Migrating Towards Microservices: Migration and Architecture Smells
Migrating Towards Microservices: Migration and Architecture Smells
Migrating Towards Microservices: Migration and Architecture Smells
Andrés Carrasco Brent van Bladel Serge Demeyer
University of Antwerp University of Antwerp University of Antwerp
Antwerp, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium
andres.carrasco@student.uantwerpen.be brent.vanbladel@uantwerpen.be serge.demeyer@uantwerpen.be
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ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5974-0/18/09. . . $15.00 architecture smells.
IwoR ’18, September 4, 2018, Montpellier, France Andrés Carrasco, Brent van Bladel, and Serge Demeyer
The microservices architecture is a new architectural style for Table 1: Search Results
developing an application in independently and automatically de-
ploying services [23]. As such, development teams wishing to adopt Academic Literature Grey Literature
this new architecture must migrate their existing systems. In order refactoring microservices 24 16
migrating microservices 10 8
to investigate the migration process towards microservices, Taibi et
Total 34 24
al. surveyed 21 practitioners who adopted the microservices archi-
tecture [56]. This survey had the goal of determining the reason for
the migration and the issues presented in the process. The reason processes could help individuals avoid or fix bad smells in
reported for the migration was driven by technical motivations, their design.
such as reduced maintenance, and scalability. Whereas the main • Approach - From the gathered publications, common best
issues included: the requirement of experienced developers for the practices and pitfall solutions could be extracted and ex-
inherent complexity in the architectural style, economical burden trapolated. These findings are presented as potential so-
due to the required effort for adopting microservices, and the re- lutions for the architectural and migration bad smells de-
sistance of older developers and architects to new technologies. tected in RQ1.
This showed experts the need for migration patterns with the goal
of aiding the migration towards microservices. Taibi et al. subse- 4 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
quently conducted a systematic mapping study for gathering a The sources are gathered using two search engines, namely Google
catalog of principles and patterns for microservices [57]. However, Scholar and Google. Google Scholar allows the searching of aca-
their focus was on gathering architectural patterns for compos- demic literature by search terms, whereas the Google engine allows
ing a catalog, rather than identifying the potential pitfalls when the searching of grey literature on the Internet. All activities re-
migrating towards microservices. garding the search are performed in a portable version of Firefox.
To aid practitioners in identifying the potential pitfalls, Taibi This ensures the traceability of our findings through its browsing
and Lenarduzzi defined 11 bad smells related to the microservices history. Moreover, all found Internet sources are downloaded and
architecture [55]. These smells were identified by analyzing 265 persisted in HTML and PNG formats, alongside an entry in a Bibtex
bad practices experienced by 72 practitioners. However, their inves- database. Each source is tagged with the search terms utilized to
tigation does not include the advice from the state-of-the-art, only find the source, as well as the type of literature.
from practitioners. Garousi et al. raised the need for including both In each of the search engines, the following search terms are
state-of-the-art and -practice sources when performing research utilized for finding relevant literature: refactoring microservices and
in Software Engineering. When focusing exclusively on research migrating microservices. In Google Scholar, the results of both search
contributions an established body of knowledge is removed [25]. terms are investigated incrementally by time of publication starting
Therefore, a literature survey of best practices for microservices, from 2014 after the term was defined in the grey literature by Fowler
including both academic and grey literature is needed for identi- and Lewis [23]. Each of the search results were investigated and
fying more potential pitfalls and their solutions. In this work, we then discriminated by their relevancy through the abstract. Next,
perform such a literature survey. for searching grey literature in the Google engine, relevant entries
are typically within the first few result pages. Therefore, we stop our
3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS search whenever the results fail to include lessons learned or best
practices. Lastly, our search was performed at the end of April 2018,
RQ1) What architecture and migration bad smells are present in
any literature published after that date has not been considered.
Our search yielded in total 58 relevant sources; 34 (58, 62%)
• Motivation - Identifying the bad smells in the microser-
academic publications and 24 (41, 37%) grey literature sources.
vices architecture and migration processes would allow
When searching for refactoring microservices we found 24 academic
individuals to make better decisions when taking apart
sources and 16 from the grey literature. Moreover, when searching
their monolithic applications, aiding their refactoring ef-
for migrating microservices we found 10 academic sources and 8
from the grey literature. In Table 1 our findings are summarized by
• Approach - Gathering publications from the Academia and
search term and source. Finally, the smells in the following section
grey literature explaining their lessons learned while refac-
were extrapolated from all the relevant sources.
toring monoliths into microservices, allows us to extract
and extrapolate common pitfalls. Moreover, the inclusion
or exclusion of literature is decided by its contribution to
the general proper architectural and migration practices 5.1 Single Layer Teams
for microservices. Finally, this knowledge is consolidated Description: Conway’s Law states that a system’s design structure
in the form of architectural and migration bad smells. is a mirror of the organization communication’s structure that
designs the system [15]. If a team is divided by layers, e.g. a team
RQ2) How can architecture and migration bad smells in microser- for UI, Application Logic, and Database, simple changes can require
vices be avoided? time and effort to approve between the teams. Therefore, a team
• Motivation - Identifying potential solutions to the bad may introduce logic in whatever layer the have access to. Although
smells in the microservices architecture and migration this smell is not unique to microservices, its existence may be
Migrating towards Microservices: Migration and Architecture Smells IwoR ’18, September 4, 2018, Montpellier, France
more pronounced in them. Each service ought to be completely Academic Sources: [4–6, 8, 10, 11, 18, 19, 34, 36, 43, 47, 57, 58, 61,
independent from the others, however, teams might be tempted 62]
to cram their responsibilities on a larger service and make other Grey Literature Sources: [7, 13, 21, 35, 39, 45, 49]
services dependent to simplify their work. This goes against the
independence of microservices and therefore should be avoided.
5.4 Dismiss Documentation
Solution: Split up cross-functional teams by service. Each team
should be composed of the different skills required for the full Description: Documenting any application is generally a good
development of the service. This ensures the independence of each idea. However, this task is often overlooked or not maintained
team and consequently the service. However, coordination between at all, leading to inconsistent and outdated documentation. This
the development teams cannot be ignored. smell is valid for any software system, however, in microservices
documenting the exposed API is particularly important. With the
Academic Sources: [1, 5, 9–11, 19, 36, 37, 43, 47] increased number of independent services, the overview of the sys-
Grey Literature Sources: [2, 23, 26, 32, 35] tem can be easily lost. Moreover, when implementing microservices
with multiple teams the cooperation could be hindered without
proper documentation.
5.2 Greedy Service Container Solution: Utilize API in-code documentation frameworks, such as
Description: DevOps practices align with the goals of microser- Swagger, when possible. Otherwise ensure each team is responsible
vices [5]. For instance, Continuous Delivery allows the automated in maintaining a published API for their service.
deployment of a software system on-demand. This automation is
considered to be essential for microservices, especially when con- Academic Sources: [4, 19, 20, 43]
sidering a highly-scalable system. Containerization reduces the Grey Literature Sources: [7, 35, 52, 61]
time to deployment, therefore, it is considered as one of the main
enablers for the microservices architectural style. Not using them
adds a whole new level of complexity to the management and or- 5.5 Grinding Dusty or Coarse Services
chestration of the application. However, they still require time for Description: A monolith must be broken down into services, for
their setup. A team looking to cut corners might define a container this the proper granularity must be determined. This depends on
for all the application to simplify the setup. However, this makes the what the application actually is doing and the wrong granularity
container heavier and removes the independence of the services. can have profound side-effects. If you have a too coarse granularity
the benefits of microservices might actually not be worth it, while
Solution: Use containers per service. This allows the reduction having a too fine granularity might introduce performance issues
of the time to deployment, as well as the automation of resource due to network latency or other problems.
allocation. Moreover, having a container per service aids the scala-
bility of the system, as they can be easily automated for replication. Solution: The services to be extracted from the monolith can be de-
Even though other approaches exist, such as full virtualization with termined with Domain-Driven Design techniques, such as Bounded
an image, they are generally slow to create and time consuming. Context [43, 59]. Bounded Context presents a good initial approach
Therefore, the general consensus is to utilize containers in the for defining service granularity. However, the resulting granularity
microservices architecture. might not be the appropriate for all applications throughout their
evolution. Therefore, microservices must be continuously moni-
Academic Sources: [4–6, 8, 10–12, 18–20, 27, 28, 34, 36, 38, 43, 46, tored and potentially merging or splitting them if it would aid the
47, 51, 56–58, 61] overall performance of a system.
Grey Literature Sources: [7, 14, 16, 30–32, 35, 39, 41, 54]
Academic Sources: [27, 33, 40, 42, 43]
Grey Literature Sources: [17, 22, 23, 29, 45]
5.3 Single DevOps Toolchain
Description: Microservices architecture require DevOps toolchains,
such as continuous delivery, continuous integration, monitoring,
and orchestration. Typically a monolith is split up into multiple ser- 6.1 Thinking Microservices Are a Silver Bullet
vices, for which DevOps toolchains must be independently created. Description: However promising microservices seem to be, their
However, a time-pressured team might try cut corners and define advantages come with many inherent complexities and challenges
the same pipeline for all microservices. This would remove the at possibly a high cost. Therefore, this architectural style might not
autonomy of the service and remove most if not all of the benefits be worthwhile for many applications.
of the architectural style.
Solution: The potential benefits and downfalls of adopting mi-
Solution: Have a separate autonomous pipeline for each of the croservices must be thoroughly analyzed. Moreover, alternative
microservices. This means having the complete DevOps toolchain solutions without microservices should also be drafted. All potential
per service, allowing it to be autonomously scaled, monitored, de- solutions are then to be compared. The decision of proceeding with
veloped, etc., from other services. the migration, can be taken if after the analysis the microservices
IwoR ’18, September 4, 2018, Montpellier, France Andrés Carrasco, Brent van Bladel, and Serge Demeyer
architecture still seems to be the best solution. However, many is- 6.4 Forgetting about the CAP Theorem
sues and pitfalls may arise in the process. Therefore, the migration Description: Brewer’s CAP Theorem states that a distributed data
process must be planned with great care. Otherwise, the benefits store cannot simultaneously provide more than two of the follow-
of microservices can be outweighed by the unexpected costs of ing guarantees: Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance.
mistakes. Due to the nature of microservices, the trade-off scale is tipped
Academic Sources: [5, 6, 11, 20, 36, 43, 56] towards Availability and Partition tolerance, i.e. we have eventual
Grey Literature Sources: [30, 60] consistency.
Migrating towards Microservices: Migration and Architecture Smells IwoR ’18, September 4, 2018, Montpellier, France
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