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7 Slab Analysis

The slab analysis is based on making a force balance on a differentially thick slab of
material. It is useful in estimating the role of friction on forces required in drawing,
extrusion and rolling. The important assumptions are:
1. The principal axes are in the directions of the applied loads.
2. The effects of friction do not alter the directions of the principal axes or cause
internal distortion. The deformation is homogeneous so plane sections remain


Figure 7.1 illustrates sheet or strip drawing. A force, F, pulls a strip through a pair of
wedges. The strip width, w, is much greater than the thickness, t, so the width doesn’t
change and plane strain prevails. The drawing stress, σd = F/wte .
Figure 7.2 shows the differential slab element. Pressure normal to the die, P, acts on
two areas of w dx/ cos α, and its component in the x-direction is 2Pw dx(sin α/ cos α).
The normal pressure also causes a frictional force on the work metal, 2μw dx/ cos θ,
with a horizontal component 2μw dx(cos α/ cos α), where μ is the coefficient of
friction. Both of these forces act in the negative x-direction. The drawing force,
σx wt, acts in the negative x-direction while the force in the positive x-direction is
(σx + dσx )(t + dt)w. An x-direction force balance gives
(σx + dσx )(t + dt)w + 2μw(tan α)P dx + 2Pw dx = σx wt. (7.1)
Simplifying and neglecting second order differentials,
σx dt + tdσx + 2μPdx + 2(tan α)Pdx = σx t. (7.2)
Substituting 2dx = dt/tan α and B = μ cot α, Pdt + σx dt + t dσx +
μ cot α Pdt = 0, or
tdσx + [σx + P(1 + B)] dt = 0. (7.3)
dσx dt
=− (7.4)
σx + P(1 + B) t

F α

te slab

Figure 7.1. Plane-strain drawing of a sheet.


σx σx+dσx
Pds Pcosαds



Figure 7.2. Slab used for force balance in sheet drawing.

To integrate equation 7.4, the relation between P and σx must be found and
substituted. The fact that P does not act in a direction normal to x will be ignored and P
will be taken as a principal stress, P = −σ y . For yielding in plane strain, σx − σ y = 2k,
√ k is the yield strength in shear. For Tresca 2k = Y and for von Mises 2k =
(2/ 3)Y . Substituting P = 2k – σ x into equation 7.4

dσx dt
= . (7.5)
Bσx − 2k(1 + B) t

Integrating, between σx = 0 and σx = σd and between t = t0 and te , and solving

for σd ,
σd (1 + B) te
= 1− . (7.6)
2k B t0

Finally substituting εh = ln(t0 /te ) as the homogeneous strain,

σd (1 + B)
= [1 − exp(−Bεh )]. (7.7)
2k B
Several assumptions are involved in the derivation of equation 7.7. First, it is
assumed that 2k is constant which isn’t true if the material work hardens. The effect
of work hardening can be approximated by using an average value of 2k. Another is
that the friction coefficient is constant. The assumption that P is a principal stress is
reasonable for low die angles and low coefficients of friction, but the assumption gets
progressively worse at high die angles and high friction coefficients.

EXAMPLE 7.1: A 2.5 mm thick metal sheet 25 cm wide is drawn to a thickness of

2.25 mm through a die of included angle 30◦ . The flow stress is 200 MPa and the
friction coefficient is 0.08. Calculate the drawing force.

SOLUTION: Using equation 7.7, and taking B = μ cot α = 0.08 cot(15◦ ) = 0.299 and
εh = ln(2.5/2.25) = 0.1054.
From equation 7.7, σd = 1.15(200)(1.299/.299)[1 − exp(−0.299 × 0.1054)] = 31
MPa. Fd = 31 MPa (.25m)(0.0225) = 175 kN.
Note that if μ = 0 (i.e., B = 0) were substituted into equation 7.7, it can be shown
that with L’Hospital’s rule
= εh , (7.8)
which is exactly what would be predicted by the work balance.


Sachs∗ analyzed wire or rod drawing by an analogous procedure. The basic differential
equation is
dσ dD
=2 , (7.9)
Bσ − (1 + B)σ̄ D
where D is the diameter of the rod or wire. Realizing that 2dD/D = −dε,


=− dε. (7.10)
0 Bσ − (1 + B)σ̄ 0

1+ B
σd = σa [1 − exp(−Bεh )], (7.11)
where σa is the average flow stress of the material in the die. This analysis neglects
redundant strain and has the same limitations as the plane-strain drawing in Section 7.1
and becomes unrealistic at high die angles and low reductions.

G. Sachs, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., v. 7, p. 235 (1927).

Figure 7.3. Essentials for a slab analysis.


The slab analysis can also be used for plane-strain compression. Figure 7.3 shows
a specimen with h < b being compressed with a constant coefficient of friction, μ.
Making a force balance on the differential slab, σx h + 2μPdx − (σx + dσx )h = 0.
This simplifies to

2μPdx = hdσx . (7.12)

Again taking σ y = −P and σx as principal stresses and realizing that for plane
strain, σx − σ y = 2k, so dσx = −dP. Equation 7.12 becomes 2μPdx = hdP or

dP 2μdP
= . (7.13)
P h

Integrating from P = 2k at x = 0 to P at x, ln(P/2k) = 2μx/ h or

P 2μx
= exp . (7.14)
2k h

This predicts a friction hill, which is illustrated in Figure 7.4.

This is valid from the edge (x = 0) to the centerline (x = b/2). The average
pressure, Pa , can be found by integrating P over half of the block to find the force and
dividing that by the area of the half-block.

b/2 b/2 2μx h μb
Fy = Pdx = 2k exp dx = 2k exp −1 (7.15)
0 0 h 2μ h

Pav h μb
= exp −1 (7.16)
2k μb h

Figure 7.4. Friction hill in plane-strain compression with a constant coefficient of friction.

A simple approximate solution can be found by expanding exp(μb/ h) − 1 = 1 +

(μb/ h) + (μb/ h)2 /2 + · · ·. For small values of (μb/ h),

Pav μb
≈1+ (7.17)
2k 2h

EXAMPLE 7.2: Plane-strain compression is conducted on a slab of metal 20 cm wide

and 2.5 cm high. with a yield strength in shear of k = 100 MPa. Assuming a coefficient
of friction of μ = 0.10,

a) Estimate the maximum pressure at the onset of plastic flow;

b) Estimate the average pressure at the onset of plastic flow.


a) From equation 7.14, Pmax = 2k exp(μb/ h) = 200 exp(0.1 × 20/2.5) = 445 GPa.
b) Using the exact solution (equation 7.16) Pav = (200)(0.25)/(0.1 × 20))[exp(.25) −
1] = 306 MPa. The approximate solution (equation 7.17) gives

Pav = 200[1 + (0.1)(20)/5] = 280 MPa




2.0 Pav/2k

b/h = 4

Figure 7.5. Friction hill in plane-strain with sticking


b h


There is an upper limit to the shear stress on the interface. It cannot exceed 2k. This
limits equations 7.16 and 7.17 to
−h b
x≤ ln(2μ) and ≤ − ln(2μ)/μ. (7.18)
2μ h
Otherwise the tool and work piece will stick at the interface, and the work piece will
be sheared. If sticking occurs, the shear stress will be k instead of μP and equation
7.14 will become
P/2k = 1 + x/ h. (7.19)
The pressure distribution is shown in Figure 7.5.
The average pressure is given by
Pav b
=1+ . (7.20)
2k 4h

EXAMPLE 7.3: Repeat Example 7.2 for sticking friction.


a) Using equation 7.19, Pmax = 200(1 + 20/5) = 1,000 MPa

b) Using equation 7.20, Pav = 200(1 + 20/10) = 600 MPa


If b/ h ≥ −ln(2μ)/μ, sticking is predicted at the center and sliding at the edges.
Equation 7.14 predicts P for x ≤ x ∗ where x ∗ = −h ln(2μ)/(2μ). From x ∗ to the

Figure 7.6. Pressure distribution with sliding friction near the edges and sticking friction in the center
for several values of μ. Points mark the boundaries between sticking and sliding friction.

centerline, h dP = −2k dx. Integrating between P = 2k exp(2μx ∗ / h) at x = x∗ and P

at x,
P x − x∗ 2μx ∗
= + exp . (7.21)
2k h h

This is plotted in Figure 7.6.

The average pressure can be found by integrating equation 7.21.
Pav 2 x − x∗ 2μx ∗ 2 2μx
= + exp dx + exp dx
2k b x∗ h h b 0 h
b x∗ h μb x∗ h 2μx ∗
= − + exp + 1+ − exp . (7.22)
4h h 2bμ h 2b 2bμ h


Films of soft materials such as lead or a polymer are sometimes used as lubricants. In
this case there will be a constant shear stress, τ = mk, in the interface, where m is the
ratio of the shear strength of the film to that of the work piece. The local pressure is
now given by

P/2k = 1 + mx/ h (7.23)

and the average pressure by

Pav mb
=1+ . (7.24)
2k 4h

R r dr




Figure 7.7. Differential element for analysis of axially symmetric compression.


An analysis similar to that in Section 7.3 can be used for axially symmetric compression.
Making a force balance on a differential element (Figure 7.7), σr hr dθ + 2μ Pr dθdr +
(2σθ h dr dθ)/2 − (σr + dσr )(r + dr )hdθ = 0. Simplifying,
2μ Pr dr + hσθ dr = hσr dr + hr dσr . (7.25)
For axially symmetric flow, εθ = εr so σθ = σr . At yielding σr + P = Y or dσr =
−dP. Substituting into equation 7.25 gives 2μPr dr = −hr d P or

dP 2μ
=− dr. (7.26)
Y P 0 h
Letting P = −Y, dσr = −dP and integrating,

P = Y exp (R − r ) . (7.27)
The average pressure is P av = (1/π R 2 ) 0 2Pπr dr .
2Y 2μ
Pav = r exp (R − r ) dr
R2 0 h
1 h 2 2μR 2μR
= Y exp − −1 . (7.28)
2 μR h h
For small values of h
, this reduces to

Pav = Y [1 + (2μR/ h)/3 + (2μR/ h)2 /12 + · · ·] (7.29)

Here Y = 2k for Tresca and Y = 3k for von Mises. In this analysis, it was
tacitly assumed that μP ≤ k so Y exp[(2μ/ h)(R − r )] ≤ k/μ . Therefore the limiting

radius, r ∗ , is r ∗ = R − (h/2μ) ln(k/μY ). For sliding to prevail over the entire surface,
R ≤ (h/2μ) ln(k/μY ).
For sticking friction over the entire interface, the shear term in equation 7.25 is
2kr dr instead of 2μPrdr , so 2k dr = −hd P and

2k dr = − h dP. (7.30)


P = Y + (2k/ h)(R − r ). (7.31)

The average pressure is

Pav = Y + 2k R/(3h). (7.32)

EXAMPLE 7.4: A solid 10 cm diameter, 2.5 cm high disc is compressed. The tensile
and shear yield strengths are 300 and 150 MPa. Estimate the force needed to deform
the disc assuming sticking friction.

SOLUTION: Using equation 7.32, Pav = 300 + 5cm(150 × 2)/[3(2.5cm)] = 500 MPa.

F = π(.005)2 m2 500 × 106 Pa = 3.9 kN.


The analyses for axially symmetric and plane-strain compression with sticking friction
can be interpreted in terms of the shape of a sand-pile. Dry sand piled on a flat surface
will form a hill with a constant slope. This slope is analogous to the linear increase of
P with distance from the edge of the work piece. The effect of sticking friction can be
analyzed using this effect. Sand can be piled onto cardboard or other flat material cut
to the shape of the work piece. The volume of sand, found by pouring into a calibrated
vessel or by weighing, is proportional to the integral of (P – Y) over the compressed
surface, and thus to the total compressive force minus Y times the area. This method
can be used to analyze complex shapes.


Flat rolling of plates and sheets is essentially a plane-strain compression because the
length of contact between rolls and work piece, L, is usually much smaller than the
width of the sheet, w, (Figure 7.8). As the plastic region is thinned by the compressive
stress, σz , it is free to expand in the rolling direction, x. However lateral expansion in
the y-direction is constrained by the undeforming material on both sides of the roll gap.
The net effect is a condition of plane strain, ε y = 0 and εz = −εx , except at the edges.
On the inlet side of the gap, the roll surface is moving faster than the work material,
whereas on the outlet side material moves faster than the roll surface (Figure 7.9). This
causes friction to act toward the neutral point, N, creating a friction hill.


h0 σz


plastic zone σy

Figure 7.8. Schematic of the deformation zone in flat rolling.

friction acting in
opposite directions

h0/2 N

Figure 7.9. On the inlet side, the surface of the roll moves faster than the work piece and on the outlet
side the work piece moves faster. This causes friction to act on the work piece toward the neutral
point, N.

Figure 7.10 shows the roll-gap geometry, where R is the roll radius, h = h 0 − h f
and L is the projected contact length. It can be seen that
h 2 h 2
L 2 = R2 − R − = Rh − . (7.33)
2 2
Neglecting the last term,
L= Rh = Rr h 0 , (7.34)
where the reduction, r = h/ h 0 .
The frictional effects are similar to those in plane-strain compression. If the cur-
vature of the roll contact area is neglected, equation 7.16 with L substituted for b and
(h 0 + h f )/2 substituted for h can be used to find the average pressure, so
h μL
Pav = exp − 1 σ0 , (7.35)
μL h

R Δh/2

Figure 7.10. Geometry of the roll gap.


where σ0 is the average plane-strain flow stress in the roll gap. If the material strain
hardens, a simple approximation is σ0 = (σ1 + σ2 )/2 where σ 1 and σ 2 are the flow
stresses of the material at the entrance and exit if the roll gap.
If front tension or back tension is applied, this has the effect of lowering σ0 so
equation 7.35 becomes
h μL
Pav = exp − 1 [σ0 − (σbt + σ f t )/2], (7.36)
μL h
where σbt and σ f t are the back and front tensile stresses. Figure 7.11 illustrates the
effects of back and front tension. The position of the neutral point shifts with front or
back tension.

EXAMPLE 7.5: The plane-strain flow stress, σ 0 , of a metal is 200 MPa. A sheet
0.60 m wide and 3 mm thick is to be cold rolled to 2.4 mm in a single pass using 30
cm diameter rolls. Assuming a coefficient of friction is 0.075,

a) Compute the roll pressure.

b) If front tension of 75 MPa were applied, what would be the average roll pressure?


a) Substituting h = (3 + 2.4)/2 = 2.7 mm, L = (150 × 0.6) = 9.487 mm,
into equation 7.36, Pav = [2.7(9.487)/0.075][exp (0.075)(9.487)/2.7](200) =
988 MPa.
b) Pav = [2.7(9.487)/0.075][exp (0.075)(9.487)/2.5](200 − 37.5) = 803 MPa.


With thin sheets and large roll diameters, the pressure from the friction hill can be
very large causing Pav to be very high. The roll separating force per width, Fs =
Pav L, increases even more rapidly. The high separating force causes the roll surfaces
to elastically flatten much as an automobile tire flattens under the weight of a car. The

σbt σft


0 L
Figure 7.11. Roll gap (a) showing how the strain (b)
Friction and roll pressure (c) vary across the gap. The effect
Pa hill of front and back tension (d).

0 L

P σft


0 L

actual radius of contact, R , is larger than R as illustrated in Figure 7.12. Hitchcock∗

derived an approximate expression for R
R = R 1 + , (7.37)
π E  h

where E  = E/(1 − ν 2 ). With L = R  h the roll separating force becomes

Fs = Pav R  h, (7.38)

J. Hitchcock, “Roll neck bearings,” App. I ASME (1935), pp. 286–96.

Figure 7.12. Roll flattening.

h  √
Pav = √ exp(μ R  h/ h) − 1 (σ0 − σt ) (7.39)

μ R h

and σt = (σ f t + σbt )/2. The roll separating force, Fs = Pav L, may be written

h √
Fs = exp(μ R  h/ h) − 1 (σ0 − σt ) (7.40)

The effect of roll flattening is to increase the roll separating force because both
Pav and L increase. Both Fs and R can be found by solving equations 7.38 and 7.40.
Figure 7.13 is a plot of both equations for σ 0 = 100,000 lbs, E = 33×106 psi,
r = 5%, R =5 in. and μ = 0.2. Initial thicknesses of h0 = 0.100, 0.040 and 0.020 in.
were assumed. The intersections give the appropriate values of Fs and R . There is no
intersection for h0 = 0.02 because the roll flattening is so severe that that thickness
cannot be achieved. There is a minimum thickness, h0 , that can be rolled.

h min = (σ0 − σt ) , (7.41)
where C is between 6 and 7.
With C = 7, and the conditions cited above, hmin = 0.021 in, which explains why
there is no solution for h0 = 0.020 in Figure 7.13.
Methods of achieving thinner sheets and foils include better lubrication (lower μ),
application of back and front tension (σ bt and σ ft ), lower σ 0 (achieved by annealing),
and use of smaller diameter rolls. Small diameter rolls will bend under high separating
forces. The use of back-up rolls lessens this effect. An example is the Sendzimir mill
shown in Figure 7.14. Use of carbide rolls instead of steel rolls increases E .

Figure 7.13. Variation of roll separating force vs. R (solid line) and dependence of flattened radius on
roll separating force (dashed line). A flow stress of 100 ksi was assumed. The intersections satisfy both
conditions. Note that there is no solution for h0 = 0.02 in.

Figure 7.14. Sendzimir mill.

EXAMPLE 7.6: A sheet of steel with a plane-strain yield strength of 500 MPa, is cold
rolled between 25 cm diameter rolls to a reduction of 5%. The plane-strain modulus,
E = 225 GPa and the initial sheet thickness is 2.5 mm. The coefficient of friction is

a) Find the roll separating force of length of roll using equation 7.38.
b) Repeat using equation 7.40.
c) Compare with Figure 7.13.
d) If σ 0 were 50 ksi, to what minimum thickness could the sheet be rolled on this

a) R = R 1 + 16Fs
π E  h
so Fs = (R  /R − 1) π E16h .

Fs = (2 − 1)π(33 × 106 × 0.005)/16 = 32,400 lbs.

b) Fs = 100,000(0.0975/0.15){exp[0.15(10 × 0.005)1/2 /0.975] − 1} = 27,000 lbs.
c) The left-hand pair of lines in Figure 7.13 intersect at R  = 9 in. and Fs = 26,000 lb.
Equation 7.38 predicts Fs = 32,000 lbs at R  = 10 in. as found in (a). Equation
7.37 predicts Fs = 26,000 lb at R  = 9 in. as found in (b).
d) Using Equation 7.41 with C = 7.5, h min = (7.5)(0.15)(50,000)/33 × 106 =
0.0085 in.


Roll bending would produce sheets with varying thickness. To counter this effect, rolls
are usually cambered (crowned) as shown in Figure 7.15. The degree of cambering
varies with the width of the sheet, the flow stress and reduction per pass. The results of
insufficient camber are shown in Figure 7.16. The thicker center requires the edges to
be elongated more. This can cause edge wrinkling, or warping of a plate. The center is
left in residual tension and center cracking can occur.
If the rolls are over-cambered, as shown in Figure 7.17, the residual stress pattern
is the opposite. Centerline compression and edge tension may cause edge cracking,
lengthwise splitting, and a wavy center.
There are large economic incentives for proper cambering in addition to assuring
flatness and freedom from cracks. A variation of only ±0.001 in. in a sheet of 0.32 in.
thickness between center and edge is 3%. If a minimum thickness is required, some

Figure 7.15. Use of cambered rolls to compensate for roll bending.







Figure 7.16. Possible effects of insufficient camber (a). Residual stresses (b) center cracking (c) warp-
ing (d) and edge wrinkling (e).





Figure 7.17. Effects of over-cambering include edge cracking, centerline splitting and wavy center.

of the sheet will be thicker than necessary and either the supplier or the customer
(depending on whether the sheet is sold by weight or area) will suffer an economic
loss. Furthermore the formability will suffer from variable thickness as discussed in
Chapter 16.
Even with proper cambering there is a tendency for edge cracking. Material just
outside the roll gap constrains flow to plane-strain (ε y = 0), except at the edges where
plane-stress (σ y = 0) prevails. Uniaxial compression at the edge would cause only half
as much elongation as in the center but this isn’t possible. Instead compatibility with

Figure 7.18. Stress states at the edge of a rolled strip. Edge cracking is more likely with rounded

the center requires that the edges experience tension in the rolling direction. This can
cause edge cracking. The situation is aggravated if the edges become rounded as in Fig-
ure 7.18. With a bulged edge the material at the mid-plane experiences even less com-
pression so the tensile stresses necessary for compatibility are even larger. In multiple-
pass rolling it is common to use small edge rollers to maintain square edges. Figure
12.1 in Chapter 12 illustrates the greater formability when square edges are maintained.

Coining is a compression operation that embosses the compressed surface with a
design. For the design to be embossed, the entire surface must be at its yield strength
although the amount of reduction may be small. The pressure must be at least as high as
the predictions of equations in Section 7.7 with sticking friction. Forming a sharp detail
is similar to making a hardness indentation. Since the pressure in hardness indentation
is about three times the yield strength, the local pressure near a sharp detail in coining
must be that high.


One simple way to lower the forces required for forging is to decrease the area of
contact by compressing one region at a time. Marciniak and Chodakowski∗ developed
a machine whereby the effect of friction on the force required for forging can be reduced
by periodically moving a reduced area of contact between tool and work piece. Figure
7.19 is a schematic illustration of orbital forging.

Z. Marciniak and A. Chodakowski, Stahl und Eisen v. 90, (1970).

Figure 7.19. Schematic of forging with a rotating tool

to reduce the area of contact. From R. Sowerby, Sci.
Prog. Oxf v. 64 (1977), p. 1077.

One way of circumventing equation 7.41 is to roll two sheets at the same time, artificially
increasing hmin . Aluminum foil is made by rolling two thin sheets together that are
separated after the rolling. The shiny surface was in contact with the rolls and the matte
surface was in contact with the other half of the foil.
Georg Sachs (1896–1962) was born in Moscow of German parents. He taught at
Frankfurt University (1930–35) and later at Case Institute of Technology.


J. Hitchcock, “Roll Neck Bearings” App. I ASME (1935) pp. 286–96.

W. Johnson and P. B. Mellor, Plasticity for Mechanical Engineers, Van Nostrand, 1973.
G. T. van Rooyen and W. A. Backofen, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 7 (1959).

7.1. A coil of steel, 252-mm wide and 3-mm thick, is drawn though a pair of dies of
semi-angle 8◦ to a final thickness of 2.4 mm in a single pass. The outlet speed
is 3.5 m/s. The average yield strength is 700 MPa, and the friction coefficient is
0.06. Calculate the power in kw consumed.
7.2. An efficiency of 65% was found in a rod-drawing experiment with a reduction
of 0.2 and a semi-die angle of 6◦ .
a) Using Sachs’ analysis, find the coefficient of friction.
b) Using the value of η found in (a) what value of efficiency should be predicted
from the Sachs’ analysis for a = 6 and r = 0.4?
c) The actual value of η found for the conditions in (b) was 0.80. Explain.
7.3. Estimate the force required to coin a U.S. 25¢ piece. Assume that the mean flow
stress is 30,000 psi, the diameter is 0.95 in., and the thickness after forming is
0.060 in.

7.4. Figure 7.20 shows a billet before and after hot forging from an initial size of
2.5 mm × 2.5 mm × 25 mm to 5 mm × 1.25 mm × 10 mm. This is accomplished
by using a flat-face drop hammer. Sticking friction can be assumed. For the rate
of deformation and the temperature, a flow stress of 18 MPa can be assumed.
a) Find the force necessary. 
b) Find the work required. (Remember that work = FdL and that F changes
with L.)
c) From what height would the hammer of 3 kg have to be dropped?
d) Compute the efficiency, η.

2.5 mm

1.25 mm
25 mm

25 mm

2.5 mm
5 mm

Figure 7.20. Compression in Problem 7.4.

7.5. Two steel plates are brazed as shown in Figure 7.21 The steel has a tensile yield
strength of 70 MPa and the filler material has a tensile yield strength of 7 MPa.


2 mm


50 mm

3 mm

Figure 7.21. Brazed joint for Problem 7.5.


Assuming that the bonds between the filler and the steel do not break, determine
the force necessary to cause yielding of the joint.
7.6. Figure 7.22 shows a thin lead ring being used as a gasket. To ensure an acceptable
seal, the gasket must be compressed to a thickness of 0.25 mm. Assume that
the flow stress of lead is 15 MPa and strain hardening is negligible. Find the
required force.

25 cm


0.5 mm
2 mm

Figure 7.22. Lead gasket for Problem 7.6.

7.7. Magnetic permalloy tape is produced by roll flattening of drawn wire. The final
cross section is 0.2 mm × 0.025 mm. It is physically possible to achieve this
cross section with different rolling schedules. However, it has been found that
the best magnetic properties result with a maximum amount of lateral spreading.
For production, the rolling direction must be parallel to the wire axis. Describe
how you would vary each of the parameters below to achieve the maximum
a) roll diameter
b) reduction per pass
c) the friction
d) back and front tension

rolling direction

0.025 mm

0.2 mm

Figure 7.23. Sketch for Problem 7.7.


7.8. A metal with a flow stress of 35 MPa is to be drawn from a diameter of 25 mm

to 20 mm through a die of 15 semi-angle. Calculate the necessary drawing stress
a) The conditions are frictionless
b) There is sticking friction
7.9. Consider the rolling of a sheet 15-cm wide from a thickness of 1.8 mm to 1.2 mm
in a single pass by steel rolls 20 cm in diameter. Assume a friction coefficient
of 0.10 and a flow stress of 125 MPa.
a) Calculate the roll pressure if roll flattening is neglected.
b) Calculate the roll pressure taking into account roll flattening.
c) Estimate the minimum thickness that could be achieved.
7.10. Use equation 7.14 to predict how the ratio of w f /wi depends on μ, α, and εh .
(Realize that equation 7.14 neglects redundant work. Expand the exponential
term after simplifying, and assume that εh is small enough so that higher order
terms can be neglected.) Describe in words how wi depends on μ, α, and εh .
7.11. In the force balance in the slab analysis for frictional effects in plane-strain
compression, P was assumed to be a principle stress, even though with finite
friction it can’t be. Examine this assumption by assuming a constant shear stress
interface with τ = mk. Also, derive an expression for the angle, θ, between the
principal axis, 1, and the x-axis. Express your answer in terms of m, x, h, L, and
2k. (Not all of these need be in the final expression.) See Figure 7.24.



τdx y 2

h x
σxh (σx+dσx)h θ

Figure 7.24. Permalloy tape (Problem 7.11).

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