Report Settings: SEL-400 Series Relays Instruction Manual
Report Settings: SEL-400 Series Relays Instruction Manual
Report Settings: SEL-400 Series Relays Instruction Manual
Report Settings
Report Settings
The SEL-451 contains the Report settings described in Section 12: Settings in the
SEL-400 Series Relays Instruction Manual.
The rows containing the following elements are always included as part of the
100 rows: TLED_1, TLED_2, TLED_3, TLED_4, TLED_5, TLED_6, TLED_7,
TLED_8, TLED_9, TLED_10, TLED_11, TLED_12, TLED_13, TLED_14,
TLED_15, TLED_16, TLED_17, TLED_18, TLED_19, TLED_20, TLED_21,
TLED_22, TLED_23, TLED_24, FSA, FSB, FSC, 67P1, 67P2, 67P3, 67P4,
67Q1, 67Q2, 67Q3, 67Q4, 51S1, 51S2, 51S3, 51S4, 51S5, 51S6, 67G1, 67G2,
BK2CL, 52CL1, 52CL2, ( = A, B, C). For row descriptions, see Section 11:
Relay Word Bits.
Port Settings
The SEL-451 Port settings are described in Section 12: Settings in the SEL-400
Series Relays Instruction Manual.
The settings listed in Table 12.8 in the SEL-400 Series Relays Instruction Manual
are all included in the SEL-451.
DNP3 Settings
The SEL-451 DNP3 custom map settings operate as described in Section 12: Set-
tings in the SEL-400 Series Relays Instruction Manual. See Section 10: Commu-
nications Interfaces for the default map configuration.
Bay Settings
Table 8.95 Bay Control Settings Categories (Sheet 1 of 2)
Settings Reference
NOTE: Each of the one-line diagrams Table 8.99 Disconnect Information (Sheet 1 of 2)
in the SEL-451 has a predefined
number of Disconnect switches. The
number of Disconnect switches
Setting Prompt Default Value
associated settings (1–20) in
Table 8.99 is dependent on the MIMIC D1HMIN Disconnect 1 HMI Name (max 3–17 characters)a, b D1
setting. Refer to Section 5: Control in
the SEL-400 Series Relays Instruction
D1CTLN Disconnect 1 Control Scr. Name (max 15 char.) BB 1
Manual for the number of Disconnect 89AM01 c
Disconnect 1 NO Contact (SELOGIC equation) IN103
switches associated settings
associated with each one-line 89BM01 c
Disconnect 1 NC Contact (SELOGIC equation) IN104
89ALP01 Disconnect 1 Alarm Pickup Delay (1–99999 cyc) 300
89CCN01 Dis. 1 Remote Close Control (SELOGIC equation) 89CC01
89OCN1 Dis. 1 Remote Open Control (SELOGIC equation) 89OC01
89CTL01 Dis. 1 Front Panel Ctl. Enable (SELOGIC Equation) 1
89CST01 Dis. 1 Close Seal-in Time (OFF, 1–99999 cyc) 280
89CIT01 Dis. 1 Close Immobility Time (OFF, 1–99999 cyc) 20
89CRS01 Disconnect 1 Close Reset (SELOGIC Equation)
89OST01 Dis. 1 Open Seal-in Time (1–99999 cyc) 280
89OIT01 Dis. 1 Open Immobility Time (OFF, 1–99999 cyc) 20
89ORS01 Disconnect 1 Open Reset (SELOGIC Equation) 89OPN01 or
89OBL01 Disconnect 1 Open Block (SELOGIC Equation) NA
89CIR01 Dis. 1 Close Immob. Time Reset (SELOGIC Equation) NOT 89OPN01
89OIR01 Dis. 1 Open Immob. Time Reset (SELOGIC Equation) NOT 89CL01
DnHMIN Disconnect n (n = 2–20) HMI Name (max 3–17 characters) Dn
DnCTLN Disconnect n (n = 2–20) Control Scr. Name (max 15 char.) BBn
89AMn Disconnect n (n = 2–20) NO Contact (SELOGIC equation) 1
89BMn Disconnect n (n = 2–20) NC Contact (SELOGIC equation) 0
89ALPn Disconnect n (n = 2–20) Alarm Pickup Delay (1–99999 cyc) 300
89CCNn Disconnect n (n = 2–20) Remote Close Control (SELOGIC equation) 89CCn
89OCNn Disconnect n (n = 2–20) Remote Open Control (SELOGIC equation) 89OCn
89CTLn Dis. n (n = 2–20) Front Panel Ctl. Enable (SELOGIC Equation) 1
89CSTn Disconnect n (n = 2–20) Close Seal-in Time (1–99999 cyc) 280
89CITn Dis. n (n = 2–20) Open Close Immobility Time (OFF, 1–99999 cyc) 20
89CRSn Disconnect n (n = 2–20) Close Reset (SELOGIC Equation) 89CLn OR
89CBLn Disconnect n (n = 2–20) Close Block (SELOGIC Equation) NA
89OSTn Disconnect n (n = 2–20) Open Seal-in Time (1–99999 cyc) 280
89OITn Dis. n (n = 2–20) Open Immobility Time (OFF, 1–99999) 20
89ORSn Disconnect n (n = 2–20) Open Reset (SELOGIC Equation) 89OPNn OR
89OBLn Disconnect n (n = 2–20) Open Block (SELOGIC Equation) NA
89CIRn Dis. n (n = 2–20) Close Immob. Time Reset (SELOGIC Equation) NOT 89OPNn
89OIRn Dis. n (n = 2–20) Open Immob. Time Reset (SELOGIC Equation) NOT 89CLn
DISNAM1, DISNAM2, DISNAM3, DISNAM4, and DISNAM5 settings must contain at least one character.
b Duplicate Disconnect names are not allowed. If a duplicate name is entered, the Duplicate
Disconnect Name error message is displayed and the set routine returns to the first
duplicate Disconnect Name setting.
c Both of the corresponding 89AM1–5 and 89BM1–5 settings are required for correct disconnect switch
and alarm logic operation.
NOTE: Each of the one-line diagrams Table 8.100 One-Line Analog Display Points and User Text and Formattinga
in the SEL-451 has a predefined
number of Analog displays. The
number of Analog Display settings Setting Prompt Default Valueb
(1–6) in Table 8.100 is dependent on
the MIMIC setting. Refer to Section 5: [Analog Quan- Name of any element in element store None
Control in the SEL-400 Series Relays tity Name]
Instruction Manual for the number of
Analog Display settings provided with [Pre-Text] String of ASCII characters except double quotation marks None
each one-line diagram. and {}c
[Formatting] {total width.characters to right of decimal place, scaling fac- None
[Post-text] String of ASCII characters except double quotation marks None
and {}
Analog Quantity Name, “User Text and Formatting.”
b The SEL-451 has no default values programmed for these settings.
Total length (pre- and post-text length + formatting width) of One-Line Analog Display is 50 pixels
or 8 to 12 characters.
d See Display Points on page 4.10 in the SEL-400 Series Relays Instruction Manual for examples of
setting Analog Display Points.
Notes Settings
Use the Notes settings like a text pad to leave notes about the relay in the Notes
area of the relay. See Section 12: Settings in the SEL-400 Series Relays Instruc-
tion Manual for additional information on Notes settings.