Chilime Annual Report Final 2074075 PDF
Chilime Annual Report Final 2074075 PDF
Chilime Annual Report Final 2074075 PDF
An ISO Certified Company
ljlQo emns @)&$÷)&%
k|ltz]o/ nfef+z -?=df_ k|ltz]o/ cfDbfgL -?=df_
40 35 27 20 25 25 55.23 41.36 31 29.85 27.09 22.92
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ljQLo emns @)&$÷)&%=========================================================================================== ii
;~rfns ;ldlt================================================================================================== )@–)#
afO;f}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef ;DjGwL ;"rgf==================================================================== )%
;fwf/0f ;ef ;DjGwL cGo hfgsf/L============================================================================ )^
;~rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bg======================================================================================= )(
Financial Statements as per Nepal Financial Reporting Standards (NFRS)===================== 25
Auditor's Report================================================================================================ 26-27
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position============================================================ 28
Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income =============== 29
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows===================================================================== 30
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity=========================================================== 31
Explanatory Notes FY 2017-018 (2074/075)=============================================================== 32
Elements of Financial Statement ============================================================================= 35
Abridge Finincial Statements (Individual)================================================================== 61
Statement of Financial Position================================================================================ 64
Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income =================================== 65
Statement of Cash Flows========================================================================================= 66
Statement of Changes in Equity=============================================================================== 67
sDkgLsf] k|aGwkqdf ;+zf]wg ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj============================================================= ^*
sDkgLsf] lgodfjnLdf ;+zf]wg ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj=========================================================== ^*
z]o/ ;+/rgf=============================================================================================================^(
/;'jfu9L hnljB't cfof]hgf====================================================================================== &)
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;fGh]g hnljB't cfof]hgf ========================================================================================&@
cfof]hgf :ynx¿sf] gS;f========================================================================================= &$
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
;~rfns ;ldlt
afof“ af6 bfof“ tkm{
t'n;L/fd 9sfn dgf]h l;njfn
;~rfns ;~rfns
x//fh Gof}kfg] gf/fo0f k|;fb cfrfo{
;~rfns sDkgL ;lrj
s'ndfg l3l;ª k;f{bf] tdfª
cWoIf ;~rfns
n]vgfy sf]O/fnf zflGt nIdL zfSo
;~rfns ;~rfns
dfwa k|;fb sf]O/fnf /fdk|;fb l/dfn
k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t ;~rfns
led k|;fb ltdlN;gf
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
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sDkgLsf kbflwsf/Lx¿
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sf]O/fnf, k|h]z ljqmd yfkf / 5la u}/]
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
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;fwf/0f ;ef lgDg ldlt, ;do / :yfgdf lgDg laifox¿df 5nkmn tyf lg0f{osf nflu a:g] ePsf] x'Fbf z]o/wgL
:jod\ pkl:yt x'g jf l/tk"j{s k|ltlgwL d's// u/L k7fO{ lbg'x'g o; sDkgLsf ;j} z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿sf]
hfgsf/Lsf] nflu of] ;"rgf k|sflzt ul/Psf] 5 .
ldlt M @)&% k'if @& ut] z'qmjf/ -hgj/L !!, @)!(_
;do M laxfg !!M)) ah] .
:yfg M >L lqe'jg cfdL{ clkm;;{ Snj, sf7df8f}+ .
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
-;ef sIfdf k|j]z ug{ of] k|j]z—kq clgjfo{ ?kdf lnO{ cfpg'x'g cg'/f]w 5_
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
sDkgLsf] jfO;f} jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf ;~rfns ;ldltsf] tkm{af6 cWoIfHo"af6 k|:t't
cf=j= @)&$÷)&% sf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg .
z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿, k|f]s hnljB't cfof]hgf, !^% d]ufjf6 Ifdtfsf]
;]tLgbL—# hnljB't cfof]hgf / ^) d]ufjf6 Ifdtfsf]
lrlnd] hnljB't sDkgLsf] ;~rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIfsf] y'dr]t :of/ vf]nf hnljB't cfof]hgfx¿sf] lj:t[t
x}l;otn] o; @@ cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf pkl:yt kl/of]hgf k|ltj]bg -Detailed Project Report-DPR_
;Dk'0f{ z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿nfO{ xflb{s :jfut ug{ ;lxtsf] ;+efAotf cWoogsf nflu o; sDkgLsf]
rfxG5' . ;fy} o; ;efnfO{ ;kmntfk'j{s ;DkGg ug{ ztk|ltzt nufgLdf :yfkgf ul/Psf] lrlnd] Ol{\Ghlgol/ª
pkl:yt z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿, sDkgL /lhi6«f/sf] P08 ;le{;]h sDkgL ln= ;+u 7]Ssf ;+emf}tf u/L
sfof{no, g]kfn lwtf]kq af]8{, g]kfn :6s PS;r]Gh ln=, cWoogsf sfdx¿ cufl8 a9fOPsf] Joxf]/f klg d o;
n]vfk/LIfs tyf cGo ;+:yfaf6 kfNg'x'g] k|ltlglwx¿, ul/dfdo ;efdf cjut u/fpg rfxG5' . cfufdL lbgdf
sDkgLsf sd{rf/Lx¿ nufot o; ;efdf pkl:yt lgdf{0fsf] r/0fdf /x]sf cfof]hgfx¿ tf]lsPsf] ;do /
;Dk"0f{ JolQmTjx¿nfO{ d Åbo b]lv g} :jfut ug{ u'0f:t/df lgdf{0f ;DkGg ug]{, xfn ;+efAotf cWoogdf
rfxG5' . ljutsf cfly{s jif{x¿df h:t} cfly{s jif{ /x]sf cfof]hgfx¿sf] lj:t[t cWoog u/L cfly{s tyf
@)&$÷)&% df sDkgLsf] a[xQ/ ljsf;sf] b[li6sf]0fn] k|fljlws ¿kdf pko'Qm b]lvPsf cfof]hgfx¿nfO{ lgdf{0f
pknlAwd'ns g} /x]sf] Joxf]/f z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿nfO{ r/0fdf n}hfg] / yk cfof]hgfx¿sf] cWoog tyf ljsf;
hfgsf/L u/fpg kfpFbf dnfO{ v'zL nfu]sf] 5 . ug]{tkm{ sDkgLsf] ;Dk"0f{ Wofg s]G›Lt /xg] ljZjf; klg
z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿nfO{ lbnfpg rfxG5' .
o; cf=j=@)&$÷)&% df sDkgLsf] z]o/ ahf/ d"Nodf
s]xL ptf/ r9fj dxz'; ul/Ptfklg ;f] cjlwsf] z'¿ sDkgLsf] d'Vo p2]Zo z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿sf] nufgLdf
/ cGTosf] d"Nodf l:y/tf g} b]lvG5 . cfly{s jif{ plrt k|ltkmn ;'lglZrt ub}{ nufgLdf clea[l4 tyf
@)&$÷)&% sf] z'¿df k|lt z]o/ ¿=&*$÷— /x]sf] Jofkf/ ljljlws/0f ug{' /x]sf] 5 . o;n] phf{ ;+s6sf]
ahf/ d"No cfly{s jif{sf] cGTodf ¿=&()÷— k'u]sf] jt{dfg /fli6«o ;d:of ;dfwfgdf of]ubfg ug]{ lglZrt
tYo oxfFx¿nfO{ :d/0f u/fpg rfxG5' . jf]gz z]o/sf] 5 . t;y{ xfdLn] cToGt} lhDd]jf/Ljf]wsf ;fy g]kfndf
sf/0f z]o/ ;+Vof j[l4 x'g' tyf ;du| z]o/ ahf/df hgtfsf] nufgLdf ;jeGbf 7"nf] hnljB't sDkgLsf]
b]lvPsf] tn/tf -ptf/ r9fj_ sf sf/0f o; sDkgLsf] ¿kdf :yflkt ug]{ b"/b[li6 -Vision_ /fvL cNksfnLg,
z]o/ d"Nodf klg k|efj k/]sf] Joxf]/f oxfFx¿nfO{ cjut dWosfnLg / bL3{sfnLg /0fgLlt agfP/ cufl8 a9]sf
g} 5 . g]kfnsf] ;du| z]o/ jhf/;+u oxfFx¿ lr/kl/lrt 5f}+ . xfdLnfO{ ljZjf; 5 tf]lsPsf] nIo k|fKt ug{
ePsf]n] sDkgLsf] z]o/ d"Nodf cfPsf] ;fdfGo ptf/ tkfOx¿sf] ;fy / ;xof]u x/bd /xg] 5 . cfof]hgf
r9fjnfO{ klg lg/Gt/ k|s[ofs} ¿kdf lng' ePsf] 5 eGg] lgdf{0fsf] qmddf ldlt @)&@ a}zfv !@ df uPsf]
ljZjf; lnPsf] 5' . xfd|f] jflif{s cfDbfgL ;'lglZrt g} ljgf;sf/L dxfe"sDk, tTkZrftsf] g]kfn—ef/t l;dfdf
5 . c;fdfGo kl/l:yltdf jfx]s cfDbfgL 36\g' kg]{ sf/0f ePsf] cj/f]w, jiff{tsf] ;do ePsf] cToflws af9L
g} 5}g . sDkgLsf] Joj:yfkg kIf tyf ;~rfns ;ldlt klx/f], cfof]hgfsf /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o 7]s]bf/af6
sDkgLsf x/]s lqmofsnfkdf lhDd]jf/ /x]sf]n] c;fdfGo ePsf] sfddf l9nf ;':tL, :yfgLo ;d:ofx¿, >d
kl/l:yltdf jfx]s sDkgLsf] cfo cfh{gdf c;/ kg{ :jLs[lt tyf ljb]zL d'›f ;6xL ;'ljwf nufotsf cGo
glbOg] s'/fdf d oxfFx¿nfO{ ljZjf; lbnfpg rfxG5' . ljifox¿df ;/sf/L lgodgsf/L lgsfosf em+eml6nf
dfkb08x¿ cflbsf sf/0faf6 s]xL l9nfO{ x'g uPsf]
o; sDkgLsf] cu'jfOdf :yfkgf ePsf hnljB't
ePtf klg cfof]hgf lgdf{0f k|s[ofdf ;'wf/ ub}{ cufl8
sDkgLx¿ dfkm{t cufl8 a9fOPsf @&)=# d]ufjf6
a9fO{ /x]sf] Aoxf]/f z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿nfO{ hfgsf/L
Ifdtfsf rf/ hnljB't cfof]hgfx¿ lgdf{0fsf] clGtd
u/fpg rfxG5' .
r/0fdf /x]sf 5g\ eg] $@) d]ufjf6 Ifdtfsf] a'9Lu08sL
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
cj d o; ul/dfdo ;efdf ;~rfns ;ldltsf] tkm{af6 df pNn]v eP cg';f/ vl/b ub{5 . pQm ;+emf}tfdf
cf=j= @)&$÷)&% sf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg tyf ;f]xL aif{sf] jflif{s !# s/f]8 @( nfv !* xhf/ ljB't o"lg6sf]
n]vfk/LIf0f ;DkGg e} ;s]sf ljQLo laj/0fx? ;+lIfKt k|lt o"lg6 ¿=*=!& sf b/n] / ;f] eGbf a9L pTkfbg
?kdf k|:t't ug]{ cg'dlt rfxG5' . x'g ;s]sf] v08df / g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fnfO{
cfjZos e} dfu ePdf pNn]lvt b/sf] cfwf b/
!= cfly{s jif{ @)&$÷)&% sf] sf/f]af/sf] cyf{t\ ¿=$=)* sf b/n] vl/b ug{ ;Sg] k|fjwfg
l;+xfjnf]sgM pNn]v 5 . o;/L PPA df pNn]lvt sG6«ofS6 O{ghL{
cf=j= @)&$÷)&% df o; sDkgLsf cfly{s ultljlwx? eGbf yk ljB't pTkfbg u/L ljqmLaf6 k|fKt x'g]
ljut cfly{s aif{x?df h:t} pT;fxhgs cj:yfdf /x]sf] cfonfO{ clws ljqmLjf6 k|fKt cfo elgPsf] 5 .
tYo z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx? ;dIf /fVg kfpFbf xfdLnfO{ cf=j= @)&$÷)&% df o; sDkgLn] !% s/f]8 %%
cToGt v'zL nfu]sf] 5 . ;fy} ljQLo pknlAwx?sf] nfv !# xhf/ o'lg6 ljB't pTkfbg ug]{ nIo
cj:yf lgDg adf]lhd /x]sf] 5M— /fv]sf]df hDdf !$ s/f]8 (@ nfv ** xhf/ o'lg6
s_ sDkgLsf] cf=j= @)&$÷)&% sf] ljQLo pknAwL ljB't pTkfbg ug{ ;kmn ePsf] 5 . o; cf=j=
tyf dxTjk"0f{ ;"rsf+s ut cf=j= @)&#÷)&$ ;+u df lrlnd] vf]nfdf kfgLsf] axfj -Hydrology_
t'ngf u/L lgDgfg';f/ k|:t't ul/Psf] 5M— t'ngfTds ¿kdf sdL ePsf] sf/0f ljB't pTkfbg
v_ o; sDkgLn] pTkfbg ug]{ ;Dk'0f{ ljB't zlQm g]kfn s]xL sd x'Fbf ljqmL cfodf ;fdfGo sdL cfPsf]
ljB't k|flws/0fn] ljB't vl/b ljqmL ;+emf}tf -PPA_ 5.
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
cf=j= @)&#÷)&$ df @ s/f]8 &% nfv !# xhf/ a[l4 x'Fbf cf=j= @)&#÷)&$ sf] t'ngfdf ljlQo
clws ljB't o"lg6 ljqmL ug{ ;kmn ePsf] / ;f]jf6 cfDbfgL ¿= @ s/f]8 () nfv ($ xhf/ cyf{t
¿=!! s/f]8 @@ nfv %^ xhf/ cfo cfh{g ePsf]df &#=($ k|ltztn] j[l4 ePsf] 5 .
o; cf=j= df ! s/f]8 &) nfv (# xhf/ dfq ljqmL
ug{ ;lsPsf sf/0f ;f]jf6 ¿=^ s/f]8 (& nfv #( cf=j= @)&#÷)&$ sf] t'ngfdf cf=j= @)&$÷)&%
xhf/ dfq cfo cfh{g ug{ ;lsPsf] 5 . h;jf6 df KnfG6 dd{t nufotsf vr{df jrt ug{
clws ljqmL o"lg6 jfkt ¿= $ s/f]8 @% nfv !& ;lsPsfn] ¿= ^$ nfv &# xhf/ cyf{t $=(!
xhf/n] o; cf=j=df sdL cfPsf] 5 . ;du| ljB't k|ltztn] vr{ sdL ePsf] 5 eg] k|zf;sLo vr{df
ljqmL cfo cGtu{t ut cf=j= @)&#÷)&$ df !^ klg !(=&! k|ltztn] vr{ s6f}lt ePsf] 5 .
s/f]8 @ nfv &@ xhf/ o"lg6 g]=lj=k|f= nfO{ ljqmL
sDkgLn] g]kfn ljlQo dfkb08 -Nepal Financial
u/L ¿=! cj{ !( s/f]8 ^* nfv *( xhf/ cfo
Reporting Standards-NFRS_ cg';f/ ljlQo
cfh{g ePsf]df ;ldIff cjlw cf=j= @)&$÷)&%
ljj/0fx¿ tof/ u/]sf] / :yug s/ -Deferred Tax_
df hDdf !$ s/f]8 &( nfv o"lg6 ljqmL eO{ ¿=!
;dfof]hg ;lxt s/ kl5sf] gfkmf ¿=() s/f]8 *&
cj{ !# s/f]8 *$ nfv #@ xhf/ dfq cfo cfh{g
nfv &% xhf/ cfh{g ug{ ;kmn ePsf] 5, h'g ut
ePsf] 5 . cf=j= @)&#÷)&$ sf] t'ngfdf $=**
cf=j= sf] t'ngfdf ¿= @ s/f]8 %@ nfv $( xhf/
k|ltztn] ljB't ljqmL cfodf Go"g x'g uPsf] 5 .
cyf{t @=&) k|ltztn] dfq sdL xf] .
sDkgLn] nufgL ug{ k|ltj4tf hgfP cg';f/
ldlt @)^) ef› * ut]af6 sDkgLn] Joj;foLs
;xfos sDkgLx¿df z]o/ nufgL k'/f eO{ ;s]sf]
ljB't pTkfbg z'? u/]b]lv xfn;Ddsf] pTkfbg tyf
x'Fbf sDkgLsf] a}+s df}Hbft a9\b} uPsf] / Jofh
ljqmLsf] ca:yf lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf] 5M
b/df klg ;'wf/ cfPsf sf/0f a}+s Jofh cfh{gdf
tflnsf @M ljB't pTkfbg tyf ljs|Lsf] cj:yf
nIo hDdf pTkfbg clws pTkfbg hDdf ljs|L
-o'lg6_ -o'lg6_ -o'lg6_ -o'lg6_
@)^)÷)^! 115198 119831 2264 111413 585,837,395
@)^!÷)^@ 132795 134309 2646 124487 690,902,201
@)^@÷)^# 133224 145084 6530 136328 816,607,088
@)^#÷)^$ 132790 147620 7188 139651 903,540,792
@)^$÷)^% 132795 145075 6908 138166 870,014,527
@)^%÷)^^ 137585 146220 11148 142127 883,446,000
@)^^÷)^& 140893 148132 9062 141565 886,564,900
@)^&÷)^* 132795 150110 10076 141856 885,046,000
@)^*÷)^( 142871 156083 13131 145781 900,638,647
@)^(÷)&) 148227 154019 5792 149649 968,553,507
@)&)÷)&! 151541 151390 11233 141113 985,004,000
@)&!÷)&@ 154976 154508 23202 152685 985,004,000
@)&@÷)&# 155513 155518 22718 154792 1,163,118,549
@)&#÷)&$ 155513 155518 22718 154792 !,!(^,**(,&$$
@)&$÷)&% 155513 149288 18933 147900 !,!#*,$#@,*^$
hDdf 3205989 1907899 131898 1819613 13,859,600,214
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
u_ sDkgLsf] k|lt z]o/ cfDbfgL cf=j= @)&#÷)&$ / af]g; z]o/ Aoj:yf u/] kZrft ;+lrtL ?= #
df ?=@&=)( /x]sf]df cf=j= @)&$÷)&% df cj{ (^ s/f]8 &) nfv @* xhf/ /xg]5 eg]
?=@@=(@ /x]sf] 5 . ljut cf=j= df !% k|ltzt k|:tfljt jf]g; z]o/ k'Flhs[t u/]kZrft z]o/ k'FhL
af]g; z]o/ lbOPsf] sf/0f z]o/ ;+Vof a[l4 x'gfn] ¿= $ cj{ &% s/f]8 *! nfv #% xhf/ k'Ug] 5 .
k|lt z]o/ cfDbfgL ;f]xL adf]lhd 36\g uPsf] 5 .
cf=j=@)&#÷)&$ df k|ltz]o/ gub nfef+z ?= ª_ sDkgLsf] cf=j= @)&#÷)&$ / @)&$÷)&% sf]
!)÷– / af]g; z]o/ !% k|ltzt lbOPsf]df o; z]o/ ahf/ d"Nosf] t'ngfTds l:ylt lrq g+= @ df
cf=j= @)&$÷)&% sf] nflu r'Qmf k"FhL ?= # cj{ (^ k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 .
s/f]8 %! nfv !# xhf/sf] % k|ltzt gub nfef+z
sDkgLsf] z]o/ ahf/sf] l:ylt x]bf{ sDkgLsf] z]o/
/ @) k|ltzt af]g; z]o/ k|:tfj ul/Psf] 5 . cf=j=
d"No @)&$ >fj0f dlxgfdf k|lt z]o/ ?=&*$÷–
@)&$÷)&% sf] nflu k|:tfj ul/Psf] af]g; z]o/
/x]sf]df @)&% c;f/ d;fGtdf k|lt z]o/ ?=&()÷–
¿=&( s/f]8 #) nfv @@ xhf/ k"FhLs[t u/]kl5 /
sfod /x]sf] b]lvPsf] 5 . o; cf=j= @)&$÷)&% df
gub nfef+z ?=!( s/f]8 *@ nfv %^ xhf/ ljt/0f
z]o/sf] jhf/ d"No sl/j l:y/ g} /x]sf] b]lvG5 . s]xL
kl5 sDkgLsf] g]6jy{ k|ltz]o/ ?=!*#=#& x'g]5 .
jif{b]lv sDkgLn] gub nfef+z / af]g; z]o/ ljt/0f
3_ sDkgLsf] ljut % jif{sf] z]o/ k"FhL, C0f / ;l~rtLsf] ub}{ cfPsf], cfˆgf ;xfos sDkgLx¿ dfkm{t gofF
cj:yf lgDg u|fkm lrq g+= ! df k|:t't ul/Psf] 5M cfof]hgfx? lgdf{0fsf] r/0fdf /x]sf] tyf sDkgLsf]
cf=j= @)&#÷)&$ df z]o/ k"FhL ?=# cj{ $$ ;fv / 5jL -Goodwill and Image_ klg pRr /x]sf]
s/f]8 &( nfv @$ xhf/ / nfef+z tyf af]g; sf/0f z]o/ d"No / sf/f]jf/sf b[li6sf]0faf6 sDkgL
Aoj:yf kZrft\ ;+lrtL ?=$ cj{ $ s/f]8 $@ pTs[i6 /xg ;kmn ePsf] 5 . cfufdL lbgdf cfˆgf
nfv ## xhf/ /x]sf]df cf=j= @)&$÷)&% ;Dddf ;xfos sDkgLx¿af6 k|ltkmn kfpg z'¿ u/]kl5
z]o/ k"FhL ?=# cj{ (^ s/f]8 %! nfv !# xhf/ eg] z]o/wgLsf] k|ltkmn klg cem cfslif{t x'g]
eO{ ;f] sf] cfwf/df o; aif{sf] nflu gub nfef+z ljZjf; z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿nfO{ lbnfpg rfxG5' .
/sd -?= xhf/df_
@)&)÷)&! @)&!÷)&@ @)&@÷)&# @)&#÷)&$ @)&$÷)&%
z]o/ k"FhL ;l~rtL
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
!%)) !#@
>fj0f efb| cflZjg sflt{s d+l;/ kf}if df3 kmfu'g r}q a}zfv h]i7 cfiff9
@)&$÷)&% 2073/74
tflnsfdf k|:t't ul/Psf] jfx| dlxgfsf] z]o/ d"Nosf] o; sDkgLn] cf=j= @)^)÷)^! b]lv g} gub nfef+z
s'n c+snfO{ jfx|n] efu u/L cf}ift d"No lgsflnPsf] ljt/0f ub}{ cfO/x]sf] tYo dflysf] tflnsfaf6 g} :ki6
5 h; cg';f/ cf=j= @)&#÷)&$ sf] cf}ift d"No x'G5 . o;/L 3f]if0ff ul/Psf] gub nfef+z dWo] z]o/
¿=(*)=&% sf] t'ngfdf cf=j= @)&$÷)&% df /lhi6«f/n] pknAw u/fPsf] cfFs8f cg';f/ ¿= !% s/f]8
cf}ift d"No ¿=*@(=^& cyf{t !%=$) k|ltzt n] @$ nfv (^ xhf/ ljt/0f ug{ cem} afFsL b]lvG5 .
sld cfPsf] 5 .
lrq # df b]vfOP adf]lhd k|lt z]o/ cfDbfgL, ;+lrtL
@= af]g; z]o/ tyf gub nfef+z ;DjGwdfM tyf jif{ut ;+lrlt x]bf{ cf=j= @)^)÷)^! sf] efb|
sDkgLn] cf=j= @)^)÷)^! b]lv @)&#÷)&$ ;Dd dlxgfaf6 dfq ljB't pTkfbg z'? ePsf] / ljs|L b/
hDdf ?=# cj{ &% s/f]8 *# nfv *( xhf/ gub klg z'?df sd ePsf] ;fy} ;j{;fwf/0f afx]ssf] ;Dk"0f{
nfef+z ljt/0f ul/;s]sf]df cf=j= @)&$÷)&% df z]o/ hf/L ul/Psf] sf/0f k|ltz]o/ cfDbfgL ?= %%
k|:tfj ul/Psf] gub nfef+z ;d]t ubf{ ¿= # cj{ (% ePsf] b]lvG5 . cf=j= @)^!÷)^@ df aif}{ e/L pTkfbg
s/f]8 ^^ nfv $$ xhf/ k'Ug] b]lvG5 . To;} u/L cf=j= ePsf] / ljqmLb/ klg a[l4 ePsf] t/ z]o/ ;+Vof eg]
@)^&÷)^* b]lv cf=j= @)&#÷)&$ ;Dd hDdf /sd oyfjt ePsf sf/0f k|lt z]o/ cfDbfgL a9\g uPsf]
¿=# cj{ %! nfv !# xhf/ a/fj/sf] af]g; z]o/ ljt/0f b]lvG5 . cf=j= @)^#÷)^$ b]lv cf=j= @)^&÷)^*
ul/;lsPsf] 5 eg] cf=j= @)&$÷)&% df k|:tfj ;Dd ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ 5'§fOPsf] z]o/ lgisf;g gePsf]
ul/Psf] jf]gz z]o/ ;d]t ubf{ ¿= # cj{ &( s/f]8 t/ cfDbfgLdf lgoldt j[l4 e} /x]sf sf/0f k|ltz]o/
*! nfv #% xhf/ ljt/0f ul/g] 5 h'g /sd z'¿sf] cfDbfgL a9\b} uPsf] b]lvG5 . t/ cf=j= @)^*÷)^(
z]o/ ;+Vofsf] t'ngfdf #=(^ u'0ff yk x'g cfpF5 . af6 eg] ;Dk"0f{ z]o/ lgZsf;g eO;s]sf] / sDkgLn]
cf=j= @)&$÷)&% df k|:tfj ul/Psf] k|ltkmn ljt/0f jf]gz z]o/ ;d]t lb+b} uPsf] x'Fbf z]o/ ;+Vofdf j[l4
kZrft klg cf}ift k|lt z]o/ ;+lrt d'gfkmf ?=*#=#& ePsf]n] k|ltz]o/ cfDbfgL qmdz 36\b} uPsf] 5 .
/xg] s'/f caut u/fpg rfxG5' . nfef+z tyf af]g;
z]o/ 3f]if0ffsf] jif{ut ljj/0f tyf k|lt z]o/ cfDbfgL, #= sDkgLsf] efjL of]hgf Pj+ sfo{qmdM
gub nfef+z tyf k|lt z]o/ ;+lrltsf] jif{ut t'ngf -s_ b]z leqs} cfly{s tyf k|fljlws nufotsf >f]t
tflnsf # df k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 . ;fwgsf] plrt pkof]u ub}{ ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfsf]
j[xt ;xefuLtfdf hnljB't pTkfbg If]qdf of]ubfg
o; cf=j= @)&$÷)&% df sDkgLsf] k|lt z]o/ cfDbfgL k'¥ofpg] nIosf ;fy sDkgLn] laleGg hnljB't
?=@@=(@ ePtf klg ;+lrt d'gfkmfaf6 k|lt z]o/ @=)* cfof]hgfx?sf] k|j4{g tyf ljsf; ul//x]sf] 5 .
Aoj:yf x'g] u/L k|lt z]o/ ?=@% sf b/n] k|ltkmn ljt/0f hnljB't cfof]hgf ljsf;sf nflu sDkgLn]
ug{sf] nflu o; ul/dfdo ;efdf k|:tfj ul/Psf] 5 . tLg j6f hnljB't sDkgLx? k|j4{g u/L tL
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
lrq # M k|lt z]o/ cfDbfgL, gub nfef+z tyf k|lt z]o/ ;+lrltsf] jif{ut t'ngfM
sDkgLx¿ dfkm{t !!! d]ufjf6 Ifdtfsf] /;'jfu9L cfof]hgfx¿sf] klxrfg tyf ljsf;sf nflu gLlh
hnljB't cfof]hgf, !)@ d]ufjf6 Ifdtfsf] dWo If]qsf nufgLstf{x¿, g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f tyf
ef]6]sf]zL hnljB't cfof]hgf, !$=* d]ufjf6 o;sf cGo ;Dj¢ sDkgLx¿;Fu ;xsfo{ tyf
Ifdtfsf] ;fGh]g -dflyNnf]_ / $@=% d]ufjf6 ;dGjo u/L xfdL cufl8 al9/x]sf] Joxf]/f cjut
Ifdtfsf] ;fGh]g hnljB't cfof]hgf ;d]t u/L u/fpg rfxG5' .
s"n @&)=#) d]ufjf6 hl8t Ifdtfsf hnljB't
cfof]hgfx?sf] lgdf{0f sfo{ cufl8 a9fPsf] o;/L sDkgLsf] k|ToIf ;xefuLtfdf hnljB't
Joxf]/f oxfFx¿nfO{ cjut g} 5 . yk hnljB't cfof]hgfx?sf] ljsf; x'Fbf sDkgL;Fu ePsf]
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
cfly{s ;|f]t tyf k|fljlws bIftfsf] clwstd $@=% d]ufjf6 Ifdtfsf] ;fGh]g hnljB't cfof]hgf
pkof]u eO{ sDkgLsf] nufgL ug]{ Ifdtf u'0ffTds >[+vnfa4 -Cascade_ ?kdf lgdf{0f sfo{ e} /x]sf]
?kdf a[l4 x'g hfg] ljZjf; xfdLn] lnPsf 5f} . Joxf]/f oxfFx¿nfO{ cjut g} 5 .
o;af6 z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?nfO{ cfˆgf] nufgLdf
plrt k|ltkmn k|fKt x'g]5 eg] gLlh If]qsf ;fGh]g hnljB't sDkgL lnld6]8sf] clws[t k"FhL ?=#
nufgLstf{x?;Fusf] ;xsfo{n] hnljB't If]qsf] cj{ &% s/f]8 / hf/L k"h F L ?=# cj{ ^% s/f]8 /x]sf] 5 .
ljsf;df yk 6]jf k'Ug] ;fy} g]kfnsf] hnljB't oL cfof]hgfx?df nufgL tyf lgdf{0f sfo{df :yfgLo
If]qsf] ljsf;sf nflu ;fj{hlgs–gLlh–;fem]bf/L lgsfox?sf] ;d]t ;xefuLtf u/fO{Psf] 5 . ;fGh]g
-Public-Private-Partnership_ sf] cjwf/0ffdf cfwfl/t hnljB't sDkgLsf] z]o/ ;+/rgfdf lrlnd] hnljB't
Pp6f ;'b[9 ;kmn gd'gf -Successful Model_ tof/ sDkgLsf] #(=#^ k|ltzt, g]=lj=k|f= sf] !)=#^ k|ltzt /
x'g] ljZjf;sf ;fy xfdL cufl8 al9/x]sf] tYo tTsfnLg /;'jf lh=lj=;= tyf lhNnfsf !* j6} uf=lj=;=
oxfFx¿nfO{ cjut g} 5 . x? af6 hDdf !=@* k|ltzt z]o/ nufgL /x]sf] 5 . afFsL
$( k|ltzt z]o/ dWo] @$ k|ltzt z]o/ sd{rf/L ;~ro
o; sDkgLsf] ztk|ltzt nufgLdf lrlnd] sf]ifdf /sd hDdf ug]{ ;~rostf{, ;+:yfks z]o/wgL
OlGhlgol/ª P08 ;le{;]h sDkgL :yfkgf u/L ;+:yfsf sd{rf/L tyf ;~ro sf]ifsf sd{rf/Lx¿nfO{
o;af6 k/fdz{ ;]jf tyf hnljB't s]G› -kfj/ z]o/ lgisfzg tyf afF8kmfF8 ;d]t ;DkGg u/L /sd
xfp;_ ;~rfng ;DjGwL ;]jf k|bfg u/L k|fKt x'g] ;+sng ul/;lsPsf] 5 . ;fy} ;j{;fwf/0fsf] nflu
yk cfo cfh{gaf6 sDkgLsf] bLuf] ljsf;df 6]jf 5'§ofPsf] !% k|ltzt, tyf :yfgLojf;Lx¿sf] nflu
k'Ug] 7flgPsf] 5 . xfn lrlnd] O{lGhlgol/ª P08 5'§ofO{Psf] !) k|ltzt ;d]t u/L hDdf @% k|ltzt
;le{;]h sDkgLn] ;fGh]g hnljB't sDkgL cGtu{t z]o/ lgisfzg tyf ljqmL k|s[of clGtd r/0fdf /x]sf]
lgdf{0fflwg b'O{ hnljB't cfof]hgfx¿sf] l8hfOg 5 . o; sDkgLn] pNn]lvt b'O{ cfof]hgf ljsf;sf] nflu
tyf lgdf{0f ;'kl/j]If0f ;fy} o; sDkgLn] cWoogsf ?=! cj{ $# s/f]8 ^^ nfv $% xhf/ nufgL u/]sf] 5 .
nflu cufl8 a9fPsf b'O{ hnljB't cfof]hgfx¿sf] n ;fGh]g hnljB't sDkgL cGtu{t lgdf{0fflwg oL
lj:t[t kl/of]hgf k|ltj]bg ;lxtsf] ;+efJotf cfof]hgfx? dWo] ;fGh]g -dflyNnf]_ hnljB't
cWoog nufotsf sfdx¿sf] k/fdz{ ;]jfsf nflu cfof]hgfsf] l;len lgdf{0f sfo{ sl/j &# k|ltzt
7]Ssf ;+emf}tf u/L ;f] ;DaGwL sfdx¿ ul//x]sf] ;DkGg eO{ ;s]sf] 5 . o; cGtu{t Intake Structure,
5 . ;fy} pQm sDkgLn] :jb]zL k|fljlwsx¿nfO{ Bypass Canal, Desander, Forebay ;DkGg eO{
kl/rfng u/L k/fdz{ ;]jf k|bfg ubf{ ;Ifd :jb]zL ;s]sf] / Flushing Canal tyf Peaking Pond sf]
k|fljlws hgzlQm pTkfbg x'g] / csf]{tkm{ :jb]zL sfo{ clGtd r/0fdf /x]sf] 5 . d'Vo ;'¿ª vGg] sfo{
d'›fsf] ;l~rltdf ;sf/fTds of]ubfg k'Ug] ljZjf; ;DkGg eO{ Final Rock Support sf sfdx? klg
lnOPsf] 5 . o;af6 sDkgLsf] Jofkf/ ljljlws/0f ;DkGg eO{ ;s]sf] 5 . ;f]xL cGtu{tsf] Rock Trap
-Business Diversification_ x'g] s'/fdf ljZj:t x'g sf] vGg] sfd ;DkGg eO{ Final Concrete Lining
;lsg]5 . sf] sfd ;DkGg x'g] r/0fdf /x]sf], ljB'tu[x lgdf{0f
sfo{ z'? eO{;s]sf] 5 . k]g:6s ;'¿ªsf] Excavation
cj d oxfFx¿nfO{ o; sDkgL cGtu{tsf hnljB't sfd ;DkGg eO{ Penstock kfOkx? h8fg ug]{ sfo{
sDkgLx¿ dfkm{t lgdf{0fflwg cfof]hgfx¿sf] jt{dfg / xfO8«f]d]sflgsn sfo{ cGtu{t u]6x?sf] sfo{x¿
l:yltsf] jf/]df hfgsf/L u/fpg rfxG5' . eO/x]sf] 5 .
s= ;fGh]g tyf ;fGh]g -dflyNnf]_ hnljB't cfof]hgfM n $@=% d]ufjf6 Ifdtfsf] ;fGh]g hnljB't
/;'jf lhNnfdf /x]sf] lrlnd] hnljB't s]G›sf] cfof]hgfsf] l;len lgdf{0f sfo{ cGtu{t sl/j ^%
dflyNnf] hnfwf/ If]qsf] sl/j ^ ls=ld= df cjl:yt k|ltzt ef}lts sfo{ k|ult /x]sf] 5 . o; cGtu{t
;fGh]g vf]nf If]qdf sl/j ^)) ld6/sf] x]8 k|of]u #^$) ld= d'Vo ;'¿ª dWo] sl/j @^)) dL= vGg]
u/]/ !$=* d]ufjf6 Ifdtfsf] ;fGh]g -dflyNnf]_ / sfo{ ;DkGg eO{;s]sf] 5 . O{G6]s, Balancing Pond,
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
5'k5'ª vf]nfsf] jfFwsf] sfo{ em08} *) k|ltzt z]o/ ;+/rgf cg';f/ %! k|ltzt ;+:yfks z]o/ dWo]
;DkGg ePsf] tyf O{G6]s :nf]ksf] sfo{ ;DkGg lrlnd] hnljB't sDkgLsf] #& k|ltzt, g]kfn ljB't
u/L k|j]z ;'¿ª ljGb'af6 s/Lj !&) dL= leq k|flws/0fsf] !) k|ltzt / l;Gw'kfNrf]s lhNnfsf :yfgLo
;Ddsf] sfo{ ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . ;h{6\ofªs vGg] OGe]i6d]06 sDkgLx?sf] $ k|ltzt ;xefuLtf /x]sf] 5 .
sfo{ ;DkGg eO{ ;s]sf] tyf Inclined Penstock sf] To;} u/L ;j{;fwf/0f ;d"xsf] $( k|ltzt z]o/ dWo]
dflyNnf] efudf Pilot hole vGg] sfo{ ;DkGg eO{ sd{rf/L ;~ro sf]ifdf /sd hDdf ug]{ ;~rostf{,
Enlargement sf nflu vGg] sfo{ klg eO{ /x]sf] ;+:yfks ;+:yf tyf C0fbftf ;+:yfsf sd{rf/Lx¿
/ tNnf] k]g:6ssf] Pilot hole vGg] sfo{ xfn ;Dd ;d]tsf nflu 5'§ofO{Psf] @$ k|ltzt z]o/ lgisfzg
s/Lj *) dL= ;DkGg eO{ ;s]sf] 5 . ;a} k/LIf0f e};s]sf] 5 . ;j{;fwf/0f ;d"xsf jfFsL @% k|ltzt z]o/
;'¿ª vGg] sfo{ ;DkGg eO{ ;s]sf] tyf ljB't–u[x ljqmLsf nflu k|s[of cufl8 al9;s]sf] 5 . o; sDkgLn]
sf] kmfp08];gsf sfo{ ;DkGg eO{ d]lzg kmfp08]zg pQm sDkgLdf ?=@ cj{ @@ s/f]8 nufgL u/]sf] 5 .
/ cGo ;+/rgfsf] sfo{ eO{ /x]sf] 5 . xfO8«f]d]sflgsn
sfo{ cGtu{t ;fGh]g -dflyNnf]_ sf] ljB't–u[xaf6 dWo ef]6]sf]zL hnljB't cfof]hgfsf d'Vo sfdx¿nfO{
tNnf]sf] Peaking Reservoir hf]8\g] kfOk tyf 5'k5'ª tLg efudf ljefhg ul/Psf] 5 . l;len tyf
vf]nfsf] ;fOkmg kfOksf] sfd klg ;DkGg eO{ xfO8«f]d]sflgsn sfo{ / O{n]S6«f]d]sflgsn sfo{ ljb]zL
;s]sf] 5 . 7]s]bf/ sDkgLaf6 ;DkGg x'g] tyf 6«fG;ld;g nfOgsf]
lgdf{0f sfo{ :jb]zL 7]s]bf/af6 cufl8 a9fOPsf] 5 .
n O{n]S6«f]d]sflgsn sfo{ cGtu{t d'Vo d'Vo xfn cfof]hgfsf] x]8jS;{df vf]nf kmsf{pg] -River
pks/0fx?sf] pTkfbg, ;'k/lehg tyf k/LIf0f Diversion_, Slope Excavations tyf 8\ofdsf] hu vGg]
nufotsf sfo{x¿ ;DkGg eO{ cfof]hgfdf cfk"lt{ nufotsf sfo{x¿ eO{/x]sf] 5 . To;} u/L &,!@$ dL=
ug]{ sfd eO{/x]sf] tyf xfn ljB't–u[xdf embedded nfdf] d'Vo ;'¿ª dWo] xfn;Dd $,@)) dL= vlg;lsPsf]
part installation sf] sfo{ eO{/x]sf] 5 . ;du|df 5 . Horizontal Penstock tunnel excavation tyf
x]bf{ ;fGh]g -dflyNnf]_ sf] s/Lj &@ k|ltzt / Powerhouse slope and pit excavation ;DkGg eO{
;fGh]gsf] s/Lj ^^ k|ltzt sfo{ k|ult /x]sf] 5 . kfj/xfp;df Concreting works z'¿ ePsf] 5 eg]
b'a} cfof]hgfx? ;g\ @)!( sf] cGTo ;Dddf lgdf{0f O{n]S6«f]d]sflgsn pks/0fx¿ ;fO6df k'lu;s]sf] cj:yf
;DkGg ug]{ nIo /x]sf] 5 . 5 . o;} u/L 6«fG;ldzg nfOg lgdf{0fsf] nflu 7]Ssf
;+emf}tf eO{ sfo{ cufl8 a9L/x]sf] 5 . cfof]hgf lgdf{0f
oL cfof]hgfx¿df :jb]zL hgzlQm kl/rfng u/L ;DkGg cjlw #) h'g @)!( /x]tfklg ljljw sf/0fj;
:jb]zL lgdf{0f Joj;foLx¿af6 lgdf{0fsf sfdx¿ s]xL ;dofjlw yk x'g] ;Defjgf /x]sf] 5 .
eO/x]sf] Joxf]/f klg o; ul/dfdo ;efnfO{ cjut
u/fpg rfxG5' . o;af6 :jb]zL sfdbf/nfO{ /f]huf/L u= /;'jfu9L hnljB't cfof]hgfM
;[hgf ePsf] 5 . o; k|sf/sf 7"nf cfof]hgfx¿df sfd /;'jfu9L xfO8«fk] fj/ sDkgL lnld6]8af6 g]kfn–lrgsf]
ug{ :j]bzL lgdf{0f Joj;foLx¿sf] xf};nf a9]sf] 5 eg] l;dfgf /;'jfu9L gfsf glhs /x]sf] uf];fO{+ s'08
csf]{tkm{ ljb]zL d'›f ;l~rltdf of]ubfg k'u]sf] 5 . ufpFkflnsf j8f g+=@ / # ;fljssf] y'dg / l6d'/] uf=lj=;=
sf] l;dfgfdf /x]sf] ef]6s ] f]zL gbLsf] kfgL pkof]u u/L
v= dWo ef]6]sf]zL hnljB't cfof]hgfM !!! d]=jf= Ifdtfsf] /;'jfu9L hnljB't cfof]hgfsf]
dWo ef]6]sf]zL hnljB't sDkgL lnld6]8 cGtu{t lgdf{0f sfo{ e} /x]sf] 5 . o; sDkgLsf] clws[t k"hF L ?=&
l;Gw'kfNrf]s lhNnfdf ef]6]sf]zL gbLsf] kfgL k|of]u u/L cj{ / hf/L k"hF L ?= ^ cj{ *$ s/f]8 @@ nfv /x]sf] 5 .
!)@ d]=jf= Ifdtfsf] dWo ef]6]sf]zL hnljB't cfof]hgfsf] o; sDkgLdf ;+:yfks z]o/ nufgL ;+/rgftkm{ lrlnd]
lgdf{0f e} /x]sf] 5 . o; sDkgLsf] clws[t k"FhL ?=^ cj{ hnljB't sDkgL lnld6]8sf] #@=&( k|ltzt, g]kfn ljB't
@! s/f]8 / hf/L k"FhL ?= ^ cj{ /x]sf] 5 . cfof]hgf nufgL k|flws/0fsf] !* k|ltzt / /;'jf lhNnfsf :yfgLo txsf]
tyf lgdf{0f sfo{df :yfgLo lgsfox?sf] ;d]t ;xefuLtf )=@! k|ltzt ;d]t u/L hDdf %! k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 .
u/fO{Psf] 5 . dWo ef]6]sf]zL hnljB't sDkgLsf] ;j{ ;fwf/0f ;d"xsf] nflu 5'§ofOPsf] $( k|ltzt z]o/
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
dWo] sd{rf/L ;~ro sf]ifdf /sd hDdf ug]{ ;~rostf{, kfj/ xfp;df EOT Crane h8fg u/L ;~rfng eO/x]sf]
;+:yfks z]o/wgL ;+:yf tyf ;~ro sf]ifsf sd{rf/Lx¿, / Transformer Cavern, Bus-Bar Tunnels nufotsf
C0fbftf ;+:yfsf sd{rf/Lx¿ ;d]tnfO{ u/L hDdf @$ ;+r/gfx?sf] excavation tyf rock support sf] sfo{
k|ltzt z]o/ lgisfzg tyf afF8kmfF8 ;d]t ;DkGg u/L ;DkGg eO{ cGo sfo{ eO/x]sf] 5 . 6]n/]; 6g]nsf] sl/a
/sd ;+sng ul/;lsPsf] 5 . ;fy} ;j{;fwf/0f ;d"xsf] %)% dL= nDafO{df Excavation tyf rock support sfo{
afFsL @% k|ltzt z]o/ dWo] ;j{;fwf/0fsf] nflu !% ;DkGg eO;s]sf] / afFsL sl/a !%) dL= sf] efudf
k|ltzt / /;'jf lhNnfsf :yfgLojfl;x¿sf] nflu !) Excavation sfo{ cufl8 a9fO{Psf] 5 .
k|ltzt 5'§ofOPsf] / xfn pQm z]o/ lgisfzg tyf ljqmL
k|so[ f cufl8 a9fO{Psf] 5 . cfof]hgfsf] n6 @M On]S6«f]d]sflgsn sfo{sf 7]s]bf/n]
On]S6«f]d]sflgsn sfo{sf] l8hfOg ;DkGg u/L xfn qmlds
o; cfof]hgfsf] lgdf{0f sfo{nfO{ d'VotM tLg n6df ?kdf kfj/xfp;sf] d]l;g÷pks/0fx?sf]] pTkfbg tyf
ljefhg u/L lgdf{0f sfo{ cufl8 a9fOPsf] 5 . cfk"lt{ u/L h8fg sfo{ klg z'? u/L;s]]sf] 5 .
n6 !M l;len tyf xfO8«f]d]sflgsn lgdf{0f sfo{sf To;}u/L cfof]hgfsf] n6 #M !#@ s]=eL= 8an ;ls{6
7]s]bf/n] clwsf+z ;+/rgfx?sf] lj:t[t l8hfOg ;DkGg ljB't k|;f/0f nfO{g lgdf{0fsf] nflu 7]s]bf/n] cfof]hgfsf]
u/L ;f] sf] k/fdz{bftfaf6 :jLs[t eO{ sfo{ cufl8 la:t[t ;e]{ tyf l8hfOg ;DkGg u/L xfn 6fj/
a9fO{Psf] 5 . cfof]hgfsf] x]8jS;{sf] lgdf{0fsf nflu kmfp08];g tof/ kfg{] sfo{ ul//x]sf] 5 .
c:yfoL afFw agfP/ River diversion u/L Undersluice
;+/rgfsf] 9nfg -concreting_ ug{] sfo{ sl/a *% k|ltzt o; cfof]hgfaf6 ljB't pTkfbg x'g] cg'dflgt ldlt
;DkGg ePsf], Intake sf] 9nfg sfo{ sl/a ^! k|ltzt @)&^ ;fn kmfNu'g & ut] -tbfg';f/ !( km/j/L, @)@)_
;DkGg ePsf] / Intake slope excavation tyf support /x]sf] / xfn;Ddsf] ;dli6ut sfo{ k|ult s/La ^&
sf] sfo{ ;DkGg eO;s]sf] 5 . x]8jS;{ If]qdf kg]{ ;a} k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 .
;'?Ësf] excavation tyf rock support sfo{ ;DkGg
eO;s]sf], tLgj6} e"ldut l8:ofG8/sf] crown portion 3= lrlnd] OlGhlgol/Ë P08 ;le{;]h sDkgL lnld6]8
sf] excavation tyf rock support sf] sfo{ ;DkGg lrlnd] OlGhlgol/Ë P08 ;le{;]h s+= ln= sf] :yfkgf
eO{ xfn d'Vo j]l;g la:t[lts/0f -Enlargement_ ug{] @)&#÷)^÷!! ut] ePsf] xf] . o; sDkgLsf] clws[t
sfo{ eO/x]sf] 5 . o; cfof]hgfsf] hDdf $!*% ld= k"FhL ?= ^ s/f]8 / hf/L k"FhL ?= # s/f]8 /x]sf]df oxL
nfdf] x]8/]; ;'?Ësf] Breakthrough @) cui6 @)!* ldlt @)&%÷)&÷!^ ut] ;DkGg sDkgLsf] bf];|f] jflif{s
df ;DkGg eO{ xfn Invert Concreting tyf Final rock ;fwf/0f ;efaf6 hf/L k"FhL a[l¢ u/L ?= % s/f]8 ()
support sf] sfo{ eO/x]sf] 5 . To;}u/L e"dLut nfv sfod ul/Psf] 5 . o; sDkgLdf lrlnd] hnljB't
ljB't u[x hfg] d'Vo ;'?Ë, transformer cavern, valve sDkgL ln= sf] ztk|ltzt nufgL /x]sf] 5 . o; sDkgLsf]
Chamber, surge tank aeration tunnel nufotsf d'Vo p2]Zo ;du| OlGhlgol/Ë ;]jf pknAw u/fpg' /x]sf]
k|j]; ;'?Ësf] Excavation tyf rock support sf] sfo{ 5 . xfn o; sDkgLn] ;fGh]g hnljB't sDkgL ln=
;DkGg ePsf] 5 . Surge Tank df !=$ dL= Aof;sf] Pilot cGtu{t lgdf{0fflwg hnljB't cfof]hgfx?sf] l8hfOg
hole vGg] sfo{ ;DkGg eO{ To;nfO{ !^ dL= Jof;df tyf ;'kl/j]If0f ;DaGwL sfdx? ul//x]sf] / lrlnd]
la:t[lts/0f -Enlargement_ ug]{ tof/L eO/x]sf], hnljB't sDkgL cGtu{tsf a'9Lu08sL k|f]s hnljB't
Penstock Vertical Shaft / Penstock Horizontal Tunnel cfof]hgf -$@) d]ufjf6_ tyf ;]tLgbL–# hnljB't
sf] excavation tyf rock support sf] sfo{ ;DkGg eO{ cfof]hgf -!^% d]ufjf6_ sf] ;+efJotf cWoogsf] nflu
xfn tLgj6} Penstock trifurcation tunnel df :6Ln ;+emf}tf ;DkGg u/L cWoogsf sfdx? ul//x]sf] ;fy}
kfO{k h8fgsf] sfo{ eO/x]sf] 5 . To;}u/L e"ldut cGo ljleGg sfo{sf] nflu kxn eO/x]sf] 5 . sDkgLn]
ljB't u[xsf] Excavation tyf rock support sf] sfo{ pNn]lvt sfo{x?sf nflu cfjZostf cg';f/ hgzlQm
;DkGg eO{ Foundation tyf Super Structure x?sf] Joj:yfkg tyf kl/rfng ul//x]sf] / ljleGg lsl;dsf
concreting ug]{ sfo{ clGtd r/0fdf /x]sf] 5 . ;fy} cWoogx?nfO{ ;kmntfk"j{s ;DkGg ug{ cfjZostf
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
cg';f/ pks/0fx?sf] vl/b k|s[of cufl8 a9fpg'sf sf]if, lrlnd] hnljB't sDkgL ln= / ;DjlGwt sDkgLx?
;fy} bIf hgzlQm dfk{mt u'0f:t/Lo O{lGhlgol/Ë ;]jf -/;'jfu9L xfO{8«f]kfj/ sDkgL, dWo ef]6]sf]zL hnljB't
k|bfg ug]{ p2]Zosf ;fy cufl8 al9/x]sf] 5 . sDkgL / ;fGh]g hnljB't sDkgL_ aLr lqkIfLo C0f
;Demf}tf eO{ ljlQo Joj:yfkg x'Fb} cfPsf] 5 . :jMk"FhL
$= rfn" cfly{s aif{sf] xfn;Ddsf] pknAwLM / C0fsf] cg'kft %)M%) /xg] u/L /;'jfu9L hnljB't
o; sDkgLn] rfn" cf=j= @)&%÷)&^ sf] sflt{s cfof]hgfsf] nflu ?=^ cj{ *$ s/f]8 @! nfv, dWo
d;fGt;Ddsf] cjlwdf ^@ nfv &@ xhf/ clws o"lg6 ef]6]sf]zL hnljB't cfof]hgfsf] nflu ?=^ cj{ !$
;lxt ^ s/f]8 #% nfv !@ xhf/ o"lg6 ljB't laqmL u/L s/f]8 !^ nfv, ;fGh]g -dflyNnf]_ / ;fGh]g hnljB't
?= $& s/f]8 () nfv @^ xhf/ cfDbfgL x'g'sf] ;fy} cfof]hgfsf] nflu ?=# cj{ ^@ s/f]8 !^ nfv u/L hDdf
Jofh cfDbfgL ¿= @ s/f]8 !$ nfv ;d]t u/L s'n !^ cj{ ^) s/f]8 %# nfv shf{ k|jfx ug] sf]if;Fu
hDdf ¿=%) s/f]8 $ nfv () xhf/ cfo cfh{g ug{ ;Demf}tf ePsf] Joxf]/f cjut g} 5 . o;sf nflu g]kfn
;kmn ePsf] 5 . ;f] cjlwdf :jLs[t ah]6 tyf sfo{qmd ljB't k|flws/0f / lrlnd] hnljB't sDkgL lnld6]8af6
cg';f/ ?=* s/f]8 @) nfv * xhf/ vr{ ePsf] Joxf]/f ;+:yfut hdfgt lbOg'sf ;fy} o; sDkgLsf] :jfldTjdf
klg cjut u/fpg rfxG5' . /x]sf] ;Dk"0f{ hfoh]yf sd{rf/L ;~ro sf]ifsf gfddf
;DalGwt dfnkf]t sfof{nodf b[li6 jGws /lhi6«]zg
%= sDkgLsf] Joj;foLs ;DjGwM kf; ul/Psf] 5 .
lrlnd] hnljB't sDkgLn] b]zdf hnljB'tsf] If]qdf
Pp6f pbfx/0fLo klxrfg sfod /fVg ;kmn ePsf] &= ;~rfns ;ldltM
ljZjf; lnOPsf] 5 . sDkgLsf] pRr ;kmntfn] o; o; sDkgLdf ;+:yfks z]o/wgL >L g]kfn ljB't
sDkgL;+u k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kdf ;+nUg /x]sf ;a}nfO{ k|flws/0fsf] tkm{af6 % hgf tyf ;j{;fwf/0f ;d"xaf6
uf}/jflGjt t'NofPsf] 5 . ljB't vl/b ug]{ g]kfn ljB't $ hgf u/L hDdf ( hgf ;~rfnsx¿n] k|ltlglwTj
k|flws/0f / cfof]hgf lgdf{0fdf laQLo ;xof]u k|bfg ul//xg' ePsf] 5 . g]=lj=k|f= sf] tkm{af6 o; sDkgLsf]
ug]{ a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx? d'Vo ?kdf sd{rf/L ;~rfns ;ldltdf k|ltlglwTj ug]{ ;~rfnsx¿
;~rosf]if, gful/s nufgL sf]if, lxdfnog a}+s lnld6]8 g]=lj=k|f= sf sd{rf/L x'g] ePsf]n] lghx¿ ;]jf lgj[t x'Fbf
tyf nIdL a}+s lnld6]8 nufot cGo afl0fHo a}+sx¿ ;~rfns k|ltlglwsf] kl/jt{g x'g] u/]sf] 5 . xfn;Dd
;b}j wGojfbsf kfqx¿ /x]sf 5g\ . ;fy} sDkgL :jtGq ;~rfnssf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5}g . sDkgL P]gsf]
/lhi6«f/sf] sfof{no, g]kfn lwtf]kq af]8{, g]kfn :6s Joj:Yff adf]lhd b'O{ hgf :jtGq ;~rfns lgo'QmL eP
PS:r]~h ln=, gful/s nufgL sf]if, ljleGg Soflk6n kZrft dfq ;~rfns ;ldltn] k"0f{tf kfpg] 5 . afFsL
dfs]{6\; tyf afl0fHo a}+sx? nufotsf ;a} ljlQo ;j{;fwf/0f ;d"xaf6 $( k|ltzt z]o/sf] k|ltlglwTj
;+:yfx¿;+u o; sDkgLsf] ;'dw'/ ;DaGw /x]sf] 5 . o; x'g] Joj:yf 5 . ;dLIff cjlwdf ;~rfns ;ldltsf]
lsl;dsf ;+:yfx?;+usf] Aoj;foLs ;DjGwn] sDkgLn] a}7s !) k6s a;]sf] lyof] . xfnsf] ;~rfns ;ldltsf]
yk ;kmntf xfl;n ug{ ;Sg] ljZjf; ;lxt eljiodf ljj/0f tflnsf $ df /x]sf] 5 .
klg o; k|sf/sf] ;DjGwnfO{ cem} ;jn / ;Ifd agfpg
sDkgL ;b}j k|of;/t /xg]5 . *= n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg pk/ ;~rfns
^= ;xfos sDkgLx¿ dfkm{t lgdf{0fflwg ;ldltsf] k|ltlqmofM
hnljB't cfof]hgfx¿sf] ljQLo Aoj:yfkg cf=j= @)&$÷)&% df o; sDkgL cGtu{tsf ;xfos
;DaGwdfM sDkgLx¿n] n]vfk/LIf0f u/fO{ pknAw u/fPsf ljlQo
sDkgLsf] ljlQo tyf Joj:yfksLo cj:yf / Aoj;foLs ljj/0fx¿nfO{ cfwf/ lnO{ o; sDkgLsf] n]vfk/LIf0f
;DjGw ljZj;lgo /x]sf]n] g} sDkgLn] k|a4{wg u/]sf ePsf ljlQo ljj/0fx¿ ;d]t Plss[t -Consolidated_
sDkgLx¿ dfkm{t @&)=# d]ufjf6 Ifdtfsf hnljB't u/L tof/ ul/Psf ;+o'Qm ljlQo ljj/0fx¿
cfof]hgfx¿ lgdf{0fsf nflu cfjZos C0f nufgL ug]{ -Consolidated Financial Statements_ oxfFx¿nfO{ pknAw
;DjGwdf @)^* ;fn d+l;/ @@ ut] sd{rf/L ;~ro ePsf] k|ltj]bgdf ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . ;fy} sDkgLsf] dfq
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
ljlQo ljj/0fx¿ klg ;f]xL jflif{s k|ltj]bgdf ;dfj]z u/L of]Uo sDkgL 5gf}6sf] k|s[of clGtd r/0fdf k'u]sf]
ul/Psf] 5 . o; sDkgLsf ;xfos sDkgLx¿sf] ljlQo 5 . o; sfo{nfO{ rf8} ;DkGg u/L ejg lgdf{0f sfo{
ljj/0fx¿ Plss[t ubf{ g]kfn ljlQo k|ltj]bg dfkb08 cufl8 a9fOg] 5 .
-Nepal Financial Reporting Standards-NFRS_ tyf ;f]
n] g;d]6]sf] xsdf cGt/fl{\i6«o ljlQo k|ltj]bg dfkb08 !)= ;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTjM
-International Financial Reporting Standards-IFRS_ n] o; sDkgLn] ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj cGtu{t ljz]if u/]/
lgb[i6 u/] cg'¿k ul/Psf] 5 . ljB't–u[x jl/k/Lsf k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kdf k|efljt
If]qx?df ljB't, vfg]kfgL, lzIff, :jf:Yo, /f]huf/L, l;+rfO{,
(= sDkgLsf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{no ejg lgdf{0fM af6f]3f6f] h:tf sfo{x?df jflif{s ?kdf /sd 5'6o\ fO{
lrlnd] hnljB't sDkgL ln= n] sf7df8f}+ dxfgu/kflnsf pNn]Vo ;xof]u k'¥ofpFb} cfPsf] 5 . ;fy} ;/f]sf/ ;ldlt
j8f g+=–$, w'Daf/fxL, sf7df8f} l:yt cfˆg} gfddf dfkm{t k|efljt If]qdf vr{ ug]{ u/L af:s]6 km08 :j?k
/x]sf] @&#)=&^ ju{ ld6/sf] hUufdf lrlnd] 6fj/ jflif{s ?=@% nfv yk pknAw u/fpFb} klg cfPsf] 5 .
lgdf{0f ug]{ of]hgf cg';f/ xfn cfjZos l8hfOg tyf
gSzf ;DaGwL sfo{x¿ k'/f u/L cfjZos :jLs[ltsf sDkgLsf] ;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTjsf] lg/Gt/tf
nflu sf7df8f}+ dxfgu/kflnsfdf k]z ul/;s]sf] 5 . :j?k k|To]s jif{h:t} rfn" cf=j= @)&%÷)&^ df klg
pQm k]z u/]sf] ;Dk"0f{ l8hfOg tyf gSzfx¿ sf7df8f}+ ;fd'bflos ljsf; / af:s]6 km08 ;lxt ah]6 Aoj:yf
dxfgu/kfnLsfsf] cflwsfl/s lgsfoaf6 ;d]t :jLs[lt ul/Psf] 5 . ;Dk"0f{ /sd sDkgLn] nufgL u/L /;'jf
eO{ ;DalGwt j8f sfof{nodf a'emfOPsf] 5 . k|:tfljt lhNnfsf hgtfsf] :jf:Yo pkrf/nfO{ k|efjsf/L jgfO{
ejg hDdf ()#&=#^ ju{ ld6/ Floor Area sf] sl/j plrt ;dodf g} c:ktfn k'uL pkrf/ u/fpg d2t
*$%=!^ ju{ dL If]qkmndf lgdf{0f x'g]5 . k'Ug] u/L 6f]of]6f sDkgLsf] Ps yfg PDj'n]G; pknAw
u/fOPsf] 5 . :yfgLo :t/df pknAw x'g ;Sg] hgzlQm
k|f/lDes jftfj/0f -IEE_ cWoog ;DaGwdf zx/L ljsf; klxrfg u/L ljleGg /f]huf/Lsf cj;/x¿ v'Nnf ul/b}
tyf k'glg{df0f dGqfnoaf6 Term of Reference -ToR_ cfOPsf] 5 . :yfgLo :t/df /x]sf lgdf{0f Joj;foLx¿n]
:jLs[t e};s]sf] 5 . ;fy} ToR cg';f/ jftfj/0fLo k|efj klg ljleGg lsl;dsf sfdx¿ ub}{ cfO/x]sf] cj:yf 5
d"NofÍgsf] k|s[of clGtd r/0fdf /x]sf] 5 . lgdf{0f xfnsf] cfdf5f]lbªdf] ufpFkflnsf uf]Nh'ª lkm8/ /f]8sf]
Aoj;foLx¿sf] 5gf}6sf] xsdf k'j{of]Uotf d"Nofªsgaf6 :t/f]Ggltsf nflu cf=j= @)&$÷)&% df ¿= $^ nfv
5gf}6 ePsf $ j6f lgdf{0f Joj;foL sDkgL dWo]af6 &) xhf/ cfly{s ;xof]u ;d]t u/]sf] / o;af6 slDtdf
k]z x'g cfPsf jf]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhfx¿ d"Nofªsg #% 3/kl/jf/ k|ToIf nfeflGjt ePsf 5g\ .
lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
!!= laut jif{df z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿n] p7fPsf !@= d"Vo sDkgL / ;xfos sDkgL aLrsf]
ljifox¿M sf/f]jf/M
ljut aif{df z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?n] lbg' ePsf ;'emfjx? o; sDkgLsf] d"Vo ;+:yfks g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f;Fu
pk/ sDkgLsf] cjwf/0ff lgDg cg';f/ /x]sf 5g\ ljB't vl/b–ljqmL ;Demf}tf cg';f/sf] sf/f]jf/, 3/hUuf
!= aflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef / k|ltkmnM ef8f, / sd{rf/L ;fk6L ;DjGwL sf/f]jf/ x'g] u/]sf] 5 .
z]o/wgLnfO{ plrt k|ltkmn lbg] ;DjGwdf o; sDkgLn] To;} u/L o; sDkgLsf] ;xfos sDkgL ;fGh]g hnljB't
ljz]if Wofg lbPsf] / cfufdL lbgx¿df ;d]t z]o/wgLsf] sDkgL ln= n] ;fGh]g hnljB't cfof]hgfsf] ljB'tu[x
rfxgfnfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ sfo{ cufl8 a9fOg] 5 . If]qdf o; sDkgLsf] :jfldTjdf /x]sf] !! /f]kgL hUuf
#) aif{nfO{ lnhdf lnP jfkt pQm sDkgLn] lnh ef8f
@= gofF cfof]hgf ;DjGwdfM e'QmfgL ub}{ cfPsf] 5 eg] /;'ufu9L xfO{8«f]kfj/ sDkgL
o; sDkgLsf] cu'jfO{df :yfkgf ePsf hnljB't ln= n] klg o; sDkgL cGtu{tsf] lrlnd] kfj/ KnfG6df
sDkgLx¿ dfkm{t lgdf{0fflwg hnljB't cfof]hgfx¿ sfo{/t sd{rf/Lsf] cfjf; If]qdf /x]sf] lk|ˆofa ejg
tf]lsPsf] nfut, ;do / u'0f:t/df ;DkGg ug{ ;j} If]qaf6 ef8fdf lnO{ ef8f e'QmfgL ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . lrlnd]
k|of; eO/x]sf] 5 . ;fy} pQm cfof]hgfx¿sf] lgdf{0f Ol{Ghlgol/ª P08 ;le{;]h sDkgL ln= ;+u sDkgLn]
sfo{sf] cj:yfnfO{ x]/L yk hnljB't cfof]hgfx¿sf] cWoogsf nflu cufl8 a9fPsf $@) d]ufjf6 Ifdtfsf]
klxrfg u/L ljsf; ul/g] of]hgf cg'¿k xfn tLgj6f a'9Lu08sL k|f]s hnljB't cfof]hgf / !^% d]ufjf6
gofF hnljB't cfof]hgfx¿sf] cWoog cufl8 a9fOPsf] Ifdtfsf] ;]tLgbL–# hnljB't cfof]hgfsf] DPR ;lxtsf]
5 . k/fdz{bftfaf6 k|ltj]bg k|fKt ePkl5 pko'Qm ;+efJotf cWoogsf nflu 7]Ssf ;+emf}tf eP adf]lhd
cfof]hgfx¿sf] lgdf{0fsf nflu k|s[of cufl8 a9fO{g] k/fdz{ ;]jf jfktsf] /sd sfo{ k|ultsf cfwf/df
Joxf]/f cjut uf/fpg rfxG5' . e'QmfgL ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .
#= Aoj;fo ljljlws/0fM !#= lrlnd] hnljB't s]Gb|M
o; sDkgLsf] cfDbflgsf] d"Vo >f]t eg]sf] xfn ljB't ljqmL o; lrlnd] hnljB't sDkgL cGtu{t ;~rflnt lrlnd]
dfq /x]sf]df b]zleq ljleGg sfdsf cj;/x¿ b]lvPsf]n] hnljB't s]G›n] @)^) ef› * b]lv Joj;foLs ljB't
lrlnd] Ol~hlgol/ª P08 ;le{;h ] sDkgL :yfkgf ul/Psf] pTkfbg z'¿ u/]sf] / xfn;Dd klg k"0f{ Ifdtfdf
5 . o; sDkgLsf] p2]Zo ljleGg lsl;dsf k|fljlws ;~rfng eO/x]sf] 5 . ef}uf]lns kl/j]z cg';f/sf]
;]jfx¿ lbO{ cfo cfh{g ug]{ /x]sf] 5 . l8hfOg, cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf pks/0f tyf dha't l;len
;+/rgfsf sf/0f o; s]G›n] ;~rfngsf] !%cf}+ jif{ ;Dd
$= cGo ;DjGwdfM
klg lgoldt ?kdf ck]Iffs[t ¿kdf ljB't pTkfbg ub}{
ljutsf jif{x¿df jflif{s k|ltj]bg 5kfO{ nufotdf
cfO/x]sf] Joxf]/f cjut u/fpg rfxG5' . kf6k'hf{x¿sf]
;fdfGo dfgjLo q'l6x¿nfO{ ;se/ Go'gLs/0f ug]{ k|of;
cefjdf x'g ;Sg] pTkfbg gf]S;fg -Generation Loss_
ul/Psf] 5 . ;fy} d~r Joj:yfkgnfO{ cfslif{t jgfpg
nfO{ dWogh/ u/L 7f]; of]hgfsf ;fy s]G›nfO{
;'emfj eP cg';f/ ;'wf/sf nflu sf]lzz ul/Psf] 5 .
cfjZos kg]{ k"hf{x? pks/0fsf pTkfbs sDkgL;Fu
sDkgLn] u/]sf sfo{x¿ tyf cGo z]o/wgLsf ;/f]sf/sf
vl/b u/L hu]8fdf /fVg] ul/Psf] 5 . s]G›df hl8t
ljifox¿nfO{ g5f]l8sg o; jflif{s k|ltj]bgdf ;d]6\g]
Governing System, Excitation System, SCADA System
k|of; ul/Psf] 5 . jflif{s k|ltj]bg ;a} z]o/ wgLx?sf]
Pj+ Protection System nufotsf k|0ffnLx¿df cfPsf]
;lhn} kx'Fr xf];\ egL sDkgLsf] Website df /flvg'sf
k|ljlw kl/jt{gnfO{ ;+jf]wg x'g] u/L cBfjlws /fVg
;fy} z]o/ /lhi6«f/sf] sfof{noaf6 klg pknAw u/fpg]
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Joj:yf ldnfOPsf] 5 .
cfjZos b]lvPsf]n] cGt/f{li6«o :t/df af]nkq cfJxfg
ul/ xfn k|fKt jf]nkqbftfx¿sf] af]nkq d"NofÍg ug]{
sfo{ eO{ /x]sf] 5 .
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tyf o; sDkgLn] k|a4{g u/]sf sDkgLx? dfkm{t cufl8 nflu wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . ;fy} >L l;4fy{ Soflk6n
a9fOPsf cfof]hgfx?sf] lgdf{0f tyf ljsf;sf] nflu ln=nfO{ sDkgLsf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/ ;]jf k|bfg u/]sf] / o;
k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kn] ;xof]u k'¥ofpFb} cfpg' ePsf phf{, ;fwf/0f ;efsf] k|jGw ;d]t u/]sf]df xflb{s wGojfb
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dGqfno, ljB't ljsf; ljefu nufot g]kfn ;/sf/sf ;Dk"0f{ k"j{ ;~rfns, sfo{sf/L k|d'v tyf sd{rf/Lx?nfO{
ljleGg lgsfox¿, :yfgLo ;/sf/sf k|ltlglwx¿, tyf klg wGojfb lbg rfxG5' .
kbflwsf/Lx? ;fy} lgdf{0f Joj;foLx¿nfO{ d wGojfb
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lrlnd] hnljB't jflif{s k|ltj]bg
sDkgL lnld6]8 cf= j= @)&$÷)&%
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Date: 2075/08/26
Place: Dhumbarahi-4, Kathmandu
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Date: 2075/08/26
Place: Dhumbarahi-4, Kathmandu
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Date: 2075/08/26
Place: Dhumbarahi-4, Kathmandu
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
________________ ___________________ __________________ ______________________ Pratap P. Pradhan
Manoj Silwal Tulasi Ram Dhakal Ram Prasad Rimal Bhim Prasad Timalsina Principal
PP Pradhan & Co.
Member Member Member Member
Chartered Accountants
Date: 2075/08/26
Place: Dhumbarahi-4, Kathmandu
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
With the objectives of further development of hydropower, C. Basis of Preparation and Reporting
CJCL has invested in other hydroelectricity projects through Pronouncements
three hydropower companies and one engineering The Company has, for the preparation and presentation
consulting company. The accompanying consolidated of financial statements, opted to adopt Nepal Financial
Financial Statements includes these invested companies as Reporting Standards (NFRSs) from the erstwhile Nepal
the Company has effective control over them. (Details of the Accounting Standards (NASs) both pronounced by
investments is discussed in Note 2) Accounting Standards Board (ASB) Nepal. NFRS was
pronounced by ASB Nepal as effective on 13 September
B. Statement of Compliance 2013. The regulatory requirement for the Company to
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance adopt NFRS was from the financial year 2073/74 (2016-17),
with Nepal Financial Reporting Standards (NFRS) to the however the Company opted for early adoption of NFRS as
extent applicable and as published by the Accounting the basis of financial statement and prepared its first NFRS
Standards Board (ASB) – Nepal and is approved by the 351th compliant financial statements in FY 2072/73.
Board of Directors on its meeting held on 12 December
2018 (26 Mangsir 2075) and have been recommended NFRS conform, in material respect, to International Financial
for approval by shareholders in the 22nd Annual General Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International
Meeting. Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
NFRS 9 – Financial Instruments has been issued but is e) The Financial Statements of the subsidiary used for
not effective until further notice. For the reporting of consolidation are drawn for the same reporting period
financial instruments, NAS 32 Financial Instruments, as that of the Parent Company i.e. year ended 32 Ashadh
Presentation, NAS 39 Financial Instruments Recognition 2075 (16 July 2018). Due to first time adoption of NFRS
and Measurements and NFRS 7 Financial Instruments – by two subsidiaries SJCL and MBJCL, previous year
Disclosures have been applied. A significant impact on information has been restated where applicable.
classification and measurement including impairment of
financial instruments, may arise as a result of application of f ) The parent has acquired the shares in the subsidiaries in
NFRS 9. the form of promoter shares at par value.
D. Consolidation of Financial Statements PARTICULARS CALENDAR CALENDAR
Financial Statements of the parent Company, Chilime DATE / PERIOD DATE / PERIOD
Jalavidhyut Company Limited (CJCL), and its subsidiaries
Comparative 1 Shrawan 2073– 16 July 2016 –
Sanjen Jalavidhyut Co. Ltd (SJCL), Madhya Bhotekoshi Reporting Period 31 Asadh 2074 15 July 2017
Jalavidhyut Co. Ltd (MBJCL), Rasuwagadhi Hydropower Co.
Primary Reporting 1 Shrawan 2074– 16 July 2017 –
Ltd (RGHPCL) and Chilime Engineering and Services Co.
Period 32 Asadh 2075 16 July 2018
Ltd.(CheSCO) have been consolidated in accordance with
NFRS 3 and NFRS 10. The consolidated Financial Statements
F. Accounting Convention
have been prepared on the following basis:
The Financial Statements have been prepared on historical
cost conventions except for certain financial elements
a) The Financial Statements of the parent and its subsidiary
that have been measured at fair value, wherever standard
have been combined on a line-by-line basis by adding
requires or allows such measurement. The fair values,
together the carrying values of like items of assets,
wherever used, are discussed in relevant notes.
liabilities, revenues and expenses after eliminating
material intra-group balances / transactions and The financial statements are prepared on accrual basis.
resulting profits in full, unrealized profit / losses resulting
from intra-group transactions has also been eliminated The financial statements have been prepared on a going
except to the extent that recoverable value of related concern basis. The Company has a reasonable expectation
assets is lower than their cost to the Group. that it has adequate resources to continue in operational
existence for the foreseeable future.
b) The consolidated Financial Statements have been
prepared using uniform accounting policies. Differences G. Presentations
in accounting policies, if any, has been disclosed PRESENTATION CURRENCY
separately. The Company and its associates/subsidiaries operate
within the jurisdiction of Nepal. Nepalese Rupees (NRs.) is
c) Non-Controlling Interest’s share in net assets of ‘the the presentation and functional currency of the Company.
Group’ is identified and presented in the consolidated Accordingly, the Financial Statements are prepared and
statement of financial position separate from liabilities presented in Nepalese Rupees and rounded off to the
and the equity of the Company’s shareholders as nearest Rupee (rounding errors have been ignored).
Non-Controlling Interest (NCI). (also refer Note 7.1)
d) The extent of the group’s control on the subsidiaries is The figures for previous year are rearranged, reclassified
reflected by the shareholding in the subsidiaries. The and/or restated wherever necessary for the purpose of
details of which is discussed in Note 2 facilitating comparison. Appropriate disclosures are made
wherever necessary.
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION policies to most appropriately suit its circumstances and
The elements of Statement of Financial Position (SoFP) operating environment. The preparation of Financial
other than equity is presented in order of their liquidity Statements in conformity with NFRS requires management
by considering current and non-current nature which are to make judgments, estimates and assumptions in respect
further detailed in relevant sections. of the application of accounting policies and the reported
amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses.
SIVE INCOME Specific accounting policies have been included in the
The elements of Statement of Profit or Loss (SoPL) and Other relevant notes for each item of the Financial Statements. The
Comprehensive Income (OCI) have been prepared using effect and nature of changes, if any, have been disclosed.
classification ‘by function’ method. The details of revenue,
expenses, gains and/ or losses have been disclosed in the ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES
relevant section of this notes. The preparation of Financial Statements in line with NFRS
requires management to make estimates and assumptions
Earnings per share (EPS) has been disclosed in the face of that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities and
‘SoPL and OCI’ in accordance with NAS 33. disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of
Financial Statements and the reported amounts of revenue
STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS and expenses during the reporting period.
The Statement of Cash Flows (SCF) has been prepared using
indirect method and the activities have been grouped under Management has applied estimation in preparing and
three major categories (Cash flows from operating activities, presenting the Financial Statements. The estimates and
Cash flows from investing activities and Cash flows from the underlying assumptions are reviewed on an on-going
financing activities) in accordance with NAS 07. basis. Revision to accounting estimates are recognized in
the period in which the estimates are revised, if the revisions
STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY affect only that period; they are recognized in the period of
The Statement of Changes in Equity (SCE) has been prepared revision and the future periods if the revisions affect both
disclosing changes in each elements of equity. current and future periods.
H. Accounting Policies and Accounting Specific accounting estimates have been included in the
Estimates relevant section of the notes wherever the estimates have
ACCOUNTING POLICES been applied along with the nature and effect of changes of
The Company, under NFRS, is required to apply accounting accounting estimates, if any.
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
I. Elements of Financial Statement component can be measured reliably, those components are
depreciated separately over their individual useful lives.
1. Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) The residual values, useful lives and the depreciation
Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) are those tangible assets methods of assets are reviewed at least annually, and if
used for generation and supply of energy, for administrative expectations differ from previous estimates, changes are
purpose or for rentals to others. These are recognized as made in the estimates and are accounted for as a change in
PPEs, if and only if it is probable that future (i.e. for more than accounting estimates in accordance with NAS 8.
one accounting period) economic benefits associated with
the items will flow to the Company; and the cost of the item Management has considered that the land used for the
can be measured reliably. Hydropower Plant will have a definite useful life of 50 years
(under Built Own Operate and Transfer (BOOT) arrangement,
PPEs are stated in the SFP at their cost less accumulated discussed separately under note 1.1.2) and accordingly
depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if the cost of the land has been systematically allocated as
applicable. amortization/depreciation.
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Depreciation on this asset commences when the asset is transferred to CWIP as they directly and indirectly contribute
ready for its intended use. This item is shown at cost and toward creation of those assets.
disclosed as CWIP under PPE. The CWIP includes the license
fee paid to Department of Electricity Development (DOED). 1.1.6 RESTRICTION ON PPE
CJCL will have to transfer the entire generation unit to
Three subsidiaries are in the process of developing their four Government of Nepal under BOOT arrangement after the
hydroelectric projects. All the costs directly related to the end of 50 years of operation. Please refer to Note 1.1.3 for
development of the projects are charged to the CWIP and more details.
carried until the assets are ready to be used to be recognized
under PPE. Construction and other assets recognized under Similar restrictions are also applicable to the assets of the
PPE of the Subsidiaries/Associates are subject to annual subsidiaries at the expiration of generation license of a
depreciation charges and such charges are subsequently period of 35 year applicable to subsidiaries except Chilime
Engineering and Services Company Ltd.
Explanatory Notes
Company Limited
Chilime Jalavidhyut
Land – Plant 9,257,081 - 9,257,081 50 2,591,983 185,142 - 185,142 - 2,777,124 6,665,098 - 6,479,957
Land – Not
183,373,609 - 183,373,609 - - - - - - - 183,373,609 - 183,373,609
related to plant
Annual Report
FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Office Building
9,981,722 - 9,981,722 7 7,129,801 1,425,960 - 1,425,960 - 8,555,762 2,851,921 - 1,425,960
Powerhouse 175,639,691 - 175,639,691 50 55,725,264 3,512,794 - 3,512,794 - 59,238,058 119,914,427 - 116,401,633
Building - Others - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Office Building -
3,895,369 - 3,895,369 25 2,170,774 155,815 - 155,815 - 2,326,588 1,724,595 - 1,568,781
12,311,087 - 12,311,087 25 4,855,372 492,443 - 492,443 - 5,347,815 7,455,715 - 6,963,272
Building 1
10,033,631 - 10,033,631 25 5,188,570 401,345 - 401,345 - 5,589,915 4,845,062 - 4,443,717
Building 2
11,972,821 - 11,972,821 25 6,417,638 478,913 - 478,913 - 6,896,551 5,555,183 - 5,076,271
Building 3
Clinic Building 513,798 - 513,798 25 286,324 20,552 - 20,552 - 306,876 227,474 - 206,922
Lab Building 493,425 - 493,425 25 274,971 19,737 - 19,737 - 294,708 218,454 - 198,717
Store Building 1,682,286 - 1,682,286 25 937,488 67,291 - 67,291 - 1,004,779 744,798 - 677,506
Guard House 1,106,832 - 1,106,832 25 616,805 44,273 - 44,273 - 661,078 490,027 - 445,754
Civil Structures-
Headrace Tunnel 1,068,168,971 - 1,068,168,971 50 299,087,312 21,363,379 - 21,363,379 - 320,450,691 769,081,659 - 747,718,280
Headwork 245,085,627 - 245,085,627 50 77,758,400 4,901,713 - 4,901,713 - 82,660,112 167,327,227 - 162,425,515
Power Canal 79,923,664 - 79,923,664 50 25,357,408 1,598,473 - 1,598,473 - 26,955,881 54,566,256 - 52,967,783
Reservoir 62,223,180 - 62,223,180 50 19,741,569 1,244,464 - 1,244,464 - 20,986,033 42,481,611 - 41,237,147
Siphon Structure 13,586,355 - 13,586,355 50 4,310,547 271,727 - 271,727 - 4,582,275 9,275,808 - 9,004,080
Civil works- others - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other Civil Works 15,294,653 - 15,294,653 25 8,523,257 611,786 - 611,786 - 9,135,043 6,771,397 - 6,159,611
Civil Partition 2,013,383 - 2,013,383 4 2,013,383 503,346 - - - 2,013,383 - - -
Distribution Line
Distribution Line 12,718,433 - 12,718,433 25 7,087,605 508,737 - 508,737 - 7,596,343 5,630,827 - 5,122,090
Hydro Mechanical
Hydro Mechanical
34,309,978 8,190,916 42,500,895 50 10,731,360 686,200 163,818 850,018 - 11,581,378 23,578,619 - 30,919,517
Electro Mechanical
Electro Refer to
807,466,804 226,000 807,692,804 325,256,331 23,863,018 7,533 23,870,551 - 349,126,882 482,210,473 - 458,565,922
Mechanical Works Note 1.1.2
Tools and
30,724,848 329,698 31,054,545 7 19,529,129 1,679,358 22,539 1,701,896 - 21,231,026 11,195,718 - 9,823,520
- 597,770 597,770 5 - - 119,554 119,554 - 119,554 - - 478,216
Office Equipment
and Furniture
Office Equipment 9,702,428 548,334 10,250,762 4 6,316,998 846,357 40,493 886,850 - 7,203,848 3,385,430 - 3,046,914
Furniture and
5,248,921 545,010 5,793,932 4 3,502,277 436,662 56,597 493,259 - 3,995,536 1,746,645 - 1,798,396
Vehicles 44,544,573 16,490,085 61,034,658 5 31,788,561 2,551,202 1,401,281 3,952,483 - 35,741,044 12,756,011 - 25,293,614
Other Assets
Other Assets 8,447,996 294,780 8,742,776 7 5,568,113 442,006 29,210 471,216 - 6,039,329 2,879,884 - 2,703,447
Total Assets 2,859,721,167 27,222,594 2,886,943,761 932,767,239 68,312,693 1,841,026 69,650,373 - 1,002,417,613 1,926,953,928 - 1,884,526,148
Engineering & 1,085,465 12,215,969 13,301,434 - 10,466 - - 1,370,231 - - 1,074,999 11,920,738
Services Co. Ltd
Company Limited
Chilime Jalavidhyut
Total Assets 2,860,806,632 39,438,563 2,900,245,195 932,777,705 68,312,693 1,841,026 71,020,604 - 1,002,417,613 1,928,028,927 - 1,896,446,886
of subsidiaries - - - - - - - 5,280,561 - - - - -
Total 2,860,806,632 39,438,563 2,900,245,195 932,777,705 68,312,693 1,841,026 76,301,165 - 1,002,417,613 1,928,028,927 - 1,896,446,886
Annual Report
FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
a. Depreciation Schedule of SJCL & MBJCL
FOR THE DEPRECIATION 31.03.2074 32.07.2075
Company Limited
Chilime Jalavidhyut
485,762,222 84,930,755 155,900 570,537,077 61,619,008 7,171,496 101,316 68,689,188 415,566,450 424,143,214 501,848,188
Jalavidhyut Co.
FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Total 498,830,391 86,232,836 155,900 584,907,327 69,997,076 8,738,189 101,316 78,633,949 420,588,765 428,833,315 506,273,677
Charged in 5,829,255
Charged in
and MBJCL (a)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
The extent of control over the subsidiaries will change over Management determines that these stores and spare parts
the coming years. Considering the committed percentage are of consumable nature and are held for consumption in
of shareholding, the share ownership of CJCL will eventually the production (generation) of electrical energy. These are
be restricted. The percentage of shareholding of CJCL in the either expected to be used within one year or the economic
subsidiaries and the eventual dilution of control is as follows. values will be obtained when consumed. Therefore, these
store, spare parts and loose tools have been considered as
31.03.2074 01.04.2073
inventory and presented accordingly.
32.03.2075 Committed
PARTICULARS (15.07.2017) (16.07.2016)
(16.07.2018) %
Restated Restated
4. Prepayments
Sanjen Jalviduit
Co. Ltd.
52.48% 77.18% 77.11% 39.36 These are expenses paid for the period beyond the financial
Madhya Bhotekoshi period covered by the Financial Statements. These will be
72.55% 73.16% 70.80% 37.0
Jalviduit Co. Ltd.
charged as expenses in the respective period for which such
Hydropower Co. Ltd.
43.72% 63.77% 61.57% 33.0 expenses pertain to.
Chilime Engineering NRs.
100.00% 100.00% - 100.0
and Services Co. Ltd. 31.03.2074 01.04.2073
PARTICULARS (15.07.2017) (16.07.2016)
In case of Rasuwagadhi, although equity ownership is (16.07.2018)
Restated Restated
43.72%, effective control as per voting right is 60% for the Chilime Jalavidhyut Co. Ltd. 1,830,547 2,231,333 2,391,800
FY 74/75.
Relating to Subsidiaries
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Financial assets are classified under four categories as with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in
required by NAS 39, namely, an active market and it is expected that substantially all of
Fair Value through SoPL, the initial resource will be recovered, other than because of
Held to Maturity, credit deterioration.
Loans and Receivables and
Available for Sale. Held to Maturity
Financial Assets of the Company comprises of Advances, Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial
Deposits and Other Receivables, Trade Receivables and Cash assets with fixed or determinable payments that an entity
and Bank Balances. intends and is able to hold to maturity and that do not meet
the definition of loans and receivables and are not designated
These instruments are interest bearing and non-interest on initial recognition as assets at fair value through SoPL
bearing. Where interest component is present, the implicit or as Available for Sale. Held-to-maturity investments are
interest rate approximates effective interest rate. It is measured at amortized cost.
assumed that the carrying amount represents the amortized
cost of the assets. 5.1.1 Advances, Deposits and Other Receivables
These comprise Advances, Deposit and Prepayments and
Loans and Receivables Other Receivables. Details are as given below:
Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets
31.03.2074 01.04.2073
PARTICULARS (15.07.2017) (16.07.2016)
Restated Restated
Employee Loan/Advances 286,444 150,295 250,200
NEA Unit Current - 236,364 -
Chilime Sarokar Samiti - 2,500,000 -
Advance Tax (5.1.1.a) 17,758,535 14,169,647 22,446,817
Andritz Hydro 31,950 31,950 492,950
Other Advances 46,408 348,550 328,302
Nepal Hydro and Electric Limited - - 1,536,000
Relating to Subsidiaries - - -
Sanjen Jalavidhyut Co. Ltd. 559,384,908 725,492,127 711,188,576
Madhya Bhotekoshi Jalavidhyut Co. Ltd. 992,547,271 1,124,472,126 1,130,593,853
Rasuwagadhi Hydropower Co. Ltd. 1,079,798,370 1,271,866,144 1,483,332,422
Chilime Engineering and Services Co. Ltd. 1,046,755 865,616 -
Sub-Total 2,650,900,641 3,140,132,819 3,350,169,120
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
31.03.2074 01.04.2073
PARTICULARS (15.07.2017) (16.07.2016)
Restated Restated
Deposit 316,000 - 341,036
DOED (Hydroelectric Project) - - 8,000,000
DOED (Budhigandaki Pork,Hydroelectric Project) - 10,000,000 -
DOED (Budhigandaki Syar,Hydroelectric Project) - 10,000,000 -
DOED (Dudkoshi-4,Hydroelectric Project) - 12,000,000 -
DOED (Dudkoshi-5,Hydroelectric Project) - 12,000,000 -
DOED (Setinadi Hydroelectric Project) - 20,000,000 -
Deposit with IRD and Revenue Tribunal (5.1.1.a) 21,717,410 30,553,347 30,553,347
DOED Budhigandaki “A” Hydroelectric Project (5.1.1.b) 20,000,000 - -
Rasuwa District Office 753,800 753,800 753,800
Other Deposits 8,750 8,750 8,750
Sub-Total 42,795,960 95,315,897 39,656,933
Other Receivables
Other - - 60,000
NEA Unit Current Account (Net) 277,259 - 223,359
Bank Interest Receivable 6,312,232 129,452 123,288
Chilime Engineering & Services Co. Ltd. - 371,188 -
Sub-Total 6,589,491 500,640 406,647
Grand Total 2,700,286,091 3,235,949,356 3,390,232,700
25.09.2074; 8.12.2075;
Advance tax deposited based on estimate 7,300,000 2074-75 (2017-18)
Up to 2074-75
Advance tax (on bank Interest) 10,458,535 Various
Total Advance Tax 17,758,535
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Century Commercial
11.0% 50,000,000 - -
The cost of licensing of three hydroelectric projects is shown Bank Ltd.
Sanjen Jalavidhyut
The Trade Receivable balance from NEA is as follows: Co. Ltd.
460,270,000 - -
NRs. Rasuagadhi
750,000,000 - -
Hydropower Co. Ltd.
31.03.2074 01.04.2073
PARTICULARS (15.07.2017) (16.07.2016) Sub-total 1,210,270,000
Restated Restated
Total 1,971,044,120 380,139,080 400,000,000
Opening Balance: 122,069,450 138,622,649 140,174,952
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
5.1.4 Cash and Cash Equivalent 5.1.5 Risk associated with Financial Assets
Cash and cash equivalents include deposit account balances The Company closely monitors the risks associated with
maintained with banks or financial institutions. These enable the financial assets. The Company has an enterprise risk
the Company to meet its short term liquidity requirements. management system commensurate with the nature and
The carrying amount of cash and cash equivalents the size of the business, which the management considers
approximates their fair value. They are readily convertible to sufficient to identify, manage and monitor risks.
known amount of cash and are subject to insignificant risk of
change in value. 5.2 Financial Instruments: Financial Liabilities
These balances have been used as Cash and Cash Equivalents A financial liability is any liability that is:
for the presentation of SCF as well. a) contractual obligation:
(i) to deliver cash or another financial asset to another
Banks and financial institution in Nepal are closely regulated entity; or
by the Nepal Rastra Bank. The Company closely assesses
(ii) to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with
the risks of these instruments and there are no apparent
another entity under conditions that are potentially
indication of impairment of these balances.
unfavorable to the entity; or
The Company discourages the use and holding of cash b) a contract that will or may be settled in the entity’s own
balances therefore there are no cash balances as at the equity instruments and is:
reporting dates.
(i) a non-derivative for which the entity is or may be obliged
The details of Cash and Cash Equivalents are given below: to deliver a variable number of the entity’s own equity
instruments; or
(ii) a derivative that will or may be settled other than by the
31.03.2074 01.04.2073
(15.07.2017) (16.07.2016) exchange of a fixed amount of cash or another financial
RATE (%) (16.07.2018)
Restated Restated
asset for a fixed number of the entity’s own equity
Bank instruments.
Normal Deposits
Himalayan Bank Limited 2.5% 6,134,570 4,698,797 36,077,423 Financial Liabilities under NAS 39 are to be classified as Fair
Standard Chartered Value through SoPL and those Held at Amortised Cost. All
0% - 83,807 86,456
Bank Ltd financial liabilities held by the Company are classified as
Janata Bank Nepal Ltd 0.6% 450,434 450,265 4,825,767 financial liabilities held at amortised cost using effective
Janata Bank Nepal Ltd.
66,103 66,103 66,103
interest rate.
Mega Bank Ltd 3% 917,815 3,025,134 32,300,711 Financial liabilities held by the Company are non-interest
Siddhartha Bank Ltd 4% 135,289,742 131,035,888 137,333,090 bearing. The non-interest bearing instruments’ carrying
NMB Bank Ltd 3% 358,434 349,273 3,741,294 value represents the amortised cost.
Jyoti Bikash Bank Ltd. 5% 9,243,920 280,0631 11,945,350
Categories of financial liabilities:
NMB Bank Ltd 3% 358,291 145,014 10,490,712
Nepal Bank Ltd 0% 123,703 5,179,656 57,218 5.2.1 Trade and Other Payables
Relating to Subsidiaries - - - Trade and other payables mainly consist of amounts the
Sanjen Jalavidhyut Co. Ltd. 36,524,843 164,495,975 173,728,957 Company owes to suppliers and government authority
Madhya Bhotekoshi that have been invoiced or are accrued. These also include
276,084,225 296,782,375 334,042,243
Jalavidhyut Co. Ltd. taxes due in relation to the Company’s role as an employer.
Rasuwagadhi Hydropower
543,439,203 157,851,598 184,069,597 These amounts have been initially recognized at cost and it
Co. Ltd.
is continued to be recognized at cost as it fairly represents
Chilime Engineering and
Services Co. Ltd.
25,226,730 8,838,454 - the value to be paid since it does not include interest on
Total 1,047,597,521 781,819,587 931,520,215 payment.
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
FY2074/075 2073/074
(2017/18) (2016/17)
Leave Encashment (Charged to Administrative Expenses) 688,309 1,728,084 Gratuity
31.03.2074 01.04.2073
PARTICULARS (15.07.2017) (16.07.2016)
Opening Balance of Defined Benefit Obligation (DBO) 42,758,996 39,094,820 26,882,210
Current Service Cost 4,441,431 4,777,640 3,497,610
Interest Charge (unwinding interest) 3,204,207 3,110,000 2,144,000
Less: Gratuity Paid during the year - (352,184) -
Closing Liability 50,404,634 46,630,276 32,523,820
Actuarial (Gain)/Loss – OCI (5,561,825) (3,871,280) 6,571,000
Assessed Liability (actuarial assessment) 44,842,809 42,758,996 39,094,820
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Closing Assets - - -
Financial Assumptions
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
FY 2074/075 FY 2073/074 FY 2072/073 The Company was not satisfied with the calculation
(2017/018) 2016/017 2015/016 procedure of Income Tax by LTPO so the company has
Employee Bonus 18,753,273 18,889,842 19,263,846 submitted relevant document along with application for
CES Co. Ltd. 406,791 - - Administrative Review to Inland Revenue Department,
Lazimpat for the FY 2068/069 (2011/012) and 2070/71
Total 19,160,064 18,889,842 19,263,846
(2013/014). IRD has not made any decision regarding this
issue till date.
9. Income Tax
The Company has adopted the policy of accounting and
b. Details regarding Income Tax Assessments are disclosed
reporting tax related elements of Financial Statements in
in Note 20.1.1
accordance with NAS 12 and it represents current tax and
deferred tax for the year. c. c. LTPO has reassessed and determined NRs 12,950,121
as an Income Tax of Fiscal Year 2060/061 and 2061/062
which is settled out of advance for appeal and advance
Current tax payable (or recoverable) is based on the taxable
tax of NRs. 34,667,530.60. Remaining amount of NRs
profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from the profit
21,717,409.60 is carried for subsequent years.
reported in the Statement of Profit or Loss, because some
item of income or expense are taxable or deductible in 9.2 DEFERRED TAX
different years or may never be taxable or deductible. Deferred Tax is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable
in future arising from:
CJCL has been granted a 15 year tax holiday starting from
a. Temporary differences between the carrying amounts of
the date of generating electricity for commercial purpose
assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the
i.e. 08 Bhadra 2060 (25 August 2003) by the tax authorities
corresponding tax bases used in computation of taxable
under Income Tax Act, 2058. The Company has provided for
income tax liability pertaining to income other than income
b. Unused tax losses and/or
from sale of electricity in accordance with the Income Tax
c. Unused tax credits.
Act, 2058 enacted and as applicable in Nepal.
Deferred Tax is computed using SFP method. Deferred Tax
a. a. NRs. 18,814,163 has been provided for as income
Liabilities are generally recognized for all taxable temporary
tax liability for the current financial year by way of
differences and Deferred Tax Assets recognized to the extent
self-assessment as per the Income Tax Act, 2058. The
that is probable that taxable profit will be available against
total amount of Current Tax incudes NRs 18,000,793 of
which Deferred Tax Assets can be utilized.
CJCL and 813,370 of Chilime Engineering & Services Co.
Ltd. CJCL has been paid NRs. 7,300,000 as installment The tax rate used for deferred tax is the rate that has been
tax during the year. NRs. 10,458,535 has been claimed as enacted as on 32 Asadh 2075 (which is 20% for CJCL and 25%
advance tax on bank interest income and Lease Income for CHEsco)
during the year. Total of installment tax paid and advance
taxes are included in the total advance tax balance of NRs The details of deferred tax related elements of financial
17,758,535 as at the year end. During this year a sum of statements are as given below:
NRs. 43,530,668 has been paid against the tax assessment
by LTPO for the FY 2069/070 (2012/013). Similarly, LTPO
has amended the self-assessment of tax for the FY
2070/071 (2013/14) and determined NRs. 64,698,510 as
due to be paid. However the company has already paid
NRs. 34,410,830 on account of the Income Tax for the
same period and informed the LTPO accordingly but
the LTPO has not incorporated this sum at the time of
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
FY 2073/074
PARTICULARS FY 2074/075 (2017/018)
Temporary Difference 613,232,872 616,922,093
Tax Rate 20% 20%
Closing Deferred Tax (Assets)/ Liabilities (CJCL) 122,646,574 123,384,419
Temporary Difference (CHEsco) 978,191 (4,428,906)
Tax Rate 25% 25%
Closing Deferred Tax (Assets)/ Liabilities (CHEsco) 244,548 (1,107,227)
Closing Deferred Tax (Assets)/ Liabilities Group 122,891,122 122,277,192
Less: Opening Deferred Tax (Assets) / Liabilities Group 122,277,192 123,041,763
Deferred Tax Expense / (Income) 613,930 (764,571)
To SoPL (710,615) (1,538,828)
To OCI 1,324,545 774,256
10. Provisions
When the Group has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, provisions are recognized only if it
is probable that a transfer of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate of the amount
of obligation can be made.
31.03.2074 01.04.2073
PARTICULARS (15.07.2017) (16.07.2016)
Current Tax Liability 18,000,793 10,898,992 19,465,394
Employee Welfare 3,486,981 5,612,883 4,204,726
Employee Bonus 18,753,273 18,889,842 19,263,846
Total 40,241,047 35,401,717 42,933,966
Relating to Subsidiaries
Sanjen Jalviduit Co. Ltd. 2,143,077 2,129,743 1,456,683
Madhya Bhotekoshi Jalviduit Co. Ltd. 918,338 949,44 591,055
Rasuwagadhi Hydropower Co. Ltd. 12,313,441 14,364,795 91,207,383
Chilime Engineering & Services Co. Ltd. 1,220,160 - -
Sub-Total 16,595,016 17443992 93,255,121
Grand-Total 56,836,063 52,845,709 136,189,087
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
FY2074/075 2073/074
(2017/18) (2016/17)
Annual General Meeting and Functions 679,947 686,907
Guest Entertainment 429,521 295,685
Refreshments 215,485 57,800
Prizes 60,000 -
Other Expenses 156,135 139,789
Royalty (Refer to 12.1 ) 24,978,601 26,147,795
Travel 1,291,200 992,497
Meeting Allowances 321,500 326,000
Bank Charges and Commission 4,375 3,834
Community and Local Development 5,733,155 284,634
Store Written Off - 1,335,933
Total CJCL 125,334,131 131,807,862
Chilime Engineering & Services Co. Ltd. 26,316,207 2,272,933
Total 151,650,338 134,080,795
12.1 Royalty
The Company has paid royalty to Government of Nepal as per the provisions of Electricity Act and Regulation as follows.
31.03.2074 31.03.2073
(15.07.2017) (15.07.2016)
Installed Capacity =
NRs.100 per KW 2,210,000 2,210,000
22.1 MW
Revenue from Sale of 2 % of net
22,768,601 23,937,795
Electricity Revenue
Total Royalty 24,978,601 26,147,795
Calculation of royalty is based on sale of electricity after deducting the units of electricity used internally for operation of power
The Company has been generating electricity for commercial sale since 08 Bhadra 2060 (25 August 2003). After 07 Bhadra 2075
(23 August 2018), the rate of royalty expense is going to increase from 2% to 10%.
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Mr. Kul Man Ghising Chairman,NEA 63,000 75,000 138,000
Mr. Lekhanath Koirala Member, NEA 126,000 75,000 201,000
Mr. Shanti Laxmi Shakya Member, NEA 147,000 75,000 222,000
Mr. Hara Raj Neupane Member, NEA 78,000 75,000 153,000
Mr. Manoj Silwal Member, NEA 52,000 75,000 127,000
Mr. Tulasi Ram Dhakal Member, Public 132,000 75,000 207,000
Mr. Ram Prasad Rimal Member, Public 84,000 75,000 159,000
Mr. Parsado Tamang Member, Public 63,000 75,000 138,000
Mr. Bhim Prasad Timalsina Member, Public 99,000 75,000 174,000
Total 794,000 675,000 14,69,000
2017-18 ROLE
Manoj Silwal Chairman,NEA
Lokhari Luitel Member, NEA
Damodar Bhakta Shrestha Member, CJCL
Parsado Tamang Member, CJCL
Narayan Prasad Acharya Member, CJCL
Rajaram Shrestha Member, EPF
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
17.5 EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT BENEFIT PLANS 20. Contingent Liabilities and Commitments
CJCL considers a retirement benefit plan to be a related 20.1 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES
party if the entity is a post-employment defined benefit plan A contingent liability is identified as follows:
for the benefit of employees of either the CJCL or an entity (a) a possible obligation that arises from past events
related to CJCL. As CJCL has not made any investments with and whose existence will be confirmed only by the
respect to the liability on account of DBO, it does not have occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain
any related party with regards to Defined Benefit Plan. future events not wholly within the control of the entity;
17.6 PENDING DIVIDEND (b) a present obligation that arises from past events but is
This Company has continuously been distributing dividend not recognized because:
since 2060.061 till date. Previously Citizen Investment Trust (i) it is not probable that an outflow of resources
(CIT) was appointed as a Share Registrar and distribution of embodying economic benefits will be required to settle
Cash Dividend and Bonus Share was performed by CIT. Now the obligation; or
the same job is being done by Siddhartha Capital Limited. (ii) the amount of the obligation cannot be measured with
According to the given information by Share Registrar there sufficient reliability.
is pending Cash Dividend of NRs. 152,495,378.45.
CJCL discloses contingent liabilities unless the possibility
17.7 OTHER MATTERS of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is
CJCL has not entered into any related party transaction remote. Following are details of contingent liabilities which
except those mentioned above. has the possibility of outflow of resources:
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
to the Large Taxpayer Office (LTO) of the IRD based on this SELF - LTPO’S
interpretation. However, on subsequent tax assessments
Appeal for administrative review
conducted by the LTO, it contended that the tax exemption is FY made in FY 73/74 (self-assessment
52,763,196 91,579,268
only applicable to income generated from sale of electricity 2068/69 amount deposited on 2073 Jestha
and not to other sources of income. The status of these
amended tax assessments for the various past financial years Appeal for administrative review
is described below. FY
made in FY 75/76
38,691,615 56,272,398 (self-assessment amount is the sum
of NPR 11,775,013 + NRs. 26,916,602
Financial Year 2060/61 and 2061/062 (2003/2004 & 2004 deposited on 2073 Jestha 10)
On 30 Asoj 2065 the LTO had assessed the total amount of
The Company has fully settled the tax amount for the FY
tax, penalty and interest to be paid by the Company for this
2069/70 in FY 2074/75. The details are as follows:
financial year at NRs. 107,946,371. The Company appealed
against this assessment at the Revenue Tribunal. The
Tribunal’s verdict was that the Company did not have to pay
this amount as income on which LTO calculated this tax did LTPO assessment 109,482,238
not relate to the financial year 2060/61. The Company has Company’s self-assessment 70,637,039
been informed that the LTO has made an appeal against this Difference between LTPO and
decision. In the event that the decision on this appeal is issued the Company's assessment
in favor of LTO, the Company will have to pay this amount, Payments made by the
plus annual interest for late payment at the applicable rates Company
from the date of the assessment to the time of final payment. First payment (2073 Jestha 10) 34,410,829
Advance tax for FY 2069/70 36,226,210
On 31 Baisakh 2066, the LTO had assessed the total amount of
Payment made by the
tax and penalty to be paid by the Company for this financial
Company prior to LTPO’s 70,637,039
year at NRs. 5,379,807. This amended assessment tax amount assessment
is adequately covered by the provision for income tax made
Second Payment (2074
in the previous year. Chaitra 29) post LTPO's 43,530,668
assessment including interest
Now, The Large Tax Payer Office has settled the pending issue Total tax amount paid by
of income tax related to Fiscal Year 2060/61 and 2061/62. The the Company for FY 2069/70 114,167,707
previous calculation has been revised and determined NRs. including interest
12,950,121 instead of 56,214,221 for these Fiscal Year. The Interest amount included in the
rest amount NRs. 21,717,410 out of NRs. 34,667,530 has been second payment
transferred for next year.
Financial Years 2068/69 and 2069/70 & 2070/71 (2013- Employee Provident Fund
2014) CJCL has provided corporate guarantee to Employee
The Company has filed for Administrative Review at the Provident Fund against the loans provided to the Company’s
IRD in relation to the amended tax assessment for the year subsidiaries for construction of the hydropower project. The
2068/69 (2011.12) and 2070/071 (2013.14) as it does not amount outstanding at the end of FY 2074/75 (2017/18) and
agree with the basis of computation used by LTO. For this Fiscal Year 2073/074 (2016/017) is as follows.
reason a provision for the differences between the LTO’s
amended assessments and the Company’s self-assessments
for these two financial years has not been made in the
financial statements. The details are as follows:
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
All of the items of Property, Plant and Equipment of the Himalayan Bank Limited
Company at project site of respective Hydroelectric Projects CJCL has given the corporate guarantee to Himalayan Bank
have been mortgaged as a secured against these guarantees. Ltd. against Letter of Credit facility to Sanjen Jalavidhyut
Company Ltd. amounting to NRs 1,034,820,993 (USD
9,641,488.8 @ 107.33 as on reporting date).
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
________________ ___________________ __________________ ______________________ Pratap P. Pradhan
Manoj Silwal Tulasi Ram Dhakal Ram Prasad Rimal Bhim Prasad Timalsina Principal
PP Pradhan & Co.
Member Member Member Member
Chartered Accountants
Date: 2075/08/26
Place: Dhumbarahi-4, Kathmandu
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
________________ ___________________ __________________ ______________________ Pratap P. Pradhan
Manoj Silwal Tulasi Ram Dhakal Ram Prasad Rimal Bhim Prasad Timalsina Principal
PP Pradhan & Co.
Member Member Member Member
Chartered Accountants
Date: 2075/08/26
Place: Dhumbarahi-4, Kathmandu
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
________________ ___________________ __________________ ______________________ Pratap P. Pradhan
Manoj Silwal Tulasi Ram Dhakal Ram Prasad Rimal Bhim Prasad Timalsina Principal
Member Member Member Member PP Pradhan & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Date: 2075/08/26
Place: Dhumbarahi-4, Kathmandu
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Work in progress NRs.
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
1 Corporate Building Study 5,593,702 5,593,702
2 Budhigandaki Pork Hydroelectric Project (420 MW) 19,643,252 -
3 Budhigandaki Syar Hydroelectric Project (60 MW) 16,000,000 -
4 Seti Nadi Hydroelectic Project (165 MW) 20,000,000 -
Total 61,236,954 5,593,702
NOTE 1.2
Depreciation (Please Refere Group Report Page No 40 & 41, Note No. 1.2)
Investment in Subsidaries NRs.
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
Non Current Investments
1 Sanjen Hydropower Co.Ltd 1,436,644,900 1,436,644,900
2 Madhya Bhotekoshi Hydropower Co. Ltd 2,220,000,000 2,100,000,000
3 Rasuwagadhi Hydropower Co. Ltd 2,243,731,000 2,192,500,000
4 Chilime Engineering and Services Co.Ltd. 24,126,583 16,121,188
Total 5,924,502,483 5,745,266,088
Inventory NRs.
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
1 Miscellaneous Store-Central Office 14,888 29,268
2 Store, spare parts and loose tools 161,872,603 176,722,490
3 less: Written off - (1,335,933)
Total 161,887,491 175,415,825
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
1 Insurance 1,830,547 2,231,333
Total 1,830,547 2,231,333
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
NOTE 5.1.1
Advances, Deposits and Other Receivables NRs.
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
1 Advances
1.1 Employee Loan/Advances 286,444 150,295
1.2 NEA Unit Current - 236,364
1.3 Chilime Jalbidhyut Sarokar - 2,500,000
1.4 Advance Tax 17,758,535 14,169,647
1.5 Andtitiz Hydro 31,950 31,950
1.6 Other Advances 337,371 348,550
Sub-total 18,414,300 17,436,806
2 Deposits
2.1 Other Deposit 25,036 -
2.2 DOED (Budhigandaki Prok, Hydroelectric Project) - 10,000,000
2.3 DOED (Budhigandaki Syar Hydroelectric Project) - 10,000,000
2.4 DOED ((Dudkoshi-5, Hydroelectric Project - 12,000,000
2.5 DOED (Dudkoshi-4, Hydroelectric Project) - 12,000,000
2.6 DOED (Setinadi, Hydroelectric Project) - 20,000,000
2.7 DEOD Budhigandaki "A" Hydroelectric Project 130 MW 20,000,000 -
2.8 Deposit for tax appeal 21,717,410 30,553,347
2.9 Rasuwa District Office 753,800 753,800
2.10 Other Receivables 112,771 8,750
Sub-total 42,609,016 95,315,896
3 Other Receivables
3.1 Other - -
3.2 Receivables From Associates 2,160,639 -
3.3 NEA Unit Current A/c (Net) 277,259 -
3.4 Bank interest receivable 4,047,572 129,452
Sub-total 6,485,470 129,452
Grand Total 67,508,786 112,882,154
NOTE 5.1.2
Trade Receivables NRs.
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
1 Opening Balance: 122,069,450 138,622,649
2 Sales for the Year 1,138,432,864 1,196,889,744
3 Total Receivable of this FY 1,260,502,314 1,335,512,393
4 Collection in this Fiscal year (1,131,041,769) (1,193,509,743)
5 Less: Outage Written Off (FY 70/71 & FY 71/72) - (10,785,600)
6 Less: Excess Written Off (Kartik 2071) - (9,147,600)
Total 129,460,545 122,069,450
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
NOTE 5.1.3
Investment in Term Deposits NRs.
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
1 Citizens Bank International Ltd. 100,000,000 100,000,000
2 Laxmi Bank Ltd 20,000,000 20,000,000
3 Nepal SBI Bank Ltd. 100,000,000 200,000,000
4 Prime Bank Ltd. 50,000,000 50,000,000
5 NMB Bank Ltd 10,774,120 10,139,080
6 Century Bank Ltd 100,000,000 -
7 Everest Bank Ltd 80,000,000 -
8 Global IME Bank Ltd 50,000,000 -
9 Himalayan Bank Ltd 150,000,000 -
10 Muktinath Bikash Bank Ltd. 100,000,000 -
Sub-total 760,774,120 380,139,080
NOTE 5.1.4
Balance With Banks NRs.
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
1 Everest Bank Ltd 405,221 471,287
2 Himalayan Bank Limited 6,134,570 4,698,797
3 Janata Bank Ltd (Dividend) 66,103 66,103
4 Janata Bank Ltd 450,434 450,265
5 Jyoti Bikash Bank 9,243,920 2,800,631
6 Mega Bank Ltd 917,815 3,025,134
7 Nabil Bank Ltd 119,073 119,073
8 Nepal SBI Bank Ltd 7,273,528 5,426,258
9 NMB Bank Ltd 358,434 145,014
10 NMB Bank Ltd 358,291 349,273
11 Siddhartha Bank Ltd 135,289,742 131,035,888
12 Muktinath Bikas Bank Ltd 5,581,686 -
13 Standard Chartered Bank Ltd - 83,807
14 Nepal Bank Ltd 123,703 5,179,656
Total 166,322,521 153,851,185
NOTE 5.2.1
Trade and Other Payables NRs.
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
1 Nepal Hydro and Electric Ltd 1,147,984 1,147,984
2 Retention Money 4,435,881 2,727,768
3 NEA Unit Current Account 532,832 391,765
4 Income Tax 1,740,019 45,270,301
5 CNC Pvt. Ltd 597,770 -
6 DOED (Royalty) 5,078,674 5,065,784
7 Other Liabilities 1,594,816 2,918,483
Total 15,127,975 57,522,085
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Share Capital NRs.
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
1 Authorized Capital
2 40000000 Shares @ RS 100 each 4,000,000,000 3,500,000,000
3 Issued Capital
4 39700000 Shares @ Rs 100 each 3,970,000,000 3,470,000,000
5 Paid Up Capital 3,965,113,152 3,447,924,480
6 39651131 Shares @ Rs 100 each
Total 3,965,113,152 3,447,924,480
Retained Earning NRs.
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
1 Opening Balance 4,906,214,375 4,595,988,009
2 Amended Assessment Tax Settlement - -
3 Opening Balance (Restated) 4,906,214,375 4,595,988,009
4 Distribution of bonus share (517,188,672) (313,447,680)
5 Dividend (344,792,448) (313,447,680)
6 Net Profit After Tax 914,073,308 937,121,726
Closing Balance 4,958,306,563 4,906,214,375
NOTE 8.2.3
Defined Benefit Obligation NRs.
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
1 Employee Leave Benefits (Note 8.1) 11,771,476 11,196,674
2 Employee Gratuity Benefit (Note 8.1) 44,842,809 42,758,996
Total 56,614,285 53,955,670
NOTE 9.2
Deferred Tax Liabilities NRs.
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
1 Taxable/(Deductible) Temporary Difference 613,232,872 4,595,988,009
2 Tax Rate 20% 20%
3 Closing Deferred Tax (Assets)/ Liabilities 122,646,574 123,384,419
4 Less: Opening Deferred Tax (Assets) / Liabilities 123,384,419 123,041,763
5 Deferred Tax Expense/ (Income) (737,845) 342,656
6 To SoPL (2,062,390) (431,600)
To OCI 1,324,545 774,257
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Provisions NRs.
32.03.2075 31.03.2074
(16.07.2018) (15.07.2017)
1 Current Tax Liability 18,000,793 10,898,992
2 Employee Welfare 3,486,981 5,612,883
3 Employee Bonus 18,753,273 18,889,842
Total 40,241,046 35,401,716
Revenue from sale of electricity NRs.
FY 2074/075 (2017/018) 2073/074 (2016/017)
1 Energy Sale
2 Regular Energy 130,807,007 8.17 1,068,693,250 132,758,000 8.17 1,084,632,860
3 Excess Energy 17,093,042 4.08 69,739,614 27,513,942 4.08 112,256,884
Net Sale of Electricity 147,900,050 1,138,432,864 160,271,942 1,196,889,744
Hydroelectric Plant Operating Expense (Please Refere Group Report Page No
56 & 57, Note No. 12)
Administrative Expense (Please Refere Group Report Page No 58, Note No. 13)
Finance Income NRs.
FY 2074/075 FY 2073/074
(2017/018) (2016/017)
1 Bank interest 68,444,188 39,349,972
Other Income NRs.
FY 2074/075 FY 2073/074
(2017/018) (2016/017)
1 Land Lease 1,724,869 1,478,923
2 Other Income 1,834,114 2,767,073
Total 3,558,983 4,245,996
Chilimelrlnd] hnljB'Annual
Jalavidhyut t jflif{ s k|ltj]bg
Company Limited
sDkgL lnld6]FY
8 2074/075
cf= j= (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilimelrlnd] hnljB'Annual
Jalavidhyut t jflif{ s k|ltj]bg
Company Limited
sDkgL lnld6]FY
8 2074/075
cf= j= (2017/2018)
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Chilime hnljB' Annual
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Chilimelrlnd] hnljB'Annual
Jalavidhyut t jflif{ s k|ltj]bg
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Key Plan
Chilimelrlnd] hnljB'Annual
Jalavidhyut t jflif{ s k|ltj]bg
Company Limited
sDkgL lnld6]FY
8 2074/075
cf= j= (2017/2018)
Chilime hnljB' Annual
t jflif{
Jalavidhyut s k|lReport
sDkgL Limited
lnld6] 8 cf=FYj=2074/075 (2017/2018)
Chilime Jalavidhyut
Company Limited
Chilime Jalavidhyut Annual Report
Company Limited FY 2074/075 (2017/2018)
Dhumbarahi, Kathmandu, Nepal
P.O.Box: 25210
Tel: 977-1- 4370773, 4370793
Fax: 977-1-4370720
Site Office
Chillime Hydropower Plant
Syafrubensi, Rasuwa, Nepal
Tel: 01-6202467, 994100004
Fax: 994100005
ISO 14001:2004