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Hi-Focus M41 Mini-Shelf: Installation Manual

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Hi-FOCuS M41

Installation Manual
Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

Document Control

Unit Name Hi-FOCuS M41

Document Number 458006-0909-365
Document Version A02
Date 16 August 2007
File Name Hi-

Document History

Edition Release Date Author Description

A00 29 November 2005 YF First Release
A01 12 July 2007 EH, YA Release 1.3
A02 16 August 2007 YA Fan Filter maintenance

Document Approvals

Date Name Title

A00 29 November 2005 David Nitzan Product Manager
A01 12 July 2007 David Nitzan Product Manager
A02 16 August 2007 David Nitzan Product Manager

© Copyright 2007 by ECI Telecom. All rights reserved worldwide.

The information contained in this document is proprietary and is subject to all relevant copyright, patent and other
laws protecting intellectual property, as well as any specific agreement protecting ECI rights in the aforesaid
information. Neither this document nor the information contained herein may be published, reproduced or disclosed
to third parties, in whole or in part, without the express, prior, written permission of ECI. In addition, any use of this
document or the information contained herein for any purposes other than those for which it was disclosed is strictly
ECI reserves the right, without prior notice or liability, to make changes in equipment design or specifications.
Information supplied by ECI is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by ECI for
the use thereof nor for the rights of third parties, which may be effected in any way by the use thereof.
Any representation(s) in this document concerning performance of ECI product(s) are for informational purposes only
and are not warranties of future performance, either express or implied. ECI standard limited warranty, stated in its
sales contract or order confirmation form, is the only warranty offered by ECI in relation thereto.
This document may contain flaws, omissions or typesetting errors; no warranty is granted nor liability assumed in
relation thereto unless specifically undertaken in ECI sales contract or order confirmation. Information contained
herein is periodically updated and changes will be incorporated into subsequent editions. If you have encountered an
error, please notify ECI. All specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

Before You Start

Read This First
Important Safety Instructions
Safety Guidelines
This section contains information to help conduct a safe installation.
• Installation of the equipment to be performed by qualified personnel only.
• The equipment should be installed in a Restricted Access Area.
• Ensure that the electrical grounding is connected as detailed in the document.
• Grounding cables must be connected before connecting the power source.
• Grounding cables should be marked minimum AWG 4 (21.2 mm2) , rated at 300 V with a
2.5m length maximum or perform a ground resistance test for 0.1 Ω.
• The DC power connection should be attached to the system first, and then attached to the
DC power source. The attachment to the power source terminals should be done while the
fuse or circuit breaker is in the “Off” position.
• All equipment should be connected directly to the DC supply grounding electrode. All
equipment in the immediate vicinity shall be grounded in the same way, and shall not be
grounded elsewhere.
• There should be no disconnecting device between the grounded circuit conductor of the
DC source (return line) and the point of connection of the grounding electrode.
• Be sure to exercise proper Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) precautions when handling the

Electrical Safety Hazards

• The DC power (-48/60 VDC) supplied to the unit from a local power source should have a
readily accessible listed branch circuit over-current protection two pole circuit breaker of 5A
maximum in the building installation or accessible to the service person, servicing the unit.
In case of less power consumption, use 125% of the calculated shelf power consumption.
• Both power cords must be disconnected before servicing equipment.
• The DC power supply should be local; that is, it should be on the same premises as the

Laser Safety Hazards - Exposure and Compliance

Warning: Because invisible radiation may be emitted from the aperture of the
port when no fiber optic cable is connected, avoid exposure to radiation and do not stare into
open apertures.
• The fiber optics ports must never be exposed during operation.
• Each of the ports must be connected to a fiber optic cable, terminated at the far end, or
covered with a proper protection cap supplied with the system.
The laser equipment complies with laser product performance standards set by government
agencies for Class 1 laser products per IEC 60825-1. The product and its accessories do not

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

emit hazardous light and the beam is totally enclosed during all operating modes of customer
operation and maintenance.

Warning Instructions
• Never assume laser power is turned off or that the fiber is disconnected at the other end.
• Place a protective cap over any radiating optical fiber connector.
• Avoid direct eye exposure.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions

This section provides guidelines regarding the protection of SFP pluggable cards against
electrostatic damage during handling, packing/unpacking, transport, installation,
commissioning, inspections, servicing and maintenance work. The following arrangements
must be observed by persons entering and/or performing fieldwork:
• Use an ESD wrist strap connected to the ground terminal at the front side of the Hi-
FOCuS™ when handling SFPs. Failure to do so may result in electrostatic discharge
(ESD) damage to electronic components.
• SFP should be placed directly into protective packaging upon removal from equipment. A
replacement SFP shall be kept in its protective packing until required for immediate
installation into equipment.
• The field service operator should insure that the materials and tools necessary to maintain
and control the temporary ESD Protected Area (EPA) are available at the place of the field
work during service time.

Symbols Used in this Manual

The following symbols are used in this manual:

 Indicates information which ensures ease of installation.

Warning: Indicates information on how to avoid personal injury.

Laser Warning: Indicates information on how to avoid personal injury. All personnel
involved in equipment installation, operation, and maintenance must be aware that laser
radiation is invisible. Therefore, although protective devices generally prevent direct exposure
to the beam, personnel must strictly observe the applicable safety precautions and, in
particular, must avoid staring into optical connectors, either directly or using optical

Caution: Indicates information on how to avoid damage to the equipment or to avoid

possible service disruption.

ESD: Indicates information on how to avoid discharge of static electricity and

subsequent damage to the unit

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

Table of Contents
BEFORE YOU START ...................................................................................................................... III
READ THIS FIRST............................................................................................................................. III
1. SYSTEM OVERVIEW ...............................................................................................................1
1.1. PLATFORM DESCRIPTION .........................................................................................................1
1.2. BENEFITS ..................................................................................................................................2
1.3. HI-FOCUS M41 CONFIGURATIONS .........................................................................................2
1.4. HI-FOCUS M41 ARCHITECTURE .............................................................................................2
1.4.1. Uplink connections.........................................................................................................3
1.4.2. Links to Subscribers ......................................................................................................3
1.5. CARDS AND MODULES .............................................................................................................5
1.5.1. IPNI Cards.......................................................................................................................5
1.5.2. Tributary/Line Cards ......................................................................................................5
1.5.3. Splitter Card (SP) ...........................................................................................................6
1.5.4. Shortcut Cards (SC) ......................................................................................................7
1.5.5. Mix of ATU-C64 IPs and V2U-C24s............................................................................8
1.5.6. CCP NI Module ..............................................................................................................8
1.5.7. GND Terminal.................................................................................................................9
1.5.8. HIF Power Feed Module ...............................................................................................9
1.5.9. CFU Modules................................................................................................................10
1.5.10. Remote Line Powering (RLP) Module (Optional)................................................11
1.5.11. Fan Module ...............................................................................................................12
2. INSTALLATION OVERVIEW ................................................................................................13
3. SITE PREPARATION AND PRE-INSTALLATION............................................................15
3.1. PRELIMINARY SITE SURVEY ...................................................................................................15
3.2. REQUIRED TOOLS & ACCESSORIES .......................................................................................16
3.3. CHECKLIST..............................................................................................................................16
3.4. SITE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................16
3.4.1. Rack Mounting Guidelines..........................................................................................16
3.4.2. Minimum Distances between Cabinets.....................................................................16
3.4.3. Power and Environmental Specifications .................................................................17
3.5. UNPACKING AND VISUAL INSPECTION ....................................................................................17
3.5.1. Before you start ............................................................................................................17
3.5.2. Unpacking the Equipment...........................................................................................17
3.5.3. Visual Inspection ..........................................................................................................17
4. INSTALLATION.......................................................................................................................19
4.1. REMOVING THE DOOR OF THE M41.......................................................................................19
4.2. INSTALLING THE M41 IN A RACK ............................................................................................19
4.3. INSTALLING THE M41 IN A RACK ............................................................................................20
4.3.1. Installing the M41 in an ETSI Rack ...........................................................................20
4.3.2. Installing the M41 in a 23" Rack ................................................................................21
4.3.3. Installing the M41 in a 19” Rack ................................................................................22
4.4. INSTALLING UNITS ADJACENT TO THE M41 ...........................................................................23
4.5. INSTALLING CARDS IN THE M41.............................................................................................23
4.5.1. Slot Assignment ...........................................................................................................23
4.6. INSTALLING MODULES ............................................................................................................23
4.6.1. CCP NI...........................................................................................................................23
4.6.2. HIF Power Module .......................................................................................................24
4.6.3. CFU Cards ....................................................................................................................24
4.7. REASSEMBLING THE DOOR ....................................................................................................24
5. CONNECTING CABLES........................................................................................................25
5.1. GROUNDING THE SHELF .........................................................................................................25
5.2. ROUTING AND CONNECTING FIBER OPTIC CABLES...............................................................25

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5.3. ROUTING AND CONNECTING COPPER CABLES......................................................................26

5.4. CONNECTING THE ALARM CABLE...........................................................................................27
5.5. CONNECTING THE MANAGEMENT CABLE ...............................................................................27
5.6. CONNECTING THE CLOCK REFERENCE CABLE......................................................................28
5.7. CONNECTING THE POWER .....................................................................................................28
6. SYSTEM INSTALLATION VERIFICATION ........................................................................29
6.1. OVERALL INSPECTION ............................................................................................................29
6.1.1. Checking Cable Distribution .......................................................................................29
6.1.2. Power Supply................................................................................................................29
7. POWERING UP .......................................................................................................................31
8. COMMISSIONING...................................................................................................................32
8.1. DEFINING A TERMINAL CONNECTION .....................................................................................32
8.2. BASIC SYNTAX COMMANDS ...................................................................................................32
8.3. MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS .................................................................................................34
8.4. SHELF CARD POPULATION .....................................................................................................36
9. MAINTENANCE.......................................................................................................................37
9.1. HOT-SWAP .............................................................................................................................37
9.2. CAUTIONS IN EXTRACTION OF CARDS AND MODULE.............................................................37
9.3. REPLACING TRIBUTARY/LINE CARDS AND MODULES ............................................................37
9.4. REPLACING THE FAN UNIT .....................................................................................................38
9.5. INSTALLING AND REMOVING THE AIR FILTERS.......................................................................39
9.5.1. Process..........................................................................................................................39
APPENDIX A CABLES AND CONNECTORS.........................................................................40
A.1 TRAFFIC CABLES – NETWORK AND SUBSCRIBERS................................................................40
A.1.1 Fiber Cables..................................................................................................................40
A.1.2 V2U-C24 to Splitter Card Cable.................................................................................40
A.1.3 Subscribers Copper Connectors and Cables ..........................................................40
A.2 FIXED CABLES ........................................................................................................................42
A.2.1 Power Cable .................................................................................................................43
A.2.2 Alarm Cable ..................................................................................................................43
A.2.3 Alarm Connector ..........................................................................................................44
A.2.4 GND Cable....................................................................................................................46
A.2.5 Clock Reference Connector .......................................................................................47
A.2.6 Management Ethernet Connection............................................................................47
A.2.7 RFP Connections .........................................................................................................48
APPENDIX B LED DISPLAY DEFINITION ..............................................................................49
A.3 CFU LEDS .............................................................................................................................49
APPENDIX C SPECIFICATIONS...............................................................................................50
APPENDIX D DISPOSAL............................................................................................................51
APPENDIX E GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS ..................................................52

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List of Figures
Figure 1: Typical M41 solution ......................................................................................1
Figure 2: Hi-FOCuS M41 interface diagram..................................................................3
Figure 3: Hi-FOCuS M41 front view ..............................................................................3
Figure 4: Hi-FOCuS M41 front view card assignment...................................................4
Figure 5: Hi-FOCuS M41 with door closed ...................................................................4
Figure 6: ATU-C64 IP (ADSL2+) cards .........................................................................5
Figure 7: M41 with four V2U-C24 (VDSL2) cards .........................................................6
Figure 8: SP ID circuit accessed by the IPNI through the backplane............................6
Figure 9: Splitter cards supporting the V2T-C24 VDSL2 card ......................................7
Figure 10: ADSL2+ route from the line card to subscriber's connectors.......................7
Figure 11: Shortcut cards servicing the ATU-C.............................................................8
Figure 12: Mix of DSL type cards..................................................................................8
Figure 13: CCP module.................................................................................................9
Figure 14: GND terminal ...............................................................................................9
Figure 15: HIF power connection terminal ..................................................................10
Figure 16: CFU cards..................................................................................................10
Figure 17: RLP module ...............................................................................................11
Figure 18: FAN module ...............................................................................................12
Figure 19: PDF4 – front view with cover .....................................................................19
Figure 20: Door's Captive Screws and Retaining Bracket. .........................................19
Figure 21: Mounting bracket and holes.......................................................................20
Figure 22: ETSI rack installation .................................................................................21
Figure 23: 19" rack installation ....................................................................................22
Figure 24: Line/NI/splitter card locking levers, closed position ...................................23
Figure 25: Installing M41 modules ..............................................................................24
Figure 26: Grounding connection................................................................................25
Figure 27: SFP ............................................................................................................25
Figure 28: Fiber cables guide......................................................................................26
Figure 29: Fiber optic cable connection ......................................................................26
Figure 30: Copper cables guide ..................................................................................26
Figure 31: Copper cable..............................................................................................27
Figure 32: Sample copper cable connection...............................................................27
Figure 33: Sample Alarm connector............................................................................27
Figure 34: Ethernet cable............................................................................................27
Figure 35: Clock-reference cable ................................................................................28
Figure 36: M41 power terminals block ........................................................................28
Figure 37: Fan Unit .....................................................................................................38
Figure 38: Air Filter......................................................................................................39
Figure 39: Fiber optic cable.........................................................................................40
Figure 40: Connecting the V2U-C24 to the splitter card .............................................40
Figure 41: Subscriber open cable ...............................................................................41
Figure 42: Line connector ...........................................................................................41
Figure 43: Subscribers line connector pin assignments..............................................42
Figure 44: Single-source power cable.........................................................................43
Figure 45: Alarm cable ................................................................................................43
Figure 46: IN-Alarm connection circuitry .....................................................................45

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Figure 47: IN-Alarm connection circuitry .....................................................................46

Figure 48: Ground cable .............................................................................................46
Figure 49: 9-pin D-type male clock connector.............................................................47
Figure 50: PDF4 – front view with cover .....................................................................53
Figure 51: PDF4 – front view without cover ................................................................53

List of Tables
Table 1: IPNI Models in M41.........................................................................................5
Table 2: CCP Connectors .............................................................................................8
Table 3: List of cables .................................................................................................16
Table 4: Traffic cables List ..........................................................................................40
Table 5: Subscriber cable pins and color assignment.................................................41
Table 6: Fixed Cables List...........................................................................................42
Table 7: Alarm Connector Pin Assignment .................................................................44
Table 8: Clock reference connector pin-outs ..............................................................47
Table 9: Management Ethernet connector..................................................................47
Table 10: RLP 25 pin D-type connector pin assignment.............................................48
Table 11: RLP DC OUT pin-out assignment ...............................................................48

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

1. System Overview
1.1. Platform Description
Provide Triple-Play in the Local Loop
The Hi-FOCuS M41 provides the full range of Triple-Play services in a compact, durable and
user-friendly shelf. The Hi-FOCuS M41 is specifically designed to fit in cramped areas with
harsh environmental conditions such as street cabinets, communications rooms, and
basements. It is highly flexible and versatile and minimizes deployment costs.
Meet the Needs of Remote Deployment
With the increasing demand for enhanced DSL services, phone companies are looking for a
DSL solution that will run over their existing infrastructure. As these bandwidth requirements
increase, the equipment providing it over copper lines must move closer to subscribers. DSL
deployment in the field creates many challenges. Housing space is at a premium and can
cause deployment cost per subscriber to be uneconomical. Additional concerns include
tolerance of weather conditions and providing power to locations that may have previously
held passive equipment.
The Hi-FOCuS M41 consists of five operating cards with supporting cards and modules. The
operating cards consist of a single network interface card (IPNI) and four tributary/line cards
connecting to subscribers. The IPNI can be connected directly to networks or it can be
subtended to a higher level Hi-FOCuS platform as shown in the diagrams below.
To make optimal use of existing telephone lines, xDSL equipment must be located near the
subscriber. It is in these locations that telephone cabinet space is most saturated. ECI’s Hi-
FOCuS™ is designed to confront these issues by providing high capacity Triple-Play service
requiring minimal infrastructure space and expense.

Figure 1: Typical M41 solution

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

1.2. Benefits
The Hi-FOCuS M41:
• Supports up to 192 ADSL2+ or VDSL2 lines (future cards will enable 256 lines)
• Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) network interface
• Can be powered locally or remotely
• Provides the option to integrate POTS splitters
• Provides line protection for subscriber and remote power pairs
• Horizontal mount
• Is easy to maintain and access for service

1.3. Hi-FOCuS M41 Configurations

Hi-FOCuS M41 consists of a shelf frame, pluggable modules and a door. Supported
pluggable modules include:
• NI card in the NI slot
• Tributary/line cards in slots 1, 2, 3 and 4
• Shortcut cards and splitter cards in slots 2 and 4
• NI module in the Central Connection Panel (CCP)
• Power IN A & B Module
• Central Filtering Unit (CFU) A and CFU B cards module
• FAN module
• Remote Line Powering (RLP) module (replacing the HIF power feed and CFU cards
The unit has a fixed front door. Supplied with the system are also power, grounding and CCP
cables and signal cables.
The Hi-FOCuS M41 is a universal platform. It can accommodate either ATM-based cards or
IP-based cards.
The NI is connected to each of the four tributary cards in a star configuration through the
backplane, to support a high rate of data transmission.
Hi-FOCuS M41 can be configured in several modes:
• Hi-FOCuS 5 (the configuration described in this manual) – supports IP platforms and
houses IPNI and xTUC-P cards
• Hi-FOCuS 4 – supports ATM platforms and houses SANI and xTUC cards
NI card types and tributary card types vary according to the configuration mode.

1.4. Hi-FOCuS M41 Architecture

The M41 can house IPNI models ranging from 1 GbE up to eight GbE ports towards the
uplinks. The IPNI in M41 has 2 x GbE ports toward each of the subscriber's tributary/line
cards (see the following figure).
At the uplink, the IPNI connects to the core network and to other Hi-FOCuS platforms. At the
downlink, it connects to the four M41 tributary/line cards, through the backplane in a star
configuration, subsequently connecting to subscribers in ADSL2+ and VDSL2, formats and to

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

Each of the four ports from the IPNI to the line cards has the capacity of up 2 x GbE packet
data rate via the backplane.
Star Backplane
2 x GbE 4

IP 2 x GbE 3
1-8 GbE VDSL2
6 GbE + 1 XFP
4 GbE + 2 XFP 2
2 x GbE

2 x GbE

4 Tributary/Line Cards

Figure 2: Hi-FOCuS M41 interface diagram

1.4.1. Uplink connections

Several IPNI card are available differing in the number of GbE ports (SFP = 1 Gbps
transceiver) and 10 GbE ports (XFP = 10 Gbps transceiver). For example, IPNI 20 provides 2
GbE uplink ports, whereas advanced IPNI models provide up to 8 GbE ports. Some of the
ports can be converted to support 10 GbE data rates.
Uplink ports are used for connecting with core networks, local media sources, and/or
subtending to higher level Hi-FOCuS 5 platforms.

1.4.2. Links to Subscribers

The M41 has the following data and voice links to subscribers:
• ADSL2+ (ATU-C64 )
• VDSL2 (V2U-C48 line card)
The following sections provide a more detailed description of the shelf's cards and modules.


CCP NI HIF CFU 1, 2 Fan Unit

Figure 3: Hi-FOCuS M41 front view

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

HIF Power Feed CFU A

Figure 4: Hi-FOCuS M41 front view card assignment

Figure 5: Hi-FOCuS M41 with door closed

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

1.5. Cards and Modules

The following sections describe available M41 cards and modules and their functionality.

1.5.1. IPNI Cards

The IPNI aggregates Ethernet packets toward the uplink networks. It also operates in
subtending mode with a higher-level Hi-FOCuS 5 IPNI.
The IPNI sends and receives GbE packets over the star backplane to and from the four
tributary cards. There are two GbE connections between the IPNI and each of the tributary

Table 1: IPNI Models in M41

Card Model GbE Ports (SFP) 10 GbE ports (XFP)
IPNI 20 2
IPNI 80 8

1.5.2. Tributary/Line Cards

The following sections provide a brief description of the M41 tributary/line cards. ATU-C64 IP ADSL+

The ATU-C64 IP supports 64 ADSL2/2+ ports at the access side, and two GbE ports at the
backplane towards the IPNI.
The card terminates the incoming ADSL2/2+ line and converts incoming traffic into GbE
packets via its powerful network processor, and vice versa.

SC 1 -32 ADSL2+ 33 -64 ADSL2+ 4
SC 1 -32 ADSL2+ 33 -64 ADSL2+ 2
ATU-C64 IP 1
CCP NI Power A & B

Figure 6: ATU-C64 IP (ADSL2+) cards V2U-C24 VDSL2

The V2U-C24 card is a VDSL2-based (ITU-T G.993.2) tributary card. It contains 24 VDSL2
ports at the subscriber interface side. The V2U-C24 tributary card provides up to 200 Mbps
aggregated rates, upstream and downstream, towards the subscriber.
The V2U-C24 has two GbE ports toward the IPNI network interfaces. It supports the eight
different transmission profiles defined in the standard.
The card incorporates an embedded network processor that handles and manipulates
incoming and outgoing traffic. Moreover, the card enables a dual VDSL2 networking option
(TPS-TC layer) with either a cell-based mode (ATM) or a packet-based mode with 64/65B
encapsulation (EFM over copper IEEE 802.3).

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

Figure 7: M41 with four V2U-C24 (VDSL2) cards

1.5.3. Splitter Card (SP)

The splitter card provides the circuitry splitting xDSL signals to LINE and POTS signals.
The SP card has an ID circuit accessed by the IPNI through the backplane allowing for the
card to be recognized by the Operator Station (OPS) (see Figure 8).
All signals in the SP card are accessed through the front panel. Figure 9 shows the VDSL
connection using a VTU-C24 with the SP card.



Splitter Card
POTS 1-24
LINE 1-24

VDSL2 1-24
V2U-C24 Card

Figure 8: SP ID circuit accessed by the IPNI through the backplane

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SP 1 -24 LINE 1 -24 POTS 1 -24 VDSL2 4
V2U-C24 1 -24 3 FAN
SP 1 -24 LINE 1 -24 POTS 1 -24 VDSL2 2
V2U-C24 1 -24 1
CCP NI Power A & B

Figure 9: Splitter cards supporting the V2T-C24 VDSL2 card

1.5.4. Shortcut Cards (SC)

ADSL lines from the ATU-C64 IP cards to subscribers are routed through the shortcut card
(see Figure 11).
Unlike Hi-FOCuS 4 type shelves, the Hi-FOCuS M41 mini-shelf does not have LINE
connectors in the CCP. Therefore, the connection to subscribers when using line cards with
LINE signals in the backplane is implemented in the Hi-FOCuS M41 with a shortcut card (see
Figure 10).
The shortcut card brings signals from the Hi-FOCuS M41 backplane to the front panel. These
cards can only be inserted in slots 2 and 4. The shortcut card in slot 2 services the tributary
card in slot 1; the shortcut card in slot 4 services the tributary card in slot 3.



1 - 32 1 - 32

ShortCut Card ADSL2+

33 - 64 33 - 64

1 - 32
33 - 64

Figure 10: ADSL2+ route from the line card to subscriber's connectors

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SC 1 -32 ADSL2+ 33 -64 ADSL2+ 4
SC 1 -32 ADSL2+ 33 -64 ADSL2+ 2
ATU-C64 IP 1
CCP NI Power A & B

Figure 11: Shortcut cards servicing the ATU-C

The 64 ADSL lines are accessed through the two connectors in the SC card.
This card also has an ID circuit accessed by the IPNI through the backplane, so that it can be
recognized by the OPS.

1.5.5. Mix of ATU-C64 IPs and V2U-C24s

The mini-shelf supports a mix of sets of DSL cards. For example, a VTU-24C and SP can be
used adjacent to an ATU-C64 and SC. In this case, the tributary cards are installed in slots 1
and 3 and the corresponding SC and SP cards are installed in slots 2 and 4.

SC 1 -32 ADSL2+ 33-64 ADSL2+ 4
SP 1 -24 LINE 1 -24 POTS 1 -24 VDSL2 2
V2U-24C 1 -24 1
CCP NI Power A & B

SP 1 -24 LINE 1 -24 POTS 1 -24 VDSL2 4
V2U-24C 1 -24 3 FAN
SC 1 -32 ADSL2+ 33-64 ADSL2+ 2
ATU-C64 IP 1
CCP NI Power A & B

Figure 12: Mix of DSL type cards

1.5.6. CCP NI Module

The CCP NI module houses the following connectors:

Table 2: CCP Connectors

Label Type Function Mates with…

Clock D-type 9 pin Clock D-type 9 pin Female
RS-485 D-type 9 pin Enable remote control for D-type 9 pin male

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

Label Type Function Mates with…

Female external devices
ALARMS DB-26 Male Alarm connector for input DB-26 Female
alarms, input clocks,
output alarms EU and
output alarms NA
Ethernet A,B RJ-45 Female For Ethernet 10/100BaseT RJ-45 Male
service. Out-of-band
management through the
100BaseT Ethernet port A.
ESD ESD Jack It is connected to earth ESD Plug
ground to discharge
electrostatic charges.

The CCP module has two LEDs:

• Green – lights when the fans are operating normally
• Red (fan alarm) –- lights when one or several of the fans cease working

Figure 13: CCP module

1.5.7. GND Terminal

This is the ground terminal in the M41 frame, just below the CCP NI.

Figure 14: GND terminal

1.5.8. HIF Power Feed Module

Hi-FOCuS M41 has an option for two alternate -48 VDC power sources, A and B. Each is
redundant to the other. If one power source fails or is not connected, the shelf can still
operate from a single source.
The input power range is -42 VDC to 75 VDC.
The shelf does not operate if power leads are reversed, although no damage can be caused
to the shelf. The HIF is a field-replaceable module.

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-A -48 VDC
-B -48 VDC

Figure 15: HIF power connection terminal

1.5.9. CFU Modules

The CFU modules provide filtering for the -48 VDC power feed. Two modules are available –
CFU A and CFU B.
If two power sources are used, the CFUs share the power load. If one CFU fails or is not
installed, the other assumes the entire load.
To provide full redundancy, the two CFUs are connected to the input sources in any of the
following combinations:
• One CFU with two power sources
• Two CFUs with one power source
• Two CFUs with two power sources

Figure 16: CFU cards

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The CFU has the following LEDs:

LED Color State Definition Remarks

–42 VDC >Input Voltage> -72
On Input voltage in range
Power Green only
–37 VDC >Input Voltage> -75 Input voltage out of
VDC range
–40.5 VDC >Input Voltage>
On Voltage warning
–75 VDC
Alarm Red only
–40.5 VDC >Input Voltage> Input power OK (if
–75 VDC power LED is on)

1.5.10. Remote Line Powering (RLP) Module (Optional)

The RLP module creates the required power for the Hi-FOCuS M41 from power sent over
telephone lines, created by an RLP unit in the central office. There are two RLP cards in the
module, each receiving 12 pairs from the RLP unit in the central office. In addition, the RLP
card has a DC out connector to provide DC power to other devices.
One or both RLP cards can be used according to the power required.

DC Out 12 Pairs RLP 1
DC Out 12 Pairs RLP 2

Figure 17: RLP module

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1.5.11. Fan Module

The fan module contains the fan assembly and the fan control card. Operation of the fan,
including the fan's speed and start/stop modes, is software-configured via the NI card.
The fan module is field replaceable without effecting traffic, if the replacement does not last
more than a few minutes.

Figure 18: FAN module

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2. Installation Overview
The following flowchart provides an overview of the tasks you need to perform when installing
the M41 mini-shelf.

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3. Site Preparation and Pre-Installation

The following sections describe the conditions required for installing the equipment in the site.

3.1. Preliminary Site Survey

Perform a preliminary survey of the installation site, taking into consideration the following
• System environmental requirements – see Specifications for operating temperature,
humidity, altitude vibration, shock and thermal output environmental conditions.
• Physical location of the 16-slot xDSL splitter shelf equipment (if applicable to the
o Indoor
o Outdoor
o Underground
• The equipment is mounted firmly on the structure, or on mounting devices, or it is
permanently placed in a certain site. The product is not intended for portable use; however,
short periods of handling during installation work, downtime, maintenance and repair at the
location are allowed.
• Weather-protected location – a location where the product is protected from weather:
o Totally weather-protected location (enclosed location) – direct weather influences are
totally excluded
o Partly weather-protected location (sheltered location) – direct weather influences are
not completely excluded
• Environmentally controlled locations – several environmental controls can be used:
o Climate-controlling system – a system that controls or affects climate, acting at least on
one climatic parameter in one direction
o Heating system – a system that controls or affects climate by increasing the air
temperature only; this can decrease relative humidity
o Cooling system – a system that controls or affects climate by decreasing the air
temperature only; this can decrease absolute humidity
o Forced-ventilation system – a system that controls or affects climate by introducing
outdoor air into the room or expelling air out of the room
o Air-conditioning system – a system that fully and automatically controls climatic
parameters, air temperature and humidity by heating, cooling, humidifying and
• Location of power sources
• -48/60 VDC from the circuit breaker
Install an external grounding wire if the metal installation structure is not properly

• Types of interfaces used at the site (optical, electrical, management, alarm monitoring,
• Work and equipment safety requirements
• Exposure to high voltage lines during installation
• Falls when working at heights or with ladders
• Injuries from dropping tools and equipment
• Contact with AC wiring

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3.2. Required Tools & Accessories

The following is a list of the required tools for installing the system. Other tools may be
needed depending on local conditions.
• Digital voltmeter
• Set of screwdrivers 5 x 150 mm (flat and Phillips)
• Terminal ring crimping tool (GND (ground) Cable)
• Wire stripper/cutter

3.3. Checklist
Verify that you have the following items:
• M41 mini-shelf
• Cables as listed in the following table

Table 3: List of cables

Cables Included
Power cable Yes
Protection ground Yes
Ethernet 10/100BaseT No
Alarms & clocks No
RS232 No
Dual fiber-optic SM, LC/xx, where xx is the connector at the No
user end of the cable.

 NOTE: POTS, line and subscriber cables can be ordered separately.

3.4. Site Requirements

3.4.1. Rack Mounting Guidelines

Follow these guidelines for mounting the M41:
• The M41 is 200 mm (7.9”) high. Make sure that there is enough space above and below for
cable routing.
• Make sure that there is a minimum of 50 mm (2") of clearance at the M41’s inlet and
exhaust vents.
• Maintain at least 760 mm (30") of clearance at the front of the M41 for easy insertion and
removal of cards and maintenance purposes.

3.4.2. Minimum Distances between Cabinets

The M41 is air cooled by a replaceable fan tray, with air entering the system from the bottom,
left and right sides of the chassis and exiting at the top.
The M41 cooling system will not function properly if airflow is restricted, causing an
over-temperature condition.

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¾ To maintain sufficient airflow:

1. Allow a minimum of 50 mm (2") of clearance at both the inlet and exhaust vents on the
2. Keep the site as dust-free as possible; dust particles can clog the air filter and restrict

3.4.3. Power and Environmental Specifications

See Specifications on page 50.

3.5. Unpacking and Visual Inspection

3.5.1. Before you start

Before unpacking, make a preliminary inspection of the shipping boxes. Evidence of damage
should be noted and reported immediately to the carrier, the project manager, and/or your
local ECI Telecom representative.
Unpack the equipment on a clean flat surface.

Static sensitive devices require proper handling and grounding. Hi-FOCuS M41
equipment contains components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). To
prevent ESD damage, strictly observe all the precautions.
Keep parts and cards in their antistatic packaging material until you are ready to
install them.
The use of an antistatic wrist strap connected to a grounded equipment frame or
rack is recommended when handling cards and modules during installation,
removal, or connection to internal connectors.

3.5.2. Unpacking the Equipment

¾ To unpack the equipment:

1. Place the shipping boxes with the top upwards.
2. Cut the sealing tape using a short knife so as not to damage the internal items, and
then open the top flaps.
3. Remove the items contained in the box, and inspect each one for damage.

3.5.3. Visual Inspection

4. Check for loose parts or any visual damage to the rack, shelf and auxiliary equipment.
5. Check the integrity of all the connectors, leads, and cables.

Do not remove plastic covers from optical connectors until the optical fibers are
connected to them.

6. Search the shipping boxes for any additional small items that may be present.
7. Check the contents of the shipping boxes against the packing list attached to each
box. If you detect any damaged or missing parts, notify the project manager and/or
your local ECI Telecom representative.

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4. Installation
The following sections provide instructions for mounting the M41 in a rack, and the various
cards in the M41.

When installing a Power Distribution Frame (PDF), it should be installed at the top of
the rack. Install the PDF before installing the M41. See the PDF installation manual for
more information or contact ECI Telecom.

Figure 19: PDF4 – front view with cover

4.1. Removing the Door of the M41

Prior to installing the shelf the door has to be removed.

¾ To remove the door:

1. Unscrew the door's two captive screws at the fan module.
2. Slide the door to the left.
3. Pull out the door.

Figure 20: Door's Captive Screws and Retaining Bracket.

4.2. Installing the M41 in a Rack

The M41 can be mounted in the following racks:
• 19" (482 mm)
• 23" (584 mm) (NEBS)
• ETSI (535 mm)

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4.3. Installing the M41 in a Rack

The M41 can be mounted in the following racks:
• 19" (482 mm) vertically mounted.
• 23" (584 mm) (NEBS) horizontally mounted.
• ETSI (535 mm) horizontally mounted.

4.3.1. Installing the M41 in an ETSI Rack

Two technicians are required to properly position and attach the M41 in an ETSI
The recommended minimum distances between shelves to allow proper air
circulation and cable bending clearance in a horizontal installation are:
o Top and bottom – zero (0) clearance between shelves
o Right and left – 10 cm between shelves
The M41 has a vertical mounting bracket on either side of the shelf with holes that line up with
the holes in the vertical rails of the ETSI rack.



Figure 21: Mounting bracket and holes

¾ To install the shelf in the rack:

1. Insert the M41 in the front opening of the rack, such that the Fan Module is on the
2. Line up the holes in the M41 mounting brackets with the holes in the rack rails.
3. Insert 4 M6 screws through the mounting brackets on either side of the M41 and into
the holes in the rack rails.

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25mm 515mm

10 500mm









Figure 22: ETSI rack installation

4.3.2. Installing the M41 in a 23" Rack

Two technicians are required to properly position and attach the M41 in a 23"
(NEBS) rack.
The recommended minimum distances between shelves to allow proper air
circulation and cable bending clearance in a horizontal installation are:
o Top and bottom – zero (0) clearance between shelves
o Right and left – 10 cm between shelves

The M41 is mounted horizontally in a 23" rack as in the ETSI rack. Mounting brackets are
used to secure the M41 to the rack.

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4.3.3. Installing the M41 in a 19” Rack

Two technicians are required to position and attach the M41 in a 19" rack
The recommended minimum distances between shelves to allow proper air
circulation and cable bending clearance in a horizontal installation are:
Top and bottom – 10 cm between shelves.
Right and left – 10 cm between shelves.

Install an ECI fire/airflow buffer between M41 shelves in a vertical installation to
comply with fire safety standards.

The M41 is installed vertically in a 19” rack.

¾ To install the M41 in a 19" rack:

1. Attach the 19” crossbars (not supplied in the basic installation kit) horizontally and 500
mm apart in the 19” rack.
2. Attach the M41 to the crossbars in an upright position.
3. Install the shelf with the fan module at the bottom to allow for proper air flow.

19" Rack Rails

19" Cross Bars



Figure 23: 19" rack installation

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4.4. Installing Units adjacent to the M41

You can install other units in the rack above or below the M41. The space between the M41
and other units below or on top of it can be as low as 0 mm.

4.5. Installing Cards in the M41

NI, line and splitter/bypass cards are all installed horizontally in the mini-shelf according to the
following instructions.

¾ To install a tributary/line, NI, splitter/shortcut cards in the M41:

1. Remove the card from its antistatic package. Take care not to touch the surface of the
2. Raise the locking levers on both ends of the card.
3. Align the card with the guide rails in the M41 frame and push the card along the slide
rail into the slot with even force until it meets the connection socket on the backplane.
4. Press down on the locking levers on both ends of the card to plug the card into the
backplane and complete the installation.
5. Repeat these instructions to install the remaining cards.

Figure 24: Line/NI/splitter card locking levers, closed position

4.5.1. Slot Assignment

The following table shows the slot assignment of the NI and line cards.

Card Slot
NI Only in the dedicated NI slot
Tributary/line cards (without shortcut/splitter 1 through 4 (except if a corresponding
card) shortcut or a splitter card is required)
Tributary/line cards (with shortcut/splitter o Tributary/line card in odd numbered
card) slots (1 and 3)
o Shortcut/splitter card in even numbered
slots (2 and 4)

4.6. Installing Modules

4.6.1. CCP NI
The CCP NI module is inserted through guides in the shelf and secured to the frame with two
screws. It is an integrated part of the shelf assembly, factory installed.

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4.6.2. HIF Power Module

The HIF module is inserted through guides in the shelf and secured to the frame with two
screws. It is an integrated part of the shelf assembly, factory installed.

4.6.3. CFU Cards

The CFU cards are inserted through guides in the shelf into their corresponding locations and
secured with the lock latches. The shelf can operate with either one or both cards inserted.

HIF Power Feed CFU A

Figure 25: Installing M41 modules

4.7. Reassembling the Door

The door is required to provide EMC protection and to maintain airflow over the cards. After
installing the cards and modules and making any connections, reinstall the door.

¾ To install the door:

1. Place the door on the shelf such that the cable holes openings are on the outer side
and it is inserted into a pin guide at the center of the fan module.
2. Verify that the pin on top of the door is aligned and inserted into the groove in the shelf
3. Slide the cover to the right if assembled horizontally, with the IPNI card on top. Slide
the cover to the left if assembled horizontally, with the IPNI at the bottom.
4. Secure with the two captive screws in the fan module.

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5. Connecting Cables
This section describes the connections of the various cables of the M41.

5.1. Grounding the Shelf

Grounding the shelf is the first step after installing it in the rack.

¾ To ground the M41:

1. Remove the GND lug from the shelf, below the CCP, by releasing the two nuts.
2. Crimp the GND cable into the lug.
3. Reinstall the cable with the lug and secure the nuts.

Figure 26: Grounding connection

5.2. Routing and Connecting Fiber Optic Cables

The fiber cables are routed to the appropriate card through slots at the shelf's sidewalls:
• Eight (8) fiber cables of 3 mm diameter can be routed through a slot
• Eighteen (18) fiber cables of 2 mm diameter can be routed through a slot
• Up to two fibers can be inserted in each slot in the cable guide.
Before connecting the fiber cables, the SFP should be connected and the cable routed.

¾ To connect the SFP:

1. Remove the SFP Optical Transceiver from the antistatic
package. Save the package for future use.
2. Holding the SFP transceiver, carefully slide it into the LC
socket, labeled 1…8 Tx Rx and verify that it is mechanically
locked in place.
Figure 27: SFP

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¾ To route the fiber cables:

1. Insert the end of the fiber through one of the slots in the M41
cable guide and bring its end to the designated connector.
Leave some slack to avoid stress.
2. Connect the fiber connector to the designated card connector.

Fiber cable

Figure 28: Fiber

cables guide

¾ To connect the fiber optic cables:

1. Route the fiber optic cable through the fiber guide (see
previous instructions).
2. Plug it into the SFP connector on the NI card.
Figure 29: Fiber
optic cable 3. Connect the other side of the cable to the Ethernet equipment.
4. For simplex fiber optic cables, make sure the Tx and Rx ports
are cross-connected.

5.3. Routing and Connecting Copper Cables

Copper cables are routed to the appropriate card through slots in the shelf sidewall. Figure 30
shows the cable guide as well as the tie-wrap extrusion.
Two (2) copper cables of 32 lines each can be guided through each cable slot.

Copper cables slot

Cables tie-wrap

Figure 30: Copper cables guide

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Figure 31: Copper cable

¾ To connect the POTS or Subscriber Lines cables:

1. Insert the 78-pin telco connector into the POTS and Subscriber
Lines port on the M82 Splitter or Shortcut Cards.
2. Use a slot-head 5 x 150 mm screwdriver to secure the connector.
3. Punch down/wrap the split-pair ends of the copper pairs to the
Figure 32: appropriate assignments on the Main Distribution Frame (MDF).
Sample copper
cable connection
¾ To connect the Splitter Card or Shortcut Card to the Line
Card (for Line Cards with front connectors only):
1. Connect the DSL cable (with a 78-pin D type connector on each
end) to the line card's port.
2. Use a slot-head 5 x 150 mm screwdriver to secure the connector.
3. Connect the other end of the cable to the DSL port of the
Splitter/Short card.
4. Use a slot-head 5 x 150 mm screwdriver to secure the connector.

5.4. Connecting the Alarm Cable

¾ To connect the alarm cable:

1. Insert the 26-pin alarm connector cable into the Alarm port on the
M41 CCP.
2. Use a slot-head 5 x150 mm screwdriver to secure the connector in
Figure 33: 3. Connect the other end of the cable to the distribution frame in the
Sample Alarm rack.

5.5. Connecting the Management Cable

Out-of-band management is implemented through a 100BaseT RJ-45 connector Ethernet
port. [In-band management through a RS-485 connector is not currently supported.]

¾ To connect the alarm cable:

1. Connect RJ-45 plug connector of the cable to the port on the CCP.
2. Connect the other cable side to the Ethernet equipment. Make
sure the RJ-45 connectors are locked in the ports.
Figure 34:
Ethernet cable

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5.6. Connecting the Clock Reference Cable

¾ To connect the clock cable:

1. Insert the RJ-45 connector cable into the clock port in the M41
2. Connect the other end of the cable to the external equipment.
Figure 35: Clock-
reference cable

5.7. Connecting the Power

The power cable is connected to the HIF power feed connector.
The required power range is -42 VDC to -75 VDC.

Figure 36: M41 power terminals block

¾ To connect the M41 to the power:

1. The HIF is equipped with a clear plastic cover over the power terminals. Slide this
plastic cover to the right to expose the terminals, which are labeled A-, +, +, and B-.
2. Route the power cable through the cable guide and attach the -42 VDC fork to the
- terminal and the RTN fork to the + terminal.
3. One power source is sufficient to operate the M41. Repeat this for the second power
source if two sources are being used.

Attach the power cable forks with the opening of the forks facing downward on
the terminal. This allows the power cable to be routed to the cable guide without
interfering with the reinstallation of the M41 door.

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6. System Installation Verification

When the hardware installation is completed, double-checking the installation is
recommended to make sure that it was completed properly, so that subsequent software
installation and system debugging can be implemented successfully.
The verification involves the following three steps:
• Making an overall inspection
• Checking system power supply
• Checking board status after power on

6.1. Overall Inspection

The overall inspection refers to a review of the entire installation. It covers cable distribution,
connectors, and sockets.

6.1.1. Checking Cable Distribution

¾ To check power cables and grounding wires:

Ensure all the power cables and grounding wires are reliably and correctly connected.

¾ To check the intra-module cables, make sure that:

1. All cables are connected correctly and firmly.
2. All cables are bundled properly and the spacing between cable ties is appropriate.
3. Cable ties are not overlaid, and have no sharp ends.

¾ To check cables and optical fibers, make sure that:

1. Cables are not stretched too tightly at turn points.
2. The wiring route is correct and cables are bundled with the same intervals.
3. Cables inside the rack are straight and smooth without crossover, and cables outside
the rack are bundled together.
4. Cables in the guide rails are neatly arranged. All cables are bound properly without
damage to the insulation.
5. Proper surplus of cables is reserved. Make sure the cable ties are cut with flush ends
and without superimposition.

¾ To check connectors and sockets:

o Ensure all the sockets are in good condition without broken or bent pins.

6.1.2. Power Supply

¾ To check the power supply:

1. Unplug the cards from the backplane (they may remain in their slots but they must not
contact the backplane).
2. Use a multi-meter to check whether the input -42/72 VDC power supply is within

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3. Turn on the power of the rack that supplies power to the M41. The fan unit starts
running. If the fans in the chassis are not functioning normally, cut off the power and
check the fans.
4. Turn off the power of the rack and then reinsert the cards into the backplane.

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7. Powering Up
System startup is accomplished by applying power via the power supply A and B switches or
via the PDF4 circuit breakers.

¾ To power up the M41:

1. Verify that all of the procedures presented in this installation manual have been
completed and that the PC terminal is turned on
2. Turn on the power source. The M41 starts running the cooling fans, initializes the
system, and indicates system statuses on the IPNI LEDs. System initialization can
take a few minutes.

The shelf door must be reinstalled to ensure proper air flow/cooling and EMC
(Electro Magnetic Compatibility) standards. See Reassembling the Door for the
door's installation procedure.

¾ To power the M41 down:

There are no special procedures for powering down the M41. Turn off the A and B power

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8. Commissioning
For the M41 shelf to operate properly and communicate with the OPS, some default system
settings need to be changed. The following describes how to configure the network interface
cards with basic configuration information like IP addresses. More extensive configuration,
such as user profiles and system configuration, is performed by the OPS management

8.1. Defining a Terminal Connection

If the defaults cannot be used or specific network parameter settings are required, the system
boot-up parameters can be reconfigured using a laptop or PC terminal and a serial cable
connected to a COM port (RS-232).

¾ To define the terminal connection

1. Connect the terminal port of the network interface card by using a RS-232, D-type,
9-pin female to male connector to one of the available COM ports on your PC (on a
laptop it will be COM1).
2. Log in to the onsite setup monitor. In the Windows Start menu, select the
Programs/Accessories/Communication/Hyper Terminal/Hyperterm folder.
The Hyper Terminal program is launched.
If a connection is defined then Connection Description dialog box opens.
In case a connection has not been defined before, a Location Information window
will open.
• Click the OK button at the bottom of this window.
• The Phone and Modem Options window opens.
• Click OK. The Connection Description dialog box opens.
3. Type a connection name, choose an icon for the connection, and click OK.
4. Select the appropriate COM port from the Connection Using menu, click OK. The
COM Properties dialog box displays.
5. In the Com Properties dialog box, select the following settings and then click OK:
• Bit per second: 57600
• Data bits: 8
• Parity: None
• Stop bits: 1
• Flow control: None
6. Wait for the network interface card to complete the boot process. It may take one to
two minutes. When the process is complete, the NI green LED lights and the
Command prompt screen will display.
7. At the Command prompt screen, type your login ID and password and then press
• Default login ID: ecidslam
• Default password: Hi-FOCuS (case sensitive)
A command prompt like >>{network_card_id}>HALT> appears.

8.2. Basic Syntax Commands

This section contains instructions for using basic commands after logging into the system.

¾ To verify the ID PROM default settings

1. Type eer. If you receive the message, 'ERROR: EESQUARE', follow the steps below
to correct the error:

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2. Remove the network interface card.

3. Reinsert the network interface card. Wait until the bootup process is complete before
4. Type ees and then press Enter.
5. Remove the network interface card.
6. Reinsert the network interface card. Wait until the bootup process is complete.
7. The Command prompt screen appears.
8. Type your login ID and password as described in the previous section.

¾ To see all available commands:

• Type help or ?.

¾ To obtain an explanation about the syntax and usage of a command:

• Type ? followed by a space and the command name. For example, when typing ?
ethernetip, the terminal response would be: ethernetip <ip address> < gateway>

¾ To display default parameters:

• Type eer and then press Enter.

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8.3. Management Parameters

This section contains instructions for setting various parameters. Any changes made to the
parameters will be activated once the network interface card has been rebooted.

¾ To set out-of-band configuration parameters:

1. Set the IP Address and IP Gateway by typing: ethernetip
<ipaddress><gateway><subnetmask> and then press Enter.
2. Set the default gateway, by typing: dgateway <default_gateway_value> and then
press Enter. The default gateway is defined in the same manner as the Ethernet
default gateway.

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3. Save the parameters by typing ees and then press Enter.

4. Reboot the NI card by typing restart at the command prompt and then press Enter. If
you are rebooting the network interface card from the new ID PROM settings, make
sure the boot jumper is not inserted.

¾ To set in-band configuration parameters

1. Set a unique number on the network that defines the MAC address of the DSLAM
serialnum <number> and then press Enter.
2. Define the port used for management: smngport and then press Enter.
Port 1: 655360
Port 2: 1179648
3. Set the IP Address and IP Gateway, by typing: Inbandip
<ipaddress><gateway><subnetmask> and then press Enter.
4. Set the default gateway by typing:
dgateway <default_gateway_value> and then press Enter. The default gateway is
defined in the same manner as the Ethernet default gateway.
5. Set the ATM Uplink parameters by typing: inbandparms <vpi><vci> and then press
6. Save the parameters by typing ees and then press Enter.
7. Reboot the NI card by typing restart at the command prompt and then press Enter.

¾ To set Ethernet uplink parameters:

1. Set the IP Address and IP Gateway by typing: Inbandip
<ipaddress><gateway><subnetmask> and then press Enter.
2. Set the default gateway by typing: dgateway <default_gateway_value> and then
press Enter. The default gateway is defined in the same manner as the Ethernet
default gateway.
3. Set the management VLAN by typing: sinvlan <vlan id: 1 – 4094 or 0 - untagged>
<vlan priority: 0 - 7> and then press Enter.
4. Set the NI mode to single NI by typing: snimode 5
5. Reboot the NI card by typing restart at the command prompt and then press Enter.

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8.4. Shelf Card Population

¾ To view the cards installed in the shelf:

o Type: getpop 0. A window similar to the one below appears.

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9. Maintenance
All cards and modules in the M41 are field replaceable. All replacements are made at the
front of the shelf.

9.1. Hot-Swap
Hot swap is the capability to replace components under power without creating electrical and
physical damage. Moreover, each tributary card can be replaced under power without
interrupting the operation of other cards operating independently.
The FAN module can be replaced without effecting traffic if accomplished within a few
minutes. One of the CFU cards and one of the power supply sources can be replaced without
affecting traffic.

9.2. Cautions in Extraction of Cards and Module

• When extracting a card or a module, make sure not to touch its inner parts, at
least for few minutes
• When pulling the fan module out, the fan blades will still be rotating for some
• When pulling a card out, integrated circuits and heat sinks might still be hot for
some time

9.3. Replacing Tributary/Line Cards and Modules

¾ To replace a tributary/line card:

1. Raise the locking levers on both ends of the card.
2. Slide the card out along the guide rails until it is completely extracted.
3. Insert the new card and follow the instructions for installation in Installing Cards in the

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

9.4. Replacing the Fan Unit

The M41 arrives with the fan unit installed, secured to the frame with two screws on the left
and right of the fan unit.
The fan module can be replaced while the shelf is operation. The replacement should not take
more than a few minutes to avoid failures due to over temperature.
When removing the module, it is recommended to disengage the module first, then wait a few
seconds until the fans stop spinning, and then remove it.

Figure 37: Fan Unit

¾ Before you start, make sure you have the following tools and materials:
o Fan unit
o Slot-head 5 x 150 mm screwdriver
o Antistatic material, such as bubble wrap or packaging used for the replacement fan

¾ To replace the fans:

Make sure the fans have stopped spinning before handling the unit.

1. With the slot-head screwdriver, completely loosen the fan module's captive screws.
2. Grasp the screws and gently remove the fan module by pulling it towards you. As you
withdraw the module, note the metal guide that controls its path.
3. Place the module in antistatic packaging.
4. Insert the replacement unit (verify that the captive screws are completely loose).
5. Use the slot-head screwdriver to tighten the captive screws.

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9.5. Installing and Removing the Air Filters

The M41 has an option for a dust filter, see the following figure. The installation or removal
should not take more than up to 5 minutes to avoid failures due to over temperature.

Filters should be cleaned at a minimum of once every six months depending on the
environment where the equipment is installed. The filter may be cleaned with slightly
compressed air, vacuumed, and/or rinsed with clean water. If a degreaser is required, use
only a mild detergent, such as, dishwashing liquid. Avoid using harsh solvents or cleaning

Back Air Filter


Air filter


Figure 38: Air Filter

Remove the fans and wait for them to stop before installing or removing the filter.

¾ To replace the filter, the following tools and materials are required:
o Filter
o Slot-head 5x150 mm screwdriver

9.5.1. Process

¾ To remove the air filter

1. Release and remove air filter holder before insertion.
2. Pay attention on filter's catalogue number location. The filter must be located with
catalogue number in upward direction.
3. Insert the filter into the back bracket of the lower slot wall and attach the filter to the
lower slot wall.
4. Place back the air filter holder and tighten the screw to lock the filter into place.

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

Appendix A Cables and Connectors

The Hi-FOCuS M41 is a platform for a variety of configurations and technologies. As such, it
supports a variety of cable types of two main categories: traffic cables and fixed cables.

A.1 Traffic Cables – Network and Subscribers

Table 4: Traffic cables List
Cable # Type and Description From To
1 Fiber cables IPNI Network, CO
2 V2U-C24 to SC V2U-C24 card SC card
3 Splitter to subscribers SC card Subscribers
The tributary/line cards are connected to subscribers via 78 pin connectors at their front or
through SC or SP cards (see Connecting Cables).

A.1.1 Fiber Cables

The NI connection to the network is via fiber cables. The fiber cable and connector type are
LC-PC duplex, single mode 9/125, normal.

Figure 39: Fiber optic cable

A.1.2 V2U-C24 to Splitter Card Cable

The V2U-C24 card connects to the splitter through a short cable. An illustration of the cable
itself is also shown.

Figure 40: Connecting the V2U-C24 to the splitter card

A.1.3 Subscribers Copper Connectors and Cables

All subscribers copper connections are terminated at the tributary cards with 78-pin male
D-type connectors. This 78-pin connector is used for all technologies (ADSL2+, VDSL2 and
POTS), and for either 24 pairs or 32 pairs.
The subscriber cable is terminated with the 78-pin connector at the shelf side and is open at
the subscriber side.

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Figure 41: Subscriber open cable

Line Connector
Each connector serves either 24 or 32 pairs.

Figure 42: Line connector

The following table lists the pin assignments for the line connector of 32 pairs. The pin
assignments are identical for all xDSL POTS connectors. For the V2U-C card, the first 24
lines are used. Figure 43 shows a detailed drawing of the connector.

Table 5: Subscriber cable pins and color assignment

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

Pair Wire Pin Pin Wire Pair

Tip 40 1 Tip
2 1
Ring 60 21 Ring
Tip 41 2 Tip
4 3
Ring 61 22 Ring
Tip 42 3 Tip
6 5
Ring 62 23 Ring
Tip 43 4 Tip
8 7
Ring 63 24 Ring
Tip 44 5 Tip
10 9
Ring 64 25 Ring
Tip 45 6 Tip
12 11
Ring 65 26 Ring
Tip 46 7 Tip
14 13
Ring 66 27 Ring
Tip 47 8 Tip
16 15
Ring 67 28 Ring
Tip 48 9 Tip
18 17
Ring 68 29 Ring
Tip 49 10 Tip
20 19
Ring 69 30 Ring
Tip 50 11 Tip
22 21
Ring 70 31 Ring
Tip 51 12 Tip
24 23
Ring 71 32 Ring
Tip 52 13 Tip
26 25
Ring 72 33 Ring
Tip 53 14 Tip
28 27
Ring 73 34 Ring
Tip 54 15 Tip
30 29
Ring 74 35 Ring
Tip 55 16 Tip
32 31
Ring 75 36 Ring

Figure 43: Subscribers line connector pin assignments

A.2 Fixed Cables

The fixed cables include the power, alarm, monitoring and other cables. Table 6 provides a
list of fixed cables.

Table 6: Fixed Cables List

Cable # Type and Description From To Quantity
1 Power cable (dual or single 2
2 Clock reference cable 1
3 Alarm cable 1
4 Out-of-band management 1
RS-485 cable
5 Out-of-band management 2
Ethernet cable
6 GND and ESD GND terminal at Local earth 1
the shelf frame ground

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A.2.1 Power Cable

The power cable has the following characteristics:
• 10 m (30 feet) maximum length
• Wire gauge: 12 AWG
• Fork hole size #8
• Halogen-free (HFFR)

Figure 44: Single-source power cable

The cable has to be manufactured according to ECI's specification.

A.2.2 Alarm Cable

Below is an illustration of the provided alarm cable.

Figure 45: Alarm cable

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A.2.3 Alarm Connector

The alarm connector is a D-type 26-pins male connector. Table 7 shows the alarm
connector's pin assignments.

Table 7: Alarm Connector Pin Assignment

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Figure 46 shows the IN_ALRM circuit connection. +48 VDC nominal is required for each IN
alarm and -48 VDC for common.

-48VDC +48VDC +48VDC +48VDC +48VDC +48VDC +48VDC +48VDC +48VDC



Figure 46: IN-Alarm connection circuitry

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Figure 47 shows the OUT-ALARM connections for both American and European installations.





AC (Alarm Cutoff)


Figure 47: IN-Alarm connection circuitry

A.2.4 GND Cable

The following are the characteristics of the GND cable:
• Gauge: 10-12 AWG
• Length: 3 m
• Terminated locally at an earth ground terminal
The GND cable provided is un-terminated and un-stripped.

Figure 48: Ground cable

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A.2.5 Clock Reference Connector

The clock reference connector is a D-type 9-pin male connector.
The M41 timing can be referenced to one of two E1 or T1 clock sources, CLK_IN A (pins 2
and 6) or CLK_IN B (pins 5 and 9). One source is alternate to the other. The clock sources
must adhere to ITU-T G.703 standards.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9


Figure 49: 9-pin D-type male clock connector

The M41 also extends clock reference from a differential line driver (in compliance with ITU-T
G703) to other Hi-FOCuS units through CLK_OUT (pins 4 and 8).

Table 8: Clock reference connector pin-outs

Pin # Signal
2 CLK_IN A(+)
4 CLK_OUT(+)
5 CLK_IN B(+)
6 CLK_IN A(-)
8 CLK_OUT (-)
9 CLK_IN B(-)

A.2.6 Management Ethernet Connection

An Ethernet Port A RJ-45 connector is available for out-of-band management access. (An
RS-485 management interface is presently not supported.)

Table 9: Management Ethernet connector

Pin Signal

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

Ethernet Port B is not active in the M41 CCP.

A.2.7 RFP Connections

Table 10: RLP 25 pin D-type connector pin assignment
Pin No RLP Line
1 line 1 +
14 line 1 -
2 line 2 +
15 line 2 -
3 line 3 +
16 line 3 -
4 line 4 +
17 line 4 -
5 line 5 +
18 line 5 -
6 line 6 +
19 line 6 -
7 line 7 +
20 line 7 -
8 line 8 +
21 line 8 -
9 line 9 +
22 line 9 -
10 line 10 +
23 line 10 -
11 line 11 +
24 line 11 -
12 line 12 +
25 line 12 -

Table 11: RLP DC OUT pin-out assignment

-A -48VDC
-B -48VDC

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Appendix B LED Display Definition

LED Color State Definition Remarks
–38 VDC >Input Voltage> -75
On Input voltage in range
Power Green only
–38 VDC >Input Voltage> -75 Input voltage out of
VDC range
–40.5 VDC >Input Voltage>
On Voltage warning
–75 VDC.
Alarm Red only
–40.5 VDC >Input Voltage> Input power OK (if
–75 VDC. power LED is on)

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Appendix C Specifications

Weight Height: 200 mm (7.9”)
Width: 500 mm (19.7”)
Depth: 280 mm (11.0”)
Weight: 12 kg (26.5 lbs)
Weight with cards: 17 kg (37.5

Power Operating Power: -48 VDC source nominal (-40.5 VDC to 75 VDC), dual feed
Power Consumption: 450 W max.

Environmental Operating Temperature: -25°C to 70°C (-13°F to 158°F) at full performance (ETS
300 019-2-3 Class 3.3)
Relative Humidity: Up to 93% non-condensing
Electromagnetic Emissions: EN 300386-2 Class B, 1TR9
Environmental: ETS 300 019-1-3 Class 3.3

Safety and Safety: EN60950, UL60950, NEBS, GR-63-CORE, GR-1089-CORE

Regulatory Laser safety: EN 60825 Class 1
Acoustic Compliance: ETS 300 753
Agency Approvals: CE
High Voltage Protection: Complies with ITU-T K.20

Slots 1 network interface (NI) card 2 Central Filter Units (CFUs)

2 line cards w/2 splitters or 4 line cards w/ Fan module
external splitters Power module (HIF)

Cards 64 port ADSL2+ (ATU-C) Shortcut (SC)

24 port VDSL2 (V2U-C) POTS/ISDN splitter (SP)

Subscriber ITU-T G.992.3/G.992.4 (ADSL2) G.992.1 (DMT full rate)

Interface ITU-T G.992.5 (ADSL2+) including Annex B G.992.2 (G.lite)
Features ANSI T1.413

Network PPPoE, IPoEoA traffic transport; enhanced RFC 2684 support for bridge and route
Interface encapsulation; IEEE 802.1q, .1p, .1d, .3x & .1ad support; gateway and DSLAM may
Features reside on different networks; advanced class of service map configuration; CAC
mechanism; 8,000 connections (bridge ports, cross connects); ATM to Ethernet bridging;
built-in ATM engine; Ethernet switch for the uplink side; port/PVC mapping to VLANs,
IGMP V1, V2 support (V3 in future); 1:1 and 1:N VLAN configurations; PPPoE
intermediate Ethernet agent/DHCP relay agent

Management Remote management Performance monitoring

Services Fault management Security

Management In-band through network interface SNMP v1 v2

Interfaces Out-of-band through 10BaseT Maintenance port
Command line interface through RS-232 OSS (CORBA support)
FCAPS functionality - Solaris/Windows-based OS

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

Appendix D Disposal
The ECI product you have purchased is subject to Directive 2002/96/EC of
the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on waste
electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and, in jurisdictions adopting
that Directive, is marked as being put on the market after August 13, 2005,
and should not be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste. Please utilize
your local WEEE collection facilities in the disposition of this product and
otherwise observe all applicable requirements

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Hi-FOCuS M41 Installation Manual

Appendix E Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

Term Description
ACO Alarm Cutoff
ADSL2 Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line 2 (ITU-T G.992.3 & G.992.4)
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATU-C ADSL Termination Unit Central Office
BPLT BPON Line Termination
CCP Central connection panel
CFU Central Filtering Unit
CO Central Office
DSL Digital subscriber line
EFM Ethernet in the First Mile
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
FCC Federal Communications Commission
GbE Gigabit Ethernet
HIF High-current Input Filter
IP Internet Protocol
IPNI IP Network Interface (card)
LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling
MANI Multiplexed Aggregate Network Interface
NI Network Interface
OPS Operator Station
PDF4 Power Distribution Frame 4
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
RLP Remote Line Powering
SAM Service Access Multiplexer
SANI Switched Aggregate Network Interface
SC Shortcut (bypass) Card
SFP Small Form Factor
SP Splitter Card
STU-C Symmetric DSL Termination Unit Central Office
TANI Tributary ATM Network Interface
V2U-C VDSL2 Termination Unit Central Office
VDSL2 Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line 2
VoIP Voice over IP
XFP 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable Module

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