Narrative Report Chapter 3
Narrative Report Chapter 3
Narrative Report Chapter 3
In psychology, decision-making (also spelled decision
An Overview
the gaps in complex decision making processes. [2] Usually both of these types
Human performance has been the subject of active research from several
represent projects competing for funds) when all the criteria are
considered simultaneously.
Solving such problems is the focus of multiple-criteria decision
highly debated as there are many MCDA methods which may yield very
different results when they are applied on exactly the same data. [4] This
Most likely cause of a problem is the one that exactly explains all the
Characteristics of Decision-Making
tentative decision
The decisive actions are taken, and additional actions are taken to
over again
There are steps that are generally followed that result in a decision
Identify the decision. To make a decision, you must first identify the
Take action
Analysis Paralysis
the outcome.
Information Overloads
Post-Decision Analysis
only represent the formation of a decision but also signal the degree of
decisions are aided by emotions, in the form of bodily states, that are
of emotional intelligence.
On Group Decision-Making
course of action, but that the minority agrees to go along with the
course of action. In other words, if the minority opposes the course
Voting-based methods:
of the group. Thus, the bar for action is lower than with
collaborative effort.
On Individual Decision-Making
superstition or pseudoscience.
decision. In this style, the individual would research the new job
being offered, review their current job, and look at the pros and
cons of taking the new job versus staying with their current
reactions. In this style, if the individual initially prefers the new job
suited for them, then they would decide to take the new job. The
3.1 Organization/Individual/Personal
in artificial settings (lab) that are not connected to the subjects’ on-
going activities.
making. Incentives, penalties, and their ramifications are real and may
new data nor conferring with people. Thus, they can be taken without much
Such decisions are generally taken by the managers at the middle and lower
management level. Strategic or basic decisions, on the other hand, are more
important and so they are taken generally by the top management and middle
management. The higher the level of a manager, the more strategic decisions
Finding the correct problem in such decisions assumes great importance. The
managers are more serious about such decisions as they influence decision-
making at the lower levels. Decision making may be classified under various
categories based on the scope, importance and the impact. Decisions have
procedures. These decisions are taken based on the existing policy, rule or
dealing with such issues of routine nature, follow the established procedures.
way. Many of the decisions that managers at top levels make are non-
programmed decisions.
are available which help in taking decisions. The nature and significance of
making techniques.\
Every organization develops standard procedures and rules for taking routine
up this work, managers need authority to take decisions. The authority to take
decisions needs proper information back up. All managers or decision making
taking such complex and unique problems. A manager does not entirely
depend upon his knowledge, ability and judgment but these skills are
associated with scientific methods for achieving good results. The use of
This technique is used to determine the best use of limited resources for
This statistical tool is based on the assumption that certain things are likely to
basically developed for use in wars so that actions of the army can be
decided in the light of actions taken by opposite army. The term “game’ it
set rules. These rules clearly specify what each person, called player, is
consider a rational course of action by not only by considering his actions but
also by considering the actions of other persons. All players act intelligently
and rationally and are well informed about the decision situation except the
opponent’s actions in a particular period. For each player the outcome may
between the cost of waiting line and cost of preventing the waiting line in
facilities, in which case we may say that there is an excess of waiting time or
that there are not enough service facilities or too little demand in which case
there is either too much idle facility time or too many facilities.
An effort is made to obtain balance between the costs associated with waiting
time and idle time and queuing theory helps in achieving this balance. This
It should be noted that this theory does not directly solve the problem of
minimizing the total waiting and service costs but it provides the management
Network technique is used for preparing and controlling the project activities.
Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method
(CPM) are used for planning; monitoring and implementing time bound
and complex projects can be executive within the stipulated time and cost.
becoming more and more complex these days. The changing and challenging
interests the problem will have to be fragmented into small components for
taking a realistic view. By splitting the problem into small parts and analysing
each part separately, a decision can be reached. It is a trial and error method
used for solving complex and strategic problems. This technique is a more
making, it not only helps in getting the advantage of their practical experience
but also helps in implementing decisions properly. The subordinate staffs feel
motivated and encouraged and take active interest in the work ing.
approach, you're less likely to miss important factors, and you can build on the
Operational decisions are made to execute the short-term processes with the
aim of achieving the long- and medium-term goals that the strategic and
the configuration and medium-term planning policies, the goal during the
the supply chain and to maximize benefit from short-term activities. These
activities include:
setting the due date when demand is to be met and reviewing the
After reading this article you will learn about Decision-Making under Certainty,
reasonable certainty what the alternatives are, what conditions are associated
with each alternative, and the outcome of each alternative. Under conditions
decisions is available.
The cause and effect relationships are known and the future is highly
asymmetry exists, risk arises. Under a state of risk, the decision maker has
incomplete information about available alternatives but has a good idea of the
While making decisions under a state of risk, managers must determine the
The manager does not possess complete information about the alternatives
They have to depend upon their judgment and experience for making
Risk Analysis:
Managers who follow this approach analyze the size and nature of the risk
analyze each of the following variables the cost of launching the product, its
production cost, the capital investment required, the price that can be set for
the product, the potential market size and what percent of the total market it
managers with a better understanding of the risk and the benefits associated
between the risks and the benefits associated with a particular course of
courses of action and the possible outcomes and risks associated with each
course of action.
This approach is based on the notion that individual attitudes towards risk
vary. Some individuals are willing to take only smaller risks (“risk averters”),
probabilities associated with the various courses of action are based on the
that a person would take the risk. This may not be necessarily true as the
individual might not wish to take the risk, since the chances of the decision
being wrong are 40 percent. The attitudes towards risk vary with events, with
same managers who make a decision that risks millions of rupees of the
likely to do the same with their own money. Moreover, a manager willing to
percent chance of success but might decide against investing in plant and
Though personal attitudes towards risk vary, two things are certain.
Firstly, attitudes towards risk vary with situations, i.e. some people are risk
Secondly, some people have a high aversion to risk, while others have a low
Most managers prefer to be risk averters to a certain extent, and may thus
also forego opportunities. When the stakes are high, most managers tend to
be risk averters; when the stakes are small, they tend to be gamblers.
Ten Guided Questions on Decision Making Definition and Classification
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