Behr Labor Technik Kjeldahl N Stand en

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Kjeldahl method for

determining nitrogen

Kjeldahl method for determining nitrogen
The behr program for determination of nitrogen using
the Kjeldahl method______________________________________ 4

behr Kjeldahl block digestion systems________________________ 6

Standard Kjeldahl block digestion systems, behr K 8, K 12 und K 20__________ 6
Micro Kjeldahl block digestion systems, behr K 16, K 24 und K 40___________6
Macro Kjeldahl block digestion systems, behr K 8 B______________________7
behr Kjeldahl block digestion systems with fully automatic lift_______________8
Accessories for Kjeldahl block digestion systems________________________9

Infrared rapid digestion units_______________________________ 10

Infrared digestion compared to block digestion____________________________ 11
Digestion units___________________________________________________12
Digestion system with temperature control_____________________________16
Accessories for behr InKjel_________________________________________17

behrotest® fully equipped work stations_______________________ 18

behrosog 3 scrubber_____________________________________ 20

behr steam distillers S 1 to S 5_____________________________ 22

Maintenance set____________________________________________________ 23
Steam distillers S1 and S2____________________________________________ 24
Steam distillers S3 and S4____________________________________________ 25
Steam distiller S5___________________________________________________ 26
Equipping the models________________________________________________ 27
Adapter for using different digestion vessels______________________________ 28

Canister sets and manual titration station STI__________________ 29

Data collection and evaluation with KjelSoft___________________ 30

The behr program for the
Kjeldahl method for determining nitrogen

The behr program for the determination of nitrogen using the Kjeldahl method provides
the user individually configurable complete solutions for the laboratory.

Digestion units
Kjeldahl block digestion systems
Block digestion systems with high-quality corrosion-resistant block housing made of
stainless steel. Manual or with automatic lift.
n High-efficiency heating and extraction hood with exhaust collector
n behr single-knob control for particularly easy and fast programming
n Menu navigation in national language
n 25 freely configurable programs for block temperature and digestion time
n Applications can be saved

Standard systems
n Digestion vessels with 250 ml volume (8, 12 or 20 sample slots)

Micro-Kjeldahl systems
n Digestion vessels with 100 ml volume (16, 24 or 40 sample slots)
Infrared digestion systems
The digestion units of the behrotest® InKjel series are equipped with efficient quartz
glass infrared heating. Apart from the traditional series with energy control, there is a
fully equipped series of appliances for temperature-controlled digestion.
The quality and positioning of the behr infrared heaters guarantees the user identical
heating phases and digestion temperatures on all sample slots. This also applies to
double-rowed arrangement in insert racks for 12 samples.
Direct sample heating by the infrared heaters prevents the agonisingly long heating and
cooling times of conventional heating block systems.
The behrotest ® InKjel is therefore the ideal rapid digestion system for the determination
of nitrogen using the Kjeldahl method and other high-temperature digestion tests.

The two-stage behrosog scrubber – pre-separator plus safety stage – prevents any acid
fumes whatsoever from reaching the environment.

Titration stations
The behrotest® STI manual titration station or an automatic titrator ensure reliable, safe
and fast titration for completion of the nitrogen determination.

Collection and evaluation module

Integrated collection and evaluation solution for nitrogen determination according to
Kjeldahl with analytical scales, titration station and collection and evaluation software.

Areas of application

Dairies Cocoa/drinking chocolate

Biogas plants

Preserves/ Malt houses

canned foods


Block digestion systems
behr Kjeldahl block digestion systems

Standard Kjeldahl block digestion systems, behr K 8, K 12 and K 20

Block digestion systems with high-quality corrosion-resistant block housing made of
stainless steel. With 8, 12 or 20 sample slots for standard Kjeldahl digestion vessels with
a volume of 250 ml. High-efficiency heating and extraction hood with exhaust collector.
behr single-knob control for particularly easy and fast programming.
Menu navigation in national language.
25 freely configurable programs for block temperature and digestion time.
Applications can be saved.
n USB interface.
n The Windows software supplied enables the user to bidirectionally transfer application-
specific time/temperature profiles between one or several units and a PC via the inter-
n The removable inspection door on the insertion rack enables the progress of the
digestion to be observed.
Complete systems with digestion vessels, rack and extraction hood.

Standard Kjeldahl block digestion system

Type Product description Art. No.

K8 with 8 sample slots, for digestion vessels B00632822

with a volume of 250 ml
K 12 K 12 with 12 sample slots, for digestion vessels B00605456
with a volume of 250 ml

K 20 with 20 sample slots, for digestion vessels B00632831

with a volume of 250 ml

Micro Kjeldahl block digestion systems, behr K 16, K 24 and K 40

Block digestion systems with high-quality corrosion-resistant block housing made of
stainless steel. With 16, 24 or 40 sample slots for micro Kjeldahl digestion vessels with
a volume of 100 ml. High-efficiency heating and extraction hood with exhaust collector.
behr single-knob control for particularly easy and fast programming.
Menu navigation in national language.
25 freely configurable programs for block temperature and digestion time.
Applications can be saved.
n USB interface.
n The Windows software supplied enables the user to bidirectionally transfer application-
specific time/temperature profiles between one or several units and a PC via the inter-
n The removable inspection door on the insertion rack enables the progress of the
digestion to be observed.
Complete systems with digestion vessels, rack and extraction hood.

Micro Kjeldahl block digestion system

Type Product description Art. No.

K 16 with 16 sample slots, for digestion vessels B00632829

with a volume of 100 ml
K 24 with 24 sample slots, for digestion vessels B00632828
with a volume of 100 ml
K 20 K 40 with 40 sample slots, for digestion vessels B00632821
with a volume of 100 ml

Block digestion systems

Macro-Kjeldahl block digestion systems, behr K 8 B

Block digestion systems with high-quality corrosion-resistant block housing made of
stainless steel. With 8 sample slots, for macro Kjedldahl digestion vessels with a volume
of 400 ml. High-efficiency heating and extraction hood with exhaust collector.
behr single-knob control for particularly easy and fast programming.
Menu navigation in national language.
25 freely configurable programs for block temperature and digestion time.
Applications can be saved.
n USB interface.
n The Windows software enables the user to bidirectionally transfer application-specific
time/temperature profiles between one or several units and a PC.
n The removable inspection door on the insertion rack enables the progress of the
digestion to be observed.
Complete systems with digestion vessels, rack and extraction hood.

Macro Kjeldahl block digestion system

Type Product description Art. No.

K8B with 8 sample slots, for digestion vessels B00632830

with a volume of 400 ml

Technical data of the behr Kjeldahl block digestion systems

K8 K 12 K 16/K 24 K 20/K 40

Voltage 230 VAC

Frequency 50/60 Hz

Power consumption 1000 W 1500 W 1500 W 2200 W

Current consumption 5A 8A 8A 10 A

approx. approx. approx. approx.

Weight (incl. vessels)
28 kg 30 kg 30 kg 34 kg

Dimensions in cm (W x D x H) approx. 42 x 51 x 76.5 approx. 48 x 51 x 76.5

Temperature range 430°

behr Kjeldahl block digestion systems with fully automatic lift
behr’s L series Kjeldahl block digestion systems are equipped with a fully automatic
lift. This enables the user to avoid handling the heavy samples unit and the hot chemi-
cals. The software not only controls the sample lift but also the behrosog 3 and therefore
enables largely automatic digestion.
At the end of the digestion the lift moves the complete unit upwards, including the rack
and extraction hood. Following a freely programmable cooling/ extraction time, it raises
the extraction hood and moves it into the end position.
n Temperature profiles and the starting time of the digestion are freely programmable.
behr single-knob control for particularly easy and fast programming.
n USB interface.
n The Windows software supplied enables the user to bidirectionally transfer
application-specific time/temperature profiles via the interface between one or several
units and a PC.
n The removable inspection door on the insertion rack enables the progress of the
digestion to be observed.
Available with 230 V~/50-60 Hz.

behr Kjeldahl block digestion systems with fully automatic lift

Type Product description Art. No.
K 40 L K 12 L Automatic Kjeldahl block digestion system with lift. B00632827
12 sample slots, for digestion vessels with a volume
of 250 ml

K 20 L Automatic Kjeldahl block digestion system with lift. B00632826

20 sample slots, for digestion vessels with a volume
of 250 ml

K 24 L Automatic micro Kjeldahl block digestions system with lift. B00632825

24 sample slots, for digestion vessels with a volume of 100 ml

K 40 L Automatic micro Kjeldahl block digestions system with lift. B00632824

40 sample slots, for digestion vessels with a volume of 100 ml

Fully automatic
boil cool finished

Block digestion systems

Accessories for Kjeldahl block digestion systems

Digestion vessels for K blocks
Type Product description Art. No.

SR 3i Round bottom digestion vessel, 250 ml B00217959

SR 4 Round bottom digestion vessel, 100 ml for micro Kjeldahl B00217960

SR 5 Round bottom digestion vessel, 400 ml for K 8 B B00373170

Good to know:
behrotest® standard digestion vessels have standard dimensions. That means
they fit into digestion and distillation units of most brands. Of course, it also
means that standard digestion vessels of most brands can be used with
behr distillation units.

SR 3i SR 4 SR 5

Accessories for the behr Kjeldahl digestion

Type Product description Art. No.

KT 1 Catalyst tablets (5.0 g K2SO4; 0.5 g CuSO4), B00217934

tin with 1000 tablets (CX)

KT 2 Catalyst tablets (5.0 g K2SO4; 0.15 g CuSO4; 0.15 g TiO2), B00217935

tin with 1000 tablets (CT)

KT 3 Catalyst tablets (3.5 g K2SO4; 0.4 g CuSO4), B00217937

tin with 1000 tablets (CK)

KT 4 Catalyst tablets (3.5 g K2SO4; 3.5 g Se), B00490920

tin with 1000 tablets (ST)
KT 1
AFS Anti-foam tablets, tin with 100 tablets for B00217936
steam distillation
SIST 100 Boiling stones for the Kjeldahl digestion, contents 100 g B00217914
WP Weighing paper, block of 250 sheets, 95 x 110 mm B00441136

SIST 100

Infrared rapid detection units
behrotest ® InKjel
Infrared rapid detection units

Infrared digestion compared to block digestion

Particularly uniform heating of the samples Samples are heated from underneath,
using side heaters, therefore no zones with therefore higher requirements for users to
different temperatures. Hardly any boiling prevent boiling delays.

Quartz heaters:
n uniform effect along the entire length
n insulated from the housing, no energy loss through heat transfer
n full heat output within 1 minute, no preheating required

Infrared digestion; Finished after

no preheating typ. 60 minutes

Digestion in heating block: Digestion period

preheating necessary longer than in IR

Digestion units
The digestion units of the behrotest ® InKjel series are equipped with efficient infrared
heating. The quality and positioning of the behr infrared heaters guarantees the user
identical heating phases and digestion temperatures on all sample slots. This also ap-
plies to double-rowed arrangement in insert racks for 12 samples. The digestion tubes
hang in the rack and do not touch the bottom of the digester. As a result, the digestion
vessels are at less risk of breakage than in an aluminium heating block.
n Direct sample heating by the infrared heaters prevents the agonisingly long
heating times of conventional heating block systems.
n You can reach a radiation temperature of 830 °C within one minute and heat up the
samples in 10 minutes to their boiling temperature of 410°C.
High-quality quartz heaters instead of the usual steel tubular heating elements en-
sure particularly uniform heating of all sample slots.
behr single-knob control for particularly easy and fast programming.
n Menu navigation in national language.
The behrotest ® InKjel is therefore the ideal digestion system for the determination of
nitrogen using the Kjeldahl method and other high-temperature digestion tests. With
the Kjeldahl digestion method, the temperature is set by the boiling temperature of the
sulphuric acid.

InKjel 625 M rapid digestion system with manual energy control

for 6 sample slots, 250 ml
Rapid digestion system with manual energy control and direct heating of the samples
using high-quality quartz infrared heaters (1500 W).
n 6 glass digestion tubes of 250 ml
n Constant heating of all samples to 410 °C in approx. 10 minutes
n Uniform heating of all sample slots
n Energy savings compared to aluminium block

Complete system with tiered rack, fume removal unit, insert rack and glass digestion tubes.
Type Product description Art. No.

InKjel 625 M Manually controllable infrared digestion system B00218101

for 6 glass tubes of 250 ml

InKjel 625 M

InKjel 625 P rapid digestion system with 25 freely configurable programs for energy
and digestion time for 6 sample slots, 250 ml
Rapid digestion system with 25 freely configurable programs for energy and digestion time
and direct heating of the samples using high-quality quartz infrared heaters (1500 W).
n 6 glass digestion tubes of 250 ml
n Constant heating of all samples to 410 °C in approx. 10 minutes
n Uniform heating of all sample slots
n Windows software enables the user to bidirectionally transfer application-specific
time/temperature profiles between one or several units and a PC via the USB inter-
n Energy savings compared to aluminium block

Complete system with tiered rack, fume removal unit, insert rack and glass digestion tubes.
Type Product description Art. No.

InKjel 625 P Programmable infrared digestion system B00218105

for 6 glass tubes of 250 ml

InKjel 625 P

Infrared rapid detection units

InKjel 1210 M rapid digestion system with manual energy control

for 12 sample slots, 100 ml
Rapid digestion system with manual energy control and direct heating of the samples
using high-quality quartz infrared heaters (1500 W).
n 12 glass digestion tubes of 100 ml
n Constant heating of all samples to 410 °C in approx. 10 minutes
n Uniform heating of all sample slots
n Energy savings compared to aluminium block
Complete system with tiered rack, fume removal unit, insert rack and glass digestion tubes.
Type Product description Art. No.

InKjel 1210 M Manually controllable infrared digestion system B00373235

for 12 glass tubes of 100 ml

InKjel 1210 M
InKjel 1210 P rapid digestion system with 25 freely configurable programs for energy
and digestion time for 12 sample slots, 100 ml
Rapid digestion system with 25 freely configurable programs for energy and digestion time
and direct heating of the samples using high-quality quartz infrared heaters (1500 W).
n 12 glass digestion tubes of 100 ml
n Constant heating of all samples to 410 °C in approx. 10 minutes
n Uniform heating of all sample slots
n Windows software enables the user to bidirectionally transfer application-specific
time/temperature profiles between one or several units and a PC via the USB interface.
n Energy savings compared to aluminium block
Complete system with tiered rack, fume removal unit, insert rack and glass digestion tubes.
Type Product description Art. No.

InKjel 1210 P Programmable infrared digestion system B00497540

for 12 glass tubes of 100 ml

InKjel 1210 P
InKjel 1225 M rapid digestion system with manual energy control
for 12 sample slots, 250 ml
Rapid digestion system with manual energy control and direct heating of the samples
using high-quality quartz infrared heaters (1500 W).
n 12 glass digestion tubes of 250 ml
n Constant heating of all samples to 410 °C in approx. 10 minutes
n Uniform heating of all sample slots
n Energy savings compared to aluminium block
Complete system with tiered rack, fume removal unit, insert rack and glass digestion tubes.
Type Product description Art. No.

InKjel 1225 M Manually controllable infrared digestion system B00218103

for 12 glass tubes of 250 ml

InKjel 1225 M

InKjel 1225 P rapid digestion system with 25 freely configurable programs for energy
and digestion time for 12 sample slots, 250 ml
Rapid digestion system with 25 freely configurable programs for energy and digestion time
and direct heating of the samples using high-quality quartz infrared heaters (1500 W).
n 12 glass digestion tubes of 250 ml
n Constant heating of all samples to 410 °C in approx. 10 minutes
n Uniform heating of all sample slots
n Windows software enables the user to bidirectionally transfer application-specific time/
temperature profiles between one or several units and a PC via the USB interface.
n Energy savings compared to aluminium block
Complete system with tiered rack, fume removal unit, insert rack and glass digestion tubes.
Type Product description Art. No.

InKjel 1225 P Programmable infrared digestion system B00218106

for 12 glass tubes of 250 ml
InKjel 1225 P

InKjel 450 M rapid digestion system with manual energy control

for 4 sample slots, 500 ml
Rapid digestion system with manual energy control and direct heating of the samples using
high-quality quartz infrared heaters (1500 W).
n 4 glass digestion tubes of 500 ml
n Constant heating of all samples to 410 °C in approx. 10 minutes
n Uniform heating of all sample slots
n Energy savings compared to aluminium block
Complete system with tiered rack, fume removal unit, insert rack and glass digestion tubes.
Type Product description Art. No.

InKjel 450 M Manually controllable infrared digestion system B00218067

for 4 glass tubes of 500 ml

InKjel 450 P rapid digestion system with 25 freely configurable programs for
InKjel 450 M
energy and digestion time for 4 sample slots, 500 ml
Rapid digestion system with 25 freely configurable programs for energy and digestion time
and direct heating of the samples using high-quality quartz infrared heaters (1500 W).
n 4 glass digestion tubes of 500 ml
n Constant heating of all samples to 410 °C in approx. 10 minutes
n Uniform heating of all sample slots
n Windows software enables the user to bidirectionally transfer application-specific time/
temperature profiles between one or several units and a PC via the USB interface.
n Energy savings compared to aluminium block
Complete system with tiered rack, fume removal unit, insert rack and glass digestion tubes.
Type Product description Art. No.

InKjel 450 P Programmable infrared digestion system B00218107

for 4 glass tubes of 500 ml

InKjel 450 P

Infrared rapid detection units

InKjel 475 M rapid digestion system with manual energy control

for 4 sample slots, 750 ml
Rapid digestion system with manual energy control and direct heating of the samples us-
ing high-quality quartz infrared heaters (1500 W).
n 4 glass digestion tubes of 750 ml
n Constant heating of all samples to 410 °C in approx. 10 minutes
n Uniform heating of all sample slots
n Energy savings compared to aluminium block
Complete system with tiered rack, fume removal unit, insert rack and glass digestion tubes.
Type Product description Art. No.

InKjel 475 M Manually controllable infrared digestion system B00218068

for 4 glass tubes of 750 ml

InKjel 475 P rapid digestion system with 25 freely configurable programs for energy InKjel 475 M
and digestion time for 4 sample slots, 750 ml
Rapid digestion system with 25 freely configurable programs for energy and digestion time and
direct heating of the samples using high-quality quartz infrared heaters (1500 W).
n 4 glass digestion tubes of 750 ml
n Constant heating of all samples to 410 °C in approx. 10 minutes
n Uniform heating of all sample slots
n Windows software enables the user to bidirectionally transfer application-specific time/
temperature profiles between one or several units and a PC via the USB interface.
n Energy savings compared to aluminium block
Complete system with tiered rack, fume removal unit, insert rack and glass digestion tubes.
Type Product description Art. No.

InKjel 475 P Programmable infrared digestion system B00218108

for 4 glass tubes of 750 ml

InKjel 475 P
Technical data for digestion systems
InKjel M InKjel P

Voltage 230 VAC

Frequency 50/60 Hz

Power consumption 1500 W 1500 W

Current consumption 8A 8A

Weight (incl. vessels) approx. 20 kg approx. 20 kg

Dimensions in cm (W x D x H) approx. 54 x 44 x 75 approx. 54 x 44 x 75
0... 100%, continuously
0... 100%,
Energy setting range variable,
in steps of 1 %
manually adjustable
0... 199 min,
Time setting range –
in steps of 1 min
Programs – 25

Rapid Infrared Digestion Systems
behrotest ® InKjel TC

Rapid Infrared Digestion Systems with Temperature Control

behr InKjel TC rapid infrared devices with temperature control combine the advantages
of infrared digestion and block digestion in one unit: Their fast infrared digestion at
controlled temperatures enables an extremely high sample throughput.
With the programmable models of the InKjel TCP line the analyst has the choice from 25
individually configurable programs for temperature and digestion time.
You can reach a radiation temperature of 830 °C within one minute and heat up the
samples in 10 minutes to their boiling temperature of 410°C. High-quality quartz heaters
instead of the usual steel tubular heating elements ensure particularly uniform heating
of all sample slots.

Digestion systems with temperature control

Type Product description Art. No.

InKjel Programmable rapid infrared digestion system for 6 reaction vessels B00636206
625 TCP with 250 ml volume. Temperature control.

InKjel Programmable rapid infrared digestion system for 10 reaction B00636207

1210 TCP vessels with 100 ml volume. Temperature control.

InKjel Programmable rapid infrared digestion system for 12 reaction B00636208

1225 TCP vessels with 250 ml volume. Temperature control.

InKjel Programmable rapid infrared digestion system for 4 reaction vessels B00636209
450 TCP with 500 ml volume. Temperature control.

InKjel Programmable rapid infrared digestion system for 4 reaction vessels B00636210
475 TCP with 750 ml volume. Temperature control.

InKjel 1225 TCP

Infrared rapid detection units

Accessories for behr InKjel

Accessories for behr InKjel
Type Product description Art. No.

AE 4 Fume removal equipment for InKjel 450 and InKjel 475 B00218088
(M and P)
AE 6 Fume removal equipment for InKjel 625 (M and P) B00218089
AE 6
AE 12/100 Fume removal equipment for InKjel 1210 (M and P) B00218070
AE 12 Fume removal equipment for InKjel 1225 (M and P) B00218090
EG 12/100 Insert rack for 12 digestion vessels of 100 ml B00218069
in the InKjel 1210 (M and P)
EG 6 Insert rack for 6 digestion vessels of 250 ml B00218086
in the InKjel 625 (M and P)
EG 12 Insert rack for 12 digestion vessels of 250 ml B00218087
in the InKjel 1225 (M and P)
EG 4/500 Insert rack for 4 digestion vessels of 500 ml B00218085
in the InKjel 450 (M and P)
EG 4/750 Insert rack for 4 digestion vessels of 750 ml B00218080
EG 6 in the InKjel 475 (M and P)

Digestion vessels for InKjel

Type Product description Art. No.

SR 3i Round bottom digestion vessel, 250 ml B00217959

SR 4 Round bottom digestion vessel, 100 ml for micro Kjeldahl B00217960

KJ 500 Round bottom digestion vessel, 500 ml B00218195
KJ 750 Round bottom digestion vessel, 750 ml for InKjel B00218218

SR 3i SR 4 KJ 500 KJ 750

behrotest ® fully equipped work stations
for nitrogen determination according to Kjeldahl

Based on our block or infrared digestion systems, we have put together various full configura-
tions for users with diverse requirements.

Basic system for Kjeldahl digestion and distillation:

Type ASB work stations
n Digestion units for 6 samples (Infrared: InKjel 625 M) or 8 samples (block digestion: K 8)
n Standard digestion in vessels à 250 ml.
n Extraction system with water jet pump and neutralisation phase (SIMVAC).
n Steam distiller (S1).
Type Art. No.

ASB-IR Infrared with energy control B00637679

ASB-K Block digestion with temperature control B00637682

Full system for the determination of nitrogen incl. titration:

Type ASM work stations
n Programmable digestion units for 12 samples (Infrared: InKjel 1225 P, block digestion: K 12)
n Standard digestion in vessels à 250 ml.
n Scrubber (behrosog).
n Steam distiller (S 3).
n Titration station (STI).
Type Art. No.

ASM-IR Infrared with energy control B00637680

ASM-K Block digestion with temperature control B00637683

Full system for the determination of nitrogen incl. titration:

Type ASE work stations
n Programmable digestion units for 12 samples (Infrared: InKjel 1225 TCP with temperature
control) or 20 samples (block digestion: K 20) simultaneous.
n Standard digestion in vessels à 250 ml.
n Scrubber (behrosog) with additional cooling system (ACS).
n Steam distiller (S 5).
Type Art. No.

ASE-IR Infrared with temperature control B00637681

ASE-K Block digestion with temperature control B00637684

fully equipped work stations




behrosog 3 Scrubber

n PTFE-coated
n Liquid is easy to
diaphragm pump
change by simply
draining the
glass bottles n Integrated
mist eliminator
n Continuously variable
control of the air
flow rate 16 ... 40 l/min

n Gas-washing bottle 2000 ml

for cooling hot gases

n Gas-washing bottle 2000 ml

for neutralising

n Transparent
safety door

n On/ Off switch outside

n Removable safety collection tray the danger zone

behrosog 3 Scrubber

The two-stage behrosog process extraction system (scrubber) – pre-separator plus safety
stage – prevents any acid fumes whatsoever from reaching the environment. Compact
process extraction system for extracting and neutralising aggressive acid fumes,
especially from the Kjeldahl digestion method for nitrogen determination. An upstream
two-stage pre-separator washes out the toxic substances. The process extraction system is
equipped with a vacuum pump 40 l/min. There is no need to connect to the water supply.
n Efficient running costs
n Continuously variable intake flow
Both cleaning stages (condensation and neutralisation stage) prevent the emission
of toxic substances into the environment

Optionally, the additional cooling system for the behrosog 3 ACS can be connected to the
system, consisting of stand, bottles and cooler.

behrosog 3
Type Product description Art. No.

behrosog 3 Scrubber with suction pump (40 l/min), cooling stage, B00217925
neutralisation stage and drip catcher

ACS Additional cooling system for behrosog 3, for samples B00217927

with high water content

Technical data for the behrosog 3 scrubber

Voltage 230 VAC

Frequency 50/60 Hz

Power consumption 80 W

Weight approx. 18 kg

Dimensions in cm (W x D x H) approx. 38 x 34 x 40
behrosog 3
Pump delivery rate max. 40 l/ min without backpressure with ACS

Suction device with water jet pump and neutralisation bottle incl. hose and frame.
Without fittings!

Type Article description Art. No.

SIMVAC water jet pump based neutralisation B00217922

Air suction Water consumption

20 l/min 13 l/min

28 l/min 16 l/min


behr steam distillers S 1 to S 5
Customised features

Exemplary safety for the steam distillation

behr steam distillers are not only efficient and reliable partners in everyday laboratory
life. An important issue during the development and design of the equipment was also the
safety of users.
Therefore, all steam distillers have:
n a protection switch as master switch, which automatically trips in the event
of overload and short-circuit
n a mechanical overpressure safety valve to prevent excessive pressure in the
steam generator
n vessel monitoring (distillation is not possible until a vessel has been inserted)
n a door contact switch, which automatically switches off the distiller if the door
is open
n a resettable excess temperature thermostat (in the event of lack of water in the
steam generator)
n cooling circuit monitoring by means of pressure switches
n temperature-controlled steam heating phase and pressure control via solenoid valve

Steam distillers
behr S series steam distillers are the optimum addition to the behr Kjeldahl digestion
system. Depending on the requirements, the user can choose between five automatic
steam distillers. These have identical basic designs, however, their ease of use and
degree of automation differ. The top of the range unit, the behr S 5, is prepared for work
with an external titrator.

The Windows software supplied enables the user to bidirectionally transfer application-
specific distillation parameters between one or several units and a PC via the USB inter-
face. The CD includes a library with common applications.

Steam distillers

Maintenance set for behrotest® steam distillers

The set comes with all the necessary spare parts for the working area as well as for the
interior of the behrotest® steam distillers.

The maintenance set included are exactly those

n screw caps,
n seals,
n tubes and
n valves

which are prone to wear out during everyday use in the laboratory.

Type Art. No.

behrotest® maintenance set B00606938

User friendly design:

doors at the rear can be opened
Maintenance friendly design simply without tools and give
access for routine maintenance

Important tubes, valves and

pumps etc. for service and
maintenance work are all freely

Steam distiller S 1 with automatic addition of NaOH
n Exemplary safety and reliability
n Robust and insensitive housing made of polyurethane
n Distillation time approx. 3 min per sample
n Detection limit 0.1 mg N
n Retrieval rate > 99.5%
n Reproducibility ± 1%
n Adjustable steam output (10% - 100%)
n Particularly easy, menu-driven operation using a single control
(behr single-knob control)
n Programmable reaction time
n Programmable distillation time
n USB interface
n Level monitoring for the canister set
n Practical quick-release clamping device, which the user can
also easily operate with their left hand

Type Product description Art. No.
S1 S1 Steam distiller, semi-automated B00218025
KAS 20 Canister set for S 1 and S 2, consisting of 2 canisters à 20 l, B00218041
incl. float switches

Steam distiller S 2 with automatic addition of NaOH and H2O

n Exemplary safety and reliability
n Robust and insensitive housing made of polyurethane
n Distillation time approx. 3 min per sample
n Detection limit 0.1 mg N
n Retrieval rate > 99.5%
n Reproducibility ± 1%
n Adjustable steam output (10% - 100%)
n Particularly easy, menu-driven operation using a single control
(behr single-knob control)
n Programmable reaction time
n Programmable distillation time
n USB interface
n Level monitoring for the canister set
n Practical quick-release clamping device, which the user can
also easily operate with their left hand

Type Product description Art. No.

S2 Steam distiller, semi-automated B00233702

KAS 20 Canister set for S 1 and S 2, consisting of 2 canisters à 20 l, B00218041
incl. float switches

Steam distillers

Steam distiller S 3 with automatic addition of NaOH and H2O with

automatic extraction of the sample residues and with 10 programs
n Exemplary safety and reliability
n Robust and insensitive housing made of polyurethane
n Distillation time approx. 3 min per sample
n Detection limit 0.1 mg N
n Retrieval rate > 99.5%
n Reproducibility ± 1%
n Adjustable steam output (10% - 100%)
n Particularly easy, menu-driven operation using a single control (behr single-knob control)
n Programmable reaction time
n Programmable distillation time
n USB interface
n Level monitoring for the canister set
n Practical quick-release clamping device, which the user can
also easily operate with their left hand

Type Product description Art. No.

S3 Steam distiller, semi-automated B00233703

KAS 30 Canister set for S 3, consisting of 3 canisters à 20 l, B00218042
incl. float switches

Steam distiller S 4 with automatic addition of NaOH, H2O and H3BO3 with automatic
extraction of the sample residues and with 99 programs
n Exemplary safety and reliability
n Robust and insensitive housing made of polyurethane
n Distillation time approx. 3 min per sample
n Detection limit 0.1 mg N
n Retrieval rate > 99.5%
n Reproducibility ± 1%
n Adjustable steam output (10% - 100%)
n Particularly easy, menu-driven operation using a single control (behr single-knob control)
n Programmable reaction time
n Programmable distillation time
n USB interface
n Level monitoring for the canister set
n Practical quick-release clamping device, which the user can
also easily operate with their left hand

Type Product description Art. No.

S4 Steam distiller, fully automatic B00218032 S4

KAS 40 Canister set for S 4 and S 5, consisting of 4 canisters B00218043
à 20 l, incl. float switches

Steam distiller S 5 with automatic addition of NaOH, H2O and H3BO3 with
automatic extraction of the sample residues, with 99 programs and a
connection option for external titrator
Exemplary safety and reliability
Robust and insensitive housing made of polyurethane
Distillation time approx. 3 min per sample
Detection limit 0.1 mg N
Retrieval rate > 99.5%
Reproducibility ± 1%
Adjustable steam output (10% - 100%)
Particularly easy, menu-driven operation using a single control (behr single-knob control)
Programmable reaction time
Programmable distillation time
USB interface
Level monitoring for the canister set
Practical quick-release clamping device, which the user can
also easily operate with their left hand

Type Product description Art. No.
S5 Steam distiller, fully automatic, prepared B00218034
for external titrator (e.g. TB 2)

KAS 40 Canister set for S 4 and S 5, consisting of 4 canisters B00218043

à 20 l, incl. float switches
TB 2 Titration module for connection to the S 5 steam B00645403
distilling apparatus, with Kjeldahl method and evaluation.
Printer upon request

Technical data for steam distillers

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
Voltage 230 VAC/115 VAC

Frequency 50/60 Hz

Power consumption 1700 W

Current consumption 9A
Cooling water consumption approx. 5 l/min
Distillation time approx. 2 - 4 min per sample
Storage container Any size required. Recommendation: behrotest ® KAS canister sets
Interface USB
Display LCD
Programs 1 1 10 99 99
Dimensions (W x H x D in cm) approx. 41 x 67.5 x 41
Weight approx. 20 kg approx. 21 kg approx. 23 kg approx. 24,5 kg approx. 29 kg
Titrator connection no no no no yes

Steam distillers

Features of the various units

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

Automatic addition of H2O – + + + +

Automatic addition of NaOH + + + + +

Automatic addition of H3BO3 – – – + +

Automatic extraction of the sample residues – – + + +

Number of programs 1 1 10 99 99

Titrator connection option – – – – +

Programmable reaction time +

Programmable distillation time +

Automatic steam generation +

Adjustable steam output (10% – 100%) +

Separate purging program +

Display language selectable by user +

Optical error indications +

Acoustic error indications +

Door safety contact switch +

USB interface +

Standby mode between distillations +

Level monitoring for the canister set +

Different glass digestion tubes can be used +

Adapter for the use of different digestion vessels

Our practical adapter ensures that you can use digestion vessels by manufacturers, who deviate from standard sizes
in our behrotest® steam distillers.

Adapter for the use of different digestion vessels

Product description Art.-No.

Microadapter 100 ml PTFE for Micro-Kjeldahl vessels SR4 B0023 2266

PP-adapter for Büchi-vessels of S 1 - S 5 B0023 2254

Steam distillers

Canister sets
behr canister sets are based on hazardous goods canisters with UN approval.
The level sensors form a unit with the screw caps. If necessary, the user can therefore
also directly connect commercial chemical containers without any need for dangerous
refilling or transfer actions.

Canister sets
Type Product description Art. No.

KAS 20 Canister set for S 1 and S 2, consisting of 2 canisters à 20 l, B00218041

incl. float switches

KAS 30 Canister set for S 3, consisting of 3 canisters à 20 l, B00218042

incl. float switches
Canister with Canister with
KAS 40 Canister set for S 4 and S 5, consisting of 4 canisters B00218043 level sensor for level sensor
à 20 l, incl. float switches waste disposal for NaOH

Manual titration station STI

The STI manual titration station consists of:
n a burette with digital display and
n a magnetic stirrer with precise fitting holder for an Erlenmeyer flask
A screen serves as a neutral background and enables the user to precisely determine the
colour alteration at the end of the titration. This means that the titrations are always
performed under similar optical conditions. This improves the accuracy and reproducibility
of the results.
The precise positioning of the vessel in the holder at the top of the magnetic stirrer also
contributes towards this. The angular sides of the screen provide additional protection
against lateral glare. STI

Manual titration station STI

Type Product description Art. No.

STI Manual titration system for the determination of nitrogen B00218002

using the Kjeldahl method
TS Tashiro mixed indicator, 1 l B00491148

Technical data for the manual titration station STI

Voltage 230 VAC
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Weight approx. 3.5 kg
Dimensions in cm (W x D x H) approx. 33 x 20 x 60 TS

Simple and secure data collation
and result calculation with a PC

behrotest® HTI 3:
the integrated collection and evaluation solution for nitrogen determination according to Kjeldahl

The behrotest® HTI 3 consists of analytical scales, the behrotest® titration station STI 2 and collection and evaluation software
behrotest® KjelSoft. KjelSoft receives the data from the scales and titration station via USB-interface points, collates it and
automatically calculates the nitrogen and protein content of the samples. Precise sample classification and manipulation assurance
according to GLP are thus guaranteed.
Export of all data in Excel format facilitates the transfer to a LIMS. For documentation there is an additional option for export in
PDF format.
The behrotest® HTI 3 offers the user for the determination of nitrogen according to Kjeldahl:
Simple collation and evaluation
Manipulation assurance
Precise sample identification
Clear illustration of all values and results in the form of tables
Simple operation
User administration

Product description Art. No.

behrotest® HTI 3 B00606548

Kjeldahl software

B00520182 EN - V3_1_009



behr Labor-Technik GmbH • Spangerstraße 8 • 40599 Düsseldorf/Germany behr

Tel.: (+49) (0) 211 – 7 48 47 17 • Fax: (+49) (0) 211 – 7 48 47 48 Labor-Technik
eMail: • Internet:

Subject to technical changes without notice. Errors and omissions excepted.

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