Seminar On Elt
Seminar On Elt
Seminar On Elt
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A. Background
English as a foreign language has been learned by Indonesian learners since they
were in Elementary Schools. The importance of English as the key to the international
communication and commerce makes it a compulsory subject for students from the
Elementary Schools to the Senior High Schools. Learning English involves all four
language skills which are fundamental to speak and understand a language. These four
skills are listening, reading, speaking and writing.
In order to communicate well, the students also need to have large vocabulary. As
Thornbury (2002: 16) stated that without grammar very little can be conveyed, without
vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Because vocabulary is a vital aspect in language, it
appears in every skill of language listening, speaking, reading and writing skill.
Mastering vocabulary is very important for the students who learn English as a foreign
language. That is why everybody who learns English or a certain language should know
the words. The mastery of vocabulary can support them in speaking when they are
communicating to people can write and translate the meaning of words when they
definite English.
In short, large vocabulary makes a significant contribution to almost all of the
aspect of language. Nevertheless, many students in school have very limited vocabulary.
It was found problem that most of students were lack of vocabulary.
B. Problem Solution
The problem solution for this case is by using a game. By using a game to develop the
vocabulary of the students, they will enjoy and happy during learning activities, they are
also not feeling bored in the class. The game that can be used to develop student’s
vocabulary is “observe and remember games”
The most important of learning English fluently is mastering the vocabulary. By
having a lot of vocabularies, we can improve our English. As Vocabulary building
is very important in any language learning not only because it has a close
correlation with the intellectual maturity of the learners but also the fact that it
helps a great deal in improvement of the four language skills of the students. But,
in the reality, their vocabulary is still limited, teachers also often use methods that
make students bored and lazy to multiply the vocabulary they have, therefore
through a game it is expected that students can increase vocabulary and take
lessons actively.
b) Workshop
Divide the students in some group
The teacher gives some vocabulary to every team with different themes
Students read the vocabulary, and the teacher gives 5 minutes and ask the
students to remember all of the words
After that, teacher ask the students to write in the paper the vocabulary
that is remembered and make mind mapping
Students deliver the result in front of the class
Vocabulary is one of the most important things in language learning, the students need to
enrich their vocabulary to be able to communicate, write, listen and comprehend the reading in
English well. But, in reality the students vocabulary is limited, with games, students can learn
more effectively and enjoyable and also the students can have a lot of vocabulary and remember
all vocabulary easily.