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LLDP-MED and Cisco Discovery Protocol

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LLDP-MED and Cisco Discovery Protocol


Device discovery protocols enable directly connected devices to discover information about each other. They advertise information about
the device over every interface, allowing any device in the network to “know” everything it is connected to. Examples of applications that
use the information conveyed by discovery protocols include:

● Network topology—A network management system (NMS) can accurately represent a map of the network topology.
● Inventory—A management system can query a switch to learn about all the devices connected to that switch.
● Emergency services—Location of a phone can be determined by the switch port to which it is connected.
● VLAN configuration—The switch can tell the phone which VLAN to use for voice.
● Power negotiation—The phone and the switch can negotiate the power that the phone can consume.
Cisco Systems® introduced the Cisco® Discovery Protocol in 1994 to provide a mechanism for the management system to automatically
learn about devices connected to the network. Cisco Discovery Protocol runs on Cisco devices (routers, switches, phones, etc.) and is also
licensed to run on some network devices from other vendors. Using Cisco Discovery Protocol, network devices periodically advertise their
own information to a multicast address on the network, making it available to any device or application that wishes to listen and collect it.
Because Cisco Discovery Protocol runs over Ethernet, ATM, and Frame Relay links, it is independent of network protocol (for example,
TCP/IP, Internetwork Packet Exchange [IPX], AppleTalk, etc.). With this capability in the network, Cisco customers can introduce a new
network management application that can discover and display an accurate topology of all the Cisco devices active on the network.
Because automatic device discovery is so helpful for network administration, many vendors in the data networking industry have
subsequently implemented their own discovery protocols to manage their devices.

Some of the well-known vendor-proprietary network discovery protocols are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Network Discovery Protocols

Vendor Acronym Name

Cisco Systems – Cisco Discovery Protocol

Enterasys CDP Cabletron Discovery Protocol

Extreme EDP Extreme Discovery Protocol

Foundry FDP Foundry Discovery Protocol

Nortel NDP Nortel Discovery Protocol

Over time, enhancements have been made to discovery protocols to provide greater capabilities. Applications (such as voice) have become
dependent on these capabilities to operate properly, leading to interoperability problems between vendors. Therefore, to allow inter-
working between vendor equipment, it has become necessary to have a single, standardized discovery protocol. Cisco has been working
with other leaders in the Internet and IEEE community to develop a new, standardized discovery protocol, 802.1AB (Station and Media
Access Control Connectivity Discovery, or Link Layer Discovery Protocol [LLDP]). LLDP, which defines basic discovery capabilities,
was enhanced to specifically address the voice application; this extension to LLDP is called LLDP-MED or LLDP for Media Endpoint
Devices. It should be noted that either LLDP or LLDP-MED—but not both—can be used at any given time on an interface between two

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devices. That is, LLDP-MED defines how a switch port transitions from LLDP to LLDP-MED if it detects an LLDP-MED-capable

This paper compares LLDP-MED and the Cisco Discovery Protocol specifically as they relate to phones and switches. It also identifies
some outstanding concerns that affect both development and deployment of multiple discovery protocols.

Cisco plans to initially support LLDP and LLDP-MED on both IP phones and LAN switches to provide multi-vendor interoperability.
Because Cisco Discovery Protocol is widely deployed and provides some additional capabilities beyond LLDP-MED, Cisco will continue
to fully support Cisco Discovery Protocol along with LLDP and LLDP-MED.


Cisco Discovery Protocol

Invented at Cisco by Keith McCloghrie and Dino Farinacci, Cisco Discovery Protocol was initially introduced on Cisco products in 1994.
This protocol now operates on tens of millions of Cisco devices throughout the world. It initially supported a limited set of attributes that
were used mainly for device discovery. These attributes are based on type, length, and value descriptions, referred to as TLVs. The TLVs
initially supported include the following:

● Device ID
● Network layer address
● Capabilities (such as router, switch, bridge, etc.)
● Software version
● Platform (for example, the Cisco Catalyst® 6500)
● Interface
● Port ID
In 1996 Cisco expanded the Cisco Discovery Protocol to include support for On-Demand Routing (ODR), which simplifies configuration
for stub routers. This attribute follows:

● Network prefix
In 1997 Cisco expanded the Cisco Discovery Protocol from Version 1 to Version 2 and included the following TLVs:

● Protocol–Hello—Allows other protocols to piggyback their Hello packets onto Cisco Discovery Protocol
● VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) management domain—Names the management domain
● Native VLAN—Indicates the number of the native VLAN
● Full or half duplex—Indicates if the interface is operating in half or full duplex
In 1999 Cisco added attributes to support voice over IP (VoIP). These TLVs included the following:

● Appliance VLAN—Indicates the voice VLAN

● Trigger—Offers ability to cause the remote end to immediately send a Cisco Discovery Protocol packet
● Power—Adds capability to negotiate power
● Extended trust and class of service (CoS)—Offers ability to specify whether the PC port of the phone is trusted and if not, what to
mark the Layer 2 packet CoS bits coming in from the PC port

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In 2000 Cisco added TLVs as follows:

● Sysname—Indicates fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device per RFC 1907
● sysObjectID—Gives object identifier (OID) per RFC 1907
● Management address—Indicates IP addresses for which the device accepts Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
● Physical location—Gives a string representing the physical location of the devices
In 2001 Cisco added support for the following TLV:

● External port ID—Identifies the physical fiber

Finally, in 2003 Cisco added the following attributes to the protocol:

● Power requested—Specifies how much power is being requested

● Power available—Specifies how much power is available
● Port unidirectional mode—Specifies that traffic on this port is one way only

LLDP got its start in an IETF Working Group (PTOPOMIB), which focused on a common framework or model to describe physical
topology. This group published an informational MIB, RFC 2922, in September 2000. Cisco then worked with the IEEE to create
802.1AB, which was published in May 2005. This protocol provides standards-based discovery for vendor interoperability.

It was recognized that additional capabilities were needed specific to VoIP, and this work was assumed by the Telecommunications
Industry Association (TIA) TR-41.4 subcommittee. This committee developed LLDP-MED, which defines extensions to LLDP. LLDP-
MED is specified to operate only between endpoint devices such as IP phones and network connectivity devices such as switches.


LLDP-MED and Cisco Discovery Protocol are closely related protocols. They are similar in many ways, including operation and the
information they carry.

The following sections discuss the capabilities of these protocols and how they differ in their implementation. A detailed comparison of
these protocols is provided in the appendix.

Note that the following comparison is limited to the scope of operation between switches and endpoints. The Cisco Discovery Protocol has
many capabilities that are not compared to LLDP-MED because these capabilities are outside the scope of the switch-to-phone interface
specified by LLDP-MED (refer to Table 4 in the appendix for further details).

Capabilities Discovery
Capabilities discovery allows endpoints to determine the type of capabilities the connected device supports. It can be used to indicate
whether the connected device is a phone, a switch, a repeater, etc.

These basic capabilities discoveries are supported by both Cisco Discovery Protocol and LLDP-MED. In addition to basic discovery
capabilities, LLDP-MED includes an additional function to specify what capabilities the device currently has enabled. For example, Cisco
Discovery Protocol states that a device is a phone, whereas LLDP-MED can state that the device is a phone with a PC port that is enabled
or disabled.

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LAN Speed and Duplex Discovery
This capability is important because it allows for the discovery of any speed or duplex mismatches that may occur between the devices. For
example, the switch could send a trap if it detects a mismatch between the endpoint and the switch.

LLDP-MED supports both LAN speed and duplex discovery. Cisco Discovery Protocol supports duplex discovery only, but this limited
support is not seen as a problem because if there is a speed mismatch, LLDP-MED and Cisco Discovery Protocol cannot be exchanged and
thus cannot be used to detect the mismatch.

Network Policy Discovery

This capability is one of the most important because it provides a mechanism for a switch to notify a phone the VLAN number that it
should use. The phone can plug into any switch, obtain its VLAN number, and then start communications with the call control.

Network policy discovery solves the major problem today with third-party phones working with Cisco switches as well as Cisco phones
working with third-party switches. For both of these cases, an inter-working problem makes deployment problematic.

Third-Party Phones with Cisco Switches

Some third-party phones receive their VLAN information through Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), meaning that these
phones must first boot up, get an IP address on the native VLAN, get voice VLAN information from the DHCP server, and then boot up
again using the voice VLAN. In other cases the phones must be individually configured to assign their VLAN address.

Cisco Phones with Third-Party Switches

In this case, Cisco phones must be individually provisioned (through the phone interface) with their voice VLAN information.

Both LLDP-MED and Cisco Discovery Protocol support this capability. LLDP-MED provides finer control of the network policy by
allowing separate control for signaling and bearer applications. However, from a practical point of view, the critical capability is the VLAN
configuration, and it is supported by both Cisco Discovery Protocol and LLDP-MED.

Location Identification Discovery

This capability is important because it normally provides location information from the switch to the phone. (If the phone is configured
with location information or can determine its location, then it may send this information to the switch. However, the real value is getting
this information from the switch to the phone for phones that cannot determine their own location.) Location identification discovery
allows the phone to be aware of its location—information that can be used for location-based applications on the phone. More importantly,
this capability can be used to provide location information when making emergency calls.

Both Cisco Discovery Protocol and LLDP-MED support the transportation of location information. However, LLDP-MED has more
supported data formats than Cisco Discovery Protocol.

Power Discovery
Power discovery allows switches and phones to convey power information—an especially important capability when Power over Ethernet
(PoE) is used because with PoE the switch provides power to the phones.

LLDP-MED provides information related to how the device is powered (from the line, from a backup source, from external power source,
etc.), power priority (how important is it that this device has power?), and how much power the device needs.

Cisco Discovery Protocol includes separate TLVs for power requested and power available, allowing the switch and the phone to negotiate
the power used. Some Cisco IP phones can operate at multiple power settings, lowering their consumption when less power is available.

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This distinction between Cisco Discovery Protocol and LLDP-MED is important because Cisco Discovery Protocol provides two-way
power negotiation between the IP phone and switch, a capability not supported in LLDP-MED. It should be noted that power negotiation
capabilities are being addressed by the IEEE 802.3at, but not as part of LLDP-MED.

Inventory Discovery
Inventory discovery provides a means to effectively manage company assets related to endpoints such as phones. For example, LLDP-
MED and Cisco Discovery Protocol allow an IP phone to inform the switch about attributes of the IP phone such as model number, serial
number, software revision, etc. This capability is important because many IP phones do not support an SNMP interface such that a
management system can directly access this information from the phone. Additionally, providing this information on the switch for all IP
phones that are connected to the switch simplifies the management application because it can obtain the information about all the IP
phones by centrally querying the switches involved.

Both Cisco Discovery Protocol and LLDP-MED support inventory-discovery capabilities.

Trust Extension
Cisco Discovery Protocol provides an additional capability not found in LLDP-MED that allows the switch to extend trust to the phone. In
this case, the phone is now trusted to mark the packets received on the PC port accordingly. This feature can be used to off-load the switch
because now it does not need to police the information being received from the phone.


The most important benefit with LLDP-MED is that it is an open standard. This protocol enables Cisco products to work better with third-
party products. However, deploying LLDP-MED does present challenges.

Although LLDP-MED is an open standard supported by Cisco, use of Cisco Discovery Protocol must be supported along with LLDP and
LLDP-MED (other vendors are expected to have similar concerns with their proprietary protocols). LLDP-MED will not be available at the
same time on all equipment, and may never be implemented on older devices. Network administrators will not upgrade all their equipment
simultaneously. Therefore, Cisco must support the use of both protocols simultaneously in the network.

A given LAN switch might have devices with any of the following sets of capabilities attached to it:

● Devices that support only LLDP-MED (example: a third-party phone)

● Devices that support only Cisco Discovery Protocol (example: an older Cisco switch or older Cisco phone)
● Devices that support only LLDP (example: a third-party router)
● Devices that support both LLDP and Cisco Discovery Protocol (example: a Cisco router)
● Devices that support both LLDP-MED and Cisco Discovery Protocol (example: A Cisco phone)
● Devices that support LLDP, LLDP-MED, and Cisco Discovery Protocol (example: a Cisco switch)
Figure 1 depicts scenarios of how these protocols can be used and where (if any) challenges lie, as follows:

1. An endpoint connected to a Cisco phone—A PC connected to a Cisco phone can support Cisco Discovery Protocol; that is, some
applications that can run on a PC (example Cisco VT Advantage) do support this protocol. The phone uses the protocol to support
these applications.

One of the challenges in this area is that LLDP-MED does not adequately specify how the PC port on the phone fits into the overall
LLDP-MED architecture. A problem now exists when LLDP is used with a 2-port phone, because this protocol has not yet been
standardized for this scenario. IEEE Standard 802.1ah-2005, Provider Bridges, states that LLDP is passed transparently through a
provider bridge, invalidating the assumption made by LLDP and LLDP-MED implementations insofar as a provider bridge allows

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devices that are not physically adjacent to trade LLDP packets as neighbors. The 802.1ah standard suggests that LLDP could be run
using two different destination MAC addresses, one that passes through provider bridges (the current address) and one that does not.
In addition, the new IEEE 802 project P802.1aj, Two Port MAC Relay, can pass LLDP packets transparently.

Thus, it is uncertain how LLDP will be handled in a telephone; specifically, it is uncertain how many destination MAC addresses a
phone or a PC needs to know about. Until this situation is resolved in IEEE 802.1, Cisco takes a conservative position, and does not
pass LLDP through the phone.
2. A Cisco phone connected to a Cisco switch—Both the Cisco switch and the Cisco phone must support these protocols. The challenge
is to determine which protocol takes priority and whether prioritization should be done on a TLV-by-TLV basis.
3. A Cisco switch connected to another Cisco switch—Both LLDP and Cisco Discovery Protocol must be supported in this case. Again
the challenge is to determine how these protocols interact.
4. A Cisco switch connected to a third-party switch—In this case the Cisco switch generates the Cisco Discovery Protocol messages and
LLDP messages. On most third-party switches the Cisco Discovery Protocol messages are ignored and flooded out the other
interfaces, meaning devices connected to the third-party switch receive Cisco Discovery Protocol messages from the Cisco switch.
Cisco phones on that switch receive these Cisco Discovery Protocol messages and send Cisco Discovery Protocol messages as if they
were directly connected to the Cisco switch. Therefore, when Cisco switches are connected to third-party switches (and the third-party
switches support LLDP-MED), Cisco Discovery Protocol should be turned off on ports connecting to the third-party switches.
5. A third-party phone connected to a Cisco switch—The switch generates both Cisco Discovery Protocol and LLDP-MED messages.
The phone drops the Cisco Discovery Protocol messages.
6. A third-party phone connected to a third-party switch—In this case of course only LLDP-MED is expected.
7. A Cisco phone connected to a third-party switch —In this case the phone generates both LLDP-MED and Cisco Discovery Protocol
messages. The switch uses LLDP-MED messages but usually ignores the Cisco Discovery Protocol messages and floods them out
other interfaces. As stated in example 4, if a Cisco switch is connected to the third-party switch, then Cisco Discovery Protocol should
be disabled on the Cisco switch trunk interface.
Although Figure 1 does depict Cisco Discovery Protocol and LLDP or LLDP-MED running simultaneously on Cisco devices, control must
be provided so that any of these protocols can be disabled. Figure 2 depicts a scenario where protocols are configured such that Cisco
Discovery Protocol is used between Cisco equipment and LLDP or LLDP-MED is used between Cisco and third-party equipment.

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Figure 1. Cisco Discovery Protocol and LLDP-MED Scenarios

Figure 2. Cisco Discovery Protocol and LLDP-MED Protocol Tuning

Cisco currently supports a pre-standards-based discovery protocol that provides similar capabilities to the currently released standards-
based LLDP-MED. Cisco Discovery Protocol will continue to be fully supported and may be enhanced in the future to address future

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capabilities that are not currently supported in LLDP-MED. Additionally, Cisco plans to fully support LLDP-MED on its phones and
switches. While some challenges remain, Cisco is actively involved in the standards process to address these challenges and is working
internally to ensure that both LLDP-MED and Cisco Discovery Protocol can coexist.

With support for both protocols operating simultaneously, Cisco customers can evolve their networks to an open standard, which enables
better interoperability with third-party products while maintaining full compatibility with older devices that only support Cisco Discovery
Protocol. It is planned that both protocols are enabled by default on Cisco products to provide the simplest approach from an operational
point of view. However, customers can fully control which protocol is running on which devices.

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Table 2 describes some of the details of the two protocols from an operational and capabilities point of view.

Table 2. Cisco Discovery Protocol Versus LLDP-MED Protocol Operation Comparison

Protocol Operation LLDP Cisco Discovery Protocol

Use of multicast address Yes Yes

01-80-C2-00-00-0E 0100.0ccc.cccc
c000.0800.0000 for 802.5

Ethertype LLDP has a dedicated ethertype: 88-CC. Cisco Discovery Protocol uses IEEE 802.2 and
802.3 encapsulation only.

Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP) value AA-AA-03-00-00-00-88-CC AA-AA-03-00-00-0C-20-00

Token Ring support Yes Yes

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) support Yes Yes

Ethernet support Yes Yes

ATM support No (not formalized) Yes

Frame Relay support No (not formalized) Yes

Checksum support No Yes

Fast Start support Yes Yes

For network connectivity devices such as switches, Cisco Discovery Protocol Fast Start occurs when the
LLDP fast start occurs only after an LLDP-MED link first comes up, in which case Cisco Discovery
frame has been received and the receiving device Protocol sends protocol frames at a rate of 1 per
does not have any valid data from that device yet. second for 3 seconds.
For endpoints such as phones, fast start also occurs These parameters are fixed in Cisco Discovery
at link initialization. Protocol.
For both cases, the default is 1 per second for
3 seconds.
LLDP allows configuration of these parameters.

Protocol uses LDDP-MED is used only between network devices Network-endpoint

(such as switches) and endpoint devices (such as Network-network
There is no difference in protocol operation,
For network-to-network connections, LLDP is used. although of course different device types may
transmit different TLVs.


This MIB includes the following:
● Topology change notification
● LLDP-MED configuration
● Local device information
● Remote device information

Topology change notification—Sends a notification if Yes No

a device is added or removed

Standard 802.1x interaction The switch does not accept or send LLDP-MED The switch does not accept or send Cisco Discovery
packets until after authentication occurs. Protocol packets until after
authentication occurs.
Note that the switch can be configured to bypass
authentication if Cisco Discovery Protocol is

Advertising frequency (time between Default 30 seconds Default 60 seconds

protocol frames) (configurable) (configurable)

Refer to http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/switches/ps5528/products_configuration_guide_chapter09186a00801e85c4.html and
http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/voicesw/ps556/products_security_notice09186a008048e0d6.html for further information.

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Transmit frame on local MIB change—If one of the Yes No
settings in the local MIB changes, then LLDP-MED
immediately transmits a message. This is useful
because it reduces the time needed for
synchronization. For example, if a VLAN is
administratively changed, LLDP-MED transmits this
change immediately to phones, whereas Cisco
Discovery Protocol may take up to a minute.

Cisco device action on receiving an LLDP-MED or Accept, depending on products, the timeframe, Accept (all Cisco equipment supports Cisco
Cisco Discovery Protocol frame and configuration; LLDP-MED is not planned for Discovery Protocol); note, of course, that if
introduction on all existing endpoint products, Cisco Discovery Protocol is disabled then these
and the rollout schedule may vary from product are dropped
to product

Third-party device action on receiving an LLDP-MED Accept, depending on their support for LLD-MED Most switches ignore the Cisco Discovery Protocol
or Cisco Discovery Protocol and configuration messages but forward them.

Discovers Cisco devices Yes Yes

Discovers third-party devices Yes No

Support for TLV selection in transmission—Provides TLV selection is supported for optional TLVs. TLVs are grouped into three groups, minimum,
the ability to specify which TLVs are to be included standard, and maximum. Global settings and port
in the outgoing frames settings can define which group to use.
Configuration of which TLVs are in the standard and
maximum groups is supported.

TLV-Level Comparison
Type, length, and value descriptions (TLVs) describe the individual pieces of information that the protocols transfer. Both LLDP-MED and
Cisco Discovery Protocol use TLVs to describe the individual pieces of information.

Table 3 describes these TLVs and compares the functions with regard to the two protocols.

Table 3. Cisco Discovery Protocol Versus LLDP-MED TLV Comparison

TLV Function LLDP-MED TLV Cisco Discovery Protocol TLV

Device identifier—A TLV that uniquely identifies the LLDP Chassis ID TLV Device ID TLV
device sending the discovery protocol messages The device identifier is constrained to MAC address This TLV allows for MAC address or serial number.
(for a network connectivity device) or network Address TLV
address (for an endpoint device).
This TLV utilizes the network layer addresses
Note that LLDP also allows for MAC address, but associated with the interface to which Cisco
LLDP-MED constrains this use, as discussed Discovery Protocol packets are sent.
previously. Phones use MAC address for this

Port identifier—Used to identify the port that is LLDP Port ID TLV Port-ID TLV
sending the discovery protocol message The port identifier is the MAC address of the port The port identifier is the name of the interface; it is
issuing the LLDP-MED message. the same as ifName from MIB RFC 2863.
Note that LLDP also allows ifName, but LLDP-MED
constrains this use to the MAC address. Phones use
the ifName.

Time to live—Specifies how long the receiving LLDP Time-To-Live TLV Time to live is not a specific TLV but is included as
device should maintain the received information in 0 < =TTL <65535 seconds part of the header information.
its MIB 0<= TTL <=255 seconds; default is 180 seconds

System capabilities—Determines the capabilities of LLDP System Capabilities TLV Capabilities TLV
the device such as phone, switch, or router LLDP carries both a value to indicate which This TLV indicates only primary functions such as
capabilities are supported by the device and which the phone and does not indicate that the phone also
capabilities are actually enabled for the device. has PC port.
Note: An example is a phone that has a PC port that
is disabled. In this case the system capabilities
indicate both phone and bridge, whereas the
enabled capabilities indicate phone only.

Physical layer information—Defines information IEE802.3 MAC/PHY Configuration/Status TLV Full/Half Duplex TLV
related to the link speed and its half-or This TLV contains the duplex and speed capabilities This TLV indicates the full- or half-duplex setting of
full-duplex setting of the port as well as their current settings. It also the link only.
indicates if they are autonegotiated or configured.

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List of TLVs supported and device class capability— LLDP-MED Capabilities TLV None
Indicates the TLVs that are supported by the This TLV identifies the LLDP-MED TLVs that the
sending device and the class of device sending device supports and also if this is an
endpoint or network connectivity device. If it is an
endpoint device, it specifies the LLDP-MED class of
the endpoint.

VLAN configuration information LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV Appliance VLAN-ID TLV
This TLV specifies the VLAN ID, the 802.1 priority, This TLV specifies the VLAN ID and also allows for
and the differentiated-services-code-point (DSCP) tagged and untagged VLANs.
value. It also allows for tagged and untagged It does not allow for specification of 802.1 priority or
VLANs. DSCP values, and it does not differentiate between
This TLV can send this policy for each application applications.
supported, allowing separate definitions for voice
signaling, video, voice bearer, etc.

Power management support Extended Power Via-MDI TLV Power Consumption TLV
Note: There are some significant differences LLDP-MED provides information related to how the Power Requested TLV
between these two protocols. device is powered (from the line, from a backup Power Available TLV
source, from an external power sourec, etc.), power
priority (how important is it that this device has Cisco Discovery Protocol supports power negotiation
power?), and also how much power the device and allows the switch and the phone to agree on
needs. power. LLDP does not really allow for negotiation.

Inventory management support Inventory Management TLV sysName TLV

This TLV offers the following: sysObject TLV
● Hardware revision Platform TLV
● Firmware revision Version TLV
● Software revision Note that the Device ID TLV (first one in this table)
● Serial number may contain the serial number.
● Manufacturer name
● Model name
● Asset ID

Extended trust support—Allows the switch to instruct No Extended Trust TLV

the phone that it should or should not trust the COS for Untrusted Ports TLV
device attached to its PC port; if not trusted, then the
protocol can use the CoS to set the 802.1p user
priority bits.

Capability to allow a device to request another LLDP-MED does not have a specific attribute for this Trigger TLV
device to send it an updated discovery capability. However, this capability can be indirectly When this TLV is received, it causes the receiver to
protocol message. accomplished by first sending a LLDP-MED immediately send a Cisco Discovery Protocol
message with a TTL of 0, followed by another message to the sender.
message with a normal TTL.

Native VLAN support—Indicates the native VLAN No Native VLAN TLV

Although the TLVs listed in Table 4 are Cisco Discovery Protocol-only TLVs, their use is outside the scope of a network connectivity
device and endpoint device and thus are compared to LLDP TLVs. That is, these TLVs are generally used between switches or routers and
not between switches and endpoints.

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Table 4. LLDP Versus Cisco Discovery Protocol TLV Comparison

Function Description LLDP TLV Cisco Discovery Protocol TLV

IP network prefix support—Used to send the network No IP Network Prefix TLV

prefix and used for ODR

Hello piggybacking—Can be used to piggy back No Protocol Hello TLV

hello messages from other protocols

Maximum-transmission-unit (MTU) support— No MTU TLV

Specifies the size of the MTU

External port support—Used to identify the card No External Port-ID TLV

terminating the fiber in the case of wavelength-
division multiplexing (WDM)

VTP management support No VTP Management Domain TLV

Port unidirectional mode—Used in fiber, where the No Port UniDirectional Mode TLV
connection may be unidirectional

Management address Management Address TLV Management-AddressTLV

Allows for organizational unique TLVs Yes No

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