Fertilization Full Doc Format New
Fertilization Full Doc Format New
Fertilization Full Doc Format New
Submitted by
D No: 15UBC541
This is to certify that the project work entitled as “FERTILIZATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”
submitted in Partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Computer Science is a bonafide record of the work done by DHINESH KUMAR.C
(Reg. No: 15UBC541) under my guidance during the period NOVEMBER 2017 to APRIL 2018.
Date: Date:
I thank, Dr. T. Lucia Agnes Beena, MCA., B.Ed., M.Phil., NET., SET.,
Ph.D., Head of the Department, Department of Information technology, St. Joseph’s
College(Autonomous), Trichy.
With deep appreciation and sincere gratitude, I thank my project guide Prof.
S.HENDERY LEO KANICKAM M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., It is an immense pleasure
to show my humble gratitude to his for being a greatest support in my project.
Finally, I am very grateful to my family and friends who inspired and helped
me in completing this project work.
1.1 About the Project
2.1 Existing System
2.2 Disadvantages of Existing System
2.3 Proposed System
2.4 Advantages of Proposed System
2.5 Problem Definition and Description
3.1 Packages Selected
3.2 Resources Required
3.3 Feasibility Study
3.4 Data Flow Diagram
4.1 Architectural Design
4.2 I/O Form Design
4.3 Data base and Data Structure Design
4.4 Tables
4.5 Normalization
4.6 ER Diagram
4.7 Data Dictionary
5.1 Functional Documentation
5.2 Special Features of the Language
5.3 Pseudo Code
6.1 Types of Testing Done
6.2 Testing Data and Output
7.1 Hardware Requirements
7.2 Software Requirements
7.3 Installation Procedure
7.4 Sample I/O
7.5 Error Messages
8.1 Summary of the Project
8.2 Future Enhancements
Output Screen
Fertilization Management is an application that is designed for the stores that deals in
fertilization and other such shops. Fertilization management system is a web based application
which helps business people to find stock of fertilizer and sell fertilizer in different brands and
price. It is useful in the way that it makes an easier way to sell fertilizer. In this application we
have basically two modules. The first module includes the manager module. The manager has to
register for any enquiry related to fertilizer. The unmanaged person can’t access this application.
The registered manager can only view details of fertilizer and the customer can sell the fertilizer
of customer need. The customer has to pay the price of fertilizer to the particular manager. The
admin module contains the access of admin application. The admin can change everything in the
application. The admin have the ability to add, delete, and update any information regarding the
In the existing system includes less number of actions. In the existing system they won’t provide
product and suppliers complete data to the users. In this systems there exist more number of ads
Existing system has the errors in the process, but also bring down the product stock & make the
company more competitive. Some times because of the errors wrong products are produced
which have no requirement & thus a lot of money is being wasted in maintaining the inventory.
In every industry there is always waste of time and human resources because of irregular
management system.
Fertilization Management System can handle all the Product and User details. Product
and suppliers Management System can handle such large number of dealers and suppliers. Any
marketing company feels the need for an automated system that can be used by the organization,
and also we can get intimated when the particular Product or Raw material availability is low. In
this system Manager can manage the Products and check them correctly without any
2.4 Advantage of Proposed System
It is user-friendly in nature.
Time consumption is less.
Better product quality
Delivered on time
Less time and costs
Reduce errors and rework
Also any field executive can easily log on to the system over the internet and get the relevant
details at any time and place. So many organizations improve products sales through this
application. We will know the all products information. Using this application production
management will be easy. It will provide security from the unauthorized users.
• Mouse : Logitech.
• RAM : 1GB
Software Resources
A feasibility study is a high-level capsule version of the entire System analysis and Design
Process. The study begins by classifying the problem definition. Feasibility is to determine if it's
worth doing. Once an acceptance problem definition has been generated, the analyst develops a
logical model of the system. A search for alternatives is analyzed carefully. There are 3 parts in
feasibility study.
Technical feasibility
This assessment is based on an outline design of system requirements, to determine whether the
company has the technical expertise to handle completion of the project. When writing a
feasibility report, the following should be taken to consideration:
A brief description of the business to assess more possible factors which could affect the
The part of the business being examined
The human and economic factor
The possible solutions to the problem
Economic feasibility
Economic justification is generally the “Bottom Line” consideration for most systems. Economic
justification includes a broad range of concerns that includes cost benefit analysis. In this we
weight the cost and the benefits associated with the candidate system and if it suits the basic
purpose of the organization i.e. profit making, the project is making to the analysis and design
phase. The financial and the economic questions during the preliminary investigation are verified
to estimate the following:
• The cost of hardware and software for the class of application being considered.
• The proposed system will give the minute information, as a result the performance is improved
which in turn may be expected to provide increased profits.
• This feasibility checks whether the system can be developed with events and alert monitoring
does not require the manual work. This can be done economically if planned judicially, so it is
economically feasible. The cost of project depends upon the number of man hours required.
Operational Feasibility
Operational feasibility is the measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems, and
takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definition and how it satisfies the
requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development.
The operational feasibility assessment focuses on the degree to which the proposed development
project fits in with the existing business environment and objectives with regard to development
schedule, delivery date, corporate culture and existing business processes.
To ensure success, desired operational outcomes must be imparted during design and
development. These include such design-dependent parameters as reliability, maintainability,
supportability, usability, disposability, sustainability, affordability and others. These parameters
are required to be considered at the early stages of design if desired operational behaviors are to
be realized. A system design and development requires appropriate and timely application of
engineering and management efforts to meet the previously mentioned parameters. A system
may serve its intended purpose most effectively when its technical and operating characteristics
are engineered into the design. Therefore, operational feasibility is a critical aspect of systems
engineering that needs to be an integral part of the early design phases.
Schedule feasibility
A project will fail if it takes too long to be completed before it is useful. Typically this means
estimating how long the system will take to develop, and if it can be completed in a given time
period using some methods like payback period. Schedule feasibility is a measure of how
reasonable the project timetable is. Given our technical expertise, are the project deadlines
reasonable? Some projects are initiated with specific deadlines. It is necessary to determine
whether the deadlines are mandatory or desirable.
Level 0
Data Base
DFD Level-0
The next stage is to create the Level 1 Data Flow Diagram. This highlights the main
functions carried out by the system. As a rule, to describe the system was using between two and
seven functions - two being a simple system and seven being a complicated system. This enables
us to keep the model manageable on screen or paper.
Store the details
Product Details
Store the data
Manager Details
Store the data
Dealers Details
Store the data
DFD Level-1
Login Login
Product Details Product Details
View Order
Manger Details
Admin Login
Admin Login
User Name
Submit Clear
Add Manager
Add Manager
Phone Number
Email Id
Submit Clear
Add Distributor
Add Distributor
Company Name
Phone Number
Email ID
Submit Clear
SQL Server data is organized into files. When we create a database, we will identify the names
and locations of these files. Creating a database requires the use of two types of files: data files
and transaction log files. A database can have multiple data files and transaction log files, and it
is required to have at least one of each. Data Files Data files store all of the information in the
database including data values, indexes, and even configuration data and programmatic objects
such as stored procedures and functions.
The data files are, therefore, the main repository in the database. Transaction Log Files
Log files provide a durable record of all modifications to the database. SQL Server uses a write-
ahead modification process that requires all changes to be written to transaction logs before they
are written to the database. These logs enable a variety of data recovery and integrity features. To
allow SQL Server to locate any data value quickly and efficiently, these data files must be
organized in a way that gives the SQL Server data engine full control of the specific placement
of any data value. SQL Server accomplishes this by organizing data file structures into 8KB
blocks called pages.
It means that SQL Server databases have 128 pages per megabyte. Each page begins
with a 96-byte header that is used to store system information about the page. This information
includes the page number, page type, the amount of free space on the page, and the allocation
unit ID of the object that owns the page.Data rows are put on the page serially, starting
immediately after the header. A row offset table starts at the end of the page, and each row offset
table contains one entry for each row on the page. Each entry records how far the first byte of the
row is from the start of the page. The entries in the row offset table are in reverse sequence from
the sequence of the rows on the page.
Table Name: Admin
Id Name Address
A relation is said to be in 1NF if all the under lying domain of attributes contain simple
individual values.
The 2NF is based on the concept of full functional dependency. A relation said to be in
2NF if and only if it is in 1NF and every non-key attribute is fully functionally dependent on
candidate key of the table.
Un Normalized
Id Name Address
Id Name Address
User name
Admin Login
The login module is use for maintain security part of the project using user id and password.
Admin has unique username and password. Admin has the responsibility to add manager,
product and distributor details.
The login module is use for maintain security part of the project using user id and password.
Admin registered their manager in this system. Manager has the responsibility to order product
to distributor.
The login module is use for maintain security part of the project using user id and password.
Manager has the responsibility to view product to distributor.
Product Details:
In this module used to add product details. Product details such as product name, product id,
quantity, price Etc.,
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (the name is a recursive acronym) is a widely used, general-
purpose scripting language that was originally designed for web development to produce
dynamic web pages. For this purpose, PHP code is embedded into the HTML source document
and interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module, which generates the web page
document. As a general-purpose programming language, PHP code is processed by an interpreter
application in command-line mode performing desired operating system operations and
producing program output on its standard output channel. It may also function as a graphical
application. PHP is available as a processor for most modern web servers and as standalone
interpreter on most operating systems and computing platforms. PHP was originally created by
Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995 and has been in continuous development ever since. The main
implementation of PHP is now produced by The PHP Group and serves as the de facto standard
for PHP as there is no formal specification. PHP is free software released under the PHP License,
which is incompatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL) because restrictions exist
regarding the use of the term PHP.
Hypertext refers to files linked together using hyperlinks, such as HTML (HyperText
Markup Language) files. Preprocessing is executing instructions that modify the output. Below is
a demonstration of the difference between HTML and PHP files.
1. Your browser sends a request to that web page's server (computer) for the file (HTML or
image) you wish to view.
2. The web server (computer) sends the file requested back to your computer.
3. Your browser displays the file appropriately.
4. If you request a PHP file (ends with ".php"), the server handles it differently.
Accessing a PHP Page
Because the server does processing, the output of PHP files changes when its input changes. For
example, most of the pages on the Horticulture site have only two (2) PHP commands:
1. Include the header file that defines the links on the left, the banner, and the quick links at
the top.
2. Include the footer file that displays the mission statement and Horticulture contact
Because including the files is performed every time the PHP file is accessed, when the
header/footer files change, the new content will be immediately updated. In other words, if you
add a new link, every page that includes the header will immediately display the new link.
About 30% of all vulnerabilities listed on the National Vulnerability Database are linked to PHP.
These vulnerabilities are caused mostly by not following best practice programming rules:
technical security flaws of the language itself or of its core libraries are not frequent (23 in 2008,
about 1% of the total). Recognizing that programmers make mistakes, some languages include
taint checking to detect automatically the lack of input validation which induces many issues.
Such a feature is being developed for PHP, but its inclusion in a release has been rejected several
times in the past. There are advanced protection patches such as Suhosin and Hardening-Patch,
especially designed for Web hosting environments.
PHPIDS adds security to any PHP application to defend against intrusions. PHPIDS detects
attacks based on cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, header injection, directory traversal,
remote file execution, remote file inclusion, and denial-of-service (DoS)
The PHP interpreter only executes PHP code within its delimiters. Anything outside its
delimiters is not processed by PHP (although non-PHP text is still subject to control structures
described in PHP code). The most common delimiters are <?php to open and ?> to close PHP
sections. <script language="php"> and </script> delimiters are also available, as are the
shortened forms <?or<?= (which is used to echo back a string or variable) and ?> as well as ASP-
style short forms <% or <%= and %>. While short delimiters are used, they make script files less
portable as support for them can be disabled in the PHP configuration, and so they are
discouraged. The purpose of all these delimiters is to separate PHP code from non-PHP code,
including HTML.
The first form of delimiters, <?php and ?>, in XHTML and other XML documents, creates
correctly formed XML 'processing instructions'. This means that the resulting mixture of PHP
code and other markup in the server-side file is itself well-formed XML.
Variables are prefixed with a dollar symbol, and a type does not need to be specified in advance.
Unlike function and class names, variable names are case sensitive. Both double-quoted ( "") and
here-doc strings provide the ability to interpolate a variable's value into the string. PHP treats
newlines as whitespace in the manner of a free-form language (except when inside string
quotes), and statements are terminated by a semicolon. PHP has three types of comment syntax:
/* */ marks block and inline comments; // as well as # are used for one-line comments. The
echo statement is one of several facilities PHP provides to output text, e.g., to a Web browser.
In terms of keywords and language syntax, PHP is similar to most high level languages that
follow the C style syntax. if conditions, for and while loops, and function returns are similar in
syntax to languages such as C, C++, Java and Perl.
Data types
PHP stores whole numbers in a platform-dependent range, either a 64-bit or 32-bit signedinteger
equivalent to the C-language long type. Unsigned integers are converted to signed values in
certain situations; this behavior is different from other programming languages. Integer variables
can be assigned using decimal (positive and negative), octal, and hexadecimal notations. Floating
point numbers are also stored in a platform-specific range. They can be specified using floating
point notation, or two forms of scientific notation. PHP has a native Boolean type that is similar
to the native Boolean types in Java and C++. Using the Boolean type conversion rules, non-zero
values are interpreted as true and zero as false, as in Perl and C++. The null data type represents
a variable that has no value. The only value in the null data type is NULL. Variables of the
"resource" type represent references to resources from external sources. These are typically
created by functions from a particular extension, and can only be processed by functions from
the same extension; examples include file, image, and database resources. Arrays can contain
elements of any type that PHP can handle, including resources, objects, and even other arrays.
Order is preserved in lists of values and in hashes with both keys and values, and the two can be
intermingled. PHP also supports strings, which can be used with single quotes, double quotes,
nowdoc or heredoc syntax.
PHP has hundreds of base functions and thousands more via extensions. These functions are well
documented on the PHP site; however, the built-in library has a wide variety of naming
conventions and inconsistencies. PHP currently has no functions for thread programming,
although it does support multi-process programming on POSIX systems.
MySQL is the world's most used open source relational database management system (RDBMS)
as of 2008 that run as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. The
MySQL development project has made its source code available under the terms of the GNU
General Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. MySQL was
owned and sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now owned
by Oracle Corporation.
MySQL is a popular choice of database for use in web applications, and is a central component
of the widely used LAMP open source web application software stack—LAMP is an acronym
for "Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python." Free-software-open source projects that require
a full-featured database management system often use MySQL.
For commercial use, several paid editions are available, and offer additional functionality.
Applications which use MySQL databases include: TYPO3, Joomla, Word Press, phpBB,
MyBB, Drupal and other software built on the LAMP software stack. MySQL is also used in
many high-profile, large-scale World Wide Web products, including Wikipedia, Google(though
not for searches), ImagebookTwitter, Flickr, Nokia.com, and YouTube.
MySQL is primarily an RDBMS and ships with no GUI tools to administer MySQL databases or
manage data contained within the databases. Users may use the included command line tools, or
use MySQL "front-ends", desktop software and web applications that create and manage MySQL
databases, build database structures, back up data, inspect status, and work with data records.
The official set of MySQL front-end tools, MySQL Workbench is actively developed by Oracle,
and is freely available for use.
The official MySQL Workbench is a free integrated environment developed by MySQL AB, that
enables users to graphically administer MySQL databases and visually design database
structures. MySQL Workbench replaces the previous package of software, MySQL GUI Tools.
Similar to other third-party packages, but still considered the authoritative MySQL frontend,
MySQL Workbench lets users manage database design & modeling, SQL development
(replacing MySQL Query Browser) and Database administration (replacing MySQL
MySQL Workbench is available in two editions, the regular free and open source Community
Edition which may be downloaded from the MySQL website, and the proprietary Standard
Edition which extends and improves the feature set of the Community Edition.
Command line
MySQL ships with some command line tools. Third-parties have also developed tools to manage
a MySQL server, some listed below.
MySQL works on many different system platforms, including AIX, BSDi, FreeBSD, HP-UX,
eComStation, i5/OS, IRIX, Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, NetBSD, Novell NetWare,
OpenBSD, OpenSolaris, OS/2 Warp, QNX, Solaris, Symbian, SunOS, SCO OpenServer, SCO
UnixWare, Sanos and Tru64. A port of MySQL to OpenVMS also exists.[32]
MySQL is written in C and C++. Its SQL parser is written in yacc, and a home-brewed lexical
analyzer. Many programming languages with language-specific APIs include libraries for
accessing MySQL databases. These include MySQL Connector/Net for integration with
Microsoft's Visual Studio (languages such as C# and VB are most commonly used) and the
JDBC driver for Java. In addition, an ODBCinterimage called MyODBC allows additional
programming languages that support the ODBC interimage to communicate with a MySQL
database, such as ASP or ColdFusion. The HTSQL - URL-based query method also ships with a
MySQL adapter, allowing direct interaction between a MySQL database and any web client via
structured URLs.
As of April 2009, MySQL offered MySQL 5.1 in two different variants: the open source MySQL
Community Server and the commercial Enterprise Server. MySQL 5.5 is offered under the same
licences. They have a common code base and include the following features:
Unit testing
The first test in the development process is the unit test. The source code is normally divided into
modules, which in turn are divided into smaller units called units. These units have specific
behavior. The test done on these units of code is called unit test. Unit test depends upon the
language on which the project is developed. Unit tests ensure that each unique path of the project
performs accurately to the documented specifications and contains clearly defined inputs and
expected results. Functional and reliability testing in an Engineering environment. Producing
tests for the behavior of components (nodes and vertices) of a product to ensure their correct
behavior prior to system integration.
Integration testing
Testing in which modules are combined and tested as a group. Modules are typically code
modules, individual applications, source and destination applications on a network, etc.
Integration Testing follows unit testing and precedes system testing. Testing after the product is
code complete. Betas are often widely distributed or even distributed to the public at large in
hopes that they will buy the final product when it is release.
Validation testing
After a system has been verified, it needs to be thoroughly tested to ensure that every component
of the system is performing in accordance with the specific requirements and that it is operating
as it should including when the wrong functions are requested or the wrong data is introduced.
Testing measures consist of developing a set of test criteria either for the entire system or for
specific hardware, software and communications components. For an important and sensitive
system such as an electronic voting system, a structured system testing program may be
established to ensure that all aspects of the system are thoroughly tested.
Testing all programs to ensure its logical correctness and that appropriate
design, development and implementation standards have been followed.
Conducting “load tests”, simulating as close as possible a variety of “real
life” conditions using or exceeding the amounts of data that could be
expected in an actual situation.
Verifying that integrity of data is maintained throughout its required
System testing
Several modules constitute a project. If the project is long-term project, several developers write
the modules. Once all the modules are integrated, several errors may arise. The testing done at
this stage is called system test. System testing ensures that the entire integrated software system
meets requirements. It tests a configuration to ensure known and predictable results. System
testing is based on process descriptions and flows, emphasizing pre-driven process links and
integration points. Testing a specific hardware/software installation. This is typically performed
on a COTS (commercial off the shelf) system or any other system comprised of disparate parts
where custom configurations and/or unique installations are the norm.
Name asd
Company Name
Phone Number
Email ID
Submit Clear
Description : This error will occur when the admin doesn’t fill all the fields.
Description : This error will occur when the admin doesn’t fill the entire
fields. While store the information into database.
In conclusion, it is hoped that the information presented in this application will promote the
greater and more effective use of locally available raw materials for feeds and fertilizers, and at
the same time reduce dependence on imported feedstuffs. It is also hoped that the discussions
will help provide insights to farmers in their adoption of technologies for increasing productivity
and profitability.
After that most of the farmers in rural arrears can get the service of this Proposed Information
System 9 More User Attraction: We can include current market price of the products of this
Information System we can give more analytical details using bar charts, line charts, and tables
dynamically online.
Book Reference
Book Reference
Web References