Delhi Public School: Subject: English Core
Delhi Public School: Subject: English Core
Delhi Public School: Subject: English Core
January 16 SR The Tale of Melon City Enactment of the play - Respect for
with similar theme. law & Order
Project – Newspaper
making in class with class
& school Activities.
February 18 Revision – Term – II Revision - Term - II
Subject : Mathematics
Prescribed Text Books: 1. Mathematics: A Text Book for Class XI – NCERT
Reference Book: 1. Mathematics – A Text book for Class XI by Gupta & Bansal of Sultan Chand
2. Eduwiser’s CBSE Mathematics by Dr. K.C. Sinha, of Eduwider Publishing house
3. APC Mathematics by M.L. Aggarwal of Arya Publication
Month W.D. Topics to be taught Values
October 19 Sequence and Series : Introduction of sequences and Team Work
series, Arithmetic progression (A.P.), Arithmetic mean
(A.M.), Geometric progression (G.P.), General term of a
G.P, Sum to n terms of a G.P, Geometricl mean (G.M.),
Relation between A.M. and G.M., Sum to n term of
special series - Σn, Σn2, Σn3.
Permutations and Combinations: Fundamental
principle of counting, factorial n, Permutation and
combination, derivation of formulae and their
connections, simple applications.
November 17 Binomial Theorem : History, statement and proof of Responsibility
the Binomial theorem for positive integral index,
Pascal's triangle, General and Middle terms in
binomial expansion, simple applications.
Probability: Random experiments, outcomes, sample
space (set representation). Events, occurrence of
events, not and or events. Exhaustive events, mutually
exclusive events, Axiomatic (set theoretic) probability,
Connection with the theory of earlier classes,
Probability of an event, probability of 'not' and 'or'
December 16 Straight Lines: Brief recall of 2D from earlier
classes, Slope of a line, Angle between two lines,
Various forms of the equations of straight line,
Parallel to axis, point slope form, slope intercept form,
two point form, intercept form and normal form.
General Equation of the line, Distance of a point from
a given line.
Conic Section : Section of a cone, circle, ellipse,
parabola and hyperbola, a point, a straight line and
pair of intersecting lines as a degenerated case of
conic section, Standard equation of the circle, ellipse
Parabola, ellipse and hyperbola and simple application
of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola.
January 16 Introduction to Three-dimensional Geometry: Co- Honesty and Integrity
ordinate axes and coordinate plane in three
dimensions, co-ordinate of a point, Distance between
two points and section formula.
Statistics: Measure of dispersion; mean deviation,
Variance and standard deviation of Ungrouped /
grouped data, Analysis of frequency distribution.
Mathematical Reasoning: Mathematically accepted
statements, Connecting words / phrase: Consolidating
the understanding only 'if (necessary and sufficient
condition), implies and / or implied by or if ‘and’ ‘or’
‘these exists’ and their use through variety of
examples related to life and mathematics.
February 3 Validating the statement involving the connecting
words – difference between contradiction, converse
and contra positive.
10 Revision for Annual Examination
6 Annual Examinations.
March 26 Result Analysis
Subject : Physics
Prescribed Text Books: 1. Physics for Class-XI (NCERT)
2. Laboratory Manual Physics – Class XI: Mittal & Singhal (Arya Publication)
Reference Books : 1. New Millenium Physics (Vol –I and II) By S.K. Sharma.
2. Concept of Physics Vol. I & II - Bharti Bhawan – H.C. Verma
3. Physics – I John Wiley And Sons – Resnick Halliday and Walker.
Month W. Contents Suggestive/ Projects/ Activity/
Days Excursion
September 6 • Moment of inertia, radius of gyration, values of 1. To study the relationship
moments of inertia for simple geometrical objects. between force of limiting
Statement of parallel and perpendicular axes theorem friction and Hormel reaction
and their applications. & to find co-eff. of friction
between a block & a
horizontal surface.
October 19 Unit – 5: Gravitation: 2. To determine younger
Kepler's Laws of planetary motion. The universal law of modulus of elasticity of the
gravitation; Acceleration due to gravity and its variation material of a given wire.
with altitude and depth. With the help of geography
The gravitational potential energy; gravitational potential; teacher planetary motion will
Escape velocity, orbital velocity of a satellite, be explained.
Geostationary satellites. 3. To find force constant of a
Unit – 6: Properties of Bulk Matter : helical spring by plotting a
• Elastic behaviour, stress-strain relationship, Hooke’s graph between load &
law, Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, shear, modulus of extension.
rigidity, Poisson's Ratio, Elastic energy. 4. To determine surface tension
• Unit - 7: Fluid : Pressure due to fluid column, Pascal’s of hater by capillary rise
law and its applications (hydraulic lift and hydraulic method.
brakes), Effects of gravity on fluid pressure, Viscosity,
Stoke’s Law, Terminal Velocity, Reynold’s number,
Streamline and turbulent flow, Bernoulli’s Theorem
and its applications. Smart board used to explain
different flow.
November 17 Surface energy and surface tension, angle of contact, 5. To determine the coff. of
excess of pressure, application of surface tension, ideas viscosity of a given viscous
to drops and bubbles, Capillary action. Smart Board liquid by measuring
used to explain surface tension. terminal velocity of a given
Unit – 8: Thermodynamics spherical body.
Heat, temperature, thermal expansion; thermal expansion
of solids, liquids and gases: anomalous expansion, 6. To study the relationship
specific heat, calorimetry change of state, Latent heat, Cp between the temperature of
and Cv. the hot body and time by
Heat transfer : Conduction, convection and radiation; plotting a cooling curve.
Qualitative ideas of Black – Body radiation, Newton's law
of cooling, Weins displacement, Green House Effect
Thermodynamics law, Stefan law.
Thermal equilibrium and definition of temperature (zeroth
law of thermodynamics), Heat, work and internal energy;
First law of thermodynamics, Second Law of
thermodynamics. Isothermal & adiabatic processes.
December 16 Reversible and irreversible processes. Heat engines and 7. (i) To study the relationship
refrigerators. between frequency and
Unit – 9: Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory: length of a given curve under
Equation of state of a perfect gas work done in constant tension using
compressing a gas. sonometer.
Kinetic theory of gases – assumptions, concept of
pressure, kinetic energy and temperature, r.m.s. speed of (ii) To study the
gas molecules, degrees of freedom, law of equipartition of relationship between length
energy (statement only) and application of specific heats of a given curve and tension
of gases, concept of mean free path. Avogadro’s number. for constant frequency using
Unit – 10 : Oscillations and Waves: sonometer.
Periodic motion - period & frequency, displacement as a
function of time, periodic functions, Simple harmonic
motion (SHM) and its equation.
January 16 Phase : Oscillations :
Phase, Oscillation of a spring restoring force and force 8. To find the speed of sound
constant; Energy in S.H.M (Kinetic and potential in air at room temperature
energies); Simple pendulum – derivation of expression for using a resonance tube by
its time period; Free and forced (damped) oscillations two resonance position.
(qualitative ideas only), Resonance.
Wave motion, Longitudinal and transverse waves, speed of
wave motion. Displacement relation for a progressive
wave, principle of superposition of waves. Reflection of
waves standing waves in string and organ pipes,
fundamental mode and harmonics.
February 18 Beats, Doppler effect
Annual Examination
Important: Moral Value Questions to be discussed in each chapter stressing on Good behaviour in human interaction,
Sharing ,Compassion, Empathy, Discipline, Responsibility, Respect for law and order, Conflict resolution, Teamwork,
Honesty and integrity Courteous behavior, Fostering respect for difference, Sensitivity to environment etc. Other relevant
parameters may also be discussed in each chapter.
Subject : Chemistry
Prescribed Textbook: NCERT – Chemistry (XI) (Part I & II)
Reference Books :1. New Course Chemistry (Pradeep Publication) by Pradeep Jain
2. ABC of Chemistry (Modern Publication) by S P Jauhar
3. New Era Chemistry (G. R. Bathla Publication) by O.P. Tondan and Virmani
Mon W.D. Contents (Chapter wise) Suggestive Projects/
th Activity
Sept. 05 + Chapter: Equilibrium – Study of the rate of
+ 19 Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic nature chemical reaction w.r.t.
Oct. of equilibrium, law of mass action, equilibrium constant, factors temp and concentration
affecting equilibrium, Le-Chatelier's principle.
Ionic equilibrium – ionization of acids and bases, strong and weak Find pH of different
electrolytes, degree of ionization, concept of pH, hydrolysis of salt samples by pH paper
(elementary idea), Buffer solutions, solubility product, common
ion effect (examples). Testing the hardness
Chapter: Hydrogen – presence of iron fluoride,
Position of hydrogen in periodic table, occurrence, isotopes, chloride etc. depending
preparation, properties and uses of hydrogen; hydrides, ionic upon the regional
covalent and interstitial, variation in drinking
water and study of causes
of presence of these irons
above permissible limit
(if any)
Nov. 17 Hydrogen: Contd. Water Physical and chemical properties of Draw structure of
water; heavy water, hydrogen peroxide, preparation, reaction and diborane on chart paper.
structures hydrogen as a fuel.
plant water relations, long distance transport of osmometer.
water, uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients, 17. To observe and
transport of food, mass flow hypothesis. comment on the
Chapter – 12: Mineral Nutrition – Essential macro set to show
and micro nutrients and their role, deficiency suction due to
symptoms, nitrogen cycle and nitrogen metabolism. transpiration
Chapter – 13: Photosynthesis in higher plants: site 18. Compare the
of Photosynthesis, role of pigments (elementary rates of
idea), photochemical and biosynthetic phase, cyclic transpiration in
and noncyclic photophosphorylation, chemiosmotic leaves.
hypothesis, photorespiration, C3 and C4 pathways, 19. To separate plant
factors affecting photosynthesis. pigments through
Chapter – 14: Respiration in plants: cellular chromatography.
respiration – glycolysis, fermentation (anaerobic)
December 16 Chapter – 14: Respiration in plants-contd. 20. To study
ETS, energy relations-number of ATP molecules anaerobic
generated, amphibolic pathway, Respiratory respiration.
Quotient. 21. To study rate of
Chapter – 15: Plant growth and development: seed respiration in
germination, phases of plant growth, growth rate, seeds
conditions of growth, differentiation, 22. To study photo
dedifferentiation, redifferentiation sequence of tropism in plants.
developmental processes in a plant cell, growth 23. To observe and
regulators – types, seed dormancy, vernalisation, comment on set up of
Photoperiodism. apical bud removal.
Unit V – Human Physiology
Chapter – 16: Digestion and Absorption:
alimentary canal and digestive glands, role of
enzymes and gastro intestinal hormones, peristalsis,
digestion absorption and assimilation of different
nutrients, egestion, nutritional (PEM) & digestive
Chapter – 17: Breathing and respiration:
Respiratory organs in animals (recall only),
respiratory system in human, mechanism of
breathing, exchange and transport of gases,
regulation of respiration, respiration volumes,
respiratory disorders.
Chapter – 18: Body fluids and Circulation:
Composition of blood, blood groups, coagulation of
blood, lymph and its function.
January 16 Chapter – 18: Body fluids and Circulation: (contd.)
Human circulatory system, cardiac cycle, cardiac
output, ECG, double circulation Regulation of
cardiac activity, disorders.
Chapter – 19: Excretory Products and their 24. To test the
Elimination: Modes of excretion, human excretory presence of urea,
system, mechanism of urine formation, regulation of sugar,
kidney function, role of other organs in excretion, albumin and bile
disorders. salts in urine.
Chapter – 20: Locomotion and Movement: Types
of movement, ciliary, flagellar and muscular,
skeletal muscles-contractile proteins and mechanism
of muscle contraction, skeletal system, joints,
disorders of muscular and skeletal system. 25. To study the
Chapter – 21: Neural Control and Co-ordination: features of Human
Neuron and nerves, Nervous system – CNS, PNS, skeleton and
ANS, generation and conduction of nerve impulse, joints.
reflex action, sensory perception, sense organs –
structure and function of eye and ear.
Chapter – 22: Chemical Coordination and
Regulation: Different types of endocrine glands and
hormones, role of hormones as regulators and
February 18 Chapter–22: Chemical Coordination & Regulation:
Mechanism of hormone action (elementary idea),
Annual Examination
Subject : Computer Science
Text Book :- Computer
Science with C++ By Sumita Arora, Dhanpat Rai Publications
Month W. Ds Topics to be covered Activity
October 19 Declaration, initialization of 2D
Programming based on array
November 17 User defined Functions : Defining a Demo of function use
function, function prototype, Programming(practical) making
Invoking/calling a function, passing use of function
argument to a function, scope rules of
function and variable, Local and Global Error and output finding using
variables, function, Mathematical function smart board
Date and Time Functions - CURDATE() , DATE(),
Manipulating Data of a Table/Relation: Inserting New
Rows, Inserting New Rows with Null Values, Inserting
NUMBER, CHAR and DATE Values, Update Statement
to Change Existing Data of a Table, Updating Rows in A
Table, Delete statement - removing row/rows from a
Creating Table using CREATE TABLE, ALTER
TABLE for adding a new column, using naming
conventions for column names
iii)role of co-operatives,
iv)agricultural diversification Projects on:
v) alternative farming i) Consumer awareness
vi) Organic farming. amongst households.
ii) Changing prices of a few
vegetables in your markets.
iii)study of a co-operative
institution : milk co-operative
November 17 Human capital formation:
i) How people become resource;
ii) Role of human Capital in economic development Economic value: Increase in
iii) Growth of education sector in India. efficiency of a person by
9. Measures of Dispersion : providing education, training
i) range
ii) quartile deviation,
iii) mean deviation and standard deviation
iv) co-efficient of quartile deviation,
v) co-efficient of mean deviation,
vi) co-efficient of variation Inclusive Teaching
vii) Lorenz Curve: Meaning and its application. Mr. G Mariappan would brief
10. Employment: the students
i) formal and informal,
ii) Growth & other issues
iii) problems & Policies.
December 16 11. Infrastructure - Economic value: Need of
i) meaning & types energy and health in the
ii) case studies development of a nation
iii) Energy and health
iv) Problem and Policies
v) A critical assessment
12. Sustainable Economic Development Sensitivity of environment:
i) Meaning, Development without
ii) Effect of economic development on resources & hampering environment
environment including global warming.
13. Correlation
i) Meaning
ii) Scatter diagram
iii) Measures of correlation – Karl Pearson's Method
(two variables ungroup data)
iv) Spearman's rank correlation.
14. Development Experience of India : A comparison
with neighbours: India, Pakistan and China Economic value: The process
Issues : of development of India, China
i) growth, and Pakistan.
ii) population sectoral development
iii) and other development indicators.
January 16 15. Introduction to Index Number –
i) meaning & type
ii) wholesale Price index,
iii) consumer price index and index of industrial
production, uses of index number; Inflation and
index numbers.
February 18 Revision
Annual Examination
Subject : Business Studies
Text books : Business Studies – N.C.E.R.T.
Reference book : Business Studies – Dr. R.K. Singla
Month Chapter Topics Projects &
Anecdotes/ Videos
Sept. Unit – 6 : Social ● Concept of social responsibility Students will be asked
(22) Responsibilities of ● Case for social responsibility. to identify the
Business & ● Responsibility towards different interest different social
Business Ethics groups - owners, investors, employees, obligations being
consumers, government, public and discharged by business
community. org. today to polish
● Business and environmental protection their image. Video on
● Business ethics: concept and elements. SR
co-operative stores
● Automatic Vending Machine
● Role of Chamber of Commerce & Industry
in the promotion of Internal trade.
● Main documents used in Internal Trade
● Terms of Trade
• Essential elements of positive sports environment
• Principles of physical activity environment
• Components of health related fitness
• Behavior change technique for physical activity
• Exercise guidelines at different stages of growth
Subject: Swimming
& 19+17 iii) Sequence of stroke in relay & individual medley.
November Chapter -3 iv) TURNING correction.
v) Time trials.
vi) Competition in groups.
vii) Videos and power point presentation.
March 26 Swimming Camp i) Preparation for various swimming competition for
the academic session 2017-18
Subject :- General Studies
Prescribed Book: A course in General Studies by K.C. Singh & S.K. Bhattacharya
Month W. D. Unit / Chapter / Topics to be covered
October 19 1. Benefits of Vocational Schools.
2. Life exists on other Planets
Oct 13 – International Day of Disaster Reduction
Oct 17 – International Day for Eradication of Poverty.
November 17 1. Eve teasing to be checked
2. Management of e-waste
Nov 16 International day of tolerance
Nov 25 International day for Elimination of Violence Against Women
December 16 1. Youth to be safeguarded against cyber crime
Dec 1: World AIDS Day Dec 10: Human Rights Day
January 16 1. Use of Mobile phone : bane or a boon
Jan 01 : Global Family Day
Jan 26 : Republic Day
Subject : CompSc(Wed) MY Sql
Text Books – No Books
Month W. Days Topics To Be Covered
October 19 Modifying databases
• Update Command
• Update command with clauses
• Deleting tables
November 17 Modifying structure
• Alter command
• Dropping columns
• Renaming columns
• Changing Data types
December 16 Removing Records/Database
• Drop Command
• Delete Command
Activity: Demonstration in lab
January 16 Clauses in SQL Commands
• Order by clause
• Limit Clauses
• Distinct Clauses
Activity: Demonstration in lab
February 18 Revision, Final Project, Practical Exams.
Subject : Physical Education (General)
Month W.D Topics to be Covered
October to 19+17 CHAPTER – 3: Football, cricket, Kho-Kho, cricket & previous session games
November 1. Selection will be done on the basis of their performance and command on
the skills for inter house, inter DPS & cluster tournaments.
2. Students will learn the rules and regulations of above mentioned games.
3. Students will use the learnt skills in real match situations.
4. Psychological aspects of physical education.
6. Students will learn how to improve their motor skills abilities.
7. Fitness activity and Yoga
December 16+16 CHAPTER – 4 :- Kho kho, cricket, athletics & yoga
to January 1. Students will be learning about basic & advanced skills of above mentioned
2. Students will use the learnt skills in real match situations.
3. Assessment will be done on the basis of their performance in the games,
discipline & their behavior. Sports day rehearsal.
4. Fitness activity and Yoga
Summative Assessment -2
Practical test
February 18 CHAPTER – 5
Revision of the previous classes, match play
Subject : Fine Arts (Painting) 6th Subject
Month W.D. Particulars Integrated Values
October 19 Theory – Mauryan Period, Jain Trithankar
Pract. – Nature study
November 17 Theory –Intoduction to Temple sculpture
Practical – Nature study
December 16 Theory –Introduction to Indian Bronzes Team Work
Practical – Composition with water colour
January 16 Theory – Artistic Aspects of Indo- Islamic
Pract. – Composition with water colour
Feb 18 Theory – Study of Architecture, Tajmahal Time management
Qutub Minar, Gol Gumbaj of Bijapur.
Practical – Sketching Making portfolio
Subject: Art & Craft
Month W.D. Particulars
October 19 Practical – Poster making
Theory – Abstract art
November 17 Practical – Technical drawing
Theory – Perspective
December 16 Practical – Paper Sculpture
Theory – Art of Henry Moor
January 16 Practical – Block print & tie – dye
Theory – Textile design
Feb 18 Practical – Block print and tie-dye
Theory – Revision.
Subject : DANCE
Month W.D. Particulars
October 19 Theory: The history of Indian Dance -Patriotism
Practical: A Creative / Folk Dance
November 17 Theory: Tandav Nritya – Lasya Nritya
Practical: contd.
December 16 Theory: Classical Dance- Folk Dance
Practical: Creative Dance / Folk Dance
January 16 Theory: "Nava – Rasa" – 9 moods of life - Team work
Prac. : Contd. (Project work )
February 18 Revision
Annual Examination
Subject : KATHAK DANCE (Addl. Paper)
Month W.D. Particulars
October 19 Theory: The history of Kathak Dance &
Practical: Paran, Chakkardar Paran.
November 17 Theory: Contd.
Practical: contd.
December 16 Theory: The seven elements of Kathak Dance
Practical: Tihaayi, Ladi/ Laya Baant. .
January 16 Theory: Bhajans, Thumri, Dadra, Ghazals,
Dhrupad, Tarana.
Prac. : Contd.
February 18 Revision
Annual Examination
Month W.D. Particulars
October 19 Hip-Hop Move u`R; dks Hkko eq[; A
Hip-Hop Basic steps
November 17 Dance style created Locking and poping, Hksn Hkko u djuk A
Roboting dub lyrical practice
December 16 Ballet dance Practice u`R; dh fo|kvksa dks tkuuk A
January 16 Dance steps (Basic) dyk dk fo'ks"k egRoA
February 18 Contemporary & Salsa Dance Practice cM+ksa ls vPNs ckrs lh[kus dh pkgA
March 26 Aerobics & Dance practice Eknn dh Hkkouk j[kuk A
Subject : INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC (Spanish Guitar)
Month W.D. Particulars Integrated Values
October 19 Notation of Diamond Head Time management: To foster
Chords of F and F minor Self Discipline
November 17 Notation of Vande Matram with chords Celebrating to the nation: To
Chords of G and G minor understand National diversity
December 16 The name of world popular two brands Achievements of life.
Eagles & Beatles
Chords of A and A minor
January 16 Felemenco style in 5 steps on C chords Maths : Timing of Rhythm with
Chords of B and B minor counting of Beats
February 18 Revision
SA – II Examination
Month W.D. Particulars Integrated Values
October 19 Commercial photography, Adv. Journalism Caring information
November 17 Behaviour of grains. Freedom Responsibility
Enlarge a photograph
December 16 Enlarger (Photomaker machine) Responsibility
Its parts + function
Films and Cameras
January 16 Filter and its use. Caring
February 18 Aperture / shutter of camera details Time Management
Pract. + Revision + Exam
Subject : TABLA
Month W.D. Particulars Integrated Values
October 19 'kkL=k % & rky] dgjok]nknjk :id çdkj dk ys[ku A vius vki dks O¸kfLFkr djuk A
fØ;kRed %& rky vH;klA
November 17 'kkL=k %& dk;nk] iyVk] frgkbZ ys[ku dk;ZA nwLkj¨ dks Lohdkj djuk A
fØ;kRed % & vH;kl
December 16 fØ;kRed % & Bongo, Congo, Drum, Dhol, Dholak 'kCn] O¸kogkj
January 16 fØ;kRed % & vH;kl ux+ek ifjp; ,dkxzRkk D;¨\
February 18 fØ;kRed % & vH;kl c¨y Ik<+uk ,oa uxek ds lkFk ;ksx] vk;qZosn vkSj ge
Annual Examination
March 26 Project: Write down 8 Almanac songs,
writing and taal writing
Assignment: ifjHkk"kk,¡ dk;nk iyVk frgkbZ VqdM+k
ys[ku A
Subject : Vocal Music
Month W.D. Particulars Integrated values
October 19 Revision 5 Alankars in Kalyan Thaat Raag yaman with Importance of
Bendish 8 matra 16 matra taan, sergam Practice in life
Biography of Ustaad Abdul Karim Khan.
November 17 Song from Almanac, Folk song any one Importance of music
Project – Few living legends of Indian Classical Music. in life
December 16 Patriotic Song – Bharat Ki Santan Hain/New one – raag Moral value and How
Yaman contd. music is related to it
Value: patriotism
January 16 Taal – Jhap taal and Rupak with Dugun-with Hands bits
February 18 Revision
SA – II Examination
Subject :- Hindustani Vocal Music
Month W.D. Topics to be covered Integrated values
October 19 Definition of Saptak, Raga, Swarmalika Tarana Nibadh
…………. Anibaddh …….
Description of vrindavani sarang with bendish
November 17 Biography on Pandit Vishnu digamber paluskar and
Pandit Swami Hari das Raag Brindavani sarang with 8
and 6 matra Taan Sargam.
December 16 Brif History of Gharana Dhamar, Thuman Notation of
Raag Jaunpuri and practices of Raag Jaunpuri
January 16 Notation of chartall, Ek taal, Surtaal dugun with
bandish with hands bits.
February 18 Revision of Raag vrindavani sargam and Raag
Annual Examination