1.17 7500 kg
Thickness D5199
Nominal (mils) 0.76 1.02 1.52 0.91 1.14 1.52 per roll
min. ave. (mils) 0.68 .92 1.37 0.82 1.03 1.37
Tensile Strength
dumbbell(1) – kN/m (min. ave.) D6693-IV 11 13 17 - - - 7500 kg
grab(1) – N (min. ave.) D7004 - - - 890 1110 1340 7500 kg
Tensile Elongation
dumbbell(1,2) - % (min. ave.) D6693-IV 700 700 700 - - - 7500 kg
grab(1) - % (min. ave.) D7004 - - - 22 22 22 7500 kg
Multiaxial Elongation - % D5617 120 120 120 - - - formulation
Tear Resistance
nonreinforced(1) – N (min. ave.) D1004 45 53 80 - - - 7500 kg
reinforced(1) – N (min. ave.) D5884 - - - 245 245 245 7500 kg
Puncture Resistance – N (min. ave.) D4833 110 130 180 330 380 440 7500 kg
Ply Adhesion – kN/m (min. ave.) D6636 - - - 2.6 2.6 2.6 7500 kg
Low Temperature Flexibility - C D2136(3) -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 formulation
Carbon Black Content(4) - % D4218 2-15 2-15 2-15 2-15 2-15 2-15 22,000 kg
Ultraviolet Light Resistance(5,6) D7238 @ 70°C per formulation
(a) % strength retained after 20,000 light hrs. D6693-IV 50 50
- or -
(b) % elongation retained after 20,000 light hrs. D6693-IV 50 50
- and -
(c) Surface Cracking Observation after 20,000 light hrs. GM16 none none
(d) Surface Chalking (or Powdering) after 20,000 light hrs. GM23 minor minor
(1) Test methods modified to 500 mm/min. for unreinforced and 12 in./min. for reinforced
(2) Calculation based on a 50 mm gage length
(3) Using 32 mm mandrel for 4-hours.
(4) Applicable only to black geomembranes. Also D1603 is an acceptable method to determine carbon black content.
(5) The conditions of the UV Fluorescent exposure method should be 20 hr. UV cycle at 70C followed by 4 hr. condensation at 60C.
(6) See Section 5.2 for fPP-R geomembranes.
“Test Properties, Testing Frequency and Recommended Warrant for Flexible Polypropylene
(fPP and fPP-R) Nonreinforced and Reinforced Geomembranes”
Revision 1: June 23, 2003: Adopted ASTM D 6693, in place of ASTM D 638 for tensile
strength testing. Also added Note 5.
Revision 3: March 20, 2009: Changed endurance criteria from OIT testing to 50% percent
strength and elongation retained (for nonreinforced fPP) and no cracking or
chalking (for reinforced fPP-R) after 20,000 light hours of UV-fluorescent
exposure per ASTM D 7238 at 70°C. Numerous notes have been added as well as
editorial corrections. Also removed recommended warranty from the
Revision 4: June 18, 2009: Corrected calculation for radiant exposure (RE).
Revision 5: February 1, 2011: Added 60 mil (1.52 mm) fPP and fPP-R to the specification.
Revision 7: August 4, 2014: Reviewed range of C.B. Content from 2-3% to 2-15%
recognizing that thermoset resins can be added up to 15% per Note 3.
Revision 8: September 10, 2015: Changed thickness description from “lowest individual
specimen” to “minimum average” in Tables 1a and 1b.