CIS Psych Vocational

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Etymologically, the word “interests” in Latin means “It matters”. The search for the

individual’s true interests in helping to bring about a wise educational and vocational choice

is consistent with the modern educational theory which holds to the idea of interest at the

main spring of effort in education. Bingham (1937) writes, “An interest is a tendency to

become absorbed in an experience and to continue it”.

Vocational interest is defined as one’s own pattern of preferences, aptitudes, like dislikes,

preferred in any manner, wisely or unwisely by self or by another source for a given

vocational area or vocation. Therefore, the purpose of the present record is to help students to

adjust themselves to the careers, jobs and vocations, by making wise choices. Only by

making right choice the student will be able to utilize his all the potential to the maximum

extent. The choice of vocation is one of the very important decisions a person must make for

himself/herself and this choice is a long process rather than a simple incident. Vocational

interest and choices do not appear all of a sudden during adolescence. They appear as a result

of developmental process. Vocational interest is not as a single choice but as the sum total of

many interests that bear in any way upon an occupational career.

Man has made speedy advancements in scientific, technological and industrial field. This has

immediately influenced all aspects of man’s life. And due to scientific advancement, division

of labour and specialization of functions, modern society demands the fullest use of skilled

manpower at all levels. Accordingly, there is a need to search talents to increase the

productivity level. This necessitates fresh attempt towards search in career orientation with a

view to understand the ways in which youth make career choices and multiplicity of factors,

which influence their vocational interest.

Most of us go through life engaged in jobs that gives us no satisfaction. Many of us spend a

lifetime imprisoned in work that we hate. So it’s important to identify our real interests

correctly early in life. The choice of vocation becomes easier if an individual recognizes his

interests. Otherwise, if he does not get a suitable job, he feels restless, edgy, lacking

something. A vocation of one’s interest may mean happiness and prosperity. It transcends the

abilities, needs and aspirations of the individual.

On the other hand, if a vocation is not of one’s interest, it not only leads to vocational

maladjustment but also to wastage of manpower. When the choice of vocation is not made

accordingly, one can neither develop one’s own potentialities, nor can one prove to be useful

member of the society.

As the boys and girls move into adolescence, they have had opportunities to explore social,

linguistic, mathematical, technical and business activities to some extent, they have sought to

identify with parents, adults and school mates and have rejected some and accepted others of

these identification. Self-concept begins to take a definite form. For these reasons, interest

patterns begins to crystallize by early adolescence and the positive exploratory experience of

adolescent years, in most cases, merely classify and elaborate upon what has already begun to

take shape. Vocational interest patterns generally have a substantial degree of permanence at

this stage. Vocational interest usually means in what vocation an individual is interested.

Given a number of vocational alternatives, he expresses his interest for one or the other. The

foundation for vocation should be laid when one is receiving education. One of the main aims

of education is to give maximum help in one’s professional life. If vocational aim is not

fulfilled, then education is worthless.

Education helps in discovering the talent, determining potential and identifying a vocation

closer to a calling. Man is the only animal that does not have to begin a new in every

generation but can take advantage of knowledge which has accumulated through the centuries

(Mouley, 1964).

Youth of today is disoriented and distracted by materialism. There have been many research

studies conducted on youth by eminent scholars in the field of psychology, sociology,

education, etc. The present study will be useful for parents and teachers to understand the

youth, their interests and values which can prove to be very useful for society and building it

towards a better tomorrow.

Earlier the students had no interest in selecting their vocations as the students preferred

going in the vocation, their parents wished them to go in. But this trend has been changed and

now students wish to select their own vocations and have their own vocational interests.

Interests refer to the mental conditions of an individual to voluntarily seek an activity or

continue in an activity in different broad vocational areas namely Influential, Venturous,

Artistic, Scientific, Analytical, Social, Nature and Clerical as measured by Comprehensive

Interest Schedule (CIS) by Sanjay Vohra (1993).

Comprehensive Interest Schedule is an objective device representing relative interest in eight

broad vocational areas. Six of these vocational areas have two sub-fields. They are:

1. Influential -Administrative

- Enterprising

2. Venturous - Defence

- Sports
3. Artistic - Creative

- Performing

4. Scientific - Medical

- Technical

5. Analytical - Expressive

- Computational

6. Social -Humanitarian

- Education

7. Nature

8. Clerical

The description of these interest oriented activities in association with the personality

orientations are given below. Please note that the personality orientations of the people with

sten scores ranging between 8-10 on the above mentioned interest areas are discussed here.

1. Influential:

People who are successful in administrative and enterprising occupational fields are

convincing, directing or persuading others towards attainment of their organizational goals

and/or economic gains. Their primary personality orientation is that they are very active,

socially bold, outgoing, participative and competitive. They tend to have conceptual thinking

rather than abstract thinking, and are very realistic and alert to their practical needs. They

take on responsibilities very confidently. They are composed and self-assured about

themselves. Sometimes, in extreme cases they are also termed as 'thick-skinned' due to their

social boldness. Mostly this group of people are generally assertive, independent minded
and headstrong about their views. In some job requirements, especially in the

enterprising group, these people may tend to be very talkative, cheerful, and happy-go-lucky

types. They are also frank, expressive, and clearly reflect the group to which they belong.

2. Venturous:

Successful people in sports and defence occupations are generally adventurous, friendly

and impulsive. They are highly competitive, stern, and tend to be hostile at times.

The sense of responsibility and consistent duty bound behaviour is the core of their

personality orientation. Most of the occupations in both the categories generally demands

high self-reliance, tough mindedness and an extremely high persistence towards their job.

They are generally unidirectional towards achieving their goals and are therefore very self-

confident, placid, secure, and complacent. They are generally insensitive to people’s approval

or disapproval comments about their actions. In other words, they have a’ does not care' and

rudely vigorous attitude towards the accomplishment of their goal.

3. Artistic:

People successful in creative and performing arts occupations usually seek

opportunities for self-expression so as to create art forms, or artistic products. Individuals in

these occupational groups generally tend to be sensitive and attention seeking. They are

imaginative in inner life and in conservation. They also tend to have a high need for

independence and self-sufficiency. People involved in both the categories, creative and

performing arts occupations are generally absorbed in ideas. The performing arts area

consists of people interested in art, theory, basic beliefs, and they are imaginatively enthralled

by inner creations. However, the creative arts group generally consists of forthright,

unpretentious, and critical kind of people. People in both the groups are generally affected by

feelings and have a good insight about their subject and tend to be intellectually adaptable.
4. Scientific:

Successful individuals in medical and technical occupations tend to have conceptual

thinking and a high general mental capacity. They are inclined to have more intellectual

interests and show better judgment abilities. They are self-disciplined, controlled, and

conscientious to their jobs. Most of the people in these occupations are also experimenting,

liberal, and free-thinking in nature. Both the groups (medical and technical) consist of people

who are generally sober, taciturn, and serious. The medical group is mostly full of care,

and concern about others. The technical group is generally responsible, consistently

ordered and dominated by sense of duty. People in occupations covered under this dimension

show socially approved character responses, self-control, persistence, foresight,

consideration for others and regard for etiquette and social reputation. In a group

they generally make more remarks than others, especially in a problem raising and solution

offering situations.

5. Analytical:

Successful people inexpressive and computational occupations tend to be sharp at

diagnosis, flexible in viewpoint, inclined to’ study the angels'. The expressive group consists

of people who are alert to manners, to social obligations, and to the social reactions of others.

The pattern represents some form of intellectual - educational development in terms of

shrewd tactical skills. Both the categories represent diplomatic, accommodating, and

conforming attitude towards their occupation. Jobs in both the categories require a relaxed,

tranquil, torpid, and composed personality orientation. They are also required to organize

information and tasks according to prescribed plans and well established procedures and

systems. The chief career-oriented activities involved in these categories are investigating,

observing, and solving problems with the use of ideas, words, and symbols.
6. Social:

Successful people in humanitarian and educational occupations are generally busy in

activities which involve being near or at the centre of group endeavours, and solving

problems through discussions with others, or by arranging relationships between people so as

to enlighten, serve, or train them. They are highly cooperative, participative, and

conscientiously persistent in their job. They are gentle, kind, and sensitive to other person’s

needs. They are also gregarious; emotionally involved with the group they choose to interact.

They are generally spontaneous, natural and content with what they have rather than what

they can have or could have. Their need for extension, i.e. to be participative and altruistic is

extremely high.

7. Nature:

Successful people in occupations related to nature are generally good natured and ready to

cooperate. They like to participate for a good cause and tend to be casual and soft-hearted.

They are generally trustful, adaptable and warm-hearted by nature. They tend to be clinging,

insecure, expecting affection and seeking help & sympathy from others. They are generally

anxious, imaginative in inner life, and act on sensitive intuitions. They are very lonely,

sensitive types i.e., easily touched and overcome by moods. They are very expressive,

conventional, conforming and humble in their behaviour. These individuals show

great concern for others and are full of cares. They tend to be silent, slow, and cautious and

stick to their inner values. They are generally self-sufficient and resourceful, however, like to

work in a small group to which they belong and show dependency on this group.
8. Clerical:

Successful people in clerical occupations tend to have concrete thinking, i.e. low or

average mental capacity to do things. However, they are generally very responsible,

emotionally disciplined and are dominated by a sense of duty. They are consistently ordered

and highly concerned about moral standards and values. These individuals show socially

approved character responses, self-control and persistence in their work. They tend to be very

conscientious and show great regard for etiquette and social reputation. In group situations

these individuals will pick out persons who are leaders or ones who are effective rather than

just popular. They are generally submissive, controlled, conforming and group dependent.

They also tend to be concerned, introspective and show few artistic responses. They act on

practical, logical evidence rather than imaginative ones.

List of Occupations Involved in Each Occupational Field:

1. Influential

 Administrative:

I.A.S. Officer, Executive Manager, Hotel Manager, Judge, District Magistrate,

Governor, General Manager, Board Director, Election Officer, Vice Chancellor,

Chairman of Board, Probation Officer, Factory Manager, Diplomat.

 Enterprising:

Sales Manager, Airplane Pilot, Politician, Manufacturer ,Boutique Owner, Stock

Broker, Investment Broker/Consultant, Restaurant Owner, Building Contractor,

Fashion Model, Publisher , Real Estate Agent, Travel Agent, Handicrafts Dealer, Film

Producer, Exporter, Antique Dealer, Automobile Dealer.

2. Venturous

 Defence: Army/Defence Officer Investigating Officer C.B.I. Police Officer Fire

Fighting Officer, Ship Captain/Crew Member Coast Guard Officer Air Force Pilot

Navigator, Naval Officer, Home Guard Officer Police Commissioner, B.S.F. Officer

Commando Air Force Officer Security Officer Scouts Guide Officer N.C.C. Officer.

 Sports: Cricketer Volleyball Player Wrestler Boxer Hockey Player Athlete Football

Player Archer Gymnast Tennis Player Weightlifter Golfer Badminton Player

Basketball Player Swimmer Trekker Mountaineer, Judo-Karate Expert.

3. Artistic

 Creative: Beautician, Costume Designer, Song Writer , Dress Designer, Layout

Artist, Advertising Manager , Cartoonist , Make-up Artist , Photographer, Sculptor,

Painter, Commercial Artist Interior Decorator, Landscape Artist , Graphic Designer.

 Performing: Musician, Classical Dancer, Playback Singer, Actor/Actress, Dramatist

Pianist Band Leader, Violinist, Orchestra Conductor, Tabla Master, Sitarist, Folk

Song Singer, Classical Singer, and Folk Dancer.

4. Scientific

 Medical: Chemist, Biologist, Dentist, Surgeon, Physician, Psychiatrist,

Physiotherapist, Gynaecologist, Child Specialist, Pharmacist, Radiologist,

Bacteriologist, X-Ray Technician, Physiologist.

 Technical: Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Computer Programmer, Electrical

Engineer, Textile Engineer, Automobile Engineer, Architect, Electrician, Field

Worker, Machine Operator, Electronic Technician , Service Engineer, Foreman

Computer Engineer, Draftsman, Mechanic, Laboratory Technician, Press Worker.

5. Analytical

 Expressive: News Editor, Journalist, Foreign Correspondent, Historian, Author of

Books, News Reporter, T.V. Show Organiser, T.V. Reporter, Radio Announcer, Story

Writer, Novel Writer, Magazine Columnist, Art Critic, News Reader.

 Computational: Accountant, Bank Manager, Cost Analyst, Banker, Sales Tax

Consultant, Statistician, Auditor, Mathematician, Bank Cashier, Data Analyst, Income

Tax Consultant, Charted Accountant, Finance Manager, Accounts Manager.

6. Social

 Humanitarian: Guidance Counsellor, Social Worker, Y.M.C.A. Secretary, Red Cross

Worker, Church Worker, Missionary, Marriage Counsellor, Welfare Officer,

Psychologist, School Counsellor, Nurse/Medical Attendant, Vocational Counsellor,

Priest, Community Worker.

 Education: Professor, Lecturer, Nursery Teacher, College Principal, Kindergarten

Teacher, High School Teacher, Art /Music Teacher, History Teacher, Primary

Teacher, School Principal, Mathematics/Physics Teacher, Science Teacher,

Economics Teacher, English Teacher.

7. Nature:

Zoologist, Agriculturist, Farmer, Florist, Forest Officer, Cattle Farmer, Botanist,

Sheep Farmer, Landscape Gardner, Horse Breeder, Horticulturist, Veterinarian,

Poultry Farmer, Zoo Manager.

8. Clerical:

Stenographer, Data Entry Operator, Office Clerk, Typist, Book Keeper, Personal

Assistant, Office Assistant, Receptionist, House Keeper, Private Secretary, Telephone

Operator, Accounts Clerk, Counter Salesman/woman, Reservation Clerk.

This research would be helpful in understanding how various factors influence the

decisions made regarding careers. The results of this research would provide guidance

to these adolescents and would in a way help to steer their vocational and educational

career in a rewarding direction. This would also benefit educational planners and

administrators. To avoid career indecision and career confusion, parents, teachers and

administrators need to help the students at the senior secondary stage. Special skills

need to be developed in them for decision-making and making intelligent and

judicious choices in various areas affecting their career maturity so that they make

correct career choices and further excel in the work area also.
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Reinhold Co., pp. 170.
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Social Psychology, 28, 136-147.
Reddy, P. Adinarayana, Devi, D.Uma, & Reddy, E. Mahadeva (2011). A Study of the
vocational education preferences and interests of the Indian undergraduate students,
Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy (BJSEP), Volume 5, Number 1, 2011.
Yadav, R.K. and Yadav Aarti (2011). A comparative study of the adjustment and values of
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