1) Guppies are small tropical fish native to South America that are highly variable and have become a premier model system for studying evolution, genetics, and sexual selection.
2) Guppies evolve rapidly in response to predation and their genetics underlying traits like coloration are linked to sex chromosomes, making them a unique model.
3) Researchers are constructing a genetic linkage map and using genomic tools to associate variable traits with genes, in order to better understand the molecular basis of adaptation in this system.
1) Guppies are small tropical fish native to South America that are highly variable and have become a premier model system for studying evolution, genetics, and sexual selection.
2) Guppies evolve rapidly in response to predation and their genetics underlying traits like coloration are linked to sex chromosomes, making them a unique model.
3) Researchers are constructing a genetic linkage map and using genomic tools to associate variable traits with genes, in order to better understand the molecular basis of adaptation in this system.
1) Guppies are small tropical fish native to South America that are highly variable and have become a premier model system for studying evolution, genetics, and sexual selection.
2) Guppies evolve rapidly in response to predation and their genetics underlying traits like coloration are linked to sex chromosomes, making them a unique model.
3) Researchers are constructing a genetic linkage map and using genomic tools to associate variable traits with genes, in order to better understand the molecular basis of adaptation in this system.
1) Guppies are small tropical fish native to South America that are highly variable and have become a premier model system for studying evolution, genetics, and sexual selection.
2) Guppies evolve rapidly in response to predation and their genetics underlying traits like coloration are linked to sex chromosomes, making them a unique model.
3) Researchers are constructing a genetic linkage map and using genomic tools to associate variable traits with genes, in order to better understand the molecular basis of adaptation in this system.
variability are well-studied. On the other half remaining on a
Quick guide the island of Trinidad, lowland non-recombining Y. And this Y areas of streams have a rich chromosome, similar in size to community of predatory fish, the X, is itself variable between Guppies while further upstream, barrier male lineages. In parallel with the waterfalls have allowed guppy amplification of male coloration Felix Breden populations to evolve without genes, genes encoding large predatory fish. Through photoreceptive opsin proteins various approaches, it has been have been duplicated and What are guppies? Guppies shown that behaviors, life history exhibit a high degree of adaptive (Poecilia reticulata) are small and morphology all respond diversification. tropical fish, native to the coastal evolutionarily to the strength of streams of northeast South predation. For instance, males What is the guppy’s potential America. They owe their name tend to be brighter and more for biomedical research? to Robert John Lechmere Guppy conspicuous in areas of low With their fast generation times who introduced them into the predation. Thus, the guppy is one and ease of maintenance, aquarium trade. Guppies have of the few systems in which the guppies are a valuable resource since become very popular dominant selective force can be for biomedical research. For aquarium fish, known for colorful so clearly identified. Manipulative instance, David Reznick and males and live-bearing females. experiments within and between colleagues are exploiting But guppies are also one of streams have shown that guppy population differences in the premier model systems for populations can evolve extremely life history as a model for the study of ecology, evolution, rapidly, at speeds similar to those understanding the forces genetics, and sexual selection. observed in artificial selection shaping variation in aging, and The guppy is now poised to experiments in the lab. in our lab we are studying the become an important model for guppy mutant curveback as a functional genomics of adaptive What about guppy genetics? so far unique model for familial characters. The genetics underlying these idiopathic scoliosis. characters are also unique. What is so special about Beginning in the 1920s, Winge Guppy genomics? Detlef Weigel, them? Guppies are extremely and colleagues showed that Christine Dreyer and colleagues variable both phenotypically over 40 loci contribute to male in Tübingen, Germany, are and genetically. Sexually mature coloration. Intriguingly, all of currently constructing a genetic males exhibit an amazing array these loci are linked to the linkage map to associate variable of differently colored spots sex chromosomes, with about phenotypic traits with genes of and stripes, such that every half of the alleles recombining known function. The mapping male almost seems unique between the X chromosome crosses will include highly (Figure 1), making the guppy and the Y chromosome in a differentiated and long- studied one of the most polymorphic pseudoautosomal fashion, and natural populations. Our lab has vertebrates known. Although the females do not show such coloration, they vary in terms of their preferred mates both within and between populations, making the guppy a powerful system for studying sexual selection. Like other members of the family Poeciliidae, such as swordtails and mollies, female guppies are live-bearing. Males fertilize the eggs using a stick-like modified anal fin, the so-called gonopodium. Guppies are ovoviviparous, i.e. the eggs develop inside the mother. However, also viviparity with placental nutrition has evolved several times within the Poecilliidae.
What have guppies taught Figure 1. Guppy diversity.
us about evolution? The An array of males retrieved from a single population of the Cumaná guppy reveals the guppy evolves quickly and the diversity of male coloration in these fish, which is controlled by more than 40 sex-linked selective factors that shape this loci. Photo used with permission from Alexander and Breden (2004). Current Biology Vol 16 No 20 R866
been using microsatellite markers For plants, associations with
developed in the closely related Primer fungi and bacteria were key sword-tail Xiphophorus innovations in the colonization maculatus, a known model for of land and of specific habitats. the genetics of melanoma, to Symbiosis Eukaryote-associated microbes act quickly build a set of linked as metabolic partners for accessing markers in the guppy. Thus, the Nancy A. Moran limiting nutrients and also as large group of biologists studying protectors, producing toxins that the family Poeciliidae is joining Microorganisms arose and ward off herbivores or pathogens. efforts in establishing genomic diversified before the appearance Similar associations have arisen resources for this valuable group of large multicellular organisms. with animals, allowing colonization of species. The bodies of the latter provided of diverse niches, such as the new potential habitats for specialized feeding on plant or What is in store for the microbes — habitats that were animal tissues, and the use of deep guppy? Variation is essential persistent, stable (from a microbial ocean hydrothermal vent habitats. to understanding the genetics perspective) and nutrient-rich. Often, the associations are underlying biological processes. As a result, large organisms, persistent for the hosts, frequently The guppy provides a huge from oaks to humans, have being transmitted vertically across amount of natural variation been continuously enmeshed generations, from mother to that can be studied genetically. in complex interactions with progeny. The organisms involved This variation has not been microorganisms during their in a symbiosis may be sufficiently produced by mutagenesis evolution. Biologists have paid fused that they cannot live apart or screens, but instead has been most attention to associations be recognized as distinct entities shaped by natural selection. with microbes that are pathogenic; without close scrutiny. Thus, combined with emerging typically, microbial infection has genomic resources, the been viewed as deleterious, or Recent growth of research on guppy is an ideal organism for at best irrelevant, to vigor and symbiotic microorganisms understanding the evolutionary reproduction. But the last 15 Before biological research genetics and molecular basis of years have witnessed increased became focused on genetic adaptation. appreciation of interactions that model organisms, greater benefit the host as well as the attention was paid to the study Where can I find out more? microbe. These interactions are of symbiosis. Microscopy was Alexander, H. and Breden, F. (2004). Sexual isolation and extreme morphological loosely grouped under the term used extensively to discover and divergence in the Cumaná guppy: a ‘symbiosis’ and the microbial elucidate symbioses before the possible case of incipient speciation. J. partners called ‘symbionts’. middle of the 20th century. The Evol. Biol. 17, 1238–1254. Endler, J.A. (1994). Multiple-trait coevolution Although the term ‘symbiont’ is reasons for a period of relative and environmental gradients in guppies. typically applied to mutualistic neglect, until about 1990, are Trends Ecol. Evol. 10, 22–29. Houde, A.E. (1997). Sex, Color, and Mate microorganisms, it is often used to complex. One contributing factor Choice in Guppies. (Princeton, New include associates for which the has been the unsuitability of most Jersey: Princeton University Press). full spectrum of effects on hosts is symbiotic partners as models for Lindholm, A., and Breden, F. (2002). Sexual selection and sex chromosomes not known. laboratory studies of genetics in poeciliid fishes. Am. Nat. 160, Symbiosis is ubiquitous in and development. The organisms S214–S224. Magurran, A.E. (2005). Evolutionary Ecology: terrestrial, freshwater and marine that are easiest to grow and The Trinidadian Guppy. (Oxford, UK: communities. It has played a key study in the laboratory, such as Oxford University Press). role in the emergence of major Escherichia coli, Arabidopsis Olendorf, R., Rodd, F.H., Punzalan, D., Houde, A.E., Hurt, C., Reznick, D.N., life forms on Earth and in the thaliana, Drosophila melanogaster and Hughes, K.A. (2006). Frequency- generation of biological diversity. and Mus domesticus, are weedy dependent survival in natural guppy populations. Nature 441, 633–636. Numerous authors have pointed species adapted to show fast Reznick, D.N., Shaw, F.H., Rodd, F.H., and out that Darwin did not emphasize growth in temporary niches. Shaw, R.G. (1997). Evaluation of the rate symbiosis as an evolutionary These species have lifestyles of evolution in natural populations of guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Science mechanism; its role is, of course, relatively free of complex 275, 1934–1937. not inconsistent with Darwin’s interdependencies with other Reznick, D.N., Mateos, M., and Springer, M.S. (2002). Independent origins and main ideas, but appreciation species. But most microorganisms rapid evolution of the placenta in the of symbiosis as a source of in natural communities are likely fish genus Poeciliopsis. Science 298, evolutionary novelty has developed to have obligate dependencies 1018–1020. Reznick, D., Bryant, M., and Holmes, D. relatively recently. Its importance on other species (often other (2005). The evolution of senescence and is perhaps most strikingly microbes), explaining why 99% post-reproductive lifespan in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) PLoS Biol. 4, e7. illustrated by the symbiotic of microorganisms are difficult or events that led to the evolution of impossible to culture. Similarly, eukaryotic organelles — plastids most symbionts of plants and and mitochondria — from animals cannot be readily cultured Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, cyanobacterial and independently of hosts, precluding British Columbia, Canada. alpha- Proteobacterial most conventional microbiological E-mail: breden@sfu.ca ancestors, respectively. analyses.