Journal 2016 2

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volume 29 number 2 2016


journal of the



AMT P u b l i s h i n g





J ournal of the W orld F ederation of N ational M athematics C ompetitions

(ISSN 1031 – 7503)

Published biannually by
AMT P u b l i s h i n g
A u s t r a l i a n M at h e mat i c s T r u s t
University of Canberra
Locked Bag 1
C a n b e r r a GPO A CT 2601

With significant support from the UK Mathematics Trust.

Articles (in English) are welcome.

Please send articles to:

The Editor
Mathematics Competitions
World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions
University of Canberra Locked Bag 1
Canberra GPO ACT 2601
Dr Jaroslav Švrček
Dept. of Algebra and Geometry
Palacký University of Olomouc
17. listopadu 1192/12
771 46 Olomouc
Czech Republic

©2016 AMT Publishing, AMTT Limited ACN 083 950 341


WFNMC Committee 1
From the President 4
From the Editor 5
Numbers on a circle
Kiril Bankov (Bulgaria) 7
Problems on Numbers with Interesting Digits
Some problems from the Mathematical Duel Bílovec—Chorzów—Graz—Prerov
presented at WFNMC Miniconference, Hamburg, Germany; July 23rd, 2016
Robert Geretschläger (Austria) 16
Developing Problem-solving Skills
Gyula Nagy (Hungary) 26
Preparation of 5–7 grade students for mathematics competitions: area problems
Iliana Tsvetkova (Bulgaria) 42
The 57th International Mathematical Olympiad, Hong Kong, 2016 49
International Mathematics Tournament of Towns Selected Problems
from the Spring 2016 Tournament
Andy Liu (Canada) 59
The Martian Citizenship Quiz
Yen-Kang Fu & Te-Cheng Liu (Taiwan) 67
Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

World Federation of National Mathematics



President: Professor Alexander Soifer

University of Colorado
College of Visual Arts and Sciences
P.O. Box 7150 Colorado Springs
CO 80933-7150

Senior Vice President: Professor Kiril Bankov

Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

Vice Presidents: Dr. Robert Geretschläger

BRG Kepler
Keplerstrasse 1
8020 Graz

Professor Ali Rejali

Isfahan University of Technology
8415683111 Isfahan

Publications Officer: Dr. Jaroslav Švrček

Dept. of Algebra and Geometry
Palacký University, Olomouc

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Secretary: Sergey Dorichenko

School 179
Immediate Professor Marı́a Falk de Losada
Past President & Universidad Antonio Narino
Chairman, Carrera 55 # 45-45
Awards Committee: Bogotá
Treasurer: Emeritus Professor Peter Taylor
PO Box 6165
O’Connor ACT 2601

Regional Representatives
Africa: Professor John Webb
Department of Mathematics
University of Cape Town
Rondebosch 7700

Asia: vacant

Europe: Professor Nikolay Konstantinov

PO Box 68
Moscow 121108
Professor Francisco Bellot-Rosado
Royal Spanish Mathematical Society
Dos De Mayo 16-8#DCHA
E-47004 Valladolid

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

North America: Professor Ian VanderBurgh

University of Waterloo
Oceania: Professor Derek Holton
605/228 The Avenue
Parkville Vic 3052
South America: Professor Radmila Bulajich
Facultad de Ciencias, UAEM
Av. Universidad 1001, Col. Chamilpa
Cuernavaca, Morelos 62209

The aims of the Federation are:

1. to promote excellence in, and research associated with,
mathematics education through the use of school math-
ematics competitions;
2. to promote meetings and conferences where persons inter-
ested in mathematics contests can exchange and develop
ideas for use in their countries;
3. to provide opportunities for the exchanging of information
for mathematics education through published material, no-
tably through the Journal of the Federation;
4. to recognize through the WFNMC Awards system persons
who have made notable contributions to mathematics edu-
cation through mathematical challenge around the world;
5. to organize assistance provided by countries with devel-
oped systems for competitions for countries attempting to
develop competitions;
6. to promote mathematics and to encourage young mathe-

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

From the President

Dear Fellow Federalists!

It was a true pleasure to visit with many of you at the International
Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-13, in Hamburg. As a
result, speakers of our Topic Study Group (TSG) 30: Mathematical
Competitions in collaboration with a few speakers from related topic
groups, are in the late stages of producing a book Competitions for
Young Mathematicians: A Perspective from Five Continents. This book
will be published by Springer, Basel, hopefully in 2017. As the editor
of the book, I have seen the submissions and believe this will be a fine
book, which I warmly recommend to all of you.

As an aside, I have just submitted my new book to Springer, New

York, to be published in 2017: The Colorado Mathematical Olympiad,
The Third Decade and Further Explorations: From the Mountains of
Colorado to the Peaks of Mathematics. It continues on from the 2011
Springer book that covered the first 20 years of the Olympiad.

The Year-2016 is getting old, and will soon depart into history. At the
same moment, the Baby-Year-2017 will be born.

I wish you a Happy, Successful, and Healthy New Year!

With warmest regards,

Yours always,

Alexander Soifer
President of WFNMC
December 2016

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

From the Editor

Welcome to Mathematics Competitions Vol. 29, No. 2.

First of all I would like to thank again the Australian Mathematics Trust
for continued support, without which each issue of the journal could not
be published, and in particular Heather Sommariva, Bernadette Webster
and Pavel Calábek for their assistance in the preparation of this issue.

Submission of articles:

The journal Mathematics Competitions is interested in receiving articles

dealing with mathematics competitions, not only at national and inter-
national level, but also at regional and primary school level. There are
many readers in different countries interested in these different levels of

• The journal traditionally contains many different kinds of arti-

cles, including reports, analyses of competition problems and the
presentation of interesting mathematics arising from competition
problems. Potential authors are encouraged to submit articles of
all kinds.

• To maintain and improve the quality of the journal and its use-
fulness to those involved in mathematics competitions, all articles
are subject to review and comment by one or more competent ref-
erees. The precise criteria used will depend on the type of article,
but can be summarised by saying that an article accepted must
be correct and appropriate, the content accurate and interesting,
and, where the focus is mathematical, the mathematics fresh and
well presented. This editorial and refereeing process is designed to
help improve those articles which deserve to be published.

At the outset, the most important thing is that if you have anything
to contribute on any aspect of mathematics competitions at any level,
local, regional or national, we would welcome your contribution.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Articles should be submitted in English, with a black and white photo-

graph and a short profile of the author. Alternatively, the article can
be submitted on an IBM PC compatible disk or a Macintosh disk. We
prefer LATEX or TEX format of contributions, but any text file will be

Articles, and correspondence, can also be forwarded to the editor by mail


The Editor, Mathematics Competitions

Australian Mathematics Trust
University of Canberra Locked Bag 1
Canberra GPO ACT 2601

or to

Dr Jaroslav Švrček
Dept. of Algebra and Geometry
Palacký University of Olomouc
17. listopadu 1192/12
771 46 OLOMOUC

Jaroslav Švrček
December 2016

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Numbers on a circle

Kiril Bankov
Kiril Bankov is a professor of math-
ematics education at the University
of Sofia in Bulgaria. He teaches fu-
ture mathematics teachers. Bankov
has been involved in mathematics com-
petitions in Bulgaria for more than 20
years as an author of contest problems
and as a member of juries. He has writ-
ten many articles, made presentations,
and is a co-author of books on mathe-
matics competitions, problem solving,
work with mathematically gifted stu-
dents, etc. Having great experience
in international mathematics educa-
tion research, he works for the Inter-
national Study Center of the Teacher
Education and Development Study—
Mathematics (TEDS-M) at Michigan
State University (USA). Kiril Bankov
was the Secretary of WFNMC from
2008 till 2012. In 2012 he was elected as
the Senior Vice President of WFNMC.

There are a number of contest problems dealing with the following situ-
ation: several numbers are arranged on a circle and a certain admissible
operation can be consecutively done a finite number of times; the task is
to find conditions under which a specific final arrangement of the num-
bers can be obtained. The variety of these problems is determined by
the different initial and final arrangements of the numbers and by the
admissible operations with them. The change of some of these elements
often leads to interesting generalizations. This article discusses several
such examples.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

1 Introduction

Life is full of operations. Many times in a day we take decisions about

the series of operations to be done in order to obtain particular results.
The correctness of these decisions depends on the ability to estimate the
final results. Mathematics helps in modeling this reality by tasks using a
particular admissible operation to transform a given situation to a differ-
ent one. These problems lead to interesting generalizations by changing
either the admissible operation or the initial/final situations. This arti-
cle presents such examples taken from mathematics competitions in the
context of arrangement of numbers on a circle.

2 Example 1

The first problem is from the 4th Austrian–Polish Mathematical Com-

petition, 1981 [1].

Problem 1 Let n ≥ 3 cells be arranged into a circle. Each cell can be

occupied by 0 or 1. The following operation is admissible: choose any
cell C occupied by a 1, change it into a 0 and simultaneously reverse the
entries in the two cells adjacent to C (so that x, y become 1 − x, 1 − y).

Initially, there is a 1 in one cell and 0’s elsewhere. For which values of
n is it possible to obtain 0’s in all cells in a finite number of admissible

Solution. Denote the cells by C1 , C2 , . . . , Cn . Let initially C1 be occupied

by 1 and n be such a number that after a certain number of admissible
steps all cells are occupied by 0. Denote by si the number of operations
performed in Ci and by ai the number of the changes in Ci (i.e. when
the admissible operation is performed in Ci or any of its neighbor cells
Ci−1 or Ci+1 ). Since in the final arrangement all cells are occupied by
0, then a1 ≡ 1 (mod 2) and ai ≡ 0 (mod 2) for i = 1. It is clear that
ai ≡ si−1 + si + si+1 (mod 2) for i = 1, 2, . . . , n. (We assume that
s0 = sn and sn+1 = s1 .)

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

(i) If n is divisible by 3, then


1 ≡ a1 + a4 + a7 + · · · + an−2 ≡ si (mod 2)


0 ≡ a2 + a5 + a8 + · · · + an−1 ≡ si (mod 2),

which is not possible.

(ii) Let n ≡ 1 (mod 3). After the performance of the admissible oper-
ation clockwise on the consecutive cells, the arrangement presented
on Table 1 can be obtained.

Cell C1 C2 C3 ... Cn−3 Cn−2 Cn−1 Cn

Number 1 1 1 ... 1 0 1 1

Table 1: Arrangement obtained when n ≡ 1 (mod 3).

There are 3k consecutive 1’s. They can be grouped in k groups by

3 and 0’s can be obtained everywhere.
(iii) Let n ≡ 2 (mod 3). After the performance of the admissible oper-
ation clockwise on the consecutive cells, the arrangement presented
on Table 2 can be obtained.

Cell C1 C2 C3 ... Cn−3 Cn−2 Cn−1 Cn

Number 1 1 1 ... 1 0 0 1

Table 2: Arrangement obtained when n ≡ 2 (mod 3).

There are 3k consecutive 1’s. They can be grouped in k groups by 3

and 0’s can be obtained everywhere.

Therefore, it is possible to obtain 0’s in all cells in a finite number of

admissible steps if and only if n is not divisible by 3.

A possible change of the situation is to ask the same question under a

different initial arrangement, namely, initially all cells are occupied by 1.
In this case, the answer is that for any n it is possible to obtain 0’s in

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

all cells in a finite number of admissible steps. Indeed, this is obvious

if n ≡ 0 (mod 3). If n ≡ 1 (mod 3), we may arrange several groups of
three 1’s and this way to obtain a situation when there is a 1 in one cell
and 0’s elsewhere; now we may apply (ii) in the above problem. If n ≡ 2
(mod 3), we may arrange several groups of three 1’s and this way to
obtain a situation when there is only two neighbor 1’s and 0’s elsewhere;
in the next step we will get a 1 in one cell and 0’s elsewhere; now we
may apply (iii) in the above problem.

The situation in Problem 1 generates the following:

Problem 2 Let n ≥ 3 cells be arranged into a circle. Each cell can be

occupied by 0 or 1. The following operation is admissible: choose any
cell C occupied by a 1 and reverse the entries in the two cells adjacent
to C (so that x, y become 1 − x, 1 − y). Initially, there is a 1 in one cell
and 0’s elsewhere. For which values of n is it possible to obtain 1’s in all
cells in a finite number of admissible steps?

The difference with problem 1 is not only in the final arrangement of

the numbers (1’s everywhere instead of 0’s) but also that the admissible
operation does not change the entry in the chosen cell C. The solution
to Problem 2 is also based on a different idea. Mind that the admissible
operation either does not change the number of 1’s (if the entries of the
two cells adjacent to C are different: 0 and 1), or change it by 2 (two
more 1’s if the two cells adjacent to C contain 0’s, or two less 1’s if they
both contain 1’s). Therefore, the number of 1’s is always an odd number.
This means that for even n it is not possible to obtain 1’s in all cells.
Let now n be an odd number. After the first operation three consecutive
1’s can be obtained. After a certain number of admissible operations let
(2k − 1) consecutive 1’s be obtained. Now the consecutive performance
of the admissible operation on the first, third, fifth, . . . , (2k − 1)-st 1’s
gives (2k + 1) consecutive 1’s. This way, using induction, it is possible
to obtain 1’s in all cells.

Problem 2 in cases n = 1990 and n = 1991 is given on a national

mathematics competition in Bulgaria, 1991 [3].

The next problem can be considered as a “reverse” of problem 2.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Problem 3 Let n ≥ 3 cells be arranged into a circle. Each cell can be

occupied by 0 or 1. The following operation is admissible: choose any
cell C occupied by a 1 and reverse the entries in the two cells adjacent
to C (so that x, y become 1 − x, 1 − y). Initially, there is a 1 in m cells
and 0’s elsewhere. For which values of m is it possible to obtain 1’s in
only one cell in a finite number of admissible steps?
Since the admissible operation either does not change the number or
change it by 2 (see above), m must be an odd number. Now let m = 2k+1
be an odd number, i.e. there is a 1 in m cells and 0’s elsewhere. (i) If
these m cells are consecutive, we consecutively perform the admissible
operation on the second, fourth, sixth,. . . , 2k-th 1’s and get m − 2 =
2k − 1 consecutive 1’s. This way, using induction, it is possible to obtain
1’s in only one cell. (ii) Now let the m cells containing 1’s not be
consecutive. Choose a group A of odd number (say 2s − 1) 1’s. (Such
a group exists, since m is an odd number.) Perform the admissible
operation on the next clockwise 1’s after this group A. If we continue
this way (i.e. performing the admissible operation on the next clockwise
1’s after group A) we will get two more 1’s to group A. As a result, we
decrease the groups of 1’s by one at the expense of increasing the number
of the consecutive 1’s by two. Using this procedure, we can obtain one
group of odd number of consecutive 1’s. Then we can proceed as in (i).
Therefore, the answer to Problem 3 is “all odd numbers”.

3 Example 2

The next problem deals with a slightly different situation. The problem
was given to a regional competition in Bulgaria.

Problem 4 Let n ≥ 3 cells be arranged into a circle. Each cell contains

either 1 or −1. The numbers in any two neighboring cells are multiplied,
so that n products are obtained. If the sum S of these products is 0,
prove that n is divisible by 4.
Solution. Denote the numbers in the cells by a1 , a2 , . . . , an . The obtained
products are a1 a2 , a2 a3 , . . . , an a1 and they are also either 1 or −1. Since

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

the product of these products is

a1 a2 a2 a3 . . . an a1 = a21 a22 a3 . . . a2n > 0,

there is an even number of (−1)’s among the products a1 a2 , a2 a3 , . . . ,
an a1 . Because S = a1 a2 + a2 a3 + · · · + an a1 = 0, the number of (−1)’s in
this sum is equal to the number of 1’s. Therefore, the number of terms
in S is an even number. But we already know that there is an even
number (say 2k) of (−1)’s among the products a1 a2 , a2 a3 , . . . , an a1 and
the same number (2k) is the number of 1’s. Therefore, n, which is the
number of the terms in S, is the sum of one and the same even number
(2k + 2k = 4k) and is divisible by 4.
An interesting phenomena in this problem is that the reverse statement
is also true, namely if n is divisible by 4, there is an arrangement of 1’s
and (−1)’s in the cells, so that S = 0. Certainly, consecutively write the
four {1, 1, 1, −1} several times and this gives S = 0.
The next step toward a possible extension is the observation that if n
is divisible by 4, then S is also divisible by 4. This is because there is
an even number of (−1)’s and also an even number of 1’s among the
products a1 a2 , a2 a3 , . . . , an a1 . If we allocate one and the same number
of 1’s (or (−1)’s) to obtain a sum of 0, the number of the remaining
(−1)’s (or 1’s) is divisible by 4, therefore their sum, which is S, is also
divisible by 4. Similarly, the reverse statement is also true. This way we
conclude that n is divisible by 4, if and only if S is divisible by 4.
Similar reasoning can be applied when n is not divisible by 4. The
conclusion is that n and S have one and the same remainder modulo 4.
Therefore the following assertion is true:

Statement In the notation in Problem 3, n ≡ S (mod 4).

4 Example 3

The next problem was given in a mathematics competitions in former

Yugoslavia, 1975 [2].

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Problem 5 Let nine cells be arranged into a circle. Four of them are
occupied by 1, the other five are occupied by 0. The following operation is
admissible: draw another nine cells—one between any two of the existing
cells; in these new cells write 0 if the numbers in the two neighboring
existing cells are equal, and 1 if these numbers are different; then delete
the existing cells. Is it possible to obtain 0’s in all nine cells in a finite
number of admissible steps?

Solution. Assume that in a finite number of admissible steps all nine cells
contain 0’s. Then in the second to the last arrangement all nine cells
contain 1’s. Therefore, in the previous arrangement any two neighboring
cells contain different numbers, which is impossible, having nine cells.

This relatively simple problem gives birth to a variety of generalizations.

There are different variations of the initial arrangements, depending on
the number of cells and on the number and the positions of the initial
1’s. Here is an example.

Problem 6 Let n ≥ 3 cells be arranged into a circle. Initially, there is

a 1 in one cell and 0’s elsewhere. The following operation is admissible:
draw another n cells—one between any two of the existing cells; in these
new cells write 0 if the numbers in the two neighboring existing cells are
equal, and 1 if these numbers are different, then delete the existing cells.
For which values of n is it possible to obtain 0’s in all cells in a finite
number of admissible steps?

The conjecture is that the required values of n are all powers of 2.

The reader may try to investigate the problem with more than one initial
digit 1 situated in different cells.

5 Conclusion

The circle is an amazing geometric figure. This has been known since
before the beginning of recorded history. Natural circles would have been
observed, such as the Moon, Sun, and a short plant stalk blowing in the

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

wind on sand, which forms a circle shape in the sand. The circle is the
basis for the wheel, which, with related inventions such as gears, makes
much of modern machinery possible.

In mathematics, the study of the circle has helped inspire the devel-
opment of geometry, astronomy, and calculus. Even in 1700 BC the
Rhind papyrus (the best example of Egyptian mathematics) gave a
method to find the area of a circular field. The result corresponds to
81 ≈ 3.16049 . . . as an approximate value of π. In 300 BC Book 3 of

Euclid’s Elements dealt with the properties of circles.

Besides the many interesting geometrical properties, the circle is also

a closed curve. This makes it possible to consider the problems in
this paper. An interesting feature of these problems is that they are
not closely connected with the curriculum usually taught at school.
Actually, they are not connected to any curricula because to understand
the problems one does not need to possess particular mathematical
knowledge. However, finding solutions needs a lot of mathematical
reasoning, experience and intuition. In this respect these problems are
one of the best examples of the beauty of mathematics.

The German psychologist Karl Duncker said: “Problems arise when

someone has a goal for which he/she does not know a path for its
achievement”. From this point of view this article presents excellent
examples of “problems”. They are in contrast with what is usually taught
at school: routine problems and exercises that are purposeful activities
with a known path for its achievement.

Thanks to mathematics competitions such problems become known to

students, teachers and many others that are interested in mathematics.
The acquaintance and discovering of their solutions is the best way for
students to get involved in sensible mathematical activities. This is also
a way to present to the students the beauty of mathematical ideas and
to attract them to mathematics.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016


[1] 4th Austrian–Polish Mathematical Competition (1981). http:// (Accessed 08 August

[2] Sergeev, I. (Eds.) (1987). Foreign mathematical Olympiad. Nauka,

Moskow. (In Russian), p. 74.
[3] Rakovska, D., Tonov, I., Bankov, K., Vitanov, T., Tonova, T. &
Lozanov. Ch. (2007). Mathematics competitions, 4–7 grades. Sofia,
Regalia 6. (In Bulgarian), p. 79.

Kiril Bankov
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Problems on Numbers
with Interesting Digits
Some problems from the Mathematical Duel
presented at WFNMC Miniconference, Hamburg, Germany;
July 23rd, 2016

Robert Geretschläger

Robert Geretschläger teaches at the

Bundesrealgymnasium Keplerstrasse in
Graz, Austria. He has been involved
with all aspects of mathematics com-
petitions in Austria for many years,
among other things as leader of the
Austrian IMO Team and as main orga-
nizer of the Austrian Kangaroo contest
and the Mathematical Duel since 1997.

1 Introduction
For over 20 years, the schools Gymnázium Mikuláše Koperníka in Bí-
lovec, Akademicki Zespół Szkół Ogólnoksztalcących in Chorzów, BRG
Kepler in Graz and Gymnázium Jakuba Škody in Přerov have been
holding their annual “Mathematical Duel”. In this competition, students
compete in three age groups (A for grades 11–12, B for grades 9–10 and
C for grades 7–8) in both individual and team competitions, in which
they attempt to solve olympiad-style mathematics problems. In 2014,

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

the Mathematical Duel was granted an Erasmus+ grant by the EU, and
currently the Duel is being sponsored in this way. This has broadened
the scope of the competition, adding research and development aspects
to the project, and bringing in the universities in Olomouc, Katowice
and Graz as partners.
The structure of the competition and a bit of its history were presented
in the paper A Local International Mathematics Competition (Special
Edition), (co-authored by Jaroslav Švrček) (Mathematics Competitions,
Vol 18, No 1, 2005, pp. 39–51). While many of the problems used
in this competition are in the classic olympiad style, there are a few
differences in some cases. Some problems developed for the younger
participants include the opportunity for some mathematical exploration
and experimentation, often with individual points awarded for specific
examples that are not yet part of a more general proof, as would normally
be expected in an olympiad. Furthermore, the team competition gives
the opportunity to pose questions that can be multi-level, and possibly
even open-ended in some small ways.
One type of problem that has often been used in this context is discussed
in this paper. Here, we consider some problems that specifically address
numbers with unusual digits. This can mean numbers whose digits
are all the same, or come from some limited set, or numbers in which
the digits have some unusual property, as is the case with palindromic
numbers. None of these problems is particularly difficult, but the level of
difficulty in the collection is surprisingly varied. Tools required to solve
the problems come from a surprising variety of sources, considering how
similar the questions appear to be on a superficial first reading. Besides
number theory, we use some tools from combinatorics and algebra, such
as the pigeonhole principle or induction.
When known, the authors of the problems are named. If no name is
written, the problems were my own suggestions for the competition.

Problem 1 C Team, Problem 2, 2013

We consider positive integers that are written in decimal notation using
only one digit (possibly more than once), and call such numbers uni-digit

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

a) Determine a uni-digit number written with only the digit 7 that

is divisible by 3.
b) Determine a uni-digit number written with only the digit 3 that
is divisible by 7.
c) Determine a uni-digit number written with only the digit 5 that
is divisible by 7.
d) Prove that there cannot exist a uni-digit number written with only
the digit 7 that is divisible by 5.

Solution. Part a) is easily solved either by trying out small numbers of

this type, or by noting that a number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its
digits is. We therefore have 777 = 7 · 111 = 7 · 37 · 3.

b) Here, we can once again try to simply divide candidate numbers

like 3, 33, 333 and so on by 7. On the other hand, we can note that
1001 = 7 · 11 · 13, and therefore 333333 = 333 · 1001 = 333 · 7 · 11 · 13.

c) As for b), we get 555555 = 555 · 7 · 11 · 13.

d) The last digit of any number divisible by 5 is always either 0 or 5.

Any number that is divisible by 5 can therefore not be written using
only the digit 7.

Problem 2 B Individual, Problem 4, 2013

We call a number that is written using only the digit 1 in decimal

notation a onesy number, and a number using only the digit 7 in decimal
notation a sevensy number. Determine a onesy number divisible by 7
and prove that for any sevensy number k, there always exists a onesy
number m such that m is a multiple of k.

Solution. Onesy numbers are of the form 111 . . . 111. We easily see that
the smallest of them are not divisible by 7: 1; 11; 111 = 3 · 37; 1111 =
11 · 101.

By continuing this experimentaion, or by the same reasoning as in the

previous problem, we see that a possible onesy number divisible by seven
is given by 111111 = 111 · 1001 = 111 · 7 · 11 · 13.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Sevensy numbers are of the form k = 777 . . . 777. In order to see that
there always exists a onesy multiple of any sevensy number k, we note
that there exist an infinite number of onesy numbers. By the Dirichlet
(pigeonhole) principle, there must therefore exist two different onesy
numbers m1 > m2 with m1 ≡ m2 (mod k). Writing m1 = 11111 . . . 111
and m2 = 111 . . . 111, we therefore have m1 − m2 = 11 . . . 1100 . . . 00.

It therefore follows that m1 − m2 is divisible by k. The number m1 − m2

can be written as m1 − m2 = m · 10r , where m is also a onesy number.
Since k is certainly not divisible by 2 or 5, it follows that m must also
be divisible by k, and the proof is complete. 

Problem 3 B Team, Problem 1, 2005

a) A number x can be written using only the digit a both in base 8
and in base 16, i.e.

x = (aa . . . a)8 = (aa . . . a)16 .

Determine all possible values of x.

b) Determine as many numbers x as possible that can be written in
the form x = (11 . . . 1)b in at least two different number systems
with bases b1 and b2 . (author unknown)

a) If (aa . . . a)8 = (aa . . . a)16 holds, there exist m and n such that

a · 16m + a · 16m−1 + · · · + a · 16 + a = a · 8n + a · 8n−1 + · · · + a · 8 + a

This is equivalent to
16m − 1 8n − 1
16m + · · · + 16 = 8n + · · · + 8 ⇐⇒ 16 · =8·
16 − 1 8−1

16m − 1 8n − 1 2 · 16m − 2 8n − 1
⇐⇒ 2 · = ⇐⇒ =
15 7 15 7

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

⇐⇒ 14 · 16m − 14 = 15 · 8n − 15 ⇐⇒ 15 · 8n = 14 · 16m + 1.

The right side is odd. Therefore, we have n = 0, and m = 0.

The only possible values of a are a ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . . , 7}, and we
therefore have x ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . . , 7}. 
b) If x = (11 . . . 1)b1 = (11 . . . 1)b2 , we have x = 1 or b1 , b2 > 1.

Assume 1 < b1 < b2 . We want


x= bi1 = bj2 with m > n.
i=0 j=0
For any b1 > 1 choose b2 = i=1 b1 .

(11)b2 = 1 · b2 + 1 · b02 = bi1 + 1 · b01 = 1 · bi1 = (11 . . . 1)b1 ,
i=1 i=0

and we have infinitely many x with the required property.

Problem 4 A Team, Problem 3, 2013

We call positive integers that are written in decimal notation using only
the digits 1 and 2 Graz numbers. Note that 2 is a 1-digit Graz number
divisible by 21 , 12 is a 2-digit Graz number divisible by 22 and 112 is a
3-digit Graz number divisible by 23 .
a) Determine the smallest 4-digit Graz number divisible by 24 .
b) Determine an n-digit Graz number divisible by 2n for n > 4.
c) Prove that there must always exist an n-digit Graz number divis-
ible by 2n for any positive integer n.

a) Some 4-digit candidates are 2222, 1212, 2112. Prime decomposi-
tion of these numbers gives us
2222 = 2 · 1111, 1212 = 22 · 303, 2112 = 64 · 33 = 26 · 33,
and 2112 is therefore the smallest 4-digit Graz number.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

b) and c) We can prove by induction that there in fact exists an n-digit

Graz number for any positive integer n. Obviously, 2 is the only
1-digit Graz number, as 1 is not divisible by 21 , but 2 is. We can
therefore assume that there exists a k-digit Graz number g for
some k ≥ 1. Since g is divisible by 2k , either g ≡ 0 (mod 2k+1 ) or
g ≡ 2k (mod 2k+1 ) must hold. Since 10k ≡ 2k (mod 2k+1 ) and
2 · 10k ≡ 0 (mod 2k+1 ), we have either 10k + g ≡ 0 (mod 2k+1 )
or 2 · 10k + g ≡ 0 (mod 2k+1 ), and therefore the existence of an
(n − 1)-digit Graz number.
It is now easy to complete the solution. Since 112 is a 3-digit Graz
number, and 112 = 16 · 7 is divisible by 16, 2112 is a 4-digit Graz
number. Since 2112 = 32 · 66 is divisible by 25 = 32, 22112 is a
5-digit Graz number, and the solution is complete.

Problem 5 C Individual, Problem 3, 2011

Determine the number of ten-digit numbers divisible by 4 which are

written using only the digits 1 and 2. (Józef Kalinowski)

Solution. An example of such a number is 2212211112 = 4 · 553052778.

Any ten-digit number n divisible by 4 must end in a two-digit number

divisible by 4. The last two digits of any such number written only
with the digits 1 and 2 can therefore only be 12, in this order. Each
of the other eight digits of the ten-digit number can be either 1 or 2.
Altogether, this gives us 28 possibilities. There therefore exist 28 = 256
ten-digit numbers with the given property.

Problem 6 B Individual, Problem 1, 2011

Let A be a six-digit positive integer which is formed using only the two
digits x and y. Furthemore, let B be the six-digit integer resulting from
A if all digits x are replaced by y and simultaneously all digits y are
replaced by x. Prove that the sum A + B is divisible by 91. (Józef

Solution. An example of such a pair A and B is 229299 + 992922 =

1222221 = 91 · 13431. The claim certainly holds in this particular case.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

In order to prove the general assertion, let A = c5 c4 c3 c2 c1 c0 and B =

d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 d0 , where ci , di ∈ {x, y}, ci = di for i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
x, y ∈ {1, . . . , 9} are distinct non-zero decimal digits.

Since ci + di = x + y = 0 for i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 we have

A + B = (x + y) · (105 + 104 + 103 + 102 + 10 + 1) =

= (x + y) · 111111 = (x + y) · 91 · 1221,
The number A + B is therefore certainly divisible by 91.

Problem 7 C Team, Problem 1, 2010

Determine the number of pairs (x, y) of decimal digits such that the
positive integer in the form xyx is divisible by 3 and the positive integer
in the form yxy is divisible by 4. (author unknown)

Solution. An example of such a pair of numbers is given by 525 = 3 · 175

and 252 = 4 · 63.

Each positive integer in the form yxy is divisible by 4 if and only if the
number xy is divisible by 4 with y = 0. Hence

(x, y) ∈ {(1; 2), (1; 6), (2; 4), (2; 8), (3; 2), (3; 6), (4; 4), (4; 8), (5; 2), . . .

. . . , (5; 6), (6; 4), (6; 8), (7; 2), (7; 6), (8; 4), (8; 8), (9; 2), (9; 6)}.
A positive integer in the form xyx is divisible by 3 if and only if the
sum of its digits is divisible by 3, i.e. 2x + y must be divisible by 3.
After checking all possible pairs of positive integers we obtain only six

(x, y) ∈ {(2; 8), (3; 6), (4; 4), (5; 2), (8; 8), (9; 6)}.

We therefore have 6 solutions altogether.

Problem 8 B Team, Problem 3, 2015

Determine the number of all six-digit palindromes that are divisible by


Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

[Remark. A six-digit palindrome is a positive integer written in the form

abccba with decimal digits a = 0, b and c.] (Pavel Calábek)

Solution. We have

abccba = 100001a + 10010b + 1100c = 7(14286a + 1430b + 157c) − (a − c).

Such a number is divisible by 7 iff (a − c) is divisible by 7.

a = 0 and c are decimal digits, and we therefore have −8 ≤ a − c ≤ 9.

The only possible values are therefore (a − c) ∈ {−7, 0, 7}.

For a − c = −7 we have (a, c) ∈ {(1, 8), (2, 9)}, for a − c = 0 we have

(a, c) ∈ {(1, 1), (2, 2), . . . , (9, 9)}, and finally for a − c = 7 we have
(a, c) ∈ {(7, 0), (8, 1), (9, 2)}, and therefore we have 14 possibilities for
the ordered pair (a, c) in total.

In all cases b is an arbitrary digit, and altogether there are therefore

14 · 10 = 140 six-digit palindromes which are divisible by 7. 

Problem 9 C Individual, Problem 3, 2012

Two positive integers are called friends if each is composed of the same
number of digits, the digits in one are in increasing order and the digits
in the other are in decreasing order, and the two numbers have no digits
in common (like, for example, the numbers 147 and 952).

Solve the following problems:

a) Determine the number of all two-digit numbers that have a friend.
b) Determine the largest number that has a friend.

a) Every two-digit number n which is composed of different digits,
has its digits in increasing or decreasing order. Moreover there
are at least two non-zero digits a and b different from the digits
of n. It follows, that the friend of n is one of numbers ab or ba.
The number of two-digit numbers with a friend is therefore equal
to the number of two-digit numbers composed of different digits.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

There are 90 two-digit numbers of which 9 (11, 22, . . . , 99) consist

of two identical digits. There are therefore 81 two-digit numbers
which have a friend. 
b) If the number with a friend has k digits, its friend also has k
different digits and together they have 2k different digits. Since
there are 10 digits, the largest number with a friend has at most
5 digits.
No number begins with 0, so 0 is in a number with digits in
decreasing order if k = 5. Moreover, if a number n with digits
in increasing order has a friend k, its mirror image (that is, the
number with the same digits in opposite order) is greater and has
a friend (namely the mirror image of k).
The largest number with a friend has different digits in decreasing
order, it has at most five digits and one of its digits is 0. The
largest such number is therefore 98760 and its friend is 12345.

Problem 10 C Team, Problem 3, 2015

A wavy number is a number in which the digits alternately get larger

and smaller (or smaller and larger) when read from left to right. (For
instance, 3629263 and 84759 are wavy numbers but 45632 is not.)
a) Two five-digit wavy numbers m and n are composed of all digits
from 0 to 9. (Note that the first digit of a number cannot be 0.)
Determine the smallest possible value of m + n.
b) Determine the largest possible wavy number in which no digit
occurs twice.
c) Determine a five-digit wavy number that can be expressed in the
form ab + c, where a, b and c are all three-digit wavy numbers.

a) The smallest possible sum is given by the expression

20659 + 14387 = 35046.

b) The largest such number is 9785634120.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

c) There are many such combinations. Examples are

120 · 142 + 231 = 17271 or 101 · 101 + 101 = 10302.

Comment. This paper has also appeared in the proceedings of the

MAKOS meeting, 2015, held in Zadov, Czech Republic, 1 Oct., 2015.

Robert Geretschläger
Bundesrealgymnasium Keplerstrasse

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Developing Problem-solving Skills

Gyula Nagy

Gyula Nagy is interested in gifted-

ness, and quantitative, qualitative mea-
surement of problem-solving skills, was
editor-in-chief of the Hungarian Math-
ematical and Physical Journal for Sec-
ondary Schools. He has worked as a
teacher in Szent István High School,
later as professor of mathematics, 3D
CAD lecturer and consultant for more
than 20 years at SZIE YBL, edited
projects: curriculum for math for the
talented high school students, databases
for gifted children and teachers, and
has organized fourteen conferences for
gifted children and their teachers in
mathematics, physics and computer sci-
ence. He has also contributed to opti-
mization in structural engineering, ge-
ometry, and kinematics of mechanism.

This paper is based on my experience with KöMaL (Középiskolai Matem-

atikai és Fizikai Lapok, in English: Mathematical and Physical Journal
for Secondary Schools) as its editor-in-chief during the last some years.
The pages of that publication provide a place for talented high school
students of mathematics, physics and informatics, where they can face
challenges, solve problems that fit their knowledge, compete with others
of similar abilities, and develop the most, especially in critical thinking.
Observations show that the students should be challenged with exercises,
which they can solve only with effort. Hence, the number, difficulty and
complexity of their thinking schemas grow, and after a time, they assem-
ble into mechanisms, which help them in solving problems that are more
difficult. KöMaL fulfills an exceptional role in offering adequate prob-
lems for that process. Its three committees involve more than twenty
committed high school and university teachers who create the major-
ity of the offered problems. The table in this paper shows how efficacy

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

in solving problems of the journal facilitates success in the deservedly

world-famous Kürschák competition and in problem solving.

1 Introduction
KöMaL has been published for 120 years in order to supplement sec-
ondary mathematics, physics and computer science education mainly
for talented students. Its mission remains, as it has always been, to
encourage its readers to develop a habit of analytical thinking, to offer
them the intellectual pleasure of problem solving, and to help them learn
how to express their thoughts accurately in writing for publication [1, 2,
4, 12, 13, 15, 29, 31, 39, 49].

Usually excellent problem solvers come from special classes. Mostly

because talented students attend these classes, and furthermore because
these students are led by teachers with strong qualities in analytical
thinking and problem solving. The definition of talent is disputed, and
we do not aim at defining it here, but we believe that the following words
of Einstein in [5] describe it best:
I have no special talents.
I am only passionately curious.

The way a student becomes a good problem solver is a complex process,

to which we would like to present a commonly known way. There
definitely needs to be a good teacher who can develop the abilities of
a homogeneous group in reading, writing, and counting to skill-level. In
the case of an inhomogeneous group, the help of parents, other students,
or a private teacher is necessary. The situation is quite the same in
higher classes; the ability of the teacher to gauge the abilities of the
students and to fit to it the level of difficulty of the problems is vital in
the course of teaching and problem solving [28, 37, 38]. The above
presented cooperation can prepare the student for matriculation, or
entrance exams, and can even produce significant accomplishments on
the national level. However, a qualitative leap can be experienced when
the students, or adults themselves search for the problems to solve them.
Then not the routine exercises, but solving the challenging problems
leads to the development of thinking. Pólya presents excellent examples
of such exercises in his books, mostly in the field of Mathematics [26].

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

In the field of thinking methodology, his book How to Solve It cannot

easily be overemphasized. The methodologies and heuristics presented
by him and in other places can be relied on as a possibility, but they do
not provide a complete solution. Giving properly chosen exercises, by
which the problem solver develops, to which he has to stretch himself, is
very difficult. In fact, problem solving is the essence of teaching critical

2 Two media for problem solving

Kürschák: Hungarian Problem Book
Probably one of the best-known collection of problems is the work
of József Kürschák, covering the problems and solutions with elabo-
rate notes of the first national mathematics competition [6] named af-
ter Loránd Eötvös, but later renamed as the Kürschák Competition.
It covered the years 1895–1928. It became Part I of Matematikai
Versenytételek (Mathematical competition problems) [21], when it was
revised [8] by György Hajós, Gyula Neukomm and János Surányi, who
also published Part II of the book [9], covering the years 1929–1963.
Surányi later published Part III [32] too, covering the years 1964–1987,
and even Part IV [33], which covered the years 1988–1997. The English
translation of Part I appeared as Hungarian Problem Books I & II and
were the works of Elvira Rapaport [19, 20], while Part II was translated
into English by Andy Liu as Hungarian Problem Books III & IV. (For
the second volume, his co-author was Robert Barrington Leigh) [10, 11].
Parts III and IV of Matematikai Versenytételek are not yet published in

The Eötvös Competition was established by the Mathematical and Phys-

ical Society of Hungary, at the recommendation of Gyula Kőnig, under
the name of “Pupils’ Mathematical Competition” in 1894. This was
done in honor of the Society’s founder and president, the famous physi-
cist Loránd Eötvös, who became Minister of Education that year [6, 12,
13, 16, 17, 18, 23, 27, 29, 31, 34, 35, 36, 39].

In these competitions three completely new mathematics problems were

given to students. The organizing committee always paid attention
to providing interesting exercises that would require only high-school

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Figure 1: Loránd Eötvös (more

commonly called Baron Roland von
Eötvös in English literature, on a
cover of the journal of KöMaL)
and his torsion pendulum, which
has been in use in oil exploration
throughout the world, including
Texas and Venezuela since 1915.

knowledge, but deep understanding. It can be stated without doubt

that the problems were always well specified, with no ambiguity in them,
and that they were accurately composed, just like the solutions given to
them. The first winners were Mihály Seidner, Győző Zemplén, Lipót
Fejér, Tódor Kármán [15, 27, 31, 39, 41, 42, 43].

In the years 1919–1921, when John von Neumann graduated from the
Lutheran Secondary School, the mathematical competition for secondary
schools did not take place because of the revolution in Hungary; but in
1918, von Neumann was permitted to sit in as an unofficial participant,
and would have won the first prize [36]. Kürschák arranged that he
would be tutored by the young G. Szegő; later he was also taught by
M. Fekete (Fekete Mihály) and Leopold Fejér (Fejér Lipót), as well as
by A. Haar (Haar Alfréd) and Frederic Riesz (Riesz Frigyes). The list
of winners of the mathematical competitions before 1928 include among
others L. Fejér, T. von Kármán, D. König, A. Haar, M. Riesz, G. Szegő,
and E. Teller, whereas L. Szilárd won a second prize [15, 27, 31, 36, 39,
42, 43].

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Figure 2: One of the contestants and some of her results in four types of
competition from September 2014, the list continuous until May 2015.

Gábor Szegő said, “It would be a naïve thing to state that I taught him.
. . . we met once or twice a week with von Neumann for tea, talked about
mathematics and the problems that exist in set theory, integral theory
and in other fields. Von Neumann promptly understood the importance
of these things, and presented his own results in just one week” [16, 17,
18, 36]. Szegő also provided some guidance to von Neumann concerning
the directions of mathematical development.

Many teachers would like to have such students, but naturally, many are
afraid of students who are too clever. It has happened even with Pólya
[26]: “There was a seminar for advanced students in Zürich that I was
teaching and von Neumann was in the class. I came to a certain theorem,
and I said it is not proved and it may be difficult. Von Neumann did not
say anything but after five minutes, he raised his hand. When I called
on him, he went to the black board and proceeded to write down the
proof. After that, I was afraid of von Neumann.” What can a teacher
gifted with such a student do?

There is a need for KöMaL

What problems are most adequate for a student? Experience shows that
they must be so difficult that the student can barely solve them. The
role of the master is to provide such problems [22, 38]. If there are no

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

adequate masters—and after a time, there will not be—then the student
must solve many problems, among which there surely will be some that
help in developing his thinking, because they are difficult enough, but
still solvable by him. There are many students, who credit the hard work
on the point contest of KöMal for their success. A typical situation was
quoted in [30], when the eminent Hungarian mathematician, Kálmán
Győry was asked, “Did you have anyone with whom you could discuss
your ideas, solutions?” He answered: “Not really. I did not even think
about going to my teachers with these type of problems. I knew I was
the one who had to tackle them, and since I was really interested in
these, I had a lot of fun solving such problems. Later, when I got really
into them, sometimes it happened that not only during math lectures
but also during other classes my mind was filled with math problems,
solving them hidden under the desk”.

This way our methodology is enriched, and the number of our thinking
schemas, as well as their levels of difficulty and complexity grow. Af-
ter a time, these schemas develop into cognitive frames, mechanisms,
heuristics [7, 22, 26], which help us in solving the given problems.

József Pelikán, the coach of the Hungarian IMO team, has good memo-
ries of his experience as a participant: “In seventh grade, I finally entered
the contest and turned in a few solutions . . . to my father’s distress, I
loved playing football much better than writing up solutions. . . My atti-
tude only changed when I first saw my name in print, it suddenly became
real life, it was worth the effort since there was feedback . . . We learned
a lot from each other, and there started an intense (but always friendly)
rivalry among us, concerning KöMaL solutions, with László Lovász, for
example . . . I worked really hard. I came home from school at midday,
had a quick lunch, and immediately sat down to do mathematics. That
continued day by day, week by week, and month by month. And the
miracle occurred: We were given the opportunity (Lovász and me) to
participate in the International Mathematical Olympiad as early as in
grade 9.” [25]. Success is grown by motivation and diligence. The feed-
back has become faster recently: immediately after assessment, the score
appears on the list of results of the participant, and anyone can see it
unless the participant blocks that option (Figure 2).

KöMaL takes an exceptional role in offering adequate problems. Its three

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Figure 3: In the middle, the best problem solvers of the graduating class
of 2015 are featured [48]. On the left an earlier cover sheet in English
and on the right last year’s cover from the Hungarian version are shown.

committees comprise more than twenty committed high school and uni-
versity teachers who invent the majority of the offered problems. Choos-
ing and specifying the problems is the responsibility of the appropriate
committee. The coworkers and editors of the journal have been hard at
work to present proper problems to high school students who crave such
challenges since 1894. Our readers can send in nearly twenty problems
monthly, and can follow their results on our homepage (see Figure 2).

3 Results of the KöMaL


Figure 4 shows how efficacy in solving the problems of the journal facil-
itates success in the Kürschák competition [40, 41, 42, 44].

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Figure 4: Accomplishment in KöMaL was combined into a single score

against the number of Kürschák Problems solved. The resulting graph
gives a good indication of the overall quality of the experience in math-
ematics and in problem solving.

The table depicts the points acquired by the first ten competitors of the
last five years in the Kürschák competition in relation with the points
acquired by the same students in the competition of KöMaL.

On the horizontal axis, the points acquired in the journal’s A and B

competitions can be seen; the points gathered in the more difficult A
competition are tripled, and added to the points gathered in the easier
B competition. Problems given in the A competition demand at least
triple energy, and time, if the competitor can solve them at all. Ex-
perience in KöMaL as a predictor of the number of solved Kürschák
problems was combined into a single score. The 3A+B score was used
here in order to measure the quality of experience. The resulting value
indicates the overall quality of experience in mathematics. The correla-
tion analysis gives a positive but not so significant relation between them
(r=0.39). However, the trendline on the graph shows the successfulness
of the KöMaL competition. The 1000 points acquired in the competi-
tion (in the middle of the horizontal line) are in accordance with the
same amount of working hours, which can lead to 2.5 solved Kürschák
problems according to the trendline.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

The competitors solving more than three problems attended at least two
competitions, and the one acquiring 6.5 points has participated in three
competitions. Participating successfully in the KöMaL competition is
not the only key to being successful at the Kürschák competition; all
components mentioned in the introduction are necessary. Hence, the
introductory quote by Einstein changes to the following:
I have a special talent,
I am unwaveringly strenuous.

Competitors who finish with success on this competition can be regarded

as the candidates, as the experts of problem solving. They fulfil the
requirements of candidacy: they know and apply the needed schemas
well, they have strong analytical skills, and can deliver their knowledge
by expressing their thoughts accurately in writing [22].

4 Inventions
Regarding content, the editors aim to remain true to the traditions
established by founders and predecessors. However, a few changes were
necessary in the past few years, such as the launching of the computer
science competition. Students and teachers of secondary schools face a
great demand for samples of entrance exam problems. A full set of such
problems are published each month, and the solutions are given in the
following month.

The KöMaL homepage is continually maintained and developed accord-

ing to the needs and opinions of the readers. In addition to homepage
maintenance, there are lots of other administrative duties related to the
journal and the point competitions [40, 44, 45, 47]. Scores achieved by
solvers and subscription data needs to be recorded in databases. There is
an extensive daily correspondence, the actual issue needs to be prepared
for printing, the internet is searched for related content, problems and
articles are checked in the archive to avoid repetitions, and the archive
needs to be continually refreshed [41, 42, 46].

We make our contests as interactive as possible. KöMaL Forum is an

internet site, which aims to introduce readers to mathematics, physics
and computer science, the beauty of these sciences and the applications

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

of mathematics. Of the 211 topics, one of the most visited is “Someone

tell me” with 1994 comments, and maybe the most useful is “TEX—Let’s
learn how to write nicely” with an easily usable practice space developed
for learning TEX. The exercise book space was developed so that the
signed-in competitor can choose the problem, and can immediately write
their solution, even in TEX [44]. It is very important for solvers to learn,
as early as possible, the rules of writing for publication, to learn how to
express themselves accurately in detail, but at the same time preserving
brevity and clarity. G OH Katona explained publication pressure and
scientometrics in a radio show: “It is not enough to be bright; you also
need to appear to be bright. I often said to my students, it is not enough
to invent something smart, you also need to sell that to the public. You
need to write it down nicely . . . ” [14]

The content of the KöMaL issues from 1994 to 2003 was published
in digital form on the CD called “Aiming for the Nobel Prize”. The
development of our modern internet based archive has grown out of that
CD. Collecting all of the materials of KöMaL is still in progress. The
new archive is continuously presented to the public [40, 41, 42]. It will
contain more than thirty-five thousand pages, and it will be searchable
by date, topic, and by names of authors and solvers. In addition to
problems and articles, it will be possible to track down, through decades
in the past, all those important national and international competitions
that have played a role in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science
education in Hungary. At present, the issues of KöMaL are available at

Churchill once said about the Royal Air Force:

“Never in the history of mankind have so many owed so much to so

We finish by presenting the mission of our talent-care Media with a

parallel statement by Bollobás [3],
“Never in the history of mathematics have so many owed so much to
such a small journal.”

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Figure 5: We can see the logistics of a four-month period in detail with

red and the 4-month period 9 times a year with different colors.

5 Acknowledgements
It would be hard to highlight the names of a few eminent problem
solvers from the beginning, since nearly all Hungarian mathematicians,
scientists and other intellectuals used to be participants in the points

In the time of Rátz, the number of problem solvers reached 200, and the
current number is one order of magnitude greater. The administration
needed for the competition and editorial work is presented in Figure 5.

The main graph shows parts of our work and the logistics of a four-month
period. On the small graphs at the bottom part of the figure, we can
see a one-year period of our work. Our contest consists of nine rounds,
corresponding to the number of issues per year. “Hence I fully understand
why the Kürschák Competition was easily emulated, while the KöMaL
remained a Hungarian specialty.” So said George Berzsenyi, who was
involved in organizing and initiating a variety of similar competitions in
the United States.

The chief supporters of the competition and the journal with the help
of the MATFUND (Hungarian High School Mathematics and Physics
Foundation) include members of the Academy, and business people as

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

well. G. Berzsenyi, Zs. Bor, B. Bollobás, Á. Császár, K. Dobos, I. Fodor,

F. Friedler, T. Földes, Á. Knuth, L. Laczkó, L. Lovász, K. Kovács, J.
Pálinkás, M. Párkány, I. Szekeres and T. Vicsek. As students, almost all
of them qualified among the best problem solvers.
We thank them for their support and others who help the mission of

[1] Berzsenyi G., International Mathematical Talent Search Part 1,
AMT publishing, Canberra, 2010.
[2] Berzsenyi G., International Mathematical Talent Search Part 2,
AMT publishing, Canberra, 2011.
[3] Bollobás B., Bollobás Béla visszaemlékezése. Középiskolai Matem-
atikai és Fizikai Lapok, Április, 152–153, 1994.
[4] C 2 K Century 2 of KöMaL V. Oláh (editor), G. Berzsenyi, E. Fried
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[22] Mérő L., Habits of Mind: The Power and Limits of Rational
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[23] Nagy G., Tudományok katalizátora, a KöMaL. (In Hungarian):

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February 6, 2016, from

Gyula Nagy
Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
School of Civil Engineering
1146 Budapest Thököly 74

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Preparation of 5–7 grade students for

mathematics competitions: area problems

Iliana Tsvetkova

Iliana Tsvetkova is a teacher of mathe-

matics at Sofia High School of Math-
ematics, Sofia, Bulgaria. She has a
lot of experience working with talented
mathematics students and preparing
them for National and International
competition. She has been a team
leader during many international math
competitions (PMWC, EMIC, WYMIC,
WMTC, IWYMIC, Tuymaada, Jau-
tikov olimpiad). Her students won
gold, silver and bronze medals at 2004
and 2012 IMO and have won many
prizes in other competitions.

Sofia High School of Mathematics is a specialized school for the prepa-

ration of mathematically talented students. As a teacher in this school I
have been preparing them for competition for a long time. Geometry is
one of the main areas in mathematics. To become good competitors in
mathematics lower secondary students need to learn geometry a lot. In
this paper I am presenting a system of problems for area that I usually
use for the extracurricular work with grade 5–7 students.

The students in lower secondary school know formulas for the area
of triangles, parallelograms and trapezoids. They often use them for
calculating areas. This is a routine and not very interesting activity. I
am trying to motivate the young students to think using more interesting
tasks. I usually present these problems when I grade 11–14 year old
students for mathematics competitions and Olympiads.

The lesson begins with the formulation and proof of the statements in
the basic problems (see below). These problems are not only used for
the solution of the next tasks but also help the development of geometric

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

thinking of the students. During the preparation period we use the basic
problems 1–6 as theorems. However, if students need some of them for
solving a problem in a competition, they have to prove the statement.
This is because the basic problems, presented below, are not a part of
the compulsory mathematics lessons.

Basic problem 1.
Let CM be a median of triangle ABC. Then
SAM C = SBM C = 12 SABC .

Basic problem 2.
Let M be a point of side AB of triangle ABC,
such that AM : M B = m : n. Then SAM C :
SBM C = m : n.

Basic problem 3.
In the figure, M and N are the midpoints of AB
and CD, respectively. The area of the shaded
quadrilateral is one-half the area of quadrilat-
eral ABCD.

Basic problem 4.
In the figure, P and Q are midpoints of CD
and AD respectively. The area of the shaded
quadrilateral is one-half the area of quadrilat-
eral ABCD.

To prove the Basic problem 3 and Basic problem 4 we may construct

the diagonal BD and to use Basic problem 1.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Basic problem 5.
In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram
and M is a point of DC. The area of
the shaded triangle is one-half the area
of parallelogram ABCD.

Basic problem 6.
In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram,
M is a point on DA, and N is a point on
AB, such that AM = CN . The area of
the shaded quadrilateral is one-half the
area of parallelogram ABCD.
The problems that I discuss below are “Olympiad type” problems. They
are usually well accepted and students enjoy working with them.

Problem 1.
In the figure, CM is a median of triangle ABC,
CG : GM = 3 : 2 and BP : P G = 1 : 7. If
SABC = S, find SM BP .

Solution. Using Basic problem 1 and twice Basic problem 2 we find

SM BP = 35 S.

Problem 2.
In the figure, CM is a median of triangle ABC,
and G is an arbitrary point of CM . Prove that

Solution. Notice that GM is median of triangle ABG. Then using

Basic problem 1 twice, we obtain SAGC = SAM C − SAM G and SBGC =
SBM C − SBM G . This means that SAGC = SBGC .

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Problem 3.
Points M and N are on side BC of the
triangle ABC, point K lies on side AC such
that BM : M N : N C = 1 : 1 : 2, and
CK : AK = 1 : 4. If SABC = 1, find

Solution. Denote SN CK = x. From Basic problem 2 for triangle AN C

we obtain that SAN K = 4x. Segment AN is a median of triangle ABC.
Therefore SAN C = SABN = 5x ⇒ SAN M = 52 x, SABN = 52 x. We obtain
that x + 4x + 2 · 52 x = 1, x = 10
. Therefore, SAM N K = SAM N + SAN K =
5 13 13
2 x + 4x = 2 x = 20 .

Problem 4.
ABCD is a parallelogram. Points M , K
and N are on the sides AB, BC, and AD
such that AN = CK. Show that
a) S5 = S2 + S3 ,
b) S1 = S4 + S6 .
Solution. According to Basic problem 5 and Basic problem 6 we have
a) S5 + S1 = S1 + S2 + S3 ⇒ S5 = S2 + S3 ,
b) S1 + S2 + S3 = S4 + S3 + S6 + S2 ⇒ S1 = S4 + S6 .

Problem 5.
Point M is inside the parallelogram ABCD.
According to the figure, show that
b) S1 = S2 + S3 ,
c) S4 + S5 = S6 .

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

a) According to Basic problem 5 if we construct a straight line

through M parallel to AB, then SABM + SDM C = 12 SABCD . Also
b) From SABD = 21 SABCD and SABM + SDM C = 1
S1 + S5 + S6 = S2 + S3 + S5 + S4 ⇒ S1 = S2 + S3 .
c) S1 + S5 + S4 = S2 + S3 + S6 ⇒ S4 + S5 = S6 .

Problem 6.
In the figures, M , N , P , and Q are midpoints
of sides AB, BC, CD, and DA of the convex
quadrilateral ABCD, respectively.
a) Using the upper figure, show that the area of
the regions shaded by dashes is equal to the area
of the regions shaded by dots.
b) Using the lower figure, show that the area of
the regions shaded by dashes is equal to the area
of the regions shaded by dots.

Hint. Use Basic problem 3 twice.

Problem 7.
In the figure, M , N , and P are the mid-
points of sides BC, CD, and DA of the con-
vex quadrilateral ABCD respectively. Show
that the area of the region shaded by dashes
plus the area of the region shaded by dots
equals the area of the quadrilateral ABCD.
Hint. Use Basic problem 4 twice. (Note that the central quadrilateral is
shaded in both dashes and dots, i.e. its area is counted twice.)

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Problem 8.
Points M , N , K and L lie respectively on
the sides AB, BC, CD and AD of the
convex quadrilateral ABCD. If AM :
M B = 3 : 2, CN : N B = 2 : 3, CK =
KD and AL : LD = 1 : 2, find the
quotient SM BN KDL : SABCD .

Solution. Construct the segments M L, M D, BD, DN and N K. Denote

SN CK = x and SAM L = y. From Basic problem 2 we obtain SDN K = x,
SBN D = 3x, SDM L = 2y = SM BD . Therefore,
SM BN KDL 4x + 4y 4
= = .
SABCD 5x + 5y 5

Problem 9.
On the figure, points K, L and M , N di-
vide the opposite sides AD and BC respec-
tively of a convex quadrilateral ABCD into
3 equal segments. Prove that SM N KL =

Solution. From Basic problem 2 it follows that SABL = 13 SABD and

SN CD = 13 SBCD , so SABL + SN CD = 13 SABCD . Therefore, SBN DL =
3 SABCD . From Basic problem 3 we obtain that

1 1 2 1
2 2 3 3

Problem 10.
Let M be such a point on the side AB
of parallelogram ABCD that BM :
M A = 1 : 2. The segments M D
and AC intersect in P . If the area
of ABCD equals 1, find the area of
Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Solution. Let O be the intersection point of AC and BD. Then O is

the midpoint of both AC and BD. Denote SP OB = x and SBM P = y.
From Basic problem 1 and Basic problem 2 it follows that SP OD = x,
SAP M = 2y and SAP D = 3y. We use again Basic problem 2 to obtain
2 2 1 1
SAM D = SABD = · SABCD = .
3 3 2 3
Therefore, 5y = 13 and y = 15 1
. For triangle ABD: 6y + 2x = 12 and
x = 20 . Finally, the area of BCP M is 1130 .

The ideas in this paper can be extended. Using these methods it is pos-
sible to prove that the medians in a triangle intersect in one point. Then
we may prove that obtained triangles are with equal areas. Theorems of
Menelaus and Cèva can also be proven using only these basic problems.
My years of experience working with these tasks show that an early in-
troduction of students to geometric thinking and geometrical methods
of solving problems develop the mathematical thinking of children, in-
crease their interest in mathematics and contribute to the excellence in
different types of competitions.

[1] Bankov K., Tsvetkova I., Figures with Equal Areas in Convex
Quadrilaterals. In Mathematics Lessons Learned from Across the
World, Prekindergarten – Grade 8, pp. 77–83, edited by Johnny
Lott and Carolyn Lott. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
[2] Atanasov, S., Areas. In Olympiad papers, pp. 88–99, edited by P.
Boyvalenkov and I. Landjev. Unimat SMB, 2004.
[3] (in Russian).

Iliana Tsvetkova
Sofia High School of Mathematics
email: iliana

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

The 57th International Mathematical

Hong Kong, 2016

The 57th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) was held 6–16

July in Hong Kong. This was easily the largest IMO in history with a
record number of 602 high school students from 109 countries partici-
pating. Of these, 71 were girls.

Each participating country may send a team of up to six students, a

Team Leader and a Deputy Team Leader. At the IMO the Team Leaders,
as an international collective, form what is called the Jury. This Jury
was chaired by Professor Kar-Ping Shum who was ably assisted by the
much younger Andy Loo.1

The first major task facing the Jury is to set the two competition pa-
pers. During this period the Leaders and their observers are trusted to
keep all information about the contest problems completely confidential.
The local Problem Selection Committee had already shortlisted 32 prob-
lems from 121 problem proposals submitted by 40 of the participating
countries from around the world. During the Jury meetings three of
the shortlisted problems had to be discarded from consideration due to
being too similar to material already in the public domain. Eventually,
the Jury finalised the exam questions and then made translations into
the more than 50 languages required by the contestants.

The six questions that ultimately appeared on the IMO contest are
described as follows.

1. An easy classical geometry problem proposed by Belgium.

2. A medium chessboard style problem proposed by Australia.
3. A difficult number theory problem with a hint of geometry pro-
posed by Russia.
4. An easy number theory problem proposed by Luxembourg.
1 Not to be confused with the well-known Canadian mathematician Andy Liu.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

5. A medium polynomial problem proposed by Russia.

6. A difficult problem in combinatorial geometry proposed by the

Czech Republic.

These six questions were posed in two exam papers held on Monday
11 July and Tuesday 12 July. Each paper had three problems. The
contestants worked individually. They were allowed four and a half hours
per paper to write their attempted proofs. Each problem was scored out
of a maximum of seven points.

For many years now there has been an opening ceremony prior to the first
day of competition. A highlight were the original music performances
specially composed for the IMO by composer Dr Kwong-Chiu Mui.
Following the formal speeches there was the parade of the teams and
the 2016 IMO was declared open.

After the exams the Leaders and their Deputies spent about two days
assessing the work of the students from their own countries, guided by
marking schemes, which been agreed to earlier. A local team of markers
called Coordinators also assessed the papers. They too were guided by
the marking schemes but are allowed some flexibility if, for example,
a Leader brought something to their attention in a contestant’s exam
script that is not covered by the marking scheme. The Team Leader and
Coordinators have to agree on scores for each student of the Leader’s
country in order to finalise scores. Any disagreements that cannot be
resolved in this way are ultimately referred to the Jury.

Problem 1 turned out to be the most accessible with an average score

of 5.27. At the other end, problem 3 ended up being one of the most
difficult problems at the IMO averaging2 only 0.25. Just 10 students
managed to score full marks on it, while 548 students were unable to
score a single point.

The medal cuts were set at 29 for gold, 22 for silver and 16 for bronze.
Consequently, there were 280 (=46.5 %) medals awarded. The medal
2 One must go back to IMO 2009 to find a problem that scored lower. Problem 6
of that year averaged 0.17 out of 7.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

distributions3 were 44 (=7.3 %) gold, 101 (=16.8 %) silver and 135

(=22.4 %) bronze. These awards were presented at the closing ceremony.
Of those who did not get a medal, a further 162 contestants received an
honourable mention for solving at least one question perfectly.

The following six students achieved the most excellent feat of a perfect
score of 42.
Yuan Yang China
Jaewon Choi South Korea
Eui Cheon Hong South Korea
Junghun Ju South Korea
Allen Liu United States
Yuan Yao United States

They were given a standing ovation during the presentation of medals

at the closing ceremony.

The 2016 IMO was organised by: The International Mathematical Olym-
piad Hong Kong Committee Limited with support from the Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology and the Education Bureau of the
Hong Kong SAR Government.

The 2017 IMO is scheduled to be held July 12–24 in Rio de Janeiro,

Brazil. Venues for future IMOs have been secured up to 2021 as follows.
2018 Romania
2019 United Kingdom
2020 Russia
2021 United States

Much of the statistical information found in this report can also be found
at the official website of the IMO

3 The total number of medals must be approved by the Jury and should not

normally exceed half the total number of contestants. The numbers of gold, silver
and bronze medals must be approximately in the ratio 1:2:3.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

1 IMO Papers
First Day
Monday, July 11, 2016

Problem 1. Triangle BCF has a right angle at B. Let A be the point

on line CF such that F A = F B and F lies between A and C. Point D
is chosen such that DA = DC and AC is the bisector of ∠DAB. Point
E is chosen such that EA = ED and AD is the bisector of ∠EAC. Let
M be the midpoint of CF . Let X be the point such that AM XE is a
parallelogram (where AM  EX and AE  M X). Prove that lines BD,
F X, and M E are concurrent.

Problem 2. Find all positive integers n for which each cell of an n × n

table can be filled with one of the letters I, M, and O in such a way that:
– in each row and each column, one-third of the entries are I, one-third
are M and one-third are O; and
– in any diagonal, if the number of entries on the diagonal is a multiple
of three, then one-third of the entries are I, one-third are M and one-
third are O.
Note: The rows and columns of an n × n table are each labelled 1 to n in
a natural order. Thus each cell corresponds to a pair of positive integers
(i, j) with 1  i, j  n. For n > 1, the table has 4n − 2 diagonals of two
types. A diagonal of the first type consists of all cells (i, j) for which
i + j is a constant, and a diagonal of the second type consists of all cells
(i, j) for which i − j is constant.

Problem 3. Let P = A1 A2 . . . Ak be a convex polygon in the plane.

The vertices A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak have integral coordinates and lie on a circle.
Let S be the area of P . An odd positive integer n is given such that the
squares of the side lengths of P are integers divisible by n. Prove that
2S is an integer divisible by n.

Language: English Time: 4 hours and 30 minutes

Each problem is worth 7 points

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Second Day
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Problem 4. A set of positive integers is called fragrant if it contains at

least two elements and each of its elements has a prime factor in common
with at least one of the other elements. Let P (n) = n2 + n + 1. What is
the least possible value of the positive integer b such that there exists a
non-negative integer a for which the set

{P (a + 1), P (a + 2), . . . , P (a + b)}

is fragrant?

Problem 5. The equation

(x − 1)(x − 2) · · · (x − 2016) = (x − 1)(x − 2) · · · (x − 2016)

is written on the board, with 2016 linear factors on each side. What is
the least possible value of k for which it is possible to erase exactly k of
these 4032 linear factors so that at least one factor remains on each side
and the resulting equation has no real solutions?

Problem 6. There are n  2 line segments in the plane such that every
two segments cross, and no three segments meet at a point. Geoff has
to choose an endpoint of each segment and place a frog on it, facing the
other endpoint. Then he will clap his hands n − 1 times. Every time he
claps, each frog will immediately jump forward to the next intersection
point on its segment. Frogs never change the direction of their jumps.
Geoff wishes to place the frogs in such a way that no two of them will
ever occupy the same intersection point at the same time.
a) Prove that Geoff can always fulfil his wish if n is odd.
b) Prove that Geoff can never fulfil his wish if n is even.

Language: English Time: 4 hours and 30 minutes

Each problem is worth 7 points

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

2 Mark Distribution by Question

Mark Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6
0 52 277 548 132 353 474
1 63 65 25 22 36 31
2 32 99 14 26 55 9
3 9 30 0 10 21 39
4 6 7 0 26 50 4
5 35 8 2 15 2 4
6 14 9 3 24 4 4
7 391 107 10 347 81 37
Total 602 602 602 602 602 602
Mean 5.27 2.03 0.25 4.74 1.68 0.81

3 Some Country Totals

Rank Country Total
1 United States of America 214
2 South Korea 207
3 China 204
4 Singapore 196
5 Taiwan 175
6 North Korea 168
7 Russia 165
7 United Kingdom 165
9 Hong Kong 161
10 Japan 156
11 Vietnam 151
12 Canada 148
12 Thailand 148
14 Hungary 145
15 Brazil 138
15 Italy 138
17 Philippines 133
18 Bulgaria 132
19 Germany 131

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Rank Country Total

20 Indonesia 130
20 Romania 130
22 Israel 127
23 Mexico 126
24 Iran 125
25 Australia 124
25 France 124
25 Peru 124
28 Kazakhstan 122
29 Turkey 121
30 Armenia 118
30 Croatia 118
30 Ukraine 118

4 Distribution of Awards at the 2016 IMO

Country Total Gold Silver Bronze HM
Albania 58 0 0 1 3
Algeria 41 0 0 0 2
Argentina 75 0 0 2 3
Armenia 118 0 1 4 1
Australia 124 0 2 4 0
Austria 89 0 0 3 3
Azerbaijan 79 0 0 1 4
Bangladesh 112 0 1 3 2
Belarus 112 0 1 4 1
Belgium 82 0 0 3 1
Bosnia and Herzegovina 97 0 0 4 2
Botswana 7 0 0 0 1
Brazil 138 0 5 1 0
Bulgaria 132 0 3 3 0
Cambodia 13 0 0 0 1
Canada 148 2 2 1 1
Chile 18 0 0 0 2
China 204 4 2 0 0
Colombia 63 0 0 2 1

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Country Total Gold Silver Bronze HM

Costa Rica 69 0 0 2 2
Croatia 118 0 1 4 1
Cyprus 65 0 1 0 3
Czech Republic 109 0 2 1 2
Denmark 44 0 0 0 2
Ecuador 38 0 0 0 2
Egypt 5 0 0 0 0
El Salvador 60 0 0 1 4
Estonia 67 0 0 1 3
Finland 55 0 0 0 3
France 124 0 3 2 1
Georgia 69 0 0 1 4
Germany 131 0 3 3 0
Ghana 5 0 0 0 0
Greece 84 0 0 2 3
Honduras 10 0 0 0 0
Hong Kong 161 3 2 1 0
Hungary 145 1 3 2 0
Iceland 23 0 0 0 0
India 113 0 1 5 0
Indonesia 130 0 3 3 0
Iran 125 0 3 3 0
Iraq 2 0 0 0 0
Ireland 51 0 0 0 3
Israel 127 0 3 3 0
Italy 138 1 3 0 2
Jamaica 9 0 0 0 0
Japan 156 1 4 1 0
Kazakhstan 122 1 1 3 1
Kenya 11 0 0 0 0
Kosovo 47 0 0 1 2
Kyrgyzstan 34 0 0 0 3
Laos 0 0 0 0 0
Latvia 52 0 0 0 2
Liechtenstein 2 0 0 0 0
Lithuania 84 0 0 3 3

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Country Total Gold Silver Bronze HM

Luxembourg 14 0 0 0 0
Macau 108 1 1 0 4
Macedonia (FYR) 53 0 0 0 3
Madagascar 10 0 0 0 0
Malaysia 77 0 0 2 3
Mexico 126 0 4 1 1
Moldova 65 0 0 1 3
Mongolia 115 0 2 2 2
Montenegro 24 0 1 0 0
Morocco 46 0 0 1 2
Myanmar 13 0 0 0 0
Netherlands 98 0 0 3 3
New Zealand 81 0 1 1 2
Nicaragua 45 0 0 1 3
Nigeria 24 0 0 0 1
North Korea 168 2 4 0 0
Norway 34 0 0 0 2
Pakistan 18 0 0 0 0
Paraguay 55 0 0 2 1
Peru 124 0 2 3 1
Philippines 133 2 2 0 2
Poland 102 0 2 2 2
Portugal 88 0 0 1 5
Puerto Rico 27 0 0 1 0
Romania 130 0 5 1 0
Russia 165 4 1 1 0
Saudi Arabia 104 0 0 4 2
Serbia 106 0 1 4 1
Singapore 196 4 2 0 0
Slovakia 78 0 0 2 3
Slovenia 65 0 0 0 5
South Africa 73 0 0 1 4
South Korea 207 4 2 0 0
Spain 86 0 0 2 3
Sri Lanka 63 0 0 1 4
Sweden 109 0 3 0 2

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Country Total Gold Silver Bronze HM

Switzerland 99 0 1 4 0
Syria 87 0 0 3 3
Taiwan 175 3 3 0 0
Tajikistan 66 0 0 0 6
Tanzania 3 0 0 0 0
Thailand 148 2 2 1 1
Trinidad and Tobago 15 0 0 0 1
Tunisia 50 0 0 0 4
Turkey 121 0 2 4 0
Turkmenistan 58 0 0 0 5
Uganda 12 0 0 0 1
Ukraine 118 0 2 4 0
United Kingdom 165 2 4 0 0
United States of America 214 6 0 0 0
Uruguay 17 0 0 1 0
Uzbekistan 47 0 0 1 2
Venezuela 29 0 0 1 1
Vietnam 151 1 4 1 0
Total (109 teams, 602 contestants) 44 101 135 162

N.B. Not all countries sent a full team of six students.

Angelo Di Pasquale
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

International Mathematics
Tournament of Towns
Selected Problems from the Spring 2016

Andy Liu

1. There is at least one boy and at least one girl among twenty
children in a circle. None of them is wearing more than one T-shirt.
For each boy, the next child in the clockwise direction is wearing a
blue T-shirt. For each girl, the next child in the counterclockwise
direction is wearing a red T-shirt. Is it possible to determine the
exact number of boys in the circle?
Solution. We claim that the boys and girls must alternate along
the circle. Suppose to the contrary that two girls are next to each
other. Then for some boy, the two children clockwise from him are
both girls. The first girl must be wearing a blue T-shirt because
of the boy, and a red T-shirt because of the other girl. This is
a contradiction. Similarly, we cannot have two boys next to each
other, and our claim is justified. It follows that the number of boys
must be 10. In fact, all the boys are wearing red T-shirts and all
the girls are wearing blue T-shirts.

2. H is the orthocentre of triangle ABC with ∠BCA = 60◦ . The

circle with centre H and passing through C cuts the lines CA and
CB at M and N respectively. Prove that AN is parallel to BM
or they coincide.
Solution. Suppose CA = CB. Then ABC is an equilateral trian-
gle, M coincides with A and N with B. Henceforth, we assume
that CA < CB. Then M is on the extension of CA while N is on
CB. Let AD and BE be altitudes. Then each of CAD and CBE
is half an equilateral triangle, so that both CAN and CBM are
equilateral triangles. It follows that AN is parallel to BM .

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

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3. A median, an angle bisector and an altitude are drawn from some

combination of the vertices of some triangle. Is it possible for these
three lines to enclose an equilateral triangle?
Solution. This is possible. First draw a segment AB. From B,
draw a ray forming a 60◦ angle with AB. From A, draw a line
perpendicular to this ray, intersecting it at D. Then BAD is
half an equilateral triangle. Let P be the point on AD such that
AP = 2P D. Then BP bisects ∠ABD. From A, draw a line
perpendicular to AB, cutting the ray at M and the extension of
BP at Q. Take the point C on the ray such that BM = M C. In
triangle ABC, AM is a median, AD is an altitude and BQ is an
angle bisector, and AP Q is an equilateral triangle.
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4. In a 10 × 10 board, the 25 squares in the upper left 5 × 5 subboard

are black while all remaining squares are white. The board is
divided into a number of connected pieces of various shapes and
sizes such that the number of white squares in each piece is three
times the number of black squares in that piece. What is the
maximum number of pieces?

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

Solution. Since there are only 9 black squares which share common
sides with white squares, the number of pieces is at most 9. The
diagram below shows that we can have 9 pieces.
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5. Must a sphere pass through the midpoints of all 12 edges of a cube

if it passes through at least (a) 6 of them; (b) 7 of them?
Solution. There is a sphere Ω which passes through the midpoints
of all 12 edges of the cube. Stand the cube on a vertex so that the
space diagonal joining it to the opposite vertex is vertical. Then
the 12 points lie on three horizontal planes in a 3-6-3 distribution.

(a) The answer is “No”. The 6 points in the horizontal plane

in between the other two are vertices of a regular hexagon.
There are infinitely many spheres other than Ω which pass
through all of them.
(b) The answer is “Yes”. Suppose a sphere passes through 7
of these 12 points. By the pigeonhole principle, one of the
three horizontal planes must contain 3 of them. Moreover,
another of the 7 points must lie on a different plane. Hence
the sphere has 4 non-coplanar points in common with Ω, and
must therefore coincide with Ω.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

6. Do there exist integers a and b such that the equation x2 +kax+b =

0 has no real roots, and the equation x2  + kax + b = 0 has at
least one real root, where (a) k = 1; (b) k = 2?
Solution (by Victor Rong).

(a) We can take a = −3 and b = 3. The discriminant of x2 −

 −44 × 3 = −3. Hence it has no real roots.
3x + 3 = 0 is (−3)
4 2
However, ( 3 ) − 3( 3 ) + 3 = 1 − 4 + 3 = 0.
(b) Suppose that a and b are integers such that x2 + 2ax + b = 0
has no real roots but x2  + 2ax + b = 0 has at least one real
root. Then (2a)2 − 4b < 0 so that b > a2 . Note that 2ax is
an integer. We have a contradiction since

0 = x2 +2ax+b > x2 +2ax+a2 = x2 +2ax+a2  = (x+a)2  ≥ 0.

7. Dissect a 10 × 10 square into 100

√ congruent quadrilaterals which
have circumcircles of diameter 3.
Solution. First divide the 10 × 10 square into twenty-five 2 × 2
squares. Draw a circle with radius 2 centred at the centre
of the square, cutting its perimeter in eight points. Join four
alternate points in opposite pairs by two perpendicular segments,
dividing the square into four congruent quadrilaterals having two
right angles. This quadrilateral is cyclic,and its diameter joins the

other two vertices. Its length is indeed 32 + 32 = 3.
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Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

8. On the blackboard are several monic polynomials of degree 37,

with non-negative coefficients. In each move, we may replace two
of them by two other monic polynomials of degree 37, such that
either the sum or the product of the new pair is equal to the sum
or the product, respectively, of the old pair. Coefficients are not
required to be non-negative. Prove that after any finite number of
moves, at least one polynomial does not have 37 distinct positive
Solution (by Central Jury). We seek an invariant amidst all the
changes, and this is the sum of the coefficients of the x36 terms of
all the polynomials, which is also the sum of all 37 roots of each of
them. When we replace two polynomials by two others with the
same product, the combined set of roots of the old polynomials
is the same as the combined set of roots of the new polynomials.
When we replace two polynomials by two others with the same
sum, the sum of the coefficients of their x36 terms is unchanged.
Initially, all coefficients are non-negative. Hence this invariant is
also non-negative. However, if after a finite number of moves, every
polynomial has 37 distinct real roots, then this invariant must be
negative. We have a contradiction.
9. There are m good batteries and n > 2 bad batteries. They are not
distinguishable until used to light an electrical torch, the proper
functioning of which requires two good batteries. What is the
minimum number of attempts in order for the torch to function
properly, if (a) m = n + 1; (b) m = n?
Solution (by Central Jury).

(a) The upper bound is n + 2. Test the 2n + 1 batteries in

pairs, leaving one off. We may as well assume that nothing
works. Then each pair consists of a good battery and a bad
one. Moreover, the one left off is good. Test it with both
batteries in any pair, and we will have a working combination.
Consider any plan with n + 1 attempts. Construct a graph
with 2n+1 vertices representing the batteries, and n+1 edges
representing the attempts. Since the total degree is 2n + 2, at
least one vertex V has degree 2. Choose V and either vertex
in any edge not incident with V, and we have chosen at most

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

n vertices. If they represent the bad batteries, none of the

n + 1 attempts will be successful.
(b) The upper bound is n + 3. Test all three pairs of three
batteries. We may assume that nothing works. This means
that either all three are bad batteries, or two are bad and
one is good. Now test the remaining 2n − 3 batteries in
pairs, leaving one off. If the initial three batteries are all bad,
one pair now will work. If none of the pairs work, then the
battery left off is good, and we can test it with both batteries
in any pair. Thus we will find a working combination in at
most 3 + (n − 2) + 2 = n + 3 attempts. Consider any plan
with n + 2 attempts. Construct a graph with 2n vertices
representing the batteries, and n + 2 edges representing the
attempts. Remove the vertex V with maximum degree, along
with all edges incident with it. Since V has degree at least
2, the resulting subgraph has at most n edges. If it has at
most n − 1 edges, we can choose either vertex of each. If it
has n edges, then one of its vertices U has degree at least 2.
We can then choose U along with either vertex of any edge
not incident with U . In either case, we have chosen at most
n−1 vertices of the subgraph such that every edge contains at
least one of them. Along with V , we can choose n vertices to
represent the bad batteries, so that none of the n+2 attempts
will be successful.
10. On a spherical planet are n great circles, each of length 1, which
serve as railways. On each railway, several trains run continuously
at the same positive constant speed. The trains are great arcs of
the sphere but without their endpoints. If the trains never stop
and never collide, what is the maximum total length of the trains,
where (a) n = 3; (b) n = 4.
Solution (by Central Jury). Let P be a point of intersection of
two of the railways. The trains on the two railways cannot occupy
P simultaneously. Since all trains have the same uniform speed,
the total length of the trains in any two railways is at most 1. If
the sum of the lengths of the trains on each railway is at most 12 ,
then the total length is at most 12 times the number of railways.
Suppose the sum of the lengths of the trains on at least one railway

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

exceeds 12 . Then the sum of the lengths of the trains on it and on

another railway is at most 1, while the sum of the lengths of the
trains on each remaining railway must be less than 12 . Hence the
total length is still at most 12 times the number of railways.

(a) We now construct an example with 3 railways on which the

total length of the trains is 32 . Inscribe in the sphere a regu-
lar octahedron. Its Schlegel diagram, a planar representation
of its skeleton, is shown below. Each edge represents an arc
of length 14 . Note that there are three interlocking 4-cycles,
ABDE, BCEF and CAF D which constitute the railways.
We have six trains each of length 14 , all running counterclock-
wise and completing the lap in one hour. The trains on the
first railway start on AB and DE, the trains on the second
railway start on BC and EF , while the trains on the third
railway start on CA and F D. During the first fifteen minutes,
they pass through vertices B, E, C, F, A and D respectively.
Hence there is no collision. The situation is symmetric in each
of the remaining three blocks of fifteen minutes in the hour.

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(b) We now construct an example with 4 railways on which the
total length of the trains is 2. Inscribe in the sphere an
cuboctahedron, an Archimedean solid in which every vertex
is surrounded by an opposite pair of equilateral triangles and

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

an opposite pair of squares. Its Schlegel diagram is shown

below, where each edge represents an arc of length 16 . Note
that there are four interlocking 6-cycles which constitute the
railways. We have twelve trains each of length 16 , all running
counterclockwise and completing the lap in one hour. The
trains on the railways start on alternate edges so that each
passes through a different vertex in each block of ten minutes.
Hence there is no collision.

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Andy Liu
University of Alberta

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

The Martian Citizenship Quiz

Yen-Kang Fu & Te-Cheng Liu

The Martian Citizenship Quiz consists of 30 true or false questions. To

pass the quiz, we have to answer all 30 questions, and all answers must
be correct. If we fail, we will be told the number k of questions we
have got right, but not which ones. We may attempt the same quiz any
number of times. What is the minimum number of attempts in which
we can guarantee ourselves Martian citizenship?

In the first test, we answer True for all 30 questions. Suppose we are
told that k = a, then we know that a answers should be True and 30 − a
answers should be False. If a = 0 or 30, there is no problem. If k = 1 or
29, we can sort the odd one out by a binary search. If k = 2 or 28, we
can still use a refined binary search and keep it well under 20 attempts.

Suppose 3 ≤ a ≤ 27. We divide the questions into three groups of 9,

with 3 left over. We claim that we only need six more attempts to find
the correct answers to all 9 questions in each group. We use another
two tests to find the correct answer to the 28th and the 29th questions.
From the value of a, we will also know the correct answer to the last
question. We have used 1 + 3 × 6 + 2 = 21 tests so far, and we will pass
the quiz on the 22nd attempt.

We now justify our claim. Let the 9 questions be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and

9. In the next four tests, we change the answers for (1,2,3,8), (1,2,4,7),
(1,3,4,6) and (2,3,4,5). On each attempt, we have k = a ± 4, k = a ± 2
or k = a. We consider six cases.

Case 1. We have k = a ± 4 at least once.

By symmetry, we may assume that we have k = a − 4 for (1,2,3,8). In

the fifth test, we determine the correct answer for 4. This will also yield
the correct answers for 6, 7 and 8. In the sixth test, we determine the
correct answer for 9.

Case 2. We have k = a all four times.

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

The correct answers to the pair (1,5) are the same. This is also true of
each of the pairs (2,6), (3,7) and (4,8). In the fifth test, we change the
answers for (1,2,5). In the sixth test, we change the answers for (3,7,9).
We consider two subcases.
Subcase 2(a). k = a ± 3 in the fifth test.
By symmetry, we may assume that k = a − 3. Then 1, 2, 5 and 6 are
True while 3, 4, 7 and 8 are False. We cannot have k = a − 3 or k = a − 1
in the sixth test. If k = a + 1, then 9 is true. If k = a + 3 instead, 9 is
Subcase 2(b). k = a ± 1 in the fifth test.
By symmetry, we may assume that k = a − 1. Then 1 and 5 are true
while 2 and 6 are False. In the sixth test, if k = a − 3, then 3, 7 and 9
are True while 4 and 8 are False. If k = a − 1, then 3 and 7 are True
while 4, 8 and 9 are False. If k = a + 1, 4, 8 and 9 are True while 3 and 7
are False. If k = a + 3, then 4 and 8 are True while 3, 7 and 9 are False.

In all subsequent cases, we do not have k = a ± 4 and we have k = a ± 2

at least once. By symmetry, we may assume that we have k = a − 2 at
least once.

Case 3. We have k = a − 2 exactly once.

By symmetry, we assume that this occurs for (1,2,3,8). In the fifth test,
we change the answers for (1,2,5). We cannot have k = a + 3. There are
three subcases.
Subcase 3(a). k = a − 3.
Then 1, 2, 5 and 8 are True while 3, 4 and 7 are False. From the value
of k for (1,3,4,6), we can deduce the correct answer for 6. In the sixth
test, we determine the correct answer for 9.
Subcase 3(b). k = a − 1.
It is easy to check that 2 and 5 cannot both be True. Hence 1 is True.
In the sixth test, we change the answers for (5,8,9). There are four sub-
Sub-subcase 3(b1 ). k = a − 3.
Then 1, 3, 5, 8 and 9 are True while 2, 4 and 6 are False. From the value
of k for (1,2,4,7), we can deduce the correct answer for 7.
Sub-subcase 3(b2 ). k = a − 1.
Then 8 is True while one of 5 and 9 is True. If k = a + 2 for (1,2,4,7),
then 1, 3, 5 and 8 are True while 2, 4, 6, 7 and 9 are False. If k = a for

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

(1,2,4,7), then 1, 2, 8 and 9 are True while 3, 4, 5 and 7 are False. From
the value of k for (1,3,4,6), we can deduce the correct answer for 6.
Sub-subcase 3(b3 ). k = a + 1.
Then 5 is False and one of 8 and 9 is False. If k = a for (2,3,4,5), then
1, 2, 3 and 9 are True while 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are False. If k = a + 2 for
(2,3,4,5), then 1, 2 and 8 are True while 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 are False. From
the value of k for (1,3,4,6), we can deduce the correct answer for 6.
Sub-subcase 3(b4 ). k = a + 3.
Then 1, 2 and 3 are True while 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are False.
Subcase 3(c). k = a + 1.
One of 1 and 2 is True and the other is False. Hence 3 and 8 are True
while 5 is False. Since k > a − 1 for both (1,3,4,6) and (2,3,4,5), 4 must
be False. From the value of k for (2,3,4,5), we can determine which of
1 and 2 is True. From the values of k for (1,2,4,7) and (1,3,4,6), we can
deduce the correct answers for 6 and 7. In the sixth test, we determine
the correct answer for 9.

Case 4. We have k = a − 2 exactly twice.

By symmetry, we assume that this occurs for (1,2,3,8) and (2,3,4,5).

In the fifth test, we change the answers for (1,2,5). We cannot have
k = a + 3. There are three subcases.
Subcase 4(a). k = a − 3.
Then 1, 2, 3 and 5 are True while 4, 6, 7 and 8 are False.
Subcase 4(b). k = a − 1.
It is easy to check that 1 and 2 cannot both be False, and neither can
2 and 5. So 2 is False and 1 and 5 are True. Hence 4 and 8 are True
while 3 is False. From the values of k for (1,2,4,7) and (1,3,4,6), we can
deduce the correct answers for 6 and 7.
Subcase 4(c). k = a + 1.
It is easy to check that 1 and 2 cannot both be True, and neither can 2
and 5. So 2 is True and 1 and 5 are False. Hence 3, 4 and 8 are True
while 6 and 7 are False.
In each subcase, we determine the correct answer for 9 in the sixth test.

Case 5. We have k = a − 2 exactly thrice.

By symmetry, we assume that this occurs for (1,2,3,8), (1,2,4,7) and

(1,3,4,6). In the fifth test, we change the answers for (1,2,5). We cannot

Mathematics Competitions Vol 29 No 2 2016

have k = a + 3. There are three subcases.

Subcase 5(a). k = a − 3.
Then 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 are True while 4, 7 and 8 are False.
Subcase 5(b). k = a − 1.
It is easy to check that 1 and 2 cannot both be True, and neither can 2
and 5. So 2 is False and 1 and 5 are True. Hence 3, 4 and 8 are True
while 6 and 7 are False.
Subcase 5(c). k = a + 1.
It is easy to check that 1 and 2 cannot both be False, and neither can 1
and 5. So 1 is True and 2 and 5 are False. Hence 3, 4, 7 and 8 are True
while 6 is False.
In each subcase, we determine the correct answer for 9 in the sixth test.

Case 6. We have k = a − 2 all four times.

In the fifth test, we change the answers for (1,2,5). We cannot have
k = a + 3. There are three subcases.
Subcase 6(a). k = a − 3.
Then 1, 2, 5 and 6 are True. Either 3 and 7 are True while 4 and 8 are
False, or the other way round. In the sixth test, we change the answers
for (3,7,9). That will tell us everything.
Subcase 6(b). k = a − 1.
It is easy to check that 2 and 5 cannot both be True. If 1 and 2 are True,
then 3 and 4 are also True while 5, 6, 7 and 8 are False. If 1 and 5 are
true, then 3, 4, 7 and 8 are also True while 2 and 6 are False. In the sixth
test, we change the answers for (3,7,9). That will tell us everything.
Subcase 6(c). k = a + 1.
It is easy to check that 1 and 2 cannot both be False, and neither can 2
and 5. So 2 is True and 1 and 5 are False. Hence 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 are all
True. In the sixth test, we determine the correct answer for 9.

Yen-Kang Fu Te-Cheng Liu

Grade 10 student Grade 8 student
Taipei Taipei

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