Books of Ahadith
Books of Ahadith
Books of Ahadith
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الرحمن الرحيم
ِ بِسم هللا
والصالة والسالم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين،الحمد هلل رب العالمين
There are two main sources of Islamic Sharia, Quran and Sunnah. Quran is the word of
God, while the Hadith is its translation into pragmatic terms, as exemplified by Prophet
Mohammad ()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم. These two sources are interrelated because it is not
possible to understand Qur’an without reference to Ahadith; and it is not possible to
explain a Hadith without relating it to Qur’an. The words 'Sunnah' and 'Hadith' are
synonymous. Sunnah means 'the way' or conduct of life'. It refers to statements, acts,
approvals and character descriptions attributed to Prophet Mohammad ( صلى هللا عليه و آله
During the life of Prophet Mohammad ()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم, the emphasis was more on
recording, memorizing and preserving Quran. However, some Sahabah used to write
whatever the Prophet ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمsaid or did in their presence. It is reported
that 1,060 Sahabah have narrated Ahadith from the Prophet ()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم.
After the death of Prophet Muhammad ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمSahabah shared and
collected Ahadith. This continued for a few decades. Later, within the first two
centuries, Hadith scholars conducted a thorough review of these Ahadith, tracing the
origins of each Hadith along with the chain of narrators through whom the Hadith was
related. The Ahadith which were verifiable were deemed authentic (Sahih) and other
were either considered as weak or in some cases, concocted.
During the time of Companions ( )رضئ هللا تعالی عنہم اجمعينand their Successors ()تابعين,
Islam spread to a large area in the world. It was this time when it became necessary to
record Ahadith in a systematic way. During the era of the 'Successors of the successors'
()تبه تابعين, Ahadith were systematically collected and written in a text format. The first
such book was compiled by Imam Malik bin Anas ( )رضئ هللا تعالی عنہtitled 'Muatta' ()موطأ.
The period that followed, witnessed critical research by Hadith scholars. Ahadith were
compiled systematically and were grouped under various headings. The history of
collection of Ahadith can be summed up as follows.
(i) First period (1st century AH) was the age of companions and their
successor. This is known as the age of 'Saheefah' ()صحيفه, like the
collections of Hadhrat Abu Bakr, Abu Huraira ( )رضئ هللا تعالی عنہماand
others. Among the well known manuscripts of Hadith collections of the
first century Hijri are as follows.
(ii) The second period covers middle of second century AH that witnessed
planned compilation of Ahadith, like Imam Malik ()رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ
compilation titled 'Muatta' ()موطأ.
(iii) The third stage began towards the end of second century AH, in
which classified and organized work on Ahadith was carried out, like
Musnad of Imam Ahmad ()رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ.
(iv) The fourth and most important period is known as 'the period of
Sahih'. It began at the beginning of third century AH, in which books like
Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim and others were compiled.
One of the common accusations made by non-Muslims against Islamic sciences and the
study of Hadith is that there is no way of verifying the Hadith and that they should not
be used as a source of Fiqh. This argument is based on a very rudimentary and flawed
understanding of how the Ahadith were collected and the incredible care and effort
Hadith scholars ( )محدثينhave taken in verifying their authenticity.
Hadhrat Umar ( )رضئ هللا تعالی عنهused to judge the narration of every claimant of the
tradition on the basis of the 'Principle of testimony.' Meaning, he would accept it only if
two men, or one man and two women, would narrate the same thing. Hadhrat Ali ( رضئ
)هللا تعالی عنهused to ask the narration on oath and considered oath as one witness. All
authentic Ahadith have been collected and published by our Imams of Ahadith in
voluminous books. Every single Hadith has been investigated and it is clearly written
the type of Hadith it is. In the encyclopedia of narrators, particulars and circumstances
are investigated. All these books are elucidated and are pure from weak Ahadith. We
are grateful and indebted to our Hadith scholars for their unparalleled work in the
history of mankind. With the monumental work of our Hadith scholars, we are able to
know what words and actions can truly be attributed to Prophet Muhammad ( صلى هللا
)عليه و آله وسلمeven after 1400 years of his life.
Hadith is composed of three parts, viz., (i) Text ()متن, (ii) Chain of narrators ()اسناد
and (iii) 'Object' ( )طرف- the text of the Hadith that refers to Prophet's ( صلى هللا عليه و آله
)وسلمsaying, action, or concurrence of others' action.
)عليه و آله وسلم. Also Ahadith that are arranged in alphabetical
order as per Sahaba names as narrators, are also included in
this category.
(b) Infrequent (Ahaad - )اَحادA Hadith which is narrated by
people whose number does not reach to the state of
'Perpetual Narration' (ث متواتر
ِ )حدي.
(iv) As regards to the nature of text and the chain of narration, there are 2
types of Ahadith, as follows.
(b) Good (Hassan - )حسنA Hadith whose source is known
and the reporters are unambiguous.
(ii) Ajza ()اجزا
(vii) Mu’jam ()معجم
Mustadrak are those books that are written in continuation to the Ahadith
books that were written by Hadith scholars earlier. This happens when
Ahadith that conform to the criteria of an earlier work were missed in the
earlier work. Mustadrak al-Hakim is an example in this context. It is said
that Mustadrak al-Hakim ( )المستدرك على الصحيحين للحاكمcontains Ahadith that
conform to the criteria of Bukhari and Muslim.
The famous six major collections of Ahadith, 'Al-Kutub al-Sitta' ( )الكتب الستهare (i) Sahih
al-Bukhari ()صحيح البخاري, (ii) Sahih Muslim ()صحيح مسلم, (iii) Sunan an-Nasa'i ( سنن
)النسائي, (iv) Sunan Abi Dawud ()سنن أبي داود, (v) Jami at-Tirmidhi ()جامع الترمذي, (vi) Sunan
Ibn Majah ()سنن ابن ماجه.
Three more Ahadith books, after the above six major collections are (vii) Al-Muwatta
Imam Malik ()امام مالك الموطأ, (viii) Musnad Imam Ahmad ()مسند امام احمد, and (ix) Sunan al-
Darimi ( )سنن الدارميor Musnad al-Darimi ()مسند الدارمي.
Some other important books of Ahadith are (i) Adab al-Mufrad, (ii) Mishkat al-
Masabih, (iii) Sunan al-Kubra al-Bayhaqi, (iv) Sunan ad-Daraqutni, (v) Musannaf of
Abdur Razzaq, (vi) Musannaf Ibn Jurayi, (vii) Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, (viii)
Musannaf Ibn Khuzaymah, (ix) Sahih Ibn Hibban, (x) Mustadrak Al-Hakim, (xi) Mujma
az-Zawa'id, (xii) Sahifah Hammam Ibn Munabbih, (xiii) Al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer, (xiv)
Bulugh al-Maram, (xv) Talkhis al-Mustadrak, (xvi) Tahdhib al-Athar, (xvii) Kitaab-ul-
Aathaar, (xviii) At-Tareeq al-Islam Musnad Imam-ul-Azam, (xix) Musnad al-Shafi'i, (xx)
Musnad al-Siraj, (xxi) Musnad al-Firdous, (xxii) Musnad Abu Ya'la, (xxiii) Musnad al-
Tayalisi, (xxiv) Musnad Abu Awaanah, (xxv) Sunan Sa'id Ibn Mansur, (xxvi) Kanz-ul-
Ummal ()كنز العمال, etc.