A Comparative Study of Multicore Planar Transformers On Printed Circuit Boards
A Comparative Study of Multicore Planar Transformers On Printed Circuit Boards
A Comparative Study of Multicore Planar Transformers On Printed Circuit Boards
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Research Article
Lew Andrew R. Tria1,2 , Kazi Saiful Alam1, Daming Zhang1, John E. Fletcher1
1School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia
2Electricaland Electronics Engineering Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines
E-mail: lew.tria@unsw.edu.au
Abstract: Three potential options to implement multicore planar transformers using a printed circuit board as windings are
presented. The first option utilises a distributed transformer configuration where smaller transformer elements with separate
cores are interconnected to function as a single transformer. The second option has a lumped core configuration which uses
multiple cores arranged to function as a monolithic core while the third is a hybrid of the first two configurations. The three
transformers were designed for a 400/40 V, 1 kW, DC–DC converter application at a switching frequency of 100 kHz. The
electrical and thermal characteristics of the three configurations are compared using finite-element analysis of the
electromagnetic fields. The simulation results are also validated by measuring the electrical characteristics of transformers
fabricated in the three configurations. The electrical and thermal characteristics of the transformers are also verified in a power
converter system. Results of the comparison show that the distributed core configuration gave the best thermal characteristic
while the lumped core configuration has the least winding losses.
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© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017
Fig. 1 Multicore transformer configurations. All configurations are composed of four identical planar cores. Windings utilise copper conductors on PCB
(a) Matrix transformer, (b) Lumped core, (c) Hybrid lumped–matrix transformer
Fig. 2 M × N matrix transformer representation. Each transformer element has a turns ratio of ne
ki = (6)
2 β + 1π α − 1 0.2761 + (1.7061/α + 1.354)
V pe
Npe, min = (7)
4 f AeBm
Fig. 3 Transformer element design flowchart The winding resistance is computed using (9) where ρ is the
resistivity of copper at 25°C (1.724 × 10−8 Ωm), lT, is the mean
2.3 Hybrid matrix–lumped configuration turn length of the core in metres, Nt, is the number of turns per
The transformer is composed of elements arranged as a matrix layer, Nls is the number of series connected layers, and Npar is the
transformer. However, each element is composed of lumped cores. number of parallel connected layers
This configuration is illustrated in Fig. 1c.
Rdc = Nt ∗ Nls ∗ , Ω (9)
3 Planar PCB transformer design and model hpcb ∗ w ∗ Npar
3.1 Transformer element design The transformers were designed for a 400–40 V, 1 kW full-bridge
The design procedure is summarised in Fig. 3. Design inputs converter application, with a maximum temperature rise of 80°C
include the rated primary voltage, Vpe, rated current, Ipe, turns from ambient temperature of 25°C. Designed operating frequency
ratio, ne, operating frequency, f, and maximum allowable is 100 kHz. Planar E-cores from Ferroxcube, using 3F3 material
and E43/10/28 were utilised [14]. Core dimensions are shown in
temperature rise, ΔTmax. Fixed design includes minimum track
Fig. 4. The transformers are assumed to have two windings: a
width, wmin, space between tracks, sw, space between boards, hs, primary and secondary. For the transformer windings, double-sided
and PCB thickness, hpcb. The process begins with the calculation of PCBs, with a substrate thickness of 1.6 and 0.035 mm (1 oz.) thick
maximum flux density for a required temperature rise for each core copper, were used. Other design inputs include: wmin = 1 mm, hs =
size in the database. A manufacturer offers an empirical 0.8 mm, and sw = 0.5 mm. PCBs are separated by 0.8 mm thick
relationship between maximum temperature rise, ΔTmax, and core washers together with nuts and bolts which act as interconnection
volume, Vc, for their planar E cores, given by the following between board layers.
equation [12]: From among all possible four-core element designs for each
configuration, designs with the same core loss and DC winding
12ΔT loss estimate are found. Estimated core loss is 3.9W and DC
Pc = , mW/cm3 (4)
V c cm3 resistance is 1.1 Ω for each of the configurations. The parameters
of the transformer elements for each configuration are detailed in
Given a maximum temperature rise, maximum flux induction, Table 1. Fig. 5 shows the fabricated transformers. For the matrix
Bm is derived from the computed core loss in (4) and the improved configuration, the dimension is 2 × 2 where each transformer
generalised Steinmetz equation for square voltage waveforms [13] element is composed of a single core. For the hybrid configuration,
in (5) and (6), where K, α and β are derived from curve fitting of the dimension is 1 × 2 where the transformer element is composed
manufacturer-supplied loss curves, for instance in [14], and f is the of two magnetic cores. The winding arrangements for transformer
fundamental frequency, in hertz elements are shown in Fig. 6. Moreover, the windings for all three
1454 IET Power Electron., 2017, Vol. 10 Iss. 12, pp. 1452-1460
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017
configurations are arranged such that no interleaving was required. interleaving will require interconnections between layers such as
This ensures a fair comparison since interleaving has an effect on vias and external conductors which may increase the winding
the winding characteristics. For instance, interleaving has been losses.
shown to reduce leakage inductance and winding losses in PCB There are fewer and shorter turns for the lumped core because
transformers in [17] due to reduced proximity effects. Interwinding of the smaller mean turn length of stacked cores. In addition, single
capacitance is increased and self-capacitance reduced because of turn winding is possible with the increased area of the combined
the rearrangement of overlapping conductors. In addition, cores. It also has the smallest footprint (165 mm × 35 mm) with the
least number of boards (three boards). The hybrid configuration
has dimensions of 136 mm × 123 mm. The matrix transformer
configuration has the largest footprint (174 mm × 128 mm) since
interconnections between elements were included in the PCB.
There are more turns as well for the matrix configuration, as the
minimum number of turns will be larger with smaller cores. The
increased number of turns leads to more PCB layers. The lumped
core configuration is easier and cheaper to manufacture due to
fewer board layers and less complicated conductor layout.
The chosen designs were modelled in ANSYS as shown in
Fig. 1. The magnetic cores’ dimensions are as shown in Fig. 4. The
material of the core is 3F3 ferrite by Ferroxcube. The PCB
substrate is FR4 and the conductors are copper. Brass washers
Fig. 4 Magnetic core dimension used for the design. Dimensions are in serve as interconnects between PCBs. Material properties used for
mm the models are shown in Table 2.
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© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017
The eddy current effect on conductors was considered during A capacitance matrix in (14) was derived using Maxwell's 2D
modelling by ensuring there are at least four layers of mesh electrostatic solver
elements within the skin depth of the conducting materials at the
operating frequency. Skin depth, δ, is computed using the C11 C12
following equation: C= (14)
C12 C22
1 where the elements are solved using (15) by individually exciting
δ= (10)
πμr μ0σ f the windings with peak voltage, v, and solving the electric flux
density, D, and electric field, E, for each individual case. The
where f is the frequency, μr is the conductor's relative permeability, capacitance matrix represents the relationship between charges and
μo is the permeability of free space, equal to 4π × 10−7 H/m, and σ voltages between conductors. The diagonal terms of (14) represent
is the conductivity of the conductor in S/m. the self-capacitance of the conductors while the off-diagonals are
the negative of the mutual capacitance [18]
4 Transformer characterisation
4.1 Finite-element analysis
Ci j = ∫vol
Di ∙ E jd Vol/v2 (15)
Rw = Rp + n2Rs (19)
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© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017
the combined cores and the absence of interconnection between
elements. There are also fewer turns in the lumped core
configuration. As a result, high-frequency proximity effect is
mitigated which results in lower resistance at higher frequencies. In
addition, leakage inductance is proportional to the conductor length
and the square of the number of winding turns [13]. Due to
increased turns, interlayer connectors such as vias and washers
may have also contributed to the winding loss in the matrix and
hybrid configuration.
Figs. 8c and d show the stray capacitances for the three
configurations. The lumped transformer configuration resulted in
the smallest interwinding capacitance which can be attributed to
smaller overlapping areas of the conductors due to shorter winding
length. The self-capacitance is reduced with increased number of
layers, increased dielectric insulation thickness, and reduced
winding width [22]. Since the lumped core configuration has the
least number of layers, its self-capacitance is expected to be largest
among the three configurations as shown.
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© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017
Fig. 8 Results of characterisation of the transformer impedance components in matrix (red, solid), lumped (blue, dotted) and hybrid (green, dashed)
configurations. Left column shows FEA results while right column shows LCR measurements
(a) Winding resistance in Ω, (b) Leakage inductance in μH,
(c) Self-capacitance in pF, (d) Interwinding capacitance in pF
Fig. 11 Power loss showing comparison between the measured transformer loss Pmeas, estimated core loss Pc, and winding loss, Pw
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