State of The World

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The State of the World

Hi everyone. I am XXXXX, if you don't know me, I am a long-time poster here on TL. I've recently been
posting less here out of frustration, but I decided to come and make another thread on a topic I feel is
very important.

You may remember my posts about Covid19 in mid february, including this one: [link removed to protect
my identity]

In these threads I brought up the idea of not trusting authority to take care of you, which led to the thread
being closed. I think it's clear now that my warning was accurate, and that in many countries' authorities
have done a horrible job of taking care of their citizens...

Anyways, the point of this post is to open up discussion about the future of human society. Many people
are stuck at home, and this moment in time has great potential to spur a mass awakening. People need
to slow down for a minute. Stop with all the time-fillers. Stop with the distractions. Let's take a little time to
examine the big picture of the world we live in.

I believe that humanity is in considerable danger. Societies all around the world have grown too passive,
too complacent, too fearful, and too self-centered. Let's have a discussion about the state of the world
and where humanity is going. Please keep in mind that I am coming from a perspective of someone who
lives in the U.S., so not everything I say will hold true for people all around the world (but most of it
probably will).

Please note that I am going to make claims. Not every claim will be backed by sources. Some will be
statements of fact. Some will be statements of opinion. Every statement is up for debate and discussion,
sourced or not. I simply do not have the time to source every single statement I make, it's also not
possible because many statements won't have sources since they are a conglomeration of observations.
It's the ensuing discussion and debate that is important anyways. Hold my contentious statements
accountable, and I will do the same for you.

Government and Policy:

Governments not representing the will of the people is not a new phenomenon. However, our government
is the biggest it has ever been, and political decision-making is the most removed from the common man
that it has ever been during the history of the U.S. General public sentiment almost never outweighs
corporate interest. Policymakers have developed a deeply embedded symbiotic relationship with the
wealthy and influential. Why do you think it is that wealth disparity has gotten so incredibly huge? It
should be the job of the policymakers to stop that from happen, and to coax the economy into
redistributing wealth. Instead, they are funneling even more to the top. Literally right now. They are
financially crushing the general populace. Do you not know what I am talking about? Bring it up, I'll be
glad to discuss it.

Corporations and Globalism:

Governments now represent corporations. But only the big ones. Policy is shaped around them. There is
a paradigm shift happening, government is interacting less with the people and more with corporations.
Large corporations now seem to have much more rights than individuals. The focus is always the
economy, not common good. The argument is that common good stems from the economy, but this is just
false. It's a lie. The free market is dying. Big corporations get a free ride.
Banks and Financial Policy:
And so, that is a perfect statement on which to segue into this section. For any economic experts out
there, please feel free to correct any of the following if it is inaccurate.
I am going to give a very brief rundown of the state of the U.S. economy. The U.S. economy uses fiat
money. Fiat means that its value is simply the result of government decree. It's not actually backed by
anything real. Our money is not backed by gold, if you thought it was. Our money is commonly referred to
as the "petro-dollar". It is called this because for many decades now, the world has run on oil. And, the
U.S. has made deals with oil producing countries, where we get access to the oil and they get paid in our
dollars. Since these countries provide the world with oil, it ensures that other countries around the world
must also use the petro-dollar. This ensures that the dollar, our fiat money, is given respect around the

The federal reserve controls financial policy. As one of its powers, it can direct the treasury to create more
fiat money. Typically, it disburses this money by loaning it to banks. This includes not only U.S. banks, but
the banks of other countries as well. This money is lent, with interest. These banks in turn lend that
money out to people, businesses, etc. Again, it's lent with interest.

Think about that for a second. Think about what I am saying. Every time the fed creates money, it is
adding debt to the economy. And guess who takes on the most debt? It is the people at the lowest point
of the disbursement - it's us. Our economic system is one of financial debt. And the reality is, the growth
of this debt is extreme due to the rampant use of the fractional banking paradigm.

Most people are in debt. This is why. And, it's intentional. It's not unreasonable to say that this is a form of
financial slavery. It's why, despite humanity being the most capable it's ever been, the wealth disparity
throughout the world is horrendous.

And, if only people knew what was going on right now financially... but more on that later.

The Media:
In the U.S., mainstream media is owned by 6 companies. See the infographics here:

There is no free press anymore. Whistleblowers are prosecuted. Look at Julian Assange. Political views
aside, he never did anything illegal. He simply didn't. Now he's in prison, and they are treating him

The U.S. government officially made propaganda against it's own citizens legal in 2017, not that they
weren't already doing it:

You can read through the actual bill here:

Basically it says that they need to counter foreign propaganda by disseminating their own propaganda.
Furthermore, if they deem that a message being sent out is foreign propaganda, they can remove that
message. You don't get to decide - they do.

Technological Advancement:
I am going to move on to something a little bit different here. I want to talk about the technology that
exists in the world, and where we are headed with technology.
If we go back 150 years, just outside of the life span of the oldest people on earth, electricity was not yet
invented. It was invented in 1879.

World Wars led to a faster rise in technology, especially with machines of war.
In the second half of the 20th century flying became commonplace and the world started to become much
more globalized.

The late 20th century started seeing rapid advancements. PCs, microchips, internet, wifi, satellites, GPS,
smart phones, the LHC...

More recently we have moved into unbelievable advancements in nanotechnology.. AI, even smaller
microchips, quantum computing. Technology is advancing faster and faster. But is it advancing too fast?

Let's look at the state of the world for a second. 30 years ago, you could go into the city and there was no
wifi. Now, you can go to any city just about anywhere and be able to connect to tons of different wifi
signals. The amount of EMF being blasted out is incredible. It's potentially dangerous. It's not like we've
done studies on the affects of being bombarded by dozens of waves at various frequencies for years and
years and years 24/7.

But now we are adding in 5G. And... it's not safe. And many people are keen to the fact that it's not safe.
There's been legal battles going on all over the world for the last decade or so. Do the research yourself -
there's two sides. One side has put together scientific report and expert opinions backed by research. The
other side has put together.... almost nothing. in the U.S., the latter side is the FCC. They are not doing
studies on 5G. Even though the evidence points at it being unsafe, potentially incredibly unsafe, they are
not even going to do studies on it. They are just going to start putting it up everywhere and consequences
be damned. Not only that, but those silly sub 10ghz frequencies are too mild for them. Despite initially
saying they wouldn't, and despite research showing it's incredibly dangerous, the FCC is going to let
telecoms use mm wave frequencies. Why, why are they doing this?

And here is the kicker - when I say they are going to start putting it up everywhere, I mean everywhere.
There is a strong push to cover the globe in 5G transmitters. And when I say cover the globe, I mean
cover the globe. They want them every couple hundred meters. They plan on literally installing hundreds
of thousands or even millions of these things all around the earth. This isn't theory, this is fact. Actually, if
you look into it, they are putting them up all over the place right now, as you are reading this. Yep, that's
right - people are quarantined in their home but construction of 5G apparatuses are apparently so
essential that construction crews must keep putting them up during a pandemic. No one can protest or
complain during the pandemic, right? That is, if they even know what is going on.

And then we have spacex and starlink. Did you know that there is currently a ring of starlink satellites in
low orbit around the earth? Did you know that spacex is working on (and will soon succeed in) placing
satellites at every point around the globe in space?
As of 18 March 2020, SpaceX has launched 362 Starlink satellites. They plan to launch 60 more per Falcon 9 flight, with launches
as often as every two weeks in 2020. In total, nearly 12,000 satellites are planned to be deployed, with a possible later extension to

On one hand, it's pretty cool right? But on the other hand, aren't things moving a little fast...? Doesn't this
put an extreme amount of power into the hands of the few?

3 letter organizations:
I just wanted to take a minute to talk about the existence of some of these 3 letter organizations. I am
going to talk about the CIA for a minute, but I think a lot of what I say could be applied to other
organizations as well.

What is the CIA? What does the CIA do? They officially employ tens of thousands of people. They likely
have tens of thousands of "assets" as well. It's existed for decades.

I just want to pose some questions: who has oversight over the CIA? Who holds the moves of the CIA
accountable? Are there limits to what can be kept secret under the guise of national security? If so, how
can the reaching of those limits be determined?

Perhaps you have heard that the CIA has been credibly tied to the distribution of narcotics on a grand
scale. Perhaps you've heard rumors that the CIA uses pedophilia as a means of control. If you haven't
maybe it could be worth researching. Might I suggest using instead

Freedom of information, Censorship, Transparency:

The last topic ties into this one perfectly. How are we supposed to know about moves that our
government makes when they deem that it is secret? FOIA requests have no guarantee to work, they
often take forever and on many topics the requests simply are not granted.

Censorship is also becoming a problem. Journalists are told what they can and can't talk about. Search
engines like google are heavily censored. Social media platforms are heavily censored.

"Debunking" and "Fact Checking" sites are commonplace. But do they really do their due diligence? And
who owns them? How much information do they actually provide? Be wary of these sites, use
discernment and critical thinking and don't be lazy about assessing the truth. You'll find that these sites
rarely address crucial questions in a thorough and candid way.

There is no transparency, and there is no accountability. The government says one thing and then does
another, just look at the response to covid19...

The Covid19 Response:

In my original thread about covid19 I warned people not to trust authorities to take care of them. What do
you think now? Do you think your country responded well? I can tell you that I think the U.S. response is
so poor that it seems that they intentionally have done a bad job.

Why is it that I knew to warn people about the virus in early February, but the U.S. government took no
action? They did take some action. They took patients with covid19 from the cruise ships and let them go
wherever they want. They also kept states from doing their own tests.

They then very slowly (much slower than they claimed) started testing. Incredibly slowly. Like, snails'
pace. Then they started disbursing the tests to the states. But guess what, the tests were faulty! So, they
wouldn't let the states test(why?????), and then their own tests were completely worthless.

'It is unclear why quality control did not detect this issue': Early CDC tests couldn't distinguish between the coronavirus and water
And then there was a whistleblower talking about potential contamination....

Here is a disturbing fact: You know how in the U.S, the outbreak kind of started in Washington first? The
reason for that is that one of the doctors decided to take it upon themselves to go against federal and
CDC policy and begin to do testing on their own. If they hadn't done that, how much further behind would
we have ended up?

But now I want to move on to what is currently happening. The current response. In the U.S., for most
people, it's 30+ days of shutdown. Bill Gates is calling for 6-10 weeks of shutdown. Why? What the hell?

As you can see from the covid19 post I made back in mid February, I take the virus very seriously. But
this response doesn't make sense. The danger here is incredible. This is the most power most of our
governments have ever wielded, and it's happening all around the world all at the same time.

You know what would have made sense? Using masks. China response legally required that all people
wear masks. They're wearing masks in South Korea, and SK is handling the virus so much better than the
west. In fact, most Asian countries are using masks for most or all of their population. And, most Asian
countries are seeing much better outcomes in the face of this virus.

But what does the CDC say? They say that masks don't help. Don't wear masks. They shame people who
use masks. Masks are for healthcare workers. Donate the masks that you bought to the hospitals, the
hospitals that put people in debt for years for any medical procedure, the hospitals where everything is for
profit and the treatment is often worse than the disease. Why aren't the hospitals paying for the masks.
Why aren't the hospitals and the government being held accountable for a lack of masks?. Why did
we wait 3 months to invoke the Defense Production Act? Where are the masks?

We don't need to quarantine everyone in their homes for weeks and weeks. We need to produce masks,
we need to have everyone wear masks, and we need to get back to work. The economic fallout from this
is going to be so much worse than the virus itself.

I'd like you all to watch this video. Listen closely to what they say:

Even though we are already quarantined, off the streets, they want to go into the homes and look at the
families and check which people are sick and then move those people out of the home. Are you fucking
kidding me? If they are already quarantined, why would they need to be removed from the home?
Shouldn't that be a family choice? Furthermore, what does it even do? We already know that if they have
it, the rest of the family is likely to have it. Where are they removing them to? Why would any country
spend time and resources doing this? Please see how dangerous what he is saying is..

What does the future hold?

Here is where things are going to get a bit wild for people. I am going to be honest, there is a lot of
strange stuff going on. Strange stuff all around the world, strange stuff with this virus. I'd be glad to speak
about some of that strange (and disturbing...) stuff later, but at this moment I am just going to focus on
one thing: the NWO and ID2020.

Please keep in mind that the following are not theories. These are facts. They can't be debated. We can
debate intentions, but if you call these theories then, well, you're burying your head in the sand and you
are wrong. They flat out tell us what they are doing.

NWO: The NWO stands for the "New World Order". I imagine you've heard of the idea. Well, we've had
various politicians and figures telling us about the goal of creating a NWO for decades. It's not a secret.
They tell us to our face, as they do with many things which people then ignore. Even a small amount of
research should net you proof of prominent figures talking about the eventuality of the new world order.

Well, that goal has not gone away. In fact, it's being fast-tracked. The goal of the NWO is one economy,
one currency, one government. The plan is a digital currency, mapped to our personal biometrics.
They've been going on and on about chips for years, and I think that's the goal. There will be some sort of
chip, and it will contain data about who you are. It will contain everything... what you do, your health, your
finances, criminality status, marketing information... it will track everything. It will be connected to the 5G
grid. Everyone will be connected to the grid at all times, because the grid will be everywhere.

Again, this isn't theory. Prominent figures involved have talked about these concepts openly.
Organizations such as the World Economic Forum have made all of this their mission. You can find their
website here:

Why not look around the website for a while, and see if what I am saying is bullshit or not. Could I
recommend the "platforms" section:

Please don't be lazy. Do your due diligence and you will see that the things I am saying are true.

Some of you are probably thinking "Okay XXXX, big deal, any organization can say they are trying to do
some sort of thing. It doesn't mean it's actually realistic for them to do it.".

Well, I will reply to that by simply listing who support this movement. Actually, there's so many of the most
powerful organizations that it's too many to list. So, I will link you to them:

Please look through the organizations listed here and tell me they don't represent the majority of the most
wealthy and influential organizations in the world. Now let's talk about ID2020.

So what is ID2020? To put it simply, it's the movement towards the digital ID I was talking about. Go
ahead and look through it. A lot of it is pretty vague. But I'll cut the bullshit. What they want to do is make
sure everyone in the world has this digital ID, as I mentioned before. It will be connected to 5G. It will
coincide with the movement towards digital currency.

A clear and present danger:

The economy is currently being intentionally collapsed. The markets are propped up with debt on top of
debt on top of debt. When covid19 started collapsing the markets, the fed started loaning out money to
banks and corporations, with hilariously low interest rates. These organizations in turn buy up market
assets at low prices. The fed is pumping out more and more money, adding to the debt at an insane rate.
It cannot last, confidence in the dollar is waning. Combined with the fact that the supply chain is being
slowed and, in some cases halted, we are entering an incredibly dangerous period in the world economy.
It will not be long until people realize their money is losing value as a result of people losing confidence in
the currency.
In the meantime, the federal government is giving out dinky checks to citizens (did I mention the original
stimulus package wanted to distribute this money as digital currency?). So common people get dinky
checks, and corporations get billion-dollar loans. Guess what they are doing with those loans? They are
buying assets! They are buying property. They are going to buy up everything. And even if there are
some weak protections right now, they know that soon people will be defaulting on mortgages. And they
will buy them up. And the people will have even less, and the wealthy will have even more. And it's

I think things are going to get really, really bad. People need to wake up. People need to focus on the
truth, and on trying to help each other... we need to worry less about our own comfort. We need to worry
about freedom. We need to get our shit in check.

I think we are running out of time. I think people may need to stand up and take action soon. Times are
about to get horrible, and we can't just passively let it happen to us. Please, take this time in isolation to
educate yourself on the state of the world and what those with the most power and wealth are trying to

I think this is a real concern and I want to help? What can I do?
People need to let go of their fear. Let go of their complacency. We need people to realize that the reality
of what may happen is so much worse than sitting by idly because of fear. We need to educate those who
know nothing about this on the reality. We need to spread the truth. We need people to wake up.

I am hardly the only person that knows about this, by the way. But those who know don't have access to
the mainstream paths of information dissemination. Furthermore, the general public has been heavily
programmed to automatically dismiss views that are not mainstream. There's plenty of people out there
who talk about it.. you just have to know where to look.

We need to get mad. We need to stand up for ourselves. We need to have open discussions within our
communities. We need to be honest and caring with each other.

We need to opt out of the systems they are trying to create. We need to make sacrifices. We need to let
go of comfort so that we can create a better world. We need to band together and say no. And eventually,
we may need to fight.

I have some fear, and some sadness. It's because I know this is real, I know that what I am saying is true.
And it might not all happen over the next year, but it is soon. We are running out of time. Please, give this
serious weight and please start investigating.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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