Maed212tp en V2.1.0 Ekinex Spa PDF
Maed212tp en V2.1.0 Ekinex Spa PDF
Maed212tp en V2.1.0 Ekinex Spa PDF
1 Scope of the document.................................................................................................................................. 5
2 Product description ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Completion of the device ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Rocker functions .................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 LED indicators ........................................................................................................................................ 9
2.4 Customization of rocker plates .............................................................................................................. 9
3 Switching, display and connection elements ...............................................................................................10
4 Configuration ...............................................................................................................................................12
5 Commissioning ............................................................................................................................................12
6 Function description ....................................................................................................................................13
6.1 Offline operation ...................................................................................................................................13
6.2 Online operation ...................................................................................................................................13
6.3 Software working cycle ........................................................................................................................14
6.4 Pushbutton inputs ................................................................................................................................14
6.4.1 Pushbutton input events ...............................................................................................................14
6.4.2 Lock function ................................................................................................................................14
6.4.3 State variables (communication objects) .....................................................................................14
6.4.4 Binding between Events and Communication objects .................................................................15
6.4.5 Repeated send .............................................................................................................................15
6.4.6 Input coupling ...............................................................................................................................15
6.4.7 Single or independent input mode ...............................................................................................16
6.4.8 Coupled input mode .....................................................................................................................16
6.4.9 Dimming function .........................................................................................................................18
6.4.10 Shutter / venetian blind function ...................................................................................................20
6.5 LED indicators ......................................................................................................................................23
6.5.1 General parameters .....................................................................................................................23
6.5.2 Individual parameters ...................................................................................................................23
6.5.3 Technical Alarm indicator .............................................................................................................23
6.6 Temperature sensor .............................................................................................................................24
6.6.1 Temperature sensor .....................................................................................................................24
6.7 Room thermostat .................................................................................................................................25
6.7.1 Use of sensors .............................................................................................................................25
6.7.2 Applications ..................................................................................................................................25
6.7.3 Control algorithms ........................................................................................................................25 Two-point control with hysteresis .............................................................................. 26 Continuous Proportional-Integral control .................................................................. 27 PWM Proportional-Integral control ............................................................................ 29
6.7.4 Setpoint management ..................................................................................................................30
6.7.5 Operating modes ..........................................................................................................................31
6.7.6 Heating/cooling switch over .........................................................................................................32
6.7.7 Window switch management .......................................................................................................33
6.7.8 Valve protection function ..............................................................................................................33
6.7.9 Temperature control alarm ...........................................................................................................33
6.8 Logic functions .....................................................................................................................................35
You can access the most up-to-date version of the full documentation for the device using following QR codes:
2 Product description
The ekinex® KNX 4-rocker pushbutton unit is a wall-mounting device for on/off switching of loads, dimming of
lighting devices, control of motor drives or other programmable switching and control functions. The pushbutton
is equipped with an integrated temperature sensor and can act as a room probe or thermostat, both in heating
and cooling mode. When acting as a room thermostat, the device is not equipped with a user interface for
displaying room conditions and modifying the setpoint temperature; therefore, it must be paired with an external
supervision device. Terminals such as radiators, electrical radiators and radiant panels can be controlled.
This unit is equipped with an integrated KNX bus communication module and is designed for wall installation;
commands are constituted by rockers with 2 active plus a neutral rest position. The device has also two
programmable LEDs for each function which can be used for instance as a status signal or orientation
For final use, this unit must be completed with frontal plates for commands and a frame, which must be ordered
separately in order to obtain the desired aesthetic look; regardless of the detail, several kinds of plates are
available (square or rectangular) which can be combined in order to obtain different rockers’ combinations.
The device is powered by the KNX bus line with a 30 VDC SELV voltage and does not require auxiliary power.
An ekinex® Form or Flank series 1-place square or 2-place rectangular frame (with the exception of
the rocker interfaces of No Frame series NF);
An ekinex® 1-window square or 2-window rectangular plate
Combining the 3 available models of rockers (rectangular vertical, square horizontal and rectangular
horizontal) different configurations are allowed, as shown in the following picture.
Combining the 4 available models of rockers (square single, rectangular vertical, square horizontal and
rectangular horizontal) different configurations are allowed, as shown in the following picture.
For further technical information, please also refer to the product datasheet available on the
i website
4 Configuration
The exact functionality of the device depends on the software settings.
In order to configure and commission the device you need ETS4 or later releases and the ekinex® application
program, (namely APEKED2TPxx.knxprod for EK-ED2-TP and APEKE12TPxx.knxprod for EK-E12-TP);
which can be downloaded from the ekinex website
The application program allows the configuration of all working parameters for the device.
The device-specific application program has to be loaded into ETS or, as alternative, the whole ekinex®
product database can be loaded; at this point, all the instances of the selected device type can be added to
the project.
For every single device, ETS allows to set the operating parameters separately for each function as described
in detail in the following chapters.
The configuration can, and usually will, be performed completely offline; the actual transfer of the programmed
configuration to the device takes place in the commissioning phase.
Communication Group
No. of ETS application software
Product code EAN objects addresses
channels (## = release)
(max no.) (max no.)
EK-ED2-TP 8 APEKED2TP##.knxprod 229 254
Communication Group
No. of ETS application software
Product code EAN objects addresses
channels (## = release)
(max no.) (max no.)
EK-E12-TP 8 APEKE12TP##.knxprod 229 254
Configuration and commissioning of KNX devices require specialized skills; to acquire these
i skills, you should attend training courses at a training centre certified by KNX.
For further information:
5 Commissioning
After the device has been configured within the ETS project according to user requirements, the commissioning
of the device requires the following activities:
electrically connect the device, as described in the product datasheet, to the bus line on the final
network or through a purposely setup network for programming;
apply power to the bus;
switch the device operation to programming mode by pressing the programming pushbutton located
on the rear side of the housing. In this mode of operation, the programming LED is turned on steady;
upload the configuration (including the physical address) to the device with the ETS program.
At the end of the upload, the operation of the device automatically returns to normal mode; in this mode the
programming LED is turned off. Now the device is programmed and ready for use on the bus.
6 Function description
After switching on the bus, which also acts as a power supply, the device becomes fully functional after a very
short time needed for reinitialization. A delay is programmable for the device to become active on the bus in
order to avoid a bus traffic overload during the first moments of start-up of the whole network.
In case of a bus power failure (voltage lower than 19 V for 1 s or more), the device becomes unreactive: before
the power supply becomes insufficient, the status is internally stored. The timing functions are not active,
neither are the programmed group addresses.
As soon as the bus voltage is restored, the device will resume operation in its previous state (which is saved
on power fail), unless different initialization settings are programmed.
A button press can be handled either as an “on-off” event (“on” means when the button is pushed, “off” when
it is released), or as a “short press - long press” event (whereby a time period can be defined to discriminate
the duration of the “long” from the “short” press).
In both cases, for each of the two available events a separate action can be assigned that operates on a
selected variable (actually, more than one; see below for details).
For each input (or channel if inputs are coupled, see below), a lock feature can be enabled which allows to
block the operation of an input through a message on a communication object.
When in a locked state, the input is effectively disabled.
A value (for each transition) can be specified to be assigned to the communication object upon entering or
exiting the locked state.
The locked state can also be automatically activated when the bus is connected.
The variable that is changed by the input events can be one of the types available for KNX communication
objects, i.e. for instance a 1-bit value (on-off), a 2-bit value or an integer value of larger size.
In all cases, each of the two events can:
change the value of the variable to one of two definable values within its range (which is trivial in the
case of the 1-bit value);
toggle between the two defined values
do nothing (value is unaffected)
This state variable, once assigned a group address, is actually a KNX communication object; as such, it
undergoes the usual rules for communication objects, among which – for instance – the effect of flags to
determine how the change of value affects the transmission of the objects.
The above description is a little simplified in order to ease comprehension; as a matter of fact, to each event
can be assigned not just one, but several communication objects (up to 8), even of different types. Each of
these communication objects can have its own behaviour and its own associated value set.
For most features, is it possible to set the device to send a telegram not just when a value changes as a
consequence of an input transition, but also at regular intervals whenever that value setting is active.
This behaviour, also referred to as Cyclical Transmission, can be set separately for each of the two values that
are associated to an input (or both, or none of them).
If an input is set to “send values or sequences” mode, repeated send is not available if more than 1
Communication Object is assigned to that input.
The 8 pushbutton inputs described can be considered, and used, as independent; however, due to the physical
structure of the device and the nature of the functions it most frequently performs, these inputs can be naturally
grouped in pairs, which in the application program are referred to as channels. Each channel is made of a pair
of inputs, and is physically associated to a rocker.
Since the channels of the device are labelled 1 to 4, the inputs are labelled 1A / 1B for channel 1, 2A / 2B for
channel 2 and so on. The same numbering is used whether the channel pairing is used or not.
In order to specify channel pairings, each rocker can be configured in two ways: single mode and coupled
mode. This setting appears among rocker-level settings rather than input-level settings, because only inputs
belonging to the same rocker can be coupled. The only combinations allowed for coupling are in fact 1A with
1B, 2A with 2B, and so on.
In single or independent mode, each input operates independently, has its own parameters and
communication objects. This is the mode of operation described so far.
In coupled mode, 2 inputs operate logically grouped under a channel in order to perform a common
functionality; therefore, they operate on shared communication objects.
It is possible to configure some of the inputs in single or independent mode and the others in coupled mode,
with the pairing constraints just described.
It must be mentioned that there is actually a third way to configure an input pair, which lies somehow halfway
between the two modes above (although it is considered as a variation of the single mode): each second input,
i.e. inputs 1B, 2B, 3B etc., can be configured to perform exactly the same function as its first input. In this
fashion, both pushbuttons associated with a rocker are effectively operated “in parallel”, so as to operate the
whole rocker as a single, larger control (either pushbutton or switch, according to programmed operation).
Following there is a description of all possible features of the channels. Single or independent and coupled
modes have a similar functionality, but differ for the configuration and will be therefore be treated separately.
Each single input can be configured for one of following different features:
1. Send values or sequences
An event triggers the transmission on the bus of configurable values or sequence of values.
These values can be of a logical type or a numerical type with a different size.
A sequence of values can be made of up to 8 communication objects of different value types.
Time delays can set between values in the sequence.
2. Dimmer control
This mode is intended to be used with dimming actuators for the control of lighting devices.
The functionality is triggered on short press and long press events.
On short press events, the device sends on/off telegrams to the dimming actuator.
On long press events, the dimming percentage is varied up or down until the button is released.
3. Shutter or Venetian blind control
This mode is intended to be used together with actuators for the control of motorized blinds, shutters
and similar devices. These actuators have functions for blind opening and closing; two movement types
are selectable, i.e. continuous movement and stepwise movement. On input events, the device sends
operation telegrams to the actuators.
The operation is configurable through following parameters:
If toggle mode is enabled, on each activation of the same input the movement direction is
inverted; if it is disabled, the movement direction is fixed and it can be set to “up” or “down”.
If blinds mode is enabled, the device sends “full movement” telegrams on long press and “step”
telegrams on short press; if it is disabled, the device sends “full movement” telegrams on long
press and “stop” telegrams on short press.
Each pair of coupled inputs, corresponding to the two sides of a same rocker, can be configured for one of
following different features (only the differences from the single mode are highlighted):
1. Switch control
Both inputs in a pair are bound to the same communication object; unlike single mode, the object can
only be of the 1-bit type (on-off), therefore building a conventional switching behaviour.
The user can configure which of the two inputs sets the “off” or resp. “on” value.
2. Dimmer control
The functionality is triggered on short press and long press events of the inputs in the pair.
The user can configure which of the two inputs sets the “up” or resp. “down” value.
On short press events, the input configured as “up” sends an “on” switching telegram to the dimming
actuator; while the “down” input sends an “off” telegram.
On long press events, the dimming percentage is varied up or down until the button is released.
3. Shutter or Venetian blind control
The two inputs of a pair are assigned to opposite movement directions; these can be assigned to inputs
as desired, i.e. A up / B down or the other way around.
The blinds mode can also be set, and it works exactly as in single mode.
In coupled mode, there is no provision for a scene control feature.
The dimming function is a device application profile included in KNX specifics. Those specifics define the basic
requirements for interface mechanisms, in addition to which some aspects regarding the operating modes,
peculiar for each device (for both command or actuation devices) are to be considered.
All the information contained in this section have the purpose of illustrating specific device
functions, and therefore are not to be necessarily considered exhaustive or applicable to
The dimmer control type is essentially based on a 4-bit communication object, whose data has the following
The transmission of telegrams containing data of such format tells the actuator to perform an increase or a
decrease, by an amplitude equal to the specified step, or to stop an ongoing variation.
The increase or decrease of an intensity value by the actuator is not instantaneous but gradual; therefore, an
increase / decrease command with interval equal to the maximum allowed value has the effect of starting the
intensity variation in the desired direction, which will continue until the maximum (or minimum) value has been
reached. Such variation can be stopped, once the desired intensity value has been reached, by sending a
“stop” command.
It is normally possible, and desirable, to have the possibility to instantly switch on or off the load (i.e. to
instantaneously bring its value from 0% to 100%). In order to achieve that, an “On / Off” command based on
another object is used; this is the same object used for the normal load switch, which is present also in absence
of a dimming mechanism.
The command device – in this case, the rocker unit – will define the operations to generate a sequence of
commands with an opportune order and time interval, in order to achieve the desired command effect.
In case of unit EK-Ex2-TP, the defined operations and related commands are the following:
Please note that the same mechanism can be applied to the shutter or venetian blind control (in that case,
“maximum / minimum” is substituted with “open / close”). For this purpose, the data type (DPT) 3.008 exists,
whose structure and values are identical to those already described; in order to control a shutter with the
same mode, it is possible to connect a communication object type 3.007 command side, to an object type
3.008 actuator side (if foreseen). In this case, obviously, the object type “On / Off” which allows
instantaneous switch on / off is not used.
The “Shutter / venetian blind” function is a bundle of application profiles included in KNX specifics. As for
dimming function, such specifics define basic requirements related to interface mechanisms, in addition to
which some aspects regarding the operating modes, peculiar for each device (for both command or actuation
devices) are to be considered.
All the information contained in this section have the purpose of illustrating specific device
functions, and therefore are not to be necessarily considered exhaustive or applicable to
In case of shutters, the actuator brings a mechanic component from one point to another in a gradual way, with
possibility to stop at intermediate points; the command is carried out by 2 lines which, when activated (one line
at a time) make the actuator move in the corresponding direction.
A venetian blind is essentially a shutter that, in addition to the up / down movement, is also equipped with slats
that can be opened / closed same way as a shutter (gradual movement between extreme points). The
peculiarity is that normally the slat’s movement and the up / down movement are controlled by the same two
lines; therefore, the activation of the electromechanic device must be carried out according to a specific
sequence. For further detail please check the actuator’s documentation; in this document all we need to point
out is that, command side, the control sequences can be considered as independent from these aspects.
The basic control for a shutter or a venetian blind is essentially based on three 1-bit communication objects:
[1.008] Move Up/Down
[1.007] Stop – Step Up/Down
[1.017] Dedicated Stop
The effect of the commands linked to these objects is the following:
The command “Move”, when received, starts the movement of the shutter in the indicated
The command “Stop – Step” has two functions: if the shutter is stopped, it moves by one step in
the indicated direction (the duration is set in the actuator), if not, it stops the ongoing movement
without doing anything else.
The command “Stop” just stops the ongoing movement.
In addition, other types of control objects are normally available (“dimmer” type, absolute position, etc.) but
they are not part of the basic control on which this manual is about; for further information please refer to the
actuators’ manual or KNX specifics.
In the simplest version, on command side:
In order to control a shutter at least the objects “Move” and “Stop” are required (and present).
In order to control a venetian blind at least the objects “Move” and “Stop – Step” are required (and
On actuator side – whether it is a shutter or a venetian blind – the presence of objects “Move” and “Stop –
Step” must be guaranteed, while the presence of the object “Stop” is optional (but usually present).
As for the operations to perform on the command device, in our specific case the rocker unit, in order to
generate a sequence of these commands with the proper order and time interval, there are multiple
In case of ekinex input devices, two modes are available – indicated as “Shutter” and “Venetian blind” based
on their typical destination – which are illustrated in the following figure.
In “Shutter” mode, when a rocker is pressed – or a digital input is activated – the shutter starts moving in the
corresponding direction (which can be alternatively in the two directions if the rocker is in independent mode
and has been configured as toggle).
If the rocker is released quickly, the shutter will continue its run until full opening or closing; it is still possible to
stop it by pressing again the rocker with a long press.
If the rocker is pressed with a long press, when it is released – which will be in correspondence with the desired
position – the shutter will stop.
In “Venetian blind” mode, on release of a rocker after a short press, the venetian blind performs a step; this
operation, normally – i.e. even if the actuator is indeed configured for a venetian blind – is used for the slats
If the rocker is pressed with a long press, when the threshold time is reached, a “Move” command is issued,
which will bring the venetian blind to full open or close. In order to stop it at an intermediate position, the rocker
needs to be pressed again (short press).
All LEDs have a common intensity value, which can be set from the bus through a communication object or
with a fixed setting from 0 to 100% in 10% steps.
The device has a peculiar indicator feature called Technical Alarm: if it is enabled, all LEDs at the four corners
of the device can be activated flashing through a KNX bus telegram. In particular, the activation of the technical
alarm generates the blue LEDs activation in BG version (colour of the LEDs: green and blue), while the red
LEDs activation in RW version (colour of the LEDs: red and white). For further information about the LEDs
position and configuration parameters please refer to the application section of this manual.
This feature is meant as an indicator for a generic alarm condition, but it can be used in a custom way as the
user sees fit.
The typical purpose of this indication is to warn about an alarm condition, but can be also used for any other
The raw value read from the sensor can be corrected with a small offset (-5 °C to +5 °C in steps of 0.5 °C), in
order to compensate for environmental factors and achieve a better precision.
The sensor value can periodically be sent on the bus with a specified transmission interval, and whenever a
specified variation occurs.
The temperature controller integrated inside the pushbutton allows the room temperature acquisition in the
following ways:
1) from the temperature sensor integrated inside the device;
2) via bus from another KNX device, e.g. another ekinex® pushbutton
In order to optimize or correct the temperature regulation in particular cases (big rooms, when there is a strong
asymmetry in temperature distribution, when the pushbutton is installed in wrong or unsuitable positions, etc.)
the device can use a weighted mean between two temperature values. The weights are assigned according
to the Relative weight parameter, which assigns a proportion to the values.
If the integrated temperature regulator is used, the device must be preferably installed on an internal wall, at 1,5 m of height
i and at least 0,3 m of distance from doors. The device cannot be installed near heat sources such as radiators or domestic
appliances or in positions subjected to direct solar irradiation. If necessary, for the regulation can be used a weighted mean
value between the measured temperature acquired by the integrated sensor and a value received via bus from another
KNX device.
6.7.2 Applications
The applications that can be configured are peculiar to thermal plants with a single stage and concern the
following terminals: radiators, electric radiators and radiant panel systems.
The temperature control can be:
two point control with hysteresis, ON-OFF command type;
proportional-integral, with ON-OFF command, PWM or continuous type.
The picture below shows the components of a common generic control system for ambient temperature. The
room thermostat measures the actual temperature of the air mass (T eff) and constantly compares it to the
setpoint value (Tset).
+ Control Actuator Heating body
algorithm (e.g. relay output – (e.g. radiator, fan- Ambient
valve motor etc) coil, radiant panel)
The control algorithm, basing on the difference between T set and Teff, processes a command value which can
be analogue or On / Off type; the command is represented by a CO that is transmitted via bus, periodically or
event based, to a KNX actuator device.
The output of the actuator device is the driving variable of the control system, which can be e.g. a flow rate of
water or air. The control system realized by the room thermostat is of feedback type, namely the algorithm
takes into account the effects on the system in order to change the control action on the same entity.
Thysteresis Thysteresis
T ambient T ambient
Tset Tset
Heating mode: when the measured temperature is lower than the value of the difference (Tset – ΔThysteresis),
whereby ΔThysteresis identifies the differential adjustment of the boilers, the device activates the heating system
by sending a message or KNX telegram to the actuator that handles the heating system; when the measured
temperature reaches the desired temperature (Setpoint), the device disables the heating system by sending
another message. In this way, there are two decision thresholds for activation and deactivation of the heating,
the first being the level (T set – ΔThysteresis) below which the device activates the system, whereas the second is
the desired temperature above which the heating system is deactivated.
Cooling mode: When the measured temperature is higher than the value of the difference (T set + ΔThysteresis),
whereby ΔThysteresis identifies the differential adjustment of the cooler, the device activates the air conditioning
system by sending a message or KNX telegram to the actuator that handles it; when the measured temperature
falls below the desired temperature Tset the device turns off the air conditioning system by sending another
message. In this way, there are two decision thresholds for activation and deactivation of the cooling: the first
being the level (Tset + ΔThysteresis) above which the device activates the system, whereas the second is the
desired temperature below which the air conditioning system is deactivated. In the ETS application program,
two different parameters are available for the hysteresis value for both heating and cooling: the values usually
differ depending on the system type and its inertia.
In those applications where floor or ceiling radiant panels are present, it is possible to realize a different 2-point
room temperature control. This type of control must be paired either to a proper regulation system for flow
temperature that takes into account all internal conditions or an optimizer that exploits the thermal capacity of
the building to adjust the energy contributions. In this type of control the hysteresis (ΔThysteresis) o the room
temperature high limit (Tset + ΔThysteresis) represent the maximum level of deviation that the user is willing to
accept during plant conduction.
hysteresis Thysteresis
T ambient T ambient
Tset Tset
Heating mode – When the measured temperature is lower than the desired temperature T set, the device
activates the heating system by sending a message or KNX telegram to the actuator that handles it; when the
measured temperature reaches the value (T set + ΔThysteresis), whereby ΔThysteresis identifies the differential
adjustment of the boilers the device disables the heating system by sending another message. In this way,
there are two decision thresholds for activation and deactivation of the heating, the first being the desired
temperature Tset below which the device activates the system, whereas the second is the value (Tset +
ΔThysteresis), above which the heating system is deactivated.
Cooling mode – When the measured temperature is higher than the desired temperature T set, the device
activates the air conditioning system by sending a message or KNX telegram to the actuator that handles it;
when the measured temperature reaches the value (T set - ΔThysteresis), whereby ΔThysteresis identifies the
differential adjustment of the air conditioning system, the device disables the air conditioning system by
sending another message. In this way, there are two decision thresholds for activation and deactivation of the
air conditioning system: he first being the desired temperature T set above which the device activates the
system, whereas the second is the value (T set - ΔThysteresis) below which the air conditioning system is
In the ETS application program, two different parameters are available for the hysteresis value for both heating
and cooling: the values usually differ depending on the system type and its inertia.
In the ETS application program, the default 2-point hysteresis control algorithm foresees inferior hysteresis for
heating and superior for cooling. If Heating and/or cooling type = floor radiant panels or ceiling radiant panels,
it is possible to select the hysteresis position according to the described second mode, i.e. with superior
hysteresis for heating and inferior for cooling.
The desired temperature (T set) is generally different for each one of the 4 operating modes and for
heating/cooling modes. The different values are defined for the first time during ETS configuration and can be
modified later on. In order to optimize energy saving (for each extra degree of room temperature, outbound
dispersions and energy consumption go up 6%), it is possible to take advantage of the multi-functionality of
the domotic system, for example with:
• Hour programming with automatic commutation of the operating mode by means of KNX supervisor;
• Automatic commutation of the operating mode according to presence of people in the room;
• Automatic commutation of the operating mode according to window opening for air refreshment;
• Circuit deactivation when desired temperature is reached;
• Flow temperature reduction in case of partial load.
𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟(𝑡) = (𝑆𝑒𝑡𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 − 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒) 𝑖𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔
𝐾𝑝 = 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡
𝐾𝑖 = 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡
The control variable is composed by 2 numbers, one depending proportionally from the error and one
depending from the integral of the error itself.
The Proportional Band is the error value that determines the maximum span of the control variable at 100%.
For example, a controller with Proportional Band = 5 K regulates at 100% when Setpoint = 20°C and Measured Temperature is ≤
15 °C in heating mode; in cooling mode, it regulates at 100% when Setpoint = 24°C and Measured Temperature is ≥ 29°C. As shown
in figure, a controller with a narrow Proportional Band provides higher control variable values for smaller errors compared to a
controller with a wider Proportional Band.
Narrow Proportional Band
T Setpoint T ambiente [°C]
Integral Time is the amount of time necessary to repeat the value of the control variable of a purely proportional controller,
when error is constant. For example, with a purely proportional controller with Proportional Band = 4 K, if Setpoint = 20°C and
Measured Temperature = 18°C, the control variable will be 50%. If Integral Time = 60 minutes, if error remains constant, the control
variable will be 100% after 1 hour, i.e. the controller will add to the control variable a contribution equal to the value due to its
proportional part.
In heating and air conditioning systems, a purely proportional controller cannot guarantee reaching the Setpoint. An integral action is
mandatory in order to reach the Setpoint: for this reason, the integral action is also called automatic reset.
Cycle period
Time [min]
Time [min]
T ON = ½ T OFF
Time [min]
This type of controller is well suited for use with On / Off type actuators, such as relays and actuators for zone
valves, which are less expensive (both for electrical and mechanical components) than proportional actuators.
A distinctive advantage of this type of controller, compared with the raw On / Off controller already described,
is that it eliminates the inertia characteristics of the system: it allows significant energy savings, because you
avoid unnecessary interventions on the system introduced by the 2-point control with hysteresis and it only
provides the power required to compensate for losses in the building.
Every time the user or the supervisor changes the desired temperature setpoint, the cycle time is interrupted,
the control output is reprocessed and the PWM restarts with a new cycle: this allows the system to reach its
steady state more quickly.
Terminal type Proportional Band [K] Integral Time [min] Cycle Period [min]
Radiators 5 150 15-20
Electrical heaters 4 100 15-20
Fan-coil 4 90 15-20
Floor radiant panels 5 240 15-20
Cycle time: for low-inertial systems such as heating and air conditioning systems, short cycle times must be chosen (10-15 minutes)
to avoid oscillations of the room temperature.
Narrow proportional band: wide and continuous oscillations of the room temperature, short setpoint settling time.
Wide proportional band: small or no oscillations of the room temperature, long setpoint settling time.
Short integral time: short setpoint settling time, continuous oscillations of the room temperature.
Long integral time: long setpoint settling time, no oscillations of the room temperature.
The pushbutton is not equipped with any local interface to control the integrated room thermostat, therefore
the temperature setpoint modifications need to be managed through communication objects coming from a
supervisory device.
Five setpoint management modes are foreseen:
Single setpoint
Relative setpoints, heating/cooling switch over from bus
Relative setpoints, automatic heating/cooling switch over
Absolute setpoints, heating/cooling switch over from bus
Absolute setpoints, automatic heating/cooling switch over
If a temperature controller is set on both heating and cooling mode, it is necessary that the
i supervisory device also updates the input seasonal mode object (Heating/cooling status in, [1.100]
DPT_Heat_Cool) in order to coherently switch over the controller’s action.
If window contacts for energy saving are used, when detecting an open window the input setpoint freezes and
the pre-set building protection setpoint is activated (the relative communication object is exposed and is
different in heating or cooling mode).
Stand-by and economy setpoints are represented as attenuations to the comfort setpoint in order to facilitate
the supervisor management: by uniquely modifying the comfort setpoint, references for attenuated modes are
automatically transferred. The values modified from bus are retained in the pushbutton’s non-volatile memory.
With this mode, the supervisory device can develop an hour-based time scheduling by sending to the
pushbutton the current operating mode (comm. obj. HVAC mode in [20.102] DPT_HVACMode). The default
value for HVAC mode in corresponds to the comfort setpoint value.
Same as single setpoint management, if the temperature controller is set as both heating and cooling mode,
it is necessary that the supervisory device also updates the input seasonal mode object (Heating/cooling status
in, [1.100] DPT_Heat_Cool) in order to coherently switch over the controller’s action.
In Single Setpoint mode, 2 levels for each operating mode are available:
Temperature setpoint
Building protection setpoint
Time scheduling for attenuation can be realized by the supervisor, by directly modifying the temperature
In Relative Setpoint mode, 4 different operating modes are available, which are mutually exclusive to one
building protection.
Through ETS application program, it is possible to assign 2 different setpoint values to each operating mode,
for comfort and building protection level, and two different attenuation levels for stand-by and economy,
corresponding to both heating and cooling. Stand-by and economy setpoints are represented as attenuations
to the comfort setpoint in order to facilitate the supervisor management: by uniquely modifying the comfort
setpoint, references for attenuated modes are automatically transferred.
Each setpoint, except when automatic heating/cooling switch over is active, is exposed through communication
objects. Setpoints and attenuations can be modified remotely through the exposed communication objects.
The building protection setpoint intervention must be planned in ETS application program, as these parameters
concern the safety and protection of the plant’s components (especially during heating).
The switch over between both heating and cooling mode can take place in 2 ways:
1. from KNX bus, through a communication object;
2. automatically, through a command from the internal logic of the device;
The figure shows that, as long as the actual measured temperature is below the heating mode setpoint, the
heating mode is selected; similarly, if the value is greater than the cooling setpoint, then cooling mode is
selected. If the value is within the dead band, the operation mode remains unchanged until the value itself
passes over the threshold value associated with the opposite mode.
The 4 setpoints for heating mode and the 4 setpoints for cooling mode are not exposed through
communication objects to avoid inconsistencies between the different levels of temperature. In this
i case, a single communication object is published, which corresponds to the comfort heating
setpoint. Every time this parameter is changed, the whole dead band changes with it, as well as all
setpoints related to the 4 operating modes: the automatic switch over is then triggered outside the
defined dead band.
Window switch management is an optional feature, oriented to energy saving, which becomes available only
if the Temperature control function is enabled in the application program.
Whenever a condition of opened window is detected, the operating mode is forced to “building protection” and
it remains forced as long as the open window condition is active. The program provides a time delay parameter
for detection, in order to discriminate between an occasional short-term opening (e.g. to provide air exchange
in the room) from an unintentional opening that justifies the power-saving function to be recalled.
The operating mode determined from Window switch management has priority on all operating mode settings
imposed by the scheduler (in case Setpoint management = relative setpoint)
The physical detection of window openings is normally performed through switches that can be connected to
KNX input devices; the pushbutton exposes up to 2 1-bit communication objects (Temperature control tab
External sensors) which can be synchronized to the switches’ states.
The internal logic performs a logical OR operation of the acquired contacts: the energy saving function is
therefore activated if at least one window switch activation is detected. In order to determine the physical state
of the contact corresponding to the “open window” state, two different options can be selected:
NC (normally closed): open contact stands for closed window, closed contact stands for open window;
NO (normally open): open contact stands for open window, closed contact stands for closed window;
The function is suitable for both heating and cooling systems that use water as thermal conveying fluid and
are provided with motorized valves for the interception of a zone or of a single room. Long periods of inactivity
of the system can lead to the blockage of valves: to prevent this, the room temperature controller may
periodically send a command to open / close the valve in the period of inactivity of the system. This possibility
is further defined by the frequency and duration of the valve control.
The integrated temperature controller can stop the internal control algorithm for one of the following reasons:
For an external event, which can be configured and linked to the Thermal generator lock
communication object;
For an internal temperature sensor’s fault (measured room temperature too low while NTC resistance
value is too high or vice versa);
For a timeout (data not updated by the bus) when a weighted mean between the internal sensor’s
value and an auxiliary external sensor’s value is used.
When one of these events occur, the internal controller stops the control algorithm and the command output is
taken to complete closing position (OFF or 0%): this state is signalled through the communication object
Temperature control alarm.
Each object value, if desired, can be individually inverted by inserting a NOT logic operator.
The inputs created by the objects are then logically combined as shown in the following figure:
The logic block on the right side of the figure has the following function, based on the selected operation:
OR – the output is ON if at least one input is ON;
AND – the output is ON if all inputs are ON;
XOR – the output is ON if an odd number of inputs is ON;
This last function is more intuitive when there are only 2 inputs: in this case, the output is ON when one input
or the other one is ON, but not the two of them simultaneously.
Please note that in this description, with “input” and “output” we refer only to the logic block; for the device
operation, the effective “inputs” are given by communication objects, so also the possible activation of NOT
logic operators has to be considered.
The following figures show the basic logic functions, assuming 2 inputs and only one logic communication
For each channel, a parameter Delay after bus voltage recovery is available: this parameter represents the
time interval between the bus voltage recovery and the first reading of the input communication objects for
evaluating the logic functions.
The communication function representing the logic function output is sent on the bus on event of change;
alternatively, a cyclic sending can be set.
The device settings are divided in two main groups: the general settings and the channel-specific settings. The
settings are grouped in folders. The following figure shows the tree structure of the application program, with
the main folders:
Info su EK-EX2-TP
Sensori interni
Sensore di temperatura
Configurazione tasti
Tasto 1
Funzione A
Oggetto 1
Funzione B
Oggetto 1
Tasto 4
Controllo temperatura
Funzioni logiche
In order to use the device as a temperature sensor or as a room temperature controller it is sufficient to enable
the temperature sensor in the Internal sensors folder. Consequently, also the Temperature control folder is
activated: therefore, it is possible to select an auxiliary temperature sensor to perform a weighted mean with
the main sensor and it is possible to configure the controller’s options for room temperature.
SBS S.p.A.
Via Circonvallazione s/n
I-28010 Miasino (NO) Italy
The folder About EK-E12-TP is for information purposes only and does not contain parameters to be set. The
information given is:
© Copyright SBS S.p.A. 2017
Application software for ETS4
Version 3.00 (or later)
KNX pushbutton series 71
SBS S.p.A.
Via Circonvallazione s/n
I-28010 Miasino (NO) Italy
The rockers’ configuration is equivalent in BG (green and blue leds) and in RW (red and white).
The rockers’ configuration is equivalent in BG (green and blue leds) and in RW (red and white).
not active
Threshold 1 Temperature sensor = enabled below
not active
Threshold 2 Temperature sensor = enabled below
No. Comm.
Object name Conditions Dim. Flags DPT
Temperature threshold 1 - Temperature sensor = enabled,
1 Bit CR-T-- [1.001] switch 162
Switch Threshold 1 = above or below
Enables or disables the capability to generate events for the first pushbutton of the rocker.
send values or sequences
Rocker x = independent or single dimming
Function A = enabled shutter or venetian blind
Determines the kind of function performed by the FIRST rocker input.
Further parameters for the selected function will appear in the individual rocker configuration sections
(see below).
Function B Rocker x = independent or single enabled
in parallel with function A, as a single function
copy parameters from function A
Enables or disables the capability to generate events for the second pushbutton of the rocker.
If not disabled, the pushbutton can be given an own independent function (enabled),used as an “alias”
of the first input (in parallel), or perform the exact same kind of function as first input (copy parameters),
but possibly basing on a different communication object.
send values or sequences
Rocker x = independent or single dimming
Function B = enabled shutter or venetian blind
Determines the kind of function performed by the SECOND rocker input.
Further parameters for the selected function will appear in the individual rocker configuration sections
(see below).
Type Rocker x = coupled dimming
shutter or venetian blind
Determines the kind of function performed by the FIRST and SECOND rocker input.
Further parameters for the selected function will appear in the individual rocker configuration sections
(see below).
Rocker x = copy parameters from
Rocker to copy from rocker 1..4*
(x > 1)
* The values that can be chosen obviously do not include the number of the rocker for which the
selection is made.
Increase/decrease values are sent when a long press action occurs and stop value on press
The value sent can be a fixed value or it can be toggled at each input activation.
For the independent or single channel setting, all parameters listed below are referred to either Function A or
Function B (whichever are enabled).
In the following sections, it is implicitly understood that for the listed parameters to appear, the corresponding
functions xA and/or xB must be enabled.
The entries assigned to “Object n” are repeated so many times as the number of configured objects according
to the Number of Communication Objects parameter.
For all Type values:
When the lock function is enabled, for each input or rocker the user can define an action to execute when a
lock or unlock command is received.
Details are shown in the following sections; a resume of all options is shown in the table below.
Behaviour Behaviour at
Channel mode Input type
at locking unlocking
independent none
send values or
as close or short press
as open or long press
Size DPT
1 bit [1.001] switch
2 bit [2.*] 1-bit controlled
[4.*] character
1 byte unsigned value [5.*] 8-bit unsigned value
[20.*] 1-byte
[4.*] character
1 byte percentage [5.*] 8-bit unsigned value
[20.*] 1-byte
1 byte signed value [6.*] 8-bit signed value
2 bytes unsigned value [7.*] 2-byte unsigned value
2 bytes signed value [8.*] 2-byte signed value
2 bytes floating value [9.*] 2-byte float value
Defines the function to be assigned to the long press. If the toggle mode is enabled, the Short press
action is already defined as toggle.
Rocker x = independent or single off / darker
Short / Long action Type = dimming on / brighter
off / darker ↔ brighter
Toggle mode = disabled on / darker ↔ brighter
Defines the function to be assigned to the long and short press.
Rocker x = independent or single off / value 1
Send cyclically
Type = dimming on / value 2
both off and on / both values
Defines which of the values, if any, must be cyclically retransmitted whenever activated.
Rocker x = independent or single
Cyclic sending interval Type = dimming hh:mm:ss (00:02:00)
Send cyclically ≠ none
Interval between cyclical transmissions.
Lock function – Rocker x = independent or single off
Behaviour at locking Type = dimming on
Value to be assigned to the object when a locking command is received.
Lock function – Rocker x = independent or single off
Behaviour at unlocking Type = dimming on
as previous
Value to be assigned to the object when an unlocking command is received.
7.5.7 Coupled
For a coupled channel, all the parameters are referred to the single menu entry for Function xA and xB.
In the following sections, it is implicitly understood that for the listed parameters to appear, the corresponding
functions xA and xB must be enabled.
For all Type values:
Parameter name Conditions Values
Lock function Rocker x = coupled enabled / disabled
Enables or disables the capability of locking the input through a remote command (telegram).
Rocker x = coupled off / value 1
Send cyclically
Type = dimming on / value 2
both off and on / both values
Defines which of the values, if any, must be cyclically retransmitted whenever activated.
Rocker x = coupled
Cyclic sending interval Type = dimming
Send cyclically ≠ no
Interval between cyclical transmissions.
Lock function – Rocker x = coupled on
Behaviour at locking Type = dimming off
Value to be assigned to the object when a locking command is received.
Lock function – Rocker x = coupled on
Behaviour at unlocking Type = dimming off
as previous
Value to be assigned to the object when an unlocking command is received.
Rocker x = coupled
Blind mode enabled / disabled
Type = shutter or venetian blind
If blinds mode is enabled, the device sends “full movement” telegrams on long press and “step”
telegrams on short press; if it is disabled, the device sends “full movement” telegrams on long press
and “stop” telegrams on short press.
Lock function – Rocker x = coupled none
Behaviour at locking Type = shutter or venetian blind down
Operation to perform when a locking command is received.
Lock function – Rocker x = coupled none
Behaviour at unlocking Type = shutter or venetian blind down
Operation to perform when an unlocking command is received.
For other communication objects related to coupled mode, please refer to the general Rockers Configuration
LED parameters settings are always listed grouped by rocker (regardless whether the inputs are coupled or
not): for each rocker x, available LEDs are marked as LED First Colour (green in BG version, red in RW)
and LED Second Colour (blue in BG version, white in RW).
Figure 13A - Number convention for LED couples EK-ED2-TP and EK-E12-TP
LED X - LED second colour 1 = status from 141, 143, 145, 147,
1 bit CRWTU- [1.001] switch
Second colour bus 149, 151, 153, 155
Rocker combinations
LED a) b) c) d)
Independent A/B functions 1A 1A 1A 1A
Parallel A/B functions 1A 1A 1A not allowed
Independent A/B functions 1A 1A 1B 2A
Parallel A/B functions 2
1A 1A 1A not allowed
Independent A/B functions 1B 1B 3A 3A
Parallel A/B functions 3
1A 1A 3A not allowed
Independent A/B functions 1B 1B 3B 4A
Parallel A/B functions
1A 1A 3A not allowed
Independent A/B functions 1A 2A 2A 1B
Parallel A/B functions 5
1A 2A 2A not allowed
Independent A/B functions 1A 2A 2B 2B
Parallel A/B functions 6
1A 2A 2A not allowed
Independent A/B functions 1B 2B 4A 3B
Parallel A/B functions
1A 2A 4A not allowed
Independent A/B functions 1B 2B 4B 4B
Parallel A/B functions 8
1A 2A 4A not allowed
This table shows the LEDs (according to the adopted convention) activated with a press on the areas,
according to the adopted rocker combination.
7.7.1 Settings
The Settings includes the parameters to perform the basic configuration of the room temperature controller:
Heating and cooling function
Setpoint management mode: single or relative
Separated actuator command or common in heating/cooling
Heating/cooling switch over type
Valve protection function activation
This folder is always active.
Single setpoint
Setpoint management Absolute setpoints
Relative setpoints
In case the option “Single setpoint” in selected and Thermostat function = heating,
the temperature controller acts on heating mode; in case Thermostat function =
cooling, the temperature controller acts on cooling mode.
In case Thermostat function = both heating and cooling, the current seasonal mode
needs to be specified by the proper communication object.
Thermostat function = both heating
Command Communication Object separated / unique
and cooling
10 s
Time interval Valve protection function = enabled
[other values in range 5 s … 20 min]
All communication object are active only if parameter Settings Thermostat function ≠ disabled
Object name Conditions Dim. Flags DPT Comm.
Thermal generator lock 1 Bit -WC--- [1.001] switch 160
Heating / cooling status out Always exposed 1 Bit CR-T-- [1.100] heating/cooling 168
The communication object is sent over the bus after an internally elaborated switching event.
0 = CoolT
ambiente [°C]
1 = HeatingT
Thermostat function = both Setpoint
heating and cooling,
Heating / cooling status in 1 Bit C-W--- [1.100] heating/cooling 169
Heating–cooling switch
over = from bus
The communication object is received from the bus. At the switching event the internal regulator
switches the conduction mode.
Object name Conditions Dim. Flags DPT Comm.
Setpoint management =
HVAC mode in Absolute setpoints or 1 Byte C-W--- [20.102] HVAC mode 170
Relative setpoints
Bits 5, 8 are reserved.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
Setpoint management =
HVAC forced mode in Absolute setpoints or 171
Relative setpoints
Setpoint management =
HVAC manual mode Absolute setpoints or 1 Byte C-W--- [20.102] HVAC mode 172
Relative setpoints
Setpoint management =
Chrono active status Absolute setpoints or 1 Bit CRWTU- [1.011] state 173
Relative setpoints
Setpoint management =
HVAC mode out Absolute setpoints or 1 Byte C-W--- [20.102] HVAC mode 174
Relative setpoints
The communication objects indicated in the block diagram allows monitoring and modifying the current
conduction mode forced on the temperature controller. The object Heating/cooling status out is always
exposed, even when the thermostat function is set on heating or cooling only. When the function is set on both
heating and cooling, the cyclic sending on bus can be enabled; anyway, the information about the actual
conduction mode can be acquired with a reading request to this commiunication object.
The object Heating/cooling status in is exposed only when the function is both heating and cooling and the
switching among the different modes is performed by the bus.
The communication objects shown in figure allow to monitor the operating mode (comfort, standy, economy
and building protection) modifications performed locally by the user when interacting with the LCD display and
the touch buttons of the room thermostat, or the operating mode forced by chrono program.
The C.O. HVAC mode in is associated to the chrono program. The C.O.s HVAC mode out and HVAC chrono
active status allow the remote supervisor to discern the operating mode currently active on the room
thermostat and also allow to understand if the chrono program is active or if attenuation is handled manually
or not. The supervisor can set at any time a manual operating mode through C.O. HVAC manual mode; to
start the chrono program remotely, the C.O. HVAC manual mode is to be set on value 0 = Automatic.
These communication objects allow to perform the same modifications remotely, for example from a supervisor
Those objects are about the Setpoint forced modification: alternatively, the supervisor can act directly on the
operating mode setpoints. The value of the C.O. Actual setpoint represents the current operative setpoint
which the control algorithms are based on. The C.O. Manual/forced setpoint active status indicates (read
request mode) if the forced mode is active (symbol M on the LCD display present). The supervisor can force
at any time the actual setpoint by writing a new value directly into the C.O. Manual setpoint. The C.O.
Manual/forced setpoint active status can also be used in writing to exit the active forced mode.
Sensors from bus are KNX devices (or traditional sensors interfaced to the bus by means of KNX devices)
which send values or states to the pushbutton via bus. The folder allows activating an auxiliary temperature
sensor and 2 window contacts to automatically recall the building protection setpoint: the automatic recall
function must be individually configured for the 2 conduction modes in Heating and/or Cooling folder.
The internal pushbutton control system cyclically monitors the updating status of the values of the
external sensors (from bus) when the timeout setting expires. In case no updated value has been
i received, the regulation function is suspended and the actuation valves are closed. An alarm is
issued on the bus through communication object Temperature control alarm (please refer to
Settings folder).
No. Comm.
Object name Conditions Dim. Flags DPT
Room temperature (from bus) enabled 2 Byte C-W--- 164
temperature (°C)
The Weighted temperature value folder allows calculating a weighted mean average between the integrated
temperature sensor value and the temperature sensor from bus value. The calculated temperature is then
used as main temperature value in the integrated room temperature controller’s algorithm.
The folder is active if: Sensors from bus Room temperature (from bus) = enabled.
Object name Conditions Dim. Flags DPT Comm.
Cyclic sending interval ≠ no [9.001]
Weighted temperature 2 Byte CR-T-- 167
sending temperature °C
7.7.7 Heating
Building protection temp. setpoint [°C]
[range 2 … 10]
2 point hysteresis,
Control type PWM (pulse width modulation)
0,3 K
Hysteresis Control type = 2 point hysteresis
[other values in range 0,2 K … 3 K]
Hysteresis position Control type = 2 point hysteresis
The above hysteresis is suitable in case of special applications requiring mixing group
Control type = 2 point hysteresis, no sending
Cyclic sending interval
continuous [other values in range 30 s … 120 min]
Min. change of value to send [%] Control type = continuous
[range 0 … 100]
Max control value [%] Control type = PWM and continuous 85 % [range 70 %…100 %]
All communication objects are active if Settings Thermostat function = heating or both heating and cooling.
Object name Conditions Dim. Flags DPT Comm.
Setpoint management = Single [9.001] temperature
Input setpoint 2 Byte CRWTU- 178
setpoint (°C)
Setpoint management =
Relative setpoints, [9.002] temperature
Heating standby offset 2 Byte CRWTU- 181
Heating/cooling switch over = difference (K)
Setpoint management =
Relative setpoints, [9.002] temperature
Heating economy offset 2 Byte CRWTU- 183
Heating/cooling switch over = difference (K)
[5.001] percentage
Heating out command Control type = continuous 1 Byte CR-T-- 187
7.7.8 Cooling
Conditions of activation: Settings Thermostat function = heating or both heating and cooling.
Building protection temp. setpoint [°C]
[campo 30 … 50]
isteresi a 2 punti,
Command for both heating and cooling = PWM (modulazione ad ampiezza
Control type
separated d’impulso),
If in Settings the parameter Thermostat function = both heating and cooling and
Command communication object = unique, the parameter Cooling type is bound to the
choice done for Heating.
0,3 K
Hysteresis Control type = 2 point hysteresis
[altri valori nel campo 0,2 K … 3 K]
Hysteresis position Control type = 2 point hysteresis
The below hysteresis is suitable in case of special applications requiring mixing group
Control type = 2 point hysteresis, nessun invio
Cyclic sending interval
continuous [altri valori nel campo 30 s … 120 min]
Min. change of value to send [%] Control type = continuous
[campo 0 … 100]
All communication objects are active if Settings Thermostat function = heating or both heating and cooling.
Object name Conditions Dim. Flags DPT Comm.
Setpoint management = Single
Input setpoint 2 Byte CRWTU- [9.001] temperature (°C) 178
Object name Conditions Dim. Flags DPT Comm.
[5.001] percentage
Cooling out command Control type = continuous 1 Byte CR-T-- 188
Each object value, if desired, can be individually inverted by inserting a NOT logic operator.
For each channel, a parameter Delay after bus voltage recovery is available: this parameter represents the
time interval between the bus voltage recovery and the first reading of the input communication objects for
evaluating the logic functions.
In case of uncorrect connection of the input communication object or electrical trouble on bus
i resulting in a failed input reading request, the logic output of the corresponding channel can be
calculated by setting the input values to default.
The communicaton function representing the logic function output is sent on the bus on event of change;
alternatively, a cyclic sending can be set.
Logic function X – Input Logic function X = enabled 189, 194, 199, 204,
1 Bit C-W-- [1.001] switch
1 Logic object 1 = enabled 209, 214, 219, 224
Logic function X – Input Logic function X = enabled 191, 196, 201, 206,
1 Bit C-W-- [1.001] switch
3 Logic object 3 = enabled 211, 216, 221, 226
8 Appendix
Rocker xx –
13, 30, 47, 64,
Switching command 1 Bit CRWTU [1.1] DPT_Switch
81, 98, 115, 132
8.2 Warning
• Installation, electrical connection, configuration and commissioning of the device can only be carried out by
qualified personnel.
• Opening the housing of the device causes the immediate end of the warranty period.
• ekinex® KNX defective devices must be returned to the manufacturer at the following address:
EKINEX S.p.A. Via Novara 37, I-28010 Vaprio d’Agogna (NO) Italy.
© EKINEX S.p.A. The company reserves the right to make changes to this documentation without notice.