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The key takeaways are that Opto Engineering aims to be the number one partner for machine vision companies worldwide and help transform ideas into sustainable businesses through advanced imaging technologies and products.

Opto Engineering's vision is to be the number one partner worldwide for companies operating in the industrial and scientific machine vision markets. Their mission is to deliver advanced products and technologies essential to anyone developing imaging devices worldwide.

Opto Engineering upholds the values of cooperation, engagement, innovation, strategic thinking, and excellence.


We want to be the number one partner worldwide for Our objective is to become an organization capable of
companies operating in the industrial and scientific delivering advanced products and technologies essential
machine vision markets, because we believe that imaging to anyone developing imaging devices worldwide.
technologies will have a growing positive impact on We want to help people transform their ideas
everyday life. into enduring and sustainable businesses.

Cooperation Strategic Thinking
Cooperation means actively sharing expertise in order Strategic thinking enhances the effectiveness of our
to reach common objectives both within and outside the actions so that the energy employed converges towards
company. Communication, listening and attention are the achievement of our long term goals. Technological
prerequisites to improving cooperation while respecting growth offers many opportunities, however a deep
ethical guidelines and while ensuring the well-being of knowledge of the data leads us to make the best choices
all employees as well as the client’s satisfaction. for the market needs.

Engagement Excellence
Engagement is the drive that everyone needs to perform Striving for Excellence allows us to learn how to do the
at their best. Feeling 100% vested means that everybody right thing at the right time so that we can be recognized
acts as owners, managing the company assets as their as the worldwide leader in our field. We pride ourselves
own. Embracing the long term company mission is the in working with love and care while giving our best
quintessential emotional drive of a close-knit team that in any task, so that we can share our success with all
strives to meet and exceed its goals. partners, coworkers, customers and vendors.

Innovation is the desire to force change to improve every
aspect of your daily life, both in the professional and in
the personal sphere. It is essential to never be satisfied
with what was accomplished, while looking ahead with
creativity and practicality to make the vision a reality.
WHO WE OPTO ENGINEERING® designs, manufactures and markets
imaging components.

ARE Our expertise in developing innovative optical systems

has earned us worldwide recognition as a supplier
of unmatched optical solutions.

OPTO ENGINEERING® is the world leader in telecentric

technology as well as the creator of many other optical
products which helped our customers solve machine
vision applications once considered impossible.
Over the years, our expertise has expanded to other
technologies; today Opto Engineering® is also a primary
supplier of advanced LED illuminators, imaging software,
cameras, adaptive optics and artificial intelligence units.
While we transform our know-how and ideas into
added-value products and services for our customers,
we stay true to our “Optics DNA”: our constant drive
is to deliver increasingly more advanced

Opto Engineering® is a global organization highly efficient

in all the areas of business management, spanning across
HR, finance, logistics, marketing, communication,
IT and product development.
We are a fast growing company fostered by people Opto Engineering® continuously strives to improve
of excellence, whith a strong focus on the unique the quality of its operations and the wellness of its
requirements of each local market; this allows us to employees.
understand our customer’s needs and achieve
sustainable growth.
Extended documentation is available on our website,
localized in ten languages. For every part number you
will find full specifications, product compatibilities,
2D and 3D models in the most popular CAD formats.
Interactive tools such as the TC selection form and the
telecentric/entocentric sensor charts provide an essential
aid in navigating our product range.
Moreover, we regularly publish papers and video guides
about Opto Engineering® products and technologies as
well as broader machine vision optics tutorials.



Telecentric lenses 16

1/3” TO 2/3” SENSORS TCHM series * RT 46

High magnification telecentric lenses or detectors up to 2/3”

TC series 18 TCVLWD series * RT 46

Bi-telecentric lenses for matrix detectors up to 2/3” Very long working distance (WD) telecentric lenses

TC CORE series 20 for detectors up to 1/1.8”

Ultra compact bi-telecentric lenses up to 2/3” TCCXHM series * RT 47

TC CORE PLUS series NEW 24 High magnification telecentric lenses

Ultra compact large FOV telecentric lenses with built-in coaxial illumination for detectors up to 2/3”

for matrix detectors up to 2/3” TCCXLM series * RT 47

TCUV series 28 Telecentric lenses with built-in coaxial illumination

UV bi-telecentric lenses for detectors up to 2/3”

TCSM series 30

3D bi-telecentric lenses with Scheimpflug adjustment UP TO 4/3” SENSORS

TCLWD series 32

Long working distance telecentric lenses for 2/3” detectors TC1MHR-TC4MHR series NEW MODELS 48

TCCX series 34 High-resolution telecentric lenses for large detectors up to 4/3”

Telecentric lenses with built-in coaxial illumination TC1MHR-TC4MHR CORE series NEW MODELS 52

TCCXQ series 36 Ultra compact high-resolution telecentric lenses up to 4/3”

High resolution telecentric assemblies with coaxial illumination TC3MHR-TC5MHR CORE PLUS series NEW 56

TCZRS series NEW 38 Ultra compact large FOV telecentric lenses

8x bi-telecentric zoom lenses with motorized control for matrix detectors up to 4/3”

TCBENCH series 40 TCDP PLUS series 58

TC optical bench kits for easy measurements Dual magnification telecentric lenses

TCBENCH CORE series 42 TCCX2M series * RT 62

Ultra compact TCCORE optical benches for precision measurements Telecentric lenses with built-in coaxial illumination

TCKIT CASE 44 for detectors up to 1”

Telecentric optics selection for machine vision labs


Telecentric system for defect detection on flat transparent materials

* RT see page 13 for description

Macro lenses 90


TC12M series NEW 64 MC series 92

High resolution telecentric lenses for up to APS-H sensors Zero distortion macro lenses

TC16M series 66 MC3-03X MACRO 94

Telecentric lenses for 45.72 mm and 8 k pixel line detectors Zero distortion multi-configuration macro lens

TC4K series 68 MCSM1-01X 96

Flat telecentric lenses for 4 k pixel linescan cameras Variable macro lens with Scheimpflug adjustment

TC12K series 70 MZMT12X series 98

Telecentric lenses for 12 k and 16 k pixel linescan cameras 12X continuous macro zoom lenses with motorized control

MCZM series * RT 101

Macro zoom lenses

360° View optics 72

PC series 74

Pericentric lenses for 360° top and lateral view with just one camera MC4K series 102

PCCD series 78 Macro lenses for 4 k pixel linescan cameras

Catadioptric lenses for 360° top and lateral view with just one camera MC12K series 104

PCHI series 80 Macro lenses for 12 k and 16 k pixel linescan cameras

Hole inspection optics for 360° inside view in perfect focus MC16K series * RT 106

PCBP series 82 Macro lenses for up to 82 mm line detectors

Boroscopic probes for panoramic cavity imaging

and measurement from inside

PCPW series 84

Polyview optics for multiple side views in one image

PCMP series 86

Micro-polyview optics for 3D measurement and imaging of small parts

TCCAGE series 88

Bi-telecentric system for multiple side imaging and measurement at 90°

* RT see page 13 for description

Fixed focal lenses 107 Infrared optics 118


EN2MP series 108 SWIR series 120

Megapixel fixed focal lenses for 2/3” sensors Short-wave infrared lenses

EN5MP series 110 ENSWIRMP series * RT 121

5 Megapixel high resolution fixed focal lenses for 2/3” sensors SWIR C-mount lenses for up to 2/3” detectors


Fixed focal length lenses with motorized focus MEDIUM WAVE INFRARED

and aperture control

ENMP series * RT 114 MWIR series 122

Megapixel C-mount lenses for detectors up to 2/3” Medium-wave infrared lenses

ENHR series * RT 114

5 Megapixel C-mount lenses for detectors up to 2/3” LONG WAVE INFRARED

ENVF series * RT 115

Vari-focal lenses for detectors up to 2/3” LWIR series 123

Long-wave infrared lenses


EN2M series * RT 115

Adaptive optics 124
Megapixel C-mount lenses for up to 1” detectors

ENUV2M series * RT 116 AO series 126

UV C-mount lenses for up to 1” detectors Adaptive lens for fast focusing

EN43 series * RT 116

5 MP and 12 MP C-mount lenses for up to 4/3” detectors


EN4K series * RT 117

Line scan lenses for FF full frame detectors and up to 43-45 mm image circle

* RT see page 13 for description


LED illuminators 130


Continuous LED low angle diffused ringlights

LTCLHP series 132 LTLADC series 155

High-performance telecentric illuminators Continuous LED low angle direct ringlights

LTCLHP CORE series 134 LTRNDC series 156

Ultra compact telecentric illuminators Continuous LED direct ringlights


Space-saving telecentric illuminators for large FOV systems COMBINED LIGHTS

LTCL4K series 140

Flat telecentric illuminators for linescan cameras LTDMLA series 158

High power strobe dome + low angle

DOME LIGHTS illumination systems


LTDM series 142 Space saving illumination system

High-power strobe LED domes for double-side object inspection

LTDMC series 144

Continuous LED domes BACKLIGHTS


High uniformity continuous LED backlights

LTLA series 146 LTBP series 164

High-power strobe LED low angle diffused ringlights High-power strobe LED backlights

LTRNST series 148 LTBC series 168

LED ring illuminators - straight type Continuous LED backlights

LTRNOB series 150 LTBFC series 170

LED ring illuminators - oblique type Continuous flat side-emitting LED backlights

LTRNOBHP series NEW 152

High power LED ring illuminators, oblique type

LED pattern projectors 180

BAR LIGHTS LTPR series 182

LED pattern projectors

LTBRDC series 171 LTPRSMHP3W series 188

Continuous LED bar lights 3W tilting LED pattern projectors

Lighting kits
LTLNC series 172

Continuous LED line lights LTPKIT CASE 192

LTLNM series NEW 174 High power lighting kit

Flicker free high power focused modular LED line lights LTKITRY-FH-OR-V1 NEW 193

LTLNE series NEW 176 Continuous lighting kit

High power enhanced LED line lights


LTTNC series 178

Continuous LED tunnel lights


LTCXC series 179

Continuous LED coaxial lights


194 212
Area scan cameras 196 Competence


GenICam® PoE cameras Software skills of the Opto Engineering® group

mvBlueCOUGAR series * RT 199 for machine vision product design

GigE & Dual GigE GenICam® cameras

COE-U series NEW 202

USB 3.0 GenICam® cameras

mvBlueFOX3-2 series * RT 204

USB 3.0 GenICam® cameras with Sony Pregius CMOS sensors FABIMAGE NEW 216

Machine vision software and libraries

HR Area scan cameras 206

COE HR AS-X series NEW 207

20 MP, 26MP and 29MP area scan cameras TCLIB Suite NEW 220

for high-speed applications Software library & stand-alone tools

COE HR AS series NEW 209 for the optimization of telecentric setups

29 MP, 48MP and 71MP area scan cameras 360LIB Suite PRELIMINARY 224

for high-speed applications Software library and stand-alone tools

for the optimization of 360° optics setups

HR Line scan cameras 210

COE HR LS series NEW 211

57.3 mm line scan CMOS sensors for high-speed scanning

* RT see page 13 for description


Mounting mechanics 228

CMHO series 228 CPDPH01 246

Clamping mechanics Diffuser cap for LTCLHP illuminators

CMPT series 230 EXT series * RT 247

Mounting plates Extenders and adapters

CMPH series 230

Pattern holders

CMHOCR series 231

Accessories 248
CORE series clamping mechanics for lighting
CMPTCR series 231

CORE series mounting plates DFLT series NEW 248

CMLT series NEW 232 Diffusion plates for lighting

Mounting brackets for lighting PLLT series NEW 248

Polarizing plates for lighting

Accessories for lenses 234

Patterns 250
CMBS series 234

45° beam splitter PTTC, PTTCC, PTCP series 250

CMMR series 236 Calibration patterns

45° first surface mirrors PTPR series 252

WI series 240 Projection patterns for machine vision

Protective windows RC series * RT 255

OPTICAL FILTERS 242 Resolution and calibration targets

Filters for telecentric lenses and fixed focal lenses


Customized size of protective windows and mirrors


Interchangeable attachment for extra-wide PCCD field of view

* RT see page 13 for description


Controllers 256
& power supplies PENSO® NEW 270
The artificial intelligence-based vision unit

LTDV series NEW MODELS 256

Strobe controllers

LTIC series NEW 260

PENSO-KIT case NEW 276
Light intensity controllers Artificial intelligence for machine vision - starter kit


Motion controller for bipolar stepper motors

with additional encoder input

PS series * RT 264 Self-learning vision system based on artificial intelligence

Power supplies

Cables & electronic 266
CB series 266

LTSCHP series 267 Robotic application note

High-performance replacement LED modules

LDSC series * RT 267

LED sources
Sensor size chart Telecentric 290

Sensor size chart Entocentric 294

Sensor size chart Fixed focal lenses 296

LED illuminators selection chart 298

LED line lights selection chart 300

* RT Products
In order to meet all of our customers’ needs, we have carefully selected a collection of machine vision components from experienced and qualified suppliers to complement
our product range. These products are highlighted throughout the catalog with the “RT” symbol and have been identified by our product managers as “the best available
within their category”: they range from general purpose fixed focal length lenses to LED illuminators and from high magnification telecentric lenses to resolution targets.
These products will be delivered to you with the same level of competence, quality and technical support that you have come to know and expect from Opto Engineering®.
Our goal is to turn our knowledge, experience and passion for machine vision into a broad and comprehensive service for our customers.


TC series
Bi-telecentric lenses for matrix detectors up to 2/3″

TC series bi-telecentric lenses represent the key component of KEY ADVANTAGES

any measurement system powered by machine vision: these lenses
can truly take advantage of high-resolution detectors such as 5 Mpix High telecentricity for thick object imaging.
- 2/3″, acquiring images with exceptional fidelity and precision.
Nearly zero distortion for accurate measurements.
The Opto Engineering® bi-telecentric design makes these optics
truly telecentric: no magnification change occurs when an object Excellent resolution for high resolution cameras.
is moved closer to or away from the lens, making TC series ideal
for measurement applications of mechanical parts ranging from Simple and robust design for industrial environments.
extruded aluminium profiles to tiny clock gears.
Easy filter insertion.
No other lenses can offer the same optical performance in terms of
telecentricity and distortion: additionally you can further enhance Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.
depth of field and optical accuracy by pairing our TC lenses with
LTCLHP telecentric illuminators.
All of our TC lenses are rigorously tested and supplied with a
detailed Test Report: We guarantee that 100% of our TC lenses
meet or exceed our written specifications.

Opto Engineering® TC series offers the best performance to price

ratio available today and is the ideal choice when no compromise
can be accepted in terms of reliability and ease of use.
Additionally we supply useful accessories including CMHO clamping
mechanics and CMPT mounting plates: mechanical support systems FOR HIGHER MAGNIFICATION LENSES SEE ALSO
for easy integration in industrial environments, where a solid and
secure assembly is mandatory. TCHM series p.46




Mounting mechanics CMHO and CMPT p. 228-230

Camera phase adjustment available on selected FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS

models for easy and hassle-free integration.
Area scan cameras p. 196-205

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specs
1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2’’ 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 Mpx
6.0 mm diag 7.1 mm diag 8.0 mm diag 8.9 mm diag 11.1 mm diag
Part Mag. Image wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 typical (max) typical (max) depth @70lp/mm adj.
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
7 1 2 3 4 5 9 6
Object field of view (mm x mm) 8
TC 23 004 2.000 11.0 2.40 x 1.80 2.85 x 2.14 3.20 x 2.40 3.57 x 2.67 4.25 x 3.55 56.0 11 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.08) 0.2 > 30 C 101.4 28
TC 23 007 1.333 11.0 3.60 x 2.70 4.28 x 3.21 4.80 x 3.60 5.35 x 4.00 6.38 x 5.32 60.1 11 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.03 (0.08) 0.5 > 30 C 78.5 28
TC 23 009 1.000 11.0 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 62.2 11 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.08) 0.9 > 25 C 65.0 28
TC 23 012 0.735 11.0 6.53 x 4.90 7.76 x 5.82 8.71 x 6.53 9.70 x 7.25 11.6 x 9.65 53.9 14 < 0.04 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 2.1 > 25 C 60.3 28
TC 13 016 0.290 6.0 16.6 x 12.4 ø = 14.8 ø = 16.6 ø = 18.4 ø = 20.7 43.1 8 < 0.04 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.08) 7.8 > 40 C 80.9 37.7
TC 12 016 0.385 8.0 12.5 x 9.35 14.8 x 11.12 16.6 x 12.5 18.5 x 13.8 ø = 18.4 43.1 8 < 0.04 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.08) 4.5 > 40 C 93.0 37.7
TC 23 016 0.528 11.0 9.09 x 6.82 10.80 x 8.11 12.1 x 9.09 13.5 x 10.1 16.1 x 13.4 43.1 8 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.07) 2.4 > 30 C 112.7 37.7
TC 13 024 0.192 6.0 25.0 x 18.8 ø = 22.3 ø = 25.0 ø = 27.8 ø = 31.3 67.2 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.08) 18 > 45 C 105.6 44
TC 12 024 0.255 8.0 18.8 x 14.1 22.4 x 16.8 25.1 x 18.8 28.0 x 20.9 ø = 27.8 67.2 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.08) 10 > 45 C 117.8 44
TC 23 024 0.350 11.0 13.7 x 10.3 16.3 x 12.2 18.3 x 13.7 20.4 x 15.2 24.3 x 20.3 67.2 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 5.4 > 45 C 137.5 44
TC 13 036 0.133 6.0 36.1 x 27.1 ø = 32.2 ø = 36.1 ø = 40.1 ø = 45.1 102.5 8 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.03 (0.08) 37 > 50 C 133.0 61
TC 12 036 0.177 8.0 27.1 x 20.3 32.2 x 24.2 36.2 x 27.1 40.3 x 30.1 ø = 40.1 102.5 8 < 0.03 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 21 > 40 C 145.2 61
TC 23 036 0.243 11.0 19.8 x 14.8 23.5 x 17.6 26.3 x 19.8 29.3 x 21.9 35.0 x 29.2 102.5 8 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 11 > 40 C 164.9 61
TC 13 048 0.098 6.0 49.0 x 36.7 ø = 43.7 ø = 49.0 ø = 54.4 ø = 61.2 133.4 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.06 (0.10) 69 > 40 C 167.9 75
TC 12 048 0.134 8.0 35.8 x 26.9 42.5 x 31.9 47.8 x 35.8 53.2 x 39.8 ø = 52.9 132.9 8 < 0.07 (0.10) < 0.06 (0.10) 37 > 40 C 181.5 75
TC 23 048 0.184 11.0 26.1 x 19.6 31.0 x 23.3 34.8 x 26.1 38.8 x 29.0 46.2 x 38.5 132.9 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.10) 19 > 40 C 201.0 75
TC 13 056 0.084 6.0 57.1 x 42.9 ø = 51.0 ø = 57.1 ø = 63.5 ø = 71.4 157.8 8 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 94 > 50 C 191.5 80
TC 12 056 0.114 8.0 42.1 x 31.6 50.0 x 37.5 56.1 x 42.1 62.5 x 46.8 ø = 62.2 157.8 8 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 51 > 50 C 205.0 80
TC 23 056 0.157 11.0 30.6 x 22.9 36.3 x 27.3 40.8 x 30.6 45.4 x 33.9 54.1 x 45.2 157.8 8 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.03 (0.08) 27 > 45 C 225.0 80
TC 13 064 0.074 6.0 64.9 x 48.6 ø = 57.8 ø = 64.9 ø = 72.0 ø = 81.1 181.9 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.03 (0.07) 121 > 40 C 212.3 100
TC 12 064 0.100 8.0 48.0 x 36.0 57.0 x 42.8 64.0 x 48.0 71.3 x 53.3 ø = 70.9 181.8 8 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.07) 66 > 50 C 225.9 100
TC 23 064 0.138 11.0 34.8 x 26.1 41.3 x 31.0 46.4 x 34.8 51.7 x 38.6 61.6 x 51.4 181.8 8 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.03 (0.07) 35 > 50 C 245.5 100
TC 23 072 0.122 11.0 39.3 x 29.5 46.7 x 35.1 52.5 x 39.3 58.4 x 43.7 69.7 x 58.1 226.7 8 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.03 (0.07) 44 > 40 C Yes 299.2 116
TC 13 080 0.059 6.0 81.4 x 61.0 ø = 72.5 ø = 81.4 ø = 90.3 ø = 101.7 225.9 8 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.03 (0.08) 190 > 40 C 259.2 116
TC 12 080 0.080 8.0 60.0 x 45.0 71.3 x 53.5 80.0 x 60.0 89.1 x 66.6 ø = 88.6 226.7 8 < 0.03 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 103 > 50 C 271.5 116
TC 23 080 0.110 11.0 43.6 x 32.7 51.8 x 38.9 58.2 x 43.6 64.8 x 48.5 77.3 x 64.5 226.7 8 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.02 (0.10) 55 > 50 C 291.2 116
TC 23 085 0.104 11.0 46.2 x 34.6 54.8 x 41.2 61.5 x 46.2 68.6 x 51.3 81.7 x 68.2 279.7 8 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.02 (0.08) 61 > 45 C Yes 344.5 143
TC 13 096 0.050 6.0 96.0 x 72.0 ø = 85.6 ø = 96.0 ø = 106.6 ø = 120.0 279.6 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 264 > 50 C 303.3 143
TC 12 096 0.068 8.0 70.6 x 52.9 83.8 x 62.9 94.1 x 70.6 104.9 x 78.4 ø = 104.3 278.6 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.03 (0.08) 143 > 45 C 317.0 143
TC 23 096 0.093 11.0 51.6 x 38.7 61.3 x 46.0 68.8 x 51.6 76.7 x 57.3 91.4 x 76.2 278.6 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 76 > 40 C 336.6 143
TC 23 110 0.079 11.0 60.8 x 45.6 72.2 x 54.2 81.0 x 60.8 90.3 x 67.5 107.6 x 89.7 334.5 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.03 (0.07) 106 > 40 C Yes 430.4 180
TC 13 120 0.038 6.0 126.3 x 94.7 ø = 112.6 ø = 126.3 ø = 140.3 ø = 157.9 334.5 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 244 > 45 C Yes 402.7 180
TC 12 120 0.052 8.0 92.3 x 69.2 109.6 x 82.3 123.1 x 92.3 137.1 x 102.5 ø = 136.3 334.5 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 457 > 45 C Yes 398.1 180
TC 23 120 0.072 11.0 66.7 x 50.0 79.2 x 59.4 88.9 x 66.7 99.0 x 74.0 118.1 x 98.5 334.5 8 < 0.07 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 127 > 35 C Yes 422.4 180
TC 23 130 0.068 11.0 70.6 x 52.9 83.8 x 62.9 94.1 x 70.6 104.9 x 78.4 125.0 x 104.3 396.0 8 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 143 > 40 C Yes 490.0 200
TC 13 144 0.033 6.0 145.5 x 109.1 ø = 129.7 ø = 145.5 ø = 161.5 ø = 181.8 396.0 8 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 606 > 45 C Yes 448.8 200
TC 12 144 0.044 8.0 109.1 x 81.8 129.5 x 97.3 145.5 x 109.1 162.0 x 121.1 ø = 161.1 396.0 8 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.08) 341 > 35 C Yes 462.1 200
TC 23 144 0.061 11.0 78.7 x 59.0 93.4 x 70.2 104.9 x 78.7 116.9 x 87.4 139.3 x 116.2 396.0 8 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 177 > 40 C Yes 481.9 200
TC 23 172 0.051 11.0 94.1 x 70.6 111.8 x 83.9 125.5 x 94.1 139.8 x 104.5 166.7 x 139.0 526.9 8 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 254 > 40 C Yes 630.3 260
TC 13 192 0.025 6.0 192.0 x 144.0 ø = 171.2 ø = 192.0 ø = 213.2 ø = 240.0 527.0 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 1056 > 45 C Yes 598.2 260
TC 12 192 0.033 8.0 145.5 x 109.1 172.7 x 129.7 193.9 x 145.5 216.1 x 161.5 ø = 214.8 526.9 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 606 > 45 C Yes 602.6 260
TC 23 192 0.046 11.0 104.3 x 78.3 123.9 x 93.0 139.1 x 104.3 155.0 x 115.9 184.8 x 154.1 526.9 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.08) 312 > 35 C Yes 622.3 260
TC 23 200 0.044 11.0 109.1 x 81.8 129.5 x 97.3 145.5 x 109.1 162.0 x 121.1 193.2 x 161.1 492.8 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.10) 341 > 40 C Yes 792.0 322
TC 23 240 0.037 11.0 129.7 x 97.3 154.1 x 115.7 173.0 x 129.7 192.7 x 144.1 229.7 x 191.6 492.8 8 < 0.03 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 482 > 45 C Yes 775.1 322

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 6 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution 7 With 1/1.8″ (8.9 mm diagonal) detectors, the FOV of TC12yyy lenses
and minimum distortion. may show some vignetting at the image corners, as these lenses are optimized
2 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. for 1/2” detectors (8.0 mm diagonal).
Lenses with smaller apertures (higher wF#) can be supplied on request. 8 For the fields with the indication “Ø =”, the image of a circular object
3 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to millirad, of such diameter is fully inscribed into the detector.
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter of object displacement. 9 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed. If missing, it can be supplied upon request (except for TC23004, TC23007,
4 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image: TC23009, TC23012).
typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement
but, to get a very sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should
be considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 5.5 μm.

Ordering information
It’s easy to select the right lens for your application: our part numbers are coded as TC xx yyy, where xx defines the camera sensor size (13 = 1/3″, 12 = 1/2″, 23 = 2/3″) and yyy refers
to the horizontal field of view (FOV), in millimeters. For instance, a TC12064 features a field of view of 64 (x 48) mm with a 1/2″ camera sensor.


TC CORE series
Ultra compact bi-telecentric lenses up to 2/3”


Excellent optical performance

TC CORE bi-telecentric lenses deliver excellent optical performance
as other comparable Opto Engineering ® bi-telecentric lenses.

Extremely compact
TC CORE lenses are up to 70% smaller than other telecentric lenses
on the market.

Designed for flexibility and smart integration

TC CORE lenses integrate a camera phase adjustment and can be
mounted on multiple sides with or without clamps, allowing you to
cut costs.

Save you money

Systems integrating TC CORE lenses take much less space, resulting
in lower manufacturing, shipping and storage costs.

Boost your sales

A smaller vision system or measurement machine is the solution
preferred by the industry.

Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.

TC CORE bi-telecentric lenses for sensors up to 2/3” feature a truly TC CORE lenses can be mounted in different directions using any
revolutionary ultra compact opto-mechanical design. of the 4 sides even without clamps, allowing you to cut the system’s
cost, and can be easily fitted or retrofitted even into very compact
These lenses deliver high-end optical performance and at the same machines.
time are up to 70% smaller than other double-sided telecentric
lenses on the market, thus allowing you to significantly downsize a TC CORE bi-telecentric lenses can also be coupled with the new
vision system. ultra compact LTCLHP CORE series telecentric illuminators to build
The unique shape has been expressly developed for maximum super small yet extremely accurate measurement systems.
mounting flexibility.


TCBENCH CORE series p. 42


LTCLHP CORE series p. 134


Mounting mechanics CMHOCR and CMPTCR series p. 231


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

Comparison of a “classic“ telecentric lens present on the market and a TC CORE

bi-telecentric lens: TC CORE lens delivers best optical performance and is extremely compact.

Multiple lens surfaces can be used for direct mounting without clamps, thanks to the Front CMHOCR clamp available Built-in phase adjustment makes it
M6 threaded holes located on 4 sides.This also allows you to cut costs. for added mounting flexibility. easy to align the camera sensor.

Off-line precision measurement systems:


Save more
• Lower manufacturing cost due to less material employed
• Less space required for storage and use
• Lower shipment expenses due to smaller size
• Lower transportation risks

Sell more
• A smaller vision system or measurement machine
is preferred by the industry
Integrates a classic telecentric lens Integrates a TC CORE bi-telecentric lens
and a classic telecentric illuminator and LTCLHP CORE telecentric illuminator.
present on the market.


TC CORE series
Ultra compact bi-telecentric lenses up to 2/3”

Application examples

File Edit Zoom Select

Electronic board inspection:
TC CORE with top ringlight.

File Edit Zoom Select

Smartphone glass inspection:
TC CORE mounted directly
on a plate and a flat backlight.

File Edit Zoom Select

Screw measurement on a rotary
glass table: TC CORE lens
and LTCLHP CORE illuminator.

TC CORE lens dimensions (A, B, C) and correct position of the sensor Technical information:
in relation to the lens:


sensor position n° 1 sensor position n° 2

The long side of sensor has to be aligned along axis B (position n°1) Image shape dimensions (Ø, x).
or axis A (pisition n°2).

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specs

Part Mag. Image shape 1/3” 1/2.5” 1/2” 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 MP WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF
6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm
diag diag diag diag diag
number dimensions wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh typical typical depth @70 Mount Phase Dimensions
Ø, x 4.8 x 3.6 5.70 x 4.28 6.4 x 4.8 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 (max) (max) lp/mm adj.
(x) (mm) (mm × mm) (mm × mm) (mm × mm) (mm × mm) (mm × mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm)

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 7
Object field of view (mm x mm) 6 A B C
TCCR 12 048 0.134 Ø=8.0, x=7.1 35.8 x 26.9 42.5 x 31.9 47.8 x 35.8 53.2 x 39.8 Ø=60, x=53 132.9 8 < 0.07 (0.10) < 0.06 (0.10) 37 > 40 C Yes 77 106 115
TCCR 23 048 0.184 Ø=11.0, x=9.6 26.1 x 19.6 31.0 x 23.3 34.8 x 26.1 38.8 x 29.0 46.2 x 38.5 132.9 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.10) 19 > 40 C Yes 77 106 135
TCCR 12 056 0.114 Ø=8.1, x=7.1 42.1 x 31.6 50.0 x 37.5 56.1 x 42.1 62.5 x 46.8 Ø=71, x=62 157.8 8 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 51 > 50 C Yes 94 110 125
TCCR 23 056 0.157 Ø=11.1, x=9.6 30.6 x 22.9 36.3 x 27.3 40.8 x 30.6 45.4 x 33.9 54.1 x 45.2 157.8 8 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.03 (0.10) 27 > 45 C Yes 94 110 145
TCCR 12 064 0.100 Ø=8.4, x=6.9 48.0 x 36.0 57.0 x 42.8 64.0 x 48.0 71.3 x 53.3 Ø=84, x=69 181.8 8 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 66 > 50 C Yes 101 122 133
TCCR 23 064 0.138 Ø=11.5, x=9.5 34.8 x 26.1 41.3 x 31.0 46.4 x 34.8 51.7 x 38.6 61.6 x 51.4 181.8 8 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.03 (0.10) 35 > 50 C Yes 101 122 153
TCCR 12 080 0.080 Ø=8.1, x=6.9 60.0 x 45.0 71.3 x 53.5 80.0 x 60.0 89.1 x 66.6 Ø=101, x=86 226.7 8 < 0.03 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 103 > 50 C Yes 119 145 159
TCCR 23 080 0.110 Ø=11.1, x=9.6 43.6 x 32.7 51.8 x 38.9 58.2 x 43.6 64.8 x 48.5 77.3 x 64.5 226.7 8 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.02 (0.10) 55 > 50 C Yes 119 145 172
TCCR 12 096 0.068 Ø=8.3, x=6.8 70.6 x 52.9 83.8 x 62.9 94.1 x 70.6 104.9 x 78.4 Ø=122, x=100 278.6 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.03 (0.10) 143 > 45 C Yes 139 172 183
TCCR 23 096 0.093 Ø=11.4, x=9.4 51.6 x 38.7 61.3 x 46.0 68.8 x 51.6 76.7 x 57.3 91.4 x 76.2 278.6 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 76 > 40 C Yes 139 172 197
TCCR 12 120 0.052 Ø=8.2, x=6.7 92.3 x 69.2 109.6 x 82.3 123.1 x 92.3 137.1 x 102.5 Ø=157, x=128 334.5 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.08 (0.10) 244 > 45 C Yes 182 220 231
TCCR 23 120 0.072 Ø=11.2, x=9.3 66.7 x 50.0 79.2 x 59.4 88.9 x 66.7 99.0 x 74.0 118.1 x 98.5 334.5 8 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.08 (0.10) 127 > 35 C Yes 182 220 231

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 6 In case the of vignetting, FOV dimensions are indicated with “Ø = , x= “,
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution where “Ø =” stands for diameter and “x=” indicates the nominal FOV height
and minimum distortion. and length (see Tech Info for related drawing).
2 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. 7 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
Lenses with smaller apertures (higher wF#) can be supplied on request. 8 Due to the special shape of TCCRxx120 it might be necessary to check
3 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to millirad, the mechanical compatibility with your camera.
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter of object displacement. 9 Indicates the dimensions and shape of image, where “Ø =” stands for diameter
Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed. and “x=” indicates the nominal image height and length
4 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image: (Tech Info for related drawing).
typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement
but, to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should
be considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 5.5 μm.



Ultra compact large FOV telecentric lenses for matrix detectors up to 2/3”


Large FOV in a super compact form factor

TC CORE PLUS telecentric lenses are up to 45% shorter than other
telecentric lenses on the market. They are designed to image
extremely large FOVs in a reduced space.

Optimized working distance

Working distance of TC CORE PLUS lenses has been reduced to
greatly minimize system dimensions.

Smart integration
TC CORE PLUS lenses integrate a mounting flange for easy
integration without additional clamps.

Boost your sales

TC CORE PLUS lenses allow you to reduce the size of your vision
system, resulting in less manufacturing, shipping and storage costs.

TC CORE PLUS series are large FOV telecentric lenses for area Their patent-pending optical design, inspired by catadioptric
scan cameras, specifically designed for the latest generation 1/1.8” telescopes, allows for large FOV imaging while keeping the overall
and 2/3” CMOS sensors. Their opto-mechanical design is ideal to footprint compact.
measure large objects in a reduced space. The length and working distance of a telecentric lens strongly
TC CORE PLUS series are up to 45% shorter than other telecentric impacts the size of a vision system. This is especially critical when a
lenses available on the market. large FOV telecentric lens is used with a telecentric illuminator, as the
overall system dimensions are doubled. For this reason, the working
distance of TC CORE PLUS lenses has been optimized to make a
measurement system as compact as possible. TC CORE PLUS lenses
feature a built-in mounting flange and standard aluminum T-slot
profiles for easy mounting without additional clamps, making their
integration easy and cost-effective.
602 mm
1129 mm

345 mm

Mag. 1/1.8" WD Lens Overall

681 mm

sensor FOV length system

527 mm

(x) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

TC12192 0.033 216 x 162 527 602 1129
336 mm

WD TCCP12192 0.033 216 x 162 336 345 681

With CORE PLUS - - 191 257 448

telecentric lens
you save: - - (36%) (43%) (40%)

Example: comparison between TC12192 (left) and TCCP12192 (right) lenses TCCP12192 provides a 216mm x 162mm FOV with a 1/1.8” sensor (same as TC12192).
with 0.033x mag. and a FOV of 195 x 146mm. Being 257mm smaller and having a 191mm shorter working distance, it allows you to
save almost 450mm.

Application examples:

File Edit Zoom Select Bottles measurement.

File Edit Zoom Select

Large mechanical
parts measurement.

File Edit Zoom Select

2D profile measurement
of multiple parts.



Ultra compact large FOV telecentric lenses for matrix detectors up to 2/3”

Application example:

File Edit Zoom Select


Save more
• Lower manufacturing cost due to less material employed
• Cost of mounting is reduced as no addictional clamps are needed
• Less space required for storage and use
• Lower shipment expenses due to smaller size
• Lower transportation risks

Sell more
• A smaller system leads to more sales

Smartphone and tablet battery measurement.

Compatible backlights LT2BC series LTBC series LTBP series

FOV max. Part Number Lighting area dim. Part Number Lighting area dim. Part Number Lighting area dim.
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
TCCP 12 144 161.8 x 121.1 LT2BC192144-X 192 x 144 LTBC174174-X 174.5 x 174.5 LTBP192144-X 192 x 144
TCCP 23 144 145.1 x 121.0 LT2BC192144-X 192 x 144 LTBC174174-X 174.5 x 174.5 LTBP192144-X 192 x 144
TCCP 12 192 216.4 x 162.0 LT2BC240180-X 240 x 180 LTBC234234-X 234.5 x 234.5 LTBP240180-X 240 x 180
TCCP 23 192 194.1 x 161.9 LT2BC240180-X 240 x 180 LTBC234234-X 234.5 x 234.5 LTBP240180-X 240 x 180

TC CORE PLUS lenses take less space in your system, resulting in less manufacturing, shipping and storage costs.
A smaller vision system or measurement machine is the preferred solution in the industry.


Image rectangle C

Sensor B

Built-in mounting flange: no additional clamps required. The width of the FOV (W) is aligned along the A axis. The long side of the sensor has
The heigth of the FOV (H) is aligned along the B axis. to be aligned along the A axis.


LTCLHP CORE PLUS series p. 138

LED backlights LT2BC, LTBC, LTBP series p. 162-171


PTCP calibration patterns p. 250


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

Recommended product setup:

TC CORE PLUS telecentric lens PTCPxxxxx calibration chess-board pattern TCLIB Suite software library Fully GenICam® compliant camera

For best measurement accuracy, TC CORE PLUS telecentric lenses should be used with:
• TCLIB Suite, an Opto Engineering® proprietary software library for distortion calibration and overall optimization
of telecentric measurement setups (see pag. 214)
• a fully GenICam® compliant camera (see pag. 196-205)
• a specifically designed PTCPxxxxx chessboard calibration pattern (see pag. 250)

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

1/3” 1/2.5” 1/2” 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 MP
6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm
Part Mag. Image diag diag diag diag diag WD wF/# Tele- Distor- Residual Field CTF Mount Phase Dimensions
number rectangle wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh centricity tion distortion depth adj.
4.8 x 3.6 5.7 x 4.28 6.4 x 4.8 7.12 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 (max) (max) @50lp/mm
(x) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Object field of view (mm x mm) A 9 B C 10

TCCP 12 144 0.044 7.48 x 5.60 109.1 x 81.8 129.5 x 97.3 145.5 x 109.1 162.0 x 121.1 217.4 8 < 0.08 (0.1) < 0.6 < 0.01 214 > 45 C Yes 332.0 302.5 299.4

TCCP 23 144 0.059 8.93 x 7.45 81.9 x 61.4 97.3 x 73.0 109.2 x 81.9 121.7 x 91.0 145.1 x 121.0 217.4 8 < 0.08 (0.1) < 0.6 < 0.01 121 > 45 C Yes 332.0 302.5 315.1

TCCP 12 192 0.033 7.48 x 5.60 145.9 x 109.4 173.3 x 130.1 194.5 x 145.9 216.7 x 162.0 328.0 8 < 0.08 (0.1) < 0.6 < 0.01 382 > 45 C Yes 410.4 344.1 345.0

TCCP 23 192 0.044 8.93 x 7.45 109.6 x 82.2 130.1 x 97.7 146.1 x 109.6 162.8 x 121.7 194.1 x 161.9 328.0 8 < 0.08 (0.1) < 0.6 < 0.01 216 > 45 C Yes 410.4 344.1 353.3

Residual distortion after calibration with TCLIB Suite software library, using PTCPXXX calibration pattern and fully GenICam® compliant camera.
For specific setup information see the table below:

Part number Calibrations software Calibrations pattern Setup camera Recommended cameras Recommended sensors
COE-032-x-POE-040-yy-C, RT-mvBF3-2032a,
TCCP 12 144 TCLIB Suite PTCP-S1-HR1-C RT-mvBF3-2124aG IMX252, IMX265
RT-mvBC-XD104h, RT-mvBC-X104i
COE-050-x-z-050-yy-C, RT-mvBF3-2051G, RT-mvBF3-2051aG,
TCCP 23 144 TCLIB Suite PTCP-S1-HR1-C RT-mvBF3-2124aG IMX250, IMX264
RT-mvBC-XD105a, RT-mvBC-X105b
COE-032-x-POE-040-yy-C, RT-mvBF3-2032a,
TCCP 12 192 TCLIB Suite PTCP-L1-LR1-C RT-mvBF3-2124aG IMX252, IMX265
RT-mvBC-XD104h, RT-mvBC-X104i
COE-050-x-z-050-yy-C, RT-mvBF3-2051G, RT-mvBF3-2051aG,
TCCP 23 192 TCLIB Suite PTCP-L1-LR1-C RT-mvBF3-2124aG IMX250, IMX264
RT-mvBC-XD105a, RT-mvBC-X105b

1 Since the square shape of the front window the lens forms a rectangular image. 6 Residual distortion after calibration with TCLIB Suite software library, using a PTCP
2 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. calibrations pattern and a fully GenICam® compliant camera.
Set this distance within +/- 5% of the nominal value for maximum resolution For setup information see related table.
and minimum distortion. 7 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement but,
3 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. to get a very sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should be considered.
Lenses with smaller apertures can be supplied on request. Pixel size used for calculation is 3.45 μm.
Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed. 8 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
4 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to milliradians, 9 Maximum dimension of the clamping flange.
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter of object displacement. 10 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
Maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
5 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image.
Maximum (guaranteed) values of the uncorrected image are listed.


TCUV series
UV bi-telecentric lenses

TCUV series bi-telecentric lenses are specifically designed to KEY ADVANTAGES

ensure the highest image resolution today available in the machine
vision world. Extremely high resolution for cameras with very small pixels.

No other lenses in the market can efficiently operate with pixels as High telecentricity for thick object imaging.
small as 2 microns. For this reason TCUV bi-telecentric lenses are
a MUST for all those using high resolution cameras and seeking for Nearly zero distortion for accurate measurements.
the highest system accuracy.
Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.
Common lenses and traditional telecentric lenses operate in the
visible light (VIS) range. The maximum resolution of a lens is given
by the cut-off frequency, that is the spatial frequency at which the
lens is no longer able to yield sufficient image contrast.

Since the cut-off frequency is inversely proportional to the light

wavelength, common optics are useless with very small pixel sizes
(such as 1.75 microns) which are becoming increasingly popular
among industrial cameras.

Application examples


CMHO series p. 228


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

Image captured with a lens operating Image taken with a TCUV
in the visible range. bi-telecentric lens.

VIS lens UV lens TC UV MTF diffr. limit TC UV CTF
100% 100%

cut-off frequency, VIS


cut-off frequency, UV
60% 60%


20% 20%

0% 0%

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Spacial frequency (line pairs/mm) Spacial frequency (line pairs/mm)

The graph shows the limit performance (diffraction limit) of two The CTF function, which expresses the contrast ratio at a given
lenses operating at working F/# 8. spatial frequency is much higher with TCUV lenses.
The standard lens operates at 587 nm (green light) while the UV lens The vertical bars show the cut-off frequencies of each lens: TCUV
operates at 365 nm. lenses still yield some contrast up to 340 lp/ mm.

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specs

1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2’’ 1/1.8” 2/3”
6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm
diag diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 typical (max) typical (max) depth @70lp/mm adj.
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
8 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 7
Object field of view (mm x mm) 9
TCUV 12 036 0.175 8 27.4 x 20.6 32.6 x 24.5 36.6 x 27.4 40.7 x 30.5 ø = 40.5 98.7 8 < 0.1 < 0.08 21.6 > 40 C 142.3 61
TCUV 12 048 0.133 8 36.1 x 27.1 42.9 x 32.2 48.1 x 36.1 53.6 x 40.1 ø = 53.3 130.7 8 < 0.08 < 0.08 37.3 > 40 C 176.1 75
TCUV 12 056 0.114 8 42.1 x 31.6 50.0 x 37.5 56.1 x 42.1 62.5 x 46.8 ø = 62.2 154.0 8 < 0.1 < 0.08 50.8 > 40 C 198.4 80
TCUV 12 064 0.100 8 48.0 x 36.0 57.0 x 42.8 64.0 x 48.0 71.3 x 53.3 ø = 70.9 176.0 8 < 0.08 < 0.08 66.0 > 40 C 219.7 100
TCUV 12 080 0.080 8 60.0 x 45.0 71.3 x 53.5 80.0 x 60.0 89.1 x 66.6 ø = 88.6 221.0 8 < 0.08 < 0.08 103.1 > 40 C 264.3 116
TCUV 23 036 0.241 11 19.9 x 14.9 23.7 x 17.8 26.6 x 19.9 29.6 x 22.1 35.3 x 29.4 98.7 8 < 0.1 < 0.08 11.4 > 40 C 160.4 61
TCUV 23 048 0.183 11 26.2 x 19.7 31.1 x 23.4 35.0 x 26.2 39.0 x 29.1 46.4 x 38.7 130.7 8 < 0.08 < 0.08 19.7 > 40 C 194.5 75
TCUV 23 056 0.157 11 30.6 x 22.9 36.3 x 27.3 40.8 x 30.6 45.4 x 33.9 54.1 x 45.2 154.0 8 < 0.1 < 0.08 26.8 > 40 C 216.8 80
TCUV 23 064 0.137 11 35.0 x 26.3 41.6 x 31.2 46.7 x 35.0 52.0 x 38.9 62.0 x 51.8 176.0 8 < 0.08 < 0.08 35.2 > 40 C 238.2 100
TCUV 23 080 0.110 11 43.6 x 32.7 51.8 x 38.9 58.2 x 43.6 64.8 x 48.5 77.3 x 64.5 221.0 8 < 0.08 < 0.08 54.5 > 40 C 283.0 116

1 Working distance: distance between the front lens and the object. 6 Nominal value.
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution 7 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
and minimum distortion 8 With 1/1.8” (8.9 mm diagonal) detectors, the FOV of TCUV 12 XXX lenses
2 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. may show some vignetting at the image corners, as these lenses are optimized
Lenses with smaller apertures (higher wF#) can be supplied on request for 1/2” detectors (8 mm diagonal).
3 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to millirad, 9 For the fields with the indication “Ø =”, the image of a circular object
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter of object displacement. of such diameter is fully inscribed into the detector.
Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed. 10 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
4 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image:
typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement
but, to get a very sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should
be considered.


TCSM series
3D bi-telecentric lenses with Scheimpflug adjustment


Unique Scheimpflug adjustment

No other lens can perform oblique measurements.

The image is radially undistorted

Linear extension can be perfectly calibrated.

Compatible with any C-mount camera

C-mount standard compliant.

Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.

TCSM series is a unique family of bi-telecentric lenses for extremely thus making 3D-reconstruction very easy and exceptionally
accurate 3D dimensional measurement systems. All TCSM lenses are accurate. The available magnifications ranges from 0.5x to 0.1x
equipped with a high-precision Scheimpflug adjustment mechanism while the angle of view reaches 30°-45° to meet the measurement
that fits any type of C-mount camera. Besides achieving very good needs of triangulation-based techniques. The Scheimpflug mount
focus at wide tilt angles, bi-telecentricity also yields incredibly low tilts around the horizontal axis of the detector plane to ensure
distortion. Images are linearly compressed only in one direction, excellent pointing stability and ease of focus.

Examples of high-end 3D measurements

TCSM imaging and measuring sloped objects. Without tilt adjustment, the object At the Scheimpflug angle, the image
is not homogeneously focused. becomes sharp.

Scheimpflug telecentric lens and projector both at 45° relative to the object plane. Without tilt adjustment, the object At the Scheimpflug angle, the image
is not homogeneously focused. becomes sharp.


MCSM1-01X p. 96


LED pattern projectors p. 180


CMHO series p. 228

TCSM series lens at 45° and telecentric pattern projector at 90° relative Without tilt adjustment, the object At the Scheimpflug angle, the image
to the object plane. is not homogeneously focused. becomes sharp.

Long detector side horizontal Long detector side vertical

1/3” 1/2” 2/3” 1/3” 1/2” 2/3”
Part Object Mount WD Horizontal Vertical Mount Phase wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh
number tilt tilt mag mag adj. 4.80 x 3.60 6.40 x 4.80 8.50 x 7.09 3.60 x 4.80 4.80 x 6.40 6.60 x 8.50
(deg) (deg) (mm) (x) (x) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm)
1 2 Field of view - w x h (mm x mm) Field of view - w x h (mm x mm)

w h
w h

0.0 0.0 0.528 0.528 9.09 x 6.82 12.1 x 9.09 16.1 x 13.4 6.82 x 9.09 9.09 x 12.1 13.4 x 16.1
10.0 5.3 0.528 0.522 9.09 x 6.89 12.1 x 9.19 16.1 x 13.6 6.82 x 9.19 9.09 x 12.3 13.4 x 16.3
TCSM 016 43.1 C Yes
20.0 10.9 0.528 0.505 9.09 x 7.13 12.1 x 9.50 16.1 x 14.0 6.82 x 9.50 9.09 x 12.7 13.4 x 16.8
30.0 17.0 0.528 0.478 9.09 x 7.53 12.1 x 10.0 16.1 x 14.8 6.82 x 10.0 9.09 x 13.4 13.4 x 17.8
0.0 0.0 0.350 0.350 13.7 x 10.3 18.3 x 13.7 24.3 x 20.3 10.3 x 13.7 13.7 x 18.3 20.3 x 24.3
15.0 5.4 0.350 0.340 13.7 x 10.6 18.3 x 14.1 24.3 x 20.9 10.3 x 14.1 13.7 x 18.8 20.3 x 25.0
TCSM 024 67.2 C Yes
30.0 11.4 0.350 0.309 13.7 x 11.6 18.3 x 15.5 24.3 x 22.9 10.3 x 15.5 13.7 x 20.7 20.3 x 27.5
45.0 19.3 0.350 0.262 13.7 x 13.7 18.3 x 18.3 24.3 x 27.0 10.3 x 18.3 13.7 x 24.4 20.3 x 32.4
0.0 0.0 0.243 0.243 19.7 x 14.8 26.3 x 19.7 34.9 x 29.1 14.8 x 19.7 19.7 x 26.3 29.1 x 34.9
15.0 3.7 0.243 0.235 19.7 x 15.3 26.3 x 20.4 34.9 x 30.1 14.8 x 20.4 19.7 x 27.2 29.1 x 36.1
TCSM 036 102.5 C Yes
30.0 8.0 0.243 0.213 19.7 x 16.9 26.3 x 22.6 34.9 x 33.3 14.8 x 22.6 19.7 x 30.1 29.1 x 40.0
45.0 13.6 0.243 0.177 19.7 x 20.3 26.3 x 27.1 34.9 x 40.1 14.8 x 27.1 19.7 x 36.2 29.1 x 48.0
0.0 0.0 0.185 0.185 26.0 x 19.5 34.7 x 26.0 46.0 x 38.4 19.5 x 26.0 26.0 x 34.7 38.4 x 46.0
15.0 2.8 0.185 0.179 26.0 x 20.2 34.7 x 26.9 46.0 x 39.7 19.5 x 26.9 26.0 x 35.8 38.4 x 47.6
TCSM 048 132.9 C Yes
30.0 6.1 0.185 0.161 26.0 x 22.4 34.7 x 29.8 46.0 x 44.1 19.5 x 29.8 26.0 x 39.8 38.4 x 52.8
45.0 10.5 0.185 0.133 26.0 x 27.1 34.7 x 36.1 46.0 x 53.4 19.5 x 36.1 26.0 x 48.2 38.4 x 64.0
0.0 0.0 0.157 0.157 30.6 x 22.9 40.8 x 30.6 54.1 x 45.2 22.9 x 30.6 30.6 x 40.8 45.2 x 54.1
15.0 2.4 0.157 0.152 30.6 x 23.7 40.8 x 31.6 54.1 x 46.7 22.9 x 31.6 30.6 x 42.2 45.2 x 56.0
TCSM 056 157.8 C Yes
30.0 5.1 0.157 0.137 30.6 x 26.4 40.8 x 35.2 54.1 x 51.9 22.9 x 35.2 30.6 x 46.9 45.2 x 62.3
45.0 8.8 0.157 0.112 30.6 x 32.0 40.8 x 42.7 54.1 x 63.1 22.9 x 42.7 30.6 x 57.0 45.2 x 75.7
0.0 0.0 0.137 0.137 34.9 x 26.2 46.6 x 34.9 61.8 x 51.6 26.2 x 34.9 34.9 x 46.6 51.6 x 61.8
15.0 2.1 0.137 0.133 34.9 x 27.1 46.6 x 36.1 61.8 x 53.4 26.2 x 36.1 34.9 x 48.2 51.6 x 64.0
TCSM 064 181.8 C Yes
30.0 4.5 0.137 0.119 34.9 x 30.1 46.6 x 40.2 61.8 x 59.4 26.2 x 40.2 34.9 x 53.6 51.6 x 71.2
45.0 7.8 0.137 0.098 34.9 x 36.7 46.6 x 48.9 61.8 x 72.3 26.2 x 48.9 34.9 x 65.2 51.6 x 86.6
0.0 0.0 0.110 0.110 43.6 x 32.7 58.2 x 43.6 77.3 x 64.5 32.7 x 43.6 43.6 x 58.2 64.5 x 77.3
15.0 1.7 0.110 0.106 43.6 x 33.9 58.2 x 45.2 77.3 x 66.7 32.7 x 45.2 43.6 x 60.2 64.5 x 80.0
TCSM 080 226.7 C Yes
30.0 3.6 0.110 0.095 43.6 x 37.7 58.2 x 50.3 77.3 x 74.3 32.7 x 50.3 43.6 x 67.0 64.5 x 89.0
45.0 6.3 0.110 0.078 43.6 x 46.0 58.2 x 61.3 77.3 x 90.6 32.7 x 61.3 43.6 x 81.8 64.5 x 108.6
0.0 0.0 0.093 0.093 51.4 x 38.5 68.5 x 51.4 91.0 x 75.9 38.5 x 51.4 51.4 x 68.5 75.9 x 91.0
15.0 1.4 0.093 0.090 51.4 x 39.9 68.5 x 53.2 91.0 x 78.6 38.5 x 53.2 51.4 x 70.9 75.9 x 94.2
TCSM 096 278.6 C Yes
30.0 3.1 0.093 0.081 51.4 x 44.4 68.5 x 59.3 91.0 x 87.5 38.5 x 59.3 51.4 x 79.0 75.9 x 104.9
45.0 5.3 0.093 0.066 51.4 x 54.3 68.5 x 72.4 91.0 x 106.9 38.5 x 72.4 51.4 x 96.5 75.9 x 128.1

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 2 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution and minimum distortion. adjustment feature.


TCLWD series
Long working distance telecentric lenses for 2/3″ detectors

TCLWD is a range of telecentric lenses specifically designed for KEY ADVANTAGES

electronic and semiconductor Automated Optical Inspection (AOI)
and tool pre-setting machines. Long working distance
Perfect for electronic components inspection and tool pre-setting
All these lenses feature a working distance of 135 mm and offer machines.
excellent optical resolution, high telecentricity and low distortion,
thus matching and even exceeding the industrial requirements for High numerical aperture
the target applications. For small pixel size / high resolution detectors.

The long working distance allows for extra space, which is essential Easy rotational phase adjustment
if you need to install illumination, pick-up tools or provide the Robust and precise tuning of the lens-camera phase.
necessary separation from hazardous production processes.
Full range of compatible products
In addition to the long working distance, TCLWD optics have Fits LTCLHP telecentric illuminators, CMHO clamping supports and
a numerical aperture large enough to take advantage of high LTRN ring illuminators.
resolution / small pixel size cameras, making these lenses a perfect
match for general-purpose 2D measurement systems. Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.

Application examples

A TCLWD050 lens assembled with a CMHO016 clamping mechanics and back-illuminated by a LTCLHP016-G telecentric illuminator forming an inspection system for measurement
of mechanical components such as milling tools and screws.


TCVLWD series p. 46


Backlights LTBP, LTBC, LTBFC series p. 164-170


Mounting clamp CMHO016 p. 228


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

A TCLWD lens in combination with LTRN016 ring illuminator inspecting A TCLWD lens measuring a clock gear with backlight illumination.
an electronic board.

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specs

1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2’’ 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 Mpx
6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm
diag diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 typical (max) typical (max) depth @35lp/mm adj.
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 7 6
Object field of view (mm x mm)
TCLWD 050 0.50 11.0 9.60 x 7.20 11.4 x 8.56 12.8 x 9.60 14.3 x 10.7 17.0 x 14.2 132.3 12 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.1 (0.2) 4.0 > 60 C Yes 131 37.7
TCLWD 066 0.66 11.0 7.27 x 5.45 8.64 x 6.48 9.70 x 7.27 10.8 x 8.08 12.9 x 10.7 132.3 12 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.1 (0.2) 2.3 > 58 C Yes 149 37.7
TCLWD 075 0.75 11.0 6.40 x 4.80 7.60 x 5.71 8.53 x 6.40 9.51 x 7.11 11.3 x 9.45 132.3 12 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.1 (0.2) 1.8 > 55 C Yes 155 37.7
TCLWD 100 1.00 11.0 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 132.3 12 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.05 (0.1) 1.0 > 60 C Yes 126 37.7
TCLWD 150 1.50 11.0 3.20 x 2.40 3.80 x 2.85 4.27 x 3.20 4.75 x 3.55 5.67 x 4.73 132.3 16 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.05 (0.1) 0.6 > 50 C Yes 140 37.7
TCLWD 250 2.50 11.0 1.92 x 1.44 2.28 x 1.71 2.56 x 1.92 2.85 x 2.13 3.40 x 2.84 132.3 20 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.05 (0.1) 0.3 > 40 C Yes 157 37.7
TCLWD 350 3.50 11.0 1.37 x 1.03 1.63 x 1.22 1.83 x 1.37 2.04 x 1.52 2.43 x 2.03 132.3 24 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.05 (0.1) 0.2 > 30 C Yes 175 37.7

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 4 Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image:
and minimum distortion. typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
2 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. 5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement
Lenses with smaller apertures can be supplied on request. but, to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should be
3 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to milliradians, considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 5.5 μm.
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter 6 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
of object displacement. 7 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.

Ordering information
It’s easy to select the right lens for your application: our part numbers are coded as TCLWD xxx, where xxx defines the magnification (050 = 0.50, 066 = 0.66, 075 = 0.75, … ).
For instance, a TCLWD 050 features a 0.50 magnification.


TCCX series
Telecentric lenses with built-in coaxial illumination


Large numerical aperture

For small pixel size camera resolution.

Long working distance

Tailored for electronic components inspection.

Compact built-in illumination

Ideal for high-end applications in the semiconductor industry.

Easy rotational phase adjustment

Robust and precise tuning of the camera phase.

Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.

TCCX series is a range of lenses designed for measurement Typical application include recognition of silicon wafers pattern
and defect detection on flat surfaces. They feature the same and inspection of LCD displays, polished metal surfaces, plastic
magnifications and working distance of TCLWD series while adding and glass panels, and many other.
integrated coaxial light.
Such lighting configuration is required to homogeneously illuminate FOR OTHER MAGNIFICATIONS COAXIAL TELECENTRIC LENSES SEE ALSO
uneven surfaces and detect small surface defects such as scratches TCCXQ series p. 36
or grooves, finding application in many industries, from the
TCCXHM, TCCXLM series p. 47
electronics and semiconductor industries to the glass and metal
All these lenses operate at a working distance of 135 mm while their
large numerical aperture enables the superior resolution needed Backlights LTBP, LTBC, LTBFC series p. 164-170

for small pixel cameras, matching and even exceeding the industrial
requirements of on- and off-line applications.
The built-in LED source, equipped with advanced electronics,
Mounting mechanics CMHO016 p. 228
provides excellent illumination stability and homogeneity, key
factors for the reliability of any machine vision system. FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS
The unique optical design minimizes the internal reflection issues of
conventional coaxial illumination systems: this makes TCCX lenses Area scan cameras p. 196-205
the perfect choice especially when inspecting highly reflective flat
surfaces (approx. > 30% reflectance).

Application examples

Image of an LCD display taken Details of an electronic board Scratches on a stainless steel
with a TCCX250 lens. imaged with a TCCX lens surface emphasized by coaxial
TCCX lens inspects objects using coaxial illumination. with green illumination. illumination.

In some cases, low magnification models (e.g. TCCX050-x, TCCX066-x, TCCX075-x) may generate hotspots, especially when imaging non-reflective objects.

Precise light intensity tuning Direct LED control
Easily and precisely tune the light The built-in electronics can be
intensity level thanks to the leadscrew bypassed in order to drive the LED
multi-turn trimmer positioned in the directly for use in continuous or
back. pulsed mode. When bypassed, the
built-in electronics behaves as an
open circuit allowing for direct control
of the LED source.

Electrical specifications

Light Device power ratings LED power ratings

Part number Light color, wavelength peak DC voltage Power consumption Max LED fwd current Forward voltage Max pulse current
min max typ. max
(V) (V) (W) (mA) (V) (V) (mA)
1 2 3 4
TCCX xxx-G green, 520 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 3.3 4.00 2000
TCCX xxx-W white 12 24 < 2.5 350 2.78 n.a. 2000

1 Tolerance ± 10%. 4 At pulse width <= 10 ms, duty cycle <= 10% condition.
2 Used in continuous (not pulsed) mode. Built-in electronics board must be bypassed (see tech info online).
3 At max forward current. Tolerance is ±0.06V on forward voltage measurements.

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specs

1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2’’ 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 Mpx
6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm
diag diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 typical (max) typical (max) depth @35lp/mm adj.
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 7 6
Object field of view (mm x mm)
TCCX 050-G 0.50 11 9.60 x 7.20 11.4 x 8.56 12.8 x 9.60 14.3 x 10.7 17.0 x 14.2 132.3 12 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.1 (0.2) 4.0 > 60 C Yes 131.2 37.7
TCCX 050-W 0.50 11 9.60 x 7.20 11.4 x 8.56 12.8 x 9.60 14.3 x 10.7 17.0 x 14.2 132.3 12 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.1 (0.2) 4.0 > 60 C Yes 131.2 37.7
TCCX 066-G 0.66 11 7.27 x 5.45 8.64 x 6.48 9.70 x 7.27 10.8 x 8.08 12.9 x 10.7 132.3 12 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.1 (0.2) 2.3 > 58 C Yes 149.8 37.7
TCCX 066-W 0.66 11 7.27 x 5.45 8.64 x 6.48 9.70 x 7.27 10.8 x 8.08 12.9 x 10.7 132.3 12 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.1 (0.2) 2.3 > 58 C Yes 149.8 37.7
TCCX 075-G 0.75 11 6.40 x 4.80 7.60 x 5.71 8.53 x 6.40 9.51 x 7.11 11.3 x 9.45 132.3 12 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.1 (0.2) 1.8 > 55 C Yes 155.5 37.7
TCCX 075-W 0.75 11 6.40 x 4.80 7.60 x 5.71 8.53 x 6.40 9.51 x 7.11 11.3 x 9.45 132.3 12 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.1 (0.2) 1.8 > 55 C Yes 155.5 37.7
TCCX 100-G 1.00 11 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 132.3 12 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.05 (0.1) 1.0 > 60 C Yes 132.9 37.7
TCCX 100-W 1.00 11 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 132.3 12 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.05 (0.1) 1.0 > 60 C Yes 132.9 37.7
TCCX 150-G 1.50 11 3.20 x 2.40 3.80 x 2.85 4.27 x 3.20 4.75 x 3.55 5.67 x 4.73 132.3 16 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.05 (0.1) 0.6 > 50 C Yes 147.2 37.7
TCCX 150-W 1.50 11 3.20 x 2.40 3.80 x 2.85 4.27 x 3.20 4.75 x 3.55 5.67 x 4.73 132.3 16 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.05 (0.1) 0.6 > 50 C Yes 147.2 37.7
TCCX 250-G 2.50 11 1.92 x 1.44 2.28 x 1.71 2.56 x 1.92 2.85 x 2.13 3.40 x 2.84 132.3 20 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.05 (0.1) 0.3 > 40 C Yes 163.9 37.7
TCCX 250-W 2.50 11 1.92 x 1.44 2.28 x 1.71 2.56 x 1.92 2.85 x 2.13 3.40 x 2.84 132.3 20 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.05 (0.1) 0.3 > 40 C Yes 163.9 37.7
TCCX 350-G 3.50 11 1.37 x 1.03 1.63 x 1.22 1.83 x 1.37 2.04 x 1.52 2.43 x 2.03 132.3 24 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.05 (0.1) 0.2 > 30 C Yes 181.5 37.7
TCCX 350-W 3.50 11 1.37 x 1.03 1.63 x 1.22 1.83 x 1.37 2.04 x 1.52 2.43 x 2.03 132.3 24 < 0.04 (0.06) < 0.05 (0.1) 0.2 > 30 C Yes 181.5 37.7

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 4 Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image:
and minimum distortion. typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
2 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. 5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement but,
Lenses with smaller apertures (higher wF#) can be supplied on request. to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should
3 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to milliradians, be considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 5.5 μm.
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter 6 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
of object displacement. 7 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.

Ordering information
It’s easy to select the right lens for your application: our part numbers are coded as TCCX xxx-y, where xxx defines the magnification (050 = 0.50, 066 = 0.66, 075 = 0.75, … )
and y defines the source color (“-G” stands for “green light”, “W” stands for “white light”). For instance, a TCCX 050-G features a 0.50 magnification with a green light source.


TCCXQ series
High resolution telecentric assemblies with coaxial illumination

TCCXQ optical assemblies combine the high optical performance KEY ADVANTAGES
of TC telecentric lenses and the LTCLHP series ability to provide
accurate and reliable illumination. Completely free from stray-light
Compatible with both reflective and diffusive surface objects.
Pairing these two Opto Engineering® flagship products results
in a system completely free from straylight and back-reflections, High resolution
while marking superior optical performance (in terms of resolution, For sharp edge imaging and small imperfections detection.
telecentricity and distortion) even at the highest magnifications.
Bi-telecentric design
This optical layout also minimizes the overall height of the system, Same degree of measurement accuracy as standard bi-telecentric
also allowing the user to easily adjust the camera orientation and lenses.
back focal distance of the lens.
Optimal light collimation
TCCXQ assemblies can be successfully employed in high accuracy For precise direct light measurement applications.
measurement applications as well as Automated Optical Inspection
(AOI) setups. Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.


TCCX series p. 34

LTCXC series p. 179


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

TCCXQ 066-G, formed by TCLWD 066, CMBS 016, LTCLHP 016-G.

Electrical specifications

Light Device power ratings LED power ratings

Part number Light color, wavelength peak DC voltage Power consumption Max LED fwd current Forward voltage Max pulse current
min max typ. max
(V) (V) (W) (mA) (V) (V) (mA)
1 2 3 4
TCCXQ xxx-G green, 520 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 3.3 4.00 2000
TCCXQ xxx-W white 12 24 < 2.5 350 2.78 n.a. 2000

1 Tolerance ± 10%. 4 At pulse width <= 10 ms, duty cycle <= 10% condition.
2 Used in continuous (not pulsed) mode. Built-in electronics board must be bypassed (see tech info online).
3 At max forward current. Tolerance is ±0.06V on forward voltage measurements.

TCCXQ 011-x

Available Optical Mechanical

Detector type
colours specifications specifications
1/3” 1/2.5’’ 1/2” 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 Mpx
6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm
diag diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image G W wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh Object distance Mount Phase Length Height Width
number circle 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 d adj.
(*) (x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Object field of view (mm x mm) 1
TCCXQ 150-x 1.50 11 x x 3.20 x 2.40 3.80 x 2.85 4.27 x 3.20 4.75 x 3.55 5.67 x 4.73 82.8 C 155.0 64 198.9
TCCXQ 100-x 1.00 11 x x 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 82.8 C 155.0 64 182.5
TCCXQ 075-x 0.75 11 x x 6.40 x 4.80 7.60 x 5.71 8.53 x 6.40 9.51 x 7.11 11.3 x 9.45 82.8 C 155.0 64 213.5
TCCXQ 066-x 0.66 11 x x 7.27 x 5.45 8.64 x 6.48 9.70 x 7.27 10.8 x 8.08 12.9 x 10.7 82.8 C 155.0 64 207.8
TCCXQ 050-x 0.50 11 x x 9.60 x 7.20 11.4 x 8.56 12.8 x 9.60 14.3 x 10.7 17.0 x 14.2 82.8 C 155.0 64 189.2
TCCXQ 024-x 0.24 11 x x 19.8 x 14.8 23.5 x 17.6 26.3 x 19.8 29.3 x 22.9 35.0 x 29.2 20.1 C 235.9 88 252.4
TCCXQ 018-x 0.18 11 x x 26.1 x 19.6 31.0 x 23.3 34.8 x 26.1 38.8 x 29.0 46.2 x 38.5 37.0 C 285.2 102 303.2
TCCXQ 016-x 0.16 11 x x 30.6 x 22.9 36.3 x 27.3 40.8 x 30.6 45.4 x 33.9 54.1 x 45.2 50.7 C 319.2 108 336.7
TCCXQ 014-x 0.14 11 x x 34.8 x 26.1 41.3 x 31.0 46.4 x 34.8 51.7 x 38.6 61.6 x 51.4 63.8 C 350.3 128 367.6
TCCXQ 011-x 0.11 11 x x 43.6 x 32.7 51.8 x 38.9 58.2 x 43.6 64.8 x 48.5 77.3 x 64.5 90.1 C 415.6 144 433.1

1 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.

If missing, it can be supplied upon request.
(*) The last digit of the part number “-x” defines the source colour.


TCZRS series
8x bi-telecentric zoom lenses with motorized control


Perfect magnification constancy and parfocality

No need to re-calibrate or refocus after zooming thanks to an
extremely precise positioning system.

For very accurate measurement.

Excellent image center stability

Image centering is maintained at every magnification.

Full motorization control

Zoom magnification is set via software.

Fast and silent operations

Max 2 seconds to quietly switch from one mag to another.

Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.

TCZRS series is a leading edge optical solution for imaging and FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE ILLUMINATORS
measurement applications requiring both the flexibility of zoom
lenses and the accuracy of fixed optics. Backlights LT2BC, LTBP, LTBC, LTBFC series p. 162-170

An upgraded version of TCZR lenses, the newly designed TCZRS FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS
lenses feature an extremely precise positioning system with a bipolar
stepper motor and an incremental magnetic encoder, delivering Area scan cameras p. 196-205
exceptional magnification repeatability. Moreover, focusing and
image centering stability are guaranteed at every magnification
position, thus avoiding recalibration at any given time.
Four different magnifications, featuring a total zoom range of 8x, can
be selected through a dedicated remote control software.

Bi-telecentricity, high resolution and low distortion make these

zoom lenses able to perform the same measurement tasks as
classic telecentric lenses.

Product combinations *


Please refer to our website for the updated

TCZRS manual and for a complete technical
documentation of the setup process.

* To be ordered separately

Application examples

File Edit Zoom Select

Multiple lens surfaces can be used for direct mounting without clamps,
Electronic board images taken with TCZR 036S at four different magnifications. thanks to the M6 threaded holes located on 3 sides.

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specs

1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2’’ 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 Mpx
6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm
diag diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Max Max
number circle 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 depth @70lp/mm adj. height width
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3 4
Object field of view (mm x mm)
0.250 19.2 x 14.4 22.8 x 17.1 25.6 x 19.2 28.5 x 21.3 34.0 x 28.4 < 0.05 13.2 > 40
0.500 9.60 x 7.20 11.4 x 8.56 12.8 x 9.60 14.3 x 10.7 17.0 x 14.2 < 0.04 3.3 > 35
TCZR 036S 11.0 74.0 16 < 0.05 C Yes 212.0 144 103
1.000 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 < 0.04 0.8 > 40
2.000 2.40 x 1.80 2.85 x 2.14 3.20 x 2.40 3.57 x 2.67 4.25 x 3.55 < 0.08 0.2 > 35
0.125 38.4 x 28.8 45.6 x 34.2 51.2 x 38.4 57.0 x 42.6 68.0 x 56.7 < 0.10 53.0 > 35
0.250 19.2 x 14.4 22.8 x 17.1 25.6 x 19.2 28.5 x 21.3 34.0 x 28.4 < 0.08 13.2 > 40
TCZR 072S 11.0 157.8 16 < 0.05 C Yes 279.7 144 103
0.500 9.60 x 7.20 11.4 x 8.56 12.8 x 9.60 14.3 x 10.7 17.0 x 14.2 < 0.05 3.3 > 40
1.000 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 < 0.07 0.8 > 35

1 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. 3 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement
Lenses with smaller apertures (higher wF#) can be supplied on request. but, to get a very sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should
2 Maximum slope of principal rays inside the lens: when converted to millirad, be considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 3.45 μm.
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimiter 4 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
of object displacement.


TCBENCH series
TC optical bench kits for easy measurements


Pre-assembled setup
Just attach your camera, and the bench is ready for measurement.

Best optical performance

The bench is pre-set to provide unpaired measurement accuracy.

Tested system
The bench is quality tested as a whole system.

Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.

TCBENCH series are complete optical systems designed for hassle- The collimated light source is set in order to optimize both
free development of demanding measurement applications. illumination homogeneity and relevant optical parameters such
as distortion, telecentricity and resolution. For this reason these
Each kit integrates: benches feature unmatched image resolution and field depth.
• 1 TC bi-telecentric lens for 2/3” detectors
• 1 LTCLHP telecentric illuminator (green) Opto Engineering® measures the optical performance of each
• 2 CMHO mechanical clamps TCBENCH and provides an individual test report. TCBENCH series
• 1 CMPT base-plate also benefits from a special price policy, combining high-end
• 1 PTTC chrome-on-glass calibration pattern performance with cost effectiveness.
• 1 CMPH pattern holder

The benches come ready for use, pre-assembled and pre-aligned

to assure the best accuracy that a telecentric measurement system
can deliver.


TCBENCH series is now also available with new LTSCHP1W-GZ green light source, suitable
for any kind of sample and specifically tailored for measuring reflective objects and objects
with sharp edges.


• Reduction of edge diffraction effects

Ordering information
• Enhanced illumination uniformity,
To order a telecentric light with a new green light source,
especially on large FOVs
use p/n TCBENCH0xx-0-GZ (i.e. TCBENCH064-0-GZ).
• Less sensitive to alignment


Optical filters p. 242


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

Mechanical Automotive

Glass & pharma Electronics

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2’’ 1/1.8’’ 2/3’’ - 5 Mpx
6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm
Part Mag. Image diag diag diag diag diag Light color WD wF/# Optical Optical Field CTF Mount Phase Length Width Height
number circle wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh peak Accuracy Accuracy Depth @70lp/mm adj.
4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 wavelength
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (μm) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5
Field of view (mm x mm)
TCBENCH 009 1.000 11.0 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 green, 520 nm 62.2 11 <5 < 0.06% 0.9 > 35 C 292.0 56.0 78.5
TCBENCH 016 0.528 11.0 9.09 x 6.82 10.80 x 8.11 12.1 x 9.09 13.5 x 10.1 16.1 x 13.4 green, 520 nm 43.1 8 <8 < 0.05% 2.4 > 40 C 315.0 65.5 81.2
TCBENCH 024 0.350 11.0 13.7 x 10.3 16.3 x 12.2 18.3 x 13.7 20.4 x 15.2 24.3 x 20.3 green, 520 nm 67.2 8 < 13 < 0.05% 5.4 > 55 C 393.0 65.5 78.5
TCBENCH 036 0.243 11.0 19.8 x 14.8 23.5 x 17.6 26.3 x 19.8 29.3 x 21.9 35.0 x 29.2 green, 520 nm 102.5 8 < 22 < 0.06% 11.2 > 50 C 549.0 103.0 140.5
TCBENCH 048 0.184 11.0 26.1 x 19.6 31.0 x 23.3 34.8 x 26.1 38.8 x 29.0 46.2 x 38.5 green, 520 nm 132.9 8 < 31 < 0.06% 19.5 > 50 C 657.0 117.0 147.5
TCBENCH 056 0.157 11.0 30.6 x 22.9 36.3 x 27.3 40.8 x 30.6 45.4 x 33.9 54.1 x 45.2 green, 520 nm 157.8 8 < 36 < 0.06% 26.8 > 55 C 715.0 122.0 150
TCBENCH 064 0.138 11.0 34.8 x 26.1 41.3 x 31.0 46.4 x 34.8 51.7 x 38.6 61.6 x 51.4 green, 520 nm 181.8 8 < 40 < 0.06% 34.7 > 65 C 848.0 143.0 160.5
TCBENCH 080 0.110 11.0 43.6 x 32.7 51.8 x 38.9 58.2 x 43.6 64.8 x 48.5 77.3 x 64.5 green, 520 nm 226.7 8 < 55 < 0.07% 54.5 > 55 C 936.0 158.0 168
TCBENCH 096 0.093 11.0 51.6 x 38.7 61.3 x 46.0 68.8 x 51.6 76.7 x 57.3 91.4 x 76.2 green, 520 nm 278.6 8 < 70 < 0.07% 76.3 > 50 C 1087.0 206.5 185

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the lens mechanics 4 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement but,
and the object. Set this distance within +/-3% of the nominal value to get a very sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should be considered.
for maximum resolution. Pixel size used for calculation is 5.5 μm.
2,3 Maximum measurement error without software calibration; standard image 5 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
correction libraries yield close to zero measurement error. If missing, it can be supplied upon request (except for TCBENCH009).



Ultra compact TCCORE optical benches for precision measurements


Multi-level cost cutting

Saves money on manufacturing and transportation costs.

Downsized vision system

Allows you to reduce the length of your measurement system.

Pre-assembled setup
Just add a camera and measurement software and you’re ready to go.

Best optical performance in a super tight space

A complete optical system designed for hassle free development
of demanding precision measurement applications.

Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.

TCBENCH CORE series are complete and super compact optical FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE ACCESSORIES
systems offering superior performance for highly demanding
measurement applications in a super compact assembly. LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256

The benches come pre-mounted and pre-aligned, ensuring the best

accuracy that a telecentric measurement system can deliver. Optical filters p. 242


Each TCBENCH CORE integrates:

Area scan cameras p. 196-205
• 1 TC CORE bi-telecentric lens for 2/3” sensors
• 1 LTCLHP CORE telecentric illuminator (green)
• 1 CMPTCR base plate

TCBENCH CORE systems deliver the same optical performance as

our TCBENCH systems in a very reduced space.


TCBENCH CORE series is now also available with new LTSCHP1W-GZ green light source,
suitable for any kind of sample and specifically tailored for measuring reflective objects
and objects with sharp edges.


• Reduction of edge diffraction effects

Ordering information
• Enhanced illumination uniformity,
especially on large FOVs To order a telecentric light with a new green light source,
use p/n TCCRBENCH0xx-0-GZ (i.e. TCCRBENCH064-0-GZ).
• Less sensitive to alignment


Save more
• Lower manufacturing cost due to less material employed
• Less space required for storage and use
• Lower shipment expenses due to smaller size
• Lower transportation risks

Sell more
• A smaller vision system or measurement machine
is preferred by the industry
Example of off-line measurement systems with “classic“ telecentric lens
and illuminator (left) and TCBENCH CORE (right).

Application example:

Setup example: Image of the shaft presents very

2/3” sensor camera mounted sharp edges and no reflections,
on a bi-telecentric CORE lens allowing precise 2D measurement.
TCCR23048, coupled with
a LTCLCR048-G telecentric CORE
illuminator and a robot holder
clamp CMHORBCR048.

Technical information:

x Non-contact measurement machine example

Image shape dimensions (Ø, x).
Technical specs Standard components TCBENCH CORE Comparison
Camera sensor (mm) 8.50 x 7.09 8.50 x 7.09

FOV (mm) 91.4 x 72.6 91.4 x 72.6 High-end

Ø Field depth (mm) 94 94 of both systems
CTF 70 lp/mm (%) > 50 > 50

Height (m) 1.65 0.77

Length (m) 0.45 0.45 54% volume
Width (m) 0.41 0.41 difference

Volume (m3) 0.30 0.14

Detector type Optical specs Mechanical specifications

1/3” 1/2.5” 1/2” 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 Mpx
6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm
diag diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image shape wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Optical Field CTF Mount Phase Length Width Height
number dimensions 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 accuracy Depth @70lp/mm adj.
(x) Ø,x (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (μm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (mm)
4 1 2 3
Field of view (mm x mm)
TCCRBENCH 048 0.184 Ø=11.0, x=9.6 26.1 x 19.6 31.0 x 23.3 34.8 x 26.1 38.8 x 29.0 46.2 x 38.5 132.9 8 < 31 19.5 > 50 C Yes 352 134 118
TCCRBENCH 056 0.157 Ø=11.1, x=9.6 30.6 x 22.9 36.3 x 27.3 40.8 x 30.6 45.4 x 33.9 54.1 x 45.2 157.8 8 < 36 26.8 > 55 C Yes 424 144 122
TCCRBENCH 064 0.138 Ø=11.5, x=9.5 34.8 x 26.1 41.3 x 31.0 46.4 x 34.8 51.7 x 38.6 61.6 x 51.4 181.8 8 < 40 34.7 > 65 C Yes 474 152 134
TCCRBENCH 080 0.110 Ø=11.1, x=9.6 43.6 x 32.7 51.8 x 38.9 58.2 x 43.6 64.8 x 48.5 77.3 x 64.5 226.7 8 < 55 54.5 > 55 C Yes 578 182 162
TCCRBENCH 096 0.093 Ø=11.4, x=9.4 51.6 x 38.7 61.3 x 46.0 68.8 x 51.6 76.7 x 57.3 91.4 x 76.2 278.6 8 < 70 76.3 > 50 C Yes 696 200 189

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the lens mechanics and the object. 3 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution adjustment feature.
and minimum distortion 4 Indicates the dimensions and shape of image, where “Ø =” stands
2 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement but, for diameter and “x=” indicates the nominal image height and length
to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should be considered. (Tech Info for related drawing).
Pixel size used for calculation is 5.5 μm.


TCKIT case
Telecentric optics selection for machine vision labs

The Opto Engineering ® TCKIT case includes a selection of some Part number Products included Description

of the most commonly used telecentric optics in measurement TC 23 064

Bi-telecentric lens for 2/3”,
64 x 48 mm FOV
Bi-telecentric lens for 2/3”,
TC 23 036
36 x 27 mm FOV
A kit of four C-mount telecentric lenses covers FOVs ranging from Bi-telecentric lens for 2/3”,
TCKIT TC 23 016
9 mm to 64 mm, offering good coverage of many measurement 16 x 12 mm FOV
applications. These lenses are suitable for detectors up to 2/3”, TC 23 009
Bi-telecentric lens for 2/3”,
8.8 x 6.6 mm FOV
so that most cameras can be used in combination with this set of
Telecentric HP illuminator,
optics. In addition, a LTCLHP 036-G collimated light source (green LTCLHP 036-G
beam diameter 45 mm, green
color) is included in the box; this illuminator can be coupled with the
three smaller telecentric lenses in order to demonstrate the several
benefits of collimated illumination. FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE ACCESSORIES

CMHO series clamping mechanics p. 228

The telecentric kit case is a very helpful tool for system integrators
and research centers that are frequently dealing with new machine
vision applications. LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256

The TCKIT case also benefits from our special educational price: you FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS
should seriously consider buying this kit for your laboratory and
discover the advantages of bi-telecentric optics! Area scan cameras p. 196-205


TCKIT case is now also available with new LTSCHP1W-GZ green light source,
suitable for any kind of sample and specifically tailored for measuring reflective objects
and objects with sharp edges.


• Reduction of edge diffraction effects

Ordering information
• Enhanced illumination uniformity,
especially on large FOVs To order a telecentric light with a new green light source,
use p/n TCKIT-0-GZ.
• Less sensitive to alignment


Telecentric system for defect detection on flat transparent materials


Revolutionary method for inspecting flat transparent surfaces

(clear glass, plastic films) and for OCR/OCV applications:

• Extreme contrast

• Even the smallest defects can be seen

• Supplied as a ready-to-use optical bench

TCEDGEVIS telecentric optical systems provide a truly revolutionary discontinuities that would be impossible to see with traditional lens
approach to the inspection of flat transparent materials. systems. This approach is also suitable for OCR/OCV applications on
The special optical design ensures that only the light rays deflected clear glass, plastic films etc.
by an object’s edge are imaged on the sensor: edges are automatically TCEDGEVIS optical systems include an EDGE telecentric lens, EDGE
extracted without the need of software algorithms. This technique telecentric illuminator and mounting mechanics and are supplied as
allows the detection of extremely tiny defects, particles and surface fully tested and pre-aligned optical benches.

Scattered rays Display inspection:

Edge Image

EDGEVIS telecentric illuminator EDGEVIS telecentric lens

Working principle: when light rays encounter an object they get scattered from its edges. Detection of tiny scratches, bubbles
The TCEDGEVIS optical system filters these rays to form an image of the object’s profile and inclusions on smartphone
with much higher contrast than traditional optical methods. glass screen.

Particle analysis: Packaging: Packaging: OCR and OCV:

Checking dust deposits on a glass Seal integrity inspection at the highest Seal quality inspection on transparent Transparent text on clear plastic
surface. contrast. plastics and soldering joint. surface.

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2’’ 1/1.8’’ 2/3’’ - 5 Mpx Light color,
6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm
diag diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD peak Mount Phase Length Width Height
number circle 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 wavelength adj.
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (nm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Object field of view (mm x mm) 1 2
TCEV 23 036-G 0.243 11.0 19.8 x 14.8 23.5 x 17.6 26.3 x 19.8 29.3 x 21.9 35.0 x 29.2 102.5 green, 520 C No 549 103.0 140.5
TCEV 23 048-G 0.184 11.0 26.1 x 19.6 31.0 x 23.3 34.8 x 26.1 38.8 x 29.0 46.2 x 38.5 132.9 green, 520 C Yes 657 117.0 147.5
TCEV 23 056-G 0.157 11.0 30.6 x 22.9 36.3 x 27.3 40.8 x 30.6 45.4 x 33.9 54.1 x 45.2 157.8 green, 520 C Yes 715 122.0 150.0
TCEV 23 064-G 0.138 11.0 34.8 x 26.1 41.3 x 31.0 46.4 x 34.8 51.7 x 38.6 61.6 x 51.4 181.8 green, 520 C Yes 848 143.0 160.5
TCEV 23 080-G 0.110 11.0 43.6 x 32.7 51.8 x 38.9 58.2 x 43.6 64.8 x 48.5 77.3 x 64.5 226.7 green, 520 C Yes 936 158.0 168.0
TCEV 23 096-G 0.093 11.0 51.6 x 38.7 61.3 x 46.0 68.8 x 51.6 76.7 x 57.3 91.4 x 76.2 278.6 green, 520 C Yes 1087 206.5 185.0

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the lens mechanics and the object. 2 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution and minimum distortion. adjustment feature.


TCHM series
High magnification telecentric lenses for detectors up to 2/3″

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specs

Part Mag. Image Max 1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2” 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 MP WD wF/# Distortion Field Nominal Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle detector 6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm depth resolving adj.
size diag diag diag diag diag power
wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh
4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (µm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
Object field of view (mm x mm)
Working distance (WD) 71 mm
RT-HR-6M-71 6.00 11 2/3″ 0.80 x 0.60 0.95 x 0.71 1.07 x 0.80 1.19 x 0.89 1.42 x 1.18 71 41.1 0.27 0.10 4.6 C Yes 107.9 18
RT-HR-4M-71 4.00 11 2/3″ 1.20 x 0.90 1.43 x 1.07 1.60 x 1.20 1.78 x 1.33 2.13 x 1.77 71 29.0 0.24 0.13 4.9 C Yes 100.0 18
RT-HR-2M-71 2.00 11 2/3″ 2.40 x 1.80 2.85 x 2.14 3.20 x 2.40 3.57 x 2.67 4.25 x 3.55 71 18.5 0.21 0.30 6.2 C Yes 97.0 18
RT-HR-1M-71 1.00 11 2/3″ 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 71 15.6 0 0.90 10.5 C Yes 116.1 18
Working distance (WD) 110 mm
RT-HR-6M-110 6.00 11 2/3″ 0.80 x 0.60 0.95 x 0.71 1.07 x 0.80 1.19 x 0.89 1.42 x 1.18 110 55.6 0.25 0.16 6.2 C Yes 114.2 18
RT-HR-4M-110 4.00 11 2/3″ 1.20 x 0.90 1.43 x 1.07 1.60 x 1.20 1.78 x 1.33 2.13 x 1.77 110 39.2 0.54 0.20 6.6 C Yes 94.6 18
RT-HR-2M-110 2.00 11 2/3″ 2.40 x 1.80 2.85 x 2.14 3.20 x 2.40 3.57 x 2.67 4.25 x 3.55 110 23.8 0.78 0.40 8.0 C Yes 87.4 18
RT-HR-1M-110 1.00 11 2/3″ 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 110 6.7 0.04 1.00 11.2 C Yes 125.2 18

1 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. 2 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.


LTRNDC series LED direct ringlights p. 156 Area scan cameras p. 196-205


TCVLWD series
Very long working distance (WD) telecentric lenses for detectors up to 1/1.8″

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specs

Part Mag. Image Max 1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2” 1/1.8” WD wF/# Distortion Field Nominal Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle detector 6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm depth resolving adj.
size diag diag diag diag power
wxh wxh wxh wxh
4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (µm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
Object field of view (mm x mm)
RT-TV-1M-150 1.00 8.0 1/2″ 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 - 156.0 16.7 0.15 1.00 12.0 C Yes 159.0 24
RT-TV-2M-150 2.00 8.0 1/2″ 2.40 x 1.80 2.85 x 2.14 3.20 x 2.40 - 156.0 25.0 0.07 0.44 9.0 C Yes 168.0 24
RT-TV-3M-150 3.00 8.0 1/2″ 1.60 x 1.20 1.90 x 1.43 2.13 x 1.60 - 156.0 37.5 0.05 0.34 9.0 C Yes 171.8 24
RT-TV-1M-220 1.00 8.0 1/2″ 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 - 218.2 20.0 0.10 1.24 14.0 C Yes 218.0 27
RT-TV-2M-220 2.00 8.0 1/2″ 2.40 x 1.80 2.85 x 2.14 3.20 x 2.40 - 218.2 33.0 0.10 0.67 11.0 C Yes 227.0 27
RT-TV-3M-220 3.00 8.0 1/2″ 1.60 x 1.20 1.90 x 1.43 2.13 x 1.60 - 218.2 43.0 0.10 0.41 9.6 C Yes 230.8 27
RT-TV-1M-290 1.00 8.0 1/2″ 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 - 290.7 20.0 0.10 1.24 13.0 C Yes 203.7 27
RT-TV-2M-290 2.00 8.0 1/2″ 2.40 x 1.80 2.85 x 2.14 3.20 x 2.40 - 290.7 33.0 0.10 0.67 11.0 C Yes 212.7 27
RT-TV-3M-290 3.00 8.0 1/2″ 1.60 x 1.20 1.90 x 1.43 2.13 x 1.60 - 290.7 43.0 0.10 0.41 9.6 C Yes 216.5 27
RT-TV-05M-400 0.50 8.0 1/2″ 9.60 x 7.20 11.40 x 8.56 12.80 x 9.60 - 400.0 13.9 0.35 3.07 18.6 C Yes 149.6 34
RT-TV-1M-400 1.00 8.9 1/1.8″ 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 400.0 25.0 0.30 1.69 16.8 C Yes 166.2 34
RT-TV-2M-400 2.00 8.9 1/1.8″ 2.40 x 1.80 2.85 x 2.14 3.20 x 2.40 3.57 x 2.67 400.0 33.3 0.07 0.64 11.2 C Yes 176.5 34
RT-TV-05M-800 0.50 8.9 1/1.8″ 9.60 x 7.20 11.4 x 8.56 12.8 x 9.60 14.3 x 10.7 800.0 16.7 0.04 3.89 22.4 C Yes 279.6 58
RT-TV-1M-800 1.00 8.9 1/1.8″ 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 800.0 20.0 0.09 1.24 13.4 C Yes 296.7 58

1 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS
2 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
Area scan cameras p. 196-205


TCCXHM series
High magnification telecentric lenses with built-in coaxial illumination for detectors up to 2/3″

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specs

Part Mag. Image Max 1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2” 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 MP WD wF/# Distortion Field Nominal Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle detector 6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm depth resolving adj.
size diag diag diag diag diag power
wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh
4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (µm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
Object field of view (mm x mm)
Working distance (WD) 71 mm
RT-HR-6F-71 6.00 11 2/3” 0.80 x 0.60 0.95 x 0.71 1.07 x 0.80 1.19 x 0.89 1.42 x 1.18 71.00 41.1 0.27 0.10 4.60 C Yes 107.9 18
RT-HR-4F-71 4.00 11 2/3” 1.20 x 0.90 1.43 x 1.07 1.60 x 1.20 1.78 x 1.33 2.13 x 1.77 71.00 29.0 0.24 0.13 4.90 C Yes 100.0 18
RT-HR-2F-71 2.00 11 2/3” 2.40 x 1.80 2.85 x 2.14 3.20 x 2.40 3.57 x 2.67 4.25 x 3.55 71.00 18.5 0.21 0.30 6.20 C Yes 97.0 18
RT-HR-1F-71 1.00 11 2/3” 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 71.00 15.6 0 0.90 10.50 C Yes 116.1 18
Working distance (WD) 110 mm
RT-HR-6F-110 6.00 11 2/3” 0.80 x 0.60 0.95 x 0.71 1.07 x 0.80 1.19 x 0.89 1.42 x 1.18 110.00 55.6 0.25 0.16 6.20 C Yes 114.2 18
RT-HR-4F-110 4.00 11 2/3” 1.20 x 0.90 1.43 x 1.07 1.60 x 1.20 1.78 x 1.33 2.13 x 1.77 110.00 39.2 0.54 0.20 6.60 C Yes 94.6 18
RT-HR-2F-110 2.00 11 2/3” 2.40 x 1.80 2.85 x 2.14 3.20 x 2.40 3.57 x 2.67 4.25 x 3.55 110.00 23.8 0.78 0.40 8.00 C Yes 87.4 18
RT-HR-1F-110 1.00 11 2/3” 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 110.00 6.7 0.04 1.00 11.20 C Yes 125.2 18

1 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE LED SOURCES
2 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.

LDSC series p. 267


Area scan cameras p. 196-205


TCCXLM series
Telecentric lenses with built-in coaxial illumination for detectors up to 2/3”

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specs

Part Mag. Image Max 1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2” 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 MP WD wF/# Distortion Field Nominal Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle detector 6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm depth resolving adj.
size diag diag diag diag diag power
wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh
4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm) 1 (%) (mm) (µm) 2 (mm) (mm)
Object field of view (mm x mm)
RT-TCL0400-F 0.40 11 2/3″ 12.0 x 9.00 14.3 x 10.7 16.0 x 12.0 17.8 x 13.3 21.3 x 17.7 78.50 8 - 40 -0.015 2.10 15.00 C 188 44
RT-TCL0300-F 0.30 11 2/3″ 16.0 x 12.0 19.0 x 14.3 21.3 x 16.0 23.8 x 17.8 28.3 x 23.6 108.20 8 - 40 0.010 3.70 20.00 C 224 49
RT-TCL0200-F 0.20 11 2/3″ 24.0 x 18.0 28.5 x 21.4 32.0 x 24.0 35.7 x 26.7 42.5 x 35.5 167.00 8 40 0.010 8.40 31.00 C 297 68

1 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE LED SOURCES
2 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.

LDSC series p. 267


Area scan cameras p. 196-205


TC1MHR-TC4MHR series
High-resolution telecentric lenses for large detectors up to 4/3”


Wide image circle for detectors larger than 2/3” .

Excellent resolution and low distortion.

Simple and robust design for industrial environments.

Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.

C, F and M42X1 (-E) mount options with easy phase adjustment.

TC1MHR-TC4MHR series are high resolution telecentric lenses In order to help the selection, some of the most commonly used
designed for detectors larger than 2/3″, making them the perfect large matrix detectors are listed: select the product that best suits
choice for advanced metrology applications. your application by choosing the column where the your detector
The TC1MHR -TC4MHR series delivers unmatched resolution, low is listed and scrolling down the table until you find the field of view
distortion and homogeneous image quality while offering the best best matching your needs.
performance to price ratio.

TC1MHR -TC4MHR feature a compact and robust design that allows

for easy integration in industrial environments. Additionally, the
camera phase can be easily adjusted by simply loosening the set
screws positioned in the eyepiece part.

TC1MHR series for up to 1/1.2” sensors

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

1/1.2” 1” 1.1” 1.2” 4/3″
IMX174 / IMX255 / IMX253 / KAI-4022 / KAI-08050
IMX249 IMX267 IMX304 4021
13.3 mm 16.1 mm 17.6 mm 21.5 mm 22.6 mm
diag diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle 11.3 x 7.10 14.19 x 7.51 14.2 x 10.4 15.2 x 15.2 18.1 x 13.6 typical (max) typical (max) depth @50lp/mm adj
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
7 1 2 3 4 5 9 6
Object field of view (mm x mm) 8
TC1MHR 016-C 0.639 13.3 17.68 x 11.11 ø = 11.75 ø = 16.28 ø = 20.81 ø = 20.81 44.3 11 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 2.2 > 40 C Yes 125.4 40
TC1MHR 024-C 0.424 13.3 26.65 x 16.75 ø = 17.71 ø = 24.53 ø = 31.37 ø = 31.37 67.2 11 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 5.0 > 45 C Yes 150.2 44
TC1MHR 036-C 0.295 13.3 38.31 x 24.07 ø = 25.46 ø = 35.25 ø = 45.08 ø = 45.08 102.6 11 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 10.4 > 40 C Yes 177.6 61
TC1MHR 048-C 0.222 13.3 50.90 x 31.98 ø = 33.83 ø = 46.85 ø = 59.91 ø = 59.91 132.4 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 13.4 > 55 C Yes 215.9 75
TC1MHR 056-C 0.190 13.3 59.47 x 37.37 ø = 39.53 ø = 54.74 ø = 70.00 ø = 70.00 157.8 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 18.3 > 55 C Yes 238.7 80
TC1MHR 064-C 0.166 13.3 68.07 x 42.77 ø = 45.24 ø = 62.65 ø = 80.12 ø = 80.12 181.9 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 24.0 > 55 C Yes 259.8 100
TC1MHR 080-C 0.134 13.3 84.33 x 52.99 ø = 56.04 ø = 77.61 ø = 99.25 ø = 99.25 226.8 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 36.8 > 50 C Yes 305.4 116
TC1MHR 096-C 0.114 13.3 99.12 x 62.28 ø = 65.88 ø = 91.23 ø = 116.67 ø = 116.67 278.6 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 50.8 > 55 C Yes 342.7 143
TC1MHR 120-C 0.087 13.3 129.89 x 81.61 ø = 86.32 ø = 119.54 ø = 152.87 ø = 152.87 334.6 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 87.2 > 55 C Yes 428.3 180
TC1MHR 144-C 0.074 13.3 152.70 x 95.95 ø = 101.49 ø = 140.54 ø = 179.73 ø = 179.73 396.0 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 120.5 > 55 C Yes 487.8 200
TC1MHR 192-C 0.056 13.3 201.79 x 126.79 ø = 134.11 ø = 185.71 ø = 237.50 ø = 237.50 527.6 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 210.5 > 50 C Yes 628.2 260
TC1MHR 240-C 0.045 13.3 251.1 x 157.8 ø = 166.89 ø = 231.11 ø = 295.56 ø = 295.56 492.9 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 325.9 > 55 C Yes 788.4 322

TC2MHR series for up to 1” sensors

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

1/1.2” 1” 1.1” 1.2” 4/3″
IMX174 / IMX255 / IMX253 / KAI-4022 / KAI-08050
IMX249 IMX267 IMX304 4021
13.3 mm 16.1 mm 17.6 mm 21.5 mm 22.6 mm
diag diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle 11.3 x 7.10 14.19 x 7.51 14.2 x 10.4 15.2 x 15.2 18.1 x 13.6 typical (max) typical (max) depth @50lp/mm adj
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
7 1 2 3 4 5 9 6
Object field of view (mm x mm) 8
TC2MHR 016-C 0.767 16.6 14.73 x 9.26 18.50 x 9.79 ø = 13.56 ø = 19.82 ø = 17.73 43.8 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 2.2 > 30 C Yes 145.5 45
TC2MHR 016-F 0.767 16.6 14.73 x 9.26 18.50 x 9.79 ø = 13.56 ø = 19.82 ø = 17.73 43.8 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 2.2 > 30 F Yes 116.5 64
TC2MHR 016-E 0.767 16.6 14.73 x 9.26 18.50 x 9.79 ø = 13.56 ø = 19.82 ø = 17.73 43.8 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 2.2 > 30 M42X1 FD16 Yes 147.0 52
TC2MHR 024-C 0.508 16.9 22.24 x 13.98 27.93 x 14.78 ø = 20.47 ø = 29.92 ø = 26.77 67.2 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 5.1 > 40 C Yes 170.4 45
TC2MHR 024-F 0.508 16.9 22.24 x 13.98 27.93 x 14.78 ø = 20.47 ø = 29.92 ø = 26.77 67.2 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 5.1 > 40 F Yes 141.4 64
TC2MHR 024-E 0.508 16.9 22.24 x 13.98 27.93 x 14.78 ø = 20.47 ø = 29.92 ø = 26.77 67.2 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 5.1 > 40 M42X1 FD16 Yes 171.9 52
TC2MHR 036-C 0.353 16.7 32.01 x 20.11 40.20 x 21.27 ø = 29.46 ø = 43.06 ø = 38.53 102.6 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 10.6 > 30 C Yes 197.7 61
TC2MHR 036-F 0.353 16.7 32.01 x 20.11 40.20 x 21.27 ø = 29.46 ø = 43.06 ø = 38.53 102.6 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 10.6 > 30 F Yes 168.7 64
TC2MHR 036-E 0.353 16.7 32.01 x 20.11 40.20 x 21.27 ø = 29.46 ø = 43.06 ø = 38.53 102.6 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 10.6 > 30 M42X1 FD16 Yes 199.2 61
TC2MHR 048-C 0.268 16.9 42.16 x 26.49 52.95 x 28.02 ø = 38.81 ø = 56.72 ø = 50.75 133.4 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 18.4 > 30 C Yes 232.8 75
TC2MHR 048-F 0.268 16.9 42.16 x 26.49 52.95 x 28.02 ø = 38.81 ø = 56.72 ø = 50.75 133.4 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 18.4 > 30 F Yes 203.8 75
TC2MHR 048-E 0.268 16.9 42.16 x 26.49 52.95 x 28.02 ø = 38.81 ø = 56.72 ø = 50.75 133.4 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 18.4 > 30 M42X1 FD16 Yes 234.3 75
TC2MHR 056-C 0.228 16.8 49.56 x 31.14 62.24 x 32.94 ø = 45.61 ø = 66.67 ø = 59.65 157.8 16 <0.04 (0.08) <0.05 (0.10) 25.4 > 40 C Yes 257.1 80
TC2MHR 056-F 0.228 16.8 49.56 x 31.14 62.24 x 32.94 ø = 45.61 ø = 66.67 ø = 59.65 157.8 16 <0.04 (0.08) <0.05 (0.10) 25.4 > 40 F Yes 228.1 80
TC2MHR 056-E 0.228 16.8 49.56 x 31.14 62.24 x 32.94 ø = 45.61 ø = 66.67 ø = 59.65 157.8 16 <0.04 (0.08) <0.05 (0.10) 25.4 > 40 M42X1 FD16 Yes 258.7 80
TC2MHR 064-C 0.200 16.8 56.50 x 35.50 70.95 x 37.55 ø = 52.00 ø = 76.00 ø = 68.00 181.9 16 <0.04 (0.08) <0.05 (0.10) 33.0 > 40 C Yes 278.3 100
TC2MHR 064-F 0.200 16.8 56.50 x 35.50 70.95 x 37.55 ø = 52.00 ø = 76.00 ø = 68.00 181.9 16 <0.04 (0.08) <0.05 (0.10) 33.0 > 40 F Yes 249.3 100
TC2MHR 064-E 0.200 16.8 56.50 x 35.50 70.95 x 37.55 ø = 52.00 ø = 76.00 ø = 68.00 181.9 16 <0.04 (0.08) <0.05 (0.10) 33.0 > 40 M42X1 FD16 Yes 279.8 100
TC2MHR 080-C 0.160 16.9 70.63 x 44.38 88.69 x 46.94 ø = 65.00 ø = 95.00 ø = 85.00 226.8 16 <0.04 (0.08) <0.05 (0.10) 51.6 > 40 C Yes 324.0 116
TC2MHR 080-F 0.160 16.9 70.63 x 44.38 88.69 x 46.94 ø = 65.00 ø = 95.00 ø = 85.00 226.8 16 <0.04 (0.08) <0.05 (0.10) 51.6 > 40 F Yes 295.0 116
TC2MHR 080-E 0.160 16.9 70.63 x 44.38 88.69 x 46.94 ø = 65.00 ø = 95.00 ø = 85.00 226.8 16 <0.04 (0.08) <0.05 (0.10) 51.6 > 40 M42X1 FD16 Yes 325.5 116
TC2MHR 096-C 0.137 16.9 82.48 x 51.82 103.58 x 54.82 ø = 75.91 ø = 110.95 ø = 99.27 278.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.07 (0.10) 70.3 > 40 C Yes 396.4 143
TC2MHR 096-F 0.137 16.9 82.48 x 51.82 103.58 x 54.82 ø = 75.91 ø = 110.95 ø = 99.27 278.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.07 (0.10) 70.3 > 40 F Yes 367.4 143
TC2MHR 096-E 0.137 16.9 82.48 x 51.82 103.58 x 54.82 ø = 75.91 ø = 110.95 ø = 99.27 278.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.07 (0.10) 70.3 > 40 M42X1 FD16 Yes 397.9 143
TC2MHR 120-C 0.104 16.5 108.65 x 68.27 136.44 x 72.21 ø = 100.00 ø = 146.15 ø = 130.77 334.6 16 <0.07(0.10) <0.07 (0.10) 122.0 > 40 C Yes 451.4 180
TC2MHR120-F 0.104 16.5 108.65 x 68.27 136.44 x 72.21 ø = 100.00 ø = 146.15 ø = 130.77 334.6 16 <0.07(0.10) <0.07 (0.10) 122.0 > 40 F Yes 422.4 180
TC2MHR 120-E 0.104 16.5 108.65 x 68.27 136.44 x 72.21 ø = 100.00 ø = 146.15 ø = 130.77 334.6 16 <0.07(0.10) <0.07 (0.10) 122.0 > 40 M42X1 FD16 Yes 452.9 180
TC2MHR 144-C 0.089 16.8 126.97 x 79.78 159.44 x 84.38 ø = 116.85 ø = 170.79 ø = 152.81 396.0 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.05 (0.10) 166.6 > 40 C Yes 510.8 200
TC2MHR 144-F 0.089 16.8 126.97 x 79.78 159.44 x 84.38 ø = 116.85 ø = 170.79 ø = 152.81 396.0 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.05 (0.10) 166.6 > 40 F Yes 481.8 200
TC2MHR 144-E 0.089 16.8 126.97 x 79.78 159.44 x 84.38 ø = 116.85 ø = 170.79 ø = 152.81 396.0 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.05 (0.10) 166.6 > 40 M42X1 FD16 Yes 512.4 200
TC2MHR 192-C 0.067 16.8 168.66 x 105.97 211.79 x 112.09 ø = 155.22 ø = 226.87 ø = 202.99 527.5 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 294.1 > 40 C Yes 649.2 260
TC2MHR 192-F 0.067 16.8 168.66 x 105.97 211.79 x 112.09 ø = 155.22 ø = 226.87 ø = 202.99 527.5 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 294.1 > 40 F Yes 620.2 260
TC2MHR 192-E 0.067 16.8 168.66 x 105.97 211.79 x 112.09 ø = 155.22 ø = 226.87 ø = 202.99 527.5 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 294.1 > 40 M42X1 FD16 Yes 650.8 260
TC2MHR 240-C 0.053 16.2 213.21 x 133.96 267.74 x 141.70 ø = 196.23 ø = 286.79 ø = 256.60 492.9 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 469.9 > 40 C Yes 812.2 322
TC2MHR 240-F 0.053 16.2 213.21 x 133.96 267.74 x 141.70 ø = 196.23 ø = 286.79 ø = 256.60 492.9 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 469.9 > 40 F Yes 783.2 322
TC2MHR 240-E 0.053 16.2 213.21 x 133.96 267.74 x 141.70 ø = 196.23 ø = 286.79 ø = 256.60 492.9 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 469.9 > 40 M42X1 FD16 Yes 813.7 322

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution but, to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should be
and minimum distortion. considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 5.5 μm.
2 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. 6 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange..
Lenses with smaller apertures (higher wF#) can be supplied on request. 7 With KAI-08050 (22.6 mm diagonal) detectors, the FOV of TC4MHRyyy-x lenses
3 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to milliradians, may show some vignetting at the image corners
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter of object displacement. 8 For the fields with the indication “Ø =”, the image of a circular object of such
Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed. diameter is fully inscribed into the detector.
4 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image: 9 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.

Ordering information
It’s easy to select the right lens for your application: our part numbers are coded as TC1MHR yyy-x, TC2MHR yyy-x, TC3MHR yyy-x, or TC4MHR yyy-x where yyy refers to the width
dimension of the object field of view (FOV) in millimeters and -x refers to the mount option:
- C for C-mount
- F for F-mount
- E for M42X1 mount (flange distance FD 16 mm).
E.g. TC4MHR064-F for an F-mount TC 4MHR 064 lens. Customized mounts are also available upon request.


TC1MHR-TC4MHR series
High-resolution telecentric lenses for large detectors up to 4/3”

Mount C Mount E = M42x1 Mount F


TCCX2M series p. 62 CMMR series p. 236


LTCLHP series p. 132 Area scan cameras p. 196-205

TC3MHR series for up to 1.1” sensors

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

1/1.2” 1” 1.1” 1.2” 4/3″
IMX174 / IMX255 / IMX253 / KAI-4022 / KAI-08050
IMX249 IMX267 IMX304 4021
13.3 mm 16.1 mm 17.6 mm 21.5 mm 22.6 mm
diag diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle 11.3 x 7.10 14.19 x 7.51 14.2 x 10.4 15.2 x 15.2 18.1 x 13.6 typical (max) typical (max) depth @50lp/mm adj
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
7 1 2 3 4 5 9 6
Object field of view (mm x mm) 8
TC3MHR 016-C 0.850 17.6 13.29 x 8.35 16.69 x 8.84 16.71 x 12.24 ø = 17.88 ø = 16.00 43.1 11 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 1.3 > 30 C Yes 155.2 40
TC3MHR 024-C 0.564 17.6 20.04 x 12.59 25.16 x 13.32 25.18 x 18.44 ø = 26.95 ø = 24.11 67.2 11 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 2.9 > 40 C Yes 177.0 44
TC3MHR 036-C 0.392 17.6 28.83 x 18.11 36.20 x 19.16 36.22 x 26.53 ø = 38.78 ø = 34.69 102.6 11 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 5.9 > 40 C Yes 204.4 61
TC3MHR 048-C 0.303 17.6 37.29 x 23.43 46.83 x 24.79 46.86 x 34.32 ø = 50.17 ø = 44.88 132.9 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 7.2 > 50 C Yes 223.4 75
TC3MHR 056-C 0.259 17.6 43.63 x 27.41 54.79 x 29.00 54.83 x 40.15 ø = 58.69 ø = 52.51 157.8 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 9.8 > 55 C Yes 246.7 80
TC3MHR 064-C 0.227 17.6 49.78 x 31.28 62.51 x 33.08 62.56 x 45.81 ø = 66.96 ø = 59.91 181.9 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 12.8 > 55 C Yes 284.0 100
TC3MHR 080-C 0.182 17.6 62.09 x 39.01 77.97 x 41.26 78.02 x 57.14 ø = 83.52 ø = 74.73 226.8 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 19.9 > 50 C Yes 313.6 116
TC3MHR 096-C 0.153 17.6 73.86 x 46.41 92.75 x 49.08 92.81 x 67.97 ø = 99.35 ø = 88.89 278.6 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 28.2 > 55 C Yes 354.7 143
TC3MHR 120-C 0.118 17.6 95.76 x 60.17 120.25 x 63.64 120.34 x 88.14 ø = 128.81 ø = 115.25 334.6 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 47.4 > 55 C Yes 440.4 180
TC3MHR 144-C 0.100 17.6 113.00 x 71.00 141.90 x 75.10 142.00 x 104.00 ø = 152.00 ø = 136.00 396.0 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 66.0 > 55 C Yes 499.8 200
TC3MHR 192-C 0.075 17.6 150.67 x 94.67 189.20 x 100.13 189.33 x 138.67 ø = 202.67 ø = 181.33 527.6 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 117.3 > 50 C Yes 640.3 260
TC3MHR 240-C 0.059 17.6 191.5 x 120.3 240.5 x 127.29 240.68 x 176.27 ø = 257.63 ø = 230.51 492.9 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 189.6 > 55 C Yes 801.6 322

TC4MHR series for up to 4/3” sensors

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

1/1.2” 1” 1.1” 1.2” 4/3″
IMX174 / IMX255 / IMX253 / KAI-4022 / KAI-08050
IMX249 IMX267 IMX304 4021
13.3 mm 16.1 mm 17.6 mm 21.5 mm 22.6 mm
diag diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle 11.3 x 7.10 14.19 x 7.51 14.2 x 10.4 15.2 x 15.2 18.1 x 13.6 typical (max) typical (max) depth @50lp/mm adj
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
7 1 2 3 4 5 9 6
TC4M lenses Object field of view (mm x mm) 8
TC4M 004-C 4.000 22.0 2.83 x 1.78 3.55 x 1.88 3.55 x 2.60 3.80 x 3.80 4.53 x 3.40 57.1 22 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 0.1 > 30 C Yes 206.4 45
TC4M 004-F 4.000 22.0 2.83 x 1.78 3.55 x 1.88 3.55 x 2.60 3.80 x 3.80 4.53 x 3.40 57.1 22 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 0.1 > 30 F Yes 178.4 45
TC4M 007-C 2.667 22.0 4.24 x 2.66 5.32 x 2.82 5.32 x 3.90 5.70 x 5.70 6.79 x 5.10 31.2 22 <0.08 (0.10) <0.06 (0.10) 0.3 > 30 C Yes 183.5 45
TC4M 007-F 2.667 22.0 4.24 x 2.66 5.32 x 2.82 5.32 x 3.90 5.70 x 5.70 6.79 x 5.10 31.2 22 <0.08 (0.10) <0.06 (0.10) 0.3 > 30 F Yes 155.4 45
TC4M 009-C 2.000 22.0 5.65 x 3.55 7.10 x 3.76 7.10 x 5.20 7.60 x 7.60 9.05 x 6.80 63.3 22 <0.08 (0.10) <0.05 (0.10) 0.5 > 30 C Yes 170.0 45
TC4M 009-F 2.000 22.0 5.65 x 3.55 7.10 x 3.76 7.10 x 5.20 7.60 x 7.60 9.05 x 6.80 63.3 22 <0.08 (0.10) <0.05 (0.10) 0.5 > 30 F Yes 142.0 45

TC4MHR lenses
TC4MHR 016-C 1.055 21.2 10.71 x 6.73 13.45 x 7.12 13.46 x 9.86 14.41 x 14.41 17.16 x 12.89 43.8 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 1.2 > 30 C Yes 169.6 45
TC4MHR 016-F 1.055 21.2 10.71 x 6.73 13.45 x 7.12 13.46 x 9.86 14.41 x 14.41 17.16 x 12.89 43.8 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 1.2 > 30 F Yes 140.6 64
TC4MHR 016-E 1.055 21.2 10.71 x 6.73 13.45 x 7.12 13.46 x 9.86 14.41 x 14.41 17.16 x 12.89 43.8 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 1.2 > 30 Yes 171.1 52
TC4MHR 024-C 0.700 21.6 16.14 x 10.14 20.27 x 10.73 20.29 x 14.86 21.71 x 21.71 25.86 x 19.43 57.2 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 2.7 > 30 C Yes 194.8 45
TC4MHR 024-F 0.700 21.6 16.14 x 10.14 20.27 x 10.73 20.29 x 14.86 21.71 x 21.71 25.86 x 19.43 57.2 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 2.7 > 30 F Yes 165.8 64
TC4MHR 024-E 0.700 21.6 16.14 x 10.14 20.27 x 10.73 20.29 x 14.86 21.71 x 21.71 25.86 x 19.43 57.2 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 2.7 > 30 Yes 196.3 52
TC4MHR 036-C 0.486 21.4 23.25 x 14.61 29.20 x 15.45 29.22 x 21.40 31.28 x 31.28 37.24 x 27.98 102.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 5.6 > 30 C Yes 222.0 61
TC4MHR 036-F 0.486 21.4 23.25 x 14.61 29.20 x 15.45 29.22 x 21.40 31.28 x 31.28 37.24 x 27.98 102.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 5.6 > 30 F Yes 193.0 64
TC4MHR 036-E 0.486 21.4 23.25 x 14.61 29.20 x 15.45 29.22 x 21.40 31.28 x 31.28 37.24 x 27.98 102.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 5.6 > 30 Yes 223.6 61
TC4MHR 048-C 0.369 21.7 30.62 x 19.24 38.46 x 20.35 38.48 x 28.18 41.19 x 41.19 49.05 x 36.86 133.4 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 9.7 > 40 C Yes 257.1 75
TC4MHR 048-F 0.369 21.7 30.62 x 19.24 38.46 x 20.35 38.48 x 28.18 41.19 x 41.19 49.05 x 36.86 133.4 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 9.7 > 40 F Yes 228.1 75
TC4MHR 048-E 0.369 21.7 30.62 x 19.24 38.46 x 20.35 38.48 x 28.18 41.19 x 41.19 49.05 x 36.86 133.4 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 9.7 > 40 Yes 258.6 75
TC4MHR 056-C 0.314 21.6 35.99 x 22.61 45.19 x 23.92 45.22 x 33.12 48.41 x 48.41 57.64 x 43.31 157.8 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 13.4 > 40 C Yes 280.7 80
TC4MHR 056-F 0.314 21.6 35.99 x 22.61 45.19 x 23.92 45.22 x 33.12 48.41 x 48.41 57.64 x 43.31 157.8 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 13.4 > 40 F Yes 251.7 80
TC4MHR 056-E 0.314 21.6 35.99 x 22.61 45.19 x 23.92 45.22 x 33.12 48.41 x 48.41 57.64 x 43.31 157.8 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 13.4 > 40 Yes 282.2 80
TC4MHR 064-C 0.275 21.6 41.09 x 25.82 51.60 x 27.31 51.64 x 37.82 55.27 x 55.27 65.82 x 49.45 181.9 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 17.5 > 40 C Yes 301.8 100
TC4MHR 064-F 0.275 21.6 41.09 x 25.82 51.60 x 27.31 51.64 x 37.82 55.27 x 55.27 65.82 x 49.45 181.9 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 17.5 > 40 F Yes 272.8 100
TC4MHR 064-E 0.275 21.6 41.09 x 25.82 51.60 x 27.31 51.64 x 37.82 55.27 x 55.27 65.82 x 49.45 181.9 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 17.5 > 40 Yes 303.4 100
TC4MHR 080-C 0.221 21.7 51.13 x 32.13 64.21 x 33.98 64.25 x 47.06 68.78 x 68.78 81.90 x 61.54 226.8 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 27.0 > 40 C Yes 347.6 116
TC4MHR 080-F 0.221 21.7 51.13 x 32.13 64.21 x 33.98 64.25 x 47.06 68.78 x 68.78 81.90 x 61.54 226.8 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 27.0 > 40 F Yes 318.6 116
TC4MHR 080-E 0.221 21.7 51.13 x 32.13 64.21 x 33.98 64.25 x 47.06 68.78 x 68.78 81.90 x 61.54 226.8 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 27.0 > 40 Yes 349.1 116
TC4MHR 096-C 0.186 21.6 60.75 x 38.17 76.29 x 40.38 76.34 x 55.91 81.72 x 81.72 97.31 x 73.12 278.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 38.2 > 35 C Yes 392.8 143
TC4MHR 096-F 0.186 21.6 60.75 x 38.17 76.29 x 40.38 76.34 x 55.91 81.72 x 81.72 97.31 x 73.12 278.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 38.2 > 35 F Yes 363.8 143
TC4MHR 096-E 0.186 21.6 60.75 x 38.17 76.29 x 40.38 76.34 x 55.91 81.72 x 81.72 97.31 x 73.12 278.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 38.2 > 35 Yes 394.3 143
TC4MHR 120-C 0.143 21.2 79.02 x 49.65 99.23 x 52.52 99.30 x 72.73 106.29 x 106.29 126.57 x 95.10 334.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 64.6 > 30 C Yes 475.2 180
TC4MHR 120-F 0.143 21.2 79.02 x 49.65 99.23 x 52.52 99.30 x 72.73 106.29 x 106.29 126.57 x 95.10 334.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 64.6 > 30 F Yes 446.2 180
TC4MHR 120-E 0.143 21.2 79.02 x 49.65 99.23 x 52.52 99.30 x 72.73 106.29 x 106.29 126.57 x 95.10 334.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 64.6 > 30 Yes 476.7 180
TC4MHR 144-C 0.122 21.6 92.62 x 58.20 116.31 x 61.56 116.39 x 85.25 124.59 x 124.59 148.36 x 111.48 396.0 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 88.7 > 30 C Yes 537.7 200
TC4MHR 144-F 0.122 21.6 92.62 x 58.20 116.31 x 61.56 116.39 x 85.25 124.59 x 124.59 148.36 x 111.48 396.0 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 88.7 > 30 F Yes 508.7 200
TC4MHR 144-E 0.122 21.6 92.62 x 58.20 116.31 x 61.56 116.39 x 85.25 124.59 x 124.59 148.36 x 111.48 396.0 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 88.7 > 30 Yes 539.2 200
TC4MHR 192-C 0.092 21.6 122.83 x 77.17 154.24 x 81.63 154.35 x 113.04 165.22 x 165.22 196.74 x 147.83 527.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 156.0 > 30 C Yes 679.1 260
TC4MHR 192-F 0.092 21.6 122.83 x 77.17 154.24 x 81.63 154.35 x 113.04 165.22 x 165.22 196.74 x 147.83 527.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 156.0 > 30 F Yes 650.1 260
TC4MHR 192-E 0.092 21.6 122.83 x 77.17 154.24 x 81.63 154.35 x 113.04 165.22 x 165.22 196.74 x 147.83 527.6 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.04 (0.10) 156.0 > 30 Yes 680.7 260
TC4MHR 240-C 0.073 21.1 154.79 x 97.26 194.38 x 102.88 194.52 x 142.47 208.22 x 208.22 247.95 x 186.30 492.9 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.05 (0.10) 247.7 > 30 C Yes 827.3 322
TC4MHR 240-F 0.073 21.1 154.79 x 97.26 194.38 x 102.88 194.52 x 142.47 208.22 x 208.22 247.95 x 186.30 492.9 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.05 (0.10) 247.7 > 30 F Yes 798.3 322
TC4MHR 240-E 0.073 21.1 154.79 x 97.26 194.38 x 102.88 194.52 x 142.47 208.22 x 208.22 247.95 x 186.30 492.9 16 <0.05 (0.10) <0.05 (0.10) 247.7 > 30 Yes 828.8 322

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution but, to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should be
and minimum distortion. considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 5.5 μm.
2 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. 6 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange..
Lenses with smaller apertures (higher wF#) can be supplied on request. 7 With KAI-08050 (22.6 mm diagonal) detectors, the FOV of TC4MHRyyy-x lenses
3 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to milliradians, may show some vignetting at the image corners
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter of object displacement. 8 For the fields with the indication “Ø =”, the image of a circular object of such
Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed. diameter is fully inscribed into the detector.
4 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image: 9 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.

Ordering information
It’s easy to select the right lens for your application: our part numbers are coded as TC1MHR yyy-x, TC2MHR yyy-x, TC3MHR yyy-x, or TC4MHR yyy-x where yyy refers to the width
dimension of the object field of view (FOV) in millimeters and -x refers to the mount option:
- C for C-mount
- F for F-mount
- E for M42X1 mount (flange distance FD 16 mm).
E.g. TC4MHR064-F for an F-mount TC 4MHR 064 lens. Customized mounts are also available upon request.



Ultra compact high-resolution telecentric lenses up to 4/3”


Excellent optical performance

TC1MHR -TC4MHR CORE telecentric lenses deliver excellent optical
performance as other comparable Opto Engineering® telecentric

Extremely compact
TC1MHR -TC4MHR CORE lenses are up to 70% smaller than other
telecentric lenses on the market.

Designed for flexibility and smart integration

TC1MHR -TC4MHR CORE lenses integrate a camera phase
adjustment and can be mounted on multiple sides with or without
clamps, allowing you to cut costs.

Save you money

Systems integrating TC1MHR -TC4MHR CORE lenses take much less
space, resulting in lower manufacturing, shipping and storage costs.

Boost your sales

A smaller vision system or measurement machine is the solution
preferred by the industry.

Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.

TC1MHR-TC4MHR CORE series are ultra compact telecentric TC1MHR-TC4MHR CORE lenses ensure hassle-free integration in a
lenses tailored for high-resolution sensors up to 4/3” . measurement system. The rear phase adjustment allows the user
  to easily align the camera sensor to the sample.
TC1MHR-TC4MHR CORE lenses deliver excellent optical
performance in a super compact shape. Thanks to the unique These lenses can be mounted in several orientations thanks to the
opto-mechanical design, these lenses offer very high resolution, M6 threads located on multiple sides, even without clamps.
nearly zero distortion and high field depth while saving up to 70% For maximum flexibility, a special front mounting clamp is also
in length compared to similar FOV lenses on the market. available.


LTCLHP CORE series p. 134


CMHOCR series p. 231


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

COE HR AS-X series p. 207

Comparison of a “classic“ telecentric lens and a TC CORE telecentric lens:

TC CORE lens delivers best optical performance and is extremely compact.

with C Mount with E Mount (M42x1)

with F Mount

Built-in phase adjustment makes it easy to align

the camera sensor.

Application example

Standard solution
with a 4/3” camera,
File Edit Zoom Select


and a LTCLHP CORE illuminator.



Ultra compact high-resolution telecentric lenses up to 4/3”

TC1MHR -TC4MHR CORE lens dimensions (A, B, C) and correct position of the sensor Technical information:
in relation to the lens:


sensor position n° 1 sensor position n° 2


The long side of sensor has to be aligned along axis B (position n°1) or axis A (pisition n°2). Image shape dimensions (Ø, x).

TC1MHR CORE series for up to 1/1.2” sensors

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

1/1.2” 1” 1.1” 1.2” 4/3″
IMX174 / KAI-04050 IMX253 / KAI-4022 / KAI-08050
IMX249 IMX304 4021
13.3 mm 16 mm 17.6 mm 21.5 mm 22.6 mm
Part Mag. Image diag. diag. diag. diag. diag.
number shape wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Dimensions
dimensions 11.3 x 7.1 12.8 x 9.6 14.2 x 10.4 15.2 x 15.2 18.1 x 13.6 typical (max) typical (max) depth @50lp/mm adj.
(x) Ø,x (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm)
8 1 2 3 4 5 7
Object field of view (mm x mm) 6 A B C

TCCR1M 048-C 0.222 Ø=13.3, x=11.6 50.9 x 32.0 Ø=60, x=43 Ø=60, x=47 Ø=60, x=52 Ø=60, x=52 132.4 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 13.4 > 55 C Yes 77 106 144

TCCR1M 056-C 0.190 Ø=13.4, x=11.6 59.5 x 37.4 Ø=71, x=51 Ø=71, x=55 Ø=71, x=61 Ø=71, x=61 157.8 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 18.3 > 55 C Yes 94 110 154

TCCR1M 064-C 0.166 Ø=13.7, x=11.5 68.1 x 42.8 Ø=83, x=58 Ø=83, x=63 Ø=83, x=69 Ø=83, x=69 181.9 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 24.0 > 55 C Yes 101 122 162

TCCR1M 080-C 0.134 Ø=13.4, x=11.5 84.3 x 53.0 Ø=100, x=72 Ø=100, x=78 Ø=100, x=86 Ø=100, x=86 226.8 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 36.8 > 50 C Yes 119 145 181

TCCR1M 096-C 0.114 Ø=13.7, x=11.3 99.1 x 62.3 Ø=120, x=84 Ø=120, x=91 Ø=120, x=99 Ø=120, x=99 278.6 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 50.8 > 55 C Yes 139 172 198

TCCR1M 120-C 0.087 Ø=13.5, x=11.1 129.9 x 81.6 Ø=155, x=110 Ø=155, x=120 Ø=155, x=128 Ø=155, x=128 334.6 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 87.2 > 55 C Yes 182 220 231

TC2MHR CORE series for up to 1” sensors

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

1/1.2” 1” 1.1” 1.2” 4/3″
IMX174 / KAI-04050 IMX253 / KAI-4022 / KAI-08050
IMX249 IMX304 4021
13.3 mm 16 mm 17.6 mm 21.5 mm 22.6 mm
Part Mag. Image diag. diag. diag. diag. diag.
number shape wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Dimensions
dimensions 11.3 x 7.1 12.8 x 9.6 14.2 x 10.4 15.2 x 15.2 18.1 x 13.6 typical (max) typical (max) depth @50lp/mm adj.
(x) Ø,x (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm)
8 1 2 3 4 5 9 7
Object field of view (mm x mm) 6 A B C

TCCR2M 048-C 0.268 Ø=16.1, x=13.9 42.2 x 26.5 47.8 x 35.8 Ø=60, x=39 Ø=60, x=52 Ø=60, x=51 133.4 16 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 18 > 30 C Yes 77 109 168

TCCR2M 048-E 0.268 Ø=16.1, x=13.9 42.2 x 26.5 47.8 x 35.8 Ø=60, x=39 Ø=60, x=52 Ø=60, x=51 133.4 16 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 18 > 30 M42x1 FD 16 Yes 77 112 170

TCCR2M 056-C 0.228 Ø=16.2, x=13.9 49.6 x 31.1 56.1 x 42.1 Ø=71, x=46 Ø=71, x=61 Ø=71, x=60 157.8 16 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.05(0.10) 25 > 40 C Yes 94 112 178

TCCR2M 056-E 0.228 Ø=16.2, x=13.9 49.6 x 31.1 56.1 x 42.1 Ø=71, x=46 Ø=71, x=61 Ø=71, x=60 157.8 16 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.05(0.10) 25 > 40 M42x1 FD 16 Yes 94 114 178

TCCR2M 064-C 0.200 Ø=16.6, x=14.0 56.5 x 35.5 64.0 x 48.0 Ø=83, x=52 Ø=83, x=70 Ø=83, x=68 181.9 16 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.10) 33 > 40 C Yes 101 125 185

TCCR2M 064-E 0.200 Ø=16.6, x=14.0 56.5 x 35.5 64.0 x 48.0 Ø=83, x=52 Ø=83, x=70 Ø=83, x=68 181.9 16 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.10) 33 > 40 M42x1 FD 16 Yes 101 127 187

TCCR2M 080-C 0.160 Ø=16.3, x=13.8 70.6 x 44.4 80.0 x 60.0 Ø=102, x=65 Ø=102, x=86 Ø=102, x=85 227 16 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.10) 52 > 40 C Yes 119 145 205

TCCR2M 080-E 0.160 Ø=16.3, x=13.8 76 x 44.4 80.0 x 60.0 Ø=102, x=65 Ø=102, x=86 Ø=102, x=85 227 16 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.10) 52 > 40 M42x1 FD 16 Yes 119 149 207

TCCR2M 096-C 0.137 Ø=16.7, x=13.7 82.5 x 51.8 93.4 x 70.1 Ø=122, x=76 Ø=122, x=100 Ø=122, x=99 278.6 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.07 (0.10) 70 > 40 C Yes 139 172 230

TCCR2M 096-E 0.137 Ø=16.7, x=13.7 82.5 x 51.8 93.4 x 70.1 Ø=122, x=76 Ø=122, x=100 Ø=122, x=99 279 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.07 (0.10) 70 > 40 M42x1 FD 16 Yes 139 172 232

TCCR2M 120-C 0.104 Ø=16.4, x=13.4 108.7 x 68.3 123.1 x 92.3 Ø=158, x=100 Ø=158, x=129 Ø=158, x=129 335 16 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 122 > 40 C Yes 182 220 258

TCCR2M 120-E 0.104 Ø=16.4, x=13.4 108.7 x 68.3 123.1 x 92.3 Ø=158, x=100 Ø=158, x=129 Ø=158, x=129 335 16 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 122 > 40 M42x1 FD 16 Yes 182 220 260

TCCR2M 120-F 0.104 Ø=16.4, x=13.4 108.7 x 68.3 123.1 x 92.3 Ø=158, x=100 Ø=158, x=129 Ø=158, x=129 335 16 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 122 > 40 F Yes 182 220 233

TC3MHR CORE series for up to 1.1” sensors

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

1/1.2” 1” 1.1” 1.2” 4/3″
IMX174 / KAI-04050 IMX253 / KAI-4022 / KAI-08050
IMX249 IMX304 4021
13.3 mm 16 mm 17.6 mm 21.5 mm 22.6 mm
Part Mag. Image diag. diag. diag. diag. diag.
number shape wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Dimensions
dimensions 11.3 x 7.1 12.8 x 9.6 14.2 x 10.4 15.2 x 15.2 18.1 x 13.6 typical (max) typical (max) depth @50lp/mm adj.
(x) Ø,x (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm)
8 1 2 3 4 5 7
Object field of view (mm x mm) 6 A B C

TCCR3M 048-C 0.303 Ø=17.6, x=15.2 37.3 x 23.4 42.2 x 31.7 46.9 x 34.3 Ø=58, x=50 Ø=58, x=45 132.9 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 7.2 > 50 C Yes 77 106 153

TCCR3M 056-C 0.259 Ø=17.6, x=15.2 43.6 x 27.4 49.4 x 37.1 54.8 x 40.2 Ø=68, x=59 Ø=68, x=53 157.8 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 9.8 > 55 C Yes 94 110 162

TCCR3M 064-C 0.227 Ø=17.9, x=15.1 49.8 x 31.3 56.4 x 42.3 62.6 x 45.8 Ø=79, x=67 Ø=79, x=60 181.9 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 12.8 > 55 C Yes 101 122 171

TCCR3M 080-C 0.182 Ø=17.7, x=15.0 62.1 x 39.0 70.3 x 52.7 78.0 x 57.1 Ø=97, x=82 Ø=97, x=86 226.8 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 19.9 > 50 C Yes 119 145 190

TCCR3M 096-C 0.153 Ø=17.9, x=14.8 73.9 x 46.4 83.7 x 62.7 92.8 x 68.0 Ø=117, x=97 Ø=117, x=89 278.6 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 28.2 > 55 C Yes 139 172 210

TCCR3M 120-C 0.118 Ø=17.8, x=14.6 95.8 x 60.2 108.5 x 81.4 120.3 x 88.1 Ø=151, x=124 Ø=151, x=115 334.6 8 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 47.4 > 55 C Yes 182 220 243

TC4MHR CORE series for up to 4.3” sensors

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

1/1.2” 1” 1.1” 1.2” 4/3″
IMX174 / KAI-04050 IMX253 / KAI-4022 / KAI-08050
IMX249 IMX304 4021
13.3 mm 16 mm 17.6 mm 21.5 mm 22.6 mm
Part Mag. Image diag. diag. diag. diag. diag.
number shape wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Dimensions
dimensions 11.3 x 7.1 12.8 x 9.6 14.2 x 10.4 15.2 x 15.2 18.1 x 13.6 typical (max) typical (max) depth @50lp/mm adj.
(x) Ø,x (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm)
8 1 2 3 4 5 9 7
Object field of view (mm x mm) 6 A B C

TCCR4M 048-C 0.369 Ø=22.1, x=18.8 30.6 x 19.2 34.7 x 26.0 38.5 x 28.2 41.2 x 41.2 49.1 x 36.9 133.4 16 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 10 > 40 C Yes 77 109 193

TCCR4M 048-F 0.369 Ø=22.1, x=18.8 30.6 x 19.2 34.7 x 26.0 38.5 x 28.2 41.2 x 41.2 49.1 x 36.9 133.4 16 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 10 > 40 F Yes 77 118 163

TCCR4M 048-E 0.369 Ø=22.1, x=18.8 30.6 x 19.2 34.7 x 26.0 38.5 x 28.2 41.2 x 41.2 49.1 x 36.9 133.4 16 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 10 > 40 M42x1 FD 16 Yes 77 112 195

TCCR4M 056-C 0.314 Ø=22.0, x=19.2 36.0 x 22.6 40.8 x 30.6 45.2 x 33.1 48.4 x 48.4 57.6 x 43.3 157.8 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 13 > 40 C Yes 94 112 202

TCCR4M0 56-F 0.314 Ø=22.0, x=19.2 36.0 x 22.6 40.8 x 30.6 45.2 x 33.1 48.4 x 48.4 57.6 x 43.3 157.8 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 13 > 40 F Yes 94 119 173

TCCR4M 056-E 0.314 Ø=22.0, x=19.2 36.0 x 22.6 40.8 x 30.6 45.2 x 33.1 48.4 x 48.4 57.6 x 43.3 157.8 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 13 > 40 M42x1 FD 16 Yes 94 115 204

TCCR4M 064-C 0.275 Ø=22.6, x=18.7 41.1 x 25.8 46.5 x 34.9 51.6 x 37.8 55.3 x 55.3 65.8 x 49.5 181.9 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 17 > 40 C Yes 101 124 208

TCCR4M 064-F 0.275 Ø=22.6, x=18.7 41.1 x 25.8 46.5 x 34.9 51.6 x 37.8 55.3 x 55.3 65.8 x 49.5 181.9 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 17 > 40 F Yes 101 129 180

TCCR4M 064-E 0.275 Ø=22.6, x=18.7 41.1 x 25.8 46.5 x 34.9 51.6 x 37.8 55.3 x 55.3 65.8 x 49.5 181.9 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 17 > 40 M42x1 FD 16 Yes 101 127 211

TCCR4M 080-C 0.221 Ø=22.3, x=19.0 51.1 x 32.1 57.9 x 43.4 64.3 x 47.1 68.8 x 68.8 81.9 x 61.5 226.8 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 27 > 40 C Yes 119 146 228

TCCR4M 080-F 0.221 Ø=22.3, x=19.0 51.1 x 32.1 57.9 x 43.4 64.3 x 47.1 68.8 x 68.8 81.9 x 61.5 226.8 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 27 > 40 F Yes 119 152 199

TCCR4M 080-E 0.221 Ø=22.3, x=19.0 51.1 x 32.1 57.9 x 43.4 64.3 x 47.1 68.8 x 68.8 81.9 x 61.5 226.8 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 27 > 40 M42x1 FD 16 Yes 119 148 231

TCCR4M 096-C 0.186 Ø=22.5, x=18.6 60.8 x 38.2 68.8 x 51.6 76.3 x 55.9 81.7 x 81.7 97.3 x 73.1 278.6 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 38 > 35 C Yes 139 172 254

TCCR4M 096-F 0.186 Ø=22.5, x=18.6 60.8 x 38.2 68.8 x 51.6 76.3 x 55.9 81.7 x 81.7 97.3 x 73.1 278.6 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 38 > 35 F Yes 139 175 225

TCCR4M 096-E 0.186 Ø=22.5, x=18.6 60.8 x 38.2 68.8 x 51.6 76.3 x 55.9 81.7 x 81.7 97.3 x 73.1 278.6 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 38 > 35 M42x1 FD 16 Yes 139 173 256

TCCR4M 120-C 0.143 Ø=22.3, x=18.2 79.0 x 49.7 89.5 x 67.1 99.3 x 72.7 106.3 x 106.3 126.6 x 95.1 334.6 16 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 65 > 30 C Yes 182 220 278

TCCR4M 120-F 0.143 Ø=22.3, x=18.2 79.0 x 49.7 89.5 x 67.1 99.3 x 72.7 106.3 x 106.3 126.6 x 95.1 334.6 16 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 65 > 30 F Yes 182 220 249

TCCR4M 120-E 0.143 Ø=22.3, x=18.2 79.0 x 49.7 89.5 x 67.1 99.3 x 72.7 106.3 x 106.3 126.6 x 95.1 334.6 16 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 65 > 30 M42x1 FD 16 Yes 182 220 280

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 6 In case the of vignetting, FOV dimensions are indicated with “Ø = , x= “,
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution where “Ø =” stands for diameter and “x=” indicates the nominal FOV height
and minimum distortion. and length (see TechInfo for related drawing).
2 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. 7 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
Lenses with smaller apertures (higher wF#) can be supplied on request. 8 Indicates the dimensions and shape of image, where “Ø =” stands for diameter
3 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to milliradians, and “x=” indicates the nominal image height and length
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter of object displacement. (see Tech Info for related drawing).
Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed. 9 M42x1 mpunt has a flange distance of 16 mm.
4 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image:
typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement
but, to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should
be considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 5.5 μm.



Ultra compact large FOV telecentric lenses for matrix detectors up to 4/3”


Make your large FOV system up to 45% smaller

TC3MHR-5MHR CORE PLUS lenses are up to 45% shorter than
other telecentric lenses on the market. The short working distance
minimizes the size of the whole system.

Designed for the latest camera sensors

TC3MHR CORE PLUS telecentric lenses are designed for sensors up
to 1.1” like the IMX304, while TC5MHR CORE PLUS series lenses are
ideal for sensors up to 4/3” like the KAC-12040.

Smart integration
TC3MHR-5MHR CORE PLUS lenses integrate a mouting flange for
easy integration without additional clamps.

System compactness is a competitive advantage

TC CORE PLUS lenses minimize the size of your system, resulting in
less manufacturing, shipping and storage costs.

TC3MHR-5MHR CORE PLUS series are large FOV telecentric The length and working distance of a telecentric lens strongly impact
lenses for the latest generation sensors up to 1.1” like the IMX304 the size of a vision system. This is especially critical when a large FOV
and 4/3” sensors like the KAC-12040. They are specifically designed telecentric lens is used with a telecentric illuminator, as the overall
to accurately measure large objects in a reduced space. dimensions of the system are doubled. For this reason the working
Inspired by catadioptric telescopes, their folded optical path allows distance of TC3MHR-5MHR CORE PLUS series has been reduced to
large FOV imaging while keeping the overall footprint compact. The make a measurement system as compact as possible.
size reduction is up to 45% compared with other telecentric lenses
on the market.

Application example:

Save more
• Lower manufacturing cost due to less material employed
• Cost of mounting is reduced as no addictional clamps are needed
File Edit Zoom Select

• Less space required for storage and use

• Lower shipment expenses due to smaller size
• Lower transportation risks

Sell more
• A smaller system leads to more sales

Microplates measurement.

Compatible backlights LT2BC series LTBC series LTBP series

FOV max. Part Number Lighting area dim. Part Number Lighting area dim. Part Number Lighting area dim.
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
TCCP3 MHR 144 165.4 x 121.0 LT2BC192144-X 192 x 144 LTBC174174-X 174.5 x 174.5 LTBP192144-X 192 x 144
TCCP3 MHR 192 221.4 x 161.9 LT2BC240180-X 192 x 144 LTBC174174-X 174.5 x 174.5 LTBP192144-X 192 x 144
TCCP5 MHR 144 161.2 x 121.1 LT2BC192144-X 240 x 180 LTBC234234-X 234.5 x 234.5 LTBP240180-X 240 x 180
TCCP5 MHR 192 215.7 x 162.0 LT2BC240180-X 240 x 180 LTBC234234-X 234.5 x 234.5 LTBP240180-X 240 x 180


Image rectangle C

Sensor B

Built-in mounting flange: no additional clamps required. The width of the FOV (W) is aligned along the A axis. The long side of the sensor has
The heigth of the FOV (H) is aligned along the B axis. to be aligned along the A axis.


LTCLHP CORE PLUS series p. 134

Recommended product setup:

LT2BC, LTBC, LTBP series p. 162-168


PTCP calibration patterns p. 250


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

TC CORE PLUS PTCPxxxxx calibration TCLIB Suite Fully GenICam®

COE HR AS-X series p. 207
telecentric lens chess-board pattern software library compliant camera

For best measurement accuracy, TC CORE PLUS telecentric lenses should be used with:
• TCLIB Suite, an Opto Engineering® proprietary software library for distortion calibration and overall optimization
of telecentric measurement setups (see pag. 220)
• a fully GenICam® compliant camera (see pag. 196-205)
• a specifically designed PTCPxxxxx chessboard calibration pattern (see pag. 250)

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

1/1.2” 1” 1.1” 1.2” 4/3″
IMX174 / IMX255 / IMX253 / KAI-4022/ KAI-0805
IMX249 IMX267 IMX304 4021
13.3 mm 16.1 mm 17.6 mm 21.5 mm 23.6 mm
Part Mag. Image diag. diag. diag. diag. diag. WD wF/# Tele- Distor- Residual Field CTF Mount Phase Dimensions
number rectangle wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh centricity tion distortion depth adj.
11.3 x 7.1 14.19 x 7.51 14.2 x 10.4 15.2 x 15.2 18.1 x 13.6 (max) (max) @50lp/mm
(x) (mm × mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Object field of view (mm x mm) A 9 B C 10

TCCP3 MHR 144-C 0.086 14.90 x 10.90 131.7 x 82.8 165.4 x 87.5 165.5 x 121.2 - - 232.0 11 <0.08 (0.10) < 0.6 < 0.01 77 > 40 C Yes 332.0 302.5 339.4

TCCP3 MHR 192-C 0.064 14.90 x 10.90 176.3 x 110.8 221.4 x 117.2 221.5 x 162.2 - - 288.0 10 <0.08 (0.10) < 0.6 < 0.01 126 > 45 C Yes 410.4 344.1 365.0

TCCP5 MHR 144-F 0.117 19.82 x 14.88 96.5 x 60.7 121.2 x 64.2 121.3 x 88.8 129.8 x 129.8 154.6 x 116.2 216.9 14 <0.08 (0.10) < 0.6 < 0.01 53 > 35 F Yes 332.0 302.5 350.4

TCCP5 MHR 192-F 0.088 19.82 x 14.88 129.1 x 81.1 162.2 x 85.8 162.3 x 118.9 173.7 x 173.7 206.9 x 155.4 288.0 12 <0.08 (0.10) < 0.6 < 0.01 81 > 40 F Yes 410.4 344.1 370.8

Residual distortion after calibration with TCLIB Suite software library, using PTCPXXX calibration pattern and fully GenICam® compliant camera.
For specific setup information see the table below:

Part number Calibrations software Calibrations pattern Setup camera Recommended cameras Recommended sensors
COE-123-x-z-080-yy-C, RT-mvBF3-2124aG, RT-mvBF3-2124G,
TCCP3 MHR 144 TCLIB Suite PTCP-S1-HR1-C RT-mvBF3-2124aG IMX253, IMX304
RT-mvBC-X1012b, RT-mvBC-XD1012b
COE-123-x-z-080-yy-C, RT-mvBF3-2124aG, RT-mvBF3-2124G,
TCCP3 MHR 192 TCLIB Suite PTCP-L1-HR1-C RT-mvBF3-2124aG IMX253, IMX304
RT-mvBC-X1012b, RT-mvBC-XD1012b

TCCP5 MHR 144 TCLIB Suite PTCP-S1-HR1-C COE29MUSB3IR-F COE-290-x-z-110-yy-A, COE29xxx, COE50xxx, COE71xxx KAI-29050, CMV50000, CHR70M

TCCP5 MHR 192 TCLIB Suite PTCP-L1-HR1-C COE29MUSB3IR-F COE-290-x-z-110-yy-A, COE29xxx, COE50xxx, COE71xxx KAI-29050, CMV50000, CHR70M

1 Since the square shape of the front window the lens forms a rectangular image. 6 Residual distortion after calibration with TCLIB Suite software library, using a PTCP
2 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. calibrations pattern and a fully GenICam® compliant camera.
Set this distance within +/- 5% of the nominal value for maximum resolution For setup information see related table.
and minimum distortion. 7 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement but,
3 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. to get a very sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should be considered.
Lenses with smaller apertures can be supplied on request. Pixel size used for calculation is 3.45 μm.
Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed. 8 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
4 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to milliradians, 9 Maximum dimension of the clamping flange.
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter of object displacement. 10 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
Maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
5 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image.
Maximum (guaranteed) values of the uncorrected image are listed.


TCDP PLUS series

Dual magnification telecentric lenses


Perfect measurement accuracy

TCDP PLUS telecentric lenses produce two images at different
magnifications to cover an extended range of product sizes with the
same accuracy.

Revolutionary flexibility
281 possible combinations allow you to personalize and order the
TCDP PLUS lens fitting YOUR needs.

Smart cost reduction

Solving two vision tasks with one lens involves less components and
lowers the vision system cost.

Off-the-shelf lenses tailored for your needs

Get a standard product customized for your application with no
increase in price or lead time.

Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.

TCDP PLUS series are dual magnification telecentric lenses TCDP PLUS lenses help cut the cost of your vision system: you only
supporting two cameras to measure objects with different need to integrate one lens, one illuminator and one mount.
magnifications. They are the perfect choice for measuring
components of different sizes but also for applications where TCDP PLUS lenses are compatible with CMHO clamping mechanics
an entire sample and some of its smaller features have to be and LTCLHP collimated illuminators, as well as LTRN ring
measured with the same accuracy. illuminators designed for the standard TC series.
The fixed design of these lenses ensures perfect repeatability with
no need to recalibrate after each magnification change.

Application examples

TCDP23C4MC096 imaging TCDP23C4XC144 imaging a screw

an electronic board with two with two different cameras.
different cameras.


Full FOV image with lens lower 2x magnified image of the object Full FOV image with lens lower 4x magnified image of the object
magnification. central area. magnification. central area.

TCDP23C4XC096 coupled with LTCLHP 096 telecentric illuminator and LTRN 096 NW ring light.

TCDP PLUS revolutionary design can easily meet any of your

application needs: 281 possible combinations allow to create the
perfect lens for you, also benefiting from the price and lead time of
off-the-shelf components.

TCDP PLUS lenses come in 5 different sizes and can be configured

with 2 different eyepieces out of the 7 available. They are
compatible with several different camera sensors from 1/3” to 4/3”
and are available with C-, F- or M42x1 (FD 16mm) camera mounts.

In the tables below you’ll find a wide range of TCDP PLUS lenses.
On our website you’ll find a simple tool that allows you to create
and order your own TCDP PLUS lens based on your camera sensor Built-in phase adjustment makes it easy to align the camera sensor.
and desired fields of view.


TCZRS series p. 38


LTCLHP series collimated illuminators p. 132


CMHO series p. 228


Please check our website for all 281 possible
Area scan cameras p. 196-205 combinations.
COE HR AS-X series p. 207


TCDP PLUS series

Dual magnification telecentric lenses

Detector type
1/3” 1/2.5” 1/2” 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 Mpx 1/1.2” 1” 1.1” 4/3”
IMX174 / IMX249 IMX255 / IMX267 IMX253 / IMX304 KAI-08050
6 mm diag 7.1 mm diag 8 mm diag 8.9 mm diag 11.1 mm diag 14.8 mm diag 16 mm diag 21.5 mm diag 22.6 mm diag
Part Mount Mag. Image wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh
number circle 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 11.3 x 7.10 14.19 x 7.51 14.2 x 10.4 18.1 x 13.6
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm)
Object field of view (mm x mm)
0.137 16.9 35,0 x 26,3 41,6 x 31,2 46,7 x 35,0 52,0 x 38,9 62,0 x 51,8 82,5 x 51,8 103,6 x 54,8 ø = 75,9 ø = 99,3
TCDP 2MF 4MF 096 F
0.186 21.6 25,8 x 19,4 30,6 x 23,0 34,4 x 25,8 38,3 x 28,7 45,7 x 38,1 60,8 x 38,2 76,3 x 40,4 76,3 x 55,9 97,3 x 73,1
0.093 11.0 51,6 x 38,7 61,3 x 46,0 68,8 x 51,6 76,7 x 57,3 91,4 x 76,2 ø = 76,3 ø = 80,8 ø = 111,8 n.a.
TCDP 23C 4XC 096 C
0.374 11.0 12,8 x 9,6 15,2 x 11,4 17,1 x 12,8 19,1 x 14,3 22,7 x 19,0 ø = 19,0 ø = 20,1 ø = 27,8 n.a.
0.093 11.0 51,6 x 38,7 61,3 x 46,0 68,8 x 51,6 76,7 x 57,3 91,4 x 76,2 ø = 76,3 ø = 80,8 ø = 111,8 n.a.
TCDP 23C 4MC096 C
0.186 21.6 25,8 x 19,4 30,6 x 23,0 34,4 x 25,8 38,3 x 28,7 45,7 x 38,1 60,8 x 38,2 76,3 x 40,4 76,3 x 55,9 97,3 x 73,1
0.068 8.0 70,6 x 52,9 83,8 x 62,9 94,1 x 70,6 ø = 78,4 ø = 104,3 ø = 104,4 ø = 110,4 x n.a.
TCDP 12C 23C 096 C
0.093 11.0 51,6 x 38,7 61,3 x 46,0 68,8 x 51,6 76,7 x 57,3 91,4 x 76,2 ø = 76,3 ø = 80,8 ø = 111,8 n.a.
0.104 16.5 46,2 x 34,6 54,8 x 41,2 61,5 x 46,2 68,6 x 51,3 81,7 x 68,2 108,7 x 68,3 136,4 x 72,2 ø = 100,0 ø = 130,8
TCDP 2MF 4MF 120 F
0.143 21.2 33,6 x 25,2 39,9 x 29,9 44,8 x 33,6 49,9 x 37,3 59,4 x 49,6 79,0 x 49,7 99,2 x 52,5 99,3 x 72,7 126,6 x 95,1
0.072 11.0 66,7 x 50,0 79,2 x 59,4 88,9 x 66,7 99,0 x 74,0 118,1 x 98,5 ø = 98,6 ø = 104,3 ø = 144,4 n.a.
TCDP 23C 4XC 120 C
0.286 11.0 16,8 x 12,6 19,9 x 15,0 22,4 x 16,8 24,9 x 18,6 29,7 x 24,8 ø = 24,8 ø = 26,3 ø = 36,4 n.a.
0.072 11.0 66,7 x 50,0 79,2 x 59,4 88,9 x 66,7 99,0 x 74,0 118,1 x 98,5 ø = 98,6 ø = 104,3 ø = 144,4 n.a.
TCDP 23C 4MC 120 C
0.143 21.2 33,6 x 25,2 39,9 x 29,9 44,8 x 33,6 49,9 x 37,3 59,4 x 49,6 79,0 x 49,7 99,2 x 52,5 99,3 x 72,7 126,6 x 95,1
0.052 8.0 92,3 x 69,2 109,6 x 82,3 123,1 x 92,3 ø = 102,5 ø = 136,3 ø = 136,5 ø = 144,4 x n.a.
TCDP 12C 23C 120 C
0.072 11.0 66,7 x 50,0 79,2 x 59,4 88,9 x 66,7 99,0 x 74,0 118,1 x 98,5 ø = 98,6 ø = 104,3 ø = 144,4 n.a.
0.089 16.8 53,9 x 40,4 64,0 x 48,1 71,9 x 53,9 80,1 x 59,9 95,5 x 79,7 127,0 x 79,8 159,4 x 84,4 ø = 116,9 ø = 152,8
TCDP 2MF 4MF 144 F
0.122 21.6 39,3 x 29,5 46,7 x 35,1 52,5 x 39,3 58,4 x 43,7 69,7 x 58,1 92,6 x 58,2 116,3 x 61,6 116,4 x 85,2 148,4 x 111,5
0.061 11.0 78,7 x 59,0 93,4 x 70,2 104,9 x 78,7 116,9 x 87,4 139,3 x 116,2 ø = 116,4 ø = 123,1 ø = 170,5 n.a.
TCDP 23C 4XC 144 C
0.244 11.0 19,7 x 14,8 23,4 x 17,5 26,2 x 19,7 29,2 x 21,8 34,8 x 29,1 ø = 29,1 ø = 30,8 ø = 42,6 n.a.
0.061 11.0 78,7 x 59,0 93,4 x 70,2 104,9 x 78,7 116,9 x 87,4 139,3 x 116,2 ø = 116,4 ø = 123,1 ø = 170,5 n.a.
TCDP 23C 4MC 144 C
0.122 21.6 39,3 x 29,5 46,7 x 35,1 52,5 x 39,3 58,4 x 43,7 69,7 x 58,1 92,6 x 58,2 116,3 x 61,6 116,4 x 85,2 148,4 x 111,5
0.044 8.0 109,1 x 81,8 129,5 x 97,3 145,5 x 109,1 ø = 121,1 ø = 161,1 ø = 161,4 ø = 170,7 x n.a.
TCDP 12C 23C 144 C
0.061 11.0 78,7 x 59,0 93,4 x 70,2 104,9 x 78,7 116,9 x 87,4 139,3 x 116,2 ø = 116,4 ø = 123,1 ø = 170,5 n.a.
0.067 16.8 71,6 x 53,7 85,1 x 63,9 95,5 x 71,6 106,4 x 79,6 126,9 x 105,8 168,7 x 106,0 211,8 x 112,1 ø = 155,2 ø = 203,0
TCDP 2MF 4MF 192 F
0.092 21.6 52,2 x 39,1 62,0 x 46,5 69,6 x 52,2 77,5 x 57,9 92,4 x 77,1 122,8 x 77,2 154,2 x 81,6 154,3 x 113,0 196,7 x 147,8
0.046 11.0 104,3 x 78,3 123,9 x 93,0 139,1 x 104,3 155,0 x 115,9 184,8 x 154,1 ø = 154,3 ø = 163,3 ø = 226,1 n.a.
TCDP 23C 4XC 192 C
0.183 11.0 26,2 x 19,7 31,1 x 23,4 35,0 x 26,2 39,0 x 29,1 46,4 x 38,7 ø = 38,8 ø = 41,0 ø = 56,8 n.a.
0.046 11.0 104,3 x 78,3 123,9 x 93,0 139,1 x 104,3 155,0 x 115,9 184,8 x 154,1 ø = 154,3 ø = 163,3 ø = 226,1 n.a.
TCDP 23C 4MC 192 C
0.092 21.6 52,2 x 39,1 62,0 x 46,5 69,6 x 52,2 77,5 x 57,9 92,4 x 77,1 122,8 x 77,2 154,2 x 81,6 154,3 x 113,0 196,7 x 147,8
0.033 8.0 145,5 x 109,1 172,7 x 129,7 193,9 x 145,5 ø = 161,5 ø = 214,8 ø = 215,2 ø = 227,6 x n.a.
TCDP 12C 23C 192 C
0.046 11.0 104,3 x 78,3 123,9 x 93,0 139,1 x 104,3 155,0 x 115,9 184,8 x 154,1 ø = 154,3 ø = 163,3 ø = 226,1 n.a.
0.053 16.2 90,6 x 67,9 107,5 x 80,8 120,8 x 90,6 134,5 x 100,6 160,4 x 133,8 213,2 x 134,0 267,7 x 141,7 ø = 196,2 ø = 256,6
TCDP 2MF 4MF 240 F
0.073 21.1 65,8 x 49,3 78,1 x 58,6 87,7 x 65,8 97,7 x 73,0 116,4 x 97,1 154,8 x 97,3 194,4 x 102,9 194,5 x 142,5 247,9 x 186,3
0.037 11.0 129,7 x 97,3 154,1 x 115,7 173,0 x 129,7 192,7 x 144,1 229,7 x 191,6 ø = 191,9 ø = 203,0 ø = 281,1 n.a.
TCDP 23C 4XC 240 C
0.147 11.0 32,7 x 24,5 38,8 x 29,1 43,5 x 32,7 48,5 x 36,3 57,8 x 48,2 ø = 48,3 ø = 51,1 ø = 70,7 n.a.
0.037 11.0 129,7 x 97,3 154,1 x 115,7 173,0 x 129,7 192,7 x 144,1 229,7 x 191,6 ø = 191,9 ø = 203,0 ø = 281,1 n.a.
TCDP 23C 4MC 240 C
0.073 21.1 65,8 x 49,3 78,1 x 58,6 87,7 x 65,8 97,7 x 73,0 116,4 x 97,1 154,8 x 97,3 194,4 x 102,9 194,5 x 142,5 247,9 x 186,3
0.037 11.0 129,7 x 97,3 154,1 x 115,7 173,0 x 129,7 192,7 x 144,1 229,7 x 191,6 ø = 191,9 ø = 203,0 ø = 281,1 n.a.
TCDP 23C 2MC 240 C
0.053 16.2 90,6 x 67,9 107,5 x 80,8 120,8 x 90,6 134,5 x 100,6 160,4 x 133,8 213,2 x 134,0 267,7 x 141,7 ø = 196,2 ø = 256,6

TCDP PLUS lens dimensions: Straight ocular (low magnification path) C
C Axis 2
L = length of the lens
from the front end
to its straight ocular
(low magnification path)
Right angled ocular
H1 = distance from the end (high magnification path)
of the right angled ocular
(high magnification path) 0.64
to the middle of the lens (axis 1)

D = lens diameter (refers to axis 1)

Axis 1
Axis 1

Dimensions of a TCDP PLUS lens. Position of axis 1 and axis 2.

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part Mag. WD F/N Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Diam.
number typical (max) depth @70lp/mm adj. L H1 D
(x) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3
0.137 278.6 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.07 (0.10) 70.0 > 40
TCDP 2MF 4MF 096 F Yes 341.6 117.1 143.0
0.186 278.6 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 38.0 > 35
0.093 278.6 8.0 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 76.0 > 40
TCDP 23C 4XC 096 C Yes 337.7 192.1 143.0
0.374 278.6 12.0 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.07 (0.10) 7.0 > 40
0.093 278.6 8.0 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 76.0 > 40
TCDP 23C 4MC 096 C Yes 337.7 146.0 143.0
0.186 278.6 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 38.0 > 35
0.068 278.6 8.0 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.03 (0.08) 143.0 > 45
TCDP 12C 23C 096 C Yes 318.0 89.2 143.0
0.093 278.6 8.0 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 76.0 > 40
0.104 334.5 16.0 < 0.07 (0.10) < 0.07 (0.10) 122.0 > 40
TCDP 2MF 4MF 120 F Yes 427.3 118.9 180.0
0.143 334.5 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 65.0 > 30
0.072 334.5 8.0 < 0.07 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 127.0 > 35
TCDP 23C 4XC 120 C Yes 423.4 192.1 180.0
0.286 334.5 12.0 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.08) 12.0 > 35
0.072 334.5 8.0 < 0.07 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 127.0 > 35
TCDP 23C 4MC 120 C Yes 423.4 147.8 180.0
0.143 334.5 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 65.0 > 30
0.052 334.5 8.0 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 244.0 > 45
TCDP 12C 23C 120 C Yes 403.7 91.1 180.0
0.072 334.5 8.0 < 0.07 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 127.0 > 35
0.089 396.0 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.10) 167.0 > 40
TCDP 2MF 4MF 144 F Yes 486.7 118.9 200.0
0.122 396.0 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 89.0 > 30
0.061 396.0 8.0 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 177.0 > 40
TCDP 23C 4XC 144 C Yes 482.8 192.1 200.0
0.244 396.0 12.0 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.08) 17.0 > 35
0.061 396.0 8.0 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 177.0 > 40
TCDP 23C 4MC 144 C Yes 482.8 147.8 200.0
0.122 396.0 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 89.0 > 30
0.044 396.0 8.0 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.08) 341.0 > 35
TCDP 12C 23C 144 C Yes 463.1 91.1 200.0
0.061 396.0 8.0 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 177.0 > 40
0.067 527.0 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 294.0 > 40
TCDP 2MF 4MF 192 F Yes 627.2 118.9 260.0
0.092 527.0 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 156.0 > 30
0.046 527.0 8.0 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.08) 312.0 > 35
TCDP 23C 4XC 192 C Yes 623.2 192.1 260.0
0.183 527.0 12.0 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.08) 30.0 > 35
0.046 527.0 8.0 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.08) 312.0 > 35
TCDP 23C 4MC 192 C Yes 623.2 147.8 260.0
0.092 527.0 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 156.0 > 30
0.033 527.0 8.0 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 606.0 > 45
TCDP 12C 23C 192 C Yes 603.5 91.1 260.0
0.046 527.0 8.0 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.08) 312.0 > 35
0.053 492.8 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 470.0 > 40
TCDP 2MF 4MF 240 F Yes 788.8 95.0 322.0
0.073 492.8 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 248.0 > 40
0.037 492.8 8.0 < 0.03 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 482.0 > 45
TCDP 23C 4XC 240 C Yes 784.9 192.1 322.0
0.147 492.8 12.0 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 46.0 > 45
0.037 492.8 8.0 < 0.03 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 482.0 > 45
TCDP 23C 4MC 240 C Yes 784.9 147.8 322.0
0.073 492.8 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.10) 248.0 > 30
0.037 492.8 8.0 < 0.03 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.08) 482.0 > 45
TCDP 23C 2MC 240 C Yes 784.9 124.0 322.0
0.053 492.8 16.0 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.04 (0.10) 470.0 > 40

1 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. 3 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement but,
Lenses with smaller apertures (higher wF#) can be supplied on request. to get a very sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should
2 Maximum slope of principal rays inside the lens: when converted to milliradians, be considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 5.5 µm.
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimiter of object displacement.


TCCX2M series
Telecentric lenses with built-in coaxial illumination for detectors up to 1″

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specs

Part Mag. Image Max 1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2” 1/1.8” 2/3” 1″ - IMX255/ WD wF/# Distortion Field Nominal Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle detector 5 MP 267 typical depth resolving adj.
size 6 mm 7.1 mm 8 mm 8.9 mm 11 mm 16.1 mm power
diag diag diag diag diag diag
wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh
4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.4 x 4.8 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 14.19 x 7.51

(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (µm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
Object field of view (mm x mm)
RT-MP-4F-65 4.00 16 1″ 1.20 x 0.90 1.43 x 1.07 1.60 x 1.20 1.78 x 1.33 2.13 x 1.77 3.55 x 1.88 65.00 16.7 0.23 0.04 2.80 C Yes 166 29
RT-MP-2F-65 2.00 16 1″ 2.40 x 1.80 2.85 x 2.14 3.20 x 2.40 3.57 x 2.67 4.25 x 3.55 7.10 x 3.76 65.00 10 0.40 0.10 3.40 C Yes 127 29
RT-MP-1.5F-65 1.50 16 1″ 3.20 x 2.40 3.80 x 2.85 4.27 x 3.20 4.75 x 3.55 5.67 x 4.73 9.46 x 5.01 65.00 7.5 0.50 0.11 3.40 C Yes 115 29
RT-MP-1F-65 1.00 16 1″ 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 14.19 x 7.51 65.50 8 -0.10 0.28 5.40 C Yes 133 32
RT-TCL0750-FU 0.75 16 1″ 6.40 x 4.80 7.60 x 5.71 8.53 x 6.40 9.51 x 7.11 11.33 x 9.45 18.92 x 10.01 60.70 12 - 60 -0.03 0.80 11.00 C 206 38
RT-TCL0600-FU 0.60 16 1″ 8.00 x 6.00 9.50 x 7.13 10.7 x 8.00 11.9 x 8.88 14.2 x 11.8 23.7 x 12.5 78.50 12 - 60 -0.02 1.30 13.50 C 229 44
RT-TCL0450-FU 0.45 16 1″ 10.7 x 8.00 12.7 x 9.51 14.2 x 10.7 15.8 x 11.8 18.9 x 15.8 31.5 x 16.7 108.20 12 - 60 0.01 2.20 18.00 C 265 49
RT-TCL0300-FU 0.30 16 1″ 16.0 x 12.0 19.0 x 14.3 21.3 x 16.0 23.8 x 17.8 28.3 x 23.6 47.3 x 25.0 167.00 12 - 60 0.01 5.00 27.00 C 338 68

1 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro.
2 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.

LDSC series p. 267


RT-PSP-12122-LV-xx power supply p. 260


Area scan cameras p. 196-205


TC12M series
High resolution telecentric lenses for up to APS-H sensors

TC12M high resolution telecentric lenses designed for detectors KEY ADVANTAGES
with up to 33.5mm image circle. They perfectly fit cameras with large
sensors, up to APS-H sensor format. Wide image circle suitable APS-H type sensors.

TC12M series lenses feature a compact and robust design that Excellent resolution and low distortion.
makes them ideal for variouos industrial applications.
Simple and robust design for industrial environments.
To help you pick the right lens, we listed some of the most popular
area scan sensors in the matrix chart below: just choose the column Detailed test report with certified optical parameters.
with your camera sensor and scroll down the table until you find the
field of view that best matches your application, then scroll left to
find the lens part number.


Why Opto Engineering® telecentric lenses

don’t integrate an iris?  Mount F
Check the answer to this and other
FAQ directly on our web page at:


LTCLHP, LTCLHP CORE series p. 132-137

LTCLHP CORE PLUS series p. 138


CMHO series p. 228


CMMR series 45° mirrors p. 236


COE HR AS-X series p. 207

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

16K CMV12000 -4k PYTHON KAI-16050
26.07 mm 28.16 mm 4k x 7 µm 32.58 mm 32.4 mm
diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image wxh wxh w wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle 18.43 x 18.43 22.53 x 16.90 28.67 23.4 x 23.04 26.93 x 17.95 typical (max) typical (max) Depth @50lp/mm adj.
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7

Object field of view (mm)

TC12M 016-F 1.918 33.5 9.61 x 9.61 11.75 x 8.81 14.95 12.01 x 12.01 14.04 x 9.36 42.0 17 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 0.4 > 40 F Yes 218.0 64

TC12M 024-F 1.145 33.5 16.10 x 16.10 19.68 x 14.76 25.04 20.12 x 20.12 23.52 x 15.68 58.0 16 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 1.0 > 45 F Yes 212.6 64
TC12M 036-F 0.839 33.5 21.97 x 21.97 26.85 x 20.14 34.17 27.46 x 27.46 32.10 x 21.40 94.9 11 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 1.3 > 40 F Yes 284.8 64

TC12M 048-F 0.576 33.5 32.00 x 32.00 39.11 x 29.33 49.77 40.00 x 40.00 46.75 x 31.17 92.6 10 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 2.5 > 55 F Yes 268.8 75
TC12M 056-F 0.531 33.5 34.71 x 34.71 42.43 x 31.82 53.99 43.39 x 43.39 50.71 x 33.81 136.5 11 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 3.2 > 55 F Yes 331.7 82

TC12M 064-F 0.465 33.5 39.64 x 39.64 48.45 x 36.34 61.66 49.55 x 49.55 57.91 x 38.61 157.6 11 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 4.2 > 55 F Yes 353.5 100
TC12M 080-F 0.376 33.5 49.02 x 49.02 59.91 x 44.94 76.25 61.28 x 61.28 71.62 x 47.74 199 11 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 6.4 > 50 F Yes 401.2 116

TC12M 096-F 0.306 33.5 60.24 x 60.24 73.62 x 55.22 93.69 75.29 x 75.29 88.00 x 58.67 256 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 7.0 > 55 F Yes 423..7 143
TC12M 120-F 0.233 33.5 79.11 x 79.11 96.69 x 72.52 123.05 98.88 x 98.88 115.57 x 77.05 303.9 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 12.2 > 55 F Yes 508.7 180

TC12M 144-F 0.196 33.5 94.04 x 94.04 114.94 x 86.20 146.28 117.55 x 117.55 137.39 x 91.59 358.5 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 17.2 > 55 F Yes 564.2 200
TC12M 192-F 0.144 33.5 128.00 x 128.00 156.44 x 117.33 199.10 160.00 x 160.00 187.00 x 124.67 475.9 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 31.8 > 50 F Yes 700.2 260
TC12M 240-F 0.115 33.5 160.28 x 160.28 195.90 x 146.92 249.30 200.35 x 200.35 234.16 x 156.10 542.8 8 <0.08 (0.10) <0.08 (0.10) 49.9 > 55 F Yes 849.8 322

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement but,
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution to get a very sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should be considered.
and minimum distortion. Pixel size used for calculation is 5.5 μm.
2 Working F/#: the real F/# of a lens when used as a macro. Lenses with smaller 6 FD stands for Flange Distance (in mm), defined as the distance from the mounting
apertures can be supplied on request. flange (the “metal ring” in rear part of the lens) to the camera detector plane.
3 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to milliradians, 7 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter of object displacement.
Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
4 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image:
typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.


TC16M series
Telecentric lenses for 45.72 mm and 8 k pixel line detectors

TC16M series telecentric lenses have been specifically designed to KEY ADVANTAGES
fit 45 mm format (36 x 24 mm) detectors with very high resolution,
such as 11, 16 or 29 Mpix. Wide image circle for large detectors up to 43.3 mm.
This combination is the typical choice for extremely accurate
measurement of large items such as engine parts, glass or metal Excellent resolution and low distortion.
sheets, PCBs and electronic components, LCDs, etc.
TC16M lenses are also perfectly suitable for 4 kpx and 8 kpx linescan Simple and robust design for industrial environments.
cameras and can be successfully used to measure the diameter of
cylindrical objects: for example shafts, turned metal parts, machine Detailed test report with certified optical parameters.
tools, etc.
Besides the standard F and M58x0.75 mount options, any other
mechanical interface can be supplied upon request.


LTCLHP, LTCLHP CORE series p. 132-137

LTCLHP CORE PLUS series p. 138

Mount F Mount Q = M58x0.75


DO YOU KNOW? CMHO series p. 228


Why Opto Engineering® telecentric lenses
don’t integrate an iris? 
CMMR series 45° mirrors p. 236
Check the answer to this and other
FAQ directly on our web page at: FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS
HR Area scan cameras p. 206-209

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications
APS-H CHR70M Line Full frame CMV50000
KAI-16050 8k 35 mm
32.4 mm 38 mm 8k x 5 µm 43.3 mm 45.72 mm
diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image wxh wxh w wxh wxh WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle 26.93 x 17.95 31.0 x 21.99 40.80 36.0 x 24.0 36.43 x 27.62 typical (max) typical (max) Depth @50lp/mm adj.
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Object field of view (mm)

TC16M 009 4.00 43.3 6.73 x 4.49 7.75 x 5.50 10.20 9.00 x 6.00 9.11 x 6.90 57.8 22 < 0.03 (0.05) < 0.03 (0.05) 0.1 > 20 F Yes 487.9 64
TC16M 009-Q 4.00 43.3 6.73 x 4.49 7.75 x 5.50 10.20 9.00 x 6.00 9.11 x 6.90 57.8 22 < 0.03 (0.05) < 0.03 (0.05) 0.1 > 20 M58X0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 527.9 64
TC16M 009-K 4.00 43.3 6.73 x 4.49 7.75 x 5.50 10.20 9.00 x 6.00 9.11 x 6.90 57.8 22 < 0.03 (0.05) < 0.03 (0.05) 0.1 > 20 M58x0.75 FD 12.96 Yes 521.5 64
TC16M 012 3.00 43.3 8.98 x 5.98 10.33 x 7.33 13.60 12.00 x 8.00 12.14 x 9.21 57.8 18 < 0.03 (0.05) < 0.03 (0.05) 0.2 > 30 F Yes 378.7 64

TC16M 012-Q 3.00 43.3 8.98 x 5.98 10.33 x 7.33 13.60 12.00 x 8.00 12.14 x 9.21 57.8 18 < 0.03 (0.05) < 0.03 (0.05) 0.2 > 30 M58X0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 418.7 64
TC16M 012-K 3.00 43.3 8.98 x 5.98 10.33 7.33 13.60 12.00 x 8.00 12.14 x 9.21 57.8 18 < 0.03 (0.05) < 0.03 (0.05) 0.2 > 30 M58x0.75 FD 12.96 Yes 412.3 64
TC16M 018 2.00 43.3 13.46 x 8.98 15.50 x 11.00 20.40 18.00 x 12.00 18.22 x 13.81 57.8 16 < 0.03 (0.05) < 0.03 (0.05) 0.3 > 40 F Yes 259.6 64

TC16M 018-Q 2.00 43.3 13.46 x 8.98 15.50 x 11.00 20.40 18.00 x 12.00 18.22 x 13.81 57.8 16 < 0.03 (0.05) < 0.03 (0.05) 0.3 > 40 M58X0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 299.5 64
TC16M 018-K 2.00 43.3 13.46 x 8.98 15.50 x 11.00 20.40 18.00 x 12.00 18.22 x 13.81 57.8 16 < 0.03 (0.05) < 0.03 (0.05) 0.3 > 40 M58x0.75 FD 12.96 Yes 293.1 64
TC16M 036 1.00 42 26.93 x 17.95 31.00 x 21.99 40.80 36.00 x 24.00 36.43 x 27.62 102.6 16 < 0.03 (0.05) < 0.02 (0.03) 1.3 > 30 F Yes 309.0 64

TC16M 036-Q 1.00 43.3 26.93 x 17.95 31.00 x 21.99 40.80 36.00 x 24.00 36.43 x 27.62 102.6 16 < 0.03 (0.05) < 0.02 (0.03) 1.3 > 30 M58X0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 348.9 64
TC16M 036-K 1.00 43.3 26.93 x 17.95 31.00 x 21.99 40.80 36.00 x 24.00 36.43 x 27.62 102.6 16 < 0.03 (0.05) < 0.02 (0.03) 1.3 > 30 M58x0.75 FD 12.96 Yes 342.6 64
TC16M 048 0.75 43.3 35.90 x 23.94 41.33 x 29.32 54.40 48.00 x 32.00 48.58 x 36.82 125.6 16 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.10) 2.3 > 30 F Yes 315.2 75

TC16M 048-Q 0.75 43.3 35.90 x 23.94 41.33 x 29.32 54.40 48.00 x 32.00 48.58 x 36.82 125.6 16 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.10) 2.3 > 30 M58X0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 355.2 75
TC16M 048-K 0.75 43.3 35.90 x 23.94 41.33 x 29.32 54.40 48.00 x 32.00 48.58 x 36.82 125.6 16 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.10) 2.3 > 30 M58x0.75 FD 12.96 Yes 348.9 75
TC16M 056 0.64 43.3 42.01 x 28.01 48.36 x 34.31 63.65 56.16 x 37.44 56.84 x 43.09 148.6 16 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 3.2 > 40 F Yes 338.5 80
TC16M 056-Q 0.64 43.3 42.01 x 28.01 48.36 x 34.31 63.65 56.16 x 37.44 56.84 x 43.09 148.6 16 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 3.2 > 40 M58X0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 378.5 80
TC16M 056-K 0.64 43.3 42.01 x 28.01 48.36 x 34.31 63.65 56.16 x 37.44 56.84 x 43.09 148.6 16 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.04 (0.10) 3.2 > 40 M58x0.75 FD 12.96 Yes 372.2 80
TC16M 064 0.56 43.3 48.00 x 32.00 55.26 x 39.20 72.73 64.17 x 42.78 64.94 x 49.23 170.6 16 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.06 (0.15) 4.2 > 30 F Yes 359.6 100
TC16M 064-Q 0.56 43.3 48.00 x 32.00 55.26 x 39.20 72.73 64.17 x 42.78 64.94 x 49.23 170.6 16 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.06 (0.15) 4.2 > 30 M58X0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 399.6 100
TC16M 064-K 0.56 43.3 48.00 x 32.00 55.26 x 39.20 72.73 64.17 x 42.78 64.94 x 49.23 170.6 16 < 0.04 (0.08) < 0.06 (0.15) 4.2 > 30 M58x0.75 FD 12.96 Yes 393.3 100
TC16M 080 0.46 43.3 58.16 x 38.77 66.95 x 47.50 88.12 77.75 x 51.84 78.69 x 59.65 197.3 16 < 0.03 (0.08) < 0.09 (0.20) 6.2 > 30 F Yes 406.4 116
TC16M 080-Q 0.46 43.3 58.16 x 38.77 66.95 x 47.50 88.12 77.75 x 51.84 78.69 x 59.65 197.3 16 < 0.03 (0.08) < 0.09 (0.20) 6.2 > 30 M58X0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 446.4 116
TC16M 080-K 0.46 43.3 58.16 x 38.77 66.95 x 47.50 88.12 77.75 x 51.84 78.69 x 59.65 197.3 16 < 0.03 (0.08) < 0.09 (0.20) 6.2 > 30 M58x0.75 FD 12.96 Yes 440.1 116
TC16M 096 0.38 43.3 70.86 x 47.24 81.58 x 57.87 107.37 94.74 x 63.16 95.87 x 72.68 262.3 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.07 (0.15) 9.1 > 40 F Yes 449.2 143
TC16M 096-Q 0.38 43.3 70.86 x 47.24 81.58 x 57.87 107.37 94.74 x 63.16 95.87 x 72.68 262.3 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.07 (0.15) 9.1 > 40 M58X0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 489.1 143
TC16M 096-K 0.38 43.3 70.86 x 47.24 81.58 x 57.87 107.37 94.74 x 63.16 95.87 x 72.68 262.3 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.07 (0.15) 9.1 > 40 M58x0.75 FD 12.96 Yes 482.8 143
TC16M 120 0.29 43.3 93.18 x 62.12 107.27 x 76.09 141.18 124.57 x 83.04 126.06 x 95.56 331.6 16 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.10) 15.8 > 40 F Yes 538.1 180
TC16M 120-Q 0.29 43.3 93.18 x 62.12 107.27 x 76.09 141.18 124.57 x 83.04 126.06 x 95.56 331.6 16 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.10) 15.8 > 40 M58X0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 578.1 180
TC16M 120-K 0.29 43.3 93.18 x 62.12 107.27 x 76.09 141.18 124.57 x 83.04 126.06 x 95.56 331.6 16 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.10) 15.8 > 40 M58x0.75 FD 12.96 Yes 571.8 180
TC16M 144 0.25 43.3 109.91 x 73.27 126.53 x 89.76 166.53 146.94 x 97.96 148.70 x 112.73 397.4 16 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.08 (0.20) 22.0 > 40 F Yes 597.8 200
TC16M 144-Q 0.25 43.3 109.91 x 73.27 126.53 x 89.76 166.53 146.94 x 97.96 148.70 x 112.73 397.4 16 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.08 (0.20) 22.0 > 40 M58X0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 637.7 200
TC16M 144-K 0.25 43.3 109.91 x 73.27 126.53 x 89.76 166.53 146.94 x 97.96 148.70 x 112.73 397.4 16 < 0.05 (0.08) < 0.08 (0.20) 22.0 > 40 M58x0.75 FD 12.96 Yes 631.4 200
TC16M 192 0.19 43.3 144.00 x 96.00 165.78 x 117.60 218.18 192.51 x 128.34 194.82 x 147.69 457.5 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.10) 37.7 > 40 F Yes 742.0 260
TC16M 192-Q 0.19 43.3 144.00 x 96.00 165.78 x 117.60 218.18 192.51 x 128.34 194.82 x 147.69 457.5 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.10) 37.7 > 40 M58X0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 781.5 260
TC16M 192-K 0.19 43.3 144.00 x 96.00 165.78 x 117.60 218.18 192.51 x 128.34 194.82 x 147.69 457.5 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.05 (0.10) 37.7 > 40 M58x0.75 FD 12.96 Yes 775.1 260
TC16M 240 0.15 43.3 179.52 x 119.68 206.67 x 146.61 272.00 240.00 x 160.00 242.88 x 184.12 542.8 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.08 (0.15) 58.7 > 40 F Yes 899.0 322
TC16M 240-Q 0.15 43.3 179.52 x 119.68 206.67 x 146.61 272.00 240.00 x 160.00 242.88 x 184.12 542.8 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.08 (0.15) 58.7 > 40 M58X0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 938.7 322
TC16M 240-K 0.15 43.3 179.52 x 119.68 206.67 x 146.61 272.00 240.00 x 160.00 242.88 x 184.12 542.8 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.08 (0.15) 58.7 > 40 M58x0.75 FD 12.96 Yes 932.3 322

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement but,
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should be
and minimum distortion. considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 5.5 μm.
2 Working F/#: the real F/# of a lens when used as a macro. Lenses with smaller 6 FD stands for Flange Distance (in mm), defined as the distance from the mounting
apertures can be supplied on request. flange (the “metal ring” in rear part of the lens) to the camera detector plane.
3 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to milliradians, 7 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter of object displacement. 8 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
4 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image:
typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.


TC4K series
Flat telecentric lenses for 4 k pixel linescan cameras


Compact design
“Flat” shape for easy integration.

Easy rotational phase and focus adjustment

Robust and precise tuning of FOV phase angle and best focus position.

Compatible LTCL4K telecentric illuminators

with matching flat design.

Dedicated CMMR4K mirrors

90° right angle attachment for easy integration in tight spaces.

Detailed test report with measured optical parameters.

TC4K series telecentric lenses have been designed for

measurement applications using linescan cameras with detectors
up to 28.7 mm (e.g. 4096 pixels with pixel size 7 μm).
Dimensional constraints are often a major issue when designing
line scan systems where the sample or the camera itself must
be moved: TC4K series is the Opto Engineering ® solution for
applications and machines with tight dimensional constraints.
Compatible LTCL4K illuminators with matching flat design and
dedicated accessories allow for optical combinations that fit most
geometrical measurement configurations.
TC4K series feature standard F or M42 mount to fit common
linescan camera interfaces; additional mounts are available upon Mount F Mount N = M42x1
request. Moreover, the lens-camera interface provides both fine
detector phase adjustment and a precise focusing mechanism.
Detector phase adjustment allows the user to precisely position the
linear FOV at 90° from the object movement direction. FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE ILLUMINATORS

LTCL4K series p. 140

LTBRDC series p. 171


CMMR4K series p. 238

Engine shaft measurement performed with TC4K lens coupled to LTCL4K telecentric
illuminator by means of two CMMR4K deflecting mirrors.

Cell count in a Petri dish
performed with TC4K lens
used in combination with
CMMR4K deflecting mirror
and a back light.

Metal sheet measurement

performed by TC4K lens
and diffused backlight

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Line - 2 kpx Line - 4 kpx
Part Mag. Image 2k x 10 µm 4k x 7 µm WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Width Height
number circle w w typical (max) typical (max) depth @50lp/mm adj.
20.5 28.7
(x) Ø (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Object field of view (mm)
TC4K 060-F 0.478 28.7 42.89 60.04 174.0 16 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.08) 7.4 >30 F Yes 319,2 83 64
TC4K 060-N 0.478 28.7 42.89 60.04 174.0 16 < 0.06 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.08) 7.4 >30 M42X1 FD 10.6 Yes 355,2 83 52
TC4K 090-F 0.319 28.7 64.26 89.97 174.0 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.08) 16.5 >30 F Yes 360,7 114 64
TC4K 090-N 0.319 28.7 64.26 89.97 174.0 16 < 0.05 (0.10) < 0.05 (0.08) 16.5 >30 M42X1 FD 10.6 Yes 396,6 114 52
TC4K 120-F 0.240 28.7 85.42 119.58 174.0 16 < 0.10 (0.12) < 0.08 (0.10) 29.2 >25 F Yes 337,3 144 64
TC4K 120-N 0.240 28.7 85.42 119.58 174.0 16 < 0.10 (0.12) < 0.08 (0.10) 29.2 >25 M42X1 FD 10.6 Yes 373,2 144 52
TC4K 180-F 0.159 28.7 128.93 180.50 254.0 16 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 66.5 >30 F Yes 522,4 208 64
TC4K 180-N 0.159 28.7 128.93 180.50 254.0 16 < 0.08 (0.10) < 0.08 (0.10) 66.5 >30 M42X1 FD 10.6 Yes 558,4 208 52

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 4 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image:
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
and minimum distortion. 5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement
2 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. but, to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should
Lenses with smaller apertures can be supplied on request. be considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 7 μm
3 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to milliradians, 6 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter of object displacement. 7 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.

Ordering information
It’s easy to select the right lens for your application: our part numbers are coded as TC4K yyy -x where yyy refers to the field of view (FOV) in millimeters
and -x refers to the mount option:
- F for F-mount
- N for M42x1 mount (flange distance FD 10.56 mm).
E.g. TC4K060-N for a TC4K060 with M42x1 mount.


TC12K series
Telecentric lenses for 12 k and 16 k pixel linescan cameras

TC12K series telecentric lenses are designed to fit very large FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE ILLUMINATORS
line detector cameras. An image circle diameter larger than 62 mm
combined with very high resolution makes the TC12K series ideal for LTBRDC series p. 171
12 k and 16 k resolution cameras.
Flat panel display, solar cell and electronic board inspection are
among the most common applications of these optics in the LTCLHP CORE series p. 134

electronics industry; at the same time the optical specifications make

them perfectly suitable to accurately measure large mechanical parts.
In addition to the standard M72x0.75 mount, TC12K lenses can be
CMHOTC12K series p. 228
equipped with other camera mounts at no additional cost ensuring
wide compatibility with most common linescan cameras. FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS

COE HR AS series p. 209

HR Line scan cameras p. 210-211

Application examples

File Edit Zoom Select File Edit Zoom Select File Edit Zoom Select

Flat panel inspection Large mechanical parts Electronic board inspection

Wide image circle
TC12K is optimized for line scan sensor sizes up to 62.4 mm.


2048 px x 10 µm 2048 px x 14 µm 4096 px x 7 µm 4096 px x 10 µm 7450 px x 4.7 µm 6144 px x 7 µm 8192 px x 7 µm 12288 px x 5 µm

20.5 mm 28.6 mm 28.6 mm 35 mm 41 mm 43 mm 57.3 mm 62 mm


Phase adjustment
Adjusting the phase of the camera mounted on TC12K telecentric
lenses is easy: simply loosen the three set screws and rotate the
camera mount until you achieve the desired angular alignment.

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

KAI-47051 Line - 16k Line - 8k Line - 12k Line - 12k
Part Mag. Image 56.7 mm diag. 16k x 3.5 μm 8k x 7.5 µm 12k x 5 μm 12k x 5.2 µm WD wF/# Telecentricity Distortion Field CTF Mount Phase Length Diam.
number circle wxh w w w w typical (max) typical (max) depth @50lp/mm adj.
48.71 x 29.04 57.3 61.4 61.4 62.4
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 8 6 7
Object field of view (mm)
TC12K 064 0.960 62.4 50.74 x 30.25 59.69 63.96 63.96 65.00 162.8 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.08 (0.10) 1.8 > 35 M72x0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 566.7 100
TC12K 080 0.698 62.4 69.78 x 41.60 82.09 87.97 87.97 89.40 157.4 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.08 (0.10) 3.4 > 35 M72x0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 541.9 116
TC12K 120 0.529 62.4 92.08 x 54.90 108.32 116.07 116.07 117.96 254 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.06 (0.08) 6.0 > 40 M72x0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 722.1 180
TC12K 144 0.439 62.4 110.95 x 66.15 130.52 139.86 139.86 142.14 237.9 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.07 (0.10) 8.7 > 40 M72x0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 743.3 200
TC12K 192 0.320 62.4 152.21 x 90.75 179.06 191.88 191.88 195.00 265.5 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.08 (0.10) 16.4 > 35 M72x0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 857.5 260
TC12K 240 0.260 62.4 187.34 x 111.69 220.38 236.15 236.15 240.00 492.8 16 < 0.06 (0.08) < 0.08 (0.10) 24.9 > 35 M72x0.75 FD 6.56 Yes 1072.8 322

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution but, to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should
and minimum distortion. be considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 7 μm.
2 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. 6 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
Lenses with smaller apertures can be supplied on request. 7 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
3 Maximum slope of chief rays inside the lens: when converted to milliradians, 8 FD stands for Flange Distance (in mm), defined as the distance from
it gives the maximum measurement error for any millimeter of object displacement. the mounting flange (the “metal ring” in rear part of the lens) to the camera
Typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed. detector plane.
4 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image:
typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.


PC series
Pericentric lenses for 360° top and lateral view with just one camera


Just one camera

No need for multiple cameras placed around and over the object.

Fast image analysis

No image matching software is needed as the picture
is not segmented.

Single point of view

No perspective effects typical of multi-image systems.

Smooth on-line integration

Inspected parts pass unobstructed in the free space below the lens.

PC pericentric lenses are unique optics designed to perform The term pericentric comes from the specific path of the light rays:
complete inspection of objects up to 60 mm in diameter, quickly the lateral surface of the object appears to be wrapped around the
and reliably. top face, making the PC series ideal for cylindrical objects which are
very common in the beverage and pharmaceutical industry.
The innovative design allows one camera to see the top and
lateral surfaces of an object in perfect focus all in one image. This Typical applications include bottleneck thread inspection, and data
allows you to greatly simplify the layout of the vision system, with no matrix reading - the code will always be properly imaged regardless
need for multiple cameras, lenses or mirrors. of its position.


Area scan cameras p. 196-205


Sample images taken with PC optics
LTRN 210x20, LTRN 245x25 p. 148-151
NEW - High power version:
LTRNHP210x20, LTRNHP245x25 p. 152


CMHO080 p. 228


LTDV series p. 256


Please refer to our website for setup instructions.

PC optics are designed to work with 1/3”, 1/2” and 2/3”
detectors. These detectors ensure the most appropriate optical
magnification factor to achieve the field depth required by high
resolution 3D pericentric imaging.

The image of the top of the object and its sides are inscribed into
the short side of the camera detector.

The smaller the object diameter, the larger the object height
which can be inspected, while short objects can be inspected
over a larger diameter.
Max 24°
The tables below show possible combinations of object

diameters and heights along with the appropriate working

distance and recommended F-number; the “r” parameter for
each configuration is also listed.

The “r” parameter is the ratio between the side view height (the
circular crown thickness) and the detector short side.
It provides information about side view resolution. The higher the
“r” value, the higher the resolution that can be achieved in the
side view.
Detector short side


Side view height (px)

r (%) = 100
Detector short side (px) *

Unwrapped image.


PC series
Pericentric lenses for 360° top and lateral view with just one camera


Compact PC xx030XS
lenses for inspection
of objects with diameter
down to 7.5 mm.

Part number PC 13030HP PC 12030HP PC 13030XS PC 12030XS PC 23030XS

Detector type 1/3” 1/2” 1/3” 1/2” 2/3”
Image circle Ø (mm) 3.6 4.8 3.6 4.8 6.6
Field of view (diam x height)
Min (mm x mm) 20 x 60 20 x 60 7.5 x 5 10 x 5 15 x 5
Typical (mm x mm) 30 x 30 30 x 30 30 x 30 30 x 30 30 x 30
Max (mm x mm) 60 x 20 60 x 20 55 x 20 55 x 15 55 x 12

Optical specifications
Wavelength range (nm) 450 .. 650 450 .. 650 450 .. 650 450 .. 650 450 .. 650
Working distance (mm) 20 .. 80 20 .. 80 20 .. 85 20 .. 80 20 .. 80
CTF @ 50 lp/mm (%) > 30 > 25 > 40 > 30 > 25
F/# 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16

Mechanical specifications
Diameter (max) (mm) 197 197 116 116 116
Length (mm) 448 448 378 378 378
Weight (g) 6800 6800 2950 2950 2950
Mount C C C C C

PC23030XS + compatible LTRN210x20 ringlight and CMHO080 clamping mechanics.

Field of view selection chart

PC 13030HP field of view

Diam. Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r
(mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%)
20 7 79 16 10 13 79 8 20 20 65 16 26 30 61 12 30 40 55 14 34 60 25 16 37
25 8 71 4 17 17 63 12 21 25 55 16 26 38 40 14 30 50 30 16 30
30 10 65 4 13 20 55 8 19 30 42 12 25 45 35 12 29
40 13 52 6 12 27 43 12 20 40 27 12 25
50 17 36 6 13 33 20 8 15
60 20 23 4 11

PC 12030HP field of view

Diam. Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r
mm (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%)
20 7 76 16 10 13 70 24 15 20 65 24 28 30 55 16 32 40 45 24 32 60 27 24 35
25 8 72 12 11 17 63 12 18 25 54 16 28 38 40 16 32 50 29 16 32
30 10 66 12 11 20 56 12 19 30 45 16 25 45 30 16 35
40 13 54 6 11 27 36 16 20 40 27 24 23
50 17 32 12 13 33 20 16 18
60 20 22 12 11

PC 13030XS field of view

Diam. Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r
(mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%)
7.5 5 85 16 19
10 5 84 16 14 10 77 16 20
15 5 75 6 10 10 70 8 15 15 65 16 20 20 60 16 22 25 54 16 24 32 45 16 28
20 10 62 8 12 20 52 14 18 30 42 14 22 40 32 16 26
25 5 62 6 6 15 52 12 15 25 42 12 19 35 32 12 24 45 22 12 27
30 10 52 4 9 20 42 8 17 30 32 8 20 40 22 16 23 50 12 16 27
35 5 48 4 7 15 38 4 12 25 28 8 16 35 18 8 20 42 10 12 22
40 10 38 4 9 20 28 4 13 30 20 8 16 37 10 16 19
45 5 34 6 7 15 30 6 9 25 20 8 12 35 10 16 15
50 5 25 4 8 15 20 6 9 25 10 8 13
55 10 20 6 6 20 10 8 10

PC 12030XS field of view

Diam. Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r
mm (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%)
10 5 82 18 18
15 5 73 16 14 15 63 16 23
20 5 66 16 9 10 61 16 14 20 51 16 22
25 10 56 12 10 20 46 16 18 30 36 16 23
30 10 48 8 10 20 38 16 15 30 28 16 20 40 18 16 24
35 5 48 12 5 15 38 12 12 25 28 12 17 35 18 16 21
40 10 37 14 8 20 27 16 13 30 17 16 17
45 10 32 8 7 20 22 8 12 30 12 16 16
50 10 25 10 7 20 15 16 12
55 5 23 16 5 15 13 16 10

PC 23030XS field of view

Diam. Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r Height WD F/# r
mm (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (%)
15 5 78 8 12 15 68 16 19
20 10 62 16 12 20 52 16 18
25 10 57 8 10 20 47 12 16 30 37 16 21
30 15 45 8 12 25 35 12 17 35 25 16 20 45 13 16 23
35 10 45 16 8 15 40 16 11 25 30 16 15
40 10 38 12 8 20 30 12 13 30 20 16 17
45 10 33 16 7 20 23 16 11
50 10 25 16 5 20 15 16 11
55 12 12 16 6


PCCD series
Catadioptric lenses for 360° top and lateral view with just one camera


360° imaging of small objects

Parts down to 7.5 mm in diameter can be imaged.

Extra wide lateral view angle

Object sides are viewed at an angle approaching 45°.

The lens can be easily integrated in any system.

Perfect chromatic correction

For RGB camera applications and color inspection.


PCCDLFAT Field of view extender for inspection

of objects with diameter > 25 mm.

PCCD series are catadioptric lenses exclusively developed and The compactness and high resolution of these lenses make them
manufactured by Opto Engineering® to enable the 360° side ideal to inspect components like pharmaceutical containers, plastic
view of small objects. Their innovative optical design, based on caps, pre-forms, bottlenecks, screws and other threaded objects.
a catadioptric system, makes it possible to image objects with PCCD series can work either with 1/2”, 1/3” and 2/3” detectors.
diameters as small as 7 mm. The sides of the object being inspected are observed over a wide
The sides of the object are imaged through the catadioptric system, view angle, approaching 45° at its maximum; this feature makes it
while the top surface is directly imaged onto the center of the possible to inspect complex object geometries from a convenient
detector. perspective.

Part number PCCD 013 PCCD 012 PCCD 023

Detector type 1/3” 1/2” 2/3” Sample images taken with PCCD optics
Image circle Ø (mm) 3.6 4.8 6.6
Field of view (diam x height)
Min (mm x mm) 7.5 x 5 7.5 x 5 7.5 x 5
Typical (mm x mm) 15 x 10 15 x 10 15 x 10
Max (mm x mm) 25 x 17 25 x 17 25 x 17
Extended with PCCDLFAT (mm x mm) 35 x 26 35 x 26 35 x 25

Optical specifications
Wavelength range (nm) 450 .. 650 450 .. 650 450 .. 650
Working distance (mm) 28 .. 53 28 .. 53 24 .. 47
Working distance with PCCDLFAT (mm) 5 .. 11 5 .. 11 5 .. 11
CTF @ 50 lp/mm (%) > 35 > 30 > 30
F/# 6 - 24 8 - 32 8 - 24

Mechanical specifications
Diameter (mm) 143 143 143
Length (mm) 110.5 110.5 110.5
Weight (g) 980 990 990
Mount C C C


Area scan cameras p. 196-205


LTRN165x45, LTRN245x35 p. 148-151

NEW - High power version:
LTRNHP165x45 p. 152

Clamping mechanics: CMHO PCCD p. 229
Min 18°
FOV extender: PCCDLFAT p. 246


Max LTDV series p. 256


The image of the external walls of the object, captured through the
catadioptric system, is inscribed into the short side of the camera
detector within a circular crown. On the other hand, the top of the
object is directly imaged onto the central part of the detector area:
both the lateral and top view of the object are in perfect focus at
the same time.
Detector short side

The tables show possible combinations of object diameters

and heights along with the appropriate working distance and
recommended F-number; the “c” parameter for each configuration
is also listed.
The “c” parameter describes the dimension of the top view image: it
is calculated as the ratio between the central top view diameter and
the short side of the detector. The typical ratio between the object
height and its diameter is 2/3 which means that, for a given object
Top view diameter (px) diameter (i.e. 15 mm), the recommended inspection height will be
c (%) = 100
Detector short side (px) *
around 67% of the diameter (10 mm). However, this parameter
can be modified to accommodate for different aspect ratios (up to
100%) by adjusting the lens working distance, focus and F-number.

Unwrapped image.

Field of view selection chart PCCD accessories

PCCD 013 field of view

Diameter Height WD F/# c
PCCD optics are complemented
(mm) (mm) (mm) (%)
by a full set of accessories, including:
7.5 5.0 53 24 11
CMHO PCCD: dedicated clamping mechanics
10 6.7 49 16 15
designed to securely hold catadioptric lenses.
15 10.0 42 12 22
20 13.3 35 8 30
LTRN series: specific LED ring illuminators
25 16.7 28 6 37
Extended FOV with PCCDLFAT
30 22 11 8 36
35 26 5 8 37

PCCD 012 field of view

Diameter Height WD F/# c
(mm) (mm) (mm) (%)
7.5 5.0 53 32 13
10 6.7 49 24 17
15 10.0 42 16 25
20 13.3 34 12 33
25 16.7 28 8 42
Extended FOV with PCCDLFAT
30 22 11 8 37
35 26 5 8 37

PCCD 023 field of view

Diameter Height WD F/# c
PCCDLFAT is an accessory designed to extend
(mm) (mm) (mm) (%)
the FOV of PCCD optics and inspect objects
7.5 5.0 47 24 12 with even larger diameters (beyond 25 mm).
10 6.7 45 24 16 This accessory can be easily mounted on PCCD
15 10.0 38 16 24 optics by the user: simply remove the
20 13.3 30 12 32 pre-assembled protective window
25 16.7 24 8 40 and replace it with PCCDLFAT.
Extended FOV with PCCDLFAT
30 22 14 8 37
35 25 10 8 45


PCHI series
Hole inspection optics for 360° inside view in perfect focus


Perfect focusing of holed objects

Both the walls and the bottom of cavities are imaged in high

Inside inspection from the outside

No need to put an optical probe into the hole.

Very high field depth

Objects featuring different shapes and dimensions can be imaged
by the same lens.

Wide view angle

Sample surfaces are acquired by the lens under a convenient
perspective to clearly display their features.

PCHI optics have been developed by Opto Engineering® to easily

inspect holes, cavities and containers. Unlike common optics or so
called “pinhole lenses” which can only image flat fields of view, hole
inspection optics are specifically designed to image both the bottom
of a hole and its vertical walls.
Thanks to the large view angle (>82°) and innovative optical design,
these lenses are compatible with a wide range of object diameters
and thicknesses. Hole inspection optics are the perfect solution to
inspect a variety of different object shapes such as cylinders, cones, PCHI023 + compatible LTRN075x45 ringlight.
holes, bottles or threaded objects.

Common lens Hole inspection optics

Sample images taken with PCHI optics

Perfect focusing
is maintained
the entire depth
of a hole.

cavity inspection
is possible
from both sides.

Flat FOV

Square, polygonal
Cavity vertical wall

or irregular cross
section objects
can be inspected.

Cavity bottom

Part number PCHI 013 PCHI 012 PCHI 023
Detector type 1/3” 1/2” 2/3"
Image circle Ø (mm) 3.6 4.8 6.6
Field of view 1 (diam x height)
Min (mm x mm) 10 x 10 10 x 10 10 x 10
Max (mm x mm) 120 x 190 120 x 190 120 x 190

Optical specifications
Wavelength range (nm) 450 .. 650 450 .. 650 450 .. 650

Working distance (mm) 5 .. 62 5 .. 62 5 .. 35

CTF @ 50 lp/mm (%) > 40 > 40 > 30
wF/# 2 4.7 5.8 8.3

Mechanical specifications

Diameter (mm) 28.0 28.0 28.0

Length (mm) 102.0 104.0 108.5
Weight (g) 250 250 250
Mount C C C

1 Cameras with CS- to C-mount adapters, filters or protective windows in front

of the sensor or other mechanical constraints in the C-mount can limit
the focus range of PCHI0xx lenses. Contact us to check compatibility

with your specific camera.

2 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro.
Detector short side



Area scan cameras p. 196-205


LTRN 075 x45 p. 148-151
Side view height (px)
r (%) = 100 NEW - High power version: LTRNHP075x45 p. 152
Detector short side (px) *

LTLAB2-x p. 146


LTDV series p. 256

Unwrapped image.

Field of view selection chart

PCHI 013, PCHI 012 and PCHI 023 field of view

High res. imaging Normal res. imaging PCHI optics can image cavities whose diameters and thicknesses
Hole Cavity r Cavity r WD span over a wide range of values.
diameter height height
(mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) For a given hole diameter, the table on the left lists the maximum
10 6 23.5 10 28 5 cavity height allowed for both high resolution imaging (small pixel
15 8.5 22.5 14.5 29 6.5 sizes) and normal resolution imaging (>5 micron pixels) applications;
20 13 26.5 22 32.5 9 the “r” ratio indicates how much of the detector area gets covered
25 18 26 31 33 11 by the image of the hole inner walls.
30 22 26 37 32 14
40 31 26.5 53 32 18 The listed working distance values ensure that the object image is
50 40 27 68 32 23 exactly inscribed into the short side of the detector, thus maximizing
60 50 28.5 85 32.5 29 “r” ratio and image resolution.
70 60 28 102 33 35
80 75 29.5 120 34 41
100 97 30 155 34.5 52
120 120 31 190 35 62


PCBP series
Boroscopic probes for panoramic cavity imaging and measurement from inside


Inspection of cavities from inside

Hidden internal features and defects are clearly viewed.

High resolution
The catadioptric design enables the detection of tiny defects
over a very wide view angle.

Flaw detection
Coarse deformations revealed using direct illumination.

Surface defect enhancement

Mixing direct and indirect illumination makes it possible
to emphasize tiny and scarcely visible defects.


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

PCBP probes are used to inspect holed objects such as engine complete 360° inner view of the entire cavity. Boroscopic probes are
parts, containers and tubes whose hidden features can only be intended to be handled by a robot arm or S.C.A.R.A. in order to scan
controlled by introducing a probe into the cavity. even the deepest cavities. Built-in illumination keeps the device very
The catadioptric (refracting + reflecting) optical design ensures compact and makes it suitable for simple 3D applications by means
much higher resolution than fiber-based probes and enables the of panoramic triangulation techniques.

Sample images taken with a PCBP optics

of holed parts
of an engine.

Tube scanning for

integrity inspection.

Defect and impurities

detection inside

PCBP probes can image cavities whose diameter ranges from 25 mm
to 100 mm and over: the table below shows the inspection range

Inspection area

ø 21 mm Diameter Height
area (mm) (mm)
25 9

Max Height 53 mm

30 12
40 18
50 23
Height 60 29

9 mm
80 41
100 53

Min ø 25 mm

Max ø 100 mm

An integrated LED source illuminates the cavity both diffusely and

directly (specular illumination). The diagram on the left shows the
different illumination areas. Diffused illumination is used for defect
detection and component inspection.

Direct/specular illumination can be efficiently used to check for

surface deformation on metal and highly reflective objects as well as
to measure the hole diameter.

The image of the cavity covers around 50% of the detector height;
the continuous red line indicates the bottom view of the cavity
(-22.5°), the dashed line shows the upper view (+37.5°) while the
dash-dotted line refers to the lateral view (0°).

Unwrapped image.

Part number PCBP 013 PCBP 012

Detector type 1/3” 1/2”
Image circle Ø (mm) 3.6 4.8 The LED illumination device
Field of view (diam x height) is integrated into the unit.
The optical tip of the probe
Min (mm x mm) 25 x 9 25 x 9
PCBPTIP can be easily replaced
Max (mm x mm) 100 x 53 100 x 53 in case of damage.
Optical specifications
Wavelength range (nm) 450 .. 650 450 .. 650
Viewing angle (deg) 60 60
CTF @ 50 lp/mm (%) > 25 > 20
F/# 14 16

Mechanical specifications
The best focus is achieved by means
of a lockable focusing mechanism.
Diameter (mm) 21 21
Power supply cables exit
Length (mm) 167 137 the device nearby the C-mount.
Weight (g) 113 92
Mount C C

Electrical specifications
LED Voltage (V) 16 .. 24 16 .. 24
LED Power (W) < 2.0 < 2.0


PCPW series
Polyview optics for multiple side views in one image


Just one camera

No need for multiple cameras placed around and over the object.

Wide viewing angles

45° side view makes otherwise hidden features visible.

Complete surface inspection

Both inner and outer object surfaces can be imaged in one shot.

Very high resolution

Even the tiniest defects can be detected.

PCPW optics provide eight different views of the side and top Sample images taken with PCPW optics
surfaces of an object.
The wide view angle (45°) enables the inspection of the side features
of an object (for example the threads of a screw or a nut) otherwise
impossible to acquire with a single camera.
Both the external walls of an object and its top can be imaged
at the same time, while internal surfaces of holed objects can be
completely inspected from the outside. A combined view of the
internal and external surfaces is possible and an image displaying
both the inner walls and the bottom of a cavity can be obtained.
In addition to these unique features, PCPW optics also ensures
excellent image resolution and image brightness.

Part number PCPW 013 PCPW 012 PCPW 023

Detector type 1/3” 1/2” 2/3”
Image circle Ø (mm) 3.6 4.8 6.6
Max object diameter for SIDE inspection
Height 20 mm (mm) 30 30 30
Height 5 mm (mm) 50 50 50

Max object diameter for SIDE + TOP inspection

Height 10 mm (mm) 30 30 30

Optical specifications
Wavelength range (nm) 450 .. 650 450 .. 650 450 .. 650
Working distance (mm) 20 .. 40 20 .. 40 20 .. 40
CTF @ 50 lp/mm (%) > 60 > 50 > 40
F/# 4-12 6-16 8-16

Mechanical specifications
Diameter (mm) 140 140 140
Length (mm) 224 224 224
Weight (g) 990 990 990
Mount C C C


LTRN 050 x45 p. 150


LTRN 245 x45 p. 150 Area scan cameras p. 196-205

IMAGE ON CAMERA DETECTOR The diagram shows how

PCPW optics image a
cylindrical object. The object
is observed at 45° from eight
different points of view. Eight
different trapezoidal fields
of view are obtained: all the
object features included
in such a trapezoid will be
imaged on the corresponding
image portion. The 45° view
Min WD 20 mm

angle allows both the sides

and the top of a cylindrical
object to be imaged. If the
object is a hollow cylinder
(hole or cavity), the inner wall
45 14 mm
° of the cavity will be imaged
Max WD 44 mm

instead of the top, thus

Object enabling both outer and inner
22 mm

height side inspection.


33 mm

Object diameter Field of view Object diameter

ø 30 mm
Maximum field of view
ø 50 mm
In order to perform a
complete 360° inspection,
ø 30 mm
each of the eight image
portions should image at least
1/6 of the cylindrical surface;
h = 20 mm

h = 5 mm

this condition ensures a good

overlapping between two
h = 10 mm

different lateral views, since

part of the object features will
be shared by two neighboring
image portions.

When the object height Up to 50 mm diameter Combined view of both the inner
is maximum (20 mm) up objects can be inspected, sides and the bottom of a cavity is
to 30 mm diameter objects provided their thickness possible when objects are up to
can be inspected. doesn’t exceed 5 mm. 30 mm diameter and 10 mm height.

Part number LTRN 050 W 45 LTRN 050 W 45 is a small LED

Light color white, 6300 K ring illuminator compatible
Dimensions with different products
Outer diameter (mm) 54.0 and suitable for a variety of
Inner diameter (mm) 15.2 inspections. This illuminator
Height (mm) 18.0 is also perfectly suitable for
Weight (g) 30.0 illuminating the inner sides of
Mount threaded retaining ring a cavity imaged by a Polyview
Voltage (V, DC) 24 lens; the illuminator flange is
Power (W) 3 threaded to fit PCPW series
Compatible PC lenses PCPW 0xx, PCHI 0xx
inner mounting interface.
Other compatible lenses TC 23 00x, MC3-03X


PCMP series
Micro-polyview optics for 3D measurement and imaging of small parts


Small parts lateral imaging

Inspection of objects whose size ranges from 1 to 10 mm.

Measurement capability
The top and the lateral views show the same magnification.

High field depth

The top and the lateral views are imaged without
significant defocusing.

PCMP optics are 3D, multi-image lenses designed to completely

measure and inspect objects whose dimensions range from 1 to CUSTOM FEATURES
10 mm, such as electronic components, solder paste and micro-
mechanical components. Six different lateral views are provided by
an array of mirrors interfaced to a bi-telecentric lens; the top of the - different number of views
object is directly imaged at the center of the field of view.
- different view angles
The lateral views feature exactly the same magnification and the
images remain in perfect focus even when the object is displaced - asymmetric or special mirror arrays
from its nominal position. All the views can be used to precisely can be supplied upon request.
measure the dimension of components from different angles.
The PCMP series integrates LED illumination optimized for this
specific assembly.

Part number PCMP 012 PCMP 023

Detector type 1/2” 2/3” The suggested working distance ranges from 1.5 to 5 mm. The best
Image circle Ø (mm) 4.8 6.6 focus can be achieved by adjusting the number of spacers in the
Max object inspection height C-mount interface or by vertically positioning the illuminator+mirror
With diameter 2.5 mm 6 6 assembly.
With diameter 5 mm 4.5 4.5 The image orientation can be adjusted by simply rotating the mirror
With diameter 7.5 mm 3 3 cage or the whole assembly.
With diameter 10 mm 1 1
The top and side views show exactly the same magnification;
Optical specifications
however the side views appear to be compressed because of the
Wavelength range (nm) 450 .. 650 450 .. 650
perspective angle. Thanks to telecentric imaging such compression
Working distance (mm) 1.5 .. 5 1.5 .. 5
is purely linear and therefore very easy to calibrate.
CTF @ 50 lp/mm (%) > 40 > 40
wF/# 1 8 8

Mechanical specifications
Diameter (mm) 119 119
Length (mm) 262 262
Weight (g) 980 980
Mount C C

Electrical specifications
Illuminator voltage (V, DC) 24 24
Illuminator power (W) 18 18 FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS

Camera phase adjustment feature is available upon request. Area scan cameras p. 196-205
1 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro.

18 .5°
Side view
Side view

Side view

Side view
Top view Top view

Application examples
10.0 7.5

components inspection
Thread integrity, pitch and diameter
can be verified and measured.

Sid Sid
ev ev
iew iew
s s

Top view Top view

6.5 12.0 6.5 12.0

Sid Sid
ev 5.0 ev 5.0
s s SMD components inspection
Integrated circuit position,
rotation, pin integrity and bonding
can be checked.
Side view

Side view

Side view

Side view

Top view Top view

5.0 2.5


Electronic connector check

Presence/absence, alignment
Sid Sid and length of pins can be precisely
ev ev
iew iew
s s measured.

Top view Top view

6.5 12.0 6.5 12.0

Sid Sid
ev 5.0 ev 5.0
iew iew
s s



TCCAGE series
Bi-telecentric system for multiple side imaging and measurement at 90°


90° lateral imaging

The four orthonormal views allow you to see object features that are
hidden from the top.

Long and thin object inspection

The characteristic aspects ratio of the four image segments perfectly
fits long and thin objects.

Built-in illumination
The device also incorporates two different light sources, for back
and direct illumination.

Suitable for measurement

Telecentric optics makes this module perfect for any multiple-
measurement application.

TCCAGE is an integrated optomechanical system designed to Two different illumination devices are built into the system to
fully inspect and measure parts from the side without any need of provide either backlight or direct part illumination.
rotation. Four orthonormal views of an object are provided by a bi-
telecentric lens through an array of mirrors.
Each view is exactly at 90° with respect to the neighboring views;
this optical layout ensures complete coverage of the object lateral
Furthermore, telecentric imaging makes the system insensitive NEW
to off-centered parts and therefore suitable for measurement
TCCAGE is the perfect solution for inspecting parts whose features Camera phase adjustment feature added for easy
would be hidden when looked at from the top and for all those and hassle-free integration.
applications where an object must be inspected or measured from
different sides.

Part number TCCAGE 12048 TCCAGE 23048 TCCAGE 12096 TCCAGE 23096
Detector type 1/2” 2/3” 1/2” 2/3”
Image circle Ø (mm) 4.8 6.6 4.8 6.6
Max object diameter (mm) 8 8 16 16
Max object height (mm) 32 32 68 68

Optical specifications
Wavelength range (mm) 450 .. 650 450 .. 650 450 .. 650 450 .. 650
CTF @ 50 lp/mm (%) > 40 > 40 > 40 > 40
wF/# 1 8 8 8 8

Mechanical specifications
Width (mm) 111 111 179 179
Length (mm) 192.8 192.8 347 347
Height (mm) 248 248 405 424
Weight (g) 2700 2700 9111 9154
Mount C C C C
Camera phase regulation 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Electrical specifications
Ring illumination voltage (V, DC) 24 24 24 24
Ring illumination power (W) 3 3 3 3
Back illumination voltage (V, DC) 24 24 24 24
Back illumination power (W) 9 9 15 15

1 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro.
2 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

d Sample images taken with TCCAGE

Working principle
A bi-telecentric lens observes the object from four different
positions through a mirror assembly, ensuring that the optical path
is the same for all four view points.
The four views are equally spaced by 90° and partially overlapped,
obtaining complete coverage of the object lateral surfaces.
The system can thus tolerate off-centered components without
any significant decay of the image quality thanks to the telecentric
optics, which ensures that magnification is maintained in each image
segment. The system is designed so as to allow components to pass
unobstructed through the mirror cage, for in-line applications.

When TCCAGE system is used for in-line inspection, consider the

following minimum distance “d” between two consecutive objects in
order to avoid image overlapping

TCCAGE xx048 d (mm) ≅ 25 + ∅ object /2

TCCAGE xx096 d (mm) ≅ 50 + ∅ object /2

Illumination geometry
TCCAGE series integrates both direct and backlight illumination.
Direct illumination (yellow cone in the drawing) is provided by a
ring illuminator placed on the top of the part that can be used to
enhance surface defects.
Back lighting (indicated by the yellow arrow) is obtained by means
of a diffuse source which illuminates the object through the mirror
system; this type of illumination is suggested for measurement
purposes or to inspect transparent objects.

Additional port
TCCAGE is provided with an extra port placed right above the
object. This port can be used to inspect the top of the part using
an additional lens and camera system (for example a PCHI hole
inspection lens, a macro or TC lens). The port can also accomodate
other types of illuminators.


MC series
Zero distortion macro lenses


Zero distortion
MC series are suitable for any measurement application where
telecentricity is not required.

High resolution
MC series has been specifically designed to work in macro

Small outer diameter (15 mm), fitting applications with limited space
for optical components.

MC series macro lenses are designed to capture images of small FOR HIGHER MAGNIFICATION TELECENTRIC LENSES SEE ALSO
objects when both very good resolution and nearly zero distortion
are needed. Small object fields of view are often observed by means TCHM series p. 46
of long focal length lenses equipped with an additional spacer, used
to adjust the working distance. FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE ILLUMINATORS

Ringlights LTLA, LTRNST, LTRNOB series p. 146-151

Unfortunately, this approach leads to several problems like high
image distortion, resolution loss (especially at the corners), poor
depth of field and chromatic effects, thus making this method Backlights LT2BC, LTBP, LTBC, LTBFC series p. 162-170
not suitable for good imaging neither compatible with accurate
measurement requirements. FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS

All of these problems can be overcome by using MC series, Area scan cameras p. 196-205
specifically designed for macro imaging. MC series lenses are
compact and cost-effective optics providing very high image
resolution. A very low optical distortion makes these lenses perfectly
suitable for precise dimensional measurement applications.

Application examples

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specifications
1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2’’ 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 Mpx
6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm
diag diag diag diag diag
Part Mag. Image wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh WD Focal F/# Distortion Field CTF Mount Length Height Diam.
number circle 4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 length (wF/#) depth @ 30 lp/mm
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 1 2 3 4
Object field of view (mm x mm)
MC 300X 3.00 11.0 1.6 x 1.2 1.9 x 1.4 2.1 x 1.6 2.4 x 1.8 2.8 x 2.4 29 28.2 5.0 (20) < 0.01 0.1 > 20 C 106.5 30.0 15
MC 200X 2.00 11.0 2.4 x 1.8 2.9 x 2.1 3.2 x 2.4 3.6 x 2.7 4.3 x 3.5 33 28.2 5.3 (16) < 0.01 0.2 > 35 C 78.1 30.0 15
MC 150X 1.50 11.0 3.2 x 2.4 3.8 x 2.9 4.3 x 3.2 4.8 x 3.6 5.7 x 4.7 38 28.2 5.2 (13) < 0.01 0.3 > 45 C 63.9 30.0 15
MC 100X 1.00 11.0 4.8 x 3.6 5.7 x 4.3 6.4 x 4.8 7.1 x 5.3 8.5 x 7.1 47 28.2 5.0 (10) < 0.01 0.5 >50 C 49.9 30.0 15
MC 075X 0.75 11.0 6.4 x 4.8 7.6 x 5.7 8.5 x 6.4 9.5 x 7.1 11.3 x 9.5 58 28.2 5.1 (9) < 0.02 0.8 >55 C 42.8 30.0 15
MC 050X 0.50 11.0 9.6 x 7.2 11.4 x 8.6 12.8 x 9.6 14.3 x 10.7 17.0 x 14.2 75 28.2 5.3 (8) < 0.02 1.7 > 55 C 35.7 30.0 15
MC 033X 0.33 11.0 14.4 x 10.8 17.1 x 12.9 19.2 x 14.4 21.4 x 16.0 25.5 x 21.3 102 28.2 5.3 (7) < 0.05 3.3 > 55 C 31.0 30.0 15

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 3 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement but,
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should
and minimum distortion. be considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 3.45 μm.
2 F/# = F-number, wF/# = working F-number, the real F-number 4 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
of a lens when used as a macro.


MC3-03X macro
Zero distortion multi-configuration macro lens


Wide range of magnifications

MC3-03X is suitable for the inspection of many different object sizes
with different detector options.

Nearly zero distortion

Less than 0.05% distortion, at any magnification, makes this lens the
perfect choice for measurement applications.

Perfect optical parameters mix

Changing the magnification also changes the lens working F-number
in such a way that resolution and distortion are always optimized.

MC3-03X is a multi-configuration macro lens suitable for the machine vision applications requiring flexibility. Since the working
inspection of objects whose size varies from a few millimeters F-number increases with magnification, the optimum combination
to some centimeters. Magnification and focus can be tuned by of field depth, image resolution and brightness is maintained in any
adjusting a lockable rotating knob. lens configuration.
The lens magnification range can be selected by means of a set Moreover, the optical distortion approaches zero at any
of extension tubes, included in the product package; this feature magnification, making this lens perfectly suitable for measurement
makes this component ideal for prototyping purposes and for applications.

Application examples


TCHM series p. 46


Ringlights LTLA, LTRNST, LTRNOB series p. 146-151

Backlights LT2BC, LTBP, LTBC, LTBFC series p. 162-170


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

MC3-03X macro FOV and WD selection chart

Detector type Dimensions

1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2’’ 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 Mpx
Number Mag. WD F/# (wF/#) Field 6.0 mm diag 7.1 mm diag 8.0 mm diag 8.9 mm diag 11.1 mm diag Mount Length Diam.
of spacers depth wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh
4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09
(x) (mm) (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3
Object field of view (mm x mm)
0.1 275.0 5.5 (6) 23.8 48.0 x 36.0 57.0 x 42.8 64.0 x 48.0 71.3 x 53.3 85.0 x 70.9
0.2 136.0 5.0 (6) 5.95 24.0 x 18.0 28.5 x 21.4 32.0 x 24.0 35.7 x 26.7 42.5 x 35.5
0.3 92.0 5.4 (7) 3.09 16.0 x 12.0 19.0 x 14.3 21.3 x 16.0 23.8 x 17.8 28.3 x 23.6
0.4 71.0 5.0 (7) 1.74 12.0 x 9.0 14.3 x 10.7 16.0 x 12.0 17.8 x 13.3 21.3 x 17.7
0.5 60.0 5.3 (8) 1.27 9.6 x 7.2 11.4 x 8.6 12.8 x 9.6 14.3 x 10.7 17.0 x 14.2
0 C 50.5 28
0.6 54.0 5.6 (9) 0.99 8.0 x 6.0 9.5 x 7.1 10.7 x 8.0 11.9 x 8.9 14.2 x 11.8
0.7 50.0 5.3 (9) 0.73 6.9 x 5.1 8.1 x 6.1 9.1 x 6.9 10.2 x 7.6 12.1 x 10.1
0.8 47.0 5.6 (10) 0.62 6.0 x 4.5 7.1 x 5.4 8.0 x 6.0 8.9 x 6.7 10.6 x 8.9
0.9 46.0 5.3 (10) 0.49 5.3 x 4.0 6.3 x 4.8 7.1 x 5.3 7.9 x 5.9 9.4 x 7.9
1.0 46.0 5.5 (11) 0.44 4.8 x 3.6 5.7 x 4.3 6.4 x 4.8 7.1 x 5.3 8.5 x 7.1
0.7 31.0 5.3 (9) 0.73 6.9 x 5.1 8.1 x 6.1 9.1 x 6.9 10.2 x 7.6 12.1 x 10.1
0.8 29.0 5.6 (10) 0.62 6.0 x 4.5 7.1 x 5.4 8.0 x 6.0 8.9 x 6.7 10.6 x 8.9
0.9 28.0 5.3 (10) 0.49 5.3 x 4.0 6.3 x 4.8 7.1 x 5.3 7.9 x 5.9 9.4 x 7.9
1.0 27.0 5.5 (11) 0.44 4.8 x 3.6 5.7 x 4.3 6.4 x 4.8 7.1 x 5.3 8.5 x 7.1
1.1 28.0 5.2 (11) 0.36 4.4 x 3.3 5.2 x 3.9 5.8 x 4.4 6.5 x 4.8 7.7 x 6.4
1 C 69.0 28
1.2 28.0 5.5 (12) 0.33 4.0 x 3.0 4.8 x 3.6 5.3 x 4.0 5.9 x 4.4 7.1 x 5.9
1.3 29.0 5.2 (12) 0.28 3.7 x 2.8 4.4 x 3.3 4.9 x 3.7 5.5 x 4.1 6.5 x 5.5
1.4 31.0 5.4 (13) 0.26 3.4 x 2.6 4.1 x 3.1 4.6 x 3.4 5.1 x 3.8 6.1 x 5.1
1.5 32.0 5.2 (13) 0.23 3.2 x 2.4 3.8 x 2.9 4.3 x 3.2 4.8 x 3.6 5.7 x 4.7
1.6 34.0 5.4 (14) 0.22 3.0 x 2.3 3.6 x 2.7 4.0 x 3.0 4.5 x 3.3 5.3 x 4.4
1.4 12.0 5.4 (13) 0.26 3.4 x 2.6 4.1 x 3.1 4.6 x 3.4 5.1 x 3.8 6.1 x 5.1
1.5 14.0 5.2 (13) 0.23 3.2 x 2.4 3.8 x 2.9 4.3 x 3.2 4.8 x 3.6 5.7 x 4.7
1.6 15.0 5.4 (14) 0.22 3.0 x 2.3 3.6 x 2.7 4.0 x 3.0 4.5 x 3.3 5.3 x 4.4
1.7 17.0 5.2 (14) 0.19 2.8 x 2.1 3.4 x 2.5 3.8 x 2.8 4.2 x 3.1 5.0 x 4.2
1.8 19.0 5.4 (15) 0.18 2.7 x 2.0 3.2 x 2.4 3.6 x 2.7 4.0 x 3.0 4.7 x 3.9
2 C 87.5 28
1.9 21.0 5.2 (15) 0.16 2.5 x 1.9 3.0 x 2.3 3.4 x 2.5 3.8 x 2.8 4.5 x 3.7
2.0 23.0 5.3 (16) 0.16 2.4 x 1.8 2.9 x 2.1 3.2 x 2.4 3.6 x 2.7 4.3 x 3.5
2.1 25.0 5.2 (16) 0.14 2.3 x 1.7 2.7 x 2.0 3.0 x 2.3 3.4 x 2.5 4.0 x 3.4
2.2 27.0 5.3 (17) 0.14 2.2 x 1.6 2.6 x 1.9 2.9 x 2.2 3.2 x 2.4 3.9 x 3.2
2.3 30.0 5.5 (18) 0.14 2.1 x 1.6 2.5 x 1.9 2.8 x 2.1 3.1 x 2.3 3.7 x 3.1
2.1 7.0 5.2 (16) 0.14 2.3 x 1.7 2.7 x 2.0 3.0 x 2.3 3.4 x 2.5 4.0 x 3.4
2.2 9.0 5.3 (17) 0.14 2.2 x 1.6 2.6 x 1.9 2.9 x 2.2 3.2 x 2.4 3.9 x 3.2
2.3 11.0 5.5 (18) 0.14 2.1 x 1.6 2.5 x 1.9 2.8 x 2.1 3.1 x 2.3 3.7 x 3.1
2.4 14.0 5.3 (18) 0.12 2.0 x 1.5 2.4 x 1.8 2.7 x 2.0 3.0 x 2.2 3.5 x 3.0
2.5 16.0 5.4 (19) 0.12 1.9 x 1.4 2.3 x 1.7 2.6 x 1.9 2.9 x 2.1 3.4 x 2.8
3 C 106.0 28
2.6 18.0 5.3 (19) 0.11 1.8 x 1.4 2.2 x 1.6 2.5 x 1.8 2.7 x 2.1 3.3 x 2.7
2.7 21.0 5.4 (20) 0.11 1.8 x 1.3 2.1 x 1.6 2.4 x 1.8 2.6 x 2.0 3.1 x 2.6
2.8 23.0 5.3 (20) 0.10 1.7 x 1.3 2.0 x 1.5 2.3 x 1.7 2.5 x 1.9 3.0 x 2.5
2.9 26 5.4 (21) 0.10 1.7 x 1.2 2.0 x 1.5 2.2 x 1.7 2.5 x 1.8 2.9 x 2.4
3.0 28 5.3 (21) 0.09 1.6 x 1.2 1.9 x 1.4 2.1 x 1.6 2.4 x 1.8 2.8 x 2.4

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 3 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement but,
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should
and minimum distortion. be considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 3.45 μm.
2 F/# = F-number, wF/# = working F-number, the real F-number
of a lens when used as a macro.


Variable macro lens with Scheimpflug adjustment


Precision Scheimpflug mount

Image focus is maintained across any tilted plane.

Compatible with any C-mount camera

The back focal length meets the C-mount standard.

Application flexibility
Supports a wide range of magnification factors and viewing angles.

MCSM1-01X is a variable macro lens expressly designed for 3D with any structured light source to build up extremely accurate 3D
measurement and imaging applications where the object plane is imaging systems. Image sharpness is maintained even when the
not perpendicular to the optical axis. A precise built-in adjustment lens is tilted by a wide angle, since the Scheimpflug adjustment tilts
mechanism allows the lens to accurately meet the Scheimpflug around the horizontal axis of the detector plane. The tiltable mount
condition and to image tilted planes in perfect focus. This lens offers is compatible with any C-mount camera.
a wide range of magnifications and view angles. It can be interface

Examples of 3D imaging configuration

MCSM1-01X imaging a sample from an angled point of view. Without tilt adjustment, the object At the Scheimpflug angle, the image
is not homogeneously focused. becomes sharp.

MCSM1-01X combined with a LTPRSMHP3W-R Without tilt adjustment, At the Scheimplflug angle, the image
Scheimplfug pattern projector at 90°. the image of the surface is sharp over the entire surface where
is not homogeneously focused. the paste has been deposited.


TCSM series p. 30


LED pattern projectors p. 180


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

MCSM1-01X combined with LTPRHP3W-R. Without tilt adjustment, the image At the Scheimplflug angle, the entire
is out of focus. surface becomes focused.

FOV and WD selection chart

Long detector side horizontal Long detector side vertical
1/3" 1/2" 2/3" 1/3" 1/2" 2/3"
6.0 mm diag 8.0 mm diag 11.1 mm diag 6.0 mm diag 8.0 mm diag 11.1 mm diag
Mag. Object Mount WD F/# (wF/#) wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh
tilt tilt 4.80 x 3.60 6.40 x 4.80 8.50 x 7.09 3.60 x 4.80 4.80 x 6.40 7.09 x 8.50
(x) (deg) (deg) (mm) 1 2 (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm)
Field of view - w (W) x h - (mm x mm) Field of view - w (W) x h - (mm x mm)

W h


0.0 0.0 4.80 (4.80) x 3.60 6.40 (6.40) x 4.80 8.50 (8.50) x 7.09 3.60(3.60) x 4.80 4.80 (4.80) x 6.4 7.09 (7.09) x 8.50
5.0 5.0 4.75 (4.85) x 3.61 6.33 (6.47) x 4.81 8.41 (8.59) x 7.10 3.55(3.65) x 4.81 4.73 (4.87) x 6.4 6.99 (7.19) x 8.51
1 43.0 6.3 (12.5)
10.0 10.0 4.70 (4.90) x 3.61 6.27 (6.53) x 4.81 8.33 (8.67) x 7.10 3.51(3.70) x 4.81 4.68 (4.93) x 6.4 6.91 (7.28) x 8.51
15.0 15.0 4.64 (4.95) x 3.61 6.18 (6.60) x 4.81 8.21 (8.77) x 7.10 3.46(3.75) x 4.81 4.61 (5.00) x 6.4 6.81 (7.39) x 8.51
0.0 0.0 6.43 (6.43) x 4.82 8.57 (8.57) x 6.42 11.4 (11.4) x 9.49 4.82(4.82) x 6.43 6.42 (6.42) x 8.6 9.49 (7.62) x 11.4
7.5 5.7 6.33 (6.52) x 4.84 8.44 (8.70) x 6.45 11.2 (11.6) x 9.53 4.72(4.92) x 6.45 6.29 (6.56) x 8.6 9.29 (9.69) x 11.4
0.75 47.8 6.2 (10.9)
15.0 11.4 6.23 (6.63) x 4.89 8.31 (8.84) x 6.52 11.0 (11.8) x 9.64 4.63(5.02) x 6.53 6.17 (6.70) x 8.7 9.50 (9.89) x 11.6
20.0 15.3 6.17 (6.70) x 4.95 8.23 (8.9) x 6.60 10.9 (11.9) x 9.75 4.57(5.10) x 6.61 6.09 (6.80) x 8.8 9.0 (10.0) x 11.7
0.0 0.0 9.63 (9.63) x 7.23 12.8 (12.8) x 9.64 17.1 (17.1) x 14.3 7.23(7.23) x 9.63 9.64 (9.64) x 13.0 14.3 (14.3) x 17.1
10.0 5.0 9.44 (9.83) x 7.31 12.6 (13.1) x 9.75 16.7 (17.4) x 14.4 7.03(7.43) x 9.74 9.37 (9.91) x 13.0 13.9 (14.6) x 17.3
0.5 59.6 6.3 (9.4)
20.0 10.4 9.25 (10.1) x 7.58 12.3 (13.4) x 10.1 16.4 (17.8) x 14.9 6.84(7.65) x 10.1 9.12 (10.2) x 13.0 13.5 (15.0) x 18.0
30.0 16.1 9.04 (10.3) x 8.05 12.1 (13.7) x 10.7 16.0 (18.3) x 15.9 6.65(7.91) x 10.8 8.87 (10.5) x 14.0 13.1 (15.6) x 19.0
0.0 0.0 14.6 (14.6) x 10.9 19.4 (19.4) x 14.6 25.8 (25.8) x 20.1 10.9(10.9) x 14.5 14.6 (14.6) x 19.0 21.6 (21.6) x 25.7
15.0 5.1 14.1 (14.9) x 11.3 18.9 (19.9) x 15.1 25.0 (26.5) x 22.2 10.5(11.4) x 15.1 14.0 (15.2) x 20.0 20.7 (22.5) x 26.7
0.33 83.8 6.2 (8.3)
30.0 10.8 13.7 (15.6) x 12.5 18.2 (20.8) x 16.6 24.2 (27.6) x 24.5 10.0(12.0) x 16.7 13.4 (16.0) x 22.0 19.8 (23.6) x 29.6
45.0 18.3 13.1 (16.4) x 14.9 17.5 (21.9) x 19.8 23.3 (29.1) x 29.3 9.52(12.9) x 20.0 12.7 (17.1) x 27.0 18.8 (25.4) x 35.4
0.0 0.0 24.0 (24.0) x 18.0 32.0 (32.0) x 24.0 42.5 (42.5) x 35.5 18.0(18.0) x 24.0 24.0 (24.0) x 32.0 35.5 (35.5) x 42.5
15.0 3.0 23.3 (24.8) x 18.6 31.0 (33.0) x 24.8 41.2 (43.9) x 40.8 17.3(18.8) x 24.9 23.0 (25.1) x 33.0 34.1 (37.1) x 44.0
0.2 135.3 6.3 (7.5)
30.0 6.7 22.5 (25.7) x 20.7 30.0 (34.3) x 27.7 39.8 (45.6) x 49.8 16.5(19.8) x 27.8 22.0 (26.4) x 37.0 32.5 (39.0) x 49.2
45.0 11.4 21.5 (27.1) x 25.3 28.7 (36.2) x 33.7 38.2 (48.0) x 29.3 15.6(21.3) x 34.1 20.8 (28.4) x 45.0 30.7 (41.9) x 60.4
0.0 0.0 47.6 (47.6) x 35.7 63.5 (63.5) x 47.6 84.3 (84.3) x 70.4 35.7(35.7) x 47.7 47.6 (47.6) x 64.0 70.4 (70.4) x 84.4
15.0 1.6 46.2 (49.2) x 37.0 61.6 (65.6) x 49.4 81.8 (87.1) x 72.9 34.3(37.3) x 49.4 45.7 (49.7) x 66.0 712.1 (73.5) x 87.5
0.1 271.0 6.3 (6.9)
30.0 3.4 44.6 (51.1) x 41.4 59.5 (68.1) x 55.2 79.0 (90.5) x 81.4 32.8(39.3) x 55.4 43.7 (52.4) x 74.0 64.6 (77.3) x 98.0
45.0 5.8 42.7 (53.9) x 51.0 56.9 (71.9) x 68.0 75.5 (95.5) x 100.3 30.9(42.3) x 68.7 41.2 (56.4) x 92.0 60.9 (83.4) x 121.6

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 2 F/# = F-number, wF/# = working F-number, the real F-number
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution of a lens when used as a macro.
and minimum distortion.


MZMT12X series
12X continuous macro zoom lenses with motorized control


Independent motorized zoom and focus control.

Compact and robust design.

High resolution macro imaging.

Compatible MTDV controller.

MZMT12X motorized macro zoom lenses for 2/3” cameras deliver DEDICATED COMPATIBLE RINGLIGHT
superb optical performance in a compact and robust housing.
The Opto Engineering® motorized design features two bipolar LTRN024NW p. 148
stepper motors that respectively control zoom and focus with fine
increments, ensuring extremely accurate and repeatable results COMPATIBLE STEPPER MOTOR CONTROLLER

throughout the entire 12x zoom range.

MTDV p. 262

MZMT12X lenses are available with or without coaxial illumination FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS
and are complemented by the MTDV motion controller, available
separately. All of these features make MCMT12X lenses perfect for Area scan cameras p. 196-205
close-up imaging applications requiring high quality images and
flexible zoom capabilities.

Product combinations *

with coaxial illumination. without coaxial illumination. CBMT001 cable + MTDV controller.

* To be ordered separately.

Application examples

MZMTCX23A12X-C-W lens MZMT23A12X-C lens

with white coaxial illumination in combination with LTRN024NW MZMT23A12X-C lens
inspecting integrated ring illuminator inspecting in combination with LTRN024N
circuits assemblies. precision gears. ring illuminator inspecting PCBs.

Detector type Optical specifications Electrical specs Mechanical specs

1/3’’ 1/2.5’’ 1/2’’ 1/1.8” 2/3” - 5 Mpx
6.0 mm 7.1 mm 8.0 mm 8.9 mm 11.1 mm
Part Mag. Image diag diag diag diag diag WD wF/# Dist. Field CTF Coaxial light Mount Length Width Height
number circle wxh wxh wxh wxh wxh depth
4.80 x 3.60 5.70 x 4.28 6.40 x 4.80 7.13 x 5.33 8.50 x 7.09 typ (max) min
Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)

Object field of view (mm x mm) 1 2 5 3 4

max 7.2 11 0.7 x 0.5 0.8 x 0.6 0.9 x 0.7 1.0 x 0.7 1.2 x 1.0 31 < 0.25 (0.3) 0.03 > 25% @20lp/mm

MZMT 23A12X-C mid 2.5 11 1.9 x 1.4 2.3 x 1.7 2.6 x 1.9 2.9 x 2.1 3.4 x 2.8 83.0 17.6 < 0.05 (0.1) 0.15 > 40% @50lp/mm no C 300 70 73

min 0.6 11 8.0 x 6.0 9.5 x 7.1 10.7 x 8.0 11.9 x 8.9 14.2 x 11.8 12 < 0.2 (0.25) 1.73 > 30% @50lp/mm

max 7.2 11 0.7 x 0.5 0.8 x 0.6 0.9 x 0.7 1.0 x 0.7 1.2 x 1.0 31 < 0.25 (0.3) 0.03 > 25% @20lp/mm

MZMT CX23A12X-C-G mid 2.5 11 1.9 x 1.4 2.3 x 1.7 2.6 x 1.9 2.9 x 2.1 3.4 x 2.8 83.0 17.6 < 0.05 (0.1) 0.15 > 40% @50lp/mm green, 520 nm C 300 70 171

min 0.6 11 8.0 x 6.0 9.5 x 7.1 10.7 x 8.0 11.9 x 8.9 14.2 x 11.8 12 < 0.2 (0.25) 1.73 > 30% @50lp/mm

max 7.2 11 0.7 x 0.5 0.8 x 0.6 0.9 x 0.7 1.0 x 0.7 1.2 x 1.0 31 < 0.25 (0.3) 0.03 > 25% @20lp/mm

MZMT CX23A12X-C-W mid 2.5 11 1.9 x 1.4 2.3 x 1.7 2.6 x 1.9 2.9 x 2.1 3.4 x 2.8 83.0 17.6 < 0.05 (0.1) 0.15 > 40% @50lp/mm white C 300 70 171

min 0.6 11 8.0 x 6.0 9.5 x 7.1 10.7 x 8.0 11.9 x 8.9 14.2 x 11.8 12 < 0.2 (0.25) 1.73 > 30% @50lp/mm

1 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 4 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value for maximum resolution 5 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image:
and minimum distortion. typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.
2 F/# = F-number, wF/# = working F-number, the real F-number
of a lens when used as a macro..
3 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement but,
to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should be
considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 3.45 μm.


MZMT12X series
12X continuous macro zoom lenses with motorized control

Electrical specifications
Precise light intensity tuning
Coaxial light Optional Easily and precisely tune the light
Iris Fixed 1 intensity level thanks to the leadscrew
multi-turn trimmer positioned in the
Zoom back.
Connector Circular standard DIN 12Pos Male

Number 2
Type Stepper - bipolar
Supply voltage (V, DC ) 3,9
Amps/phase (A) 0,6
Resistance/phase 2 (Ω) 6.5 ± 15%
Direct LED control
Inductance/phase 3 (mH) 1.7 ± 20%
The built-in electronics can be
Holding Torque (N·m) 0,018
bypassed in order to drive the LED
Ratio 1:1
directly for use in continuous or
Step angle (°) 1,8
pulsed mode.
Step accuracy ± 5% When bypassed, the built-in
Rotor inertia (Kg/m2) 2.0 x 10-7 electronics behaves as an open circuit
Temperature rise (°C) 80 allowing direct control of the LED
Ambient temperature (°C) -10 ÷ 50 source.
Insulation resistance (MΩ) 100
Insulation class B - 130 °C
Dielectric strength 4 (V AC) 500
Ambient humidity max 85% (no condensation)

Compatibility 5
Stepper motors controller MTDV3CH-00A1
CBMT001 (circular standard DIN 12Pos Female
Cable 6
to DB15M connector cable, 2 m)
LED illuminators LTRN024xx

1 Fixed value at a specific magnification.

F/# changes when magnification is changed.
2 At 25 °C.
3 At 1 KHz.
4 For 1 min between the motor coils and the motor case.
5 All compatible products must be ordered separately.
6 Cable is required to connect MZMT12X series to MTDV3CH-00A1 controller
and must be ordered separately.

Electrical specifications

Light Device power ratings LED power ratings

Part number Light color, DC voltage Power consumption Max LED fwd current Forward voltage Max pulse current
wavelength peak min max typ. max
(V) (V) (W) (mA) (V) (V) (mA)
1 2 3 4
MZMTCX23A12X-C-G green, 520 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 3.3 4.00 2000

MZMTCX23A12X-C-W white 12 24 < 2.5 350 2.78 n.a. 2000

1 Tolerance ± 10%.
2 Used in continuous (not pulsed) mode.
3 At max forward current. Tolerance is ±0.06V on forward voltage measurements.
4 At pulse width <= 10 ms, duty cycle <= 10% condition.
Built-in electronics board must be bypassed (see tech info online).


MCZM series
Macro zoom lenses

Optical specifications Dimensions

Part Focal length Magnification Image circle WD f/# Back focal Distortion Length Diam. Mass
number length
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm) (g)
RT-MLM-3XMP - 0.3 - 1.0 11 89.9 4.5 20.4 1.8 36.5 79.5 150

RT-MLH-10X-C - 0.084 - 0.84 8 152 - 457 5.6 23.3 - 48.0 98.5 260

RT-TEC-M55 55 0.486 - 0.011 11 140 - 5000 2.8 29.8 0.6 53.0 92.9 320


Backlights LT2BC, LTBP, LTBC, LTBFC series p. 162-170

Dome lights LTDMC, LTDM series p. 142-144


Area scan cameras p. 196-205


MC4K series
Macro lenses for 4 k pixel linescan cameras


Macro design
Achieve unmatched resolution in critical applications: these lenses
consistently deliver superior image quality than standard fixed focal
length lenses used with extension tubes.

Exceptional low distortion

Perform measurement tasks with a high degree of accuracy
and reliability.

Optimized aperture
For each magnification, the F/# is optimized to ensure the best field
depth and image resolution.

Easy front filter insertion

Thanks to the front M30.5x0.5 thread.

MC4K series is a collection of macro lenses fitting both 4 K linescan Machine integration is made easy thanks to the precise focusing
cameras and matrix detector cameras over 4/3″. mechanism and the possibility to choose from an F or M42x1 mount
These lenses are specifically designed for macro imaging, as (-N). MC4K series additionally features a front M30.5x0.5 thread for
opposed to infinite conjugate lenses with added spacers, a common the insertion of an optional filter as well as easy phase adjustment.
alternative unable to deliver the same optical performance.
MC4K lenses feature fixed aperture to ensure optimal field depth,
image resolution and brightness for each magnification range, while
meeting the typical needs of machine vision applications.
The absence of an iris adjustment mechanism leads to more robust
build quality, granting extra durability and precision.


Line lights, LTLNC, LTLNM, LTLNE series p. 172-177

Bar lights LTBRDC series p. 171

Backlights LT2BC, LTBP, LTBC, LTBFC series p. 162-170


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

Mount F Mount N = M42x1

Application examples

File Edit Zoom Select File Edit Zoom Select File Edit Zoom Select

Solar cell inspection Print and web inspection Identification: data-matrix and barcode reading

Phase adjustment
Adjusting the phase of the camera mounted on MC4K macro lenses
is easy: simply loosen the three set screws and rotate the camera
mount until you achieve the desired angular alignment.

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specification

1” 1.1” Line 4/3” Line
IMX255/ IMX253/ 2k KAI-08050 4k
Part Focusing Mag. Image IMX267 IMX304 2k x 10 µm 4k x 7 µm WD Focal F/# (wF/#) Distortion Field CTF Image Object Mount Phase Length Diam.
number cirlce 16.1 mm 17.6 mm 22.6 mm length typical (max) depth @50 lp/mm side NA side NA adj.
diag diag diag
wxh wxh w wxh w
14.19 x 7.51 14.2 x 10.4 20.5 18.1 x 13.6 28.7
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Object field of view (mm x mm)
near 0.295 48.10 x 25.46 48.14 69.49 61.36 97.29 298.5 7.72
MC4K 025X-F nominal 0.250 28.7 56.76 x 30.04 56.80 82.00 72.40 114.80 346.1 88.0 6.4 (8) < 0.08 (0.10) 10.8 > 60 0.063 0.018 F Yes 80.0 64
far 0.205 69.22 x 36.63 69.27 100.00 88.29 140.00 414.3 16.0
near 0.295 48.10 x 25.46 48.14 69.49 61.36 97.29 298.5 7.72
MC4K 025X-N nominal 0.250 28.7 56.76 x 30.04 56.80 82.00 72.40 114.80 346.1 88.0 6.4 (8) < 0.08 (0.10) 10.8 > 60 0.063 0.018 Yes 115.9 52
FD 10.56
far 0.205 69.22 x 36.63 69.27 100.00 88.29 140.00 414.3 16.0
near 0.545 26.04 x 13.78 26.06 37.61 33.21 52.66 177.0 2.37
MC4K 050X-F nominal 0.500 28.7 28.38 x 15.02 28.40 41.00 36.20 57.40 189.9 88.0 6.7 (10) < 0.04 (0.08) 2.81 > 50 0.05 0.027 F Yes 99.5 64
far 0.455 31.19 x 16.51 31.21 45.05 39.78 63.08 205.2 3.40
near 0.545 26.04 x 13.78 26.06 37.61 33.21 52.66 177.0 2.37
MC4K 050X-N nominal 0.500 28.7 28.38 x 15.02 28.40 41.00 36.20 57.40 189.9 88.1 6.7 (10) < 0.04 (0.08) 2.81 > 50 0.05 0.027 Yes 135.4 52
FD 10.56
far 0.455 31.19 x 16.51 31.21 45.05 39.78 63.08 205.2 3.40
near 0.795 17.85 x 9.45 17.86 25.79 22.77 36.10 131.4 1.05
MC4K 075X-F nominal 0.750 28.7 18.92 x 10.01 18.93 27.33 24.13 38.27 137.3 77.1 6.3 (11) < 0.04 (0.08) 1.18 > 50 0.045 0.036 F Yes 113.6 64
far 0.704 20.16 x 10.67 20.17 29.12 25.71 40.77 143.9 1.33
near 0.795 17.85 x 9.45 17.86 25.79 22.77 36.10 131.4 1.05
MC4K 075X-N nominal 0.750 28.7 18.92 x 10.01 18.93 27.33 24.13 38.27 137.3 77.1 6.3 (11) < 0.04 (0.08) 1.18 > 50 0.045 0.036 Yes 149.5 52
FD 10.56
far 0.704 20.16 x 10.67 20.17 29.12 25.71 40.77 143.9 1.33
near 1.045 13.58 x 7.19 13.59 19.62 17.32 27.46 108.2 0.62
MC4K 100X-F nominal 1.000 28.7 14.19 x 7.51 14.20 20.50 18.10 28.70 111.6 77.1 6.5 (13) < 0.01 (0.03) 0.68 > 50 0.038 0.04 F Yes 132.9 64
far 0.954 14.87 x 7.87 14.88 21.49 18.97 30.08 115.2 0.75
near 1.045 13.58 x 7.19 13.59 19.62 17.32 27.46 108.2 0.62
MC4K 100X-N nominal 1.000 28.7 14.19 x 7.51 14.20 20.50 18.10 28.70 111.6 77.1 6.5 (13) < 0.01 (0.03) 0.68 > 50 0.038 0.04 Yes 168.8 52
FD 10.56
far 0.954 14.87 x 7.87 14.88 21.49 18.97 30.08 115.2 0.75
near 1.295 10.96 x 5.80 10.97 15.83 13.98 22.16 94.0 0.42
MC4K 125X-F nominal 1.250 28.7 11.35 x 6.01 11.36 16.40 14.48 22.96 96.1 77.1 6.7 (15) < 0.01 (0.03) 0.45 > 40 0.033 0.043 F Yes 152.2 64
far 1.204 11.79 x 6.24 11.79 17.03 15.03 23.84 98.5 0.49
near 1.295 10.96 x 5.80 10.97 15.83 13.98 22.16 94.0 0.42
MC4K125X-N nominal 1.250 28.7 11.35 x 6.01 11.36 16.40 14.48 22.96 96.1 77.2 6.7 (15) < 0.01 (0.03) 0.45 > 40 0.033 0.043 Yes 188.1 52
FD 10.56
far 1.204 11.79 x 6.24 11.79 17.03 15.03 23.84 98.5 0.49
near 1.543 9.20 x 4.87 9.20 13.29 11.73 18.60 89.9 0.30
MC4K 150X-F nominal 1.500 28.7 9.46 x 5.01 9.47 13.67 12.07 19.13 91.4 79.8 6.8 (17) < 0.01 (0.03) 0.32 > 35 0.029 0.045 F Yes 178.6 64
far 1.455 9.75 x 5.16 9.76 14.09 12.44 19.73 93.0 0.34
near 1.543 9.20 x 4.87 9.20 13.29 11.73 18.60 89.9 0.30
MC4K 150X-N nominal 1.500 28.7 9.46 x 5.01 9.47 13.67 12.07 19.13 91.4 79.8 6.8 (17) < 0.01 (0.03) 0.32 > 35 0.029 0.045 Yes 214.5 52
FD 10.56
far 1.455 9.75 x 5.16 9.76 14.09 12.44 19.73 93.0 0.34
near 1.793 7.91 x 4.19 7.92 11.43 10.09 16.01 82.7 0.21
MC4K 175X-F nominal 1.750 28.7 8.11 x 4.29 8.11 11.71 10.34 16.40 83.8 79.8 6.5 (18) < 0.01 (0.03) 0.22 > 35 0.028 0.05 F Yes 198.5 64
far 1.705 8.32 x 4.40 8.33 12.02 10.62 16.83 85.0 0.23
near 1.793 7.91 x 4.19 7.92 11.43 10.09 16.01 82.7 0.21
MC4K 175X-N nominal 1.75 28.7 8.11 x 4.29 8.11 11.71 10.34 16.40 83.8 79.8 6.5 (18) < 0.01 (0.03) 0.22 > 35 0.028 0.05 Yes 234.5 52
FD 10.56
far 1.705 8.32 x 4.40 8.33 12.02 10.62 16.83 85.0 0.23
near 2.042 6.95 x 3.68 6.95 10.04 8.86 14.05 77.3 0.17
MC4K 200X-F nominal 2.000 28.7 7.10 x 3.76 7.10 10.25 9.05 14.35 78.1 79.8 6.7 (20) < 0.01 (0.03) 0.18 > 30 0.025 0.051 F Yes 218.5 64
far 1.955 7.26 x 3.84 7.26 10.49 9.26 14.68 79.0 0.18
near 2.042 6.95 x 3.68 6.95 10.04 8.86 14.05 77.3 0.17
MC4K 200X-N nominal 2.000 28.7 7.10 x 3.76 7.10 10.25 9.05 14.35 78.1 79.9 6.7 (20) < 0.01 (0.03) 0.18 > 30 0.025 0.051 Yes 254.5 52
FD 10.56
far 1.955 7.26 x 3.84 7.26 10.49 9.26 14.68 79.0 0.18

1 Maximum and minimum magnification changes when focusing. 5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement
2 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics but, to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should be
and the object. Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 7 μm.
for maximum resolution and minimum distortion. 6 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
3 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. 7 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
Lenses with smaller apertures can be supplied on request.
4 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image:
typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.

Ordering information
It’s easy to select the right lens for your application: our part numbers are coded as MC4K yyyX -x where yyy refers to the magnification and -x refers to the mount option:
- F for F-mount
- N for M42x1 mount (flange distance FD 10.56 mm).
E.g. MC4K100X-N for a MC4K100X with M42x1 mount.


MC12K series
Macro lenses for 12 k and 16 k pixel linescan cameras


Exceptional low distortion

Perform measurement tasks with a high degree of accuracy and reliability.

Optimized for high resolution linescan cameras

MC12K feature a large image circle ensuring wide compatibility with
line scan sensors (up to 62.4 mm).

Color correction
MC12K can distinguish the finest tonal gradations and are the ideal
solution for demanding applications where color consistency is required.

Industrial design for factory automation

MC12K feature precise manual focusing mechanism to achieve the
best possible image sharpness.

MC12K series are macro lenses specifically optimized to work with FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE ILLUMINATORS
high resolution line scan cameras with sensor size up to 62 mm.
Line lights, LTLNC, LTLNM, LTLNE series p. 172-177
Infinite conjugate lenses, like photographic optics, will offer poor
performance when used to observe objects from up close: MC12K
Bar lights LTBRDC series p. 171
series are macro by design, enabling unmatched and uniform
optical performance at short working distances. Backlights LT2BC, LTBP, LTBC, LTBFC series p. 162-170

MC12K series lenses are the ideal choice for industrial applications FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CLAMPING MECHANICS

where maximum image resolution is required: solar cells and CMHOMC12Kxxx p. 228
printed sheets inspection, web inspection or high speed product
sorting are just a few examples.
In addition to the standard M72x0.75 mount, MC12K lenses can HR Area scan cameras, HR Line scan cameas p. 206-211
be easily equipped with any camera mount at no additional cost
ensuring wide compatibility with most common linescan cameras.

Wide image circle

MC12K is optimized to cover the line scan sensor sizes up to 62.4 mm.

2048 px x 10 µm 2048 px x 14 µm 4096 px x 7 µm 4096 px x 10 µm 7450 px x 4.7 µm 6144 px x 7 µm 8192 px x 7 µm 12288 px x 5 µm

20.5 mm 28.6 mm 28.6 mm 35 mm 41 mm 43 mm 57.3 mm 62 mm


Application examples

File Edit Zoom Select File Edit Zoom Select File Edit Zoom Select

Solar cell inspection Print and web inspection High speed sorting of tablets

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specification
Part Focusing Mag. Image KAI-47051 Line - 16k Line - 8k Line - 12k Line - 12k WD Focal F/# (wF/#) Distortion Field CTF Image Object Mount Phase Length Diam.
number cirlce 56.7 mm diag 16k x 3.5 µm 8k x 7.5 µm 12k x 5µm 12k x 5.2µm length typical (max) depth @50 lp/mm side NA side NA adj.
wxh wxh w wxh w
48.71 x 29.04 57.30 61.40 61.40 62.40
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm) (mm x mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Object field of view (mm x mm)
near 2.017 24.15 x 14.40 28.41 30.44 30.44 30.94 93.6 0.15
MC12K 200X-F nominal 2.000 62.4 24.35 x 14.52 28.65 30.70 30.70 31.20 94.0 88.2 6.0 (18) < 0.01 (0.02) 0.2 > 30 0.028 0.056 F Yes 242.2 76
far 1.983 24.56 x 14.64 28.90 30.96 30.96 31.47 94.4 0.2
near 2.017 24.15 x 14.40 28.41 30.44 30.44 30.94 93.6 0.15
MC12K 200X-I nominal 2.000 62.4 24.35 x 14.52 28.65 30.70 30.70 31.20 94.0 88.2 6.0 (18) < 0.01 (0.02) 0.2 > 30 0.028 0.056 Yes 276.7 76
FD 11.48
far 1.983 24.56 x 14.64 28.90 30.96 30.96 31.47 94.4 0.2
near 2.017 24.15 x 14.40 28.41 30.44 30.44 30.94 93.6 0.15
MC12K 200X-R nominal 2.000 62.4 24.35 x 14.52 28.65 30.70 30.70 31.20 94.0 88.2 6.0 (18) < 0.01 (0.02) 0.16 > 30 0.028 0.056 Yes 281.8 76
FD 6.56
far 1.983 24.56 x 14.64 28.90 30.96 30.96 31.47 94.4 0.16
near 2.017 24.15 x 14.40 28.41 30.44 30.44 30.94 93.6 0.15
MC12K 200X-K nominal 2.000 62.4 24.35 x 14.52 28.65 30.70 30.70 31.20 94.0 88.2 6.0 (18) < 0.01 (0.02) 0.16 > 30 0.028 0.056
FD 12.96
Yes 271.4 76
far 1.983 24.56 x 14.64 28.90 30.96 30.96 31.47 94.4 0.16
near 1.517 32.11 x 19.14 37.77 40.47 40.47 41.13 109.3 0.27
MC12K 150X-F nominal 1.500 62.4 32.47 x 19.36 38.20 40.93 40.93 41.60 110.0 89.9 6.0 (15) < 0.01 (0.02) 0.28 > 40 0.033 0.05 F Yes 202.8 76
far 1.484 32.82 x 19.57 38.61 41.37 41.37 42.05 110.7 0.29
near 1.517 32.11 x 19.14 37.77 40.47 40.47 41.13 109.3 0.27
MC12K 150X-I nominal 1.500 62.4 32.47 x 19.36 38.20 40.93 40.93 41.60 110.0 89.9 6.0 (15) < 0.01 (0.02) 0.28 > 40 0.033 0.05 Yes 237.4 76
FD 11.48
far 1.484 32.82 x 19.57 38.61 41.37 41.37 42.05 110.7 0.29
near 1.517 32.11 x 19.14 37.77 40.47 40.47 41.13 109.3 0.27
MC12K 150X-R nominal 1.500 62.4 32.47 x 19.36 38.20 40.93 40.93 41.60 110.0 89.9 6.0 (15) < 0.01 (0.02) 0.28 > 40 0.033 0.05 Yes 242.5 76
FD 6.56
far 1.484 32.82 x 19.57 38.61 41.37 41.37 42.05 110.7 0.29
near 1.517 32.11 x 19.14 37.77 40.47 40.47 41.13 109.3 0.27
MC12K 150X-K nominal 1.500 62.4 32.47 x 19.36 38.20 40.93 40.93 41.60 110.0 89.9 6.0 (15) < 0.01 (0.02) 0.28 > 40 0.033 0.05
FD 12.96
Yes 232.1 76
far 1.484 32.82 x 19.57 38.61 41.37 41.37 42.05 110.7 0.29
near 1.018 47.85 x 28.53 56.29 60.31 60.31 61.30 134.0 0.61
MC12K 100X-F nominal 1.000 62.4 48.71 x 29.04 57.30 61.40 61.40 62.40 135.5 88.3 6.0 (12) < 0.01 (0.02) 0.63 > 50 0.042 0.042 F Yes 155.4 76
far 0.984 49.50 x 29.51 58.23 62.40 62.40 63.41 137.0 0.65
near 1.018 47.85 x 28.53 56.29 60.31 60.31 61.30 134.0 0.61
MC12K 100X-I nominal 1.000 62.4 48.71 x 29.04 57.30 61.40 61.40 62.40 135.5 88.3 6.0 (12) < 0.01 (0.02) 0.63 > 50 0.042 0.042 Yes 189.9 76
FD 11.48
far 0.984 49.50 x 29.51 58.23 62.40 62.40 63.41 137.0 0.65
near 1.018 47.85 x 28.53 56.29 60.31 60.31 61.30 134.0 0.61
MC12K 100X-R nominal 1.000 62.4 48.71 x 29.04 57.30 61.40 61.40 62.40 135.5 88.3 6.0 (12) < 0.01 (0.02) 0.63 > 50 0.042 0.042 Yes 195.0 76
FD 6.56
far 0.984 49.50 x 29.51 58.23 62.40 62.40 63.41 137.0 0.65
near 1.018 47.85 x 28.53 56.29 60.31 60.31 61.30 134.0 0.61
MC12K 100X-K nominal 1.000 62.4 48.71 x 29.04 57.30 61.40 61.40 62.40 135.5 88.3 6.0 (12) < 0.01 (0.02) 0.63 > 50 0.042 0.042
FD 12.96
Yes 184.6 76
far 0.984 49.50 x 29.51 58.23 62.40 62.40 63.41 137.0 0.65
near 0.684 71.21 x 42.46 83.77 89.77 89.77 91.23 179.7 1.35
MC12K 067X-F nominal 0.667 62.4 73.03 x 43.54 85.91 92.05 92.05 93.55 183.0 89.9 6.0 (10) < 0.01 (0.02) 1.42 > 60 0.05 0.033 F Yes 130.0 76
far 0.650 74.94 x 44.68 88.15 94.46 94.46 96.00 186.4 1.49
near 0.684 71.21 x 42.46 83.77 89.77 89.77 91.23 179.7 1.35
MC12K 067X-I nominal 0.667 62.4 73.03 x 43.54 85.91 92.05 92.05 93.55 183.0 89.9 6.0 (10) < 0.01 (0.02) 1.42 > 60 0.05 0.033 Yes 164.5 76
FD 11.48
far 0.650 74.94 x 44.68 88.15 94.46 94.46 96.00 186.4 1.49
near 0.684 71.21 x 42.46 83.77 89.77 89.77 91.23 179.7 1.35
MC12K 067X-R nominal 0.667 62.4 73.03 x 43.54 85.91 92.05 92.05 93.55 183.0 89.9 6.0 (10) < 0.01 (0.02) 1.42 > 60 0.05 0.033 Yes 169.6 76
FD 6.56
far 0.650 74.94 x 44.68 88.15 94.46 94.46 96.00 186.4 1.49
near 0.684 71.21 x 42.46 83.77 89.77 89.77 91.23 179.7 1.35
MC12K 067X-K nominal 0.667 62.4 73.03 x 43.54 85.91 92.05 92.05 93.55 183.0 89.9 6.0 (10) < 0.01 (0.02) 1.42 > 60 0.05 0.033
FD 12.96
Yes 159,2 76
far 0.650 74.94 x 44.68 88.15 94.46 94.46 96.00 186.4 1.49
near 0.517 94.21 x 56.17 110.83 118.76 118.76 120.70 217.1 2.36
MC12K 050X-F nominal 0.500 62.4 97.42 x 58.08 114.60 122.80 122.80 124.80 223.0 88.2 6.0 (9) < 0.01 (0.02) 2.52 > 50 0.056 0.028 F Yes 113.6 76
far 0.483 100.84 x 60.12 118.63 127.12 127.12 129.19 229.1 2.70
near 0.517 94.21 x 56.17 110.83 118.76 118.76 120.70 217.1 2.36
MC12K 050X-I nominal 0.500 62.4 97.42 x 58.08 114.60 122.80 122.80 124.80 223.0 88.2 6.0 (9) < 0.01 (0.02) 2.52 > 50 0.056 0.028 Yes 148.2 76
FD 11.48
far 0.483 100.84 x 60.12 118.63 127.12 127.12 129.19 229.1 2.70
near 0.517 94.21 x 56.17 110.83 118.76 118.76 120.70 217.1 2.36
MC12K 050X-R nominal 0.500 62.4 97.42 x 58.08 114.60 122.80 122.80 124.80 223.0 88.2 6.0 (9) < 0.01 (0.02) 2.52 > 50 0.056 0.028 Yes 153.3 76
FD 6.56
far 0.483 100.84 x 60.12 118.63 127.12 127.12 129.19 229.1 2.70
near 0.517 94.21 x 56.17 110.83 118.76 118.76 120.70 217.1 2.36
MC12K 050X-K nominal 0.500 62.4 97.42 x 58.08 114.60 122.80 122.80 124.80 223.0 88.2 6.0 (9) < 0.01 (0.02) 2.52 > 50 0.056 0.028
FD 12.96
Yes 142.8 76
far 0.483 100.84 x 60.12 118.63 127.12 127.12 129.19 229.1 2.70
near 0.266 183.11 x 109.17 215.41 230.83 230.83 234.59 393.6 9.50
MC12K 025X-F nominal 0.250 62.4 194.83 x 116.16 229.20 245.60 245.60 249.60 415.5 92.1 6.4 (8) < 0.05 (0.1) 10.75 > 50 0.063 0.016 F Yes 99.3 76
far 0.234 208.15 x 124.10 244.87 262.39 262.39 266.67 441.8 12.27
near 0.266 183.11 x 109.17 215.41 230.83 230.83 234.59 393.6 9.50
MC12K 025X-I nominal 0.250 62.4 194.83 x 116.16 229.20 245.60 245.60 249.60 415.5 92.1 6.4 (8) < 0.05 (0.1) 10.75 > 50 0.063 0.016 Yes 133.8 76
FD 11.48
far 0.234 208.15 x 124.10 244.87 262.39 262.39 266.67 441.8 12.27
near 0.266 183.11 x 109.17 215.41 230.83 230.83 234.59 393.6 9.50
MC12K 025X-R nominal 0.250 62.4 194.83 x 116.16 229.20 245.60 245.60 249.60 415.5 92.1 6.4 (8) < 0.05 (0.1) 10.75 > 50 0.063 0.016 Yes 138.9 76
FD 6.56
far 0.234 208.15 x 124.10 244.87 262.39 262.39 266.67 441.8 12.27
near 0.266 183.11 x 109.17 215.41 230.83 230.83 234.59 393.6 9.50
MC12K 025X-K nominal 0.250 62.4 194.83 x 116.16 229.20 245.60 245.60 249.60 415.5 92.1 6.4 (8) < 0.05 (0.1) 10.75 > 50 0.063 0.016
FD 12.96
Yes 128.5 76
far 0.234 208.15 x 124.10 244.87 262.39 262.39 266.67 441.8 12.27
near 0.142 343.01 x 204.51 403.52 432.39 432.39 439.44 678.5 32.29
MC12K 012X-I nominal 0.125 62.4 389.66 x 232.32 458.40 491.20 491.20 499.20 762.0 89.8 6.2 (7) < 0.05 (0.1) 41.66 > 50 0.071 0.009 Yes 120.2 76
FD 11.48
far 0.108 451.00 x 268.89 530.56 568.52 568.52 577.78 873.2 55.81
near 0.142 343.01 x 204.51 403.52 432.39 432.39 439.44 678.5 32.29
MC12K 012X-R nominal 0.125 62.4 389.66 x 232.32 458.40 491.20 491.20 499.20 762.0 89.8 6.2 (7) < 0.05 (0.1) 41.66 > 50 0.071 0.009 Yes 125.3 76
FD 6.56
far 0.108 451.00 x 268.89 530.56 568.52 568.52 577.78 873.2 55.81
near 0.142 343.01 x 204.51 403.52 432.39 432.39 439.44 678.5 32.29
MC12K 012X-K nominal 0.125 62.4 389.66 x 232.32 458.40 491.20 491.20 499.20 762.0 89.8 6.2 (7) < 0.05 (0.1) 41.66 > 50 0.071 0.009
FD 12.96
Yes 114.9 76
far 0.108 451.00 x 268.89 530.56 568.52 568.52 577.78 873.2 55.81
near 0.100 487.08 x 290.40 573.00 614.00 614.00 624.00 924.1 68.25
MC12K 008X-I nominal 0.083 62.4 586.84 x 349.88 690.36 739.76 739.76 751.81 1102.5 88.5 6.5 (7) < 0.05 (0.1) 99.07 > 50 0.071 0.006 Yes 115.9 76
FD 11.48
far 0.067 726.99 x 433.43 855.22 916.42 916.42 931.34 1370.9 152.04
near 0.100 487.08 x 290.40 573.00 614.00 614.00 624.00 924.1 68.25
MC12K 008X-R nominal 0.083 62.4 586.84 x 349.88 690.36 739.76 739.76 751.81 1102.5 88.5 6.5 (7) < 0.05 (0.1) 99.07 > 50 0.071 0.006 Yes 121.0 76
FD 6.56
far 0.067 726.99 x 433.43 855.22 916.42 916.42 931.34 1370.9 152.04
near 0.100 487.08 x 290.40 573.00 614.00 614.00 624.00 924.1 68.25
MC12K 008X-K nominal 0.083 62.4 586.84 x 349.88 690.36 739.76 739.76 751.81 1102.5 88.5 6.5 (7) < 0.05 (0.1) 99.07 > 50 0.071 0.006
FD 12.96
Yes 110.6 76
far 0.067 726.99 x 433.43 855.22 916.42 916.42 931.34 1370.9 152.04

1 Maximum and minimum magnification changes when focusing. 5 At the borders of the field depth the image can be still used for measurement
2 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics but, to get a perfectly sharp image, only half of the nominal field depth should
and the object. Set this distance within +/- 3% of the nominal value be considered. Pixel size used for calculation is 7 μm.
for maximum resolution and minimum distortion. 6 Indicates the availability of an integrated camera phase adjustment feature.
3 Working F-number (wF/#): the real F-number of a lens when used as a macro. 7 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
Lenses with smaller apertures can be supplied on request.
4 Percent deviation of the real image compared to an ideal, undistorted image:
typical (average production) values and maximum (guaranteed) values are listed.

Ordering information
It’s easy to select the right lens for your application: our part numbers are coded as MC12K yyyX-x where yyy refers to the magnification and -x refers to the mount option:
- R for M72x0.75 mount (flange distance FD 6.56 mm) - I for M58x0.75 mount (flange distance FD 11.48 mm).
- F for F-mount E.g. MC12K100X-I for a MC12K100X with M58x0.75 mount.


MC16K series
Macro lenses for up to 82 mm line detectors

Detector type Optical specifications Mechanical specification

Part Mag. Image KAI-47051 Line - 16k Line - 12k Line - 8k Line - 16k WD Focal F/# Back focal Distortion Mount Length Diam.
number cirlce 56.7 mm diag 16k x 3.5 µm 12k x 5.2 µm 8k x 10µm 16k x 5.2 µm length length
wxh wxh w wxh w
48.71 x 29.04 57.30 61.40 81.90 81.90
(x) Ø (mm) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)

Object field of view (mm x mm)

RT-OPKE16-050M95 0.5 82 97.4 x 58.1 114.6 124.8 163.8 163.8 296 ±5 116 3.8 10 0.01 M95X1 FD 10 496 ±9 47
RT-OPKE16-070M95 0.7 82 69.6 x 41.5 81.9 89.1 117.0 117.0 221.9 ±5 116 3.8 10 0.01 M95X1 FD 10 447.9 ±9 47
RT-OPKE16-100M95 1.0 82 48.7 x 29.0 57.3 62.4 81.9 81.9 182.9 ±5 116 3.8 10 0.01 M95X0.75 FD 10 439.4 ±9 47
RT-OPKE16-150M95 1.5 82 32.5 x 19.4 38.2 41.6 54.6 54.6 143.9 ±5 116 3.8 10 0.01 M95X1 FD 10 453.7 ±9 47
RT-OPKE16-200M95 2.0 82 24.4 x 14.5 28.7 31.2 41.0 41.0 127.1 ±5 116 3.8 10 0.01 M95X1 FD 10 496 ±9 47
RT-OPKE16-300M95 3.0 82 16.2 x 9.70 19.1 20.8 27.3 27.3 111.4 ±5 116 4.2 10 0.01 M95X1 FD10 591.4 ±8 47


Line lights, LTLNC, LTLNM, LTLNE series p. 172-177

Bar lights LTBRDC series p. 171

Backlights LT2BC, LTBP, LTBC, LTBFC series p. 162-170


EN2MP series
Megapixel fixed focal lenses for 2/3” sensors


Suitable for wide range of applications

Designed to satisfy simple vision tasks.

Wide product range

Covers the most popular focal lengths used in factory automation.

High quality / price ratio

High performance with reasonable cost.

Locking screws
Locking screws for fixing focus and iris.

EN2MP series is a series of fixed focal lenses designed for use in With many years of experience in the machine vision industry, Opto
factory automation. Its high quality to price ratio allows simple vision Engineering® can provide bundle solutions including a suitable
tasks to be achieved easily and efficiently. The lenses are designed lens, camera and illuminator that are optimized for your specific
to withstand harsh working environments. application requirements.

The lenses are suitable for a wide range of vision tasks. E.g. Pattern FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS
matching, positioning, barcode recognition, packaging inspection,
presence/absence, robot guide, pick and place, orientation check, Area scan cameras p. 196-205
3D measurement…etc.

Application examples

Barcode recognition. Color sorting. Object identification. Liquid level inspection.

Product range

EN2MP0814 EN2MP1214 EN2MP1614

EN2MP2514 EN2MP3514 EN2MP5018


Optical specifications Dimensions

Part Focal Image Max detector F/# Angle of view Max Mount Length Diameter Mass Filter mount
number length circle size (D x H x V) Distortion
(mm) Ø (mm) (°) 1 (%) 2 (mm) (mm) (g) (mm)

EN2MP0814 8 11 2/3″ 1.4 - C - 2.81 C 40.5 40.9 77 M34.5 x 0.5

EN2MP1214 12 11 2/3″ 1.4 - C 49.0 x 40.0 x 30.3 1.8 C 37.5 38.3 71 M30.5 x 0.5

EN2MP1614 16 11 2/3″ 1.4 - 22 37.6 x 30.4 x 22.9 1.0 C 37.9 38.2 76 M30.5 x 0.5

EN2MP2514 25 11 2/3″ 1.4 - C 24.7 x 19.9 x 15.0 0.27 C 40.5 38.0 83 M30.5 x 0.5

EN2MP3514 35 11 2/3″ 1.4 - C 17.7 x 14.2 x 10.7 0.33 C 37.8 39.1 90 M30.5 x 0.5

EN2MP5018 50 11 2/3″ 1.8 - C 12.5 x 9.1 x 7.5 0.22 C 40.1 45.5 98 M30.5 x 0.5

EN2MP7528 75 11 2/3″ 2.8 - C 8.4 x 6.7 x 5.0 0.36 C 53.4 42.0 140 M30.5 x 0.5

1 Angle of view while using max detector size. 2 Max distortion while using max dector size.


EN5MP series
5 Megapixel high resolution fixed focal lenses for 2/3” sensors


High resolution
Designed for high resolution cameras up to 5 Megapixel with 2/3”

Suitable for more complex applications

Ideal to achieve complex vision tasks.

Cost saving solution

High optical performance with reasonable cost.

Robust design
Designed for use in machine vision applications.

Wide product range

Covers the most popular focal lengths used.

EN5MP series is a series of high resolution fixed focal lenses Opto Engineering® can save you time and money by providing
designed for use in machine vision applications. A wide range of bundle solutions including a suitable lens, camera and illuminator,
focal lengths provides more choices of field of view and working optimized for your applications requirements and type of samples.
distance for many different system configurations.

Together with high resolution cameras and proper illumination, FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS
EN5MP lenses allow you to design high resolution vision systems to
solve complex or critical tasks. E.g. OCR/OCV, robot guidance...etc. Area scan cameras p. 196-205
and for the inspection of critical samples like connectors, electronic
components, vials...etc.

Application examples

PCB parts inspection. Robot guidance for fast pick and place. 3D measurement. Packaging / labeling inspection.

Product range

EN5MP0816 EN5MP1216 EN5MP1616 EN5MP2514

EN5MP3514 EN5MP5018 EN5MP7520

Optical specifications Dimensions

Part Focal Image Max detector F/# Angle of view Max Mount Length Diameter Mass Filter mount
number length circle size (D x H x V) Distortion
(mm) Ø (mm) (°) 1 (%) 2 (mm) (mm) (g) (mm)

EN5MP0816 8 11 2/3″ 1.6 - 22 66.8 x 55.8 x 43.3 0.73 C 58.7 49.5 170 M40.5 x 0.5

EN5MP1216 12 11 2/3″ 1.6 - 22 48.6 x 39.8 x 30.4 0.35 C 64.6 47.7 178 M37.5 x 0.5

EN5MP1616 16 11 2/3″ 1.6 - 22 38.0 x 30.8 x 23.4 0.07 C 69.2 47.7 181 M37.5 x 0.5

EN5MP2514 25 11 2/3″ 1.4 - 22 24.8 x 20.0 x 15.0 0.19 C 59.7 47.5 148 M37.5 x 0.5

EN5MP3514 35 11 2/3″ 1.4 - 22 17.9 x 14.3 x 10.8 0.06 C 62.2 47.1 156 M37.5 x 0.5

EN5MP5018 50 11 2/3″ 1.8 - 22 12.6 x 10.1 x 7.6 0.03 C 63.2 46.2 173 M37.5 x 0.5

EN5MP7520 75 11 2/3″ 2.0 - 22 8.4 x 6.7 x 5.0 0.02 C 76.7 49.5 223 M40.5 x 0.5

1 Angle of view while using max detector size. 2 Max distortion while using max dector size.


EN8MP series
8 Megapixel high resolution fixed focal lenses for 1” sensors
Optical specifications Dimensions
Part Focal Image Max detector F/# Angle of view Max Mount Length Diameter Mass Filter mount
number length circle size (D x H x V) Distortion
(mm) Ø (mm) (°) 1 (%) 2 (mm) (mm) (g) (mm)

EN8MPL0818 8 16 1" 1.8 - C 90.06 x 77.16 x 61.30 4.12 C 67.0 56.8 76.6 -

EN8MPL1220 12 16 1" 2.0 - 22 69.63 x 60.71 x 44.33 4.10 C 52.9 44.2 - M35.5 x 0.5

EN8MPL1620 16 16 1" 2.0 - 22 53.74 x 43.89 x 33.43 2.22 C 50.8 43.9 112.6 M34.0 x 0.5

EN8MPL2518 25 16 1" 1.8 - C 36.01 x 28.99 x 21.85 1.53 C 43.3 39.8 93.0 M30.5 x 0.5

EN8MPL3520 35 16 1" 2.0 - C 25.74 x 20.74 x 15.64 0.30 C 43.6 40.3 74.4 M30.5 x 0.5

EN8MPL5020 50 16 1" 2.0 - 22 18.18 x 14.60 x 10.96 0.01 C 52.3 47.6 120.4 M37.5 x 0.5

EN10MP series
10 Megapixel high resolution fixed focal lenses for 4/3” sensors

Optical specifications Dimensions

Part Focal Image Max detector F/# Angle of view Max Mount Length Diameter Mass Filter mount
number length circle size (D x H x V) Distortion
(mm) Ø (mm) (°) 1 (%) 2 (mm) (mm) (g) (mm)

EN10MPL1220 12 23 4/3" 2 - 22 89.02 x 75.46 x 61.08 2.40 C 88.4 80.0 447 M77.0 x 0.75

EN10MPL1620 16 23 4/3" 2 - 22 72.92 x 60.92 x 47.28 2.81 C 89.9 59.8 338 M58.0 x 0.75

EN10MPL2520 25 23 4/3" 2 - 22 49.7 x 40.6 x 31.0 0.66 C 86.7 52.8 251 M46.0 x 0.75

EN10MPL3520 35 23 4/3" 2 - 22 36.6 x 29.6 x 22.4 0.56 C 58.9 49.9 173 M40.5 x 0.5

EN10MPL5020 50 23 4/3" 2 - 22 25.9 x 20.9 x 15.7 0.14 C 57.9 48.8 170 M40.5 x 0.5

1 Angle of view while using max detector size. 2 Max distortion while using max dector size.


ENMT series
Fixed focal length lenses with motorized focus and aperture control


Motorized focus and aperture

for fine and repeatable tuning of image focus and F-number setting.

Fully automated installations with remote

operation possibility.

Compact and robust design.

High optical resolution.

Compatible MTDV controller

designed to drive ENMT stepper motors via Ethernet (TCP/IP).

The ENMT series has been discontinued.

Today the last pieces are available at special price.

ENMT series are high resolution fixed focal length lenses with ENMT series integrate high resolution optics featuring minimum
automated adjustment of focus and aperture. distortion and 11 mm image circle for 5 Megapixel detectors up to
These motorized lenses guarantee precise and repeatable 2/3”.
adjustment of both the aperture and focus to realize fully
automated systems. This feature is ideal for installations where
remote operation is necessary (e.g. in clean rooms where an
operator cannot manually adjust the optical parameters), besides Electrical specifications
those requiring possibility to change format, lighting conditions,
working distance or even inspection task. Additionally, different motorized
machines can be set with the exact same aperture/focus setting by
Connector circular standard DIN 13Pos Male
automatically loading a pre-set configuration.
Thanks to ENMT precise motorized design, the user can fully exploit
Number 2
the high resolution of ENMT fixed focal length optics.
Type Stepper - bipolar
In fact, when compared to coarse manual operation, motorized
Supply voltage (V, DC) 5 - 24
adjustment allows for very fine and repeatable tuning of both the
Amps/phase (A) 0.5
image focus and F-number setting.
Resistance/phase 1 (Ω) 10 ± 7%
Opto Engineering® motorization design integrates two bipolar
Inductance/phase 2 (mH) 2.3 ± 20%
stepper motors that respectively control focusing and aperture with
Holding Torque (N·m) 0.135
fine incremental movements and accurate repeatable positioning.
Ratio 1:50
ENMT moving parts are conveniently shielded and integrated within
Step angle (°) 18/50
a compact and robust enclosure.
Step accuracy ± 7%
Focus and aperture can be adjusted by means of dedicated MTDV
Rotor inertia (Kg/m2) 1.0 x 10-7
controller (available separately) specifically designed to drive up to
Temperature rise (°C) 80
four bi-polar stepper motors via Ethernet (TCP/IP).
Ambient temperature (°C) 0 ÷ 50
Insulation resistance (MΩ) 100
Insulation class E - 120 °C
Dielectric strength 3 (V AC) 500
Product combinations *
Ambient humidity max 85% (no condensation)

Compatibility 4
Stepper motors controller MTDV3CH-00A1
CBMT001 (circular standard DIN 12Pos Female
Cable 5
to DB15M connector cable, 2 m)

1 At 25 °C.
2 At 1 KHz.
3 For 1 min between the motor coils and the motor case.
ENMT lens + CBMT001 cable + MTDV controller.
4 All compatible products must be ordered separately.
5 Cable is required to connect ENMT series to MTDV3CH-00A1 controller
* To be ordered separately. and must be ordered separately.


MZMT12X series p. 98


Dome lights LTDM series p. 142


MTDV p. 262


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part Focal Mag. Image Max WD F/# Horizontal Max Mount Length Width Height Filter thread
number length circle detector size angle of view distortion
(mm) Ø (mm) (mm) (°) 1 (%) 2 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
ENMT-M1224-MPW2-MM 12 0.100 - 0 11 2/3″ 100 - ∞ 2.4 - 16 14.4 0.35 C 81.5 41.3 70 M27 x 0.5
ENMT-M1620-MPW2-MM 16 0.075 - 0 11 2/3″ 200 - ∞ 2.0 - 16 14.7 0.1 C 81.5 41.3 70 M27 x 0.5
ENMT-M2518-MPW2-MM 25 0.081 - 0 11 2/3″ 300 - ∞ 1.8 - 16 13.8 0.03 C 81.5 41.3 70 M27 x 0.5
ENMT-M3520-MPW2-MM 35 0.190 - 0 11 2/3″ 200 - ∞ 2.0 - 22 18.0 0.01 C 81.5 41.3 70 M27 x 0.5
ENMT-M5028-MPW2-MM 50 0.138 - 0 11 2/3″ 400 - ∞ 2.8 - 32 27.7 0.027 C 81.5 52.3 70 M27 x 0.5

1 Horizontal angle of view while using max dector size. 2 Max distortion while using max dector size.

Application examples

Pharmaceutical carton inspection Blister inspection


ENMP series
Megapixel C-mount lenses for detectors up to 2/3″

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part Focal Magnification Image Max detector WD F/# Horizontal Max Mount Length Diameter Mass Filter
number length circle size angle of view Distortion thread
(mm) (x) Ø (mm) (mm) (°) 1 (%) 2 (mm) (mm) (g) (mm)
RT-H0514-MP2 5 0.044 - 0 8 1/2″ 100 - ∞ 1.4 - 16C 65.5 0.5 C 45.5 44.5 102.0 M43 x 0.75
RT-M0814-MP2 8 0.075 - 0 11 2/3″ 100 - ∞ 1.4 - 16C 56.3 0.1 C 28.2 33.5 62.6 M30.5 x 0.5
RT-M1214-MP2 12 0.074 - 0 11 2/3″ 150 - ∞ 1.4 - 16C 40.4 0.1 C 28.2 33.5 62.0 M30.5 x 0.5
RT-M1614-MP2 16 0.052 - 0 11 2/3″ 300 - ∞ 1.4 - 16C 30.8 0.1 C 28.2 33.5 60.0 M30.5 x 0.5
RT-M2514-MP2 25 0.084 - 0 11 2/3″ 300 - ∞ 1.4 - 16C 20 0.3 C 36.0 33.5 71.0 M30.5 x 0.5
RT-M3514-MP 35 0.110 - 0 11 2/3″ 300 - ∞ 1.4 - 16C 13.9 0.8 C 38.2 33.5 87.0 M30.5 x 0.5
RT-M5018-MP2 50 0.100 - 0 11 2/3″ 500 - ∞ 1.8 - 16C 10.5 0.3 C 38.2 33.5 85.0 M30.5 x 0.5
RT-M7528-MP 75 0.214 - 0 11 2/3″ 300 - ∞ 2.8 - 16C 6.8 0.4 C 57.8 35.0 113.0 M30.5 x 0.5

1 Horizontal angle of view while using max dector size. 2 Max distortion while using max dector size.


ENHR series
5 Megapixel C-mount lenses for detectors up to 2/3″

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part Focal Magnification Image Max detector WD F/# Horizontal Max Mount Length Diameter Mass Filter
number length circle size angle of view Distortion thread
(mm) (x) Ø (mm) (mm) 3 (°) 1 (%) 2 (mm) (mm) (g) (mm)
RT-M0824-MPW2 8 0.100 - 0 11 2/3″ 50 - ∞ 2.4 - 16 57.8 1.9 C 45.7 32.0 80 M30.5 x 0.5
RT-M1224-MPW2 12 0.100 - 0 11 2/3″ 100 - ∞ 2.4 - 16 39.8 0.35 C 42.7 29.0 72 M27 x 0.5
RT-M1620-MPW2 16 0.075 - 0 11 2/3″ 200 - ∞ 2.0 - 16 30.7 0.1 C 33.5 29.0 53 M27 x 0.5
RT-M2518-MPW2 25 0.081 - 0 11 2/3″ 300 - ∞ 1.8 - 16 19.9 0.03 C 36.3 29.0 60 M27 x 0.5
RT-M3520-MPW2 35 0.190 - 0 11 2/3″ 200 - ∞ 2.0 - 22 14.3 0.01 C 37.3 29.0 59 M27 x 0.5
RT-M5028-MPW2 50 0.138 - 0 11 2/3″ 400 - ∞ 2.8 - 32 27.7 0.027 C 45.3 29.0 69 M27 x 0.5

ENHR-Ruggedized series to minimize image aberrations after shock and vibration

RT-M0824-MPW2-R 8 0.100 - 0 11 2/3″ 50 - ∞ 2.4, 4.0, 5.6, 8.0, 11.0 57.8 1.9 C 45.7 32.0 80 M30.5 x 0.5
RT-M1224-MPW2-R 12 0.100 - 0 11 2/3″ 100 - ∞ 2.4, 4.0, 5.6, 8.0, 11.0 39.8 0.35 C 42.7 29.0 72 M27 x 0.5
RT-M1620-MPW2-R 16 0.075 - 0 11 2/3″ 200 - ∞ 2.0, 4.0, 5.6, 8.0, 11.0 30.7 0.1 C 33.5 29.0 53 M27 x 0.5
RT-M2518-MPW2-R 25 0.081 - 0 11 2/3″ 300 - ∞ 1.8, 4.0, 5.6, 8.0, 11.0 19.9 0.03 C 36.3 29.0 60 M27 x 0.5
RT-M3520-MPW2-R 35 0.190 - 0 11 2/3″ 200 - ∞ 2.0, 4.0, 5.6, 8.0, 11.0 14.3 0.01 C 37.3 29.0 59 M27 x 0.5
RT-M5028-MPW2-R 50 0.138 - 0 11 2/3″ 400 - ∞ 2.8, 4.0, 5.6, 8.0, 11.0 27.7 0.027 C 45.3 29.0 69 M27 x 0.5

1 Horizontal angle of view while using max dector size. 3 For the ruggedized series, the aperature is fixed.
2 Max distortion while using max dector size. The available aperature are indicated.


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

In order to effectively create a high resolution image

a lens must be capable of resolving the detector pixel size.
Optical filters p. 242
Take full advantage of high resolution detectors
with ENHR series featuring MTFs in excess of 120 lp/mm!
For further details about how to match optics and sensor LTRNDC LED direct ringlights p. 156
resolution see section “Optics and sensor resolution”
in pag. XIII of our Optics Basics section.


ENVF series
Vari-focal lenses for detectors up to 2/3″

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part Focal Magnification Image Max detector WD F/# Horizontal Max Mount Length Diameter Mass Filter
number length circle size angle of view distortion thread

(mm) (x) Ø (mm) (mm) (°) 1 (%) 2 (mm) (mm) (g) (mm)
RT-M3Z1228C-MP 12 - 36 ~ 11 2/3″ 200-∞ (tele) / 50-∞<(wide) 2.8 - 16C 29.8 3.5 C 53.0 41.6 105 M35 x 0.5

1 Horizontal angle of view while using max dector size. 2 Max distortion while using max dector size.


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

Optical filters p. 242

LTRNDC LED direct ringlights p. 156


EN2M series
Megapixel C-mount lenses for up to 1″ detectors

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part Focal Image Max detector WD F/# Horizontal Max Nominal Mount Length Diameter Mass Filter
number length circle size angle of view Distortion resolution thread

(mm) Ø (mm) (mm) (°) 1 (%) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

RT-FL-BC2518-9M 25 16 1″ 100 - ∞ 1.8 - 16 14.1 n.a. 135 lp/mm (9MP) C 57.5 42 149 M40.5 x 0.5
RT-FL-BC3518-9M 35 16 1″ 150 - ∞ 1.8 - 22 16.8 n.a. 135 lp/mm (9MP) C 60.0 42 150 M40.5 x 0.5
RT-FL-BC5024-9M 50 16 1″ 200 - ∞ 2.4 - 22 18.8 n.a. 135 lp/mm (9MP) C 69.0 42 166 M40.5 x 0.5
RT-FL-BC7528-9M 75 16 1″ 250 - ∞ 2.8 - 32 21.3 n.a. 135 lp/mm (9MP) C 81.0 42 189 M40.5 x 0.5

1 Horizontal angle of view while using max dector size.


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

Optical filters p. 242

LTRNDC LED direct ringlights p. 156


ENUV2M series
UV C-mount lenses for up to 1” detectors

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part number Focal Magnification Image Max detector WD F/# Horizontal Max Mount Length Diameter Mass Filter
length circle size angle of view Distortion thread
(mm) (x) Ø (mm) (mm) (°) 1 (%) (mm) (mm) (g) (mm)
RT-FL-BC2528-VGUV 25 0.10 - 0 16 1″ 230 - ∞ 2.8-16 29.7 n.a. C 58.7 60.0 33 M25 x 0.5
RT-FL-BC7838-VGUV 78 0.15 - 0 16 1″ 440 - ∞ 3.8-16 9.5 n.a. C 109.3 62.5 446 M49 x 0.75

1 Horizontal angle of view while using max dector size. FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS

Area scan cameras p. 196-205


EN43 series
5 MP and 12 MP C-mount lenses for up to 4/3” detectors

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part number Image Focal Max detector WD F/# Horizontal Max Nominal Mount Length Diameter Filter
circle length size angle of view distortion resolution thread
Ø (mm) (mm) (mm) (°) 1 (%) 2 (lp/mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 3
RT-A-1224MX5M 22 12 4/3" 300 - ∞ 2.4 - 32 58.72  < 3.7 100lp/mm (5MP) C 104.41 80 M77 × 0.75
RT-A-1620MX5M 22 16 4/3" 100 - ∞ 2.0 - 32 45.75  < -0.6 150lp/mm (5MP) C 102.41 76 M72 × 0.75
RT-A-2520MX5M 22 25 4/3" 150 - ∞ 2.0 - 32 30.22 < 0.2 150lp/mm (5MP) C 103.43 38.5 M35.5 x 0.5
RT-A-3520MX5M 22 35 4/3" 200 - ∞ 2.0 - 22 21.83 <1 120lp/mm (5MP) C 103.37 42 M37.5 x 0.5

RT-V0828-MPY 17.6 8 1.1" 200 - ∞ 2.8 - 16.0 83.0 < 0.6 12 MP C 54 75 M72 x 0.75 or M67 x 0.75
RT-V1228-MPY 17.6 12 1.1" 300 - ∞ 2.8 - 16.0 60.5 < 0.5 12 MP C 36.1 42 M34.5 x 0.5
RT-V1628-MPY 17.6 16 1.1" 300 - ∞ 2.8 - 16.0 48.2 < 0.5 12 MP C 35.2 39.5 M34.5 x 0.5
RT-V2528-MPY 17.6 25 1.1" 300 - ∞ 2.8 - 16.0 31.7 < 0.3 12 MP C 34 39.5 M34.5 x 0.5
RT-V3528-MPY 17.6 35 1.1" 300 - ∞ 2.8 - 16.0 22.9 < 0.1 12 MP C 45.1 39.5 M34.5 x 0.5
RT-V5028-MPY 17.6 50 1.1" 500 - ∞ 2.8 - 16.0 16.2 < 0.1 12 MP C 45.1 39.5 M34.5 x 0.5

1 Horizontal angle of view while using max dector size.

2 Max distortion while using max dector size.
3 For RT-V0828-MPY, need to use RT-VM0811 mount adapter
for using M72 x 0.75 filter mount for 1.1” detector. Area scan cameras p. 196-205
Or need to use RT-VM0810 for using M67 x 0.75 filter mount for 1” detector.


EN4K series
Line scan lenses for FF full frame detectors and up to 43-45 mm image circle

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part number Focal Magnification Image Max detector WD F/# Horizontal Max Nominal Mount Length Diameter Filter
length circle size angle of view distortion resolution thread
3 (mm) (x) Ø (mm) (mm) (°) 1 (%) 2 (mm) (mm) (mm)
RT-A-2428MF 24 0.16 - 0 43 Full frame - 35 mm 150 - ∞ 2.8 - 22 36.0 < -4 30lp/mm (5MP) F 40.21 60 M52x 0.75
RT-A-2428MT 24 0.16 - 0 43 Full frame - 35 mm 150 - ∞ 2.8 - 22 36.0 < -4 30lp/mm (5MP) M42x1 FD 46.5 40.21 60 M52x 0.75
RT-A-2828MF 28 0.09 - 0 43 Full frame - 35 mm 300 - ∞ 2.8 - 22 35.7 < -3 30lp/mm (5MP) F 34.17 60 M52x 0.75
RT-A-2828MT 28 0.09 - 0 43 Full frame - 35 mm 300 - ∞ 2.8 - 22 35.7 < -3 30lp/mm (5MP) M42x1 FD 46.5 34.17 60 M52x 0.75
RT-A-3525MF 35 0.11 - 0 43 Full frame - 35 mm 300 - ∞ 2.5 - 22 34.35 -3 30lp/mm (5MP) F 43.73 60 M52x 0.75
RT-A-3525MT 35 0.11 - 0 43 Full frame - 35 mm 300 - ∞ 2.5 - 22 34.35 -3 30lp/mm (5MP) M42x1 FD 46.5 43.73 60 M52x 0.75
RT-FL-YFL3528 35 0.18 - 0 45 Full frame - 35 mm 190 - ∞ 2.8 - 22 33.22 n.a. 85 lp/mm (9 MP) F 56.8 72 M62X0.75
RT-A-5018MF 50 0.12 - 0 43 Full frame - 35 mm 400 - ∞ 1.8 - 22 36.33 <1 30lp/mm (5MP) F 39.04 60 M52x 0.75
RT-A-5018MT 50 0.12 - 0 43 Full frame - 35 mm 400 - ∞ 1.8 - 22 36.33 <1 30lp/mm (5MP) M42x1 FD 46.5 39.04 60 M52x 0.75
RT-FL-YFL5028 50 0.2 - 0 45 Full frame - 35 mm 250 - ∞ 2.8 - 22 36.99 n.a. 85 lp/mm (9 MP) F 56.8 72 M62X0.75

1 Horizontal angle of view while using max dector size. FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE CAMERAS
2 Max distortion while using max dector size.
HR Area scan cameras p. 206-209


SWIR series
Short-wave infrared lenses


High resolution
Designed for high resolution detectors up to 15 μm pixel pitch
and 21 mm diameter.

Custom mount interface

Can be provided upon request.

Large field of view and low distortion

Superior optical performance.

SWIR series is a range of short-wave infrared lenses specifically In the design of the lenses, great importance was attached to a good
designed to operate in the 0.9-1.7 µm wavelength region. This serie image quality and a large aperture (small F-number).
has been specifically designed to match the new 15 µm format These lenses, mounted on a SWIR camera, are the perfect choice for
InGaAs FPA Focal Plane Arrays. a variety of applications, including solar cell inspection, night vision
These lenses offer an industry standard C-mount threaded style imaging of outdoors scenes without additional illumination (security
interface or, alternatively, they can be equipped with a custom applications), detecting bruises on fruit, imaging through silicon,
mount interface. biomedical imaging and many other infrared applications.

Application examples


Solar cell inspection. Liquid level inspection. Fruit sorting.

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part Focal F/# Wave Average Circular WD Image Distortion CTF Image Mount Focus Locking Back focal Length Diam. Mass
number length length trans. FOV Diagonal @ 30lp/mm side type screw length
(mm) (µm) (%) (deg) (mm) (mm) (%) (%) (mm) (mm) (mm) (g)
1 2 3 4 5 6
SW03520 35.00 2.0 0.9-1.7 90 33.4 350 - ∞ 21.0 -0.50 39.09 0.243 C Manual Yes 12.16 49.34 71 340
SW05020 50.00 2.0 0.9-1.7 90 23.7 500 - ∞ 21.0 0.41 43.09 0.243 C Manual Yes 14.07 71.00 71 400
SW07520 75.00 2.0 0.9-1.7 90 15.9 750 - ∞ 21.0 0.50 30.19 0.243 C Manual Yes 14.10 101.20 71 540

1 Based on the listed image diagonal. 4 Any custom mount is available at no additional cost.
2 Maximum value at central wavelength. 5 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
3 Mean value at all the different fields. 6 Given with no mount attached. See layout drawings.


SWIR C-mount lenses for up to 2/3” detectors

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part Focal length Magnification Image Max detector WD F/# Back focal length Distortion Mount Length Diameter
number circle size
(mm) Ø (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
RT-M1614-SW 16 0.05 - 0 12.3 2/3” 300 - ∞ 1.4 - 16 13.3 0.5 C 28.2 33.5
RT-M2514-SW 25 0.08 - 0 12.3 2/3” 300 - ∞ 1.4 - 16 14.6 0.5 C 36.0 33.5
RT-M3514-SW 35 0.10 - 0 12.3 2/3” 300 - ∞ 1.4 - 16 14.6 0.1 C 38.2 33.5
RT-M5018-SW 50 0.15 - 0 12.3 2/3” 300 - ∞ 1.4 - 16 13.3 0.5 C 28.2 33.5


Optical filters p. 242


MWIR series
Medium-wave infrared lenses


High resolution
Designed for high resolution detectors up to 15 μm pixel pitch
and 21 mm diameter.

Custom mount interface

Can be equipped with any custom mount interface.

Large field of view and low distortion

Superior optical performance.

HCAR coating
For applications exposing optical elements to harsh environments.

MWIR series is a range of medium-wave infrared lenses These lenses, mounted on a MWIR camera, are the perfect choice
specifically designed to operate in the 3-5 μm wavelength region for a variety of applications, including imaging through fog, high-
with InSb Focal Plane Arrays (FPA). The lenses offer a standard speed thermal imaging, thermography, R&D (MWIR range), non-
Bayonet interface or, alternatively, they can be equipped with a destructive testing.
custom mount interface.
In the design of the lenses, great importance was attached to a good
image quality and a large aperture (small F-number).

Application examples

Electronic boards inspection. Thermal imaging. Automotive.

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part Focal F/# Wave Average Circular WD Image Distortion CTF Image Mount Focus Locking Back focal Length Diam. Mass
number length length trans. FOV Diagonal @ 30lp/mm side type screw length
(mm) (µm) (%) (deg) (mm) (mm) (%) (%) (mm) (mm) (mm) (g)
1 2 3 4 5 6
MW03523 35.00 2.3 3.0-5.0 90 33.4 350 - ∞ 21.0 -0.20 39.68 0.212 Bayonet Manual Yes 32.45 57.69 71 263
MW05023 50.00 2.3 3.0-5.0 90 23.7 500 - ∞ 21.0 -0.20 57.02 0.212 Bayonet Manual Yes 34.44 55.70 71 245
MW07523 75.00 2.3 3.0-5.0 90 15.9 750 - ∞ 21.0 -0.20 56.86 0.212 Bayonet Manual Yes 57.14 57.02 84 335
MW10023 100.00 2.3 3.0-5.0 90 12.0 1000 - ∞ 21.0 -0.20 61.01 0.212 Bayonet Manual Yes 52.00 90.51 108 1060

1 Based on the listed image diagonal. 4 Any custom mount is available at no additional cost.
2 Maximum value at central wavelength. 5 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
3 Mean value at all the different fields. 6 Given with no mount attached. See layout drawings.


LWIR series
Long-wave infrared lenses


High resolution
Designed for high resolution detectors up to 15 μm pixel pitch
and 21 mm diameter.

Custom mount interface

Can be equipped with any custom mount interface.

Large field of view and low distortion

Superior optical performance.

HCAR coating
For applications exposing optical elements to harsh environments.

LWIR series is a range of long-wave infrared lenses specifically These lenses, mounted on an uncooled LWIR camera are the
designed to operate in the 8-14 μm wavelength region with uncooled perfect choice for a variety of applications spanning from industrial
detectors (a-Si, VOx, …). to military, including temperature measurement for process quality
In the design of the lenses great importance was assigned to high control and monitoring, predictive maintenance, imaging through
image quality and large aperture (small F-number). These lenses can smoke and fog, medical imaging.
also be equipped with custom mount interfaces.

Application examples

Electronic boards inspection. Thermal imaging. Automotive.

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part Focal F/# Wave Average Circular WD Image Distortion CTF Image Mount Focus Locking Back focal Length Diam. Mass
number length length trans. FOV Diagonal @ 30lp/mm side type screw length
(mm) (µm) (%) (deg) (mm) (mm) (%) (%) (mm) (mm) (mm) (g)
1 2 3 4 5 6
LW03514 35.00 1.4 8.0-14.0 90 33.4 350 - ∞ 21.0 0.20 44.99 0.336 M46X1 Manual Yes 11.88 57.62 71 300
LW05014 50.00 1.4 8.0-14.0 90 23.7 500 - ∞ 21.0 0.20 40.70 0.336 M46X1 Manual Yes 18.00 51.50 71 300
LW07514 75.00 1.4 8.0-14.0 90 15.9 750 - ∞ 21.0 0.20 38.43 0.336 M46X1 Manual Yes 14.63 106.41 85 850

1 Based on the listed image diagonal. 4 Any custom mount is available at no additional cost.
2 Maximum value at central wavelength. 5 Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange.
3 Mean value at all the different fields. 6 Given with no mount attached. See layout drawings.

ADAPTIVE OPTICS family has been discontinued.
Contact our sales engineers to discuss any specific need.

AO series
Adaptive lens for fast focusing


The adaptive lens can change optical power in 1/100th of a second.

Just attach the adaptive lens to a fixed focal lens, connect the power
supply and ethernet cable and start focusing.

The adaptive lens and driving electronics are integrated into a small
housing that mounts to the front of your fixed focal length lens.


EN2MP series, EN5MP series, ENMP series,

P. 108-111, 114
ENHR series


ADAPTIVE OPTICS family has been discontinued.
Contact our sales engineers to discuss any specific need. Area scan cameras p. 196-205

The AO series is a focusing module which can be mounted in front

of a fixed focal length lens to rapidly change focus.
Optimum piezoelectric control
The AO series allows the user to refocus the lens faster than
The vast experience in piezoelectric actuation at Dynamic Optics
mechanically moving the lens with traditional motorized solutions. allowed us to optimize the electronics to precisely control the actuator
for increased focus accuracy and repeatability.
The built-in driver has been specifically developed to accurately
control the piezoelectric elements. Excellent optical performance
The lens paired with the AO module does not suffer from further image
degradation when used horizontally vs vertically since it is not affected
A demo user interface with basic control functions is available via
by gravity.
a web browser interface. The lens can also be fully controlled with
a dedicated .dll library, downloadable from the Opto Engineering® Large aperture
website. The library includes an autofocus algorithm and a The lens has 23 mm clear aperture, making it compatible with a wide
calibration tool to help users integrate the AO module into their range of fixed focal lenses without vignetting. Larger apertures
product or application. can be developed on request.

Demo interface How to use

12-pin Hirose Ethernet


The demo browser

interface can run
on all of the most
common browsers.
With the demo focal lens
interface you can:
• Drive the focus in both directions.
• Tune the lens to obtain the best focus. Optics
• Save up to 5 positions and loop between them.

Application example

Barcode reader: the AO module allows the system to stay in focus and read Robot head: the AO module can be mounted on a robot arm, allowing the system
the barcode regardless of the size of the box. to dynamically achieve focus.

Macro inspection: the AO module can be used to focus on different planes in high Surveillance: the AO module can be used to quickly focus over a wide range
magnification applications where depth of field is a limiting factor. of distances.

Optical specs Electrical specs Communication Dimensions Accessories

Part Power Clear Scan Trasmittance DC voltage Power Connector Interfaces Mount Length Width Height
number aperture rate consumption
min max max max
(D) (D) (mm) (Hz) (%) (V) (W) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
Ethernet, RS232,
RJ45, Analog control, CBGPIO001, CBETH003,
AOL0223A 0 +3.5 23 100 >90 24 5 M30.5x0.5 116 63 27.7
12-pin Hirose Digital control, AO mechanical adaptors

1 Standard industrial circular connector, for I/O and power connections. 2 Custom protocol, see manual for more information.

Compatibility Table

Focal length Camera sensor

AO mechanical adaptors
8.45 x 7.07
(mm x mm)

8 mm Equivalent to 1/1.8” image circle Adapter ring to mount the AO module on a lens
with M27x0.5 filter thread
12 mm Full frame
Adapter ring to mount the AO module on a lens
16 mm Full frame with M30.5x0.5 filter thread
Adapter ring to mount the AO module on a lens
25 mm Full frame AOLM375X05AR
with M37.5x0.5 filter thread
35 mm Full frame Adapter ring to mount the AO module
on a C-mount camera
50 mm Full frame
Optional window with female C-mount thread to mount
75 mm Full frame AOLCF
the AO module between a lens and a camera

Other fixed focal lenses can be used. All AO modules products are supplied with adaptors for M30.5x0.5 filter thread.
Vignetting may occur depending on lens focal length, clear aperture, Different mechanical adaptors should be ordered separately.
f-number and focusing position. Other mechanical adaptors can be ordered upon request.


LTCLHP series
High-performance telecentric illuminators


Complete light coupling

All the light emitted by a LTCLHP source is collected by a telecentric
lens and transferred to the camera detector, ensuring very high
signal-to-noise ratios.

Border effects removal

Diffused back-illuminators often make objects seem smaller than
their actual size because of light reflections on the object sides,
while collimated rays are typically much less reflected.

Field depth and telecentricity improvement

Collimated illumination geometry increases a telecentric lens natural
field depth and telecentricity far beyond its nominal specs.

Homogeneity test report with measured values.

LTCLHP series are high-performance telecentric illuminators SEE ALSO

specifically designed to back illuminate objects imaged by telecentric
lenses. This high performance series provides: TCBENCH series p. 40

• Excellent illumination stability featuring no light flickering thanks FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE ACCESSORIES
to very high current stability over time even at low currents.
CMHO series p. 228
• Precise light intensity tuning thanks to the leadscrew multi-turn
trimmer positioned in the back.
• Easy LED source replacement and alignment for all the LED colors LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256
offered by Opto Engineering®.


LTCLHP series is now also available with new LTSCHP1W-GZ green light source, suitable
for any kind of sample and specifically tailored for measuring reflective objects and objects
with sharp edges.


• Reduction of edge diffraction effects

Ordering information
• Enhanced illumination uniformity,
To order a telecentric light with a new green light source,
especially on large FOVs
use p/n LTCLHPxxx-GZ (i.e. LTCLHP064-GZ).
• Less sensitive to alignment

Available colours Optical specs Mechanical specs Compatibility
Part Beam R G B W Working Length Outer
number (*) diameter distance range diameter
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2

LTCLHP 023-x 16 x x x x 45 ~ 90 96.8 28 TC2300y, TC23012, TC4M00y-x

LTCLHP 016-x 20 x x x x 35 ~ 70 99.9 38 TCxx016, TC12M016-F, TCxMHR016-x, TCLWD series

TCxx024, TCxMHR024-x, TC12M024-F, TC16M009-x,
LTCLHP 024-x 30 x x x x 45 ~ 90 124.7 44
TC16M012-x, TC16M018-x
LTCLHP 036-x 45 x x x x 70 ~ 140 152.1 61 TCxx036, TC12M036-F, TCxMHR036-x, TC16M036-x

LTCLHP 048-x 60 x x x x 90 ~ 180 187.2 75 TCxx048, TC12M048-F, TCCRxx048, TCxMHR048-x, TC16M048-x

LTCLHP 056-x 70 x x x x 100 ~ 200 210.5 80 TCxx056, TC12M056-F, TCCRxx056, TCxMHR056-x, TC16M056-x
TCxx064, TCCRxx064, TCxMHR064-x, TC16M064-x,
LTCLHP 064-x 80 x x x x 120 ~ 240 231.6 100
TC12M064-F, TC12K064
TCxx080, TCCRxx080, TCxMHR080-x, TC16M080-x,
LTCLHP 080-x 100 x x x x 150 ~ 300 277.2 116
TC12M080-F, TC12K080
TC23085, TCxx096, TCCRxx096, TCxMHR096-x,
LTCLHP 096-x 120 x x x x 200 ~ 350 322.2 143
TC12M096-F, TC16M096-x
TC23110, TCxx120, TCxMHR120-x, TC16M120-x,
LTCLHP 120-x 150 x x x 220 ~ 440 408.2 180
TC12M120-F, TC12K121
TC23130, TCxx144, TCCP12144, TCCPxMHR144, TCxMHR144-x,
LTCLHP 144-x 180 x x 270 ~ 540 467.2 200
TC16M144-x, TC12M120-F, TC12K144
TC23172, TCxx192, TCCP12192, TCCPxMHR192,
LTCLHP 192-x 250 x x x 350 ~ 700 608.2 260
TCxMHR192-x, TC12K192
LTCLHP 240-x 300 x x 350 ~ 700 769.2 322 TC23200, TC23240, TCxMHR240-x, TC12M240-F

(*) The last digit of the part number “-x” defines the source colour.

1 Opto Engineering ® recommends green light 2 Nominal value, with no spacers in place.
for high precision measurement applications.

LTCLHP telecentric illuminators offer higher edge contrast when compared to diffused back light illuminators and therefore higher
measurement accuracy.

This type of illumination is especially recommended for high accuracy measurement of round or cylindrical parts where diffusive back
lighting would offer poor performances because of the diffuse reflections coming from the edges of objects under inspection.

Precise light intensity tuning Direct LED control

Easily and precisely tune the light The built-in electronics can be
intensity level thanks to the leadscrew bypassed in order to drive the LED
multi-turn trimmer positioned in the directly for use in continuous or
back. pulsed mode.
When bypassed, the built-in
electronics behaves as an open circuit
allowing for direct control of the LED

Easy and precise alignment

with bi-telecentric lenses
Create the perfect optical bench for
precision measurement applications
by interfacing our bi-telecentric lenses
and LTCLHP collimated illuminators
using Opto Engineering® precision
clamping mechanics CMHO series.

Wide selection of different colors

Light Device power ratings LED power ratings

Part number Light color, wavelength peak DC voltage Power consumption Max LED fwd current Forward voltage Max pulse current
min max typical max
(V) (V) (W) (mA) (V) (V) (mA)
1 2 3 4
LTCLHP xxx-R red, 630 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 2.4 3.00 2000
LTCLHP xxx-G green, 520 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 3.3 4.00 2000
LTCLHP xxx-B blue, 460 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 3.3 4.00 2000
LTCLHP xxx-W white 12 24 < 2.5 350 2.78 n.a. 2000

1 Tolerance ± 10%. 4 At pulse width <= 10 ms, duty cycle <= 10% condition.
2 Used in continuous (not pulsed) mode. Built-in electronics board must be bypassed (see tech info online).
3 At max forward current. Tolerance is ±0.06V on forward voltage measurements.



Ultra compact telecentric illuminators


Deliver excellent performance

LTCLHP CORE telecentric illuminators deliver exactly the same
excellent optical performance as other Opto Engineering®
telecentric illuminators.

Downsize your vision system

LTCLHP CORE telecentric illuminators are up to 60% smaller than
other telecentric illuminators on the market.

Easily fit into existing systems

LTCLHP CORE illuminators can be mounted in different directions
in your machine.

Improve your system performance

LTCLHP CORE illuminators may be used instead of flat backlights to
improve your system.

Help to spare and sell

A smaller system means less expenses and less space and is
preferred by the industry.

Homogeneity test report with measured values.

LTCLHP CORE Series are ultra compact telecentric illuminators. A smaller system means lower manufacturing, shipping and storage
They are up to 60% more compact than other collimated illuminators costs, as well as less use of factory space and is the solution
on the market. preferred by the industry.
The ultra compact size allows you to greatly reduce the size of LTCLHP CORE illuminators can be used both with classic telecentric
your machine and to easily integrate true collimated illumination lenses and with ultra compact telecentric lenses from CORE family
instead of common flat backlights, thus improving your system’s like TC CORE, TC2MHR CORE and TC4MHR CORE series.
The smart design also makes them easy to retrofit into existing
systems. They can easily be mounted in different directions using
any of their 4 sides, with or without clamps.


LTCLHP CORE series is now also available with new LTSCHP1W-GZ green light source,
suitable for any kind of sample and specifically tailored for measuring reflective objects
and objects with sharp edges.


• Reduction of edge diffraction effects

Ordering information
• Enhanced illumination uniformity,
especially on large FOVs To order a telecentric light with a new green light source,
use p/n LTCLCRxxx-GZ (i.e. LTCLCR064-GZ).
• Less sensitive to alignment


TC series p. 18


Mounting mechanics CMHO CR

p. 228
and CMPT CR series

LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256

LTCLHP CORE telecentric illuminators are up to 60% shorter than other telecentric
illuminators on the market.

Precise light intensity tuning Direct LED control

Easily and precisely tune the light The built-in electronics can be
intensity level thanks to the leadscrew bypassed in order to drive the
multi-turn trimmer positioned in the LED directly for use in continuous
back. or pulsed mode. When bypassed,
the built-in electronics behaves as
an open circuit allowing for direct
control of the LED source.

Light Device power ratings LED power ratings

Part number Light color, wavelength peak DC voltage Power consumption Max LED fwd current Forward voltage Max pulse current
min max typical max
(V) (V) (W) (mA) (V) (V) (mA)
1 2 3 4
LTCLCR xxx-R red, 630 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 2.4 3.00 2000
LTCLCR xxx-G green, 520 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 3.3 4.00 2000
LTCLCR xxx-W white 12 24 < 2.5 350 2.78 n.a. 2000

1 Tolerance ± 10%. 4 At pulse width <= 10 ms, duty cycle <= 10% condition.
2 Used in continuous (not pulsed) mode. Built-in electronics board must be bypassed (see tech info online).
3 At max forward current. Tolerance is ±0.06V on forward voltage measurements.



Ultra compact telecentric illuminators

LTCLHP CORE - True collimated illumination in very limited space

Limited space

A standard collimated illuminator

is impossible to use due to lack
of space.

Telecentric lens and collimated illuminator.

Classic solution with diffuse

backlight: less precise measurements
due to surface eflections
and uncertain edge position.

“Classic” telecentric lens and flat backlight.

Smart solution with LTCLHP CORE

telecentric illuminator:
no edge uncertainty for excellent
measurement results.

“Classic” telecentric lens and LTCLHP CORE

collimated illuminator.

The smartest solution

with TC CORE telecentric lens
and LTCLHP CORE telecentric
illuminator: excellent measurement
results in a super compact space.

TC CORE telecentric lens and LTCLHP CORE

collimated illuminator.

LTCLHP CORE illuminator dimensions (A, B, C): Minimum beam shape dimensions:

A x


Optical specifications Dimensions Compatibility

Part number Light color, Minimum beam Working
wavelength shape distance
peak dimensions range
(mm) (mm) (mm)
1 A B C 2
LTCLCR 048-R red, 630 nm Ø = 56; x = 50 90 - 180 77 106 162
TCCRxx048, CMHOCR048, CMPTCR048, TCCRxM048-x, TCxx048,
LTCLCR 048-G green, 520 nm Ø = 56; x = 50 90 - 180 77 106 162
TCxMHR048-x, TC12M048-F, TC16M048, TC16M048-Q
LTCLCR 048-W white Ø = 56; x = 50 90 - 180 77 106 162
LTCLCR 056-R red, 630 nm Ø = 74; x = 66 100 - 200 94 110 172
TCCRxx056, CMHOCR056, CMPTCR056, TCCRxM056-x, TCxx056,
LTCLCR 056-G green, 520 nm Ø = 74; x = 66 100 - 200 94 110 172
TCxMHR056-x, TC12M056-F, TC16M056, TC16M056-Q
LTCLCR 056-W white Ø = 74; x = 66 100 - 200 94 110 172
LTCLCR 064-R red, 630 nm Ø = 86; x = 67 120 - 240 101 122 179
TCCRxx064, CMHOCR064, CMPTCR064, TCCRxM064-x, TCxx064,
LTCLCR 064-G green, 520 nm Ø = 86; x = 67 120 - 240 101 122 179
TCxMHR0564-x, TC12M064-F, TC16M064, TC16M064-Q, TC12K064
LTCLCR 064-W white Ø = 86; x = 67 120 - 240 101 122 179
LTCLCR 080-R red, 630 nm Ø = 98; x = 90 150 - 300 119 145 198
TCCRxx080, CMHOCR080, CMPTCR080, TCCRxM080-x, TCxx080,
LTCLCR 080-G green, 520 nm Ø = 98; x = 90 150 - 300 119 145 198 TCxMHR080x, TC12M080-F, TC16M080, TC16M080-Q, TC12K080,
LTCLCR 080-W white Ø = 98; x = 90 150 - 300 119 145 198
LTCLCR 096-R red, 630 nm Ø = 120; x = 99 200 - 350 139 172 223
TCCRxx096, CMHOCR096, CMPTCR096, TCCRxM096-x, TCxx096,
LTCLCR 096-G green, 520 nm Ø = 120; x = 99 200 - 350 139 172 223
TCxMHR096x, TC12M096-F, TC16M096, TC16M096-Q, TC12K096
LTCLCR 096-W white Ø = 120; x = 99 200 - 350 139 172 223
LTCLCR 120-R red, 630 nm Ø = 156; x = 130 220 - 440 182 220 231
TCCRxx0120, TCCRxM0120-x, TCxx0120, TCxMHR0120x, TC12M120-F,
LTCLCR 120-G green, 520 nm Ø = 156; x = 130 220 - 440 182 220 231
TC16M0120, TC16M0120-Q, TC12K0120
LTCLCR 120-W white Ø = 156; x = 130 220 - 440 182 220 231

1 Opto Engineering ® recommends green light 2 Nominal value, with no spacers in place.
for high precision measurement applications.



Space-saving telecentric illuminators for large FOV systems


Large illumination area in a super compact form factor

LTCLHP CORE PLUS are up to 40% shorter than other telecentric
lights on the market.

Reduce the size of your vision system

The working distance of LTCLHP CORE PLUS telecentric illuminators
has been optimized to reduce the overall system’s footprint.

Boost your measurement system’s performance

LTCLHP CORE PLUS illuminators may be used in place of flat
backlights to improve your system’s performance.

Smart integration
LTCLHP CORE PLUS illuminators integrate a mounting flange for
easy integration without additional clamps.

System compactness is a competitive advantage

A smaller vision system or measurement machine is preferred by
the industry.

LTCLHP CORE PLUS telecentric illuminators are designed to SEE ALSO

illuminate large areas in a reduced space. They are up to 40%
shorter than other telecentric lights on the market. Flat backlights LT2BP, LTBC, LTBP series p. 162-168
The length and working distance of a telecentric lens strongly impact
the size of a vision system. Their working distance range has been SEE ALSO

optimized to make a measuremenzt system as compact as possible,

TC CORE PLUS series telecentric lenses p. 24
allowing to reduce the overall system’s dimensions by up to up to
half. The super compact form factor allows you to easily integrate COMPATIBLE ACCESSORIES
CORE PLUS collimated illumination where classic telecentric lights
don’t fit instead of common diffuse backlights, thus improving your LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256
system’s performance.
LTCLHP CORE PLUS lights have been designed for smart integration.
They feature a built-in mounting flange so no additional clamps are

System compactness is a competitive advantage


Save more
• Lower manufacturing cost due to less material employed
• Cost of mounting is reduced as no addictional clamps are needed
• Less space required for storage and use
• Lower shipment expenses due to smaller size
• Lower transportation risks

Sell more
• A smaller system leads to more sales
Comparison of precision measurement systems with “classic” telecentric lens
and light vs. CORE PLUS telecentric lens and light.

Setup instructions 1:
To build a telecentric measurement setup it’s necessary to position
a LTCLHP CORE telecentric illuminator upside down with respect to
the TC CORE PLUS telecentric lens.

TC CORE PLUS telecentric lens. LTCLHP CORE PLUS telecentric illuminator.

Setup instructions 2:
LTCLHP CORE PLUS telecentric illuminator is also a perfect solution
when coupled with classic telecentric lenses (e.g. TC series).

TC telecentric lens. LTCLHP CORE PLUS telecentric illuminator.


Image rectangle


Built-in mounting flange: no additional clamps required. The width of the beam rectangle is aligned along the A axis. A, B an C indicate the mechanical
The height of the beam rectangle is aligned along the B axis. dimensions of the illuminator.

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part number Light color, Minimum Working Device power rating LED power ratings Dimensions
wavelength beam distance DC voltage Power Max LED Forward Max
peak shape range cons. fwd voltage pulse
dimensions current current
min max typical max
(mm x mm) (mm) (V) (V) (W) (mA) (V) (V) (mA) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
LTCLCP 144-G green, 520 nm 190 x 150 170 - 350 12 24 < 2.5 350 3.3 4 2000 332.0 302.5 310.5
LTCLCP 192-G green, 520 nm 245 x 190 230 - 450 12 24 < 2.5 350 3.3 4 2000 410.4 344.1 359.3

1 Opto Engineering® recommends green light for high precision measurement applications. 6 At max forward current.
2 Beam shape is not circular. 7 Tolerance is ±0.06V on forward voltage measurements.
3 Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. 8 At pulse width <= 10 ms, duty cycle <= 10% condition.
Set this distance within +/- 5% of the nominal value for maximum resolution Built-in electronics board must be bypassed (see tech info).
and minimum distortion. 9 Maximum dimension of the clamping flange.
4 Tolerance ± 10%. 10 Nominal value, with no spacers in place.
5 Used in continuous (not pulsed) mode.


LTCL4K series
Flat telecentric illuminators for linescan cameras


Compact design
“Flat” shape for easy integration.

High optical throughput and enhanced field depth

When coupled with compatible TC4K telecentric lenses.

Dedicated CMMR4K mirrors

Right-angle deflection of the light path for usage in tight spaces.

Homogeneity test report with measured values.

LTCL4K telecentric illuminators are specifically designed to be intensity tuning and easy replacement of the LED source. The unique
paired with TC4K telecentric lenses, in order to provide the high “slim” form factor allows these units to be used in constrained
optical throughput needed for high-speed linescan measurement spaces, often a critical factor in many industrial environments.
applications involving for instance steering components, gear and Also, CMMR4K right angle mirror attachments can be integrated to
cam shafts, grinding and turning parts. quickly assemble different illumination geometries, compatible with
These illuminators are equipped with state-of-the-art LED driving most types of inspection configurations.
electronics, providing exceptional illumination stability, precise light

Application examples

A LTCL4K back-illuminating
a mechanical component
and interfaced to a TC4K
telecentric lens.


LTCL4K series is now also available with new LTSCHP1W-GZ green light source,
suitable for any kind of sample and specifically tailored for measuring reflective objects
and objects with sharp edges.


• Reduction of edge diffraction effects

Ordering information
• Enhanced illumination uniformity,
especially on large FOVs To order a telecentric light with a new green light source,
use p/n LTCL4Kxxx-GZ (i.e. LTCL4K060-GZ).
• Less sensitive to alignment


TC4K series p. 68


CMMR4K series p. 236

LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256

A LTCL4K illuminator coupled

with a TC4K lens using
a CMMR4K deflecting mirrors
to scan samples on a glass

Precise light intensity tuning Direct LED control

Easily and precisely tune the light The built-in electronics can be
intensity level thanks to the leadscrew bypassed in order to drive the
multi-turn trimmer positioned in the LED directly for use in continuous
back. or pulsed mode. When bypassed,
the built-in electronics behaves as
an open circuit allowing for direct
control of the LED source.

Electrical specifications

Light Device power ratings LED power ratings

Part number Light color, wavelength peak DC voltage Power consumption Max LED fwd current Forward voltage Max pulse current
min max typical max
(V) (V) (W) (mA) (V) (V) (mA)
1 2 3 4
LTCL4K xxx-G green, 520 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 3.3 4.00 2000
LTCL4K xxx-W white 12 24 < 2.5 350 2.78 n.a. 2000

1 Tolerance ± 10%. 4 At pulse width <= 10 ms, duty cycle <= 10% condition.
2 Used in continuous (not pulsed) mode. Built-in electronics board must be bypassed (see tech info online).
3 At max forward current. Tolerance is ±0.06V on forward voltage measurements.

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications Compatibility

Part Light color, Beam width Beam height Working distance Length Width Height Compatible TC4K
number wavelength peak range
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
LTCL4K 060-G green, 520 nm 71 10 90 - 300 218.3 83 38.5 TC4K060-x
LTCL4K 060-W white 71 10 90 - 300 218.3 83 38.5 TC4K060-x
LTCL4K 090-G green, 520 nm 102 10 90 - 300 295.2 114 38.5 TC4K090-x
LTCL4K 090-W white 102 10 90 - 300 295.2 114 38.5 TC4K090-x
LTCL4K 120-G green, 520 nm 132 10 90 - 300 306.3 144 38.5 TC4K120-x
LTCL4K 120-W white 132 10 90 - 300 306.3 144 38.5 TC4K120-x
LTCL4K 180-G green, 520 nm 187 10 120 - 450 483.5 206 38.5 TC4K180-x
LTCL4K 180-W white 187 10 120 - 450 483.5 206 38.5 TC4K180-x


LTDM series
High-power strobe LED domes


Ultra-high power light output and strobe mode only operation

For the inspection of fast moving objects and extended LED lifetime.

Rugged industrial design with built-in industrial connector

For easy integration into any machine vision system.

Wide selection
Available in three sizes, three colors and two power intensities.

Compatible LTDV strobe controllers available

For easy and appropriate power, control and synchronization of the

LTDM series are high power diffuse LED strobe dome illuminators
designed to provide non-directional diffused light and to effectively
eliminate glare and shadows. Lighting structure

LTDM series provides ultra-high power light output and can be used
to illuminate complex shapes with curved and shiny surfaces.
LTDM dome illuminators can be exclusively operated in strobe
mode, making them the perfect choice to illuminate very fast
moving objects while ensuring extended LED lifetime since no heat
is generated.

LTDM series can be easily powered, controlled and synchronized by

compatible LTDV strobe controllers and is available in:
• three sizes: small, medium and large, respectively with illumination
area of 40 mm, 60 mm and 100 mm in diameter;
• two power intensities: medium power with driving current up to
7.5 A and high power with driving current up to 17 A;
• three different colors: white, red and green.

LTDM series feature industry standard connection (M8 or M12

four poles connector) and resizable aperture that can be drilled to
increase the diameter and accommodate the optics field of view.
Additionally they can be easily integrated into any machine vision
system by means of M6 screws.


LTDV series p. 256


EN2MP series, EN5MP series, ENMP series,
p. 108-111, 114
ENHR series

FULL RANGE OF INDUSTRIAL CAMERAS Compatible LTDV strobe controllers available to easily
power, control and synchronize LED illuminators.
Area scan cameras p. 196-205


Optical specifications
Number of LEDs 15 15 15 40 40 40 40 80 80 80
white, green, red, white, green, red, white, green, red,
Light colour white
6000 K 525 nm 625 nm 6500K 528 nm 625 nm 6500K 528 nm 625 nm
Spectral FWHM (nm) n.a. 50 25 n.a. 35 20 n.a. n.a. 35 20
Illumination area
(mm) 40 40 40 60 60 60 100 100 100 100
(mm) 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50
working distance WD
At driving
(klux) 100 70 40 50 45 35 25 50 45 35
current = 3.5 A
Min estimated At driving
(klux) 175 125 70 90 80 65 50 100 90 70
illumination 1 current = 7.5 A
At driving
(klux) n.a. n.a. n.a. 160 145 115 n.a. 140 125 100
current = 17.0 A
Aperture range (mm) 38 (fixed) 38 (fixed) 38 (fixed) 10 - 50 10 - 50 10 - 50 10 - 60 10 - 60 10 - 60 10 - 60
Electrical specifications
Power supply mode strobe only, constant current driving strobe only, constant current driving strobe only, constant current driving
Min (A) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Driving current
Max (A) 7.5 7.5 7.5 17.0 17.0 17.0 7.5 17.0 17.0 17.0
Pulse width 2 (ms) ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1
Connection Type 3 M8 industrial male connector M12 industrial male connector M12 industrial male connector
Estimated MTBF 4 (hours) > 50000 > 50000 > 50000 > 50000 > 50000 > 50000 > 50000 > 50000 > 50000 > 50000
Mechanical specifications
Length (mm) 107 107 107 166.5 166.5 166.5 206 206 206 206
Dimensions Width (mm) 84 84 84 133 133 133 206 206 206 206
Height (mm) 53 53 53 90 90 90 128 128 128 128
Materials black anodized aluminum body black anodized aluminum body black anodized aluminum body / painted steel reflector
Clamping system 4 threaded holes for M6 screw 4 holes for M6 screw 4 threaded holes for M6 screw

Strobe controllers

TC23007, TC23009, TCLWD series,

Lenses TCLWD series, MC033X TCLWD series, MC4K050X-x, MC4K075X-x
MC050X, MC033X

1 At max Working Distance WD.

2 At 25°C. At max pulse width (1 ms), max pulse frequency = 15 Hz.
3 5 m cable with straight female connector included. Optional cable with right angled
connector is also available and must be ordered separately (refer to our website
for further info and ordering codes).
4 At 25°C.

Ordering information
It’s easy to select the right illuminator for your application: our part numbers are coded as LTDM xy-z, where x defines the illuminator size (A = small, B = medium, C = large),
y refers to the power intensity (1 = medium, 2 = high) and z refers to color (W = white, R = red, G = green).
For instance LTDM B2-R is a diffuse strobe dome illuminator - medium size high power red.


LTDMC series
Continuous LED domes

Lighting structure

LTDMC series consists of LED dome illuminators designed to COMPATIBLE STROBE CONTROLLER
provide uniform illumination of complex surfaces.
Light comes from all angles effectively eliminating glares and LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256

shadows. Suggested usage is continuous mode.


LTICGR1000-D1-PS-xx light intensity controller p. 260

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Dimensions

Continuous mode Pulsed mode
Part Light colour, Illumination area Supply Current Power Supply Max pulse Outer Aperture Height
number wavelength peak diam. voltage cons. voltage current diam.
(mm) (V) (mA) (W) (V) (mA) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
LT4WRG150-00-1-W-24V white, 6300K 113 24 240 5.8 36 720 185 40 89.8
LT4WRG150-00-1-R-24V red, 630nm 113 24 252 6.1 36 750 185 40 89.8
LT4WRG150-00-1-G-24V green, 525nm 113 24 240 5.8 36 720 185 40 89.8
LT4WRG150-00-1-B-24V blue, 470nm 113 24 240 5.8 36 720 185 40 89.8
LT4WRG200-00-1-W-24V white, 6300K 160 24 360 8.7 36 1080 232 50 112.8
LT4WRG200-00-1-R-24V red, 630nm 160 24 378 9.1 36 1134 232 50 112.8
LT4WRG200-00-1-G-24V green, 525nm 160 24 360 8.7 36 1080 232 50 112.8
LT4WRG200-00-1-B-24V blue, 470nm 160 24 360 8.7 36 1080 232 50 112.8
LT4WRG250-00-1-W-24V white, 6300K 212 24 520 12.5 36 1560 284 50 139.4
LT4WRG250-00-1-R-24V red, 630nm 212 24 476 11.5 36 1428 284 50 139.4
LT4WRG250-00-1-G-24V green, 525nm 212 24 520 12.5 36 1560 284 50 139.4
LT4WRG250-00-1-B-24V blue, 470nm 212 24 520 12.5 36 1560 284 50 139.4

1 With constant driving voltage (36V recommended, 48V max). Duty cycle = 0-10 %.
Max pulse width = 10 ms.
2 With constant driving current. Duty cycle = 0-10 %. Max pulse width = 10 ms.


LTLA series
High-power strobe LED low angle diffused ringlights


Ultra-high power light output and strobe mode only operation

For the inspection of fast moving object and extended LED lifetime.

Rugged industrial design with built-in industrial connector

For easy integration into any machine vision system.

Wide selection
Available in two sizes, three colors and two power intensities.

Compatible LTDV strobe controllers available

For easy and appropriate power, control and synchronization of the

Low angle beam shaping diffuser

Highly diffusive material avoids hot spots and ensures uniform light

LTLA series are high power diffuse LED strobe low-angle ring light Lighting structure
illuminators designed to provide darkfield lightning and to effectively
enhance minute surface features or textures.

LTLA series features ultra-high power light output and can be used
to cast shadows that emphasize surface irregularities, scratches or
special characteristics (such as bar codes) from a close distance.
LTLA low angle ring illuminators can be exclusively operated in
strobe mode, making them the perfect choice to illuminate very fast
moving objects while ensuring extended LED lifetime since no heat
is generated.

LTLA series can be easily powered, controlled and synchronized by

compatible LTDV strobe controllers and is available in:
• two sizes: medium and large, respectively with illumination area
of 60 mm and 100 mm in diameter;
• two power intensities: medium power with driving current up
to 7.5 A and high power with driving current up to 17 A;
• three different colors: white, red and green.

LTLA series feature industry standard connection (M12 four poles 0°

connector) and can be easily integrated into any machine vision
system by means of M6 screws.


LTDV series p. 256


EN2MP series, EN5MP series, ENMP series,
p. 108-111, 114
ENHR series

COMPATIBLE HOLE INSPECTION OPTICS Compatible LTDV strobe controllers available to easily
power, control and synchronize LED illuminators.
PCHI series p. 80


Optical specifications
Number of LEDs 40 40 40 40 80 80 80
Light colour white, 6000 K green, 525 nm red, 625 nm white, 6500 K white, 6500 K green, 528 nm red, 625 nm
Spectral FWHM (nm) n.a. 35 20 n.a. n.a. 35 20
Diffusive ring yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Illumination area diameter (mm) 60 60 60 100 100 100 100
Suggested working distance WD (mm) 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50
Emission angle α (deg) 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
At driving
(klux) 55 50 40 35 70 60 45
current = 3.5 A
Min estimated At driving
(klux) 105 90 70 70 140 120 90
illumination 1 current = 7.5 A
At driving
(klux) 210 180 150 125 250 220 170
current = 17.0 A
Aperture range (mm) 64 (fixed) 64 (fixed) 64 (fixed) 102 (fixed) 102 (fixed) 102 (fixed) 102 (fixed)
Electrical specifications
Power supply mode strobe only, constant current driving strobe only, constant current driving
Min (A) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Driving current
Max (A) 17.0 17.0 17.0 7.5 17.0 17.0 17.0
Pulse width 2 (ms) ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1
Connection Type 3 M12 industrial male connector M12 industrial male connector
Estimated MTBF 4 (hours) > 50000 > 50000 > 50000 > 50000 > 50000 > 50000 > 50000
Mechanical specifications
Length (mm) 166.5 166.5 166.5 206 206 206 206
Dimensions Width (mm) 133 133 133 206 206 206 206
Height (mm) 38 38 38 76 76 76 76
Materials black anodized aluminum body black anodized aluminum body
Clamping system 4 holes for M6 screw 8 threaded holes for M6 screw
Strobe controllers LTDV1CH-17, LTDV6CH, LTDV1CH-17V, LTDVExCH-20 LTDV1CH-17, LTDV6CH, LTDV1CH-17V, LTDVExCH-20

TC2300y, TC23012, TC12016, TC23016, TC12024,

TCxx036, TCxx048, TC12056, TC23056, TC13064, TCxx064,
TC23024, TCxx036, TC1MHR016-C, TC1MHR024-C,
TC1MHR036-C, TC1MHR048-C, TC1MHR056-C, TC1MHR064-C,
TC1MHR036-C, TC2MHR016-x, TC2MHR024-x,
TC2MHR036-x, TC2MHR048-x, TC2MHR056-x, TC2MHR064-x,
TC2MHR036-x, TC3MHR016-C, TC3MHR024-C,
TC3MHR036-C, TC3MHR048-C, TC3MHR056-C, TC3MHR064-C,
TC3MHR036-C, TC4M004-x, TC4M007-x, TC4M009-x,
TC2MHR036-x,TC4MHR036-x, TC4MHR048-x, TC4MHR056-x,
TC4MHR016-x, TC4MHR024-x, TC4MHR036-x,
Lenses TC4MHR064-x, TC12M036-F, TC12M048-F, TC12M056-F, TC12M064-F,
TC12M016-F, TC12M024-F, TC12M036-F, TC16M009-x,
TC16M036-x, TC16M048-x, TC16M056-x, TC16M064-x, TC12K064,
TC16M012-x, TC16M018-x, TC16M036-x, TCLWD series,
TCLWD series, TC4K060-x, TCZR072S, MCZR025-006, MCZR018-004,
TCZR036S, MCZR033-008, MCZR025-006, MCZR018-004,
MCZR014-003, MC033X, MC12K200X-x, MC12K150X-x,
MCZR014-003, MC150X, MC100X, MC075X, MC050X,
MC12K100X-x, MC12K067X-x, RT series, MC4K050X-x,
MC033X, RT series, MC4K050X-x, MC4K075X-x,
MC4K075X-x, MC4K100X-x, MC4K125X-x, MC4K150X-x
MC4K100X-x, MC4K125X-x, MC4K150X-x

1 At max Working Distance WD.

2 At 25°C. At max pulse width (1 ms), max pulse frequency = 15 Hz.
3 5 m cable with straight female connector included. Optional cable with right angled
connector is also available and must be ordered separately (refer to our website
for further info and ordering codes).
4 At 25°C.

Ordering information
It’s easy to select the right illuminator for your application: our part numbers are coded as LTLA xy-z, where x defines the illuminator size (B = medium, C = large),
y refers to the power intensity (1 = medium, 2 = high) and z refers to color (W = white, R = red, G = green).
For instance LTLA B2-R is a diffuse strobe low angle ring light illuminator - medium size high power red.


LTRNST series
LED ring illuminators - straight type


Mechanically fitting Opto Engineering ® optics

Each lens integrates specific mechanical interfaces.

Specific illumination geometry

Illumination path matches Opto Engineering® lenses
viewing angle and numerical aperture.

High performance to price ratio

Cost-effective, without quality compromises.


Telecentric lenses p. 16-71


LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256


LTICGR1000-D1-PS-xx light intensity controller p. 260

LTRNST series are LED ring illuminators specifically designed for

a wide range of Opto Engineering ® products.
Especially the straight type models perfectly fit Opto Engineering ®
telecentric lenses. LTRN illuminator coupled
with TC23064

Every illuminator is equipped with a mechanical interface which

makes it very easy to mount it on different lens types.
These products enable the optimal illumination geometry for the
most common applications of their matching lens.

Lighting structure Product overview


LTRNST - Ringlights / straight illumination LTRN 120 NW

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Dimensions Compatibility
Continuous mode 1 Pulsed mode
Part Light colour, Optimal Lighting area Supply Current Power Supply Max pulse Outer Inner Height Compatible OE products
number peak WD diam. voltage cons. voltage current diam. diam.
wavelength inner outer
(mm) (mm) (mm) (V) (mA) (W) (V) (mA) (mm) (mm) (mm)
2 3
Straight illumination

LTRN 023 RD red, 630 nm 55-85 32 90 24 200 4.8 24 - 48 600 104 28 40 TC2300y, TC23012, TC4M00y-x

LTRN 023 GR green, 525 nm 55-85 32 90 24 220 5.3 24 - 48 660 104 28 40 TC2300y, TC23012, TC4M00y-x

LTRN 023 BL blue, 470 nm 55-85 32 90 24 220 5.3 24 - 48 660 104 28 40 TC2300y, TC23012, TC4M00y-x

LTRN 023 NW white, 6300 K 55-85 32 90 24 480 11.6 24 - 48 1440 104 28 40 TC2300y, TC23012, TC4M00y-x

LTRN 016 RD red, 630 nm 85-150 48 107 24 300 7.2 24 - 48 900 120.6 37.7 40 TCxx016, TCxMHR016-x, TCSM016, TCLWD series

LTRN 016 GR green, 525 nm 85-150 48 107 24 275 6.6 24 - 48 825 120.6 37.7 40 TCxx016, TCxMHR016-x, TCSM016, TCLWD series

LTRN 016 BL blue, 470 nm 85-150 48 107 24 315 7.6 24 - 48 945 120.6 37.7 40 TCxx016, TCxMHR016-x, TCSM016, TCLWD series

LTRN 016 NW white, 6300 K 85-150 48 107 24 650 15.6 24 - 48 1950 120.6 37.7 40 TCxx016, TCxMHR016-x, TCSM016, TCLWD series

LTRN 024 RD red, 630 nm 85-150 48 107 24 300 7.2 24 - 48 900 120.6 44 40 TCxx024, TCxMHR024-x, TCSM024

LTRN 024 GR green, 525 nm 85-150 48 107 24 275 6.6 24 - 48 825 120.6 44 40 TCxx024, TCxMHR024-x, TCSM024

LTRN 024 BL blue, 470 nm 85-150 48 107 24 315 7.6 24 - 48 945 120.6 44 40 TCxx024, TCxMHR024-x, TCSM024

LTRN 024 NW white, 6300 K 85-150 48 107 24 650 15.6 24 - 48 1950 120.6 44 40 TCxx024, TCxMHR024-x, TCSM024

LTRN 032 RD red, 630 nm 65-240 84 143 24 400 9.6 24 - 48 1200 157 56 40 TCZR036S

LTRN 032 GR green, 525 nm 65-240 84 143 24 385 9.3 24 - 48 1155 157 56 40 TCZR036S

LTRN 032 BL blue, 470 nm 65-240 84 143 24 434 10.5 24 - 48 1302 157 56 40 TCZR036S

LTRN 032 NW white, 6300 K 65-240 84 143 24 840 20.2 24 - 48 2000 157 56 40 TCZR036S

TCxx036, TCxMHR036-x, TC12M036-F,

LTRN 036 RD red, 630 nm 65-240 84 143 24 400 9.6 24 - 48 1200 157 61 40
TC16M036-x, TCSM036, MCZRxxx-yyy
TCxx036, TCxMHR036-x, TC12M036-F,
LTRN 036 GR green, 525 nm 65-240 84 143 24 385 9.2 24 - 48 1155 157 61 40
TC16M036-x, TCSM036, MCZRxxx-yyy
TCxx036, TCxMHR036-x, TC12M036-F,
LTRN 036 BL blue, 470 nm 65-240 84 143 24 434 10.4 24 - 48 1302 157 61 40
TC16M036-x, TCSM036, MCZRxxx-yyy
TCxx036, TCxMHR036-x, TC12M036-F,
LTRN 036 NW white, 6300 K 65-240 84 143 24 840 20.2 24 - 48 2000 157 61 40
TC16M036-x, TCSM036, MCZRxxx-yyy
TCxx048, TCxMHR048-x, TC12M048-F,
LTRN 048 RD red, 630 nm 65-240 84 143 24 400 9.6 24 - 48 1200 157 75 40
TC16M048-x, TCSM048
TCxx048, TCxMHR048-x, TC12M048-F,
LTRN 048 GR green, 525 nm 65-240 84 143 24 385 9.3 24 - 48 1155 157 75 40
TC16M048-x, TCSM048
TCxx048, TCxMHR048-x, TC12M048-F,
LTRN 048 BL blue, 470 nm 65-240 84 143 24 434 10.5 24 - 48 1302 157 75 40
TC16M048-x, TCSM048
TCxx048, TCxMHR048-x, TC12M048-F,
LTRN 048 NW white, 6300 K 65-240 84 143 24 840 20.2 24 - 48 2000 157 75 40
TC16M048-x, TCSM048
TCxx056, TCxMHR056-x, TC12M056-F,
LTRN 056 RD red, 630 nm 65-240 84 143 24 400 9.6 24 - 48 1200 157 80 40
TC16M056-x, TCSM056
TCxx056, TCxMHR056-x, TC12M056-F,
LTRN 056 GR green, 525 nm 65-240 84 143 24 385 9.3 24 - 48 1155 157 80 40
TC16M056-x, TCSM056
TCxx056, TCxMHR056-x, TC12M056-F,
LTRN 056 BL blue, 470 nm 65-240 84 143 24 434 10.5 24 - 48 1302 157 80 40
TC16M056-x, TCSM056
TCxx056, TCxMHR056-x, TC12M056-F,
LTRN 056 NW white, 6300K 65-240 84 143 24 840 20.2 24 - 48 2000 157 80 40
TC16M056-x, TCSM056
TCxx064 ,TCxMHR064-x, TC12M064-F,
LTRN 064 RD red, 630 nm 280-365 120 178 24 500 12 24 - 48 1500 192 100 40
TC16M064-x, TC12K064, TCSM064, TCZR072S
TCxx064 ,TCxMHR064-x, TC12M064-F,
LTRN 064 GR green, 525 nm 280-365 120 178 24 522 12.6 24 - 48 1566 192 100 40
TC16M064-x, TC12K064, TCSM064, TCZR072S
TCxx064 ,TCxMHR064-x, TC12M064-F,
LTRN 064 BL blue, 470 nm 280-365 120 178 24 567 13.7 24 - 48 1701 192 100 40
TC16M064-x, TC12K064, TCSM064, TCZR072S
TCxx064 ,TCxMHR064-x, TC12M064-F,
LTRN 064 NW white, 6300 K 280-365 120 178 24 960 23.1 24 - 48 2000 192 100 40
TC16M064-x, TC12K064, TCSM064, TCZR072S
TCxx080, TC23072, TCxMHR080-x, TC12M080-F,
LTRN 080 RD red, 630 nm 280-365 120 178 24 500 12 24 - 48 1500 192 116 40
TC16M080-x, TC12K080, TCSM080
TCxx080, TC23072, TCxMHR080-x, TC12M080-F,
LTRN 080 GR green, 525 nm 280-365 120 178 24 522 12.6 24 - 48 1566 192 116 40
TC16M080-x, TC12K080, TCSM080
TCxx080, TC23072, TCxMHR080-x, TC12M080-F,
LTRN 080 BL blue, 470 nm 280-365 120 178 24 567 13.7 24 - 48 1701 192 116 40
TC16M080-x, TC12K080, TCSM080
TCxx080, TC23072, TCxMHR080-x, TC12M080-F,
LTRN 080 NW white, 6300 K 280-365 120 178 24 1170 28.1 24 - 48 2000 192 116 40
TC16M080-x, TC12K080, TCSM080
TCxx096, TC23085, TCxMHR096-x, TC12M096-F,
LTRN 096 RD red, 630 nm 350-450 148 207 24 600 14.4 24 - 48 1800 221 143 40
TC16M096-x, TCSM096
TCxx096, TC23085, TCxMHR096-x, TC12M096-F,
LTRN 096 GR green, 525 nm 350-450 148 207 24 550 13.2 24 - 48 1650 221 143 40
TC16M096-x, TCSM096
TCxx096, TC23085, TCxMHR096-x, TC12M096-F,
LTRN 096 BL blue, 470 nm 350-450 148 207 24 650 15.6 24 - 48 1950 221 143 40
TC16M096-x, TCSM096
TCxx096, TC23085, TCxMHR096-x, TC12M096-F,
LTRN 096 NW white, 6300 K 350-450 148 207 24 1200 28.8 24 - 48 2000 221 143 40
TC16M096-x, TCSM096
TCxx120, TC23110, TCxMHR120-x, TC12M120-F,
LTRN 120 RD red, 630 nm 450-580 204 276 24 875 21 24 - 48 2000 290 180 40
TC16M120-x, TC12K120
TCxx120, TC23110, TCxMHR120-x, TC12M120-F,
LTRN 120 GR green, 525 nm 450-580 204 276 24 1118 26.9 24 - 48 2000 290 180 40
TC16M120-x, TC12K120
TCxx120, TC23110, TCxMHR120-x, TC12M120-F,
LTRN 120 BL blue, 470 nm 450-580 204 276 24 1118 26.9 24 - 48 2000 290 180 40
TC16M120-x, TC12K120
TCxx120, TC23110, TCxMHR120-x, TC12M120-F,
LTRN 120 NW white, 6300 K 450-580 204 276 24 1690 40.6 24 - 48 2000 290 180 40
TC16M120-x, TC12K120
TCxx144, TC23130, TCxMHR144-x, TC12M144-F,
LTRN 144 RD red, 630 nm 450-580 204 276 24 875 21 24 - 48 2000 290 200 40
TC16M144-x, TC12K144
TCxx144, TC23130, TCxMHR144-x, TC12M144-F,
LTRN 144 GR green, 525 nm 450-580 204 276 24 1118 26.9 24 - 48 2000 290 200 40
TC16M144-x, TC12K144
TCxx144, TC23130, TCxMHR144-x, TC12M144-F,
LTRN 144 BL blue, 470 nm 450-580 204 276 24 1118 26.9 24 - 48 2000 290 200 40
TC16M144-x, TC12K144
TCxx144, TC23130, TCxMHR144-x, TC12M144-F,
LTRN 144 NW white, 6300 K 450-580 204 276 24 1690 40.6 24-48 2000 290 200 40
TC16M144-x, TC12K144

1 Lifespan: 20.000 hours (drop to 50% intensity) at 25 °C.

2 With constant driving voltage (36V recommended, 48V max). Duty cycle = 0-10 %. Max pulse width = 10 ms.
3 With constant driving current. Duty cycle = 0-10 %. Max pulse width = 10 ms.


LTRNOB series
LED ring illuminators - oblique type


Mechanically fitting Opto Engineering ® optics

Each lens integrates specific mechanical interfaces.

Specific illumination geometry

Illumination path matches Opto Engineering® lenses
viewing angle and numerical aperture.

High performance to price ratio

Cost-effective, without quality compromises.

LTRNOB series are LED ring illuminators specifically designed

for a wide range of Opto Engineering ® products. Especially the
oblique type models perfectly fit Opto Engineering 360° view

Every illuminator is equipped with a mechanical interface which

makes it very easy to mount it on different lens types.

These products enable the optimal illumination geometry for the

most common applications of their matching lens. LTRN 245 W45 LTRN 050 W45

Lighting structure Combination examples of LTRNOB and 360° view optics

PC23030XS + compatible LTRN210x20 ringlight PCCD013 + compatible LTRN165x45 ringlight.

and CMHO080 clamping mechanics.

LTRNOB - Ringlights / oblique illumination PCHI023 + compatible LTRN075x45 ringlight. LTRN 050 W 45 mounted on PCPW series.


360° view optics p. 72-89


LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256


LTICGR1000-D1-PS-xx light intensity controller p. 260

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Dimensions Compatibility

Continuous mode 1 Pulsed mode
Part Light colour, Optimal Lighting area Supply Current Power Supply Max pulse Outer Inner Height Compatible OE products
number peak WD diam. voltage cons. voltage current diam. diam.
wavelength inner outer
(mm) (mm) (mm) (V) (mA) (W) (V) (mA) (mm) (mm) (mm)
2 3
Oblique illumination

LTRN 050 R45 red, 630 nm 20-80 19 49 24 60 1.5 24-48 180 53.5 15.2 22 PCPW0xx, MCxxxX, TCCAGExx048

LTRN 050 G45 green, 525 nm 20-80 19 49 24 70 1.7 24-48 210 53.5 15.2 22 PCPW0xx, MCxxxX, TCCAGExx048

LTRN 050 B45 blue, 470 nm 20-80 19 49 24 105 2.6 24-48 315 53.5 15.2 22 PCPW0xx, MCxxxX, TCCAGExx048

LTRN 050 W45 white, 6300 K 20-80 19 49 24 105 2.6 24-48 700 53.5 15.2 22 PCPW0xx, MCxxxX, TCCAGExx048
TC2300y, TC23012, TC4M00y-x,
LTRN 075 R45 red, 630 nm 20-50 43.8 65.4 24 75 1.8 24-48 225 75.4 28 32
PCHI0xx, TCCAGExx096, MC3-03X
TC2300y, TC23012, TC4M00y-x,
LTRN 075 G45 green, 525 nm 20-50 43.8 65.4 24 60 1.5 24-48 180 75.4 28 32
PCHI0xx, TCCAGExx096, MC3-03X
TC2300y, TC23012, TC4M00y-x,
LTRN 075 B45 blue, 470 nm 20-50 43.8 65.4 24 60 1.5 24-48 180 75.4 28 32
PCHI0xx, TCCAGExx096, MC3-03X
TC2300y, TC23012, TC4M00y-x,
LTRN 075 W45 white, 6300 K 20-50 43.8 65.4 24 90 2.2 24-48 270 75.4 28 32
PCHI0xx, TCCAGExx096, MC3-03X
LTRN 165 R45 red, 630 nm 30-50 134.5 164.5 24 500 12 24-48 1500 175 132.5 36.5 PCCD0xx

LTRN 165 G45 green, 525 nm 30-50 134.5 164.5 24 400 9.6 24-48 1200 175 132.5 36.5 PCCD0xx

LTRN 165 B45 blue, 470 nm 30-50 134.5 164.5 24 480 11.6 24-48 1440 175 132.5 36.5 PCCD0xx

LTRN 165 W45 white, 6300 K 30-50 134.5 164.5 24 800 19.2 24-48 2400 175 132.5 36.5 PCCD0xx

LTRN 210 R20 red, 630 nm 55-95 116.5 195.6 24 600 14.4 24-48 1800 210 116.5 40 PCxx030XS

LTRN 210 G20 green, 525 nm 55-95 116.5 195.6 24 560 13.5 24-48 1580 210 116.5 40 PCxx030XS

LTRN 210 B20 blue, 470 nm 55-95 116.5 195.6 24 630 15.2 24-48 1890 210 116.5 40 PCxx030XS

LTRN 210 W20 white, 6300 K 55-95 116.5 195.6 24 840 20.2 24-48 2000 210 116.5 40 PCxx030XS

LTRN 245 R25 red, 630 nm 20-80 160 225 24 750 18 24-48 2000 245 157 48 PCxx030HP

LTRN 245 G25 green, 525 nm 20-80 160 225 24 850 20.4 24-48 2000 245 157 48 PCxx030HP

LTRN 245 B25 blue, 470 nm 20-80 160 225 24 650 15.6 24-48 1950 245 157 48 PCxx030HP

LTRN 245 W25 white, 6300 K 20-80 160 225 24 1120 26.9 24-48 2000 245 157 48 PCxx030HP

LTRN 245 R35 red, 630 nm 20-80 160 225 24 750 18 24-48 2000 245 143 48 PCCD0xx

LTRN 245 G35 green, 525 nm 20-80 160 225 24 850 20.4 24-48 2000 245 143 48 PCCD0xx

LTRN 245 B35 blue, 470 nm 20-80 160 225 24 650 15.6 24-48 1950 245 143 48 PCCD0xx

LTRN 245 W35 white, 6300 K 20-80 160 225 24 1120 26.9 24-48 2000 245 143 48 PCCD0xx

LTRN 245 R45 red, 630 nm 20-80 160 225 24 750 18 24-48 2000 245 117 48 PCPW0xx

LTRN 245 G45 green, 525 nm 20-80 160 225 24 850 20.4 24-48 2000 245 117 48 PCPW0xx

LTRN 245 B45 blue, 470 nm 20-80 160 225 24 650 15.6 24-48 1950 245 117 48 PCPW0xx

LTRN 245 W45 white, 6300 K 20-80 160 225 24 1120 26.9 24-48 2000 245 117 48 PCPW0xx

1 Lifespan: 20.000 hours (drop to 50% intensity) at 25 °C.

2 With constant driving voltage (36V recommended, 48V max). Duty cycle = 0-10 %. Max pulse width = 10 ms.
3 With constant driving current. Duty cycle = 0-10 %. Max pulse width = 10 ms.


High power LED ring illuminators, oblique type


High power working both in continuous and strobe mode.

Brighter than LTRNOB series also in continuous mode.

Mechanically fitting Opto Engineering® optics

Each lens integrates specific mechanical interfaces.

Specific illumination geometry

Illumination path matches Opto Engineering® lenses viewing angle
and numerical aperture.

Integrated thermal sensor.

LTRNOBHP series are the high power version of LTRNOB series These LED ring lights are designed to work both in continuous
LED ring illuminators and are specifically designed to match Opto and strobe mode for high speed inspection and provide the
Engineering® 360° view Optics. best illumination geometry for the most common applications
of the matching lenses in the beverage, pharma and automotive
Every illuminator is equipped with a clamping system which makes industries.
it very easy to mount it on Opto Engineering® 360° view Optics.

Lighting structure Application example

LTRNOBHP - Ringlights / oblique illumination Check for defects in bottle preforms


360° view optics p. 72-89


LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256


light intensity controller p. 260

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Dimensions Compatibility

Continuous mode 1 Pulsed mode 2
Part Light colour, Optimal Lighting area Supply Current Max Max pulse Peak Outer Inner Height Lenses Controllers Cables
number peak WD diam. voltage power current power diam. diam.
wavelength inner outer cons.
(mm) (mm) (mm) (V) (mA) (W) (mA) (W) (mm) (mm) (mm)

Oblique illumination

LTRNHP 075 R45 red, 625 nm 20-50 43,5 65 24 ± 2% 420 10 2800 79 86 28 38

LTRNHP 075 G45 green, 525 nm 20-50 43,5 65 24 ± 2% 420 10 6000 163 86 28 38 TC2300y,
LTRNHP 075 B45 blue, 475 nm 20-50 43,5 65 24 ± 2% 420 10 6000 163 86 28 38 TCCAGExx096

LTRNHP 075 W45 white, 6200 K 20-50 43,5 65 24 ± 2% 420 10 7200 178 86 28 38

LTRNHP 165 R45 red, 625 nm 30-50 133,5 162 24 ± 2% 1670 40 7000 169 190 132,5 42

LTRNHP 165 G45 green, 525 nm 30-50 133,5 162 24 ± 2% 1670 40 9000 239 190 132,5 42


LTRNHP 165 B45 blue, 475 nm 30-50 133,5 162 24 ± 2% 1670 40 9000 221 190 132,5 42

LTRNHP 165 W45 white, 6200 K 30-50 133,5 162 24 ± 2% 1670 40 13500 293 190 132,5 42 LTDV1CH-17V,
LTRNHP 210 R20 red, 625 nm 50-100 117,5 182 24 ± 2% 2090 50 9000 217 210 116,5 42

LTRNHP 210 G20 green, 525 nm 50-100 117,5 182 24 ± 2% 2090 50 12000 319 210 116,5 42


LTRNHP 210 B20 blue, 475 nm 50-100 117,5 182 24 ± 2% 2090 50 12000 294 210 116,5 42

LTRNHP 210 W20 white, 6200 K 50-100 117,5 182 24 ± 2% 2090 50 18000 391 210 116,5 42

LTRNHP 245 R25 red, 625 nm 20-80 160 215 24 ± 2% 2710 65 10000 241 245 157 50

LTRNHP 245 G25 green, 525 nm 20-80 160 215 24 ± 2% 2710 65 14000 372 245 157 50

LTRNHP 245 B25 blue, 475 nm 20-80 160 215 24 ± 2% 2710 65 14000 343 245 157 50

LTRNHP 245 W25 white, 6200 K 20-80 160 215 24 ± 2% 2710 65 20000 434 245 157 50

1 With constant driving voltage.

2 With constant driving current. At max pulse width (1 ms), max pulse frequency = 15Hz.
Contact us to check other allowable combinations of duty cycle-frequency.


LTLAIC series
Continuous LED low angle diffused ringlights

Lighting structure


LTLAIC series consists of LED low angle diffused ringlights that
provide diffused even illumination, effectively preventing glare LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256
when inspecting shiny surfaces. Suggested use is continuous
LTICGR1000-D1-PS-xx light intensity controller p. 260


EN2MP series, EN5MP series, ENMP series,
p. 108-111, 114
ENHR series

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Dimensions

Continuous mode Pulsed mode
Part Light colour, Optimal Lighting area Emission Supply Current Power Supply Max pulse Outer Inner Height
number wavelength peak WD inner outer angle α voltage cons. voltage current diam. diam.
diam. diam.
(mm) (mm) (mm) (deg) (V) (mA) (W) (V) (mA) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
LT3RZF050-60-1-W-24V white 5 12 44 60 24 120 2.9 36 360 56.4 10 35
LT3RZF050-60-1-R-24V red, 620 nm 5 12 44 60 24 120 2.9 36 360 56.4 10 35
LT3RZF050-60-1-G-24V green, 525 nm 5 12 44 60 24 120 2.9 36 360 56.4 10 35
LT3RZF050-60-1-B-24V blue, 450 nm 5 12 44 60 24 120 2.9 36 360 56.4 10 35
LT3RZF080-60-1-W-24V white 5 - 15 38.2 69 60 24 180 4.3 36 540 81 36.2 35
LT3RZF080-60-1-R-24V red, 620 nm 5 - 15 38.2 69 60 24 180 4.3 36 540 81 36.2 35
LT3RZF080-60-1-G-24V green, 525 nm 5 - 15 38.2 69 60 24 180 4.3 36 540 81 36.2 35
LT3RZF080-60-1-B-24V blue, 450 nm 5 - 15 38.2 69 60 24 180 4.3 36 540 81 36.2 35
LT3RZF100-60-1-W-24V white 5 - 20 59 93.2 60 24 270 6.5 36 810 105.2 57 35
LT3RZF100-60-1-R-24V red, 620 nm 5 - 20 59 93.2 60 24 270 6.5 36 810 105.2 57 35
LT3RZF100-60-1-G-24V green, 525 nm 5 - 20 59 93.2 60 24 270 6.5 36 810 105.2 57 35
LT3RZF100-60-1-B-24V blue, 450 nm 5 - 20 59 93.2 60 24 270 6.5 36 810 105.2 57 35
LT3RZF130-60-1-W-24V white 7 - 26 86 119.5 60 24 360 8.6 36 1080 131.5 84 35
LT3RZF130-60-1-R-24V red, 620 nm 7 - 26 86 119.5 60 24 360 8.6 36 1080 131.5 84 35
LT3RZF130-60-1-G-24V green, 525 nm 7 - 26 86 119.5 60 24 360 8.6 36 1080 131.5 84 35
LT3RZF130-60-1-B-24V blue, 450 nm 7 - 26 86 119.5 60 24 360 8.6 36 1080 131.5 84 35

1 With constant driving voltage (36V recommended, 48V max). Duty cycle = 0-10 %.
Max pulse width = 10 ms.
2 With constant driving current. Duty cycle = 0-10 %. Max pulse width = 10 ms.


LTLADC series
Continuous LED low angle direct ringlights

Lighting structure

LTLADC series consists of low angle direct ringlights that provide COMPATIBLE STROBE CONTROLLER

direct side illumination to emphasize the surface features of

LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256
the workpiece, such as scratches or texture. Suggested use is
continuous mode.

LTICGR1000-D1-PS-xx light intensity controller p. 260


EN2MP series, EN5MP series, ENMP series,

p. 108-111, 114
ENHR series

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Dimensions

Continuous mode Pulsed mode
Part Light colour, Optimal Lighting area Emission Supply Current Power Supply Max pulse Outer Inner Height
number wavelength peak WD inner outer angle α voltage cons. voltage current diam. diam.
diam. diam.
(mm) (mm) (mm) (deg) (V) (mA) (W) (V) (mA) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
LTZZO130-75-3-W-24V white, 6300 K 5 - 15 111 126 75 24 540 13 36 225 131 94 24.5
LTZZO130-75-3-R-24V red, 630 nm 5 - 15 111 126 75 24 420 10.1 36 180 131 94 24.5
LTZZO130-75-3-G-24V green, 525 nm 5 - 15 111 126 75 24 540 13 36 225 131 94 24.5
LTZZO130-75-3-B-24V blue, 470 nm 5 - 15 111 126 75 24 540 13 36 225 131 94 24.5
LTZZO170-75-3-W24V white, 6300 K 5 - 15 154 170 75 24 735 17.7 36 450 175 136 24.5
LTZZO170-75-3-R-24V red, 630 nm 5 - 15 154 170 75 24 570 13.7 36 360 175 136 24.5
LTZZO170-75-3-G-24V green, 525 nm 5 - 15 154 170 75 24 735 17.7 36 450 175 136 24.5
LTZZO170-75-3-B-24V blue, 470 nm 5 - 15 154 170 75 24 735 17.7 36 450 175 136 24.5

1 With constant driving voltage (36V recommended, 48V max). Duty cycle = 0-10 %.
Max pulse width = 10 ms.
2 With constant driving current. Duty cycle = 0-10 %. Max pulse width = 10 ms.


LTRNDC series
Continuous LED direct ringlights

Lighting structure


LTRNDC series consists of LED direct ringlights that provide
direct side illumination from different angles. LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256
These ringlights reduce shadows and can effectively illuminate COMPATIBLE LIGHT INTENSITY CONTROLLER
non-reflective objects. Suggested use is continuous mode.
LTICGR1000-D1-PS-xx light intensity controller p. 260


EN2MP series, EN5MP series, ENMP series,
p. 108-111, 114
ENHR series

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Dimensions

Continuous mode Pulsed mode
Part Light colour, Optimal Lighting area Emission Supply Current Power Supply Max pulse Outer Inner Height
number wavelength peak WD inner outer angle α voltage cons. voltage current diam. diam.
diam. diam.
(mm) (mm) (mm) (deg) (V) (mA) (W) (V) (mA) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
LTZGK050-15-2-W-24V white, 6300 K 64 30 49.6 15 24 105 2.6 36 315 50 28 16
LTZGK050-15-2-R-24V red, 630 nm 64 30 49.6 15 24 90 2.2 36 270 50 28 16
LTZGK050-15-2-G-24V green, 525 nm 64 30 49.6 15 24 105 2.6 36 315 50 28 16
LTZGK050-15-2-B-24V blue, 470 nm 64 30 49.6 15 24 105 2.6 36 315 50 28 16
LTZGK070-15-3-W-24V white, 6300 K 85 37 67 15 24 240 5.8 36 720 70 32 20.5
LTZGK070-15-3-R-24V red, 630 nm 85 37 67 15 24 180 4.4 36 540 70 32 20.5
LTZGK070-15-3-G-24V green, 525 nm 85 37 67 15 24 240 5.8 36 720 70 32 20.5
LTZGK070-15-3-B-24V blue, 470 nm 85 37 67 15 24 240 5.8 36 720 70 32 20.5
LTZGK100-15-5-W-24V white, 6300 K 128 53 99 15 24 570 13.7 36 1710 103 48 24
LTZGK100-15-5-R-24V red, 630 nm 128 53 99 15 24 450 10.8 36 1350 103 48 24
LTZGK100-15-5-G-24V green, 525 nm 128 53 99 15 24 570 13.7 36 1710 103 48 24
LTZGK100-15-5-B-24V blue, 470 nm 128 53 99 15 24 570 13.7 36 1710 103 48 24
LTZGK070-45-3-W-24V white, 6300 K 18 40.5 62.5 45 24 240 5.8 36 720 70 35 21
LTZGK070-45-3-R-24V red, 630 nm 18 40.5 62.5 45 24 195 4.7 36 585 70 35 21
LTZGK070-45-3-G-24V green, 525 nm 18 40.5 62.5 45 24 240 5.8 36 720 70 35 21
LTZGK070-45-3-B-24V blue, 470 nm 18 40.5 62.5 45 24 240 5.8 36 720 70 35 21
LTZGK100-45-5-W-24V white, 6300 K 24 58 95 45 24 600 14.4 36 1800 100 48 30
LTZGK100-45-5-R-24V red, 630 nm 24 58 95 45 24 465 11.2 36 1395 100 48 30
LTZGK100-45-5-G-24V green, 525 nm 24 58 95 45 24 600 14.4 36 1800 100 48 30
LTZGK100-45-5-B-24V blue, 470 nm 24 58 95 45 24 600 14.4 36 1800 100 48 30

1 With constant driving voltage (36V recommended, 48V max). Duty cycle = 0-10 %. 2 With constant driving current. Duty cycle = 0-10 %. Max pulse width = 10 ms.
Max pulse width = 10 ms.


LTDMLA series
High power strobe dome + low angle illumination systems


Two independent illumination units in one solution

Dome unit for homogeneous illuminations and low angle unit for
dark field lightning can be independently operated.

Ultra-high power light output and strobe mode only operation

For the inspection of fast moving object and extended LED lifetime.

Rugged industrial design with built-in industrial connector

For easy integration into any machine vision system.

Multiple configurations
Available in two sizes and two power intensities.

Compatible LTDV strobe controllers available

For easy and appropriate power, control and synchronization of the

LTDMLA series are ultra-high power diffuse LED strobe illuminators Lighting structure
combining a dome light and a low angle ring light.

This solution provides two different illumination types in a single,

compact, easy-to-integrate system: the dome unit provides non-
directional diffused light that can be used to homogeneously
illuminate complex shapes with curved and shiny surfaces,
effectively eliminating glare and shadows. The low angle ring light
unit provides darkfield lightning that can be used to cast shadows,
greatly emphasizing surface irregularities, scratches and other

LTDMLA illuminators operate exclusively in strobe mode: the

reduced heat generation guarantees extended LED lifetime and
makes LTDMLA the perfect choice to illuminate very fast moving

The two illumination units can be operated independently and easily

powered, controlled and synchronized by compatible LTDV strobe
controllers. LTDMLA series is available in:
• two sizes: medium and large, respectively with illumination area
of 60 mm and 100 mm in diameter;
• two power intensities: medium power with driving current up to 60°
7.5 A and high power with driving current up to 17 A. 0°

LTDMLA series features industry standard connection (M12 four

poles connector), resizable aperture for the dome unit that can be
drilled to increase the diameter and accommodate the optics field
of view and effective diffuser for the ring light unit to avoid hot spots
formation. Additionally LTDMLA series can be easily mounted and
integrated into any machine vision system by means of M6 screws.

Compatible LTDV strobe controllers available to easily

power, control and synchronize LED illuminators.


LTDV series p. 256


EN2MP series, EN5MP series, ENMP series,

p. 108-111, 114
ENHR series


Optical specifications
Dome unit
Number of LEDs 40 40 80
Light colour white, 6500 K white white, 6500 K
Spectral FWHM (nm) n.a. n.a. n.a.
Illumination area diameter (mm) 60 100 100
(mm) 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50
working distance WD
At driving current = 3.5 A (klux) 50 15 35
Min estimated
At driving current = 7.5 A (klux) 90 30 65
illumination 1
At driving current = 17.0 A (klux) 160 50 100
Aperture range (mm) 10 - 50 10 - 60 10 - 60
Low angle ringlight unit
Number of LEDs 40 40 80
Light colour white, 6000 K white, 6500 K white, 6500 K
Spectral FWHM (nm) n.a. n.a. n.a.
Diffuse ring yes yes yes
Illumination area diameter (mm) 60 100 100
(mm) 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50
working distance WD
At driving current = 3.5 A (klux) 55 35 70
Min estimated
At driving current = 7.5 A (klux) 105 70 140
illumination 1
At driving current = 17.0 A (klux) 210 125 250
Electrical specifications
Power supply mode strobe only, constant current driving strobe only, constant current driving
Min (A) 3.5 3.5 3.5
Driving current
Max (A) 17.0 7.5 17.0
Pulse width 2 (ms) ≤1 ≤1 ≤1
Connection Type 3 M12 industrial male connector M12 industrial male connector
Estimated MTBF 4 (hours) > 50000 > 50000 > 50000
Mechanical specifications
Length (mm) 166.5 206 206
Dimensions Width (mm) 133 206 206
Height (mm) 104 147 147
Materials black anodized aluminum body black anodized aluminum body / Painted steel reflector
Clamping system 4 holes for M6 screw 8 threaded holes for M6 screw
LTDV1CH-17V (2 units), LTDV1CH-17V (2 units), LTDV1CH-17V (2 units),
Strobe controllers
Lenses TCLWD series MC4K050X

1 At max Working Distance WD.

2 At 25°C. At max pulse width (1 ms), max pulse frequency = 15 Hz.
3 PIN 1 and PIN 2 for the dome unit, PIN 3 and PIN 4 for the ringlight unit.
5 m cable with straight female connector included. Optional cable with right
angled connector is also available and must be ordered separately
(refer to our website for further info and ordering codes).
4 At 25 °C.

Ordering information
It’s easy to select the right illuminator for your application: our part numbers are coded as LTDMLA xy-WW where x defines the illuminator size (B = medium, C = large),
y refers to the power intensity (1 = medium, 2 = high). For instance LTDMLA B2-WW is a diffuse strobe dome + low angle illumination system - medium size,
high power, dome white, ringlight white.


View-through system
Space saving illumination system for double-side object inspection


Compact space-saving solution for inspection

of fast moving object
Illuminates two sides of an object almost simultaneously.

Ultra-high power light output and strobe mode only operation

For the inspection of fast moving object and extended LED lifetime.

Rugged industrial design with built-in industrial connector

For easy integration with any machine vision system.

Modular configuration.

The View-through system is a unique space-saving illumination Lighting structure

solution designed to illuminate two sides of an object. It consists of
two symmetrical modules, each one made of two illumination units:
• A diffuse strobe dome illuminator (white color)
• A special active “view-through” backlight unit (white color)
View-through system is designed to create very compact inline
inspection solutions that illuminate and image both sides of fast-
moving objects. While one camera acquires the image of one side of
an object, the corresponding dome and special backlight units emit
light simultaneously so that one side of the object can be inspected.
Subsequently, the dome and the backlight units are turned off so
that the second camera can acquire the image of the other side of
the object while its corresponding dome and special backlight units
are now switched on.
Such innovative approach can be achieved thanks to the special
backlight units which act either as transparent windows (when
turned off) or as backlights (when turned on), enabling to quickly
and accurately inspect fast-moving objects almost simultaneously,
in a very compact solution.
The View-through system can be used for many different
inspections, especially for identification of surface defects/features
in applications spanning from automotive to pharmaceutical.
The View-through system is available as LTVTA1-W, which consists
of two dome units and two active backlight “view-through” units
(white color) or as LTVTBENCH, a complete bench solution which
additionally includes a base plate with two right-angle brackets, the
LTDV6CH compatible strobe controller (programmable) and the
ADPT001 RS485-USB adapter.


Compatible LTDV6CH strobe controllers available

to easily power, control and synchronize
the View-through system.

DIL socket, bottom side. DIL socket, top side.


TCLWD series p. 32


EN2MP series, EN5MP series, ENMP series,

p. 108-111, 114
ENHR series


LTDV6CH p. 258


Optical specifications
Dome unit
Number of LEDs 15
Light colour white, 6000 K
Spectral FWHM (nm) n.a.
Illumination area diameter (mm) 40
Suggested working distance WD (mm) 5 - 25
At driving current = 3.5 A (klux) 290
Min estimated illumination 1
At driving current = 7.5 A (klux) 490
Aperture range (mm) 48 (fixed)
Active backlight view-through unit
Number of LEDs 18
Light colour white, 6000 K
Spectral FWHM (nm) n.a.
Diffusive material yes
Illumination area diameter (mm) 40

Suggested working distance WD (mm) n.a.

Min estimated illumination 1 At driving current = 17.0 A (klux) 5

Electrical specifications
Power supply mode strobe only, constant current driving
Pulse width 2 (ms) ≤1
Connection Type 3 M8 industrial male connector
Dome unit
Driving current Min - Max (A) 3.5 - 7.5
Active backlight view-through unit
Driving current Min - Max (A) 3.5 - 17.0
Estimated MTBF 4 (hours) > 50000
Mechanical specifications
Length (mm) 107 600
Dimensions Width (mm) 84 100
Height (mm) 125 155.5
Materials black anodized aluminum body
Clamping system 4 threaded holes for M6 screw
Lenses TCLWD series

Items included LTVTA1-W LTVTBENCH

Description Qty Description Qty
Dome unit 5 2 Dome unit 5 2
Active backlight view-through unit 5 2 Active backlight view-through unit 5 2
Base plate with two right-angle brackets 1
LTDV6CH strobe controller 1
ADPT001 adapter RS485-USB 1

1 At max Working Distance WD. 4 At 25 °C.

2 At 25°C. At max pulse width (1 ms), max pulse frequency = 15 Hz. 5 Cables included.
3 PIN 1 and PIN 2 for the dome unit, PIN 3 and PIN 4 for the ringlight unit.


LT2BC series
High uniformity continuous LED backlights


Excellent uniformity.

Test report with measured uniformity.

Suitable for frequent cleaning

Thanks to the optical grade and scratch resistant protective cover.

Wide selection and modular design.

Size options with an active area ranging from 48 x 36

to 288 x 216 mm.

Available in red, white, green and blue.

Compact design with reduced thickness (26 mm).

LT2BC series are high intensity LED backlights designed to provide These backlights work in continuous mode but they can also be
exceptional illumination performances and excellent uniformity. overdriven.
Their special design provides both homogeneous lighting that Their robust and modular design featuring M8 connector and scratch
perfectly fits confined spaces thanks to a special beam shaping resistant protective cover is conceived for demanding industrial
diffuser, new high efficiency LEDs and reduced thickness. automation environments and to provide you a great choice of
LT2BC series innovative optical layout has been designed to emit sizes, colors and aspect ratios for many diverse applications (from
a directional light beams and achieve accurate results even when 4:3 to 16:9 and bar lights). Furthermore, LT2BC series can be easily
used in combination with telecentric lenses for measurement installed into any machine vision system thanks to the lateral M6
applications. threads and their slick design, suitable for environments with space
When positioned behind the objects to be inspected, LT2BC series constrains.
highlight the silhouette of the objects providing excellent image

Lighting structure Application examples

Shape inspection.

Detection of patterns / holes.


Light intensity controller p. 260


LTDV series p. 256


Telecentric lenses p. 16-71


EN2MP series, EN5MP series, ENMP series,

p. 108-111, 114
ENHR series

length xxx (mm)

Light colour -R (red) -G (green) -B (blue) -W (white)

Wavelength (nm) 620 525 470 cool white, > 4500 K

Spectral FWHM (nm) 20 33 25 cool white, > 4500 K

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Mechanical specifications

Number Lighting area dim. Illuminance Continuous mode Pulsed mode Dimensions Clamping system

Part of LEDs Width Height -R (red) -G (green) -B (blue) -W (white) Supply Current Power Max pulse Connection

number 1 Modules xxx yyy voltage cons current 3 type 4 Width Height Thickness

(mm) (mm) (klux) 2 (V) (mA) (W) (mA) (mm) (mm) (mm)

LT2BC 048 036-z 1x1 48 48 36 28 50 12 46 24 210 5.1 500 M8 60 56 26 4x M6 theaded holes

LT2BC 096 036-z 2x1 96 96 36 21 39 8 31 24 310 7.5 700 M8 108 56 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 144 036-z 3x1 144 144 36 21 39 8 31 24 310 7.5 700 M8 156 56 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 192 036-z 4x1 192 192 36 17 30 7 25 24 370 8.9 850 M8 204 56 26 8x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 240 036-z 5x1 240 240 36 17 30 7 25 24 370 8.9 850 M8 252 56 26 8x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 288 036-z 6x1 288 288 36 15 29 6 24 24 460 11.1 1000 M8 300 56 26 8x M6 theaded holes

LT2BC 048 072-z 1x2 96 48 72 15 29 6 24 24 460 11.1 1000 M8 60 92 26 4x M6 theaded holes

LT2BC 096 072-z 2x2 192 96 72 15 29 6 24 24 460 11.1 1000 M8 108 92 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 144 072-z 3x2 288 144 72 14 26 6 22 24 530 12.8 1200 M8 156 92 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 192 072-z 4x2 384 192 72 14 26 6 22 24 530 12.8 1200 M8 204 92 26 8x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 240 072-z 5x2 480 240 72 14 26 6 22 24 640 15.4 1400 M8 252 92 26 8x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 288 072-z 6x2 576 288 72 14 26 6 22 24 640 15.4 1400 M8 300 92 26 8x M6 theaded holes

LT2BC 048 108-z 1x3 144 48 108 14 26 6 22 24 640 15.4 1400 M8 60 128 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 096 108-z 2x3 288 96 108 14 26 6 22 24 640 15.4 1400 M8 108 128 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 144108-z 3x3 432 144 108 13 23 5 20 24 760 18.3 1700 M8 156 128 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 192 108-z 4x3 576 192 108 13 24 5 20 24 770 18.5 1700 M8 204 128 26 8x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 240 108-z 5x3 720 240 108 13 22 5 18 24 840 20.2 1800 M8 252 128 26 8x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 288 108-z 6x3 864 288 108 12 24 5 18 24 900 21.6 1900 M8 300 128 26 8x M6 theaded holes

LT2BC 048 144-z 1x4 192 48 144 12 22 5 18 24 890 21.4 1900 M8 60 164 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 096 144-z 2x4 384 96 144 12 21 5 18 24 1050 25.2 2250 M8 108 164 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 144 144-z 3x4 576 144 144 12 21 5 18 24 1050 25.2 2250 M8 156 164 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 192 144-z 4x4 768 192 144 12 21 5 18 24 1050 25.2 2250 M8 204 164 26 8x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 240 144-z 5x4 960 240 144 12 21 5 18 24 1050 25.2 2250 M8 252 164 26 8x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 288 144-z 6x4 1152 288 144 11 19 4 16 24 1160 27.9 2500 M8 300 164 26 8x M6 theaded holes

LT2BC 048 180-z 1x5 240 48 180 11 19 4 16 24 1160 27.9 2500 M8 60 200 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 096 180-z 2x5 480 96 180 10 19 4 16 24 1210 29.1 2550 M8 108 200 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 144 180-z 3x5 720 144 180 9 17 4 15 24 1260 30.3 2650 M8 156 200 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 192 180-z 4x5 960 192 180 9 17 4 15 24 1260 30.3 2650 M8 204 200 26 8x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 240 180-z 3 5x5 1200 240 180 9 17 4 15 24 1390 33.4 2900 M8 252 200 26 8x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 288 180-z 3 6x5 1440 288 180 9 17 4 15 24 1390 33.4 2900 M8 300 200 26 8x M6 theaded holes

LT2BC 048 216-z 1x6 288 48 216 11 19 4 16 24 1860 44.7 4000 M8 60 236 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 096 216-z 2x6 576 96 216 11 19 4 16 24 1860 44.7 4000 M8 108 236 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 144 216-z 3x6 864 144 216 11 19 4 16 24 1940 46.6 4100 M8 156 236 26 4x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 192 216-z 4x6 1152 192 216 9 16 3 13 24 1970 47.3 4100 M8 204 236 26 8x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 240 216-z 3 5x6 1440 240 216 9 16 3 13 24 1970 47.3 4100 M8 252 236 26 8x M6 theaded holes
LT2BC 288 216-z 3 6x6 1728 288 216 8 14 3 12 24 2160 51.9 4500 M8 300 236 26 8x M6 theaded holes

1 The last digit of the part number (-z) refers to the color 4 5 m cable with straight female connector included. Optional cable with right angled
(R = red, G = green, B = blue, W = white). connector is also available and must be ordered separately
2 At emmitting surface. (refer to our website for further info and ordering codes).
3 At 25°C. At max pulse width (1 ms), max pulse frequency = 15 Hz.

Ordering information
Our part numbers are coded as LT2BC xxx yyy - z, where xxx defines the illumination area length (in mm), yyy defines the illumination area width (in mm) and z refers to the color.


LTBP series
High-power strobe LED backlights


Excellent uniformity (down to ±10 %).

Test report with measured uniformity.

Ultra high-power light output and strobe mode operation

For inspection and measurement of fast moving objects and an
extended LED lifetime.

Suitable for frequent cleaning

Thanks to the optical grade and scratch resistant protective cover.

Wide selection and modular design

Size options range from 48 x 36 to 288 x 216 mm available in red,
white, green and blue.

Compact design with reduced thickness (26 mm).

Special continuous alignment mode.

Compatible LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller.

LTBP series are high power LED backlights designed to provide

exceptional illumination performance and excellent uniformity.
Their special design provides both powerful and homogeneous
lighting that perfectly fits confined spaces thanks to a special
beam shaping diffuser, new high efficiency LEDs and reduced Lighting structure

LTBP series innovative optical layout has been designed to emit

directional light beams and achieve accurate results even when
used in combination with telecentric lenses for measurement

When positioned behind the objects to be inspected, LTBP series

highlight the silhouette of the objects providing excellent image
contrast and high illuminance for the most demanding high speed
applications (down to exposure times of tens of μs).

These backlights work in strobe mode only but they also feature
a special continuous mode to be used for alignment/setting
purpose (when used with LTDV1CH-17V controller).

Their robust and modular design featuring M8/M12 connectors

and scratch resistant protective cover is conceived for demanding
industrial automation environments and to provide you with a
great choice of sizes, colors and aspect ratios for many diverse
applications (from 4:3 to 16:9 and bar lights).

Furthermore, LTBP series can be easily installed into any machine

vision system thanks to the lateral M6 threads and their slick 26 mm
design, suitable for environments with space constrains.

Optical specifications

Available light colours red, green, blue, white

Electrical specifications

Power supply mode strobe only, constant current driving

Pulse width 1 (ms) ≤1

width yyy (mm)
Estimated MTBF 2 (h) > 50000

Mechanical specification

Materials Black&Blue anodized Aluminum

1 At 25°C. At max pulse width (1 ms), max pulse frequency = 15 Hz.

2 At 25°C.
length xxx (mm)

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Mechanical specifications

Part Number Lighting area dim. Driving Current / Peak power consumption Connection Dimensions Clamping system
number 1 Modules of LEDs Length Width -R (red) -G (green) -B (blue) -W (white) type Width Height Thickness
xxx yyy
(mm) (mm) (A/W) 2 (mm) (mm) (mm)
LTBP 048 036-z 1x1 48 48 36 1.8 / 43.2 1.8 / 48.6 1.8 / 54.8 1.8 / 50.4 M8 60 56 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 096 036-z 2x1 96 96 36 3.6 / 86.4 3.6 /97.2 3.6 / 109.4 3.6 / 100.8 M8 108 56 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 144 036-z 3x1 144 144 36 5.4 / 129.6 5.4 / 145.8 5.4 / 164.2 5.4 / 151.2 M8 156 56 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 192 036-z 4x1 192 192 36 7.2 / 172.8 7.2 / 194.4 7.2 / 218.9 7.2 / 201.6 M8 204 56 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 240 036-z 5x1 240 240 36 9 / 216.0 9 / 243.0 9 / 273.6 9 / 252.0 M8 252 56 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 288 036-z 6x1 288 288 36 10.8 / 259.2 10.8 / 291.6 10.8 / 328.3 10.8 /302.4 M8 300 56 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 048 072-z 1x2 96 48 72 3.6 / 86.4 3.6 /97.2 3.6 / 109.4 3.6 / 100.8 M8 60 92 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 096 072-z 2x2 192 96 72 7.2 / 172.8 7.2 / 194.4 7.2 /218.8 7.2 / 201.6 M8 108 92 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 144 072-z 3x2 288 144 72 10.8 / 259.2 10.8 / 291.6 10.8 /328.3 10.8 /302.4 M8 156 92 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 192 072-z 4x2 384 192 72 14.4 / 345.6 14.4 / 388.8 14.4 / 437.8 14.4 / 403.2 M8 204 92 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 240 072-z 5x2 480 240 72 8.4 / 201.6 8.4 / 226.8 4.9 / 149.0 4.8 / 134.4 M8 252 92 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 288 072-z 6x2 576 288 72 10.1 / 242.2 10.1 / 272.7 5.8 / 176.3 5.8 / 162.4 M8 300 92 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 048 108-z 1x3 144 48 108 5.4 / 129.6 5.4 / 145.8 5.4 / 164.2 5.4 / 151.2 M8 60 128 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 096 108-z 2x3 288 96 108 10.8 / 259.2 10.8 / 291.6 10.8 / 328.3 10.8 / 302.4 M8 108 128 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 144 108-z 3x3 432 144 108 16.2 / 388.8 16.2 / 437.4 16.2 / 492.5 16.2 / 453.6 M8 156 128 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 192 108-z 4x3 576 192 108 10.1 / 242.2 10.1 / 272.7 5.8 / 176.3 5.8 /162.4 M8 204 128 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 240 108-z 5x3 720 240 108 12.6 / 302.4 12.6 / 340.2 7.3 / 221.9 7.2 / 201.6 M8 252 128 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 288 108-z 6x3 864 288 108 15.1 / 362.4 15.1 / 407.7 8.7 / 264.5 8.6 / 240.8 M8 300 128 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 048 144-z 1x4 192 48 144 7.2 / 172.8 7.2 / 194.4 7.2 / 218.9 7.2 / 201.6 M8 60 164 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 096 144-z 2x4 384 96 144 14.4 / 345.6 14.4 / 388.8 14.4 / 437.8 14.4 / 403.2 M8 108 164 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 144 144-z 3x4 576 144 144 10.1 / 242.4 10.1 / 272.7 5.8 / 176.3 5.8 / 162.4 M8 156 164 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 192 144-z 4x4 768 192 144 13.4 / 321.6 13.4 / 361.8 7.8 / 237.1 7.7 / 215.6 M8 204 164 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 240 144-z 5x4 960 240 144 16.8 / 403.2 16.8 / 453.6 9.7 / 294.9 9.6 / 268.8 M8 252 164 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 288 144-z 6x4 1152 288 144 20.2 / 484.8 20.2 / 545.4 11.7 / 355.7 11.5 / 322.0 M8 300 164 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 048 180-z 1x5 240 48 180 9 / 216.0 9 / 243.0 9 / 273.6 9 /252.0 M8 60 200 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 096 180-z 2x5 480 96 180 8.4 / 201.6 8.4 / 226.8 4.9 149.0 4.8 / 134.4 M8 108 200 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 144 180-z 3x5 720 144 180 12.6 / 302.4 12.6 / 340.2 7.3 / 221.9 7.2 / 201.6 M8 156 200 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 192 180-z 4x5 960 192 180 16.8 / 403.2 16.8 / 453.6 9.7 / 294.9 9.6 / 268.8 M8 204 200 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 240 180-z 3 5x5 1200 240 180 10.5 + 10.5 / 264.0 10.5 + 10.5 / 567.0 12.2 / 370.9 12 / 336.0 M12 252 200 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 288 180-z 3 6x5 1440 288 180 12.6 + 12.6 / 604.8 12.6 + 12.6 / 680.4 14.6 / 443.8 14.4 / 403.2 M12 300 200 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 048 216-z 1x6 288 48 216 10.8 / 259.2 10.8 / 291.6 10.8 / 328.3 10.8 / 302.4 M8 60 236 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 096 216-z 2x6 576 96 216 10.1 / 242.4 10.1 / 272.7 5.8 / 176.3 5.8 / 162.4 M8 108 236 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 144 216-z 3x6 864 144 216 15.1 / 362.4 15.1 / 407.7 8.7 / 264.5 8.6 / 240.8 M8 156 236 26 4x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 192 216-z 4x6 1152 192 216 20.2 / 484.8 20.2 / 545.4 11.7 / 355.7 11.5 / 322.0 M8 204 236 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 240 216-z 3 5x6 1440 240 216 12.6 + 12.6 / 604.8 12.6 + 12.6 / 680.4 14.6 / 443.8 14.4 / 403.2 M12 252 236 26 8x M6 threaded holes
LTBP 288 216-z 3 6x6 1728 288 216 15.1 + 15.1 / 724.8 15.1 + 15.1 / 812.7 17.5 / 532.0 17.3 / 484.4 M12 300 236 26 8x M6 threaded holes

1 The last digit of the part number (-z) refers to the color 3 Red and Green versions of these models feature 2 separate channels.
(R = red, G = green, B = blue, W = white).
2 5 m cable with straight female connector included. Optional cable
with right angled connector is also available and must be ordered separately
(refer to our website for further info and ordering codes).

Ordering information
Our part numbers are coded as LTBP xxx yyy - z, where xxx defines the illumination area length (in mm), yyy defines the illumination area width (in mm) and z refers to the color
(W = white, R = red, G = green, B = blue). For instance LTBP096-R is a diffusive strobed dome illuminator - medium size high power red.


LTBP series
High-power strobe LED backlights


LTDV series p. 256


Telecentric lenses p. 16-71


EN2MP series, EN5MP series, ENMP series,

P. 108-111, 114
ENHR series
LTBP096072-W LTBP048036-G

Light colour -R (red) -G (green) -B (blue) -W (white)

LED Type
A 620 522 465 cool white, > 4500 K
Wavelength (nm)
B 625 525 470 cool white, > 4500 K
A 20 30 20 cool white, > 4500 K
Spectral FWHM (nm)
B 20 30 25 cool white, > 4500 K
Min estimated A 1 70 150 30 200
illumination B 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

1 At max driving current, on emitting surface.

2 Available upon request.

Typical emission spectrum of type A LEDs (R, G, B)

Part number Module LED type
LTBP 048036-z 1x1 A
LTBP 096036-z 2x1 A
Relative spectral power distribution

LTBP 144036-z 3x1 A

LTBP 192036-z 4x1 A
LTBP 240036-z 5x1 A
LTBP 288036-z 6x1 A
LTBP 048072-z 1x2 A
LTBP 096072-z 2x2 A 0.4
LTBP 144072-z 3x2 A
LTBP 192072-z 4x2 A
LTBP 240072-z 5x2 B 0.2
LTBP 288072-z 6x2 B
LTBP 048108-z 1x3 A
LTBP 096108-z 2x3 A 0.0

LTBP 144108-z 3x3 A 400 500 600 700

LTBP192108-z 4x3 B
Wavelength (nm)
LTBP 240108-z 5x3 B
LTBP 288108-z 6x3 B
LTBP 048144-z 1x4 A Typical emission spectrum of type B LEDs (R, G, B)
LTBP 096144-z 2x4 A
LTBP 144144-z 3x4 B
LTBP 192144-z 4x4 B
Relative spectral power distribution

LTBP 240144-z 5x4 B

LTBP 288144-z 6x4 B
LTBP 048180-z 1x5 A 0.6
LTBP 096180-z 2x5 B
LTBP 144180-z 3x5 B
LTBP 192180-z 4x5 B 0.4
LTBP 240180-z 5x5 B
LTBP 288180-z 6x5 B
LTBP 048216-z 1x6 A 0.2
LTBP 096216-z 2x6 B
LTBP 144216-z 3x6 B
LTBP 192216-z 4x6 B
LTBP 240216-z 5x6 B 400 500 600 700
LTBP 288216-z 6x6 B
Wavelength (nm)

Application examples

File Edit Zoom Select File Edit Zoom Select File Edit Zoom Select

Fill level of glass Nut dimensional Sealing/gasket

ampoules / vials measurement dimensional measurement


LTBC series
Continuous LED backlights


Cost-effective homogeneous illumination

Densely packed LED arrays with matte diffuser eliminating hot spots
and glare.

Robust industrial Design

M8 connector for easy connection to power supplies.

Easy integration
M6 nut channels for easy mounting.

LTBC series are LED backlights designed to be employed in a COMPATIBLE STROBE CONTROLLER
wide variety of applications such as shape and size inspection of
workpieces. LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256

These backlights are a cost-effective solution with no compromise COMPATIBLE LIGHT INTENSITY CONTROLLER

on quality: they feature a robust design and provide diffuse even

LTICGR1000-D1-PS-xx light intensity controller p. 260
illumination without hotspots.

LTBC series backlights effectively emphasize the silhouette of a

workpiece, providing excellent optical contrast in combination
with many different lenses.

Lighting structure Application examples

Shape inspection.

Detection of patterns / holes.

LTBC054054 with M6 threaded hole
LTBC114114-G for easy mounting.

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Dimensions Compatibility

Lighting area Continuous mode Pulsed mode
Part Colour, peak Illuminance Length Width Supply Current Power Supply Max pulse Length Width Height Optics
number wavelength Voltage cons. Voltage Current
(lux) (mm) (mm) (V) (mA) (W) (V) (mA) (mm) (mm) (mm)
3 1 2

TC2300y, TC23012, TCxx016,

TCxx024, TCxx036, TCLWD series,
TCxMHR016-x, TCxMHR024-x,
LTBC 054 054-W white, 6300 K 11100 54.5 54.5 24 54 1.3 36 162 99 99 35.6
TCxMHR036-x, TC4M00y-x,
TC12M016-F, TC12M024-F,
TC12M036-F, TC16M009-x,
TC16M012-x, TC16M018-x,
TC16M036-x, TCZR036S,
MC series, MC4K050X-x,
MC4K100X-x, MC4K125X-x,
LTBC 054 054-G green, 525 nm 8500 54.5 54.5 24 54 1.3 36 162 99 99 35.6
MC4K200X-x, MC12K200X-x,
MC12K150X-x, MC12K100X-x

TCxx048 - TCxx085, TCCRxx048,

TCCRxx056, TCCRxx064,
TCCRxx080, TCxMHR048-x,
LTBC 114 114-W white, 6300 K 18700 114.5 114.5 24 216 5.2 36 648 159 159 35.6 TCxMHR056-x, TCxMHR064-x,
TCxMHR080-x, TCCR2Mxx048-x,
TCCR2Mxx056-x, TCCR2Mxx064-x,
TCCR2Mxx080-x, TCCR4Mxx048-x,
TCCR4Mxx056-x, TCCR4Mxx064-x,
TCCR4Mxx080-x, TC12M048-F,
TC12M056-F, TC12M064-F,
TC12M080-F, TC16M048-x,
LTBC 114 114-G green, 525 nm 15500 114.5 114.5 24 216 5.2 36 648 159 159 35.6 TC16M056-x, TC16M064-x,
TC16M080-x, TCZRS072S,
MC4K025X-x, MC12K067X-x,

TCxx096 - TCxx130, TCCRxx096,

TCCRxx120, TCxMHR096-x,
LTBC 174 174-W white, 6300 K 18500 174.5 174.5 24 486 11.7 36 1458 219 219 35.6
TCxMHR120-x, TCCR2M096-x,
TCCR2M120-x, TCCR4M096-x,
TCCR4M120-x, TC12M096-F,
TC12M0120-F, TC16M096-x,
TC16M0120-x, TCDPxX096,
LTBC 174 174-G green, 525 nm 16800 174.5 174.5 24 486 11.7 36 1458 219 219 35.6
TCDPxX120, MCZR033-008,

TCxx144, TC23172, TCCPxx144,

LTBC 234 234-W white, 6300 K 19200 234.5 234.5 24 864 20.8 36 2592 279 279 35.6 TCCPxx192, TCxMHR144-x,
TC12M144-F, TCCP3MHR144,
TCCP5MHR192, TC12M192-F,
TC16M144-x, TC16M192-x,
LTBC 234 234-G green, 525 nm 15200 234.5 234.5 24 864 20.8 36 2592 279 279 35.6 TCDPxX144, MCZR025-006,

1 With constant driving voltage (36V recommended, 48V max). Duty cycle = 0-10 %. 2 With constant driving current. Duty cycle = 0-10 %. Max pulse width = 10 ms.
Max pulse width = 10 ms. 3 ± 15% at 20 mm working distance.


LTBFC series
Continuous flat side-emitting LED backlights

Lighting structure

LTBFC series consists of flat side-emitting LED backlights: two COMPATIBLE STROBE CONTROLLER
types are available either with four borders or with three borders
and one side flush. Suggested use is continuous mode. LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256


LTICGR1000-D1-PS-xx light intensity controller p. 260

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Dimensions

Continuous mode Pulsed mode
Part Light colour, Lighting area Sides type Supply Current Power Supply Max pulse Length Width Height
number wavelength peak Width Length voltage cons. voltage current
(mm) (mm) (V) (mA) (W) (V) (mA) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
LTPVR070-00-1-W-24V white, 6300 K 70 70 4 borders 24 120 2.9 36 360 98.5 98.5 5.30
LTPVR070-00-1-R-24V red, 630 nm 70 70 4 borders 24 120 2.9 36 360 98.5 98.5 5.30
LTPVR070-00-1-G-24V green, 525 nm 70 70 4 borders 24 120 2.9 36 360 98.5 98.5 5.30
LTPVR070-00-1-B-24V blue, 470 nm 70 70 4 borders 24 120 2.9 36 360 98.5 98.5 5.30
LTPVR100-00-1-W-24V white, 6300 K 100 100 4 borders 24 160 3.9 36 480 128.5 128.5 5.30
LTPVR100-00-1-R-24V red, 630 nm 100 100 4 borders 24 180 4.4 36 540 128.5 128.5 5.30
LTPVR100-00-1-G-24V green, 525 nm 100 100 4 borders 24 160 3.9 36 480 128.5 128.5 5.30
LTPVR100-00-1-B-24V blue, 470 nm 100 100 4 borders 24 160 3.9 36 480 128.5 128.5 5.30
LTPVRG25X36-00-1-W-24V white, 6300 K 25 36 3 borders and 1 edge to edge 24 20 0.5 36 60 38.5 43.5 5.30
LTPVRG25X36-00-1-R-24V red, 630 nm 25 36 3 borders and 1 edge to edge 24 15 0.4 36 45 38.5 43.5 5.30
LTPVRG25X36-00-1-G-24V green, 525 nm 25 36 3 borders and 1 edge to edge 24 20 0.5 36 60 38.5 43.5 5.30
LTPVRG25X36-00-1-B-24V blue, 470 nm 25 36 3 borders and 1 edge to edge 24 20 0.5 36 60 38.5 43.5 5.30
LTPVRG31X58-00-1-W-24V white, 6300 K 31 58 3 borders and 1 edge to edge 24 30 0.8 36 90 60 43.5 5.30
LTPVRG31X58-00-1-R-24V red, 630 nm 31 58 3 borders and 1 edge to edge 24 30 0.8 36 90 60 43.5 5.30
LTPVRG31X58-00-1-G-24V green, 525 nm 31 58 3 borders and 1 edge to edge 24 30 0.8 36 90 60 43.5 5.30
LTPVRG31X58-00-1-B-24V blue, 470 nm 31 58 3 borders and 1 edge to edge 24 30 0.8 36 90 60 43.5 5.30
LTPVRG070-00-1-W-24V white, 6300 K 70 70 3 borders and 1 edge to edge 24 90 2.2 36 270 98.5 84.5 4.30
LTPVRG070-00-1-R-24V red, 630 nm 70 70 3 borders and 1 edge to edge 24 90 2.2 36 270 98.5 84.5 4.30
LTPVRG070-00-1-G-24V green, 525 nm 70 70 3 borders and 1 edge to edge 24 90 2.2 36 270 98.5 84.5 4.30
LTPVRG070-00-1-B-24V blue, 470 nm 70 70 3 borders and 1 edge to edge 24 90 2.2 36 270 98.5 84.5 4.30

1 With constant driving voltage (36V recommended, 48V max). Duty cycle = 0-10 %.
Max pulse width = 10 ms.
2 With constant driving current. Duty cycle = 0-10 %. Max pulse width = 10 ms.


LTBRDC series
Continuous LED bar lights

Lighting structure

LTBRDC series consists of LED bar lights that can be used in a COMPATIBLE STROBE CONTROLLER
wide variety of applications such as text reading on flat surfaces.
They provide rectangular illumination on the workpiece and the LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256
installation angle can be set freely. Suggested use is continuous

LTICGR1000-D1-PS-xx light intensity controller p. 260

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Dimensions

Continuous mode Pulsed mode
Part Light colour, Lighting area Supply Current Power Supply Max pulse Length Width Height
number wavelength peak Width Length voltage cons. voltage current
(mm) (mm) (V) (mA) (W) (V) (mA) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
LTZPFL040-00-6-W-24V white, 6300 K 26.3 40 24 72 1.8 36 216 52 31.5 22
LTZPFL040-00-6-R-24V red, 630 nm 26.3 40 24 78 1.9 36 234 52 31.5 22
LTZPFL040-00-6-G-24V green, 525 nm 26.3 40 24 72 1.8 36 216 52 31.5 22
LTZPFL040-00-6-B-24V blue, 470 nm 26.3 40 24 72 1.8 36 216 52 31.5 22
LTZPFL080-00-6-W-24V white, 6300 K 26.3 80 24 144 3.5 36 432 92 31.5 22
LTZPFL080-00-6-R-24V red, 630 nm 26.3 80 24 156 3.8 36 468 92 31.5 22
LTZPFL080-00-6-G-24V green, 525 nm 26.3 80 24 144 3.5 36 432 92 31.5 22
LTZPFL080-00-6-B-24V blue, 470 nm 26.3 80 24 144 3.5 36 432 92 31.5 22
LTZPFL120-00-6-W-24V white, 6300 K 26.3 120 24 216 5.2 36 648 132 31.5 22
LTZPFL120-00-6-R-24V red, 630 nm 26.3 120 24 234 5.7 36 702 132 31.5 22
LTZPFL120-00-6-G-24V green, 525 nm 26.3 120 24 216 5.2 36 648 132 31.5 22
LTZPFL120-00-6-B-24V blue, 470 nm 26.3 120 24 216 5.2 36 648 132 31.5 22
LTZPFL160-00-6-W-24V white, 6300 K 26.3 160 24 288 7 36 864 172 31.5 22
LTZPFL160-00-6-R-24V red, 630 nm 26.3 160 24 312 7.5 36 936 172 31.5 22
LTZPFL160-00-6-G-24V green, 525 nm 26.3 160 24 288 7 36 864 172 31.5 22
LTZPFL160-00-6-B-24V blue, 470 nm 26.3 160 24 288 7 36 864 172 31.5 22
LTZPFL200-00-6-W-24V white, 6300 K 26.3 200 24 360 8.7 36 1080 212 31.5 22
LTZPFL200-00-6-R-24V red, 630 nm 26.3 200 24 390 9.4 36 1170 212 31.5 22
LTZPFL200-00-6-G-24V green, 525 nm 26.3 200 24 360 8.7 36 1080 212 31.5 22
LTZPFL200-00-6-B-24V blue, 470 nm 26.3 200 24 360 8.7 36 1080 212 31.5 22

1 With constant driving voltage (36V recommended, 48V max). Duty cycle = 0-10 %.
Max pulse width = 10 ms.
2 With constant driving current. Duty cycle = 0-10 %. Max pulse width = 10 ms.


LTLNC series
Continuous LED line lights


Ultra high power.

Color matched white models.

Condenser lens for a perfectly focused beam of light.

Rugged industrial design with built in industrial connector

for easy integration into any machine vision system.

Forced air cooling option.

LTLNC series are ultra-high power LED line illuminators designed SEE ALSO FULL RANGE OF LINESCAN LENSES
for linescan applications. Their special design provides both a
powerful and homogeneous beam of light that is sharply focused MC4K, MC12K series p. 102-105
onto the object that must be inspected, by means of a condenser
TC4K, TC12K series p. 68-71

LTLNC series can efficiently dissipate the generated heat thanks

to the fins machined in the aluminum housing and the air cooling
ports designed to inject compressed air into the illuminator.

Furthermore LTLNC series features industrial M8 connectors and

can be easily installed into any machine vision system thanks to
the four M3 threads in the rear part of the aluminum housing.

Lighting structure

Application examples

Print inspection Metal film inspection Web inspection

Part number LTLNC100-W LTLNC150-W LTLNC200-W LTLNC300-W

Optical specifications
Number of LEDs 21 28 28 42
Light color white, 6500 K white, 6500 K white, 6500 K white, 6500 K
Spectral FWHM (nm) n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Illumination area (mm) 100 x 15 150 x 15 200 x 15 300 x 15
Suggested working distance WD (mm) 20 - 100 20 - 100 20 - 100 20 - 100
Electrical specifications
Continuous mode
Supply voltage (V) 24 ± 2% 24 ± 2% 24 ± 2% 24 ± 2%
Continuous driving current, max (mA) 1050 1400 1800 2700
Power consumption (W) 25 32 43 65
Pulsed mode  1
Max pulse current (mA) 4350 5800 8400 8750
Voltage (V) 39.6 39.6 43.3 36.6
Peak power (W) 172.3 229.7 366.8 320.3
Connection type  2 M8 industrial male connector
Estimated MTBF  3 (hours) >20000 >20000 >20000 >20000
Mechanical specifications
Length (mm) 150 200 250 350
Width (mm) 32 32 32 32
Height (mm) 60 60 60 60
Material black anodized aluminum body
Cooling method compressed air cooling or passive (attached to machine frame for better heat dissipation)
Clamping system 4 threaded holes for M3 screw
TC4K060-x TC4K090-x TC4K120-x, TC4K180-x TC12K064, TC12K080, TC12K120, TC12K144, TC12K192, TC12K240,
MC4K series, MC12K200X-x, MC12K150X-x, MC12K100X-x, MC12K067X-x, MC12K050X-x, MC12K025X-x
Cable CBLT003, CBLT004

1 Ton max = 100 ms, Duty cycle ≤ 10%. 3 Drop to 50% intensity @ 25°C.
2 5 m cable with straight female connector included. Optional cable
with right angled connector is also available and must be ordered separately
(refer to our website for further info and ordering codes).


LTLNM series
Flicker free high power focused modular LED line lights


Emitting surface up 2 meters in 200 mm increments.

Flicker free for linescan applications.

3 types of projection lenses

Near field focusing (N), far field focusing (F), collimated (C).

Homogeneous beam for uniform illumination.

Built-in controller / 24Vdc power supply.

Dimmable (external 0-10V analogue signal).
Enable signal.
Fault output (for overtemperature detection).
Auto shutdown in case of overheating.

Optional diffusive sheet (D) for superior illumination


White color (other colors upon request)

3 Amps / 72 W per module.

LTLNM series are high power LED line illuminators designed for An optional diffusive sheet (D) can be integrated in any model to
linescan applications. These lights are flicker-free and meet the obtain the best illumination uniformity.
needs of demanding applications with reduced exposure times These lights feature 24V supply voltage and can be easily dimmed
(tens of μs) ensuring very constant illumination and repeatable through an analogue signal.
acquisition. Their modular design provides size flexibility without LTLNM series can efficiently dissipate the generated heat thanks an
any compromise in terms of light uniformity. efficient forced-air cooling system (fans). The on-board electronics
LTLNM are available with an emitting surface up 2 meters in 200 constantly monitor the LED temperature and drives the fans only if
mm increments (custom sizes and colors can be requested). needed, in order to minimize noise and increase fan life.
LTLNM series can be supplied with three different light angles/ These line lights are perfect for applications that require high speed
focusing distances: near field focused (N) with converging rays (10 - image processing such as fabrics and web inspection.
100 mm), far field focused (F) with converging rays (100 - 200 mm)
and collimated (C) working at a distance between 10 and 200 mm.

Lighting structure Projection lenses and focusing distances

cooling fans

diffusion sheet (D)

focusing lens


Converging Converging Collimated

near field far field (C)
(N) (F)

Application examples

Visual inspection of metal foil sheets. Fabrics inspection. Inspection of foreign material on resin sheets.

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Mechanical specifications Compatibility

Part Modules Emitting Projection Diffuser Light Supply Current Power Connection Length Width Height Cooling Clamping Light Lenses
number length lens and color voltage consumption consumption type 1 method system intensity
suggested controllers
aaaa b c d
(mm) (mm) (V) (A) (W) (mm) (mm) (mm)

2 pigtails
LTLNM-0200-b-c-FC-W 1 200 White 24V ± 2% 3 72 250 80 130 fan (FC)
with industrial
connectors 1

2 pigtails
LTLNM-0400-b-c-FC-W 2 400 White 24V ± 2% 6 144 450 80 130 fan (FC)
with industrial
connectors 1

2 pigtails
LTLNM-0600-b-c-FC-W 3 600 White 24V ± 2% 9 216 650 80 130 fan (FC)
with industrial
connectors 1

2 pigtails TC4K060-x,
terminated TC4K090-x,
LTLNM-800-b-c-FC-W 4 800 White 24V ± 2% 12 288 850 80 130 fan (FC)
with industrial TC4K120-x,
connectors 1 TC4K180-x,
N = near field TC12K064,
2 pigtails
focusing TC12K080,
LTLNM-1000-b-c-FC-W 5 1000 (10- 100 mm), c = D, White 24V ± 2% 15 360 1050 80 130 fan (FC) 4 TC12K120,
with industrial
with threaded TC12K144,
connectors 1
F = far field diffuser, holes TC12K144,
focusing for TC12K192,
2 pigtails
(100- 200 mm), c = empty, M10 TC12K240,
LTLNM-1200-b-c-FC-W 6 1200 no diffuser White 24V ± 2% 18 432 1250 80 130 fan (FC) screw MC4K series,
with industrial
C = collimated MC12K200X-x,
connectors 1
(10 - 200 mm) MC12K150X-x,
3 pigtails MC12K100X-x,
terminated MC12K067X-x,
LTLNM-1400-b-c-FC-W 7 1400 White 24V ± 2% 21 504 1450 80 130 fan (FC) MC12K050X-x,
with industrial
connectors 2 MC12K025X-x

3 pigtails
LTLNM-1600-b-c-FC-W 8 1600 White 24V ± 2% 24 576 1650 80 130 fan (FC)
with industrial
connectors 2

3 pigtails
LTLNM-1800-b-c-FC-W 9 1800 White 24V ± 2% 27 648 1850 80 130 fan (FC)
with industrial
connectors 2

3 pigtails
LTLNM-2000-b-c-FC-W 10 2000 White 24V ± 2% 30 720 2050 80 130 fan (FC)
with industrial
connectors 2

1 1 pigtail terminated with industrial circular male connector for power supply, 2 2 pigtails terminated with industrial circular male connector for power supply,
1 pigtail terminated with industrial circular male connector for i/o signals. 1 pigtail terminated with industrial circular male connector for i/o signals.

Ordering information
Our part numbers are coded as LTLNM-aaaa-b-c-FC-d where:
- aaaa defines the illumination active area lenght (in mm)
- b defines the focusing distance, N = near field focusing, F = far field focusing, C = collimated
- c defines the presence of a diffusing sheet. Leave empty if no diffuser is required or D = with diffuser mounted in front of the LEDs
- d defines the color -W = White.


LTLNE series
High power enhanced LED line lights


High density LEDs.

3 types of projection lenses

Near field focusing (N), far field focusing (F), collimated (C).

3 opto-mechanical configurations
Lens only, coaxial illumination (CX) or with 45° mirror (MR).

2 cooling methods and power intensities

Passive or active with fans.

Optional diffusive sheet (D) for illumination uniformity

Hot spots reduction when inspecting highly reflective surfaces.

LTLNE series are high power LED line illuminators designed for The whole family can efficiently dissipate the generated heat
linescan applications. LTLNE series are available in three opto- featuring two cooling options: passive cooling (PC) and fan cooling
mechanical versions: basic configuration with condensing lens, as (FC).
coaxial line lights (CX) or integrating a 45° mirror (MR). Furthermore LTLNE series features industrial threaded connectors
LTLNE series can be supplied with three different light angles/ and can be easily installed into any machine vision system thanks to
focusing distances: near field focused (N) with converging rays (10 – the threaded holes conveniently located on the aluminum housing.
100 mm), far field focused (F) with converging rays (100 - 200 mm) These line lights are perfect for applications that require high speed
and collimated (C) focusing at a distance between 10 and 200 mm. image processing such as transparent films or glass inspection and
An optional diffusive sheet (D) can be integrated in any model to detection of dents on metal sheets.
obtain the best illumination uniformity.
These LED line lights are available with an emitting surface of
300mm (custom sizes and colors can be requested) and feature
24V supply voltage.

Lighting structure Type Projection lenses

and focusing distances

cooling fans

sheet (D)

focusing lens


Converging Converging Collimated

near field far field (C)
Direct Coaxial (CX) 45° MIRROR (MR) (N) (F)

Application examples

Detection of scratches on transparent films. Detection of dents on metal sheets. Mobile phone screen inspection with coaxial line light
and line light with 45° mirror used as a backlight.

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Mechanical specifications Compatibility

Type Emitting Light Projection lens Diffuser Supply Nominal Power Connection Length Width Height Cooling Clamping Light Lenses
lenght color and voltage driving consumption type method system intensity
suggested WD current at nominal controllers
bb aaa f c d 1 ee
(mm) (mm) (V) (mA) (W) (mm) (mm) (mm)

LTLNE-300-N-PC-W 2000 50 110 passive

LTLNE-300-N-FC-W 10 - 100 4000 100 150 fan
direct 300 White near 24V ± 2% 340 40 LTIC1CH-A1-4
LTLNE-300-N-D-PC-W field focusing 2000 50 110 passive
LTLNE-300-N-D-FC-W 4000 100 150 fan

LTLNE-300-F-PC-W 2000 50 110 passive

no 20 cm
LTLNE-300-F-FC-W 100 - 200 4000 100 pigtail teminated 150 fan
8 threaded holes
direct 300 White far 24V ± 2% with 340 40 LTIC1CH-A1-4
for M4 screw
LTLNE-300-F-D-PC-W field focusing 2000 50 industrial circular 110 passive
yes male connector
LTLNE-300-F-D-FC-W 4000 100 150 fan

LTLNE-300-C-PC-W 2000 50 110 passive

LTLNE-300-C-FC-W 10 - 200 4000 100 150 fan
direct 300 White 24V ± 2% 340 40 LTIC1CH-A1-4
LTLNE-300-C-D-PC-W 2000 50 110 passive
LTLNE-300-C-D-FC-W 100 150 fan

LTLNE-300-CX-N-PC-W 2000 50 150 passive

LTLNE-300-CX-N-FC-W 10 - 100 4000 100 190 fan TC4K060-x
coaxial 300 White near 24V ± 2% 340 54 LTIC1CH-A1-4 TC4K090-x
LTLNE-300-CX-N-D-PC-W field focusing 2000 50 150 passive TC4K120-x,
yes TC4K180-x,
LTLNE-300-CX-N-D-FC-W 100 190 fan TC12K064,
LTLNE-300-CX-F-PC-W 2000 50 150 passive TC12K120,
no 20 cm
LTLNE-300-CX-F-FC-W 100 - 200 4000 100 pigtail teminated 190 fan
8 threaded holes TC12K144,
coaxial 300 White far 24V ± 2% with 340 54 LTIC1CH-A1-4
for M4 screw TC12K192,
LTLNE-300-CX-F-D-PC-W field focusing 2000 50 industrial circular 150 passive
yes TC12K240,
male connector
LTLNE-300-CX-F-D-FC-W 100 190 fan MC4K series,
LTLNE-300-CX-C-PC-W 2000 50 150 passive MC12K150X-x,
no MC12K100X-x,
LTLNE-300-CX-C-FC-W 10 - 200 4000 100 190 fan MC12K067X-x,
coaxial 300 White 24V ± 2% 340 54 LTIC1CH-A1-4 MC12K050X-x,
LTLNE-300-CX-C-D-PC-W 2000 50 150 passive MC12K025X-x
LTLNE-300-CX-C-D-FC-W 4000 100 190 fan

LTLNE-300-MR-N-PC-W 2000 50 150 passive

LTLNE-300-MR-N-FC-W 10 - 100 4000 100 190 fan
with 45°
300 White near 24V ± 2% 340 54 LTIC1CH-A1-4
LTLNE-300-MR-N-D-PC-W mirror 2000 50 150 passive
field focusing
LTLNE-300-MR-N-D-FC-W 4000 100 190 fan

LTLNE-300-MR-F-PC-W 2000 50 150 passive

no 20 cm
LTLNE-300-MR-F-FC-W 100 - 200 4000 100 pigtail teminated 190 fan
with 45° 8 threaded holes
300 White far 24V ± 2% with 340 54 LTIC1CH-A1-4
LTLNE-300-MR-F-D-PC-W mirror 2000 50 150 passive for M4 screw
field focusing industrial circular
yes male connector
LTLNE-300-MR-F-D-FC-W 4000 100 190 fan

LTLNE-300-MR-C-PC-W 2000 50 150 passive

LTLNE-300-MR-C-FC-W with 45° 4000 100 190 fan
10 - 200
300 White 24V ± 2% 340 54 LTIC1CH-A1-4
LTLNE-300-MR-C-D-PC-W mirror collimated
2000 50 150
LTLNE-300-MR-C-D-FC-W 4000 100 190 fan

1 Models with fan cooling are capable of more power. Ask technical support for details.
Other colours are available on request.

Ordering information
Our part numbers are coded as LTLNE-aaa-bb-c-d-ee-f where:
- aaa defines the illumination active area lenght (in mm)
- bb defines the presence of a beam splitter or a mirror. Leave empty for direct illumination (lens only) - CX = coaxial illumination (50T-50R Beam splitter), -MR = 90° mirror
- c defines the focusing distance, N = near field focusing, F = far field focusing, C = collimated
- d defines the presence of a diffusing sheet. Leave empty if no diffuser is required or D = with diffuser mounted in front of the LEDs
- ee defines the cooling options PC = passive cooling, FC = fan cooling
- f defines the color -W = White.


LTTNC series
Continuous LED tunnel lights

Lighting structure

LTTNC series consists of LED tunnel lights designed to provide COMPATIBLE STROBE CONTROLLER
even illumination on long cylindrical surfaces or shafts. Suggested
use is continuous mode. LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256


LTICGR1000-D1-PS-xx light intensity controller p. 260


EN2MP series, EN5MP series, ENMP series,

p. 108-111, 114
ENHR series

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Dimensions

Continuous mode Pulsed mode
Part Light colour, Optimal Lighting area Supply Current Power Supply Max pulse Width x length Aperture Height
number wavelength peak WD inner Width voltage cons. voltage current
(mm) (mm) (mm) (V) (mA) (W) (V) (mA) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
LT3WRH150-00-1-W-24V white, 6300 K 40 - 60 74 147 24 400 9.6 36 1200 177.6 x 163 25 106.5
LT3WRH150-00-1-R-24V red, 630 nm 40 - 60 74 147 24 450 10.8 36 1350 177.6 x 163 25 106.5
LT3WRH150-00-1-G-24V green, 525 nm 40 - 60 74 147 24 400 9.6 36 1200 177.6 x 163 25 106.5
LT3WRH150-00-1-B-24V blue, 470 nm 40 - 60 74 147 24 400 9.6 36 1200 177.6 x 163 25 106.5
LT3WRH200-00-1-W-24V white, 6300 K 40 - 60 124 147 24 400 9.6 36 1200 227 x 163 25 131.5
LT3WRH200-00-1-R-24V red, 630 nm 40 - 60 124 147 24 450 10.8 36 1350 227 x 163 25 131.5
LT3WRH200-00-1-G-24V green, 525 nm 40 - 60 124 147 24 400 9.6 36 1200 227 x 163 25 131.5
LT3WRH200-00-1-B-24V blue, 470 nm 40 - 60 124 147 24 400 9.6 36 1200 227 x 163 25 131.5

1 With constant driving voltage (36V recommended, 48V max). Duty cycle = 0-10 %.
Max pulse width = 10 ms.
2 With constant driving current. Duty cycle = 0-10 %. Max pulse width = 10 ms.


LTCXC series
Continuous LED coaxial lights

Lighting structure

LTCXC series consists of LED coaxial lights that provide coaxial COMPATIBLE STROBE CONTROLLER
illumination ideal for inspection of scratches/dents on glossy
surfaces or pattern inspection on PCB to be used in combination LTDV1CH-17V strobe controller p. 256
with telecentric lenses.
Light is reflected by a 45° beam splitter so that it is projected on COMPATIBLE LIGHT INTENSITY CONTROLLER

the same axis as the camera. Suggested use is continuous mode.

LTICGR1000-D1-PS-xx light intensity controller p. 260

Optical specifications Electrical specifications Dimensions

Continuous mode Pulsed mode
Part Light colour, Lighting area Supply Current Power Supply Max pulse Length Width Height
number wavelength peak Width Length voltage cons. voltage current
(mm) (mm) (V) (mA) (W) (V) (mA) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
LT2QOG025-00-X-W-24V white, 6300 K 27 27 24 160 3.9 36 480 54 33 33
LT2QOG025-00-X-R-24V red, 630 nm 27 27 24 150 3.6 36 450 54 33 33
LT2QOG025-00-X-G-24V green, 525 nm 27 27 24 160 3.9 36 480 54 33 33
LT2QOG025-00-X-B-24V blue, 470 nm 27 27 24 160 3.9 36 480 54 33 33
LT2QOG040-00-X-W-24V white, 6300 K 48 48 24 350 8.4 36 1050 107.5 60 66
LT2QOG040-00-X-R-24V red, 630 nm 48 48 24 146 3.5 36 438 107.5 60 66
LT2QOG040-00-X-G-24V green, 525 nm 48 48 24 350 8.4 36 1050 107.5 60 66
LT2QOG040-00-X-B-24V blue, 470 nm 48 48 24 350 8.4 36 1050 107.5 60 66
LT2QOG070-00-X-W-24V white, 6300 K 70 70 24 560 13.5 36 1680 139.6 89 95
LT2QOG070-00-X-R-24V red, 630 nm 70 70 24 525 12.6 36 1575 139.6 89 95
LT2QOG070-00-X-G-24V green, 525 nm 70 70 24 560 13.5 36 1680 139.6 89 95
LT2QOG070-00-X-B-24V blue, 470 nm 70 70 24 560 13.5 36 1680 139.6 89 95
LT2QOG100-00-X-W-24V white, 6300 K 100 100 24 781 18.8 36 2000 166.5 120 123.8
LT2QOG100-00-X-R-24V red, 630 nm 100 100 24 450 10.8 36 1350 166.5 120 123.8
LT2QOG100-00-X-G-24V green, 525 nm 100 100 24 781 18.8 36 2000 166.5 120 123.8
LT2QOG100-00-X-B-24V blue, 470 nm 100 100 24 781 18.8 36 2000 166.5 120 123.8

1 With constant driving voltage (36V recommended, 48V max). Duty cycle = 0-10 %.
Max pulse width = 10 ms.
2 With constant driving current. Duty cycle = 0-10 %. Max pulse width = 10 ms.


LTPR series
LED pattern projectors KEY ADVANTAGES

LED technology for perfectly sharp edge

LTPR series ensures thinner lines, sharper edges and more
homogeneous illumination than lasers.

With laser emitters the illumination decays both across the line
cross section and along the line width.

Laser emitters lines are thicker and show blurred edges; diffraction
and speckle effects are also present.

3W, 10W or 90W strobe options.

Wide selection of projection patterns available (custom

made upon request).

Compatible with any C-mount optics.

LTPR series consists of different LED pattern projectors available Unlike laser sources, our LED pattern projectors ensure sharp edges
with three power intensities and four wavelengths designed for and homogeneous light without scattering and diffraction effects.
the most demanding structured light applications including 3D Several projections patterns can be easily interchanged to project
profilometry, stereovision, and alignment. any kind of shape. Additionally LTPR fetaures built in phase-
LTPR series consists of LTPRHP3W models featuring = 3W power adjustment for easy alignment of the pattern. Any C-mount optics
intensity, LTPRXP models featuring = 10W power intensity designed can be interfaced with LTPR series to project areas with different
for continuos mode operation and LTPRUP models designed for sizes.
strobe-only operation with peak power intensity of = 90W.

Optical specifications Electrical specifications

Part number Light Spectral Illuminance 1 Operation Supply LED driving Power Pulse Estimated Connection
color FWHM mode voltage current, max consumption width MTBF 4 Type
(nm) (klux) (V) (mA)
LTPRHP3W-W White n.a. 30
LTPRHP3W-R Red, 630 nm 15 9 M8
12 - 24 3 720 4 2000 5 6 <4.5 ≤10 7 > 100.000 9 industrial male
LTPRHP3W-G Green, 520 nm 40 14 and pulsed mode 2
connector 12
LTPRHP3W-B Blue, 460 nm 20 3

LTPRXP-W White n.a. 85
LTPRXP-R Red, 630 nm 20 40 M8
24 3 700 4 n.a. <13 n.a. > 65.000 10 industrial male
LTPRXP-G Green, 520 nm 40 68 mode only
connector 13
LTPRXP-B Blue, 460 nm 25 9

LTPRUP-W White n.a. 170
LTPRUP-R Red, 618 nm 20 65 strobe only, ≈90 M12
constant current n.a. n.a. 17000 6 (stobe peak ≤1 8 > 50000 11 industrial male
LTPRUP-G Green, 525 nm 40 220 driving LED source power) connector 14
LTPRUP-B Blue, 460 nm 30 20

1 With a 35 mm lens, F/N 1.4 at 100 mm working distance without projection pattern 6 To directly drive the LED, current control is necessary.
at maximum driving current. Estimated value. External compatible controller from LTDV series must be used.
2 To pulse LTRPHP3W, models built-in electronics must be bypassed in order 7 At pulse width ≤ 10 ms, duty cycle ≤ 10% condition. Built-in electronics must
to drive the LED directly. be bypassed.
3 Tolerance ± 10%. 8 At 25°C. At max pulse width (1 ms), max pulse frequency = 15 Hz.
4 Max continuous LED driving current is supplied through the built-in electronics. Contact us to check other allowable combinations
No external controller is required. of duty cycle-frequency-temperature.
5 At max LED pulsed current, max LED foward voltage (V) = 3.00 for LTRPHP3W-R,
4.00 for LTRPHP3W-G/B, 3.4 for LTRPHP3W-W.

LTPRHP3W and LTPRXP models are designed for continuous mode
and integrate built-in electronics that control the current flow
through the LED.

LTPRHP3W models integrate a multi-turn trimmer for light intensity

dimming while LTPRXP models have fixed current and cannot be
dimmed. For LTPRHP3W models, the built-in electronics can be
bypassed in order to directly drive the LED through an external
LTPRHP3W-x models featuring built in electronics with multi-turn trimmer controller.
for light intesity dimming and ≈ 3W power intensity.

LTPRUP series are the most powerful LED pattern projectors

available from Opto Engineering®. These models are used in high
speed applications where camera exposure time must be set to
the minimum, including planarity control of opaque products and
3D profiling. LTPRUP models are designed for strobe-mode only
and can be precisely controlled using compatible LTDV strobe
controllers series. LTDV controllers are designed to drive the LED of
LTPRUP pattern projectors with perfectly constant current, ensuring
repeatable results even when low exposure time is required.

LTPRXP-x models featuring built in electronics, fixed current output

and ≈ 10W power intensity

LTPRUP-x models for strobe-only operation featuring ≈ 90W peak power intensity.
These models are compatible with CMHO016 clamping mechanics, alternatively three M4
and one M6 threads are available as fixing options.

Mechanical specifications Compatibility

External Length 15 Width Height Strobe Lenses Cable Clamping Projection
controllers mechanics patterns
Ø (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

LTDV1CH-17V, EN2MP series, EN5MP series,

37.5 130.4 - - LTDVE8CH-20, TC series, TCLWD series, - PTPR series
LTDVE4CH-20 TCHM series

105 158.8 - - EN2MP series, EN5MP series - PTPR series

EN2MP series, EN5MP series,
37.7 108.9 46 93 ENVF series,TC series, CMHO016 PTPR series
TCLWD series, TCHM series

9 At 55 °C, 720mA. 14 5 m cable with straight female connector included (CBLT001).

10 At 110 °C. Optional cable with right angled connector (CBLT002) is also available
11 At 25° C. and must be ordered separately
12 2 m cable with straight female connector included (CB244P1500). 15 Including connector.
Optional cable with right angled connector (CB244P1500L) is also available
and must be ordered separately
13 2 m cable with straight female connector included (CB244P1501).
Optional cable with right angled connector (CB244P1501L) is also available
and must be ordered separately


LTPR series
LED pattern projectors

Pattern selection Custom-made pattern

Custom-made patterns can be supplied on request.
A drawing with accurate geometrical information must
be submitted (please refer to the instructions here below).

pattern active area Fill-in the opaque features

C-mount adapter

m m

Ø = s sub
21 s Keep white the
- 0. t rate
1/- light-transmitting
0. 3
retaming ring mm features

min: 1 mm
max: 2.5 mm

The projection pattern can be easily interchanged by unscrewing The pattern drawing could either cover the entire 11 mm diameter
the retaining ring that holds the pattern. area or be of any shape inscribed within this area (such as a square
The pattern outer diameter is 21 mm, while the active projection whose side is 7.78mm or a 8.8x6.6mm rectangle).
area is a circle of Ø 11 mm.
The projection accuracy depends both on the pattern manufacturing
accuracy and the distortion of the projection optics mounted on
active area
LTPR models.
line thickness
The edge sharpness of the projected pattern depends on both
11 mm

the lens resolution and the engraving technique: laser-engraved

line gap
patterns (part numbers ending in “L”) or photolithography-engraved
patterns (part numbers ending in “P”) can be chosen depending on
the type of application.

Every kind of shape can be projected

Standard patterns Custom patterns

Stripe 0.5 mm line thickness. Edge.

Grid 0.05 mm line thickness. Line 0.5 mm line thickness.

Format Photolithography patterns Laser engraved patterns

3D profilometry

PT 0000 0300 P
PT 0000 0100 P 8 lines in projection area PT 0000 0100 L
format: line line gap 0.95 mm format: line
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.5 mm
line length 7.78 mm

PT 0000 0300 L
PTST 050 450 P PTST 050 200 P
format: stripe
16 lines in projection area 32 lines in projection area
line gap 0.5 mm
line gap 0.45 mm line gap 0.20 mm line thickness 0.5 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.05 mm line length 7.78 mm
Line & stripes

PTST 050 100 P PTST 050 050 P

53 lines in projection area 80 lines in projection area
line gap 0.10 mm line gap 0.05 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.05 mm

PTST 010 010 P PTST 020 020 P

550 lines in projection area 275 lines in projection area
line gap 0.01 mm line gap 0.02 mm
line thickness 0.01 mm line thickness 0.02 mm


PT 0000 0400 P PT 0000 0400 L

PTGR 050 450 P
8 x 8 lines in projection area format: grid
16 x 16 lines in projection area
line gap 0.95 mm line gap 0.8 mm
line gap 0.45 mm line thickness 0.2 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm line length 7.78 mm
line length 7.78 mm

PTGR 050 200 P PTGR 050 100 P

32 x 32 lines in projection area 53 x 53 lines in projection area
line gap 0.20 mm line gap 0.10 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.05 mm

PTGR 050 050 P

80 x 80 lines in projection area
line gap 0.05 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm

PTCD 010 P PTCD 020 P

Format: Format:
Cloud of dots pattern, Cloud of dots pattern,
density 10.5% density 20%

Cloud of dots

PTCD 035 P
Cloud of dots pattern,
density 35%


PT 0000 0200 P PT 0000 0200 L

format: cross format: cross
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.5 mm

PT 0000 0500 P PT 0000 0500 L

Edge format: edge format: edge
line gap 0.10 mm line gap 0.10 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.5 mm

Pattern specifications
Photolithography Laser engraved
Substrate Soda lime glass Borofloat glass
Coating Chrome Dichroic mirror
Geometrical accuracy 2 μm 50 μm
Edge sharpness 1.4 μm 50 μm


LTPR series
LED pattern projectors

Projection lens selection

Any C-mount optics for 2/3” detectors (11 mm image diagonal) can The projected area dimensions will be “M” times the original
be interfaced with LTPR series to project areas with different sizes dimensions of the pattern, where M is the optical magnification at
by means of the mount adaptor included. which the selected projection lens is operating.
Unless the projection optics introduces significant distortion, the Telecentric lenses for 2/3” detectors can also be interfaced
shape of the projected pattern will preserve the features and aspect with LTPRHP3W and LTPRUP models, thus providing telecentric
ratio of the engraved pattern. projection of the pattern and enabling unparalleled performance in
3D measurement applications.

Pattern drawing and projection area

Circle type 4:3 (2/3”) type Square type

Pattern active area size

7.78 mm
6.6 mm
P.d. (Projection distance)

8.8 mm 7.78 mm
Projection area size

h L

D (Projection diameter) W L

Below follows a list of the projection diameters (D) and the recommended projection distances (P.d.) achieved with different types of optics.


2 / 3” C-mount lenses
P.d. @50 @75 @100 @150 @200 @250 @300 @400 @500
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
Focal D (Projection diameter)
length (mm)
6 mm 81 127 172 264
8 mm 58 (*) 92 127 195 264 333
Standard Standard Standard
12 mm 35 (*) 58 (*) 81 127 172 218 264
C-mount lenses. C-mount lenses. C-mount lenses.
16 mm 41 (*) 58 (*) 92 (*) 127 161 195 264 333
25 mm 55 (*) 77 (*) 99 (*) 121 (*) 165 209 (*)
35 mm 68 (*) 83 (*) 115 146

(*) = spacers may be needed to compensate back focal length.

Telecentric lenses
TC 23 004 TC 23 007 TC 23 009 TC 23 016 TC 23 024 TC 23 036
P.d. (mm) 57.1 61.2 63.3 45.3 69.2 103.5
D (mm) 5.5 8.3 11.0 20.8 31.4 45.2
TC 23 048 TC 23 056 TC 23 064 TC 23 072 TC 23 080 TC 23 096
P.d. (mm) 134.6 159.3 182.3 227.7 227.7 279.6 Bi-telecentric lenses. Bi-telecentric lenses.
D (mm) 59.8 70.0 80.0 89.9 99.7 117.8

1 Use of LTPRXP in combination with telecentric lenses is not suggested due to non-homogeneus projection (the light source is a multi-die LED).
Contact us to discuss your application and find the most suitable pattern projector.


EN5MP series p. 110


Projection patterns PTPR series p. 252

Strobe controllers LTDV series p. 256

Clamping mechanics CMHO016 p. 228

Application examples


3D profilometry Stereovision Alignment

LTPR LTPR LTPR LTPR File Edit Zoom Select

Bin picking Planarity control of black products 3D inspection of the height Pharmaceutical blister volume
(robot guidance for fast pick and place) (LTPRUP strobe projector suggested) of connector pins vision control


3W tilting LED pattern projectors


Scheimpflug tilt adjustment compatible with C-mount optics

Focus is maintained even when the pattern is tilted.

Light condenser focusing mechanism

For excellent optical coupling and light throughput.

Enhanced optical power

High numerical aperture condenser lens.

LTPRSMHP3W series are LED pattern projectors specifically LTPRSMHP3W pattern projectors integrate a precision tilting
designed for the most demanding 3D profiling and measurement mechanism based on the Scheimpflug condition. This ensures that
applications. Triangulation techniques require that structured light focus is maintained across the entire part, and reconstruction of the
is directed onto a sample at a considerable angle from vertical. 3d surface is as accurate as possible. Moreover, the internal focus
Tilting the light source pattern becomes essential to ensure that the mechanism offers the maximum optical throughput.
patterned light is properly focused across the entire sample surface.

Examples of setup and applications

Configuration with zero distortion macro lenses. Configuration with bi-telecentric lenses.

LTPRSM pattern projector with a standard C-mount lens. Scheimpflug telecentric optics for both projection and imaging at 90°.


- Higher efficiency
- Precise light intensity adjustment
- Easy LED source replacement

Without tilt adjustment the pattern features are only partly focused. With the Scheimpflug adjustment focus is maintained across the entire plane.

Electrical features
These LED devices integrate built-in switching electronics that
control the current flow through the LED and which can be easily
tuned by the user. This ensures both light stability and longer
lifetime of the product.
The inner circuitry can be bypassed to directly drive the LED. Simply
connect the black and blue wires to your power supply instead of
the black and brown ones, ensuring that maximum rates are not

Typical emission spectrum of white LEDs Typical emission spectrum of R,G,B LEDs
Relative spectral power distribution

Relative spectral power distribution


0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0

300 400 500 600 700 800 400 500 600 700
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)

Light Device power ratings LED power ratings

Part Light color, DC Voltage Power Max LED forward Forward voltage Max pulse
number wavelength peak consumption current current
Minimum Maximum Typical Maximum
(V) (V) (W) (mA) (V) (V) (mA)
1 2 3, 4 5
LTPRSMHP 3W-R red, 630 nm 12 24 < 4.5 720 2.4 3.00 2000
LTPRSMHP 3W-G green, 520 nm 12 24 < 4.5 720 3.3 4.00 2000
LTPRSMHP 3W-B blue, 460 nm 12 24 < 4.5 720 3.3 4.00 2000
LTPRSMHP 3W-W white 12 24 < 4.5 720 2.78 n.a. 2000

1 Tolerance ± 10% . 4 Tolerance is ±0.06V on forward voltage measurements.

2 Used in continuous (not pulsed) mode. 5 At pulse width <= 10 ms, duty cycle <= 10% condition.
3 At max forward current. Built-in electronics board must be bypassed (see tech info online).


Product insight



retaining ring

Pattern selection The projection pattern placed inside the unit can be changed with
ease: just remove the C-mount adaptor by loosening the set-screws
active area
and fix the pattern by securing the retaining ring.
line thickness
Different types of stripe and grid patterns are available; the chart
8 mm

shows the line thickness (0.05 mm) and the gap between neighboring
line gap lines for each pattern type.

When these features are projected, they become 1/M times larger,
8 mm with “M” being the magnification of the projection lens. The number
of lines mentioned after each part number indicates the number of
features on the active area of the pattern.

Photolithography stripe patterns Photolithography grid patterns

Pattern specifications
Photolithography patterns
PT 0000 0300 P PT 0000 0400 P
8 lines in projection area 8 x 8 lines in projection area Substrate Soda lime glass
line gap 0.95 mm line gap 0.95 mm Coating Chrome
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.05 mm
Geometrical accuracy 2 μm
line length 7.78 mm line length 7.78 mm
Edge sharpness 1.4 μm

PTST 050 450 P PTGR 050 450 P

16 lines in projection area 16 x 16 lines in projection area

line gap 0.45 mm line gap 0.45 mm

line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.05 mm

PTST 050 200 P PTGR 050 200 P

32 lines in projection area 32 x 32 lines in projection area
line gap 0.20 mm line gap 0.20 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.05 mm


PTST 050 100 P PTGR 050 100 P

53 lines in projection area 53 x 53 lines in projection area TC series p. 16
line gap 0.10 mm line gap 0.10 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.05 mm
MC series p. 92

80 lines in projection area 80 x 80 lines in projection area
line gap 0.05 mm line gap 0.05 mm PTPR series p. 252
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.05 mm

Projection lens selection
LTPRSMHP3W series units can be interfaced with any type of
optics, but the best results are achieved with bi-telecentric lenses.
The projection area is undistorted since tilting the pattern causes a
linear extension along only one direction.

Excellent results can also be obtained with zero distortion macro

lenses; here, the magnification changes along both axes, but image
resolution and distortion still easily allows for 3D reconstruction.

With non bi-telecentric lenses, a square pattern becomes a

trapezoid in the projection plane, whose parallel sides are indicated

as “w” and “W” in the drawings below.


The projection area shown in the chart are also a good approximation
for standard C-mount lenses used as macro lenses.

h h h

W W w W

Original Projection area Projection area

pattern features with a bi-telecentric lens with a macro lens

Projection area with bi-telecentric lenses (TC series)

ϑ = 0° ϑ = 15° ϑ = 30° ϑ = 45°

Part Projection Projection Pattern Projection Pattern Projection Pattern Projection Pattern
number distance area tilt area tilt area tilt area tilt
P.d. Wxh ϑ’ Wxh ϑ’ Wxh ϑ’ Wxh ϑ’
(mm) (mm x mm) (deg) (mm x mm) (deg) (mm x mm) (deg) (mm x mm) (deg)
TC 23 009 63.3 8.0 x 8.0 0 8.0 x 8.0 15.0 8.0 x 8.0 30.0 8.0 x 8.0 45.0
TC 23 016 45.3 15.2 x 15.2 0 15.2 x 15.4 8.1 15.2 x 16.8 17.0 15.2 x 20.0 27.8 Bi-telecentric lenses.
TC 23 024 69.2 22.9 x 22.9 0 22.9 x 23.6 5.4 22.9 x 26.0 11.4 22.9 x 30.5 19.3
TC 23 036 103.5 32.9 x 32.9 0 32.9 x 34.0 3.7 32.9 x 37.7 8.0 32.9 x 45.3 13.6
TC 23 048 134.6 43.3 x 43.3 0 43.3 x 44.7 2.8 43.3 x 49.8 6.1 43.3 x 60.3 10.5
TC 23 056 159.3 51.0 x 51.0 0 51.0 x 52.8 2.4 51.0 x 58.6 5.1 51.0 x 71.3 8.8
TC 23 064 182.0 58.2 x 58.2 0 58.2 x 60.3 2.1 58.2 x 67.1 4.5 58.2 x 81.7 7.8
TC 23 080 227.0 72.7 x 72.7 0 72.7 x 73.8 1.7 72.7 x 83.6 3.6 72.7 x 102.0 6.3
TC 23 096 279.0 85.6 x 85.6 0 85.6 x 88.6 1.4 85.6 x 98.7 3.1 85.6 x 120.9 5.3

Projection area with macro (MC3-03x and MC series) and standard lenses

ϑ = 0° ϑ = 15° ϑ = 30° ϑ = 45°

Mag. Projection Projection Pattern Projection Pattern Projection Pattern Projection Pattern
distance area tilt area tilt area tilt area tilt
P.d. w (W) x h ϑ’ w (W) x h ϑ’ w (W) x h ϑ’ w (W) x h ϑ’ Standard C-mount lenses.
(x) (mm) (mm) (mm x mm) (deg) (mm) (mm x mm) (deg) (mm) (mm x mm) (deg) (mm) (mm x mm) (deg)
1 46.0 8.0 (8.0) x 8.0 0 7.7 (8.3) x 8.0 15.0 7.5 (8.6) x 8.1 30.0 7.3 (8.9) x 8.1 45.0
0.75 48.0 10.7 (10.7) x 10.7 0 10.3 (11.1) x 10.9 11.4 10.0 (11.6) x 11.4 23.5 9.6 (12.1) x 12.3 37.0
0.5 60.0 16.1 (16.1) x 16.1 0 15.5 (16.7) x 16.5 7.6 14.9 (17.5) x 17.9 16.2 14.3 (18.4) x 20.7 26.7
0.33 92.0 24.3 (24.3) x 24.3 0 23.4 (25.3) x 25.1 5.1 22.5 (26.5) x 27.8 10.8 21.4 (28.1) x 33.3 18.3
0.2 136.0 40.1 (40.1) x 40.1 0 38.6 (41.6) x 42.1 3.1 37.0 (43.6) x 46.2 6.6 35.1 (46.6) x 56.8 11.4
0.1 275.0 79.5 (79.5) x 79.5 0 76.6 (82.6) x 82.4 1.6 73.5 (86.6) x 92.3 3.4 69.6 (92.6) x 114.2 5.8 Macro lenses.


High power lighting kit

The LTPKIT is a selection of some of the Opto Engineering ® This versatile and portable light kit is ideal for system integrators
high-power LED lighting solutions, including three different strobe dealing with machine vision applications that require high power
illuminators and an ultra-bright strobe LED pattern projector. strobe illumination. The LTPKIT also benefits from our special
The case also includes a 6 channel strobe controller, designed to educational price: you should seriously consider buying one for your
precisely control the lights and easily manage the trigger signals, in laboratory to discover the advantages of our strobe lights!
addition to a DIN rail industrial power supply.

Part number Products included Quantity Description

LTLAB2-W 1 Diffuse strobe low angle ring light illuminator - medium size high power white

LTDMLAB2-W 1 Diffuse strobe dome + low angle illumination system - medium size high power white

LTBP096072-W 1 High power strobe LED backlight, 96 x 72 mm lighting area, white

LTPKIT LTPRUP-W 1 90W strobe LED pattern projector white

LTDV6CH 1 Strobe controller 6 channels

RT-SDR-120-24 1 24VDC DIN rail power supply

ADPT001 1 Adapter RS485-USB + cable with 3 elements for LTDV6CH connection


Continuous lighting kit

Opto Engineering® LTKITRY-FH-OR-V1 case includes a selection The LTKITRY-FH-OR-V1 case also benefits from our special
of some our commonly used LED illuminators working in continous educational price: you should seriously consider to buy this kit for
mode, including two lighting controllers for dimming, brackets and your laboratory in order to be able to perfom feasibility tests with
diffusers. many different types of lights!
The continuous lighting kit case is a very helpful tool for system
integrators that are frequently dealing with new machine vision
applications requiring different type of lights.

Part number Products included Quantity Description

Analogue lighting controller unit, 1 channel, 24V, 2A, constant mode,

EU power cord, power adaptor 24V plug

LT4WRG100-00-1-W-24V 1 LED dome light, 118 mm outer diameter, white, 24V

LT2QOG040-00-X-W-24V 1 LED coaxial light, 48x48 mm light emitting area, white, 24V

LTZPFL160-00-6-W-24V 1 LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 160X26.3 illumination area, white, 24V

LTZGK070-15-3-W-24V 1 LED ringlight, 3 LED rows, outer diameter 70 mm, 15°, white, 24V

LTZGK070-45-3-W-24V 1 LED ringlight, 3 LED rows, outer diameter 70 mm, 45°, white, 24V

LTZZO130-75-3-W-24V 1 LED low angle ringlight, 3 LED rows, outer diameter 131 mm, 75°, white, 24V

Flat side-emitting LED backlight, thin borders,

LTPVRG070-00-1-W-24V 1
70X70 mm illumination area, white, 24V

LTPVR070-00-1-W-24V 1 Flat side-emitting LED backlight, 70X70 mm illumination area, white, 24V

LT2RZF100-60-2-W-24V 1 LED ringlight, 2 LED rows, 100 mm outer diameter, 60°, white, 24V

Diffusers - Diffuser for LTZGK070-15-3, LTZGK070-45-3, LTZZO170-75-3

Brackets - Brackets for LT4WRG100-00-1, LT2QOG040-00-X, LTZPFL160-00-6

Polarizer 1 Polarizer for LTZPFL160-00-6


COE-G series
GenICam® PoE cameras

COE-G series includes Gigabit Ethernet cameras equipped with
the latest sensors, ranging from high speed VGA to the latest 12MP
SONY Pregius sensor, which deliver GigE connectivity with high High quality sensors
frame rate. New SONY Pregius CMOS Global shutter sensors provide high
quality images.
The resulting excellent image quality is ensured by well-matched
Opto Engineering’s excellent lenses. PoE connectivity allows a single GigEVision® protocol & GenICam® standard
cable to power the camera and connect to the computer for data Standard vision SDK platform for easy integration in existing
transfer. software.

Robust design allows installation into industrial scenarios without Full GenICam® compliant: easy to integrate
the risk of mechanical failure and GenICam® compliant SDK allows GenICam® compliant SDK package provides more flexibility to
easy coding with most software packages. Vision Systems.

Available with mono and color options, there are a number of GigE PoE compliance
possibilities for most applications. With the COE-G cameras, you don’t need separate cables to transfer
the information to the computer and provide power to the camera.

120 MB RAM and Frame Rate up to 300fps

High frame rate ideal for high speed applications. The internal
memory up to 120MB guarantees no image loss and enables useful
features like Record / Playback and sequence recordings.

Sensor Sizes from ¼” to 1.1” to fit all application requirements

Find exactly the sensor you need for your needs.


p. 266
COE I/O cables

Sensor specifications Camera specifications Compatibility
Part Image sensor Resolution Mpixel Pixel size Sensor Sensor Shutter Mono / Interface Frame Mount Filter Optics
number format name type type Color rate
(pixel) (μm) (Hz) 1

mono Glass, TC, TCCR, TCSM,

COE-003-x-POE-010-yy-C 1/4" 640 x 480 0.3 4.8pix Python 300 CMOS Global M/C GIGE 173 C TCLWD, TCCX, TCCXQ,
Infrared cut TCCRBENCH,
mono Glass, MC3-03X, MCSM,
COE-004-x-POE-010-yy-C 1/4" 640 x 480 0.3 4.8pix Python 300 CMOS Global M/C GIGE 300 C color ENMT, ENMP, ENHR,
Infrared cut ENVF

mono Glass,
COE-003-x-POE-020-yy-C 1/3" 640 x 480 0.3 7.4pix RJ33B4AD0DT CCD Global M/C GIGE 200 C color
Infrared cut

mono Glass,
COE-012-x-POE-020-yy-C 1/3" 1280 x 960 1.2 3.75pix RJ33J4CA3DE CCD Global M/C GIGE 30 C color
Infrared cut


mono Glass, TCLWD, TCCX, TCCXQ,
COE-004-x-POE-021-yy-C 1/2.9" 720 x 540 0,4 6.9pix IMX287 CMOS Global M/C GIGE 291 C color TCZRS, TCBENCH,
Infrared cut TCCRBENCH,
mono Glass, MC, MC3-03X, MCSM,
COE-016-x-POE-021-yy-C 1/2.9" 1440 x 1080 1,6 3.45pix IMX273 CMOS Global M/C GIGE 70 C color MCZR, MZMT12X,
Infrared cut ENMT, ENMP, ENHR,

COE-050-M-POE-023-yy-C 1/2.5" 2592 x 1944 5.0 2.2pix MT9P031 CMOS Rolling M GIGE 14 C mono Glass

mono Glass,
COE-106-x-POE-031-yy-C 1/2.3" 3840 x 2748 10.0 1.67pix MT9J003 CMOS Rolling M/C GIGE 11 C color
Infrared cut

mono Glass,
COE-013-x-POE-030-yy-C 1/2" 1280 x 1024 1.3 4.8pix Python1300 CMOS Global M/C GIGE 90 C color
Infrared cut

mono Glass,
COE-032-x-POE-040-yy-C 1/1.8" 2064 x 1544 3.1 3.45pix IMX265 CMOS Global M/C GIGE 35 C color TC, TCCR, TCSM,
Infrared cut TCLWD, TCCX, TCCXQ,
mono Glass, TCEDGEVIS, PC, PCCD,
COE-063-x-POE-040-yy-C 1/1.8" 3096 x 2080 6.4 2.4pix IMX178 CMOS Rolling M/C GIGE 17 C color PCHI, PCBP, PCPW,
Infrared cut PCMP, TCCAGE, MC,
MC3-03X, MCSM,
mono Glass, ENMT, ENMP, ENHR,
COE-122-x-POE-041-yy-C 1/1.7" 4024 x 3036 12.2 1.85pix IMX226 CMOS Rolling M/C GIGE 9 C ENVF
Infrared cut

mono Glass,
COE-023-x-POE-050-yy-C 2/3" 1920 x 1200 2.3 4.8pix PYTHON 2000 CMOS Global M/C GIGE 50 C color
Infrared cut

mono Glass,
COE-050-x-POE-050-yy-C 2/3" 2464 x 2056 5.0 3.45pix IMX264 CMOS Global M/C GIGE 23 C color TC, TCCR, TCSM,
Infrared cut TCLWD, TCCX, TCCXQ,
mono Glass, TCEDGEVIS, PC, PCCD,
COE-023-x-POE-060-yy-C 1/1.2" 1936 x 1216 2.3 5.86pix IMX249 CMOS Global M/C GIGE 40 C color PCHI, PCPW, PCMP,
Infrared cut TCCAGE, MC,
MC3-03X, MCSM,
mono Glass, ENMT, ENMP,
COE-089-x-POE-070-yy-C 1" 4112 x 2176 8.9 3.45pix IMX267 CMOS Global M/C GIGE 13 C ENHR, ENVF
Infrared cut

mono Glass, TC, TCCR, TCSM,

COE-053-x-POE-070-yy-C 1" 2592 x 2048 5.3 4.8pix Python 5000 CMOS Global M/C GIGE 20 C TCLWD, TCCX, TCCXQ,
Infrared cut TCCRBENCH,
MC3-03X, MCSM,
mono Glass,
COE-123-x-POE-080-yy-C 1.1" 4112 x 3008 12.3 3.45pix IMX304 CMOS Global M/C GIGE 9 C color ENMT, ENMP, ENHR,
Infrared cut ENVF

1 Frame rate relative to the monochrome version.

Ordering information:
How to order M = Monochrome
C = Color • All COE-G are POE supported.
• All COE-G are C-mount.
YY Glass / Infrared cut filter supported • Specific product datasheet and user manual are available at


mvBlueCOUGAR series
GigE & Dual GigE GenICam® cameras

mvBlueCOUGAR series includes Gigabit Ethernet cameras, KEY ADVANTAGES

compliant to the GigE Vision® and GenICam® image processing
standards. The latest building blocks are used in one of the smallest, High quality sensors available
yet rock solid housing in the industry. New SONY Pregius CMOS Global shutter sensors are available for
GigE vision® cameras.
These cameras are optimized for machine vision applications, relying
on high frame rates combined with low latency image transport. High speed performance up to 164 Hz
Also, the images can be precisely optimized for viewing applications High frame rate ideal for high speed inspection.
in the life science and medical industries, where it is required to
have the utmost realistic images in terms of gray scale shades and RAM up to 256 MB
color fidelity, combined with optimum sensitivity and signal-to-noise Internal memory guarantees no image loss.
ratio, are required.
Large FPGA on board
Opto Engineering® selected a number of cameras that are Reduces CPU load and allows more features to be added.
tailored for industrial applications, based on high image quality,
compactness, robustness and ease of use. GenICam® fully compliance
GenICam® compliant SDK package provides more flexibility to
A large FPGA and extra RAM on board provide quick and reliable Vision System.
image data processing without overloading your CPU, also giving
you the opportunity to easily implement custom features.
Extra features like Burst Mode, Counter/Timers and Color Processing
can simplify your vision system configuration.

The fully GenICam® compliant SDK package, mvIMPACT SDK, allows

the vision system to be more flexible.

Complete documentation of the SDK gives you access to many

special camera features that can simplify your life when developing
your vision system development. The driver of mvBlueCOUGAR is
supported by a wide range of third-party softwares, Fabimage, e.g.
Halcon, COGNEX, Matlab, Labview…etc.


mvBlueCOUGAR series
GigE & Dual GigE GenICam® cameras

Suitable filters for your lighting situation or environmental Large camera FPGA reduces CPU load of your host system.
condition. Extra FPGA space allows more features and modifications to be
Choose between daylight cut (Cold Mirror), IR cut (Hot Mirror) or implemented. Custom features can also be supplied.
glass (without filter).

For counting and triggering events, counters are a handy With the internal image memory, no image will be lost again.
feature for many applications. The internal memory buffers images and enables useful features
The counter allows you to generate variable output signals, control like Record / Playback, Pre-trigger as well as sequence recordings.
illumination systems, synchronize multiple cameras, and a lot more.

Sensor specifications Camera specifications Compatibility

Part Image sensor Resolution Mpixel Pixel size Sensor name Sensor type Shutter type Interface Frame rate Optics
number format (pixel) (µm) 2 (Hz)
RT-mvBC-X100w 1/3" 752 x 480 0.36 6.00 MT9V034 CMOS Pipelined / Global GigE 117
RT-mvBC-X100f 1/2.9" 728 x 544 0.40 6.90 IMX287 CMOS global GigE 436.9 / 299.8 1
RT-mvBC-X102f 1/2.9" 1456 x 1088 1.58 3.45 IMX273 CMOS global GigE 126.3/75
RT-mvBC-XD102f 1/2.9" 1456 x 1088 1.58 3.45 IMX273 CMOS global Dual GigE 226.5 / 149.9 1
RT-mvBC-X105 1/2.5" 2592 x 1944 5.04 2.20 MT9P031 CMOS Rolling / Global Reset GigE 14,4 TCCRBENCH, TCEDGEVIS, PC,
RT-mvBC-X1010 1/2.3" 3856 x 2764 10.66 1.67 MT9J003 CMOS Rolling / Global Reset GigE 8,7 TCCAGE, MC, MC3-03X, MCSM,
RT-mvBC-X104i 1/1.8" 2064 x 1544 3.19 3.45 IMX265 CMOS global GigE 55.4 / 37 1
RT-mvBC-XD104h 1/1.8" 2064 x 1544 3.19 3.45 IMX252 CMOS global Dual GigE 76
RT-mvBC-X105b 2/3" 2464 x 2056 5.07 3.45 IMX264 CMOS global GigE 35.6 / 23.5 1
RT-mvBC-XD105a 2/3" 2448 x 2048 5.01 3.45 IMX250 CMOS global Dual GigE 46
RT-mvBC-X104f 1/1.2" 1936 x 1216 2.35 5.86 IMX249 CMOS global GigE 41
RT-mvBC-XD104d 1/1.2" 1936 x 1214 2.35 5.86 IMX174 CMOS global Dual GigE 128 / 105 1
RT-mvBC-X109b 1" 4112 x 2176 8.95 3.45 IMX267 CMOS global GigE 20.8 / 13.2 1
RT-mvBC-XD109b 1" 4112 x 2176 8.947712 3.45 IMX267 CMOS global Dual GigE 31.9 / 26.5 1 TCCR4M, TCDP Plus, TCCX2M,
RT-mvBC-X1012b 1.1" 4112 x 3008 12.37 3.45 IMX304 CMOS global GigE 15.0 / 9.6 1
RT-mvBC-XD107 1.1" 3216 x 2208 7.10 4.50 IMX420 CMOS global Dual GigE 60.2 / 33.4 1
RT-mvBC-XD1012b 1.1" 4112 x 3008 12.37 3.45 IMX304 CMOS global Dual GigE 23.2 / 19.2 1

1 Burst mode / streaming. Burst mode buffers the acquired images and decouples
the acquisition from the image output. That way you can use the sensor’s maximum
frame rate independently of the available bandwidth.
2 EMVA1288 measurement data of gray scale version are available.

Ordering information
• All cameras are available in Monochrome or Color Version at no extra cost. • Extended Temperature range -40°C to +65°C optional.
IR cut filter integrated by default. Other filters can be integrated on request • Industrial connection concept (POE-I) is supported.
at no extra cost. • PLC inputs available.
• Cameras are available in OEM board version. • WiFi function optional.
• Most cameras are also available in GigE POE version.


- Electronic mirror functionality: - Burst mode

horizontal / vertical (available for CMOS sensor)
- Storable user configurations (5 config.)
- Internal readable temperature sensor and user parameters (512 bytes on EEPROM)
with programmable alarm threshold
- Enhanced color and I/O functionality
- Frame Average
p. 266
- Binning CBGPIO001

- Pre-trigger recording RT-MV-DC1201-BCSXIO-REV2 p. 264


EN2MP series, EN5MP series, ENMP series,
p. 108-111, 114
ENHR series

Mechanical specifications
mvBlueCOUGAR-X series mvBlueCOUGAR-XD series
Dimension (mm) 39.8 x 39.8 x 35 50 x 50 x 32
Weight (g) 110 200
Adjustable C-mount Adjustable C-mount
Lens Mount CS-mount (optional) CS-mount (optional)
S-mount (optional)

Electronical specifications
mvBlueCOUGAR-X series mvBlueCOUGAR-XD series
Interface Gigabit Ethernet Dual Gigabit Ethernet
RAM 64 MB 256 MB
Connectors RJ-45 | Gigabit Ethernet, lockable 2x RJ-45 | Gigabit Ethernet, lockable
Hirose type 12-pin, lockabe 2x Hirose type 12-pin, lockable
I/O interface 2 inputs (opto-isolated) 3-24V +/-1V 4 inputs (opto-isolated) 3-24V +/-1V
4 outputs (high-side) 10-24V, 700 mA 4 outputs (high-side) 10-24V, 700 mA
POE (optional) / POE-I (optional)
Power Supply (VDC) 12 – 24 12 – 24
Power comsumption (W) < 5.5 < 8.5
Operating temperature (°C) 0 to 45 0 to 45
Operating humidity (%RH) 30 to 80 30 to 80
Storage temperature (°C) -20 to 60 -20 to 60°C
Storage humidity (%RH) 20 to 90 20 to 90


COE-U series
USB 3.0 GenICam® cameras

COE-U series includes USB3 Vision® cameras equipped with the KEY ADVANTAGES
latest sensors, ranging from high speed VGA to the latest 1.1” 12MP
SONY Pregius sensor, which deliver USB 3.0 connectivity with high USB 3.0 connectivity
frame rate. The resulting excellent image quality is ensured by well- Easy connectivity to most new computers with 5gbps bandwidth.
matched Opto Engineering’s excellent lenses.
USB3 Vision® protocol & GenICam® standard
The COE-U series allows the best sensors to be available with Standard vision SDK platforms for easy integration in existing
USB 3.0 at a reasonable cost. Robust design allows installation into software.
industrial scenarios without the risk of mechanical failure. Only one
cable is needed as USB 3.0 cable handles both data and power to Full GenICam® compliant: easy to integrate
the camera. GenICam® compliant SDK package provides more flexibility to
Vision Systems®.

High quality sensors

New SONY Pregius CMOS Global shutter sensors provide high
quality images.

Frame Rate up to 173 fps

High frame rate ideal for high speed applications.

Sensor Sizes from ¼” to 1.1” to fit all application requirements

Find exactly the sensor you need for your needs.


p. 266
COE I/O cables

Sensor specifications Camera specifications Compatibility
Part Image Resolution Mpixel Pixel size Sensor Sensor Shutter Mono / Interface Frame Mount Filter Optics
number sensor name type type Color rate
format (pixel) (μm) (Hz) 1
mono Glass, TCCRBENCH,
COE-003-x-USB-010-yy-C 1/4" 640 x 480 0.3 4.8pix Python 300 CMOS Global M/C USB 3.0 800 C color TCEDGEVIS, MC,
Infrared cut MC3-03X, MCSM,
mono Glass,
COE-012-x-USB-020-yy-C 1/3" 1280 x 960 1.2 3.75pix RJ33J4CA3DE CCD Global M/C USB 3.0 30 C color
Infrared cut TC, TCCR, TCSM,
mono Glass, TCLWD, TCCX, TCCXQ,
COE-004-x-USB-021-yy-C 1/2.9" 720 x 540 0,4 6.9pix IMX287 CMOS Global M/C USB 3.0 520 C color TCZRS, TCBENCH,
Infrared cut TCCRBENCH,
mono Glass, PCHI, PCBP, PCPW, MC,
COE-016-x-USB-021-yy-C 1/2.9" 1456 x 1088 1.5 3.45pix IMX273 CMOS Global M/C USB 3.0 165 C color MC3-03X, MCSM, MCZR,
Infrared cut MZMT12X, ENMT,
mono Glass, ENMP, ENHR, ENVF
COE-050-x-USB-023-yy-C 1/2.5" 2592 x 1944 5 2.2pix AR0521 CMOS Rolling M/C USB 3.0 30 C color
Infrared cut


mono Glass, TCLWD, TCCX, TCCXQ,
COE-013-x-USB-030-yy-C 1/2" 1280 x 1024 1.3 4.8pix Python1300 CMOS Global M/C USB 3.0 170 C color TCZRS, TCBENCH,
Infrared cut TCCRBENCH,
mono Glass, MC3-03X, MCSM,
COE-063-x-USB-040-yy-C 1/1.8" 3096 x 2080 6.4 2.4pix IMX178 CMOS Rolling M/C USB 3.0 40 C color MCZR, MZMT12X,
Infrared cut ENMT, ENMP, ENHR,

mono Glass,
COE-050-x-USB-050-yy-C-A 2/3" 2448x2048 5 3.45pix IMX250 CMOS Global M/C USB 3.0 75 C color
Infrared cut
mono Glass, TCEDGEVIS, PC, PCCD,
COE-050-x-USB-050-yy-C 2/3" 2464 x 2056 5 3.45pix IMX264 CMOS Global M/C USB 3.0 35 C color PCHI, PCPW, PCMP,
Infrared cut TCCAGE, MC, MC3-
mono Glass,
COE-023-x-USB-060-yy-C 1/1.2" 1936 x 1216 2.3 5.86pix IMX249 CMOS Global M/C USB 3.0 40 C color
Infrared cut


mono Glass, TCCRBENCH,
COE-053-x-USB-070-yy-C 1" 2592 x 2048 5.3 4.8pix Python5000 CMOS Global M/C USB 3.0 60 C color TCEDGEVIS, MC,
Infrared cut MC3-03X, MCSM,


mono Glass, TCCRBENCH,
COE-089-x-USB-070-yy-C 1" 4112 x 2176 8.9 3.45pix IMX267 CMOS Global M/C USB 3.0 30 C color PCHI, PCPW, PCMP,
Infrared cut


mono Glass, TCCRBENCH,
COE-123-x-USB-080-yy-C 1.1" 4112 x 3008 12.3 3.45pix IMX304 CMOS Global M/C USB 3.0 20 C color TCEDGEVIS, MC,
Infrared cut MC3-03X, MCSM,

1 Frame rate relative to the monochrome version.

Ordering information:
How to order M = Monochrome
C = Color • Alle COE-U are Power over USB3.0 supported.
• Alle COE-U are C-mount.
YY Glass / Infrared cut filter supported • Specific product datasheet and user manual are available at


mvBlueFOX3-2 series
USB 3.0 GenICam® cameras with Sony Pregius CMOS sensors


High quality sensors

New SONY Pregius CMOS Global shutter sensors provide high
quality images.

Frame Rate up to 164 Hz

High frame rate ideal for high speed applications.

256 MB RAM
Internal memory up to 256 MB guarantees no image loss.

Large FPGA on board

Reduces CPU load and allows more features to be added.

Full GenICam® compliance

User friendly GenICam® compliant SDK package provides more
flexibility to Vision Systems.

mvBlueFOX3-2 series includes USB3 Vision® cameras equipped features. Extra features like Burst Mode, Counter/Timers, and
with the latest SONY Pregius Global Shutter CMOS Sensors, which Color Processing can simplify your multi-function vision system
deliver high resolution, high frame rate, low noise and excellent configuration in a snap!
Price / Quality Ratio. The fully GenICam® compliant mvIMPACT SDK allows the vision
Opto Engineering® selected a set of cameras that are tailored for system to be more flexible. Complete documentation of the SDK
industrial applications, based on high image quality, compactness, gives you access to many special camera features that could simplify
robustness and ease of use. Large RAM and FPGA on board provide your vision system development. The driver of the mvBlueFOX3-w
quick and reliable image data processing without overloading your cameras is supported by a wide range of third-party software
CPU, also giving you the opportunity to easily implement custom packages, Fabimage, e.g. Halcon, Matlab, Labview, etc.

Sensor specifications Camera specifications Compatibility

Part Image sensor Resolution Mpixel Pixel size Sensor name Sensor type Shutter type Interface Frame rate Optics
number format (pixel) (µm) 2 (Hz)
RT-mvBF3-2004 1/2.9" 728 x 544 0.40 6.90 IMX287 CMOS Global USB 3.0 436
RT-mvBF3-2016 1/2.9" 1456 x 1088 1.58 3.45 IMX273 CMOS Global USB 3.0 226.1 TC, TCCR, TCSM, TCLWD,
RT-mvBF3-2032a 1/1.8" 2064 x 1544 3.19 3.45 IMX265 CMOS Global USB 3.0 55 TCCX, TCCXQ, TCZRS, TCBENCH,
RT-mvBF3-2032 1/1.8" 2064 x 1544 3.19 3.45 IMX252 CMOS Global USB 3.0 123.5 / 119 1 PCCD, PCHI, PCBP, PCPW, PCMP,
RT-mvBF3-2064 3 1/1.8" 3096 x 2080 6.44 2.40 IMX178 CMOS Rolling USB 3.0 50.1 MCZR, MZMT12X, ENMT, ENMP,
RT-mvBF3-2051a 2/3" 2464 x 2056 5.07 3.45 IMX264 CMOS Global USB 3.0 35.6 ENHR, ENVF

RT-mvBF3-2051 2/3" 2464 x 2056 5.07 3.45 IMX250 CMOS Global USB 3.0 80.5 / 75 1
RT-mvBF3-2024a 1/1.2" 1936 x 1216 2.35 5.86 IMX249 CMOS Global USB 3.0 41
RT-mvBF3-2024 1/1.2" 1936 x 1216 2.35 5.86 IMX174 CMOS Global USB 3.0 164 / 161 1
RT-mvBF3-2089a 1" 4112 x 2176 8.95 3.45 IMX267 CMOS Global USB 3.0 32.2 TC2MHR, TC4MHR, TCCR2M,
RT-mvBF3-2089 1" 4112 x 2176 8.95 3.45 IMX255 CMOS Global USB 3.0 47.5 EN2M, ENUV2M, EN4K
RT-mvBF3-2124a 1.1" 4112 x 3008 12.37 3.45 IMX304 CMOS Global USB 3.0 23.2
RT-mvBF3-2124 1.1" 4112 x 3008 12.37 3.45 IMX253 CMOS Global USB 3.0 34.6 / 30.7 1

1 Burst mode / streaming. Burst mode buffers the acquired images and decouples the acqusition
from the image output. That way, you can use the sensor’s maximum frame rate independently
of the available bandwidth.
2 EMVA1288 measurement data of gray scale version.
3 SONY Starvis CMOS Rolling Shutter sensor.

Ordering information
• All cameras are available in monochrome or color version at no extra cost.
• IR cut filter integrated by default. Other filters can be integrated on request at no extra cost.
• I/O port available on request.
• Cameras are available in OEM board version.

Suitable filters for your lighting situation or environmental Large camera FPGA reduces CPU load of your host system.
condition. Extra FPGA space allows more features and modifications to be
Choose between daylight cut (Cold Mirror), IR cut (Hot Mirror) or implemented. Custom features can also be supplied.
glass (without filter).

For counting and triggering events, counters are a handy With the internal image memory, no image will be lost again.
feature for many applications. The internal memory buffers images and enables useful features
The counter allows you to generate variable output signals, control like Record / Playback, Pre-trigger as well as sequence recordings.
illumination systems, synchronize multiple cameras, and a lot more.

Mechanical specifications

Dimension (mm) 39.8 x 39.8 x 37.7

Weight (g) 94

Mount C
- Burst mode
Electrical specifications - On board color processing
Interface USB 3.0 (5 GB/s)
- Additional information via data stream
USB 3.0 Micro-B, lockable
Connectors - Sequence recording using parameter sets
Hirose Type 12 Pin, lockable (optional)

RAM 256 MB
- Event notifications
2 inputs (opto-isolated) 3-24V +/-1V
I/O interface (optional)
4 outputs (opto-isolated) up to 24V, 7mA

Power consumption (W) < 4.5

Operating temperature (°C) 0 to 45

Operating humidity (%RH) 30 to 80 FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE ACCESSORIES

Storage temperature (°C) -20 to 60 CBUSB3001
p. 266
Storage humidity (%RH) 20 to 90 CBGPIO001


COE HR AS-X series

20 MP, 26MP and 29MP area scan cameras for high-speed applications

COE High Resolution Area Scan-X Cameras are built for high KEY ADVANTAGES
resolution and high speed inspections. They feature sensors up
to 35mm format with large 5.5um pixels for excellent sensitivity The best cameras you can buy right now
and well matched optics from the Opto Engineering Macro 12K or The cameras feature the highest resolution sensors and best image
Telecentric 16M series. quality maintaining an extremely interesting quality/price ratio.

Mated with CameraLink, 10GigE or USB 3.0, they offer the fastest Available in GigE, USB 3.0, CameraLink, 10GigE
frame rates possible with the latest interfaces. COE HR AS-X are GigE allows flexible connectivity, while USB 3.0 offers high speed
GigEVision®, USB3 Vision® and GenICam® compliant. with easy access. Camera Link offers high speed data rates and
direct accessing of the camera sensor while 10GigE gives highest
These cameras are specifically tested to work with the Opto throughput for Ethernet connectivity.
Engineering® lenses and illuminators, to increase measurement
accuracy when using telecentric backlighting to pull every last detail Full GenICam® compliant: easy to integrate
out of your inspection while maintaining a cost-effective system. COE HR AS-X are GigEVision®, USB3 Vision® and GenICam®
compliant, making software integration quick and easy.
With many years of experience in the Machine Vision sector, Opto
Engineering® offers a series of high resolution, high performance 120 MB On-board image buffer
cameras to answer your needs. The internal memory up to 120MB guarantees no image loss
and enables useful features like Record / Playback and sequence

Optics to match
Many Opto Engineering® Telecentric and Macro lenses match these
sensors for the best optical performance.


COE I/O cables p. 266

CBETH003, CBUSB3001 p. 266


COE HR AS-X series

20 MP, 26MP and 29MP area scan cameras for high-speed applications

Sensor specifications Camera specifications Compatibility

Part number Image Resolution Mpixel Pixel Sensor Sensor Shutter Mono / Interface Frame CL CL Mount Filter Optics
sensor size name type type Color rate connec- config-
format tor uration
(pixel) (μm) (Hz) 3 3

COE-200-x-z-070-yy-C 1 1" 5544 x 3692 20.4 2.4 IMX183 CMOS Rolling M/C / / C TCDP Plus,
USB 3.0 USB 14 color

F mount, TC16M,
COE-260-M-10GIGE-100-yy 2 APS−H 5120 x 5120 26.0 4.5 Python 25K CMOS Global M 10GIGE 40 / / M58x0.75 TC12M,
FD11.48 MC12K

F mount, Glass,
GIGE, GIGE 4, base /
COE-290-x-z-110-yy-B 2 35 mm 6576 x 4384 29.0 5.5 KAI29050 CCD Global M/C 2x SDR M58x0.75
CL CL 4.3 mid color
FD11.48 Infrared

F mount, TC16M,
GIGE, GIGE 4, base / mono
COE-290-M-z-110-yy-A 2 35 mm 6576 x 4384 29.0 5.5 KAI29050 CCD Global M 2x SDR M58x0.75 MC12K,
CL CL 4.3 mid Glass
FD11.48 EN4K

M58x0.75 mono
COE-290-M-GIGE-110-yy-I-N 35 mm 6576 x 4384 29.0 5.5 KAI29050 CCD Global M GIGE 4 / /
FD11.48 Glass

1 PoE supported. Some part numbers have been discontinued. Please check availability on
2 Fan supported.
3 For Camera Link models only.

Ordering information:
How to order
• Specific product datasheet, user manual and recommended Capture Card are available at

M = Monochrome
C = Color

YY Glass / Infrared cut filter supported

POE = GigE PoE

Z USB = USB 3 interface
CL = Camera Link interface
- C = C mount
- F = F mount
- I = M58x0.75 FD11.48


COE HR AS series
29 MP, 48MP and 71MP area scan cameras for high-speed applications


High quality rugged design

Using the latest industrial components, these cameras are built to
last and allow for extended temperature ranges.

Available in USB 3.0 and Camera Link

Camera Link offers high speed data rates, and direct accessing of
the camera sensor.

Excellent image quality

Built-in features include pixel correction, column defect correction,
white balancing, flat-field correction.

Optics to match
Many Opto Engineering® Telecentric lenses match these 35mm
sensors for the best optical performance.

COE High Resolution Area Scan cameras are designed to Fan cooling insures minimum dark current and excellent image
provide high-resolution images, using the latest High Res sensors quality. Sensors are 3-point mounted for edge-to-edge sharpness
that offer both quality and speed. The rugged design allows these and flatness across the entire image. Additional features include:
high-resolution sensors to perform under harsh conditions in the low smear, blooming suppression, 12-bit data paths, advanced
most demanding environments. triggering and built-in detectors that analyze camera performance,
Several image quality enhancing features include pixel correction, and image processing to remove sensor defects.
column defect correction, flat-field correction, white balancing and
much more. Combined with our large format TC16M telecentric COE HR AS cameras are available in USB 3.0 or Camera Link,
optics, or our MC12K Macro Lens, you have a winning solution! offering high speeds and reliability. Different filter options and a
COE HR AS cameras are purpose built for inspection applications choice of lens mount allow for easy integration that is perfect for
by utilizing the highest resolution sensors available. These cameras measurement applications, high resolution inspection, security and
have all the rugged features, such as industrial design, military de- more.
rated components, and a CNC machined case.

Sensor specifications Camera specifications Compatibility

Part number Image sensor Resolution Mpixel Pixel Sensor Sensor Shutter Interface Frame CL CL Mount Optics
format size name type type rate connector configuration
(mm) (pixel) (µm) (Hz)
USB 3.0
COE 29xUSB3yy-z 35 6576 x 4384 29 5.5 KAI-29050 CCD Global shutter USB 3.0 2 - -
F-mount, TC16M,
COE 50xUSB3yy-z 35 7920 x 6004 48 4.6 CMV50000 CMOS Global shutter USB 3.0 6.8 - - M58x0.75 MC12K,
FD12.96 EN4K
COE 71xUSB3yy-z 35 10000 x 7094 71 3.1 CHR70M CMOS Rolling shutter USB 3.0 3 - -

Camera Link
COE 29xCLyy-z 35 6576 x 4384 29 5.5 KAI-29050 CCD Global shutter Camera Link 4 1X MDR base
F-mount, TC16M,
COE 50xCLyy-z 35 7920 x 6004 48 4.6 CMV50000 CMOS Global shutter Camera Link 27.3 4x SDR full/dual full M58x0.75 MC12K,
FD12.96 EN4K
COE 71xCLyy-z 35 10000 x 7094 71 3.1 CHR70M CMOS Rolling shutter Camera Link 3 2x SDR base/mid/full

Some part numbers have been discontinued. Please check availability on

Ordering information: Examples:

How to order • COE50CCLSK-K is for a 48 megapixel, Camera Link, Skylight filter, K-mount camera.
• COE71MUSB3IR-F is for a 71MP, USB 3.0, IR filter, F-mount.
• All cameras are available in monochrome or color version at no extra cost.
COE 29 x USB3 yy -z
• Custom OEM camera versions available upon request.
-K= M58x0.75 FD12.96
50 = CMV50000
71 = CHR70M IR = IR filter COE-6P-MALE, CBUSB3001 p. 266
SK = Skylight/glass filter

M = Monochrome USB3 = USB3 interface COE-PS-UNIVERSAL p. 264

C = color CL = Camera Link


COE HR LS series
57.3 mm line scan CMOS sensors for high-speed scanning


High resolution at high speed

Ideally suited for the inspection of large-area flat panel displays and
document scanning.

Advanced Power control

With advanced power control, the COE-8K and COE-16K can be
used in large arrays with confidence.

Flat Field correction

Dark Signal Non-Uniformity (DSNU) Correction is used to correct
dark field offset within the sensor. Photo Response Non-Uniformity
(PRNU) is used to correct the difference in pixel response and the
change in response due to optical or light source differences.

Camera Link ouput for reliable, fast performance

Provides maximum speed and resolution.

On-board user data storage

On-board user data storage provides customizations for advanced

COE High Resolution Line Scan cameras are designed to provide The camera FPGA includes Photo Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU)
high speed capture using one or two lines of pixels to construct which is used to correct the difference in pixel response and the
an image as the camera or part is moved under the sensor. This change in response due to optical or light source differences. This
allows large areas to be captured for difficult inspections, such as correction guarantees the highest quality image.
web material, paper products, wire, or flat panel displays, without
the need for high speed area scan cameras. With advanced power control, the COE HR LS cameras can be used
in large arrays with confidence.
COE HR LS cameras use the latest AMS/Awaiba Dragster sensors
that offers unequaled sensitivity, bandwidth and signal-to-noise The M72 mount is ideal to mount our TC12K line scan lenses, and
ratio. With advanced power control, the COE8K and COE16K can be the MC12K macro lenses. Combined with Opto Engineering®
used in large arrays with confidence. On-board user data storage lenses and illuminators, we can assist in building a fast, reliable and
provides customization for advanced applications. cost-effective system.

COE HR LS cameras are available with monochrome sensors and

are Camera Link only. This guarantees the fastest and most reliable
output that makes this camera ideal for large area flat-panel COE-6P-FEMALE p. 266
inspection systems, printed material inspection, PCB inspection and
much more.

Sensor specifications Camera specifications Compatibility

Part number Image sensor Resolution Pixel Sensor Sensor Shutter Interface Line CL CL Mount Optics Lights
format size name type type rate connector configuration
(mm) (pixel) (µm) (Hz)
COE 8KLSMCL-G 57.3 8192 x 1 7 DR-8K-7 CMOS Global linear Camera Link 77k 2x MDR full  M72x0.75 FD12 TC12K,
COE 16KLSMCL-G 57.3 16384 x 1 3.5 DR-16K-3.5 CMOS Global linear Camera Link 55k 4x MDR full/dual full M72x0.75 FD12 MC12K

Ordering information
• Available in Monochrome only
• Camera Link only.
• M72x0.75, FD12 mount.
• Specific product datasheet, user manual and recommended Capture Card are available at


Machine vision software competence

Software skills of the Opto Engineering® group for machine vision product design


Multiple software competencies in one group

Extensive know how in imaging components and vision system
design for manufacturability.

Innovator’s mindset
Out of the box mentality to create and offer groundbreaking
technologies and solutions.

Simple works better

User friendly products that require little
or no effort to install and use.

Nowadays, a wide range of design activities are done or supported

by task-specific software.
Mechanical engineers use CAD software, optical designers use Optical
optical modeling software and so do many other engineers with design
different specialties.
GUI Mechanical
When talking about software in the machine vision industry, the
development design
first thought goes to image processing software.
However, solving machine vision applications requires multiple
software competencies as well as skilled professionals capable INDUSTRIAL
of developing products and solutions with the aid of dedicated APPLICATIONS
software tools. Embedded
From optical and mechanical design to FPGA or driver Computer
programming, going through image processing libraries and vision
GUI development, rarely has a single organization had all these
competencies internally.

Our software competencies for machine vision product design are:

• Optical Design: we are able to design and optimize many types of lenses for industrial use, with accurate manufacturing tolerance analysis
and specific test protocols.
• Mechanical Design: we can do to the full mechanical design of any machine vision component such as optics, illuminators, cameras,
and even of complete vision systems.
• Embedded system programming: our team can program different types of FPGAs and microcontrollers and develop specific firmware
and drivers for custom electronic boards.
• Image Processing: we are competent in traditional image processing techniques and we utilize the most current computer
science/mathematical technologies to highlight the features of interest in an image.
• Computer Vision: we can develop algorithms to train a machine to understand what it sees through one or more cameras,
converting features extracted from an image into output information - I.e. the compliance of a product.  
• GUI Development: we are able to develop standalone graphic interfaces, web-based programs and entire HMI packages
for machine vision systems.


A vision system is a computer based system that can see and

provide analytical feedback on what it sees. In order to do this, the
most various types of software are required. Optical
Opto Engineering® PENSO® and ALBERT® are self-learning
machines that learn the characteristics of a product directly from GUI Mechanical
the production line and autonomously determine its quality for development design
sorting purposes. These advanced systems were developed thanks
to our group’s multidisciplinary expertise in optomechanical design, AI
embedded system programming, artificial intelligence, computer VISON UNITS
vision, image processing and GUI development.
Computer system
vision programming

The design of a motorized optical system needs to consider the

harsh industrial environment where the product may be deployed
as well as customers’ expectations for long service life. Many
zoom lenses on the market integrate motion mechanisms that fail
prematurely or end up being inaccurate after a number of cycles.

In order to make robust and repeatable zoom systems with easy

to use functions, we gathered our experts in optical modeling,
mechanical design, driver development. The result is our TCZRS,
MZMT12X, ENMT* motorized zoom lens series which guarantee
very stable, flexible and precise performance.

system Mechanical
programming design

* ENMT series has been discontinued. Today the last pieces are available at special price.

The list of software we use and we are proficient in includes:


Machine vision software and libraries

FabImage Studio Professional


No low-level programming knowledge required.

Data-flow based software.

Fast and optimized algorithms.

1000+ high performance functions.

Custom machine vision filters.

FabImage Studio Professional is data-flow based software Also, the architecture is highly flexible, ensuring that users can easily
designed for machine vision engineers. It does not require any adapt the product to the way they work and to specific requirements
programming skills, but it is still so powerful that it can win even of any project.
against solutions based on low-level programming libraries.



Drag & Drop You Can See Everything HMI Designer

All programming is done by choosing Inspection results are visualized on You can easily create custom graphical
filters and connecting them with each multiple configurable data previews; user interfaces and thus build the entire
other. You can focus all your attention on and when a parameter in the program machine vision application using a single
computer vision. is changed, you can see the previews software package.
updated in real time.


Over 1000 Ready-for-Use Filters Hardware Acceleration Loops and Conditions

There are over 1000 ready-for-use The filters are aggressively optimized for Without writing a single line of code,
machine filters tested and optimized the SSE technology and for multicore you can create custom and scalable
on hundreds of applications. They have processors. Our implementations are program flows. Loops, conditions and
many advanced capabilities such as ones of the fastest in the world! subprograms (macrofilters) are realized
outlier suppression, subpixel precision or with appropriate data-flow constructs in
any-shape region-of-interest. the graphical way.


GigE Vision and GenTL Support User Filters C++ Code Generator
FabImage Studio is a GigE Vision You can use user filters to integrate your Programs created in FabImage Studio
compliant product, supporting the own C/C++ code with the benefits of can be exported to C++ code or to .NET
GenTL interface, as well as a number of visual programming. assemblies. This makes it very easy to
vendor-specific APIs. Thus, you can use it integrate your vision algorithms with
with Opto Engineering® cameras and applications created in C++, C# or VB
most cameras available on the market, programming languages.
including models from Matrix Vision,
Allied Vision, Basler, Baumer, Dalsa,
PointGrey, Photon Focus and XIMEA and

Configurable data
Daflow program previews



Intuitive HMI


There are over 1000 filters encompassing both basic transformations and specialized machine vision tools.

• Image processing • Shape fitting • Barcode reading • Template Matching • Support vector machines

• Blob analysis • Camera calibration • Data code reading • Measurements • GigE Vision and GenTL

• Contour analysis • Fourier analysis • Corner detection • Histogram analysis

• Planar geometry • Hough transform • 1D profile analysis • OCR


FabImage Library Suite is a machine vision library for C++

and .NET programmers. It provides a comprehensive set of inImage inMinValue
functions for creating industrial image analysis applications - from
inRoi inMaxValue
standard-based image acquisition interfaces, through low-level
image processing routines, to ready-made tools such as template outMonoImage inFuzziness
matching, measurements or barcode readers.

void ThresholdImage
The main strengths of the product include the highest performance,
modern design and simple structure making it easy to integrate with const Image& inImage,
the rest of your code. Optional<const Region&> inRoi,
Optional<real> inMinValue,
Optional<real> inMaxValue,
real inFuzziness,
Image& outMonoImage


Performance Modern Design Simplicity & Consistency

In FabImage Library Suite careful design All types of data feature automatic The library is a simple collection of types
of algorithms goes hand in hand with memory management, errors are and functions, provided as a single
extensive hardware optimizations, handled explicitly with exceptions and DLL file with appropriate headers. For
resulting in performance that puts the optional types are used for type-safe maximum readability, functions follow
library among the fastest in the world. special values. All functions are thread- consistent naming convention (e.g. the
Our implementations make use of SSE safe and use data parallelism internally, VERB + NOUN form as in: SmoothImage,
instructions and parallel computations when possible. RotateVector). All results are returned
on multicore processors. via reference output parameters, so that
many outputs are always possible.


Fabimage studio pro

In this application, we need to sort nails amongst nuts and bolts. The image is thresholded and the resulting regions are split into blobs;
finally, the blobs are classified by their elongation and the nails are easily found.

This example shows a basic ReadBarcodes filter. The tool automatically find the barcode and gives as output the decoded text.

FabImage Library Suite

Below is an elementary, yet complete, example of acquiring images from a GigE Vision camera, thresholding them and saving to files on disk,
all done with FabImage Library Suite (C++).


License types License carriers

There are two types of commercial licenses: There are two types of license carriers:

• Development: assigned to a single engineer. It includes one • Computer-ID: these licenses are stored in a computer file and
year of technical support, which can be extended with an annual work only with a specific computer.
fee. Valid technical support also gives you the right to upgrade the
software to newer versions and provides a discount on runtime • USB dongle: these licenses are stored on a device that can be
licenses. used with many different computers (but still by only one person in
case of development licenses).
• Runtime: assigned to a single vision system. You can use one
license for one multi-camera system, but multiple licenses are
required to control multiple independent systems, even if run on
a single physical computer. There are two flavors: ‘Studio Runtime’
and ‘Library Runtime’.


Software library & stand-alone tools for the optimization of telecentric setups


State-of-the-art algorithms for distortion calibration.

Ensure the best focus and alignment with fast and intuitive
stand-alone tools.

Maximize the system performance to achieve the best

measurment results.


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

TCLIB Suite is a C++ based computer vision software designed to TCLIB Suite helps improving the quality of the system, providing the
optimize the optical performances of a telecentric setup, typically best possible images for your chosen metrology software to get the
used for measurement purposes. With the use of both a .dll library best achievable measurement results. In fact, any edge detection,
and dedicated stand-alone tools, makes it easy to take care of all pattern matching and calibration software will be more accurate and
aspects of a typical telecentric setup (focusing, alignments, distortion reliable if based on well aligned, homogeneously backlit, undistorted
calibration) which, if not properly addressed, can affect negatively images.
the results of measurements.

TCLIB Suite includes:

• Dedicated tools to take care of the basics of a measurement The stand-alone tools and the distortion calibration functions are
system setup: alignment of telecentric lens and collimated light, used offline, when the initial optimization and calibration of the
alignment of the object plane, best focus (TCLIB-APP) machine is needed. The distortion correction, on the other hand,
• A set of algorithms (C++ library) to calculate the distortion map of is based on fast and reliable algorithms which allow the system to
a system and correct in live mode every new image acquired by the stream adjusted images in live mode.
system (TCLIB), plus all the functions developed in the TCLIB-APP.


Image is captured
The distortion map
by TCLIB-APP using TCLIB-APP.exe TCLIB.lib
resulting from the
the GenICam® protocol.
CHOSEN phase is used
MEASUREMENT by TCLIB to calculate
Distortion SOFTWARE the corrected image.
removal tool.

TC lens - collimated light

alignment tool. Best focus tool. The chosen measurement sofware
Object plane provide optimal results thanks to the
alignment tool. provided image quality.

What is distortion calibration?

Every time we use an optical system, i.e. a lens and matching camera, we must face the issue of distortion. The optical distortion of the
system can be defined as a bias which causes a set of points to be imaged in different relative positions than the real ones.
A typical example is a straight line which is imaged as curved because of the lens distortion Fig.1 shows the effect of distortion on a
calibration pattern.

Fig. 1 Undistorted real pattern (green circles)

vs. Imaged (black dots) distortion pattern.

The mathematical transformation connecting the original undistorted field of view to the distorted image can be very hard to model, also
considering that it can change considerably through the field of view itself.

The first effect of distortion on metrology is the loss of repeatability of the measurements: since an object feature “looks” slightly different
depending on where the object is located on the FoV because of distortion, the value of a measurement on that feature will be likely to
change every time the object is removed and put back again.

Fig. 2 Gaussian distribution of repeated measures. Blue, red and orange distributions
represent the same result ( µ = 0 ) with different repeatability (best for blue). The green
0.8 bell curve represents a wrong (but repeatable) result, e.g. biased by a fixed offset.

F (x)


µ = 0, σ 2 = 0.2

0.2 µ = 0, σ 2 = 1.0

µ = 0, σ 2 = 5.0
0.0 µ = -2, σ 2 = 0.5
-4 -2 0 2 4

If we measure a through-hole diameter 100 times, the distribution We can thus establish a direct method to compare the accuracy
of the results can be approximated by a gaussian curve: results requirements: if the tolerance on a measurement is given as
close to the average are very frequent, whereas very different multiples of its specific sigma value, we consequently state the
results are unlikely. likelihood of an out-of-tolerance part to present itself. A two
sigma compliant object will be within tolerance 95% of the times.
The repeatability of the measure is related to the width of the A three sigma object will have a 99.7% confidence level, rising to
bell: the thinner the width, the harder it will be to find a measure 99.99999% at 5 sigma.
far away from the average. In other words, a certain feature (e.g.
a length) will be «almost the same, almost every time». Suppose your distribution has an average value of 150 mm and
On the other hand, a wide bell represents the situation in sigma = 1 mm. The associated error depends on the confidence
which we can’t tell whether a measure is actually different from value for your application. In fact, we can state in the feature
the expected value (e.g. because it’s a defective part) or it’s a specs that its length is 150 mm +/- 3 mm, and this will be true
statistically expected outlier given by the low repeatability of our 99.7% of the time. On the other hand, if we want 1 mm to be a
measurement system. 3 sigma tolerance, we must improve our measurement process
until 1 sigma = 0.33 mm.
The typical width used is called sigma (or “full width at half
maximum”, FWHM), and it’s directly related to the repeatability.

Aligning of lens and collimated light source

This tool assists the operator in getting the most homogeneous illumination possible.

Getting the best homogeneity of the illumination is the first fundamental step for a good measurement system, since this spec affecs the
reliability of any set of edge detection algorithms.

The tool works in live mode, giving a visual feedback on the alignment. The FOV is divided in ROIs, each one having a color feedback regarding
the alignment:

RED: not homogeneous YELLOW: discrete homogeneity GREEN: good homogeneity

Aligning the object plane

A good alignment of the object plane with the optical axis is essential. Consequences of misalignment are:

• In a backlighting condition we are looking at the object projection, not at its actual profile, hence the image might be affected by some
compressions along certain directions

• Some features might not be at the best focus at the same time, thus compromising the quality of the edge for the measurement.

Best Focus

This tool gives a numeric index for every image, indicating the proximity to the best focus.

Distortion correction

This tool allows to eliminate the residual optical distortion from telecentric lens – however small, this value must be as close to zero as possible
to achieve optimum results. From a single picture of a chessboard pattern covering the whole FoV (such as Opto Engineering® PT series), we get
all the information needed to get rid of distortion.

The procedure steps are the following:

• Acquire a single image of the calibration pattern (offline)

• From the picture, a distortion map is created (offline)

• The distortion map is saved on a reference file

• The distortion is eliminated on every new image acquired, recalling the saved distortion map (online)

Step 1. and 2. mean to calibrate the system, hence they are needed just once. Step 4. is repeated on every new image acquired.
All these functions are integrated in the library .dll file and in a demo stand-alone software. The demo application can be used for test purpose
or to obtain the distortion map, whereas for the actual online correction, the integration of the .dll file is recommended.


360LIB Suite
Software library and stand-alone tools for the optimization of 360° optics setups


State-of-the-art algorithms for unwrapping and correction of


Ensure the best image for OCR/OCV/barcode reading with

pericentric optics.

Maximize the system performances to achieve the best results

with 360° optics.


Area scan cameras p. 196-205

360LIB Suite is a C++ based computer vision software designed it easy to take care of all the aspects of a typical 360° optics setup
to optimize the performances of a 360° optics setup, as the ones (correction of decentering and unwrapping) which, if not properly
typically used for single camera, lateral inspection purposes. With the addressed, can affect negatively the results of the inspection, such
use of both a .dll library and dedicated stand-alone tools, it makes as OCR/OCV/barcode reading.

360LIB Suite includes:

• A dedicated tool to create and save a correction map for objects seen from a pericentric lens (PC/PCHI/PCCD) when there is a slight decentering
• A set of algorithms (library) to apply the correction map to live images and also unwrap them, outputting the rectified lateral view together with
the original top view of the object (360LIB).

Although specific for lenses of the Pericentric family (PC, PCCD and PCHI), the library is open to customization dedicated to other lenses of the
360° optics family, to help you even more.


Image is captured
The image map from
by 360LIB-APP using 360LIB-APP.exe 360LIB.lib
the setup/optimization
the GenICam® protocol.
phase is used by 360LIB
to provide the unwrapped
Unwrapping setup tools.

The chosen image processing software

provides optimal results thanks
to the corrected image.

Raw image: object is well centered under the lens. Raw image: object is slightly decentered under the lens.




Diameter Diameter

Unwrapped image: a single continuous image of the top and lateral surfaces of the object is automatically generated.

TCLIB corrects distortion and unwraps the image even

when the object is slightly off-centered. The lateral and top
surfaces of the objects are captured within the same image.


CMHO series
Clamping mechanics

The accurate alignment of optical components is crucial to the

accuracy of a measurement system. In addition to the stability of
the optical components, the system mechanical design must ensure
that the optical axis is orthonormal to the measurement plane.

For this purpose Opto Engineering® supplies CMHO series

clamping mechanics, compatible with our telecentric lenses and
collimated illuminators.

Three-point mounting grants very precise and stable alignment of

the optical components, also making the assembly process quick
and simple.

Assembling a TC lens on a CMHO clamping support

Compatibility Mechanical specifications
Part Optics and robotics CMPT Length Width Height Optical axis
number plates height
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CMHO 023 TC2300y, TC23012, TC4M00y-x, LTCLHP023-x 004-009 20.0 53.0 66.5 40.0
CMHO 016 TCxx016, TCxMHR016-x, TC12M016-F, LTCLHP016-x, TCLWD series 016-024 20.0 62.5 71.2 40.0
CMHO 024 TCxx024, TCxMHR024-x, TC12M024-F, LTCLHP024-x 016-024 20.0 62.5 71.2 40.0
CMHO 036 TCxx036, TCxMHR036-x, TC12M036-F, TC16M036-x, LTCLHP036-x 036 110.0 97.0 125.5 80.0
CMHO 048 TCxx048, TCxMHR048-x, TC12M048-F, TC16M048-x, LTCLHP048-x 048 140.0 111.0 132.5 80.0
CMHO 056 TCxx056, TCxMHR056-x, TC12M056-F, TC16M056-x, LTCLHP056-x 056 162.0 116.0 135.0 80.0
CMHO 064 TCxx064, TCxMHR064-x, TC16M064-x, LTCLHP064-x 064 175.0 137.0 145.0 80.0
CMHO 080 TC23072, TCxx080, TCxMHR080-x, TC16M080-x, LTCLHP080-x, PCxx030XS 080 230.0 153.0 152.0 80.0
CMHO 096 TC23085, TCxx096, TCxMHR096-x, TC16M096-x, LTCLHP096-x 096 265.0 179.0 186.5 100.0
CMHO 120 TC23110, TCxx120, TCxMHR120-x, TC12M120-F, TC16M120-x, LTCLHP120-x - 204.0 220.0 240.0 130.0
CMHO 144 TC23130, TCxx144, TCxMHR144-x, TC12M144-F, TC16M144-x, LTCLHP144-x - 204.0 232.0 247.0 130.0
CMHO 192 TC23172, TCxx192, TCxMHR192-x, TC12M192-F, TC16M192-x, TC12K192, LTCLHP192-x - 255.0 330.0 303.1 173.0
CMHO 240 TC23200, TC23240, TCxMHR240-x, TC12M240-F, TC16M240-x, LTCLHP240-x, TC12K240 - 170.0 410.0 377.2 216.2

For TC12K
CMHO TC12K 064 TC12K064 - 486.0 152.0 150.0 85.0
CMHO TC12K 080 TC12K080 - 486.0 152.0 158.0 85.0

For TC16M
CMHO TC16M 009 TC16M009-x - 143.0 66.5 81.3 50.0
CMHO TC16M 012 TC16M012-x - 143.0 66.5 81.3 50.0
CMHO TC16M 018 TC16M018-x - 143.0 66.5 81.3 50.0

For MC12K
CMHO MC12K 025 MC12K008-025 - 140.0 111.0 132.5 80.0
CMHO MC12K 067 MC12K050-067 - 140.0 111.0 132.5 80.0
CMHO MC12K 200 MC12K100-200 - 140.0 111.0 132.5 80.0

CMHO PCCD PCCDxxx - 139.0 76.0 20.0 92.0

For Robotics
CMHO RBCR 048 TCCRxx048, TCCRxM048-x, LTCLCR048-x - 292.0 117.0 160.5 105.0


CMPT series
Mounting plates

CMPT plates are mechanical components designed to build optical

benches for measurement applications.
Most Opto Engineering® telecentric lenses and illuminators can be
mounted on these plates using CMHO clamping mechanics.
For very accurate measurement applications, calibration patterns
can be precisely mounted in front of the lens with the CMPH pattern
holders, enabling perfect calibration of the optical system.

Compatibility Mechanical specifications

Part Clamping mechanics Pattern holders Length Width Thickness Weight

number CMHO CMPH

(mm) (mm) (mm) (g)
CMPT 004-009 023 004-024 199.6 56.0 10.0 286
CMPT 016-024 016, 024 004-024 226.8 66.5 10.0 385
CMPT 036 036 036-056 477.0 103.0 15.0 1950
CMPT 048 048 036-056 596.0 117.0 15.0 2770
CMPT 056 056 036-056 631.0 122.0 15.0 3060
CMPT 064 064 064-096 783.0 143.0 15.0 4460
CMPT 080 080 064-096 868.0 158.0 15.0 5470
CMPT 096 096 064-096 1005.0 185.0 20.0 9940

CMPH series
Pattern holders

Software calibration is accurate if pattern placement is accurate

too. To achieve that, Opto Engineering® offers specific CMPH
pattern holders to easily and precisely mount each calibration
pattern on its holding mechanics. The pattern is assembled on a
frame held by three magnets: this floating system allows pattern
phase adjustment and proper centering.


PTTC series p. 250

Compatibility Mechanical specifications

Part Patterns Width Height Thickness Weight
number PTTC
(mm) (mm) (mm) (g)
CMPH 004-024 004-009, 016-024 45.0 68.5 18.0 78
CMPH 036-056 036-056 81.0 123.1 22.5 257
CMPH 064-096 064-096 129.0 145.5 25.0 611


CMHOCR series
CORE series clamping mechanics

CMHOCR series are special mounting clamps for CORE telecentric

lenses and illuminators. CMHOCR mounting clamps have been
designed to give even more flexibility to the integration of CORE
lenses and illuminators.

Compatibility Mechanical specifications

Part Opto Engineering® optics Compatible Depth Width Height Optical axis Weight
number Illuminator height
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (g)
CMHOCR 048 TCCR12048, TCCR23048, TCCR2M048-x, TCCR4M048-x, LTCLCR048-x LTRN048-x 80 130.0 195.0 130.0 779

CMHOCR 056 TCCR12056, TCCR23056, TCCR2M056-x, TCCR4M056-x, LTCLCR056-x LTRN056-x 80 130.0 180.0 115.0 709
CMHOCR 064 TCCR12064, TCCR23064, TCCR2M064-x, TCCR4M064-x, LTCLCR064-x LTRN064-x 80 150.0 200.0 125.0 822
CMHOCR 080 TCCR12080, TCCR23080, TCCR2M080-x, TCCR4M080-x, LTCLCR080-x LTRN080-x 80 160.0 210.0 130.0 860
CMHOCR 096 TCCR12096, TCCR23096, TCCR2M096-x, TCCR4M096-x, LTCLCR096-x LTRN096-x 84 200.0 240.0 140.0 1297

CMPTCR series
CORE series mounting plates

CMPTCR series are mechanical components designed for CORE

Series telecentric lenses and illuminators. The specific design allows
the user to precisely mount CORE series telecentric lenses and
illuminators directly onto the plates without mounting clamps.

Compatibility Mechanical specifications

Part Clamping mechanics Length Width Thickness Weight
number CMHO
(mm) (mm) (mm) (g)
CMPTCR 048 TCCR12048, TCCR23048, TCCR2M048-x, TCCR4M048-x, LTCLCR048-x 352.0 130.0 15.0 1722
CMPTCR 056 TCCR12056, TCCR23056, TCCR2M056-x, TCCR4M056-x, LTCLCR056-x 424.0 135.0 15.0 2156
CMPTCR 064 TCCR12064, TCCR23064, TCCR2M064-x, TCCR4M064-x, LTCLCR064-x 474.0 140.0 15.0 2485
CMPTCR 080 TCCR12080, TCCR23080, TCCR2M080-x, TCCR4M080-x, LTCLCR080-x 578.0 170.0 20.0 5017
CMPTCR 096 TCCR12096, TCCR23096, TCCR2M096-x, TCCR4M096-x, LTCLCR096-x 696.0 190.0 20.0 6735


CMLT series
Mounting brackets for lighting

To simplify the mounting process of LED illuminators within any

machine vision system, Opto Engineering® offers a series of
brackets designed for positioning lights below, above or around the

Mechanical specifications Compatibility

Part N of brackets Description Fixing holes Length Width Height Compatible PNs
numbers included diameter
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

LTBRDC series
CMLT2PFL 2X 2X Ø 3.20 30 12 40 (LTZPFL040-00-6-x-24V, LTZPFL080-00-6-x-24V, LTZPFL120-00-6-x-24V,
40x30x12 mm
LTZPFL160-00-6-x-24V, LTZPFL200-00-6-x-24V)

CMLT2QOG040 1X 4X Ø 3.20 84 35 53 LT2QOG040-00-X-x-24V
84x53x35 mm

CMLT4WRG150-00-1 1X internal diameter 3X Ø 3.50, 4X M4 200 190 25 LT4WRG150-00-1-x-24V
167 mm

CMLT4WRG200-00-1 1X internal diameter 3X Ø 5.50, 4X M5 250 240 30 LT4WRG200-00-1-x-24V
214 mm

CMLT4WRG250-00-1 1X internal diameter 3X Ø 6.50, 4X M6 302 290 25 LT4WRG250-00-1-x-24V
266 mm

CMLTJA-M6-01 2X for vertical 3X Ø 6.50 51 27 51

L-bracket LTBC series

CMLTVA-M6-01 2X for horizontal 3X Ø 6.50 51 40 51 (LTBC054054-W, LTBC054054-G, LTBC114114-W, LTBC114114-G,
mounting LTBC174174-W, LTBC174174-G, LTBC234234-W, LTBC234234-G)

CMLTOA-M6-00 1X Join bracket 1X Ø 8.70 - 40 -


CMBS series
45° beam splitter


Ready to use and easy to setup.

Ideal to create coaxial illumination solutions.

50% transmission and 50% reflection.

Easy and secure clamping system.

Compatible with telecentric lenses and illuminators.

CMBS series is a collection of 50/50 plate beam splitter modules

designed to create highly efficient coaxial illumination solutions with
Opto Engineering® telecentric lenses and collimated illuminators.
This particular configuration allows for almost perfect coaxial
illumination of shiny or matte surfaces, with no stray light or hot

CMBS series is designed for 45° angle of incidence in the 430 - 670
nm waveband: one surface is beam-splitter coated while the other
side features anti-reflective VIS coating.

With the CMBS series, building the perfect coaxial illumination

telecentric setup is extremely easy: simply mount the telecentric
lens and the collimated illuminator into the appropriate ports, then
rotate the knobs to tighten the compression rings and secure the
lenses. Compatible protective windows are also available.

Coaxial illumination is especially useful to illuminate plain reflective

objects and effectively highlight flaws or dents, which appear in the
image as dark features. Whenever you are looking for a precise and
easy way to setup a coaxial illumination solution, CMBS series is the
ideal choice.

CMBS object distances (d) in mm

Compatible products TC series TCLWD series TC1MHR-4MHR series TC16M series TC12K series
036 048 056 064 072 080 xxx 036 048 056 064 080 036 048 056 064 080 064 080
CMBS 016 82.8
CMBS 036 20.1 20.1 19.6
CMBS 048 37.0 37.0 29.4
CMBS 056 50.7 50.7 41.4
CMBS 064 63.8 63.8 52.5 44.3
CMBS 080 90.1 90.1 90.1 60.4 19.8

Product combinations examples

TC23 036 + CMBS 036 + LTCLHP 036-G. TC2MHR 036-F + CMBS 036 + LTCLHP 036-G.


Refer to the mechanical layouts available online

to check compatibility with CMHO and other
mount systems.

TCLWD 066 + CMBS 016 + LTCLHP 016-G.

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications Compatibility

Part Coating Coating Deviation Clamping Clamping Length Width Height Telecentric lenses Telecentric
number (front) (back) angle diameter system illuminators
(deg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2
VIS Coating: Beam AR Vis Coating: normal reflectance
CMBS 016 90 37.7 lockring 85.8 85.8 64.0 TCLWD series LTCLHP016-x
splitter 50/50 @ 45° <0.5% bandwidth
TCxx036, TC1MHR036-x, TC2MHR036-x,
VIS Coating: Beam AR Vis Coating: normal reflectance
CMBS 036 90 61 lockring 104.4 104.4 88.0 TC3MHR036-x,TC4MHR036-x, LTCLHP036-x
splitter 50/50 @ 45° <0.5% bandwidth
TCxx048, TC1MHR048-x, TC2MHR048-x,
VIS Coating: Beam AR Vis Coating: normal reflectance
CMBS 048 90 75 lockring 119.0 119.0 102.0 TC3MHR048-x,TC4MHR048-x, LTCLHP048-x
splitter 50/50 @ 45° <0.5% bandwidth
TCxx056, TC1MHR056-x, TC2MHR056-x,
VIS Coating: Beam AR Vis Coating: normal reflectance
CMBS 056 90 80 lockring 129.3 129.3 108.0 TC3MHR056-x,TC4MHR056-x, LTCLHP056-x
splitter 50/50 @ 45° <0.5% bandwidth
TCxx064, TC1MHR064-x, TC2MHR064-x,
VIS Coating: Beam AR Vis Coating: normal reflectance
CMBS 064 90 100 lockring 139.2 139.2 128.0 TC3MHR064-x,TC4MHR064-x, LTCLHP064-x
splitter 50/50 @ 45° <0.5% bandwidth
TC16M064-x, TC12K064
TC23072, TCxx080, TC1MHR080-x,
VIS Coating: Beam AR Vis Coating: normal reflectance
CMBS 080 90 116 lockring 158.9 158.9 144.0 TC2MHR080-x, TC3MHR080-x, LTCLHP080-x
splitter 50/50 @ 45° <0.5% bandwidth
TC4MHR080-x, TC16080-x, TC12K080

1 Tolerance +/- 5%
2 Bandwidth: 430-670 nm.


CMMR series
45° first surface mirrors


Reflect light at 90°.

Ideal for limited spaces.

Easy and secure clamping system.

Compatible with telecentric lenses and illuminators.

Optional protective windows available.


Protective windows WI series p. 240

Production environments often present size constraints, limiting the These right-angle mirrors can also be used together with collimated
choice of optics and causing the user to trade optical performance illuminators, reflecting incident rays coming from the light source at
for size. CMMR series is the Opto Engineering® answer to tight 90° angle.
space integration issues, opening new installation options for your
application. CMMR series features a precise locking knob that allows for easy
and secure clamping. In addition, compatible protective windows
CMMR series is a family of first surface mirrors designed for our are available. Whenever overall system dimension and precision
telecentric lenses and illuminators which enable the lens to image alignment are critical factors for your application, CMMR series is
the sample at 90° with respect to the optical axis. the ideal choice.

d d

CMMR first surface mirror combined with a telecentric lens. CMMR first surface mirror combined with a telecentric illuminator.

CMMR object distances (d) in mm*

Compatible products TC series TC1MHR-4MHR series TC16M series TC12K series
036 048 056 064 072 080 085 13096 xx96 036 048 056 064 080 096 036 048 056 064 080 096 064 080
CMMR 036 20.1 20.1 19.6
CMMR 048 37.0 37.0 29.4
CMMR 056 50.7 50.7 41.4
CMMR 064 63.8 63.8 52.5 44.3
CMMR 080 90.1 90.1 90.1 60.4 19.8
CMMR 096 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 106.4

(*) When placing WI0xx protective windows in front of CMMR 45° mirrors, working distance increases of approximately one third of the window thickness (t)
WDnew ≈ WDlens + t/3 .


Refer to the mechanical layouts available online

to check compatibility with CMHO and other
mount systems.

Application example

LTCLHP080-x + CMMR080 and TC23080 + CMMR080 imaging

a screw in a collimated setup.

Product combination examples

CMMR080 combined with TC23080 CMMR056 combined with LTCLHP056-G

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications Compatibility
Part Coating Deviation Clamping Clamping Length Width Height Weight Telecentric lenses Telecentric Protective
number angle diameter system illuminators windows
(deg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (g)
1 2
Aluminum reflective TCxx036, TC1MHR036-x, TC2MHR036-x,
CMMR 036 90 61 lockring 88.0 88.0 107.2 595 LTCLHP036-x WI 036
coating TC3MHR036-x, TC4MHR036-x, TC16M036-x
Aluminum reflective TCxx048, TC1MHR048-x, TC2MHR048-x
CMMR 048 90 75 lockring 102.0 102.0 121.1 508 LTCLHP048-x WI 048
coating TC3MHR048-x, TC4MHR048-x, TC16M048-x
Aluminum reflective TCxx056, TC1MHR056-x, TC2MHR056-x,
CMMR 056 90 80 lockring 108.0 108.0 131.3 586 LTCLHP056-x WI 056
coating TC3MHR056-x, TC4MHR056-x, TC16M056-x
Aluminum reflective TCxx064, TC1MHR064-x, TC2MHR064-x
CMMR 064 90 100 lockring 128.0 128.0 141.3 779 LTCLHP064-x WI 064
coating TC3MHR064-x, TC4MHR064-x TC16M064-x, TC12K064
Aluminum reflective TC23072, TCxx080, TC1MHR080-x, TC2MHR080-x,
CMMR 080 90 116 lockring 144.0 144.0 160.9 1605 LTCLHP080-x WI 080
coating TC3MHR080-x, TC4MHR080-x, TC16M080-x, TC12K080

1 Normal reflectance > 98% - bandwidth: 430-670 nm.

2 To be ordered separately.


CMMR series
CMMR4K models


CMMR4K are 45° first surface mirrors that produce a right angle FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE IMAGING TELECENTRIC LENSES
bend of the light path.
CMMR4K are available in two versions: -V and -L, respectively TC4K series p. 68
bending the light rays vertically (either upwards or downwards) or
laterally (either to the left or the right). FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE ILLUMINATORS

Additionally, the design of the CMMR4K series allows the user to

LTCL4K series p. 140
flexibly adjust the distance between the mirror and the front end
of TC4K/LTCL4K optics. Refer to the schematics for further details.

Application examples

A LTCL4K illuminator coupled

to a TC4K lens with CMMR4K
deflecting mirrors to scan samples
on a glass surface.

Optical specifications Mechanical specifications Compatibility

Part Coating Deviation Clamping Length Width Height Weight Telecentric Telecentric
number angle system lenses illuminators
(deg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (g)
1 2
CMMR4K 060-V Aluminum reflective coating 90 mounting screws 199.0 116.0 72.0 556 TC4K060-x LTCL4K060-x
CMMR4K 060-L Aluminum reflective coating 90 mounting screws 208.2 118.4 72.0 504 TC4K060-x LTCL4K060-x
CMMR4K 090-V Aluminum reflective coating 90 mounting screws 206.0 147.0 72.0 615 TC4K090-x LTCL4K090-x
CMMR4K 090-L Aluminum reflective coating 90 mounting screws 214.0 150.3 72.0 553 TC4K090-x LTCL4K090-x
CMMR4K 120-V Aluminum reflective coating 90 mounting screws 199.0 177.0 72.0 783 TC4K120-x LTCL4K120-x
CMMR4K 120-L Aluminum reflective coating 90 mounting screws 241.7 187.6 72.0 645 TC4K120-x LTCL4K120-x
CMMR4K 180-V Aluminum reflective coating 90 mounting screws 267.0 241.0 72.0 866 TC4K180-x LTCL4K180-x
CMMR4K 180-L Aluminum reflective coating 90 mounting screws 326.7 253.6 72.0 885 TC4K180-x LTCL4K180-x

1 -V stands for Vertical bend, -L stands for Lateral bend.

See drawings for details about deviation axis orientation.
2 Normal reflectance > 98% - bandwidth: 430-670 nm.

CMMR4K-V schematics CMMR4K-L schematics
CMMR4K-V bends the light rays vertically. CMMR4K-L bends the light rays laterally.


Configuration Configuration
clamping side with CMMR4K with CMMR4K
at maximum at minimum
extension. extension.
Configuration with CMMR4K at maximum extension.

133 mm
extension range clamping side
28 mm
Configuration with CMMR4K at minimum extension. extension range


clamping side Configuration Configuration

with CMMR4K with CMMR4K
at maximum at minimum
extension. extension.

Configuration with CMMR4K at minimum extension.

clamping side

Configuration with CMMR4K at maximum extension.


WI series
Protective windows


Protection from dust / debris or other hazardous particles.

No change in optical magnification.

Compatible with telecentric lenses, LTCLHP illuminators

and CMMR mirrors.

WI series is a range of optical windows designed to protect WI series is also compatible with CMMR mirrors, preserving their
telecentric lenses and collimated illuminators. delicate optical surfaces from dust or other hazardous particles.
Material spatter and other hazards such as dust or debris might in
fact damage the lens or degrade the optical performance. Each window is complemented by its own CMWF holder which
features a precise locking knob that allows for easy and secure
These plano-plano windows effectively shield telecentric lenses from clamping. CMWF holders are required to mount WI protective
the outside environment, preserving the quality of your imaging windows in front of telecentric lenses and must be ordered
system without changing the optical magnification. separately.

Product combination examples

WI080 + CMWF080 + TC23080. WI056 + CMWF056 + LTCLHP056-G.

WI windows Optical specifications Mechanical specifications Compatibility
Part number Transmittance band Substrate Diameter Thickness Telecentric lenses Telecentric CMMR
(nm) (mm) (mm) illuminators
1 1
TCxx036, TC1MHR036-x, TC2MHR036-x, TC3MHR036-x,
WI 036 450 - 710 N-BK7 61 3±0.2 LTCLHP036-x CMMR036
TC4MHR036-x, TC12M036-F, TC16M036
TCxx048, TC1MHR048-x, TC2MHR048-x, TC3MHR048-x,
WI 048 450 - 710 N-BK7 75 3±0.2 LTCLHP048-x CMMR048
TC4MHR048-x, TC12M048-F, TC16M048
TCxx056, TC1MHR056-x, TC2MHR056-x, TC3MHR056-x,
WI 056 450 - 710 N-BK7 80 3±0.2 LTCLHP056-x CMMR056
TC4MHR056-x, TC12M056-F, TC16M056
TCxx064, TC1MHR064-x, TC2MHR064-x, TC3MHR064-x,
WI 064 450 - 710 N-BK7 100 3±0.2 LTCLHP064-x CMMR064
TC4MHR064-x, TC12M064-F, TC12K064, TC16M064
TC23072, TCxx080, TC1MHR080-x, TC2MHR080-x, TC3MHR080-x,
WI 080 450 - 710 N-BK7 116 5±0.3 LTCLHP080-x CMMR080
TC4MHR080-x, TC12M080-F, TC12K080, TC16M080
TC23085, TCxx096, TC1MHR096-x, TC2MHR096-x,
WI 096 450 - 710 N-BK7 143 5±0.3 LTCLHP096-x CMMR096
TC3MHR096-x, TC4MHR096-x, TC12M096-F, TC16M096

1 CMWF mounting mechanics required (must be ordered separately). When a WI window is placed in front of a lens,
its working distance increases of approximately 1/3 of the window thickness.

CMHO series clamping mechanics may be used prior to verification of mechanical compatibility (see CMHO series mechanical drawings available online). 
CMHO is not compatible with the combination of the following: WI + CMWF assembly and TC13xxx.

CMWF holders Technical details Optical spec Mechanical specifications Compatibility

Part number Description Active area Clamping Height Weight WI series
diameter diameter
(mm) (mm) (mm) (g)
CMWF 036 Holder for WI series, clamping diameter = 61 mm 51 61 22 108 WI036
CMWF 048 Holder for WI series, clamping diameter = 75 mm 65 75 27 132 WI048
CMWF 056 Holder for WI series, clamping diameter = 80 mm 70 80 27 151 WI056
CMWF 064 Holder for WI series, clamping diameter = 100 mm 90 100 27 181 WI064
CMWF 080 Holder for WI series, clamping diameter = 116 mm 106 116 27 210 WI080
CMWF 096 Holder for WI series, clamping diameter = 143 mm 133 143 27 258 WI096

Ordering information
When ordering, include the following two items:
- WIxxx protective window
- CMWFxxx holder

For example, if you need a protective window for a TC12036 telecentric lens, you have to order both the following items:
- WI036 protective window
- CMWF036 holder

The CMWF holder is not required when interfacing WI windows with CMMR.


Optical filters
Filters for telecentric lenses and fixed focal lenses

Light filtering is a typical need in machine vision applications. KEY ADVANTAGES

Together with LED illuminators, filters can improve image contrast by
blocking unwanted light and increase the accuracy and repeatability High and precise transmission.
of the vision system.
Wide range selection.
Ambient light is very frequently causing errors in imaging systems
due to unwanted reflections off the surface of the parts being Available for fixed focal lenses and telecentric lenses.
measured. In these cases, a band pass or long pass filter that
matches the emission wavelength of the illuminator is usually Increase resolution.
integrated in front of the imaging lens: this way, only the light coming
from the illuminator is collected while the rest of the spectrum is cut Block unwanted light.
Tolerate high temperature environment.
Furthermore, many machine vision applications require
monochrome illumination in order to enhance or suppress
particular object features: under these conditions, only the features
with a certain color are imaged and inspected.

Application examples

FTBP525 Green filter

PCB Inspection:
The layout of the printed circuit would be difficult to distinguish without the filter. A high transmission green band pass filter
increases contrast and improves system accuracy.


EN2MP series, EN5MP series, ENMP series,

p. 108-111, 114
ENHR series

Band pass filters for fixed focal lenses

Part number Description Useful wavelength range FWHM Peak transmission Tolerence Compatible LED wavelength
(nm) (nm) (nm) (nm)

FTBP470 Blue (470 nm) band pass filter 400 - 490 90 > 90% +/- 10 460, 465, 470
FTBP525 Green (525 nm) band pass filter 500 - 550 50 > 90% +/- 10 520, 525, 530
FTBP635 Red (635 nm) band pass filter 600 - 675 75 > 90% +/- 10 630, 635
FTBP660 Red (660 nm) band pass filter 645 - 700 55 > 90% +/- 10 660, 670
FTBP850 IR (850 nm) band pass filter 800 - 850 80 > 90% +/- 10 830, 840, 850

1 FWHM: Full width at half maximum.

Short pass filters and long pass filters for fixed focal lenses

Part number Description Useful wavelength range Peak transmission Tolerence

(nm) (nm)
FTSP450 Dark blue (450 nm) short pass filter 375 - 450 > 90% +/- 10
FTSP500 Blue (500 nm) short pass filter 370 - 500 > 90% +/- 10
FTSP570 Cyan (570 nm) shortpass filter 330 - 570 > 90% +/- 10
FTSP700 UV + NIR cut off filter 400 - 700 > 90% +/- 10
FTLP510 Yellow (510 nm) longpass filter 510 - 1100 > 90% +/- 10
FTLP550 Orange (550 nm) longpass filter 550 - 1100 > 90% +/- 10
FTLP590 Orange (590 nm) longpass filter 590 - 1100 > 90% +/- 10
FTLP640 Red (635 nm) longpass filter 635 - 1100 > 90% +/- 10

Filter thread compatible to fixed focal lenses

Mount name Description Diameter Aperture

(mm) (MM)
C25.4 C-mount industrial camera 25.4 19.5
M27 Filter thread M27 x P 0.5 30 22.5
M30.5 Filter thread M30.5 x P 0.5 33.5 25.5
M35.5 Filter thread M35.5 x P 0.5 38.5 30.5
M37.5 Filter thread M37.5 x P 0.5 39.5 32.5
M40.5 Filter thread M40.5 x P 0.5 42.5 35.5
M43 Filter thread M43 x P 0.75 46 38
M52 Filter thread M52 x P 0.75 55 47

Ordering information
When ordering a filter for a C-mount fixed focal lens, the part number must include the filter name and the mount name.
For example: if you need a green filter for a lens with M27 x P 0.5 filter thread, the part number would be FTBP525M27:
- FTBP525 - Green (525 nm) bandpass interference filter
- M27 - Filter thread M27 x P 0.5
- Customized products are available


Optical filters
Filters for telecentric lenses and fixed focal lenses

Band pass filters for telecentric lenses (filter mount included) *

Part number Description Useful wavelength range FWHM Peak transmission Tolerence Matching LED wavelength Compatibility
(nm) (nm) (nm) (nm) OE Telecentric lenses

Blue (470 nm) band pass

FTBP470TC 400 - 490 90 > 90% +/- 10 460, 465, 470
filter for TC lenses
Green (525 nm) band pass TC 12yyy,
FTBP525TC 500 - 550 50 > 90% +/- 10 520, 525, 530 TCCR 12yyy,
filter for TC lenses
TCCR 23yyy
Red (635 nm) band pass
FTBP635TC 600 - 675 75 > 90% +/- 10 630, 635
filter for TC lenses
Red (660 nm) band pass TC 23yyy 2
FTBP660TC 645 - 700 55 > 90% +/- 10 660, 670
filter for TC lenses
IR (850 nm) band pass TCxMHRyyy-C,
FTBP830TC 800 - 880 80 > 90% +/- 10 830, 840, 850 3
filter for TC lenses TCCRxMyyy-C
IR (880 nm) band pass
FTBP880TC 845 - 930 130 > 90% +/- 10 880
filter for TC lenses

1 FWHM: Full width at half maximum. * Filters for TC lens without TC filter mount can be ordered separately on request.
2 Except TC 23 004, TC 23 007, TC 23 009, TC 23 012.
3 Some vignetting may occur, depending on sensor size.

Optical filters for telecentric lenses (filter mount included) *

Part number Description Useful wavelength range Peak transmission Tolerence Compatibility
(nm) (nm) OE Telecentric lenses
FTSP450TC Dark Blue (450 nm) short pass filter for TC lenses 375 - 450 > 90% +/- 10
FTSP500TC Blue (500 nm) short pass filter for TC lenses 370 - 500 > 90% +/- 10 TC 12yyy,
TCCR 12yyy,
FTSP570TC Cyan (570 nm) short pass filter for TC lenses 330 - 570 > 90% +/- 10
TCCR 23yyy
FTSP700TC UV + NIR cut off filter 400 - 700 > 90% +/- 10
FTLP510TC Yellow (510 nm) long pass filter for TC lenses 510 - 1100 > 90% +/- 10 TC 23yyy 1
FTLP550TC Orange (550 nm) long pass filter for TC lenses 550 - 1100 > 90% +/- 10
FTLP590TC Orange (590 nm) long pass filter for TC lenses 590 - 1100 > 90% +/- 10 TCxMHRyyy-C,
FTLP640TC Red (635 nm) long pass filter for TC lenses 635 - 1100 > 90% +/- 10 TCCRxMyyy-C

FTLP920TC IR (920 nm) long pass filter for TC lenses 930 - 1100 > 90% +/- 10

1 Except TC 23 004, TC 23 007, TC 23 009, TC 23 012. * Filters for TC lens without TC filter mount can be ordered separately on request.
2 Some vignetting may occur, depending on sensor size.


Flat optics
Customized size of protective windows and mirrors


High quality for machine vision industry use

The material is suitable for vision system use.

Customized size based on the need

Intuitive on line tool for designing your personal protective window
or mirrors.

Wide product range

Different type of materials are available for various applications.

Flat optics is a simple component that could provide you the The front surface mirrors offered by Opto Engineering® are coated
possibility to let your vision system become smarter, quicker and with a high reflectivity aluminium and are suitable to be used in
more compact. Opto Engineering® provides the possibility to optical and display systems. The maximum dimension can reach
design your own protection window and mirrors based on your 600 x 400 mm based on the requested thickness.
need through the online tool.
The protection window or glass round plate has variety of choices
A wide range of materials, options for anti-reflection coating and from Float to Quartz, which provides different level of hardness.
customized dimension for you to choose. Once the specification is The maximum dimension can reach 1000 x 1000 mm based on the
defined, a mechanical design drawing will be created automatically requested material and thickness.
in accordance with ISO10110.
All the flat optics can choose the cutting tolerance from hand cut
(+/- 0.4 mm) or CNC cut (+/- 0.1 mm).
Please visit the website for the on-line tool at:
Products Material Max length Max width Thickness
(mm) (mm) (mm)
300 200 1.1
300 200 1.5
300 200 1.6 Opto Engineering® online tool preview
Front surface
Mirror 600 400 3
600 400 5
600 400 6
600 400 10
1000 1000 0.7
1000 1000 1
1000 1000 1.6
1000 1000 2
1000 1000 2.3
1000 1000 3
1000 1000 4
1000 1000 6
300 300 1
Borosilicate 300 200 1.1
400 400 1.7
100 100 0.5
Window 300 300 1
BK7 Application Examples
161 161 1.2
130 130 1.5
B270 300 300 1
100 100 1
200 200 1.5
300 300 2.2
100 100 3
110 110 4
150 150 6
180 180 1
Quartz UV
100 100 3
Quartz IR 190 80 1

This table is subject to be changed without notification. Glass turntable for small object
Please refer to the online tool for the latest specification provided. Object inspection from multi-angle. inspection.


Interchangeable attachment for extra-wide PCCD field of view


Diameter Diameter
PCCD optics PCCD optics with PCCDFLAT

Schematics showing the FOVs of PCCD Optics with and without PCCDLFAT.
PCCDLFAT extends the central field of view of PCCD optics to image objects with
even larger diameters (beyond 25 mm).

PCCDLFAT is an accessory designed to increase the central field of Field of view selection chart
view of PCCD optics.
By replacing the pre-assembled protective window with the Diameter Height WD F/# c
PCCDLFAT attachment, PCCD optics can inspect the TOP and SIDES (mm) (mm) (mm) (%)
of objects with even larger diameters (beyond 25 mm). 30 22 11 8 36
35 26 5 8 37


Diameter Height WD F/# c
(mm) (mm) (mm) (%)
30 22 11 8 37
35 26 5 8 37


Diameter Height WD F/# c
(mm) (mm) (mm) (%)
30 22 14 8 37
35 25 10 8 45

Diffuser cap for LTCLHP illuminators

In certain cases telecentric illuminators projecting a quasi-

monochromatic light source (such as an LED) can give rise to
diffraction effects.

CPDPH01 is an optional diffuser cap designed to be positioned

in front of LTSCHP1W modules and into any LTCLHP telecentric
illuminator (CPDPH01 is not compatible with LTCLHP023-x) to
effectively minimize such diffraction effects; note that CPDPH01 may
affect the level of LTCLHP illumination homogeneity.


EXT series
Extenders and adapters

Part number

RT-VM100 Extension tube kit 40, 20, 10, 5, 1, 0.5 mm

RT-VM400 C- to CS-mount 5 mm adapter ring

RT-EX15CS 1.5X extender for CS-mount

RT-EX15C 1.5X extender for C-mount

RT-EX2CS 2X extender for CS-mount

RT-EX2C 2X extender for C-mount


DFLT series
Diffusion plates for lighting

Opto Engineering® offers a series of diffusion plates available

as accessories to be positioned between the LED sources of our
illuminators and the workpieces to be inspected.

Diffusers can help avoid hot spots formation, especially on glossy

workpieces and provide better light uniformity.

Part number Description Thickness Compatible products


For ringlights
DFLTZZO130-75-3 Diffuser for LED low angle ringlight, 3 LED rows, outer diameter 131 mm, 75° 2 LTZZO130-75-3-x-24V

DFLTZZO170-75-3 Diffuser for LED low angle ringlight, 3 LED rows, outer diameter 175 mm, 75° 2 LTZZO170-75-3-x-24V

DFLTZGK050-15-2 Diffuser for LED ringlight, 2 LED rows, outer diameter 50 mm, 15° 2 LTZGK050-15-2-x-24V

DFLTZGK070-15-3 Diffuser for LED ringlight, 3 LED rows, outer diameter 70 mm, 15° 2 LTZGK070-15-3-x-24V

DFLTZGK100-15-5 Diffuser for LED ringlight, 5 LED rows, outer diameter 103 mm, 15° 2 LTZGK100-15-5-x-24V

For bar lights

DFLTZPFL040-00-6 Diffuser for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 40X26.3 illumination area 2 LTZPFL040-00-6-x-24V

DFLTZPFL080-00-6 Diffuser for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 80X26.3 illumination area 2 LTZPFL080-00-6-x-24V

DFLTZPFL120-00-6 Diffuser for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 120X26.3 illumination area 2 LTZPFL120-00-6-x-24V

DFLTZPFL160-00-6 Diffuser for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 160X26.3 illumination area 2 LTZPFL160-00-6-x-24V

DFLTZPFL200-00-6 Diffuser for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 200X26.3 illumination area 2 LTZPFL200-00-6-x-24V


PLLT series
Polarizing plates for lighting

Opto Engineering® offers a series of polarizers available as

accessories to be positioned between the LED sources of our
illuminators and the workpieces to be inspected.

Polarizers can help reduce reflections when use in combination with

a polarizing filter on the camera, especially on glossy workpieces.
Polarizer can be very useful in applications inspecting workpieces
packed in transparent plastic bags.

Part number Description Thickness Compatible products


For ringlights
PLLTZZO130-75-3 Polarizer for LED low angle ringlight, 3 LED rows, outer diameter 131 mm, 75° 0.8 LTZZO130-75-3-x-24V

PLLTZZO170-75-3 Polarizer for LED low angle ringlight, 3 LED rows, outer diameter 175 mm, 75° 0.8 LTZZO170-75-3-x-24V

PLLTZGK050-15-2 Polarizer for LED ringlight, 2 LED rows, outer diameter 50 mm, 15° 0.8 LTZGK050-15-2-x-24V

PLLTZGK070-15-3 Polarizer for LED ringlight, 3 LED rows, outer diameter 70 mm, 15° 0.8 LTZGK070-15-3-x-24V

PLLTZGK100-15-5 Polarizer for LED ringlight, 5 LED rows, outer diameter 103 mm, 15° 0.8 LTZGK100-15-5-x-24V

For bar lights

PLLTZPFL040-00-6-H Horizontal polarizer for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 40X26.3 illumination area 0.8 LTZPFL040-00-6-x-24V

PLLTZPFL040-00-6-V Vertical polarizer for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 40X26.3 illumination area 0.8 LTZPFL040-00-6-x-24V

PLLTZPFL080-00-6-H Horizontal polarizer for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 80X26.3 illumination area 0.8 LTZPFL080-00-6-x-24V

PLLTZPFL080-00-6-V Vertical polarizer for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 80X26.3 illumination area 0.8 LTZPFL080-00-6-x-24V

PLLTZPFL120-00-6-H Horizontal polarizer for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 120X26.3 illumination area 0.8 LTZPFL120-00-6-x-24V

PLLTZPFL120-00-6-V Vertical polarizer for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 120X26.3 illumination area 0.8 LTZPFL120-00-6-x-24V

PLLTZPFL160-00-6-H Horizontal polarizer for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 160X26.3 illumination area 0.8 LTZPFL160-00-6-x-24V

PLLTZPFL160-00-6-V Vertical polarizer for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 160X26.3 illumination area 0.8 LTZPFL160-00-6-x-24V

PLLTZPFL200-00-6-H Horizontal polarizer for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 200X26.3 illumination area 0.8 LTZPFL200-00-6-x-24V

PLLTZPFL200-00-6-V Vertical polarizer for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 200X26.3 illumination area 0.8 LTZPFL200-00-6-x-24V



Calibration patterns

Any machine vision lens (either telecentric or not) shows some For this reason Opto Engineering® offers chrome-on-glass
amount of distortion. In addition to barrel or pincushion distortion, patterns optimized for software calibration, featuring extremely
changes in the view angle or misaligned components will affect the high geometrical accuracy thanks to photolithography techniques.
image symmetry and generate the so-called thin prism or keystone
effect. The range of available chessboard patterns is compatible with most
Opto Engineering® telecentric lenses.
Imaging and metrology applications often require to minimize
distortion, which can be software-corrected by analyzing the image
of a precision pattern whose geometrical features are well known.


CMPH series p. 230

PTTC series - Calibration patterns for telecentric lenses

Compatibility Mechanical specifications

Part Compatible Compatible CMPH Dimensions Thickness Active area Squares Grade Certificate
number telecentric lenses pattern mounts wxh wxh width number
(Part numbers of TC lenses ending in) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm x mm) (mm)
PT004-009 CMPH 004-024 33 x 26 3 15 x 13 0.20 1 No

PT016-024 016, 024 CMPH 004-024 33 x 26 3 31 x 24 0.60 1 No

PT036-056 036, 048 and 056 CMPH 036-056 66 x 52 3 64 x 51 1.35 1 No

PT064-096 064, 072, 080, 085 and 096 CMPH 064-096 107 x 83 3 105 x 79 2.20 1 No

PT120-144 110, 120, 130 and 144 - 180 x 140 3 170 x 140 3.00 2 No

PT192-240 192, 200, 240 - 300 x 240 3 260 x 200 4.00 2 No

PT260-310 - 340 x 280 3 320 x 260 5.00 2 No

PT120-240 calibrations pattern has been substituted by PT120-144 for FOVs up to 170x140mm and by PT192-240 for FOVs of up to 260 x 200mm.

PTTCC series - Calibration patterns for telecentric lenses with a certificate

Compatibility Mechanical specifications

Part Compatible Compatible CMPH Dimensions Thickness Active area Squares Grade Certificate
number telecentric lenses pattern mounts wxh wxh width number
(Part numbers of TC lenses ending in) (mm x mm) (mm) (mm x mm) (mm)
PT004-009-C 004, 007 and 009 CMPH 004-024 33 x 26 3 15 x 13 0.20 2 Yes

PT016-024-C 016, 024 CMPH 004-024 33 x 26 3 31 x 24 0.60 2 Yes

PT036-056-C 036, 048 and 056 CMPH 036-056 66 x 52 3 64 x 51 1.35 2 Yes

PT064-096-C 064, 072, 080, 085 and 096 CMPH 064-096 107 x 83 3 105 x 79 2.20 2 Yes

PT120-144-C 110, 120, 130 and 144 - 180 x 140 3 170 x 140 3.00 2 Yes

PT192-240-C 192, 200, 240 - 300 x 240 3 260 x 200 4.00 2 Yes

PT260-310-C - 340 x 280 3 320 x 260 5.00 2 Yes

PTTCC and PTCP Series calibration patterns are supplied with a Certificate of Conformity.

PTCP series calibration patterns have been specifically designed for distortion calibration of CORE PLUS telecentric lenses with TCLIB Suite software library
(see p. 27).

PTCP series - Calibration patterns for telecentric lenses with a certificate

Compatibility Mechanical specifications

Part Compatible Compatible CMPH Dimensions Thickness Active area Squares Grade Certificate
number telecentric lenses pattern mounts wxh wxh width number
(mm x mm) (mm) (mm x mm) (mm)
TCCP12144, TCCP23144,
PTCP-S1-HR1-C - 180 x 140 3 167.4 x 129.6 1.35 2 Yes

PTCP-M1-HR1-C TCCP3MHR192-C, TCCP5MHR192-F - 245 x 196 3 238 x 187 1.35 2 Yes

PTCP-M1-LR1-C TCCP12192, TCCP23192 - 245 x 196 3 237 x 185 2.20 2 Yes

It’s possible to calculate dimensional tolerance of pattern’s features is calculated as follows:

Dimensional Tolerance = ± Positioning error + ( ± Speed factor x Dimension of interest).

Resolution Dimensional Tolerances

Grade Min feature dimensions; Positioning error ± Speed factor ±
number Min spacing
(µm) ± (µm) (µm/mm)
1 1.4 6.4 0.016

2 0.8 1.6 0.008

3 0.4 0.6 0.004

4 0.2 0.2 0.001

Example of dimensional tolerance for grade 2 pattern over 10mm length:

Dimensional Tolerance = ± 0.0016mm + (±0.000008mm x 10 mm) = ± 0.00168 mm


PTPR series
Projection patterns for machine vision

Opto Engineering® supplies a comprehensive range of projection

patterns compatible with our LED pattern projectors.
PT projection patterns can be either laser-engraved, with 50 µm
geometrical accuracy, or photolitography-engraved for more
demanding applications (2 µm accuracy).
Custom geometry patterns can also be provided upon request.


and LTPRUP projectors projectors
(circular aperture) (square aperture)
Part Format Process Substrate Coating Line Thickness Geometrical Edge Active Number Max line Active Number Line
number spacing accuracy sharpness area of lines length area of lines length
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (µm) (µm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

PT 0000 0100 P Line Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome - 0.05 2 1.4 11 1 11 8x8 1 8

PT 0000 0100 L Line Laser engraving Borofloat glass Dichroic mirror - 0.5 50 50 11 1 11 8x8 1 8

PT 0000 0200 P Line Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome - 0.05 2 1.4 11 - 11 8x8 - 8

PT 0000 0200 L Line Laser engraving Borofloat glass Dichroic mirror - 0.5 50 50 11 - 11 8x8 - 8

PT 0000 0300 P Stripes Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome 0.95 0.05 2 1.4 11 8 7.78 8x8 8 7.78

PT 0000 0300 L Stripes Laser engraving Borofloat glass Dichroic mirror 0.5 0.5 50 50 11 8 7.78 8x8 8 7.78

PT 0000 0400 P Grid Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome 0.95 0.05 2 1.4 11 8x8 7.78 8x8 8x8 7.78

PT 0000 0400 L Grid Laser engraving Borofloat glass Dichroic mirror 0.8 0.2 50 50 11 8x8 7.78 8x8 8x8 7.78

PT 0000 0500 P Edge Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome - - 2 1.4 11 - - 8x8 - -

PT 0000 0500 L Edge Laser engraving Borofloat glass Dichroic mirror - - 50 50 11 - - 8x8 - -

PTST 050 450 P Stripes Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome 0.45 0.05 2 1.4 11 22 11 8x8 16 8

PTST 050 200 P Stripes Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome 0.2 0.05 2 1.4 11 44 11 8x8 32 8

PTST 050 100 P Stripes Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome 0.1 0.05 2 1.4 11 73 11 8x8 53 8

PTST 050 050 P Stripes Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome 0.05 0.05 2 1.4 11 110 11 8x8 80 8

PTST 010 010 P Stripes Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome 0.01 0.01 2 1.4 11 550 11 8x8 400 8

PTST 020 020 P Stripes Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome 0.02 0.02 2 1.4 11 275 11 8x8 200 8

PTGR 050 450 P Grid Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome 0.45 0.05 2 1.4 11 22 x 22 11 8x8 16 x 16 8

PTGR 050 200 P Grid Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome 0.2 0.05 2 1.4 11 44 x 44 11 8x8 32 x 32 8

PTGR 050 100 P Grid Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome 0.1 0.05 2 1.4 11 73 x 73 11 8x8 53 x 53 8

PTGR 050 050 P Grid Photolitography Soda lime glass Chrome 0.05 0.05 2 1.4 11 110 x 110 11 8x8 80 x 80 8
Cloud of dots pattern
PTCD 010 P 1 Grid Soda lime glass Chrome - 0.05 2 1.4 - - - 8x8 - -
density 10.5%
Cloud of dots pattern
PTCD 020 P 2 Grid Soda lime glass Chrome - 0.05 2 1.4 - - - 8x8 - -
density 20%
Cloud of dots pattern
PTCD 035 P 2 Grid Soda lime glass Chrome - 0.05 2 1.4 - - - 8x8 - -
density 35%

1 Dot size = 0.04 mm x 0.04 mm

2 Dot size = 0.08 mm x 0.08 mm

Grid 0.05 mm line thickness. Stripe 0.5 mm line thickness. Edge. Line 0.5 mm line thickness.

Format Photolithography patterns Laser engraved patterns

3D profilometry

PT 0000 0300 P
PT 0000 0100 P 8 lines in projection area PT 0000 0100 L
format: line line gap 0.95 mm format: line
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.5 mm
line length 7.78 mm

PT 0000 0300 L
PTST 050 450 P PTST 050 200 P
format: stripe
16 lines in projection area 32 lines in projection area
line gap 0.5 mm
line gap 0.45 mm line gap 0.20 mm line thickness 0.5 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.05 mm line length 7.78 mm
Line & stripes

PTST 050 100 P PTST 050 050 P

53 lines in projection area 80 lines in projection area
line gap 0.10 mm line gap 0.05 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.05 mm

PTST 010 010 P PTST 020 020 P

550 lines in projection area 275 lines in projection area
line gap 0.01 mm line gap 0.02 mm
line thickness 0.01 mm line thickness 0.02 mm


PT 0000 0400 P PT 0000 0400 L

PTGR 050 450 P
8 x 8 lines in projection area format: grid
16 x 16 lines in projection area
line gap 0.95 mm line gap 0.8 mm
line gap 0.45 mm line thickness 0.2 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm line length 7.78 mm
line length 7.78 mm

PTGR 050 200 P PTGR 050 100 P

32 x 32 lines in projection area 53 x 53 lines in projection area
line gap 0.20 mm line gap 0.10 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.05 mm

PTGR 050 050 P

80 x 80 lines in projection area
line gap 0.05 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm

PTCD 010 P PTCD 020 P

Format: Format:
Cloud of dots pattern, Cloud of dots pattern,
density 10.5% density 20%

Cloud of dots

PTCD 035 P
Cloud of dots pattern,
density 35%


PT 0000 0200 P PT 0000 0200 L

format: cross format: cross
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.5 mm

PT 0000 0500 P PT 0000 0500 L

Edge format: edge format: edge
line gap 0.10 mm line gap 0.10 mm
line thickness 0.05 mm line thickness 0.5 mm

Pattern specifications
Photolithography Laser engraved
Substrate Soda lime grass Borofloat glass
Coating Chrome Dichroic mirror
Geometrical accuracy 2 μm 50 μm
Edge sharpness 1.4 μm 50 μm


PTPR series - Projection patterns for machine vision

Compatible pattern projectors

Circular aperture Square aperture

LTPRHP3W, LTPRXP, LTPRUP pattern projectors. LTPRSMHP3W pattern projectors.

Active area Active area

line thickness line thickness

11 mm

8 mm

line gap line gap

Projector aperture Projector aperture

Pattern mounted on projector with circular aperture and active area. Pattern mounted on projector with square aperture and active area.

pattern C-mount adapter C-mount adapter


retaming ring
retaming ring

Pattern projector with circular aperture disassembled. Pattern projector with square aperture disassembled.

Custom-made pattern

Custom-made patterns can be supplied on request.

A drawing with accurate geometrical information must
be submitted (please refer to the instructions here below).

active area Fill-in the opaque features

m m

Ø = s sub
21 s Keep white the
- 0. t rate
1/- light-transmitting
0. 3
mm features

min: 1 mm
max: 2.5 mm Every kind of shape can be projected.


RC series
Resolution and calibration targets

Part number Description

RT-T-20-P-CG USAF 1951 Resolution test chart

RT-T-21-P-CG USAF 1951 Resolution test chart (inches)

RT-T-50-2-P-TM Star sector test target

RT-T-62-1-P-CG Linear test pattern

RT-AP-D50-P-CG Calibration dot grid

RT-AP-DD100-P-CG Multi-zone calibration dot grid


LTDV series
Strobe controllers


Compatible with most of the LED lighting solutions available.

Ethernet, RS485 interface.

Up to 8 independently controlled output channels.

Max output current up 20A pulsed.

Easy configuration.

Small, compact units with DIN rail mounting .


8 and 4 channels ethernet strobe controllers with max

pulsed current of 20A.

Opto Engineering® range of strobe controllers offer repeatable and LTDV1CH featuring one single channel, simple DIP switch
fast pulsing for quick and accurate strobing of a wide variety of LED interface and designed to drive lights with currents from 5mA up
lightings available today. to 17A.
LTDV series comprises models with up to eight channels either with LTDV controllers accurately set current intensity, pulse duration and
Ethernet and/or R485 interfaces and a single channel controller with delay of LED illuminators, offer filtering options for trigger signals
analogue interface. and easily synchronize the strobe pulses with the camera exposure
Opto Engineering® strobe controllers include LTDVE8CH-20 to meet today’s machine vision high speed demands.
and LTDVE4CH-20 with Ethernet and RS485 interfaces featuring These controllers are designed to get the very best out of Opto
respectively eight and four output channels driving lights with Engineering® LED lighting solutions, in terms of both brightness
currents up to 20A (pulsed) and 2A (continuous), LTDV6CH featuring stability and precise control.
six channels and RS485 interface to drive lights up to 17A (pulsed)

Easy configuration
Easily configure and manage strobe, trigger and camera signals.


Opto Engineering® LTDVE series of controllers can be configured via Ethernet or RS485.

With the Ethernet interface, you can configure the controller with either the Modbus/TCP,
Modbus /UDP slave protocol or the internal web browser. The second option allows for a very easy
configuration of the controller using a common web browser to visually change the parameters
and/or inspect the device status.
• Easily set the output current intensity of each connected illuminator in small steps
(1mA, 4mA or 20mA depending on current range)
• Set the pulse duration and pulse delay of each illuminator in small steps as low as 1μs
• Control the connected illuminators with up to 8 synchronization inputs
• Control up to 8 synchronization outputs (e.g. up to 8 cameras)
• Communication library available (with C source code)

The LTDVE series can also be configured via the RS485 communication port interface that implements
the Modbus/RTU slave protocol.

The configuration is stored in a non-volatile memory to maintain your settings even when the Ethernet
or RS485 connection is removed.

Main page of LTDVE configuration software via web browser.


Opto Engineering® produces custom controller features for specific applications. Contact us to discuss your needs.


LTDV6CH can be configured via RS485. You can either download and use our free LTSW software
to configure the controller from your PC or directly send low-level commands from a PC using the
Modbus/RTU slave protocol (all the Modbus function codes supported by the controller are listed
in the manual available online).
The LTSW software offers a very intuitive and graphical user interface where you can:
• Set the output current intensity of each connected illuminator in steps of 98 mA
• Set the pulse duration and pulse delay of each illuminator in steps of 1μs
• Control the connected illuminators with up to 4 synchronization inputs
• Control up to 2 synchronization outputs (e.g. up to 2 cameras)
• Write and save different configurations depending on your application
Main page of LTSW configuration software.
To use LTSW configuration software your PC must have a native RS485 communication interface
or a suitable RS485/USB converter must be used (PN: ADPT001) .


LTDV1CH is simply configured from the front panel via DIP switches. You can easily set the
intensity of the LED lights driving current (from 5mA to 17A), filtering option for the trigger signal
(select between 10 µs or 100 µs time constant) and delay for synchronization output (select
between 0 or 100 µs).

DIP switches interface for simple and fast configuration.


Electrical specifications
Status LEDs Yes (for all I/Os) Yes (for power on and trigger)
Ethernet 100 Mbps
User interface (using a Web browser or Modbus/TCP or Modbus/UDP slave) RS485 (via Modbus/RTU slave) 12-way DIP switch
RS485 (via Modbus/RTU slave)
Configuration software - - LTSW included -
8 independent 4 independent 6 independent 1 constant current
Output channels n°
constant current outputs constant current outputs constant current outputs output
5 mA-160 mA (in steps of 5 mA)
pulsed or continuous
Up to 20A pulsed or 2A continuous
(in steps of 1mA from 0 to 200mA, 3.5A - 17.0 pulsed 100 mA-3.2 A pulsed
Output current range (A)
4mA from 201mA to 4000mA (in steps of 98 mA) (in steps of 100 mA)
and 20mA from 4001mA to 20A)
1.5 A-17 A pulsed
(in steps of 500 mA)
Max dissipable thermal power per channel (W) 4 8 5 8
8 opto-isolated indipendent 4 opto-isolated indipendent 4 opto-isolated independent 1 opto-isolated
Synchronization inputs n°
digital inputs 1 digital inputs 1 digital inputs 1 digital input
8 opto-isolated indipendent 4 opto-isolated indipendent 2 opto-isolated independent 1 opto-isolated
Synchronization outputs n°
digital inputs digital inputs digital outputs digital output
Lighting pulse delay (μs) 0 - 1.000.000 2 0 - 1.000.000 2 0 - 65535 3 -
Lighting pulse width (μs) 10 - 1.000.000 2 10 - 1.000.000 2 10 - 65535 3 -
Timing repeatability for pulse delay (μs) 0.1 4 0.1 4 0.1 4 -
Timing repeatability for pulse width (μs) 0.1 4 0.1 4 0.1 4 -
Supply voltage (V, DC) 24 - 48 24 5
0 - 12 (with step-up disabled)
Output voltage (V) 0 - 36 0 - 36
or 0 - 36 (with step-up enabled)
Max startup/inrush current (A)

Mechanical specifications
Length (mm) 255 195 205 70
Dimensions 6 Height (mm) 75 75 84 82
Width (mm) 135 135 123 119
Mounting DIN rail
Accessories ADPT001 7 -
LTDM series, LTLA series,
Compatible with most
Compatible products Compatible with most LED lightings available LTDMLA series,
LED lightings available
View through system, LTSW

1 Operate from 3.3V to 24V. 6 Including DIN fixing.

2 In variable resolution depending on selected value. 7 To be ordered separately. ADPT001 consists of - one RS485-USB adapter
3 In steps of 1 μs. and - one cable for connection with LTDV6CH. In order to configure LTDV6CH
4 Digital processing. via software a RS485 port must be provided.
5 Regulated ± 10%.


LTDV series - Strobe controllers

Triggering options and wiring diagrams

Two typical camera triggering arrangement (Option A and B) are illustrated for each controller model. Triggering Option A) is preferred because
the controller directly filters the trigger signals getting rid of unwanted noise. This configuration is possible because Opto Engineering®
controllers feature dedicated synchronization outputs which are not commonly available from other manufacturers.

A • Controller triggers camera B • Camera triggers controller

1 Trigger source Trigger source

(sensor) (sensor)

L ig ht Light

Light controller Light controller 1

Camera Camera

2 2

Option A - shows a triggering arrangement where the light controller is triggered Option B- shows an arrangement where each camera is triggered by a trigger
by trigger source(s) (sensor positioned on the manufacturing line) and the lighting source (sensor), the camera then triggers the light controller and starts its exposure.
controller then triggers the camera(s). This arrangement has the advantage that the
controller can filter the trigger signals before passing the command to the camera
and the light.

The following diagrams explain how to connect Opto Engineering® strobe controllers with the other machine vision components: LED
lights, cameras, power supply and PC (for the configuration of all the parameters).



A Trigger
to camera 8
SUPPLY Trigger
to camera 1

Trigger PC for
source 8 configuration

source 1

Controller triggers camera

Sync outputs
not used

source 8

source 1

Camera triggers controller



A Trigger
LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 to camera 4

to camera 1
PC for
Trigger configuration
source 4

source 1

Controller triggers camera

Sync outputs
not used

source 4

source 1

Camera triggers controller




24V DC

0V 0V

Trigger Trigger
Trigger TRG- source
source 1
to camera 1
Trigger Trigger
Trigger SH-
to camera 2 to camera
source 4
PC for Controller triggers camera
Controller triggers camera

Sync outputs Trigger TLO+
not used source 1 Trigger
TRG- source
Camera 1
Trigger to controller

Camera triggers controller

source 4
Camera 4
Camera triggers controller


LTIC series
Light intensity controllers

Opto Engineering® offers light intensity controllers available as

accessories to precisely adjust the light intensity
of our wide range of lights.

Electrical specifications
Part number Description Light control type Mode Status Supply voltage Power cord Other
LEDs (V) xx

Yes input
Analogue lighting controller unit, Continuous (for power on, (0-24V),
LTIC1CH-A1-4 (via knob or 0-10V 24-48 not included
4A, 24V and pulsed 4 enable Thermal
analog signal)
and fault) sensor
input 5

Analogue Enable
(via knob or 0-10V Yes input
Digital lighting controller unit, analog signal) Continuous (for power on, (0-24V),
LTIC1CH-D1-4 24-48 not included
4A, 24V and Digital and pulsed 4 enable Thermal
(Ethernet and and fault) sensor
RS485) 7 input 5

Analogue lighting controller unit,

LTICGR1000-D1 1 channel, 24V, 2A, constant mode, Continuous No 24 not included -
(via knob)
power adaptor 24V plug

Analogue lighting controller unit,

Analogue included
LTICGR1000-D1-PS-xx 3 1 channel, 24V, 2A, constant mode, Continuous No 24 -
(via knob) (EU, UK or US)
power cord, power adaptor 24V plug

Analogue lighting controller unit,

1 channel, 24V, 2A, constant mode,
power cord, power adaptor 24V plug, Analogue included
LTICGR1000-D1-PS-xx-TB 3 Continuous No 24 -
Illumination cable side A SM 3 way (via knob) (EU, UK or US)
male connector, side B terminal
blocks connector, 24V - 3m


24VDC analog lighting controller

1 channel, power cord,
Analogue included
LTICOBUL1000CH1-24VxxTB 3 Illumination cable side A SM Continuous No 100 - 240 -
(via knob) (EU, UK or US)
3 way male connector, side B terminal
blocks connector, 24V - 3m

24VDC analog lighting controller

2 channels, power cord,
Analogue included
LTICOBU2000CH2-24V-A1xxTB 3 Illumination cable side A SM 3 way Continuous No 100 - 240 -
(via knob) (EU, UK or US)
male connector, side B terminal
blocks connector, 24V - 3m

12VDC analog power supply included

RT-PSP-12122-LV-xx 3 Analogue Continuous No 100 - 240 -
for LVx-00614 LED spot light (EU, UK or US)

1 Do not exceed lighting maximum ratings specified in the product datasheet. 3 xx = UK (240VAC) / EU (220VAC) / US (110VAC).
Refer to specific product documentation for detailed instructions. 4 Rising time is approx 400 µs. Falling time is approx 100 µs.
2 Within each product series, only lights that require continuous driving current 5 Thermal sensor input works with compatible LED lights (LTRNHP and LTLNE series).
≤ max output current of the light controller are considered compatible.

Electrical specifications Dimensions Compatibility 1, 2
Channels Voltage Max current Power Other Lenght Width Height LED illuminators 2 LED pattern LED sources/
(V, DC) (A) (W) (mm) (mm) (mm) projectors modules

output LED illuminators with continuous driving current ≤ 4A,
1 24-48 4 100 86 54 117
(0-24V) 6

output LED illuminators with continuous driving current ≤ 4A,
1 24-48 4 100 86 54 117
fans output LTBRDC, LTTNC, LTCXC
(0-24V) 6

LED illuminators with continuous driving current ≤ 2A,


LED illuminators with continuous driving current ≤ 2A,

1 24 2 48 - 55 24 90 LTDMC, LTLAIC, LTLADC, LTRNDC, LTBC, LTBFC, LT2BC, - -

1 24 2 48 - 55 24 90 LTRNST, LTRNOB - -


1 24 5 120 - 330 93 123 LTPRSMHP3W, LTSCHP

500 mA
2 24 1 - 154 91 48 LED illuminators with continuous driving current <1 A - -
@ 12V

2 12 1 12 - 118 83 38 - - (RT-LVW-00614

6 Cooling fans output works with compatible LED lights (LTLNE series).
7 Communication protocols: Web browser or Modbus/TCP or Modbus/UDP for Ethernet; Modbus/RTU for RS485.


Motion controller for bipolar stepper motors with additional encoder input


Plug and play

Both Ethernet and USB interface available.

Compact Industrial Design

Rigid and compact design for industrial use.

Wide product range

Available from 1 channel to 4 channels.

Designed for both open loop / close loop

Suitable for wide range of applications.

User-friendly web interface

No software installation is necessary with high configurability.

MTDV series are a compact robust designed motion controller for MTDV features a solid aluminum housing and can be easily mounted
bipolar stepper motors with winding currents up to 1.2A working at on a DIN rail for easy integration in any industrial automation
24V DC. MTDV has a wide product range which allows them to drive environment.
from 1 to 4 stepper motors in both open or close loop operations
(by means of 1 to 4 encoders) to control different type of motorized
optics and motion stages.
Product combinations *
It features the Ethernet communication interface commonly
employed in industrial applications, allowing plug and play
operations (USB and RS485 are already implemented at the
hardware level and can be developed upon request). Together with
a user-friendly Web interface, it is possible to operate the controller
with high configurability without installing any software.
TCZRS lens + CBMT002 + MTDV1CH-22A2.
The controllers are compatible with TCZRS series for changing the
magnification a nd M ZMT12X, 1 2X c ontinuous m acro z oom lenses
with motorized control. It is also compatible with encoder based
XY linear motion stages, which are frequently used for metrology

MTDV can also be controlled from the customer application using MZMT12X lens + CBMT003 + MTDV2CH-22A2.
the functions of the provided DLL library. DLL library and code
examples can be downloaded from the Opto-Engineering® website.

MTDV controller lets you easily set specific F-number, focus and/or
zoom settings when used in combination with any compatible lens
model (i.e. TCZRS and MZMT12X series) by downloading a specific
configuration file from our website containing a lookup table of
preset values. ENMT lens + CBMT003 + MTDV2CH-22A2.

Specific configurations can be saved in the controllers non-volatile


In order to connect MTDV1CH-22A2 to TCZRS series and to connect

MTDV2CH-22A2 to MZMT12X, a suitable cable indicated in the
specification table must be ordered separately. General linear stage + MTDV2CH-22A2 + MTDV3CH-22A2.


MZMT12X series p. 98

TCZRS series p. 38

ENMT series p. 112


CBMT001 p. 266

Part number MTDV1CH-22A2 MTDV2CH-22A2 MTDV3CH-22A3 MTDV4CH-22A4

Electrical specifications
DC Voltage (V) 24
Power consumption max (W) 38 71 96 96
Communication interfaces Ethernet (TCP/IP), USB2.0 (custom serial), RS485 (custom serial)
Connectors 1x RJ45, 1x USB Type A, 2x Terminal blocks, Nx DB15HD female 1
Visual indicators Ethernet activity LED, RGB LED for each motor status
Protections ESD, polarity inversion, overvoltage, undervoltage, output overcurrent, shorted output, open output, overtemperature

Non volatile memory Yes
Automatic position saving Yes
Software Integrated web interface (Ethernet), Ethernet DLL library (USB and RS485 to be developed upon request)
Control type Closed-loop, open-loop
Motion mode Positioning mode (relative and absolute) with 2 stage velocity ram
Advanced motor drive with StealthChop™ and 256x SpreadCycle™, extremely silent operation, adjustable RUN and HOLD currents
Special features for optimized power consumption, advanced positioning control in closed-loop operation,
motor homing based on encoder reference or limit switch, reduced EMI noise 2
Motor parameters 3
Number of motors 1 2 3 4
Type Bipolar stepper
RMS winding current (mA) 20 to 1350 (adj) 20 to 1350 (adj) 20 to 1250 (adj) 20 to 935 (adj)
Peak winding voltage (V) 24 (PWM)

Encoder parameters 3
Number of encoders 1 2 3 4
DC power supply 5
Type Linear / rotary, incremental
Signal outputs A, B, Z (index)
Interface RS422

Environmental specifications
Operating temperature (°C) 10 to 40
Storage temperature (°C) 0 to 50
Humidity (%) 10-85 non condensing
IP rating -
Installation Indoor use only
Mechanical specifications
Length (mm) 47 62.8 78.6 94.4
Height (mm) 84
Width (case only) (mm) 80.2
Width (total) (mm) 102.6
Material Anodized aluminum
Mounting DIN rail
Compatibility 4
Cable 5 CBMT002, CBETH003 CBMT002, CBMT003, CBETH003
Accessories ADPT001

1 N represents the number of channels.

2 StealthChop™ and SpreadCycle™ are property of their respective owners.
3 For a complete list of specifications please refer to the user manual.
4 All compatible products must be ordered separately.
5 CBMTxxx cables are required to connect MTDV to compatible lenses.
See the lens product page for more informations on the proper cable to order.


PS series
Power supplies

Opto Engineering® offers a variety of power supplies available as accessories to power our wide range of machine vision products.

Electrical specifications Dimensions

Input Output
Part number Description Supply Power cord Channels Voltage Max Power Lenght Width Height
voltage current
(V, AC) (V, DC) (A) (W) (mm) (mm) (mm)

RT-SDR-120-24 24VDC DIN rail power supply 88 - 264 not included 1 24 5 120 113.5 40 125.2

RT-SDR-240-48 48VDC DIN rail power supply 88 - 264 not included 1 48 5 240 113.5 63 125.2

DIN rail power supply 85 - 264VAC

RT-DRP-240-24 not included 1 24 10 240 125.5 100 125.2
240V ac - 24V dc 240 W 120 - 370VDC

DIN rail power supply 180 - 264 VAC

RT-DRP-480-24 not included 1 24 20 480 227 100 125.2
240V ac - 24V dc 480 W 250 - 370 VDC

DIN rail power supply 340 - 550VAC
RT-DRT-240-24 400V ac three phase - (Dual phase not included 1 24 10 240 125.5 100 125.2
24V dc 240 W operation possible)
480 - 780VDC

DIN rail power supply Three-Phase

RT-DRT-480-24 400V ac three phase - 340 - 550VAC not included 1 24 20 240 227 100 125.2
24V dc 480 W 480 - 780VDC

Power Supply 12V

RT-MV-DC1201-BCSXIO-REV2 with digital I/O 100, 240 Included (EU) 1 12 2.5 100, 240
on separate cable

Power Supply
COE-PS-UNIVERSAL for COE HR AS series 90 - 264 not included 1 12 5 60 151,90 107 47
and HR LS series

1 Do not exceed the maximum ratings specified in the each product datasheet. 3 Select a power supply with output voltage, maximum ouput current
Refer to specific product documentation for detailed instructions. and maximum output power compatible with the controller and the lights used
2 Additional wires (not supplied) are required to connect the controllers in the application. Refer to the datasheets of controllers and lights
with the power supply units. for data about power consumption, voltage and current.

Compatibility 1
Controllers 2 Optics Lights Cameras AI vision units
Light Motion LED LED LED
controllers 3 controllers illuminators pattern projectors sources/modules



LTDV1CH-7, - - -






COE series


CB series - Cables
Part number Description Compatibility
Power cables
Illumination cable, side 1 M12 connector straight, LTDMB2-x, LTDMCX-x, LTLAB2-x, LTLACx-x, LTPRUP-x, LTBP240180-B/W,
side 2 cable end - 5 m - for single stage systems LTBP288180-B/W, LTBP240216-B/W, LTBP288216-B/W
Illumination cable, side 1 M12 connector right angled, LTDMB2-x, LTDMCX-x, LTLAB2-x, LTLACX-x, LTPRUP-x, LTBP240180-B/W,
side 2 cable end - 5 m - for single stage systems LTBP288180-B/W, LTBP240216-B/W, LTBP288216-B/W
Illumination cable, side 1 M8 connector straight,
CBLT003 LTDMA1-x, LT2BC serie, LTBP series 1, LTLNCxxx-x
side 2 cable end - 5 m - for single stage systems
Illumination cable, side 1 M8 connector right angled,
CBLT004 LTDMA1-x, LTBP series 1, LTLNCxxx-x
side 2 cable end - 5 m - for single stage systems
Illumination cable, side 1 M12 connector straight, LTDMLAB2-WW, LTDMLACx-WW, LTBP240180-R/G, LTBP288180-R/G,
side 2 cable end - 5 m - for double stage systems LTBP240216-R/G, LTBP288216-R/G
Illumination cable, side 1 M12 connector right angled, LTDMLAB2-WW, LTDMLACx-WW, LTBP240180-R/G, LTBP288180-R/G,
side 2 cable end - 5 m - for double stage systems LTBP240216-R/G, LTBP288216-R/G
Illumination cable PVC grey, side 1 industrial circular connector straight, 
CBLT007 LTLNE series
side 2 cable end - 5 m
Illumination cable , side 1 industrial circular connector straight, 
CBLT008 LTLNM series
side 2 cable end - 5 m - power supply
Illumination cable , side 1 industrial circular connector straight, 
side 2 cable end - 5 m
Power cable, side 1 M8 connector straight, LTCLHP series, LTCLHP CORE series, LTCL4K series, TCCX series, LTPR series,
side 2 cable end - 2 m - type 1 labels LTPRHP3W series, LTPRSMHP3W series, LTSCHP series
Power cable, side 1 M8 connector angled, LTCLHP series, LTCLHP CORE series, LTCL4K series, TCCX series, LTPR series,
side 2 cable end - 2 m - type 1 labels LTPRHP3W series, LTPRSMHP3W series, LTSCHP series
Power cable, side 1 M8 connector straight,
CB244P1501 LTPRXP series, TCCAGExx096
side 2 cable end - 2 m - type 2 labels
Power cable, side 1 M8 connector angled,
CB244P1501L LTPRXP series, TCCAGExx096
side 2 cable end - 2 m - type 2 labels
Illumination cable, side A flying leads, LTRNST series, LTRNOB series, RT-ANGX1000CH1-24V-xx-TB,
side B terminal blocks connector, 24V - 3m RT-ANG2000CH2-24VA1-xx-TB
Illumination cable, side A flying leads, side B SM 3 way female RT-SD-1000-D1-PS-xx, LTDMC series, LTLAIC series, LTLADC series,
connector, 24V - 3m LTRNDC series, LTBFC series, LTBRDC series, LTTNC series, LTCXC series
CBPWALB01 ALBERT power cable, 5 m, IP65 ALBERT-01
Power cord with schuko plug - open end cable, RT-SDR-120-24, RT-SDR-120-48, RT-DRP-240-24, RT-DRP-480-24,
3 m 10A 250V, single-phase RT-DRT-240-24, RT-DRT-480-24
CBMT002 15 wires cable, DB15HD Male to DB15HD Female connector, 2 m MTDVxCH-22Ax, TCZRS series

CBMT003 8 wires cable, 2x DB15HD Male to DIN EN 60529 12 Pin Female connector, 2 m MTDVxCH-22Ax, MZMT12X series, ENMT series

USB cables

CBUSB20ACT01 Active USB 2.0 cable, industrial level, screw locking, 10 m STLTCM01

CBUSB3001 Passive USB 3.0 cable, industrial level, horizontal screw locking, 3m COE HR AS-X series, COE-U series, mvBlueFOX3-2

Ethernet cables

CBETH001 Ethernet cable for Panel PC, 5 m, IP65 ALBERT-01, RT-KWP5170

CBETH002 Ethernet cable, general purpose, 5 m, IP65 ALBERT-01
COE-G series, COE HR AS-X series, mvBlueCOUGAR-X, mvBlueCOUGAR-XD,
CBETH003 Ethernet cable, CAT6, industrial level, high flexible cable with screw, 5m
MTDVxCH-22Ax, AO series
Cables for control and I/O
Illumination cable , side 1 industrial circular connector straight, 
CBLT009 LTLNM series
side 2 cable end - 5 m - I/O signals
CBGPO001 Output cable, 5 m, IP65 ALBERT-01
CBGPIO001 I/O cable, side 1 HIROSE 12 pin, side 2 cable end, 3 m mvBlueFOX3-2, mvBlueCOUGAR-X, mvBlueCOUGAR-XD, AO series
CBPH001 Photoelectric sensor cable with M12 connector, 5 m, IP65 RT-WTB9-3P2461, ALBERT-01
CBPH002 Photoelectric sensor cable with flying leads, 5 m, IP65 ALBERT-01
CBTL001 Tower light cable with M12 connector, 5 m, IP68 RT-69942075, ALBERT-01
CBTL002 Tower light cable with flying leads, 5 m, IP68 ALBERT-01

COE I/O cables

COE-6P-FEMALE HIROSE 6-pin/Female connector cable for COE HR LS series, 2 meters COE HR LS series, COE-PS-UNIVERSAL
COE-6P-MALE HIROSE 6-pin/Male connector cable for COE HR AS series, 2 meters COE HR AS series, COE-PS-UNIVERSAL
COE-6P-OPEN1-005 HIROSE 6-pin/Open end cable, 0.5 meters COE-G series, COE-U series, COE HR AS-X series
COE-6P-OPEN1-030 HIROSE 6-pin/Open end cable, 3 meters COE-G series, COE-U series, COE HR AS-X series
COE-6P-OPEN1-050 HIROSE 6-pin/Open end cable, 5 meters COE-G series, COE-U series, COE HR AS-X series
COE-6P-OPEN1-100 HIROSE 6-pin/Open end cable, 10 meters COE-G series, COE-U series, COE HR AS-X series
COE-6P-OPEN1-150 HIROSE 6-pin/Open end cable, 15 meters COE-G series, COE-U series, COE HR AS-X series
COE-6P-OPEN1-300 HIROSE 6-pin/Open end cable, 30 meters COE-G series, COE-U series, COE HR AS-X series
COE-6P-OPEN2-030 HIROSE 6-pin/Open end super flexible cable, 3 meters COE-G series, COE-U series, COE HR AS-X series
COE-6P-OPEN2-050 HIROSE 6-pin/Open end super flexible cable, 5 meters COE-G series, COE-U series, COE HR AS-X series
COE-6P-OPEN2-100 HIROSE 6-pin/Open end super flexible cable, 10 meters COE-G series, COE-U series, COE HR AS-X series
COE-6P-OPEN2-150 HIROSE 6-pin/Open end super flexible cable, 15 meters COE-G series, COE-U series, COE HR AS-X series
COE-6P-OPEN2-300 HIROSE 6-pin/Open end super flexible cable, 30 meters COE-G series, COE-U series, COE HR AS-X series
COE-12P-OPEN1-030 HIROSE 12-pin/Open end cable, 3 meters COE HR AS-X series
COE-12P-OPEN1-050 HIROSE 12-pin/Open end cable, 5 meters COE HR AS-X series
COE-12P-OPEN2-030 HIROSE 12-pin/Open end super flexible cable, 3 meters COE HR AS-X series

ADPT001 Adapter RS485-USB + cable with 3 elements for LTDV6CH connection LTDVExCH-20, LTDV6CH, MTDV series

1 Except LTBP240180-z, LTBP288180-z, LTBP240216-z, LTBP288216-z


LTSCHP series
High-performance replacement LED modules

LTSCHP modules power several Opto Engineering® LED illuminators and feature excellent current stability.
They are available in various colors and can be ordered as spare parts:

1W power sources:
• LTSCHP1W modules are compatible with LTCLHP, LTLCHP CORE (only red, green and white), LTCL4K, TCCXQ,
TCCX, TCBENCH series, TCBENCH CORE, MZMT12X series and TCKIT case.
• The new LTSCCP1W-G green light source is compatible with the LTLHP CORE PLUS series.
• The new LTSCHP1W-GZ green light source is now also available: suitable for any kind of sample, it is specifically tailored
for measuring reflective objects and objects with sharp edges. In fact, it reduces edge diffraction effects,
also ensuring superior illumination uniformity (especially on large FOVs) and making the whole system less sensitive
to alignment. It is compatible with LTCLHP, TCBENCH, LTCL4K, LTCLHP CORE, TCBENCH CORE series and TCKIT case.

3W power sources:
• LTSCHP3W modules are compatible with LTPRHP3W and LTPRSMHP3W pattern projectors.

Device power ratings LED power ratings Compatibility

Part Light color, DC voltage 1 Power Max LED forward Forward voltage Max pulse current
number Wavelength peak consumption current
Minimum Maximum Typical Maximum
(V) (V) (W) (mA) 2 (V) 3 (V) 4 (mA) 5
1W power sources 6
LTSCHP 1W-R red, 630 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 2.4 3.00 2000
LTSCHP 1W-G green, 520 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 3.3 4.00 2000 TCCX, TCCXQ, LTCLHP CORE,
LTSCHP 1W-B blue, 460 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 3.3 4.00 2000 TCBENCH CORE, TCKIT,
LTSCHP 1W-W white 12 24 < 2.5 350 2.78 - 2000
LTSCCP 1W-G • NEW green, 520 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 3.3 4.00 2000 LTCLHP CORE PLUS
LTSCHP 1W-GZ • NEW green, 520 nm 12 24 < 2.5 350 3.3 4.00 2000 LTCL4K, LTCLHP CORE,
3W power sources

LTSCHP 3W-R red, 630 nm 12 24 < 4.5 720 2.4 3.00 2000
LTSCHP 3W-G green, 520 nm 12 24 < 4.5 720 3.3 4.00 2000
LTSCHP 3W-B blue, 460 nm 12 24 < 4.5 720 3.3 4.00 2000
LTSCHP 3W-W white 12 24 < 4.5 720 2.78 - 2000

1 Tolerance ± 10%. 6 Shipped not assembled. See LTCLHP instructions manual.

2 Used in continuous (not pulsed) mode. 7 Some part numbers are not available in all color options (-R, -G, -B and -W).
3 At max forward current. See page of each product series for available colors.
4 Tolerance is ±0.06V on forward voltage measurements.
5 At pulse width <= 10 ms, duty cycle <= 10% condition.
Built-in electronics board must be bypassed (see tech info).


LDSC series
LED sources

Part number Description Compatibility FULL RANGE OF COMPATIBLE PRODUCTS

Light source for Optart telecentric lenses

RT-LVW-00614 RT-PSP-12122-LV-xx TCCXHM series p. 47
with built-in coaxial illumination, white
Light source for Optart telecentric lenses
RT-LVG-00614 RT-PSP-12122-LV-xx
with built-in coaxial illumination, green
TCCXLM series p. 47

TCCX2M series p. 62


The artificial intelligence-based vision unit


Works where all the others fail

PENSO® is designed to work on unpredictable variations and
defects, as well as on objects difficult to model or without a golden

Fast configuration, even faster prototyping

PENSO® full configuration requires hours, not weeks and produce
feasibility studies in minutes, not days, without any programming

Adapts easily to the real working conditions

PENSO® helps the consistency of the inspection process by
autoadjusting to changes on working conditions, self-learning from
the ongoing process.

PENSO® is an artificial intelligence computational unit for imaging Instead, as a human operator would do after observing some
applications. samples, PENSO® understands what will be considered normal and
PENSO® self-learns the expected features of an object by simply acceptable from now on. Since neither modeling or programming
looking at a small series of samples, regardless of the possible is needed, with just some elementary configuration tools you can
presence of defective product in the midst. Once trained, PENSO® immediately understand if an application is feasible or not and really
will start operating autonomously and warning you if something save a lot of time. Then, with minimum additional effort, you can fine
unwanted happens. tune the application and make it fully working.
Object modeling, often very difficult or even impossible is therefore
no longer needed; moreover, you are not asked to define possible
object variations or defects from the beginning, usually impossible.


Trigger output STR Results

Screen, keyboard,
Trigger output CAM

mouse, remote control

Image input

Trigger input


LED illuminator

Pneumatic actuator




PENSO® is extremely easy toinstall: you simply need to connect of separating the product to be inspected from the background)
inputs (camera, keyboard/mouse etc.) and outputs (synchronization are assisted by convenient software tools. The interaction with
signal, OK/NOK signal, etc.) and provide 24V DC. PENSO® is possible at all time through standard physical interfaces
The basic settings are extremely simple and fast: image brightness, (keyboard, mouse and screen) or remotely, integrating PENSO®
color correction, focusing and segmentation (i.e. is the process within the local network.


The learning process is easily performed by presenting some

products on the production line and activating PENSO® in “LEARN”
mode during normal operation.
Unlike traditional vision units, PENSO® autonomously learns the
characteristics of your production in a few minutes: it is normally
sufficient to present a few tens or a few hundreds of products
during production to allow PENSO® to learn their characteristics
without complicated settings.
PENSO® can tolerate up to 20% defective products during the
learning phase, without affecting its ability to sort products correctly.
PENSO® will be ready to check your production once the status bar
is full.
Moreover, whenever the goods on your production line change
or anytime you want to adjust your quality control process to new
production parameters, you can just press the “LEARN” button and
PENSO® will adjust itself accordingly.
Even during the learning phase, PENSO® continues to monitor PENSO® in “LEARN” mode.
production, quickly adapting to the new inspection criteria without
having to stop the line: no other vision system is so flexible and easy
to configure.


Once the learning process is complete, PENSO® is ready for the You can also adjust the “severity” level of the control parameters
sorting phase or “CHECK” phase: the products deemed inconsistent without having to stop the line. A dedicated slider bar allows the
with the desired level of quality are reported and can be rejected user to loosen or tighten the sorting criteria, quickly and easily
from the line by interfacing PENSO® with most common ejection adjusting PENSO® to new quality parameters.
systems thanks to the preinstalled opto-isolated outputs. PENSO® also allows a higher level of control: we can decide which
PENSO® can store images of defective products, also keeping features describing the object color and shape are taken into
track of the reasons for rejection: this data can then be analyzed to consideration by PENSO®, and how much PENSO® will consider
improve the production process. them critical for the final decision (weight), all done in real time.

PENSO® set to low (left) or high (right) severity level.


PENSO® is successfully applied in many imaging applications.

Here are some of the many cases where AI-driven imaging is the key to success.

Color/Mono imaging: Dishwasher tablets

Dishwasher tablets come with natural variations: the density of blue over white soap, the roundness of the red core, etc. Nevertheless,
PENSO® sees the defects as deviation from the average product shape or color distribution, exactly the way a human operator would.

Color/Mono imaging: Tealight candles

Inspecting candles is not an easy task: surface features and texture are always slightly different, making it hard to work within the usual deterministic imaging approach.
An AI-driven inspection, on the other hand, skips the unimportant details and shows us only what matters!

3D imaging

The typical output of a 3D camera is a monochrome picture of the object, where dark regions are lower and bright regions are higher (height map).
In this example, a package with broken or irregular crackers is first detected by PENSO® because of its unusual dark spots, corresponding to the missing chunks.
Too many crackers in the package, instead, appear as a uniform brighter-than-average tint, corresponding to the increased height.

Thermal imaging / IR / X-Ray*

PENSO® works with array images, looking at change of shape and - from IR application to X-ray vision, if the camera output is a 2D
color. For this reason, the source of the image does not matter image, PENSO® can process it!

*might require hardware/software customization


System calibration Image segmentation

When setting up the image for PENSO®, we want to make sure it In our second step, we need to tell PENSO® how to separate the
represents the product as accurately as possible. object from the surface underneath (segmentation).
Therefore, our first step is system calibration: an intuitive tool guides This goal is also achieved using a simple software tool, which lets us
the user through the optimization of focusing, color calibration and play with intensity thresholding and color differences to quickly and
light intensity. easily get the best result.

Feature extraction management

Once we set our best image and the LEARN process is completed,
we can start fine-tuning the sorting process, selecting from a growing
number of features the ones that best relate to our specific sorting
process. PENSO® will show us in real time how a single feature and
its relative importance (weight) contributes to the overall choice
between OK and NOK sample.

Do you need a non-standard feature? We’ll create it for you!

Contact us to know about customized filters in PENSO®.


Model PENSO-01
Description Artificial Intelligence-based Vision Unit
Application In-line inspection
Camera 1 Matrix Vision up to 5 MPx , 3D cameras (see Accessories)
Number of parts per second 2 20
LED indicators Power, Status and Error
N° of storable images  3 ≈ 800K

Synchronization input 2, opto isolated, common reference
Commands 6, opto isolated, common reference
Status 4, opto isolated, common reference
Synchronization output 2 strobe trigger, opto isolated, common reference, 1 camera trigger, opto isolated
Results 6, opto isolated, common reference
Elaborated 1, opto isolated
USB 3.0 2 (camera dedicated)
Ethernet 1 (camera dedicated) + 1
RS232 1
RS485 1
USB 2.0 4
1 PS/2 1 (keyboard and mouse)

Power Requirements
Voltage V, DC 24 ± 5%
Maximum power consumption W 100

Mechanical specifications
Width W mm 128
Length L mm 230
Height H mm 226
Weight Kg 2.5
Material Aluminium
Mounting DIN mount

Operating temperature °C 10-40
Storage temperature °C 0 - 50
Humidity 20-85% (with no condensation)
IP class no IP class
Installation indoor use only

1 Non-standard cameras available upon request (customization). 3 Estimated value based on 250 Kbytes images stored in 200 GB SSD memory.
2 Estimated value. The number of inspected parts per second may vary depending
on image resolution, line speed and number of activated features.

LED lights
Camera dedicated
USB 3.0 / Ethernet ports
and others

Network dedicated
Ethernet port Status LEDs / Tower lights
(power needed)
Network Trigger

Machine status PLC

(Running, Error, Learn
mode, Sorting mode)

RGB Machine results

monitor HDMI/DVI (Processing, OK/NOK signal)

Machine commands
Physical buttons
(Reset, Start, Stop, Learn,
Severity +, Severity - )

Other generic USB
hardware (screen, PS/2
keyboard, mouse, license
USB Key,
To power supply
Bluetooth USB key etc.)

Keyboard and mouse


Power supply
RT-DRT-240-24 DIN rail power supply 400V ac three-phase - 24V dc 240 W
RT-DRP-240-24 DIN rail power supply 240V ac - 24V dc 240 W
RT-70261132 Power cord with schuko plug - open end cable, 3m 10A 250V, single-phase

RT-mvBC-X102eC CMOS camera GIGE, 1280 x 1024 color, 1/1.8", 60 Hz, IR cut, C-mount, I/O
RT-mvBF3-2032aC-1112 CMOS camera USB3, 2064 x 1544 colour, 1/1.8", 55 Hz, IR cut, C-mount, with I/O
RT-mvBC-X104iC CMOS camera GIGE, 2064 x 1544 color, 1/1.8", 37 Hz, IR cut, C-mount, I/O
RT-mvBF3-2051aC-1112 CMOS camera USB3, 2464 x 2056 color 2/3", 35.6 Hz, IR cut, C-mount, with I/O
RT-mvBC-X105bC CMOS camera GIGE, 2464 x 2056 Colour sensor, 2/3", 23.5 Hz, IR cut, C-mount, I/O
STLTCM01 3D Structured-light Camera, 0.6-8.0 m range, USB 2.0

EN2MP0814 Megapixel lens, focal length 8 mm, f# 1.4-C, C-mount
EN2MP1214 Megapixel lens, focal length 12 mm, f# 1.4-C, C-mount
EN2MP1614 Megapixel lens, focal length 16 mm, f# 1.4-C, C-mount
EN2MP2514 Megapixel lens, focal length 25 mm, f# 1.4-C, C-mount
EN2MP3514 Megapixel lens, focal length 35 mm, f# 1.4-C, C-mount
EN2MP5018 Megapixel lens, focal length 50 mm, f# 1.8-C, C-mount

Lighting components - Strobe

LTLAB2-W Diffusive strobed low angle ring light illuminator - medium size high power white
LTBP048216-W High power strobed LED backlight, 48 x 216 mm lighting area, white
LTDMB2-W Diffusive strobed dome illuminator - medium size high power white
LTDV1CH-17V Strobe controller 1 channel variable current 5 mA - 17A
LTDV6CH Strobe controller 6 channels

Lighting components - Continuous

LTZGK090-00-4-W-24V LED ringlight, 4 LED rows, outer diameter 92 mm, 0°, white, 24V
LTZPFL200-00-6-W-24V LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 200X26.3 illumination area, white, 24V
LT4WRG150-00-1-W-24V LED dome light, 185 mm outer diameter, white, 24V
LTICGR1000-D1 Analogue lighting controller unit, 1 channel, 24V, 2A, constant mode, power adaptor 24V plug
DFLTZGK090-00-4 Diffuser for LED ringlight, 4 LED rows, outer diameter 92 mm, 0°
DFLTZPFL200-00-6 Diffuser for LED bar light, 6 LED rows, 200X26.3 illumination area
CBSLH-24V-F-3M Illumination cable, side A flying leads, side B SM 3 way female connector, 24V - 3m

CBUSB3001 Passive USB 3.0 cable, industrial level, horizontal screw locking, 3 m
CBGPIO001 I/O cable, side 1 HIROSE 12 pin, side 2 cable end, 3 m
CBETH003 Ethernet cable, CAT6, industrial level,high flexible cable with screw, 5 m
CBUSB20ACT01 Active USB 2.0 cable, industrial level, screw locking, 10 m

RT-WTB9-3P246 Background suppression sick photoelectric sensor 20 - 350 mm detection range,PNP output, block style
RT-10060911 Set of 2 8” x 10 “ white balance/exposure cards - 18% grey and 90% white for color calibration


Artificial Intelligence for machine vision - starter kit

The PENSO-KIT case includes a selection of Opto Engineering® The kit contains PENSO®, our innovative artificial intelligence-based
components that will easily allow you to bring Artificial Intelligence vision unit, together with all necessary hardware to set it up: power
into your applications. supply, proximity sensor, color camera, 3D camera, lens, illuminator,
strobe controller, cables and mounting mechanics. Saving time from
This versatile kit is ideal for system integrators that are frequently choosing all the necessary individual components, a kit offers an
dealing with new, challenging inspection processes. Artificial ideal development tool at a bundle pricing.
Intelligence can be an extremely powerful resource; therefore, it is
extremely important to have quick access to it for testing, feasibility Get the PENSO-KIT now, and start discovering the advantages of
studies and demonstrations. Artificial Intelligence!

Part number Products included Description

PENSO-01 Artificial Intelligence-based Vision Unit

RT-DRP-240-24 DIN rail power supply 240V ac - 24V dc 240 W

RT-70261132 Power cord with schuko plug - open end cable, 3m 10A 250V, single-phase

RT-mvBF3-1013C-1112 CMOS camera USB3, 1280 x 1024 gray, 1/1.8", 60 Hz, IR cut, C-mount, with I/O

CBUSB3001 Passive USB 3.0 cable, industrial level, horizontal screw locking, 3 m

CBGPIO001 I/O cable, side 1 HIROSE 12 pin, side 2 cable end, 3 m

STLTCM01 3D Structured-light Camera, 0.6-8.0 m range, USB 2.0

CBUSB20ACT01 Active USB 2.0 cable, industrial level, screw locking, 10 m

EN2MP1214 Megapixel lens, focal length 12 mm, f# 1.4-C, C-mount

LTZGK090-00-4-W-24V LED ringlight, 4 LED rows, outer diameter 92 mm, 0°, white, 24V

DFLTZGK090-00-4 Diffuser for LED ringlight, 4 LED rows, outer diameter 92 mm, 0°

LTDV1CH-17V Strobe controller 1 channel variable current 5 mA - 17A

LTICGR1000-D1 Analogue lighting controller unit, 1 channel, 24V, 2A, constant mode, power adaptor 24V plug

CBSLH-24V-F-3M Illumination cable, side A flying leads, side B SM 3 way female connector, 24V - 3m

CBPH003 Photoelectric sensor cable, M12 connector to flying leads, length 5m

RT-WTB9-3P246 Background suppression sick photoelectric sensor 20 - 350 mm detection range,PNP output, block style

RT-10060911 Set of 2 8” x 10 “ white balance/exposure cards - 18% grey and 90% white for color calibration


Self-learning vision system based on artificial intelligence


Learns and assesses the quality of your products directly from the
production line without complicated settings.

Independently decides whether a product can be accepted and
can control it in a more strict or tolerant way according to different
production requirements.

Quickly learns the characteristics of a new product under inspection.

Suitable to identify complex defects

Is capable to understand the quality of products even with complex
features and high variability.

IP65 Rated


Ideal to quality check a variety of baked goods such as croissants

and cookies but also frozen products, chocolates and various
other foods, even when presented in a disorderly manner and with
different orientations.

ALBERT® is a complete and independent unit for visual inspection, operator would: ALBERT®, on the other hand, interprets the
based on the most advanced artificial intelligence techniques. concept of “quality” just like the fastest and most trained of
your quality control operators. ALBERT® is able to adapt to the
ALBERT® learns the characteristics of a product directly from the production requirements of the moment since its “severity” level can
production line and autonomously assesses its quality. ALBERT® is be increased or decreased at the touch of a button, thus loosening
very simple to use and does not require complicated programming or tightening the product acceptance criteria.
procedures by experienced users, so it is quickly ready to control
new products with different characteristics. Each time, ALBERT® chooses autonomously which will be the
features to monitor that best describe the quality of your products.
No traditional machine vision system is able to analyze complex At any time and with a simple click, ALBERT® can learn how to sort a
objects or products with high variability as simply as a human new product or adapt to changing production conditions.

Inspection of croissants.



ALBERT® is extremely easy to install: just attach it to any The basic settings are extremely simple and fast: the process of
mechanical fixture by means of the four threaded holes on top of adjusting the focus and identifying the product to be inspected is
the unit, making sure to respect the correct working distance from assisted by convenient software tools.
the conveyor belt. The interaction with ALBERT® is possible both through the physical
Once connected to a 24V power supply, simply press the “ON” interfaces on the product or by connecting the unit to a tablet or
button and wait less than a minute for ALBERT® to be ready for use. industrial PC.

M6 holes for mounting

Working distance

Industrial tablet PC

There are four M6 holes to mount ALBERT® on the production line at the correct working distance.
ALBERT® can be configured using the buttons on the product or by tablet / PC.


The learning process is easily performed by presenting some

products on your production line and activating ALBERT® in “LEARN”
mode during normal operation.

Unlike traditional vision systems, ALBERT® autonomously learns the

characteristics of your production in a few minutes: it is normally
sufficient to present a few tens or a few hundreds of products
during production to allow ALBERT® to learn their characteristics
without complicated settings.

ALBERT® is able to tolerate up to 10% defective products

during the learning phase, without affecting its ability to
sort products correctly. ALBERT® will be ready to check your
production once the status bar is full. ALBERT® in “LEARN” mode.

Moreover, whenever the goods on your production line change

or anytime you want to adjust your quality control process to new
production parameters, you can just press the “LEARN” button and
ALBERT® will adjust itself accordingly.
Even during the learning phase, ALBERT® continues to
monitor production, quickly adapting to the new inspection
criteria without having to stop the line: no other vision system is so
flexible and easy to configure.



Once the learning process is complete, ALBERT® is ready for the ALBERT® is able to store images of defective products also
sorting phase or “CHECK” phase: the products deemed inconsistent keeping track of the reasons for rejection: this data can then
with the desired level of quality are reported via an integrated light be analyzed to improve the production process.
bar and can be rejected from the line by interfacing ALBERT® with You can also adjust the “severity” level of the control parameters
the most common ejection systems thanks to the preinstalled opto- without having to stop the line: a dedicated slider bar allows the
isolated outputs. user to loosen or tighten the sorting criteria, quickly and easily
adjusting ALBERT® to new quality parameters.

ALBERT® set to low (left) or high (right) severity level.


ALBERT® communicates its status through a LED bar that turns red If you wish to view the images that ALBERT® is acquiring, you can
when defective products are detected. do so wirelessly through an industrial tablet PC without losing IP65
ALBERT® is also preset to be interfaced with an industrial tower rating or by connecting ALBERT® to a monitor after removing the
light already installed on your production line and reports defective front protection panel. Connecting ALBERT® to a monitor / tablet
products through appropriate output signals that can trigger up to PC is also required to adjust the basic settings and to monitor
six eject stations. rejection statistics on an external screen.

Tower light

Front protection panel

PLC / Ejection

Integrated LED bar

Monitor Industrial tablet PC

ALBERT® interfaces.


ALBERT® is designed to also control products characterized by a high degree of variability and impossible to parameterize through a traditional
vision system, specifically in the food industry, but not exclusively.
The most typical areas of use are the inspection of baked goods, frozen products, sweets, fish or meat. ALBERT® is also ideal for products that
are presented in a disorderly manner or with different orientations (provided there’s some spacing between them), or whose packaging cannot
be represented by a predetermined pattern. In all of these cases, ALBERT® makes it possible to control the products avoiding excess scrap or
continued assistance by operators experienced in programming.

ALBERT® is suitable for use on food lines thanks to the IP65 protection, the adoption of materials compatible with the food industry and the
engineering solutions adopted.

Bakery products with variations in color, shape or other attributes

ALBERT® is the ideal inspection solution for production lines of parameter but is rather a combination of multiple subjective
bakery products, such as biscuits, where traditional vision systems variables.
fail because product acceptance is not determined by a single

Works with a variety of conveyor belts including

mesh or white.

Inspection of cookies.

ALBERT® learns to know your production

Due to continuous and genuine changes in products such as In fact, ALBERT® can learn the natural change in color of the
chocolate or shortcrust pastry, no traditional on-line vision system ingredients of a new batch in less than 5 minutes without the need
is able to quickly learn and properly inspect this type of products to adjust complicated parameters each time.
like ALBERT® does.

Zoomed in image.

Inspection of shortcrust pastry.


Frozen products with variations in color, shape or ingredients

The acceptance criterion for frozen products is often a complex such as frozen pizzas, semi-finished meat or fish products, allowing
combination of many parameters. Unlike traditional vision systems, you to loosen or tighten the sorting parameters by simply adjusting
ALBERT® is flexible and quickly learns the characteristics of products a dedicated slider bar on the main interface.


W 33
m 0 mm

H 171 mm



ALBERT’s Field of View.

Model ALBERT-01
Description Self-Learning Vision system based on artificial intelligence
Application In-line inspection
Working distance (mm) 1
460 900 1350
Field of View mm x mm 400 x 295 800 x 590 1200 x 890
Minimum Working Distance mm 100
Optics 8 mm f1.4-f16 with manual focus adjustment
Lighting system LED diffuse strobe illuminator, 5700 K white
Line speed 2 m/s ≈1
Number of parts per second 3 20
LED indicators Yes (STATUS and SEVERITY LEVEL)
N ° of storable images 4 ≈ 800K
Synchronization input 1, opto-isolated (on top of the unit)
for tower light 2 lights, 1 siren (on top)
for ejector (s) 6, opto-isolated (on top)
Synchronization output 1, opto-isolated (on top)
Ethernet 2 (on top)
Wireless Wi-Fi (802.11n)
USB 3.0 4 (front of the unti)
HDMI 1 (front)
DVI 1 (front)
Power Requirements
Voltage V, DC 24 ± 5%
Maximum power consumption W 150
Cable CBPWALB01 length 5 m IP68 (included)
Mechanical specifications
Width W 5 mm 330
Length L mm 311
Height H mm 171
Weight kg 10
Material AISI304 stainless steel, anodized aluminum, scratch resistant polycarbonate (Lexan Margard®)
Mounting 4X M6 holes (optional mounting accessories available)
Operating temperature °C 10-40
Storage temperature °C 0-50
Humidity 20-85% (with no condensation)
IP class 65
Installation indoor use only

1 Example values. Working distance must be set based on: size of the area 3 Estimated value. The number of inspected parts per second may vary depending
to be imaged, size and number of pieces to be imaged and type of control required. on their size and the speed of the line.
2 Approximate value. Higher speeds are possible. Please contact us to check 4 Estimated value based on 250 Kbytes images stored in 200 GB SSD memory.
compatibility with your production line. 5 Wireless antenna included.


Communication and visualization

Stainless steel PC Quad Core processor with fanless cooling system full IP65,
1 x GbE, 2 x USB 2.0, 1 x RS-232

CBETH001 Ethernet cable for Panel PC, 5 m, IP65

RT-JD-0700GB-2 USB Keyboard/Mouse desk set

RT-UT10 UniqTablet Elcom UT10, Intel Atom, Touch screen, IP54


CMHOALB01 Support plate

Power Supplies

RT-DRP-240-24 DIN rail power supply 240V ac - 24V dc 240 W

RT-DRP-480-24 DIN rail power supply 240V ac - 24V dc 480 W

RT-70261132 Power cord with schuko plug - open end cable, 3 m 10A 250V, single-phase

RT-DRT-240-24 DIN rail power supply 400V ac three-phase - 24V dc 240 W

RT-DRT-480-24 DIN rail power supply 400V ac three-phase - 24V dc 480 W

Sensors and signal

Background suppression sick photoelectric sensor 20 - 350 mm detection range,

PNP output, block style

RT-69942075 LED signal tower with buzzer, 2 light elements, clear, green/red (LED colour), 24 V ac/dc

Lighting Components

LTBP288036-W High-power strobe bar light, 288 x 36 mm illumination area, white

LTBP048216-W High-power strobe bar light, 216 x 48 mm illumination area, white

LTDV6CH 6-channel strobe controller


LT3ZPZ400-00-X-W-24V LED bar light, 400X19.7 mm illumination area, white, 24V

Analogue lighting controller unit, 1 channel, 24V, 2A, constant mode, EU power cord,
power adaptor 24V plug

CBSLH-24V-F-3M Illumination cable, side A flying leads, side B SM 3 way female connector, 24V - 3m


CBETH002 Ethernet cable, general purpose, 5 m, IP68

CBGPO001 Output cable, 5 m, IP68

CBPH001 Photoelectric sensor cable with M12 connector, 5 m, IP65

CBPH002 Photoelectric sensor cable with flying leads, 5 m, IP65

CBTL001 Tower light cable with M12 connector, 5 m, IP68

CBTL002 Tower light cable with flying leads, 5 m, IP68

CBPWALB01 ALBERT power cable, 5 m, IP65


RT-10060911 Set of 2 8” x 10 “ white balance/exposure cards - 18% grey and 90% white for color calibration

Vision inspection with robotic guidance opens up new opportunities in the quality control process.
Opto Engineering® machine vision components can be bundled as special optical probes and integrated
on a robotic arm, allowing to successfully perform challenging measurements and inspections
of parts of different shapes, sizes, materials and colors.

Robotics application note

This application note presents a wide range of components that can be integrated
on a robot arm to create special optical probes for precision measurement,
surface inspection or cavity inspection.

You can easily build a robot-based system. Just select the suitable optical probe matching
your application task (camera + lens + lighting + accessories), add a robot,
NI Vision or third-party software along with DigiMetrix Robotics Software libraries:

DigiMetrix Robotics Libraries


Opto Engineering ® optical probes DigiMetrix Robotics Libraries

Opto Engineering ® offers a wide range of machine vision lenses, The DigiMetrix Robotics Libraries for National Instruments LabVIEW
illuminators, cameras and accessories that can be successfully allow to easily control and guide a robot arm without being experts
bundled together to create special optical probes for robotic in advanced robot programming, enabling users to achieve better
applications. results in less time. Tight integration with NI Vision libraries opens
opportunities for fast and productive Machine Vision based
The following application examples present demanding tasks application development.
such as precision non contact measurement, cavity inspection The LabVIEW Real-Time or MS Windows execution platform is
and other applications that require adjustments to FOV, working connected to a brand-specific robot controller through Ethernet
distance, lens focus and aperture. network. The robot controller software provides path kinematics
calculation, motion precision and safety, while the LabVIEW program
Opto Engineering ® offers many other components that may dictates where to go and what to do based on sensors and vision
be used instead of the ones suggested here, and can also information. As a result just one powerful software development
develop custom mounting mechanics to fit specific application tool is used for entire robot base application programming including
requirements. Motion, Vision, Sensors, Tests Management and HMI.

Robot brands

DigiMetrix Libraries support Denso, Epson, Fanuc, Kawasaki, KUKA, Mitsubishi, Yaskawa Motoman and Toshiba Machines


CORE telecentric lenses and illuminators deliver excellent optical

performance in a package that is up to 70% smaller than other
solutions on the market.

Thanks to the unique opto-mechanical design, these innovative

optics open up possibilities for new applications with maximum

They can be mounted not only in tight spaces but also on CORE robotic optical measurement Image of the shaft presents very
robotic arms, thus expanding the range of use of this precision probe acquiring an image of a shaft. sharp edges and no reflections,
measurement setup. allowing precise 2D measurement.

USB 3.0 2/3” camera USB 3.0 1/1.8” camera USB 3.0 1/1.2” camera USB 3.0 1.1” camera
RT-mvBF3-2051aG RT-mvBF3-2032aG RT-mvBF3-2024aG RT-mvBF3-2124G
2464 x 2056, 3.45 μm 2064 x 1544, 3.45 μm 1936 x 1216, 5.86 μm 4112 x 3008, 3.45 μm
p. 204 p. 204 p. 204 p. 204

Bi-telecentric lens Bi-telecentric lens Telecentric lens Telecentric lens

TCCR23048 TCCR12048 TCCR2M048-C TCCR4M048-C
FOV: 46.2 x 38.55 mm FOV: 53.14 x 39.75 mm FOV: 42.33 x 26.59 mm FOV: 38.45 x 28.12 mm
p. 20 p. 20 p. 52 p. 52

Telecentric light
Green collimated illuminator
p. 134

Robot holder clamp USB 3.0 camera cable LED power supply
Compatible with a ISO 9409-1-31/5 robot flange type Passive USB 3.0 cable, industrial level,
24VDC DIN rail power supply
(4xM5 holes on 31.5 mm diameter) horizontal screw locking, 3 m
p. 228 p. 266 p. 264

Compatible with a 6-axis and SCARA robot arm with 4kg+ payload

Ø 10
CMHORBCR048 metrology probe clamp is designed to mount TCCRxx048 lenses and LTCLCR048-x
Ø 5.3 illuminators on 4 kg+ payload robots. It is compatible with a ISO 9409-1-31/5 robot flange type (4x M5
Ø 31.5

holes on 31.5 mm diameter). This flange type is popular on small/medium robots like Mitsubishi, Epson,
KUKA, Denso, Fanuc and others.

Custom mounting clamps can be developed on request to fit larger CORE telecentric optics for up to
+0.012 4 5°
Ø 5 H7 0 97 mm FOV or supplied with a different gripper flange type.
CMHORBCR048 gripper flange close-up.

Robotic CORE optical probes can be used in a wide variety of Often times, fragile or complex-shaped parts cannot be inspected
measurement and inspection applications where telecentric optics on a conveyor belt and must be checked by a robotic arm moving
are greatly beneficial but traditionally difficult to integrate because in tight areas.
of their size.
CORE optical measurement probes overcome the size issue of
For example, measuring reflective metal parts with non-telecentric classic telecentric benches, allowing you to combine robotic motion
optics is very challenging, due to reflections bouncing off the metal and telecentric optics to inspect and precisely measure complex
surface that cause inaccurate readings. parts.


In robot guided vision inspection, it is often necessary to both locate an object over a large area and to
image small details on it. Inspecting complex objects like a car engine or the car itself requires a robot arm
with a probe that can be moved to any desired position. In order to optimize image quality accounting for
all variables, such as changing lighting conditions, flexiblle working distances or even different inspection
tasks, focus and aperture adjustments are typically required.

ENMT series are high resolution fixed focal length lenses with motorized focus and aperture control,
allowing for precise and repeatable adjustments of the lens settings.
They are ideal for fully automated systems and for installations that require remote control of the optical
parameters. Motorized iris and focus allow the user to optimize image capture in different working The ENMT series has been
environments and to accurately perform multiple point inspection of parts of various sizes, shapes and discontinued. Today the last pieces
complexity. are available at special price.

USB 3.0 2/3” camera

2464 x 2056, 3.45 μm
p. 204

12 mm motorized lens 16 mm motorized lens 25 mm motorized lens 35 mm motorized lens 50 mm motorized lens
5 Mpix, 12 mm lens, 5 Mpix, 12 mm lens, 5 Mpix, 12 mm lens, 5 Mpix, 12 mm lens, 5 Mpix, 12 mm lens,
motorized focus and aperture motorized focus and aperture motorized focus and aperture motorized focus and aperture motorized focus and aperture
p. 112 p. 112 p. 112 p. 112 p. 112

USB 3.0 camera cable Lens cable Lens motion controller

12 wires PVC grey cable, circular standard DIN 13Pos Female
Passive USB 3.0 cable, horizontal screw locking, 3 m 24VDC DIN rail power supply
to DB15M connector cable - 2 m
p. 266 p. 266 p. 263

Compatible with a 6-axis and SCARA robot arm with 2 kg + payload


Inspecting holes and cavities is a difficult task, that can be further complicated by the complex shape
of the part or hard to reach features of interest. Many components for the automotive industry - i.e.
engine cylinder blocks - have bores of various sizes located at different positions that need to be checked

Boroscopic probes and hole inspection lenses allow to image the inner surface of cavities in perfect focus.
They can be mounted on robotic arms to increase the system flexibility, allowing you to perform deep
surface scan and to check holes on multiple areas.

Cavity inspection probe

with a boroscopic lens.

Inner cavity inspection with a hole inspection lens. Engine block inspection with a boroscopic probe.

USB 3.0 2/3” camera USB 3.0 1/1.8” camera

RT-mvBF3-2051aG RT-mvBF3-2032aG
2464 x 2056, 3.45 μm 2064 x 1544, 3.45 μm
p. 204 p. 204

Hole inspection optics Boroscopic probe

Hole inspection optics for 2/3″ Boroscopic probe for 1/2″
FOV Ø = 10 mm - 120 mm FOV Ø = 25 mm - 100 mm
p. 80 p. 82

Ring illuminator
Ringlight, ID 28 mm, oblique type, white
p. 150

USB 3.0 camera cable LED power supply

CBUSB3001 RT-SDR-120-24
Passive USB 3.0 cable, industrial level, horizontal screw locking, 3m 24VDC DIN rail power supply
p. 266 p. 264

Compatible with a 6-axis and SCARA robot arm with 2 kg + payload

MT9V034 MT9M031 IMX287 MT9P031
CMOS 1/3" CMOS 1/3" CMOS 1/2.9” CMOS 1/2.5"
752x480 1280x960 720x540 2592x1944
6pix 0.3Mpix 3.75pix 1.2Mpix 6.9pix 0.4Mpix 2.2pix 5Mpix
AR0331 RJ33B4AD0DT RJ33 IMX273 AR0521 Python1300
CMOS 1/2.3" CCD 1/3” CCD 1/3" CMOS 1/2.9” CMOS 1/2.5" CMOS 1/2”
2048x1536 640x480 1280x960 1456x1088 2592x1944 1280x1024
2.2pix 3.1Mpix 7.4pix 0.3Mpix 3.75pix 1.2Mpix 3.45pix 1.5Mpix 2.2pix 5Mpix 4.8pix 1.3Mpix

1 to 1.5 mm RT-HR-6M-110, RT-HR-6M-71
RT-HR-6F-110, RT-HR-6F-71

1.5 to 2 mm RT-TV-3M-150 RT-TV-3M-150 RT-TV-3M-150 RT-TV-3M-150 RT-HR-4M-110, RT-HR-4M-71

RT-TV-3M-220 RT-TV-3M-220 RT-TV-3M-220 RT-TV-3M-220 TCLWD350, TCCX350-Y
RT-TV-3M-290 RT-TV-3M-290 RT-TV-3M-290 RT-TV-3M-290 RT-HR-4F-110, RT-HR-4F-71

2 to 3 mm RT-TV-2M-150 RT-TV-2M-150 RT-TV-2M-150 RT-TV-2M-150, RT-TV-2M-220 TCLWD250, RT-TV-3M-150

RT-TV-2M-220 RT-TV-2M-220 RT-TV-2M-220 RT-TV-2M-290, RT-TV-2M-400 RT-TV-3M-220, RT-TV-3M-290
RT-TV-2M-290 RT-TV-2M-290 RT-TV-2M-290 TCCX250-Y

3 to 4 mm TC23004, RT-HR-2M-110
RT-HR-2M-71, RT-TV-2M-150
RT-TV-2M-220, RT-TV-2M-290
RT-TV-2M-400, RT-HR-2F-110

4 to 6 mm RT-TV-1M-150 RT-TV-1M-150 RT-TV-1M-150 RT-TV-1M-150, RT-TV-1M-220 TC23007, TCLWD150

RT-TV-1M-220 RT-TV-1M-220 RT-TV-1M-220 RT-TV-1M-290, RT-TV-1M-400 TCCX150-Y, TCCXQ011-Y
RT-TV-1M-290 RT-TV-1M-290 RT-TV-1M-290 RT-TV-1M-800

6 to 8 mm TC23009, RT-HR-1M-110
RT-HR-1M-71, TCLWD100
RT-TV-1M-150, RT-TV-1M-220
RT-TV-1M-290, RT-TV-1M-400
RT-TV-1M-800, TCCX100-Y
RT-HR-1F-110, RT-HR-1F-71

8 to 11 mm RT-TV-05M-400 RT-TV-05M-400 RT-TV-05M-400 TC23012, TCLWD066


11 to 15 mm TC12016 TC12016 TC12016 TC12016, RT-TV-05M-400 TC23016, TCLWD050

RT-TV-05M-800 RT-TV-05M-400

15 to 20 mm TC13016 TC13016 TC13016 TC12024 TC12016, TC23024

TC12024 TC12024 RT-TCL0400-F

20 to 30 mm TC13024 TC13024 TC13024 TC12036 TC12024 TC12024, TC23036

TC12036 TC12036 RT-TCL0300-F

30 to 40 mm TC13036 TC13036 TC13036 TC12048 TC12036 TC12036, TC23048

TC12048 TC12048 TCCR12048 TC23056, TCCR23048
TCCR12048 TCCR12048 TCCR23056, RT-TCL0200-F

40 to 50 mm TC13048 TC13048, TC12056 TC13048, TC12056 TC12056, TCCR12056 TC12048, TC12056 TC12048, TC23064
TC12064, TCCR12056 TC12064, TCCR12056 TCCR12048, TCCR12056 TCCR12048, TCCR23064
TCCR12064 TCCR12064 TCCXQ100-Y

50 to 70 mm TC13056 TC13056, TC13064 TC13056, TC13064 TC12064, TC12080 TC12056, TC12064 TC12056, TC12064, TC23072,
TC13064 TC12080, TC12096 TC12080, TCCR12080 TCCR12064, TCCR12080 TCCR12056, TCCR12064 TC23080, TC23085, TC23096
TCCR12080, TCCR12096 TCCR12056, TCCR12064
TCCR23080, TCCR23096

70 to 100 mm TC13080 TC13080, TC13096 TC13080, TC13096 TC12096, TC13120 TC12080, TC12096 TC12080, TC12096
TC13096 TC13120, TCCR12120 TC12096, TC13120 TCCR12096, TCCR12120 TCCR12080, TCCR12096 TC23110, TC23120
TCCR12096, TCCR12120 TC23130, TCCR12080

100 to 150 mm TC12120 TC12120, TC13144 TC12120, TC13144 TC12144 TC13120, TC12144 TC13120, TC12144, TC23144
TC13144 TC12144, TC12192 TC12144, TC12192 TCCR12120, TCCP12144 TC23172, TC23192, TC23200
TCCR12120, TCCP12144

150 to 200 mm TC13192 TC13192 TC13192 TC12192 TC12192, TCCP12192 TC12192, TC23240

200 to 300 mm

CMOS 2/3"
3.45pix 5Mpix

IMX265 IMX252 IMX178 IMX226 PYTHON 2000 IMX250

CMOS 1/1.8” CMOS 1/1.8" CMOS 1/1.8" CMOS 1/1.7" CMOS 2/3" CMOS 2/3"
2064x1544 2064x1544 3096x2080 4024x3036 1920x1200 2464x2056
3.45pix 3.1Mpix 3.45pix 3.1Mpix 2.4pix 6.4Mpix 1.85pix 12.2Mpix 4.8pix 2.3Mpix 3.45pix 5Mpix

RT-HR-6M-110, RT-HR-6M-71 RT-HR-6M-110, RT-HR-6M-71 RT-HR-6M-110, RT-HR-6M-71 RT-HR-6M-110, RT-HR-6M-71 RT-HR-6M-110, RT-HR-6M-71
RT-HR-6F-110, RT-HR-6F-71 RT-HR-6F-110, RT-HR-6F-71 RT-HR-6F-110, RT-HR-6F-71 RT-HR-6F-110, RT-HR-6F-71 RT-HR-6F-110, RT-HR-6F-71

RT-HR-4M-110, RT-HR-4M-71 RT-HR-4M-110, RT-HR-4M-71 RT-HR-4M-110, RT-HR-4M-71 RT-HR-4M-110, RT-HR-4M-71 RT-HR-6M-110, RT-HR-6M-71
RT-HR-4F-110, RT-HR-4F-71 RT-HR-4F-110, RT-HR-4F-71 RT-HR-4F-110, RT-HR-4F-71 RT-HR-4F-110, RT-HR-4F-71 RT-HR-6F-110, RT-HR-6F-71

TCLWD250, TCLWD350 TCLWD250, TCLWD350 TCLWD250, TCLWD350 TCLWD250, TCLWD350 RT-HR-4M-110, RT-HR-4M-71 RT-HR-4M-110, RT-HR-4M-71
TCCX250-Y, TCCX350-Y TCCX250-Y, TCCX350-Y TCCX250-Y, TCCX350-Y TCCX250-Y, TCCX350-Y TCLWD350, TCCX350-Y TCLWD350, TCCX350-Y
RT-HR-4F-110, RT-HR-4F-71 RT-HR-4F-110, RT-HR-4F-71

TC23004, RT-HR-2M-110 TC23004, RT-HR-2M-110 TC23004, RT-HR-2M-110 TC23004, RT-HR-2M-110 TCLWD250 TCLWD250
RT-HR-2M-71, RT-TV-2M-400 RT-HR-2M-71, RT-TV-2M-400 RT-HR-2M-71, RT-TV-2M-400 RT-HR-2M-71, RT-HR-2F-110 TCCX250-Y TCCX250-Y
RT-HR-2F-110 RT-HR-2F-110, RT-HR-2F-71 RT-HR-2F-110, RT-HR-2F-71 RT-HR-2F-71

TC23007, TCLWD150 TC23007, TCLWD150 TC23007, TCLWD150 TC23007, TCLWD150 TC23004, RT-HR-2M-110 TC23004, RT-HR-2M-110
TCCX150-Y, TCCXQ011-Y TCCX150-Y, TCCXQ011-Y TCCX150-Y, TCCXQ011-Y TCCX150-Y, TCCXQ011-Y RT-HR-2M-71, RT-HR-2F-110 RT-HR-2M-71, TCLWD150
RT-HR-2F-71 TCCX150-Y, RT-HR-2F-110
RT-HR-2F-71, TCCXQ011-Y

TC23009, RT-HR-1M-110 TC23009, RT-HR-1M-110 TC23009, RT-HR-1M-110 TC23009, RT-HR-1M-110 TC23007, TCLWD150 TC23007
RT-HR-1M-71, TCLWD100 RT-HR-1M-71, TCLWD100 RT-HR-1M-71, TCLWD100 RT-HR-1M-71, TCLWD100 TCCX150-Y, TCCXQ011-Y
RT-TV-1M-400, RT-TV-1M-800 RT-TV-1M-400, RT-TV-1M-800 RT-TV-1M-400, RT-TV-1M-800 TCCX100-Y, RT-HR-1F-110
TCCX100-Y, RT-HR-1F-110 TCCX100-Y, RT-HR-1F-110 TCCX100-Y, RT-HR-1F-110 RT-HR-1F-71, TCCXQ014-Y
RT-HR-1F-71, TCCXQ014-Y RT-HR-1F-71, TCCXQ014-Y RT-HR-1F-71, TCCXQ014-Y

TC23012, TCLWD066 TC23012, TCLWD066 TC23012, TCLWD075 TC23012, TCLWD075 TC23009, RT-HR-1M-110 TC23009, RT-HR-1M-110
TCLWD075, TCCX066-Y TCLWD075, TCCX066-Y TCCX075-Y, TCCXQ016-Y TCCX075-Y, TCCXQ016-Y RT-HR-1M-71, TCLWD100 RT-HR-1M-71, TCLWD100
TCCX075-Y, TCCXQ016-Y TCCX075-Y, TCCXQ016-Y TCCX100-Y, RT-HR-1F-110 TCCX100-Y, RT-HR-1F-110
TCCXQ018-Y TCCXQ018-Y RT-HR-1F-71, TCCXQ014-Y RT-HR-1F-71, TCCXQ014-Y

TC23016, TCLWD050 TC23016, TCLWD050 TC23016, TCLWD050 TC23016, TCLWD050 TC23012, TCLWD066 TC23012, TCLWD066
RT-TV-05M-800, TCCX050-Y RT-TV-05M-800, TCCX050-Y TCLWD066, RT-TV-05M-800 TCLWD066, TCCX050-Y TCLWD075, TCCX066-Y TCLWD075, TCCX066-Y

RT-TCL0400-F RT-TCL0400-F RT-TCL0400-F RT-TCL0400-F TC23016, TCLWD050 TC23016, TCLWD050


TC23024, TC23036 TC23024, TC23036 TC23024, RT-TCL0300-F TC23024 TC23024, RT-TCL0400-F TC23024, RT-TCL0300-F
RT-TCL0300-F RT-TCL0300-F, TCCXQ050-Y RT-TCL0300-F TC1MHR024-C RT-TCL0400-F, TC1MHR024-C

TC23048, TCCR23048 TC23048, TCCR23048 TC23036, RT-TCL0200-F TC23036, RT-TCL0200-F TC23036, RT-TCL0300-F TC23036, TCCXQ050-Y
RT-TCL0200-F, TCCXQ066-Y RT-TCL0200-F, TCCXQ066-Y TCCXQ050-Y TCCXQ050-Y TCCXQ050-Y, TC1MHR036-C TC1MHR048-C, TCCR1M048-C

TC23056, TCCR23056 TC23056, TCCR23056 TC23048, TC23056 TC23048, TC23056 RT-TCL0200-F, TC1MHR048-C TC23048, TCCR23048
TCCXQ075-Y TCCXQ075-Y TCCR23048, TCCR23056 TCCR23048, TCCR23056 TC1MHR056-C, TCCR1M048-C RT-TCL0200-F, TCCXQ066-Y

TC23064, TC23072 TC23064, TC23072 TC23064, TC23072 TC23064, TC23072 TC23048, TC23056, TC23064 TC23056, TC23064
TC23080, TC23085 TC23080, TC23085 TC23080, TCCR23064 TC23080, TCCR23064 TCCR23048, TCCR23056 TC23072, TCCR23056
TCCR23064, TCCR23080 TCCR23064, TCCR23080 TCCR23080, TCCXQ100-Y TCCR23080, TCCXQ100-Y TCCR23064, TCCXQ066-Y TCCR23064, TCCXQ075-Y
TC1MHR064-C, TC1MHR080-C TC1MHR080-C, TCCR1M064-C
TCCR1M064-C, TCCR1M080-C TCCR1M080-C

TC23096, TC23110 TC23096, TC23110 TC23085, TC23096 TC23085, TC23096 TC23072, TC23080, TC23085 TC23080, TC23085, TC23096
TC23120, TCCR23096 TC23120, TCCR23096 TC23110, TCCR23096 TC23110, TCCR23096 TC23096, TCCR23080 TCCR23080, TCCR23096
TCCR23120 TCCR23120 TCCR23096, TCCXQ150-Y TCCXQ150-Y, TC1MHR096-C
TC1MHR096-C, TCCR1M096-C TC1MHR120-C, TCCR1M096-C

TC23130, TC23144 TC23130, TC23144 TC23120, TC23130 TC23120, TC23130 TC23110, TC23120 TC23110, TC23120, TC23130
TC23172, TCCP23144 TC23172, TCCP23144 TC23144, TC23172 TC23144, TC23172 TC23130, TCCR23120 TC23144, TCCR23120
TCCR23120 TCCR23120, TCCP23144 TC1MHR120-C, TC1MHR144-C TCCP23144, TC1MHR144-C

TC23192, TC23200 TC23192, TC23200 TC23192, TC23200 TC23192, TC23200 TC23144, TC23172 TC23172, TC23192, TC23200
TC23240, TCCP12144 TC23240, TCCP12144 TCCP12144 TCCP12144, TCCP23192 TC1MHR192-C TCCP23192, TC1MHR192-C
TCCP23192 TCCP23192 TC1MHR240-C

TCCP12192 TCCP12192 TC23240, TCCP12192 TC23240, TCCP12192 TC23192, TC23200 TC23240

TC23240, TC1MHR240-C

IMX249 IMX267
CMOS 1/1.2" CMOS 1”
1936x1216 4112x2176
5.86pix 2.3Mpix 3.45pix 8.9Mpix
CMV2000 IMX174 Python5000 CMV4000 IMX183 IMX255
CMOS 2/3" CMOS 1/1.2" CMOS 1” CMOS 1” CMOS 1” CMOS 1”
2048x1088 1936x1216 2592x2048 2048x2048 5544x3692 4112x2176
5.5pix 2.2Mpix 5.86pix 2.3Mpix 4.8pix 5.3Mpix 5.5pix 4.1Mpix 2.4pix 20.4Mpix 3.45pix 8.9Mpix

1 to 1.5 mm

1.5 to 2 mm

2 to 3 mm RT-MP-4F-65 RT-MP-4F-65 TC4M004-Y


3 to 4 mm TC4M004-Y TC4M004-Y TC4M004-Y

RT-MP-4F-65 RT-MP-4F-65 RT-MP-4F-65

4 to 6 mm RT-MP-2F-65 RT-MP-2F-65 TC4M007-Y TC4M007-Y, TC4M009-Y TC4M007-Y TC4M007-Y


6 to 8 mm RT-MP-1.5F-65 RT-MP-1.5F-65 TC4M009-Y RT-MP-1.5F-65 TC4M009-Y TC4M009-Y

RT-MP-2F-65 RT-MP-2F-65 RT-MP-2F-65

8 to 11 mm RT-MP-1.5F-65 TC4MHR016-Y RT-MP-1.5F-65 RT-MP-1.5F-65

11 to 15 mm TC3MHR016-C, TC2MHR016-Y TC3MHR016-C, TC2MHR016-Y TC3MHR016-C, TC4MHR016-Y TC3MHR016-C, TC2MHR016-Y TC4MHR016-Y TC4MHR016-Y
RT-MP-1F-65 RT-MP-1F-65 RT-MP-1F-65 RT-MP-1F-65 RT-MP-1F-65 RT-MP-1F-65

15 to 20 mm TC3MHR024-C, TC1MHR016-C TC1MHR016-C, RT-TCL0600-FU TC4MHR024-Y, TC2MHR016-Y TC3MHR024-C, TC4MHR024-Y TC3MHR016-C, TC4MHR024-Y TC3MHR016-C,
RT-TCL0600-FU, RT-TCL0750-FU RT-TCL0750-FU RT-TCL0750-FU RT-TCL0600-FU TC2MHR016-Y TC2MHR016-Y

20 to 30 mm TC3MHR036-C, TC1MHR024-C TC3MHR024-C, TC3MHR036-C TC3MHR024-C, TC4MHR036-Y TC3MHR036-C, TC4MHR036-Y TC3MHR024-C, TC4MHR036-Y TC3MHR024-C, TC4MHR024-Y
TC2MHR024-Y, RT-TCL0450-FU TC1MHR024-C, TC2MHR024-Y TC2MHR024-Y, RT-TCL0450-FU TC2MHR024-Y, RT-TCL0450-FU TC2MHR024-Y, RT-TCL0450-FU TC4MHR036-Y, TC2MHR024-Y

30 to 40 mm TC3MHR048-C, TC1MHR036-C TC3MHR048-C, TC1MHR036-C TC3MHR036-C, TC4MHR048-Y TC3MHR048-C, TC4MHR048-Y TC3MHR036-C, TC4MHR048-Y TC3MHR036-C, TC4MHR048-Y
TC2MHR036-Y, TCCR3M048-C TC2MHR036-Y, TCCR3M048-C TC4MHR056-Y, TC2MHR036-Y TC4MHR056-Y, TC2MHR036-Y TC2MHR036-Y, TCCR4M048-Y TCCR4M048-Y
RT-TCL0300-FU RT-TCL0300-FU TCCR4M048-Y, TCCR4M056-Y TCCR3M048-C, TCCR4M048-Y RT-TCL0450-FU
TCCR4M056-Y, RT-TCL0300-FU

40 to 50 mm TC3MHR056-C, TC3MHR064-C TC3MHR056-C, TC3MHR064-C TC3MHR048-C, TC3MHR056-C TC3MHR056-C, TC3MHR064-C TC3MHR048-C, TC4MHR056-Y TC3MHR048-C, TC4MHR056-Y
TC2MHR048-Y, TC2MHR056-Y TC2MHR048-Y, TC2MHR056-Y TC4MHR064-Y, TC2MHR048-Y TC4MHR064-Y, TC2MHR048-Y TC4MHR064-Y, TC2MHR048-Y TC2MHR036-Y, TCCR3M048-C
TCCR3M056-C, TCCR3M064-C TCCR3M056-C, TCCR3M064-C TCCR3M048-C, TCCR3M056-C TC2MHR056-Y, TCCR3M056-C TCCR3M048-C, TCCR2M048-Y TCCR4M056-Y
TCCR2M048-Y, TCCR2M056-Y TCCR2M048-Y, TCCR2M056-Y TCCR2M048-Y, RT-TCL0300-FU TCCR3M064-C, TCCR2M048-Y TCCR4M056-Y, TCCR4M064-Y RT-TCL0300-FU
TCCR2M056-Y, TCCR4M064-Y RT-TCL0300-FU

50 to 70 mm TC3MHR080-C, TC1MHR048-C TC3MHR080-C, TC1MHR048-C TC3MHR064-C, TC3MHR080-C TC3MHR080-C, TC4MHR080-Y TC3MHR056-C, TC3MHR064-C TC3MHR056-C, TC3MHR064-C
TC1MHR056-C, C1MHR064-C TC1MHR056-C, TC1MHR064-C TC4MHR080-Y, TC4MHR096-Y TC4MHR096-Y, TC2MHR064-Y TC4MHR080-Y, TC2MHR056-Y TC4MHR064-Y, TC4MHR080-Y
TC2MHR064-Y, TCCR1M048-C TC2MHR064-Y, TCCR1M048-C TC2MHR056-Y, TC2MHR064-Y TCCR1M048-C, TCCR1M056-C TC2MHR064-Y, TCCR3M056-C TC2MHR048-Y, TC2MHR056-Y
TCCR1M056-C, TCCR1M064-C TCCR1M056-C, TCCR1M064-C TCCR3M064-C, TCCR3M080-C TCCR1M064-C, TCCR3M080-C TCCR3M064-C, TCCR2M056-Y TCCR3M056-C, TCCR3M064-C
TCCR3M080-C, TCCR2M064-Y TCCR3M080-C, TCCR2M064-Y TCCR2M056-Y, TCCR2M064-Y TCCR2M064-Y, TCCR4M080-Y TCCR2M064-Y, TCCR4M080-Y TCCR2M048-Y, TCCR2M056-Y
TCCR4M080-Y, TCCR4M096-Y TCCR4M096-Y TCCR4M064-Y, TCCR4M080-Y

70 to 100 mm TC3MHR096-C, TC3MHR120-C TC3MHR096-C, TC3MHR120-C TC3MHR096-C, TC4MHR120-Y TC3MHR096-C, TC3MHR120-C TC3MHR080-C, TC3MHR096-C TC3MHR080-C, TC3MHR096-C
TC1MHR080-C, TC1MHR096-C TC1MHR080-C, TC1MHR096-C TC2MHR080-Y, TC2MHR096-Y TC4MHR120-Y, TC4MHR144-Y TC4MHR096-Y, TC4MHR120-Y TC4MHR096-Y, TC4MHR120-Y
TC2MHR080-Y, TC2MHR096-Y TC2MHR080-Y, TC2MHR096-Y TCCR3M096-C, TCCR2M080-Y TC2MHR080-Y, TC2MHR096-Y TC2MHR080-Y, TC2MHR096-Y TC2MHR064-Y, TC2MHR080-Y
TCCR1M080-C, TCCR1M096-C TCCR1M080-C, TCCR1M096-C TCCR2M096-Y, TCCR4M120-Y TCCR1M080-C, TCCR1M096-C TCCR3M080-C, TCCR3M096-C TCCR3M080-C, TCCR3M096-C
TCCR3M096-C, TCCR3M120-C TCCR3M096-C, TCCR3M120-C TCCR3M096-C, TCCR3M120-C TCCR2M080-Y, TCCR2M096-Y TCCR2M064-Y, TCCR2M080-Y
TCCR2M080-Y, TCCR2M096-Y TCCR2M080-Y, TCCR2M096-Y TCCR2M080-Y, TCCR2M096-Y TCCR4M096-Y, TCCR4M120-Y TCCR4M096-Y, TCCR4M120-Y

100 to 150 mm TC3MHR144-C, TC1MHR120-C TC3MHR144-C, TC1MHR120-C TC3MHR120-C, TC3MHR144-C TC3MHR144-C, TC4MHR192-Y TC3MHR120-C, TC3MHR144-C TC3MHR120-C, TC3MHR144-C
TC2MHR120-Y, TC2MHR144-Y TC2MHR120-Y, TC2MHR144-Y TC4MHR144-Y, TC4MHR192-Y TC2MHR120-Y, TC2MHR144-Y TC4MHR144-Y, TC4MHR192-Y TC4MHR144-Y, TC2MHR096-Y
TCCR1M120-C, TCCR2M120-Y TCCR1M120-C, TCCR2M120-Y TC2MHR120-Y, TC2MHR144-Y TCCR2M120-Y TC2MHR120-Y, TC2MHR144-Y TC2MHR120-Y, TCCR3M120-C

150 to 200 mm TC3MHR192-C, TC3MHR240-C TC3MHR192-C, TC3MHR240-C TC3MHR192-C, TC4MHR240-Y TC3MHR192-C, TC3MHR240-C TC3MHR192-C, TC4MHR240-Y TC3MHR192-C, TC4MHR192-Y
TC1MHR144-C, TC2MHR192-Y TC1MHR144-C, TC2MHR192-Y TC2MHR192-Y TC4MHR240-Y, TC2MHR192-Y TC2MHR192-Y TC4MHR240-Y, TC2MHR144-Y

200 to 300 mm TC1MHR192-C, TC1MHR240-C TC1MHR192-C, TC1MHR240-C TC3MHR240-C, TC2MHR240-Y TC2MHR240-Y TC3MHR240-C, TC2MHR240-Y TC3MHR240-C, TC2MHR192-Y

IMX432 IMX304 IMX428
CMOS 1.1” CMOS 1.1” CMOS 1.1”
1600x1104 4112x3008 3216x2208
9pix 1.7Mpix 3.45pix 12.3Mpix 4.5pix 7.1Mpix

IMX425 IMX253 IMX420 IMX342 Python 25K CHR70M KAI29050 CMV50000

CMOS 1.1” CMOS 1.1” CMOS 1.1” CMOS APS-C CMOS APS−H CMOS 35 mm CCD 35 mm CMOS 35 mm
1600x1104 4112x3008 3216x2208 6480x4856 5120x5120 10000x7094 6576x4384 7920x6004
9pix 1.7Mpix 3.45pix 12.3Mpix 4.5pix 7.1Mpix 3.45pix 31.4Mpix 4.5pix 26.2Mpix 3.1pix 70.9Mpix 5.5pix 28.8Mpix 4.6pix 47.5Mpix

TC4M004-Y TC4M004-Y TC4M004-Y

TC4M007-Y TC4M007-Y TC4M007-Y TC16M009-Y

TC4M009-Y TC4M009-Y TC4M009-Y TC16M012-Y TC16M009-Y

TC16M012-Y TC16M009-Y

TC4MHR016-Y TC4MHR016-Y TC4MHR016-Y TC12M016-F TC12M016-F TC16M012-Y


TC3MHR016-C TC3MHR016-C TC3MHR016-C TC12M024-F TC16M018-Y TC16M018-Y

TC3MHR024-C, TC4MHR024-Y TC3MHR024-C, TC4MHR024-Y TC3MHR024-C, TC4MHR024-Y TC12M036-F TC12M024-F

TC4MHR036-Y TC4MHR036-Y TC4MHR036-Y TC12M036-F

TC3MHR036-C, TC4MHR048-Y TC3MHR036-C, TC4MHR048-Y TC3MHR036-C, TC4MHR048-Y TC12M048-F TC12M048-F TC16M036-Y TC16M036-Y TC12K064
TCCR4M048-Y TCCR4M048-Y TCCR4M048-Y TC16M048-Y

TC3MHR048-C, TC4MHR056-Y TC3MHR048-C, TC4MHR056-Y TC3MHR048-C, TC4MHR056-Y TC12M056-F TC12M048-F TC16M048-Y TC16M048-Y
TCCR3M048-C, TCCR4M056-Y TCCR3M048-C, TCCR4M056-Y TCCR3M048-C, TCCR4M056-Y TC12M064-F TC12M056-F TC16M056-Y

TC3MHR056-C, TC3MHR064-C TC3MHR056-C, TC3MHR064-C TC3MHR056-C, TC3MHR064-C TC12M080-F TC12M080-F TC16M064-Y TC16M056-Y TC12K080
TC4MHR064-Y, TC4MHR080-Y TC4MHR064-Y, TC4MHR080-Y TC4MHR064-Y, TC4MHR080-Y TC16M096-Y TC16M080-Y TC16M064-Y TC12K120
TCCR3M056-C, TCCR3M064-C TCCR3M056-C, TCCR3M064-C TCCR3M056-C, TCCR3M064-C
TCCR4M064-Y, TCCR4M080-Y TCCR4M064-Y, TCCR4M080-Y TCCR4M064-Y, TCCR4M080-Y

TC3MHR080-C, TC3MHR096-C TC3MHR080-C, TC3MHR096-C TC3MHR080-C, TC3MHR096-C TC12M096-F TC12M096-F TC16M096-Y TC16M080-Y TC12K144
TC4MHR096-Y, TCCR3M080-C TC4MHR096-Y, TC4MHR120-Y TC4MHR096-Y, TCCR3M080-C TC12M120-F TC12M120-F TC16M096-Y
TCCR3M096-C, TCCR4M096-Y TCCR3M080-C, TCCR3M096-C TCCR3M096-C, TCCR4M096-Y TC16M120-Y
TCCR4M096-Y, TCCR4M120-Y TC16M144-Y

TC3MHR120-C, TC3MHR144-C TC3MHR120-C, TC3MHR144-C TC3MHR120-C, TC3MHR144-C TC12M144-F TC12M144-F TC16M120-Y TC16M120-Y TC12K192
TC4MHR120-Y, TC4MHR144-Y TC4MHR144-Y, TCCR3M120-C TC4MHR120-Y, TC4MHR144-Y TC16M192-Y TC16M144-Y TC16M144-Y TC12K240

TC3MHR192-C, TC4MHR192-Y TC3MHR192-C, TC4MHR192-Y TC3MHR192-C, TC4MHR192-Y TC12M196-F TC12M196-F TC16M192-Y TC16M192-Y
TC4MHR240-Y, TCCP3MHR192-F TC4MHR240-Y TC4MHR240-Y, TC12M240-F TC16M240-Y

TC3MHR240-C TC3MHR240-C TC3MHR240-C TC12M240-F TC16M240-Y TC16M240-Y


AR0331 CMOS 1/2.3” IMX287 CMOS 1/2.9”

SENSORS 2048x1536 720x540
2.2pix 3.1Mpix 6.9pix 0.4Mpix

MT9V034 CMOS 1/3” IMX273 CMOS 1/2.9” IMX265 CMOS 1/1.8”

752x480 1456x1088 2064x1544
6pix 0.3Mpix 3.45pix 1.5Mpix 3.45pix 3.1Mpix

RJ33B4AD0DT CCD 1/3” MT9P031 CMOS 1/2.5” IMX252 CMOS 1/1.8”

640x480 2592x1944 2064x1544
7.4pix 0.3Mpix 2.2pix 5Mpix 3.45pix 3.1Mpix

MT9M031 CMOS 1/3” AR0521 CMOS 1/2.5” IMX178 CMOS 1/1.8” IMX264 CMOS 2/3”
1280x960 2592x1944 3096x2080 2464x2056
3.75pix 1.2Mpix 2.2pix 5Mpix 2.4pix 6.4Mpix 3.45pix 5Mpix

Python 300 CMOS 1/4” RJ33 CCD 1/3” Python1300 CMOS 1/2” IMX226 CMOS 1/1.7” IMX250 CMOS 2/3”
640x480 1280x960 1280x1024 4024x3036 2464x2056
4.8pix 0.3Mpix 3.75pix 1.2Mpix 4.8pix 1.3Mpix 1.85pix 12.2Mpix 3.45pix 5Mpix

1 to 2.5 mm MC150X, MC200X MC200X MC300X MC300X
MC300X MC300X

2.5 to 5 mm MC075X MC100X MC150X MC150X, MC200X, MC4K150X-Y MC200X, MC300X, MC4K175X-Y
MC100X MC150X MC200X MC4K175X-Y MC4K200X-Y

5 to 10 mm MC033X MC050X MC075X MC075X, MC100X, MC4K075X-Y MC100X, MC150X, MC4K100X-Y

MC050X MC075X MC100X MC4K100X-Y, MC4K125X-Y MC4K125X-Y, MC4K150X-Y

10 to 20 mm MC033X MC033X MC050X MC050X, MC075X, MC4K050X-Y

MC050X MC4K050X-Y MC4K075X-Y

20 to 30 mm MC033X MC033X

30 to 40 mm MC4K025X-Y

40 to 60 mm

60 to 80 mm

80 to 100 mm

100 to 150 mm

150 to 200 mm

200 to 250 mm

250 to 300 mm

300 to 350 mm

350 to 400 mm

400 to 500 mm

IMX183 CMOS 1”
2.4pix 20.4Mpix

IMX267 CMOS 1”
3.45pix 8.9Mpix

IMX255 CMOS 1”
3.45pix 8.9Mpix

IMX304 CMOS 1.1”

3.45pix 12.3Mpix

CMV2000 CMOS 2/3” IMX253 CMOS 1.1”

2048x1088 4112x3008
5.5pix 2.2Mpix 3.45pix 12.3Mpix

CMV4000 CMOS 1” IMX432 CMOS 1.1”

2048x2048 1600x1104
5.5pix 4.1Mpix 9pix 1.7Mpix

IMX249 CMOS 1/1.2” IMX425 CMOS 1.1”

1936x1216 1600x1104
5.86pix 2.3Mpix 9pix 1.7Mpix

IMX174 CMOS 1/1.2” IMX428 CMOS 1.1” KAI29050 CCD 35 mm

1936x1216 3216x2208 6576x4384
5.86pix 2.3Mpix 4.5pix 7.1Mpix 5.5pix 28.8Mpix

PYTHON 2000 CMOS 2/3” Python5000 CMOS 1” IMX420 CMOS 1.1” IMX342 CMOS APS-C Python 25K CMOS APS−H CHR70M CMOS 35 mm CMV50000 CMOS 35 mm
1920x1200 2592x2048 3216x2208 6480x4856 5120x5120 10000x7094 7920x6004
4.8pix 2.3Mpix 4.8pix 5.3Mpix 4.5pix 7.1Mpix 3.45pix 31.4Mpix 4.5pix 26.2Mpix 3.1pix 70.9Mpix 4.6pix 47.5Mpix

MC200X, MC300X

MC100X, MC150X, MC4K100X-Y MC4K125X-Y MC4K150X-Y RT-OPKE16-300M95 RT-OPKE16-300M95

MC4K125X-Y, MC4K150X-Y MC4K150X-Y MC4K175X-Y
MC4K175X-Y MC4K175X-Y MC4K200X-Y

MC050X, MC075X MC4K075X-Y MC4K075X-Y MC4K125X-Y, MC4K150X-Y MC12K150X-Y MC12K200X-Y MC12K200X-Y

MC4K050X-Y MC4K100X-Y MC4K100X-Y MC4K175X-Y, MC4K200X-Y MC12K200X-Y RT-OPKE16-200M95 RT-OPKE16-200M95
MC4K075X-Y MC4K125X-Y MC12K150X-Y, MC12K200X-Y RT-OPKE16-150M95 RT-OPKE16-300M95 RT-OPKE16-300M95
RT-OPKE16-150M95 RT-OPKE16-200M95

MC033X MC4K050X-Y MC4K050X-Y MC4K075X-Y, MC4K100X-Y MC12K100X-Y MC12K150X-Y

MC12K100X-Y RT-OPKE16-100M95 RT-OPKE16-150M95

MC4K025X-Y MC12K067X-Y MC12K067X-Y MC12K100X-Y MC12K100X-Y

RT-OPKE16-070M95 RT-OPKE16-070M95 RT-OPKE16-100M95 RT-OPKE16-100M95

MC4K025X-Y MC4K025X-Y MC4K050X-Y, MC12K050X-Y MC12K050X-Y MC12K067X-Y MC12K067X-Y

RT-OPKE16-050M95 RT-OPKE16-050M95 RT-OPKE16-070M95 RT-OPKE16-070M95

MC12K050X-Y MC12K050X-Y
RT-OPKE16-050M95 RT-OPKE16-050M95

MC4K025X-Y, MC12K025X-Y MC12K025X-Y

MC12K025X-Y MC12K025X-Y

MC12K012X-Y MC12K012X-Y

MC12K008X-Y MC12K008X-Y MC12K012X-Y





CMOS 1/2.9”
SENSORS 720x540
6.9pix 0.4Mpix
CCD 1/3" CMOS 1/1.8"
640x480 2064x1544
7.4pix 0.3Mpix 3.45pix 3.1Mpix
MT9M031 IMX252 CMV2000
CMOS 1/3" CMOS 1/1.8" CMOS 2/3"
1280x960 2064x1544 2048x1088
3.75pix 1.2Mpix 3.45pix 3.1Mpix 5.5pix 2.2Mpix
RJ33 MT9P031 IMX178 IMX264 IMX249
CCD 1/3" CMOS 1/2.5" CMOS 1/1.8" CMOS 2/3" CMOS 1/1.2"
1280x960 2592x1944 3096x2080 2464x2056 1936x1216
3.75pix 1.2Mpix 2.2pix 5Mpix 2.4pix 6.4Mpix 3.45pix 5Mpix 5.86pix 2.3Mpix

AR0331 IMX273 AR0521 Python1300 IMX226 PYTHON 2000 IMX250 IMX174 Python5000
CMOS 1/2.3" CMOS 1/2.9" CMOS 1/2.5" CMOS 1/2" CMOS 1/1.7" CMOS 2/3" CMOS 2/3" CMOS 1/1.2" CMOS 1"
2048x1536 1456x1088 2592x1944 1280x1024 4024x3036 1920x1200 2464x2056 1936x1216 2592x2048
2.2pix 3.1Mpix 3.45pix 1.5Mpix 2.2pix 5Mpix 4.8pix 1.3Mpix 1.85pix 12.2Mpix 4.8pix 2.3Mpix 3.45pix 5Mpix 5.86pix 2.3Mpix 4.8pix 5.3Mpix

2 to 5 ° EN2MP7528 EN2MP7528 EN2MP7528 EN2MP7528
EN5MP7520 EN5MP7520 EN5MP7520 EN5MP7520
5 to 7.5 ° EN2MP3514 EN2MP5018 EN2MP5018 EN2MP5018 EN2MP7528 EN2MP7528 EN2MP7528
EN2MP5018 EN5MP5018 EN5MP5018 EN5MP5018 EN5MP7520 EN5MP7520 EN5MP7520

7.5 to 10 ° EN2MP3514 EN2MP3514 EN2MP3514 EN2MP5018 EN2MP5018

EN5MP3514 EN5MP3514 EN5MP3514 EN5MP5018 EN5MP5018
EN8MPL5020* EN8MPL5020*
EN10MPL5020* EN10MPL5020*

10 to 12.5 ° EN2MP2514 EN2MP2514 EN2MP3514 EN2MP3514 EN2MP5018

EN5MP2514 EN5MP2514 EN5MP3514 EN5MP3514 EN5MP5018

12.5 to 15 ° EN2MP2514 EN2MP2514 EN2MP3514 EN2MP3514 EN8MPL5020* EN8MPL5020*

EN5MP2514 EN5MP2514 EN5MP3514 EN5MP3514 EN10MPL5020* EN10MPL5020*

15 to 17.5 ° EN2MP1614 EN2MP1614 EN2MP2514

EN5MP1616 EN5MP1616 EN5MP2514

17.5 to 20 ° EN2MP1614 EN2MP2514 EN8MPL3520* EN8MPL3520*

EN5MP1616 EN5MP2514 EN10MPL3520* EN10MPL3520*

20 to 25 ° EN2MP1214 EN2MP1214 EN2MP1614 EN2MP1614 EN2MP2514 EN8MPL2518*

EN5MP1216 EN5MP1216 EN5MP1616 EN5MP1616 EN5MP2514 EN10MPL2520*

25 to 30 ° EN5MP0816 EN2MP1214 EN2MP1214 EN2MP1614 EN2MP1614 EN8MPL2518*

EN5MP1216 EN5MP1216 EN5MP1616 EN5MP1616 EN10MPL2520*
30 to 35 ° EN5MP0816 EN2MP1214, EN-

35 to 40 ° EN5MP0816 EN5MP0816 EN2MP1214 EN2MP1214 EN8MPL1620* EN8MPL1620*

EN5MP1216 EN5MP1216
EN8MPL1220* EN8MPL1220*

40 to 45 ° EN5MP0816 EN8MPL1220*
45 to 50 ° EN5MP0816 EN5MP0816 EN8MPL1220*
EN8MPL0818* EN8MPL0818*
50 to 55 ° EN8MPL0818*

55 to 60 ° EN8MPL0818*

60 to 65 °

*The EN8MP and EN10MP series will be released soon.

IMX432 Sensor Part number Part number
CMOS 1.1"
9pix 1.7Mpix
Python 300 CMOS 1/4" 640x480 4.8pix 0.3Mpix COE-004-x-POE-010-yy-C
CMOS 1.1"
1600x1104 MT9V034 CMOS 1/3" 752x480 6pix 0.3Mpix RT-mvBC-X100wG
9pix 1.7Mpix
IMX304 AR0331 CMOS 1/2.3" 2048x1536 2.2pix 3.1Mpix RT-mvBF3-1031G
CMOS 1.1"
3.45pix 12.3Mpix RJ33B4AD0DT CCD 1/3" 640x480 7.4pix 0.3Mpix COE-003-x-POE-020-yy-C

CMOS 1.1" MT9M031 CMOS 1/3" 1280x960 3.75pix 1.2Mpix RT-mvBF3-1012bG
3.45pix 12.3Mpix
RJ33J4CA3DE CCD 1/3" 1280x960 3.75pix 1.2Mpix COE-012-x-z-020-yy-C
CMOS 1.1"
3216x2208 IMX287 CMOS 1/2.9” 720x540 6.9pix 0.4Mpix COE-004-x-z-021-yy-C RT-mvBC-X100fG
4.5pix 7.1Mpix
IMX420 IMX273 CMOS 1/2.9" 1456x1088 3.45pix 1.5Mpix COE-016-x-z-021-yy-C RT-mvBC-XD102fG
CMOS 1.1"
4.5pix 7.1Mpix MT9P031 CMOS 1/2.5" 2592x1944 2.2pix 5Mpix COE-050-M-POE-023-IR-C RT-mvBC-X105G

CMOS APS-C AR0521 CMOS 1/2.5" 2592x1944 2.2pix 5Mpix COE-050-x-USB-023-yy-C
3.45pix 31.4Mpix
Python1300 CMOS 1/2" 1280x1024 4.8pix 1.3Mpix COE-013-x-z-030-yy-C
IMX267 Python 25K
4112x2176 5120x5120 IMX265 CMOS 1/1.8" 2064x1544 3.45pix 3.1Mpix COE-032-x-POE-040-yy-C RT-mvBC-X104iG
3.45pix 8.9Mpix 4.5pix 26.2Mpix

CMV4000 IMX183 IMX255 KAI29050 IMX252 CMOS 1/1.8" 2064x1544 3.45pix 3.1Mpix RT-mvBC-XD104hG
CMOS 1" CMOS 1" CMOS 1" CCD 35 mm
2048x2048 5544x3692 4112x2176 6576x4384
5.5pix 4.1Mpix 2.4pix 20.4Mpix 3.45pix 8.9Mpix 5.5pix 28.8Mpix IMX178 CMOS 1/1.8" 3096x2080 2.4pix 6.4Mpix COE-063-x-z-040-yy-C-B RT-mvBF3-2064G

IMX226 CMOS 1/1.7" 4024x3036 1.85pix 12.2Mpix COE-122-x-POE-041-yy-C

PYTHON 2000 CMOS 2/3" 1920x1200 4.8pix 2.3Mpix COE-023-x-POE-050-yy-C

IMX264 CMOS 2/3" 2464x2056 3.45pix 5Mpix COE-050-x-z-050-yy-C RT-mvBC-X105bG

IMX250 CMOS 2/3" 2464x2056 3.45pix 5Mpix COE-050-x-USB-050-yy-C-A RT-mvBC-XD105aG

CMV2000 CMOS 2/3" 2048x1088 5.5pix 2.2Mpix RT-mvBC-XD104a12G

IMX249 CMOS 1/1.2" 1936x1216 5.86pix 2.3Mpix COE-023-x-z-060-yy-C RT-mvBC-X104fG

IMX174 CMOS 1/1.2" 1936x1216 5.86pix 2.3Mpix RT-mvBC-XD104dG

Python5000 CMOS 1" 2592x2048 4.8pix 5.3Mpix COE-053-x-z-070-yy-C

EN8MPL5020* EN8MPL5020*
EN10MPL5020* EN10MPL5020*
CMV4000 CMOS 1" 2048x2048 5.5pix 4.1Mpix RT-mvBC-X104bG
EN10MPL5020* IMX183 CMOS 1" 5544x3692 2.4pix 20.4Mpix COE-200-x-POE-070-IR-C RT-mvBF3-2205G

IMX267 CMOS 1" 4112x2176 3.45pix 8.9Mpix COE-089-x-z-070-yy-C RT-mvBC-X109bG

IMX255 CMOS 1" 4112x2176 3.45pix 8.9Mpix RT-mvBF3-2089G

IMX432 CMOS 1.1" 1600x1104 9pix 1.7Mpix RT-mvBC-X102kG

EN8MPL2518* EN8MPL3520* EN8MPL3520* EN8MPL3520*
EN10MPL2520* EN10MPL3520* EN10MPL3520* EN10MPL3520*
IMX425 CMOS 1.1" 1600x1104 9pix 1.7Mpix RT-mvBC-X102mG

EN8MPL2518* EN8MPL2518* IMX304 CMOS 1.1" 4112x3008 3.45pix 12.3Mpix COE-123-x-z-080-yy-C RT-mvBC-XD1012bG
EN10MPL2520* EN10MPL2520*
IMX253 CMOS 1.1" 4112x3008 3.45pix 12.3Mpix RT-mvBF3-2124G

IMX428 CMOS 1.1" 3216x2208 4.5pix 7.1Mpix RT-mvBC-X107bG

EN8MPL1620* EN8MPL1620*
IMX420 CMOS 1.1" 3216x2208 4.5pix 7.1Mpix RT-mvBC-XD107G

EN8MPL1220* EN8MPL1620* EN8MPL1620* IMX342 CMOS APS-C 6480x4856 3.45pix 31.4Mpix RT-mvBC-XD1031G

EN8MPL1220* EN8MPL1220* Python 25K CMOS APS−H 5120x5120 4.5pix 26.2Mpix COE-260-x-10GIGE-100-IR-z

EN8MPL0818* CHR70M CMOS 35 mm 10000x7094 3.1pix 70.9Mpix COE 29 x USB3 yy - z

EN8MPL0818* KAI29050 CCD 35 mm 6576x4384 5.5pix 28.8Mpix COE-290-x-z-110-IR-z-B

CMV50000 CMOS 35 mm 7920x6004 4.6pix 47.5Mpix COE 71 x USB3 yy - z

Normal Angle (α < 45°) Low Angle (α ≥ 45°)
α 0° 15° 45° 60° 75° -
Diffused Direct/Diffused Direct/Diffused Diffused Direct/Diffused Diffused Direct /Diffused


1 to 8 mm LTRN023XX(C,SV) LTZGK050-15-2-X-24V(C,SV) LT3RZF050-60-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTZPFL040-00-6-X-24V(C,SV)


8 to 11 mm LTRN016XX(C,SV) LTZGK050-15-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTZGK070-45-3-X-24V(C,SV) LT3RZF050-60-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTZPFL040-00-6-X-24V(C,SV)


11 to 15 mm LTRN016XX(C,SV) LTZGK050-15-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTZGK070-45-3-X-24V(C,SV) LT3RZF050-60-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTZPFL040-00-6-X-24V(C,SV)


15 to 20 mm LTRN024XX(C,SV) LTZGK050-15-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTZGK070-45-3-X-24V(C,SV) LT3RZF050-60-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTRN050X45(C,SV) LTZPFL040-00-6-X-24V(C,SV)

LTLAB2-X(SI) LTRN075X45(C,SV) LTBP048036-X(SI)
LTRNHP075X45(C,SI) LT2BC048036-X(C,SI)

20 to 30 mm LTRN036XX(C,SV) LTZGK050-15-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTZGK070-45-3-X-24V(C,SV) LT3RZF050-60-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTRN050X45(C,SV) LTZPFL040-00-6-X-24V(C,SV)


30 to 40 mm LTRN036XX(C,SV) LTZGK050-15-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTZGK070-45-3-X-24V(C,SV) LT3RZF050-60-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTRN075X45(C,SV) LTZPFL040-00-6-X-24V(C,SV)


40 to 50 mm LTRN048XX(C,SV) LTZGK050-15-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTZGK070-45-3-X-24V(C,SV) LT3RZF070-60-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTRN165X45(C,SV) LTZPFL080-00-6-X-24V(C,SV)

LTRN056XX(C,SV) LTZGK070-15-3-X-24V(C,SV) LTLAB2-X(SI) LTRNHP165X45(C,SI) LTBP096036-X(SI)
LTRN165X20(C,SV) LT2BC096036-X(C,SI)

50 to 70 mm LTRN064XX(C,SV) LTZGK070-15-3-X-24V(C,SV) LTZGK070-45-3-X-24V(C,SV) LT3RZF070-60-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTRN165X45(C,SV) LTZPFL080-00-6-X-24V(C,SV)

LTRN080XX(C,SV) LTZGK100-15-5-X-24V(C,SV) LTZGK100-45-5-X-24V(C,SV) LT3RZF100-60-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTRN210X20(C,SV) LTBP096036-X(SI)

70 to 100 mm LTRN096XX(C,SV) LTZGK100-15-5-X-24V(C,SV) LTZGK100-45-5-X-24V(C,SV) LT3RZF100-60-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTZZO130-75-3-X-24V(C,SV) LTRN210X20(C,SV) LTZPFL080-00-6-X-24V(C,SV)

LTRN120XX(C,SV) LT3RZF100-60-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTRNHP210X20(C,SI) LTZPFL120-00-6-X-24V(C,SV)

100 to 150 mm LTRN120XX(C,SV) LT3RZF120-60-2-X-24V(C,SV) LTZZO130-75-3-X-24V(C,SV) LTZPFL120-00-6-X-24V(C,SV)

LTRN144XX(C,SV) LTZZO170-75-3-X-24V(C,SV) LTZPFL160-00-6-X-24V(C,SV)

150 to 200 mm LTZZO170-75-3-W-24V(C,SV) LTZPFL160-00-6-X-24V(C,SV)


200 to 300 mm LTBP288036-X(SI)


(C) = Continuous mode

(SI) = Strobed mode (constant current I driving)
(SV) = Strobed mode (constant voltage V driving) LED LIGHT CONTROLLERS

LTDV series LTIC series

Strobe controllers Light intensity controller

Circular Beam Linear Beam Back-Emitting Side-Emitting RINGLIGHT)

LTCLHP2300X-X(C,SI) LTBP048036-X(SI) LTPVRG25X36-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LT2QOG025-00-X-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMA1-X(SI)


LTCLHP2300X-X(C,SI) LTBP048036-X(SI) LTPVRG25X36-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LT2QOG025-00-X-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMA1-X(SI) LT3WRH150-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMLAB2-WW(SI)


LTCLHP016-X(C,SI) LTBP048036-X(SI) LTPVRG25X36-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LT2QOG025-00-X-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMA1-X(SI) LT3WRH150-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMLAB2-WW(SI)


LTCLHP024-X(C,SI) LTBP048036-X(SI) LTPVRG25X36-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LT2QOG025-00-X-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMA1-X(SI) LT3WRH150-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMLAB2-WW(SI)


LTCLHP036-X(C,SI) LTBC054054-X(C,SV) LTPVRG25X36-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LT2QOG025-00-X-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMA1-X(SI) LT3WRH150-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMLAB2-WW(SI)

LTCLCR036-X(C,SI) LTBP048036-X(SI)
LTCLHP036-X(C,SI) LTBC054054-X(C,SV) LTPVRG31X58-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LT2QOG040-00-X-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMA1-X(SI) LT3WRH150-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMLAB2-WW(SI)
LTCLCR036-X(C,SI) LTBP048036-X(SI)
LTCLHP048-X(C,SI) LTBC054054-X(C,SV) LTPVRG31X58-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LT2QOG040-00-X-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMB2-X(SI) LT3WRH150-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMLAB2-WW(SI)
LTCLCR048-X(C,SI) LTBP096072-X(SI)
LTCLHP056-X(C,SI) LTCL4K060-X(C,SI) LTBC114114-X(C,SV) LTPVR070-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LT2QOG070-00-X-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMB2-X(SI) LT3WRH150-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMLAB2-WW(SI)
LTCLHP064-X(C,SI) LT2BC096072-X(C,SI)

LTCLHP080-X(C,SI) LTCL4K090-X(C,SI) LTBC114114-X(C,SV) LTPVR100-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LT2QOG100-00-X-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMCX-X(SI) LT3WRH150-00-1-X-24V(C,SV) LTDMLACX-WW(SI)

LTCLCR080-X(C,SI) LTBP144108-X(SI)
LTCLHP096-X(C,SI) LT2BC144108-X(C,SI)
LTCLHP120-X(C,SI) LTCL4K120-X(C,SI) LTBC114114-X(C,SV) LT4WRG150-00-1-X-24V(SV) LT3WRH200-00-1-X-24V(C,SV)
LTCLCR120-X(C,SI) LTCL4K180-X(C,SI) LTBC174174-X(C,SV) LT4WRG200-00-1-X-24V(SV)
LTCLHP144-X(C,SI) LTBP192180-X(SI)
LTCLCP144-G LT2BC192180-X(C,SI)
LTCLHP192-X(C,SI) LTCL4K180-X(C,SI) LTBC174174-X(C,SV) LT4WRG200-00-1-X-24V(SV)
LTCLCP192-G LTBC234234-X(C,SV) LT4WRG250-00-1-X-24V(SV)
LTCLHP240-X(C,SI) LTBC234234-X(C,SV) LT4WRG250-00-1-X-24V(SV)


PS series DFLT series PLLT series CMLT series

Near Field Focusing (N) Far Field Focusing (F) Near Field Focusing (N)


1 to 100 mm LTLNC100-W(C)

100 to 150 mm LTLNC150-W(C)

150 to 200 mm LTLNM-0200-N-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-0200-F-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-0200-C-c-FC-W(C)


200 to 300 mm LTLNE-300-N-PC-W(C) LTLNE-300-F-PC-W(C) LTLNE-300-C-PC-W(C) LTLNE-300-CX-N-PC-W(C)

300 to 400 mm LTLNM-0400-N-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-0400-F-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-0400-C-c-FC-W(C)

400 to 500 mm

500 to 1000 mm LTLNM-0600-N-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-0600-F-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-0600-C-c-FC-W(C)

LTLNM-0800-N-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-0800-F-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-0800-C-c-FC-W(C)
LTLNM-1000-N-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-1000-F-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-1000-C-c-FC-W(C)

1000 to 1500 mm LTLNM-1200-N-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-1200-F-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-1200-C-c-FC-W(C)

LTLNM-1400-N-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-1400-F-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-1400-C-c-FC-W(C)

1500 to 2000 mm LTLNM-1600-N-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-1600-F-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-1600-C-c-FC-W(C)

LTLNM-1800-N-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-1800-F-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-1800-C-c-FC-W(C)
LTLNM-2000-N-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-2000-F-c-FC-W(C) LTLNM-2000-C-c-FC-W(C)

(C) = Continuous mode LIGHTING BASICS

(SI) = Strobed mode (constant current I driving)

(SV) = Strobed mode (constant voltage V driving) FRONT FRONT

bright bright
field field
collimated illumination
Front coaxial and

dark dark
field field

and collimated illumination

dark dark
Back coaxial

field field

bright bright
field field


Illumination and directionality: the ‘W rule’

Far Field Focusing (F) Near Field Focusing (N) Far Field Focusing (F)



B Appears Appears
G blue red

Blue object White object

Appears Appears
red black

One way to maximize contrast is to select the light color that

Red object Black object
is on the opposite side of the wheel of the feature color.
Relationship between object color and light color In such case, features will appear dark on the image sensor



Opto Engineering Opto Engineering Opto Engineering Opto Engineering

Europe Headquarters Germany Russia USA

Circonvallazione Sud, 15 Marktplatz 3 official partner 11321 Richmond Ave

46100 Mantova, IT 82031 Grünwald ViTec Co., Ltd, Fontanka emb., 170 Suite M-105, Houston, TX 77082

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Opto Engineering Opto Engineering Opto Engineering

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Room 1903-1904, No.885, Renmin RD official partner official partner

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phone: +86 21 61356711 Tokyo, 136-0071 Japan Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea 06542 phone: +81 3 56285116 phone: +82 70 767 86098 phone: +82 10 396 86098

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