Metzger 2011 Failure Modes of Electronics PDF
Metzger 2011 Failure Modes of Electronics PDF
Metzger 2011 Failure Modes of Electronics PDF
ISBN 978-93-81157-19-0
Published by:
The English Press
4735/22 Prakashdeep Bldg,
Ansari Road, Darya Ganj,
Delhi - 110002
Table of Contents
Chapter 2 - Electromigration
Electronic devices have a wide range of failure modes. These can be distinguished by
their development in time (sudden failure or gradual degradation), by environmental
effects (e.g. corrosion, ionizing radiation) or by the electrical parameter which was
exceeded (e.g. electrostatic discharge, overvoltage, overcurrent, etc.).
Failures most commonly occur at the beginning and near the end of the lifetime of the
parts. Burn-in procedures are used to detect early failures.
Presence of parasitic structures, irrelevant for normal operation, may become important
in the context of failures; such structures can be both a source of failure and a protective
A sudden fail-open failure can cause multiple secondary failures, when the event is fast
and the circuit contains an inductance. The suddenly interrupted current flow in
combination with the inductance then causes large voltage spikes, which for very fast
events may exceed 500 volts. A burned metallization on a chip may then cause secondary
overvoltage damage.
Packaging-related failures
Electronic packaging, acting as the barrier between the materials of the electronic parts
and the environment, is very susceptible to environmental factors. Thermal cycling may
cause material fatigue due to mechanical stresses induced by thermal expansion,
especially when the thermal expansion coefficients of the materials are different.
Humidity or presence of aggressive chemicals can cause corrosion of the packaging
materials, leads, or cause failure of encapsulation and following damage to the part
inside, leading to electrical failure. Exceeding the allowed environmental temperature,
whether too high or too low, can cause overstressing of the wire bonds inside the
package, tearing the connections, cracking the semiconductor dies, or causing cracks to
the packaging itself. Absorption of humidity into the packaging material and subsequent
heating to high temperature (e.g. during soldering) may also cause cracking. Mechanical
damage could also fall here.
Bonding wires can be severed or shorted together during encapsulation, or touch the chip
die, usually its edge. Dies can crack due to mechanical overstress or thermal shock; initial
defects introduced during e.g. wafer sawing or scribing can develop to fractures later.
Lead frame may contain excessive material or burrs, causing shorts. Ions of e.g. alkali
metals or halogens can be released from the packaging materials and migrate to the
semiconductor dies, causing corrosion or parameter deterioration.
Glass-metal seals commonly fail by forming radial cracks. The cracks originate at the
pin-glass interface and continue outwards; other failure causes are weak oxide layer on
the pin-glass interface and poor formation of glass meniscus around the pin.
Moisture and other gases may be present in the package cavity, either as impurities
trapped during manufacture, or from outgassing of the materials used (monomers, curing
agents, etc.), or even from chemical reactions (e.g. when the packaging material gets
overheated; the released reaction products, often of ionic nature, then can facilitate
corrosion and cause a delayed failure). Helium is often added into the inert atmosphere of
the packagings, as a tracer gas to detect leaks during testing. Carbon dioxide may result
from oxidation of organic materials with residual oxygen. Hydrogen may be released
from some organic materials. Moisture can be outgassed by polymers. Amine-cured
epoxies may outgas ammonia.
Formation of cracks and growth of intermetallics in die attachment materials may lead to
formation of voids and delamination, impairing the heat transfer from the chip die to the
substrate and heatsink, and cause a thermal-related failure.
Electrical contacts
• Failures of soldered joints
• Failures of electrical contacts – mechanical faults, corrosion
• Failures of cables – fraying, breaking of the conductors, corrosion, fire damage
Soldered joints, whether on boards, cables, or inside the electronic parts themselves, can
fail in many ways; by electromigration, mechanical overstress, formation of brittle
intermetallic layers, or material fatigue due to excessive thermal cycling. Such failures
can be apparent only at high or low joint temperatures, hindering the debugging.
Thermal expansion mismatch between the part package and the printed circuit board
material stresses the part-to-board bonds. Leaded parts are able to absorb the strain by
bending. Leadless chip packages rely on the properties of the solder to absorb the
stresses. Thermal cycling may lead to fatigue cracking of the solder joints, especially
with less plastic solders. Various approaches are used to alleviate the temperature-
induced strains.
Loose particles can form in the device cavity; a piece of bonding wire, a fragment of the
chip die, flakes of plating, particles of die attachment material, fragments of the case,
weld flash, and other materials may migrate inside the packaging cavity and cause shorts,
often intermittent and sensitive to mechanical shocks.
Corrosion may cause buildup of oxides and other nonconductive products on the
electrical contact surfaces. The contacts, when closed, then show unacceptably high
resistance. Corrosion products may migrate and cause shorts.
Tin whiskers can form on the tin-coated metals, e.g. on the internal side of the
packagings. Loose whiskers then can cause intermittent short circuits inside the
Above the glass transition temperature of the boards, the resin matrix softens and
becomes significantly susceptible to diffusion of contaminants. As an example,
polyglycols from the flux can enter the board and increase its humidity intake, with
corresponding deterioration of dielectric and corrosion properties.
Conductive anodic filaments (CAF) may grow within the boards, along the fibers of the
composite material. The metal is introduced to the vulnerable surface typically from
plating the vias, then migrates in presence of ions, moisture, and electrical potential.
Drilling damage and poor glass-resin bonding promotes such failures. The formation of
CAF usually begins by bonding failure between the glass fiber and the resin matrix, and a
layer of adsorbed moisture then provides a channel through which ions and corrosion
products migrate. In presence of chloride ions, the precipitated material is atacamite
(copper chloride hydroxide); its semiconductive properties then may lead to increased
leaks, deteriorated dielectric strength, and short circuits between the traces. Absorbed
glycols from the flux residues aggravate the problem. The difference in thermal
expansion of the fibers and the matrix also weakens the bond when the board is subjected
to high temperature during soldering; the lead-free solders, which generally require
higher soldering temperatures, are expected to increase the incidence of CAF. CAF
incidence depends on absorbed humidity; below certain threshold it does not occur.
Delamination can occur, separating the board layers, cracking the vias and conductors
and introducing pathways for corrosive contaminants and migration of conductive
• Reliability (semiconductor)
Many failures result in generation of large amount of hot carriers in the chip structure,
namely hot electrons. These are observable under an optical microscope, as they generate
near-infrared photons detectable by e.g. a CCD camera. Latchups can be observed this
The location of the failure site, if visible, on the chip die may present clues to the nature
of the overstress; whether the site is located at the place with highest current density,
highest temperature, the highest electric field gradient, etc., size of the damage,
secondary damage (fused leads, cracked die, reflowed die attachment...).
Liquid crystal coatings can be used for localization of faults. Cholesteric liquid crystals
respond to temperature, are thermochromic; these are used for visualisation of locations
of heat production on the chips. Nematic liquid crystals respond to voltage; these are used
for visualising current leaks through oxide defects, and for visualising of charge states on
the chip surface, allowing seeing the logical states on the individual structures and
During laser marking of plastic-encapsulated packages, the laser beam may reach and
damage the chip die, if the glass spheres used as fillers in the epoxy resin packaging
material line up in such way that they conduct the laser light to the chip.
• GaAs MMICs:
o Degradation of IDSS: caused by gate sinking and hydrogen effects
("hydrogen poisoning"). Most common and easiest to detect. Affected by
reduction of the active channel of the transistor (gate sinking) or depletion
of the donor density in the active channel (hydrogen poisoning).
o Degradation in gate leakage current: occurs at accelerated life tests or high
operation temperatures; suspected to be caused by surface-state effects.
o Degradation in pinch-off voltage": common failure mode for GaAs
devices, operating at high temperature. Primarily results from
semiconductor-metal interactions and degradation of gate metal structures.
Can be hindered by suitable barrier metal inhibiting diffusion between
gold and GaAs. Also can be caused by presence of hydrogen.
o Increase in drain-to-source resistance: observed in devices operating at
high temperature, caused by metal-semiconductor interactions. Caused by
gate sinking and ohmic contact degradation.
o Degradation in RF performance: caused by multiple factors. Surface-state
density and material related effects play major roles.
In some cases, the normal presence of tolerances in the circuits can cause erratic behavior
difficult to trace. For example a combination of a weak driver transistor with a higher
series resistance together with the capacitance of the gate of the subsequent transistor,
each within the normal "good" specifications, can significantly increase the propagation
delay of the signal. Such faults can manifest only at very specific environmental
conditions, high clock speeds in combination with low (but within specifications) power
supply voltages, and/or specific circuit signal states. Significant variations can occur on a
single die. Overstress induced damage, by e.g. creating ohmic shunts or lowering
transistor output current, can potentially increase such delays, leading to erratic behavior
of the circuit. As the propagation delays show significant dependence on power supply
voltage, normally allowed fluctuations of power supply voltage can trigger such erratic
Vias are a common source of unwanted serial resistance on chips. Defective vias show
higher resistance than they should have and therefore increase propagation delays. As
their resistivity drops with increasing temperature, degradation of maximum operating
frequency of the chip with decreasing temperature is an indicator of such fault.
Mousebites are regions of partially missing metalization. The conductor is still present
but its width is locally decreased. Such defects usually do not show during electrical
testing, but present a major reliability risk. The increased current density in the damaged
region may exacerbate electromigration problems. A very significant degree of voiding is
needed to create a temperature-sensitive propagation delay.
Metalization-related faults are more common and more serious cause of FET transistor
degradation than bulk semiconductor material processes. Amorphous materials are
promising; the lack of grain boundaries hinders interdiffusion and corrosion.
• Electromigration, caused by high current density can move atoms out of the active
regions, leading to emergence of dislocations and point defects, acting as
nonradiative recombination centers and producing heat instead of light.
o Al-gate electromigration in power MESFETs can occur with large RF
signals. The current densities in the "fingers" of the gate can be sufficient
to cause electromigration, leading to voids and interruptions of the gate
fingers and consequent loss of control of drain current. Gold metallization
is less susceptible, the issue is therefore limited to aluminium.
o Drain contacts in power FET transistors are depleted on their end while
source contacts get material deposited on them.
o In structures using aluminium metalization over a refractory metal barrier
layer, the electromigration affects primarily the aluminium layer. The
underlying refractory metal is highly resistant to electromigration, so the
conductor does not fail entirely; its resistance just somewhat, often
erratically, increases. The displaced aluminium can however cause shorts
to neighbouring structures. Addition of 0.5-4% of copper to the aluminium
metal significantly increases resistance to electromigration; copper
accumulates on the alloy grain boundaries, increasing the energy needed
to dislodge the metal atoms from them.
• Ohmic contact degradation. The boundary between a metalization layer and the
semiconductor can degrade. In case of GaAs, a layer of gold-germanium-nickel
alloy (or gold-germanium alloy) is used to achieve low contact resistance. The
ohmic contact is achieved by diffusion of germanium into GaAs, forming a highly
n-doped region under the metal that facilitates the connection. A thick layer of
gold is then deposited over the thin layer of AuGe. Gallium atoms can migrate
through the thin layer and get scavenged by the gold above, creating a defect-rich
Ga-depleted zone under the contact. Gold (and oxygen) migrate in the other
direction, resulting in increased resistance of the ohmic contact and depletion of
effective doping level. Formation of intermetallic compounds also plays a role.
• Short circuits; mechanical stresses, high currents, and corrosive environment can
lead to formation of whiskers, causing short circuits. These effects can occur both
within the packaging of individual devices and on the level of circuit boards.
Micro-photograph of a failed TO3 power transistor due to short circuit
• Sodium contamination, together with less common lithium and potassium. These
ions are mobile in silicon dioxide layers even at normal temperature. (Their
counterpart anions in contrast stay immobilized in the oxide structure.) The
electric fields present during operation of the semiconductors cause migration of
the mobile ions, leading to buildup of charged areas in the gate oxide. The NMOS
gates are especially susceptible; a positive gate bias repels the cations towards the
junction, depressing its threshold voltage. Even low concentrations of mobile ions
can cause shifts by few millivolts, enough to cause trouble for analog circuits. The
ion migration is a slow process, causing slow gradual drift of circuit parameters
up to a possible failure. This effect was observed especially in early metal-gate
CMOS logic circuits. Baking the affected chips at 200 °C for a few hours can
temporarily reverse the effect by rediffusing the ions through the oxide. Doping
the polysilicon of the base region with phosphorus is an effective way for
immobilizing the ions. Alkali ions can migrate from the outside of the package;
plastics can hinder their movement but can not slow them entirely. Nitride or
phosphate glass layers are used as a chip die protection against externally
originated contaminants.
• Ionizing radiation and neutron radiation have multiple effects, both transient and
permanent. They can cause defects in the semiconductor, creating recombination
centers and shortening the lifetime of minority carriers, degrading the
performance of bipolar junction transistors; it also causes accumulation of charge
carriers discussed above. More details are described in the problematics of
radiation hardening.
• Migration of charge carriers from floating gates, limiting the lifetime of stored
data in EEPROM and flash EPROM structures.
• Parasitic channels can form anywhere where a source-drain structure exists. The
role of the gate can be played by a metallization trace above, or even by static
charge built up or migrated into the overlaying insulator, protective overcoat, or
passivation layer. As the migrating charge carriers are usually electrons, parasitic
PMOS transistors tend to be formed. The bipolar chips are more sensitive, likely
because of more stringent requirements regarding absence of mobile ionic species
for CMOS and BiCMOS technologies.
• Burnt fuses, used for programming the integrated circuits, can under certain
conditions reform. Polysilicon fuses may crack instead of vaporizing, which
prematurely interrupts the current and leaves enough material to allow reforming
the fuse later. Programming both polysilicon and metalization fuses after
packaging the circuit prevents the metal from dispersing; the metal stays in the
vicinity of the burnt fuse and can migrate back.
The failures are also classed as bit failures (single, double, triple, quadruple, multiple),
row failures (where the entire row of bits fails), column failure (same for the memory
array column), cross (where both a row and a column failure occurs), continuous block,
peripheral logic, and systemic defect.
• Reverse bias: Although e.g. the LED is based on a diode junction and is
nominally a rectifier, the reverse-breakdown mode for some types can occur at
very low voltages and essentially any excess reverse bias causes immediate
degradation, and may lead to vastly accelerated failure. 5 V is a typical,
"maximum reverse bias voltage" figure for ordinary LEDs, some special types
may have lower limits.
• Overcurrent can cause failures of the bonding wires. In some cases the
semiconductor junctions can withstand high enough current to melt the bonding
• Zener diodes in reverse bias, when severely overloaded, fail as a short circuit. A
sufficiently high voltage causes an avalanche breakdown of the Zener junction;
the voltage across the junction together with a significant current being forced
through causes extreme localized heating; the junction and metallization melt, and
an alloy of silicon and aluminium shorts the diode's terminals. This is sometimes
intentionally used in semiconductors as a type of programming fuses.
• FET transistors are sensitive to dV/dt failures; excessively fast voltage transients
can cause the transistor to open.
• Bipolar transistors are more thermally sensitive than FETs; the thermal runaway
phenomenons limit their operation margins at higher ambient temperatures.
Bipolar transistors are also more sensitive to degradation of die cooling
mechanisms (die bond defects, part-heatsink attachment degradation).
Electrostatic discharge
ESD can cause a parametric performance failure; the device still operates, but its
parameters are shifted. The failure may manifest in stress testing. In some cases, the
degree of damage can lower over time (so called cold healing).
ESD can also cause latent failures, which manifest themselves in a delayed fashion and
are difficult to impossible to test for. They have these main reasons:
Catastrophic failures require the highest discharge voltages; they are easiest to test for,
and rarest to occur. Parametric performance failures occur at intermediate discharge
voltages and occur more often. Latent failures occur at low voltages and are the most
common; for each parametric performance failure there are 4–10 latent ones.
Modern high-integration circuits are more ESD sensitive. The features are smaller, their
capacitance is lower and for the same amount of charge the deposited voltage is higher.
The silicidation of the conductive layers makes them more conductive, reducing the
ballast resistance that can have a degree of protective role.
The gate oxide of some MOSFET transistors can be damaged by as little as 50 volts
potential. The gate is isolated from the junction; potential accumulated on it causes
extreme stress on the thin dielectric layer. Stressed oxide can shatter and fail immediately
(gate rupture – occurs in nanoseconds, does not require a sustained electric current, and is
irreversible; usually the gate and backgate of the affected transistor end up connected
together). The gate oxide does not have to fail immediately; the gate leakage can increase
by stress induced leakage current, the oxide damage can lead to a delayed failure after
hundreds or thousands of operation hours. On-chip capacitors using oxide or nitride
dielectric are vulnerable to the same kind of damage. Small structures are more
vulnerable than large ones by the virtue of their lower capacitance; the same amount of
charge carriers will charge the capacitor the structure forms to a higher voltage. All thin
layers of dielectric, e.g. the protective oxide layers over emitter regions of transistors or
the insulation between two interconnections, are vulnerable; not just the MOS gates.
Chips made by processes employing thicker oxide layers are less vulnerable.
The degree of gate oxide damage depends on the size of the gate. Older transistors had
larger gate regions with higher capacitance; a discharge of the accumulated potential
frequently caused a gate rupture, causing a hard breakdown. Newer ultrathin oxide
layers are more commonly damaged by a soft breakdown; while the damage is still
irreversible, its most significant effect is an increase of the noise voltage of the gate, by
up to 4 orders of magnitude. Gate oxide breakdown does not always have to lead to
failure; gate-to-channel breakdowns usually do not lead to a hard failure, unlike the gate-
to-source or gate-to-drain breakdowns.
Gate oxides can also be stressed during manufacture, by so called antenna effect;
charges introduced during e.g. ion implantation or dry etching accumulate in conductive
structures, causing a voltage buildup across the vulnerable dielectrics.
Breakdown of the gate oxide can form a number of different structures with varying
voltage-current characteristics. The simplest case is a connection between two regions
with the same doping; a resistive path is then formed. In case of opposite doping regions,
the resulting structure is a diode. A metal-to-semiconductor connection may create an
ohmic contact or a Schottky diode.
The formation of an ohmic path across an insulator or a junction may not always lead to a
hard failure. If the resistance of the path is higher than a critical value, only a degradation
of parameters occurs.
Interruption of a conductor may also not always lead to a hard failure. Capacitive
coupling can still occur between the structures, maintaining partially degraded
functionality, reducing signal strength or affecting gate output voltage range. Faults in
drain or source connections of CMOS transistors may lead to formation of quasi-memory
cells, making the defect manifestation dependent on previous states of the logic circuit.
Loss of an output driver can lead to high-impedance output at some circuit states; the
load capacitance then can maintain previous state for some time as a dynamic memory
Semiconductor junctions are more robust than thin dielectrics. A sufficiently high voltage
leads to an avalanche breakdown. The electric current is usually concentrated to a small
area, due to current crowding; a semiconductor heated above certain limit starts losing
resistance with increasing temperature and the region concentrates more current in itself,
leading to more heat production and a thermal runaway. The extreme current density can
migrate the metalization and short the junction, the heat can melt and recrystallize or
even shatter the junction. Such damage usually manifests as a shorted junction.
Current-induced failures are more common in bipolar junction devices, where Schottky
or pn junctions are predominant. The high power of the discharge (often above 5
kilowatts for less than a microsecond) is capable of melting and vaporizing silicon and
metal. Thin-film resistors can have their value altered by a discharge path forming a
shunt across part of their length (value decrease) or get part of the layer vaporized (value
increase); this can be problematic in precision analog applications where the values are
Device terminals connected only to MOS gates or capacitors are the most vulnerable to
the effects of electrostatic discharge. In case both insulated gates and junctions are
connected, avalanching usually takes precedence before gate oxide damage. Substrates of
chips and large diffusion areas in the semiconductors, e.g. collectors of high-power
transistors, are less vulnerable due to their large size and ability to dissipate more energy.
Small diffusion areas, e.g. base and emitor regions of small NPN transistors, are more
Newer CMOS output buffers using a lightly doped drain and silicide source/drain are
more ESD sensitive. The N-channel driver usually suffers damage, usually in the oxide
layer or n+/p well junction. The damage is caused by current crowding during the
snapback of the parasitic NPN transistor. In PMOS-NMOS totem-pole structures, the
NMOS transistor is virtually always the one damaged.
The structure of the junction influences its ESD sensitivity. Corners and defects can lead
to current crowding, reducing the damage threshold. Forward-biased junctions are less
sensitive than reverse-biased; in the first case the Joule heat is dissipated through the
thicker layer of the material while in the latter it is concentrated in the narrow depletion
LEDs and lasers grown on sapphire substrate are more susceptible to ESD damage.
In NMOS transistors, the ESD pulse can lead to formation of a metal filament between
source and drain, by a phenomenon called electrothermomigration. The junction heat can
also melt the polysilicon gate, forming polysilicon filaments between gate-source and
The damage can be observed on the I/V curve; undamaged devices show sharp knees,
while damaged ones are significantly softened.
• List of LED failure modes
• Catastrophic optical damage of semiconductor lasers at high power, when the part
is overstressed
• Hydrogen darkening of optical fibers in presence of hydrogen
• Phosphor degradation, in white LEDs, cathode ray tubes, plasma displays,
fluorescent lights, etc.
• Corrosion of optical materials; silicate glasses are attacked by moisture. Lenses
and optical fibers are prone to deterioration by condensed moisture. Phosphate
glasses are more susceptible to corrosion than silica-based glasses, different
formulations of glasses can have vastly different.
Microelectromechanical systems suffer from specific types of failures.
• Stiction causes the moving parts stick to other surfaces on contact. An external
impulse can sometimes release the adhesion and restore functionality. Non-stick
coatings, reduction of surface contact area, and increased awareness virtually
eliminated the problem in contemporary systems.
• Particle contamination can cause failures by particles lodged between the
elements and blocking their movements. Conductive particles may short out
circuits, namely electrostatic actuators.
• Wear damages the surfaces; debris, removed from the surfaces during their
mutual movements, can be a source of particle contamination.
• Fractures may cause loss of mechanical parts
• Material fatigue may induce cracks in moving structures
• Electrostatic discharge
• Oxide charging, causing electrostatic attraction between parts, may lead to
electrostatically mediated stiction
• Dielectric breakdown, causing a short circuit and irreversibly damaging the
MEMS structure
Vacuum tubes
• Vacuum tubes and fluorescent lights are susceptible to degradation of hot
cathodes, leading to gradual loss of emission of electrons. The vacuum inside the
tubes can be compromised by outgassing of materials inside, diffusion of gases
through the envelope, or envelope failure. Burnout of the hot cathode filaments
leads to a sudden failure. Cold cathode devices tend to be more reliable.
• Multipactor effect
• Phosphor degradation
Passive elements
Resistors can fail open (going to infinite resistance), fail short (going to close to zero
resistance), or their value can increase or decrease under environmental conditions (e.g.
corrosion, material aging) or because of exceeding of performance limits (e.g.
Thin film resistors are formed from a thin film of a suitable material, e.g. chromium or
tantalum nitride.
• Resistor#Failure modes
• The value of certain thin film metal resistors can change when they overheat, due
to annealing of their crystalline structure. Extreme overheating may lead to open
circuit failure. In integrated circuits, diffused resistors are preferable for
applications where high transient currents are to be encountered, e.g. ESD
protection, as they are in close contact with the semiconductor substrate which
serves as additional heatsinking.
• Mechanical defects from manufacturing can cause intermittent problems or
failures. Improperly crimped caps on carbon or metal resistors can become loose
and lose contant permanently or intermittently, or the resistor-to-cap interface
resistance increase can shift the value of the resistor. Leads to the through-hole
resistors are welded to the caps by spark or by butt weld; a faulty weld can
become loose. Rough handling can cause such defects or lead to manifestation of
latent defects. Thin cracks in the ceramic substrate may cause an open fault, often
only annoyingly intermittent.
• Deformation of wire-wound resistors can lead to shorting of adjanced loops of
resistive wire, causing partial loss of resistance.
• Operation in oxidizing atmosphere causes oxidation to the outer layer of the
resistive wire, reducing its active diameter and increasing its resistance. Operation
in reducing atmosphere, e.g. in presence of hydrogen, has the opposite effect.
• Ceramic and carbon resistor cores are prone to cracking under mechanical loads
and shocks.
• Under overload, the power dissipated on the resistor can cause heating above the
maximum rating, and melting or oxidizing of the resistive element. The protective
lacquer or polymer is charred and pyrolyzed, with release of the characteristic
smell and possible formation of a conductive path. The resistive element may be
interrupted or weakened.
• At high voltages, arcing can occur between parts of the resistor surface, with
possible formation of conductive paths or vaporization of the resistive material.
• Damage to insulation layer of the end caps can lead to short between the cap and
an underlying circuit board trace.
• Carbon composition resistors, rods of carbon/ceramic composite with embedded
leads, may absorb water in humid environments during operation or storage, with
resistance changes of as much as 15% up or down.
• Wire-wound resistors are prone to corrosion of the resistive wire. Cap crimping
and welds between the wire, caps, and leads are also weak points of this type.
• Metal and carbon film resistors, composed of a thin film of resistive material
(typically cut into a spiral) on a (typically) ceramic core, are prone to corrosion
and electrolysis of the resistive layer, when the protective layer is penetrated by
moisture and contaminants. The electrolytic damage can erode the layer up to an
open circuit failure; externally applied voltage is needed for this deterioration
mode. Conductive contaminants may form bridges between the loops of the spiral
and lead to resistance drop.
• Surface-mount resistors can suffer delamination of their structure where
dissimilar materials join, e.g. between the ceramic substrate and the resistive
layer, or between the resistive layer and the contact terminations.
• Nichrome thin-film resistors in integrated circuits can be attacked by phosphorus
from the passivation glass, which corrodes them and increases their resistance.
• Laser-trimmed resistors may develop instabilities due to the heat damage and
microcracks in the resistive layer adjanced to the site of the kerf.
• SMD resistors with silver metallization of termination contacts may suffer open-
circuit failure in sulfur-rich environment (e.g. close to sulfur-vulcanized rubber),
due to buildup of silver sulfide. Presence of either sulfur dioxide (emitted e.g. by
heated rubber) and hydrogen sulfide can be the cause. Conformal coatings do not
prevent the failure. The failure is however fairly rare.
• Materials may migrate through the resistor structure and alter resistance or cause
shorts. Silver can migrate from the electrodes of thick film chip resistors. Silver
atoms were detected as far as 100 micrometers from the electrodes. In addition to
lowering the resistance, the silver atoms create nonhomogenities in current
distribution and lead to current crowding, instability of characteristics over time,
and increase of noise.
• Copper dendrites may grow from copper oxide present in some materials (e.g.
from the layer facilitating adhesion of metallization to a ceramic substrate), and
bridge the trimming kerf.
• The resistive layer of thick film chip resistors may degrade when subjected to
overvoltage or overcurrent.
• The electrodes may crack or corrode.
Electrolytic capacitors
Crystals for crystal oscillators are thin slabs of a piezoelectric material, typically quartz,
with deposited electrodes on the slab surfaces, mounted in a hermetically sealed housing,
providing the circuit with oscillations at a stable frequency.
• Cracks of crystal slab can occur at extremely high drive levels (especially with
low-frequency crystals), or due to mechanical shocks strong enough to make the
crystal impacts the inside of the housing.
• Failure of lead connection can lead to an open circuit failure.
• Outgassing of materials inside the housing, most often improperly cured epoxy,
can lead to frequency shifts of the crystal.
• Moisture present in the housing can condense on the crystal at low temperatures,
causing significant frequency shifts.
• Ionizing radiation and neutron radiation can cause frequency shifts. Swept quartz,
from which the mobile alkali metal ions were removed, is used for rad-hard
• Dehermetization of the housing, by rough handling or corrosion, may lead to
penetration of contaminants and moisture into the housing, with consequent
changes in resistance and frequency, and possible lead-to-lead and lead-to-
packaging leakage paths.
Chapter- 2
The phenomenon of electromigration has been known for over 100 years, having been
discovered by the French scientist Gerardin. The topic first became of practical interest in
1966 when the first integrated circuits became commercially available. Research in this
field was pioneered by a number of investigators throughout the fledgling semiconductor
industry. One of the most important engineering studies was performed by Jim Black of
Motorola, after whom Black's equation is named. At the time, the metal interconnects in
ICs were still about 10 micrometres wide. Currently interconnects are only hundreds to
tens of nanometers in width, making research in electromigration increasingly important.
Due to the relatively high life span of interconnects and the short product lifecycle of
most consumer ICs, it is not practical to characterize a product's electromigration under
real operating conditions. A mathematical equation, the Black's equation, is commonly
used to predict the life span of interconnects in integrated circuits tested under "stress",
that is external heating and increased current density, and the model's results can be
extrapolated to the device's expected life span under real conditions. Such testing is
known as high temperature operating life (HTOL) testing.
Although electromigration damage ultimately results in failure of the affected IC, the first
symptoms are intermittent glitches, and are quite challenging to diagnose. As some
interconnects fail before others, the circuit exhibits seemingly random errors, which may
be indistinguishable from other failure mechanisms (such as electrostatic discharge
damage). In a laboratory setting, electromigration failure is readily imaged with an
electron microscope, as interconnect erosion leaves telltale visual markers on the metal
layers of the IC.
In modern consumer electronic devices, ICs rarely fail due to electromigration effects.
This is because proper semiconductor design practices incorporate the effects of
electromigration into the IC's layout. Nearly all IC design houses use automated EDA
tools to check and correct electromigration problems at the transistor layout-level. When
operated within the manufacturer's specified temperature and voltage range, a properly
designed IC device is more likely to fail from other (environmental) causes, such as
cumulative damage from gamma-ray bombardment.
The material properties of the metal interconnects have a strong influence on the life
span. The characteristics are predominantly the composition of the metal alloy and the
dimensions of the conductor. The shape of the conductor, the crystallographic orientation
of the grains in the metal, procedures for the layer deposition, heat treatment or
annealing, characteristics of the passivation and the interface to other materials also affect
the durability of the interconnects. There are also grave differences with time dependent
current: direct current or different alternating current forms cause different effects.
Two forces affect ionized atoms in a conductor. The direct electrostatic force Fe as a
result from the electric field therefore having the same direction. The force from the
exchange of momentum with other charge carriers Fp showing toward the flow of charge
carriers. In metallic conductors Fp is caused by a so-called "electron wind" or "Ion wind".
Thermal effects
In an ideal conductor, where atoms are arranged in a perfect lattice structure, the
electrons moving through it would experience no collisions and electromigration would
not occur. In real conductors, defects in the lattice structure and the random thermal
vibration of the atoms about their positions causes electrons to collide with the atoms and
scatter, which is the source of electrical resistance. Normally, the amount of momentum
imparted by the relatively low-mass electrons is not enough to permanently displace the
atoms. However, in high-power situations (such as with the increasing current draw and
decreasing wire sizes in modern VLSI microprocessors), if many electrons bombard the
atoms with enough force to become significant, this will accelerate the process of
electromigration by causing the atoms of the conductor to vibrate further from their ideal
lattice positions, increasing the amount of electron scattering. High current density
increases the number of electrons scattering against the atoms of the conductor, and
hence the speed at which those atoms are displaced.
Electromigration is exacerbated by high current densities and the Joule heating of the
conductor, and can lead to eventual failure of electrical components. Localized increase
of current density is known as current crowding.
Assuming a vacancy mechanism for atom diffusion we can express D as a function of the
Electromigration-aware design
Electromigration reliability of a wire (Black's equation)
At the end of the 1960s J. R. Black developed an empirical model to estimate the MTTF
(mean time to failure) of a wire, taking electromigration into consideration:
Here A is a constant based on the cross-sectional area of the interconnect, J is the current
density, Ea is the activation energy (e.g. 0.7 eV for grain boundary diffusion in
aluminum), k is the Boltzmann's constant, T is the temperature and n a scaling factor
(usually set to 2 according to Black). It is clear that current density J and (less so) the
temperature T are deciding factors in the design process that affect electromigration.
The temperature of the conductor appears in the exponent, i.e. it strongly affects the
MTTF of the interconnect. For an interconnect to remain reliable in rising temperatures,
the maximum tolerable current density of the conductor must necessarily decrease.
Wire material
The most common conductor used in integrated circuits is aluminium, due to its good
adherence to substrate, good conductivity, and formation of ohmic contacts with silicon.
However, it soon appeared that pure aluminium is susceptible to electromigration.
Research shown adding 2-4% of copper to aluminium increases resistance to
electromigration about 50 times. The effect is attributed to grain boundary segregation of
copper, which greatly inhibits the diffusion of aluminium atoms across grain boundaries.
It is obvious that a wider wire results in smaller current density and, hence, less
likelihood of electromigration. Also, the metal grain size has influence; the smaller
grains, the more grain boundaries and the higher likelihood of electromigration effects.
However, if you reduce wire width to below the average grain size of the wire material,
the resistance to electromigration increases, despite an increase in current density. This
apparent contradiction is caused by the position of the grain boundaries, which in such
narrow wires as in a bamboo structure lie perpendicular to the width of the whole wire.
Because the grain boundaries in these so-called “bamboo structures” are at right angles to
the current, the boundary diffusion factor is excluded, and material transport is
correspondingly reduced.
However, the maximum wire width possible for a bamboo structure is usually too narrow
for signal lines of large-magnitude currents in analog circuits or for power supply lines.
In these circumstances, slotted wires are often used, whereby rectangular holes are carved
in the wires. Here, the widths of the individual metal structures in between the slots lie
within the area of a bamboo structure, while the resulting total width of all the metal
structures meets power requirements.
Blech length
There is a lower limit for the length of the interconnect that will allow electromigration to
occur. It is known as “Blech length”, and any wire that has a length below this limit will
not fail by electromigration. Here, a mechanical stress buildup causes a reversed
migration process which reduces or even compensates the effective material flow towards
the anode. The Blech length must be considered when designing test structures for
Particular attention must be paid to vias and contact holes, because generally the
ampacity of a (tungsten) via is less than that of a metal wire of the same width. Hence
multiple vias are often used, whereby the geometry of the via array is very significant:
Multiple vias must be organized such that the resulting current is distributed as evenly as
possible through all the vias.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is the sudden and momentary electric current that flows
between two objects at different electrical potentials. The term is usually used in the
electronics and other industries to describe momentary unwanted currents that may cause
damage to electronic equipment.
ESD is a serious issue in solid state electronics, such as integrated circuits. Integrated
circuits are made from semiconductor materials such as silicon and insulating materials
such as silicon dioxide. Either of these materials can suffer permanent damage when
subjected to high voltages; as a result, there are now a number of antistatic devices that
help prevent static build up.
Causes of ESD
One of the causes of ESD events is static electricity. Static electricity is often generated
through tribocharging, the separation of electric charges that occurs when two materials
are brought into contact and then separated. Examples of tribocharging include walking
on a rug, rubbing plastic comb against dry hair, ascending from a fabric car seat, or
removing some types of plastic packaging. In all these cases, the friction between two
materials results in tribocharging, thus creating a difference of electrical potential that can
lead to an ESD event.
Another cause of ESD damage is through electrostatic induction. This occurs when an
electrically charged object is placed near a conductive object isolated from ground. The
presence of the charged object creates an electrostatic field that causes electrical charges
on the surface of the other object to redistribute. Even though the net electrostatic charge
of the object has not changed, it now has regions of excess positive and negative charges.
An ESD event may occur when the object comes into contact with a conductive path. For
example, charged regions on the surfaces of styrofoam cups or plastic bags can induce
potential on nearby ESD sensitive components via electrostatic induction and an ESD
event may occur if the component is touched with a metallic tool.
Types of ESD
The most spectacular form of ESD is the spark, which occurs when a strong electric field
creates an ionized conductive channel in air. This can cause minor discomfort to people,
severe damage to electronic equipment, and fires and explosions if the air contains
combustible gases or particles.
However, many ESD events occur without a visible or audible spark. A person carrying a
relatively small electric charge may not feel a discharge that is sufficient to damage
sensitive electronic components. Some devices may be damaged by discharges as small
as 10 V. These invisible forms of ESD can cause device outright failures, or less obvious
forms of degradation that may affect the long term reliability and performance of
electronic devices. The degradation in some devices may not become evident until well
into their service life.
A spark is triggered when the electric field strength exceeds approximately 4–30 kV/cm
— the dielectric field strength of air. This may cause a very rapid increase in the number
of free electrons and ions in the air, temporarily causing the air to abruptly become an
electrical conductor in a process called dielectric breakdown.
Earth's atmosphere consists of 21% oxygen (O2) and 78% nitrogen (N2). During an
electrostatic discharge, the intervening atmosphere become electrically overstressed. The
diatomic oxygen molecules are split, and then recombine to form ozone (O3), which is
unstable, or reacts with metals and organic matter. If the electrical stress is high enough,
nitrogen oxides (NOx) can form. Both products are toxic to animals, and nitrogen oxides
are essential for nitrogen fixation. Ozone attacks all organic matter by ozonolysis and is
used in water purification.
Sparks can cause serious explosions because of the high temperatures reached in a spark.
Methane and coal dust explosions have been caused by electrostatic discharges. The
Hindenburg disaster has been attributed to spark discharge igniting flammable panels
tainted with thermite, which burned vigorously, violently, and extremely swiftly, which
ultimately led to the ignition of hydrogen gas held in or leaking from the airship at the
time. The ship had just passed through a thunderstorm and therefore may have acquired a
large charge. Discharge supposedly occurred when mooring ropes were dropped as it
came in to land in New Jersey in 1937.
A portion of a static discharger on an aircraft. Note the two sharp 3/8" metal micropoints
and the protective yellow plastic.
Prevention of ESD bases on Electrostatic Protective Area (EPA). EPA can be a small
working station or a large manufacturing area. The main principle of an EPA is that there
are no highly charging materials in the vicinity of ESD sensitive electronics, all
conductive materials are grounded, workers are grounded, and charge build-up on ESD
sensitive electronics is prevented. International standards are used to define typical EPA
and can be found for example from International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) or
American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
ESD prevention within an EPA may include using appropriate ESD-safe packing
material, the use of conductive filaments on garments worn by assembly workers,
conducting wrist straps and foot-straps to prevent high voltages from accumulating on
workers' bodies, anti-static mats or conductive flooring materials to conduct harmful
electric charges away from the work area, and humidity control. Humid conditions
prevent electrostatic charge generation because the thin layer of moisture that
accumulates on most surfaces serves to dissipate electric charges.
Ion generators are sometimes used to inject ions into the ambient airstream. Ionization
systems help to neutralize charged surface regions on insulative or dielectric materials.
Insulating materials prone to triboelectric charging should be kept away from sensitive
devices to prevent accidental charging of devices through induction. On aircraft, static
dischargers are used on the trailing edges of wings and other surfaces.
Manufacturers and users of integrated circuits must take precautions to avoid ESD. ESD
prevention can be part of the device itself and include special design techniques for
device input and output pins. External protection components can also be used with
circuit layout.
For testing the susceptibility of electronic devices to ESD from human contact, an ESD
Simulator with a special output circuit, called the human body model (HBM) is often
used. This consists of a capacitor in series with a resistor. The capacitor is charged to a
specified high voltage from an external source, and then suddenly discharged through the
resistor into an electrical terminal of the device under test. One of the most widely used
models is defined in the JEDEC 22-A114-B standard, which specifies a 100 picofarad
capacitor and a 1500 ohm resistor. Other similar standards are MIL-STD-883 Method
3015, and the ESD Association's ESD STM5.1. For comportment to European Union
standards for Information Technology Equipment, the IEC-61000-4-2 test specification is
used. Guidelines and requirements are given for test cell geometries, generator
specifications, test levels, discharge rate and waveform, types and points of discharge on
the "victim" product, and functional criteria for gauging product survivability.
A Charged Device Model (CDM) test is used to define the ESD a device can withstand
when the device itself has an electrostatic charge and discharges due to metal contact.
This discharge type is the most common type of ESD in electronic devices and causes
most of the ESD damages in their manufacturing. CDM discharge depends mainly on
parasitic parameters of the discharge and is strongly depending on size and type of
component package. One of the most widely used CDM simulation test models is defined
by the JEDEC.
Voltage spike.
When the voltage in a circuit or part of it is raised above its upper design limit, this is
known as overvoltage. The conditions may be hazardous. Depending on its duration, the
overvoltage event can be transient—a voltage spike—or permanent, leading to a power
Lack of 3-phase electric system connected by star. If zero breakes off, small-power
appliances will be destroyed by overvoltage
Electronic and electrical devices are designed to operate at a certain maximum supply
voltage, and considerable damage can be caused by voltage that is higher than that for
which the devices are rated.
For example an electric light bulb has a wire in it that at the given rated voltage will carry
a current just large enough for the wire to get very hot (giving off light and heat), but not
hot enough for it to melt. The amount of current in a circuit depends on the voltage
supplied: if the voltage is too high, then the wire may melt and the light bulb would have
"burned out". Similarly other electrical devices may stop working, or may even burst into
flames if an overvoltage is delivered to the circuit of which these devices are part.
A typical natural source of transient overvoltage events is lightning. Bursts of solar wind
following solar flares are also known to cause overvoltage in electrical circuits, especially
onboard space satellites.
Man made
Man-made sources of spikes are usually caused by electromagnetic induction when
switching on or off inductive loads (such as electric motors or electromagnets), or by
switching heavy resistive AC loads when zero-crossing circuitry is not used - anywhere a
large change of current takes place. One of the purposes of electromagnetic compatibility
compliance is to eliminate such sources.
Conduction path
The transient pulses can get into the equipment either by power or data lines, or directly
through space from a strong electromagnetic field change - an electromagnetic pulse
(EMP). Filters are used to prevent spikes entering or leaving the equipment through
wires, and the devices coupled electromagnetically to space (such as radio-frequency
pick-up coils in MRI scanners) are protected by shielding.
In electricity supply, overcurrent or excess current is a situation where a larger than
intended electric current exists through a conductor, leading to excessive generation of
heat, and the risk of fire or damage to equipment. Possible causes for overcurrent include
short circuits, excessive load, and incorrect design. Fuses, circuit breakers, temperature
sensors and current limiters are commonly used protection mechanisms to control the
risks of overcurrent.
Chapter- 4
Semiconductor-Related Failures
Nucleation is the extremely localized budding of a distinct thermodynamic phase. Some
examples of phases that may form via nucleation in liquids are gaseous bubbles, crystals
or glassy regions. Creation of liquid droplets in saturated vapor is also characterized by
nucleation. Nucleation of crystalline, amorphous and even vacancy clusters in solid
materials is also important, for example to the semiconductor industry. Most nucleation
processes are physical, rather than chemical, but a few exceptions do exist (e.g.
electrochemical nucleation). A good example would be the famous Diet Coke and
Mentos eruption. Nucleation normally occurs at nucleation sites on surfaces contacting
the liquid or vapor. Suspended particles or minute bubbles also provide nucleation sites.
This is called heterogeneous nucleation. Nucleation without preferential nucleation sites
is homogeneous nucleation. Homogeneous nucleation occurs spontaneously and
randomly, but it requires superheating or supercooling of the medium. Nucleation is
involved in such processes as cloud seeding and in instruments such as the bubble
chamber and the cloud chamber.
Examples of nucleation
Nucleation of carbon dioxide bubbles around a finger
• Pure water freezes at −42°C rather than at its freezing temperature of 0°C if no
crystal nuclei, such as dust particles, are present to form an ice nucleus.
• Presence of cloud condensation nuclei is important in meteorology because they
are often in short supply in the upper atmosphere.
• All natural and artificial crystallization process (of formation of solid crystals
from a homogeneous solution) starts with a nucleation event.
• Bubbles of carbon dioxide nucleate shortly after the pressure is released from a
container of carbonated liquid. Nucleation often occurs more easily at a pre-
existing interface (heterogeneous nucleation), as happens on boiling chips and
string used to make rock candy. So-called Diet Coke and Mentos eruptions are a
dramatic example.
• Nucleation in boiling can occur in the bulk liquid if the pressure is reduced so that
the liquid becomes superheated with respect to the pressure-dependent boiling
point. More often nucleation occurs on the heating surface, at nucleation sites.
Typically, nucleation sites are tiny crevices where free gas-liquid surface is
maintained or spots on the heating surface with lower wetting properties.
Substantial superheating of a liquid can be achieved after the liquid is de-gassed
and if the heating surfaces are clean, smooth and made of materials well wetted
by the liquid.
• Nucleation is relevant in the process of crystallization of nanometer sized
materials, and plays an important role in atmospheric processes.
• Nucleation is a key concept in polymer, alloy and ceramic systems.
• In chemistry and biophysics, nucleation can also refer to the phaseless formation
of multimers which are intermediates in polymerization processes. This sort of
process is believed to be the best model for processes such as crystallization and
• In molecular biology, nucleation is used to term the critical stage in the assembly
of a polymeric structure, such as a microfilament, at which a small cluster of
monomers aggregates in the correct arrangement to initiate rapid polymerization.
For instance, two actin molecules bind weakly, but addition of a third stabilizes
the complex. This trimer then adds additional molecules and forms a nucleation
site. The nucleation site serves the slow, or lag phase of the polymerization
• Some champagne stirrers operate by providing many nucleation sites via high
surface area and sharp corners, speeding the release of bubbles and removing
carbonation from the wine.
• Sodium acetate heating pads use a metal disk as a nucleation centre for
exothermic crystallization
Ionizing radiation
Radiation hazard symbol.
Ionizing radiation hazard symbol (recently introduced).
Examples of ionizing particles are alpha particles, beta particles, neutrons, and cosmic
rays. The ability of an electromagnetic wave (photons) to ionize an atom or molecule
depends on its frequency. Radiation on the short-wavelength end of the electromagnetic
spectrum—high frequency ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays—is ionizing. Lower-
energy radiation, such as visible light, infrared, microwaves, and radio waves, are not
The latter types of lower energy electromagnetic radiation may damage molecules, but
the effect is generally indistinquishable from the effects of simple heating. Such heating
does not produce free radicals until higher temperatures (for example, flame temperatures
or "browning" temperatures, and above) are attained. In contrast, damage done by
ionizing radiation produces free radicals, even at room temperatures and below, and
production of such free radicals is the reason these and other ionizing radiations produce
quite different types of chemical effects from (low-temperature) heating. Free radical
production is also a primary basis for the particular danger to biological systems of
relatively small amounts of ionizing radiation that are far smaller than needed to produce
significant heating. Free radicals easily damage DNA, and ionizing radiation may also
directly damage DNA by ionizing or breaking DNA molecules.
Ionizing radiation is ubiquitous in the environment, and also comes from radioactive
materials, x-ray tubes, and particle accelerators. It is invisible and not directly detectable
by human senses, so instruments such as Geiger counters are usually required to detect its
presence. In some cases it may lead to secondary emission of visible light upon
interaction with matter, as in Cherenkov radiation and radioluminescence. It has many
practical uses in medicine, research, construction, and other areas, but presents a health
hazard if used improperly. Exposure to radiation causes damage to living tissue, and high
doses can result in mutation, radiation sickness, cancer, and death.
Alpha (α) radiation consists of a fast moving helium-4 (4He) nucleus and is stopped by a
sheet of paper. Beta (β) radiation, consisting of electrons, is halted by an aluminium
plate. Gamma (γ) radiation, consisting of energetic photons, is eventually absorbed as it
penetrates a dense material. Neutron (n) radiation consists of free neutrons which are
blocked using light elements, like hydrogen, which slow and/or capture them.
Various types of ionizing radiation may be produced by radioactive decay, nuclear fission
and nuclear fusion, and by particle accelerators and naturally occurring cosmic rays.
Muons and many types of mesons (in particular charged pions) are also ionizing.
In order for a particle to be ionizing, it must both have a high enough energy and interact
with the atoms of a target.
Photons interact electromagnetically with charged particles, so photons of sufficiently
high energy also are ionizing. The energy at which this begins to happen with photons
(light) is in the high frequency end of the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic
Charged particles such as electrons, positrons, muons, protons, alpha particles, and heavy
atomic nuclei from accelerators or cosmic rays also interact electromagnetically with
electrons of an atom or molecule. Muons contribute to background radiation due to
cosmic rays, but by themelves are thought to be of little hazard importance due to their
relatively low dose. Pions (another very short-lived sometimes-charged particle) may be
produced in large amounts in the largest particle accelerators, but are not a theoretical
biological hazard except near such machines, which are in practice are subject to heavy
security while in use.
Neutrons, on the other hand, having zero electrical charge, do not interact
electromagnetically with electrons, and so they cannot directly cause ionization by this
mechanism. However, fast neutrons will interact with the protons in hydrogen (in the
manner of a billiard ball hitting another, head on, sending it away with all of the first
ball's energy of motion), and this mechanism produces proton radiation (fast protons).
These protons are ionizing because they are charged, and interact with the electrons in
A neutron can also interact with other atomic nuclei, depending on the nucleus and the
neutron's velocity; these reactions happen with fast neutrons and slow neutrons,
depending on the situation. Neutron interactions in this manner often produce radioactive
nuclei, which produce ionizing radiation when they decay, then they can produce chain
reactions in the mass that is decaying, sometimes causing a larger effect of ionization.
Types of radiation - gamma rays are represented by wavy lines, charged particles and
neutrons by straight lines. The little circles show where ionization processes occur.
An ionization event normally produces a positive atomic ion and an electron. High-
energy beta particles may produce bremsstrahlung when passing through matter, or
secondary electrons (δ-electrons); both can ionize in turn. Energetic Beta-particles. like
those emitted by 32P, are quickly decelerated when passing through matter. The energy
lost to deceleration is emitted in the form of X-rays called "Bremsstrahlung" which
translates "Braking Radiation". Bremsstrahlung is of concern when shielding beta
emitters. The intensity of bremsstrahlung increases with the increase in energy of the
electrons or the atomic number of the absorbing medium.
Unlike alpha or beta particles, gamma rays do not ionize all along their path, but rather
interact with matter in one of three ways: the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect,
and pair production. By way of example, the figure shows Compton effect: two Compton
scatterings that happen sequentially. In every scattering event, the gamma ray transfers
energy to an electron, and it continues on its path in a different direction and with
reduced energy.
In the same figure, the neutron collides with a proton of the target material, and then
becomes a fast recoil proton that ionizes in turn. At the end of its path, the neutron is
captured by a nucleus in an (n,γ)-reaction that leads to a neutron capture photon.
Neutron radiation
Neutron radiation is a kind of non-ionizing radiation which consists of free neutrons. A
result of nuclear fission or nuclear fusion, it consists of the release of free neutrons from
both stable molecules and isotopes, and these free neutrons react with nuclei of other
stable molecules to form new isotopes of previously non-isotopic molecules, which in
turn produce radiation. This will result in a chain reaction of nuclear radiation, which
makes radiation dangerous and harmful over great areas of space.
Neutrons may be emitted from nuclear fusion or nuclear fission, or from any number of
different nuclear reactions such as from radioactive decay or reactions from particle
interactions (such as from cosmic rays or particle accelerators). Large neutron sources are
rare, and are usually limited to large-sized devices like nuclear reactors or particle
accelerators (such as the Spallation Neutron Source).
Cold, thermal and hot neutron radiation is most commonly used for scattering and
diffraction experiments in order to access the properties and the structure of materials in
crystallography, condensed matter physics, biology, solid state chemistry, materials
science, geology, mineralogy and related sciences. Neutron radiation is also used in select
facilities to treat cancerous tumors due to its highly penetrating and damaging nature to
cellular structure. Neutrons can also be used for imaging of industrial parts termed
neutron radiography when using film, neutron radioscopy when taking a digital image,
such as through image plates, and neutron tomography for three dimensional images.
Neutron imaging is commonly used in the nuclear industry, the space and aerospace
industry, as well as the high reliability explosives industry.
Because the neutrons that strike the hydrogen nucleus (proton, or deuteron) impart energy
to that nucleus, they in turn will break from their chemical bonds and travel a short
distance, before stopping. Those protons and deuterons are high linear energy transfer
particles, and are in turn stopped by ionization of the material through which they travel.
Consequently, in living tissue, neutrons have a relatively high relative biological
effectiveness, and are roughly ten times more effective at causing cancers or LD-50s
compared to photon or beta radiation of equivalent radiation exposure.
Effects on materials
Neutrons also degrade materials; bombardment of materials with neutrons creates
collision cascades that can produce point defects and dislocations in the materials. At
high neutron fluences this can lead to embrittlement of metals and other materials, and to
swelling of some of them. This poses a problem for nuclear reactor vessels, and
significantly limits their lifetime (which can be somewhat prolonged by controlled
annealing of the vessel, reducing the number of the built-up dislocations). Graphite
moderator blocks are especially susceptible to this effect, known as Wigner effect, and
have to be annealed periodically; the well-known Windscale fire was caused by a mishap
during such an annealing operation.
In order to achieve an effective fission chain reaction, the neutrons produced during
fission must be captured by fissionable nuclei, which then split, releasing more neutrons.
In most fission reactor designs, the nuclear fuel is not sufficiently refined to be able to
absorb enough fast neutrons to carry on the fission chain reaction, due to the lower cross
section for higher-energy neutrons, so a neutron moderator must be introduced to slow
the fast neutrons down to thermal velocities to permit sufficient absorption. Common
neutron moderators include graphite, light water and heavy water. A few reactors (fast
neutron reactors) and all nuclear weapons rely on fast neutrons. This requires certain
changes in the design and in the required nuclear fuel. The element beryllium is
particularly useful due to its ability to act as a neutron reflector or lens. This allows
smaller quantities of fissile material to be used and is a primary technical development
that led to the creation of neutron bombs.
Cosmogenic neutrons
Cosmogenic neutrons, neutrons produced from cosmic radiation in the Earth's
atmosphere or surface, and those produced in particle accelerators can be significantly
higher energy than those encountered in reactors. Most of them activate a nucleus before
reaching the ground; a few react with nuclei in the air. The reactions with nitrogen 14
lead to the formation of carbon 14, widely used in radiocarbon dating.
SILC (semiconductors)
Stress Induced Leakage Current (SILC) is an increase in the gate leakage current of a
MOSFET, due to defects created in the gate oxide during electrical stressing. SILC is
perhaps the largest factor inhibiting device miniturization. Increased leakage is a common
failure mode of electronic devices.
Oxide Defects
The most well studied defects assisting in the leakage current are those produced by
charge trapping in the oxide. This model provides a point of attack and has stimulated
researchers to develop methods to decrease the rate of charge trapping by mechanisms
such as N2O nitridation of the oxide.
The term “hot carrier injection” usually refers to the effect in MOSFETs, where a carrier
is injected from the conducting channel in the silicon substrate to the gate dielectric,
which usually is made of silicon dioxide (SiO2).
To become “hot” and enter the conduction band of SiO2, an electron must gain a kinetic
energy of 3.3 eV. For holes, the valence band offset in this case dictates they must have a
kinetic energy of 4.6 eV.
When electrons are accelerated in the channel, they gain energy along the mean free path.
This energy is lost in two different ways:
1. The carrier hit an atom in the substrate. Then the collision create a cold carrier
and an additional electron-hole pair. In the case of nMOS transistors, additional
electrons are collected by the channel and additional holes are evacuated by the
2. The carrier hit a Si-H bond and break the bond. An interface state is created and
the Hydrogen atom is released in the substrate.
The probability to hit either an atom or a Si-H bond is random. And the average energy
involved in each process is the same in both case.
This is the reason why the substrate current is monitored during HCI stress. A high
substrate current means a large number of created electron-hole pairs and thus an
efficient Si-H bond breakage mechanism.
When interface states are created, the threshold voltage is modified and the subthreshold
slope is degraded. This lead to lower current, and degrade the operating frequency of
integrated circuit.
However, it has not been possible to scale the supply voltage used to operate these ICs
proportionately due to factors such as compatibility with previous generation circuits,
noise margin, power and delay requirements, and non-scaling of threshold voltage,
subthreshold slope, and parasitic capacitance.
Large electric fields in MOSFETs imply the presence of high-energy carriers, referred to
as “hot carriers”. These hot carriers that have sufficiently high energies and momenta to
allow them to be injected from the semiconductor into the surrounding dielectric films
such as the gate and sidewall oxides as well as the buried oxide in the case of silicon on
insulator (SOI) MOSFETs.
The presence of such mobile carriers in the oxides triggers numerous physical damage
processes that can drastically change the device characteristics over prolonged periods.
The accumulation of damage can eventually cause the circuit to fail as key parameters
such as threshold voltage shift due to such damage. The accumulation of damage
resulting degradation in device behavior due to hot carrier injection is called “hot carrier
The useful life-time of circuits and integrated circuits based on such a MOS device are
thus affected by the life-time of the MOS device itself. To assure that integrated circuits
manufactured with minimal geometry devices will not have their useful life impaired, the
life-time of the component MOS devices must have their HCI degradation well
understood. Failure to accurately characterize HCI life-time effects can ultimately affect
business costs such as warranty and support costs and impact marketing and sales
promises for a foundry or IC manufacturer.
HCI is the basis of operation for a number of non-volatile memory technologies such as
Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) cells. As soon as
the potential detrimental influence of HC injection on the circuit reliability was
recognized, several fabrication strategies were devised to reduce it without compromising
the circuit performance.
NOR flash memory exploits the principle of hot carriers injection by deliberately
injecting carriers across the gate oxide to charge the floating gate. This charge alters the
MOS transistor threshold voltage to represent a logic '0' state. An uncharged floating gate
represents a '1' state. Erasing the NOR Flash memory cell removes stored charge through
the process of Fowler–Nordheim tunneling.
Because of the damage to the oxide caused by normal NOR Flash operation, HCI damage
is one of the factors that cause the number of write-erase cycles to be limited. Because
the ability to hold charge and the formation of damage traps in the oxide affects the
ability to have distinct '1' and '0' charge states, HCI damage results in the closing of the
non-volatile memory logic margin window over time. The number of write-erase cycles
at which '1' and '0' can no longer be distinguished defines the endurance of a non-volatile
Chapter- 5
Stress-Related Failures
Thermal runaway
Diagram of thermal runaway.
Chemical engineering
In chemical engineering, thermal runaway is a process by which an exothermic reaction
goes out of control, often resulting in an explosion. It is also known as a "runaway
reaction" in organic chemistry.
Thermal runaway occurs when the reaction rate increases due to an increase in
temperature, causing a further increase in temperature and hence a further increase in the
reaction rate. It has contributed to industrial chemical accidents, most notably the 1947
Texas City disaster from overheated ammonium nitrate in a ship's hold, and the
disastrous release of a large volume of methyl isocyanate gas from a Union Carbide plant
in Bhopal, India in 1984. Thermal runaway is also a concern in hydrocracking, an oil
refinery process. Thermal runaway may result from exothermic side reaction(s) that begin
at higher temperatures, following an initial accidental overheating of the reaction
mixture. This scenario was behind the Seveso disaster, where thermal runaway heated a
reaction to temperatures such that in addition to the intended 2,4,5-trichlorophenol,
poisonous 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin was also produced, and was vented into
the environment after the reactor's rupture disk burst.
Thermal runaway is most often caused by failure of the reactor vessel's cooling system.
Failure of the mixer can result in localized heating, which initiates thermal runaway.
Similarly, in flow reactors, localized insufficient mixing causes hotspots to form, where
thermal runaway conditions occur, which causes blowouts of reactor contents and
catalysts. Incorrect component installation is also a common cause. Many chemical
production facilities are designed with high-volume emergency venting to limit the extent
of injury and property damage when such accidents occur.
Some laboratory reactions must be run under extreme cooling, because they are prone to
hazardous thermal runaway. For example, in Swern oxidation, the formation of the
sulfonium chloride must be performed in a cooled system (–30 °C), because at room
temperature the reaction undergoes thermal runaway explosively.
Microwave heating
Microwaves are used for heating of various materials in cooking and various industrial
processes. The rate of heating of the material depends on the energy absorption, which
depends on the dielectric constant of the material. The dependence of dielectric constant
on temperature varies for different materials; some materials display significant increase
with increasing temperature. This behavior, when the material gets exposed to
microwaves, leads to selective local overheating, as the warmer areas are better able to
accept further energy than the colder areas—potentially dangerous especially for thermal
insulators, where the heat exchange between the hot spots and the rest of the material is
slow. These materials are called thermal runaway materials. This phenomenon occurs in
some ceramics.
Silicon shows a peculiar instability. Its electrical resistance increases with temperature up
to about 160 °C, then starts decreasing, and drops further when the melting point is
reached. This leads to thermal runaway phenomena within the semiconductor junction
areas; the resistance of the area which becomes hot above this threshold decreases, more
of current flows through it causing yet more heating in comparison with the surrounding
areas, which leads to further temperature increase and resistance decrease. This leads to
the phenomenon of current crowding and formation of current filaments, and is one of the
underlying principles behind many semiconductor junction failure mechanisms.
Bipolar transistors
To avoid thermal runaway the operating point of BJT should be Vce ≤ 1/2Vcc
The proper practice is to mount a thermal feedback transistor or other device on the heat
sink, which generates the crossover bias voltage, so that as the output transistors heat up,
so does the thermal feedback transistor, causing the thermal feedback transistor to also
start to turn on at a slightly lower voltage, and thus reduce the crossover bias, and reduce
the heat released by the output transistors. It can be surprising what professional sound
equipment does not have thermal feedback and would thus need modification.
If multiple bipolar transistors are connected in parallel (which is typical in high current
applications) one device will enter thermal runaway first, taking the current which
originally was distributed across all the devices and exacerbating the problem. This effect
is called current hogging. Eventually one of two things will happen, either the circuit
will stabilize or the transistor in thermal runaway will be destroyed by the heat. Hence
current hogging term is related to thermal runaway.
Digital electronics
The leakage currents of transistors increase with temperature. In rare instances, this may
lead to thermal runaway in digital electronics. This is not a common problem, since
leakage currents make up a small portion of overall power consumption, so the increase
in power is fairly modest - for an Athlon 64, the power dissipation increases by about
10% for every 30 degrees Celsius. For a device with a TDP of 100 W, for thermal
runaway to occur, the heat sink would have to have a thermal resistivity of over 3 K/W
(kelvins per watt), which is about 6 times worse than a stock Athlon 64 heat sink. (A
stock Athlon 64 heat sink is rated at 0.34 K/W, although the actual thermal resistance to
the environment is somewhat higher, due to the thermal boundary between processor and
heatsink, rising temperatures in the case, and other thermal resistances..) A heat sink with
a thermal resistance of over 0.5 to 1 K/W would result in the destruction of a 100 W
device even without thermal runaway effects.
Many electronic circuits contain provisions against thermal runaway. This is most often
seen in transistor biasing arrangements. However when equipment is used above its
designed ambient temperature, thermal runaway can in some cases still occur. This
occasionally causes equipment failures in tropical countries, and when air cooling vents
are blocked.
Tantalum capacitors
Tantalum capacitors are under some conditions prone to self-destruction by thermal
runaway. The capacitor typically consists of a sintered tantalum sponge acting as the
anode, a manganese dioxide cathode, and a dielectric layer of tantalum pentoxide created
on the tantalum sponge surface by anodizing. The tantalum oxide layer may have weak
spots that undergo dielectric breakdown during a voltage spike. The tantalum then comes
to direct contact with manganese dioxide and the leakage current causes a local heating; a
chemical reaction then produces manganese(III) oxide and regenerates (self-heals) the
tantalum oxide layer.
If the energy dissipated at the failure point is high enough, a self-sustaining exothermic
reaction may occur, similar to the thermite reaction, with tantalum as fuel and manganese
dioxide as oxidizer, destroying the capacitor and occasionally producing smoke and
possibly flame.
When handled improperly, some rechargeable batteries can experience thermal runaway,
resulting in overheating. Sealed cells will sometimes explode. Especially prone to
thermal runaway are lithium-ion batteries. Reports of exploding cellphones occasionally
appear in newspapers. In 2006, laptop batteries from Apple, HP, Toshiba, Lenovo, Dell
and other notebook manufacturers were recalled because of fire and explosions. The
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) of the U.S.
Department of Transportation recently established regulations regarding the carrying of
certain types of batteries on airplanes because of their instability in certain situations.
This action was partially inspired by a fire on a UPS airplane.
Current crowding
Current crowding (also current crowding effect, or CCE) is a nonhomogenous
distribution of current density through a conductor or semiconductor, especially at the
vicinity of the contacts and over the PN junctions.
Current crowding is one of the limiting factors of efficiency of light emitting diodes.
Materials with low mobility of charge carriers, eg. AlGaInP, are especially prone to
current crowding phenomena. It is a dominant loss mechanisms in some LEDs, where the
current densities especially around the P-side contacts reach the part of the emission
characteristics with lower brightness/current efficiency.
Current crowding can lead to localized overheating and formation of thermal hot spots, in
catastrophic cases leading to thermal runaway. Nonhomogenous distribution of current
also aggravates electromigration effects and formation of voids. Formation of voids
causes localized nonhomogenity of current density, and the increased resistance around
the void causes further localized temperature rise, which in turn accelerates the formation
of the void. Conversely, localized lowering of current density may lead to deposition of
the migrated atoms, leading to further lowering of current density and further deposition
of material and formation of hillocks, which may cause short circuits.
In large bipolar transistors, the resistance of the base layer influences the distribution of
current density through the base region, especially at the emitter side.
Reverse bias
A silicon p–n junction in reverse bias.
Reverse biased usually refers to how a diode is used in a circuit. If a diode is reverse
biased, the voltage at the cathode is higher than that at the anode. Therefore, no current
will flow until the diode breaks down. Connecting the P-type region to the negative
terminal of the battery and the N-type region to the positive terminal, corresponds to
reverse bias. The connections are illustrated in the following diagram:
Because the p-type material is now connected to the negative terminal of the power
supply, the 'holes' in the P-type material are pulled away from the junction, causing the
width of the depletion zone to increase. Similarly, because the N-type region is connected
to the positive terminal, the electrons will also be pulled away from the junction.
Therefore the depletion region widens, and does so increasingly with increasing reverse-
bias voltage. This increases the voltage barrier causing a high resistance to the flow of
charge carriers thus allowing minimal electric current to cross the p–n junction. The
increase in resistance of the p-n junction results in the junction to behave as an insulator.
This is important for radiation detection because if current was able to flow, the charged
particles would just dissipate into the material. The reverse bias ensures that charged
particles are able to make it to the detector system.
The strength of the depletion zone electric field increases as the reverse-bias voltage
increases. Once the electric field intensity increases beyond a critical level, the p–n
junction depletion zone breaks-down and current begins to flow, usually by either the
Zener or avalanche breakdown processes. Both of these breakdown processes are non-
destructive and are reversible, so long as the amount of current flowing does not reach
levels that cause the semiconductor material to overheat and cause thermal damage.
This effect is used to one's advantage in zener diode regulator circuits. Zener diodes have
a certain - low - breakdown voltage. A standard value for breakdown voltage is for
instance 5.6V. This means that the voltage at the cathode can never be more than 5.6V
higher than the voltage at the anode, because the diode will break down - and therefore
conduct - if the voltage gets any higher. This effectively regulates the voltage over the
Another application where reverse biased diodes are used is in Varicap diodes. The width
of the depletion zone of any diode changes with voltage applied. This varies the
capacitance of the diode. For more information, refer to the Varicap article.
Zener diode
Zener diode
Current-voltage characteristic of a Zener diode with a breakdown voltage of 17 volt.
Notice the change of voltage scale between the forward biased (positive) direction and
the reverse biased (negative) direction.
A Zener diode is a type of diode that permits current not only in the forward direction
like a normal diode, but also in the reverse direction if the voltage is larger than the
breakdown voltage known as "Zener knee voltage" or "Zener voltage". The device was
named after Clarence Zener, who discovered this electrical property.
A Zener diode exhibits almost the same properties, except the device is specially
designed so as to have a greatly reduced breakdown voltage, the so-called Zener voltage.
By contrast with the conventional device, a reverse-biased Zener diode will exhibit a
controlled breakdown and allow the current to keep the voltage across the Zener diode at
the Zener voltage. For example, a diode with a Zener breakdown voltage of 3.2 V will
exhibit a voltage drop of 3.2 V even if reverse bias voltage applied across it is more than
its Zener voltage. The Zener diode is therefore ideal for applications such as the
generation of a reference voltage (e.g. for an amplifier stage), or as a voltage stabilizer for
low-current applications.
The Zener diode's operation depends on the heavy doping of its p-n junction allowing
electrons to tunnel from the valence band of the p-type material to the conduction band of
the n-type material. In the atomic scale, this tunneling corresponds to the transport of
valence band electrons into the empty conduction band states; as a result of the reduced
barrier between these bands and high electric fields that are induced due to the relatively
high levels of dopings on both sides. The breakdown voltage can be controlled quite
accurately in the doping process. While tolerances within 0.05% are available, the most
widely used tolerances are 5% and 10%. Breakdown voltage for commonly available
zener diodes can vary widely from 1.2 volts to 200 volts.
Another mechanism that produces a similar effect is the avalanche effect as in the
avalanche diode. The two types of diode are in fact constructed the same way and both
effects are present in diodes of this type. In silicon diodes up to about 5.6 volts, the Zener
effect is the predominant effect and shows a marked negative temperature coefficient.
Above 5.6 volts, the avalanche effect becomes predominant and exhibits a positive
temperature coefficient. In a 5.6 V diode, the two effects occur together and their
temperature coefficients neatly cancel each other out, thus the 5.6 V diode is the
component of choice in temperature-critical applications. Modern manufacturing
techniques have produced devices with voltages lower than 5.6 V with negligible
temperature coefficients, but as higher voltage devices are encountered, the temperature
coefficient rises dramatically. A 75 V diode has 10 times the coefficient of a 12 V diode.
All such diodes, regardless of breakdown voltage, are usually marketed under the
umbrella term of "Zener diode".
Zener diode shown with typical packages. Reverse current − iZ is shown.
Zener diodes are widely used as voltage references and as shunt regulators to regulate the
voltage across small circuits. When connected in parallel with a variable voltage source
so that it is reverse biased, a Zener diode conducts when the voltage reaches the diode's
reverse breakdown voltage. From that point on, the relatively low impedance of the diode
keeps the voltage across the diode at that value.
In this circuit, a typical voltage reference or regulator, an input voltage, UIN, is regulated
down to a stable output voltage UOUT. The intrinsic voltage drop of diode D is stable over
a wide current range and holds UOUT relatively constant even though the input voltage
may fluctuate over a fairly wide range. Because of the low impedance of the diode when
operated like this, Resistor R is used to limit current through the circuit.
In the case of this simple reference, the current flowing in the diode is determined using
Ohms law and the known voltage drop across the resistor R. IDiode = (UIN - UOUT) / RΩ
1. R must be small enough that the current through D keeps D in reverse breakdown.
The value of this current is given in the data sheet for D. For example, the
common BZX79C5V6 device, a 5.6 V 0.5 W Zener diode, has a recommended
reverse current of 5 mA. If insufficient current exists through D, then UOUT will
be unregulated, and less than the nominal breakdown voltage (this differs to
voltage regulator tubes where the output voltage will be higher than nominal and
could rise as high as UIN). When calculating R, allowance must be made for any
current through the external load, not shown in this diagram, connected across
2. R must be large enough that the current through D does not destroy the device. If
the current through D is ID, its breakdown voltage VB and its maximum power
dissipation PMAX, then IDVB < PMAX.
A load may be placed across the diode in this reference circuit, and as long as the zener
stays in reverse breakdown, the diode will provide a stable voltage source to the load.
Shunt regulators are simple, but the requirements that the ballast resistor be small enough
to avoid excessive voltage drop during worst-case operation (low input voltage
concurrent with high load current) tends to leave a lot of current flowing in the diode
much of the time, making for a fairly wasteful regulator with high quiescent power
dissipation, only suitable for smaller loads.
Zener diodes in this configuration are often used as stable references for more advanced
voltage regulator circuits.
These devices are also encountered, typically in series with a base-emitter junction, in
transistor stages where selective choice of a device centered around the avalanche/Zener
point can be used to introduce compensating temperature co-efficient balancing of the
transistor PN junction. An example of this kind of use would be a DC error amplifier
used in a regulated power supply circuit feedback loop system.
Zener diodes are also used in surge protectors to limit transient voltage spikes.
Another notable application of the zener diode is the use of noise caused by its avalanche
breakdown in a random number generator that never repeats.
Latchup is a term used in the realm of integrated circuits (ICs) to describe a particular
type of short circuit which can occur in an improperly designed circuit. More specifically
it is the inadvertent creation of a low-impedance path between the power supply rails of a
MOSFET circuit, triggering a parasitic structure which disrupts proper functioning of the
part and possibly even leading to its destruction due to overcurrent. A power cycle is
required to correct this situation.
The parasitic structure is usually equivalent to a thyristor (or SCR), a PNPN structure
which acts as a PNP and an NPN transistor stacked next to each other. During a latchup
when one of the transistors is conducting, the other one begins conducting too. They both
keep each other in saturation for as long as the structure is forward-biased and some
current flows through it - which usually means until a power-down. The SCR parasitic
structure is formed as a part of the totem-pole PMOS and NMOS transistor pair on the
output drivers of the gates.
The latchup does not have to happen between the power rails; it can happen at any place
where the required parasitic structure exists. A spike of positive or negative voltage on an
input or output pin of a digital chip, exceeding the rail voltage by more than a diode drop,
is a common cause of latchup. Another cause is the supply voltage exceeding the absolute
maximum rating, often from a transient spike in the power supply, leading to a
breakdown of some internal junction. This frequently happens in circuits which use
multiple supply voltages that do not come up in the proper order after a power-up,
leading to voltages on data lines exceeding the input rating of parts that have not yet
reached a nominal supply voltage.
Yet another common cause of latchups is ionizing radiation which makes this a
significant issue in electronic products designed for space (or very high-altitude)
Latchup prevention
It is possible to design chips that are latchup-resistant, where a layer of insulating oxide
(called a trench) surrounds both the NMOS and the PMOS transistors. This breaks the
parasitic SCR structure between these transistors. Such parts are important in the cases
where the proper sequencing of power and signals cannot be guaranteed (e.g., in hot swap
Devices fabricated in lightly doped epitaxial layers grown on heavily doped substrates are
also less susceptible to latchup. The heavily doped layer acts as a current sink where
excess minority carriers can quickly recombine.
Another possibility for a latchup prevention is the Latchup Protection Technology circuit.
When a latchup is detected, the LPT circuit shuts down the chip and holds it powered-
down for a preset time.
Optoelectronics Failures
The typical values for COD in industrial products range between 12 and 20 MW/cm2.
But it so happens that the atomic states at the cleavage plane are altered (compared to
their bulk properties within the crystal) by the termination of the perfectly periodic lattice
at that plane. Surface states at the cleaved plane have energy levels within the (otherwise
forbidden) band gap of the semiconductor.
The absorbed light causes generation of electron-hole pairs. These can lead to breaking of
chemical bonds on the crystal surface followed by oxidation, or to release of heat by
nonradiative recombination. The oxidized surface then shows increased absorption of the
laser light, which further accelerates its degradation. The oxidation is especially
problematic for semiconductor layers containing aluminium.
Essentially, as a result when light propagates through the cleavage plane and transits to
free space from within the semiconductor crystal, a fraction of the light energy is
absorbed by the surface states whence it is converted to heat by phonon-electron
interactions. This heats the cleaved mirror. In addition the mirror may heat simply
because the edge of the diode laser—which is electrically pumped—is in less-than-
perfect contact with the mount that provides a path for heat removal. The heating of the
mirror causes the band gap of the semiconductor to shrink in the warmer areas. The band
gap shrinkage brings more electronic band-to-band transitions into alignment with the
photon energy causing yet more absorption. This is thermal runaway, a form of positive
feedback, and the result can be melting of the facet, known as catastrophic optical
damage, or COD.
Deterioration of the laser facets with aging and effects of the environment (erosion by
water, oxygen, etc.) increases light absorption by the surface, and decreases the COD
threshold. A sudden catastrophic failure of the laser due to COD then can occur after
many thousands hours in service.
One of the methods of increasing the COD threshold in AlGaInP laser structures is the
sulfur treatment, which replaces the oxides at the laser facet with chalcogenide glasses.
This decreases the recombination velocity of the surface states.
A thin layer of aluminium can be deposited over the surface, for gettering the oxygen.
Another approach is doping of the surface, increasing the band gap and decreasing
absorption of the lasing wavelength, shifting the absorption maximum several
nanometers up.
Current crowding near the mirror area can be avoided by prevention of injecting charge
carriers near the mirror region. This is achieved by depositing the electrodes away from
the mirror, at least several carrier diffusion distances.
Energy density on the surface can be reduced by employing a waveguide broadening the
optical cavity, so the same amount of energy exits through a larger area. Energy density
of 15–20 MW/cm2 corresponding to 100 mW per micrometer of stripe width are now
achievable. A wider laser stripe can be used for higher output power, for the cost of
transverse mode oscillations and therefore worsening of spectral and spatial beam quality.
In the 1970s, this problem, which is particularly nettlesome for GaAs-based lasers
emitting between 1 µm and 0.630 µm wavelengths (less so for InP based lasers used for
long-haul telecommunications which emit between 1.3 µm and 2 µm), was identified.
Michael Ettenberg, a researcher and later Vice President at RCA Laboratories' David
Sarnoff Research Center in Princeton, New Jersey, devised a solution. A thin layer of
aluminum oxide was deposited on the facet. If the aluminum oxide thickness is chosen
correctly, it functions as an anti-reflective coating, reducing reflection at the surface. This
alleviated the heating and COD at the facet.
Since then, various other refinements have been employed. One approach is to create a
so-called non-absorbing mirror (NAM) such that the final 10 µm or so before the light
emits from the cleaved facet are rendered non-absorbing at the wavelength of interest.
Such lasers are called window lasers.
In the very early 1990s, SDL, Inc. began supplying high power diode lasers with good
reliability characteristics. CEO Donald Scifres and CTO David Welch presented new
reliability performance data at, e.g., SPIE Photonics West conferences of the era. The
methods used by SDL to defeat COD were considered to be highly proprietary and have
still not been disclosed publicly as of June, 2006.
In the mid-1990s IBM Research (Ruschlikon, Switzerland) announced that it had devised
its so-called "E2 process" which conferred extraordinary resistance to COD in GaAs-
based lasers. This process, too, has never been disclosed as of June, 2006.
Hydrogen darkening
Hydrogen darkening is a physical degradation of the optical properties of glass. Free
hydrogen atoms are able to bind to the SiO2 silica glass compound forming hydroxyl
(OH) - a chemical compound that interferes with the passage of light through the glass.
The problem is particularly relevant to fiber optic cables — particularly in oil and gas
wells where fiber optic cables are used for distributed temperature sensing. Hydrogen can
be present due to the cracking of hydrocarbons in the well. The darkening of the fiber can
distort the DTS reading and possibly render the DTS system inoperable due to the optical
loss budget being exceeded.
To prevent this, coatings such as carbon are applied to the fiber, and hydrogen capturing
gels are used to buffer the fiber, and other proprietary techniques may be used to prevent
hydrogen atoms from reaching the glass fiber via the cable sheath.
Chapter- 7
Microelectromechanical Systems
• Stiction causes the moving parts stick to other surfaces on contact. An external
impulse can sometimes release the adhesion and restore functionality. Non-stick
coatings, reduction of surface contact area, and increased awareness virtually
eliminated the problem in contemporary systems.
• Particle contamination can cause failures by particles lodged between the
elements and blocking their movements. Conductive particles may short out
circuits, namely electrostatic actuators.
• Wear damages the surfaces; debris, removed from the surfaces during their
mutual movements, can be a source of particle contamination.
• Fractures may cause loss of mechanical parts
• Material fatigue may induce cracks in moving structures
• Electrostatic discharge
• Oxide charging, causing electrostatic attraction between parts, may lead to
electrostatically mediated stiction
• Dielectric breakdown, causing a short circuit and irreversibly damaging the
MEMS structure
Fatigue (material)
In materials science, fatigue is the progressive and localized structural damage that
occurs when a material is subjected to cyclic loading. The nominal maximum stress
values are less than the ultimate tensile stress limit, and may be below the yield stress
limit of the material.
Fatigue occurs when a material is subjected to repeated loading and unloading. If the
loads are above a certain threshold, microscopic cracks will begin to form at the surface.
Eventually a crack will reach a critical size, and the structure will suddenly fracture. The
shape of the structure will significantly affect the fatigue life; square holes or sharp
corners will lead to elevated local stresses where fatigue cracks can initiate. Round holes
and smooth transitions or fillets are therefore important to increase the fatigue strength of
the structure.
Fatigue life
ASTM defines fatigue life, Nf, as the number of stress cycles of a specified character that
a specimen sustains before failure of a specified nature occurs.
One method to predict fatigue life of materials is the Uniform Material Law (UML).
UML was developed for fatigue life prediction of aluminum and titanium alloys by the
end of 20th century and extended to high-strength steels.
Characteristics of fatigue
Fracture of an aluminium crank arm. Dark area of striations: slow crack growth. Bright
granular area: sudden fracture.
• In metals and alloys, the process starts with dislocation movements, eventually
forming persistent slip bands that nucleate short cracks.
• Fatigue is a stochastic process, often showing considerable scatter even in
controlled environments.
• The greater the applied stress range, the shorter the life.
• Fatigue life scatter tends to increase for longer fatigue lives.
• Damage is cumulative. Materials do not recover when rested.
• Fatigue life is influenced by a variety of factors, such as temperature, surface
finish, microstructure, presence of oxidizing or inert chemicals, residual stresses,
contact (fretting), etc.
• Some materials (e.g., some steel and titanium alloys) exhibit a theoretical fatigue
limit below which continued loading does not lead to structural failure.
• In recent years, researchers (see, for example, the work of Bathias, Murakami,
and Stanzl-Tschegg) have found that failures occur below the theoretical fatigue
limit at very high fatigue lives (109 to 1010 cycles). An ultrasonic resonance
technique is used in these experiments with frequencies around 10–20 kHz.
• High cycle fatigue strength (about 103 to 108 cycles) can be described by stress-
based parameters. A load-controlled servo-hydraulic test rig is commonly used in
these tests, with frequencies of around 20–50 Hz. Other sorts of machines—like
resonant magnetic machines—can also be used, achieving frequencies up to
250 Hz.
• Low cycle fatigue (typically less than 103 cycles) is associated with widespread
plasticity in metals; thus, a strain-based parameter should be used for fatigue life
prediction in metals and alloys. Testing is conducted with constant strain
amplitudes typically at 0.01–5 Hz.
Micrographs showing how surface fatigue cracks grow as material is further cycled.
From Ewing & Humfrey (1903)
• 1903: Sir James Alfred Ewing demonstrates the origin of fatigue failure in
microscopic cracks.
• 1910: O. H. Basquin proposes a log-log relationship for SN curves, using
Wöhler's test data.
• 1945: A. M. Miner popularises A. Palmgren's (1924) linear damage hypothesis as
a practical design tool.
• 1954: L. F. Coffin and S. S. Manson explain fatigue crack-growth in terms of
plastic strain in the tip of cracks.
• 1961: P. C. Paris proposes methods for predicting the rate of growth of individual
fatigue cracks in the face of initial scepticism and popular defence of Miner's
phenomenological approach.
• 1968: Tatsuo Endo and M. Matsuishi devise the rainflow-counting algorithm and
enable the reliable application of Miner's rule to random loadings.
• 1970: W. Elber elucidates the mechanisms and importance of crack closure in
slowing the growth of a fatigue crack due to the wedging effect of plastic
deformation left behind the tip of the crack.
High-cycle fatigue
Historically, most attention has focused on situations that require more than 104 cycles to
failure where stress is low and deformation primarily elastic.
S-N curves are derived from tests on samples of the material to be characterised (often
called coupons) where a regular sinusoidal stress is applied by a testing machine which
also counts the number of cycles to failure. This process is sometimes known as coupon
testing. Each coupon test generates a point on the plot though in some cases there is a
runout where the time to failure exceeds that available for the test. Analysis of fatigue
data requires techniques from statistics, especially survival analysis and linear regression.
Complex loadings
Spectrum loading
Miner's rule
In 1945, M. A. Miner popularised a rule that had first been proposed by A. Palmgren in
1924. The rule, variously called Miner's rule or the Palmgren-Miner linear damage
hypothesis, states that where there are k different stress magnitudes in a spectrum, Si (1 ≤
i ≤ k), each contributing ni(Si) cycles, then if Ni(Si) is the number of cycles to failure of a
constant stress reversal Si, failure occurs when:
C is experimentally found to be between 0.7 and 2.2. Usually for design purposes, C is
assumed to be 1.
This can be thought of as assessing what proportion of life is consumed by stress reversal
at each magnitude then forming a linear combination of their aggregate.
1. It fails to recognise the probabilistic nature of fatigue and there is no simple way
to relate life predicted by the rule with the characteristics of a probability
distribution. Industry analysts often use design curves, adjusted to account for
scatter, to calculate Ni(Si).
2. There is sometimes an effect in the order in which the reversals occur. In some
circumstances, cycles of low stress followed by high stress cause more damage
than would be predicted by the rule. It does not consider the effect of overload or
high stress which may result in a compressive residual stress. High stress
followed by low stress may have less damage due to the presence of compressive
residual stress.
Paris' Relationship
where a is the crack length and m is typically in the range 3 to 5 (for metals).
This relationship was later modified (by Forman, 1967) to make better allowance for the
mean stress, by introducing a factor depending on (1-R) where R = min stress/max stress,
in the denominator.
Low-cycle fatigue
Where the stress is high enough for plastic deformation to occur, the account in terms of
stress is less useful and the strain in the material offers a simpler description. Low-cycle
fatigue is usually characterised by the Coffin-Manson relation (published independently
by L. F. Coffin in 1954 and S. S. Manson 1953):
A similar relationship for materials such as Zirconium, used in the nuclear industry.
1. Crack nucleation;
2. Stage I crack-growth;
3. Stage II crack-growth; and
4. Ultimate ductile failure.
Factors that affect fatigue-life
• Cyclic stress state: Depending on the complexity of the geometry and the
loading, one or more properties of the stress state need to be considered, such as
stress amplitude, mean stress, biaxiality, in-phase or out-of-phase shear stress, and
load sequence,
• Geometry: Notches and variation in cross section throughout a part lead to stress
concentrations where fatigue cracks initiate.
• Surface quality. Surface roughness cause microscopic stress concentrations that
lower the fatigue strength. Compressive residual stresses can be introduced in the
surface by e.g. shot peening to increase fatigue life. Such techniques for
producing surface stress are often referred to as peening, whatever the mechanism
used to produce the stress. Low Plasticity Burnishing, Laser peening, and
ultrasonic impact treatment can also produce this surface compressive stress and
can increase the fatigue life of the component. This improvement is normally
observed only for high-cycle fatigue.
• Material Type: Fatigue life, as well as the behavior during cyclic loading, varies
widely for different materials, e.g. composites and polymers differ markedly from
• Size and distribution of internal defects: Casting defects such as gas porosity,
non-metallic inclusions and shrinkage voids can significantly reduce fatigue
• Grain size: For most metals, smaller grains yield longer fatigue lives, however,
the presence of surface defects or scratches will have a greater influence than in a
coarse grained alloy.
1. Design to keep stress below threshold of fatigue limit (infinite lifetime concept);
2. Design (conservatively) for a fixed life after which the user is instructed to
replace the part with a new one (a so-called lifed part, finite lifetime concept, or
"safe-life" design practice);
3. Instruct the user to inspect the part periodically for cracks and to replace the part
once a crack exceeds a critical length. This approach usually uses the technologies
of nondestructive testing and requires an accurate prediction of the rate of crack-
growth between inspections. This is often referred to as damage tolerant design or
Stopping fatigue
Fatigue cracks that have begun to propagate can sometimes be stopped by drilling holes,
called drill stops, in the path of the fatigue crack. This is not recommended as a general
practice because the hole represents a stress concentration factor which depends on the
size of the hole and geometry. There is thus the possibility of a new crack starting in the
side of the hole. It is always far better to replace the cracked part entirely.
Material change
Changes in the materials used in parts can also improve fatigue life. For example, parts
can be made from better fatigue rated metals. Complete replacement and redesign of parts
can also reduce if not eliminate fatigue problems. Thus helicopter rotor blades and
propellers in metal are being replaced by composite equivalents. They are not only
lighter, but also much more resistant to fatigue. They are more expensive, but the extra
cost is amply repaid by their greater integrity, since loss of a rotor blade usually leads to
total loss of the aircraft. A similar argument has been made for replacement of metal
fuselages, wings and tails of aircraft.
Following the King's fete celebrations at the Palace of Versailles, a train returning to
Paris crashed in May 1842 at Meudon after the leading locomotive broke an axle. The
carriages behind piled into the wrecked engines and caught fire. At least 55 passengers
were killed trapped in the carriages, including the explorer Jules Dumont d'Urville. This
accident is known in France as the "Catastrophe ferroviaire de Meudon". The accident
was witnessed by the British locomotive engineer Joseph Locke and widely reported in
Britain. It was discussed extensively by engineers, who sought an explanation.
The derailment had been the result of a broken locomotive axle. Rankine's investigation
of broken axles in Britain highlighted the importance of stress concentration, and the
mechanism of crack growth with repeated loading. His and other papers suggesting a
crack growth mechanism through repeated stressing, however, were ignored, and fatigue
failures occurred at an ever increasing rate on the expanding railway system. Other
spurious theories seemed to be more acceptable, such as the idea that the metal had
somehow "crystallized". The notion was based on the crystalline appearance of the fast
fracture region of the crack surface, but ignored the fact that the metal was already highly
de Havilland Comet
The recovered (shaded) parts of the wreckage of G-ALYP and the site (arrowed) of the
Two de Havilland Comet passenger jets broke up in mid-air and crashed within a few
months of each other in 1954. As a result systematic tests were conducted on a fuselage
immersed and pressurised in a water tank. After the equivalent of 3,000 flights
investigators at the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) were able to conclude that the
crash had been due to failure of the pressure cabin at the forward Automatic Direction
Finder window in the roof. This 'window' was in fact one of two apertures for the aerials
of an electronic navigation system in which opaque fibreglass panels took the place of the
window 'glass'. The failure was a result of metal fatigue caused by the repeated
pressurisation and de-pressurisation of the aircraft cabin. Another fact was that the
supports around the windows were riveted, not bonded, as the original specifications for
the aircraft had called for. The problem was exacerbated by the punch rivet construction
technique employed. Unlike drill riveting, the imperfect nature of the hole created by
punch riveting caused manufacturing defect cracks which may have caused the start of
fatigue cracks around the rivet.
The Comet's pressure cabin had been designed to a safety factor comfortably in excess of
that required by British Civil Airworthiness Requirements (2.5 times the cabin proof
pressure as opposed to the requirement of 1.33 times and an ultimate load of 2.0 times the
cabin pressure) and the accident caused a revision in the estimates of the safe loading
strength requirements of airliner pressure cabins.
In addition, it was discovered that the stresses around pressure cabin apertures were
considerably higher than had been anticipated, especially around sharp-cornered cut-outs,
such as windows. As a result, all future jet airliners would feature windows with rounded
corners, the curve eliminating a stress concentration. This was a noticeable distinguishing
feature of all later models of the Comet. Investigators from the RAE told a public inquiry
that the sharp corners near the Comets' window openings acted as initiation sites for
cracks. The skin of the aircraft was also too thin, and cracks from manufacturing stresses
were present at the corners.
The Alexander L. Kielland was a Norwegian semi-submersible drilling rig that capsized
whilst working in the Ekofisk oil field in March 1980 killing 123 people. The capsize was
the worst disaster in Norwegian waters since World War II. The rig, located
approximately 320 km east from Dundee, Scotland, was owned by the Stavanger Drilling
Company of Norway and was on hire to the U.S. company Phillips Petroleum at the time
of the disaster. In driving rain and mist, early in the evening of 27 March 1980 more than
200 men were off duty in the accommodation on the Alexander L. Kielland. The wind
was gusting to 40 knots with waves up to 12 m high. The rig had just been winched away
from the Edda production platform. Minutes before 18:30 those on board felt a 'sharp
crack' followed by 'some kind of trembling'. Suddenly the rig heeled over 30° and then
stabilised. Five of the six anchor cables had broken, the one remaining cable preventing
the rig from capsizing. The list continued to increase and at 18.53 the remaining anchor
cable snapped and the rig turned upside down.
A year later in March 1981, the investigative report concluded that the rig collapsed
owing to a fatigue crack in one of its six bracings (bracing D-6), which connected the
collapsed D-leg to the rest of the rig. This was traced to a small 6 mm fillet weld which
joined a non-load-bearing flange plate to this D-6 bracing. This flange plate held a sonar
device used during drilling operations. The poor profile of the fillet weld contributed to a
reduction in its fatigue strength. Further, the investigation found considerable amounts of
lamellar tearing in the flange plate and cold cracks in the butt weld. Cold cracks in the
welds, increased stress concentrations due to the weakened flange plate, the poor weld
profile, and cyclical stresses (which would be common in the North Sea), seemed to
collectively play a role in the rig's collapse.
Chapter- 8
Multipactor effect
The multipactor effect is a phenomenon in radio frequency (RF) amplifier vacuum tubes
and waveguides, where, under certain conditions, secondary electron emission in
resonance with an alternating electric field leads to exponential electron multiplication,
possibly damaging and even destroying the RF device.
The multipactor effect occurs when electrons accelerated by radio-frequency (RF) fields
are self-sustained in a vacuum (or near vacuum) via an electron avalanche caused by
secondary electron emission. The impact of an electron to a surface can, depending on its
energy and angle, release one or more secondary electrons into the vacuum. These
electrons can then be accelerated by the RF fields and impact with the same or another
surface. Should the impact energies, number of electrons released and timing of the
impacts be such that a sustained multiplication of the number of electrons occurs, the
phenomenon can grow exponentially and may lead to operational problems of the RF
system such as damage of RF components or loss/distortion of the RF signal.
The mechanism of multipactor depends on the orientation of an RF electric field with
respect to the surface. There are two types of multipactor: two-surface multipactor on
metals and single-surface multipactor on dielectrics.
This is a multipactor effect that occurs in the gap between metallic electrodes. Often, an
RF electric field is normal to the surface. A resonance between electron flight time and rf
field cycle is a mechanism for multipactor development.
The existence of multipactor is dependent on the following three conditions being met:
The average number of electrons released is greater than or equal to one per incident
electron (this is dependent on the secondary electron yield of the surface) and the time
taken by the electron to travel from the surface from which it was released to the surface
it impacts with is an integer multiple of one half of the RF period and the average
secondary electron yield is greater than or equal to one.
This is a multipactor effect that occurs on a dielectric surface. Often, an RF electric field
is parallel to the surface. The positive charge accumulated on the dielectric surface
returns electrons back to the surface. A single surface multipactor event is also possible
on a metallic surface in the presence of a crossed static magnetic field.
The RF voltage varies sinusoidally. Consider the time at which the voltage at electrode A
passes through 0 and starts to become negative. Assuming that there is at least 1 free
electron near A, that electron will begin to accelerate to the right toward electrode B. It
will continue to accelerate and reach a maximum velocity ½ of a cycle later just as the
voltage at electrode B begins to become negative. If the electron(s) from electrode A
strike electrode B at this time and produce additional free electrons, these new free
electrons will begin to accelerate toward electrode A. The process may then repeat
causing multipactor. We now find the relationship between the plate spacing, RF
frequency, and RF voltage that causes the strongest multipactor resonance.
Consider a point in time at which electrons have just collided with electrode A at position
d/2. The electric field is at zero and is beginning to point to the left so that the newly
freed electrons are accelerated toward the right. Newton’s equation of motion of the free
electrons is
The solution to this differential equation is
where we’ve assumed that when the electrons initially leave the electrode they have zero
velocity. We know that resonance happens if the electrons arrive at the rightmost
electrode after one half of the period of the RF field, . Plugging this into our
solution for x(t) we get
Rearranging and using the frequency f instead of the angular frequency gives
The product fd is called the frequency-gap product. Keep in mind that this equation is a
criterion for greatest amount of resonance, but multipactor can still occur when this
equation is not satisfied.
This phenomenon was first observed by the French physicist Camille Gutton, in 1924, at
Multipactor was identified and studied in 1934 by Philo T. Farnsworth, the inventor of
electronic television, who attempted to take advantage of it as an amplifier. More
commonly nowadays, it has become an obstacle to be avoided for normal operation of
particle accelerators, vacuum electronics, radars, satellite communication devices, and so
forth. A novel form of multipactor has been proposed (Kishek, 1998), and subsequently
experimentally observed, in which charging of a dielectric surface considerably changes
the dynamics of the multipactor discharge.
Example of phosphorescence
Monochrome monitor
Aperture grille CRT phosphors
Phosphors are transition metal compounds or rare earth compounds of various types. The
most common uses of phosphors are in CRT displays and fluorescent lights. CRT
phosphors were standardized beginning around World War II and designated by the letter
"P" followed by a number.
Note: Phosphorus, the chemical element from the phenomenon draws its name from,
emits light under certain conditions, but this is due to chemiluminescence, not
A material can emit light either through incandescence, where all atoms radiate, or by
luminescence, where only a small fraction of atoms, called emission centers or
luminescence centers, emit light. In inorganic phosphors, these inhomogeneities in the
crystal structure are created usually by addition of a trace amount of dopants, impurities
called activators. (In rare cases dislocations or other crystal defects can play the role of
the impurity.) The wavelength emitted by the emission center is dependent on the atom
itself, and on the surrounding crystal structure.
The scintillation process in inorganic materials is due to the electronic band structure
found in the crystals. An incoming particle can excite an electron from the valence band
to either the conduction band or the exciton band (located just below the conduction band
and separated from the valence band by an energy gap). This leaves an associated hole
behind, in the valence band. Impurities create electronic levels in the forbidden gap. The
excitons are loosely bound electron-hole pairs that wander through the crystal lattice until
they are captured as a whole by impurity centers. The latter then rapidly de-excite by
emitting scintillation light (fast component). In case of inorganic scintillators, the
activator impurities are typically chosen so that the emitted light is in the visible range or
near-UV where photomultipliers are effective. The holes associated with electrons in the
conduction band are independent from the latter. Those holes and electrons are captured
successively by impurity centers exciting certain metastable states not accessible to the
excitons. The delayed de-excitation of those metastable impurity states, slowed down by
reliance on the low-probability forbidden mechanism, again results in light emission
(slow component).
Phosphor degradation
Many phosphors tend to gradually lose efficiency, by several mechanisms. The activators
can undergo change of valence (usually oxidation), the crystal lattice degrades, atoms -
often the activators - diffuse through the material, the surface undergoes chemical
reactions with the environment with consequent loss of efficiency or buildup of a layer
absorbing either the exciting or the radiated energy, etc.
Phosphors are usually made from a suitable host material with an added activator. The
best known type is a copper-activated zinc sulfide and the silver-activated zinc sulfide
(zinc sulfide silver).
The host materials are typically oxides, nitrides and oxynitrides, sulfides, selenides,
halides or silicates of zinc, cadmium, manganese, aluminium, silicon, or various rare
earth metals. The activators prolong the emission time (afterglow). In turn, other
materials (such as nickel) can be used to quench the afterglow and shorten the decay part
of the phosphor emission characteristics.
Many phosphor powders are produced in low-temperature processes, such as sol-gel and
usually require post-annealing at temperatures of ~1000 °C, which is undesirable for
many applications. However, proper optimization of the growth process allows to avoid
the annealing.
Phosphors used for fluorescent lamps require a multi-step production process, with
details that vary depending on the particular phosphor. Bulk material must be milled to
obtain a desired particle size range, since large particles produce a poor quality lamp
coating and small particles produce less light and degrade more quickly. During the firing
of the phosphor, process conditions must be controlled to prevent oxidation of the
phosphor activators or contamination from the process vessels. After milling the
phosphor may be washed to remove minor excess of activator elements. Volatile
elements must not be allowed to escape during processing. Lamp manufacturers have
changed composition of phosphors to eliminate some toxic elements, such as beryllium,
cadmium, or thallium, formerly used.
The commonly quoted parameters for phosphors are the wavelength of emission
maximum (in nanometers, or alternatively color temperature in kelvins for white blends),
the peak width (in nanometers at 50% of intensity), and decay time (in seconds).
Electrical breakdown
Electrical breakdown in an electric discharge showing the ribbon-like plasma filaments
from a Tesla coil.
The term electrical breakdown has several similar but distinctly different meanings. The
term can apply to the failure of an electric circuit. Alternatively, it may refer to a rapid
reduction in the resistance of an electrical insulator that can lead to a spark jumping
around or through the insulator. This may be a momentary event (as in an electrostatic
discharge), or may lead to a continuous arc discharge if protective devices fail to interrupt
the current in a high power circuit.
Disruptive devices
A disruptive device is a device that has a dielectric, whereupon being stressed beyond its
dielectric strength, has an electrical breakdown. This results in the sudden transition of
part of the dielectric material from an insulating state to a highly conductive state. This
transition is characterized by the formation of an electric spark, and possibly an electric
arc through the material. If this occurs within a solid dielectric, physical and chemical
changes along the path of the discharge will cause permanent degradation and significant
reduction in the material's dielectric strength. A spark gap is a type of disruptive device
that uses a gas or fluid dielectric between spaced electrodes. Unlike solid dielectrics,
liquid or gaseous dielectrics can usually recover their full dielectric strength once current
flow (through the plasma in the gap) has been externally interrupted.
Electrical breakdown occurs within a gas (or mixture of gases, such as air) when the
dielectric strength of the gas(es) is exceeded. Regions of high electrical stress can cause
nearby gas to partially ionize and begin conducting. This is done deliberately in low
pressure discharges such as in fluorescent lights or in an electrostatic precipitator.
Partial electrical breakdown of the air causes the "fresh air" smell of ozone during
thunderstorms or around high-voltage equipment. Although air is normally an excellent
insulator, when stressed by a sufficiently high voltage (an electric field strength of about
3 x 106V/m), air can begin to break down, becoming partially conductive. If the voltage is
sufficiently high, complete electrical breakdown of the air will culminate in an electrical
spark or arc that bridges the entire gap. While the small sparks generated by static
electricity may barely be audible, larger sparks are often accompanied by a loud snap or
bang. Lightning is an example of an immense spark that can be many miles long. The
color of the spark depends upon the gases that make up the gaseous media.
Electric discharge showing the lightning-like plasma filaments from a Tesla coil.
If a fuse or circuit breaker fails to interrupt the current through a spark in a power circuit,
current may continue, forming a very hot electric arc. The color of an arc depends
primarily upon the conductor materials (as they are vaporized and mix within the hot
plasma in the arc). Although sparks and arcs are usually undesirable, they can be useful
in everyday applications such as spark plugs for gasoline engines, electrical welding of
metals, or for metal melting in an electric arc furnace.
Voltage-current relation
Before breakdown, there is a non-linear relation between voltage and current as shown in
the figure. In region 1, there are free ions that can be accelerated by the field and induce a
current. These will be saturated after a certain voltage and give a constant current, region
2. Region 3 and 4 are caused by ion avalanche as explained by the Townsend discharge
Corona breakdown
Partial breakdown of the air occurs as a corona discharge on high voltage conductors at
points with the highest electrical stress. As the dielectric strength of the material
surrounding the conductor determines the maximum strength of the electric field the
surrounding material can tolerate before becoming conductive, conductors that consist of
sharp points, or balls with small radii, are more prone to causing dielectric breakdown.
Corona is sometimes seen as a bluish glow around high voltage wires and heard as a
sizzling sound along high voltage power lines. Corona also generates radio frequency
noise that can also be heard as 'static' or buzzing on radio receivers. Corona can also
occur naturally at high points (such as church spires, treetops, or ship masts) during
thunderstorms as St. Elmo's Fire. Although corona discharge is usually undesirable, until
recently it was essential in the operation of photocopiers (Xerography) and laser printers.
Many modern copiers and laser printers now charge the photoconductor drum with an
electrically conductive roller, reducing undesirable indoor ozone pollution. Additionally,
lightning rods use corona discharge to create conductive paths in the air that point
towards the rod, deflecting potentially-damaging lightning away from buildings and other
Corona discharge ozone generators have been used for more than 30 years in the water
purification process. Ozone is a toxic gas, even more potent than chlorine. In a typical
drinking water treatment plant, the ozone gas is dissolved into the filtered water to kill
bacteria and viruses. Ozone also removes the bad odours and taste from the water. The
main advantage of ozone is that the overdose (residual) decomposes to gaseous oxygen
well before the water reaches the consumer. This is in contrast with chlorine which stays
in the water and can be tasted by the consumer.
Corona discharges are also used to modify the surface properties of many polymers. An
example is the corona treatment of plastic materials which allows paint or ink to adhere