TMH17 Trip Data Manual

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South Africa

Committee of Transport

TMH 17

South African
Trip Data Manual

Version 1.01
September 2013

Committee of Transport Officials


TMH 17

South African
Trip Data Manual

Version 1.01
September 2013

Committee of Transport Officials

Compiled under auspices of the:
Roads Coordinating Body (RCB) of the
Committee of Transport Officials (COTO)

Published by:
The South African National Roads Agency Limited
PO Box 415, Pretoria, 0001

Disclaimer of Liability
The document is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.
No warranty or representation are made, either expressed or implied, with respect to
fitness of use and no responsibility will be accepted by the Committee of the authors for
any losses, damages or claims of any kind, including, without limitation, direct, indirect,
special, incidental, consequential or any other loss or damage that may be arise from the
use of the document.

All rights reserved

No part of this document may be modified or amended without permission and approval
of the Roads Coordinating Body (RCB). Permission is granted to freely copy, print,
reproduce or distributed this document.
Technical Methods for Highways:
The Technical Methods for Highways consists of a series of publications that are in the
nature of manuals in which methods are prescribed for used on various aspects related to
highway engineering. The documents are primarily aimed at ensuring the use of uniform
methods throughout South Africa.

Users of the documents must ensure that the latest editions or versions of the document
are used. When a document is referred to in other documents, the reference should be to
the latest edition or version of the document.

Any comments on the document will be welcomed and should be forwarded to the
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the document.

The purpose of this Trip Data Manual is to provide various traffic parameters required for
the estimation of Engineering Service Contributions and for the undertaking of Traffic
Impact and Site Traffic Assessments in South Africa. Various parameters are provided in
the manual, such as trip generation rates, trip lengths and road construction cost
parameters required for the estimation of engineering service contributions.
Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Data sources 1
1.3 Trip data tables 2
1.4 Trip parameter studies 2
2 General Traffic Parameters 3
2.1 Traffic growth rates 3
2.2 Service flow rates 3
2.3 Heavy vehicle E80 axle equivalencies 4
2.4 Heavy vehicle lane distribution 4
2.5 Normal and Abnormal Days 4
3 Road Construction Cost Parameters 6
3.1 Introduction 6
3.2 Road design standards and quantities 6
3.3 Cost components 6
3.4 Cost Table – Land Values 8
3.5 Cost Table – Construction Cost 9
4 Trip Generation 11
4.1 Introduction 11
4.2 Average rates 11
4.3 Trip types 11
4.4 Daily trip generation rates 12
4.5 Peak-hour trip generation rates 13
4.6 Heavy goods transport 14
4.7 Vehicle ownership and transit availability 15
4.8 Mixed-use development 15
4.9 Combination of reduction factors 16
4.10 Peak-hour spreading 16
5 Trip Length 17
5.1 Introduction 17
5.2 Average trip lengths 17
5.3 Heavy goods transport 18
5.4 Trip Length Urban Size Adjustment Factor 18
6 Locations and Land-uses 19
6.1 Development locations 19
6.2 Land-use types 19
6.3 Size units 19
7 Data Sources 21
7.1 Trip Generation 21
7.2 Trip Lengths 21
8 References 23
Appendix A: Trip Data Tables
Appendix B: Trip Parameter Studies
Trip Data Manual

1 Introduction

1.1 Background

The purpose of this Trip Data Manual is to provide various traffic parameters required for
the estimation of Engineering Service Contributions and for the undertaking of Traffic
Impact and Site Traffic Assessments. Various parameters are provided in the manual,
such as trip generation rates, trip lengths and road construction cost parameters required
for the estimation of engineering service contributions.

1.2 Data sources

The parameters provided in this manual were established using data and information
obtained from various sources, including South African and international sources. The
South African data are the result of a significant amount of effort by various individuals
and organisations that collected and provided the data. These efforts are acknowledged
with gratitude.

In spite of the above effort, however, the available local data are in some cases not
sufficient to allow the estimation of traffic parameters with a high level of confidence. In
such cases, the local data were supplemented by international information. In certain
cases, judgement had to be applied in weighting or extrapolating information from the
available sources of information.

Due to the lack of local information, authorities and practitioners are encouraged to
conduct further surveys and to submit the data for use in future updates of this manual. A
concerted and significant effort will be required to provide a reliable source of data
required for the estimation of the required traffic parameters.

Even where there is a lack of locally available data, authorities must NOT allow the use of
data collected at individual or specific developments for the determination of engineering
service contributions and traffic impact assessments. The parameters must be
determined on the basis of a scientific study of data obtained from a randomly selected
sample of developments with adequate sample sizes. Studies based on observations at
an individual or specific site may not be indicative of the potential traffic characteristics of
a development.

Where data are not available in the manual for a particular land use type, consideration
may be given to using data that is available for another land use that is likely to have the
same traffic characteristics. Alternatively, international data sources may also be used if
the traffic characteristics are likely to be applicable to local conditions.

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Trip Data Manual

1.3 Trip data tables

Various traffic parameters are provided in Appendix A to this manual. These parameters
were derived from the various sources of data that were available locally and
internationally. Detailed descriptions of the parameters are provided in the different
chapters of this manual.

1.4 Trip parameter studies

Guidelines and requirements for the undertaking of trip parameter studies required for the
estimation of different traffic parameters are provided in Appendix B. The parameters
provided in this manual were derived using the methodologies described in this appendix.

Any data collected for inclusion in future editions of this manual must be collected in
accordance to the requirements of the appendix. Forms are provided in the appendix that
may be used for the data collection. The data should preferably be captured in spread
sheets and submitted electronically for possible inclusion in future editions of this manual.

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Trip Data Manual

2 General Traffic Parameters

2.1 Traffic growth rates

Traffic growth rates are used for the estimation of future background traffic. These growth
rates are normally only applied to background traffic counts.

The growth rate depends on the expected growth in the area in which the development is
located as well as the degree to which approved but not yet exercised developments as
well as latent rights in the area are taken into account in a traffic impact assessment.

Typical growth rates are provided in Table 1.1. These growth rates should be adjusted
according to circumstances and the degree to which latent and other rights have been
taken into account in the impact assessment.

2.2 Service flow rates

Service flow rates are required for the determination of engineering service contribution.
The contribution depends on the road space required to serve traffic visiting a
development. This space is broadly determined by first calculating the “amount of travel”
by multiplying the trip generation of the development with half the average of trip lengths
between the development and previous or next developments visited during trips
(excluding travel on certain types of roads). The amount of travel is then divided by the
typical service flow rate of a road to determine the lane-kilometre or roads required to
serve the development.

The required service flow rate is determined by means of the following formula:

N L .Q L
QT =
2 ⋅ FD1

QT = Service flow rate of the road (veh per hour)
NL = Number of lanes on the road (e.g. 4 for a 4-lane road)
QL = Service flow rate per lane (veh per hour per lane)
FD1, FD2 = Background traffic directional split FD1:FD2 with FD1 > FD2

Using the background directional traffic split implies that contributions are determined on
the basis of the directional split for which roads are designed. This is an “average” split for
all developments which does not take the directional characteristics of specific
developments into account. It is not possible to determine such characteristics for
individual developments and the formula is therefore based on the average split. Even if a
development has a 50/50 traffic split at the entrance to the development, it does not imply
that the same split would be maintained on the road network since outgoing traffic would
not follow the exact same route as incoming traffic (particularly if there are more than one
destination on a trip).

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Trip Data Manual

The parameters required for the above formula and service flow rate calculated by means
of the above formula are provided in Table 1.2. The service flow rate was determined for
a Level-of-Service D on typical Class 2 and 3 urban roads (TRB, 2000).

2.3 Heavy vehicle E80 axle equivalencies

Engineering service contributions are determined for the “capacity” and “strength”
components of roads. The strength component provides for the cost of strengthening of
roads to accommodate the E80 axle loads of heavy vehicles.

The number of E80 axle loads is established by multiplying the number of heavy vehicles
with the average number of E80 axle loads per heavy vehicles. The number of heavy
vehicles is derived based on the trip generation characteristics of a development and the
percentage of trips that are made by heavy vehicles.

The average number of E80 axle loads per heavy vehicle can be expected to vary
between different land uses since different land uses attract different types of heavy
vehicles. Provision is therefore made for different E80 equivalencies for different
land uses.

Heavy vehicles are classified in South Africa into three length categories, namely short,
medium and long heavy vehicles (Schildhauer, 2005). The average number of E80 axle
loads per vehicle for the three categories are provided in Table 1.3. Also provided in the
table is a typical composition of the three heavy vehicle classes on urban roads. An
average number of E80 axle load per heavy vehicle is also given in the table for this
typical composition.

2.4 Heavy vehicle lane distribution

Roads are designed to carry a certain number of E80 axles over its lifetime. The normal
practice is to construct all lanes of multilane roads for the required pavement strength
although heavy vehicles tend to concentrate in the slow lane.

Not all heavy vehicles, however, concentrate in the slow lane and there is some
distribution over other lanes of the road. The typical percentage of heavy vehicles using
the slow lane is therefore used in determining the unit cost rate for the strength
component of the engineering service contribution. Typical percentages of heavy vehicles
travelling in the slow lanes of roads are provided in Table 1.4.

2.5 Normal and Abnormal Days

Daily traffic patterns may vary significantly on different days of the year. In South Africa,
differentiation is made between two basic classes of traffic patterns, namely those
counted on normal and abnormal days. Normal days are days of the year during which
traffic patterns tends to be stable and where these patterns are not affected or influenced
by abnormal or exceptional events.

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Trip Data Manual

Abnormal days are days on which the traffic patterns deviate from normal days due to
events such as schools and public days (including influenced days). Although abnormal,
these days can be predicted from published information on school and public holidays.

Exceptional days are normal days on which some unpredictable event occurred that
affected the traffic pattern. These include events such as road closures, construction,
accidents and adverse weather conditions.

Abnormal days can be identified by means of definitions provided in Table 1.5 (Papenfus
and Van As 2010). Days that are not abnormal can be assumed to be normal but care is
required to ensure that unpredictable events have not occurred which could affect the
traffic counts.

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Trip Data Manual

3 Road Construction Cost Parameters

3.1 Introduction

A number of parameters are provided in this chapter for establishing road construction
cost rates required for the determination of engineering service contributions. The cost
rates required to estimate costs are not provided in this manual but will be published and
updated annually by municipalities. This chapter only covers the parameters required to
determine the cost rates as well as the methodology for establishing the cost rates.

3.2 Road design standards and quantities

Construction cost rates required for determining engineering service contributions are
based on road design standards and quantities typical of Class 3, 4 and 5 roads in urban
areas. The design standards and quantities used for this purpose are provided in
Tables 2.1a and 2.1b. The quantities provided in the tables have been determined for a
1 km length of road (of each Class).

Standards and quantities are provided for the following items in the tables:

• Road reserve area (hectare)

• Road pavement area (m )
• Pavement layer areas (3 million E80 axles)
• Pavement layer areas (10 million E80 axles)
• Kerb lengths (m)
• Sidewalk areas (m )
• Public transport facilities (bus stops)
• Grade separation structures (No)
• Traffic signals (No)

Provision is made for two pavement designs, one designed for 3 million and the other for
10 million E80 axles. The difference in costs between the two designs is used to
determine the “strength” component of the engineering service contribution. The cost of
the capacity component is determined by subtracting the strength component from the
total cost. The strength component is then used to determine the cost rate of
accommodating 10 million E80 axles over a design life of 20 years.

3.3 Cost components

The cost components that are used in establish construction cost rates are summarised in
Table 2.2. Once rates have been established for each cost component, the rates can be
multiplied with the quantities provided in Table 2.1 to determine a total cost per km of
road (for different road classes).

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Only cost components that are normally associated with well-planned and designed roads
are taken into account when determining cost rates. Costs resulting from inadequate
infrastructure planning and reservation of land for infrastructure provision are not taken
into account. The costs could have been prevented if adequate planning had been in
place and land had been reserved before development occurred. Cost items such as
relocation of engineering services and demolition of structures are therefore not taken
into account in determining cost rates.

The cost components summarised in Table 2.2 are the following:

a) Land value. Land values are established and provided by land valuators of a
municipality. The land values must be determined as the typical or average
values of land at the time townships are established or when new roads are
typically constructed. The land value is typically that of farm land with
development potential.

b) Accommodation of traffic. Items that are required to accommodate traffic

during construction. However, excessive items required to accommodate traffic
due to inadequate road network planning are not included.

c) Earthworks. A general cost component that includes items such as the following:

• Site clearing and grubbing.

• Mass earthworks (cut and fill).
• Importation and disposal of material.

The following items are not taken into account:

• Locating and uncovering engineering services.

• Removal of existing structures.

d) Wearing Course. Provision is only made for roads constructed with asphalt.
Roads constructed with concrete or concrete blocks are not included.

e) Base Course. Foundation layer situated immediately below the wearing course.
Constructed with imported material and normally stabilised.

f) Subbase. Foundation layer situated immediately below the base course. One or
two subbase layers may be used. Constructed with imported material which may
be stabilised.

g) Subgrade. Foundation layer situated immediately below the subbase.

Constructed with in-situ material if such material is suitable, otherwise material is

h) Roadbed. Situated below the foundation. Normally constructed with in-situ

material if the material is suitable, otherwise material may have to be imported.

i) Kerbs. Concrete kerbs constructed along the edge of the road. Mountable or

j) Sidewalk. Cost rate includes all components involved in the construction of

sidewalks, including preparation of the foundation.

k) Guard rails and other safety devices. Road safety devices such as guard rails.

l) Stormwater drainage. Only includes items required for the drainage of the road.
Items required for the provision of a main stormwater structure is excluded (such

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Trip Data Manual

items will be recovered by means of stormwater engineering contributions). Items

such as trenching, pipes, culverts, channels, inlets, etc. are included.

m) Public transport facilities. Includes items such as bus shelters, pavements for
the bus stops, etc.

n) Grade separation structures. A total cost is required for this component.

o) Landscaping, finishing off and fencing. Landscaping is included to the extent

reasonably required for road provision. Landscaping aimed at purposes such as
city beautification is not an engineering service and may thus not be included.
Includes items such as vegetation, paving of medians and islands, etc.

p) Road signs. Provision and installation of road signs and markings.

q) Traffic signals. Provision and installation of traffic signals.

r) Street lighting. Street lights and electric cables.

s) Other items. Include items not covered elsewhere, such as service ducts.

t) Preliminary and general items. Cost provided as a percentage of the total

constructed cost. Includes items such as the following:

• Preliminary, fixed and time related.

• Health and safety regulations.
• Engineer’s accommodation.

u) Professional services. Cost provided as a percentage of the total constructed

cost, including preliminary and general items. This percentage depends on the
size of the project and a typical road construction project was therefore used to
determine the percentage provided in the table.

The professional fees provide for all phases of the planning, design and
supervision of a road project, including the following:

• Environmental Impact Assessment.

• Feasibility Study.
• Preliminary Design.
• Detail Design.
• Construction Supervision.

3.4 Cost Table – Land Values

Costing parameters will be published annually using tables similar to those provided in
Tables 2.3 and 2.4. Table 2.3 is used for one of the major cost components, namely land

The municipality will establish regions in which land values are relatively homogeneous.
The engineering service contribution will therefore differ from region to region depending
on average land values in a region.

Land value is the average cost of land in a region at the time when a new township is
established. Typically, the cost would that be of farm land with development potential. The
land value costs are determined as the costs involved with the expropriation of land for
purposes of road provision.

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The following parameters will be provided in the land-value table:

a) Escalation factor applicable to land values. The escalation factor is based on the
consumer price index. The following formula is used for determining the
escalation factor:

IL =
In which:
IL = Escalation factor for land
IPC = Consumer Price Index (Historical metropolitan and other urban)

The suffix "o" denotes the base year when the base unit cost rate was
determined while the suffix "t" denotes the year for which the cost rates are
published. The consumer price index for the base year is determined as the
average of the indices for the 12 months of the year. The index for the publishing
year is determined as the average of indices for the most recent available
12 months.

b) Land values per region. The following is provided for each region:

i) Originally estimated land value per hectare for the region.

ii) Escalated value per hectare
iii) Cost per kilometre road. This is determined as follows:

Cost per km = Cost per ha x Road reserve width (m) / 10

iv) Cost per veh-km/hr for Class 3 roads, determined as follows:

Cost per veh-km/hr = Cost per km / Service flow rate QT

The table also provides space for a trip length adjustment factor that accounts for the size
of the urbanised area. This factor is calculated using the formula given in Chapter 5 and
parameters provided in Table 1.7.

3.5 Cost Table – Construction Cost

Table 2.4 is an example of a table that can be published annually for providing road
construction cost rates required for determining engineering service contributions. The
following information will be provided in the table:

a) Costing parameters – Class 3 roads, capacity and strength components:

i) The originally estimated construction cost per km road

ii) Escalation factor
iii) Escalated cost per kilometre road
iv) Cost rate per travel unit, obtained by dividing the escalated cost by:
• For the capacity component, by the service flow rate (in units of
• For the strength component, by the design number of E80 axles
per day (as determined previously in this chapter)

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Trip Data Manual

b) Costing parameters – Class 4/5 Boundary roads:

i) The originally estimated construction cost per km road

ii) Escalation factor
iii) Escalated cost per kilometre road

c) Escalation factors, CPI and Production Price Indices provided at:

i) At the date of the construction cost estimate

ii) At the date of publication of the cost rates

The escalation factor is determined by means of the following formula:

I K = 1 − X PK + X PK ⋅ (X PL ⋅ + X PM ⋅ PMt + X PF ⋅ PFt + X PP ⋅ PPt )
In which:
IK = Escalation factor for construction component
XPK = Proportion of Construction cost subject to escalation
XPL = Proportional value for Labour cost
XPM = Proportional value for Materials (Civil engineering industry)
XPF = Proportional value for Fuel
XPP = Proportional value for Civil engineering plant
IPC = Consumer Price Index (Historical metropolitan and other urban)
IPP = Production Price Index for Civil engineering plant
IPM = Production Price Index for Materials (Civil engineering industry)
IPF = Production Price Index for Fuel (Diesel oil)

The suffix "o" denotes the base year when the base unit cost rate was
determined while the suffix "t" denotes the year for which the cost rates are
published. The price index for the base year is determined as the average of the
indices for the 12 months of the year. The index for the publishing year is
determined as the average of indices for the most recent available 12 months.

The costs rates required by Table 2.4 can be determining using cost estimates as
provided in Table 2.5 and 2.6. These two tables provide details on the estimation of
construction costs per km road for Class 3 and 4/5 roads respectively.

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Trip Data Manual

4 Trip Generation

4.1 Introduction

Trip generation is the amount of traffic generated by a development. A trip is defined as a

single (one-directional) movement with either the destination or the origin of the trip at a
development. The development is the destination when a person visits the development
and an origin when the person leaves the development. Should a person both visit and
leave a development, two trips are counted.

4.2 Average rates

The trip rates provided in this manual are average rates. The trip rates provided in the
South African Trip Generation Rates (Department of Transport 1995) were provided as
75 percentile values.
It is considered more reasonable to use average rather than 75 percentile trip rates on
the municipal street system which is used by a range of developments. The trip rates may
vary between developments, but the total traffic on the street system is more related to
the average trip rates than the 75 percentile value.

The traffic on the access to a particular development, however, could vary from
development to development. In such cases it could be more appropriate to use a lower
or higher trip rate than the average.

4.3 Trip types

Trip generation fundamentally consists of four types of trips:

a) Primary trips, trips are new on the total road network. This is in contrast with the
other types of trips that are already on the road network, although they could be
new on segments of the road network.

b) Pass-by trips, trips that are attracted from roads directly adjacent to a
development and from which direct access is provided to the development. These
trips are made as intermediate stops on the on the way from an origin to a
primary destination without route diversion (ITE, 2004). Pass-by trips are not new
trips on the road network, but are trips turning in and out of accesses to the
development. The trips should therefore not be deducted from the trip generation
of the development – it is only the trip distribution that is affected.

c) Diverted trips, trips that are attracted from roads in the vicinity of the generator
but which require a diversion to another road to gain access to the development.
Diverted trips add traffic to streets adjacent to a site, but may not add traffic to
other roads in the road network. The trips are similar to pass-by trips, except that

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Trip Data Manual

they have to deviate to other roads to obtain access to the site. Diverted trips well
tend to return to their original route and continue to their original destinations after
visiting the development.

d) Transferred trips, trips that are already present on the road network and which
are visiting similar developments near to the proposed development and which
has the potential of transferring or switching their destination to the proposed
development. These trips are different from pass-by and diverted trips in that trips
are wholly transferred from one development to another.

Where available, information is provided on pass-by and diverted trips in the different trip
tables provided in this manual. No information is available for transferred trips and such
trips must therefore be estimated by means of other methods.

4.4 Daily trip generation rates

Daily trip generation rates and other associated traffic parameters are provided in
Table 3.1. These parameters are intended for use in the determination of engineering
service contributions. Peak-hour trip generation rates are provided in Table 3.3 – these
rates are used in traffic impact and site traffic assessments. Trip generation adjustment
factors are provided in a third table (Table 3.2) which are used both for establishing
engineering service contributions and traffic assessments.

The following trip generation rates and parameters are provided in Table 3.1 for different
land uses:

a) AADTD, the Annual Average Daily Trip generation rate (per size unit), the
estimated total in- and outbound traffic generated by one size unit of the
development over one year divided by the number of days in a year.

b) The traffic factor FQD used to convert the AADTD to an equivalent impact hourly
flow rate for the development. It is a combined factor which accounts for factors
such as the heavy vehicle generation as well as the traffic peaking characteristics
of a development. The factor is determined using formulae provided in the South
African Engineering Service Contribution Manual for Municipal Road

c) Hourly Trip Rate (FQD x AADTD) which is the AADTD multiplied by the factor FQD.
This rate can directly be used in determining the engineering service contribution.

d) The percentage heavy vehicles PHD (of AADTD).

e) Number of E80 axles per heavy vehicle (EHD), used for establishing the strength
component of the engineering service contribution.

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f) A size adjustment factor which is used to adjust the AADTD for the size of the
development. The AADTD provided in the table is multiplied with the adjustment
factor to provide the daily trip rate for a development of a particular size. The size
adjustment factor is determined by means of the following formula:

Size adjustment factor = 1 +
sqm Size

In which A and B are parameters provided in the table and sqm Size is the size
(GLA) of the development measured in units of m .

4.5 Peak-hour trip generation rates

Peak-hour trip generation rates and other associated traffic parameters and
characteristics are provided in Table 3.3. These parameters are intended for use with
traffic impact assessments. Where available, rates are provided for the following peak
hour periods:

• Weekday AM peak hour (06:00 to 08:30)

• Weekday PM peak hour (16:00 to 18:30)
• Weekday Midday peak hour (11:30 to 14:00)
• Weekday Evening peak hour (18:30 to 24:00)
• Saturday Morning/Midday peak hour (08:30 to 14:00)
• Sunday Morning/Midday peak hour (08:30 to 14:00)

The following information is provided for each of the above peak hours where available:

a) Trip generation rate measured in units of trip ends per hour. It is the sum of in-
and outbound traffic to or from a development during the peak hour.

b) Percent heavy vehicles, to and from the development during the peak period.

c) In/Out split, the percentage of trips entering and exiting the development during
the peak period.

d) Peak hour factors (PHF) for:

i) Traffic entering and exiting the development.

ii) Traffic on the adjacent street network.

The peak hour factor is defined as the hourly volume divided by the peak 15-min
flow rate within the peak hour, both measured in units of vehicles per hour.

i) Vehicle Occupancy, the number of persons per vehicle, including the

driver of the vehicle.
ii) Percent pass-by and diverted trips, the percentage of the trip generation
which is pass-by or diverted trips.

The pass-by and diverted trip factors provided in the table are subject to a maximum limit
defined as a percentage of the background traffic at the intersection from which pass-by
or diverted trips are attracted. This maximum percentage is provided in Table 1.6.

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Trip Data Manual

e) A size adjustment factor which is used to adjust various parameters provided in

the table. The specific parameter is multiplied with the adjustment factor to
provide the required parameter for a development of a particular size. The size
adjustment factor is determined by means of the following formula:

Size adjustment factor = 1 +
sqm Size

In which A and B are parameters provided in the table and sqm Size is the size
(GLA) of the development measured in units of m .

The trip generation rates provided in the different tables are mostly based on data that
were collected locally at various types of land uses (a list of data sources are provided
elsewhere in this manual). Where data were not available, the trip generation rates were
based on those published by the ITE Trip Generation Manual (2004).

Only a limited amount of data is locally available on pass-by and diverted trips. The
parameters provided in the tables were therefore mostly obtained from the ITE Trip
Generation Manual (2004).

4.6 Heavy goods transport

Heavy goods transport has considerable impacts on the road network which requires a
more accurate estimation of heavy vehicle trip generation than permitted by the use of
average rates. For land-uses that require the transport of such heavy goods, the
percentages heavy vehicles given in the various trip generation tables are provided only
as approximate indicators and a more detailed analysis must be undertaken to determine
the heavy vehicle trip generation of such land uses.

The land uses that typically require transport of heavy goods are Heavy
Industrial/Manufacturing (Code 120) and Mining (Code 121), but there may be other
developments that would require the transport of heavy goods. Examples of heavy goods
include quarried or mined materials, heavy machinery and heavy products. Mined
materials include sand, clay, kaolin, ores and minerals while heavy machinery include
machinery used for mining, power generation and the production of goods. Heavy
products include bricks, concrete products and refined metals and other similar goods.

The heavy vehicle trip generation of land uses that require transport of heavy goods must
be derived by means of a detailed analysis of the planned heavy good production or
consumption rates at a development. These rates can then be used to estimate the heavy
vehicle trip generation rates for the development. Estimates will be required for both the
daily and peak-hour trip generation of the development. This trip generation can also be
based on observations that are made at other similar developments.

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Trip Data Manual

4.7 Vehicle ownership and transit availability

The trip generation rates provided in Tables 3.1 and 3.3 are applicable to areas with high
vehicle ownership and where a low level of transit service is provided. For other areas, a
lower trip generation rate can be expected. Trip reduction factors that can be used for
such developments or areas are provided in Table 3.2. These factors can be applied to
the trip generation rates provided in Table 3.1 as well as Table 3.3.

Typically, the vehicle ownership in areas with high levels of vehicle ownership varies
between one to two vehicles per household. In areas with a low level of vehicle
ownership, the majority of households (more than 50%) does not own a vehicle and relies
on public transport for transportation. In areas with very low level of vehicle ownership,
nearly all households (more than 90%) do not own a vehicle and rely on public
transportation. The municipality will decide on which areas qualify as low or very low
vehicle ownership areas.

The trip generation rates in low levels of vehicle ownership are currently relatively low or
very low. It is, however, unlikely that the generation rates will remain at the current low
level in the future. Provision must be made to accommodate such future growth and it is
therefore necessary to predict likely future trip generation rates.

The reduction factors provided in the table are those that are considered reasonable for
low vehicle ownership areas and areas with a high level of transit services. The factors
have been established considering current trip generation rates in the different areas. It is
unlikely that the trip generation rates will remain at current low levels, but at the same it is
also unlikely that the rates will grow to those in high vehicle ownership areas. The
reduction factors provided in the table provide for some reduction in trip rates, but not to
the levels currently being experienced.

The transit reduction factors provided in Table 3.2 are applicable to developments that
are located within a reasonable walking distance from a major transit node or stops on a
major transit corridor. The municipality will decide on whether a particular development
qualifies for this reduction.

4.8 Mixed-use development

For purposes of this manual, mixed-use developments are defined as developments in an

area that consist of two or more single-use developments between which trips can be
made by means of non-motorised modes of transport (such as walking). This has the net
effect of reducing the vehicle trip generation in the area.

Some of the land-uses for which trip generation rates are provided already constitute
mixed-use developments and the trip rate already provides for a reduced trip rate. An
example of such a land use is shopping centres that could consist of other component
land uses such as restaurants, cinemas, etc.

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Trip Data Manual

For land-uses which are not already included as a component of another land-use, an
estimate may be made of the multi-use trips using the mixed-use reduction factors
provided in Table 3.2. These reduction factors may be applied subject to the following two

a) The mixed-use developments must be located within a reasonable walking

distance from each other.

b) The mixed-use reduction for a development may not exceed the available multi-
use trips generated at the other adjacent or nearby developments.

4.9 Combination of reduction factors

The trip reduction factors provided in Table 3.2 for mixed-use development, vehicle
ownership and transit nodes or corridors may be used in combination, in which case the
following formula must be used to determine the combined reduction factor:

PC = 1 - (1 - PM) ⋅ (1 - PV) ⋅ (1 - PT)

In which:

PC = Combined reduction factor

PM = Reduction factor for mixed-use development
PV = Reduction factor for vehicle ownership
PT = Reduction factor for transit nodes or corridors

4.10 Peak-hour spreading

The trip generation rates provided in this manual may NOT be adjusted to account for the
spreading of traffic demand during the peak period as a result of prevailing congested
traffic conditions. The trip generation rate already accounts for some spreading of traffic
demand as a result of factors such as variable working and travel times.

Allowing for spreading due to congestion does not reflect actual traffic demand and would
exacerbate the existing congested conditions. Furthermore, spreading out of traffic
demand due to congestion is a dis-benefit to users and must be assessed and evaluated
as a negative traffic impact and a deterioration in level of service provided to road users.

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Trip Data Manual

5 Trip Length

5.1 Introduction

Trip length is an important parameter for the determination of engineering service

contributions. The length of a trip is combined to determine the veh-km/hr of travel used
for establishing the capacity component of the contributions. The trip length is also used
in the determination of the strength component.

Trip length is the distance (in km) travelled between an origin and a destination. Where a
trip is made to a multiple number of destinations, each leg of the trip is considered to
consist of an origin and a destination.

Some limited data on local trip lengths are available for some land-uses, but the data
currently do not adequately cover all land-uses. The available local data were therefore
supplemented by international (USA) data to establish the trip lengths provided in
this manual.

5.2 Average trip lengths

Average trip lengths are provided in Table 4 in this manual. The following information is
provided in the table:

a) Average total trip length measured in km, between an origin and a destination.

b) Half trip length measured in km. Engineering service contributions are determined
for half the trip length since the land use on the other side of the trip is
responsible for the other half.

c) Half the trip length on Class 4 or 5 roads. This trip length is deducted from the trip
length to determine the trip length on Classes 1 to 3 roads, for which
contributions are determined. This deduction, however, is only made for two-lane
Class 4 and 5 roads. For multilane Class 4 and 5 roads, only 50% of the trip
length is deducted since the cost of providing the additional lanes must be
covered by the trip length.

d) Percentage trip length on non-municipal roads, the percentage of the trip length
not travelled on municipal roads (roads under the jurisdiction of the particular

e) Adjusted (half) trip length, the half trip length adjusted for travel on Class 4 and 5
roads as well as the percentage trip length on non-municipal roads. The
adjustment is made as follows:

(L D / 2) = (1 − PN ) ⋅ (L T / 2) − L 45

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Data Manual

LD/2 = Half adjusted average trip length (km)
LT/2 = Half total average trip length from origin to destination
FT = Adjustment for size of the municipality
PN = Proportion travel on roads not under jurisdiction of municipality
L45 = Length of travel on Class 4/5 roads (subject to 50% reduction)

f) A size adjustment factor which is used to adjust the trip length for the size of the
development. The trip length is multiplied with the adjustment factor to provide
the trip length for a development of a particular size. The size adjustment factor is
determined by means of the following formula:

Size adjustment factor = 1 −
sqm Size

In which A and B are parameters provided in the table and sqm Size is the size of
the development measured in units of square metres.

5.3 Heavy goods transport

For land uses that require transport of heavy goods (such as Heavy
Industrial/Manufacturing and Mining), the use of average trip lengths are inadequate and
the heavy vehicle trip lengths must be derived by means of a detailed analysis,

The detailed analysis will require the identification of heavy vehicle origins and destination
and routes that will be used by the heavy vehicles during the trips. The trip lengths must
be adjusted for trips made on Class 4 and 5 roads as well as trips not made on roads
under the jurisdiction of the particular municipality. Where the origin or destination of the
trip is within the boundaries of the municipality, only one half of the trip length is required.
Otherwise, the full trip length within the boundaries of the municipality must be used.

5.4 Trip Length Urban Size Adjustment Factor

For the determination of engineering service contributions, a factor is used to account for
the impact of the size of the urbanised or developed area on trip lengths. Trip lengths in
smaller urbanised areas can be expected to be shorter than those in urbanised areas.
The adjustment is made by means of the following approximate formula:

FT = 1 − FLA ⋅ e − A⋅FLB


FT = Adjustment for size of the urbanised area

A = Size of the urbanised area (km )
FLA, FLB = Parameters of the formula

The parameters required for the formula are provided in Table 1.7.

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Trip Data Manual

6 Locations and Land-uses

6.1 Development locations

Traffic parameters and characteristics may depend on the location of a development.

Parameters such as trip generation and trip length can significantly depend on the
location of a development.

A list and description of typical locations are provided in Table 5. The information
currently provided in this manual are only applicable to developments located in suburban
areas. When data become available for other areas, such data will be included in future
editions of this manual.

6.2 Land-use types

Various traffic parameters and characteristics are provided in this manual for different
types of land uses. Parameters such as trip generation and trip lengths depend
significantly on the type and size of a land-use.

A list and description of the different land-use types for which traffic parameters are
provided, are given in Table 6. It is important that this table should be studied carefully
before a particular development is classified. Care should be taken to ensure that a land-
use type is selected which would most closely reflect the traffic generating characteristics
of a development.

6.3 Size units

The trip generation and other traffic characteristics of a development depend not only on
the type of development but also on its size. Different size units are used in this manual,
for example, “Gross Leasable Area (GLA)”, Dwelling Units”, “Rooms”, etc.

The size units used in the manual have been selected on the basis of the following

a) The most important consideration is that the size unit should be related to the
extent of land-use rights that will be granted to a development. Such extent is
normally defined in terms of some physical dimension of the development, such
as area, number of units, etc.

b) There should be a direct causal relationship between the size unit and the trip
generating and other characteristics of the development.

c) It should be possible to directly measure the size unit through a primary

measurement and not derived from secondary data.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Data Manual

The following is a summary and definition of a number of the size units that are used in
this manual:

a) Gross Leasable Area (GLA). The GLA of a development is the total floor area
designed for tenant occupancy and exclusive use (ITE, 2004). It is the area for
which tenants pay rent and which produces income for the owner of the
development. The GLA is normally measured in m (square metres) and is
typically measured between the centrelines of inner and outside walls.

Generally, the following areas are excluded from the definition of GLA:

• Open roof areas, verandas or balconies. Canopies erected on the street

frontage of a shop.
• Parking areas.
• Malls, entrance halls and foyers at shopping centres.
• Accommodation for the lift room and other mechanical or electrical
equipment required for the functioning of the building.
• Areas reasonably used in connection with the cleaning, maintenance and
care of the building.
• Accommodation of the supervisor.

Storage space used by tenants is not included in the above list and is regarded
as part of the GLA.
d) Hectare (ha). The size of the property (development) in hectare (10 000 m ).

e) Dwelling Units. The number of individual dwelling units in a development.

f) Rooms. The number of individual or separate rooms in a development. In

situations where it is occasionally possible to combine two or more rooms into a
single room, the rooms are counted separately.

g) Beds. The number of beds that will normally be provided in the development
(assuming normal operations).

h) Seats. The number of seats that will be provided in a development for use
by delegates (seats used by staff are excluded).

i) Number of employees. The maximum number of employees that will be

employed at any time by the development.

j) Students. The number of students for which provision is made in a development.

k) Workbays. The number of individual work bays provided at a service facility.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Data Manual

7 Data Sources

The various traffic parameters provided in this manual are based on data obtained from
the data sources listed below.

7.1 Trip Generation

Trip generation data were obtained from the following sources:

• Andre Koekemoer, WSP Group Africa

• Arup Consulting Engineers, Johannesburg.
• BKS Pty Ltd Consulting Engineers, Pretoria.
• Corli Havenga, Transportation Engineers, Pretoria.
• Dr Herman Joubert, Tech IQ Consulting Engineers, Pretoria.
• Dr Pieter Pretorius, ITS Consulting Engineers, Pretoria.
• Gert Potgieter, Mangaung Local Municipality
• Gibb Africa Engineering Consultants, Pretoria.
• GOBA Consulting Engineers, Johannesburg.
• Hendrikus Swart, Endecon Ubuntu (Pty) Ltd Engineering Consultants
• ITS Consulting Engineers, Pretoria.
• Jeffares and Green Consulting Engineers, Johannesburg.
• Karabo Consulting Engineers, Pretoria.
• Kwezi V3 Consulting Engineers, Pretoria.
• Louis Roodt, Pretoria
• Peter Purchase, EDS Structural, Civil and Transportation Engineers
• Pieter Kruger, Techworld Consulting Engineers, Pretoria.
• SENA Consulting Engineers, Pretoria.
• SMV Civil Engineering Consultants, Pretoria.
• Tollplan, Toll road management, Engineering and Consulting, Pretoria

7.2 Trip Lengths

Trip length data were obtained from the following sources:

• Citrus County, 2006, Impact Fee Study Draft Report, Tindale-Oliver & Associates,
Inc. Lecanto, Florida.
• City of Albuquerque, 2004, Roadway facilities impact cost study, Summary
Report, Tindale-Oliver & Associates, Inc., Tampa, Florida.
• City of Oviedo, 2006, City Of Oviedo Impact Fee Update Final Report, Tindale-
Oliver & Associates, Inc. Tampa, Florida.
• Ghyoot VG, 1992, Feasibility analysis for proposed shopping centres with special
emphasis on trade area demarcation. Doctor of Commerce (Business
Economics) Thesis, University of South Africa, Pretoria.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Data Manual

• Indian River County Metropolitan Planning Organization, 2004, Update of the

Traffic Impact Fee Ordinance – Cost Estimate Variables, Tindale-Oliver &
Associates, Inc. Tampa, Florida.
• Johannesburg Road Agency, 2007, Trip length surveys in Johannesburg.
• Lake County, 2001, Lake County Transportation Impact Fee Study, Tindale-
Oliver & Associates, Inc. Tampa, Florida.
• Tindale, SA, 1991, Impact Fees – Issues, Concepts and Approaches. ITE
Journal, May 1991, pp 33-40.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Data Manual

8 References

City Council of Pretoria, 1998, Guidelines for Traffic Impact Studies, Pretoria.

City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, Centurion Administrative Unit, Comprehensive

Traffic Observations, Yearbook 2000, Pretoria.

Department of Transport, 1995, South African Trip Generation Rates – Second Edition,
Report RR 92/228, BKS Inc, Pretoria.

ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers), 1994, Manual of Transportation Engineering

Studies, Washington D.C.

ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers), 2004, Trip Generation, 7th Edition,

Washington D.C.

ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers), 2004, Trip Generation Handbook, 2nd Edition,
Washington D.C.

JC De Vries, 2004, A methodology for establishing developer contributions to the

provision of road infrastructure in urban areas, M.Eng Thesis, University of Pretoria.

NCHRP, 2001, Truck Trip Generation Data, A Synthesis of Highway Practice, National
Cooperative Highway Research Program Synthesis 298, Washington D.C.

Papenfus AJ and Van As SC, 2010, Traffic Stratification System and Expansion Factors,
Traffic volume and axle load information system, Revision of the South African Pavement
Design Method, South African National Roads Agency Limited, Pretoria.

Schildhauer, C., 2005, South African Standard Traffic Data Collection Format, Version
2.00, Pretoria.

South African National Road Agency Limited, 2004, Traffic Count Yearbook, Mikros
Traffic Monitoring, Pretoria.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Data Manual

Appendix A

Trip Data Tables

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Table 1: General Traffic Factors

Table 1.1: Typical Traffic Growth Rates

Development Area Growth rate

Low growth areas 0 - 3%
Average growth areas 3 - 4%
Above average growth areas 4 - 6%
Fast growing areas 6 - 8%
Exceptionally high growth areas > 8%
Source: City Council of Pretoria (1998)

Table 1.2: Service Flow Rates – Class 3 Roads

Description Data
Service flow rate per lane, QL pcu/hour/lane (Class I roads, LOS E) 1 135
Directional split (FD1) 55%
Number of lanes (NL) 4
Service flow of road (QT veh/hour) 4 128
Source: Transportation Research Board, 2000, Exhibits 8-11, 10-7 and 16-7 (Class I Roads)

Table 1.3: E80 Axles per Heavy Vehicle

Heavy vehicle type % Composition (*) E80/HV (**)

Small Heavy Vehicles 76% 0.51
Medium Heavy Vehicles 20% 1.90
Large Heavy Vehicles 4% 3.49
Average number of E80 Axles per heavy vehicle (EHD) 0.90
Note: The percentage composition is a typical composition. It may vary depending on land-use.
(*) Source: Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, Comprehensive Traffic Observations, 2000
(**) Source: South African National Road Agency Limited, 2004

Table 1.4: Lane Distribution of Heavy Vehicles

Number of lanes Percentage HV in slow lane (*)

Two-lane 100%
Four-lane 90%
Six-lane 80%
Eight-Lane 70%
(*) Source: Derived from data collected by the South African National Road Agency Limited
Table 1.5: Abnormal Day Definitions

Abnormal days are defined as the following days of the year:

i) Public holidays.
ii) Days influenced by public holidays, as defined in the table below.
iii) School holidays in any province of the country, measured for the full
duration of the holiday from the day upon which the school closes up to
and including the day on which the school reopens.
iv) December recess, measured from the last seven days in November up to
and including the first day schools reopen in January of the following year
(in any province).

Weekday of Days influenced by Public Holidays

Public Holiday Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed

Public Holiday Influenced Days

Source: Papenfus and Van As (2010)

Table 1.6: Maximum limit for pass-by and diverted trips

Description Maximum
Maximum percentage of background traffic which may be included
in pass-by or diverted trips

Table 1.7: Trip Length Size Adjustment Parameters

Adjustment Parameter Parameter

Parameter FLA ±0.500
Parameter FLB ±0.050
Table 2.1a: Road Design Standards and Quantities

Class 3 Roads

Description Design data Quantity per km road

Road reserve width 32m Width 3.200 ha
Pavement (wearing course)
Road Lanes 2 x (1000 - 2x5) x 7.8 15 450 m
Left-turn lanes 2 x 2 x 80 x 3.3 1 000 m
Right-turn lanes 2 x 2 x 110 x 3.3 1 450 m
Total Pavement 17 900 m
Pavement layers, 3 000 000 E80s
Base Course Area = Pavement 17 900 m
Subbase Area = Pavement + 2 x 2 x 0.5 x 1000 19 900 m
Subgrade Area = Subbase 19 900 m
Roadbed Area = Subbase 19 900 m
Pavement layers, 10 000 000 E80s
Base Course Area = Pavement 17 900 m
Subbase, Upper Area = Pavement + 2 x 2 x 0.5 x 1000 19 900 m
Subbase, Lower Area = Subbase 19 900 m
Subgrade Area = Subbase 19 900 m
Roadbed Area = Subbase 19 900 m
Kerbs 2 x 2 x (1000-2x10) 3 920 m
Sidewalk 2 x 1.5 x (1000-2x10) 2 940 m
Public Transport Facilities 2 Per intersection 4 No
Grade separation 1 Grade separation per 100km road 0.005 No
Traffic signals 75% of traffic signals on Class 3 road 1.5 No
Note: Based on a four-lane road with 500m intersection spacing
Table 2.1b: Road Design Standards and Quantities

Class 4 Roads

Description Design data Quantity per km road

Road reserve width 20m Width 2.000 ha
Pavement 9.0 x (1000-4x5) 8 820 m
Pavement layers
Base Course Area = Pavement 8 820 m
Subbase Area = Pavement + 2 x 0.5 x 1000 9 820 m
Subgrade Area = Subbase 9 820 m
Roadbed Area = Subbase 9 820 m
Kerbs 2 x (1000 - 4x7.5) 1 940 m
Sidewalk 1 x 1.5 x (1000 - 4x7.5) 1 450 m
Based on two-lane road with 9.0m wide road widths

Class 5 Roads

Description Quantity calculation Quantity per km road

Road reserve width 16m Width 1.600 ha
Pavement 7.0 x (1000-4x5) 6 850 m
Pavement layers
Base Course Area = Pavement 6 850 m
Subbase Area = Pavement + 2 x 0.5 x 1000 7 850 m
Subgrade Area = Subbase 7 850 m
Roadbed Area = Subbase 7 850 m
Kerbs 2 x (1000-4x7.5) 1 940 m
Sidewalk 1 x 1.5 x (1000 - 4x7.5) 1 450 m
Based on two-lane road with 7.0m wide road widths
Table 2.2: Engineering Service Cost Components

Code (*) Description Unit of measurement

Land value Per Hectare
Accommodation Accommodation of traffic Per km Road
Earthworks Earthworks Per m² Pavement
Wearing Wearing Course Per m² Pavement
Base Base Course Per m² Pavement
Subbase Subbase Per m² Pavement
Subgrade Subgrade Per m² Pavement
Roadbed Roadbed Per m² Pavement
Kerbs Kerbs Per m Kerb
Sidewalks Sidewalks Per m² sidewalk
Guardrails Guard rails and other safety devices Per km Road
Stormwater Stormwater drainage (road only) Per km Road
PublicTransport Public transport facilities Per facility
Interchanges Grade separation Per interchange
Landscape Landscaping, finishing off and fencing Per km Road
RoadSigns Road signs Per km Road
TrafficSignals Traffic signals Per signal
StreetLights Street lighting Per km Road
Other Other items Per km Road
Prelim Preliminary and general items % of total cost
Professional services % of total cost
(*) Code may be used with a spreadsheet macro when undertaking road construction cost studies (Refer to
Manual for Traffic Studies for Engineering Service Contributions and Traffic Assessments)
Table 2.3: Example of a Land Value Table
for Engineering Service Contributions

Escalation Factors
Description Year CPI (IPC) Esc Factor IK Average factors for year
Date of land-value estimation 2010 108.6 Land-value escalation based on the
Date of publication of cost rates 2007 89.8 1.209 Consumer Price Index

Land Values
Estimated Escalated Class 1/3 road costs Boundary road cost/km Trip length
No and Region Value/ha Value/ha Cost per km Veh-km/hr Class 4 Class 5 Adj factor FT
Road Reserve Widths/Veh-km/hr 32 4 128 20 16
1 Region 1 R 1 500 000 R 1 813 500 R 5 803 200 R 1 406 R 3 627 000 R 2 901 600 100.00%
2 Region 2 R 1 250 000 R 1 511 250 R 4 836 000 R 1 172 R 3 022 500 R 2 418 000 100.00%
3 Region 3 R 1 000 000 R 1 209 000 R 3 868 800 R 937 R 2 418 000 R 1 934 400 100.00%
4 Region 4 R 500 000 R 604 500 R 1 934 400 R 469 R 1 209 000 R 967 200 100.00%
Land values are determined for farm land with development potential
Table 2.4: Example of a Construction Cost Rate Table
for Engineering Service Contributions

Costing Parameters – Class 3 roads

Veh-km/hr Estimated Escalation Escalated Cost Rate per
Contribution Component E80-km/day cost per km Factor IK cost per km Travel Unit
Capacity Component per Veh-km/hr 4 128 R 11 542 024 1.183 R 13 654 214 R 3 308
Strength Component per E80-km/day 3 044 R 1 501 028 1.183 R 1 775 716 R 583

Costing Parameters – Class 4/5 Boundary Roads

Estimated Escalation Escalated Cost Rate
Boundary road class cost per km Factor IK cost per km per km
Class 4 Boundary Roads R 4 785 317 1.183 R 5 661 030 R 5 661 030
Class 5 Boundary Roads R 3 457 608 1.183 R 4 090 350 R 4 090 350

Escalation Factors
Proportion XPP subject to escalation Labour XPL Materials XPM Diesel XPF Plant XPP
0.85 0.30 0.30 0.05 0.35

CPI and Production Price Indices (Average for year)

Description Year CPI (IPC) Materials (IPM) Diesel (IPF) Plant (IPP)
Date of construction cost estimate 2010 108..6 210.8 265.0 189.5
Date of publication of cost rates 2007 89.8 176.8 246.3 150.5

Information Sources: Production Price Indices

Statistics published by: Statistics South Africa
Consumer Price Indices (CPI) published in Statistical Releases P0141
Average for the country
Production Price Indices published in Statistical Releases P0142.1
Materials (Civil Engineering Industry)
Fuel – Diesel Oil (Average for the country)
Plant (Civil Engineering)
Information also provided by:
The South African Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
Table 2.5: Example of Road Construction Cost Calculations
Class 3 Roads

Class 3 Roads - Capacity Component

Based on a four-lane Class 3 road with 500m intersection spacing

Description Unit Rate (R/Unit) Quantity (Units) Cost (Vat Excl)

Accommodation of traffic Per km Road R 150 000 1 R 150 000
Earthworks Per m² Pavement R 40 17900 R 716 000
Pavement (3 000 000 E80 Design)
Wearing Course Per m² Pavement R 95 17900 R 1 700 500
Base Course Per m² Pavement R 65 17900 R 1 163 500
Subbase Per m² Pavement R 40 19900 R 796 000
Subgrade Per m² Pavement R 20 19900 R 398 000
Roadbed Per m² Pavement R7 19900 R 139 300
Subtotal for pavements (3 000 000 E80 Design) R 4 197 300
Subtract strength component for 3 000 000 E80s -R 341 143
Kerbs Per m Kerb R 130 3920 R 509 600
Sidewalk Per m² sidewalk R 130 2940 R 382 200
Guard rails and other safety devices Per km Road R 30 000 1 R 30 000
Stormwater drainage (road only) Per km Road R 1 150 000 1 R 1 150 000
Public transport facilities Per facility R 120 000 4 R 480 000
Grade separation Per interchange R 30 000 000 0.005 R 150 000
Landscaping, finishing off and fencing Per km Road R 50 000 1 R 50 000
Road signs Per km Road R 150 000 1 R 150 000
Traffic signals Per signal installation R 300 000 1.5 R 450 000
Street lighting Per km Road R 550 000 1 R 550 000
Other items Per km Road R 120 000 1 R 120 000
Subtotal R 8 743 957
Preliminary and general items % of total cost 10% R 874 396
Professional services and supervision % of total cost 20% R 1 923 671
Total construction cost per 1 km of road R 11 542 024

Class 3 Roads - Strength Component

Based on a four-lane Class 3 road with 500m intersection spacing

Description Unit Rate (R/Unit) Quantity (Units) Cost (Vat Excl)

Pavement (10 000 000 E80 Design)
Wearing Course Per m² Pavement R 95 17900 R 1 700 500
Base Course Per m² Pavement R 65 17900 R 1 163 500
Subbase, Upper Per m² Pavement R 40 19900 R 796 000
Subbase, Lower Per m² Pavement R 40 19900 R 796 000
Subgrade Per m² Pavement R 20 19900 R 398 000
Roadbed Per m² Pavement R7 19900 R 139 300
Subtotal for pavements (10 000 000 E80 Design) R 4 993 300
Additional for strength component for 7 000 000 E80s R 796 000
Add strength component for 3 000 000 E80s R 341 143
Additional for strength component for 10 000 000 E80s R 1 137 143
Preliminary and general items % of total cost 10% R 113 714
Professional services and supervision % of total cost 20% R 250 171
Total strength component cost per 1 km of road for 10 000 000 E80s R 1 501 028
Table 2.6a: Example of Road Construction Cost Calculations
Boundary Roads

Class 4 Boundary Roads

Based on two-lane road with 9m road widths

Description Unit Rate (R/Unit) Quantity (Units) Cost (Vat Excl)

Accommodation of traffic Per km Road R 25 000 1 R 25 000
Earthworks Per m² Pavement R 35 8820 R 308 700
Wearing Course Per m² Pavement R 50 8820 R 441 000
Base Course Per m² Pavement R 45 8820 R 396 900
Subbase Per m² Pavement R 40 9820 R 392 800
Subgrade Per m² Pavement R 20 9820 R 196 400
Roadbed Per m² Pavement R7 9820 R 68 740
Subtotal for pavements R 1 495 840
Kerbs Per m Kerb R 130 1940 R 252 200
Sidewalk Per m² sidewalk R 130 1450 R 188 500
Guard rails and other safety devices Per km Road R 5 000 1 R 5 000
Stormwater drainage (road only) Per km Road R 800 000 1 R 800 000
Public transport facilities Per facility R 120 000 0.25 R 30 000
Grade separation Per interchange R 30 000 000 0.000 R0
Landscaping, finishing off and fencing Per km Road R 20 000 1 R 20 000
Road signs Per km Road R 25 000 1 R 25 000
Traffic signals Per signal installation R 300 000 0.25 R 75 000
Street lighting Per km Road R 300 000 1 R 300 000
Other items Per km Road R 100 000 1 R 100 000
Subtotal R 3 625 240
Preliminary and general items % of total cost 10% R 362 524
Professional fees % of total cost 20% R 797 553
Total road construction cost per 1 km of road R 4 785 317
Table 2.6b: Example of Road Construction Cost Calculations
Boundary Roads

Class 5 Boundary Roads

Based on two-lane road with 7m road widths

Description Unit Rate (R/Unit) Quantity (Units) Cost (Vat Excl)

Accommodation of traffic Per km Road R 25 000 1 R 25 000
Earthworks Per m² Pavement R 20 6850 R 137 000
Wearing Course Per m² Pavement R 50 6850 R 342 500
Base Course Per m² Pavement R 45 6850 R 308 250
Subbase Per m² Pavement R 40 7850 R 314 000
Subgrade Per m² Pavement R 20 7850 R 157 000
Roadbed Per m² Pavement R7 7850 R 54 950
Subtotal for pavements R 1 176 700
Kerbs Per m Kerb R 130 1940 R 252 200
Sidewalk Per m² sidewalk R 130 1450 R 188 500
Guard rails and other safety devices Per km Road R0 1 R0
Stormwater drainage (road only) Per km Road R 500 000 1 R 500 000
Public transport facilities Per facility R 120 000 0 R0
Grade separation Per interchange R 30 000 000 0.000 R0
Landscaping, finishing off and fencing Per km Road R 20 000 1 R 20 000
Road signs Per km Road R 20 000 1 R 20 000
Traffic signals Per signal installation R 300 000 0.0 R0
Street lighting Per km Road R 250 000 1 R 250 000
Other items Per km Road R 50 000 1 R 50 000
Subtotal R 2 619 400
Preliminary and general items % of total cost 10% R 261 940
Professional fees % of total cost 20% R 576 268
Total road construction cost per 1 km of road R 3 457 608
Table 3.1: Daily Trip Generation Rates and Parameters

Daily Peaking Hourly Percent E80 Axles Size Adjustment

Trip rate Factor Trip rate Heavy Per HV 1+A/(1+sqm Size/B)
Land Use Size Units AADTD FQD FQD.AADTD PHD EHD Factor A Factor B

100 Industrial
110 Service Industry 100 sqm GLA 6.00 0.150 0.90 10% 1.34
120 Heavy industry/manufacturing 100 sqm GLA 1.25 0.150 0.19 10% 2.35
121 Mining 1 Employees 0.65 0.150 0.10 10% 2.35
130 Industrial Area (Park) 100 sqm GLA 6.00 0.150 0.90 10% 2.35
140 Manufacturing 100 sqm GLA 2.00 0.250 0.50 10% 2.35
150 Warehousing and Distribution 100 sqm GLA 3.00 0.140 0.42 10% 2.35
151 Mini-Warehousing 100 sqm GLA 2.50 0.100 0.25

200 Residential
210 Single Dwelling Units 1 D/Unit 4.00 0.225 0.90
220 Apartments and Flats 1 D/Unit 2.75 0.225 0.62
225 Student Apartments and Flats 1 D/Unit 1.25 0.225 0.28
231 Townhouses (Simplexes and Duplexe 1 D/Unit 3.75 0.225 0.84
232 Multi-Level Townhouses 1 D/Unit 3.25 0.225 0.73
251 Retirement Village 1 D/Unit 3.40 0.110 0.37
254 Old-Age Home 1 D/Unit 2.50 0.100 0.25
260 Recreational Homes 1 D/Unit 3.00 0.100 0.30

300 Lodging
310 Hotel, Residential 1 Room 3.25 0.150 0.49
330 Hotel, Resort 1 Room 6.00 0.100 0.60
350 Guest House 1 Room 3.00 0.150 0.45

400 Recreational and Sport

430 Golf Course 1 Course 650.00 0.050 32.50
473 Casino 100 sqm GLA 50.00 0.050 2.50
480 Amusement Park 1 ha 250.00 0.050 12.50
488 Sport Stadium 1000 Seat 100.00 0.050 5.00
492 Health and Fitness Centre 100 sqm GLA 32.50 0.300 9.75

500 Institutional
520 Public Primary School 1 Student 2.00 0.400 0.80
530 Public Secondary School 1 Student 2.00 0.400 0.80
536 Private School 1 Student 2.00 0.400 0.80
550 University / College 1 Student 1.90 0.110 0.21
560 Places of Public Worship (Weekend) 1 Seat 0.65 0.085 0.06
561 Places of Public Worship (Weekday) 1 Seat 0.60 0.085 0.05
565 Pre-School (Day Care Centre) 1 Student 3.00 0.275 0.83
566 Cemetery 1 Ha 6.00 0.050 0.30

600 Medical
611 Public Hospital 1 Bed 7.00 0.200 1.40
612 Private Hospital 100 sqm GLA 16.50 0.110 1.81
620 Nursing Home 1 Bed 2.25 0.110 0.25
630 Medical Clinic 100 sqm GLA 40.00 0.150 6.00

700 Office
710 Offices 100 sqm GLA 8.50 0.250 2.12 5% 1.21
713 Home offices and undertakings 1 House 25.00 0.250 6.25
720 Medical consulting rooms 100 sqm GLA 55.00 0.135 7.43
770 Business Centre (Park) 100 sqm GLA 10.00 0.150 1.50
780 Conference Centre 1 Seat 1.00 0.300 0.30
800 Retail
812 Building Materials 100 sqm GLA 45.00 0.090 4.05 5% 1.32
816 Hardware and Paint Store 100 sqm GLA 60.00 0.085 5.10 3% 1.32
817 Nursery (Garden Centre) 101 sqm GLA 45.00 0.100 4.50
820 Shopping Centre 100 sqm GLA 35.00 0.085 2.98 2% 1.32 6.000 3500
830 Bulk Trade Centre 100 sqm GLA 7.50 0.145 1.09 2% 1.32
841 Motor Dealership 100 sqm GLA 30.00 0.100 3.00
860 Wholesale Market (Fresh produce) 100 sqm GLA 3.75 0.100 0.38 17% 1.56
890 Furniture Store 100 sqm GLA 5.40 0.250 1.35 2% 1.32

900 Services
931 Restaurant, Quality (Sit-down) 100 sqm GLA 90.00 0.100 9.00
932 Restaurant, Family (Sit-down) 100 sqm GLA 140.00 0.100 14.00
933 Fast Food 100 sqm GLA 200.00 0.100 20.00
946 Filling Station 1 Station 500.00 0.120 60.00 2% 1.32
950 Vehicle Fitment Centre 100 sqm GLA 22.00
Table 3.2: Trip Generation Adjustment Factors

Percentage reduction for developments in areas with

Mixed-use Low vehicle Very Low Transit nodes
Land Use Size Units Development Ownership Ownership or Corridors

100 Industrial
110 Service Industry 100 sqm GLA 5% 20% 30% 15%
120 Heavy industry/manufacturing 100 sqm GLA 5% 20% 30% 15%
121 Mining 1 Employees 5% 20% 30% 15%
130 Industrial Area (Park) 100 sqm GLA 5% 20% 30% 15%
140 Manufacturing 100 sqm GLA 5% 20% 30% 15%
150 Warehousing and Distribution 100 sqm GLA 5% 20% 30% 15%
151 Mini-Warehousing 100 sqm GLA 5% 20% 30% 15%

200 Residential
210 Single Dwelling Units 1 D/Unit 10% 40% 70% 15%
220 Apartments and Flats 1 D/Unit 15% 30% 50% 15%
225 Student Apartments and Flats 1 D/Unit 25% 50% 80% 15%
231 Townhouses (Simplexes and Duplexes) 1 D/Unit 15% 30% 50% 15%
232 Multi-Level Townhouses 1 D/Unit 15% 30% 50% 15%
251 Retirement Village 1 D/Unit 5% 50% 80% 15%
254 Old-Age Home 1 D/Unit 5% 50% 80% 15%
260 Recreational Homes 1 D/Unit 10% 20% 30% 15%

300 Lodging
310 Hotel, Residential 1 Room 20% 20% 30% 15%
330 Hotel, Resort 1 Room 20% 20% 30% 15%
350 Guest House 1 Room 20% 30% 50% 15%

400 Recreational and Sport

430 Golf Course 1 Course 5% 0% 0% 0%
473 Casino 100 sqm GLA 5% 20% 30% 15%
480 Amusement Park 1 ha 5% 30% 50% 15%
488 Sport Stadium 1000 Seat 5% 30% 50% 15%
492 Health and Fitness Centre 100 sqm GLA 15% 20% 30% 15%

500 Institutional
520 Public Primary School 1 Student 30% 50% 80% 15%
530 Public Secondary School 1 Student 30% 50% 80% 15%
536 Private School 1 Student 30% 50% 80% 15%
550 University / College 1 Student 20% 40% 60% 15%
560 Places of Public Worship (Weekend) 1 Seat 10% 50% 80% 15%
561 Places of Public Worship (Weekday) 1 Seat 10% 50% 80% 15%
565 Pre-School (Day Care Centre) 1 Student 5% 50% 80% 15%
566 Cemetery 1 Ha 0% 30% 50% 15%

600 Medical
611 Public Hospital 1 Bed 0% 50% 80% 15%
612 Private Hospital 100 sqm GLA 0% 20% 30% 15%
620 Nursing Home 1 Bed 0% 50% 80% 15%
630 Medical Clinic 100 sqm GLA 0% 50% 80% 15%

700 Office
710 Offices 100 sqm GLA 20% 20% 30% 15%
713 Home offices and undertakings 1 House 10% 20% 30% 15%
720 Medical consulting rooms 100 sqm GLA 10% 30% 50% 15%
770 Business Centre (Park) 100 sqm GLA 15% 20% 30% 15%
780 Conference Centre 1 Seat 10% 20% 30% 10%
800 Retail
812 Building Materials 100 sqm GLA 10% 30% 50% 15%
816 Hardware and Paint Store 100 sqm GLA 10% 30% 50% 15%
817 Nursery (Garden Centre) 101 sqm GLA 10% 30% 50% 15%
820 Shopping Centre 100 sqm GLA 10% 30% 60% 15%
830 Bulk Trade Centre 100 sqm GLA 10% 30% 60% 15%
841 Motor Dealership 100 sqm GLA 5% 20% 30% 15%
860 Wholesale Market (Fresh produce) 100 sqm GLA 0% 0% 0% 5%
890 Furniture Store 100 sqm GLA 5% 30% 50% 15%

900 Services
931 Restaurant, Quality (Sit-down) 100 sqm GLA 10% 10% 15% 15%
932 Restaurant, Family (Sit-down) 100 sqm GLA 10% 30% 50% 15%
933 Fast Food 100 sqm GLA 10% 40% 60% 15%
946 Filling Station 1 Station 0% 0% 0% 0%
950 Vehicle Fitment Centre 100 sqm GLA 0% 0% 0% 0%
Table 3.3: Peak-hour Trip Generation Rates and Parameters

Size Adjustment Factor

1+A/(1+sqm Size/B)
110 Service Industry 100 sqm GLA
Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.15
% Heavy
In/Out 75:25 25:75 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

120 Heavy industry/manufacturing 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.50 0.70
% Heavy
In/Out 75:25 25:75
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy 1.80
% Pass-by
% Diverted

121 Mining 1 Employees

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate
% Heavy
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

130 Industrial Area (Park) 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.80 0.80 0.40
% Heavy
In/Out 70:30 25:75 30:70
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy 1.80
% Pass-by
% Diverted

140 Manufacturing 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.60 0.60 0.30
% Heavy
In/Out 80:20 20:80
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy 1.50 1.50
% Pass-by
% Diverted
150 Warehousing and Distribution 100 sqm GLA
Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.50 0.50 0.15
% Heavy
In/Out 60:40 45:55 65:35
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy 1.50 1.50
% Pass-by
% Diverted

151 Mini-Warehousing 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.30
% Heavy
In/Out 60:40 50:50 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

210 Single Dwelling Units 1 D/Unit

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50
% Heavy
In/Out 25:75 70:30 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

220 Apartments and Flats 1 D/Unit

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.65 0.65 0.35 0.35
% Heavy
In/Out 25:75 70:30 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

225 Student Apartments and Flats 1 D/Unit

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.20 0.30 0.15 0.15
% Heavy
In/Out 25:75 65:35 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

231 Townhouses (Simplexes and Duplexes) 1 D/Unit

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.85 0.85 0.45 0.45
% Heavy
In/Out 25:75 70:30 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted
232 Multi-Level Townhouses 1 D/Unit
Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.75 0.75 0.40 0.40
% Heavy
In/Out 25:75 70:30 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

251 Retirement Village 1 D/Unit

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.35 0.35 0.40 0.20 0.20
% Heavy
In/Out 40:60 50:50 50:50 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

254 Old-Age Home 1 D/Unit

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.15 0.20 0.35 0.30 0.35
% Heavy
In/Out 65:35 40:60 50:50 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

260 Recreational Homes 1 D/Unit

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.35
% Heavy
In/Out 65:35 40:60 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

310 Hotel, Residential 1 Room

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.70 0.55
% Heavy
In/Out 60:40 55:45 50:50 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy 1.80 1.80
% Pass-by
% Diverted

330 Hotel, Resort 1 Room

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.30 0.40
% Heavy
In/Out 60:40 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted
350 Guest House 1 Room
Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.45 0.45 0.25 0.25
% Heavy
In/Out 50:50 50:50 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

430 Golf Course 1 Course

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 40.00 50.00 80.00 80.00
% Heavy
In/Out 80:20 45:55 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

473 Casino 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.85 5.00 3.25 6.25 3.00
% Heavy
In/Out 75:25 50:50 55:45 50:50 70:30
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

480 Amusement Park 1 ha

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.50 10.00 47.00 44.00
% Heavy
In/Out 85:15 60:40 60:40 45:55
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

488 Sport Stadium 1000 Seat

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 150.00 270.00 170.00
% Heavy
In/Out 90:10 10:90 90:10
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

492 Health and Fitness Centre 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 5.00 9.50
% Heavy
In/Out 50:50 60:40
PHF Dev 0.85 0.85
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy 1.10 1.30
% Pass-by
% Diverted
520 Public Primary School 1 Student
Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.85 0.30 0.35
% Heavy
In/Out 50:50 50:50 45:55
PHF Dev 0.55 0.55
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy 1.55 1.70
% Pass-by
% Diverted

530 Public Secondary School 1 Student

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.75 0.25 0.35
% Heavy
In/Out 50:50 50:50 45:55
PHF Dev 0.55 0.55
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy 1.40 1.70
% Pass-by
% Diverted

536 Private School 1 Student

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.80 0.30 0.35
% Heavy
In/Out 50:50 50:50 50:50
PHF Dev 0.55 0.55
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy 1.50 1.70
% Pass-by
% Diverted

550 University / College 1 Student

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.20 0.20 0.25
% Heavy
In/Out 80:20 30:70 30:70
PHF Dev 0.65 0.65
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

560 Places of Public Worship (Weekend) 1 Seat

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.05 0.05 0.65
% Heavy
In/Out 55:45 50:50 55:45
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

561 Places of Public Worship (Weekday) 1 Seat

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.05 0.05
% Heavy
In/Out 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted
565 Pre-School (Day Care Centre) 1 Student
Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 1.00 0.80 0.30
% Heavy
In/Out 50:50 50:50 50:50
PHF Dev 0.85 0.80
PHF Street 0.85 0.85
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

566 Cemetery 1 Ha
Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.20 0.20 4.00 8.00
% Heavy
In/Out 70:30 35:65 75:25 50:50
PHF Dev 0.65 0.65 0.65
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

611 Public Hospital 1 Bed

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 1.50 1.45 1.50 1.00 1.00
% Heavy
In/Out 80:20 40:60 40:60 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

612 Private Hospital 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 1.65 1.50 1.60 1.70
% Heavy
In/Out 60:40 40:60 45:55 60:40
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

620 Nursing Home 1 Bed

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.35
% Heavy
In/Out 70:30 40:60 40:60 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

630 Medical Clinic 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 6.00 6.00 4.20 7.80
% Heavy
In/Out 60:40 40:60 50:50 45:55
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted
710 Offices 100 sqm GLA
Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 2.10 2.10 0.45 0.15
% Heavy
In/Out 85:15 20:80 55:45 55:45
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

713 Home offices and undertakings 1 House

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 6.50 6.50 7.00
% Heavy
In/Out 85:15 15:85 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

720 Medical consulting rooms 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 8.00 8.00 8.00 3.90 0.45
% Heavy
In/Out 55:45 45:55 45:55 60:40 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy 1.60 1.50
% Pass-by
% Diverted

770 Business Centre (Park) 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 1.50 1.50
% Heavy
In/Out 85:15 20:80
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

780 Conference Centre 1 Seat

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.50
% Heavy
In/Out 90:10
PHF Dev 0.75
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy 1.50
% Pass-by
% Diverted

812 Building Materials 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 2.80 5.50 11.00 5.00
% Heavy
In/Out 65:35 45:55 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted
816 Hardware and Paint Store 100 sqm GLA
Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 1.15 5.20 12.00 10.00
% Heavy
In/Out 65:35 45:55 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by 27%
% Diverted 28%

817 Nursery (Garden Centre) 101 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 1.40 3.00 4.10 4.00
% Heavy
In/Out 65:35 30:70 45:55
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

820 Shopping Centre 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.60 3.40 4.50 6.000 3500
% Heavy
In/Out 65:35 50:50 50:50
PHF Dev 0.90
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by 13% 12% 1.950 48000
% Diverted 29% 38%

830 Bulk Trade Centre 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 1.10 1.50 0.90 3.90
% Heavy
In/Out 70:30 40:60 45:55 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

841 Motor Dealership 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 2.20 2.30 5.10 2.20
% Heavy
In/Out 65:35 50:50 50:50 45:55
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

860 Wholesale Market (Fresh produce) 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.45 0.10 0.10 0.40 0.05 0.40
% Heavy 11% 29% 27% 15% 64% 6%
In/Out 50:50 33:67 33:67 33:67 33:67 33:67
PHF Dev 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted
890 Furniture Store 100 sqm GLA
Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.20 2.10 0.50 1.30 2.50 1.00
% Heavy
In/Out 65:35 50:50 50:50 50:50 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

931 Restaurant, Quality (Sit-down) 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 0.75 11.80 9.80 9.00 11.00 9.00
% Heavy
In/Out 70:30 40:60 60:40 60:40 60:40 60:40
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by 39%
% Diverted 30%

932 Restaurant, Family (Sit-down) 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 8.00 10.00 20.00 25.00
% Heavy
In/Out 65:35 70:30 60:40 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by 38%
% Diverted 23%

933 Fast Food 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 45.00 50.00 30.00 55.00
% Heavy
In/Out 55:45 55:45 50:50 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy 1.65
% Pass-by 52%
% Diverted 25%

946 Filling Station 1 Station

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate
% Heavy
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted

950 Vehicle Fitment Centre 100 sqm GLA

Description AM Peak PM Peak Friday PM Midday Evening Saturday Sunday Factor A Factor B
Trip Rate 3.00 4.30 5.20
% Heavy
In/Out 65:35 45:55 50:50
PHF Street
Veh Occupancy
% Pass-by
% Diverted
Table 4: Trip Lengths

Total trip Half trip Class 4/5 Non- Adj Trip Size Adjustment
Length Length Half trip Municipal Length 1-A/(1+sqm Size/B)
Land Use Size Units LT (km) LT/2 (km) L45 (km) PN (%) LD/2 (km) Factor A Factor B

100 Industrial
110 Service Industry 100 sqm GLA 12.00 6.00 1.25 50% 1.75
120 Heavy industry/manufacturing 100 sqm GLA 15.00 7.50 1.25 50% 2.50
121 Mining 1 Employees 15.00 7.50 1.25 50% 2.50
130 Industrial Area (Park) 100 sqm GLA 15.00 7.50 1.25 50% 2.50
140 Manufacturing 100 sqm GLA 15.00 7.50 1.25 50% 2.50
150 Warehousing and Distribution 100 sqm GLA 15.00 7.50 1.25 50% 2.50
151 Mini-Warehousing 100 sqm GLA 10.00 5.00 1.00 40% 2.00

200 Residential
210 Single Dwelling Units 1 D/Unit 8.50 4.25 1.00 40% 1.55
220 Apartments and Flats 1 D/Unit 5.00 2.50 0.75 30% 1.00
225 Student Apartments and Flats 1 D/Unit 3.00 1.50 0.60 20% 0.60
231 Townhouses (Simplexes and Duplexe 1 D/Unit 7.50 3.75 1.00 40% 1.25
232 Multi-Level Townhouses 1 D/Unit 7.00 3.50 1.00 40% 1.10
251 Retirement Village 1 D/Unit 5.50 2.75 1.00 30% 0.92
254 Old-Age Home 1 D/Unit 5.50 2.75 1.00 30% 0.92
260 Recreational Homes 1 D/Unit 10.00 5.00 1.50 40% 1.50

300 Lodging
310 Hotel, Residential 1 Room 7.00 3.50 1.00 40% 1.10
330 Hotel, Resort 1 Room 8.00 4.00 1.00 50% 1.00
350 Guest House 1 Room 6.00 3.00 1.00 35% 0.95

400 Recreational and Sport

430 Golf Course 1 Course 13.00 6.50 1.00 45% 2.58
473 Casino 100 sqm GLA 14.00 7.00 1.00 50% 2.50
480 Amusement Park 1 ha 12.00 6.00 1.00 50% 2.00
488 Sport Stadium 1000 Seat 12.00 6.00 1.00 50% 2.00
492 Health and Fitness Centre 100 sqm GLA 5.00 2.50 0.75 30% 1.00

500 Institutional
520 Public Primary School 1 Student 4.00 2.00 1.00 25% 0.50
530 Public Secondary School 1 Student 5.00 2.50 1.00 35% 0.62
536 Private School 1 Student 5.50 2.75 1.00 40% 0.65
550 University / College 1 Student 10.00 5.00 1.50 40% 1.50
560 Places of Public Worship (Weekend) 1 Seat 6.00 3.00 0.80 35% 1.15
561 Places of Public Worship (Weekday) 1 Seat 6.00 3.00 0.80 35% 1.15
565 Pre-School (Day Care Centre) 1 Student 3.50 1.75 0.90 35% 0.24
566 Cemetery 1 Ha 8.00 4.00 1.00 40% 1.40

600 Medical
611 Public Hospital 1 Bed 8.50 4.25 1.00 40% 1.55
612 Private Hospital 100 sqm GLA 8.00 4.00 1.00 40% 1.40
620 Nursing Home 1 Bed 7.50 3.75 1.00 35% 1.44
630 Medical Clinic 100 sqm GLA 5.00 2.50 1.00 30% 0.75

700 Office
710 Offices 100 sqm GLA 9.00 4.50 1.00 35% 1.92
713 Home offices and undertakings 1 House 7.00 3.50 1.00 35% 1.27
720 Medical consulting rooms 100 sqm GLA 8.00 4.00 1.00 35% 1.60
770 Business Centre (Park) 100 sqm GLA 10.00 5.00 1.00 40% 2.00
780 Conference Centre 1 Seat 10.00 5.00 1.00 50% 1.50
800 Retail
812 Building Materials 100 sqm GLA 8.00 4.00 1.00 40% 1.40
816 Hardware and Paint Store 100 sqm GLA 7.00 3.50 1.00 40% 1.10
817 Nursery (Garden Centre) 101 sqm GLA 6.50 3.25 1.00 30% 1.27
820 Shopping Centre 100 sqm GLA 10.00 5.00 1.00 40% 2.00 0.740 148000
830 Bulk Trade Centre 100 sqm GLA 10.00 5.00 1.00 50% 1.50
841 Motor Dealership 100 sqm GLA 6.50 3.25 0.75 40% 1.20
860 Wholesale Market (Fresh produce) 100 sqm GLA 10.00 5.00 1.00 50% 1.50
890 Furniture Store 100 sqm GLA 8.00 4.00 1.00 40% 1.40

900 Services
931 Restaurant, Quality (Sit-down) 100 sqm GLA 6.50 3.25 0.80 30% 1.47
932 Restaurant, Family (Sit-down) 100 sqm GLA 5.50 2.75 0.80 30% 1.12
933 Fast Food 100 sqm GLA 4.00 2.00 0.70 25% 0.80
946 Filling Station 1 Station 5.00 2.50 0.50 40% 1.00
950 Vehicle Fitment Centre 100 sqm GLA 8.00 4.00 1.00 35% 1.60
Table 5: Development Locations

Rural area
An area with a rural character and which is not urbanised.

A relatively small urbanised area

Suburban Area (Large towns, cities or metropolitan areas)

Areas outside the central business district of a large town, city or metropolitan area.

CBD Area (Large towns, cities or metropolitan areas)

Central Business District, the economic centre or core of a large town, city or metropolitan area.
Table 6: Land-Uses and Size Units

100 Industrial

110 Service Industries 100 sqm GLA

Service industries provide industrial services to the general public. Typical service industries include
vehicle repairs, appliance and television repairs, etc.

120 Heavy industries/manufacturing 100 sqm GLA

The heavy manufacturing/industry land use covers developments where the primary activity is the
conversion of raw materials or parts into products and where the materials or products have a heavy
nature. Examples of this land use include brick manufacturing, machinery, metal, electrical power
generation, etc. The land use also includes offices, warehouses and other facilities associated with
the main activity.

121 Mining No of employees

The extraction of raw materials, either from the surface or underground. Examples include sand,
clay, stone, kaolin, ores, minerals and precious materials.

130 Industrial Area (Park) 100 sqm GLA

The industrial land-use includes industries that do not generally provide services directly to the
general public. The industrial area or park may also contain related facilities such as services and
warehousing. A small amount of retail may be included.

140 Light manufacturing 100 sqm GLA

The light manufacturing land-use covers developments where the primary activity is the conversion
of raw materials or parts into products. Both materials and products must be of a light nature.
Examples of this land use include clothing, food and furniture manufacturing. The land use also
includes offices, warehouses and other facilities associated with manufacturing.

150 Warehousing and Distribution 100 sqm GLA

Warehouses are primarily used for the storage and distribution of materials, but may include office
and other functions associated with such storage. Goods are often sorted and distributed from these

151 Mini-Warehousing 100 sqm GLA

Mini-Warehousing contain a number of storage units which are rented for the storage of goods.
These are typically "self-storage" facilities for use by the public.
Table 6: Land-Uses and Size Units

200 Residential

210 Single Dwelling Unit Dwelling units

Single dwelling units are detached houses on individual erven. The units usually have individual
accesses to streets.

220 Apartments and Flats Dwelling units

Dwelling units located in one building. Buildings are normally multi-storied while dwelling units are
relatively small in size.

225 Students Apartments and Flats Dwelling units

Apartments and flats specifically targeted at students. This land-use may only be used when
guarantees are given that the development will not be used by persons other than students.

231 Townhouses (Simplexes and Duplexes) Dwelling units

Dwelling units typically provided in clusters or in complexes. Units could be detached or provided
within one building structure. Parking is often provided within a communal area.

232 Multi-Level Townhouses Dwelling units

Dwelling units provided in clusters in multi-level complexes. Individual townhouses can be provided
on different levels. Individual townhouse could consist of one storey or could be multi-storeyed.

251 Retirement Village Dwelling units

Dwelling units intended for senior adults. Dwelling units could be either detached or provided in one
building structure.

254 Old-Age Home Dwelling units

Provide living facilities and care for senior adults. They commonly have single rooms for residents
and services including dining, housekeeping, care, medication administration and transportation.

260 Recreational Homes Dwelling units

Single dwelling units located in holiday resorts. These dwellings are often second homes used
periodically by owners or rented on a seasonable basis.

300 Lodging

310 Hotel, Residential Rooms

Hotels provide sleeping accommodation and supporting facilities such as the reception area and
dining rooms. Facilities that are mostly provided for hotel users are included in the trip generation

330 Hotel, Resort Rooms

Hotels primary serving tourists and persons on holiday. Typically located in holiday resorts.

350 Guest House Rooms

Smaller lodging facilities with characteristics similar to a hotel, but which are provided in a building
which has a residential character.
Table 6: Land-Uses and Size Units

400 Recreational and Sport

430 Golf Course Courses

Trip generation rates for golf courses include facilities normally associated with such courses, such
as a restaurant, lounge, etc.

473 Casino 100 sqm GLA

Casino establishments provide gambling facilities.

480 Amusement Park ha

An amusement park contains rides, entertainment, refreshment facilities and picnic areas.

488 Sport Stadium Seats

Sport stadiums may consist of one or more sport fields surrounded by seats for spectators.

492 Health and Fitness Centre 100 sqm GLA

Health and Fitness Centres focus on individual fitness or training. Typically they provide exercise
facilities, gymnastic equipment, locker rooms and small refreshment facilities.
Table 6: Land-Uses and Size Units

500 Institutional

520 Public Primary School Students

Public primary schools typically serve students for the first half of their school education.

530 Public Secondary School Students

Public secondary schools typically serve students for the last half of their school education.

536 Private School Students

This land-use includes schools for all ages of students.

550 University / College Students

This land-use includes universities, technicons and colleges.

560 Places of Public Worship (Weekend) Seats

Places of public worship which normally operate on weekends (e.g. Saturdays or Sundays).

561 Places of Public Worship (Weekday) Seats

Places of public worship which normally operate during the week (e.g. Friday).

565 Pre-School (Day Care Centre) Students

A facility where care is provided for pre-school age children. The facilities include classrooms,
offices, eating areas and playgrounds.

566 Cemetery Ha
Place of burial. Size measured in units of hectares.
Table 6: Land-Uses and Size Units

600 Medical

611 Public Hospital Beds

An institution where public medical care is provided. The land-use includes related facilities normally
associated with hospitals, including doctor consulting rooms, pharmacies and other medical services.

612 Private Hospital 100 sqm GLA

An institution where private medical care is provided. The land-use includes related facilities normally
associated with hospitals, including doctor consulting rooms, pharmacies and other medical services.
The consulting rooms are those used by doctors whose primary duty is to provide health care at the
hospital. Other rooms must be treated as medical consulting rooms..

620 Nursing home Beds

A facility whose primary function is to care for persons who are unable to care for themselves. Care
is mostly provided by nursing staff and by visiting doctors. Traffic is primary generated by employees,
deliveries and visitors and not by residents.

630 Medical Clinic 100 sqm GLA

A facility at which limited diagnostic outpatient care is provided. No prolonged in-house medical or
surgical care typical of hospitals is provided.

700 Offices

710 Offices 100 sqm GLA

This land-use includes developments at which affairs of businesses, commercial or industrial
organisations are conducted.

713 Home offices and undertakings Houses

This land-use includes all home office undertakings, such as small businesses, professional firms,
hair-dressers, etc.

720 Medical consulting rooms 100 sqm GLA

Medical consulting rooms are facilities at which medical practitioners may be consulted on an
appointment basis, with no or limited provision for hospitalization. Pharmacies are not included.

770 Business Centre (Park) 100 sqm GLA

Business centres are facilities serving a range of mixed land-uses, such as offices, banking facilities,
light industries and warehousing.

780 Conference Centre Seats

A conference centre provides conference facilities. The land-use may include associated land uses,
such a dining facilities, dining rooms, etc.
Table 6: Land-Uses and Size Units

800 Retail

812 Building Materials 100 sqm GLA

A building material centre is a free-standing facility that sells building hardware and materials. May
include a component of hardware and paint sales.

816 Hardware and Paint Store 100 sqm GLA

Hardware and Paint Stores are generally free-standing facilities at which only hardware and/or paint
is sold. May include a very small component of building material.

817 Nursery (Garden Centre) 100 sqm GLA

A nursery or garden centre is a free-standing facility at which items are sold to the public.

820 Shopping Centre 100 sqm GLA

A shopping centre is an integrated (mixed-use) group of commercial establishments that operate as
a unit. May include small components of other land uses, such as restaurants, hardware and paint
shops, etc.

830 Bulk Trade Centre 100 sqm GLA

Bulk trade centres are generally free-standing commercial facilities at which goods are sold in bulk to
either the public or to businesses.

841 Motor Dealership 100 sqm GLA

A motor dealership is a location at which either new or used vehicles are sold. May contain a limited
component of vehicle parts sales.

860 Wholesale Market (Fresh Produce) 100 sqm GLA

A wholesale market is a location at where goods and produce are sold by merchants or agents to
retailers (and also to the public). Prices are established by negotiation or auction.

890 Furniture Store 100 sqm GLA

A shop at which furniture is exclusively sold.
Table 6: Land-Uses and Size Units

900 Services

931 Restaurant, Quality (Sit-down) 100 sqm GLA

This land-use consists of high quality, full-service restaurants with lower turnover rates. This type of
restaurant typically requires reservations.

932 Restaurant, Family (Sit-Down) 100 sqm GLA

This land use consists of sit-down restaurants with higher turnover rates. These are typically family
restaurants and reservations are often not required.

933 Fast Food 100 sqm GLA

Facilities that sell take-away food. Table services are not normally provided, but limited facilities are
sometimes available. Include drive-through facilities.

946 Filling Station Stations

Filling Stations at which the primary business is the fuelling of motor vehicles. Related facilities such
as a convenience shop, service facilities and a car wash are not included.

950 Vehicle Fitment Centre 100 sqm GLA

Vehicle Fitment Centres specialise in the fitment of vehicle parts such as exhausts, tyres and radios.
Appendix B

Trip Parameter Studies

Note: Trip Parameter Studies are undertaken when parameters required for the purposes of this
manual must be determined. These studies are not required for traffic impact or site traffic
Trip Parameter Studies

B.1 Road Construction Cost Studies

B1.1 Introduction

Road construction cost studies are undertaken to establish the construction cost rates
required for the calculation of engineering service contributions. These cost rates are
based on road design standards and quantities typical of Class 3, 4 and 5 roads in urban
areas as described in the Data Manual. Use is made of a reduced set of cost components
for the estimation of the cost rates.

The cost rates must be obtained from priced bills of quantities for road projects in
accordance to the procedure described in this chapter. Such bills of quantities are
normally available in spreadsheet format which significantly simplifies the studies required
to establish the cost rates. A spreadsheet is available that can be used for the collection
and submission of the cost data.

B1.2 Road cost data

Road cost data may be collected by means of the form provided in Table 1.1. A separate
form must be used for each road project.

The data required for the form must be obtained from priced bills of quantities for urban
road projects. Since such bills of quantities are normally available in spreadsheets, the
data should rather be collected by means of spreadsheets.

A spreadsheet RoadCostData.Xls is available that can be used for collecting as well as

the analysis of data. The data that is required by this spreadsheet is similar to that shown
in Table 1.1.

The table consists of a number of main data entry areas, as following:

a) Project data:

i) Project description.
ii) Year in which the project costs were obtained.
iii) Name of city/town or area where the project is located.
iv) Road classification (Classes 2 to 5).

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

b) Quantities that is required for determining unit cost rates:

i) Road length (km), the total length of the road along the centreline.
ii) Area of the wearing course (m ) for the road.
iii) Area of the base course (m ) for the road.
iv) Area of the subbase (m ) for the road.
v) Area of the subgrade (m ). Zero if none.
vi) Area of the roadbed (m ). Zero if none.
vii) Length of kerb (m). Zero if no kerbs.
viii) Area of pedestrian sidewalks (m ). Zero if none.
ix) Number of bus stops. Zero if none.
x) Number of interchanges. Zero if none.
xi) Number of traffic signals. Zero if none.

c) Priced bill of quantities

i) Cost code (more information below)

ii) Item number
iii) Item description
iv) Measuring units
v) Quantity
vi) Unit rate
vii) Total amount

d) Calculated unit cost rates

i) Cost code
ii) Cost rate per cost code (total cost divided by the quantity in (b) above)

The spreadsheet contains software (in the form of a macro) that can be used to
accumulate the cost items from the bill of quantities for each of the cost codes. The
accumulated costs are divided by relevant quantities to determine unit cost rates for each
cost component.

A list of cost codes are also provided in Table 1.1. Each row of the bill of quantities must
be tagged with one of the cost codes. In a spreadsheet, this can readily be done by
copying the code and pasting it to one or more rows of the bill of quantities. This process
involves some effort, but it can be undertaken relatively easy. It is, however, important
that the appropriate cost code be used to tag the different rows. The software provided in
the spreadsheet will accumulate cost data using the tags.

The cost code “NotApplicable” is used to tag those items in the bill of quantities that are
not applicable or which should not be included in the cost rates. It is important to exclude
items that would not normally form part of road construction or which cost may be
excessive (or possibly too low). More information on items that should not be included is
provided in the Data Manual.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

The following cost codes are available:

Cost Code Description Quantity for cost rate determination

Accommodation Accommodation of traffic Road length (km)
Earthworks Fill and cut Wearing course area
Wearing Wearing course Wearing course area
Base Base course Base course area
Subbase Subbase Subbase area
Subgrade Subgrade Subgrade area
Roadbed Roadbed Roadbed area
Kerbs Kerbs Kerb length
Sidewalks Pedestrian sidewalks Sidewalk area
Guardrails Guardrails and other safety devices Road length (km)
Stormwater Stormwater, including culverts/bridges Road length (km)
PublicTransport Public transport facilities No of bus stops
Interchanges Interchanges Number of interchanges
Landscape Landscaping Road length (km)
RoadSigns Road traffic signs Road length (km)
TrafficSignals Traffic signals Number of traffic signals
StreetLights Street lighting Road length (km)
Other Other costs (not classified) Road length (km)
Prelim Preliminary and general items
NotApplicable Cost item not applicable, excluded

B1.3 Road cost data analysis

The analysis of the road cost data can be undertaken by means of a form similar to that
provided in Table 1.2. This analysis, however, can be simplified by means of software
provided in another spreadsheet RoadCostBase.Xls. This spreadsheet can be used to
accumulate cost data from various RoadCostData.Xls spreadsheets and to analyse the
accumulated data. This spreadsheet will scan through other spreadsheets and extract the
data that are required for the analysis.

Table 1.2 shows only a portion of the form that is required for the analysis. Additional
columns are provided in the spreadsheet, one for each of the cost codes listed in the
previous section. At the bottom of the form, a summary is provided of the cost rates
obtained from each of the cost data spreadsheets.

The following data, provided at the top of the form, are calculated from the road cost data
obtained for each individual project:

a) Minimum cost rate for any project

b) Median cost rate for all projects
c) Maximum cost rate for any project

The cost rate that is used for the determination of engineering service contributions is
entered in the “adjusted” row. The rate would normally be selected as the median, but the
rate may require adjustment depending on the degree to which the road projects in the
list are representative of road projects in general.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

A row is also provided as part of the spreadsheet that contains formulae that will
automatically round off the rates to an accuracy which is acceptable for the determination
of engineering service contributions. This row can be manually overwritten if required.

B1.4 Price Escalation

The road construction cost rates are escalated by means the method described in the
Data Manual. A form similar to that provided in Table 1.3 may be used for this purpose.
This form is also included in the RoadCostBase.Xls spreadsheet.

The escalation must be based on price indices published monthly by Statistics South
Africa (available from the website). The information is also made
available by the South African Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors (on their website).

The following price indices are used for the determination of the escalation factors:

a) Consumer Price Indices (CPI), Average for the country

b) Materials, Civil Engineering Industry
c) Fuel – Diesel Oil, Average for the country
d) Plant – Civil Engineering

Table 1.3 shows entries for the above indices for a number of years. The
RoadCostBase.Xls spreadsheet contains entries from 2000 to the most recent year.

The price indices can show significant monthly variation. For this reason, the average
annual index for a particular year is used rather than the index for a particular month.
These annual indices are determined as the algebraic average for a year.
The financial years of municipalities start on the 1 July of each year. However, the
indices for a financial year are usually not available on the date the cost rates must be
published. The average indices shown in Table 1.3 are therefore calculated from April in
the previous year to March in the financial year. The base year rates, however, are
determined for the calendar years.

The following proportions are used for the determination of escalation factors:

Prop XP subject to escalation Labour XL Materials XM Diesel XF Plant XP

0.85 0.30 0.30 0.05 0.35

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

Table 1.1: Road construction cost data submission form

Road Construction Cost Data

Road Project
Beg Fin Year (1 Jul) City/Town Calculated total costs
Road class (2 to 5) Cost Codes Total cost Cost Codes Total cost
Road length (km) Notes Accommodation PublicTransport
Wearing (m²) Earthworks Interchanges
Base (m ) Wearing Landscape
Subbase (m ) Base RoadSigns
Subgrade (m ) Subbase TrafficSignals
Roadbed (m ) Subgrade StreetLights
Kerb (m) Roadbed Other
Sidewalk (m²) Kerbs Prelim
Bus stops (No) Sidewalks
Interchanges (No) Guardrails
Traffic signals (No) Stormwater NotApplicable
Instructions: 1) Enter project name, Year number, Road class and Quantities above
2) Copy and paste priced bill of quantities to space below
3) Copy and paste applicable Cost Codes to Column 1
4) Do not include excessive items which do not normally form part of road construction
Cost Code Project Data (Priced bill of quantities)
Select from list Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

Table 1.2: Example unit cost rate calculations (Class 2/3 roads)

Accom- Earth- Sub- Sub- Road Side-

Cost Code modation works Wearing Base base grade -bed Kerbs walks …… Prelim
Rounded R 150 000 R 40 R 95 R 65 R 40 R 20 R7 R 130 R 130 10%
Adjusted R 150 000 R 40 R 95 R 65 R 40 R 20 R7 R 130 R 130 10%
Minimum R 67 078 R 30 R 67 R 59 R 24 R7 R3 R 123 R 110 8%
Median R 111 824 R 40 R 104 R 69 R 42 R 13 R5 R 139 R 110 11%
Maximum R 852 986 R 224 R 132 R 134 R 63 R 28 R 15 R 201 R 196 17%
Lynnwood Road R 852 986 R 224 R 104 R 102 R 42 R 28 R 15 R 139 R 196
Van Ryneveld R 111 824 R 38 R 67 R 69 R 63 R 19 R 12 R 140 10%
Nellmapius 1 R 94 453 R 30 R 125 R 61 R 38 R 13 R4 R 123 R 110 8%
Nellmapius 2 R 197 081 R 40 R 132 R 134 R 42 R 13 R5 R 124 R 110 12%
Lenchen Extension R 67 078 R 78 R 69 R 59 R 24 R7 R3 R 201 17%

Table 1.3: Example Cost Escalation Factors

Annual Average Escalation Factors Notes

1 Average values used rather than midpoints because factors
Cost components and proportions vary significantly during the year (month to month).
Prop XP subject to escalation: 0.85 2 Average values for financial years from July to June.
Labour XL Mat XM Diesel XF Plant XP Due to unavailability of indices, the average values are
0.30 0.30 0.05 0.35 determined from April to March.
Year end CPI Avg Production Price Indices
Year Mnt Wgt Avg Materials Diesel Plant Information Sources
2010 3 108.6 210.8 265.0 189.5 Statistics published by: Statistics South Africa
2007 12 89.8 176.8 246.3 150.5 Consumer Price Indices (CPI)
2007 12 89.8 176.8 246.3 150.5 Published in Statistical Releases P0141
Average for country
Monthly Escalation Factors Production Price Indices
Pblished in Statistical Releases P0142.1
Date CPI Production Price Indices Materials (Civil Engineering Industry)
Year Mnt Wgt Avg Materials Diesel Plant Fuel - Diesel Oil (Average for country)
2000 1 60.4 97.0 75.1 95.3 Plant (Civil Engineering)
2000 2 60.4 97.7 79.9 97.4
2000 3 60.9 97.7 88.4 97.4 Information also provided by:
2000 4 61.6 98.0 92.5 97.4 South African Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
2000 5 61.9 99.1 90.0 98.7
2000 6 62.3 99.2 91.5 98.7
2000 7 62.8 100.6 94.1 99.2
2000 8 63.1 102.7 101.7 102.4
2000 9 63.3 103.1 111.1 102.4
2000 10 63.6 101.2 122.2 102.4
2000 11 63.6 101.3 129.5 104.0
2000 12 63.8 101.8 123.9 104.7
2001 1 64.5 103.7 117.7 104.7
2001 2 64.6 103.6 114.1 108.2
2001 3 65.1 103.7 111.8 108.2
2001 4 65.4 103.7 112.1 108.2
2001 5 65.6 105.1 116.7 112.2
2001 6 65.9 105.0 116.3 112.2
2001 7 66.1 107.9 116.1 112.2
2001 8 66.0 108.4 116.1 114.3
2001 9 66.1 108.6 116.0 114.3
2001 10 66.1 108.8 118.3 114.3
2001 11 66.4 108.7 117.9 119.8
2001 12 66.8 108.9 115.4 119.8

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

B.2 Trip Generation and Length Studies

B2.1 Trip studies

Trip generation and length studies are undertaken with the purpose of estimating the
following traffic parameters.

a) Short-term count based parameters (2 to 24 hours)

i) Peak-hour trip generation rate

ii) Percentage in/out split
iii) Percentage heavy vehicles
iv) Peak-hour factors (15-minute counts)
v) Background peak-hour factors
vi) Vehicle occupancies (persons per vehicle, including driver)
vii) Parking rates
viii) Pedestrian/cyclist counts

b) 7-Day (or longer) traffic count based parameters

i) AADT Daily trip generation rate

ii) Traffic factors for engineering service contributions

c) Interview surveys

i) Trip length
ii) Pass-by and diverted trips

Where possible, studies should be undertaken for all the above parameters for a
particular land use. The studies may, however, only be undertaken for a subset of the
parameters, depending on available resources.

B2.2 Sites for trip studies

The selection of sites for trip generation studies is critical for establish representative trip
generation parameters for a particular land use. The use of inappropriate sites could lead
to either an under or overestimation of trip generation rates.

The following are a number of requirements for selecting sites for trip generation and
length studies (ITE, 2004):

a) Occupancy. The site must have a reasonable full occupancy (at least 85 percent
of the size at the time of the study) and must be economically healthy.

b) Maturity. The site must be mature (two years or older) and located in a mature
and fully developed area.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

c) Congested conditions. Trip generation studies should not be undertaken in areas

that are experiencing high levels of traffic congestion. Studies under such
conditions would tend to underestimate the trip generation of a development.

d) Construction. There should be no on-site construction or construction of

roadways surrounding the site.

e) Isolated sites. A particularly important requirement is that it must be possible to

isolate the site for the following purposes:

i) All parking must occur on the site. Parking on other sites will result in an
underestimation of the trip generation rate for the development.
ii) Except if it is the purpose to study mixed-use developments, there should
be limited ability for pedestrians to walk to the site from adjacent or
nearby developments.
iii) Entry and exit point to the site must be clearly identifiable and must not
be shared by other developments.
iv) There must be no through traffic.

f) Survey. The site must be suitable for undertaking the traffic counts and traffic
surveys required for the studies. Space must be available for undertaking the
traffic studies. Care should be taken to prevent double counting of vehicles.

g) Site information. Information must be available on aspects such as the land use
type and size of the development.

h) Permission. The permission of the owner or manager of the site must be


Trip generation studies for a particular land use must be undertaken at a minimum of
three different developments, although a minimum of five sites are preferred. If the trip
rate is related to the size of the development (such as shopping centres), a minimum of
ten sites are required.

The collected data must be carefully investigated for outliers. Should outliers be present,
then the sites must be re-evaluated to determine whether they are representative of the
general population of sites. The sites should not be taken into account if they are found
not to be representative of developments in general.

B2.3 Street counts

Where possible, counts should also be undertaken on the street immediately adjacent to
the development. The peak hour trip generation should preferably be based on the peak
hour of the adjacent street and not of the development. Where a street count is not
available, it is assumed that the peak hour of the development corresponds with that of
the adjacent street.

The count on the adjacent street will also allow the determination of typical peak hour
factors on streets adjacent to developments of a particular land use. These factors are
important in the analysis of the traffic impact of a development.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

B2.4 Normal/Abnormal days

Differentiation is made between traffic surveys on normal and abnormal days. Normal
days are days of the year during which traffic patterns tends to be stable and where these
patterns are not affected or influenced by abnormal or exceptional events.

Abnormal days are days on which the traffic patterns deviate from normal days due to
events such as schools and public days (including influenced days). Although abnormal,
these days can be predicted using the methodology provided in the Data Manual.

Exceptional days are normal days on which some unpredictable event occurred that
affected the traffic pattern. These include events such as road closures, construction,
accidents and adverse weather conditions.

The traffic surveys would normally be undertaken on normal days, but the surveys should
be undertaken on abnormal days when a land use specifically focuses on abnormal days
(e.g. holiday resorts). Care should be taken to ensure that surveys are not undertaken on
exceptional days.

B2.5 Short-term traffic counts

The duration of a short-term count can vary from about 2 hours to not more than 24
hours. The counts are typically undertaken manually on an access to a development,
normally using one or two persons per access to the development, depending on the
traffic volumes at the accesses.

Where resources are available, it would be preferable to undertake a turning movement

count at the access intersection to the development. The count on the street network is
then used to determine the background (street) peak-hour factor.

Although it is preferable to undertake a traffic count for at least 12 hours, the count should
at least cover the peak periods for the development. The duration of a count should
therefore not be less than 2 hours to cover 30 minutes before and after the peak hour.
The count must be of sufficient duration to ensure that the peak hour was correctly

The traffic counts should be undertaken in 15-minute intervals. These intervals are
required to identify the peak hour period. The counts can then also be used to determine
15-minute peak-hour factors.

The counts must also differentiation between in- and outbound directions. This is required
to determine directional splits. Alternative, when the count is undertaken at an access
intersection, turning movement counts will be required for this purpose.

The counts should also differentiate between light and heavy vehicles. The classification
can be based on the number of tyres on a wheel. A heavy vehicle is one that have dual
tyres on at least one axle (or wheel) while light vehicles will only have single tyre wheels.

The count can be undertaken using a form similar to the following (an intersection count
would require more columns for the different turning movements):

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

Trip generation traffic count

Access location
Date of count

15-minute period Inbound direction Outbound direction

Light veh Heavy veh Light veh Heavy veh

B2.6 Long-term traffic counts

Long-term traffic counts are undertaken for a period of seven days (but preferably
14 days) and are undertaken using electronic equipment. At least one such count should
be obtained per land-use category, while a similar background street count is also

The long-term counts can be used to determine trip generation rates for a larger range of
time periods. The counts are also required for estimating the Annual Average Daily Trip
generation (AADT) for a development. The counts are also used to determine traffic
factors required by the engineering service contribution methodology.

Similarly to short-term counts, the counts should also be undertaken in 15-minute

intervals (access counts must also differentiate between in- and outbound directions).
Where possible, the heavy vehicles should be classified as light (or short), medium and
heavy (or long).

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

B2.7 Vehicle occupancy

Vehicle occupancy is the number of persons (including driver) in a vehicle. Although

occupancy is not an essential parameter, it should be surveyed when resources
are available.

For the vehicle occupancy survey, a random sample of vehicles is selected and a count
made of the number of persons (including the driver) in the vehicle. The sample is
deemed random when the first next vehicle is selected immediately after the information
of a previous vehicle has been recorded on the form.

The survey can be undertaken using a form similar to the following:

Vehicle Occupancy Survey

Access location
Date of survey

Time No of Direction Time No of Direction

(hh:mm) persons In/Out (hh:mm) persons In/Out

B2.8 Pass-by and diverted trip studies

Pass-by and diverted trip studies are undertaken by means of interview surveys. These
surveys must be undertaken on the site itself but could also be undertaken on the
entrances and exits to and from the site.

In order to identify whether a trip is a pass-by or diverted trips, the following questions
must be asked:

a) Is this development the primary destination of the trip or an intermediate stop?

This question will identify whether the trip is a primary or a non-primary trip.
b) If the trip is non-primary, the question must be asked whether the intermediate
stop was made from the street adjacent to the development (at the access) or
whether it required diversion from another road or street not passing by the
development. This will identify whether the trip is a pass-by trip or a diverted trip.

The sample size per peak or time period should not be less than 30 interviews, although
a larger sample size of 100 interviews or more per peak period would be preferred.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

The pass-by/diverted trip survey can be undertaken using a form similar to the following:

Pass-by/Diverted Trip Survey

Access location
Date of survey

Question 1 Is this development the primary (main) destination of your trip or an

intermediate stop?
If the answer of Question 1 is “intermediate”, continue with Question 2. Otherwise stop.
Question 2 Were you travelling on the street adjacent to the development (Pass-by
trip) or did you had to divert from another road or street that is not adjacent
to the development (Diverted trip)

Time P: Primary P: Pass-by Time P: Primary P: Pass-by

(hh:mm) X: Intermed X: Diverted (hh:mm) X: Intermed X: Diverted

B2.9 Trip length studies

Trip length studies are also undertaken by means of interview surveys. The studies,
however, are significantly more extensive compared to pass-by and diverted trip studies.
The studies can be combined in one survey, but will require significantly more resources.

The trip length study must be undertaken at a development with a particular land use.
Road side surveys may not be used for this purpose since such surveys are biased
towards longer trips. Trip lengths obtained from a sample of road side surveys can be
significantly longer than actual trip lengths (in many cases twice as long).

The trip length data should preferably be collected by means of a large scale map of the
area. The scale should be large enough to allow the exact identification of the trip origin
or destination as well as the route that were followed during the trip. It should also cover
most likely origins and destinations of persons that will be visiting the development. When
the survey is undertaken near to the boundary of the municipality, the map should also
include the adjacent municipality or municipalities.

It is important that the map should differentiate between the following three groups of
road classes:

a) Class 1 to 3 roads.
b) Multilane Class 4 and 5 roads.
c) Two-lane Class 4 and 5 roads.

It is only necessary to mark the Class 1 to 3 roads and Multilane Class 4 and 5 roads on
the map. Roads that are not marked are two-lane Class 4 and 5 roads.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

The map should also show the boundaries of the urbanised areas of the municipality
(areas in which townships have been established). The maps must also show national
and provincial roads located in the area.

Information can be collected on both the inbound and outbound trips. For the outbound
trip, it is important to check whether a respondent will be able to provide reliable data on
the trip to be undertaken. It is not necessary to record the times accurately.

One possible method for collecting the trip length data is to obtain the specific address of
the origin or destination and to list some or all of the street names along the trip. This data
can then be used afterwards to determine the route and measure the trip length of the

An alternative method is to measure the trip length during the interview. This
measurement can be made using narrow strips of paper. The positions of the origins and
destinations are marked on the strip of paper together with the length of each section of
road along the trip. The strip of paper is also used to indicate a) the class of road, b)
whether it is a provincial or national road and c) whether the road is located outside the
municipality. The actual travel distance can be scaled off afterwards from the paper strips.
An example of the methodology is shown in the figure below.

The sample size for trip length surveys should be obtained from not less than
30 interviews, although a larger sample size of 100 interviews or more would
be preferred.

Example map-based trip length survey

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

B2.10 Pedestrian/cyclist counts

The current version of the Data Manual does not include any data on pedestrian or cyclist
trip generation of developments. This information may become important in future, and
provision is therefore made for the collection of such data. The required data is similar to
that for short-term traffic counts and must be recorded similarly.

B2.11 Parking demand studies

A trip generation study can readily be expanded to include a parking demand study. The
parking study would normally require counts over a longer period than that required for
the trip generation study, while a count of parked vehicles may also be required.

Parking accumulation can be obtained from in- and outbound traffic counts or from a
count of parked vehicles. A possible shortcoming of using traffic counts is that the counts
must be undertaken very accurately to prevent an accumulation of errors. A count of
parked vehicles is more accurate, but the survey requires a relatively large survey team.
The count of parked vehicles must also be taken very quickly at the end of a time interval,
preferably within a short period of one or two minutes. In such a short period, one person
can only count a relatively small number of parked vehicles.

Unless a traffic count can be started very early when all parking spaces are empty, a
count of parked vehicles must be undertaken at the start of the survey. A similar count
should also be undertaken at the end of the survey. This second count can be used for
testing whether the traffic counts contained any serious errors.

At developments where parking spaces are reserved for specific use by tenants, a count
of parked vehicles will be required to differentiate between reserved and unreserved
parking. Such a count should be undertaken regularly during the survey, preferably
every hour.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

B2.12 Trip data submission forms

Several forms are provided in this chapter that may be used for capturing data collected
during trip studies. A spreadsheet TripRateData.Xls is also available that can be used for
this purpose.

The available data submission forms are shown in Tables 2.1 to 2.5, as follows:

Table 2.1: Development information

The first form, shown in Table 2.1, is used for capturing data about the development. The
following information must be entered on this form:

• Data Source – Person and organisation that provided the data

• Development name – Name of the development for which data are provided
• Development address – Street address of the development
• City/Town – The city of town in which the development is located
• Location code – Rural, Town, Suburban or CBD
• Mixed-use level – Low or high levels of mixed-use (walking trips)
• Vehicle ownership – High, Low or Very Low level of vehicle ownership
• Public transport – Low or high levels of public transport.
• Congestion – Indication of whether congestion in the area may affect the study
• Number of accesses (vehicular, delivery and pedestrian)
• Number of parking spaces (on-site, off-site and on-street)
• Reserved number of parking spaces (on-site, off-site and on-street)
• Primary land use (code, size, size occupied, size units and description
• Mixed land uses (optional, same data as for primary land use)

Space is also provided in the form for information on whether or not the following traffic
counts were undertaken as part of the study:

• In/Out vehicle count

• In/Out pedestrian count
• In/Out on-street count
• Interview survey

Information is also required on whether the traffic counts are cumulatively or not as well
as the duration of the traffic count intervals. The preferred interval duration is 15 minutes,
but data collected in 60-minute intervals can also be entered.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

Table 2.2: Vehicular trip generation traffic count

The form provided in Table 2.2 can be used for the collection of vehicular trip generation
traffic counts (as well as parking accumulation). The following data are required:

• The date of the traffic count. Several counts can be entered sequentially in the
table, but each new count must start with a new date. The date is only provided
on the first row of the count.
• The end time of the count (at the end of the interval).
• In- and outbound traffic count. If traffic counts are undertaken at several
accesses, the sum of the counts at the different accesses must be provided.
• Heavy vehicle count, total in- and outbound. Differentiate between short, medium
and long trucks if data are available.
• Vehicle occupancies (persons per vehicle) for in- and outbound directions. The
sample size together with the calculated vehicle occupancy must be provided.
• Parking occupancy (number of occupied spaces) at the end of the time interval.
Differentiate between unreserved and reserved parking.

Table 2.3 Pedestrian/Cyclist count

Pedestrian and cyclist counts can be provided in Table 2.3. Space is provided for the
following counts:

• The date of the traffic count. Several counts can be entered sequentially in the
table, but each new count must start with a new date. The date is only provided
on the first row of the count.
• The end time of the count (at the end of the interval).
• In- and outbound pedestrian count. If counts are undertaken at several accesses,
the sum of the counts at the different accesses must be provided.
• In- and outbound cyclist count. If counts are undertaken at several accesses, the
sum of the counts at the different accesses must be provided.

Table 2.4 Adjacent street traffic count

Traffic counts on the adjacent street can be provided in Table 2.4:

• The date of the traffic count. Several counts can be entered sequentially in the
table, but each new count must start with a new date. The date is only provided
on the first row of the count.
• The end time of the count (at the end of the interval).
• Traffic count in two directions of travel on the adjacent street.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

Table 2.5 Interview survey data

The following interview survey data can be provided in Table 2.5:

• The date of the traffic survey.

• Time of arrival at the development.
• Time when the person will be departing from the development.
• Trip type (Prim, Pass, Div)
• Inbound and outbound trip lengths

The trip types may be one of the following:

• Prim – Primary trip

• Pass – Pass-by trip
• Div – Diverted trip

The following information is required for the trip length:

• Half the total trip length (km) - the total trip length divided by two
• Half the Class 4/5 trip length (km)
• Trip length outside the boundaries of the municipality (if available)
• Trip length on national/provincial roads (if available)

B2.13 Trip data analysis

The analysis of the trip data must be undertaken by means of software since regression
analysis (including nonlinear regression analysis) must be undertaken to determine the
required trip rates and other related parameters. For this purpose, two spreadsheets
TripRateBDat.Xls and TripRateBase.Xls are available to accumulate trip data from
various TripRateData.Xls spreadsheets and for the analysis of the accumulated data.

The TripRateBase.Xls spreadsheet contains a database of all accumulated data, but the
accumulation is undertaken by the TripRateBDat.Xls spreadsheet. The only data required
by TripRateBDat.Xls is the names of the data spreadsheets that must be accumulated.

The analysis of the trip data is undertaken by means of the TripRateBase.Xls

spreadsheet. This spreadsheet contains several spreadsheets with accumulated data and
calculated trip rates.

The summarised data are provided in the following spreadsheets:

a) BaseNme – A list of names and organisations of persons that have submitted

data for inclusion in the Data Manual.
b) BaseGen – Summary trip generation data derived from vehicular counts.
c) BasePed – Summary pedestrian generation data derived from pedestrian counts.
d) BaseLen – Summary trip length data derived from interview survey data.
e) BasePrk – Summary parking rate data derived from counts
f) BaseTrf – 7-Day traffic pattern data derived from 7-day traffic counts.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

Other data required by the software are provided in the following spreadsheets:

• ParmDat – Average number of E80 axles per heavy vehicle

• LandUse – Land-use codes, descriptions, units and base sizes

Trip parameters calculated by the software are given in the following spreadsheets:

• CalcGen – Trip generation rates and other associated parameters

• CalcPed – Pedestrian generation rates and other associated parameters
• CalcLen – Trip length and other associated parameters
• CalcPrk – Parking rate parameters
• CalcTrf –Equivalent traffic impact factors for engineering service contributions

Outputs from the analysis are provided in the following spreadsheets:

• LandCode – Land-use codes, descriptions, units and base sizes

• TripParm – Daily and other trip generation results
• TripFact – Trip reduction factors
• TripRate – Trip generation rates and other results
• TripLeng – Trip lengths and other results
• ParkRate – Parking rates

Various macros are provided in the spreadsheet for the analysis of the data. The results
of this analysis are stored in the calculated trip parameter spreadsheets. In these
spreadsheets, two rows of data are provided for each land use, namely:

• “Used” parameters – The parameters that must actually be used in output sheets
• “Calc” parameters – The parameters calculated by the software

In situations where a “used” parameter is not provided, the “calc” parameter will be given
in the output spreadsheets. The “used” parameters can be used to overwrite the
calculated parameter in situations where data are inadequate and must be based on
other local and international trip rate data.

All parameters are determined as “average” parameters obtained from regression

analysis (described in the next section). The only difference is parking rates that are
determined as the 85 percentile value of rates measured at the different developments
(ITE Parking Generation, 2004). In determining this percentile value, the developments
are weighted according to their sizes.

B2.14 Regression analysis

The trip generation rates and other parameters are determined by means of weighted
regression analysis. Linear regression is used when a size adjustment factor is not
required. For land uses where the trip rate depends on the size of the development, the
parameters must be estimated by means of nonlinear regression analysis.

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

The nonlinear regression analysis is undertaken by means of the following search


a) Minimum and maximum values for the size adjustment parameters are assumed

b) Two values of the parameters are selected between the minimum and maximum
values (at points 1/3 and 2/3 between these values)

c) The sum of squared errors is determined for each of the two midpoint values and
the minimum sum of squared errors determined. If the minimum is at the 1/3
point, then the maximum value is made equal to the 2/3 point. Otherwise, the
minimum value is made equal to the 1/3 point.

d) Steps b) and c) are undertaken until sufficient accuracy has been obtained.

The results of the regression analysis are provided as trip rates (and other parameters) in
the “calculation” spreadsheets. The results of the regression analysis can be overwritten
in this spreadsheet in situations where there is inadequate data (“used” vs “calc” data).
The final results are provided in the different output files as well as graphs showing the
regression relationships.

The regression analysis is undertaken for the following dependent and independent
variables for the various trip rates and parameters:

Parameter Dependent variable Independent variable

Trip generation rate Number of trips (in plus out) at Size of the development
Percent heavy vehicles Number of in plus out heavy Number of trips generated by the
vehicles development
Percent short, medium Number of in plus out heavy Number of in plus out heavy
and long vehicles of a type vehicles
In-/Outbound split Total number of inbound trips at Number of trips generated by the
development development
Peak hour factor (PHF) In plus out flow rate (veh/hour) Number of trips generated by the
during peak 15-minute period development
Vehicle Occupancy Total number of persons in Number of trips generated by the
vehicles (all trips) development
Percent pass-by or Percent pass-by/diverted trips Size of the development
diverted trips multiplied by development size
Trip length Trip length multiplied by the size Size of the development (square
of the development metres)
Trip length components Length of trip component Total (half) trip length

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

Table 2.1: Development particulars

Development particulars - Trip Generation and Trip Length Data

Data Source
Dev name

Location code Rural, Town, Suburban, CBD Location

Mixed-use (walk) Low/High mixed-use development (walking)
Vehicle ownership High/Low/Very low vehicle ownership
Public transport Low/High public transport
Congestion No/Yes - Congestion in area may affect trip generation rates
Weight Weight given to development in statistical analysis (Zero to ignore)

Vehicle Delivery Pedestrian

No of Accesses Vehicular, delivery, pedestrian accesses

On-site Off-site On-street

Parking Spaces On-site, off-site, on-street No of parking spaces
Reserved spaces Reserved parking spaces

Primary Land-Use Code Size Size occup Size units Description

Land-Uses Code Size Size occup Size units Description

for Mixed-Use

Traffic counts Type Time Int

In/Out veh count N=None, C=Cumulative, T=Non-cumulative
In//Out Pedes Cumulative counts must start with zero
Street count 15 or 60 Minute counts (15-minute preferable)
Interview survey No/Yes interview survey undertaken

Table 2.2: Vehicular trip generation traffic count

Trip generation traffic count

Count Time Traffic count Heavy veh count In Veh Occup Out Veh Occup Park Occup
Date End In Out In+Out Short Med Long Samp Per veh Samp Per veh Unres Res

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

Trip Parameter Studies

Table 2.3: Pedestrian/cyclist count data

Pedestrian/Cyclist count
Count Time Pedestrians Cyclists
Date End In Out In Out

Table 2.4: Adjacent street traffic count data

Adjacent street traffic count

Count Time Street Count
Date End Dir1 Dir2

Table 2.5: Interview survey data

Interview survey data

Survey Time Time Trip Half trip lengths Class 4/5 Roads Outside Prov/Nat
Date Arrv Dept Type In/Outbound Half Len Multi-lane Two-Lane Munic Roads

TMH 17 South African Trip Data Manual

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