Appollo Spacecraft PDF
Appollo Spacecraft PDF
Appollo Spacecraft PDF
Ivan D. Ertel and Roland W. Newkirk
Courtney G. Brooks
the moon, perform specific tasks on the lunar surface, and return safely to
Apollo 12 (November 1969) was the second manned lunar landing.
Pieces from the unmanned Surveyor III spacecraft were recovered, and the
first Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) was deployed.
Apollo 13 (April 1970) had been scheduled to be the third manned lunar
landing. However, the lunar landing portion of the mission was aborted
because of the explosion of an oxygen tank in the service module en route to
the moon. A cislunar mission was accomplished and the lunar module was
used to provide life support and propulsion for the disabled command and
service module en route home. A safe return and landing was effected in the
Apollo 14 (January-February 1971) successfully landed on the lunar
surface, with the crew performing two extravehicular activities (EVAs),
deploying the second Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package, and
completing other scientific tasks with the aid of a rickshawlike mobile
equipment transporter (MET). The crew remained on the lunar surface 33_
The fourth manned lunar landing, Apollo 15 (July-August 1971), was
the first mission to use the Lunar Rover, the first to deploy a subsatellite in
lunar orbit, the first to perform experiments in lunar orbit by using a
scientific instrument module (SIM) in the service module, and the first to
conduct extravehicular activity during the journey back to earth. Lunar stay
time was 66 hours and 55 minutes.
Apollo 16 (July 1972), the fifth manned lunar landing, was essentially
identical to Apollo 15 and configured for extended mission duration, remote
sensing from lunar orbit, and long-distance surface traverses. The scientific
instrument module was included in the service module.
The splashdown ofApoUo 17 on December 19, 1972, not only ended one
of the most perfect missions, but also drew the curtain on the manned flights
of Project Apollo. It was the most ambitious moon probe, the longest moon
mission--about 40 hours longer than Apollo 16, with 75 hours on the lunar
surface from touchdown to liftoff. The extensive scientific exploration
utilized a new generation of experiments. The crew traversed from the LM
farther than ever before, traveling 32 kilometers in the Lunar Rover.
Although Apollo 17 was the last of the manned flights to the moon, it
was not the last of the Apollo spacecraft. Apollo paved the way for missions
to follow. The next program using an Apollo command module was Skylab
(May 14, 1973-February 8, 1974), occurring within the time frame of this
chronology, as studies of lunar samples and data returned from Project
Apollo continued in laboratories throughout the world. Skylab was man's
most ambitious and organized scientific probing of his planet and proved
the value of manned scientific space expeditions. Skylab proved man's value
in space as a manufacturer, an astronomer, and an earth observer, using the
most sophisticated instruments in ways that unmanned satellites cannot
match. Skylab also demonstrated man's great utility as a repairman in space.
INVESTIGATION ...................................
An effort was made at all times to cover only the most relevant events
throughout the program, without concern for whether the item was about a
contractor, NASA installation, or NASA Headquarters.
We have often used acronyms for the NASA installations most
frequently mentioned in the text; for instance, NASA Hq., MSC for Manned
Spacecraft Center (after February 17, 1973, JSC for Johnson Space Center),
KSC for Kennedy Space Center, MSFC for Marshall Space Flight Center,
and LaRC for Langley Research Center. A glossary of abbreviations and
acronyms is given in Appendix 1.
For any errors discovered the authors accept the responsibility. For the
good qualities that may be found we are indebted to the many NASA and
contractor personnel members who contributed materials and gave us
advice. These include Grimwood and Sally D. Gates from the JSC History
Office; Frank W. Anderson, Jr., of the NASA History Office for his patience
and prompt responses to many questions; Lee D. Saegesser, who kept a
constant flow of documentation uncovered by him coming our way; and
Hilda J. Grimwood, who typed this effort and fought the battle of
converting seemingly never-ending statistics from the U.S. standard units of
measure to the metric system and managed to keep a smile on her face while
doing so.
April 1975
February 14: First scientific experiments for lunar surface investigations were selected.
February 26: Apollo Saturn 201--an Apollo Block I spacecraft (CSM 009) on a Saturn IB launch vehicle--
was launched from Cape Kennedy on a suborbital test mission.
March 8: First integrated test of service propulsion system, electrical power system, and cryogenic gas
storage system was successfully completed at White Sands, N. Mex., Test Facility.
March I6: Gemini VIII mission was launched with astronauts Nell A. Armstrong and David R. Scott. The
crew rendezvoused with the target vehicle, and the first docking in space was confirmed 6 hours 33
minutes after liftoff.
During Marc/J: NASA Hq. told Congress run-out cost of Apollo program would be an estimated $22.718
May 5: The Apollo Spacecraft Program Office was asked to reassess spacecraft control weights and delta V
budget and prepare recommendations for first lunar landing mission weight and performance budgets.
May 19: After a fire in the environmental control system unit at AiResearch, a concerted effort was under
way to identify nonmetallic materials and other potential fire problems.
June 2: Surveyor 1 softlanded on the moon and began transmitting the first of 10000 clear, detailed TV
pictures to earth.
July 5:AS-203 was launched on an unmanned orbital test mission. All objectives were achieved. No
recovery was planned.
July 26: Robert C. Seamans, Jr., NASA Deputy Administrator, assigned specific space flight program
responsibilities to the offices of each of the Associate Administrators.
August I O: Lunar Orbiter I was launched. By the time of completion of photo readouts from the spacecraft on
September 14, it had photographed 9 primary potential Apollo landing sites and ! 1 areas on the back of
the moon.
Augu.*t 25:AS-202 was launched on an unmanned suborbital test mission. The space vehicle comprised
S-IB stage, S-IVB stage, instrument unit, CSM 011. Spacecraft recovery was in Pacific Ocean.
October 19: NASA announced that AS-204 would be the first Apollo manned flight (earth orbital).
Crewmen named were Virgil I. Grissom, Edward H. White I1, and Roger B. Chaffee.
Noz_ember 6: Lunar Orbiter 11 was launched. During a 23-day operational period it photographed 13 Apollo
primary potential landing sites and a number of secondary sites. Two micrometeorite hits were
December 13." Lunar landing research vehicle No. 1 was received at MSC.
December 22: NASA announced names of crews selected for second and third manned Apollo missions.
January 19." Numerous deficiencies were noted in the AS-204 spacecraft (CSM012) during testing at
Downey, Calif., and KSC.
January 20: The S-IVB stage for Saturn launch vehicle 503 exploded and was destroyed at the Douglas Co.,
Sacramento, Calif., Test Facility.
January 23: The Lunar Mission Planning Board held its first meeting, Principal topic was photography
from Lunar Orbiter missions and application to Apollo landing site selection.
January 27." During a simulated countdown for the AS-204 mission, a flash fire swept through command
module 012, taking the lives of the crew, Virgil 1. Grissom, Edward H. White ll, and Roger B. Chaffee.
January 28: The Apollo 204 Review Board was established by NASA Deputy Administrator Robert C.
Seamans, Jr., to investigate the AS-204 accident.
February 1: Manned Spaceflight Center directed contractors and government agencies to stop all MSC-
related manned testing in environments with high oxygen content until further notice.
February 7: The Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman established 21 Task Panels to support the Board in its
February 10: The Board of Inquiry into the January 20 S-IVB stage explosion identified the probablecause
of the accident.
March 14: Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips appointed a team to make a special audit of quality
control and inspection procedures and contractors and NASA Centers.
April 5: The Apollo 204 Review Board sent its final report to NASA Administrator James E. Webb.
NASA negotiated a contract with Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) for a program of radar and radiometric measurements on the surface
of the moon. The program, which would be active until March 31, 1967,
would have Paul B. Sebring of MIT's Lincoln Laboratory as principal
investigator. Results would be used to select areas for intensive study to
support investigations related to manned landing sites.
The Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC) Checkout and Test Division was 28
1N6 NASA Hq. requested the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office at Manned
Janua_ Spacecraft Center to evaluate the impact, including the effect on _ound
support equipment and mission control, of a dual AS-207/208 flight as
early as AS-207 was currently scheduled. ASPO was to assume that launch
vehicle 207 would carry the Block II CSM, launch vehicle 208 would carry
the lunar excursion module (LEM), and the two launches would be nearly
simultaneous. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and Marshall Space Flight
Center (MSFC) were asked to make similar studies for their systems.
Response was requested by February 7, 1966.
TWX, Samuel C. Phillips, NASA OMSF. to Joseph F. Shea, MSC, .Jan. 28, 1966.
February MSC's Robert R. Gilruth, Maxime A Faget, and William E. Stoney visited
1 Langley Research Center to discuss the Orbiter program status and plans for
distributing photos obtained from Orbiter with Floyd Thompson, Charles
Donlan, and other Langley personnel members connected with the Orbiter
program. Important aspects of the program were presented, with particular
emphasis on the camera system and the kind and quality of photography to
be obtained. In the discussion of data handling it was apparent there were no
conflicts of purpose or planned activity between LaRC and MSC. It was
determined that strong MSC representation at Langley during the photo
screening period would be advantageous to MSC and of great benefit in
MSC's subsequent lunar landing site evaluation.
Memo for Record, Faget, "Discussion between MS(-; and Langley Research Center regarding
reduction of Orbiter data," March 1, 1966.
MSC Assistant Director for Flight Crew Operations Donald K. Slayton said
he did not think that current testing or proposed evaluation would do
anything to resolve the basic debate between optics versus radar as a primary
LEM rendezvous aid. Slayton said, "The question is not which system can
be manufactured, packaged, and qualified as flight hardware at the earliest
date; it is which design is most operationally suited to accomplishing the
lunar mission. The 'Olympics' contribute nothing to solving this
problem." He proposed that an MSC management design review of both
systems at the earliest reasonable date was the only way to reach a
conclusion, adding, "This requires only existing paperwork and knowl-
edgeIno hardware."
Memo, Slaytnn to Chief, Guidance and Control l)iv., MSC, "LORS-RR 'Olympics,'" Feb. 1,
In response to a January 28 TWX from NASA Hq., MSC personnel made 1966
recommendations after evaluating the impact of a dual AS-207/208 flight February
on ground support and mission control. On February 2, John P. Mayer, 2-24
Chief, Mission Planning and Analysis Division, told the Assistant Director
for Flight Operations that the sole area of concern would be in providing the
necessary Real Time Computer Complex readiness in a time frame
consistent with the AS-207 launch schedule. Mayer also recommended that
a decision be made in the very near future to commit AS-207 and AS-208 to a
dual mission and that, if possible, IBM personnel knowledgeable in the
Gemini dual vehicle system be diverted to the proposed mission if major
modifications were not required for the Gemini XI and Gemini XII
Alfred Cohen, head of the ground support equipment (GSE) office of the
Resident Apollo Spacecraft Office (RASPO) at Grumman Aircraft
Engineering Corp., objected to the unrealistic production schedule set up by
Grumman Manufacturing for LEM GSE. Cohen pointed out that
Grumman had been notified many times that NASA did not believe that
1966 GSE could be produced in the short time spans formulated by Grumman.
Cohen added that Grumman had been informed that this disbelief was based
on actual experience with North American Aviation and McDonnell
Aircraft Corp. Tracking of the manufacture of such items showed that
Grumman was unable to produce in accordance with schedules. Cohen
cited that Grumman had planned to complete 99 GSE items in December
1965 and had completed 27; in January it had scheduled 146 items for
completion and had completed 43. Cohen requested that the RASPO
Manager confront Grumman management with the facts and suggest that
they (1) establish realistic schedules for fabricating GSE based on past
experience; and (2) step up efforts in expediting purchase of parts and
adding manpower that would be required.
Memo, Cohen to Manager, RASP(), "Manula_ truing o( (;SE, Unrealistic Planning," Feb. 4,
6-8 The first test of the cryogenic gas storage system was successfully conducted
from 12:30 p.m. February 6 through 8:50 p.m. February 8 at the White Sands
Test Facility (WSTF), N. Mex. Primary objectives were to demonstrate the
compatibility between the ground support equipment and cryogenic
subsystem with respect to mechanical, thermodynamic, and electrical
interfaces during checkout, servicing, monitoring, and ground control. All
objectives were attained.
TWX, MS(; WSTF to MS(;, "Pleliminary Rcl)O_t, Filst CI yogenic System "Yes! at WSTF,'" Feb.
9, 1966.
The CSM weight program was reviewed by James L. Bullard of MSC and D.
Morgan of North American Aviation at a meeting in Houston. The CM 011
projected weight was at its upper limit as designed by the earth-landing-
system restraint, about 68 kilograms above the maximum weight used for
mission planning. Data to revise the 011 specification to show a CM weight
of 5352 kih)grams were being prepared.
CMs 012 and 014 would present definite weight problems. At the time the
CM weight vs earth-landing-system factors of safety relationships were
investigated in the study of the possibility of shaving ablator material from
the heatshield, a maximum weight of 5296 kilograms was established for the
manned spacecraft. Bullard had discussed the possibility of a higher CM
weight with James M. Peacock of the Systems Engineering Division and the
earth-landing-system subsystem manager but had received no definite reply.
Bullard said it was imperative that a firm weight be established, above which
the weight could not grow, before any weight reductions could be seriously
considered. It appeared that 90 to 136 kilograms would have to be eliminated
from the spacecraft, and that the reduction would have to be accomplished
primarily by removing items.
Memo, Bullard to Chief, Systems Engincerin_ I)iv., "CSM weight status." Feb. 7, 1966.
NASA's Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applications Homer 1966
E. Newell advised MSC that he had selected space science investigations to Febma_
be carried to the moon on Apollo missions, emplaced on the lunar surface by
Apollo astronauts, and left behind to collect and transmit data to the earth
on lunar environmental characteristics following those missions. Newell
assigned the experiments to specific missions and indicated their priority.
Any changes in the assignments would require Newell's approval. The
experiments, institutions responsible, and principal investigators and
coinvestigators were :
NASA announced conversion of its contract with Grumman Aircraft
Engineering Corp. for development of the LEM to a cost-plus-incentive
agreement. Under the terms of the new four-year contract Grumman was to
deliver 15 flight articles, 10 test articles, and 2 mission simulators. The
change added 4 flight articles to the program. The contract provided
incentive for outstanding performance, cost control, and timely delivery as
well as potential profit reductions if performance, cost, and schedule
requirements were not met.
TWX, NASA Ifq. It) MSC, MSI"C, Western Operations Otfi(e, KS(;, Aun : Publi( Inlolmation
Oflice_s, NASA Conw'lts Apollo ContJact to Cost-l)lus-lncvntive, '' Feb. 15, 196(i.
The launch escape system is
mated to Apollo spacecraft 009
atop the Launch Complex 34
service tower at Cape Canaver-
al, in December 1965 prepara-
tions for the February 26, 1966,
AS-201 mission.
1966 The LEM Configuration Control Panel approved Grumman's request for
Memo, Project Officer, LEM, MSC, to Project Office1, CSM, MSC, "PCCP SID-150-551 Optical
Alignment Sights for Use in LEM," Feb. 25, 1966.
Missions Opelations Div., MSC, "Postlaunch Report fr)T Mission AS-201 (Apollo S/C 009),"
May 6, 1966.
March Recent discussion between Axel Mattson of LaRC and Donald K. Slayton of
1 MSC concerning the possibility of astronauts' using the Lunar Landing
Research Facility (LLRF) at Langley led to agreement that astronauts
should fly the LLRF for a week before flying the MSC lunar landing training 1966
vehicle. An evaluation of the proposal at MSC resulted in a letter from March
Director Robert R. Gilruth to LaRC Director Floyd L. Thompson
indicating the desirability of using the LLRF and also the desirability of
some equipment modifications that would improve the vehicle with a
minimum effort. These included such items as LEM flight instruments,
hand controllers, panel modifications, and software changes. Also discussed
was the training benefit that could be realized if the facility were updated to
use a vehicle like the LEM so the pilots could become familiar with
problems of a standup restraint system, pressure suit and helmet interface
with the cockpit structure and window during landing operations, and
sensing and reacting to the dynamic cues of motion while standing up.
Ltr., Gilruth to Thompson, March 1, 1966.
TWX, Phillips to MSC, MSFC, and KS(;, "Saturn IB Dual Launch," March 8, 1966.
9--10 The first integrated test of the service propulsion system, electrical power
system, and cryogenic gas storage system was successfully conducted at the
White Sands Test Facility.
TWX, ._avnut'l C. Phillips to .]OSel)h F. Shca, "Blo(k I CSM Delivery I);tles," March l.t, 19(_i.
101," March 10, 1966.
14 NASA Hq. told MSC that delivery changes should be reflected in manned
space flight schedules as controlled milestone changes and referred
specifically to CSM008_April 1966; CSM011_April 15, 1966; and
CSM007--March 31, 1966. Headquarters noted that the "NAA [North
American Aviation Inc.] contract delivery date remains 28 February 1966"
for each and that "every effort should be made to deliver these articles as
early as possible, since completion of each is constraining a launch or other
major activity."
TWX, Samuel C. Phillips (o Joseph F. She;_, "BIo, k 1 (:SM l)elivery Dates." March 14, 1966.
16-17 The Atlas-Agena target vehicle for the Gemini VIII mission was successfully
launched from KSC Launch Complex 14 at 10 a.m. EST March 16. The
Gemini VIII spacecraft was launched from Launch Complex 19 at 11:41
a.m., with command pilot Neil A. Armstrong and pilot David R. Scott
aboard. The spacecraft and its target vehicle rendezvoused and docked, with
f l_,J _., _ '
docking confirmed 6 hours 33 minutes after the spacecraft was launched. 1966
About 27 minutes later the spacecraft-Agena combination encountered March
unexpected roll and yaw motion. The crew reduced the rates sufficiently to
undock from the target and began troubleshooting to determine the cause of
the problem. The problem arose again and when the yaw and roll rates
became too high the crew activated and used both rings of the reentry con-
trol system to reduce the spacecraft rates to zero. This action required that
the mission be ended, and splashdown was scheduled for the western Pacif-
ic during the seventh revolution. The spacecraft landed at 10:23 p.m. EST
March 16 and Armstrong and Scott were picked up by the U.S.S. Mason at
1:37 a.m. EST March 17. Although the flight was cut short by the incident,
one of the primary objectives--rendezvous and docking (the first rendezvous
of two spacecraft in orbital flight)--was accomplished.
Memo, NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight to Administrator. "Gemini
VIII Mission, Post Launch Re[xJrt No. 1," March 23, 1966 (Mission O[)eration Rel×)rt M-913-
NASA Administrator James E. Webb and Deputy Administrator Robert C.
Seamans, Jr., selected Bendix Systems Division, Bendix Corp., from among
three contractors for design, manufacture, test, and operational support of
four deliverable packages of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments
Package (ALSEP), with first delivery scheduled for July 1967. The estimated
cost of the cost-plus-incentive-fee contract negotiated with Bendix before
the presentation by the Source Evaluation Board to Webb and Seamans was
$17.3 million.
Memo, NASA Deputy Associate Administrator to Associate Administrator [or Manned Space
Flight, "Selection of Contractor for Phase D (Phase If) for Apollo I+unal Surface Extwriments
Package," March 17, 1966+
1966 ALSEP and that he would be assisted by three members of the Lunar and
Ma_h Planetary Program Office of the Office of Space Science and Applications:
W. T. O'Bryant, E. Davin, and R. Green.
Ltr, Phillips to Gilruth, March 16, 1966.
on planned landing areas from an open loop reentry mode; (5) stability of 1N6
the LEM/CM configuration during the descent and ascent propulsion March
burns; (6) total time to return using the descent propulsion system only or
both the LEM's descent propulsion system and ascent propulsion system;
and (7) communications with Manned Space Flight Network required to
support this abort.
Memo, Hodge to Technical Assistant [or Apollo, MSC, "Time critical translunar coast aborts
for SPS failure case," March 17, 1966.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips discussed cost problems of the
contract with General Motors' AC Electronics Division, in a memo to NASA
Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller. One
of the problems was late design releases from Massachusetts Institute of
Technology to AC Electronics, resulting in an increase of $2.7 million.
Phillips also pointed out that computer problems at Raytheon Corp. had
increased the program cost by $6.7 million, added that many of these
problems had their origins in the MIT design, and listed seven of the most
significant technical problems. Phillips stated that MSC in conjunction
with AC Electronics had taken several positive steps: (1) to establish a
factory test method review board to review all procedures encompassing
fabrication of the computer in the manufacturing process; (2) to schedule
100-percent audit of all hardware in fabrication; and (3) to increase the AC
Electronics resident technical staff at the Raytheon plant.
Memo, Phillips to Mueller, "Cost problems on AC Electronics Contract NAS 9-497 for G&N
Systems," March 28, 1966.
MSC requested use of Langley Research Center's Lunar Orbit and Landing
Approach (LOLA) Simulator in connection with two technical contracts in
progress with Geonautics, Inc., Washington, D.C. One was for pilotage
techniques for use in the descent and ascent phases of the LEM profile, while
the other specified construction of a binocular viewing device for simplified
pilotage monitoring. Langley concurred with the request and suggested
that MSC personnel work with Manuel J. Queijo in setting up the program,
in making working arrangements between the parties concerned, and in
defining the trajectories of interest.
Ltrs., Director, MS(;, to Director, LaRC, March 29, 1966, "Use of Lunar Orbit and Landing
Approach Simulator (LOLA)"; Director, LaRC, to Paul E. Purser, April 29, 1966, "Proposed
pilotage study using interim LOLA simulator."
NASA Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., said he had been
reflecting on network coverage for Apollo, as a result of the Gemini VIII
experience. He recognized that Apollo had more weight-carrying ability
and stowage space than Gemini and that as a consequence live TV from the
spacecraft might be a good possibility. This coverage could allow for
extensive TV during travel to and from the moon as well as during lunar
landing, disembarkation, and lunar exploration. The TV equipment would
not be solely for news purposes but he felt "all manner of demands will be
Memo, Maxime A. Faget, MSC, to distr., "Establishment of a Space Science Office within
E&D," March 31, 1966.
Ourlng NASA OMSF prepared a position paper on NASA's estimated total cost of
the manned lunar landing program. Administrator James E. Webb
furnished the paper for the record of the FY 1967 Senate authorization
hearings and the same statement was given to the House Committee. The
paper was approved by Webb and George E. Mueller and placed the run-out
costs for the program at $22.718 billion.
MSF Staff Paper, "Statement on Cost of Manned Lunm Landing Program," March 1966.
April MSC sent proposed organizational changes to NASA Hq. for approval by
the Administrator. The two basic changes to be made were ( 1) establishment
of a Space Medicine Directorate and (2) establishment of a Space Science
Division within the Engineering and Development (E&D) Directorate. Both
proposals, it was pointed out to Associate Administrator for Manned Space
Flight George E. Mueller, had been discussed with him and other key
members of the Headquarters staff. The proposed Space Medicine
Directorate would combine the functions of the Chief of Center Medical
Programs and the Center Medical Office, along with biomedical research
functions currently performed in the Crew Systems Division of the E&D
Directorate. The Offices of Chief of Center Medical Programs and Center
Medical Office would be abolished by the change.
The Space Science Division had been discussed with NASA Associate
Administrator for Space Science and Applications Homer E. Newell and
would consolidate into a single organization several of the space science
activities of MSC, including those under the Assistant Chief for Space
Environment in Advanced Spacecraft Technology Division as well as the
planned Lunar Sample Receiving Laboratory. The four basic functions of 1966
the Division, reflecting the increased scientific program emphasis, would be April
(1) interpretation of environmental data for spacecraft design and
operations criteria, (2) experiments, (3) obtaining lunar samples, and (4)
astronaut training.
In addition a name change was proposed for heads of the five major
operating elements of MSC, from "Assistant Director for" to "Director of";
e.g., from Assistant Director for Flight Operations to Director of Flight
Operations. This change was suggested to eliminate frequent and
continuing misunderstandings in dealing with persons outside the
organization who assumed that the "Assistant Director for Flight
Operations," etc., was the number two man in that organization, rather
than the number one.
Ltr., MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth to Mueller, "Changes in MSC Basic Organization," April
4, 1966.
ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea and members of his organization were
invited to attend the formal presentation by the Aeronutronic Division of
Philco Corp. on a "Study of Lunar Worm Planetary Roving Vehicle
Concept," at LaRC on May 3. The exploratory study to determine the
feasibility of a bellows-concept mobile vehicle included a mobility and
traction analysis for several kinds of bellows motion and several soil
surfaces; analysis of both metallic and nonmetallic construction to provide
the bellows structure; brief design studies of the concept as applied to a
small unmanned vehicle, a supply vehicle, a small lunar shelter, a large
lunar shelter; and an overall evaluation of the suitability of the concept for
carrying out various missions as compared with other vehicles.
Ltr., Floyd L. Thompson, LaRC, to Shea, "Final Briefing, Contract NAS-1-5709, 'Study of
Lunar Worm Planetary Roving Vehicle Concept,' by the Aeronutronic Division of the Philco
Corp.," April 18, 1966.
MSC announced the establishment of a Flight Experiment Board. The
Board would select and recommend to the Director space flight experiments
proposed from within the Center and judged by the Board to be in the best
interest of the Center and the NASA space flight program. MSC-originated
flight experiments were expected normally to be designated as one of two
general classifications: Type I--Medical, Space Science, Flight Operations
or Engineering that would yield new knowledge or improve the state of the
art; Type II--Operational, which would be required in direct support of
major manned flight programs such as Apollo.
NASA Office of Manned Space Flight policy for Design Certification
Apdl Reviews (DCRs) was defined for application to manned Apollo missions by
22 a NASA directive. The concept stressed was that design evaluation by NASA
management should begin with design reviews and inspections of
subsystems and culminate in a DCR before selected flights. Documentation
presented at DCRs were to reflect this sequence of progressive assessment of
Ltr., Samuel C. Phillips to R. A. Petrone, KSC; J. F. Shea, MSC; and E. F. O'Connor, MSFC:
"Program Directive No. 7--Apollo Design Certification Review," April 22, 1966.
J. K. Holcomb, Director of Apollo Flight Operations, NASA OMSF,
reported to Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips that the NASA
flight scoring system was considered satisfactory in its present form. NASA
Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller had
taken exception to including a statement of primary and secondary
objectives in the AS-202 Mission Rules Guidelines. The scoring system,
established by the Office of Program Reports, labeled each flight a success or
a failure in a report to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator and was
used in briefing Congress and the press. Flights were categorized only as
"successful" or "unsuccessful." Criteria for judging success of a mission
were based on the statement of primary objectives in the Mission Operations
Report. If one primary objective was missed the flight was classified as
MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth wrote George E. Mueller, NASA OMSF,
3 that plans were being completed for MSC in-house, full-scale parachute
tests at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), N. Mex. The tests would be
part of the effort to develop a gliding parachute system suitable for land
landing with manned spacecraft. Tests were expected to begin in July 1966,
with about six tests a year for two or three years. Gilruth pointed out that
although full-scale tests were planned for WSMR it would not be possible to
find suitable terrain at that site, at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., or at El
Centro, Calif., to determine operational and system requirements for land
landing in unplanned areas. Unplanned-area landing tests were cited as not
a major part of the program but a necessary part. He pointed out that the
U.S. Army Reservation at Fort Hood, Tex., was the only area which had the
required variety of landing obstacle sizes and concentrations suitable for the
unplanned-area tests. Scale-model tests had been made and would be
continued at Fort Hood without interference to training, and MSC had
completed a local agreement that would permit occasional use of the
reservation but required no fiscal reimbursement or administrative
responsibility by MSC. This action was in response to a letter from Mueller
July 8, 1965, directing that MSC give careful consideration to transfer of
parachute test activities to WSMR.
Ltr., Gilruth to Mueller, "Parachute landing test areas for MSC land landing development
tests," May 3, 1966.
NASA Hq. requested the MSC Apollo Spacecraft Program Office to reassess 1966
the spacecraft control weights and AV budget and prepare recommenda- May
tions for the first lunar landing mission weight and performance budgets.
The ASPO spacecraft Weight Report for April indicated that the Block II
CSM, when loaded for an 8.3-day mission, would exceed its control weights
by more than 180 kilograms and the projected value would exceed the
control weight by more than 630 kilograms. At the same time the LEM was
reported at 495 kilograms under its control weight. Credit for LEM weight
reduction had been attributed to Grumman's Super Weight Improvement
Memo, Apollo Program Director to Manager, ASPO, "Lunar l.anding Mission Weights and
Performance," May 5, 1966.
Grumman LEM Engineering Memo to distribution, "LEM Consumable Capability for Abort
to Earth from Translunar Coast," May 9, 1966.
MSC Deputy Director George M. Low recommended to Maxime A. Faget,
MSC, that, in light of Air Force and Aerospace Corp. studies on space rescue,
MSC plans for a general study on space rescue be discontinued and a formal
request be made to OMSF to cancel the request for proposals, which had not
yet been released. As an alternative, Low suggested that MSC should
cooperate with the Air Force to maximize gains from the USAF task on space
rescue requirements.
Memo, Low to Faget, "Space rescue," May 11, 1966.
1966 A memo to KSC, MSC, and MSFC from the NASA Office of Manned Space
May Flight reported that the NASA Project Designation Committee had
concurred in changes in Saturn/Apollo nomenclature recommended by
Robert C. Seamans, Jr., George E. Mueller, and Julian Scheer:
The memo instructed that the new nomenclature be used in all future news
releases and announcements.
Memo, NASA Hq. to Center Public Affairs ()filters, May 12, 1966.
George E. Mueller, NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space
Flight, forwarded views and recommendations of the Interagency Commit-
tee on Back Contamination to MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth for
information and necessary action. The Committee had met at MSC to
discuss the status of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL) on April 13.
AS-500-F, the first full-scale Apollo Saturn V launch vehicle and spacecraft
combination, was rolled out from Kennedy Space Center's Vehicle
Assembly Building to the launch pad, for use in verifying launch facilities,
training crews, and developing test procedures. The 111-meter, 227 000-kilo-
gram vehicle was moved by a diesel-powered steel-link-tread crawler-
transporter exactly five years after President John F. Kennedy asked the
United States to commit itself to a manned lunar landing within the decade.
Marshall Space Flight Ca'nter News Release 66-114; MSFC, Marshall Star, June I, 1966.
1966 ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea informed Rocco A. Petrone, KSC, that
May structural problems in the CSM fuel and oxidizer tanks required standpipe
modifications and that they were mandatory for Block I and Block II
spacecraft. Retrofit was to be effective on CSM 011 at KSC and other vehicles
at North American's plant in Downey, Calif.
TWX, Shea to Petrone, May 27, 1966.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips asked NASA Procurement
1 Director George J. Vecchietti to help ensure there would be no gap in the
Philco Corp. Aeronutronic Division's development of penetrometers to
assess the lunar surface. Originally the penetrometers were to be deployed
from a lunar survey probe, but the Apollo Program Office had concluded
that they should be further developed on an urgent basis for possible
deployment from the LEM just before the first lunar landing. Phillips
sought to prevent development gaps that could critically delay the landing
Memo, Phillips to Vecchietti, "Lunar Penetrometer Development," June 1, 1966.
Headquarters informed MSC that MSFC had been assigned development 1966
responsibility for the S027 X-ray Astronomy experiment for integration June
with the Saturn S-IVB/instrument unit. Should development be found not
feasible, a modified version of the equipment was planned. MSC was
requested to study (1) the practicality of modifying the equipment to
perform the scientific objectives and (2) the feasibility of integrating the
modified experiment hardware in a Block II SM on an early Apollo
Applications flight. Study results were requested no later than July 1, 1966,
including cost, schedule, and technical data.
Ltr., John H. Disher, NASA ttq., to George M. Low, MSC, June 2, 1966.
difficulties and possible production problems in the radar program. RCA
June representatives visited MSC May 27 and reviewed all developmental
difficulties and their potential effect on production.
Memo, Robert C. Duncan, MSC, to Henry P. Yschek, MSC, "LEM Rendezvous Sensol
Evaluation," Jtme 7, 1966.
MSC informed the NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight
that it had established a Lunar Receiving Laboratory Program Office with
Joseph V. Piland as Program Manager. The office included the functions of
program control, procurement, requirements, engineering, and construc-
Ltr., MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth to George E. Mueller, NASA OMSF, June 9, 1966.
The MSC Flight Experiments Selection Board reviewed and endorsed three
proposals for analysis of lunar samples and forwarded them to NASA Hq.
for consideration. Titles of the proposals and principal investigators were:
Joseph N. Kotanchik, MSC, told H. E. McCoy of KSC that his April 4 letter
discussing problems and solutions in packing parachutes at KSC by
Northrop-Ventura Co. had been studied. To effect economies in the
program and move forward delivery of a complete spacecraft to KSC, the
upper-deck buildup would be done at North American Aviation's plant in
Downey, Calif., and therefore parachutes would be packed at Northrop-
Ventura beginning with spacecraft 017. Kotanchik requested KSC to
support the parachute packing at Northrup-Ventura by assigning two
experienced inspectors for the period required (estimated at two to four
weeks for each spacecraft).
Ltr., Kotanchik to McCoy, "Apollo Spacecraft parachute packing," June 16, 1966.
A memorandum for the file, prepared by J. S. Dudek of Bellcomm, Inc.,
proposed a two-burn deboost technique that required establishing an initial
lunar parking orbit and, after a coast phase, performing an added plane
change to attain the final lunar parking orbit. The two-burn deboost
technique would make a much larger lunar area accessible than that
provided by the existing Apollo mission profile, which used a single burn to
place the CSM and LM directly in a circular lunar parking orbit over the
landing site and would permit accessibility to only a bow-tie shaped area
approximately centered about the lunar equator. On August 1, the memo 1966
was forwarded to Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips, stating that June
the trajectory modification would increase the accessible lunar area about
threefold. The note to Phillips from R. L. Wagner stated that discussions
had been held with MSC and it appeared that the flight programs as planned
at the time could handle the modified mission.
Memo for file, Bellcomm, Inc, "A Generalized Two Burn Deboost Technique which Increases
Apollo Lunar Accessibility--Case 310/' June 23, 1966; note, Wagner to Phillips, "Working
Note," Aug. 1. 1966.
Grumman LM thermodynamics studies showed the LM thermal shield
would have to be modified because fire-in-the-hole pressures and tempera-
tures had increased. Portions of the LM descent stage would be redesigned,
but modification of the descent stage blast deflector was unlikely.
Apollo Spacecraft Program Quarterly Report No. 16, [or Period Ending June 30, 1966.
Crew procedures in the LM during lunar stay were reported completed and
documented for presentation to NASA Hq. personnel.
Apollo Spacecraft Program Quarterly, Status Report No. 16, for Period Ending June 30 1966.
Melvyn Savage, Apollo Test Director in NASA Hq., was named to head the July
The Quarterly Program Review was held at Grumman by NASA Associate
Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller and Apollo
July 1
Program Director Samuel C. Phillips. Attendees included MSC's Robert R.
Gilruth, Joseph F. Shea, and William A. Lee. The meeting focus6d on
excessive costs experienced by Grumman and Grumman President L. J.
Evans's announcement of the immediate establishment of a Program
Control Office with a subcontract manager reporting directly to Vice
President Joseph Gavin. Hugh McCullough was appointed to head the
Program Control Office.
The next week Evans made the following appointments : Robert Mullaney
was relieved as Program Manager and appointed Assistant to Senior Vice
President George F. Titterton; William Rathke was relieved as Engineering
Manager and named Program Manager; Thomas Kelly was promoted from
Assistant Engineering Manager to Engineering Manager; and Brian Evans
was relieved as corporate Director of Quality Assurance and appointed LEM
Subcontract Manager, reporting to Gavin.
Memos, Frank X. Battersby to Chief, Apollo Procurement Br., Procurement and Contracts Div.,
MS(;, "Weekly Activity Report, BMR Bethpage, Week Ending July 1, 1966," July 6, 1966; and
"Weekly Activity Report, BMR Bethpage, Week Ending July 8, 1966," July 12, 1966.
1966 Director of Flight Operations Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., said that MSC had
July been directed by NASA OMSF to outline technical problems and both cost
and schedule impact of adding three backup Apollo missions to the planned
flight schedule. The missions to be evaluated would be AS-207/208 or AS-
206/207; AS-503D; and AS-503F. Each of these missions would provide
alternate means of obtaining primary program objectives in the event of
flight contingencies during tests or of major schedule adjustments. They
had been constructed using as much of the primary mission characteristics
as possible. The goal was to be able to switch from a primary to a backup
mission within three or four months before a launch without any schedule
slip. Kraft pointed out that it was unlikely that additional funds would be
available to cover the additional work and that it was important to
determine areas in the primary mission plan that would suffer from either
dilution or deletion should a decision be made to make these missions a part
of the test development program. Recognizing that a number of man-weeks
of effort would be required for adequate evaluation, Kraft requested that any
impact determined from inclusion of the flights in the test program be made
available at MSC for coordination and presentation to Apollo Program
Director by July 15.
Memo, Kraft to distr., "Evaluation of the technical problems, cost and schedule impact of
adding Apollo backup missions to the flight test programs," July 1, 1966.
AS-203 lifted off from Launch Complex 37, Eastern Test Range, at 10:53
a.m. EDT in the second of three Apollo-Saturn missions scheduled before
manned flight in the Apollo program. All objectives--to acquire flight data
on the S-IVB stage and instrument unit--were achieved.
Ltr., Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., to William Stewart, Public Health .Service,
July 5, 1966.
North American Aviation informed Grumman that it was closing out its 1966
office at Grumman's Bethpage, N.Y., plant at the close of business on July 8. July
If study found that reestablishment of a Space and Information Division
resident representative at Bethpage was in the best interest of the program,
North American Aviation would comply.
TWX, North American Aviation, Space and Information Systems Div., Downey, Calif., to
Grumman, Bethpage, N.Y., July 6, 1966.
In reply to a letter from Grumman, MSC concurred with the recommenda-
tion that a 135-centimeter lunar surface probe be provided on each landing-
leg footpad and that the engine cutoff logic retain its basic manual mode.
MSC did not concur with the Grumman recommendation to incorporate
the automatic engine cutoff logic in the LM design. MSC believed that the
planned descent-stage engine's manual cutoff landing mode was adequate
to accomplish lunar touchdown and had decided that the probe-actuated
cutoff capability should not be included in the LM design.
TWX, James L. Neal, MSC, to Grumman, Arm: R. S. Mullaney, "LM Lunar Touchdown,
Logic," July I l, 1966.
MSC Director of Flight Crew Operations Donald K. Slayton and Director of
Flight Operations Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., told ASPO Manager Joseph F.
Shea : "A comprehensive examination of the Apollo missions leading to the
lunar landing indicates that there is a considerable discontinuity between
missions AS-205 and AS-207/208. Both missions AS-204 and AS-205 are
essentially long duration system validation flights. AS-207/208 is the first of
a series of very complicated missions. A valid operational requirement exists
to include an optical equal-period rendezvous on AS-205. The rendezvous
1966 would be similar to the one initially planned for the Gemini VII flight
July using, in this case, the S-IVB as the target vehicle." The maneuver would
give the crew an opportunity to examine the control dynamics, visibility,
and piloting techniques required to perform the basic AS-207/208 mission.
Memo, Slayton and Kraft to Shea, "Equal-Period Rendezvous for AS-205," July 13, 1966.
The M&SS experiment had already been funded by NASA OMSF and would
support five possible flights beginning with AS-504. Gilruth forwarded a
statement of work and requested MSFC to study it and furnish MSC a cost
estimate, technical proposal, and management plan by July 29.
Ltr., Gilruth to yon Braun, July 20, 1966.
NASA Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., told the Associate
Administrators that it was NASA's fundamental policy that projects and
programs were best planned and executed when responsibilities were clearly
assigned to a management group. He then assigned full responsibility for
Apollo and Apollo Applications missions to the Office of Manned Space
Flight. OMSF would fund approved integral experiment hardware, provide
the required Apollo and Saturn systems, integrate the experiments with
those systems, and plan and execute the missions. Specific responsibility for
developing and testing individual experiments would be assigned on the
basis of experiment complexity, integration requirements, and relation to
the prime mission objectives, by the Office of Administrator after receiving
recommendations from Associate Administrators.
The Office of Advanced Research and Technology (OART) was assigned the
overall responsibility for the technology content of the NASA space flight
program and for selecting technology experiments for manned missions.
OART would provide OMSF complete technology requirements for each
experiment selected for flight. When appropriate, scientific and technical 1966
personnel would be located in OMSF to provide a working interface with July
experimenters. The office responsible for each experiment would determine
the tracking and acquisition requirements for each experiment; then OMSF
would integrate the requirements for all experiments and forward the total
requirements to the Office of Tracking and Data Acquisition.
Seamans also spelled out Center responsibilities for manned space flight
missions: MSFC, Apollo telescope mount; MSC, Apollo lunar surface
experiment package (ALSEP), lunar science experiments, earth resources
experiments, and life support systems; and Goddard Space Flight Center,
atmospheric science, meteorology, and astronomical science experiments.
Memo, Seamans to distr., "Management Responsibilities for Future Manned Flight
Activities," July 26, 1966.
NASA Hq. authorized MSC to proceed with opening bids on August 1 for
Phase I construction of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory. MSC was
requested to announce the name of the contractor selected for final
negotiations for Phase II construction, before opening bids for Phase I
TWX, NASA Hq. to MSC, "Lunar Receiving Laboratory," July 28, 1966.
In response to a request from Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips,
Bellcomm, Inc., prepared a memorandum on the major concerns resulting
from its review of the AC Electronics report on the Apollo Computer Design
Review. In a transmittal note to Phillips, I. M. Ross said, "We have
discussed these items with MSC. It is possible, however, that [Robert]
Duncan and [Joseph] Shea have not been made aware of these problems."
The Bellcomm memorandum for file, prepared by J. J. Rocchio, reported
that in late February 1966 MSC had authorized AC Electronics Division
(ACED) to initiate a complete design review of the Apollo guidance
computer to ensure adequate performance during the lunar landing
mission. A June 8 ACED report presented findings and included
Massachusetts Institute of Technology comments on the findings. In
addition to recommending a number of specific design changes, the report
identified a number of areas which warranted further review. MSC
authorized ACED to perform necessary additional reviews to eliminate all
indeterminate design analyses and to resolve any discrepancies between the
ACED and MIT positions. At the time Bellcomm prepared the memo many
of the problem areas had been or were in process of being satisfactorily
resolved. However, several still remained: (1) MSC had not had the
opportunity to review an approved version of the final test method for the
Block II/LM computer and as a result there was no official acceptance test
for computers at that point, although the first of the flight-worthy
computers had left the factory and the second was in final test at the factory.
(2) The Design Review Report classified the timing margin of the Block II
computer as indeterminate, since the team was unable to make a detailed
1N6 timing analysis in the allotted time. (3) Both Block I and Block II Apollo
July guidance computer programs had experienced serious problems with parts
qualification and with obtaining semiconductor devices which could pass
the flight processing specifications. (4) The lack of adequate documentation
to support the Block II computer and its design was cited "as perhaps the
most significant faulf uncovered" by the design review team.
Bellcomm, Inc., Memo for File, "Apollo Block II/LM Guidance Computer--Case $30," sgd.
J. J. Rocchio, July 29, 1966, note, Ross to Phillips, July 29, 1966.
NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller
1 informed MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth that the MSC Procurement Plan
for procurement of three lunar landing training vehicles and the proposed
flight test program was approved.
NASA News Release 66-201, "Agreement with Chrysler Converts Saturn I Contract to
Incentive-Type," Aug. 1, 1966.
a. when the building is viewed from the exterior, the windows might
seem slightly darker than others at MSC.
b. the ability of personnel inside to see through the glass was not
restricted but brightness was considerably reduced.
c. heat transfer through the glass would be reduced by about 40 percent
from glass used in other windows at MSC.
Memo, Program Manager, LRL, to Deputy Director, MSC, "Exterior windows of the Lunar
Receiving Laboratory," Aug. 3, 1966.
The request was initiated because the flight crew had to rely on an out-the- 1966
window reference of the S-IVB/SLA to verify separation of the LM/CSM August
combination from the S-IVB/SLA. The question arose as to whether the
out-the-window reference was sufficient or whether an electromechanical
device with a panel readout in the CM was required to verify separation.
Ltr., Director, MSC, to LaRC, Atm : Floyd L. Thompson, Director. "Apollo visibility study,"
Aug. 3, 1966.
NASA modified its contract with IBM to provide for work to be performed
under a multiple-incentive arrangement covering cost, performance,
schedule and equipment management. It also ordered the Real Time
Computer Complex (RTCC) at MSC to be converted to IBM System
computers, which would increase the operational capability for Apollo.
The contract with IBM's Federal Systems Division, Gaithersburg, Md.,
provided the computing capability required for mission monitoring,
inflight mission planning and simulation activities.
NASA News Release 66-205, "Apollo C_-Jmplex to Be Converted in IBM Contract," Aug. 3,
Ames responded on August 24 that setting up the flight simulator had been
August initiated and that the project was proceeding according to a schedule
arranged by Warren J. North of MSC and Creer.
Memo, Chief, Flight Crew Support Div., "Saturn V. Manual Control," Aug. 8, 1966; Itrs.,
Robert R. Gilruth, Director MSC, to H. ,Julian Allen, Director, Ames Research Genter, Aug. 8,
1966; Allen to Gilruth, Aug. 24, 1966.
MSC worked out a program with LaRC for use of the Lunar Landing
Research Facility (LLRF) for preflight transition for LM flight crews before
free-flight training in the lunar landing training vehicle. LM hardware sent
to Langley to be used as training aids included two flight director attitude
indicators, an attitude controller assembly, a thrust-translation controller
assembly, and an altitude-rate meter.
Memo, George C. Franklin, MSC, to W. A. Lee, MSC, "Status of Lunar Module hardware [or
Langley Research Center Lunar Landing Research Facility (LaRC LLRF)," Aug. 9, 1966.
August 10- Lunar Orbiter I was launched from Cape Kennedy Launch Complex 13 at
September 14
3:26 p.m. EDT August 10 to photograph possible Apollo landing sites from
lunar orbit. The Atlas-Agena D launch vehicle injected the spacecraft into
its planned 90-hour trajectory to the moon. A midcourse correction maneu-
ver was made at 8 p.m. the next day; a planned second midcourse maneuver
was not necessary. A faultless deboost maneuver on August 14 achieved the
desired initial elliptic orbit around the moon, and one week later the space-
craft was commanded to make a transler maneuver to place it in a final close-
in elliptic orbit of the moon.
During the spacecraft's stay in the final close-in orbit, the gravitational
fields of the earth and the moon were expected to influence the orbital
elements. The influence was verified by spacecraft tracking data, which
showed that the perilune altitude varied with time. From an initial perilune
altitude of 58 kilometers, the perilune decreased to 49 kilometers. At this
time an orbit adjustment maneuver began an increase in the altitude, which
was expected to reach a maximum after three months and then begin to
decrease again. The spacecraft was expected to impact on the lunar surface
about six months after the orbit adjustment.
readouts, the spacecraft had responded to about 5000 discrete commands
from the earth and had made about 700 maneuvers. August
Memo, NASA Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applications to Administrator,
"Lunar Orbiter I Post Launch Report," Oct. 20, 1966 (Mission Operation Report S-814-66-01,
Oct. 19, 1966).
MSC suggested that Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp. redesign the
injector for the Bell Aerospace Co. ascent engine as a backup immediately.
The Center was aware of costs, but the seriousness of the injector fabrication
problem and the impact resulting from not having a backup was felt to be
justification for the decision.
The mockup of LM test model No. 3 (TM-3) was shipped by Super Guppy
aircraft to Cape Kennedy, on the first trip of the Super Guppy from
Grumman, Bethpage, N.Y.
Memo, Frank X. Battersby to Chief, Apollo Procurement Br., Procurement and Contracts Div.,
MSC, "Weekly Activity Report, BMR Bethpage, Week Ending August 19, 1966," Aug. 24, 1966.
Ltrs., Low to D. C. Burnham, President, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Aug. 22, 1966; Charles
H. Weaver, Group Vice President, Atomic, Defense _: Space Group, Westinghouse Electric
Corp., to Low, Sept. 1, 1966.
NASA informed four firms that had completed design studies on the Apollo 1966
experiment pallet that there would be no hardware development and August
fabrication of the pallet. The four firms had been selected in November 1965 22
to make four-month studies of a pallet to carry experiments in the spacecraft
SM during the Apollo manned lunar landings. The firms were Lockheed
Missiles and Space Co., Sunnyvale, Calif.; The Martin Co., Denver, Colo. ;
McDonnell Aircraft Corp., St. Louis, Mo.; and Northrop Space Laborato-
ries, Hawthorne, Calif. (See April 15.)
NASA News Release 66-224, "Apollo Pallet Development Phase Vetoed," Aug. 22, 1966.
The unmanned suborbital Apollo-Saturn 202 mission was successfully
flown--the third Saturn IB flight test and the second CM heatshield flight
test. The 202 included an uprated Saturn I (Saturn IB) launch vehicle (S-IB
stage, S-IVB stage, and instrument unit) and the Apollo 011 spacecraft
(spacecraft-lunar module adapter, service module, command module, and
launch escape system). Liftoff was from Launch Complex 34 at Cape
Kennedy at 1:15 p.m. EDT. The command module landed safely in the
southwest Pacific Ocean, near Wake Island 1 hour 33 minutes after liftoff. It
was recovered by the U.S.S. Hornet about 370 kilometers uprange from the
recovery ship.
Of six primary test objectives assigned to the mission (see Appendix 5), the
objectives for the environmental control, electrical power, and communica-
tions subsystems were not completely satisfied. All other spacecraft test
objectives were successfully accomplished.
"MSC-A-R-66-5, Postlaunch Report for Mission AS-202 (Apollo Spacecraft 011 )," MSC, Oct.
12, 1966, pp. 1-1, 2-1, 3-1; memo, Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight to
Administrator, "Apollo Saturn Flight Mission AS-202, Post Launch Report No. 1" (Mission
Operations Report M-932-66-03), Sept. 1, 1966.
The Bethpage RASPO Business Manager and Grumman representatives
met to choose a vendor to produce the orbital rate drive electronics for August 26
Apollo and LM (ORDEAL). Three proposals were received: Arma Division
of American Bosch Arma Corp., $275000; Kearfott Products Division of
General Precision, Inc., $295 000; and Bendix Corp., $715 000. Kearfott's
proposal was evaluated as offering a more desirable weight, more certain
delivery, and smaller size within the power budget and consequently was
selected although it was not the low bid. Evaluators believed that Arma's
approach would not be easy to implement, that its delivery schedule was
1966 unrealistic, and that its proposal lacked a definite work statement in the
August areas of testing, quality control, reliability, and documentation.
Memo, Frank X. Battersby to Chief, Apollo Procurement Br., Procurement and Contracts Div.,
MSC, "Weekly Activity Report, BMR Bethpage, Week Ending August 26, 1966." Aug. 31, 1966.
Because of the reported NASA OMSF rejection of funding responsibility for
prototyping and equipping the Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL) and the
strong NASA Office of Space Science and Applications concern over the
quarantine facilities and techniques, Craig K. Peper of OSSA suggested that
(1) each concerned program office make a scientific review of OMSF's
proposal for facility construction to determine its adequacy to meet the
scientific requirements and (2), from those reviews the Director of Manned
Space Flight Experiments, OSSA, would submit to the Associate
Administrator, OSSA, a consolidated recommendation on additional
requirements to satisfy the scientific standards the LRL facilities must meet.
Memo. Peper, NASA Hq., to Director, Manned Flight Experiments, OSSA, "Lunar Receiving
I,aboralory," Aug. 26, 1966.
MSC's Flight Crew Support Division prepared an operations plan
describing division support of flight experiments. Activities planned would
give operational support to both flight crew and experimenters. Crew
training, procedures development, and integration, mission-time support,
and postmission debriefings were discussed in detail.
Menlo, Warren J. North, MSC, to Technical Assistant for Apollo, "Flight Experiments
Operations Plan of the Flight Crew Supl, x_rt Division." Aug. 22, 1966.
3O Because the Apollo Mission Simulator (AMS) was one of the pacing items in
the Apollo Block II flight program, a critical constraint upon operational
readiness was the availability of Government-furnished equipment (GFE)
to the AMS contractor, General Precision's Link Group. For that reason
MSC ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea asked A. L. Brady, Chief of the Apollo
Mission Simulator Office, to establish controls to ensure that GFE items
were provided to Link in time to support the program. He requested that an
individual be appointed to be responsible for each item and that a weekly
report on the status be submitted on each item.
Memo, Shea to Manager, Apollo Mission Simulator Program, "GFE Support to AMS Block 11
Modifications," Aug, 30, 1966.
MSC Director of Flight Crew Operations Donald K. Slayton informed
ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea that total management during thermal
vacuum testing of spacecraft 008 was inadequate, resulting in misunder-
standings between personnel and organizational groups concerned with the
test. Slayton offered a number of suggestions for future, similar tests:
• Timeline testing philosophy was not realistic or practical in a one-g
environment. It was mandatory that test plans be developed with maximum August
data gain and minimum crew and hardware risks consistent with overall
program objectives. For example, long thermal responses during manned
• A crew systems operations office should be established within the
Space Environmental Simulation Laboratory to tie down the interface
between crew, hardware, and management. Its scope of operation should
include representation, training, and scheduling.
• The Environmental Medicine Office should define all crew and test
medical requirements before crew selection. To help in this area, a flight
surgeon should be assigned to each vehicle's prime and backup crews, to
ensure adequate knowledge of crew members and test objectives for training
and the real-time mission.
• It must be recognized that test crew participation in thermal vacuum
testing was completely voluntary and that each member volunteering
must weigh the hazards of such testing against the benefits to the program in
general and his welfare in particular.
Memo, Slayton to Shea, "Management improvement of follow-on thermal vacuum testing,"
Aug. 31, 1966.
In response to a query from NASA Deputy Administrator Robert C.
Seamans, Jr., Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applications 7
Homer E. Newell said that no laboratories had been selected for receiving
lunar materials but proposals had been solicited and were in process of
review. Newell said the lunar samples fell under the planetary and planetary
biology disciplines primarily. The Planetary Biology Subcommittee of the
Space Science Steering Committee had four working groups evaluating the
proposals--geophysics, geochemistry, geology, and Lunar Receiving
Laboratory (LRL). The working groups were expected to complete their
evaluations in September and, following review by the program office,
recommendations would be prepared for the Space Science Steering
Committee. Following appropriate review by that Committee, Newell
would select the Principal Investigators for approved experiments.
Funding for the analyses could be determined only after selections had been
made, but budget estimates for that purpose had been made for $2 million in
FY 1968 and $6 million in FY 1969, exclusive of laboratory upgrading and
funding of the LRL. As a part of the continuing research effort, 33
laboratories had received support during 1966 for upgrading their ability to
handle and examine lunar material. Newell added that 125 proposals for
handling lunar material had been received and were under review.
Memo, Newell to Seamans, "Lunar Sample Analysis Program," Sept. 7, 1966.
MSC Deputy Director George M. Low submitted information to NASA
Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller on
manpower requirements and operating costs for testing in MSC's large
thermal vacuum chamber. Spacecraft 008 testing reflected a manpower cost
September (civil service and contractor) of $7034000, chamber operating cost of
$321 000, and material costs of $277 000. The spacecraft had been in the
chamber 83 days, during which time a 92-hour unmanned test and a 163-
hour manned test had been conducted.
Surveyor II was launched from Cape Kennedy at 8:32 a.m. EDT. The Atlas-
Centaur launch vehicle placed the spacecraft on a nearly perfect lunar
intercept trajectory that would have missed the aim point by about 130
kilometers. Following injection, the spacecraft successfully accomplished
all required sequences up to the midcourse thrust phase. This phase was not
successful because of the failure of one of the three vernier engines to ignite,
causing eventual loss of the mission. Contact with the spacecraft was lost at
5:35 a.m. EDT, September 22, and impact on the lunar surface was predicted
at 11:18 p.m. on that day.
NASA awarded a $4.2-million contract to Honeywell, Inc., Computer
Control Division, Framingham, Mass., to provide digital computer systems
for Apollo command and lunar module simulators. Under the fixed-price
contract, Honeywell would provide six separate computer complexes to
support the Apollo simulators at MSC and Cape Kennedy. The complexes
would be delivered, installed, and checked out by Honeywell by the end of
March 1967.
A Planning Coordination Steering Group at NASA Hq. received program
options from working groups established to coordinate long-range
planning in life sciences, earth-oriented applications, astronomy, lunar
exploration, and planetary exploration. The Steering Group recommended
serious consideration be given a four-phase exploration program using
unmanned Lunar Orbiters, Surveyors, and manned lunar surface explora-
tion. The first phase, consisting of Ranger, Surveyor, Orbiter, and the initial
Apollo landing was under way. The second phase would match the Apollo
Applications program and would extend surface sampling and geologic
mapping beyond the walking capability of a suited astronaut. The group
recommended this phase launch one 14-day two-man mission per year
beginning in 1970, with one or two Surveyors, and one unmanned Orbiter
per year. The third phase would consist of one three-man 90-day mission per
year. The final phase would consist of semipermanent manned stations.
Memo, Edgar M. Cortright, Alfred J. Eggers, Jr., James C. Elms, and Gerald M. Truszynski,
Cochairmen, Planning Coordination Steering Group, to Associate Deputy Administrator,
"Preliminary Reports of Working Groups," Sept. 23, 1966.
NASA Hq. informed MSC that the second phase of the vacuum system in the 1966
Lunar Receiving Laboratory ($480 200) was to be deferred because of the September
austerity of the NASA FY 1967 program. MSC was instructed, however, that 28
sufficient redundancy in the central vacuum pumping systems should be
provided to ensure the highest degree of reliability.
TWX, NASA Hq., to MSC, "Lunar Receiving Laboratory," Sept. 28, 1966.
MSC ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea wrote Grumman Aircraft Engineering
Corp. Senior Vice President George F. Titterton that he was encouraged by
the good start Grumman had made on work packages for the LM program,
which he hoped had set the stage for effective action to curtail the creeping
cost escalation that had characterized the program during the past year. He
said: "To me, the most striking point noted in engineering activities
projected a relatively high change rate from vehicle to vehicle, even though
the program logic calls for identical vehicles from LM 4 on, and minimum
change from LM 3 to LM 4. This, too, was apparent in the engineering
related activities. The only changes which should be planned for are those
rising from hardware deficiencies found in ground or flight test, or those
resulting from NASA directed changes."
Shea had written to Joseph G. Gavin, Jr., Grumman Vice President and
LEM Program Manager, in April concerning cost escalation. He had said
"A significant amount of the planning for your contract is based upon
management commitments made to us by Grumman... [and] your esti-
mates have helped significantly (and indeed are still changing) and
currently significantly exceed the amounts upon which our budget has been
based." In another letter, in September, to Grumman President L. J. Evans,
Shea remarked: "The result of our fiscal review with your people last week
was somewhat encouraging. It reconfirmed my conviction that Grumman
can do the program without the cost increases which you have been recently
indicating, and, depending on how much difficulty we have with the
qualification of our flight systems, perhaps even with some additional cost
The second planned manned Apollo flight crew was named by NASA.
Prime crew members were Walter M. Schirra, Jr., command pilot; Donn F.
Eisele, senior pilot; and R. Walter Cunningham, pilot. Backup crewmen
1966 were Frank Borman, command pilot; Thomas P. Stafford, senior pilot; and
September Michael Collins, pilot. The flight was scheduled for 1967. It would be the
first space mission for Eisele and Cunningham.
Week LM test model TM-6 and test article LTA- 10 were shipped from Grumman
on the Pregnant Gupp_y aircraft. When the Guppy carrying the LTA-10
September 30
stopped at Dover, Del., for refueling, a fire broke out inside the aircraft, but it
was discovered in time to prevent damage to the LM test article.
Memo, Frank W. Battersby to Chief, Apollo Procurement Br., Procurement and Contracts
Div., MSC, "Weekly Activities Report, BMR Bethpage, Week Ending September 30, 1966," Oct.
4, 1966.
MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth told Langley Research Center Director
Floyd Thompson, "Lunar Orbiter I has made significant contributions to
the Apollo program and to lunar science in general. Details visible for the
first time in Orbiter I photographs will certainly add to our knowledge of the
lunar surface and improve our confidence in the success of the Apollo
review had been resolved; (3) that actions identified during the review had 1966
been completed (except where specifically noted); and (4) that his previous October
certification of the design of flight systems for flight worthiness and manned
safety, or of the capability of Launch Support to support a manned mission,
remained valid. Any residual contingencies or actions, schedulcd for
completion at the Flight Readiness Review, should be specifically listed.
Ltr., Phillips to Shea, "AS-204 Design Certification Review," Nov. 16, 1966.
Memo, Mueller to Deputy Administrator, "205 Nautical Mile Error in AS-202 Impact," Oct. 7,
Memo for Record, Shinkle, KSC, "Engineering Orders for Spacecraft 012," Oct. l 1, 1966; NASA
Routing Slip, Bolender to Phillips, Oct. ! 1, 1966.
TWX, NASA Hq. to Lt. Gen. Leighton I. Davis, Rear Admiral J. Adair, and Goddard Space
Flight Center, Oct. I 1, 1966.
Memo, Shea to distr., "Change in policies for LM-I arid LM-2," Oct. 12, 1966.
Apollo CM 007 bobs in the swells of the Gulf of Mexico during 1966 tests for the
lunar missions. Three test subjects from Manned Spacecraft Center remained in
the spacecraft 48 hours during the sea-qualification test of postlanding systems.
Division under subcontract to North American Aviation for the Apollo 1966
spacecraft was again in serious trouble and threatened a major delay in the October
first flight of Apollo." He pointed out, "This current difficulty is the latest in
a long string of failures and problems associated with the AiResearch
equipment." Phillips told Bradley that he was about three levels removed
from the subcontract project details and thus could not give him a point by
point discussion of the problems or their causes. Phillips felt, however,
"they seem to lie in two categories_those arising from inadequate
development testing, and those related to poor workmanship." Phillips
hoped that Bradley could find what was needed to get the project on the right
KSC proposed to MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth that the two General
Electric Co. efforts at KSC supporting automatic checkout equipment
(ACE) for spacecraft operations be consolidated. KSC pointed out there was
a supplemental agreement with MSC for General Electric to provide system
engineering support to ACE/spacecraft operations. Both the KSC Apollo
Program Manager and the Director of Launch Operations considered that
merging the two GE efforts into a single task order under KSC
administrative control would have advantages. The proposal listed two:
1966 1. A single interface would exist between KSC and all local GE
Oclober AEC/spacecraft operations.
2. Through more efficient use of personnel, the contractor should be
able to reduce the manpower level and still be responsive to the demands of
the Apollo program.
Gilruth replied Nov. 1 to KSC Director Kurt H. Debus that MSC had
evaluated advantages of transferring certain ACE/spacecraft responsibili-
ties to KSC and had also considered advantages of continuing the existing
system. These advantages were:
Gilruth said that it was the MSC intent to support system engineering
requirements in ACE/spacecraft areas and that further support in these
areas was normally supplied by the spacecraft contractor. "Actually it has
been our impression that GE/MSC ACE/spacecraft support at KSC and all
other locations was sufficient to meet all requirements .... It is our opinion
that the existing ACE/spacecraft management organization is required to
assure optimum fulfillment of the Apollo program."
Ltrs., Dcbus to Gilruth, Oct. 13, 1966; Gilruth to Debus, Nov. 1, 1966.
19 Marshall Space Flight Center Director Wernher von Braun wrote MSC
Director Robert R. Gilruth that MSFC had spent a considerable effort in
planning the transfer of study and development tasks in the lunar
exploration program to MSC. Von Braun said, "We feel it is in the spirit of
the MSF Hideaway Management Council Meeting held on August 13-
15, 1966, to consider the majority of our Lunar Exploration Work Program
for transfer to MSC in consonance with Bob Seamans' directive which
designates MSC as the Lead Center for lunar science." He added that MSFC
had formulated a proposal which it felt was in agreement with the direc- 1966
tives and at the same time provided for management interfaces between the October
two Centers without difficulty.
Von Braun said that Ernst Stuhlinger of the Research Projects Laboratory
had discussed the proposed actions for transfer of functions to MSC, and
MSC Experiments Program Manager Robert O. Piland had indicated his
general agreement, pending further consideration. He asked that Gilruth
give his reaction to the proposal and said, "It would be very helpful if our
two Centers could present a proposal to George Mueller [OMSF] on which
we both agree."
Ltr., yon Braun to Gilruth, Oct. 19, 1966.
Apollo-Saturn 204 was to be the first manned Apollo mission, NASA
announced through the manned space flight Centers. The news release,
prepared at NASA Hq., said the decision had been made following a Design
Certification Review Board meeting held the previous week at OMSF. The
launch date had not been determined. Crewmen for the flight would be
Virgil I. Grissom, command pilot; Edward H. White II, senior pilot; and
Roger B. Chaffee, pilot. The backup crew would be James A. McDivitt,
command pilot; David R. Scott, senior pilot; and Russell L. Schweickart,
pilot. The AS-204 spacecraft would be launched by an uprated Saturn I
launch vehicle on its earth-orbital mission "to demonstrate spacecraft and
crew operations and evaluate spacecraft hardware performance in earth
TWX, NASA Hq. M-N-311 to KSC, MSC, MSFC, Oct. 19, 1966.
Manager John G. Shinkle thatmbecause the program was moving into the
flight phase and close monitoring of the hardware configuration was
important--they should plan work methods in more detail. He reminded
Shinkle that he had named Walter Kapryan Assistant Program Manager "to
provide the technical focal point.., to maintain the discipline for the total
spacecraft"; therefore Shea would like to transfer the chairman of the Apollo
Langley Research Center informed MSC that the Apollo Visibility Study
requested by MSC would be conducted. Langley mockups could be used
along with an SLA panel to be provided by MSC from Tulsa North
American. The proposed study would be semistatic, with the astronaut
seated in the existing CM mockup and viewing the S-IVB/SLA mockup.
The positions of the mockups would be varied manually by repositioning
the mockup dollies, and the astronaut would judge the separation distance
and alignment attitude. The study was expected to start at the end of October
or early November and last two or three weeks.
Ltr., Director, LaRC, to MSC, Attn: Robert R. Gilruth "Apollo Visibility Study," Oct. 21, 1966.
MSC established a committee to investigate several nearly catastrophic
malfunctions in the steam generation system at the White Sands Test
Facility. The system was used to pump down altitude cells in LM
propulsion system development. Committee members were Joseph G.
Thibodaux, chairman; Hugh D. White, secretary; Harry Byington, Henry
O. Pohl, Robert W. Polifka, and Allen H. Watkins, all of MSC.
Propellant tanks of service module 017 failed during a pressure test at North
American Aviation, Downey, Calif. The planned test included several
pressure cycles followed by a'48-hour test of the tanks at the maximum
operating pressure of 165 newtons per square centimeter (240 pounds per
square inch). Normal operating pressure was 120 newtons per square
centimeter (175 pounds per square inch). After 1 hour 40 minutes at 165
newtons the failure occurred.
SM 017 (designed for SA-501) had been pulled for this test after cracks had
been detected in the tanks of SM 101. SM 017 had been previously proof-
tested a short time (a matter of minutes) at 220 newtons per square
centimeter (320 pounds per square inch).
A team was set up at North American Aviation to look into the failure and its
possible impact on the Saturn IB and Saturn V Apollo missions. MSC had
two observers on the team, which was to make its findings and recommen-
dations available by November 4.
that the equipment had not previously seen propellant and would receive a 1966
hot gaseous nitrogen purge after completion of the cold flow operation. October
Note, Frank Magliato, NASA Hq., to NASA Administrator and Deputy Administrator, "Test
Failure of Service Module 017/' Oct. 26, 1966; TWX, Dale D. Myers, NA, to J. F. Shea, MSC,
Nov. 11, 1966.
Owen E. Maynard, Chief of the MSC Missions Operations Division, said the 27
NASA Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips indicated his concern to November
MSC over the extensive damage to a number of fuel cell modules from 4
operational errors during integrated system testing. Phillips pointed out
that in addition to the added cost there was a possible impact on the success
of the flight program. He emphasized the importance of standardizing the
procedures for fuel cell activation and shutdown at North American
Aviation, MSC, and KSC to maximize learning opportunities.
TWX, MAT-91, NASA Hq., to MSC, Atm: Joseph F. Shea, "Fuel Cell Operation Failures,"
Nov. 4, 1966.
Lunar Orbiter H was launched at 6:21 p.m. EST from Launch Complex 13 November 6-
at Cape Kennedy, to photograph possible landing sites on the moon for the December 6
Apollo program. The Atlas-Agena D booster placed the spacecraft in an
earth-parking orbit and, after a 14-minute coast, injected it into its 94-hour
trajectory toward the moon. A midcourse correction maneuver on
November 8 increased the velocity from 3051 to 3133 kilometers per hour. At
that time the spacecraft was 265 485 kilometers from the earth.
1966 The spacecraft was transferred into its final close-in orbit around the moon
November at 5:58 p.m. November 15 and the photo-acquisition phase of Lunar Orbiter
//'s mission began November 18. Thirteen selected primary potential
landing sites and a number of secondary sites were to be photographed. By
the morning of November 25, the spacecraft had taken 208 of the 211
photographs planned and pictures of all 13 selected potential landing sites.
It also made 205 attitude change maneuvers and responded to 2421
Memos. l.unar Orbiter Program Manager to NASA Administrator, "Lunar Orbiter II Post
Launch Report #1" through "#15," Nov. 7, 8, 14, 16, 17, 21, 25, and Dec. 9, 1966 (Mission
Operation Reports S-814-66-02).
Seamans approved the proposal on November 17, with the following
condition, which was later transmitted to MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth : November
"Before NASA commitments of any sort are made to the networks for Apollo
capsule TV coverage, the plans and procedures must be approved by the
Ltr., NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight to Deputy Administrator, "Real
Time TV Coverage of Apollo Missions," Nov. 9, 1966; approval, with condition, by Seamans,
Nov. 17, 1966; NASA Routing Slip to MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth from Jack T.
McClanahan, Chief, Apollo Mission Requirements, OMSF, received at MSC Dec. 12, 1966.
MSC was requested by NASA Hq. to take the following actions:
MSC's Director of Flight Crew Operations Donald K. Slayton said that the
Block I flight crew nomenclature was suitable for the AS-204 mission, but
that a more descriptive designation was desirable for Block II flights. Block I
crewmen had been called command pilot, senior pilot, and pilot. Slayton
proposed that for the Block II missions the following designations and
positions be used: commander, left seat at launch with center seat optional
for the remainder of the CSM mission, and left seat in the LM; CSM pilot,
center seat at launch with left seat optional for remainder of mission; and
LM pilot in the right seat of both the CSM and LM.
Memo, Slayton to distr., "Block 11 Apollo flight crew designation," Nov. 29, 1966.
ter M. Schirra,Jr., and R.
WalterCunningham,left to
in 1966Apol-
lo egresstraining in a water
tankin Building260, Manned
Spacecraft Center.
Pacific recovery for the AS-501 and AS-502 missions were justified.
Ltrs., Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., MSC Director o[ Flight Operations, and Joseph F. Shea,
Manager, ASPO, to NASA Hq., Arm : S. C. Phillips, "Atlantic Recovery," Dec. 5, 1966; Apollo
Program Director, Office of Manned Space Flight, to MSC, KSC, and MSFC, "Atlantic Versus
Pacific Recovery for Saturn V/Apollo Missions," Dec. 30, 1966.
bulkhead. Slayton added that several spacecraft changes, additional
December training hardware for valid thermal testing, zero-g simulator demonstra-
tion, and crew training effort would be required to permit extravehicular
crew rescue from LM to CSM. Until this total rescue capability was
implemented, manned LM to CSM operations would constitute an
unnecessary risk for the flight crew.
Memo, Slayton to Shea, "Apollo EVA," Dec. 6, 1966.
The number one' lunar landing research vehicle (LLRV) test vehicle was 1966
received at MSC December 13, 1966. Its first flight at Ellington Air Force Base December
following facility and vehicle checkout was expected about February 1,
1967, with crew training in the vehicle to start about February 20. A design
review was held at Buffalo, N.Y., during the week of January 2, 1967, in
connection with Bell Aerospace Company's contract for three lunar landing
training vehicles (LLTVs) and associated equipment. No major design
changes in the vehicle baseline configuration were requested. Crew training
in helicopters and in the Lunar Landing Research Facility at Langley
Research Center and the LLRV fixed base simulator was continuing.
Memo, Director of Flight Crew Operations, MSC, to Deputy Director, MSC, "LLRV/TV
Monthly Progress Report," Jan. 19, 1967.
that Frank Smith had told him on December 14 of his meeting with NASA
management on Lunar Receiving Laboratory plans. Smith advised that
MSC should take necessary actions immediately to begin operation of the
LRL. MSC advised Headquarters that it planned to expand one of the two
facility operation contracts at MSC to include the LRL and designate an
LRL organization, staffed with qualified civil service personnel for
immediate full-time operation.
TWX, Hjornevik to NASA Hq., "Lunar Receiving Laboratory Operations Plans," Dec. 15,
A meeting at NASA Hq. discussed plans for the Lunar Receiving
Laboratory, noting that some problems were time-critical and needed
immediate attention. Attending were Robert C. Seamans, Jr., Willis B.
Shapley, George E. Mueller, Homer E. Newell, and Francis B. Smith, all of
NASA Hq.; and Robert R. Gilruth, George M. Low, and Wesley L.
Hjornevik of MSC.
1966 On December 21, Shapley informed Mueller and Newell that NASA
December Administrator James E. Webb and Deputy Administrator Seamans had
approved the proposed actions.
Memos, Smith to Webb and Seamans, "December 19th meeting to discuss plans for the Lunar
Receiving Laboratory," Dec. 19, 1966; Shapley to Mueller and Newell, "Lunar Receiving
Laboratory," Dec. 21, 1966.
Lewis L. McNair, MSFC Chairman of the Flight Mechanics Panel, told
Calvin H. Perrine, Jr., MSC, that the Guidance and Performance Sub-Panel
had been unable to reach an agreement on venting the liquid-oxygen (LOX)
tank of the Saturn V S-IVB stage during earth parking orbit. McNair
pointed out that MSFC did not want a programmed LOX vent and that
MSC did. He added that the issue must be resolved in order to finalize the
AS-501 attitude maneuver and venting timeline.
Ltr., McNair to Perrine, Dec. 22, 1966.
In a memo to Donald K. Slayton, MSC Deputy Director George M. Low
indicated that he understood George E. Mueller had stated in executive
session of the Management Council on December 21 that he had decided a
third lunar module simulator would not be required. Low said, "This
implies that either the launch schedule will be relieved or missions will be so
identical that trainer change-over time will be substantially reduced."
Memo, Low to Slayton, "Third LM Mission Simulator," Dec. 22, 1966.
NASA announced crew selection for the second and third manned Apollo
missions. Prime crew for AS-205/208 would be James A. McDivitt,
commander; David R. Scott, CM pilot; and Russell L. Schweickart, LM
pilot. The backup crew would be Thomas P. Stafford, commander; John W.
Young, CM pilot; and Eugene A. Cernan, LM pilot. The crew for AS-503,
the first manned mission to be launched by a Saturn V, would be Frank
Borman, commander; Michael Collins, CM pilot; and William A. Anders,
LM pilot. The backup crew would be Charles Conrad, Jr., commander;
Richard F. Gordon, Jr., CM pilot; and Clifton C. Williams, Jr., LM pilot.
NASA News Release 66-326, "NASA Names Crews [or Apollo Flights," Dec. 22, 1966.
Handling and installation responsibilities for the LM descent stage
scientific equipment (SEQ) were defined in a letter from MSC to Grumman
Aircraft Engineering Corp. The descent stage SEQ was composed of three
basic packages: (1) the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package
(ALSEP) compartment 1, which included the ALSEP central station and
associated 1unar surface experiments; (2) ALSEP compartment 2, composed
of the radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) and Apollo lunar
surface drill (ALSD); and (3) the RTG fuel cask, thermal shield, mount and
RTG fuel element. The following definition of responsibility for handling
and installation had been derived:
the exception of the RTG fuel cask, thermal shield, mount and fuel element,
and the ALSD.
2. The RTG fuel cask, thermal shield, mount and fuel element and the
ALSD would be installed in the LM descent stage during prelaunch
activities at the launch site.
3. Grumman would be responsible for SEQ installation with the
exception of the RTG fuel element. The ALSEP contractor, Bendix
Aerospace Systems Division, would provide the installation procedure and
associated equipment. Bendix would also observe the installation operation
and NASA would both observe and inspect it.
4. The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) would be responsible for
handling and installing the RTG fuel element. Bendix would provide
procedures and associated equipment. Grumman and NASA would observe
and inspect this operation. If for any reason the RTG fuel element was
required to be removed during prelaunch operations, the AEC would be
responsible for the activity. Removal procedures would be provided by
Bendix. MSC requested that Grumman's planned LM activities at Kennedy
Space Center reflect these points of definition.
Ltr., MSC to Grumman, "Contract NAS 9-1100, Handling and installation responsibilities for
the LM descent stage Scientific Equipment (SEQ)," Dec. 23, 1966.
NASA Administrator James E. Webb approved establishment of a Science
and Applications Directorate at MSC. The new directorate would plan and
implement MSC programs in space science and its applications, act as a
focal point for all MSC elements in these programs, and serve as the Center's
point of contact with the scientific community. In addition to the Director's
office, the new directorate would encompass an Advanced Systems Office,
Lunar Surface Project Office, Space Physics Division, Applications Plans
and Analysis Office, Applications Project Office, Lunar and Earth Sciences
Division, and Test and Operations Office. In a letter on January 17, 1967,
NASA Associate Administrator George E. Mueller told MSC Director
Robert R. Gilruth the new Directorate was "another significant milestone in
your effort to support the Agency and the scientific community in the
exploration of space .... "
Organization Chart, MSC, Dec. 23, 1967; hr., Mueller to Gilruth, Jan. 17, 1967.
Donald K. Slayton said there was some question about including
extravehicular activity on the AS-503 mission, but he felt that, to make a
maximum contribution to the lunar mission, one period of EVA should be
included. Slayton pointed out that during the coast period (simulating
lunar orbit) in the current flight plan the EVA opportunity appeared best
between hour 90 and hour 100. Two primary propulsion system firings
would have been accomplished and the descent stage of the LM would still
be attached.
Slayton specified that EVA should consist of a crewman exiting through the
December LM forward hatch and making a thorough orbital check of the LM before
reentering through the same hatch. He said EVA on AS-503 would provide :
(1) flight experience and confidence in LM environmental-control-system
performance during cabin depressurization; (2) flight confidence in the
Block II International Latex Corp. pressure garment assemblies; (3)orbital
time-line approximation of cabin depressurization times, forward hatch
operation, flight crew egress procedures, and LM entry following a
simulated lunar EVA; (4) visual inspection and photography of LM landing
gear for possible damage during withdrawal from the S-IVB stage; (5)
external inspection and photography of the LM to record window and
antenna contamination caused by SLA panel pyrotechnic deployment; (6)
inspection and photography of descent engine skirt and adjacent areas for
evidence of damage from two descent propulsion system firings; (7)
inspection and photography of possible damage to the upper LM caused by
the SM reaction control system during withdrawal; (8) possible additional
data regarding EVA metabolic rates, etc., as applied to the Block II pressure
garment assembly; and (9)additional orbital confidence in the portable life
support system operational procedures.
Memo, Slayton to Technical Assistant for Apollo, "AS-503 Mission," Dec. 26, 1966.
Homer E. Newell, NASA.Associate Administrator for Space Science and
Applications, pointed out to MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth that during a
program review he was made aware of difficulties in the development of the
Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package. The problems cited were with
the lunar surface magnetometer, suprathermal ion detector, passive
seismometer, and the central station transmitter receiver. Newell, who had
been briefed on the problems by NASA Hq. ALSEP Program Manager, W.
T. O'Bryant, said: "I felt they were serious enough to warrant giving you my
views in regard to the importance of having the ALSEP with its planned
complement of instruments aboard the first Apollo lunar landing mission.
It is essential that basic magnetic measurements be made on the lunar
surface, not only for their very important planetological implications, but
also for the knowledge which will be gained of the lunar magnetosphere and
atmosphere as the result of the combined measurements from the
magnetometer, solar wind spectrometer, and suprathermal ion detector."
Low wrote Newell on April 10, 1967, that there had been schedule slips in
the program plan devised in March 1966--primarily slips associated with
the lunar surface magnetometer, the suprathermal ion detector, and the
central station receiver and transmitter. "In each case, we have effected a
programmatic workaround plan, the elements of which were presented to
Leonard Reiffel of OMSF and William O'Bryant of your staff on December 1966
5, 1966, and in subsequent reviews of the subject with them as the planning December
B. Kaskey, Bellcomm, Inc., gave NASA Apollo Program Director Samuel C. 1967
Phillips three reasons why an AS-204 rescue of or rendezvous with a January
biosatellite would be impracticable: (1) The Block I spacecraft hatch was
not designed to open and reseal in space, therefore no extravehicular activity
could be planned for AS-204. (2) The launch window for 204 was five hours
on each day, set by lighting available for launch aborts and normal recovery;
rendezvous would reduce the launch window to minutes. (3) More than half
of the reaction control system propellant was committed because of the
requirement that deorbit be possible on every orbit without use of the serv-
ice propulsion system. Phillips sent the information to ASPO Manager
Joseph F. Shea at MSC.
Note, Kaskey to Phillips, NASA Hq., "Working Note," Jan. 3, 1967.
Other less important factors were discussed and several action items were
assigned: Rose would be responsible for successful implementation of plans
resulting from the meeting. Hannigan would determine the LM, portable
life support system, and ALSEP systems constraints and determine if the
ALSEP weight allowance could be beneficially applied to LM consumables.
The Operations Analysis Branch would investigate the MSFN support.
Memo, Chief, Operations Analysis Br., MSC, to Chief, Flight Control Div., MSC, "Operations
viewpoint on first lunar surface mission plan," Jan. 5, 1967.
Memo, Berry to Deputy Director, MSC, "Management Program for Control of Hazardous
Spacecraft Materials," Jan. 4, 1967.
Ltr., Slayton to Manager, ASPO, "2TV-I Manned Test Program," Jan. 4, 1967.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips told NASA Associate
Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller that studies had
been completed on the use of "direct translunar injection" (launch directly
into a trajectory to the moon) as a mode of operation for lunar landing
missions. The principal advantages would be potential payload increases
and elimination of the S-IVB stage restart requirement. The disadvantage 1967
was that there would be no usable launch windows for about half of each January
year and a reduced number of windows for the remainder of the year.
Phillips was confident the launch vehicle would have adequate payload
capability, since Saturn V performance continued to exceed spacecraft
requirements. Confidence in successful S-IVB restarts was also high. For the
lunar missions, therefore, direct launch was considered as a fall-back
position and the effort was concentrating on the parking orbit mode.
Ltr., Phillips to Mueller, "Saturn V Direct Lunar Injection," Jan. 10, 1967.
The NASA Western Support Office, Santa Monica, Calif., reported two
accidents at North American plants, with no personal injuries:
Testing of CSM 012 at Downey, Calif., and KSC revealed numerous failures
in the communications cable assembly caused by broken wiring, bent pins,
and connector malfunctions. Certain design deficiencies in the system had
been remedied by adding adapter cables in series with the cobra cable, but
these additions had resulted in additional weak points in the system and in
an unacceptably cumbersome cable assembly connected to crew members.
For these reasons, Donald K. Slayton, Director of Flight Crew Operations,
ruled the existing communications assembly unsafe for flight and requested
that the biomedical tee adapter, cobra cable, sleep adapter, and noise
eliminator be combined into one new cobra cable for CSM 012.
Memo, Slayton to Manager, ASPO, "Communications cables [or Spacecraft 012," Jan. 18, 1967.
The Saturn 503 S-IVB stage exploded and was destroyed at the Douglas
Sacramento, Calif., Test Facility at 4:25 p.m. PST during a countdown. The
exercise had progressed to 10 seconds before simulated launch (about 8
minutes before S-IVB ignition) when the explosion occurred. Earlier that
day the countdown had progressed to about 6 minutes past simulated
launch when a problem with the GSE computer tape carrier head required a
hold and a recycling in the countdown. No one was injured.
The Lunar Mission Planning Board held its first meeting at MSC. Present,
in addition to Chairman Robert R. Gilruth, were Charles A. Berry, Maxime
A. Faget, George M. Low, Robert O. Piland, Wesley L. Hjornevik, and
acting secretary William E. Stoney, Jr., all of MSC. Principal subject of
discussion was the photography obtained by Lunar Orbiter I and Lunar
Orbiter I1 and application of this photography to Apollo site selection. The
material was presented by John Eggleston and Owen Maynard, both of
MSC. Orbiter I had obtained medium-resolution photography of sites on
the southern half of the Apollo area of interest; Orbiter H had obtained both
medium- and high-resolution photographs of sites toward the northern half
of the area. Several action items were assigned, with progress to be reported
at the next meeting, including a definition of requirements for a TV land-
ing aid for the lunar module and a report on landing-site-selection restraints
based on data available from Lunar Orbiter I and H only, and another on
data from Lunar Orbiter I, H, and llI.
1. What would have happened if a crew had been on board the space
vehicle at the time of the accident?
2. What feasible methods were there within existing system
capabilities to escape such an explosion? What other escape methods might
be evolved beyond existing system capabilities?
3. How would the EDS (emergency detection system) have functioned
if the accident had occurred on a manned flight? Should there be any
changes to the EDS?
4. Should any changes be made to AS-204 to increase the probability of
a safe escape?
TWX, NASA Hq. to addressees, "S-IVB Stage Accident Investigation," Jan. 26, 1967.
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1967 (NASA SP-4008, 1968), p. 23; and text of treaty.
Fire sweeping through command module 012 atop its Saturn IB launch
vehicle at Launch Complex 34, KSC, took the lives of the three-man crew
scheduled for the first manned Apollo space flight.
ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea sent a flash report to NASA Hq. : "During a
simulated countdown for mission AS-204 on January 27, 1967, an accident
occurred in CM 012. This was a manned test with the prime astronaut crew
on board. A fire occurred inside the command module resulting in the death
of the three astronauts and as yet undetermined damage to the command and
service modules." The launch had been scheduled for February 21.
Later that evening a request for autopsy support was received and three
pathologists and a medical photographer were sent to Cape Kennedy on an
Air Force aircraft. Team members were Col. Edward H. Johnston, USA;
Cdr. Charles J. Stahl, USN; Capt. Latimer E. Dunn, USAF; and T/Sgt
Larry N. Hale, USAF.
The Apollo 204 Review Board was established by NASA's Deputy
Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., to investigate the Apollo 204 accident
that had killed the 204 prime crew January 27. The Board would report to
the NASA Administrator.
Effects of the flash fire on CM 012, photographed shortly after the fatal January 27,
1967, Apollo 204 accident: exterior of the command module, left, and interior,
George Malley, Chief Counsel, LaRC, was named to serve as counsel to the
The Board was told it could call upon any element of NASA for support,
assistance, and information, and was instructed to:
Memo for the Apollo 204 Review Board from Seamans, Jan. 28, 1967.
The Chairman and several members of the Apollo 204 Review Board 28
Astronaut Frank Borman briefed the Apollo 204 Review Board after his
inspection of the damaged command and service modules. A main purpose
of the inspection was to verify the position of circuit breakers and switches.
In other major activities that day, the Pyrotechnic Installation Building was
assigned to the Board to display the debris and spacecraft components after
removal from Launch Complex 34; the Board began interviewing
witnesses; and the Board Chairman asked NASA Associate Administrator
for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller for assistance in obtaining
flame propagation experts to assist the Board. Experts might be obtained
from Lewis Research Center, the Bureau of Mines, and the Federal Aviation
Agency. The Board Chairman established an ad hoc committee to organize
task panels to make the accident investigation systematically. The
committee was composed of John J. Williams, KSC; E. Barton Geer, LaRC;
Charles W. Mathews, NASA, Hq.; John F. Yardley, McDonnell Aircraft
Corp.; George Jeffs, North American Aviation, Inc.; and Charles F. Strang,
Robert W. Van Dolah of the Bureau of Mines, I. Irving Pinkel of Lewis
Research Center, and Thomas G. Horeff of the Federal Aviation Agency
joined the Apollo 204 Review Board as consultants. Membership of the
special ad hoc committee established January 29 to recommend special
panels for the investigation was changed to Frank Borman and Maxime A.
1967 Faget, both of MSC; Charles W. Mathews, NASA Hq. ; George Jeffs, North
Jaunary American Aviation, Inc.; John F. Yardley, McDonnell Alrcratt Corp.; and
John J. Williams, KSC, Chairman. Mathews outlined 19 recommended
panels and the work objectives of each. A Board member was assigned to
monitor each panel and to serve as a focal point through which the panels
would report to the Board. Lt. Col. James W. Rawers (USAF) of the Range
Safety Division Analysis Section presented an oral report on what Air Force
Eastern Test Range personnel saw at the time of the accident. In other
activities that day Faget introduced Alfred D. Mardel, MSC, who presented a
briefing on data and sequence of events.
31 Col. Charles F. Strang advised the Apollo 204 Review Board of an accident
in an altitude chamber at Brooks Air Force Base, Tex., that morning. A flash
fire had swept the oxygen-filled pressure chamber, killing Airman 2/C
William F. Bartley, Jr., and Airman 3/C Richard G. Harmon. Col. Strang
presented a short briefing on the circumstances and was asked by Chairman
Floyd Thompson to provide follow-up information.
Lt. Col. William D. Baxter, Air Force Eastern Test Range representative to
the Board, advised the group of existing Apollo spacecraft hazards,
including :
An engineering review was made of these hazards and it was agreed that
these items must be removed before any work could proceed.
A TWX from NASA Headquarters to MSC, MSFC, and KSC ordered
checkout and launch preparation of AS-501 to proceed as planned, except
that the CM would not be pressurized in a.n oxygen environment pending
further direction. If AS-501 support, facility, or work force should conflict
with the activities of the AS-204 Review Board, the Board would be given
TWX, Samuel ('. Phillips to MSC, MSFC, and KS(', Jan. 31, 1967.
Funeral services were held for the Apollo crewmen who died in the January 1967
27 spacecraft 012 (Apollo 204 mission) flash fire at Cape Kennedy. All three January
were buried with full military honors: Virgil I. Grissom (Lt. Col., USAF), 31
and Roger B. Chafee (Lt. Cdr., USN), in Arlington, Va., National
Cemetery; and Edward H. White II (Lt. Col., USAF), at West Point, N.Y.
Memorial services had been held in Houston January 29 and 30.
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1967 (NASA SP-4008, 1968), pp. 27, 29.
MSC management directed contractors and other government agencies to
stop all MSC-related manned testing in environments with high oxygen 1
The task of removing the launch escape system from AS-204 was delayed
until retrorockets and other ordance devices could be removed from the
launch vehicle and spacecraft.
1967 Command module 014 arrived from the North American Aviation plant in
February Downey, Calif., and was placed in the Pyrotechnic Installation Building at
KSC. The module was to be used for training the technicians who would
disassemble command module 012, the module in which the AS-204 fire had
ignited. Before removal of any component from 012, the technicians were to
perform similar tasks on 014, to become familiar with all actions required to
remove any single component and minimize damage during removal. As a
component was removed it was transported from the launch complex to the
Pyrotechnic Installation Building. All equipment associated with the
accident would also be placed in the PIB, including command module
hardware and support equipment.
The Apollo 204 Review Board was informed that the most significant event
in the investigation to date was the removal of the launch escape system
from the command module, eliminating the greatest potential hazard to
disassembly operations. With this task finished, members of the Fire
Propagation Panel were expected to enter the command module the
following day. Removal of the launch escape system also permitted
extensive photographic coverage of the interior of the 012 command
TWX, MSC to distr., "MSC Posture on Apollo 204 Investigation," Feb. 2, 1967.
501 and AS-502 (first and second Saturn V launches) would proceed as
scheduled in 1967. Manned flights were postponed indefinitely. February
"Board Proceedings," p. 3-47; NASA News Releases 67-21 and 67-22, Feb. 3, 1967.
Seamans also amplified and documented the oral instructions given to the
Chairman January 28, 1967:
• The Chairman was to establish procedures for the organization and
operation of the Board as he found most effective, and the procedures were to
be part of the Board's records.
• Board members were to be appointed or removed by the Deputy
Administrator after consultation with the Chairman as necessary for the
Board's effective action.
• The Chairman could establish procedures to ensure the execution of
his responsibility in his absence.
• The Chairman was to appoint or designate representatives,
consultants, experts, liaison officers, observers, or other officials as required
to support Board activities. He was to define their duties and responsibilities
as part o[ the Board's records.
• The Chairman was to advise the Deputy Administrator periodically
on the organization, procedures, and operations of the Board and its
associated officials.
• The Chairman was to ensure that the counsel to the Board
maintained memoranda records covering areas of possible litigation.
p.m., January 27. Significant information was included on communica-
February tions, instrumentation, electrical power, environmental control, guidance
and navigation, and stabilization and control.
Borman reported that the debris removal plan approved by the Board was
progressing satisfactorily and that the next phase would use protective
plywood covers for the couches to permit detailed examination of the
command module interior.
Liaison Officer: Duncan Collins, Special Adviser, Secretary of the Air Force,
Skylab Program.
Maxime Faget, MSC, distributed a draft report on the use of internal and
external power on the command module for the information of the Apollo
204 Review Board.
Frank Borman, MSC, was granted release of the impounded flight suits of
the backup crew, for egress testing. The Board was to observe the test
February 5.
"Board Proceedings," p. 3-17.
Lt. Col. William D. Baxter, Air Force Eastern Test Range, reported to the
Apollo 204 Review Board that copies of statements by 90 witnesses of the
January 27 fire had been transcribed. George Jeffs of North American
Aviation announced that an NAA and AiResearch team had arrived to
inspect the 012 command module and to propose further action on the
environmental control unit and system.
Col. Charles F. Strang, USAF, said Board Chairman Floyd Thompson had
asked that the "Life Sciences" portion of the final report include an analysis
of the escape system, with redesign recommendations. The system fell
within the purview of the Ground Emergency Procedures Review Panel, the
In-Flight Fire Emergency Provisions Review Panel, the Design Review
Panel, and the Medical Analysis Panel. G. Fred Kelly, MSC, was asked to
coordinate findings.
1967 The Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences met in executive
_bma_ session to hear NASA testimony on the Apollo 204 fire. NASA Deputy
Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., said the cause of the accident had not
yet been found. Corrective actions under study included choices of CM cabin
and suit atmospheres, improved accessibility into and out of the CM cabin,
and procedures to minimize the possibility of fires and to extinguish fires if
they should occur.
Charges that the Apollo program was taking chances with lives in the effort
to beat the U.S.S.R. to the moon were "completely unfounded;.., before
every one of our manned flights, as well as our ground test simulations, we
have taken stock to be sure that there is nothing.., undone or... done, that
would in any way increase the risk to the astronauts." The astronauts had
been party to decisions and part of the review process to make sure this was
true. Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller
emphasized that the Apollo program had been "paced at a deliberate pace";
it was the longest research and development program the U.S. had ever
MSC Chief of Center Medical Programs Charles A. Berry testified that the
cabin atmosphere used in the Apollo program--100 percent oxygen at
pressure of 3.5 newtons per square centimeter (5 pounds per square inch)-
was based on extensive research over more than 10 years. The one-gas
selection was based on tradeoffs among oxygen toxicity, hypoxia, spacecraft
leakage, weight, and system reliability. And cabins had been purged with
oxygen at some 10.3 newtons per square centimeter (15 pounds per square
inch) during the prelaunch period for all manned launches since 1960 and
all spacecraft vacuum chamber tests in Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo
programs--primarily to prevent astronauts from getting the bends.
Three previous fires had occurred in the pure oxygen environment, but these
had been in simulators and caused by test equipment and procedures that
would not be used in spacecraft.
The three-door hatch, requiring 90 seconds to open, was used for the first
time on CM 012, which had an inner pressure hull and an outer shell to carry
the structural loads of reentry into the atmosphere on a return from the
moon. Danger of a fast-opening escape hatch's accidentally opening in
space--as the Mercury program's Libery Bell hatch had opened after
splashdown in July 1961--had to be considered. Research on cabin
accessibility, ongoing before the 204 accident, was now intensified.
Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Apollo Accident: Hearing, 90th Cong.,
1st sess., pt. i, Feb. 7, 1967.
Irving Pinkel, of Lewis Research Center and the Fire Propagation Panel,
presented a preliminary report to the Apollo 204 Review Board. The report
described the areas of the command module most damaged by the January
27 fire, the most probable fire paths, and the combustible materials in the
CM. The oxygen in the CM would permit burning of only 5.4 to 6.8 1967
kilograms of material. Solid combustibles in the CM included plastics in the February
nylon, polyurethane, and silcone rubber classes. The liquid-coolant
ethylene glycol could also become a fuel if it escaped from the closed coolant
The technical team from AiResearch and North American Aviation (under
NASA supervision) completed inspection of the CM 012 spacecraft
environmental control unit, preparatory to removal.
Panel 21 was formed for service module disposition. It would plan and
execute SM activities and obtain Board approval for demating the command
and service modules.
Following are the names of the panels and the panel chairman and Board
monitors assigned to each panel.
MSC ASPO Manager Joseph Shea reviewed with George Jeffs of North
American Aviation a deficiency in the mission control programmer (MCP)
in spacecraft 017. Certain diodes--intended to prevent propagation of a
single-point failure into redundant circuitry--had been omitted from the
flight unit. The diodes appeared on MCP schematics but had been omitted
from the hardware because of problems in ground testing. A fix appeared
mandatory before flight. The MCP unit in spacecraft 020 would be similarly
modified before final integrated tests, to confirm that the design change had
not introduced other problems.
Shea requested a full explanation from North American "as to how the
schematics and/or drawings being used by the responsible design review
engineers did not reflect the as built conditions." A report detailing the loop-
holes in North American procedures that permitted such a condition and
the corrective actions taken to prevent such incidents in the future was 1967
requested no later than March 1. February
William W. Petynia, MSC, was given ASPO responsibility for use of the
spacecraft 012 service module in nonflight support of the Apollo program
when the Apollo 204 Review Board released the SM from further
investigation. It was to be used in subsystem tests or tests of the complete
Memo, Petynia to Assistant Manager, ASPO, and Head, Apollo Support Office,"Disposition of
the SC 012 Service Module," Feb. 10, 1967.
staff were briefed at KSC on aspects of the Apollo 204 investigation: final
report, fire propagation, photographic control, data integration, and
medical analysis. The group also visited the Pyrotechnic Installation
Building and other areas under the control of the Apollo 204 Review Board.
Board Chairman Floyd Thompson announced that the panel reports would
be signed by the panel chairmen only and that the Board monitors assigned
to the panels would be responsible for ensuring that minority views be given
proper consideration. In the event that serious differences were not resolved,
they were to be included in the panel reports for the Board's consideration.
The Board of Inquiry into the January 20 S-IVB-503 explosion at the
Douglas Sacramento Test Facility identified the probable cause as the
failure of a pressure vessel made with titanium-alloy parent-metal fusion
welded with commercially pure titanium. The combination, which was in
violation of specifications, formed a titanium hydride intermetallic that
induced embrittling in the weld nugget, thus significantly degrading the
capabilities of a weldment to withstand sustained pressure loads. The Board
recommended pressure limitations for titanium-alloy pressure vessels.
TWX, NASA Hq. to MSC, KSC, and Grumman, Feb. 8, 1967; TWX NASA Hq. to MSF C, MSC,
KSC, "Pressure Limitation on Titanium Alloy Pressure Vessels," Feb. 10, 1967; hr., William
Teir, MSFC, to MSC, Arm: Joseph F. Shea, "Titanium Pressure Vessels," Feb. 10, 1967.
Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman Floyd Thompson requested the NASA
Office of Manned Space Flight, MSFC, KSC, and MSC to furnish a detailed
description of their responsibilities, organizational relationships, and
alignment in the Apollo program. Robert W. Van Dolah (Bureau of Mines),
Chairman of the Origin and Propagation of Fire Panel, was asked to
prepare a report on fire propagation by February 15 for submission to NASA
Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr.
1967 The Board also decided to ask that special studies of the spacesuits be made
February by the manufacturer and the MSC Crew Systems Division, to provide expert
opinions on possible contributing factors to the fire and information for
future spacesuit design.
"Board Proceedings," p. 3-21.
"Board Proceedings," pp. 3-51 through $-55; NASA News Release 67-28, Feb. 15, 1967.
Selected Apollo 204 Review Board members and panel chairmen were
instructed to prepare an interim report on actions to date. The Board was to
review the report February 19 for a briefing of NASA Deputy Administrator
Seamans on February 22. Robert W. Van Dolah presented a report on
findings by the Origin and Propagation of Fire Panel, for submission to
Command module 012 was scheduled for removal from its launch vehicle
February 17 because of satisfactory progress in removing systems from it.
"Board Proceedings," p. 3-21.
1S The Apollo 204 Review Board received a detailed briefing on the anomalies
recorded before and during the CM 012 fire. The following anomalies were
transmitted by the command module telemetry system to several recording
stations: ( l ) communication difficulties, (2) high flow rate in oxygen system,
(3) disruption of alternating current, (4) telemetry readings from a
disconnected gas chromatograph connector, and (5) change in the gimbal
angle of the inertial measurement unit, which might indicate movement in
the command module. The Board asked additional testing and analysis.
"Board Proceedings," p. 3-22.
agency schedule commitments had not been made and certainly could not be
quoted until management assessments of the program had been completed February
The Apollo 204 Review Board classified the materials in and around
spacecraft 012 into three categories. Categories A and B were materials that
had significant bearing on the results of the findings or were considered
relevant to the investigation. Category C was essentially material not
involved in the event, or only affected as a consequence of the event. Most of
the Category C material would, at the time of its designation, be released to
the program office for disposition and use within what might be termed
normal program channels.
Memo, Joseph F. Shea, MSC, to distr., "Policy with respect to the use of material released from
Apollo 204 Review Board jurisdiction," Feb. 16, 1967.
Command module 012 was separated from the service module and moved to
the Pyrotechnic Installation Building for further disassembly and investiga-
The Apollo 204 Review Board approved a plan to remove the spacecraft 012
service module from the launch vehicle on February 21. The service module
was to be taken to the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building at KSC for
detailed examination and testing. Board Chairman Floyd Thompson
directed that a plan be developed to release Launch Complex 34 from
impoundage and to return it to KSC for normal use after the SM was
removed. Preparations were being made to remove the aft heatshield from
the command module to permit inspection of the CM floor from the lower
Kenneth S. Kleinknecht was designated Chairman of the CSM Configura-
tion Control Panel in the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office, MSC. He
would have authority to approve CSM changes within the limits outlined in
the ASPO Configuration Management Plan.
Memo, Manager, ASPO, to distr., "CSM Configuration Control Panel Chairman," Feb. 20,
Apollo program officials were briefed on significant information, tentative
findings, and preliminary recommendations developed by the Apollo 204
Review Board. Those present included George E. Mueller, Samuel C.
Phillips, C. H. Bolender, Frank A. Bogart, and Julian B. Bowman, all of
NASA Hq.; Robert R. Gilruth, George M. Low, and Christopher C. Kraft,
Jr., all of MSC; Kurt H. Debus, KSC; and Wernher von Braun, MSFC.
1967 Ashmun Brown, Office of Chief Counsel, KSC, was assigned to assist the
February counsel to the Board.
A formal briefing on progress of the Apollo 204 Review Board was presented
to NASA Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., David Williamson
of Seamans' staff, and Charles A. Berry, Joseph F. Shea, Donald K. Slayton,
and Walter M. Schirra, Jr., all of MSC.
Apollo Program officials, headed by NASA Associate Administrator for
Manned Space Flight Mueller, briefed Deputy Administrator Seamans,
Apollo 204 Review Board members, and those present at the February 22
briefing. The presentation included a status report on the Apollo program,
on special tests being conducted and planned as a result of the January 27
fire, and on proposed actions on the tentative Review Board findings.
The spacecraft-lunar module adapter (SLA) was removed from the launch
vehicle and moved to the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building for
William A. Lee was redesignated from Assistant Program Manager, Apollo
Spacecraft Program Office, to Manager for the LM, ASPO, at MSC. Lee
would be responsible for the management of the lunar module program,
including MSC relations with Grumman and other supporting industrial
concerns. Lee would report to ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea and would
assist him in the following areas:
NASA Administrator James E. Webb released a statement and Deputy
Administrator Robert C. Seamans' third interim report on the Apollo 204
Review Board investigation, including tentative findings and preliminary
Webb said the risk of fire in the 012 command module had been greater than
recognized when procedures were established for the January 27 manned test
that had ended in a fatal flash fire. Successful Mercury and Gemini flight
experience with pure oxygen atmospheres and the difficulty of keeping
dropped items out of complex wiring and equipment had led to placing
Velcro pads, covers over wire bundles, and nylon netting in the CM cabin.
Although mostly of low combustion material, they were not arranged to
provide barriers to the spread of fire. Soldered joints also had melted, and
leaked oxygen and fluids had contributed to the fire. The capsule rupture
caused flames to rush over and around astronaut couches to the break,
preventing the crew from opening the hatch. And the environmental
control unit would require careful examination and possible redesign.
Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman Floyd Thompson announced that the
1 NASA Deputy Administrator had signed a memorandum February 27
designating the Director, Langley Research Center, custodian of the Review
Board material.
visually inspected for cuts, chafing, improper crimping, etc. The
inspection, to begin March 2, was expected to take three or four days. March
The two crates containing the mission control programmer (MCP) for CSM
017 had been delivered to Orlando, Fla., February 26 with extensive damage.
Damage indicated that one crate might have been dropped upside down; its
internal suspension system was designed for right-side-up shock absorp-
tion. The second crate contained holes that might have been caused by a fork
lift. The MCP was returned to Autonetics Division of North American
Aviation for inspection; barring dynamic programmer problems, the
equipment was expected to be returned to KSC by March 7. The crates bore
no markings such as "This Side Up" or "Handle with Care."
Ltr., Assistant Manager, ASPO to NASA Hq., Arm: Samuel C. Phillips, "ASPO Weekly Project
Status Report to MSF," March 2, 1967.
The Apollo 204 Review Board decided to classify all material from
command module 012 as Category A or Category B items. Category A would
include all items that were damaged or identified as suspect or associated
with anomalies. Category B would include items that appeared to be
absolved of association with the January 27 accident; these would be
available to the Apollo Program Office for use in nondestructive tests, but
the Board would require copies of all test reports. Frank Borman, MSC,
announced that disassembly of the command module was scheduled for
completion by March 10.
Although the final recommendations of the Apollo 204 Review Board were
not yet in hand, MSC Deputy Director George M. Low believed the program
"should start preparing a set of criteria which must be followed before we
can resume testing in an oxygen environlnent. These criteria can then be
used either to allow us to sign waivers on our testing embargo, or to go
forward with additional messages, permitting testing, provided our criteria
are met." He said the criteria would probably differ for: (1) spacesuit testing,
(2) testing in oxygen chambers, and (3) testing within spacecraft. "They
would probably include such things as the exact environment within and
outside the exclosure; the type of flammable material; safety precautions
and procedures; and emergency procedures."
Memo, Low, MSC, to A. C. Bond, MSC, "Resumption of testing in an oxygen environment,"
March 6, 1967.
1967 "As the man asked by President Kennedy and later by President Johnson to
March take the responsibility for this program, I have provided to you information
showing the need for the 12 Saturn 1-B's and the 15 Saturn V vehicles, and
have stated that if we could get the kind of developed performance out of
these vehicles on the early flights that would give us confidence that we could
turn some of the earlier flights loose to go to the Moon, we might do this
earlier than later.
"I have stated that if it took all 15 Saturn V's to complete the mission, it
would not be done in this decade.
"Now the charts that you have seen this morning show that we are going to
exercise the Apollo Command Module, the Service Module, and the Lunar
Excursion Module around the Earth with the Saturn I-B vehicle, and that
we will be doing this in this year and next year.
"It also shows that if we can fully test out and be very sure of the performance
of the Saturn V vehicle with all of the equipment that is riding on it, we
would put men into the third or more likely the fourth vehicle. Now that
vehicle will have on it everything necessary to go to the Moon. But I cannot
tell you today that it will be turned loose to the Moon even if everything on it
is perfect, because my judgment as Administrator is that we are going to
exercise this equipment around the Earth more than that before we start for
the Moon.
"I do not believe so, and have so stated time and time again, publicly and to
this committee.
"I would like to say one other thing. In order to mobilize this effort to make
everything fit together, we have prepared schedules that have target dates on
them, and the target date for flying the fourth Saturn V has been in the
summer or early fall of 1968. So many people have said, 'What is the earliest
time you could go, isn't that really your target?' Well, obviously we want to
go as soon as we can, and obviously if everything worked perfectly, this
vehicle would be fully equipped to go. But my own judgment is that if we
get this done by the end of 1969, we will be very, very fortunate; that the
chance that we will do so, the odds that we will do so, the possibility of doing
all the work necessary is less this year than it was last. And I testified at this
table last year that it was less at that time than it had been the previous year.
So we have had in my judgment some accumulation of difficulties which
make the problem of doing it in this decade more difficult. But it is still not
out of the picture, and shall I say, not impossible, although almost 1967
impossible to think of a 1968 date." March
House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 1968 NASA Authorizatmn: Hearings, pt. 1,
90th Cong., 1st sess., Feb. 28, March 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 1967, pp. 186-87.
The aft heatshield was removed from CM 012. A close inspection disclosed
that the rupture in the floor extended about two-thirds of the circumference,
a rupture much greater than originally estimated.
"Board Proceedings," p. 3-27.
Maxime A. Faget, MSC, presented the Apollo 204 Review Board a follow-up
report on analysis of the arc indication on the lower-equipment-bay
junction-box cover plate. The plate had been delivered to the KSC Material
Analysis Laboratory and, in addition to the analysis of the arc indication,
molten material found on the bottom of the plate would also be analyzed.
Memo, Mueller to Seamans, "Weights of Major Apollo Flight Systems for Official Quotation,"
March 8, 1967.
J. Thomas Markley, Assistant Manager of ASPO, pointed out that within a
few weeks MSC would face sustaining engineering problems. Many
subcontractors not affected by the January 27 Apollo 204 accident would be
phasing out of work; also many of them would be out of business long
before the major flight program would start. He asked, "How do we now
retain that talent for some necessary period of time?" He requested that
Systems Engineering define requirements for retaining the technical
capability for the overall systems, as well as the unique subsystem capability
potentials that might need to be retained. He requested the package be
prepared for his review by April 3.
Memo, Markley to John B. Lee, R. W. Williams, and J. G. McClintock (all of MSC),
"Sustaining Engineering," March 10, 1967.
The Apollo 204 Review Board met with chairmen of Panels 12, 16, 19, and 20
(see February 7 and following entries) for critical review of their draft final
reports. The reports were accepted subject to editorial corrections. The
Witness Statements Panel (Panel 12) task had been to collect all data from
witnesses of the 204 accident, including both eyewitnesses and console
monitors, and to prepare the data for publication as appendix to the formal
report. The panel also was to analyze the sequence of events and summarize
any testimony that was contradictory to the main data.
In its final report to the Review Board the panel indicated it believed that all
persons with pertinent information regarding the accident had been
"Board Proceedings" and Append. D, "Panels 12 thru 17,"Report o/Apollo 204 Review Board
to the Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, April 5, 1967, pp. 3-28,
5-29, and D-12-3 through D-12-12.
The report of the Apollo 204 Review Board's In-flight Fire Emergency
Provisions Review Panel (No. 20) listed seven findings and accompanying
determinations. The panel had been charged with reviewing the adequacy
of planned inflight fire emergency procedures and other provisions, as well
as determining that emergency procedures existed for all appropriate
activities. Among findings and determinations were:
"Board Proceedings" and Append. D, "Panels 19 fln-u 21 ," Report of Apollo 204 Re,dew Board,
pp. 3-29 and D-20-3 through D-20-9.
The Special Tests Panel (No. 16) report to the Apollo 204 Review Board
summarized activities from January 31 to February 23, when it had been
merged with Panel 18. Panel 16 had been established to coordinate tests by
other groups into an overall coordinated test plan. For example,
flammability would be tested at several locations and the panel would
ensure coordination. Major tests such as mockups of actual configurations
and boilerplate destructive combustion tests would be considered by the
panel. (See March 31 for Panel 18 report).
"Board Proceedings" and Append. D, "Panels 12 thru 17," Report of Apollo 204 Review Board,
pp. 3-29 and D-16-3.
The Service Module Disposition Panel (No. 21) report accepted by the
Apollo 204 Review Board said test results had failed to show any SM
anomalies due to SM systems and there was no indication that SM systems
were responsible for initiating the January 27 fire.
Panel 21 had been charged with planning and executing SM activities in the
Apollo 204 investigation, beginning at the time the Board approved the
command module demate. The task was carried out chiefly by Al_)llo line
organizational elements in accordance with a plan approved by the Board
and identifying documentation and control requirements.
• Inspecting the exterior and interior areas of the service module. 1967
• Making detailed system tests of all service module systems that were March
mechanically or electrically connected to the command module at the time
of the accident.
"Board Proceedings," and Append. D, "Panels 19 thru 21," Report of Apollo 204 Review
Board, pp. 3-29 and D-21-3 through D-21-6.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips appointed a team to make a
special audit of quality control and inspection. The audit would encompass
Apollo spacecraft operations at Downey, Calif., KSC, and elsewhere as
required and would consider both contractor and government activities to
determine if problems or deficiencies existed and recommend corrective
action. The team was to use to the maximum extent the results of quality
and inspection audit activities already under way at MSC and KSC.
Specifically, the team was to (1) review inspection standards for compatibil-
ity with Apollo program requirements, the degree to which these standards
had been reduced to effective instructions and criteria for use by individual
inspectors, and consistency between sites; (2) evaluate at each activity the
program for selection, training, and evaluation of quality control and
inspection personnel; (3) evaluate the adequacy of follow-up, closeout
action and treatment by management of reported discrepancies in quality
reports, failure reports, and program action requests; (4) evaluate the
effectiveness of materials and parts control in ensuring that all materials and
parts in end items as well as those used in processing and testing were in
accordance with drawings and specifications; and (5) evaluate methods used
to ensure quality of product from vendors and subcontractors.
Phillips named Rod Middleton of NASA OMSF to chair the team. Other
members were Willis J. Willoughby, OMSF; Martin L. Raines, White Sands
Test Facility; John Berkebile, MSFC; John D. Dickenson, KSC; and Jeff
Adams and Robert Blount, MSC. Phillips requested a report by March 31.
TWX, NASA Hq. to MSC, MSFC, KSC, and White Sands Test Facility, March 14, 1967.
CSM 017 was in hold because of numerous discrepancies found in the
spacecraft (see also March 2). Of 1368 "squawks" concerning exposed
wiring, 482 had been resolved by March 14. Spacecraft mechanical mating
with the launch vehicle was projected for April 29 (but see also April 10 and
June 20).
Ltr., Assistant Manager, ASPO, MSC, to NASA Hq., Atm: Samuel C. Phillips, "Weekly Project
Status Report to MSF," March 15, 1967.
MSC informed Kennedy Space Center that, on release of the 012 service
module from further investigation, the MSC Apollo Spacecraft Program
Office would use it for program support. ASPO was establishing tests and
1967 test locations and asked KSC to deactivate SM systems and store the SM in a
March remote area for up to four weeks.
TWX, J. Thomas Markley, Assistant Manager ASPO, MSC, to Eugene McCoy, KSC, Marth 15,
LeRoy E. Day, NASA OMSF, suggested to Apollo Program Director Samuel
C. Phillips that, "if we are going to achieve a tight schedule of redesign and
test activity as a result of AS-204 [accident], a number of changes in our
mode of operation may be necessary." He recommended a concerted effort to
systematize and discipline the scheduled reporting system between OMSF,
ASPO, and the contractor. Day further suggested monthly "Black Saturday
Reviews" by ASPO with OMSF participation. The reviews would be
detailed and cover all spacecraft activities and should be given against the
same set of baselines as all program reviews. Slips against such schedules
would have to be thoroughly reviewed and a recovery plan developed.
Note, Day to Phillips, "Spacecraft redesign/test activity," March 16, 1967.
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of its Administrative
Procedures Panel (No. 15). The panel had been established February 7 to March
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of the Fracture Areas
Panel (No. 10). The panel had been charged with inspecting spacecraft 012
for structural failures in the January 27 fire and analyzing them from the
standpoint of local pressure, temperature levels, direction of gas flow, etc.
The panel inspected the spacecraft structures while they were still at Launch
Complex 34 and continued through removal of the CM heatshield.
Structural damage reports were made coinciding with spacecraft disassem-
bly phases. As major subsystems were removed from the spacecraft they were
visually inspected. Buckles, fractures, cracks, melted areas, localized arcing
or pitting in metal components, and obvious direct wire shorts were noted
and documented.
Finding--The CM cabin ruptured in the aft bulkhead adjacent to its
March juncture with the aft sidewall.
Determination--The failure occurred because of excessive meridional
tensile stress in the inner face sheet at the junction of the weld land to the
thinner face sheet. The fracture originated on the right-hand side of the
command module.
"Board Plo¢ eedings" and Append. D, "Panels 6 thru Ill," Report oJApollo Review Board, pp.
3-30 and D-10-3 through D-10-7.
The final report of the Spacecraft and Ground Support Equipment
Configuration Panel (No. 1) was accepted by the Apollo 204 Review Board.
The panel had been assigned the task of documenting the physical
configuration of the spacecraft and ground support equipment immediate-
ly before and during the January 27 fire, including equipment, switch
position, and nonflight items in the cockpit. The panel was also to
document differences from the expected launch configuration and
configurations used in previous testing (such as altitude-chamber testing).
During the investigation the panel had discovered a number of items which
might have had relevance to flame propagation:
the test. These items were of nonflight material and were not documented by 1967
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of the Security
Operations Panel (No. 14). The panel had been assigned to review existing
security practices at KSC and supporting areas for adequacy and
recommend any needed changes. Practices included access control,
personnel sign-in requirements, buddy systems, and background investiga-
tion requirements.
1N7 The panel's report submitted six findings and determinations, which
March included:
"Board Proceedings" and Append. D, "Panels 12 thru 17," Report of Apollo 204 Re_)tew Board,
pp. 3-30 and D-14-3 through D-14-7.
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of its Origin and
Propagation of Fire Panel (No. 5). The panel task had been to "conduct
inspections, chemical analyses [and] spectrographic analysis of spacecraft,
parts or rubble, or use any other useful techniques to establish point of [the
CM 012] fire origin, direction and rate of propagation, temperature
gradients and extremes. The nature of the fire, the type of materials
consumed, the degree of combustion shall be determined."
damage; failure was due to pressure overload and melting caused by the fire
in this area. March
Determination--Electrical arcing in the right-hand portion of this bay
could have provided a primary ignition source.
Finding--Evidence of electrical arcs from conductor to conductor and
from conductor to structure were found.
Determination--No arc could be positively identified as the unique
ignition source. Three were found that had all the elements needed to cause
the disaster. Two of these showed evidence of poor engineering and
"Board Proceedings" and Append. D, "Panel 5," Report olApollo 204 Review Board, pp. 3-30
and D-5-3 through D-5-15.
The final report of the Ground Emergency Provisions Panel (Panel 13)
accepted by the Apollo 204 Review Board submitted 14 findings and
determinations. The panel had been charged with reviewing the adequacy
of planned ground procedures for the January 27 spacecraft 012 manned
test, as well as determining whether emergency procedures existed for all
appropriate activities. The review was to concentrate on activity at the
launch site and to include recommendations for changes or new emergency
procedures if deemed necessary.
The panel approached its task in two phases. First, it reviewed the
emergency provisions at the time of the CM 012 accident, investigating(l)
the procedures in published documents, (2) the emergency equipment
inside and outside the spacecraft, and (3) the emergency training of the flight
crew and checkout test team. Second, the panel reviewed the methods used to
identify hazards and ensure adequate documentation of safety procedures
and applicable emergency instructions in the operational test procedures.
"Board Proceedings"; Append. A, "Board Minutes"; and Append. D, "Panels 12 thru 17,"
in Report o[ Apollo 204 Review Board, pp. 3-28 through 3-30, A-112, and D-13-3 through
The Materials Work Panel (Panel 8, also referred to as Materials Review
Panel) in its final report accepted by the Apollo 204 Review Board cited a
number of findings on flammable materials in spacecraft 012. The panel's
task had included the following, from its detailed work statement:
"* Assemble, summarize, compare and interpret requirements and data 1967
describing the flammability of nonmetallic materials exposed to the crew March
"Board Proceedings"; Append. A, "Board Minutes"; and Append. D, "Panels 6 thru 10," in
Report o[ Apollo 204 Review Board, pp. 3-30, A-112, and D-8-3 through D-8-35.
NASA announced it would use the Apollo-Saturn 204 launch vehicle to
launch the first lunar module on its unmanned test flight. Since the 204
vehicle was prepared and was not damaged in the Apollo 204 fire in January,
it would be used instead of the originally planned AS-206.
The Deputy Administrator of NASA designated Langley Research Center
custodian of all materials dealing with the investigation and review of the
January 27 Apollo 204 accident. Review Board Chairman Floyd Thompson,
LaRC, who had the responsibility of determining the materials to be
included in the final repository, determined that the following categories of
materials were to be preserved:
Final report of the Disassembly Activities Panel (No. 4) was accepted by the
Apollo 204 Review Board. Panel 4 had been assigned to develop procedures
for disassembly of spacecraft 012 for inspection and failure analysis.
Disassembly was to proceed step by step in a manner permitting maximum
information to be obtained without disturbing the evidence--in both the
cockpit and the area outside the pressure hull. Cataloging documentary
information within the spacecraft and dist)laying the removed items were a
part of the required procedures.
• Immediately after the January 27 accident, NASA KSC Security
placed Launch Complex 34 under additional security. Special guards were
assigned to the service structure and to the adjustable level at the entrance of
the CM. Controls were established for personnel access to the service
structure and the CM.
• After the couches were removed, a special false floor was suspended
from the couch strut fittings to provide access to the entire inside of the
spacecraft without disturbing any evidence. The false floor was fabricated
from aluminum angles supporting 2-centimeter-thick, 46-centimeter
plexiglass squares.
• The Review Board appointed a Panel Coordination Committee to
carry out new procedures to ensure closely controlled and coordinated
equipment removal.
The Disassembly Activities Panel cataloged and displayed the 1261 items
removed from spacecraft 012 during the investigation. The Pyrotechnics
Installation Building (PIB) at KSC was assigned as an area in which
components removed from the command module could be placed in bonded
storage yet still be available for inspection by investigative personnel. The
following areas were established in the PIB:
5. Spacecraft 014 CM--Spacecraft 014 CM (identical in configuration
to spacecraft 012) was shipped to KSC on February 1 to assist the Apollo 204 March
Review Board in the investigation. This CM was placed in the PIB and was
used for practicing difficult removals of CM 012 components.
6. Mockup No. 2--Mockup No. 2, a full-scale plywood command
module, was brought to KSC and placed in the PIB February 8. The mockup
had been configured with Velcro, debris traps, couch positioning, etc., to
duplicate CM 012 configuration at the time, of the fire.
7. Half-scale mockup--A half-scale mockup of the CM interior was
placed in the bonded display area February 8 to display half-scale interior
surface photographs taken after the fire in CM 012.
"Board Proceedings," and Append. D, "Panels 1 thru 4," Report o I Apollo 204 Rev,iew Board.
pp. 3-31 and D-4-3 through D-4-8.
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of its Test
Environment Panel (Panel 2). Panel 2 had been assigned responsibility for
the history of all test environments encountered by spacecraft 012 that were
considered germane to system validation from a fire hazard standpoint,
including qualification testing of systems and subsystems. The panel was
particularly to emphasize qualification tests in pure oxygen with regard to
pressures, temperature, time of exposure, and simulation of equipment
malfunctions. It was also to indicate any deficiencies in the test program
related to the problem; comparison with previous tests of appropriate
flight, house, or boilerplate spacecraft; and documentation of any problems
encountered which related to fire hazard.
The panel reviewed all tests pertinent to the investigation. The qualifica-
tion tests were reviewed at MSC, covering more than 1000 documents.
Vehicle tests were reviewed at North American Aviation's Downey, Calif.,
facility, covering more than 500 documents. Summaries of these efforts were
reviewed by the panel at KSC to determine any test program deficiencies.
The final report of the panel included six findings and determinations.
Among them were:
"Board Proceedings" and Append. D, "Panels 1 thru 4," Report o/the Apollo 204 Review
Board, pp. 3-32 and D-2-3 through D-2-8.
March 25-
NASA Hq. Office of Manned Space Flight informed KSC, MSFC, and MSC
April 24 of approved designations for Apollo and Apollo Applications missions:
( 1) all Apollo missions would be numbered sequentially in the order flown,
with the next mission to be designated Apollo 4, the following one Apollo 5,
etc., and (2) the Apollo Applications missions would be designated sequen-
tially as AAP-1, AAP-2, etc. The number designations would not differen-
tiate between manned and unmanned or uprated Saturn I and Saturn V
1. Consider the AS-201,202, and 203 missions part of the Saturn I (as
opposed to uprated Saturn I) series; reserve the designation Apollo 1 for
spacecraft 012; and number the following flights Apollo 2, etc., or
2. Designate the next flight Apollo 4, as indicated by Headquarters, but
apply the scheme somewhat differently for missions already flown.
Specifically, put the Apollo 1 designation on spacecraft 012 and then, for
historic purposes, designate 201 as mission l-a, 202 as mission 2 and 203 as
mission 3.
On April 24, OMSF further instructed the Centers that AS-204 would be
officially recorded as Apollo 1, "first manned Apollo Saturn flight--failed on
ground test." AS-201, AS-202, and AS-203 would not be renumbered in the
"Apollo" series, and the next mission would be Apollo 4.
TWX, Mueller, NASA OMSF, to KSC, MSFC, MSC, "Apollo and AAP Mission Designation,"
March 25 and April 24, 1967; hr., Low to Mueiler, March 30, 1967; memo, Julian Scheer, NASA
Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs, to distr., April 3, 1967.
A meeting at MSC considered fire detection systems and fire extinguishers.
Participants were G. M. Low, K. S. Kleinknecht, A. C. Bond, J. N. March
Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman Floyd Thompson asked for a report on
the Pyrotechnic Installation Building activity. Disassembly of spacecraft
012 had been completed March 27. Of 1261 items logged through the bond
room for display to Board and panel personnel, about 1000 items were from
the CM.
The final report of the Screening Committee was distributed to the Board by
George T. Sasseen, KSC, f' r review. Sasseen stated that the following items
would be retained as Category A (items damaged or identified as suspect or
associated with anomalies).
Maxime A. Faget, MSC, advised the Board that the lithium hydroxide
cartridge had been sent to MSC for analysis. Hubert D. Calahan, OMSF, was
appointed courier to handcarry the item to MSC and Richard S. Johnston,
MSC, was designated the Board's witness for the analysis. MSC's Crew
Systems Laboratory was to make the analysis and report to the Board. The
analysis was to identify contaminants to determine the quantity of carbon
dioxide in the lithium hydroxide.
At the request of the Manager of the MSC Lunar Surface Programs Office,
March NASA Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applications Homer
E. Newell considered alternate Array B configurations of the Apollo Lunar
Surface Experiments Package to alleviate a weight problem. Instead of a
single array, he selected two configurations for ALSEP III and ALSEP IV :
Ltr.. Apollo Program Director, NASA Hq., to R. O. Piland, MSC, March 29, 1967.
The Apollo Site Selection Board meeting at NASA Hq. March 29 heard MSC
presentations on lunar landing site selection constraints, results of the
Orbiter H screening, and reviews of the tasks for site analysis. MSC made
recommendations for specific sites on which to concentrate during the next
four months and recommended that the landing sites for the first lunar
landing mission be selected by August 1. The Board accepted the
recommendations. A Surveyor and Orbiter meeting the following day
considered the targeting of the Surveyor (; mission and the Lunar Orbiter
V mission. MSC representatives at the two meetings were John Eggleston
and Owen E. Maynard.
Memo, Chief, Mission Operations Div., MSC, to Manager, ASPO, "Trip Report--Apollo Site
Sele_ tion Board and Surveyor 'Orbitcl (qilization C()mmittee Meetings," April 20, 1967.
March 29-
H. C. Creighton, A. R. Goldenberg, and Guy N. Witherington, all of KSC,
April 4 inspected spacecraft 101 wire bundles March 29 at the request of CSM
Manager Kenneth S. Kleinknecht of MSC. Kleinknecht had asked that they
give him a recommendation as to whether the bundles should be removed or
whether they could be repaired in place. On April 4, they reported to
Kleinknecht that time had not been sufficient to determine the complete
status of the wiring. A superficial inspection about five-percent complete
had indicated some serious discrepancies, for which they made some
recommendations, but they recommended a more detailed inspection of the
spacecraft 101 wire bundles.
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the report of its Sequence of Events
Panel (No. 3), which had been charged with analyzing data from
immediately before and during the January 27 fire, including digital,
analog, voice communications, and photography. The data was required to 1967
display significant events as they occurred with the precise time tag. Time March
histories of all continuous or semicontinuous recorded parameters and
correlation of parameter variations and events were to be recorded, as well as
interpretation of the analysis results. Where pertinent, normal expected
variations were to be compared with those actually obtained.
Panel 3 had served as a separate panel from January 31 through February 23,
when it was merged with the Integration Analysis Panel (No. 18). Panel 3
reported one finding and one determination:
The Apollo 204 Review Board met with its Test Procedures Review Panel
(Panel No. 7) to complete acceptance of the panel's final report. The panel
had been established February 7 to document test procedures actually
employed during the day of the January 27 accident and to indicate
deviations between planned procedures and those used. The panel was to
determine changes that might alleviate fire hazard conditions or that might
provide for improved reaction or corrective conditions and review the
changes for applicability to other tests.
"Board Proceedings" and Append. D, "Panels 6 thru 10," Report of Apollo 204 Review Board,
pp. 3-33 and D-7-3 through D-7-13.
The Apollo 204 Review Board was scheduled to review the final report of its
Historical Data Panel (Panel No. 6). The panel had been assigned to
assemble, summarize, and interpret historical data concerning the
spacecraft and associated systems pertinent to the January 27 fire. The data
were to include such records as the spacecraft log, failure reports, and other
quality engineering and inspection documents. In addition the panel
prepared narratives to reflect the relationship and flow of significant review
and acceptance points and substantiating documentation and presented a
brief history of prelaunch operations performed on spacecraft 012 at
Kennedy Space Center.
In its final report to the Review Board the Historical Data Panel submitted
eight findings and determinations. Among them were:
"Board Proceedings" and Append. D, "Panels 6 thru 10," Report oJ Apollo 204 ReY,iew Board,
pp. 3-33 and D-6-3 through D-6-7.
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of its Design Review
Panel (No.9), whose duty had been to conduct Critical Design Reviews of
systems or subsystems that might be potential ignition sources within the
Apollo command module cockpit or that might provide a combustible
condition in either normal or failed conditions. The panel was also to
consider areas such as the glycol plumbing configuration; electrical wiring
and its protection, physical and electrical; and such potential ignition
sources as motors, relays, and corona discharge. Other areas would include
egress augmentation and the basic cabin atmosphere concept (one-gas
versus two-gas).
The panel's final report to the Review Board contained findings on ignition
and flammability, cabin atmosphere, review of egress process, and review of
the flight and ground voice communications. Among them were:
Finding--The spacesuit contained power wiring to electronic circuits.
March The astronauts could be electrically insulated.
Determination--Both the power wiring and potential for static
discharge constituted possible ignition sources in the presence of
combustible materials. The wiring in the suit could fail from working or
Finding--Sixty seconds were required for unaided crew egress from the
CM. The hatch could not be opened with positive cabin pressure above
approximately 0.17 newtons per sq cm (0.25 psi). The vent capacity was
insufficient to accommodate the pressure buildup in the Apollo 204
Determination--Even under optimum conditions emergency crew
egress from Apollo 204 spacecraft could not have been accomplished in
sufficient time.
"Board Proceedings" and Append. D, "Panels 6 thru 10," Report oJ Apollo 204 Review Board,
pp. 3-33 and D-9-3 through 3-9-13.
The Integration Analysis Panel (No. 18) was rewriting its final report to the 1967
Apollo 204 Review Board. Panel 18 had been assigned to review information
from all task groups and make the final technical integration of the
evidence. Panels 3 and 16 had been merged with Panel 18 on February 23. In
its final report to the Review Board, Panel 18 listed:
Finding--At the time of the observed fire, data including telemetry and
voice communications indicated no malfunctioning spacecraft systems
(other than the live microphone).
Determination--Existing spacecraft instrumentation was insufficient
by itself to provide data to identify the source of ignition.
"Board Proceedings" and Append. D, "Panel 18," Report of Apollo 204 Review Board, pp. 3-
33 and D-18-3 through D-18-51.
The final report of the Medical Analysis Panel (No. 11) to the Apollo 204
Review Board was processed for printing. The panel had been assigned to
provide a summary of medical facts with appropriate medical analysis for
investigation of the January 27 fire. Examples were cause of death,
pathological evidence of overpressure, and any other areas of technical value
in determining the cause of accident or in establishing corrective action.
The panel report indicated that at the time of the accident two NASA
physicians were in the blockhouse monitoring data from the senior pilot.
Upon hearing the first voice transmission indicating fire, the senior NASA
physician turned from the biomedical console to look at the bank of
television monitors. When his attention returned to the console the
bioinstrumentation data had stopped. The biomedical engineer in the
1967 Acceptance Checkout Equipment (ACE) Control Room called the senior
March medical officer for instructions. He was told to make the necessary alarms
and informed that the senior medical officer was leaving his console. The
two NASA physicians left the blockhouse for the base of the umbilical tower
and arrived there shortly before ambulances and a Pan American physician
arrived at 6:43 p.m. The three physicians went to the spacecraft; time of their
arrival at the White Room was estimated to be 6:45 p.m. EST.
By this time some 12 to 15 minutes had elapsed since the fire began. After a
quick evaluation it was evident that the crew had not survived the heat,
smoke, and burns and it was decided that nothing could be gained by
attempting immediate egress and resuscitation.
6:31:30 p.m. EST. By this time at least one spacesuit had failed, introducing
cabin gases to all suit loops.
Deterrnination--The crew was exposed to a lethal atmosphere when
the first suit was breached.
"Board Proceedings" and Append. D, "Panel 11," Report of Apollo 204 Review Board, pp. 3-
33 and D-II-3 through D-11-9.
ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea requested that the White Sands Test Facility
be authorized to conduct the descent propulsion system series tests starting
April 3 and ending abol_t May 1. The maximum expected test pressure
would be 174 newtons per sq cm (253 psia), normal maximum operating
pressure. The pressure could go as high as 179 newtons per sq cm (260 psia)
according to the test to be conducted.
Memo, Shea to (;ilruth, "Request [or authorization to conduct a pressure test," March 31, 1967.
In reply to a request from NASA Hq., CSM Manager Kenneth S.
Kleinknecht told Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips that 1
1967 replacement of the service module 017 oxidizer tank was based on a double
Aprll repair weld of the method 2 kind in that tank. This kind of repair, he said,
resulted in a weld chemistry similar to the weld on the S-IVB helium bottle
that had failed, as had only recently been determined by examination of the
secondary-propulsion-system tank repair weld. There was insufficient proof
that titanium hydride concentrations could not occur in the double meth-
od-2 repair weld, and replacement of the tank would preclude any question
as to the integrity of the tank. The decision was delayed as long as possible in
the hope of developing technical justification of weld integrity. When that
was not achieved and there was little confidence that justification could be
developed in the near future, the decision was made directing the tank
change. The activity would not cause additional schedule time loss, as it was
already necessary to repeat the spacecraft integrated test because of wiring
Ltr., Kleinknecht to Phillips, "Delay in Direction to Effect Service Module Tank Change,"
April 1, 1967.
The mission profile for the first manned Apollo flight would be based on
that specified in Appendix AS-204 in the Apollo Flight Mission
Assignments Document dated November 1966, the three manned space
flight Centers were informed. Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips
said the complexity of the mission was to be limited to that previously
planned, and therefore consideration of a rendezvous exercise would be
dependent upon the degree of complication imposed on the mission.
"There will be no additions that require major new commitments such as
opening a CM hatch in space or exercising the docking subsystem."
TWX, Phillips to MS(;, MSFC, and KS(;, "First Manned Mission," April 5, 1967.
The Apollo 204 Review Board transmitted its final formal report to NASA
Administrator James E. Webb, each member concurring in each ot the
findings, determinations, and recommendations concerning the January 27
spacecraft fire that took the lives of three astronauts.
During the review the Board had adhered to the principle that reliability of
the CM and the entire system involved in its operation was a requirement
common to both safety and mission success. Once the CM had left the earth's
environment the occupants were totally dependent on it for their safety. It
followed that protection from fire as a hazard required much more than
quick egress. Egress was useful only during test periods on earth when the
CM was being readied for its mission and not during the mission itself. The
risk of fire had to be faced, but that risk was only one factor pertaining to CM
reliability that must receive adequate consideration. Design features and
operating procedures intended to reduce the fire risk must not introduce
other serious risks to mission success and safety.
The Apollo 204 ReviewBoardstudiedApollo spacecraft014 (left) in its
investigation of the January 27, 1967, fire in the similar CM 012 (right,
photographed after the fire). The interior views show the forward section of the
left-hand equipment bay, below the environmental control unit in each
spacecraft. The DC power cable crosses over aluminum tubing and under a
lithium hydroxide access door (removed in the photo of the damaged CM 012).
The Board determined this was the area of the most probable initiator of the fire.
and 21 and May 10. Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences 1967
hearings were held April 11, 13, and 17 and May 4 and 9 (see May 9-10, 1967, Aprll
and Appendix 8).
Report o[ Apollo 204 Review Board to the Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, April 5, 1967, transmittal letter and pp. 6-1 through 6-3; House (_mmittee on
Science and Astronautics, Subcommittee on NASA Oversight, Investigation into Apollo 204
Accident: Itearings, 90th Cong., 1st sess., vols. 1-3, April 10, 11, 17, 21, May 10, 1967; Senate
Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Apollo Accident: Hearings, 90th Cong., 1st
sess., pts. 3-7, April 11, 13, and 17, May 4 and 9, 1967.
April 6: A program of biology training for lunar mission crews was formulated.
,Spri/10: MSC's ASPO Manager George M. Low established two task teams to investigate CSM electrical
systems and flammable materials.
/Ipri/27: NASA Task TeamlBIock II CSM Redefinition was established in residence at North American
Aviation to provide timely decisions during spacecraft redefinition following the January 27 AS-204
May I: NASA estimated that the impact of the AS-204 accident on program corn for FY 1967 and 1968
would be $81 million.
May 18: Crew members for the Apollo 7 (first manned Apollo flight) were named: Walter M. Schirra, Jr.,
Donn F. Eisele, and R. Walter Cunningham.
]Rne I: A meeting at MSC discussed CSM and LM changes, schedules, and related test and hardware
A_g_st l: Lunar Orbiter V was launched; five potential Apollo landing sites were photographed during
A_g,,st 18: The NASA Block II CSM Redefinition Task Team, established April 27, was phased out.
September 6: An Apollo System Safety program was established by NASA Hq.
October 5: An Apollo Spacecraft Incident Investigation and Reporting Panel was established at MSC.
October 24-November 3: Eberhard F. M. Rees made a preliminary survey at North American Rockwell
before forming an Apollo Special Task Team to support MSC on manufacturing problems.
November 4: NASA announced an Apollo mission schedule for six flights in 1968 and five in 1969.
November 9: The Apollo 4 mission was successfully flown. The spacecraft landed in the PacificOcean after
an 8-hour 37-minute flight.
December I6: NASA and North American Rockwell personnel reached decisions on flammability
problems related to coax cables in CMs.
December 17: A LM test failed at Grumman when a window shattered during the initial pressurization test
of the LM-5 ascent stage.
December 25: The first fire-in-the hole test was successfully completed at White Sands Test Facility. The
vehicle test configuration was LM-2.
January 2: The Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight summarized key decisions required to
certify the Apollo for manned flight.
]ans_ary 17: Eberhard Rees, Director of the Apollo Special Task Team at North American Rockwell,
Downey, told ASPO Manager George M. Low he had found "serious quality and reliability resources
]anxary 22: NASA launched Apollo 5, the first LM flight (unmanned). The AS-204 launch vehicle was used.
]anHary 24: CSM Manager Kenneth S. Kleinknecht listed what he thought were the chief problems facing
the program.
Febrr, ary 5: The Senior Flammability Board decided on action to prepare for a 60-percent oxygen/40 per-
cent nitrogen prelaunch atmosphere in CSM 101.
February 28: Priorities for scientific objectives vs mission operations for the first lunar landing mission
were established.
April 4: Apollo 6 was launched on a Saturn V booster, with an unmanned Block I CSM and a lunar test
article. The spacecraft landed in the Pacific Ocean in good condition.
April 5-7: A 48-hour delayed-recovery test was successfully conducted in the Gulf of Mexico with three
astronauts in CSM 007.
April I0: The Apollo Program Director said a TV camera would be carried in CM 101 (Apollo 7).
May 6: Lunar landing research vehicle No. 1 crashed at Ellington AFB, Tex., during a training flight.
Astronaut Nell A. Armstrong ejected and suffered minor injuries. The vehicle was a total loss.
May 28: The LM ascent engine problem was resolved, with North American Rockwell's Rocketdyne
Division responsible for delivery. The engines would be furnished by Bell Aerosystems Co. to
Rocketdyne, and the Rocketdyne injector installed in the engine.
July 3: The final drop test to qualify the CSM earth landing system was successfully conducted.
August 9: ASPO Manager George M. Low initiated a series of actions that resulted in the ultimate decision
several months later to send Apollo 8 on a lunar-orbit mission.
Asgust 30: The Director of the Apollo Special Task Team at North American Rockwell, notified the
contractor that the facilities there were relinquished to the company. The team's mission was ended.
September 23: The Apollo Guidance Software Task Force submitted its final report.
October 11: Apollo 7 was successfully launched from Kennedy Space Center on a Saturn IB launch vehicle.
The first manned Apollo flight was completed October 22.
A program of biology training for lunar mission crews was formulated as
part of a comprehensive Block II Training Plan being reviewed by the Aprll
A flash report sent to the NASA Apollo Program Director by ASPO Manager
George M. Low at MSC informed him that all the fuel-cell gaseous-nitrogen
titanium-alloy tanks were suspected of having contaminated welds. The
problem was detected during an acceptance test. Preliminary investigation
revealed the weld had become contaminated during girth weld repair,
because of incomplete purging of the tank's interior. All rewelded tanks
were therefore liable to be contaminated and records were inadequate to
identify which tanks had been rewelded. The following actions had been
directed by Low for use on spacecraft 017 and 020: (1) cyclic and proof
pressure test at pressures well above normal operating followed by x-ray and
dye penetrant inspection on replacement tanks for spacecraft 017 fuel cells;
1N7 and (2) removal of the spacecraft 017 tanks and replacement with tanks
/_rll subjected to (1) above was planned. It was expected that this could be
accomplished without removal of the fuel cells, and the replacement of the
three tanks was not expected to affect the 017 schedule.
MSC informed NASA Hq. that the spacecraft 017 inertial measurement
unit (IMU) was being removed to replace capacitors that were suspect after a
number of failures with qualified mylar capacitors. Replacement was
expected to delay mechanical mating of the spacecraft and launch vehicle an
estimated two days. The guidance and navigation subsystem would be
retested during the integrated spacecraft system tests with the launch vehicle
simulator. Headquarters was also advised that all other IMUs in the
program had been retrofitted to eliminate the suspect capacitor. Five days
later, CSM Manager Kenneth Kleinknecht told KSC that MSC understood
that the original impact had been increased to five days, but asserted the
change was still mandatory.
TWXs, George M. Low, MSC, to S. C. Phillips, NASA OMSF, April 10, 1967; Kleinknecht,
MSC, to KSC, April 15, 1967.
MSC ASPO Manager George M. Low told Sydney C. Jones, Jr., MSC
Communications and Power Branch, that he wanted to establish two task
teams on CSM electrical systems. The first team would study the wiring
harnesses on spacecraft 2TV-1 and 101 and all subsequent spacecraft to
determine actions needed to save the harnesses as installed. Low asked:
"Can a sufficient number of nylon wire bundle ties be replaced to meet the
requirements of our new materials specification? Can silicone rubber
padding and chafing guards be replaced? What fixes must be incorporated to
meet requirements of the recent inspection activities? Has the harness been
mistreated in recent months, as was mentioned to me by some of the
astronauts? How about water glycol spillage in 101?" The task team was to
include members from the Engineering and Development and Flight Crew
Operations Directorates, the Flight Safety Office, and the Reliability,
Quality, and Test Division. Low asked firm recommendations concerning
the harnesses in spacecraft 2TV-1 and 101 by April 15 if possible.
North American manufacturing personnel route electrical wires on a jig board as
they prepare the CM 107 crew compartment wiring harness.
The second task team would study flammable materials used with all other 1967
electrical systems. Low referred "specifically to the RTV [room temperature /_orll
vulcanizing] used on the backs of circuit-breaker panels and elsewhere; the
circuit breakers themselves; the electroluminescent panels; and any other
materials generally associated with the electrical system." Low said
Structures and Mechanics Division (SMD) had done some very promising
work with coatings for the circuit-breaker panels but these coatings might
not be applied to some of the panels because of the open mechanical
elements of many of the switches. He recommended that Jones ask
representatives from SMD, the Instrumentation and Electronics Systems
Division, and the Flight Safety Office to work with him. Low asked Jones to
let him know by April 12 when it would be possible to make specific
recommendations as to what needed to be done.
George Low requested William M. Bland, MSC, to take action on two
recommendations made by MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth: (1) Take stereo
color photos of all spacecraft areas before they were closed out. This
procedure had been invaluable during the Apollo Review Board's activities
at KSC, and the same technique, applied during the manufacturing process
Aprll of current spacecraft, might help answer questions raised subsequent to the
closeout of an area and thereby save time. (2) Make additional requirements
for the use of cover plates over spacecraft wire bundles. Greater use of cover
plates during manufacturing, test, and perhaps even flight would prevent
damage during subsequent activities.
Memo, Low to Bland, "Stereo photographs of spacecraft activities," April 10, 1967.
An investigation at Grumman compared flammability characteristics of
blankets representative of the external LM vehicle insulation with those of
unshielded mylar blankets. When subjected to identical ignition sources,
the mylar specimens burned during all phases of testing. Localized charring
and perforation were the only visible signs of degradation in specimens
simulating the LM shielding. The conclusion was that the protection of
mylar blankets by H-Film in the LM configuration effectively decreased the
likelihood of ignition from open flame or electrical arcing.
NASA Hq. informed the Directors of the manned space flight Centers that
responsibility for approval of pressure vessel tests was being returned to
normal Center management channels. Because of the failure of the 503
launch vehicle S-IVB stage and other pressure vessel problems, testing had
been restricted by the office of the Apollo Program Director. The Program
Director now returned to the Center Directors "responsibility for approving
pressurization tests of pressure vessels in spacecraft modules, launch vehicle
stages, and ground support equipment within their Apollo program
TWX, Apollo Program Director to Center Directors,"Responsibility for Approval of Tests and
Pressure Vessels," April 14, 1967.
CM mockup tests by the Structures and Mechanics Division at the MSC
Thermochemical Test Area had shown that significant burning occurred in
oxygen environments at a pressure of 11.4 newtons per square centimeter
(16.5 psia). The tests, in which most of the major crew bay materials had
been replaced by Teflon or Beta cloth, consisted of deliberately igniting crew
bay materials sequentially in two places. The Division recommended that
operation with oxygen at 11.4 newtons in the crew compartment be
eliminated and that either air or oxygen at 3.5 newtons per sq cm (5 psia) be
used. In reply, the ASPO Manager pointed out that "Dr. Gilruth has
indicated a strong desire to avoid the use of air on the pad which requires
subsequent spacecraft purges. Accordingly, we should maintain the option
of launching with a pure oxygen cabin environment until such time as
additional tests indicate it would not be feasible." April
Memos, Chief, MSC Structures and Mechanics Div., to Manager, ASPO, "Use of 16.5 psia
oxygen as a cabin environment," April 14, 1967; Manager, ASPO, to Joseph N. Kotanchik,
"Command and Service Module environment at launch," April 18, 1967.
A meeting at MSC considered requirements of the Apollo flight program
before the first lunar landing mission. Present were C. H. Perrine, MSC
Mission Operations Division, and Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., Sigurd A.
Sjoberg, John D. Hodge, Eugene F. Kranz, Morris V. Jenkins, and Robert E.
Ernull, all of Flight Operations Directorate. Most significant opinions
resulting from the meeting were:
Memo for File, Perrine, "Meeting with FOD on Apollo Flight Program," April 17, 1967.
ASPO Manager George M. Low pointed out to MSC Director of
Engineering and Development Maxime A. Faget that apparently no single
person at MSC was responsible for spacecraft wiring. Low said he would
like to discuss naming a subsystem manager to follow this general area,
including not only the wiring schematics, circuitry, circuit-breaker
protection, etc., but also the detailed design, engineering, fabrication, and
installation of wiring harnesses.
Memo, Low to Faget, "Subsystem manager for spacecraft wiring," April 18, 1967.
NASA Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips signed a directive
defining the requirements, responsibilities, and inter-Center coordination
1967 necessary for development, control, and execution of test and checkout
April plans and procedures for preparing and launching Apollo-Saturn space
vehicles at KSC.
Memo, Chief, Apollo Program Planning, NASA OMSF, to distr., "Apollo Weekly Status
Report," April 21, 1967.
A fire broke out in the Bell Aerosystems Test Facility, Wheatfield, N.Y., at
2:30 a.m. April 20. Early analysis indicated the fire was started by
overpressurization of the ascent engine's propellant-conditioning system,
which caused the system relief valve to dump propellant into an overflow
bucket. The bucket in turn overflowed and propellant spilled onto the floor,
coming into contact with a highly oxidized steel grating. Contact was
believed to have initiated combustion and subsequently an intense, short-
duration fire. The fire began in the test facility building near the altitude
chamber and fuel tanks and spread to the inside of the altitude chamber.
Among the effects of the fire on the program were (1) about four weeks'
requirement to repair the LM ascent engine test facility, (2) tests delayed
accordingly, and (3) delay of the acceptance test of the LM-2 ascent engine.
On April 26, a small localized fire occurred in Test Cell No. 3G at the Bell
Aerosystems Test Center in Porter, N.Y. Preliminary reports indicated that a
LM ascent engine bipropellant valve had been tested as a valve injector
assembly but was not connected to an injector at the time of the fire. This
valve was being purged with nitrogen on the fuel side and water on the
oxidizer side in preparation for flushing. A very small quantity of fuel had
spilled from the valve during hookup to the flush stand. When the water
started to flush through the oxidizer side, a loose connector allowed oxidizer
to come in contact with the spilled fuel and the fire resulted. No one was
injured; damage was estimated at $250.
ASPO Manager George Low received a message from NASA Hq. May 3
expressing concern that the two fires within one week might be symptomatic
of inadequate test procedures and personnel training, which could lead to a
more serious accident. Headquarters requested results of the investigations
and notice of corrective action taken to prevent future incidents.
TWXs, Low to NASA Hq., Atm : Apollo Program Director, April 26, 1967; NASA Hq. to Low,
May 3, 1967.
NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller
instructed NASA Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips, MSC
Director Robert R. Gilruth, and KSC Director Kurt H. Debus to review all
findings and recommendations of the Apollo 204 Review Board and assign
responsibility to an appropriate person for (a) program office evaluation of
the findings and recommendations, (b) the action to be taken on each
finding or recommendation, (c) the date on which this action was to be
completed, and (d) the preparation of a report closing out the accident.
Upon completion of items (a) and (b) above, the responsible subsystem or
system manager was to review his evaluation and planned actions with the
Chairman of the Board panel responsible for determining the findings and
recommendations, to be sure that they had been properly interpreted.
Appropriate certification of facts would be signed by the panel Chairman.
Mueller specified that "Review Boards at the two Centers, either assistingor
set up for this review, should review the above actions with respect to the
findings and recommendations of the 204 Review Board; and to each other
to be sure that we have a consistent and adequate approach to the problems
and that the statement of actions and the actions themselves are feasible, and
are clearly enough expressed so as to be unambiguous in content."
Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Apollo Program Director, formed a task group
under the direction of Harold Russell of NASA Hq. to begin preparation of
a detailed inspection standards publication.
The task force would use pictures and discrepancy reports, the Apollo 204
Review Board report, and special inspections of spacecraft 012, 014, 017,020,
and 101 and LM-1.
During preparation of the uniform set of manned space flight standards, the
quality control and inspection standards Centers had previously imposed
upon their contractors would not be changed without approval of the
Apollo Program Office. Phillips estimated that the project might be
completed in about a month.
TWX, Phillips to Robert R. Gilruth, MSC, Kurt H. Debus, KSC, and Wernher von Braun,
MSFC, April 25, 1967.
TWX, ASPO Manager to NASA Hq., Atm: Apollo Program Director, April 26, 1967.
1967 Astronaut Frank Borman was named Task Team Manager and group
Apdl leaders were: Design, Aaron Cohen; Quality and Reliability and Test and
Checkout Procedures, Scott H. Simpkinson; Materials, Jerry W. Craig;
Specifications and Configuration Control, Richard E. Lindeman; and
Scheduling, Douglas R. Broome.
Astronaut Donn F. Eisele. a member of the Block II Wiring Investigating
Team, wrote the ASPO Manager his reservations as to whether the wiring in
spacecraft 101 could be salvaged and made safe for flight. "To render
positive assurance of wiring integrity, strong consideration should be given
to replacing the entire 101 harness with a new, like item--made to the same
drawings as the present harness, but constructed and installed under more
rigorous quality control measures; and using non-flammable materials.
The replacement harness should be installed at the outset in protective trays
and covers now being implemented at NAA [North American Aviation]. A
wiring overlay could be installed later, to accommodate recent spacecraft
design changes, if adequate space is provided in the protective trays,
connector support provisions, etc. This should provide a harness of good
quality and known condition to start with; and the protection and quality
control measures should keep its integrity intact." (Eisele was the pilot on
the Apollo 7 mission--the first manned Apollo mission and the one on
which spacecraft 101 was used.)
Ltr., Eisele to ASPO Manager, "Spacecraft 101 wiring," April 27, 1967.
April 28-
Spacecraft delivery date and ground rule discussions were summarized by
May 16 MSC ASPO Manager George M. Low in a letter to North American
Aviation's Apollo Program Manager Dale D. Myers. Low referred to an
April 23 letter from Myers and April 25 talks at Downey, Calif.
Basic was "an MSC ground rule that the first manned flight should be an
open-ended mission; and that 2 TV 1 (a test spacecraft) would be a constraint
on that mission. I also stated that I would like to achieve a delivery date for
Spacecraft 101 that is no later than November, 1967, and that all
constraining tests on 2TV 1 should be completed one month before the
flight of 101. I further stated that the proposed delivery dates for Spacecraft
103 and subsequent spacecraft were not good enough and that we should
strive to achieve earlier dates.
"In summary, we did not agree with the basic ground rules stated in your
April 23, 1967, letter. These ground rules essentially implied that 101 was to
be limited to a six-orbit mission, and to be delivered as early as possible at the
expense of all other spacecraft. Instead, we stated that it is NASA's position
to achieve a balanced program involving the earliest possible deliveries
when all spacecraft are considered and not just the first one."
A further exchange of letters May 8 and 16 reached agreement on target
delivery dates and ground rules. Testing of thermal vacuum test vehicle Aprll
Ltrs., Low to Myers, April 28 and May 8, 1967; Myers to Low, May 16, 1967.
MSC estimated the effect of the Apollo 204 fire on program costs for FY 1967
and 1968, in reply to April 26 instructions from NASA Apollo Program 1
Further, the program extension resulting from the accident would require
an additional budget allocation during FY 1969 and continuing through
program runout. A May 4 message from MSC confirmed the information
telephoned to Headquarters May 1.
The following ground rules had been used in estimating the cost impact:
TWXs, NASA Hq. to MSC, "Cost hnpact of 204 Accident," April 26, 1967; MSC to NASA Hq.,
"Cost Impact of the 204 Accident," May 4, 1967.
mechanical integrity against bending and vibration as well as for sealing.
May Insertion should be two to three times the diameter so that bending could be
carried by the bearing of the tube in the sleeve, and the solder would only
have to seal.
• Wiring harnesses. Wiring in the Block II spacecraft had a number of
problems, the real significance of which was difficult to evaluate. Numerous
instances of damaged insulation (bare conductor) had been found and the
repairs had, in turn, resulted in more damage. At least once, split insulation
(bare conductor) had been found inside a wire bundle; it could have been in
the wire as received or could have resulted from cold flow.
• Modification procedure. MSC planned to make the changes in the
Block II spacecraft by working directly from mockup to the spacecraft, using
sketches and a minimum of paper work. While this kind of an operation
could get a job done in a hurry, it required a strong leader, thoroughly
experienced in working with engineering and factory people and
procedures, and rigorous adherence to a minimal streamlined paper system.
All "engineering" must be on drawings and all fabrication work must be
inspected at least as rigorously as in a normal manufacturing process.
Memo, White to Phillips, "MSC plan presented on April 29, 1967," May 1, 1967.
TWXs, MOL Systems Program Office, Los Angeles, to MSC, "Request for Briefing on Safety
Studies and Associated Tests," May 2, 1967; MSC to Space Systems Div., USAF, May 3,1967.
ASPO Manager George M. Low asked the Chairman of the Apollo 204
Review Board to consider releasing CM 014 for use in the Apollo program. If
the Review Board had a continuing need for the CM, Low requested that
consideration be given to release of certain individual items needed for the
Apollo Mission Simulator program. Board Chairman Floyd L. Thompson
notified Low on June 22 that the CM mockup and CM 014 were no longer
required by the Review Board and that their disposition might be
determined by the ASPO Manager.
Memo, Low to Chairman, Apollo 204 Review Board,"Release of Command Module 014," May
2, 1967; TWX, Thompson to MSC, Atm: George M. Low, June 22, 1967.
NASA Block II Redefinition Task Team group leaders and CSM Program
Manager Kenneth S. Kleinknecht arrived at North American Aviation Space
Division at Downey May 2, followed by Task Team Manager Frank Borman
the next day. Borman met with North American management May 4 to
ensure understanding of the team plan and objectives. An afternoon
meeting with NASA and North American Task Managers and group leaders May
reviewed the status of the Block II Redefinition task.
1. Ninety-five percent of the wires and break points had been defined,
including additional wires for changes (approximately 200) plus the
existing open items on spacecraft 101. Schematics for manufacturing and
preparation of integrated schematics were to be available May 30.
2. AiResearch environmental control system components had been
reviewed by North American and direction transmitted for materials
3. North American was planning no compartment closeouts behind
the front panels. This was unacceptable to NASA and closeouts would be
4. North American definition and review of all spacecraft materials
applications were in progress, but Borman reported the progress was too
slow to date and that a plan for expediting was under consideration.
5. Fire extinguisher interfaces had not yet been identified. A meeting
was planned during the next week to resolve the problem.
6. NASA reaffirmed to North American the intention that DITMCO
(an inspection process) of the completed installed harness be performed as
late as possible and that harness protection be reinstalled immediately
after DITMCO. Connectors which could not be DITMCOed must be
reviewed with NASA, connector by connector.
7. NASA reaffirmed that a crew compartment fit and function test was
required on each spacecraft at Downey.
8. Two meetings had been held on the Downey spacecraft 101 test and
checkout. Definition of requirements was progressing rapidly and was
expected to be completed and signed off by May 5. A schedule would be
prepared for distribution on May 9, for the preparation, review and final
approval of the operational checkout procedures necessary for the approved
test requirement. The launch site test plan for spacecraft 101 would be
discussed in a meeting at Downey May 9, and this meeting would be
followed by a discussion of spacecraft 2TV-1 Downey test requirements as
related to the Houston tests for the spacecraft 101 mission.
9. The Test Group of the Task Team planned to work closely with the
Checkout Working Group and would be represented in its next meeting in
Downey on May 11.
10. Rework resulting from the wiring inspection of spacecraft 101 was
not proceeding as rapidly as desired; however, Borman reported that more
efficient procedures were being prepared and would be carried out as soon as
I 1. The Apollo spacecraft quality requirements were being reviewed
and the North American Quality Plan would be checked against these
requirements in detail.
TWX, RASPO at Downey, CaliL, to distr., "Block II Redefinition Daily Report No. 1, dated
May 4, 1967," May 5, 1967.
Circuit breakers being used in both CSM and LM were flammable, MSC
ASPO Manager George Low told Engineering and Development Director
Maxime A. Faget. Low said that although Structures and Mechanics
Division was developing a coating to be applied to the circuit breakers, such
a solution was not the best for the long run. He requested that the
Instrumentation and Electronics Systems Division find replacement circuit
breakers for Apollo--ideally, circuit breakers that would not burn and that
would fit within the same volume as the existing ones, permitting
replacement in panels already built. On July 12 Low wrote Faget again : "In
light of the work that has gone on since my May 5, 1967, memo, are you now May
NASA reported to Congress on actions taken on the Apollo 204 Review
Board's findings and recommendations concerning the January 27
spacecraft fire. Administrator James E. Webb, Deputy Administrator
Robert C. Seamans, Jr., and Associate Administrator for Manned Space
Flight George E. Mueller testified before the Senate Committee on
Aeronautical and Space Sciences May 9 and before the House Committee
on Science and Astronautics' Subcommittee on NASA Oversight May 10.
(See also September 21 and Appendix 8.)
Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Apollo Accident: Hearings, 90th
Cong., 1st sess., pts. 6-7, May 9, 1967; House Committee on Science and Astronautics,
Subcommittee on NASA Oversight, Investigation into Apollo 204 Accident: Hearings, 90th
Cong., 1st sess, vol. 3, May 10, 1967; Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1967 (NASA SP-4008,
1968), pp. 144-148.).
MSC responded to a March 29 letter from NASA Hq. concerning two arrays
of Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) experiments. MSC
said it had reviewed schedules, cost, and integration aspects of the requested
configurations and that four areas of the project apparently should be
modified to allow proper inclusion of the configurations: (1) extension of
mission support efforts by Bendix Aerospace Systems Division (BxA) for the
fourth ALSEP mission; (2) extensio_l of KSC's support efforts by BxA for the
fourth ALSEP mission; (3) extension of the ALSEP prototype test program
to encompass three distinct system configurations rather than the two in the
original plans; and (4) extension of the ALSEP qualification test program to
May encompass three distinct configurations rather than the original two. The
cost impact was estimated at $670000, and completion of the ALSEP
contract was expected to be extended three months to allow for mission
support for the fourth flight.
Ltr., Robert R. Gilruth, Director, MSC, to NASA Hq., Arm: Samuel C. Phillips, "Selection of
Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package System Configurations," May 10, 1967.
NASA Administrator James E. Webb issued a statement on selection of the
Apollo spacecraft contractor: "In the 1961 NASA decision to negotiate with
North American Aviation for the Apollo command and service modules,
there were no better qualified experts in or out of NASA on whom I could
rely than Dr. Robert Gilruth, Dr. Robert C. Seamans, and Dr. Hugh L.
Dryden. These three were unanimous in their judgment that of the five
companies submitting proposals, and of the two companies that were rated
highest by the Source Evaluation Board, North American Aviation offered
the greatest experience in developing high-performance manned flight
systems and the lowest cost.
"In the selection of North American Aviation, the work of the Source
Evaluation Board was not rejected or discarded. It was used as the basis for a
more extensive and detailed examination of all pertinent factors than the
Board had performed at the time its report was presented to Dr. Gilruth, Dr.
Seamans, Dr. Dryden and to me.
"At that point it became the responsibility of NASA's Associate
Administrator, Dr. Seamans; its Deputy Administrator, Dr. Dryden; and its
Administrator, myself, to take all steps necessary to determine whether the
facts then available formed an adequate basis for our selection of a
contractor. We decided in the affirmative and then proceeded to select the
contractor the facts indicated offered the most to the government."
NASA News Release 67-122, May 1 I, 1967.
George M. Low, Manager of the Apollo Spacecraft Program, notified NASA
Hq. that Grumman was committed to a June 28 delivery for lunar module 1
(LM-1). This date included provisions for replacement of the development
flight instrumentation harness with a new one. Low's assessment was that
the date would be difficult to meet.
TWX, Low, MSC, to NASA Hq., Attn, Lee James, "LM-1 delivery schedule," May 12, 1967.
Anthony W. Wardell of the MSC Flight Safety Analysis Office wrote Apollo
Manager Low that "the May 10 inspection further substantiates my
previous recommendation to replace, rather than rework, the [spacecraft 101
wiring] harness. In addition to the visual evidence of wire damage noted, a
book containing about 100 outstanding wire damage MRB (Material
Review Board) actions was noted on a work table near the spacecraft." He
did, however, list seven recommended suggestions to be followed in the
event the harnesses were reworked rather than replaced. The suggestions
were passed on to CSM Manager Kenneth S. Kleinknecht by Low in a
memorandum on May 13. Low requested that the suggestions be passed to May
North American Aviation as soon as possible, with additional suggestions
from MSC Quality Control Chief Jack A. Jones, who had also inspected the
Memos, Jones to Low, "Inspection of SC-101 Wire Harness Assemblies," May 10, 1967;
Wardell to Low, "Inspection of Spacecraft 101 Wiring Harnesses," May 12, 1967; Low to
Kleinknecht, "Spacecraft 101 wiring," May 13, 1967.
Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman Floyd L. Thompson appointed a
subcommittee to examine the final report of Panel 18 and prepare
recommendations regarding its acceptability for inclusion in the Board's
Report. Thompson named Maxime A. Faget, MSC, to chair the subcommit-
tee. and Frank Borman, MSC, George C. White, NASA Hq., and E. Barton
Geer, LaRC, as members. Thompson asked that the subcommittee forward
its recommendations at the earliest possible date and that it also review the
comments of North American Aviation on the validity of the findings of the
Board and its Panels.
The NASA Block II CSM Redefinition Task Team was augmented by the
assignment of Gordon J. Stoops as Group Leader-Program Control, with
the following functions:
Memo, Manager, CSM, ASPO, to distr., "Block II redefinition, command and service modules,"
May 15, 1967.
Prime and backup crews for Apollo 7 (spacecraft 101) were named, with the
assignments effective immediately. The prime crew for the engineering-test-
flight mission was to consist of Walter M. Schirra, Jr., commander; Donn F.
Eisele, CM pilot; and R. Walter Cunningham, LM pilot. The backup crew
was Thomas P. Stafford, commander; John W. Young, CM pilot; and
Eugene A. Cernan, LM pilot. Names had been reported to the Senate
Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences on 9 May.
Memo, Astronaut Office to distr., "Astronaut Technical Assignments," May 18, 1967; Senate
Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Apollo Accident: Hearings, 90th Cong., 1st
sess., pt. 6, May 9, 1967.
A Block II spacecraft vibration program was begun to provide confidence in
CSM integrity and qualify the hardware interconnecting the subsystems
within the spacecraft. A test at MSC was to simulate the vibration
1967 environment of max-q flight conditions. The test article was to be a Block II
May CSM. A spacecraft-LM adapter, an instrumentation unit, and an S-IVB
stage forward area simulation would also be used.
Memo, Chief, Systems Engineering Div. (MSL to Manager, ASPO, "Block II spa(ecraft
vibration program," with encl., "Block I1 Spa, e(J,dt Vil,lacion Progzam," May 19, 1967
MSC notified NASA Hq. that--with the changes defined for the Block II
spacecraft following the January 27 Apollo 204 fire and with CSM delivery
schedules now reestablished--it was necessary to complete a contract for
three additional CSMs requested in 1966. North American Aviation had
responded September 15, 1966, to MSC's February 28 request for a proposal,
but action on a contract had been suspended because of the AS-204 accident.
NASA Hq. on June 27, 1967, authorized MSC to proceed.
TWXs, Manager, ASPO, co NASA Hq., Attn: Samuel C. Phillips, "Authorization |or
procurement of three additional Block If CSM's," May 20, 1967; NASA [tq, Asso(iate
Administrator for Manned Space Flight to MS(:, Atm: George l.ow, June 27, 1967.
Ltrs., Titterton to MSC, Apr. 18, 1967; Low to Myers May 19, 1967; Low to Titterton, May 22,
1967; memo, ASPO Manager to R. W. Williams, "Preparation of ,hange request," May 22.
1967; Myers to Low, Aug. 11, 1967.
MSC submitted requirements to KSC that TV signals from cameras inside
the LM and CM be monitored and recorded during manned hazardous tests,
with hatch open or closed, and tests in the Vehicle Assembly Building,
launch pads, and altitude chambers. A facility camera was to monitor the
propellant-utilization gauging system during propellant loading. MSC
specified that the field of view of the TV camera should encompass the
shoulder and torso and portions of the legs of personnel at the normal flight
stations in both the CM and the LM.
Ltr., Owen G. Morris, MSC, to KSC, "Continuous Teh'vision Recording in Support o1 Manned
Apollo Tests at KSC," May 25, 1967.
ASPO Manager George Low told Charles A. Berry, MSC Director of Medical
Research and Operations, that it had been determined there was no suitable
substitute for water glycol as a coolant and it would continue to be used in 1967
the Apollo spacecraft. Low recognized that it was "essential that the effects May
Views of bay 21 before and after a "Tiger Team" checked spacecraft 101.
1967 NASA Headquarters and MSC officials attended a review of the CSM at
May North American Aviation in Downey. Following the North American
28 briefing, the group visited the wire-harness layout and assembly areas.
NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller,
with Anthony W. Wardell and Jack A. Jones of MSC, inspected the wiring
in spacecraft 101 and 2TV-1 in detail.
Memo, Kleinknecht to ASPO Manager, "Review of command and service modules," May 26,
Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman Floyd L. Thompson wrote NASA
Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., "The Apollo 204 Review
Board respectfully submits that it has fulfilled all of its duties and
responsibilities as prescribed by the Deputy Administrator's memorandum
of February 3, 1967. Accordingly, it is requested that the Apollo 204 Review
Board be dissolved."
Ltr., Thompson to Seamans, "Report of Completion of Apollo 204 Review Board Activities,"
May 26, 1967.
W. R. Downs, Special Assistant for Advanced Systems, MSC Structures and
Mechanics Division, discovered that bare or defectively insulated silver-
covered copper wires exposed to glycol/water solutions would ignite
spontaneously and burn in oxygen. Copper wire or nickel-covered copper
wire under identical conditions did not ignite. The laboratory results were
confirmed in work at the Illinois Institute of Technology. In a June 13
memorandum, the Chief of the Structures and Mechanics Division
recommended that if additional testing verified that nickel-coated wires
were free of the hazard, consideration should be given to an in-line
substitution of nickel-coated wires for silver-coated wires in the LM. It was
understood that the Block II CSM already had nickel-coated wires. In a June
20 memo to the ASPO Manager, the Director of Engineering and
Development pointed out that silver-plated pins and sockets in connectors
would offer the same hazards. He added that Downs had also identified a
chelating agent that would capture the silver ion and apparently prevent the
reaction chain. In a July 24 memorandum, ASPO Manager George Low May
said that, in view of recent spills of ethylene glycol and water mixtures,
spacecraft contractors North American Aviation and Grumman Aircraft
Engineering had been directed to begin actions immediately to ensure that a
fire hazard did not exist for the next manned spacecraft. Actions were to
include identification of the location of silver or silver-covered wires and
pins and of glycol spills.
Memos, Special Assistant for Advanced Systems to Chief, Structures and Mechanics Div.,
"Chemical reactivity of silver covered copper wires with glycol/water solutions compared to
copper or nickel covered copper wires," May 29, 1967 (rev. June 12, 1967); Chief, Structures and
Mechanics Div., to Director of Engineering and Development,"Silver-covered copper wires as a
fire producing hazard in spacecraft," June 13, 1967; Director of Engineering and Development
to Manager, ASPO, "Silver-covered copper wires as a fire producing hazard in spacecraft," June
20, 1967; Manager, ASPO, to distr., "Silver-covered copper wires as a fire producing hazard in
spacecraft," July 24, 1967.
Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp.'s method of building wiring harness
for the lunar module was acceptable, George Low, MSC Apollo Spacecraft
Program Office Manager, wrote Apollo Program Manager Samuel C.
Phillips at NASA Hq. Low had noted on a visit to Grumman on May 9 that
many of the harnesses were being built on two-dimensional boards. In view
of recent discussions of the command module wiring, Low requested
Grumman to reexamine their practice and to reaffirm their position on two-
versus three-dimensional wiring harnesses.
In his May 31 letter to Phillips, Low enclosed Grumman's reply and said
that, in his opinion, Grumman's practice was acceptable because (1) most
wire bundles on the LM were much thinner than the CSM wiring bundles
and were much more flexible; (2) portions of the LM harness were often
fabricated on a three-dimensional segment of the harness board; and (3)
connectors were usually mounted on metal brackets with the proper
direction and clocking.
Ltrs., Low to Phillips, May 31, 1967; J. G. Gavin to Low, "Use of Two andThree Dimensional
Harness Boards in Fabrication of LM Wiring," May 24, 1967; Grumman LM Manulacturing
Memo, W. B. Atchison to C. W. Rathke, "Harness Board Design--2D vs. 3D," 17 May 1967.
George M. Low told Joseph N. Kotanchik, Chief of MSC's Structures and
Mechanics Division, that actions were pending on Pratt g: Whitney pressure
vessel failures. The pressure vessels were used in the Apollo fuel cell system.
Kotanchik had spelled out a list of problem areas in connection with both
the vessels and management interface between MSC and principal
contractor North American Aviation, and between North American and its
subcontractor Pratt 8e Whitney.
Memos, Chief, Structures and Mechanics Div., to Manager, ASPO, "Conduct of Pratt and
Whitney Aircraft (PWA) on pressure vessel failure analysis," May 18, 1967; Low to Kotanchik,
"Pratt _ Whitney pressure vessel failures," May 31, 1967.
1967 MSC's Director of Flight Operations Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., told ASPO
June Manager George M. Low that his Directorate was willing to support the
flight test program presented in late May and felt that the computer
programs and operational support he had in development would support
the flights as currently scheduled. He did offer some comments on the
proposed flight test program and asked that the NASA Office of Manned
Space Flight be given an indication that his suggested program was being
considered as a future alternate approach. The comments included: "a. The
first manned LM flight appears to be most ambitious. We believe that when
the time comes, a much more conservative approach to the flight plan will
be taken because of the lack of experience with the LM spacecraft .... b. We
have the general feeling that there are insufficient flight tests scheduled in
order to prove the worthiness of the LM and that a lunar landing flight could
only follow a successfully completed schedule of LM flights .... c. We
believe that a lunar orbit flight with the CSM/LM should be included in the
flight test program, as an alternate to the third CSM/LM flight you have
proposed, or as an additional flight to the program .... d .... we believe it
feasible that one of the LM development flights could be conducted as safely
in the vicinity of the moon as in earth orbit, assuming that the CSM has been
proven at that time .... e. Finally, we believe that the lunar type flight
programs we propose would have great impact on the stature of the nation's
space program ....
Memos. Owen E. Maynard, MSC, to Kraft, "Apollo Flight Program Delinition." May 31, 1967;
Kraft to l,ow, "Requested comments on Apollo Flight Program Definition," June 1, 1967.
Minutes (d Apollo Program Meeting, June 2, 1967; hr., Phillips to Low, June 26. 1967.
required temperature criteria for the outer shield of the cask, which would 1967
contain radioactive material. June
Memo, Cohen to A. L. Liccardi, RASPO, Grumman, "Trip Report to Bendix, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, on June 6, 1967," June 13, 1967.
NASA Office of Manned Space Flight had redefined the Apollo Block II
manned mission flight plan, ASPO informed the MSC Director of Science
and Applications. The first manned flight plan called for (1) an open-ended
mission up to 10 days, (2) sufficient instrumentation, (3) no extravehicular
activity, (4) a CSM rendezvous with the S-IVB stage, and (5)no experiments
that required spacecraft integration. The redefinition resulted in OMSF's
indicating that no scientific experiments would be flown on the mainstream
Apollo flights unless they would contribute to the accomplishment of the
lunar mission. ASPO therefore had told North American Aviation that
certain scientific experiments planned for spacecraft 101 would now be
deleted from the program. The experiments were Simple Navigation
(DO 19), Urine Volume Measuring System (M005), UV Stellar Photography
(S019), and UV/X-ray Solar Photography (S020).
Memo, Manager, MSC ASPO, to MSC Director of Science and Applications, "Apollo Earth
Orbital Experiments," June 7, 1967.
lg67 launch. These figures would be shown for three spacecraft: first manned,
June second manned, and lunar configuration. Both launch weight and reentry
weight were to be included.
Memo, Low to Chief, Systems Engineering Div., MSC, "Spacecraft Weight," June 8, 1967.
Memo to the File from Deputy Administrator, NASA, "The Selection of North American
Aviation, Inc., as the prime contractor for the command and service module," June 9, 1967.
Memo, ASPO Manager to Chief, Flight Safety Office, MSC, "Vibration testing," June 13, 1967.
Designations and abbreviations for flight crewmen on all manned Apollo
missions were selected:
• Commander--CDR
• Command module pilot--CMP
• Lunar module pilot--LMP
Memo, Manager, ASPO, to distr., "Apollo crewmen designations," June 14, 1967.
MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth told George E. Mueller, NASA OMSF, that 15
MSC desired that the vernier engine be fired after the touchdown of Surveyor
IV on the lunar surface. He reminded Mueller that this experiment was
supposed to have been performed on Surveyor III and was of prime
importance to Apollo. The fact that Surveyor 1II landed with the vernier
engine firing and did not experience any significant erosion had also been of
importance to the Apollo program. He requested that Surveyor IV be
targeted for the Apollo landing site in the Sinus Medii area. As a lower
priority experiment, Gilruth said MSC would like to get a limited amount
of photography on the first lunar day, which would allow a limited
assessment of viewing conditions in earthshine.
1967 Plans were to armor-plate 102 out of 167 solder joints inside the CM of
June spacecraft 101, ASPO Manager George M. Low informed Maxime A. Eager,
MSC's Director of Engineering and Development. Of the remaining 65
joints, 53 would be accessible for armor-plating and x-raying, while the
other 12 would not. Low said: "As joints become less accessible, the excess
solder removal process, the joint-cleaning process, and the application of
the armor-plating become more difficult. Also, in many places, the standard
armor-plating sleeve does not fit, and a shorter or cutaway sleeve is required.
I have therefore reached the conclusion that, at some point, the armor-
plating process may become detrimental .... You should know that Mr.
[Joseph N.] Kotanchik disagrees with this position. Joe believes that any
joint in the spacecraft could be under stress and therefore is subject to creep.
The only solution . . . according to Joe, is to armor-plate all joints .... "
Low added that joints that are accessible from outside the CSM would also
be armor-plated and that future spacecraft would include additional armor-
plating. He said, "My expectation is that all solder joints will be armor-
plated in the lunar configuration .... "
• The duration on the lunar surface for the first mission was likely to be 1967
short and the ALSEP deployment time was likely to take a seriously June
He added, "An uncrowded time line on the lunar surface for the first mission
would seem to me more contributory to the advance of science than trying to
do so much on the first mission that we do nothing well .... "
Memo, Reiffel to Phillips, "Flight Schedule for ALSEP and Related Matters," June 20, 1967.
Memo, Director, Mission Operations, NASA OblSF, to distr., "Mission Priority and
Turnaround between Apollo 4 and Apollo 5," July 10, 1967.
A committee was established to conduct an operational readiness inspection
(ORI) of the MSC Space Environment Simulation Laboratory. The
inspection would supplement the original ORI of the facility. Emphasis
would be placed on reviewing modifications since the previous inspection
and upon readiness to perform the test series on LTA-8 and 2TV-1. The
committee was made up of Martin L. Raines, Chairman; Rexford H.
Talbert, Executive Secretary; Edward L. Hays, Alan Hatter, James E.
Powell, John W. Conlon, Armistead Dennett, and Joseph P. Kerwin, all of
MSC; Dugald O. Black, KSC; and E. Barton Geer, LaRC.
Memo, Director, MSC, to distr., "Operational Readiness Inspection of tile MSC Space
Environmental Simulation I.aboratory," June 22, 1967.
lg67 Although the LM-I wiring harness had been accepted by the Customer
June Acceptance Readiness Review Board it was not clear that the harness would
also have been accepted for manned flight, ASPO Manager George M. Low
told Apollo Systems Engineering Assistant Chief R. W. Williams. Low
asked Williams to assign someone to prepare a plan of actions needed to
ensure that the harnesses in LM-2 and subsequent vehicles would be
Memo, Low to Williams, "LM spacecraft wiring and splices," June 23, 1967.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips told ASPO Manager George
Low he believed progress had been made toward Apollo objectives. At the
same time, Phillips believed certain problems, if not solved expeditiously,
could seriously delay the program. He was concerned particularly with the
couch design, weight problem, docking changes, and delivery schedules.
Phillips requested an early response on the problem areas.
Ltr., Phillips to Low, June 26, 1967.
Possible hazards to the crew in the lunar module thermal vacuum test
program (using LTA-8) were pointed up in a memorandum to Manager,
ASPO, and Director of Engineering and Development from the Director of
Flight Crew Operations. Manning procedures required crewmen to make
numerous hard vacuum transfers between the Space Environment
Simulation Laboratory's environmental control system (ECS) umbilicals
and the LM environmental control system hoses. Also, during the manning
operations the crewmen would be on the LM-ECS with the cabin
depressurized. In the configuration in use, if one of the crewmen lost his suit
integrity, there would be no protection for the other man. Because of these
hazardous conditions the following actions were requested: (a) provide
equipment to make vacuum transfers of oxygen hoses acceptably safe; and
(b) change the LTA-8 vehicle ECS so that one crewman was protected if the
other lost suit integrity in a vacuum ambient.
Memo, Director of Flight Crew Operations to Manager, ASPO, and Director of Engineering
and Development, "Possible hazards to the crew during the Lunar Module Thermal Vacuum
Tests in Chamber B," June 26, 1967.
The Apollo Program Director requested MSC to assign the following
experiments to AS-205, spacecraft 101: M006--Bone Demineralization,
M011--Cytogenic Blood Studies, M023--Lower Body Negative Pressure,
S005--Synoptic Terrain Photography, and S006--Synoptic Weather
Photography. Experiment D008, Radiation in Spacecraft, would be
included in the above list at the option of ASPO. On July 21 ASPO Manager
George M. Low informed CSM Manager Kenneth S. Kleinknecht that he
was approving reinstatement of Experiments S005 and S006 on AS-205. On
the same date Low informed the Apollo Program Director that S005 and
S006 would be carried on AS-205. He proposed that experiments M006,
M011, and M023, which required pre- and postflight operations with the
crew, be classified not as experiments but as part of the normal pre- and 1967
postflight medical evaluation. Experiment D008 was deleted from AS-205 June
and all other inflight experiments previously assigned had been deleted
from the spacecraft. MSC's Director of Medical Research and Operations
Charles A. Berry and Director of Space Science and Applications Wilmot N.
Hess concurred with Low's decision.
Ltrs., Apollo Program Director to MSC, Atm: George M. Low, "Earth Orbital Experiment
Assignments," June 28, 1967; Low to NASA Hq., Atm: Samuel C. Phillips, "Earth Orbital
Experiment Assignments," July 21, 1967; memo, Manager, ASPO, to K. S. Kleinknecht,
"Experiments S005 and S006," July 21, 1967.
Dale D. Myers, Apollo CSM Manager for North American Aviation, Inc.,
requested a meeting with ASPO Manager George M. Low and ASPO CSM
Manager Kenneth S. Kleinknecht to resolve issues concerning materials
replacement and objectives for boilerplate tests. In reply, on July 6, Low said
that Kleinknecht had conducted a complete review of flammable materials
since receipt of Myers' June 28 letter and that a number of telephone
conversations had been held on the subject. MSC recommended that the
insulation on the environmental control unit be covered with nickel foil and
that silicone-rubber wire-harness clamps could possibly be covered with a
combination of "Laddicote" and nitroso rubber. Plans were for the boiler-
plate mockup tests to use an overloaded wire in a wire bundle as an ignition
source. At Myers' suggestion, MSC was also looking into the use of electric
arcs, or sparks, as a possible ignition source. Low said: "As you know, our
goal in the mockup tests will be to demonstrate that any fire in a 6 psi [4.1
newtons per square centimeter] oxygen atmosphere extinguishes itself ....
If we can demonstrate that in the 6 psi oxygen atmosphere a fire would
spread very slowly so that the crew could easily get out of the spacecraft
while on the pad .... then I believe that we should also be satisfied."
Ltrs., Myers to Low, June 28, 1967; Low to Myers, July 6, 1967.
To prevent flight crew incapacitation from possible carbon dioxide buildup July
Ltr., Donald K. Slayton, MSC, to ASPO Manager, "Emergency air supply for a suited flight
crew during a spacecraft emergency egress," July 3, 1967.
A board was appointed by MSC White Sands Test Facility Manager Martin
L. Raines to determine the cause of a fire that had occurred at Test Stand 403
on July 3. The board was to submit its findings by July 17.
A CSM shipment schedule, to be used for planning throughout the Apollo
program and as a basis for contract negotiations with North American
Aviation, was issued by NASA Hq. The schedule covered CSM 101 through
CSM 115, CSM 105R, and CSM 020 and the period September 29, 1967,
July through November 17, 1969.
Ltr., Robert R. Gilruth, MSC, to Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq.,July 12, 1967; TWX, Phillips
to Gilruth and George M. Low, MSC, July 2_t, 1967.
Kurt H. Debus, KSC Director, appointed John Bailey of MSC Chairman of
an ad hoc Safety Group, following discussions with George E. Mueller of
NASA OMSF, MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth, and MSFC Director
Wernher von Braun. The Safety Group was to examine the overall
operating plans, organizational responsibilities, flight hardware, and
ground support ecluipment and to identify existing and potential personnel
hazards associated with the preparation, checkout, and launch of Apollo 4
(AS-501). The group would submit an initial report by August 15.
Ltr., Debus to Bailey, "Establishment ot Apollo 4 (AS-501) Ad Hoc Safety Group," July 18,
Visual display systems of complex optical devices were being used with the
lunar module mission simulators. To help solve problems that some of
these systems were creating, assistance was requested from J. E. Kupperian,
E. S. Chin, and H. D. Vitagliano, all from Goddard Space Flight Center.
Ltr., Robert R. Gilruth, MSC, to John F. Clark, GSFC. July 18, 1967.
CSM flammability mockup testing was discussed at a program review. It was
pointed out that boilerplate testing was being conducted at Downey and
that an all-up test should not be performed until all individual tests were
completed and the final configuration was completely established.
In a letter to Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips, MSC Director
Robert R. Gilruth requested that the Boeing Company personnel ceiling be
increased to 373. This action was taken as a result of a reevaluation of the
requirement of basic task statements and a better understanding of the tasks
to be performed. During the planning sessions on the new contract with
Boeing, a manpower ceiling of 250 had been established.
The RTG Review Team--established to investigate the relation of the
radioisotope thermoelectric generator's fuel-cask subsystem to Apollo
mission safety and success--submitted a preliminary report. Apollo
Program Director Samuel C. Phillips had established the team after concern
was expressed over the design and safety of the subsystem at a June 1 review
at NASA Hq. of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP).
The team's preliminary report was based on data received and observations
of the LM at Grumman that indicated the interface of the RTG, LM, and
spacecraft-LM adapter (SLA) presented a potential problem to the Apollo
mission. The most serious hazard was the presence of the 530-640 K 1967
(500-700°F) RTG fuel cask in the space between the LM and the SLA, where July
leaks were possible during fuel unloading or in the mechanical joints of the
LM fuel system.
Plans were to fuel the LM four days before launch and to pressurize the LM
fuel system at T (time of launch) minus 16 hours. The RTG fuel element
was to be loaded into the graphite cask, which was mounted on the LM at T
minus 12 hours and the system secured. All work would be completed on the
ALSEP by T minus 10 hours. If a condition occurred that required
unloading fuel from the LM after installation of the fuel element in the cask,
the hot cask would be a partial barrier to reaching one of the fuel unloading
points and also would be a potential fire hazard. No mechanism was
available to remove the entire cask system rapidly. Other potential problems
were: (1) a review showed all propellants that could come into contact with
the cask had spontaneous ignition temperatures below the temperature of
the RTG cask, and thus fuel vapors could be a problem; (2) after launch no
indicators would be available to show the crew the status of the RTG or the
SLA area, and no jettisoning mechanism was available for the RTG fuel
cask; and (3) during deployment of the ALSEP on the lunar surface the
astronauts would be required to remove the RTG fuel element and load it
into the RTG assembly. While handling tools were available for this
operation, no means had been demonstrated to protect the spacesuit if
accidentally brushed against the cask.
"Radioisotopic Thermoelectric Generator Review Team Preliminary Report," July 21, 1967.
A series of oxygen purge system (OPS) transfer runs were conducted in the
Water Immersion Facility at MSC. Preliminary reports indicated the results
of the tests were highly satisfactory, but an assessment of pad abort
procedures following several runs in the Apollo Mission Simulator were not
so promising. Further work and study in this area was in progress.
Memos, Donald K. Slayton, MSC, to George M. Low, MSC, "Preliminary evaluation of Pad
Abort and Oxygen Purge System (OPS) Transfer Procedures," July 26, 1967; Low to Slayton,
"Pad abort procedures and Oxygen Purge System transfers," July 29, 1967.
The ASPO Manager summarized the lunar module oxygen capacity and
design requirements for the lunar mission and made an analysis of his
decision to leave both portable life support systems (PLSS) on the lunar
surface. He recommended that NASA OMSF accept the PLSS discard
philosophy as well as the design capacity for lunar module oxygen.
Ltrs., George M. Low, MSC, to Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., July 24, 1967; Phillips to Low,
Aug. 10, 1967.
ASPO Manager George M. Low issued instructions that the changes and
actions to be carried out by MSC as a result of the AS-204 accident
investigation were the responsibility of CSM Manager Kenneth S.
Kleinknecht. The changes and actions were summarized in Apollo Program
July Directive No. 29, dated July 6, 1967.
Memo, George M. Low to distr., July 24, 1967.
Following a series of discussions on the requirements for the lunar mapping
and survey system (LMSS), the effort was terminated. An immediate stop
work order was issued to the Air Force, the Centers, and the contractors in
the LMSS effort. The original justification for the LMSS, a backup Apollo
site certification capability in the event of Surveyor or Lunar Orbiter
inadequacies, was no longer valid, since at least four Apollo sites had been
certified and the last Lunar Orbiter would, if successful, increase that to
Memos, Robert C. Seamans, Jr., NASA Hq., to George E. Mueller, NASA Hq., "Lunar
Mapping and Survey System (LMSS)," July 13, 1967; Mueller to Seamans, same subject, July
18, 1967; Seamans to Mueiler, "Termination of the Lunar Mapping and Survey System," July
25, 1967.
MSC Director of Flight Operations Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., raised
questions about lunar module number 2 : Would it be possible for LM-2 to
be a combined manned and unmanned vehicle; that is, have the capability to
make an unmanned burn first and then be manned for additional activities?
Would additional batteries in the LM provide greater flexibility for earth-
orbital missions? Mission flexibility would be worthwhile only if it allowed
deletion of a subsequent mission, at least on paper.
Memo, G. M. Low, MSC, to O. E. Maynard, MSC, "LM mission flexibility and other points,"
July 25, 1967.
The Air Force Chief of Staff announced the reassignment of Carroll H.
Bolender from Washington to Houston as Program Manager for the lunar
module at MSC. He had been Apollo Mission Director at NASA Hq.
TWX, Air Force Chief o[ Staff to NASA Hq. and MSC, July 26, 1967.
Ltr, Robert R. Gilruth, MSC, to Kurt H. Debus, KSC, July 26, 1967.
27 MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth wrote MSFC Director Wernher von Braun
that MSC had two lunar landing research vehicles (LLRVs) for crew
training and three lunar landing training vehicles (LLTVs) were being
procured from Bell Aerosystems Co. Gilruth explained that x-ray inspection
of welds on the LLTVs at both Bell and MSC had disclosed apparent
subsurface defects, such as cracks and lack of fusion. There was, however, 1967
question as to the interpretation of the x-rays and the amount of feasible July
ASPO announced that a detailed review of the Block II CSM would be held
to gain a better understanding of the hardware. ASPO Manager George M.
Low pointed out that it had been customary in the Gemini and Apollo
Programs to conduct Design Certification Reviews (DCRs) before manned
flight of the "first of a kind" vehicle. He added that the detailed review
should address itself to design and analysis, test history and evaluation of
test results, and the understanding of operational procedures for each
element in the CSM. To ensure the most thorough review, MSC divisions
would conduct preliminary reviews. The division chiefs would then present
their findings to the directorates, the ASPO management, and the MSC
Memo, George M. Low to distr., July 28, 1967.
Rocketdyne Division of North American Aviation was selected for
negotiation of a contract for the design, development, qualification, and 1
weight trends and status would be reported monthly to North American and
August NASA management. A list of weight reduction candidates was suggested to
Ltr., Kleinknecht to Dale D. Myers, North American Aviation, Aug. 1, 1967; hr., Myers to
George M. Low, MSC, Oct. 5, 1967.
Lunar Orbiter V was launched from the Eastern Test Range at 6:33 p.m.
EDT August 1. The Deep Space Net Tracking Station at Woomera,
Australia, acquired the spacecraft about 50 minutes after liftoff. Signals
indicated that all systems were performing normally and that temperatures
were within acceptable limits. At 12:48 p.m. EDT August 5, Lunar Orbiter
V executed a deboost maneuver that placed it in orbit around the moon. The
spacecraft took its first photograph of the moon at 7:22 a.m. EDT August 6.
Before it landed on the lunar surface on January 31, 1968, Lunar Orbiter V
had photographed 23 previously unphotographed areas of the moon's far
side, the first photo of the full earth, 36 sites of scientific interest, and 5
Apollo sites for a total of 425 photos.
Lunar Orbiter V Post Launch Reports 1 through 7, Aug. 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, 1969; Astronautics and
Aeronautics, 1967 (NASA SP-4008, 1968), pp. 229, 235, 4t7.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips was appointed Chairman of a
NASA task group, reporting to Administrator James E. Webb, Deputy
Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., and Associate Administrator for
Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller. The group was chartered to review
the content of the Apollo program in order to determine alternatives
necessary for programming and budget planning decisions. It would
inquire into and report on all aspects of the Apollo program necessary to
provide a base of accurate data and information to support decisions on FY
1968 expenditure control and FY 1969 budget planning. Specifically, the
group was requested to identify planned activities that could be eliminated
if the Apollo program were to be terminated with the manned lunar
landing. The group was also requested to determine the effect of placing a
hold order on production of Saturn V vehicles 512 through 515 and to
develop the cost estimates resulting from these actions as well as other
tangible alternatives.
ASPO wrote Lewis Research Center about studies of ignition sources inside
the pressure suits worn by the astronauts. In recent tests, the communica-
tions and biomedical circuits inside the suit and connected to the spacecraft
panel through the crewman electrical umbilical were evaluated to
determine the ignition characteristics. Studies on the flammability of
various materials used jn the suit loop had been completed and the data
Memo, G. M. Low, MSC, to I. I. Pinkel, Lewis Research (]enter, "Ignition source inside the
suit," Aug. 15, 1967.
The NASA task team for CSM Block II redefinition, established on April 27,
was phased out. During its duration the task team provided timely response August
and direction in the areas of detail design, overall quality and reliability, test 18
and checkout, baseline specifications, and schedules. With the phaseout of
the team, Apollo Spacecraft Program Office policies and procedures would
be carried out by the ASPO resident manager. A single informal point of
contact was also established between MSC and North American for
engineering and design items.
Memo, Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, MSC, to distr., "Phaseout of the NASATask Team for Block I1
Redefinition, Command and Service Modules," Aug. 18, 1967.
ASPO Manager George M. Low, in a letter to Dale D. Myers of North
American Aviation, expressed disappointment that both spacecraft 2TV-1
and 101 had slipped approximately six weeks. He also expressed
astonishment that managers, who were supposedly using a planning
system, did not understand the meaning of the charts they were using. Low
suggested more attention to detail by managers, a better tracking system for
shortages, assignment of responsible individuals to areas where special
efforts were needed; and a mechanized system for tracking such things as
work needing to be done and shortages.
Ltr., Low to Myers, Aug. 19, 1967.
A senior design review group was established to review the command
module stowed equipment and the stowage provisions, to ensure the timely
resolution and implementation of changes necessary because of new
materials criteria and guidelines. Robert R. Gilruth, MSC Director, would
head the group.
Memo, George M. Low, MSC, to distr., "Design Review of Command Module storage
provisions," Aug. 22, 1967.
An interagency agreement on protecting the earth's biosphere from lunar
sources of contamination was signed by James E. Webb, NASA; John W.
Gardiner, HEW; Orville L. Freeman, Department of Agriculture; Stewart
L. Udall, Department of Interior; and Frederick Seitz, National Academy of
Sciences. The agreement established a committee to advise the NASA
Administrator on back contamination and the protection of the biological
and chemical integrity of lunar samples, on when and how astronauts and
lunar samples might be released from quarantine, and on policy matters.
Interagency Agreement between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the
Department of Agriculture, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, the
Department of Interior, and the National Academy of Sciences on the Protection of the Earth's
Biosphere from Lunar Sources of Contamination, Aug. 24, 1967.
Week Ending
Grumman proposed a procurement for a study of the mission effects
projector, to assist Grumman with an item that had been designed and built August 25
firms approached 7 were interested: Itek Corp., Kollmorgen Corp.,
August Bausch g: Lomb, Inc., Kollsman Instrument Corp., Biorad, General
Precision Link Group, and Conductron. Technical proposals were received
from Itek, Biorad, Link, and Conductron. Grumman considered the Itek
proposal most technically acceptable and proposed a letter contract in
which NASA concurred.
MSC, BMR Bethpage, "Weekly Activities Report, Week Ending August 25, 1967," Aug. 30,
A review team's findings on the lunar surface magnetometer program were
reported to the NASA Administrator. The magnetometer program still
suffered from the schedule delays and high costs that had prompted the
review, but recent management changes and technical progress were halting
the trends. With the team recommendation and the endorsement of the
Office of Space Science and Applications, Philco Corp. was directed to
continue its effort to develop a lunar surface magnetometer.
Memos, Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., to NASA Administrator, "Lunar Surface
Magnetometer," Aug. 30, 1967; W. H. Close, NASA Hq., to Deputy Administrator, "ALSEP
Lunar Surface Magnetometer," Oct. 13, 1967.
An Apollo test flow study group was formed to make a detailed evaluation of
spacecraft, launch vehicle, and space vehicle testing at KSC. The group was
composed of aerospace industry and NASA personnel.
Memo, R. O. Middleton, KSC, to G. M. Low, MSC, "Apollo Test Flow Study Group," Sept. 1,
1967 the incline oxidizer orifice flange. The spacecraft was approximately 39 days
September behind the July 18, LM-1 KSC Operations Flow Plan.
MSC, "ASPO Weekly Project Stalus Report," Sept. 7, 1967.
Ltr., Robert R. Gilruth, MSC, to Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., Sept. 8, 1967; TWX, Phillips
to Gilruth, "CSM Delivery Schedules," Sept. 22, 1967.
American was requested to take immediate action to bring the weight
problem under control. A letter in a similar vein was sent by C. H.
Bolender, ASPO LM Manager, to J. G. Gavin, Jr., Grumman Aircraft
Engineering Corp.
Ltr., Low to Myers, Sept. 9, 1967; Bolender to Gavin, Sept. 22, 1967.
A short circuit occurred during checkout of CSM 020 at North American,
Downey, Calif. External power batteries in parallel with the reentry
batteries had indicated low power and were replaced. During preparations
to continue the test, arcing was reported and emergency shutdown
procedures were applied. Investigation was under way to determine the
cause of the arcing. Initial indications were that at least 100 amps were
imposed on a small portion of the spacecraft wiring, causing some damage
to the spacecraft batteries.
TWX, ASPO Manager to Director, Apollo SpacecraIt Program, Sept. 18, 1967.
During operational checkout procedures on CSM 017, which included
running the erasable memory program before running the low-altitude
aborts, the guidance and navigation computer accidentally received a liftoff
signal and locked up. Investigation was initiated to determine the reason for
the liftoff signal and the computer lockup (switch to internal control). No
damage was suspected.
TWX, ASPO Manager to Director, Apollo Program Office, Sept. 18, 1967.
The Systems Engineering Division of ASPO presented a briefing to the
ASPO Manager and other MSC officials on the logic of the lunar surface
activity for the first lunar landing mission. Several potential missions were
presented in terms of interactions between timelines, consumables, weight,
and performance characteristics. Purpose of the demonstration was to elicit
policy decisions on the number of extravehicular excursions to be planned
for the first mission as well as the activities for each excursion. The
following ground rules were established: (1) Priority of scientific objectives
would be, in order, minimum lunar sample, ALSEP, and lunar geologic
survey including sample collection. (2) The first EVA on the lunar surface
during the first lunar mission would consist of a set of simplified, mutually
independent activities and the timeline would permit rest periods between
each activity. The minimum lunar sample would be collected during the
first EVA but the ALSEP would not be deployed. (3) A second EVA would be
included for planning purposes and would include ALSEP deployment.
The second EVA would not be considered a primary mission objective. (4)
For mission planning purposes the 225-hour lunar surface staytime would
be pursued as the prime candidate for the first lunar landing mission.
Memo, George M. Low, MSC, to distr., "Surface activity during first lunar landing mission,"
Garrett Corp. Vice President Mark E. Bradley sent recommendations of the
14ptember Garrett-AiResearch Safety Audit Review Board to Dale D. Myers, Vice
18 President and Project Manager, Apollo Program, North American
Aviation. Bradley said the Board had been appointed in May 1967 to make
"an independent review of ECS [environmental control system] systems and
components from a crew salety standpoint" and that the recommendations
were "based on the considered professional judgment of the Board
members without bias or prejudice with regard to cost or schedule."
In a reply to Bradley on October 21, Myers said: "Your letter has been
reviewed in detail and it has been determined in some cases the
recommendations are of a design improvement nature .... Because of the
seriousness of your conclusions and recommendations, I believe it necessary
and pertinent the following comments be made .... The magnitude and
complexity of the Apollo program precludes any single system subcontrac-
tor the capability of full and knowledgeable assessment of the effects his
system has on the whole .... This is not a criticism of your Safety Board
function, rather a criticism of the charter and ground rules on which the
Board's recommendations are based .... It is disturbing to me to find your
letter is being used as a vehicle to attempt reconsideration of Engineering
Design Change Proposals (EDCP's) already given careful consideration and
a subsequent disposition made .... I must insist that future Board
comments be channeled through your Apollo project group for processing
by the established EDCP procedures. If the EDCP affects Crew Safety or
Mission success, it should be so indicated in the EDCP and will be given
proper consideration by the management of NAR and NASA .... Because
of the seriousness of your conclusions and recommendations, I am asking
the NASA ASPO to form a Board with me to review your recommendations
with you for disposition .... "
Myers also wrote ASPO Manager George Low on October 21, enclosing the
AiResearch recommendations. He said: "I found that AiResearch had used
different criteria for evaluation than we use, but I felt we have a situation
that requires immediate and joint top-level review by us .... The Board
made significant recommendations that could constrain a manned flight
with the current configuration of the ECS. I hope that this is not the case and
that the recommendations were meant to be in the area of design
improvement rather than constraints of Crew Safety or Mission Success
nature .... If you agree with the need for this NASA/NAR joint ECS Safety
Review Board, I will arrange such a meeting with the AiResearch Review
Low replied to Myers on October 30, saying, "I agree with you that we
should give serious consideration to each of the AiResearch recommenda-
tions and that a joint NASA/NAR Safety Review Board would be the best
means of accomplishing this. I would be pleased to serve on such a board
with you .... " Low asked Myers to set up the meeting following the Apollo
4 mission.
MSC proposed to the NASA Office of Manned Space Flight a sequence of
missions leading to a lunar landing mission. The sequence included the
following basic missions:
At the request of Congress NASA was preparing a formal document on all
the action items resulting from the January 27 AS-204 accident. The
document would be used as a report to the entire Congress by the responsible
Senate and House subcommittees and was expected to include two volumes.
The first would cover Apollo 204 Review Board findings; the second would
cover panel findings, results of Congressional testimony, and Apollo
program direction. The report was forwarded to Congress in December 1967
(House) and January 1968 (Senate).
Ltr., Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., to George M. Low, MSC, "AS-204 Accident Closeout
Report," Sept. 21, 1967. House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Subcommittee on
NASA Oversight, Status of Actions Taken on Recommendations o] the Apollo 204 Accident
Review Board, 90th Cong, 2d sess., Committee Print, Serial L, 1968; Senate Committee on
Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Apollo Accident: Hearings, 90th (king., 2d sess., pt. 8,
January 1968.
C. H. Bolender, ASPO Manager for the lunar module, wrote Joseph G.
Gavin, Jr., Grumman LM Program Director, that recent LM weights and
weight growth trends during the past several months established the need to
identify actions that would reduce weight and preclude future weight
growth. He pointed out that the Configuration Control Board (CCB) at
MSC had emphasized such actions, while recognizing the specific weight
September increases associated with design change actions resulting from the AS-204
accident. Several other design corrections or improvements had been
implemented, such as increased plume protection, ascent engine reflection
protection, descent stage upper-deck structural repair, and landing gear
shielding. Bolender told Gavin, "We cannot afford to exercise ultra-
conservatism as an expedient to problem solving. The modification of the
descent stage skin panels may be a case in point .... We have already asked
that in consideration of minimum weight design, you reassess your
recommendation to change to a uniform panel thickness." He requested
that the objectives of the recent Super Weight Improvement program (a
weight saving "tool" employed by Grumman) be reiterated in design
activity and that weight reduction suggestions be solicited and evaluated for
implementation. Bolender requested a biweekly review of weight reduction
candidate changes and told Gavin he was asking Systems Engineering
Division to maintain close coordination with Grumman and to report
progress of the weight reduction and control activity at the regular CCB
The merger of North American Aviation, Inc., and Rockwell-Standard
Corp. became effective and was announced. The company was organized
into two major groups, the Commercial Products Group and the Aerospace
and Systems Group. The new company would be known as North American
Rockwell and use the acronym NR.
North American Rockwell Corp., "A First Look," Sept. 22, 1967,
Associate Administrator for Advanced Research and Technology Mac C.
Adams requested concurrence of MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth to
naming the following as members of Research Advisory Committees for
Fiscal Year 1968: Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., Committee on Space Vehicles;
Joseph G. Thibodaux, Jr., Committee on Chemical Rocket Propulsion;
Charles A. Berry and Richard S. Johnston, Committee on Biotechnology;
and Robert E. Johnson, Subcommittee on Materials. Gilruth concurred on
September 28.
Ltrs., Adams to Gilruth, Sept. 25, 1967; Gilruth to Adams, Sept. 28, 1967.
The Flammability Test Review Board met at MSC to determine if the M-6
vehicle (a full-scale mockup of the LM cabin interior) was ready for test and
that the ignition points, configuration, instrumentation, and test facility
were acceptable for verifying the fire safety of LTA-8 and LM-2 vehicles.
The Board agreed that the M-6 did accurately and adequately simulate the
LTA-8 and the LM-2 and established that the M-6 mockup was ready for
testing. The Board was composed of Robert R. Gilruth, Chairman; Carroll
H. Bolender; Aleck C. Bond; Maxime A. Faget; Christopher C. Kraft, Jr.;
Donald K. Slayton; A. Duane Catterson, all of MSC; E. Z. Gray of Grum-
man; and G. H. Stoner of Boeing, a nonvoting observer. September
Ltr., Gilruth to distr., "Minutes of the Flammability Test Review Board Meeting No. 1 ," Oct.
23, 1967; memo, Joseph N. Kotanchik, Chief, Structures and Mechanics Div. to distr., "Progress
Report on Lunar Module M-6 flammability mockup," Sept. 28, 1967.
In spite of efforts to eliminate all flammable materials from the interior of
the spacecraft cabin during flight, it was apparent that this could not be
completely accomplished. For example, silicone rubber hoses, flight logs,
food, tissues, and other materials would be exposed within the cabin during
portions of the mission. However, flammable materials would be outside
their containers only when actually needed. Special fire extinguishers would
be carried during flight.
Memos, George M. Low, MSC, to Donald K. Slayton, MSC, "Procedures for use of flammable
material in spacecraft," Sept. 28, 1967; Low to Slayton, "Training in use of fire extinguishers,"
Sept. 28, 1967.
ASPO Manager George M. Low informed the MSC Director of Flight Crew
Operations that effective November 1 configuration management of the
Apollo mission simulators and LM mission simulators would be transferred
from ASPO to the Flight Crew Operations Directorate, with the
understanding that Director Donald K. Slayton would personally chair the
Configuration Control Panel.
Memo, Low to D. K. Slayton, "Configuration Control Panel for simulators," Sept. 10, 1967.
MSC's Engineering and Development (E&D) Directorate recommended that
the Apollo CM be provided with a foam fire extinguisher. Eg:D also
recommended that the LM be provided with a water nozzle for extinguish-
ing open fires and that cabin decompression be used to combat fires behind
panels. An aqueous gel (foam) composition fire extinguisher was considered
most appropriate for use in the CM because hydrogen in the available water
supply could intensify the fire, water spray could not reach fires behind
panels, and a shirt-sleeve environment was preferred. E_kD further
recommended that development of a condensation nuclei indicator be
pursued as a flight fire detection system, but that it not be made a constraint
on the Apollo program. ASPO Manager George M. Low concurred with the
recommendations September 28 and MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth
concurred October 7.
On October 26, the Director of Flight Crew Operations stated that his
Directorate was formulating and implementing a training program for
flight crews to give them experience in coping with fire in and around the
spacecraft. "In total, the crew training for cockpit fires will consist of:
Review of BP 1224 and M-6 'burn test' film; demonstration briefings on the
fire extinguishers and their most effective use; procedural practice
simulating cockpit fire situations in conjunction with one 'g' space-
craft/mockup/Apollo Mission Simulator walkthroughs and in the egress
trainer placed in the altitude chamber; and as a part of the overall launch
September pad emergency and evacuation procedures training at the fire service
training area at KSC."
Memos, Low to Donald K. Slayton, "Training in use of fire extinguishers," Sept. 28, 1967;
Slayton to Low, "Crew training in use of fire extinguishers," Oct. 26, 1967; Maxime A. Faget to
Gilruth, "Information Staff Paper No. 41--Spacecraft fire extinguishing systems and onboard
spacecraft fire detection instrumentation [or the Apollo program," Sept. 28, 1967.
ASPO Manager George M. Low, in a letter to Richard E. Homer, Senior
Vice President of Northrop Corp., following a phone call to Homer on Sept.
28, reiterated NASA's "continuing and serious concern with the quality
control at Northrop Ventura on the Apollo spacecraft parachute system. In
recent weeks, I have had many reports of poor workmanship and poor
quality, both in the plant at Northrop Ventura and in the field at E1Centro."
On October 20 Horner told Low he had taken time to assure himself of the
best possible information available before replying and offered background
on the situation : "The design effort goes back to 1961 and testing began at
the E1 Centro facility in 1962. There was continuous operation of the test
group at E1 Centro until 1966 when the completion of the Block II testing
program dictated the closeout of our operation there. In our total activity,
we have had a peak of 350 personnel assigned to the Apollo, with 20 of that
number located at E1 Centro during the most active portion of the test
program. When it was finally determined that the increased weight
capability redesign was necessary for mission success, the program nucleus
had been reduced to 30 personnel and the established schedule for the system
re-design, test and fabrication requires a build-up to 250 .... The schedule
has also dictated the adoption of such procedures as concurrent inspection
by the inspectors of Northrop, North American and NASA, a procedure
which, I am sure, is efficient from a program point of view but is inherently
risky in terms of the wide dissemination of knowledge concerning every
human mistake. This is significant only from the point of view of the
natural human failing to be more willing to share the responsibility for
error than for success .... We do not intend in any way to share
responsibility for these errors and expect to eliminate the potential for their
recurrence. We have established standards of quality for this program that
are stringent and uncompromising .... Even though the technical and
schedule challenge is substantial, we are confident that by the time
qualification testing is scheduled to start during the first week of December
1967 we will have a flawless operation .... "
Ltrs., Low to Homer, Sept. 29, 1967; Homer to Low, Oct. 20, 1967; memos, Low to Kenneth S.
Kleinknecht, "Parachute packing," Sept. 1, 1967; Low to Donald K. Siayton, "Apollo
parachutes," Sept. 23, 1967.
An Apollo Entry Performance Review Board was established by the MSC
Director to review and validate the analytical tools as well as the Apollo
operational corridor. The Board was set up because the performance of the
ablation heatshield in the Apollo spacecraft, as then analyzed, imposed a
limitation on the entry corridor at lunar return velocity. The following were
named to the Board: Maxime A. Faget, MSC, chairman; Kenneth S.
Kleinknecht, MSC; Eugene C. Draley and Don D. Davis, Jr., Langley
Research Center; Alvin Seiff and Glen Goodwin, Ames Research Center;
and Leo T. Chauvin, MSC, secretary.
Ltrs., MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth to Directors of Ames Research Center and Langley
Research Center, Sept. 29, 1967.
Key dates in the spacecraft 101 schedule were agreed to during a meeting of
Samuel C. Phillips, Robert R. Gilruth, George M. Low, and Kenneth S.
Kleinknecht with North American management: inspection of wiring,
October 7, 1967; completion of manufacturing, December 15, 1967; delivery,
March 15, 1968. In addition, several decisions were reached concerning
certain systems of spacecraft 101. Among these, it was agreed that the entry
monitor system would not be checked out on spacecraft 101 (see October 12).
Memo for the Record, George M. Low, Manager, ASPO, "North American activities," Oct. 2,
Because of many questions asked about spacecraft weight changes in the
spacecraft redefinition, ASPO Manager George M. Low prepared a memo
for the record, indicating weights as follows:
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., reaffirmed that
2 the following was the best course of action to follow with LM-2 and LM-3 :
"Decide now to configure LM-2 for its unmanned contingency mission and
reassign LM-3 to join with CSM 103 for a manned CSM-LM mission. In the
event the LM-2 unmanned contingency mission is not required, LM-2
could be reworked to manned configuration and cycled back into the GAEC
[Grumman] line for later delivery. On this basis, LM-2 could be delivered in
unmanned configuration in late January 1968, or immediately after the
Apollo 5 flight, and could be flown on AS-206 about 3½ months after
delivery; i.e., in May 1968. The outlook for LM-3 indicates an April 1968
delivery which appears to be compatible with the expected deliverydate of
CSM 103."
Ltrs., George M. Low, MSC, to Dale D. Myers, North American Rockwell Corp., Aug. 1, 1967;
Low to Myers, Aug. 17, 1967; Myers to Low, Oct. 5, 1967.
MSC established an Apollo Spacecraft Incident Investigation and Report-
ing Panel, with Scott H. Simpkinson as chairman. Panel members would be October
selected from ASPO, the Flight Safety Office, and the Engineering and 5-15
A series of meetings discussed the oxygen purge system (OPS) program
status and design configuration. The following conclusions were reached:
Key MSC and NASA Headquarters management changes were announced
at a press conference at MSC. George S. Trimble, Jr., was transferred from
NASA OMSF to serve as .Deputy Director of MSC. Eberhard F. M. Rees of
MSFC would be temporarily assigned as a Special Assistant on Manufactur-
ing Problems to George M. Low, ASPO Manager. Edgar M. Cortright was
named as Deputy to George E. Mueller at OMSF. Participating in the press
ASPO Manager George Low submitted a memorandum for the record on
the September 29 decision not to check out the spacecraft 101 entry monitor
system (EMS). He said: "... it has come to my attention that this decision
had been based on incomplete information. Because the EMS incorporates
both the Delta V counter and the .05 g indication on Block II spacecraft, this
system is required for all missions, including 101 .... "I verbally directed
North American on October 10, 1967, that this system will be checked out on
Spacecraft 101."
Memo for Record, Low, "Checkout of entry monitor system," Oct. 12, 1967.
In an effort to keep a tight rein on changes made in spacecraft, the Apollo
Spacecraft Configuration Control Board (CCB) established the following
ground rules:
• All changes on CSMs 101 and 103 and LM-3, no matter how small,
would now be considered by the Senior Board only and not by any of the
° Only mandatory changes would be considered for CSMs 101 and 103
and LM-3.
* Final implementation of all changes must be concluded within 30
days after a contract change authorization was written, and no change in
implementation would be allowed without a new review by the MSC CCB.
• No changes would be made on LM-6 and subsequent LMs and CSM
107 and subsequent CSMs unless they were also on LM-5 and CSM 106 or
unless the Senior CCB made a special exception to this rule. The purpose
was to make certain that the configurations of the mission simulators and
the Mission Control Center could be stabilized.
• Board members would generally be chairmen of subsidiary
Configuration Control Panels and would not delegate this chairmanship.
Thus Donald K. Slayton would chair the Simulator Panel, Maxime A. Faget
would chair the panel that passed on government furnished equipment
items (see October 18), and probably Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., would chair
the Software Control Panel (the last position had not yet been decided).
A proposal to use a Ballute system rather than drogue parachutes to deploy
the main chutes on the Apollo spacecraft was rejected. It was conceded that
the Ballute system would slightly reduce dynamic pressure and command
and untried system into the Apollo spacecraft at such a late date.
Ltr., George M. Low, MSC, to Robert T. Madden, Goodyear Aerospace Corp., Oct. 13, 1967.
NASA Hq. informed MSC that NASA Deputy Administrator Robert C.
Seamans, Jr., had approved the project approval document authorizing four
additional CSMs beyond No. 115A. MSC was requested to proceed with all
necessary procurement actions required to maintain production capability
in support of projected schedules for these items.
TWX, George E. Mueller, NASA Hq., to Director Robert R. Gilruth, MSC, Oct. 17, 1967.
A conference at NASA Hq. discussed Headquarters and MSC operational
problems in the lunar sample program, including the Lunar Receiving
Laboratory (LRL). Associate Administrator for Space Science and
Applications John E. Naugle chaired the meeting. Lunar Receiving
Operations Director John E. Pickering of NASA OMSF discussed
plans--approved by the Department of Agriculture; Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare; and Department of Interior--for quarantine of the
returned astronauts and lunar materials, and noted that the NASA
Administrator or his designee would approve release of astronauts and
lunar samples from quarantine on the advice and recommendations of the
Interagency Committee on Back Contamination. Picketing also noted that
"many of the problems concerning quarantine operations at the LRL were
due to (1) lack of clearly defined responsibilities for the Medical Research
and Operations and Science and Applications Directorates, (2) the lack of
proven competence and maturity of the LRL staff, and (3) an integrated
operational plan." MSC Director of Science and Applications Wilmot N.
Hess indicated that item (1) was resolved by a memorandum of under-
standing between MSC Director of Medical Research and Operations
Charles A. Berry and himself but that MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth had
not approved it. Hess also pointed out that an operational plan was being
developed, but that LRL was primarily a scientific laboratory, not just a
quarantine facility. This statement was disputed in view of the fact that the
LRL was justified to Congress on the basis of a need for a quarantine facility.
Memo, V. R. Wilmarth, NASA Hq., to distr., "Conference on Lunar Sample Program," Oct. 26,
MSC's Director of Engineering and Development Maxime A. Faget, at the
request of the ASPO Manager, established a Configuration Control Panel
(CCP) for government furnished equipment (GFE). The panel would
integrate control of changes in the GFE items supplied for the Apollo
spacecraft. "Authority to bring change recommendations to the GFE Panel
will be invested in Division Chiefs. Changes rejected by the Division Chiefs
need not be reviewed by the GFE CCP," the memorandum establishing the
panel said. Membership on the panel was as follows: Chairman, Maxime A.
2O The SM reaction control system (RCS) for spacecraft 101 was criticized by
Cg:SM RCS Subsystem Manager Ralph J. Taeuber. The results of the 101
RCS checkout, he said, "illustrate what we believe to be a lack of adequate
workmanship and quality control during the manufacture and checkout of
the RCS system. A total of 352 squawks have been written against the S/C
101 SM RCS and quad A has only been partially tested. This high number of
discrepancies, most of which cannot be directly related to design
deficiencies, is mute testimony to our contention. Test units of the RCS have
been built at MSC from scratch with no significant problems either during
manufacturing, checkout, or test firing. Thus we have demonstrated that the
system can be built successfully even without the specialized equipment and
facilities at NAA. Furthermore, NAA has fabricated a number of units with a
minimum of discrepancies .... "
action and that the plan must include corrective action at the subcontractor 1967
and vendor levels. October
"The investigation and remedial action taken on the helium valves was a
logical and aggressive response to apparent quality problems and is directed
toward correcting both the unsatisfactory condition and eliminating the
factors that cause the condition to develop. Suspected hardware was
immediately removed from the production cycle, inspection surveillance
was increased at critical points in the process to insure against continuation
of the problem, and a longer range program was implemented to provide
extra assurance that similar problems do not exist or develop at other
"The process control investigation that revealed the cause of trouble with
the helium valve was being expanded to include a re-evaluation of all
suppliers involved with cleaning valves, regulators, etc., used in the Apollo
CSM. In addition to a fresh look at the suppliers fabrication and cleaning
activities, the process evaluation is a comprehensive review of North
American and supplier specifications for compatibility between the
requirements for one assembly and the next, and a re-survey of the suppliers
facilities to assure he has the technical capability and equipment to meet the
stringent Apollo CSM quality requirements. The plan of action for this
process study is being developed, and action to the plan will commence
within a week."
Memo, Taeuber to S. H. Simpkinson, MSC, "S/C 101 SM RCS Checkout," Oct. 20, 1967; hrs.,
Kleinknecht to Myers, Oct. 26, 1967; Myers to Kleinknecht, Dec. 4, 1967.
1967 The following ground rules were established for extravehicular activity
October planning. The EVA transfer would be demonstrated and thermal-
degradation samples, retrieved during the AS-503/103/LM-3 (Apollo 8)
mission. No other pre-lunar-landing mission would include planned EVA
exercises. The first lunar landing mission would be planned with two EVA
Memo, George M. Low to distr., "Mainline Apollo EVA Policy," Oct. 28, 1967.
Plans were to use 100-percent oxygen in the CSM cabin during prelaunch
operations for manned flights but, since flammability tests of the CSM were
not finished, the possibility existed that air might be used instead of pure
oxygen. Therefore, contingency plans would be developed to use air in the
cabin during the prelaunch operations so that a change would not delay the
Memo, (L M. Low, MSC, to R. O. Middleton, KSC, "Possible use of air in the CSM cabin
during prelaunch operations," Oct. 28, 1967.
Confirming an October 27 telephone conversation, ASPO Manager George
M. Low recommended to Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips that
the following LM delivery schedule be incorporated into official documen-
tation : LM-2, February 5, 1968; LM-3, April 6, 1968; LM-4, June 6, 1968.
Subsequent vehicles would be delivered on two-month centers. The dates
had been provided by Grumman during the last Program Management
Actions on television cameras were reported by ASPO Manager George M.
Low to Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips:
Low said, "Our present plans for TV in Apollo spacecraft call for the use of 1967
facility cameras to monitor hazardous testing on the ground. There will not October
A parachute test (Apollo Drop Test 84-1) failed at E1 Centro, Calif. The
parachute test vehicle (PTV) was dropped from a C-133A aircraft at an
altitude of 9144 meters to test a new 5-meter drogue chute and to investigate
late deployment of one of the three main chutes. Launch and drogue chute
deployment occurred as planned, but about 1.5 seconds later both drogue
chutes prematurely disconnected from the PTV. A backup emergency
drogue chute installed in the test vehicle and designed to be deployed by
ground command in the event of drogue chute failure also failed to operate.
The PTV fell for about 43 seconds before the main chutes were deployed.
Dynamic pressure at the time of chute deployment was estimated at about
1.2 newtons per square centimeter (1.7 pounds per square inch). All
parachutes failed at or shortly after main parachute line stretch. The PTV
struck the ground in the drop zone and was buried about 1.5 meters. An
accident investigation board was formed at E1 Centro to survey mechanical
components and structures, fabric components, and electrical and
sequential systems. R. B. West, Earth Landing System Subsystem Manager,
represented NASA in the investigation. It was determined that two primary
failures had occurred: (1) failure of both drogue parachute-reefing systems
immediately after deployment; and (2) failure of the ground-radio-
commanded emergency-programmer parachute system to function.
TWX, George M. I.ow to Director, Apollo Program Office, NASA Hq., Oct. 31, 1967; memos,
Milton A Silveira to Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, "Failure which occurred on Apollo Drop Test
84-1," Oct. 31, 1967; "Further information on Apollo Drop Test 84-1 failure," Nov. 1, 1967;
and "Results of Preliminary Analysis o[ Apollo Drop Test 84-1 Failure," Nov. 6, 1967.
Maxime A. Faget, MSC Director of Engineering and Development, told the
ASPO Manager that he had reviewed the LM insulation status and 2
change should be effective on LM-4 and the changes should be installed for
November the LTA-8 tests in support of LM-5.
Memo, Faget to Manager, ASPO, "LM Insulation," Nov. 2, 1967.
Memo, George C. White, Jr., NASA Hq., to William M. Bland, Jr., MSC, "Failure Effects
Anatysis--LM/ALSEP Interface," Nov. 3, 1967.
Memo, Donald K. Slayton, MSC, to distr., "Lunar Surface Operations Planning Meetings,"
Nov. 3, 1967.
November 3-
In an exchange of correspondence, KSC Director Kurt H. Debus and MSC
December 19 Director Robert R. Gilruth agreed that close coordination was required
between the two Centers regarding launch site recovery and rescue in the
event of malfunction leading to an unsuccessful abort before or just after
ignition during a launch phase. Coordinated recovery and rescue plans were
being formulated for such an emergency. Plans would also include the
Department of Defense Eastern Test Range and required coordination with
DOD. On December 19 Debus was informed by NASA Hq. that his proposal
for a slide wire emergency system had been reviewed and approved.
Ltrs., Debus to Gilruth, Nov. 3, 1967; Gilruth to Debus, Nov. 20, 1967; Gilruth to Samuel C.
Phillips, NASA Hq., Nov. 16, 1967; Phillips to Debus. Dec. 19, 1967.
NASA announced an Apollo mission schedule calling for six flights in 1968
and five in 1969. NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight
George E. Mueller said the schedule and alternative plans provided a
schedule under which a limited number of Apollo command and service
modules and lunar landing modules, configured for lunar landing might be
launched on test flights toward the moon by the end of the decade.
Apollo/uprated Saturn I flights were identified with a 200 series number;
Saturn V flights were identified with a 500 series number. The 1968 schedule
was :
Apollo/Saturn 204--first unmanned test of the LM in earth orbit
Apollo/Saturn 502msecond unmanned flight test of the Saturn V and November
Apollo CSM
Apollo/Saturn 503--third unmanned test of the Saturn V and Apollo
Apollo/Saturn 206--second unmanned flight test of LM in earth orbit
Apollo/Saturn 205--first Apollo manned flight, a 10-day mission to
qualify the CSM for further manned missions
Apollo/Saturn 504--first manned Apollo flight on Saturn V. This
mission would provide first manned operation in
space with both the CSM and LM, including crew
transfer from CSM to LM and rendezvous and
These flights would be flown in the above order and as rapidly as all
necessary preparations could be completed.
The 1969 flight schedule called for five manned Apollo/Saturn V flights,
AS-505 through AS-509. Four of these--505, 506, 507, and 508--were
programmed as lunar mission development flights or lunar mission
simulations. It was considered possible that the lunar landing could be
made on Apollo/Saturn 509, but it was also possible this might be delayed
until one of the remaining six Saturn V flights.
TWX, Ralph E. Gibson, Deputy News Chief, NASA Hq., to all NASA Centers and Stations,
NASA News Release 67-282, "Apollo/Saturn Schedule," Nov. 4, 1967.
Ltr., Gihuth to Hayes, Nov. 7, 1967; memo, Slayton to MSC Director, "Proposed letter to
President, Fansteel Metallurgical Corporation," Nov. 3, 1967.
The MSC Director of Engineering and Development pointed out that a full-
scale CSM would soon be tested to evaluate the hazard of fire propagation
Apollo 4 (AS-501) was launched in the first all-up test of the Saturn V
launch vehicle and also in a test of the CM heatshield. The Saturn V, used for
the first time, carried a lunar module test article (LTA-10R) and a Block I
command and service module (CSM 017) into orbit from KSC Launch
Complex 39, Pad A, lifting off at 7:00:01 a.m. EST--one second later than
planned. The launch was also the first use of Complex 39. The spacecraft
landed 8 hours 37 minutes later in the primary recovery area in the Pacific
Ocean, near Hawaii, about 14 kilometers from the planned point. CM, apex
heatshield, and one main parachute were recovered by the carrier U.S.S.
The S-IC stage cutoff occurred 2 minutes 30 seconds into the flight at an
altitude of about 63 kilometers. The S-II stage ignition occurred at 2
minutes 32 seconds and the burn lasted 6 minutes 7 seconds, followed by the
S-IVB stage ignition and burn of 2 minutes 25 seconds. This series of launch
vehicle operations placed the S-IVB and spacecraft combination in an earth
parking orbit with an apogee of about 187 kilometers and a perigee of 182
kilometers. After two orbits, which required about three hours, the S-IVB
stage was reignited to place the spacecraft in a simulated lunar trajectory.
This burn lasted five minutes. Some 10 minutes after completion of the S-
IVB burn, the spacecraft and S-IVB stage were separated, and less than 2
minutes later the service propulsion subsystem was fired to raise the apogee.
The spacecraft was placed in an attitude with the thickest side of the CM
A Navy helicopter hovers over spacecraft 017 awaiting the recovery ship after the
Apollo 4 (AS-501) mission--the first Saturn V flight--on November 9, 1967.
Frogmen attached the flotation collar to the command module after splashdown.
On arrival of the U.S.S. Bennington, CM 017 is hoisted aboard.
heatshield away from the solar vector. During this four-and-one-half-hour
cold-soak period, the spacecraft coasted to its highest apogee--18256.3 November
kilometers. A 70 mm still camera photographed the earth's surface every 10.6
seconds, taking 715 good-quality, high-resolution pictures.
About 8 hours 11 minutes after liftoff the service propulsion system was
again ignited to increase the spacecraft inertial velocity and to simulate
entry from a translunar mission. This burn lasted four and one half
minutes. The planned entry velocity was 10.61 kilometers per second, while
the actual velocity achieved was 10.70.
Recovery time of 2 hours 28 minutes was longer than anticipated, with the
cause listed as sea conditions--2.4-meter swells.
MSC, "Apollo 4 Mission Report," Jan. 7, 1968; TWXs, W. C. Schneider, NASA Hq., to
addressees, "Apollo 4 24-Hour Report," Nov. 10, 1967; R. O. Middleton, KSC, to addressees,
"Apollo 4 Quick-Look Assessment Report," Nov. 13, 1967; Arthur Rudolph, MSFC, to
addressees, "AS-501 Flight Results ( I0 day report )," Nov. 21.1967; Saturn AS-50 ! Evaluation
Bulletins No. 1 and No. 2, Nov. 14 and Nov. 22, 1967; NASA, "Apollo Program Weekly Status
Report," Nov. 10, 1967.
Tests of sample constant-wear garments (underwear) fabricated from Beta
fabric were reported as showing the garments were a source of excessive lint
and irritated the skin. Efforts were being made to fabricate a knitted garment
that would overcome these problems. Other flame resistant materials and
flame retardant treatments were also being investigated. However, since
delivery schedules of training and initial flight items required an immediate
1967 decision concerning material selection, it was decided to use the original
November , cotton undergarment configuration.
Memo, George M. Low, MSC, to Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., "Constant wear garment,"
Nov. 11, 1967.
A full-time .unar landing training vehicle (LLTV) operating capability was
essential to lunar landing training. Optimum proficiency for the critical
lunar landing maneuver would be required at launch. Crew participation in
the three months or more of concentrated checkout and training at KSC
before each lunar mission, coupled with routine launch delays, would make
KSC the preferred location for LLTV operating capability.
I.trs., George E. Mueller, NASA Hq., to Robert R. Gihuth, MSC, Nov. 14, 1967 and Dec. 16,
1967; TWX, Maynard E. White, NASA Hq., to MSC and KSC, "Lunar Landing Training
Vehicle," Nov. 20, 1967.
In a letter to North American Rockwell and Grumman management, ASPO
Manager George Low pointed out that he had taken a number of steps to
strengthen the Configuration Control Board (CCB) activities and said he
felt it was "very desirable to have senior management from NAR and GAEC
present for our Board meetings." The meetings were held each Friday.
North American Apollo CSM Manager Dale D. Myers replied on November
17 that he, Charles Feltz, or George Jeffs would attend the meetings on an
alternate schedule. Myers informed Low that North American was
implementing new requirements designed to strengthen its own CCB.
MSC's Kenneth S. Kleinknecht had been invited to attend North American's
weekly Tuesday meetings when possible and RASPO Manager Wilbur Gray
was invited to attend routinely.
Ltrs., Low to Myers, Nov. 14, 1967; Myers to I.ow, Nov. 17, 1967.
MSC informed MSFC that it would provide the following payload flight 1967
hardware for the AS-503/BP-30 flight test: boilerplate 30 (BP-30, already at November
Ltr., George M. Low to Arthur Rudolph, MSFC, "AS-503/BP-30 flight test," Nov. 15, 1967.
Spacecraft 017 (recovered after flight on the Apollo 4 mission) arrived in
Downey, Calif., and was inspected by Robert R. Gilruth, George M. Low
and others from MSC. Its condition was much better than anticipated,
considering the severe heating it had been subjected to. Maximum erosion
was between 2.5 and 7.6 millimeters.
"MSC Weekly Activity Report for Mr. Webb," week ending Nov. 17, 1967.
MSC Flight Operations Directorate issued mission rules concerning beach
impact for the Apollo 7 mission. The Directorate referred to minutes of the
Near-Pad Abort Meeting, dated September 26, which said the possibility of
injury to the crew should it impact on land near Complex 34 necessitated
mission rules prohibiting spacecraft launch in wind conditions that would
cause a land impact after an abort. A satisfactory means of escape "must be
provided to the crew while in the spacecraft during pad tests when wind
conditions prohibit pad aborts due to possible beach impact." Mission rules
developed were: (1) An integrated launch abort trajectory would be
conducted at MSC before the launch, using the actual measured launch-day
wind profile for computing impact points. (2) Spacecraft launch would not
be attempted if beach impacts were predicted before 15 seconds ground
elapsed time (GET). (3) Launch would be permitted for predicted beach
impacts occurring after 15 seconds GET provided the total time that the
impact point was on land was no greater than 5 seconds. (4) If the wind
conditions became marginal during countdown before the flight crew
entered the spacecraft and if weather predictions indicated that the beach
impact constraints would be violated at planned liftoff time, crew entry
would be delayed until wind measurements indicated a trend that would
allow a safe launch. And (5) if at any time after flight crew entry the meas-
ured wind conditions indicated a beach impact for a pad abort, the access
arm would not be retracted until after the winds were determined to be safe
as confirmed by a balloon release.
Memo, Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., to Manager, ASPO, "Mission Rules concerning predicted
beach impact for the Spacecraft 101 launch," Nov. 16, 1967; telecon with Charles Harlan, MSC
Flight Control Div., by Ivan Ertel, Aug. 31, 1970.
Robert R. Gilruth, George M. Low, and Maxime A. Faget, with other MSC
personnel and North American Rockwell management officials visited
AiResearch to review the status of the Apollo environmental control unit
1967 electronic components. There had been serious concern about AiResearch
Noveml_r capabilities in this area. The review indicated that AiResearch circuit
designs were satisfactory; that the electronic parts used were not satisfactory,
but that substitutions of high-reliability parts could be made; and that
AiResearch's capability in the manufacture of electronic components was
substandard insofar as the aerospace industry was concerned. AiResearch
was directed to obtain a subcontractor to build the most critical electronic
controller in accordance with AiResearch designs and parts lists. All other
electronic components were still under review and additional ones might be
added to the backup contractor at a later date.
"MSC Weekly Activity Report for Mr. Webb," week ending Nov. 17, 1967.
An MSC meeting discussed environmental acceptance testing of Apollo
spacecraft at the vehicle level. The meeting was attended by representatives
of OMSF, MSC, and General Electric. Lad Warzecha presented results of a
GE analysis of ground- and flight-test failures in a number of spacecraft
programs. GE had concluded that a significant number of failures could be
eliminated through complete vehicle environmental (vibration and thermal
vacuum) acceptance testing and recommended such testing be included in
the CSM and LM programs. James A. Chamberlin, MSC, presented a
critique of the GE recommendations and found fault with the statistical
approach to the GE analysis, indicating that each flight failure would have
to be considered individually to reach valid conclusions. After considerable
discussion ASPO Manager George M. Low said that he had reached the
following conclusions: (1) Adequate environmental screening at the piece
part and component level was essential. Significant steps in this direction
had been taken by requiring a wider use of high-reliability parts and by
imposing higher vibration levels in black box acceptance testing. (2)
Vehicle-level environmental acceptance testing was not applicable to the
CSM or LM spacecraft. This conclusion was reached because it was not
possible to vibrate, or otherwise excite, any of the Apollo spacecraft in a way
to give meaningful vibration levels at most internal spacecraft locations.
Memo for the Record, Low, Manager, ASPO, "Apollo complete vehicle environmental
acceptance testing," Nov. 18, 1967.
Eberhard F. M. Rees of MSFC sent MSC ASPO Manager George M. Low the
results of a brief survey he had made at North American Rockwell. This was
a preliminary step to plans agreed on by NASA Administrator James E.
Webb, Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller,
MSFC Director Wernher von Braun, MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth, and
Low. Rees was to head a special task group, to be stationed at Downey and
concerned largely with planning control and feedback; engineering,
development, and design; manufacturing and assembly, manufacturing
methods, and process control; quality assurance and reliability; and
procedures, configuration control, etc.
Rees recalled that his assignment, as spelled out by Webb, was mainly to 1967
support MSC on manufacturing problems. Accompanying Rees on the November
survey trip from October 24 to November 3 were Jerald R. Kubat of the
Apollo Program Office, NASA Hq., and two MSFC associates of Rees, Jack
Trott and E. D. Mohlere. Rees met with RASPO Manager Wilbur H. Gray
and ASPO CSM Manager Kenneth S. Kleinknecht and with top North
American officials. Discussions were held with RASPO personnel on
configuration control, quality assurance, manufacturing problems, and the
environmental control system in preparation for a trip to AiResearch.
"Finally we reviewed the so-called Problem Assessment Room of NAR."
Speaking of the field of controls and prompt display of problems, Rees said:
"I feel that the so-called 'Problem Assessment Room' is a good beginning
but that it requires much refinement. For example, it currently does not
inform management of repetitive non-conformances or developing trends.
Also, I learned that the previously mentioned improperly fitting RCS panel
1967 did not show on the board. The reason given was that it was not displayed
November because no solution to the problem had yet been developed. It would appear
to me that such a condition would eminently qualify a problem for
Memo, Rees to Low, "Brief Survey of CSM at NAR, Downey," Nov. 17, 1967.
2O Bell Aerosystems Co. informed MSC and NASA Hq. that the company had
reached a point in the LM ascent engine program where it was confident
that it would meet all commitments and requirements for the Apollo
Ltrs., William G. Gisel, Bell Aerosystems Co., to Robert R. Gilruth and George M. Low, MSC,
and Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., Nov. 20, 1967.
Week Endlng A meeting on LM testing was held at Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp.,
with Robert R. Gilruth and George M. Low, MSC; George Hage, OMSF;
Hilliard Paige, General Electric Co.; and George Stoner, Boeing Co., in
addition to Grumman personnel. After NASA reviewed the LM vibration
environment and previous acceptance test decisions, Grumman recom-
mended that complete vehicle vibration testing with externally mounted
acoustic horns should be continued beyond LM-2; that wider use of
thermovacuum testing at the component level be considered; and that the
LM designated for the lunar landing mission be subjected to complete
thermovacuum tests either at MSC or KSC.
MSC concluded that (1) for schedule purposes it would plan to continue
complete vehicle acoustic testing after LM-2; however, implementation of
this decision would depend on the results of the LM-2 testing; (2) MSC
would reexamine the application of more widespread thermal testing at the
component level; and (3) the Grumman proposal to subject the LM
designated for the lunar mission to more testing than earlier manned flights
was unacceptable. Past experience had shown that earlier vehicles should
always have more testing than later ones.
MSC, "Weekly Activity Report for Mr. Webb," week ending Dec. 1, 1967.
December NASA Hq. requested MSC to forward by December 5 the Center's plan for
providing qualified LM ascent engines with dynamically stable injectors for
manned LM flights. The plan was expected to be based on ground rules
established in July when a NASA team went to Bell Aerosystems Co. that the
current BAC engine would be the prime effort with the Rocketdyne Division
(North American Rockwell) injector development as backup. Headquarters
asked that the plan contain the following elements: (1) effectivity of Bell- 1967
improved design in LM; (2) earliest phaseout of Rocketdyne program, December
TWX, NASA Hq. to MSC, MSFC, and KSC, "Apollo 6 and AS-503 Unmanned CSM
Assignments," Dec. 1, 1967.
Walter J. Kapryan of the MSC Resident ASPO at KSC told the KSC Apollo
Program Manager that one of the primary test objectives of the SM-102
static-fire test was to determine system deterioration caused by the static-fire
sequence and exposure to residual hypergolics trapped in the system during
subsequent prelaunch operations. He said it was imperative that the
objective be met before the planned static-firing test of the SM-101. MSC
requested that every effort be made to make the SM-102 test as soon as
possible to ensure a representative time for subsequent storage and that a
contractor tear-down inspection could be made to assess the advisability of
static-firing the flight spacecraft. A firing date of January 15, 1968, would
accomplish those objectives.
Memo, Kapryan to Apollo Program Manager, KSC, "SM-102 Static Fire Schedule," Dec. 5,
Memo, Tindall to distr., "Light weight LM attitude control is too sporty," Dec. 7, 1967.
An Apollo drop test failed at E1 Centro, Calif. The two-drogue verification
test had been planned to provide confidence in the drogue chute design
(using a weighted bomb) before repeating the parachute test vehicle (PTV)
test. Preliminary information indicated that in the test one drogue
entangled with the other during deployment and that only one drogue
inflated. The failure appeared to be related to a test deployment method
rather than to drogue design. The test vehicle was successfully recovered by a
USAF recovery parachute--intact and reusable.
TWX, George M. Low, MSC, to Director, Apollo Program Office, NASA Hq., Dec. 8, 1967.
During the interim, program reviews had been conducted at both Bell and
Rocketdyne. The Bell program had been accelerated to complete qualifica-
tion by February 9, 1968, by conducting qualification and design
verification testing in parallel. While a greater risk would be incurred, both
Grumman and NASA agreed to the procedure to expedite the Bell program.
The Rocketdyne program could not be accelerated to complete qualifica-
tion by February because of an uncertainty as to the performance of its
engine, but qualification testing was expected to be completed by March.
Anticipating that the only change would be a pattern modification,
Rocketdyne was already manufacturing injectors to support an accelerated
Ltr., Low to Phillips, "Ascent engine program plan," Dec. 9, 1967.
NASA Hq. asked further MSFC studies of one of the most critical phases
during an Apollo mission, the period between holddown arm release and
launch umbilical tower clearance. Failures or incompatibilities that could
cause a vehicle collision with ground equipment or a pad fallback were
major elements of potential danger. Problems during that phase would be
difficult to cope with from a crew safety or an abort point of view and also
posed the double jeopardy possibility of losing both the space vehicle and
mobile launcher.
The MSFC task leaders were asked to report findings to a panel made up of
the MSFC, MSC, and KSC Apollo Program Managers and NASA Apollo
Program Director Samuel C. Phillips before the flight readiness reviews for
Apollo 5 and 6, scheduled for January 3 and mid-January 1968.
The phase I customer acceptance readiness review (CARR) of CM 101 was
held at North American Rockwell in Downey, Calif. MSC's CSM Manager
Kenneth S. Kleinknecht chaired the meeting, and SC 101 Manager John
Healey represented North American. The review was the first of a three-
phase CARR system initiated by North American. A total of 44 customer
acceptance review item dispositions (CARIDs) were presented to the board
and 13 were closed. The spacecraft was accepted for turnover to Apollo Test
Operations pending submission of data to close the remainder. The
majority of open CARIDs were for completing documentation for
engineering orders, operation checkout procedures, and photography, with
both North American and MSC having action item for closing out CARIDs.
Five CARIDs made reference to flammability of material. The most
significant item was the installation of 27.4 meters of coaxial cable in the
spacecraft that did not meet flammability guidelines.
Memo, W. C. Brubaker, Bellcomm, Inc., to distr., "Trip Report--Phase I Customer Acceptance
Readiness Review of SCM 101--Case 320," Dec. 29, 1967.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips wrote to the three manned
space flight Centers:
"I am sure that you are keenly aware of the importance of the forthcoming
series of Apollo manned flights and the requirement that all responsible
actions are taken to assure the success of each mission. To this end the
Design Certification Review, established for manned flights, serves an
important role. Shortly our program of progressive Design Certification
Reviews leading to certification for the manned lunar landing will
commence: A significant part of the effort requires a comprehensive
supporting analysis of critical hardware to assure that all single failure
points have been identified and accepted by all levels of Apollo Program
"It is requested that you initiate action to prepare for each Design
Certification Review a single failure point listing which includes all
considerations supporting the acceptance of each single failure point. This
listing shall be prepared in accordance with ground rules established and
coordinated by the Apollo Program Reliability and Quality Assurance
Office, be approved by the Center, and shall be required 60 days in advance
of the final Design Certification Review Board signoff."
Ltrs., Phillips to MSC, MSFC, and KSC, "Apollo Program Single Failure Points," Dec. 12,
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips wrote the manned space flight
Centers of Apollo schedule decisions. In a September 20 meeting at MSC to
review the Apollo test flight program, MSC had proposed a primary test
flight plan including (1) the addition of a second unmanned LM flight, (2)
addition of a third unmanned Saturn V flight, and (3) addition of a new
primary mission, a lunar orbital mission. Phillips now wrote that decisions
had been made to accommodate MSC's first two proposals into the mainline
Apollo flight mission assignment. In addition, the proposal for the lunar
orbital mission would be included in the Apollo flight mission assignments
as an alternate to a landing mission.
Ltr., Phillips to Directors, MSC, MSFC, and KSC, "Apollo Spacecraft Flighl Test Program
Review/Apollo Mission Assignments," Dec. 14, 1967.
The Apollo Site Selection Board met at MSC and discussed landing ellipse
topography, landing approach path topography, and operational consider-
ations, among other topics. The board heard recommendations on landing
sites for the first and second missions, and approved them subsequent to the
meeting, and Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips emphasized that
three launch opportunities should be provided for all months of the year.
Board members, in addition to Phillips, were James H. Turnock, John D.
Stevenson, Charles W. Mathews, and Oran W. Nicks, all of NASA Hq.;
Owen E. Maynard and Wilmot N. Hess of MSC; Ernst Stuhlinger, MSFC; 1967
and R. O. Middleton, KSC. December
Memo, Apollo Program Director to distr., "Minutes of the Apollo Site Selection Board Meeting
of December 15, 1967," Jan. 29, 1968.
Robert O. Piland, Technical Assistant to the MSC Director, reminded
ASPO Manager George M. Low that some time previously Wilmot Hess,
MSC, had requested incorporation of a camera on AS-502 to take photos of
the earth from orbital altitudes. The camera would be the same kind as used
on AS-501 but pictures would be taken from a height of 80 to 160 kilometers
rather than from 16 000. Piland said he understood the mission would allow
a strip of photography 160 kilometers wide across the southern part of the
United States and Africa and would make a significant contribution to the
initiation of an earth resources survey program. Low replied on December
20, "Our plans are to do this, assuming we can without schedule impact."
Memo, Piland to Low, "Photography on Mission 502," Dec. 15, 1967; note, Low to Piland, Dec.
20, 1967.
Top NASA and North American Rockwell management personnel
discussed flammability problems associated with coax cables installed in
CMs. It was determined that approximately 23 meters of flammable coax
cable was in CM 101 and, when ignited with a nichrome wire, the cable
would burn in oxygen at both 4.3 and 11.4 newtons per square centimeter
(6.2 and 16.5 pounds per square inch). Burning rates varied from 30 to 305
centimeters per minute, depending upon the oxygen pressure and the
direction of the flame front propagation. The cable was behind master
display panels, along the top of the right-hand side of the cabin, vertically in
the rear right-hand corner of the cabin, in the cabin feed-through area, and
in the lower equipment bay. The group reviewed the detailed location of the
cable, viewed movies of flammability tests, examined movies of the results of
testing with fire breaks, discussed possible alternatives, and inspected cable
installations in CMs 101 and 104.
In making these decisions, NASA and North American recognized that they
were contrary to existing criteria and guidelines. Those present agreed that
the decisions were an exception and in no way should be construed as a
change or relaxation of the criteria and guidelines. The basic reason for the
exception was summarized as follows : "As a result of the clean installation
of the coax cables, the lack of external ignition sources, and the complete job
done in cleaning up the spacecraft from the flammability viewpoint, the risk
of igniting the coax cables is exceedingly small. This risk is believed to be
less than would likely be incurred through possible damage to existing
installations had a decision been made to replace or wrap the cables."
Officials also agreed that coax cable in boilerplate 1224 would not be ignited 1967
until after the results of the BP 1250 tests had been reviewed. December
Memo for the Record, Manager, ASPO, "Command Module coax cable flammability
considerations," Dec. 19, 1967.
A LM test failed in the Grumman ascent stage manufacturing plant
December 17. A window in LM-5 shattered during its initial cabin
pressurization test, designed to pressurize the cabin to 3.9 newtons per
square centimeter (5.65 pounds per square inch). Both inner and outer
windows and the plexiglass cover of the right-hand window shattered when
the pressure reached 3.5 newtons per sq cm (5.1 psi). An MSC LM engineer
and Coming Glass Co. engineers were investigating the damage and cause
of failure.
TWX, ASPO Manager, MSC, to NASA Hq., Atm: Apollo Program Director, Dec. 19, 1967;
"Activity Report--Quality Assurance," Bethpage, N.Y., Dec. 13-19, 1967.
NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller
informed MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth that he intended to establish a
Guidance Software Task Force to determine whether any additional actions
could be taken to improve the software development and verification
process. He requested that MSC make a thorough presentation to the task
force at its first meeting, to include flight software problem areas and also
such matters as crew training, crew procedures development, mission
planning activities, and the abort guidance system software. Mueller
himself would chair the task force and other members would be: Richard H.
Battin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Instrumentation Laborato-
ry; Leon R. Bush, Aerospace Corp.; Donald R. Hagner, Bellcomm, Inc. :
Dick Hanrahan, IBM: James S. Martin, Jr., LaRC; John P. Mayer, MSC:
Clarence Pitman, TRW; and Ludie G. Richard, MSFC.
NASA Administrator James E. Webb approved a reorganization of NASA
Headquarters, making changes in OMSF. On January 26, 1968, Associate
Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller spelled out
OMSF changes: ( 1) The Deputy Associate Administrator for Manned Space
Flight would continue with "across the board" responsibility and act for
Mueller when he was absent or not available; (2) the Deputy Associate
Administrator for Manned Space Flight (Management) would be responsi-
ble for the supervision of all administrative aspects of management within
the manned space flight organization; and (3) the Deputy Associate
Administrator for Manned Space Flight (Technical) would be responsible
as the technical director and chief engineer of the manned space flight
Memo, Mueller to OMSF Employees, Jan. 26, 1968.
NASA Hq. announced establishment of the Lunar Exploration Office
December within the Office of Manned Space Flight's Apollo Program Office. The
As a part of the managers' technical status review, Dale Myers of North
American Rockwell presented his analysis of fixes for the coax cable in
spacecraft 103 and subsequent spacecraft. The North American recommen-
dation was: (1) For spacecraft 103, 104, and 106--remove all coax and wrap
with aluminum tape using a 75- to 90-percent overlap. Re-install wrapped
coax with additional teflon overwrap in areas where chafing might occur.
This wrapping would increase spacecraft weight by 0.9 kilograms. Schedule
impact was estimated at five days for spacecraft 103 and 104 and one day for
spacecraft 106. (2) For spacecraft 107 and subsequent spacecraft--install new
coax cable that would meet nonmetallic-materials guidelines. There would
be no schedule impact.
3. The new cable to be used in spacecraft 107 was already used on the
spacecraft upper deck, but had not been subjected to corrosive contami-
nants, oxygen, and humidity qualification. This qualification would be
completed in line and before cable installation.
4. Although connectors used with coax on the upper deck were
compatible with black boxes in the spacecraft and were supposedly
available, there were not enough in stock to support the fabrication of new
cables for spacecraft 103, 104, and 106.
5. Testing at North American and MSC supported the conclusion that
wrapping with aluminum tape would preclude propagation of burning if
ignition of the coax should occur.
Memo, Kleinknecht to Low, "Command module coax cable decisions relative to spacecraft 103
and subsequent," Jan. 9, 1968.
ASPO Manager George M. Low pointed out to E. Z. Gray of Grumman that
in October 1964 NASA had sent a letter to Grumman voicing concern over
possible stress corrosion problems. The Grumman reply on October 30 of
that year was unsatisfactory when considered in the light of stress corrosion
cracks recently found in the LM aluminum structural members. Low asked
what Grumman planned to do to make sure that no other potential stress
corrosion problems existed in the LM and asked for a reply by January 1968
on how the problem would be attacked.
A Lunar Mission Planning Board meeting was held at MSC with Julian M.
West as acting chairman. Also present were Wilmot N. Hess, Christopher C.
Kraft, Jr., Paul E. Purser, and Andre J. Meyer, Jr. (secretary); and invited
participants Gus R. Babb, John M. Eggleston, and James J. Taylor. The
meeting agenda involved two main subjects: (1) review of major meetings
recently held involving lunar exploration and planning; and (2) review of
the remote sensors for use in lunar orbit and payload available on the CSM
during a manned landing mission for carrying remote sensing instrumenta-
tion. Hess, MSC Director of Science and Applications, reviewed the Group
for Lunar Exploration Planning (GLEP) meeting in Washington
December 8 and 9, which had examined potential sites for lunar exploration
beyond Apollo based on scientific objectives and not operational
considerations. He pointed out that during the GLEP group study at Santa
Cruz, Calif., in the summer, scientists had strongly recommended a manned
orbital mission be flown before manned landings, to gain additional
photographic information for more effective mission planning and to make
remote-sensing measurements to detect anomalies on the lunar surface.
Hess said this position had changed to some extent.
Hess pointed out that lunar exploration was the responsibility of the new
Lunar Exploration Office at NASA Hq. (see December 19). The office had
further been subdivided into the Lunar Science Office, responsible for
science and experiment planning, and the Flight Systems Office,
MSC, "Minutes of the Lunar Mission Planning Board," Dec. 21, 1967.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips told ASPO Manager George
M. Low that a review had begun on the "Apollo Spacecraft Weight and
Mission Performance Definition" report dated December 12 and that his
letter indicated approval of certain changes either requested or implied by
the report. Phillips added that his letter identified a second group of
pending changes for which insufficient information was available. He
stressed his serious concern over the problem of spacecraft weight growth
and said weight must be limited to the basic 45 359-kilogram launch vehicle
capability. "According to the progression established in your report, CM's
116 through 119 could exceed the parachute hand-weight capability. I
would like to establish a single set of controlled basic weights for the
production vehicles. For product improvement changes a good rule is a
pound deleted for every pound added. For approved changes to the basic
configuration, it is the responsibility of NASA to understand the weight and
performance implication of the change and to establish appropriate new
control values .... "
The first fire-in-the-hole test was successfully completed at the White Sands
Test Facility (WSTF). The vehicle test configuration was that of LM-2 and
the test cell pressure immediately before the test was equivalent to a 68 850-
meter altitude. All test objectives were satisfied and video tapes of TV 1967
monitors were acquired. Test firing duration was 650 milliseconds with zero December
stage separation.
TWX, WSTF to MSC, Dec. 22, 1967.
Week Ending
Bethpage RASPO Business Manager Frank X. Battersby met with
Grumman Treasurer Pat Cherry on missing items of government property. 22
The Government Accounting Office (GAO) had complained of inefficiency
in Grumman property accountability records and had submitted a list of
some 550 items of government property to Grumman. After nine weeks of
searching, the company had found about 200 items. The auditors contended
the missing items amounted to $8 million-S9 million. Cherry said he
believed that all the material could be located within one week. Battersby
agreed to the one-week period but emphasized that the real problem was not
in locating the material but rather in establishing accurate records, since
GAO felt that too often the contractor would be tempted to go out and buy
replacement parts rather than look for the missing ones.
"Weekly Activity Report, Business Manager, RASPO Bethpage," week ending Dec. 22, 1967, to
Chief, Apollo Procurement Br., Procurement and Contracts Div., MSC, Dec. 27, 1967.
CSM Manager Kenneth S. Kleinknecht asked the Manager of the Resident
Apollo Spacecraft Program Office (RASPO) at Downey to inform North
American Rockwell that MSC had found the suggestion that aluminum
replace teflon for solder joint inserts and outer armor sleeves in Apollo
spacecraft plumbing unacceptable because ( 1) the teflon insert was designed
to give an interference fit to prevent the passage of solder balls into the
plumbing; (2) an aluminum insert could not be designed with an
interference fit for obvious reasons; (3) the aluminum insert was tested at the
beginning of the program and found to be inferior to the teflon insert; and
(4) the aluminum armor seal could not be used as a replacement for the outer
armor sleeves because it did not eliminate the creep problem of solder.
Memo, Kleinknecht to Manager, RASPO, Downey, Calif., "NR solder joint suggestion," Dec.
27, 1967.
The LM ascent engine program plan submitted to NASA Hq. on December"
9 had been approved, Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips told
ASPO Manager George M. Low. Phillips was concerned, however, about
the impact of recent unstable injector tests at Bell Aerosystems Co. on this
plan. He said, "Resolution of these failures must be expedited in order to
maintain present schedules. Also of concern, is the possible underestima-
tion of the contractual and integration problems that will exist if the
Rocketdyne [Division] injector should be chosen." Phillips asked that those
areas receive special attention and that he be kept informed on the progress
of both injector programs.
TWX, Phillips to Low, Dec. 28, 1967.
Confirming a discussion between George Low and Samuel Phillips on
December October 27, a decision was made to replace the glass windows in LM-1 with
28 aluminum windows, as a precaution against a failure in flight similar to the
one that occurred on LM-5 in testing.
TWX, J. Vincze, LM-1 Vehicle Management Office, MSC, to NASA Hq., Atm: S. C. Phillips,
"Replacement o[ windows on LM-I," Dec. 28, 1967.
1968 MSC called to the attention of North American Rockwell the number of
January discrepancies found at KSC that could have been found at Downey before
hardware shipment. In an effort to reduce the discrepancies North American
was requested to obtain and use the KSC receiving inspection criteria as a
guide for shipping inspections. It was also suggested that the possibility of
sending a few key inspectors to KSC for periods of three to six months to
gain additional experience might be investigated.
Ltr., Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, MSC, to Dale D. Myers, North American Rockwell, Jan. 2, 1968.
ASPO Manager George M. Low discussed with Rocco Petrone of KSC the
problem of high humidity levels within the spacecraft-lunar module
adapter. Petrone advised that several changes had been made to alleviate the
problem: air conditioning in the SLA and the instrument unit would
remain on during propellarit loading; and the rate of air flow into the SLA
was increased. Also, technicians at the Cape had designed a tygon tube to be
installed to bring dry air into the LM descent engine bell, should this added
precaution prove necessary. With these changes, Low felt confident that the
humidity problem had been resolved.
N. W. Hinners et al., Bellcomm Technical Memo 68-1012-1, "A Lunar Exploration Program,"
Jan. 5, 1968.
The group was favorably impressed and felt that there was every indication
that the Rocketdyne injectors would meet the LM requirements. ASTT
recommended that MSC establish a board, chaired by the Chief of the
Propulsion and Power Division and including one MSFC propulsion
engineer, one MSFC manufacturing specialist, and other MSC personnel as
required to provide a recommendation to ASPO of the ascent engine for
Apollo Data Coordination Chief Howard W. Tindall, Jr., summarized
mission planning for the first two hours on the lunar surface. That period,
11 A Parachute Test Vehicle (PTV) test failed at E1 Centro, Calif. The PTV was
released from a B-52 aircraft at 15240 meters and the drogue chute
programmer was actuated by a static line connected to the aircraft. One
drogue chute appeared to fail upon deployment, followed by failure of the
second drogue seven seconds later. Disreefing of these drogues normally
occurred at 8 seconds after deployment with disconnect at deployment at
plus 18 seconds. The main chute programmer deployed and was effective for
only 14 out of the expected 40 seconds' duration. This action was followed
by normal deployment of one main parachute, which failed, followed by the
second main parachute as programmed after four-tenths of a second, which
also failed. The main chute failure was observed from the ground and the
emergency parachute system deployment was commanded but also failed
because of high dynamic pressure, allowing the PTV to impact and be
destroyed. Investigation was under way and MSC personnel were en route to
E1 Centro and Northrop-Ventura to determine the cause and to effect a
TWX, George M. Low, MSC, to NASA Hq., Arm: Apollo Program Director, Jan. 11, 1968.
CSM Manager Kenneth S. Kleinknecht wrote his counterpart at North
American Rockwell, Dale D. Myers, to express concern about NR's seeming
inability to implement configuration control of flight hardware and ground
support equipment. Some progress had been made recently, Kleinknecht
observed, but many steps still had to be taken to achieve effective
configuration management on the CSM. The MSC chief pointed especially
to North American's inability to ensure that final hardware matched that set
forth in engineering documents, a weakness inherent in the separate
functions of manufacturing: planning, fabrication, assembly and rework.
MSC recommended a check procedure of comparing part numbers of
installed equipment to the "as designed" parts list. "In short," Kleinknecht
concluded, "I think that we should tolerate no further delay in establishing
a simple 'as built' versus 'as designed' checking function, beginning with
and including the first manned spacecraft."
system was planned to be applicable by the Flight Readiness Review on
spacecraft 104 and on subsequent spacecraft at earlier points. Jmnuary
Ltrs., Kleinknecht to Myers, Jan. I 1, 1968; Myers to Kleinknecht, Feb. 13, 1968.
The Senior Flammability Review Board met at MSC with Chairman Robert
R. Gilruth, George M. Low, Maxime A. Faget, Aleck C. Bond, Charles A.
Berry, Donald K. Slayton, Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., Kenneth S. Klein-
knecht, all of MSC, and George Jeffs of North American Rockwell
participating. The meeting summary reported that a 60-percent-oxygen and
40-percent-nitrogen atmosphere was acceptable from a crew physiological
standpoint. The requirement for crew prebreathing before launch was not
dependent upon launching with the atmosphere. Operationally, the crew
could remove their helmets and gloves following orbital insertion and
verification of the integrity of the cabin and its environmental control
system; oxygen leakage would be allowed to enrich the crew compartment
ASPO Manager George M. Low outlined for the NASA Apollo Program
Director MSC plans to static-fire the service propulsion system (SPS) as a
complete unit. Houston officials maintained that at least one firingof such a
complete system was necessary to prove the adequacy of all SPS
manufacturing, assembly, and testing. However, because of several
potential adverse effects that might accrue to testing the first such available
system (that for the 101 SM), MSC proposed to test-fire the 102 unit and
Memo, Low to NASA Hq., Atm : Samuel C. Phillips, "Requirements for static firing of Apollo
service propulsion subsystem," Jan. 13, 1968.
Memo, Mueller to Administrator and Deputy Administrator, "Manned Space Flight Report--
January 15, 1968."
Eberhard Rees, Director of the Apollo Special Task Team at North
American Rockwell's Downey plant, wrote ASPO Manager George Low
outlining what he termed "serious quality and reliability resources
deficiencies" and proposed several steps to bolster NASA's manpower in
these areas. Specifically, Rees cited the immediate need for additional
manpower (primarily through General Electric) to make vendor surveys,
test failure assessments, and specification review and analysis and establish
minimum inspection points. In addition, Rees said, many areas were almost
totally lacking in coverage by the government, such as monitoring
qualification tests, receiving inspections, pre-installation test, and many
manufacturing operations. He urged Low to reassess his requirements in
Houston to determine how many persons MSC might contribute (along
with those from MSFC and GE) to plug these vital areas.
Ltr., Rees to Low, Jan. 17, 1968.
Eberhard Rees, Apollo Special Task Team chief at North American
Rockwell, participated in a failure review at Northrop-Ventura of the recent
parachute test failure (see January 11) and in development of a revised test
plan. Others at the review included Dale Myers and Norman Ryker from
North American and W. Gasich and W. Steyer, General Manager and
Apollo Program Manager at Northrop-Ventura. Those at the review put
together a revised drop test program that resulted in only a two-week 1968
schedule delay because of the failure. Repair of the parachute test vehicle January
was under way. Meantime, tests would continue, employing bomb and
boilerplate devices. Also, Rees decided to establish a Flight Readiness
Review Board (headed by Joseph Kotanchik of MSC) to approve each drop
test, and Northrop officials had established an internal review board to
review test engineering and planning and were tightening their inspection
and quality control areas.
Memo, Rees to Manager, ASPO, "Trip Report to Northrop-Ventura on January 17, 1968," J an.
19, 1968; ltr., Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, MS(;, to Myers, Jan. 19, 1968.
A meeting was held at MSC to determine necessary action concerning recent
contamination of CM 103's potable water, oxygen, and water-glycol lines.
North American Rockwell proposed that all 103 aluminum lines in the
potable water and oxygen systems (approximately 72 segments) be replaced;
and proposed to follow a chemical flushing procedure for the water-glycol
lines to remove the aluminum oxide and copper contamination. North
American estimated that these actions would cause a 15-17 day serial
impact. Removal and replacement of all lines would result in an estimated
impact of 45 days. A decision was made to concur with the North American
recommendation and on January 19 Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, MSC,
informed Dale D. Myers, North American, of the concurrence and
authorized him to proceed immediately. In addition, Kleinknecht
appointed a Special Task Team for Spacecraft 103 Contamination Control
to ensure timely review of all contractor activities associated with removal of
the contamination from the spacecraft environmental control system
coolant system. Members of the team were: Wilbur H. Gray, Chairman; A.
M. Worden, W. R. Downs, Jack Cohen, A. W. Joslyn, R. E. Smylie, R. P.
Burt, and W. H. Taylor.
Memo, Manager, CSM, ASPO, to Manager, ASPO, "Meeting held to determine course of action
regarding contamination of CM 103 plumbing," Jan. 19, 1968; hr., Kleinknecht to Myers, Jan.
19, 1968; memo, Manager, CSM, ASPO, to distr., "Spacecraft Plumbing Contamination
Control Board," Jan. 19, 1968; ltr., Myers to Kleinknecht, Feb. 20, 1968.
Roll Lanzkron and Owen Morris, Chiefs of MSC's CSM and LM Project
Engineering Divisions, led a review of the 2TV-1 and LTA-8 (thermal
vacuum test article and lunar module test article) thermal vacuum test
programs at MSC. Chief concerns expressed during the review centered on
the heavy concentration of testing during the summer of 1968, the need for
simultaneous operation of test chambers A and B, and the lack of adequately
trained chamber operations support personnel for dual testing. The review
disclosed that maintenance of testing schedules for LTA-8 was most
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips wrote ASPO Manager George
M. Low requesting that he establish and maintain a detailed comparison of
configuration differences between the CSM and LM. This comparison,
Phillips said, should include major interface differences, subsystems and
components, weight, performance, and crew safety. Phillips ordered this
comparison chiefly because the Apollo spacecraft was entering an extremely
important phase to certify the vehicles for manned flight.
Ltr., Phillips to Low, Jan. 19, 1968.
NASA launched Apollo 5--the first, unmanned LM flight--on a Saturn IB
from KSC Launch Complex 37B at 5:48:08 p.m. EST. Mission objectives
included verifying operation of the LM structure itself and its two primary
propulsion systems, to evaluate LM staging, and to evaluate orbital
performances of the S-IVB stage and instrument unit. Flight of the AS-204
launch vehicle went as planned, with nosecone (replacing the CSM)
jettisoned and LM separating. Flight of LM-1 also went as planned up to
the first descent propulsion engine firing. Because velocity increase did not
build up as quickly as predicted, the LM guidance system shut the engine
down after only four seconds of operation. Mission control personnel in
Houston and supporting groups quickly analyzed the problem. They
determined that the difficulty was one of guidance software only (and not a
fault in hardware design) and pursued an alternate mission plan that
ensured meeting the minimum requirements necessary to achieve the
primary objectives of the mission. After mission completion at 2:45 a.m.
EST January 23, LM stages were left in orbit to reenter the atmosphere later
and disintegrate. Apollo program directors attributed success of the mission
to careful preplanning of alternate ways to accomplish flight objectives in
the face of unforeseen events.
Joseph G. Gavin, Jr., LM Program Director at Grumman, advised ASPO
Manager George M. Low of steps under way to attack the problem of stress
corrosion in the LM. (Low had expressed MSC's concern over this potential
danger on December 20, 1967.) While stating that he shared Low's concern,
Gavin believed that stress corrosion would not prove to be of significance to
the LM mission. However, his organization was prepared to reevaluate the
LM's design and fabrication to determine to what extent the problem could
be ameliorated. (Gavin denied that such metal corrosion could be absolutely
eliminated using present materials as dictated by weight constraints on the
LM design.) Gavin stated that he had created a special team of experienced
Eberhard F. M. Rees, head of the Apollo Special Task Team at North
American Rockwell, met with Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, MSC, and Martin L.
Raines, Manager of the White Sands Test Facility, to review the team's
recent operations and the responses of North American and its numerous
subcontractors to the team's recommendations. Kleinknecht listed what he
thought were the chief problems facing the CSM program: the S-band high-
gain antenna (which he said should be turned over entirely to the task team
for resolution); the parachute program; the environmental control system;
and contamination inside the spacecraft. He urged that the team take the
lead in developing solutions to these problems.
Memo for Record, Raines, "Review of Apollo Special Task Team Operations," Jan. 26, 1968.
In a letter to officials of the three manned space flight Centers, NASA Apollo
January Program Director Samuel C. Phillips called attention to the fact that as the
25 time for the first manned Apollo flight was approaching constant concern
for crew safety was becoming more pronounced. Phillips pointed out that
the Crew Safety Panel, Flight Mechanics Panel, Launch Operations Panel,
Hazardous Emergency Egress Working Group, and other Intercenter
Coordination Panels had each dealt with specific aspects of Apollo crew
safety. Individual Centers and contractors had exercised their crew safety
responsibilities through system design, quality control, and test channels.
Single-point failure analyses, dealing with specific hardware areas, had been
He said that these efforts had resulted in current provisions for rapid crew
egress on the pad, for spacecraft abort during early phases of the launch, and
for contingency flight modes. Phillips added, "... to insure that all of the
many parts of the problem are properly integrated we should at this time
step back and take another look at the overall crew safety picture from
ingress to mission completion. The questions to be addressed are: (1) Have
we systematically analyzed all likely failure modes or anomalies which
could jeopardize the crew from ingress to mission completion? (2) In each of
these cases do we have proper and timely cues coupled with a safe egress,
abort, or contingency capability? (3) Do we have a plan for the timely
solution of the known crew safety related problems?... I would like to have
this essential area worked under leadership of MSC--focused at a high
management level--with assistance as required from MSFC and KSC .... "
In a reply to Phillips, on February 28, MSC's George Low indicated that
John Hodge had agreed to undertake the task and had already held
discussions on the subject with George Hage of Phillips' office.
Ltrs., Phillips to MSC, MSFC, and KSC, "Apollo Crew Safety Review," Jan. 25, 1968; Low to
Phillips, Feb. 28, 1968.
The Special Task Team for CSM 103, appointed January 18, submitted a
progress report of activities during daily sessions held January 22 through
25. North American Rockwell and NASA had reached agreements on:
The events leading to the situation on CSM 103 were reviewed in sufficient
detail to make visible the errors in the discipline governing the flushing
carts. RASPO Manager Wilbur H. Gray stated that it was the RASPO
responsibility to ensure the upgrading and control of all such equipment
which interfaced with the spacecraft. The team would convene again
January 30 to review reports and continue with other activities required to
ensure adequacy of the CSM 103 plumbing system.
Memo, Gray to distr., "Summary of progress on the Special Task Team for CSM 103
Contamination Control," Jan. 26, 1968.
A LM-2 flight and requirement meeting was held at MSC, attended by key
MSC and NASA Hq. oflicials. The group reached three conclusions : ( 1) The
LM-1 performance on the January 22 Apollo 5 mission had been excellent
for all conditions of the flight, as executed, with the exception of minor
anomalies. (2) The LM-2 flight objectives that were partially accomplished
could be better accomplished by further ground testing or on subsequent
manned missions. Further unmanned flight testing was not required for
man-rating purposes. (3) A LM-2 flight was not required to man-rate the
ascent engine injector. It was also agreed that a decision should be made not
to fly the LM-2 mission, with this decision reversible if further evaluation of
data from the LM-1 flight indicated any problems. This decision would be
reviewed at the February 6 Manned Space Flight Management Council
Meeting and on March 6 at the LM-3 Design Certification Review. The final
decision would not be made until March 6.
In response to a letter from ASPO Manager George M. Low in late December
1967, seeking assurances that no potential stress corrosion problems existed
in the CSM, Dale D. Myers, CSM Program Manager at North American
Rockwell, reviewed the three instances where problems had been
encountered during the CSM project and iterated the extensive efforts to
ensure against such potential problems. Echoing much the same words as
his counterpart at Grumman, Myers stated that "it is not possible to
guarantee that no single instance of stress corrosion will ever occur" and
that circumstances "could create a problem not anticipated." He concluded
that his company's efforts in this direction had been "entirely adequate and
beyond the requirements of the contract and good practice in this industry,"
and he stated his belief that additional efforts in this area would not produce
measurable results.
MSC CSM Manager Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, in a letter to North American
Rockwell's Dale D. Myers, protested lack of North American reponse to
written MSC direction concerning parachute test vehicles. Kleinknecht
pointed out that MSC had "considerably modified our usual requirements
in supporting the boilerplate 19 task being performed for you by Western
Ltrs., Kleinknecht to Myers, Jan. 30, 1968; Myers to Kleinknecht, Feb. 29, 1968; Kleinknecht to
Myels, Mal. 14, 1968; Gray to Drucker, May 27, 1968.
A Senior Flammability Review Board meeting at MSC reached a number of
decisions on the CSM. Attending were Robert R. Gilruth, chairman; George February
M. Low, Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, Aleck C. Bond, Maxime A. Faget, Donald 5
K. Slayton, Charles A. Berry, and Rodney G. Rose, all of MSC; Samuel C.
Phillips, NASA Hq.; William B. Bergen and Dale D. Myers, North
American Rockwell; and George Stoner, Boeing (nonvoting observer).
The Board presented a review of test results. In the tests at pressure of 4.3
newtons per square centimeter (6.2 pounds per square inch) in a 95-percent-
oxygen atmosphere, there were 38 ignitions in boilerplate 1224. Of these, 5
produced fires large enough to require further consideration. In tests at 11.2
newtons per sq cm (16.2 psia) in a 60-percent-oxygen and 40-percent-
nitrogen atmosphere, there were 31 ignitions. Of these, 4 produced fires
large enough to require further consideration.
The Board concluded that the material changes made in the CM had
resulted in a safe configuration in both the tested atmospheres. The Board
agreed "that there will always be a degree of risk associated with manned
space flight," but the risk of fire "was now substantially less than the basic
risks inherent in manned space flight."
Among decisions reached were: (1) the CSM 2TV-I and 101 coaxial cable
configuration would be tested in the 60-percent-oxygen and 40-percent-
nitrogen atmosphere; (2) material improvements and testing would be
continued and changes would be phased in, pending the availability of
proved materials; and (3) action would be taken to be prepared to use a 60-
percent-oxygen and 40-percent-nitrogen prelaunch atmosphere in CSM
101. A final decision would be made at the Design Certification Review on
February March 7.
Minutes of the "Senior Flammability Review Board Meeting, Building 2--Room 966, February
5, 1968," sgd. Robert R. Gilruth, Feb. 23, 1968., Newell to Gilruth, Feb. 5, 1968; Information Staff Paper No. 99 to Director, MSC, from
Director of Flight Operations, "Lunar EVA Procedures," Apr. 16, 1968.
descent propulsion system burn as well as control of stage separation and
firing of the ascent propulsion system. To demonstrate these functions fully, February
he said, some modifications in mission plans for the next two manned
flights might be necessary.
Ltr., Evans to Low, Feb. 8, 1968.
James P. Nolan, Jr., Chief of Plans, NASA OMSF, wrote Mission
Operations Director John D. Stevenson describing a potential post-reentry
fire hazard in the command module. A hazard might result from incomplete
mixing of pure oxygen in the cockpit with normal air after landing, which
could produce pockets of almost pure oxygen in closed cabinets, equipment
bays, wire bundles, and interstices of the spacecraft. (Two test chamber
explosions and fires had occurred at Douglas Aircraft Co. under similar
conditions during the early 1950s, he advised.) Nolan suggested that the
potential fire hazard be critically reviewed, including possible additional
chamber flammability testing. Several weeks later, Stevenson informed
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips that he had discussed Nolan's
ideas with MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth, ensuring attention by the
Flammability Review Board. He reported that MSC was planning an
additional series of chamber tests to determine whether such a fire hazard
actually existed.
Memos, Nolan to Director, Mission Operations, NASA, "Post Reentry Fire Hazard in the
Command Module," Feb. 14, 1968; Stevenson to Apollo Program Director, same subject, Feb.
26, 1968.
In discussing the results of a manned test with MSC Director Robert R.
Gilruth, George M. Low mentioned that a single 45-degree motion of the
abort handle was required to initiate a launch abort in Apollo. Gilruth
voiced concern that an abort could be caused by a single motion. Low asked
Donald K. Slayton for comments on the subject. Slayton replied March 1
that "this item had also been a concern of the flight crews during the early
design of the system." But he said: "The handle forces to actuate the abort
sequence have been subjectively evaluated and are considered high enough
to prevent inadvertent actuation. Additionally, the outboard rotation
(counter clockwise) was chosen over an inboard rotation (clockwise) as
being the more unnatural of the two motions .... Crew training for launch
aborts in the Dynamic Crew Procedures Simulator has not shown this
design to be a problem."
Memos, Low to Slayton, "Apollo Command Module abort handle," Feb. 14, 1968; Slayton to
Manager, ASPO, "Apollo Command Module abort handle," Mar. 1, 1968.
NASA Hq. asked MSC's support for the effort under way by the Software
Review Board (created at Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips'
request several weeks earlier) to reexamine software requirements for the
lunar mission. A specific concern of the Board (which included representa-
tives from the major support contractors, IBM, TRW, and Bellcomm) was
the level of sophistication and complexity inherent in the present MIT
February computer programs. To understand better the possibilities of carrying out
the lunar mission using the present computer system but with much simpler
programming, Mueller asked the Board to examine the feasibility, cost, and
schedule implications of carrying out the mission using about half the fixed
and erasable memory of the computer and otherwise trading off program
simplicity for minor increases in propellant requirements.
Ltr., George E. Mueller, NASA OMSF, to Robert R. Gilruth, MSC, Feb. 14, 1968.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips wrote ASPO Manager George
M. Low setting forth a strategy for announcing selection of a prelaunch
atmosphere for the spacecraft. Because the decision undoubtedly would
draw much public attention, Phillips said, it was important that the
decision be based on comprehensive study and be fully documented to
explain the rationale for the decision both to NASA's management and to
the general public. Foremost, he said, that rationale must include a clear
statement of physiological requirements for the mission and for aborts.
Secondly, it must also cover flammability factors in cabin atmosphere
selection. Finally, the decision rationale must explain engineering factors
related to hardware capability and crew procedures, as well as operational
factors and how they affected the choice of atmosphere during prelaunch
and launch phases of the mission.
Meetings of the Software Task Force had brought out the lack of a formal
requirement that the Change Control Board (CCB) consider how hardware
and software changes might affect each other, NASA Associate Administra-
tor for Manned Flight Mueller told Apollo Director Phillips. Mueller asked
Phillips if he would consider a program directive requiring such
assessments before changes could be approved. On March 2, ASPO Manager
George Low wrote a note to Flight Operations Director Chris Kraft
concerning the same problem. Low believed "our CCB Manual required
that any changes requiring or affecting more than one panel (e.g., your
software panel and Kleinknecht's CSM panel) should come to the Apollo
spacecraft CCB." Kraft replied April 12 that he concurred. Kraft said that
"various MSC organizations are represented on my Software Control Board
[SCB]. These representatives identify related impacts on other functional
elements of the program during the discussion of change actions in
the.., meeting. Also, we have taken action to assure integrated assessment
of software and spacecraft changes prior to presentation to the SCB .... T.
F. Gibson, Jr., Flight Operations Directorate, and J. F. Goree, Jr., ASPO,
have resolved working arrangements to assure.., the disciplines called for
by the Configuration Management Manual are carried out. I understand
that the Change Integration Group in ASPO will critique proposed change
actions to either software or spacecraft hardware and identify associated
impacts .... Changes involving interfaces between the software and
spacecraft hardware, or other functional elements of the program, would
then be brought to your CCB for disposition of the.., change as prescribed February
MSC Deputy Director George S. Trimble, Jr., recommended to Apollo
Program Director Phillips that OMSF issue a definition for the end of the
Apollo program. Trimble pointed out that parts of MSC planning would be
clearer if there were a specified set of conditions which, when satisfied,
would mark the termination of the Apollo program and the start of the
lunar exploration program. He said: "It is recommended that the
accomplishment of the first lunar landing and safe return of the crew be
defined as the end of the Apollo Program. This will give a crisp ending that
everyone can understand and will be the minimum cost program. The
Lunar Exploration Program, or whatever name is selected, will have a
definable whole and can be planned and defended as a unit .... The
successful termination of the Apollo Program should not be dependent on
the successful deployment of ALSEP, EVA on the lunar surface, photos, soil
samples or other experiments. Such objectives should not be mandatory for
the first landing mission." Trimble added that he had discussed these points
with NASA's Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E.
Mueller and it was his understanding that Mueller not only agreed but also
planned to include similar material in his congressional testimony in
defense of the budget.
ASPO Manager George Low appointed Douglas R. Broome to head a
special task team to resolve the problem of water requirements aboard the
Apollo spacecraft. For some six months, Low noted, numerous discussions
had surrounded the question of water purity requirements and loading
procedures. Several meetings and reviews, including one at MSC on January
16 and another at KSC on February 13, had failed to resolve the problem, and
Low thus instructed Broome's team to reach a "final and definite
agreement" on acceptable water specifications and loading procedures.
Much unnecessary time and effort had been expended on this problem, Low
said, and he expected the team "to put this problem to rest once and for all."
Reflecting the climate of scientific thinking at his Center, MSC Director
Robert R. Gilruth responded to inquiries from Homer E. Newell, NASA
Associate Administrator, concerning vocal communications during
exploration of the lunar surface. While he termed continuous talking
undesirable, Gilruth stated an astronaut's running comment would in effect
form a set of field notes that a geologist might ordinarily keep during a field
February exercise. This normal vocal narrative, he told Newell, would keep ground
control informed of mission progress and would ensure a maximum
scientific return from the flight.
Ltr., Gilruth to Newell, Feb. 20, 1968; memo, Wilmot N. Hess, MSC Director of Science and
Applications, to Special Assistant to the Director, "Astronaut activity on lunar surface," Feb.
19, 1968.
MSC informed NASA Hq. that a reaction control system (RCS) engine
ruptured at Marquardt Corp. the previous night during a heater integration
test within a normal duty cycle run. This was a development test; the cause
of the rupture was unknown at the time of the report. A second RCS failure
occurred at Marquardt March 6 during a rerun of the LM heater integration
tests. The rerun series started March 2. No facility damage or personnel
injuries were reported from either incident. Investigation was under way at
Marquardt by both NASA and Marquardt engineers to determine the cause
of the failures and the effect on the program.
TWXs, George M. Low, MSC, to NASA Hq., Atm: Director, Apollo Program Office, Feb. 20,
1968, and Mar. 6, 1968.
The LM Descent Engine Program Review was held at TRW Systems,
Redondo Beach, Calif., reviewing the overall program status, technical and
manufacturing problems, and program costs. Program status reports
showed that 28 engines had been delivered in the LM descent engine
program to date, including all White Sands Test Facility engines and engine
rebuilds and all qualification test and flight engines; 9 WSTF engines and 12
flight engines remained to be delivered. Grumman indicated all engine
delivery dates coincided with the vehicle need dates.
Ltr., C. H. Bolender, MSC, to NASA Hq., Atm: Edgar M. Cortright, "LM Descent Engine
Program Review at TRW Systems on February 26, 1968," Mar. I l, 1968.
Stress corrosion and window problems in the LM had been resolved, NASA
Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller
advised the Administrator in his weekly progress report. By a thorough
analysis of the entire structure of the spacecraft, a team of engineers at
Grumman had determined that widespread stress corrosion on the vehicle
was highly unlikely. Also, inspection of more than 1400 individual parts on
exposed surfaces of lunar module test article LTA-3 and LMs 3 through 8
had failed to discover a single instance of stress corrosion cracking, and thus
no major changes would be made to the structure of the spacecraft.
Regarding the window problem (a window had blown out during a routine
pressure test of LM-5 on December 17, 1967), Mueller stated that the
windows on the LM were made from the strongest glass ever used on
manned spacecraft. The most important factor, he said, was to avoid
scratches on the window surface. Accordingly, Grumman and MSC had
instituted a new acceptance test procedure to be conducted at Bethpage
immediately before installation, after which the windows would remain
fully protected. The LM-5 window failure had been caused by a defect in the February
Memo, Mueller to NASA Administrator and Deputy Administrator, "Manned Space Flight
Report--February 26, 1968."
The Flight Readiness Review Board for CSM 020, lunar module test article
2R (LTA-2R), and spacecraft-LM adapter 9 (SLA-9) met at KSC. Concern
was expressed over the loss of parts and materials in the CSM. North
American Rockwell reported that a search had been made for 38 man-hours
and was terminated when it was felt that damage might result. A data-
storage equipment item had failed at the vendor and was later installed on
spacecraft 020. The "belt was off its associated pulley" and because of this
and other open failures the equipment was replaced. The chairman noted
that there was no reason why a device with belts could not be made without
belt failure.
MSC Director of Flight Crew Operations Donald K. Slayton wrote Wilmot
N. Hess, Director of Science and Applications, regarding priorities between
scientific objectives and mission operations in Apollo mission planning,
specifically for activities on the lunar surface. Slayton acknowledged that
scientific priorities had to be included within an overall mission plan.
However, those priorities must inevitably be adjusted by operational factors
such as difficulty and duration of activities to maximize success of the
mission. Flight planning for surface operations on the first Apollo landing
mission, Slayton said, had followed guidelines laid down by ASPO
Manager George M. Low on September 18, 1967 (reflecting an MSC
Directors' consensus as voiced at a September 15 briefing on lunar surface
Memo, Slayton to Hess, "Apollo lunar surface operations planning," Feb. 28, 1968.
In response to action required by the CSM 2TV-2 and CSM 101 Wire Board
in October 1967, Dale D. Myers, CSM Program Manager at North American
Rockwell, submitted to MSC results of a wire improvement study for the
umbilical feedthrough area for the lower equipment bay. Myers stated that
substantial improvements in wiring appearance in the lower equipment
bay had been made even before the Wire Board's ordered study and that
further improvements of any significant nature could not be madtwwit, hout
major structural changes (which would be intolerable from the standpoint
of mission schedules). Thus, Myers recommended against further changes
in wiring in the lower equipment bay. Further, as installation procedures
and wire protective measures had improved, the occurrence of wiring
damage had been progressively reduced. This same rationale, Myers
affirmed, applied to other harness areas inside the spacecraft. (This study by
North American completed action items generated at the Wire Board
Ltr., Myers to MSC CSM Manager Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, Feb. 29, 1968, with encl.,
"Summary Report on Block II Command Module Wiring Improvement Study."
MSC had decided not tostatic-fire the service modules of Block II spacecraft
1 before flight (specifically, spacecraft 101L ASPO advised NASA Hq. The
decision was based on successful completion of the spacecraft 102 static
firing, evaluation of the test history on the service propulsion system, and a
review by a joint MSC-MSFC team that came out flatly against any such
static firings at KSC and acceded to such tests at White Sands only under
Houston's strict authority. During subsequent discussions in Houston
(notably a February 19 meeting with the MSFC contingent), program
planners rejected such firings at White Sands because the additional
transportation and handling might degrade reliability of the hardware--
exactly the opposite of what was being sought.
Ltr., ASPO Manager George M. Low to Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips, March 1,
Ltr., Stevenson to MSC, Attn : Kraft, "Terrestrial Threat from Apollo 6 CSM Control Failure,"
March 1, 1968.
The MSC Flammability Review Board met to assess results of the CSM
flammability tests conducted on boilerplate 1224. The Board unanimously March
recommended using a 60-percent-oxygen and 40-percent-nitrogen atmos- 4
phere in the spacecraft cabin during launch, but continued use of a pure
oxygen atmosphere at pressure of 4.1 newtons per square centimeter (6
pounds per square inch) during flight. Members concluded that this mixed-
gas environment offered the best protection for the crew on the pad and
during launch operations, while still meeting physiological and operation-
al requirements. During the final stages of the flammability test program,
tests had indicated that combustion characteristics for the 11-newtons-per-
sq-cm (16-psi), 60-40 atmosphere and for the 4.1-newton pure oxygen
atmosphere were remarkably similar. Also, full-scale trials had demonstrat-
ed that in an emergency the crew could get out of the spacecraft quickly and
Memo, George E. Mueller to Administrator, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--March 11,
Design Certification Reviews of CSM 101 and LM-3 were held at MSC.
Significant program-level agreements reached included validation of a 60-
percent-oxygen and 40-percent-nitrogen cabin atmosphere during launch
(see March 4); reaffirmation of the February 6 Management Council decision
that a second unmanned LM flight was not required; and the conclusion
that, in light of successful static firing of the 102 service propulsion system
and subsequent analysis, a static-firing of the 101 system was not required.
NASA technicians at KSC completed the flight readiness test for Apollo 6.
March The two-day event was delayed several days because of difficulties in
8 modifying the service propulsion system tank skirt. With that significant
launch-Preparation event completed, program officials were reassessing the
launch date in light of work remaining on the vehicle.
North American Rockwell technicians at Downey completed integrated
system testing on 2TV-1, the CSM thermal vacuum test vehicle. Shipment
of the test article to MSC was scheduled for the end of March.
Memo, George E. Mueller to Administrator, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--March 15,
1968," March 18, 1968.
Edgar M. Cortright, NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for Manned
Space Flight, reported on the results of a thorough review of Apollo
subcontractors made during January and February at the request of George
E. Mueller. Cortright's review, coordinated with Apollo Program Directors
in Washington and Houston, included detailed analysis of subsystem
programs and on-site assessment of technical problems, schedule patterns,
and testing programs. While favorably impressed with what he had found in
general, he cited a number of what he termed "disturbing" conditions: most
subsystems were facing hardware delivery schedule problems; many open
failures existed; most qualification tests obviously would run beyond flight
hardware delivery dates, requiring change-outs at KSC; several of the major
subcontractors' difficulties had been compounded by lack of visibility of the
overall spacecraft program (those "subs," he said, could have benefited from
more attention by the "primes" and from allowing them a role in decision-
making affecting their subsystems). Also, Cortright concluded that NASA
itself could make more efficient use of subsystem managers and get them
more deeply involved in the life of their respective programs. As a remedy to
improve the total subsystem picture, Cortright recommended additional
subsystem testing (and closer scrutiny by NASA of those tests); a
reexamination of the entire Apollo system to determine any procedural
errors in operating the subsystems that could result in failure of a subsystem;
more contractor involvement in decision-making by both NASA and the
primes; and greater emphasis on the manned space flight awareness
Menlo for record, Cortright, "Apollo subcontractor review," March 12, 1968.
NASA announced to the public that program officials had decided to use a
60-percent-oxygen and 40-percent-nitrogen atmosphere in the Apollo
spacecraft cabin while on the launch pad (and to retain the pure-oxygen
environment in space). This technical decision--because of the earlier
tragedy with Apollo 204 over a year earlier--was subjected to closer public
scrutiny than perhaps any comparable decision in the history of the U.S.
space program. The change affected only ground operations and support
equipment and did not necessitate any major changes in the spacecraft itself.
Exhaustive testing of the redesigned interior of the vehicle since October March
1967 had demonstrated that the risk of fire inside the spacecraft had been
drastically reduced. Hardware changes inside the cabin, spokesmen said,
had minimized possible sources of ignition and materials changes had
vastly reduced the danger of fire propagation.
NASA News Release 68-47, "Apollo Spa(ecra[t Cabin Atmosphere," MaJ(h 14, 1968.
The MSC Structures and Mechanics Division reported to ASPO Manager
George M. Low that additional verification of the spacecraft 020 reaction
control system (RCS) pressure vessels would not be required. Using pressure
vessel histories received March 14 and the previous propellant temperature
restriction of 297 kelvins (75°F) maximum, fracture mechanics analyses
showed: (1) all RCS helium tanks were satisfactory to maximum design
operating pressure (MDOP); (2) all CM RCS propellant tanks were
satisfactory to MDOP; (3) all SM RCS tanks were satisfactory to MDOP; and
(4) the differences between measured MDOPs on RCS SM oxidizer tanks and
the pressures assured safe by fracture mechanics were considered to be
insignificant differences.
Memo, Joseph N. Kotandlik to ASPO Manager, "Fra( lure Mechanics Review of Spacecraft 020
Rea(tion Control System (RCS) Pressure Vessels," March 18, 1968.
Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Apollo Program Director, expressed concern to
ASPO Manager George Low that relaxed review procedures on LM-4 and
LM-5 might tend to delay identification and resolution of problems.
Phillips had understood that the LM-4 Phase II Customer Acceptance
Readiness Review (CARR) had been rescheduled and that the LM-5 Phase I
and Phase II CARRs might be combined. He requested that every possible
effort be made to get a good Phase II review on LM-4 and separate Phase I
and Phase II reviews on LM-5.
ASPO Manager George Low emphatically rejected North American
Rockwell's suggestion of added spacecraft delivery delays. Responding to a
February letter from North American CSM Program Manager Dale D.
Myers--suggesting further slips in delivery of 2TV-1 and spacecraft 101,
103, and 104--Low reminded Myers that at the close of the Configuration
Control Board meeting on February 23 he had cited a mid-April target for
delivery o1 CSM 101. Since that time, Low said, KSC had been actively
preparing for an early summer launch based on that mid-April delivery, and
circumstances therefore made that date most important. Moreover, North
American must deliver CSM 103 by the end of June 1968 in order to ensure
meeting Apollo's end-of-the-decade goal. He reminded Myers that he had
pursued this point on several occasions with him and with William Bergen.
They both had told Low that they had found ways to deliver 103 within that
time frame, and Low now suggested that this target date be made a finn
commitment in the official Apollo schedules. At the earliest possible date,
March Low concluded, MSC and North American must establish firm contractual
baselines for delivery schedules. Until then present delivery dates remained
valid. He admitted that some schedule slips had resulted from NASA-
dictated changes and that the schedules should be adjusted accordingly. The
remaining delays, however, Low attributed directly to the company's
inability to meet projected commitments. The contract was changed to (:all
for an April 1968 delivery for CSM 101 and a June 1968 delivery for CSM 103.
Ltr., Low to Myers, March 19, 1968; Part IV (2)ntra(l NAS9-150.
The lunar landing research vehicle was operating and training was being
conducted, MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth wrote Langley Research
Center's Acting Director Charles J. Donlan. MSC intended to conduct a
second class for LLRV pilots and one of tile first requirements for checkout
was a familiarization program on Langley's Lunar Landing Research
Facility. He requested that a program be conducted for not less than four nor
more than six MSC pilots between April 15 and May 15.
I+n., (;ilruth to Donlan, March 21, 1968.
MSC asked Grumman to make a thorough review of the amount of
nominal, off-nominal, and extended-life subsystem testing of LM
production hardware and recommend any additional testing that should be
done. The review of performance data was needed, Neal said, to ensure that
program officials had sufficient test data to support flight planners and flight
controllers during the manned missions.
Ltr., James I+. Neal, LM Contracting Off tet, MSC, to Joseph (;. (;avin, I ,M Ptoglam M_ ; ag 'r,
(;rumman Aircraft Engineering Corp., "Contra<t NAN 9-1100, Proposal 1ol additional
subs'_stem testing," March 21, 1968.
In an effort to resolve the continuing technical and schedule problems with
the high-gain antenna system at Dalmo Victor, Apollo CSM Program
Manager Dale D. Myers named a Resident Subsystem Project Manager at the
vendor's plant. This change provided a single management interface with
Dalmo Victor. The representative had been given authority to call on
whatever North American Rockwell resources he might need to accomplish
program objectives.
Eberhard F. M. Rees, Director of the Apollo Special Task Team at North
American Rockwell, wrote to the company's CSM Program Manager Dale
D. Myers to express his concern over persistent problems with leaks in the
ball valves for the service propulsion system. Rees doubted that any real
progress was being made, stating that the problem persisted despite
relaxations in leakage criteria and that qualification failures continued to
occur. Rees described a review of the program on March 18 at Aerojet-
General Corp. as lacking in factual depth. Also, the company did not appear
to be pursuing developmental testing of configurational changes with any
degree of vigor. Rees suggested to Myers that his people were on the right
track and with management attention the vendor's efforts could be
channeled to get some genuine results.
Ltr., Rccs t() M,,ers, Maich 22, 1968, with eml., "Minutes of AGC Ball Valve Presentation,"
March 18, 1968.
Apollo drogue chute test 99-5 failed at the E1 Centro, Calif., parachute
facility. The drop was conducted to demonstrate the slight change made in
the reefed area and the 10-second reefing cutter at ultimate load conditions.
The 5897-kilogram vehicle was launched from a B-52 aircraft at 10668
meters and programmer chute operation and timing appeared normal. At
drogue deployment following mortar activation, one drogue appeared to
separate from the vehicle. This chute was not recovered but ground
observers indicated the failure seemed to occur in the riser or vehicle
attachment. The second drogue remained on the vehicle but seemed to slip
in the reefed state. This chute was recovered and inspection confirmed the
canopy failure. The Air Force parachute system which was to recover the
vehicle also failed in the reefed state.
TWX, (;eoige M. I .ow MS(;, to NASA Hq., Atm: Director, AI)ollo Program ()lticc, Mat(h 23,
ASPO documented its reasons for using nitrogen rather than helium (as the
Air Force had done) as the diluent in the Apollo spacecraft's cahin
atmosphere, in response to a suggestion from Julian M. West of NASA Hq.
Aaron Cohen, Assistant Chief of the MS(; Systems Engineering Division,
recounted that the Atmosphere Selection Task Team had addressed the
question of nitrogen versus helium (regardless of percentage) and had
rejected helium because of uncertainty of the compatibility of spacecraft
equipment with helium. Further, helium presented the same physiological
problems as did nitrogen, and whatever flammabilities advantages helium
possessed were extremely small. For all these reasons, Cohen explained, the
team had early elected to concentrate on nitrogen-mixed atmospheres.
Memo, (;eolge M. Ix)w, MSC, to West. "Sele('tion of nitrogen as a diluent for the Apollo
laun( h almOsl)here," Mmxh 27, 1968, with eml., memo, Cohen to I,ow, "Nitrogen seh'c tion as
a diluent," March 25, 1968.
A LM prelaunch atmosphere selection and repressurization meeting was
held at MSC, attended by representatives of MSC, MSFC, KSC, North
American Rockwell, and Grumman. The rationale for MSC selection of 100
percent oxygen as the LM cabin launch atmosphere was based on three
factors: use of other than 100 percent oxygen in the LM cabin would entail
additional crew procedural workloads at transposition and docking;
excessive risk to crew due to depletion of the CM emergency oxygen
consumables would be added; and it would require use of 2.7 kilograms of
onboard CM oxygen. Two problems were identified with use of 100 percent
oxygen in the LM cabin at launch : LM cabin flammability on the pad and
LM venting oxygen into the SLA during boost. If air were used in the I,M
March cabin at launch and the LM vent valve opened during boost, the full CM
stored-oxygen capacity would be required to pressurize the LM and LM
tunnel for umbilical mating. For a lunar mission, this situation would be
similar to that before lunar orbital insertion, but would subject the crew to a
condition of no stored oxygen for an emergency. For an earth-orbital
mission this situation would be objectionable because CM stored oxygen
would be lacking for an emergency entry into the atmosphere. (See also
April 22 entry.), I .ow I_, addressees, Ap, il 17, 1968, wi01 cn¢ I., mvmo..%s stant Chic[ Systems Engiz]evring,
Div. to addJvssees, "Minutt's of [,M Rqnessutizafion Mceting," Al)ril 8, 1968.
Scott H. Simpkinson, Acting Chief of ASPO Test Division, authorized
assignment of Boeing-TIE personnel to Downey, Calif., and Bethpage,
N.Y., to support test evaluation areas--because of fixed limitations on the
number of resident NASA personnel at the prime contractors' locations.
Memos, Simpkinson to (;hie[, Program Control, "B<)cing-'l'lE suptx)rt " Mar( h 29, 1968.
Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Apollo Program Director, wrote ASPO Manager
George M. Low to express concern about two particular technical problems
in the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package: (1) a system for on-the-
pad coding of the SNAP-97 radioactive tuel cask and (9) the overall weight
status of the ALSEP (especially the recent decision to charge the weight
penalty of the remote deployment mechanism to the ALSEP weight budget
itself). Because ALSEP was the key to success of the Apollo science program,
Phillips asked that Low take the lead in reviewing these and any other
pertinent technical problems to effect early resolution and ensure success of
the program.
NASA Hq. asked that MSC consider a variety of lunar photographic
operations from orbit during manned landing missions. Cancellation from
Apollo of the lunar mapping and survey system had eliminated any
specially designed lunar photographic capability; but photography was
still desired for scientific, operational, and contingency purposes. Presence
of the CSM in orbit during manned landing missions, Headquarters OMSF
said, would be a valuable opportunity, however limited, for photographic
operations. MSC was asked to evaluate these operations to define whatever
hardware and operational changes in Apollo might be required to capitalize
upon this opportunity.
ErE, Samuel C. Phillips, Apollo Proglam Dire{ to1, NASA tlq., to Director Rohvrl R. (;ilruth,
MS(I, "I,unat Ph(:,toglaphy from Iht' CS.M." Ma_(h 29. 1968.
NASA Hq. confirmed oral instructions to MS(; and KSC to use 60 percent
2 oxygen and 40 percent nitrogen to pressurize the Apollo CM cabin in
prelaunch checkout operations and during manned chamber testing, as rec-
ommended by the Design Certification Review Board on March 7 and
confirmed by the NASA Administrator on March 12. This instruction was April
Apollo 6 (AS-502) was launched from Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Cen-
ter. The space vehicle consisted of a Saturn V launch vehicle with an
unmanned, modified Block I command and service module (CSM 020) and a
lunar module test article (LTA-2R).
Liftoff at 7:00 a.m. EST was normal but, during the first-stage (S-IC) boost
phase, oscillations and abrupt measurement changes were observed. During
the second-stage (S-II) boost phase, two of the J-2 engines shut down early
and the remaining three were extended approximately one minute to
compensate. The third-stage (S-IVB) firing was also longer than planned
and at termination of thrust the orbit was 177.7 x 362.9 kilometers rather
than the 160.9-kilometer near-circular orbit planned. The attempt to
reignite the S-IVB engine for the translunar injection was unsuccessful.
Reentry speed was l0 kilometers per second rather than the planned 11.1,
and the spacecraft landed 90.7 kilometers uprange of the targeted landing
The second-stage (S-II) burn was normal until about 4 minutes 38 seconds
after liftoff; then difficulties were recorded. Engine 2 cutoff was recorded
SaturnV launches
Apollo 6 on
April 4, 1968, carrying a LM
test article and an unmanned
Apollo Block I CM, modified
to include the unified hatch
flown for the first time as a
complete unit.
about 6 minutes 53 seconds into the flight and engine 3 cutoff less than 3
seconds later. The remaining second-stage engines shut down at 9 minutes
36 seconds--58 seconds later than planned.
The S-IVB engine during its first burn, which was normal, operated 29
seconds longer than programmed. After two revolutions in a parking orbit,
during which the systems were checked, operational tests performed, and
several attitude maneuvers made, preparations were completed for the S-
IVB engine restart. The firing was scheduled to occur on the Cape Kennedy
pass at the end of the second revolution, but could not be accomplished. A
ground command was sent to the CSM to carry out a planned alternate mis-
sion, and the CSM separated from the S-IVB stage.
Parachute deployment was normal and the spacecraft landed about 9 hours
50 minutes after liftoff, in the mid-Pacific, 90.7 kilometers uprange from the
predicted landing area. A normal retrieval was made by the U.S.S. Okinawa,
with waves of 2.1 to 2.4 meters.
The spacecraft was in good condition, including the unified crew hatch,
flown for the first time. Charring of the thermal protection was about the April
Memos, Chief, Landing and Recovery Div. to Director of Flight Operations, MSC, "Apollo 6
preliminary recovery information," April 5, 1968; Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips
to Administrator, NASA, "Apollo 6 Mission (AS-502) Post Launch Report # 1 ," April 18, 1968,
with attachment, "Post Launch Mission Operation Report No. M-932-68-06"; Phillips to
Acting Administrator, "Apollo 6 Mission (AS-502) Post Launch Report _¢2," Dec 27, 1968;
"Apollo 6 Mission Report," prepared by Apollo 6 Mission Evaluation Team, approved by
George M. Low, June 1968.
Astronauts James A. Lovell, Jr., Stuart A. Roosa, and Charles M. Duke, Jr.,
participated in a recovery test of spacecraft 007, conducted by the MSC
Landing and Recovery Division in the Gulf of Mexico. The test crew
reported that while they did not "recommend the Apollo spacecraft for any
extended sea voyages they encountered no serious habitability problems
during the 48-hour test. If a .comparison can be made, the interior
configurations and seaworthiness make the Apollo spacecraft a much better
vessel than the Gemini spacecraft." The following conclusions were
reached: (1) The Apollo spacecraft, as represented by spacecraft 007 and
under ambient conditions tested, was suitable for a 48-hour delayed
recovery. (2) The interference between the survival radio beacon and VHF
Memo, Donald K. Slayton to Director of l"light Operations, "Crew report on 48-hour recovery
test of spacecraft 007 on April 5-7, 1968," April 12, 1968
The Apollo spacecraft Configuration Control Board (CCB) had endorsed
changes in lunar orbit insertion and LM extraction on the lunar mission
flight profile, the MSC Director notified the Apollo Program Director.
ASPO had reviewed the changes with William Schneider of NASA OMSF
the same day and Schneider was to present the changes to George E. Mueller
and Samuel C. Phillips for approval.
Ltr., Robert R. Gilruth to Phillips, "Proposed (:flanges to Lunar Orbit In_rtion and LM
extraction on the Lunar Mission Flight Profile," April 10, 1968.
A TV camera would be carried in CM 101 on the first manned Apollo flight,
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips, wrote the ASPO Manager
(confirming their discussions). Incorporation and use of the camera in CM
101 would conform to the following ground rules: (1) The TV camera and
associated hardware would be installed at KSC with no impact on launch
schedule; (2) the camera would be stowed during the launch phase; (3) a
mounting bracket for the camera would be provided in the CM to permit
simultaneous viewing of all three couch assemblies, for use in monitoring
prelaunch hazardous tests and in flight; (4) the camera could be hand-held
for viewing outside the CM during flight; and (5) use of the camera would
not be specified on the astronaut's flight planning timeline of essential
activities but would be incorporated in the mission as time and opportunity
would permit.
Ltr., Director, Apollo Program, NASA OMSF, to Manager ASPO, "Apollo On-Board TV,"
April 10,1968.
A number of decisions were made at the completion of a parachute review at
Northrop-Ventura : (1) The spacecraft 101 parachute system would be flown
without further changes. (2) A higher drogue-mortar-muzzle velocity would
be planned, with a possible effectivity for spacecraft 103. North American
Rockwell would determine what ground tests were required, when flight
hardware would be ready, and what additional qualification tests were
needed. (3) Proposed Northrop-Ventura changes in drogue riser size and
riser length would be considered only for design and ground testing
Apollo Special Task Team Director Eberhard Rees wrote Dale D. Myers at
North American Rockwell: "As you are well aware, many manhours have
been spent investigating and discussing the radially cracked insulation on
wire supplied by Haveg Industries. On March 27, 1968, NR [North
American Rockwell] made a presentation on this problem and reported the
action taken to correct the problem and to prevent defective wire from being
used .... It was disturbing to me to learn that with all the additional
actions.., cracked insulation again was found, this time during the
manufacture of harnesses for C/M 110, 111, 112 and S/M 111. This raises the
question as to whether the total problem has really been identified and
whether or not sufficient corrective action has been taken .... " Rees then
requested a reply to 10 questions he submitted as to reasons for the problem
and possible actions that might be taken.
Ltr., Rees to Myers, April 12, 1968.
A meeting at MSC with Irving Pinkel of Lewis Research Center and Robert
Van Dolah of the Bureau of Mines reviewed results of boilerplate 1224 tests
at 11.4 newtons per square centimeter ( 16.5 pounds per square inch) in a 60-
percent-oxygen and 40-percent-nitrogen atmosphere. (Both Pinkel and Van
Dolah had been members of the Apollo 204 Review Board. Others attending
were Jerry Craig, Richard Johnston, and George Abbey, all of MSC; and
George Gill and Fred Yeamans, both of GE.) The total boilerplate 1224 test
program was reviewed as well as test results at 11 newtons per sq cm (16 psi)
in 60 percent oxygen and 40 percent nitrogen and also in 95 percent oxygen.
Both Pinkel and Van Dolah agreed with the MSC position that the tests
proved the spacecraft was qualified for testing and flight in the 60-40 envi-
ronment. They expressed the opinion that the 60-40 atmosphere seemed a
reasonable compromise between flammability, physiological, and opera-
tional considerations.
Memo, Chief, Thermodynamics and Materials Br., to Chief, Systems Engineering Div.,
"Review of BP 1224 test data with I. Pinkel and R. Van Dolah," April 19, 1968.
Memo, Faget to Low, "Status of development effort for fire detection system," April 17, t968.
MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth recommended to NASA Associate Admin-
istrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller that MSC's Sigurd A.
Sjoberg be approved as the U.S. Representative to the International
Committee for Aeronautics of the F6d_ration A6ronautique Internationale.
Robert Dillaway of North American Rockwell, who had been serving as
U.S. Representative, had accepted a position with the Navy and recom-
mended Sjoberg to James F. Nields, President of the National Aeronautic
Association, and to Major General Brooke F. Allen, Executive Director of
the Association, and they had concurred in the recommendation. NASA Hq.
approved the request May 20.
Ltrs., Gihuth to Mueller, April 17, 1968; Mueller to Gilruth, May 20, 1968.
Two major requirements existed for further service propulsion system (SPS)
testing at the Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC), ASPO
Manager George M. Low advised Apollo Program Director Samuel C.
Phillips. First, the LM docking structure was marginal at peak SPS start
transient. While evaluation of the redesigned docking mechanism was
under way, final hardware design and production could not be completed
until positive identification of the start transient was made through the
AEDC test series. Secondly, a modified engine valve had been incorporated
into the SPS for CSM 101, which thus necessitated further certification
testing before flight (comprising sea-level static firings, simulated altitude
firings, and component endurance tests). Low emphasized the need to
complete this testing as soon as possible, to isolate any potential problems.
Ltr., Low to Phillips, April 18, 1968.
ASPO Manager George M. Low advised top officials in Headquarters,
MSFC, and KSC that he was recommending the use of 100 percent oxygen in
the cabin of the LM at launch. MSC had reached this decision, Low said,
after thorough evaluation of system capabilities, requirements, safety, and
crew procedures. The selection of pure oxygen was based on several
important factors: reduced demand on the CSM's oxygen supply by some
2.7 kilograms; simplified crew procedures; the capability for immediate
return to earth during earth-orbital missions in which docking was per-
formed; and safe physiological characteristics. All of these factors, the ASPO
Chief stated, outweighed the flammability question. Because the LM was
unmanned on the pad, there was little electrical power in the vehicle at
launch and therefore few ignition sources. Further, the adapter was filled April
with inert nitrogen and the danger of a hazardous condition was therefore
minimal. Also, temperature and pressure sensors inside the LM could be
used for fire detection, and fire could be fought while the mobile service
structure was in place. As a result, Low stated, use of oxygen in the LM on
the pad posed no more of a hazard than did hypergolics and liquid hydrogen
and oxygen.
Ltr., Low to Samuel C. Phillips, R. O. Middleton, KSC, and Arthur Rudolph, MSFC, April 22,
MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth observed that the Engineering and Devel-
opment Directorate would be conducting two thermal-vacuum test
programs during the next several months, following the April 9 shipment of
the Block II thermal vacuum test article 2TV-1 to MSC from Downey. (The
second test article was the LM counterpart, LTA-8.) Both programs were of
major importance, Gilruth told his organization. However, because the
2TV-1 test program directly supported--and constrained--the first manned
Apollo mission, he said that, in the event of any conflict between the two test
programs, 2TV-1 had clear priority.
Memo, Gilruth to distr., "Program Priority," April 22, 1968.
ASPO Manager George M. Low requested Joseph N. Kotanchik to estab-
Apdl lish a task team to pull together all participants in the dynamic analysis of
23 the Saturn V and boost environment. He suggested that Donald C. Wade
should lead the effort and that he should work with George Jeffs of North
American Rockwell, Tom Kelly of Grumman and Wayne Klopfenstein of
Boeing, and that Lee James of MSFC could be contacted for any desired
support or coordination. The team would define the allowable oscillations
at the interface of the spacecraft-LM adapter with the instrument unit for
the existing Block II configuration, possible changes in the hardware to
detune the CSM and the LM, and the combined effects of pogo and the S-IC
single-engine-out case. Low also said he was establishing a task team under
Richard Colonna to define a test program related to the same problem area
and felt that Wade and Colonna would want to work together.
NASA Administrator James E. Webb approved plans to proceed with
preparation of the third Saturn V space vehicle for a manned mission in the
fourth quarter of 1968. The planned mission was to follow the unmanned
November 9, 1967, Apollo 4 and April 4, 1968, Apollo 6 flights, launchedon
the first two Saturn V vehicles. NASA kept the option of flying another
unmanned mission if further analysis and testing indicated that was the best
course. Engineers had been working around the clock to determine causes of
and solutions to problems met on the Apollo 6 flight.
NASA News Release 68-81, "Manned Apollo Flight," April 29, 1968.
ASPO Manager George M. Low explained to the Apollo Program Director
the underlying causes of slips in CSM and LM delivery dates since estab-
lishment of contract dates during the fall of 1967. The general excuse, Low
said, was that slips were the result of NASA-directed hardware changes.
"This excuse is not valid." He recounted how NASA-imposed changes had
been under strict control and only essential changes had been approved by
the MSC Level II Configuration Control Board (CCB). For early spacecraft
(CSM 101 and 103 and LM-3), the CCB had agreed some six months earlier
that only flight safety changes would be approved. To achieve firm
understandings with the two prime spacecraft contractors regarding the
responsibilities for schedule slips, Low had asked MSC procurement expert
Dave W. Lang to negotiate new contract delivery dates based on changes
since the last round of negotiations. These negotiations with North Ameri-
can Rockwell were now completed. (Talks at Grumman had not yet
started.) Despite a leniency in the negotiations on early spacecraft, Low said,
results clearly indicated that most schedule delays were attributable to North
American and not to NASA. On 2TV-1, for example, delivered two months
late, analysis proved that less than three weeks of this delay derived from
customer-dictated changes. The situation for CSM 101, though not yet
delivered, was comparable. Moreover, a similar situation existed within the
LM program : LM-3 would be delivered some five weeks behind the contract
date, with only two of those weeks caused by NASA changes. Despite this
attempt to set the record straight regarding schedule slippages, Low stressed
that he did not wish to be over critical of the contractors' performance.
Because schedules over the past year had been based on three-shift, seven-
day-per-week operation, little or no time existed for troubleshooting and
"make work" changes that inevitably cropped up during checkout
Ltr., Low to Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., April 27, 1968.
ASPO was implementing actions recommended by Edgar M. Cortright
following his review of Apollo subsystem programs and visits to Apollo
subcontractors (see March 12), ASPO Manager George Low advised Apollo
Program Director Sam Phillips. These additional steps included further
testing of hardware (including "augmented" testing to define nominal and
off-nominal operating conditions better); better NASA overseeing of
certification test requirements and results; a reexamination by the Crew
Safety Review Board of system operating procedures, with emphasis on crew
operations; closer subcontractor participation in program decisionmaking,
chiefly through the proposed augmented tests and product improvement
program; and greater emphasis at the subcontractor plants on the manned
flight awareness program.
Ltr., Low to Phillips, "Apollo Subcontractor Review," April 30, 1968.
ASPO Manager George M. Low ordered LM Manager C. H. Bolender to es-
tablish a firm baseline configuration for the LM ascent engine to use during 1
the entire series of qualification tests (including any penalty runs that might
be required). Low's memo followed a telephone conversation the previous
day with Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips. Low cited to
Bolender the need for a rigid design control on the engine. During a recent
technical review, he explained, NASA officials learned that most qualifica-
tion tests had been performed on one model (the E2CA injector), while all of
the bomb stability tests had used another (the E2C injector). Ostensibly, the
only difference between the two injectors was in the welding techniques.
However, the first E2CA injector that was bomb-tested showed a combustion
instability. Low emphasized that he was not charging that the different
welding technique had caused the instability. Nevertheless, "this supposed-
ly minor change [has] again served to emphasize the importance of making
no changes, no matter how small, in the configuration of this engine." Once
Bolender had set up the requested baseline configuration, Low stated, no
change either in design or process should be made without approval by the
Configuration Control Board.
During an Apollo flight test program review at MSC, the question was left
unresolved whether or not to perform a "fire-in-the-hole" test of the LM
ascent engine (i.e., start the engine at the same instant the two stages of the
spacecraft were disjoined--as the engine would have to be fired upon takeoff
from the lunar surface) on either the D or E mission. At the review, several
participants had suggested that the test be performed on the D mission
because that would be the last Apollo flight containing development flight
instrumentation (DFI). Later that day, ASPO Manager George M. Low met
with several of the Center's Associate Directors (Christopher C. Kraft, Jr.,
Donald K. Slayton, and Maxime A. Faget) to pursue the issue further. At that
time, Faget stated that, although desirable, DFI was not essential for the test
objective. Most important, he said, was obtaining photographs of the base
of the ascent engine following the burn. In view of Faget's contention--and
because the fire-in-the-hole test added greatly to the complexity and risk of
the D mission at the time the engine was first fired in space, Low and the
others agreed not to include such an ascent engine burn in the flight. Low
asked Faget to analyze ascent engine test experience and results of the LM- 1
ascent engine burn before making any decision on such a test during the E
Robert R. Gilruth, MSC Director, announced reassignment of three offi-
cials. John D. Hodge was assigned as Director of the newly established May
Reliability and Quality Assurance Office and the Flight Safety Office, would
be reassigned effective June 1 as Manager, Systems Test and Evaluation,
Engineering and Development Directorate. Martin L. Raines, Manager,
White Sands Test Facility, would become acting manager of the Reliability
and Quality Assurance Office and the Flight Safety Office, in addition to his
White Sands assignment.
MSC News Release 68-35, May 14, 1968.
NASA Headquarters established the LLRV-1 Review Board to investigate
the May 6 accidental crash of Lunar Landing Research Vehicle No. 1 at
Ellington Air Force Base. The Board would consist of: Bruce T. Lundin,
Lewis Research Center, chairman; John Stevenson, OMSF; Miles Ross,
KSC; James Whitten, Langley Research Center; and Lt. Col. Jeptha D.
Oliver (USAF), Norton Air Force Base. J. Wallace Ould, MSC Chief Coun-
sel, would serve as counsel to the group. The board would (1) determine the
probable cause or causes of the accident, (2) identify and evaluate proposed
corrective actions, (3) evaluate the implications of the accident for LLRV
and LM design and operations, (4) report its findings to the NASA Admin-
istrator as expeditiously as possible but no later than July 15, and (5)
document its findings and submit a final report to the Administrator with a
copy to the NASA Safety Director. (See October 17.)
Memo, Thomas O. Paine to LLRV-I Review Board, "Investigation and Review of Crash o[
Lunar Landing Research Vehicle ¢1," May 16, 1968.
Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., MSC Director of Flight Operations, expressed
concern to ASPO Manager George M. Low over the escalation of E-mission
objectives; the flight now loomed as an extremely complex and ambitious
mission. The probability of accomplishing all the objectives set forth for the
mission, said Kraft, was very low. He did not propose changing the mission
plan, however. "If we are fortunate," he said, "then certainly the quickest
way to the moon will be achieved." Kraft did suggest caution in setting mis-
sion priorities and in "apply[ing] adjectives to the objectives." Specifical-
ly, he advised a realistic allowance of delta V limits at various points in the
rendezvous portion of the mission, to ensure safe termination of the exercise
if required. Also, he saw little value in a fire-in-the-hole burn of the ascent
engine at stage separation of the LM. He believed that ground tests were
adequate to provide answers on pressure and temperature rises on the ascent
stage during launch from the lunar surface. The situation Kraft said was
indicative of the engineer's desire to test fully all systems in flight in both
normal and backup modes. However, reliance must be placed largely on the
wealth of ground testing and analysis carried on to date in the Apollo
Memo, Kraft to Manager, Apollo Program, "Apollo Flight Test Program," May 17, 1968.
Ltr., Phillips to Gilruth, "Lunar Scientific Experiments from the CSM," May 21, 1968.
Twist-and-solder wire splices were evaluated for ASPO Manager Low by
Systems Engineering Division. The evaluation stated that twist-and-solder
wire splices with shrink sleeve tubing had been used for many years and
when properly done were adequate. It then listed three advantages and six
disadvantages of this kind of splice. In summary, it stated that the splice
could be phased into the LM program but was not recommended by the di-
vision because: (1) there are too many variables; (2) the present solder splice
(either heat or ZAP gun) had none of the disadvantages or variables
mentioned; (3) a substantial amount of time would be required to establish
and implement qualification; and (4) qualification testing had proven the
present solder splices adequate. LM Program Manager C. H. Bolender had
the memo hand-carried to George Low's office, since he was temporarily
withholding approval of an engineering change proposal for Grumman to
implement use of the ZAP gun for solder splices. Low, in turn, sent an
"Urgent Action" note to his Assistant Manager for Flight Safety, Scott H.
Simpkinson, asking his views on the problem and saying, in part,
"Personally, I would only use the twist-and-solder splice--but I may be old
fashioned." Simpkinson replied to Low with an informal note on May 23,
agreeing with the recommendations of the Systems Engineering Division.
Simpkinson said, "... The worst wire splice in the production world is the
twist-and-solder, and cover with tubing .... I believe we should use the
present LM splice method which has been qualified." He recommended the
ZAP gun, "which controls the heat properly so that all the advantages of the
present LM wire splices can be realized," recalling the phrase, 'Let's not
improve ourselves into a new set of problems.'" On that same day Low
instructed Bolender to proceed with the ZAP gun Grumman splices.
Memo, Owen E. Maynard, Chief, Systems Engineering Div., ASPO, to Manager, ASPO,
"Evaluation of the twist-and-solder wire splice," May 22, t968; note, Lyle D. White, Systems
Engineering Div., to Low, May 22, 1968; Urgent Action note, Low to Simpkinson, undated;
note, Simpkinson to Low, May 23, 1968; note, Low to Bolender, May 23, 1968.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips requested from MSC Director
Robert R. Gilruth a recommended program for spacesuit modifications to
achieve greater astronaut maneuverability. The modifications were required
for lunar landing missions, because extravehicular activities such as
sampling and instrument deployment were difficult and time consuming
with the present suit configuration. Phillips asked for trade-off studies to
achieve optimized life support systems, an analysis of mobility require-
ments and techniques to enhance mobility, and studies of crew station
requirements and problem areas such as suit repair, storage, and checkout.
Ltr., Phillips to Gilruth "Improvement of Apollo Spacesuit for Lunar Surface EVA Tasks,"
May 24, 1968.
NASA and Grumman officials met to resolve the issue of the injector for the
LM ascent engine. Chief NASA Apollo spacecraft program officials present
included Director Samuel C. Phillips and MSC's ASPO Manager George M.
Low and LM Manager C. H. Bolender; Grumman LM directors and
engineers included LM Program Director Joseph G. Gavin. Several
alternatives seemed feasible: continue the program with the existing Bell
Aerosystems Co. engine and injector; furnish Bell Aerosystems Co. engines
to Rocketdyne to be mated to the Rocketdyne injector; or ship Rocketdyne
injectors to Bell for installation in the engine. After what Low termed "con-
siderable discussion," he dictated the course to be followed:
Memo for Record, Low, "Ascent engine injector," May 31, 1968.
NASA's North American Management Performance Award Board sent a
summary of its findings for the first interim period, from September 1967
through March 1968, to North American Rockwell's Space Division. The
review board had been charged with assessing the company's performance
under spacecraft contract NAS 9-150 and determining an award fee under
the contract's incentive agreements. Board Chairman B. L. Dorman wrote
Space Division President William B. Bergen that the Board had been
impressed by the attention of North American's top management to the
CSM program. Moreover, a cooperative attitude from top to bottom had
afforded NASA an excellent view into problem areas, while the company's
assessment of problems had helped to produce high-quality hardware. On
the other hand, several activities needed improvement: cost control; tighter
management control over change traffic; stronger management of subcon-
tractors; and better planning and implementation of test and checkout
the NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller
Month recommended to the Administrator several alternative uses for the LM-2
vehicle, since that spacecraft was no longer destined for flight. (The
successful LM- 1 flight during the Apollo 5 mission in January had obviated
the need for a second such unmanned flight.) Mueller suggested that LM-2
be used for nondestructive tests and for documentary photography.
Additional drop tests with the craft, he said, would enhance confidence in
the strength of the LM to withstand the impact of landing on the moon,
with all subsystems functioning. (The LM drop test program using Lunar
Test Article 3, Mueller said, would verify the LM structure itself; however,
LTA-3 contained no operational subsystems, wiring, or plumbing and
therefore could not verify the total flight vehicle.) Among several other
possible uses for the vehicle examined but rejected, Mueller cited modifying
the craft into a manned configuration for Apollo or using it for an early
Apollo Applications flight. LM-2 was unsuitable for both these alterna-
tives, he stated, because of the extensive structural modifications needed to
make it a flightworthy Apollo spacecraft--and the attendant disruption of
vehicle flow within the Grumman production line--and because of the
many fire-proofing changes that would be required. The launch vehicle
(SA-206), LM adapter, and protective shroud were to be placed in storage for
further Saturn tests if needed. May
ASPO Manager George Low advised Apollo program officials at KSC that,
to collect adequate data for evaluating any potential toxicological hazard 3
inside the spacecraft, collection of gas samples of the cabin atmosphere must
be made for 12 hours during the unmanned altitude chamber test with all
systems operating. Low asked that this requirement be included in the
spacecraft test procedures. (Purpose of a total CSM 101 and LM-3
toxicological evaluation was to verify that no toxic contaminants were
given off by the nonmetallic materials used in the crew compartments.)
Ltr., Low to R. O. Middleton, KSC, "Toxicological evaluation of CSM 101 and LM-3," June 3,
Apollo Program Director Sam Phillips asked ASPO Manager George Low
to investigate the value of using freon as a fire extinguishing agent inside the
spacecraft. Admittedly, Phillips said, MSC had considered using a freon
extinguisher system shortly after the AS-204 accident, but it had been
rejected, largely because of toxicity factors and because tests had shown the
agent ineffective in extinguishing combustion of polyurethane in a pure
oxygen atmosphere. A number of factors now dictated a reevaluation of such
an extinguisher system, however:
Ltr., Phillips to Low, "CBrF_ (Freon 1301) as a Fire Extinguishing Agent," June 3, 1968.
the complexity of the EVA tasks that the astronauts must perform, Mueller
said, crews for those missions should be selected as early as possible. Also,
realistic training--including a realistic run-through of many of the lunar
surface tasks, especially development of the S-band antenna and the Apollo
Lunar Surface Experiments Package and sampling operations--must be
conducted to ensure that the crews competently carried out the various sci-
entific experiments and other tasks during their brief stays on the moon.
Ltr., Mueller to Gilruth, June 5, 1968.
ASPO Manager George M. Low and others from MSC met with Grumman's
LM engineering staff, headed by Thomas J. Kelly, to discuss the descent
stage heatshield and thermal blanket problems associated with reduced
thrust decay of the descent engine at lunar touchdown. Several significant
decisions were reached:
Memo, l.ow to C. H. Bolender, "LM descent stage base heatshield," June 8, 1968.
In his weekly progress report to the NASA Administrator, Deputy Adminis-
trator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller cited several important
Apollo events during the first week of June: (1) On June 1, technicians at
MSC completed thermal-vacuum testing on LTA-8 to support LM-3,
including 45fi hours of manned testing. All spacecraft systems functioned
normally, and preliminary results indicated that all significant test
objectives had been realized. (2) Engineers and technicians at KSC
completed receiving inspection of CSM 101 on June 3. That inspection
revealed fewer discrepancies than had been present on any other spacecraft
delivered to the Cape. Pre-mate inspection of CM 101 also was completed, as
were leakage and functional tests on the electrical power and reaction
control systems. SM 101 was in the altitude chamber being prepared for
combined systems testing.
Memo, Mueller to NASA Administrator, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report-June 7, 1968,"
June 10, 1968.
ASPO Manager George M. Low met with Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., and
Donald K. Slayton, Directors of MSC Flight and Flight Crew Operations, June
Jr.) to discuss using the flight combustion stability monitor (FCSM) on the
Apollo 7 flight. (The FCSM was a safety device to shut down the service
propulsion system [SPS] automatically in the event of rough combustion or
instability.) At the insistence of the Propulsion and Power Division, they
agreed to use the FCSM for all SPS burns on Apollo 7. On all "noncritical"
burns, two attempts to start the engine would be made with the FCSM
active. Should the stability monitor shut down the engine on both those
attempts, a detailed review of the situation would be made before again
attempting to start the engine. On "critical" burns (i.e., the abort-to-orbit
and reentry burns), should the FCSM halt the burn the SPS engine would be
restarted immediately with the FCSM inactive on the assumption that the
shutdown was caused either by an FCSM malfunction or by an engine
instability that would not reoccur on the next start.
Low, Kraft, and the others unanimously wanted to eliminate the FCSM
before a lunar mission, because on this mission lunar orbit and transearth
insertion burns were highly critical and inadvertent shutdowns would cause
major trajectory perturbations. Representatives from the Propulsion and
Power Division (PPD) contended that, because of the relatively small
number of bomb tests carried out on the Block II SPS engine, flight-testing
of the engine before the lunar mission would be inadequate to demonstrate
engine stability under all conditions. Low therefore asked Engineering and
Development Director Maxime A. Faget and PPD Chief Joseph G.
Thibodaux, Jr., to plan a ground test program that would give sufficient
confidence in the SPS engine to eliminate the FCSM before undertaking
lunar missions.
Ltr., Low to Thibodaux, "Use of FCSM on Apollo 7," June 11, 1968.
Dale D. Myers, Apollo CSM Program Manager at North American
Rockwell, advised MSC officials of his company's investigation of two pilot-
chute riser failures during recent drop tests of the Block II earth-landing sys-
tem. Should there be any imperfections in either hardware or assembly
techniques, Myers explained, the Block II pilot chute and riser system could
be a marginal-strength item. Investigations had determined that early man-
ufacturing processes had allowed a differential length between the two
plies of nylon webbing in the pilot-chute riser which caused unequal load
distribution between the two plies and low total riser strength. Because of
the earlier test failures, Myers said, the pilot chute riser had been redesigned.
The two-ply nylon webbing had been replaced by continuous suspension
lines (i.e., 12 nylon cords) and the 5.5-millimeter-diameter cable was
changed to 6.3-millimeter cable. He then cited a series of recent tests that
verified the redesigned pilot-chute riser's strength to meet deployment under
worst-case operational conditions.
Ltr., Myers to K. S. Kleinknecht, MSC, June 11, 1968.
Apollo Program Director Phillips wrote MSC Director Gilruth concerning
June the April 10 proposal for a two-burn lunar orbit insertion (LOI) maneuver
17 and a spring ejection of the LM from the spacecraft-lunar module adapter.
Phillips agreed to the two-burn LOI in place of the originally planned one
burn if results of an analysis should prove the requirement. He specified that
an analysis be made of the tradeoffs and that the analysis include the risk of
crash, the assumed risks due to lengthening the lunar orbit time (about four
hours), and risks due to an additional spacecraft propulsion system burn, as
well as the effect of the lunar gravitational potential on the ability to target
the LOI maneuver to achieve the desired vector at the time of LM descent.
The proposal for spring ejection of the LM from the SLA was approved with
the provision that a failure analysis be made in order to understand the risks
in the change.
Ltr., Samuel C. Phillips, OMSF, to Robert R. Gilruth, MSC, June 17, 1968.
NASA and contractor technicians successfully conducted the-final
3 parachute drop test to qualify the Apollo CSM earth-landing system. The
Block II ELS thus was considered ready for manned flight after 12 Block I, 4
Block II, and 7 increased-capability Block II Qualification Tests--that had
followed 77 Block I, 6 Block II, and 25 increased-capability Block II Devel-
opment Drop Tests.
Memo, George E. Mueller, NASA OMSF, to NASA Administrator and Deputy Administrator,
"Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--July 5, 1968," July 8, 1968; NASA Technical Note
(NASA TN D-7437), "Apollo Experience Report--Earth Landing System "
ASPO Manager George M. Low asked Aaron Cohen, one of his chief
technical assistants, to investigate the ability of the Apollo spacecraft to
withstand bending loads imposed by a failure of one or more engines on the
Saturn V launch vehicle (as well as actual loads that would be imposed on
the spacecraft). During the previous week, Low and the Configuration
Control Board had ruled out making any significant design changes to cope
with a Saturn V engine failure. Specifically, Low asked how bending loads
on the spacecraft were derived; what bending loads were imposed on the
spacecraft during the Apollo 6 mission, where two J-2 engines were cut off
during the flight; what was the probability--and criticality--of an S-IC
engine's failing and thereby imposing high bending loads; and whether
abort limits should be established for an engine failure.
Memo, Low to Cohen, "Saturn V single engine out p]oblems," July 5, 1968.
The Apollo Design Certification Review (DCR) Board met in Houston to
examine CSM 101 and the Block II CSM for proof of design and develop-
ment maturity and to certify the designs for flightworthiness and manned
flight safety. (Three earlier reviews directly supported this penultimate
scrutiny of the vehicle's development: the CSM 101 Design Certification
Review March 6-7, the Block II environmental control system and spacesuit
DCR May 8, and the DCR covering the CM land and water impact test
Command module 101
program June 6.) The board concluded that design certification on CSM 101 1968
was complete. Action and open items were subsequently forwarded to the
Centers for resolution, to be closed before the Apollo 7 Flight Readiness
Ltr., Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., to distr., "CSM 101 and Block II CSM Delta Design
Certification Review," Aug. 28, 1968.
• For the planned drop tests with the vehicle, the upper decks would be
inspected and repaired or replaced where necessary.
• Should a LM-2 flight become necessary, all of the descent stage upper
decks would probably be replaced.
Ltr., George M. Low to Samuel C. Phillips, July II, 1968, with handwritten notation by
Memo, Phillips to George M. Low, ASPO, MS(;, "Atomic Energy Commission Interfaces,"
• Delivery schedules from subcontractors and vendors had slipped
significantly during the past year, to the point where many components July
Prompted by a request from MSC to increase the Saturn V's performance to
46 070 kilograms for lunar missions, Samuel C. Phillips sought to strike a
balance between spacecraft and launch vehicle weight-performance
demands. He established as a new payload interface definition at translunar
injection a payload of 46040 kilograms. Should the vehicle per se be
incapable of achieving this figure, said Phillips, he would relax certain
flight constraints to achieve the best possible balance between the space
vehicle and the specific mission to be flown. But he implored both ASPO
Manager George M. Low and Lee B. James, Saturn V Program Manager at
MSFC, to work toward this balance between spacecraft and launch vehicle
and to avoid any hardware changes in the Saturn V solely to meet the new
payload interface weight.
Ltr., Phillips to James and Low, "Saturn V Payload Interface Definition," July 23, 1968.
F. A. Speer, Mission Operations Manager at MSFC, advised NASA Hq. of
plans for S-IVB and spacecraft separation and employment of a "slingshot"
trajectory following insertion into the trajectory toward the moon.
Residuals in the S-IVB, said Speer, could be used to place the stage in a
trajectory that would avoid recontact with the spacecraft and impact on
July either the earth or the moon--with preclusion of spacecraft-launch vehicle
collision as the most important priority.
Ltr., Speet to William C. Schneider, Apollo Mi_,sion l)ire_ tor, NASA, "l.unar Debris " July 30,
Howard W. Tindall, Jr., Deputy Division Chief, MSC Mission Planning
1 and Analysis, wrote ASPO Manager George M. Low : "A rather unbelieva-
ble proposal has been bouncing around lately. Because it is seriously
ascribed to a high ranking official, MSC and Grumman are both on the verge
of initiating activities--feasibility studies, procedures development, etc.--
in accord with it .... The matter to which I refer is the possibility of
deleting the rendezvous radar from the I.M. The first thing that comes to
mind, although not perhaps the most important, is that the uproar from the
astronaut office will be fantastic--and I'll join in with my small voice too.
Without rendezvous radar there is absolutely no observational data going
into the LM to support rendezvous maneuvers .... Please see if you can stop
this if it's real and save both MSC and GAEC a lot of trouble." On August 9
Low wrote NASA Apollo Program Manager Samuel Phillips that, shortly
after Associate Administrator for Manned Space George Mueller had visited
Grumman, Low had calls from both C. H. Bolender, MSC, and Joseph
Gavin, Grumman, indicating that Mueller had made a suggestion "that we
should eliminate the LM rendezvous radar as a weight saving device." He
forwarded Tindall's memorandum as the basis for "why we should not con-
sider deleting the radar and why we shouldn't spend any more effort on this
work." Low added that MSC was discontinuing "any work that we may
have started as a result of George's comments." In a reply on August 28,
Phillips told Low, "I am in complete agreement . . . that all work toward
deleting the LM rendezvous radar should be discouraged and I have written
to George Mueller to that effect."
Menlo, Tindall to Manager, ASPO, "LM rendezvous radar is essential," Aug. 1, 1968; Itrs., Low
to Phillips, Aug. 9, 1968, Phillips to Low, Aug. 28, 1968.
manned flight. This Delta review was identified as a requirement at the
March 6 LM-3 DCR. The Board concluded at the close of the Delta DCR August
that LM-3 was safe to fly manned with the completion of open work and
action items identified during the review.
I,tr., Apollo Program Director to distr., "LM-3 Delta Design Certification Review," Sept. 12,
ASPO Manager George M. Low and several members of his staff met at KSC
with Center Director Kurt H. Debus, Launch Operations Director Rocco A.
Petrone, and KSC Apollo Program Manager R. O. Middleton to discuss test
and checkout problems for AS-503 and AS-504. They collectively agreed
that only mandatory changes--i.e., changes for flight safety or to ensure mis-
sion success--could be made once the spacecraft reached KSC. (Changes that
would speed the KSC checkout flow also were permitted.) Furthermore, two
separate work packages would be prepared for each spacecraft customer
acceptance readiness review board. The first package comprised normal
work to be performed at KSC on all spacecraft. The second included special
work normally done at the factory, but which for that specific vehicle was
being transferred to the Cape (installation, retesting, etc.). The group also
reviewed recent Apollo checkout experiences--especially test failures and
open items--in an effort to improve these areas for subsequent missions.
Memo (or record, Low, "Report of meeting at KS(;," Aug. 10, 1968.
August 9-
ASPO Manager George M. Low initiated a series of actions that led to the
eventual decision that AS-503 (Apollo 8) should be a lunar orbital mission. November 12
Events and the situation during June and July had indicated to Low that the
only way for the "in this decade" goal to be attained was to launch the
Saturn 503/CSM 103/LM-3 mission in 1968. During June and July the pro-
jected launch slipped from November to December, with no assurance of a
December launch. Later, Low recalled "the possibility of a circumlunar or
lunar orbit mission during 1968, using AS-503 and CSM 103 first occurred
to me as a contingency mission."
During the period of July 20-August 5, pogo problems that had arisen on
Apollo 6 seemed headed toward resolution; work on the CSM slowed, but
progress was satisfactory; delivery was scheduled at KSC during the second
week in August and the spacecraft was exceptionally clean. The LM still
required a lot of work and chances were slim for a 1968 launch.
August 9 was probably one of the busiest days in George Low's life; the
activities of that and the following days enabled the United States to meet
the "in this decade" goal. At 8:45 a.m. he met with MSC Director Robert R.
August Gilruth and told him he had been considering a lunar orbit mission.
Gilruth was highly enthusiastic. At 9:00 a.m. Low met with Kraft and was
informed that the mission was technically feasible from ground control and
spacecraft computer standpoint. (A decision had been made several months
earlier to put a Colossus onboard computer program on the 103 spacecraft.)
At 9:30 a.m. Low met with Gilruth, Kraft, and Director of Flight Crew
Operations Donald K. Slayton, and they unanimously decided to seek
support from MSFC Director Wernher yon Braun and Apollo Program
Director Samuel C. Phillips. Gilruth called von Braun and, after briefly
outlining the plan, asked if they could meet in Huntsville that afternoon.
Low called Phillips, who was at KSC, and asked whether he and KSC
Director Kurt Debus could participate and a meeting was set up for 2:30.
Present at the 2:30 p.m. meeting at MSFC were yon Braun, Eberhard Rees,
Lee James, and Ludie Richard, all of MSFC: Phillips and George Hage,
both of OMSF; Debus and Rocco Petrone, MSFC; and Gilruth, Low, Kraft,
and Slayton of MSC. Low outlined the hardware situation and told the
group it was technically feasible to fly the lunar orbit mission in December
1968, with the qualification that Apollo 7 would have to be a very successful
mission. If not successful, Apollo 8 would be another earth-orbital mission.
Kraft made a strong point that to gain lunar landing benefits Apollo 8 would
have to be a lunar orbital rather than a circumlunar mission. All were
enthusiastic. Phillips began outlining necessary events: KSC said it would
be ready to support such a launch by December 1; MSFC felt it would have
no difficulties; MSC needed to look at the differences between spacecraft 103
and 106 (the first spacecraft scheduled to leave earth's atmosphere) and had
to find a substitute for the LM. The meeting was concluded at 5:00 p.m. with
an agreement to meet in Washington August 14. This would be decision day
and, if "GO," Phillips planned to go to Vienna and discuss the plan with
Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller and
NASA Administrator James E. Webb (who were attending a United Nations
Conference). Preliminary planning would be secret, but if and when
adopted by the agency the plan would be made public immediately.
Still on August 9, in another meeting at MSC at 8:30 p.m., Low met with
Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, George Abbey, and C. H. Bolender of MSC, and
Dale Myers, North American Rockwell. Bolender left immediately for
Bethpage, N.Y., to find a substitute for the LM; and Myers left for Downey,
Calif., to get the CM going.
Hage, who agreed with Kotanchik but still wanted mass representation to
avoid possible dynamic problems. Low then called William Bergen, of August
On August 12 Kraft informed Low that December 20 was the day if they
wanted to launch in daylight. With everyone agreeing to a daylight launch,
the launch was planned for December 1 with a "built-in hold" until the
20th, which would have the effect of giving assurance of meeting the sched-
ule. LTA (LM test article)-B was considered as a substitute; it had been
through a dynamic test vehicle program, and all except Kotanchik agreed
this would be a good substitute. Grumman suggested LTA-4 but Low
decided on LTA-B.
While the meeting was in progress, Mueller called from Vienna to talk to
Phillips. He was cool to the proposed idea, especially since it preceded
Apollo 7, and urged Phillips not to come to Vienna, adding that he could
not meet with the group before August 22. The group agreed they could not
wait until August 22 for a decision and agreed to keep going, urging again
that Phillips go to Vienna and present their case.
At this point Paine reminded them that not too long before they were
making a decision whether to man 503, and now they were proposing a bold
mission. He then asked for comments by those around the table and received
the following responses: von Braun--Once you decided to man 503 it did
not matter how far you went. Hage--There were a number of places in the
mission where the decision could be made, minimizing the risk. Slayton--
Only chance to get to the moon before the end of 1969. Debus--I have no
technical reservations. Petrone--I have no reservations. Bowman--A shot
in the arm for manned space flight. James--Manned safety in this and
following flights enhanced. Richard--Our lunar capability will be
enhanced by flying this mission. Schneider--My wholehearted endorse-
ment. Gilruth--Although this may not be the only way to meet our goal, it
enhances our possibility. There is always risk, but this is in path of less risk.
In fact, the minimum risk of all Apollo plans. Kraft--Flight operations has
a difficult job here. We need all kind of priorities; it will not be easy to do, but
August I have confidence. It should be lunar orbit and not circumlunar. Low--
Assuming Apollo 7 is a success there is no other choice. After receiving this
response, Paine congratulated them on not being prisoners of previous
plans and said he personally felt it was the right thing to do. Phillips then
said the plan did not represent shortcuts and planned to meet with Mueller
on August 22. He reiterated Mueller's reservations, and then agreed to move
out on a limited basis, since time was critical.
On August 15 Phillips and Paine discussed the plan with Webb. Webb
wanted to think about it, and requested further information by diplomatic
carrier. That same day Phillips called Low and informed him that Mueller
had agreed to the plan with the provisions that no full announcement
would be made until after the Apollo 7 flight; that it could be announced
that 503 would be manned and possible missions were being studied; and
that an internal document could be prepared for a planned lunar orbit for
Phillips and Hage visited MSC August 17, bringing the news that Webb had
given clear-cut authority to prepare for a December 6 launch, but that they
could not proceed with clearance for lunar orbit until after the Apollo 7
flight, which would be an earth-orbital mission with basic objectives of
proving the CSM and Saturn V systems. Phillips said that Webb had been
"shocked and fairly negative" when he talked to him about the plan on
August 15. Subsequently, Paine and Phillips sent Webb a lengthy discourse
on why the mission should be changed, and it was felt he would change his
mind with a successful Apollo 7 mission.
Advisory Committee (STAC), and the President's Science Advisory
Committee (PSAC). STAC had made a penetrating review and reacted August
positively and PSAC was favorably disposed toward the plan but made no
firm recommendation.
ASPO Manager George M. Low, "Special Notes for August 9, 1968, and Subsequent."
Capping off a considerable exchange of views between MSC and NASA
Headquarters, ASPO Manager George Low advised Apollo Program
Director Sam Phillips that Houston was going ahead with mission plan-
ning that employed a two-burn orbit insertion maneuver. He forwarded to
Phillips a lengthy memorandum from one of his staff, Howard W. Tindall,
Jr., that explained in detail MSC's rationale for this two-stage orbital ma-
neuver, the most important of which derived from crew safety and
simplified orbital mission procedures. The overriding factor, Tindall
explained, was a "concern for the consequences of the many things we will
not have thought about but will encounter on the first lunar flight.
Anything that can be done to keep the dispersions small and the procedures
simple provides that much more tolerance for the unexpected .... The cost
of the two-stage LOI is a small price to pay for these intangible but
important benefits."
Ltr., George M. Low to Samuel C. Phillips, Aug. 10, 1968, wilh end., memo, Tindall to ASPO
Manager, "Recommendation to retain tile Two-Stage Lunar Orbit Insertion (I.OI) Maneu-
ver," Aug. 5, 1968.
Dieter Grau, Director of Quality and Reliability Assurance at MSFC, sent
his Houston counterpart Martin Raines a memorandum of understanding
covering exchanges of quality surveillance responsibility in support of
pogo structural testing under way both in Huntsville, Ala., and at MSC.
Testing was being conducted simultaneously at the Wyle Laboratories in
Huntsville (under contract to North American Rockwell, primarily static
loading and referred to as shell stability tests); and dynamic load testing at
MSC (called the "short stack" dynamic tests). In effect, each Center assumed
the task of overseeing the complete test article (spacecraft, instrument unit,
and S-IVB forward skirt) being tested at its own location.
Ltr., Grau to Raines, Aug. 12, 1968, with encl., memorandum of agreement, "Quality Coverage
of POGO Structural Testing," Aug. 12, 1968.
George M. Low, MSC, in a letter to Samuel C. Phillips, OMSF, said that the
Design Certification Review (DCR) for spacecraft 101 had been completed;
that assigned action items had been resolved; and most of the open items had
been closed. Several open issues would be closed at the 101 Flight Readiness
Review. Low said: "The MSC subsystem managers have reviewed all the
August documentation supporting the DCR. I have reviewed the statements of
certification by the North American and MSC subsystem managers. I have
personally watched the design of Spacecraft 101 develop to a stage of
maturity. As a result, I am taking this opportunity to certify that Spacecraft
101 is ready to perform the Apollo 7 mission once the open items are closed."
Ltr., I_w to Phillips, "Design Certification of Apollo 7," Aug. 13, 1968.
NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller
reported to his superiors that launch preparations for the Apollo 7 mission
were running ahead of schedule. Spacecraft 101 had been erected and mated
with the launch vehicle on August 9. Integrated systems testing had begun
on August 15. Preparation for the next mission, Apollo 8, were not
proceeding as well. Checkout of the launch vehicle and CSM 103 were on
schedule, but work on LM-3 was some seven days behind schedule. Though
LM-3's problems were under intensive investigation, they were directly
holding up the simulated mission run and transfer to the altitude test
Memo, Mueller to Administrator, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--August 16, 1968."
ASPO Manager George M. Low wrote Program Director Samuel C. Phillips
seeking to halt further development of a pogo sensor for the CSM. (MSC had
undertaken development of the device shortly after the Apollo 6 flight as
"insurance" should the sensor prove necessary.) No requirement for a pogo
sensor had been identified, said Low. In fact, it was by no means certain how
the sensor could be used in flight. Because MSFC was highly confident that
the pogo problem encountered on Apollo 6 had been solved, and because no
abort criteria could be based on pogo alone, Low argued against the sensor.
Even in the unlikely event that pogo occurred on the next Saturn V flight, he
argued against an abort unless there was a catastrophic effect on the launch
vehicle, in which case abort would be effected using normal abort criteria.
For these reasons, no pogo sensor was to be installed on the CSM. A week
later, Phillips approved Low's recommendation to halt the pogo sensor de-
Ltrs.. Low to Phillips, Aug. 17, 1968; Phillips to Low, Aug. 24, 1968.
In a Mission Preparation Directive sent to the three manned space flight
Centers, NASA Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips stated that the
following changes would be effected in planning and preparation for
Apollo flights"
Apollo-Saturn 503
• Saturn V 503 would be prepared to carry CSM 103 and LTA (LM test
article)-B on a manned CSM-only mission to be designated the C prime mis- August
• The objectives and profile of the C prime mission would be devel-
oped to provide maximum gain consistent with standing flight safety
requirements. Studies would be carried out and plans prepared so as to
provide reasonable flexibility in establishing final mission objectives.
• All planning and preparations for the C prime mission would
proceed toward launch readiness on December 6, 1968.
Apollo-Saturn 504
Saturn V 504, CSM 104, and LM-3 were assigned to the D mission,
scheduled for launch readiness no earlier than February 20, 1969. The crew
assigned to the D mission would remain assigned to that mission. The crew
assigned to the E mission (Frank Borman, James A. Lovell, Jr., and William
Anders) would be reassigned to the C prime mission. Training and
equipping the C prime crews and operational preparations would proceed
as required to meet mission requirements and to meet the newly established
flight readiness date.
during the course of two elliptic orbits and would be of 16 hours duration,
August thus giving a total lunar vicinity time of 20 hours.
Ltr., Phillips to Directors, KSC, MSFC, and MSC, "Al×fllo Mission Preparation Directive,"
Aug. 19, 1968; memos, Manager, ASP(), to distr., "C Prime Mission," Sept. 3, 1968; MSC
Director of Flight Operations to Manager, ASP(), "C Prime Mission," Sept. 13, 1968.
George M. Low, ASPO Manager, set forth the rationale for using LTA-B (as
opposed to some other LM test article or even a full-blown LM) as payload
ballast on the AS-503 mission. That decision had been a joint one by Head-
quarters, MSFC, and MSC. Perhaps the chief reason for the decision was
Marshall's position that the Saturn V's control system was extremely
sensitive to payload weight. Numerous tests had been made for payloads of
around 38 555 kilograms but none for those in the 29 435- to 31 750-kilogram
range. MSFC had therefore asked that the minimum payload for AS-503 be
set at 38 555 kilograms. Because LTA-B brought the total payload weight to
39 780 kilograms, that vehicle had been selected for the Apollo 8 mission.
All dynamic analyses in connection with the pogo problem had to be
verified, but MSFC engineers were not concerned that the established weight
would affect pogo performance. Because NASA had been prepared to fly AS-
503 with a heavier payload--i.e., originally including LM-3--Low saw "no
reason to be concerned about the decision made to fly the somewhat lighter
and more symmetrical LTA-B."
Memo, Low tn Joseph N. Kotanchik, MSC, "[rse of LTA-B for AS-503," Aug. 27, 1968.
NASA asked Grumman to make a detailed study of LM-4 to determine any
constraints that might prevent accomplishment of a lunar orbit mission. All
such constraints were to be defined in sufficient detail to facilitate a NASA
review, and NASA expected Grumman-recommended action in each case.
The information was requested before the LM-4 Customer Acceptance
Readiness Review. Grumman was further asked to study LM-5 to determine
Ltr., Frank X. Bauersby, RASPO, to Joseph Gavin, LM Program Directol, Grumman, Aug. 28,
Eberhard Rees, Director of the Apollo Special Task Team at North
American Rockwell, notified the contractor that facilities the team had used
at Downey, Calif., were relinquished to the company. Thus ended the mis-
sion of the group formed some nine months earlier to oversee the
contractor's preparations during the period of adjustment following the
Apollo 1 accident.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips notified the three manned September
TWX, Phillips to MSC, KS(;, MSFC, "Apollo 8 (AS-503) Launch Readiness Working Sched-
ule," Sept. 3, 1968.
Concerning the first item, Gilruth said, "Our lunar surface exploration and
scientific activities should be pro_essive as we extend our knowledge and
obtain, a better understanding of operational limitations and capabilities in
a '/6 g environment .... By embarking on too ambitious an effort on our
first mission, we may well jeopardize our capability to accomplish
manned.., activities on subsequent flights .... " It was "recommended
that the LGI (with the exception of the contingency sample and preliminary
sample portion) and the ALSEP be deleted from the first lunar landing mis-
Gilruth said that he himself believed, "that it is essential that EVA on the
first lunar landing mission be limited to a single excursion and that ALSEP
and LGI be eliminated as experiments from that flight .... I believe that the
maximum scientific gains on this and future missions will be achieved if we
limit our objectives as proposed .... I am sure that all will agree that if we
successfully land on the moon and return to earth, bring back samples of
lunar soil, transmit television directly from the moon, and return with
detailed photographic coverage, our achievement will have been tremen-
dous by both scientific and technological standards."
Ltr., Gilruth to Phillips, "Proposed revisions to the first lunar landing mission plan," Sept. 6,
Completion of these actions, said Low, fulfilled the recommendations of the 1968
Crew Safety Review Board. September
Ltr., Low to Samuel C. Phillips, "Actions from Apollo Crew Safety Review Board and
Presentation," Sept. 10, 1968.
The Apollo Crew Safety Review Board, headed by William C. Schneider,
met for the third time at MSFC, a meeting devoted primarily to safety factors
for the Saturn V launch vehicle. Of particular concern was the capability to
shut down the vehicle during the period between ignition and liftoff should
some problem arise (it could be shut down by several methods, including
both manual and automatic engine shutdown). The Board also reviewed in
detail Saturn V modifications that had eliminated more than 50 engine and
electrical circuitry potential single-point failures (primarily through
increased redundancy and circuitry checkout). Similarly the Board
examined the reliability of guidance failure indicators and checkout of the
emergency detection system during the final portion of the countdown. No
additional action was needed, members concluded, because all functions in
the launch vehicle were checked during the terminal count and tank pres-
sure gauges were checked out by disconnecting the transducers and testing
them individually several days before launch.
At the end of the meeting, Board members attended the POGO Manage-
ment Review, where they were favorably impressed by the optimism among
Saturn V program officials that the pogo problem had been solved (although
contingency planning for a pogo occurrence should continue through
Ltr., Schneider to distr., "Minutes of Third Meeting on September 10-11, 1968, at Marshall
Space Flight Center," Sept. 16, 1968.
At a meeting of the MSF Management Council, Apollo Program Director
Samuel C. Phillips put forth a number of recommendations regarding plan-
ning for extravehicular and scientific activities during the first lunar landing
A cutaway view of the Block II CSM configuration and launch escape system shows
some of the components.
Dale D. Myers, North American Rockwell's Apollo CSM Program Manag-
er, wrote George M. Low: "With the recent shipment of CSM 101 to KSC
and preparations for the first manned Apollo flight, attention is centered on
the various aspects of crew safety. In this regard, I recently instructed our sys-
tem safety people to review the action items that resulted from the S/C 012
fire [January 27, 1967], identify those with safety content or implications,
determine what corrective action had been accomplished, and assess the
adequacy of the closeout actions." Myers went on to say that out of a total of
137 North American action items, 70 were related to safety; and combining
similar and identical items resulted in identification of 41 specific safety-
oriented action items. An exhaustive study by safety personnel had indicated
that all items had been closed out and that corrective actions were adequate.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips formally notified ASPO Man-
ager George M. Low at MSC and Saturn V Program Manager Lee B. James
at MSFC of changes in the Apollo Program Specification. As agreed on
during the MSF Management Council meeting on August 6, the Apollo
payload interface was set at 46 040 kilograms (with a flight geometry reserve
of 137 kilometers per hour). Also, the present spacecraft loading philosophy
allowed a total spacecraft weight of 46266 kilograms for lunar missions
having less than maximum flight geometry requirements. Phillips repeated
his earlier statement that he was prepared to relax some flight constraints to
achieve the best possible balance on each space vehicle. (Although with
recent changes in Saturn V loading, residuals, and J-2 engine thrust,
apparently few if any of these constraints would have to be relaxed.)
Ltr., Phillips to James and Low, "Apollo Program Specification Changes," Sept. 16, 1968.
Ernest B. Nathan, MSFC Cochairman of the Saturn-Apollo Flight
Evaluation Panel, sent to MSC Marshall's requirements for the flight crew
debriefing for the AS-205 mission. Generally, these requirements called for
the crew's visual and sensory evaluation of the launch vehicle's perform-
ance and behavior.
Ltr., Nathan to Helmut A. Kuehnel, MSC, Sept. 17, 1968, with encl., "MSFC Flight Crew
Debriefing Requirements, AS-205/SC-101 Mission."
Dale D. Myers, Apollo CSM Program Manager at North American
Rockwell, wrote to CSM Manager Kenneth S. Kleinknecht at MSC to
apprise him of the company's response to an earlier review of the CSM sub-
systems development program. During February a small task team from
MSFC, headed by William A. Mrazek, had surveyed the design, manu-
ASPO officials headed by Manager George M. Low met with spacecraft man-
agers from North American Rockwell and Grumman to discuss configura-
tion management for the remainder of the Apollo program and to set forth
clear ground rules regarding kinds of changes (described as Class I and Class
II) and the requisite level of authority for such changes. The outcome of this
meeting, as Low told Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips, was that
MSC would pass judgment on all Class I changes and that "nearly every
change [would] fall in this category." Minor design changes might still be
approved at the contractor or subcontractor levels, said Low, but MSC
would judge whether those changes were indeed Class II changes. The
overall result of this policy, he told Phillips, would be a better awareness by
NASA of all changes made by spacecraft subcontractors and a firm
understanding that only NASA could approve Class I design modifications.
The Apollo Guidance Software Task Force, which NASA Associate Ad-
ministrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller had convened in
December 1967, submitted its final report. Purpose of the task force, as
Mueller had stated at the time, was to determine whether "additional
actions.., could be taken to improve the software development and
verification process and control of it." Between December and July 1968, the
group met 14 times at NASA and contractor locations-to review the
historical evolution of software programs within the Apollo project.
Because of the great complexity of this entire field, the task force members
recommended that it continue to receive attention by top management
levels at both MSC and MSFC. And drawing upon experience learned in the
Apollo program, the task force recommended that software not be slighted
during any advanced manned programs and that adequate resources and ex-
perienced personnel be assigned early in the program to this vital and easily
underestimated area.
Ltr., Mueller to Harold T. Luskin, Apollo Applications Program Director, NASA, Sept. 23,
1968, with end., "Final Report: Apollo Guidance Software Task Force," Sept. 23, 1968.
Samuel C. Phillips announced membership of the OMSF Apollo Site
Selection Board, which was to meet September 26: Phillips, chairman; Lee
R. Scherer, OMSF, secretary; John D. Stevenson and Harold D. Luskin,
both of OMSF; Oran W. Nicks, NASA Hq., John D. Hodge, Owen E.
Maynard, and Wilmot N. Hess, all of MSC; Ernst Stuhlinger, MSFC: and
Roderick O. Middleton, KSC. J. H. Turnock and Charles W. Mathews had September
been deleted from the previous membership list and Hodge, Luskin, and
Scherer added.
Memo, Apollo Program Director to distr., "Membership of the OMSF Apollo Site Selection
Board," Sept. 24, 1968.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips wrote to his two principal
counterparts at MSFC and MSC, Lee B. James and George M. Low, to
express his concern that the launch-release wind constraint for the Saturn
IB, currently 45 kilometers, was perhaps the most restrictive of all such
constraints. Phillips emphasized his need for a complete understanding of
all tradeoffs associated with this figure, to allow a real-time estimate of the
requirement to hold. He asked James and Low to summarize for him several
such tradeoffs before the Apollo 7 flight readiness review : wind versus safety,
velocity versus direction, and conservative assumption versus technical
accuracy. Also, he asked for criticality and failure mode for each of the above
tradeoffs to allow a technical evaluation of increasing the 45-kilometer
constraint. At the same time, he asked that a similar effort be initiated for the
Saturn V.
TWX, Phillips to Low and James, "Apollo Saturn Release Wind Constraints," Sept. 24, 1968.
NASA Resident ASPO Manager Wilbur H. Gray at Downey told Dale D.
Myers, North American Rockwell CSM Manager, that NR quality coverage
of spacecraft testing no longer provided NASA with confidence in test results
and that NASA Quality Control would return to monitoring test activities
in and from the ACE (acceptance checkout equipment) control room. Gray
charged that North American had progressively backed away from
contractually agreed steps of the November 30, 1967, Quality Program Plan,
and that these actions had affected test readiness, testing, and trouble
shooting to the point that test acceptance could not be accepted with any
reasonable assurance. Gray said that--unless North American responded by
immediate reinstatement of the procedures which, as a minimum, were
those that worked satisfactorily on CSMs 103 and 104--NASA formal
acceptance of operational checkout procedures would be discontinued and
contractual action initiated. An annotation to George Low from Kenneth S.
Kleinknecht, MSC's CSM Manager, indicated the letter had been written
with the concurrence and at the suggestion of Kleinknecht.
Myers replied: "I regret that NASA feels any lack of confidence in current
test results .... For the past year, there has been a constant improvement
program carried out in Test Quality Assurance to (1) perform quality
evaluation and acceptance of test results in real time and (2) upgrade the test
discipline to be consistent with good quality practice. I believe that this
improvement program has been effective and is evidenced by the current
efficiency of test and expedient manner in which test paper work is being
closed out. While there is naturally some cost benefit experienced from the
"Again, I want to emphasize that the CSM Program has not nor will not
intentionally place cost ahead of quality .... The procedures which worked
satisfactorily on CSM 103 and 104 are being improved to provide better test
discipline and more effective Quality Assurance coverage. Test progress on
CSM 106 to date indicates a greater test effectiveness and a greater confidence
in test results than any previous CSM's."
Ltr., Gray to Myers, Sept. 25, 1968; annotation, Kleinknecht to Low, Sept. 26, 1968; hr., Myers
to Gray, Oct. 17, 1968.
TWXs, NASA Headquarters to MSC, Atm: George Low, "LM Ascent Engine Program
Decision," Sept. 25, 1968; and "LM Ascent Engine Program," Sept. 27, 1968.
The Allison descent-stage propellant tank, being redesigned at Airite
September Division of Sargent Industries to a "lidless" configuration, blew up during
27 qualification test at Airite. The crew noticed loss of pressure and therefore
tightened fittings and repressurized. As the pressure went up, the tank blew
into several pieces. Grumman dispatched a team to Airite to determine the
cause and the necessary corrective action.
Memo, Frank X. Battersby, RASPO, Bethpage, to Chief, Apollo Procurement Br., Procurement
and Contracts Div., MSC, "Weekly Activities Report, BMR, Bethpage, Week Ending Septem-
ber 27," Oct. 3, 1968.
Ltr., Saturn IB Manager William Teir, MSFC, and ASPO Manager George M. Low, MSC, to
Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., "Apollo 7 Launch Vehicle to Spacecraft Functional Interface
Review," Sept. 28, 1968, with encl., "AS-205 Launch Vehicle/Spacecraft (LV/SC) Electrical
Interlace Review."
NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller
summarized for his superiors launch preparation for the near-term missions
Apollo 7 and Apollo 8:
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips asked ASPO Manager George
M. Low to investigate the feasibility of using data from the D and G
missions to increase NASA's knowledge of and confidence in the
operational capabilities of the extravehicular mobility unit (EMU). Phillips
included in his request specific recommendations for additional instrumen-
tation to obtain the necessary data. His action stemmed from a general
concern about the extent and complexity of surface operations on the first
lunar landing flight (which might substantially reduce chances for
successful completion). For this reason, he and other program officials had
stringently limited the number of objectives and the extent of those surface
activities. But to plan confidently for surface EVA during follow-on Apollo
landing missions, Phillips said, as much information as possible had to be
September gathered about the operational capability of the crew and the EMU.
Ltr., Phillips to Low, "Data for an EVA Capability Assessment," Sept. 30, 1968.
The Apollo Crew Safety Review Board held its fourth meeting at MSC.
1-2 Discussions centered chiefly on Saturn V engine-out abort situations and the
ability of the CSM to withstand structural loads imposed by such vehicle
failures. In fact, however, it was unlikely that any problem would be
experienced, because of a controlled S-IC engine shutdown. Loads because
of catastrophic engine failure greatly exceeded spacecraft capability, but the
Board ruled such an occurrence as remote and accepted it as a flight risk.
Also, evaluation of testing results demonstrated that overall loads because of
pogo vibration were not a problem. Board Chairman William C. Schneider
reported that, in general, action items assigned to MSC as a result of the
Apollo 7 review had been satisfactorily closed.
Ltr., Schneider to distr., "Minutes of Fourth Meeting on October 1-2, 1968, at the Manned
Spacecraft Center," Oct. 11, 1968.
Senior management from NASA Hq. and the three manned Centers
conducted the Apollo 7 flight readiness review at KSC. Crew, space vehicle,
and all supporting elements were ready for flight. Countdown-to-launch
sequence had started on October 6, and flight preparations were on schedule
for launch readiness at 11:00 a.m. EDT on October 11.
OMSF, NASA Hq., to NASA Administrator and Deputy Administrator, "Manned Space Flight
Weekly Report--October 7, 1968," Oct. 7, 1968.
Techniques document, Apollo Data Priority Coordinator Howard W.
Tindall reported that the Center's effort in this area needed to be October
Memo, George E. Mueller, NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Flight, to Acting NASA
Administrator, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--October 14, 1968/' Oct. 14, 1968.
Ltr., Tripp to Low, "Configuration Change Control, LM Program," Oct. 7, 1968, with encl.,
"configuration Change Control--Ground Rules," Oct. 7, 1968.
Ltr., Low to Phillips, Oct. 7, 1968; TWX, Phillips to Low, "Recording of Voice
Communications at KSC," Sept. 30, 1968.
order to build confidence toward a fairly complex EVA exercise during the
second landing mission. Low asked his chief system engineering assistant,
Owen E. Maynard, to incorporate these operational decisions into the
Apollo mission planning and to define mounting of the television camera
and its early use in the mission.
Memo, Low to Maynard, "First G mission science package," Oct. 9, 1968.
Because of the continuing problem of hardware changes, Apollo Program
Director Samuel C. Phillips revised policies and procedures for control of
changes for AS-503 and subsequent missions. Level II Configuration
Control Boards, said Phillips, would have authority to implement several
categories of engineering changes: mandatory changes to ensure crew safety
or mission success, changes that would substantially reduce workload or
checkout time at KSC, and changes to improve the probability of launch and
to reduce the possibility of launch delays or scrubs, based on engineering
analysis and failure history. Phillips admitted that other essential changes
might be needed that did not fulfill these criteria, but such "down-the-line"
changes must be held to an absolute minimum, he told ASPO Manager
George M. Low. All changes that affected deliveries or launch schedules, on
the other hand, must still be submitted to the Level I CCB for approval
before implementation. These revised procedures, Phillips believed, would
produce the control of changes needed to ensure an operationally suitable
Apollo space vehicle, yet allow the secondary-level CCB to exercise "tough
and critical judgment" of the change decision process, to allow needed
flexibility within the overall program.
Ltr., Phillips to Low, "Change Policies and Procedures," Oct. 10, 1968.
Apollo 7 (AS-205), the first manned Apollo flight, lifted off from Launch
Complex 34 at Cape Kennedy Oct. 11, carrying Walter M. Schirra, Jr., Donn
F. Eisele, and R. Walter Cunningham. The countdown had proceeded
smoothly, with only a slight delay because of additional time required to
chill the hydrogen system in the S-IVB stage of the Saturn launch vehicle.
Liftoff came at 11:03 a.m. EDT. Shortly after insertion into orbit, the S-IVB
1N8 stage separated from the CSM, and Schirra and his crew performed a
October simulated docking with the S-IVB stage, maneuvering to within 1.2 meters
of the rocket. Although spacecraft separation was normal, the crew reported
that one adapter panel had not fully deployed. Two burns using the reaction
control system separated the spacecraft and launch stage and set the stage for
an orbital rendezvous maneuver, which the crew made on the second day of
the flight, using the service propulsion engine.
Crew and spacecraft performed well throughout the mission. During eight
burns of the service propulsion system during the flight, the engine
functioned normally. October 14, third day of the mission, witnessed the
first live television broadcast from a manned American spacecraft. The SPS
engine was used to deorbit after 259 hours 39 minutes of flight. CM-SM
separation and operation of the earth landing system were normal, and the
spacecraft splashed down about 13 kilometers from the recovery ship, the 1968
U.S.S. Essex, at 7:11 a.m. EDT October 22. Although the vehicle initially October
All primary Apollo 7 mission objectives were met, as well as every detailed
test objective (and three test objectives not originally planned). Engineering
firsts from Apollo 7, aside from live television from space, included drinking
water for the crew produced as a by-product of the fuel cells. Piloting and
navigation accomplishments included an optical rendezvous, daylight
platform realignment, and orbital determination via sextant tracking of
another vehicle. All spacecraft systems performed satisfactorily. Minor
anomalies were countered by backup systems or changes in procedures.
With successful completion of the Apollo 7 mission, which proved out the
design of the Block II CSM (CSM 101), NASA and the nation had taken the
first step on the pathway to the moon.
TWX, William C. Schneider to distr., "Apollo 7 Mission, Mission Director's 24-Hour Report,"
Oct. 22, 1968; memos, George E. Mueller to Acting Administrator, "Manned Space Flight
Weekly Report--October 14, 1968," Oct. 14, 1968, and "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--
October 21, 1968," Oct. 21, 1968.
Ltrs., Myers to Low, Oct. 17, 1968; Low to Myers, Nov. 15, 1968.
17 Two NASA investigation boards had reported that loss of attitude control
caused the May 6 accident that destroyed lunar landing research vehicle No.
1, NASA announced (see May 6 and May 16). Helium in propellant tanks
had been depleted earlier than normal, dropping pressure needed to force
hydrogen peroxide propellant to the attitude-control lift rockets and
thrusters. Warning to the pilot was too late for him to take necessary action
for landing. The boards called for improvements in LLRV and LLTV
design and operating practices and more stringent control over flying
programs. No bad effects on the Apollo lunar landing program had been
found and no changes were recommended for the LM.
David B. Pendley, Technical Assistant for Flight Safety at MSC,
recommended to ASPO Manager George M. Low an official policy position
for landings on land. Pendley stated that despite all efforts by the Center's
Engineering and Development Directorate to develop a safe land-landing
capability with the CSM, the goal could not be attained. The best course, he
told Low, was to accept the risk inherent in the fact that a land landing could
not be avoided in an early launch abort--accept the risk openly and frankly
and to plan rescue operations on the premise of major structural damage to
the spacecraft. "If we do not officially recognize the land landing hazard,"
Pendley said, "this will place us in an untenable position should an accident
occur, and will further prej udice the safety of the crew by continuing a false
feeling of security on the subject."
Memo, Pendley to Low, "Land landings," Oct. 18, 1968.
NASA Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips apprised Associate
Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller of recent
Memo, Phillips to Mueller, "Extravehicular Activities for the First Lunar Landing Mission,"
Oct. 19, 1968.
MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth formally constituted an Operational
Readiness Inspection Committee to inspect the Lunar Receiving Laborato-
ry to demonstrate its suitability to accomplish its mission. John D. Hodge of
MSC was appointed Chairman of the ORI and Peter J. Armitage, MSC,
Executive Secretary. Other members were Aleck C. Bond, John W. Conlon,
D. O. Coons, Joseph P. Kerwin, Paul H. Vavra, and Earle B. Young, all of
MSC; E. Barton Geer, LaRC; A. G. Wedum, Ft. Detrick, Md.; and Donald
U. Wise, NASA Hq.
Memo, Gilruth to distr., "Operational Readiness Inspection of the I.unar Receiving
Laboratory," Oct. 21, 1968.
While the flight of Apollo 7 was still in progress, ASPO Manager George M.
Low ordered that CSM 101 be returned to Downey as quickly as possible at
1968 the end of the mission to begin postflight testing as quickly as possible.
October Therefore, no public affairs showing of the spacecraft could be permitted.
Memo, Low to Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, "Spacecraft 101 postflight activities," Oct. 21, 1968.
Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller
summarized launch preparations for the near-term missions Apollo 8 and
Apollo 9. Hurricane Gladys had interrupted work on the Apollo 8 spacecraft
and launch vehicle and work was now about two days behind schedule.
(Because winds from the storm did not exceed Apollo design values,
however, Apollo 8 remained at Pad A and was not returned to the assembly
building.) Checkout of LM-3 and CSM 104 for Apollo 9 were on schedule.
The CSM had been stacked and would undergo combined systems tests
shortly. Ascent and descent stages of the lander would be joined immediately
after docking tests had been completed.
Memo, Mueller to Acting Administrator, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--October 21,
1968," Oct. 21, 1968.
December 8: Lunar landing training vehicle No. 1, with MSC test pilot Joe Algranti at the controls, crashed
and burned at Ellington AFB, Tex. Aigranti ejected safely.
December 2 l: Apollo 8 was launched from KSC on a Saturn V booster. The spacecraft made 20 orbits around
the moon on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and returned to earth, landing in the Pacific Ocean
December 27.
February 3: NASA announced a 12-month forecast of manned space flight missions, Apollo 9 through
Apollo 13.
March 3: Apollo 9 was launched from KSC and carried the LM for the first time on a manned flight. The LM
separated and docked with the CSM during the flight and the first Apollo EVA was accomplished. The
mission ended March 13 with an Atlantic Ocean splashdown.
March 24: NASA announced that Apollo 10 would be a lunar orbit mission.
May 18: Apollo I 0 was launched from KSC on a nine-day mission. The spacecraft orbited the moon and the
LM descended to an altitude of 15 kilometers over the planned site for the first lunar landing. Color'IV
was transmitted to earth. The CM landed safely in the Pacific May 26.
May 27: MSFC was authorized to proceed with development of a manned lunar roving vehicle.
June 17: A seven-day simulation of Lunar Receiving Laboratory activities was successfully completed.
July 16: Apollo 11 was launched from KSC and on July 20 astronauts Nell A. Armstrong and Edwin E.
Aldrin, Jr., became the first men to walk on the moon. The spacecraft returned to land in the Pacific July
24, and the space goal set by President Kennedy on May 25, 1961, was accomplished.
August 7: Conclusions were reached at MSC concerning modes for furore lunar surface exploration.
November 14: Apollo 12 was launched and landed on the moon 163 meters from the S*rveyor HI spacecraft.
The two astronauts performed two EVAs on the lunar surface, retrieved samples and parts of Surveyor
II1, left the lunar surface after a stay of 31 hours 31 minutes, redocked with the CSM, and landed in the
Pacific on November 24.
January 5-8: Detailed reports on the Apollo 11 sample analyses were presented at a Lunar Science
Conference at MSC.
March 7: The President listed six specific objectives for the space program.
April 11: Apollo I3 was launched on a lunar landing mission but 7 hours 55 minutes into the flight an
explosion in an SM oxygen tank required an abort. The astronauts powered up the LM, powered down
the C SM, and used the LM propellant for a free-return trajectory around the moon. They returned safely
to earth, and landed in the mid-Pacific on April 17.
Aprd 17: NASA Hq. established an Apollo 13 Review Board to investigate the Apollo 13 accident.
January 31." Apollo 14 was launched from KSC and the LM landed on the Fra Mauro area of the moon on
February 5. Two EVAs were performed, the second using a mobile equipment transporter to permit a
longer traverse. The LM lifted off from the moon February 6 and the CM splashed down in the Pacific
on February 9.
April 26: Quarantine for crew members who would go to the moon on future Apollo flights was
July 26: Apollo 15 was launched, and on July 30 the LM landed in the Hadley-Apennine region of the moon.
Three EVAs were completed with a total EVA time of 18 hours 35 minutes. The LM ascent stage liftoff
on August 2 was the first televised, and the lunar roving vehicle was used for the first time. Apollo 15's
CM landed in the Pacific on August 7.
April 16." Apollo 16 was launched from KSC and landed in the moon's Descartes region April 20. Three
EVAs were completed, using the lunar roving vehicle for a total distance of 26.7 kilometers. The LM
lifted off April 23 and docked with the CSM to transfer astronauts and samples. The CM returned to
land in the Pacific April 27.
December 7: Apollo 17, the final manned lunar landing mission, was launched from KSC. The astronauts in
the LM landed in the Taurus-Littrow region of the moon on December 11 and explored the area on the
lunar roving vehicle during three EVAs with a total of about 22 hours. They lifted off December 14 and
landed in the Pacific December 19.
January 22." A tribute to the Apollo program from former President Johnson, who had died earlier in the
day, was read at the National Space Club's "Salute to Apollo," held in Washington, D.C.
November 2.' A stained glass Space Window with a two-centimeter Apollo I 1 lunar sample in its center was
commissioned for the National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
July 13." President Nixon proclaimed July 16-24 United States Space Week in recognition of the fifth
anniversary of Apollo II.
LeRoy E. Day, Apollo Test Director, NASA Hq., informed Apollo Program
Director Samuel C. Phillips of two failures of LM propellant tanks during October
Memo, Day to Apollo Program Director, "LM Descent Propellant Tank Failures," Oct. 23,
Howard D. Burns, Chie[ of the Saturn V Test Management Office at MSFC,
sent to Apollo launch operations officials at KSC a list of requirements for
retesting the Saturn V following a lightning strike on the vehicle while on
the pad. These requirements were to be included in the next revision of the
overall test and checkout requirements documents at KSC. (Burns' action
came largely as a result of discussions at the AS-503 Crew Safety Review
Board meeting at KSC on August 20-21, 1968.) Burns recommended that
KSC prepare a contingency plan specifying various stage and launch vehicle
test and checkout procedures that would satisfy MSFC's requirements. The
most immediate assessment must be the overall safety of the launch vehicle.
Electronic and electrical components headed the list of specific hardware
systems to be assessed.
Ltr., Burns to KSC, Atm: A. G. Smith, "AS-503-10 Launch Vehicle Test and Retest
Requirements Following a Lighming Strike on the Saturn V Launch Vehicle/LUT/MSS,"
Oct. 24, 1968, with encl., same subj.
Memo for Record, Bolender, "Review of LM-4 Receiving Inspection at KSC," Oct. 26, 1968.
28 MSC Apollo Spacecraft Program Office Manager George M. Low deleted the
requirement for a short static-firing of the Apollo 8 service module reaction
control system on the pad before launch (the so-called "burp" firing). He
took this move in line with a recommendation from NASA Apollo Program
Director Samuel C. Phillips and in light of the nominal performance of the
RCS during the Apollo 7 flight. By thus eliminating the burp firings--and
not allowing any contact of the system's hypergolic propellants--the
spacecraft could be maintained in a loaded condition through the December
and January launch windows and gain the maximum launch flexibility for
the Apollo 8 flight. (Decisions not to static-fire the RCS systems on
spacecraft following 103 had been made some time earlier.)
TWX, Phillips to Low, "Apollo 8 Pre-Launch Burp Firing," Oct. 25, 1968; ltr., Low to
Phillips, Oct. 28, 1968.
NASA Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips officially designated the
AS-504 and AS-505 missions as Apollo 9 and Apollo 10.
TWX, Phillips, NASA Hq., to KSC, MSFC, and MSC, "Apollo Mission Designations," Oct. 31,
deployment during the Apollo 8 flight. Apollo 8 contained a novel set of
mechanical and electrical interfaces (CSM, LTA-B lunar module dummy, November
launch adapter, and Saturn V vehicle), Low observed. Furthermore, concern
about these complex interfaces had increased because one of the adapter
panels on Apollo 7 had not opened properly. What Low--as well as MSC
Director Robert R. Gilruth--desired foremost was to preclude repetition of
another situation such as had occurred during the Gemini IX mission, when
the shroud panels covering the Agena target vehicle had only partially
deployed and had produced the"angry alligator" that forced cancellation of
docking plans on that earlier flight.
Ltr., Low to Petrone, Nov. 8, 1968.
The Apollo Crew Safety Review Board met to assess land landing of the
CSM in the area of the launch site if a flight were aborted just before launch
or during the initial phase of a flight. In general the Board was satisfied with
overall planned recovery and medical operations. The only specific item to
be acted on was some means of purging the interior of the spacecraft to expel
any coolant or propellant fumes that might be trapped inside the cabin. The
Board was also concerned about the likelihood of residual propellants
trapped inside the vehicle even after abort sequence purging, a problem that
MSC secured assistance from both the Ames and Lewis Research Centers to
solve. At the Board's suggestion, MSC's Crew Systems Division also
investigated the use of a helmet liner for the astronauts to prevent head
injury upon impact. Finally, the Board recommended continued egress
training with fully suited crews, including some night training.
Memo, David B. Pendley, MSC Flight Control Div., to ASPO Manager, "Land landing in the
launch site area," Nov. 18, 1968.
ASPO Manager Low asked Aaron Cohen, one of his staff assistants, to lead
an investigation to determine detrimental effects of moisture on the strength
of the bonded covering of the launch adapter structure. His action stemmed
directly from a presentation the same day by James A. Chamberlin to the
Structures Advisory Board explaining the adapter failure on Apollo 6.
Moisture in the adapter not only raised the pressures generated by heating
during the boost phase of the flight through the atmosphere, but it also
weakened the structural bonding either directly or by hampering venting
through the holes in the honeycomb material. Low asked Cohen to take
precautions that no water be allowed to enter the adapter. All joints in the
material should be sealed with a waterproof tape even before the count-
down demonstration test and should remain on the vehicle throughout the
flight, so that the adapter would absorb no moisture even if it rained during
the final count before launch. On the other hand, the tape must then with-
stand boost phase heating and must not impair spacecraft separation and
panel jettisoning. (North American Rockwell, in compliance with CCBD,
August 10, 1968, Master Change Record 7727, modified the SLA panels by
drilling vent holes in the inner skin of the panels of all subsequent SLAs to
allow release of moisture during ascent. These holes were to be kept sealed
November until immediately before launch to avoid collection of moisture in the
Martin L. Raines, MSC's Manager at the White Sands Test Facility,
recommended to ASPO Manager George M. Low that he issue official
direction to the two spacecraft contractors, North American Rockwell and
Grumman, governing the phasedown of operations at the engine test site.
Early action was needed, Raines said, for proper contractual action on the
phasedown and for proper disposition of equipment and supplies. This
action signaled the end of the long and difficult supportive development
effort to prove out the Apollo spacecraft rocket engines for flight.
Memo, Raines to ASPO Manager, "WSTF Phasedown Plan," Nov. 19, 1968.
Howard W. Tindall, Jr., Chief of Apollo Data Priority Coordination within
ASPO, reported an operational system problem aboard the LM. To give a
returning Apollo crew an indication of time remaining to perform a
landing maneuver or to abort, a light on the LM instrument panel would
come on when about two minutes worth of propellants remained in the
descent propellant system tanks with the descent engine running at 25-
percent thrust. The present LM weight and descent trajectory were such that
the light would always come on before touchdown. The only hitch, said
Tindall, was that the signal was connected to the spacecraft master alarm.
"Just at the most critical time in the most critical operation of a perfectly
nominal lunar landing mission, the master alarm with all its lights, bells,
and whistles will go off." Tindall related that some four or five years earlier,
astronaut Pete Conrad had called the arrangement "completely unaccepta-
ble.., but he was probably just an Ensign at the time and apparently no one
paid any attention." If this "is not fixed," Tindall said, "I predict the first
words uttered by the first astronaut to land on the moon will be 'Gee whiz,
that master alarm certainly startled me.'" Tindall recommended either
rerouting the signal wiring to bypass the alarm or cutting the signal wire
and relying solely on the propellant gauges to assess flight time remaining.
Memo to distr., Tindall, "LM DPS low level light fixing," Nov. 22, 1968.
In a memorandum for the record, ASPO Manager George M. Low
summarized results of November 19 and 22 meetings on procedures for
astronaut training runs with the Apollo extravehicular mobility unit
(EMU) under simulated space conditions. The runs would be in the two
vacuum test chambers of the Center's Space Environment Simulation
Laboratory. MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth had attended the meetings.
Training runs were always to be preceded by a run also under altitude
conditions and using a gas umbilical from the life support system of the
facility itself. Although connected to the crewman, the facility umbilical
would not be used as a gas supply under normal test conditions. For the final
training run, the astronaut would wear a complete flight-configured EMU
without any other link with the facility. Although several participants November
objected that training runs using the EMU alone ran greater risk than
normal in chamber tests, the decision to conduct the exercises using the all-
up flight configuration was reaffirmed.
Memo for Record, Low, "EMU activities in the SESL," Nov. 22, 1968.
NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller
reviewed for NASA Acting Administrator Thomas O. Paine the develop-
ment of the Apollo service propulsion system (SPS) engine. (Earlier, Paine
had asked whether the SPS engine had ever failed to fire during all of this
developmental program.) Mueller reported that a review of the test history
showed that no complete flight-configuration engine had ever failed to fire.
In fact, during the entire development program (comprising some 3200
engine starts and more than 90 000 seconds of firing time) only four engines
had failed to start. In all of these cases, the cause of the ignition failures
could be traced to faulty ground support equipment or to inadequate or
improper operational procedures. No engine failure could be attributed
solely to the SPS engine itself. Mueller's response to Paine--with obvious
overtones for the upcoming Apollo 8 circumlunar mission--bespoke a
supreme confidence in the safety and reliability of the all-important main
engine of the spacecraft.
Memo, Mueller to Acting Administrator, "Response to Question on Apollo Service Propulsion
System Engine," Nov. 22, 1968.
The LM-I 1 midsection assembly collapsed in the assembly jig during the
bulkhead prefitting stage of construction at Grumman. The structure
buckled when the bulkheads, which had just been prefitted and drilled, were
removed to permit deburring the drilled holes. Jig gates that were supposed
to hold up the assembly were not in position, nor was the safety line
properly installed. The structure was supported by hand. Damage to the
skin of the structure was not severe, although a small radius bend was put in
one of the upper skins.
Memo, Samuel A. Gentile, Bethpage RASPO Contracting Officer, to distr.,"Report of Damage
of LM-11 Midsection Assembly during Manufacturing Phase, this date," Nov. 27, 1968.
The need to flight-test manual control of the light LM ascent configuration
had been discussed at the October 15 MSC Flight Program Review, MSC
Director Robert R. Gilruth informed NASA Apollo Program Director
Samuel C. Phillips. There was an implication that a control problem could
exist for this configuration. Gilruth said he had stated that MSC should be
able to establish manual control handling qualities of the LM through
proper simulation and be confident about the adequacy of the control
control of the light ascent stage during docking. He said that the most
November demanding requirement for precision manual attitude control was the
docking maneuver. Docking control had been simulated extensively at
MSC, Grumman, and LaRC using functional representation of the control
system and these simulations established the capability of docking the LM
well within the specified docking criteria. In addition, other LM control
tasks had been simulated at MSC and Grumman, and the LM was found to
have satisfactory handling qualities for all manual control tasks.
Ltr., Gilruth to Phillips, "Manual Control o[ the IAght I.unar Module Ascent Configuration,"
Nov. 27, 1968.
Several scientific experiments had been deferred from the first to the second
e lunar landing mission, Apollo Program Director Phillips informed the
ASPO Manager at MSC: S-031, Lunar Passive Seismology; S-034, Lunar
Tri-axis Magnetometer; S-035, Medium Energy Solar Wind; S-036,
Suprathermal Ion Detection; S-058, Cold Cathode Ionization Gauge; and
S-059, Lunar Geology Investigation. Substituted was a more conservative
group that included Lunar Passive Seismology (S-031); a Laser Ranging
Retroreflector (S078); and Solar Wind Composition (S-080). Also assigned
to the first landing mission, included among operational tasks, were
sampling activities and observations of lunar soil mechanics.
Launch preparations for Apollo 8, scheduled for flight December 21, were
on schedule, the NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight
reported. Recent significant steps included a leak and functional test of the
service propulsion system on November 26, fuel servicing of the CM
reaction control system and the SPS on the following day, hypergolic
loading on November 30, and loading of the S-IC stage with RP-1 fuel on
December 2. All testing of the Mission Control Center in Houston and the
Manned Space Flight Network had also been completed; both support
systems were ready [or full operational support. Recovery briefings had been
given to the flight crew and the final flight plan for Apollo 8 had been issued.
The ASPO Manager asked Wilmot N. Hess, MSC Director of Science and
Applications, to devise a crew fit and functional check of lunar handtools
before the LM-5 crew training tests. Functional check of the handtools, as
well as the Early Apollo Science Experiments Package (EASEP), had been
agreed on at a November 26 review. Actual flight hardware would be used by
the crewmen to verify operation of tools and experiments. Flight hand-
tools--as well as the EASEP, if available--would also be subjected to
thermal vacuum tests in the Space Environment Simulation Laboratory,
preferably during LM-5 crew training in the facility.
Memo, George M. Low to Hess, "Lunar Handtools and EASEP (Early Apollo Science
Experiments Package," Dec. 14, 1968.
Final countdown for the launch of Apollo 8, the second manned Apollo
mission, began on schedule at KSC. Significant launch preparation events
included the "wet" countdown demonstration test on December 10, three
days of flight simulations, an operational review, and launch site recovery
exercises. Mission preparations were on schedule for launch on December
21. Launch preparations were also on schedule for the next two flights,
Apollo 9 and 10.
Memo, George E. Mueller, NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, to Acting
Administrator, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--December 16, 1968," Dec. 16, 1968.
NASA Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips asked ASPO Manager
George M. Low for comments on potential uses for television aboard all
Apollo spacecraft (both CMs and LMs). Although plans called for TV
cameras in both spacecraft for the F and G missions, on the combined CSM-
LM earth-orbital D mission only the LM was to contain a camera. Phillips
asked Low to assess the feasibility and schedule impact of including a TV
camera on the D-mission CSM as well (CM 104), thus employing television
on all the remaining Apollo spacecraft. In particular, the Apollo Director
sought Low's advice on the feasibility and usefulness of television
transmissions for engineering, operations, scientific, and public informa-
tion purposes. (See December 24.)
Ltr., Phillips to Low, "Apollo On-board TV," Dec. 16, 1968.
Apollo Program Director Phillips described to MSC Director Robert R.
Gilruth two reviews of testing and checkout procedures, conducted by the
Apollo Test Office and MSC's Crew Systems Division, at Hamilton Standard
September 23-26 and at International Latex September 30-October 4. (The
reviews were a follow-on to similar test and checkout reviews at North
American Rockwell and at Grumman earlier in the year.) The review at
"Ham-Standard," manufacturer of the portable life support system,
December uncovered only two minor discrepancies, which the company immediately
corrected. At International Latex, manufacturer of the Apollo spacesuit,
however, the review teams found what Phillips termed a "disappointing
situation despite extensive management direction by the Crew Systems
Division." The NASA review group made several recommendations to
improve the situation:
These problems, Phillips noted, had not impaired flight readiness of the
spacesuit, "but it does explain the delivery problems we have been
Ltr., Phillips to Gilruth, Dec. 17, 1968.
Apollo Program Director Phillips asked ASPO Manager Low to hasten
work on the study at North American to define reusability of systems aboard
the CM. He asked Low for a review of the area in mid-February 1969 if
sufficient data were available by then. Also, Phillips asked Low's
recommendations for an effectivity date on any recovery operations to
increase reusability of either spacecraft systems or of the complete vehicle.
(North American submitted Space Division Report No. 69-463, dated
August 29, 1969, recommending preflight preservation treatment and
postflight refurbishment that could be accomplished on CMs and its
components to enhance reusability. Removal of heatshield access ports and
flushing with fresh water on the recovery ship was the only recommendation
implemented, because the others were not judged cost effective.)
Ltr., Phillips to Low, Dec. 17, 1968.
Crew briefings on flammability tests and fire extinguishing methods should
be expanded, ASPO Manager Low recommended to MSC Director of Flight
Operations Donald K. Slayton. Short briefings had been given to the crews
of spacecraft 101 and 103, Low said, but these limited briefings should be
expanded to ensure further a fire-safe spacecraft. At a minimum, he urged
review of all flammability deviations inside the spacecraft, review of
flammable crew storage items, review of significant fire testing films on
propagation paths, and review of emergency procedures for extinguishing
fires. The chief objective of this expanded program, said Low, was to
familiarize the crews with the flamm_able items in the cockpit that could not
be replaced, with potential propagation paths, and with methods of December
extinguishing fires.
Memo, Low to Director of Flight Crew Operations, "Crew training program on fire safety,"
Dec. 19, 1968.
The lunar closeup stereo camera on Apollo missions was not a separate
scientific experiment, NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space
Flight wrote MSC Deputy Director George S. Trimble. An adjunct to the
field geology experiment, the camera's stereoscopic photographs of fine
details on the lunar surface would document individual material samples.
Additional photography where no samples were taken would provide
information on the range of surface textures near the landing site.
Following deployment by the crew of emplaced experiments, the field
geology investigation--and thus the stereo camera--had priority. Mueller
stated that inclusion of the camera on all early Apollo landing missions was
desirable, including the first. However, it was doubtful that the contractor
could deliver the first flight article in time for that mission, although the
camera could be ready for the second landing if granted waivers in
documentation, reliability, and quality controls. Mueller affirmed his desire
to grant these relaxations in the normally rigid Apollo hardware
demands--to the extent that such waivers could be granted without
jeopardizing crew safety or overall mission success. As an added benefit, the
Associate Administrator said, "the experiment of giving a qualified
contractor a relatively free hand in managing a development project within
his particular field of competence should be instructive in the planning of
future procurements of this type."
Ltr., Mueller to Trimble, Dec. 20, 1968.
Apollo 8 (AS-503) was launched from KSC Launch Complex 39, Pad A, at
7:51 a.m. EST Dec. 21 on a Saturn V booster. The spacecraft crew was made
up of Frank Borman, James A. Lovell, Jr., and William A. Anders. Apollo 8
was the first spacecraft to be launched by a Saturn V with a crew on board,
and that crew became the first men to fly around the moon.
All launch and boost phases were normal and the spacecraft with the S-IVB
stage was inserted into an earth-parking orbit of 190.6 by 183.2 kilometers
above the earth. After post-insertion checkout of spacecraft systems, the S-
IVB stage was reignited and burned 5 minutes 9 seconds to place the
spacecraft and stage in a trajectory toward the moon--and theApollo 8 crew
became the first men to leave the earth's gravitational field.
The spacecraft separated from the S-IVB 3 hours 20 minutes after launch
and made two separation maneuvers using the SM's reaction control system.
Eleven hours after liftof[, the first midcourse correction increased velocity by
26.4 kilometers per hour. The coast phase was devoted to navigation
sightings, two television transmissions, and system checks. The second
midcourse correction, about 61 hours into the flight, changed velocity by 1.5
kilometers per hour.
Subsequently, TV Guide for May 10-16, 1969, claimed that one out of every
four persons on earth--nearly 1 billion people in 64 countries--heard the
astronauts' reading and greeting, either on radio or on TV; and delayed
broadcasts that same day reached 30 additional countries.
On Christmas Day, while the spacecraft was completing its 10th revolution
of the moon, the service propulsion system engine was fired for three
Parachute deployment and other reentry events were normal. The Apollo 8
CM splashed down in the Pacific, apex down, at 10:51 a.m. EST, December
27--147 hours and 42 seconds after liftoff. As planned, helicopters and
aircraft hovered over the spacecraft and pararescue personnel were not
deployed until local sunrise, 50 minutes after splashdown. The crew was
picked up and reached the recovery ship U.S.S. Yorktown at 12:20 p.m.
EST. All mission objectives and detailed test objectives were achieved, as
well as five that were not originally planned (see Appendix 5).
The crew was in excellent condition, and another major step toward the first
lunar landing had been accomplished.
MSC, "Apollo 8 Mission Report," Feb. 1969, pp. I-l, 1-2; NASA OMSF, "Apollo Program
Flight Summary Report, Apollo Missions AS-201 through Apollo 8," Jan. 1969, pp. 32-35;
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1968, (NASA SP-4010, 1969), pp. 318-23.
ASPO Manager George M. Low apprised Program Director Samuel C.
Phillips of MSC's plans for television cameras aboard remaining Apollo
missions. With the exception of spacecraft 104 (scheduled for flight as
Apollo 9), television cameras were to be flown in all CMs. Also, cameras
would be included in all manned LMs (LM-3 through LM-14).
C. H. Bolender, ASPO LM Manager at MSC, wrote Ralph H. Tripp, LM
Program Manager at Grumman, regarding open spacecraft failure items.
Although he acknowledged Grumman's recent progress in reducing the
number of open failures, Bolender said that the approaching manned phase
of the LM program dictated a fundamental change in the method of
handling those open problems. Apollo required "zero open problems."
Moreover, all failures must receive NASA approval of closeout before
launch. Bolender called on Tripp to revamp his failure closeout procedures
with several objectives: all closeout packages must contain sutficient
documentation to permit NASA approval of the action; each .package
should be available as a reference for any future review of problem
definition, analysis, and correction; and the contractor should further
improve the discipline applied to technical resolution of open items and to
the preparation of closeout packages. Bolender anticipated that Grumman's
actions to meet these objectives would greatly reduce the number of open
failure closeout disapprovals by NASA. But when a disagreement did exist,
both parties must act quickly to resolve the issue. "Prompt attention to
NASA disapprovals has been a problem," noted the LM Program Manager.
Ltr., Bolender to Tripp, Dec. 27, 1968.
15-17 The final flight program for Apollo 9 was verified; the emergency egress test
with the prime and backup crew was conducted; and the software
integration test between the lunar module and Mission Control Center,
MSC, was completed on January 15. On January 16 the Saturn V/Mission
Control Center-Houston integration testing was conducted. Additionally,
a critical design review of the Launch Complex 39 slide wire system was
conducted on January 17. Launch preparations for Apollo 9 continued to
proceed on schedule.
NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--January 21, 1969."
Ltr., George M. Low, MSC, to Larry Megow, Houston, Tex., Jan. 16. 1969.
The Apollo Program Director requested that MSC present a Lunar
Receiving Laboratory (LRL) review like that for design.certification. The
presentation would cover (1) landing and recovery procedures, (2) LRL
operations, (3) release scheme for astronauts and samples, (4) sample
processing and distribution plans, and (5) scientific investigations. The
purpose would be to assess overall readiness following the first lunar
landing in these five areas.
Ltr., Samuel C. Phillips, NASA OMSF, to Robert R. Gilruth, Director, MSC, "Lunar
Receiving Laboratory Readiness Review," Jan. 16, 1969.
Checkout was on schedule for an Apollo 10 launch readiness date of May 17.
On January 17 the backup crew participated in an altitude test run. The
spacecraft docking test, using a simulated adapter, was completed January
20. All three fuel cells were being replaced because of suspected
contamination in fuel cell No. 1 and the failure of fuel cell No. 2 to take any
voltage load during the power-up for the manned altitude run.
NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--January 27, 1969."
The Apollo 9 flight readiness test began on January 19 and was successfully
completed January 22, in preparation for a February launch (see March 3-
13). A one-day delay in the testing was caused by a loss of air conditioning
for the RCA-110A computer. The hatch and side windows of the spacecraft
were being modified to overcome the fogging effect experienced during the
Apollo 8 mission.
The CSM Flight Readiness Review Board convened at MSC. Martin L.
Raines presented the Reliability and Quality Assurance assessment and
pointed out the improvement in discrepancy reports between spacecraft 101,
103, and 104 and concluded that 104 was better than 103 and ready to fly.
George M. Low noted that the CSM Review had been outstanding.
Minutes of Meeting, CSM 104, Flight Readiness Review Board, approved by Robert R. Gilruth,
Director, MSC, Feb. 7, 1969.
In an exchange of letters, the feasibility and compatibility of experiments
covering contrast perception, color perception, and distance estimation on
the moon were discussed. Incorporation of the three experiments in the
lunar landing mission's detailed test objective "Lunar Environment
Visibility" for Apollo 11 was recommended.
Ltrs., Samuel C. Phillips, NASA OMSF, to George M. Low, MSC, "Lunar Surface Life Sciences
Observation Experiments T033, Contrast Perception on Moon; T034, Color Perception on
Moon; T035, Distance Estimation on Moon." Jan. 24, 1969; Low to Phillips, Feb. 25, 1969.
Astronaut Stuart A. Roosa of the Apollo 9 support crew prepares to descend a rope
following the first manned run down a slide wire in a cab from the 98-meter level
of the mobile launcher at Kennedy Space Center in January 1968. Charles R.
Billings of the KSC Safety Office walks away after his descent from the nine-man-
capacity cab, and Arthur G. Porcher of the Design Engineering Office awaits his
turn. The other six seats are occupied by weighted dummies.
The following tests were completed in preparation for the planned February 1969
Apollo 9 launch: all Mission Control Center data system integration tests, JImuary
MSC preflight readiness test, KSC launch readiness test, and MSFC preflight 24-29
test. In addition, recovery training exercises were conducted aboard the
U.S.S. Guadalcanal, the prime recovery ship for Apollo 9.
NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--February 3, 1969."
MSC and North American Rockwell reached agreement on certification
reviews for parachute packers in the Apollo program. The certification was
effective for all parachute packers not previously certified, with upgrading
of packers and recertification of present Apollo packers when required.
Ltrs., Dale D. Myers, North American Rockwell, to Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, MSC, Jan. 27,
1969; Kleinknecht to Myers, Nov. 8, 1968.
NASA Hq. asked Center directors for ideas for symbolic activities on the
moon during the first landing to dramatize international agreements
regarding exploration of the moon. Possible ideas were flying a U.N. flag
with the U.S. flag on the moon; placing decal flags of the U.N. member
nations on the LM descent stage; and leaving an appropriate information
capsule at the landing site.
TWX, Samuel C. Phillips, NASA OMSF, to Robert R. Gilruth, MSC; Kurt H. Debus, KSC, and
Wernher von Braun, MSFC, Jan. 31, 1969; hr., Gilruth to Phillips, March 3, 1969.
During integrated testing of the Apollo spacecraft, a well-qualified test pilot
accidentally threw two guarded switches marked "CM/SM Separation"
instead of the intended adjacent switches marked "CSM/LM Final Sep" to
separate the lunar module from the command and service modules. Had the
error occurred in a lunar flight, the CM would have separated from the SM,
with a high probability of leaving the crew stranded in lunar orbit. Studies
of methods to preclude such an accident in actual flight led later to
provisions for visual differences in switch covers.
Memos, Robert R. Frazer, MSC, to Resident Manager Apollo Spacecraft Program, "CSM 108
Erroneous Switch Closure," .Jan. 31, 1969; David B. Pendley, MSC, to Manager, Apollo
Spacecrah Program, "CM/SM separation switches," Feb. 17, 1969.
Memo, Wilmot N. Hess, MSC, to ASPO Manager, "Temperature of lunar samples," Feb. 3,
1969; ltr., George M. Low, MSC, to Samuel C. Phillips, NASA OMSF, Feb. 7, 1969.
TWX, John D. Stevenson, NASA Hq.. to addressees, "MSF Mission Operations Forecast for
February 1969," Feb. 3, 1969.
The MSF Management Council, meeting at KSC, agreed that MSC would
take the following actions for augmenting the capability of the Apollo
system to accomplish a successful lunar landing mission and for planning
further lunar exploration:
Capability Augmentation:
Lunar Exploration:
• Proceed to define further a CSM lunar orbital science package and a 1969
lunar polar orbit mission science package, including instruments, costs, February
The possibility of an unmanned LM landing was discussed at NASA Hq.
The consensus was that such a landing would be a risky venture. Proposals
had been made which included an unmanned LM landing as a prerequisite
to a manned landing on the moon. However, the capability to land the LM
unmanned did not exist and development of the capability would seriously
delay the program.
NASA Routing Slip, R. I, Wagner, Bellcomm, to Samuel C. Phillips, NASA OMSF. Feb. 11,
1969; draft memo, George E. Mueller, OMSF, to NASA Acting Administrator, "ITnmanned I.M
Landing," undated, unsigned.
Three members of the Interagency Committee on Back Contamination met
at MSC to review Apollo operational plans and procedures. Some concern
was expressed about the lack of a bacterial filter on the spacecraft postland-
ing system. However, the committee representatives indicated that the
approach was reasonable in terms of the tradeoff on operational recovery
problems. The full committee was scheduled to meet in March.
NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--February 17. 1969."
George M. Low, MSC, told Maxime A. Faget, MSC, that he had recently
learned the Apollo Operations Handbook (AOH) was prepared for the
Flight Crew Operations Directorate by prime contractors without any
formalized review by engineering elements of MSC. On several occasions,
February when the Engineering and Development (EScD) subsystems managers
looked at a section of the handbook in connection with problem areas they
found the handbook in error. Low proposed that EgcD should (1) verify
technical accuracy of the baseline issue of the handbook before its final issue
for the F mission, (2) verify all changes in the AOH in a timely manner, and
(3) verify any crew checklist changes made during the last 45 days before
Memo, Low to Faget, "Review of Apollo Operations Handbook," Feb. 12, 1969.
Flammability tests of the Sony tape/voice recorder were made to determine
if the recorder met crew-cabin use requirements. Testing was by electrical
overloads of nichrome wire igniters in an atmosphere of 100 percent oxygen
at 4.3 newtons per square centimeter (6.2 psia). Post-test evaluations
indicated that flammability requirements had been met, since ignitions were
self-extinguishing and only localized internal damage occurred.
Memo, Joseph N. Kotanchik, MSC, to Chief, Systems Engineering Div., MSC, "Flammability
tests on Sony tape/voice recorder," Feb. 14, 1969.
MSC was urged to reconstitute the Crew Safety Review Board to determine if
the following questions could be affirmatively answered concerning the LM,
extravehicular activity, portable life support system, and emergency
procedures. Were all likely failure modes or anomalies that could jeopardize
the crew from entrance to mission systematically analyzed? Were proper and
timely cues coupled with a safe egress, abort, or contingency capability
prepared for use in each of these? Was there a plan for the timely solution of
the known crew safety-related problems?
Ltr., Samuel C. Phillips, NASA OMSF, to George M. Low, MSC, Feb. 17, 1969.
The Apollo 9 countdown to launch began, with launch scheduled for liftoff
February 28. The 10-day flight would mark the first manned earth orbital
flight of the lunar module, the first Apollo spacewalk, and the first manned
checkout, rendezvous, and docking operations of the complete Apollo
spacecraft. The Apollo 9 mission would be open-ended, allowing the
mission plan to progress from one step to the next on the basis of real-time
Maxime A. Faget, MSC Director of Engineering and Development, said he
believed the Preliminary Lunar Landing Phase Photographic Operations
Plan was seriously deficient in meeting its stated objectives. "From the
standpoint of public information and historical documentation, I'm
terribly disappointed to find that although 560 feet [170 meters] of movie
film has been set aside for lunar surface use none will be exposed with the
intent of providing first-class visual appreciation of the astronaut's activity
on the moon during this singularly historical event. Everyone's impression
Firing Room 2 at Kennedy Space Center during Countdown Demonstration Test-
a dress rehearsal for Apollo 9. James Harrington, left, KSC Apollo 9 Test
Supervisor, and Paul C. Donnelly, Apollo Launch Operations Manager, discuss
of this occasion will be marred and distorted by the fact that the greatest
frame rate is 12 frames per second. One can argue that 'suitable' (although February
Memo, Faget, MSC, to Chief, Mission Operations Br., "Comments on 'Preliminary Lunar
Landing Phase Photographic Operations Plan,'" Feb. 27, 1969.
The Apollo Program Director expressed concern about the inability to
obtain adequate data on the expenditure of energy by astronauts during
lunar exploration. The problem was discussed with the medical and crew
systems personnel. The consensus was that the only meaningful indicator of
human energy expenditure which could be developed into an operational
Ma_h procedure in time for lunar landings would be measurement of carbon
dioxide production. From a technical standpoint the most feasible means of
doing this would be incorporating a carbon dioxide measurement system in
the portable life support system. A study was initiated to determine how
quickly a measurement system could be developed and to estimate the cost.
Apollo 9 (AS-504), the first manned flight with the lunar module (LM-3),
was launched from Pad A, Launch Complex 39, KSC, on a Saturn V launch
vehicle at 11:00 a.m. EST March 3. Originally scheduled for a February 28
liftoff, the launch had been delayed to allow crew members James A.
McDivitt, David R. Scott, and Russell L. Schweickart to recover from a mild
virus respiratory illness. Following a normal launch phase, the S-IVB stage
inserted the spacecraft into an orbit of 192.3 by 189.3 kilometers. After post-
insertion checkout, CSM 104 separated from the S-IVB, was transposed, and
docked with the LM. At 3:08 p.m. EST, the docked spacecraft were separated
from the S-IVB, which was then placed on an earth-escape trajectory.
On March 4 the crew tracked landmarks, conducted pitch and roll yaw
maneuvers, and increased the apogee by service propulsion system burns.
On March 7, with McDivitt and Schweickart once more in the LM, Scott
separated the CSM from the LM and fired the reaction control system
thrusters to obtain a distance of 5.5 kilometers between the two spacecraft.
McDivitt and Schweickart then performed a lunar-module active rendez-
vous. The LM successfully docked with the CSM after being up to 183.5
kilometers away from it during the six-and-one-half-hour separation. After
McDivitt and Schweickart returned to the CSM, the LM ascent stage was
During the remainder of the mission, the crew tracked Pegasus III, NASA's
meteoroid detection satellite that had been launched July 30, 1965; took
multispectral photos of the earth; exercised the spacecraft systems; and
prepared for reentry.
At top, LM-3 is still attached to the S-IVB stage after launch on the Apollo 9
mission March 3, 1969. The CM has separated and turned around, moving in
toward docking with the LM and separation. On the fourth day of the earth-
orbital mission, CM pilot David R. Scott stood in the open hatch of the CM,
photographed by LM pilot Russell L. Schweickart from the "front porch" of the
LM, designated Spider during the flight. At the bottom right, Spider flies in
lunar landing configuration, upside down to earth, with lunar surface probes
extending from deployed foot pads. Apollo 9 commander James A. McDivitt flies
with Schweickart in the LM, photographed by Scott from the CM Gumdrop.
The Apollo 9 CM splashed down in the Atlantic 290 kilometers east of the 1969
Bahamas at 12:01 p.m. EST. The crew was picked up by helicopter and March
flown to the recovery ship U.S.S. Guadalcanal within one hour after
splashdown. Primary objectives of the flight were successfully accom-
plished. (Objectives of all Apollo flights are listed in Appendix 5.)
MSC, "Apollo 9 (AS-504) Flight Summary," undated; MSC, "Apollo 9 Mission Report"
(MSC-PA-R-69-2), May 1969; NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report," March
4, 17, 1969.
President Nixon, at a White House ceremony, announced the nomination
March of Acting Administrator Thomas O. Paine to be the NASA Administrator.
5 Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, Weekl_ Compilation o]
Presidential Documents, March 10, 1969, pp. 369-71.
Gilruth replied March I 1 : "I cannot agree with your contention that we are
not controlling software with the same rigor and management attention
that we are devoting to hardware changes. Our Apollo Spacecraft Program
Office has organized a number of Configuration Control Boards at MSC.
These include George Low's Apollo Spacecraft Configuration Control
Board, Max Faget's Board for Government Furnished Equipment, Chris
Kraft's Software Configuration Control Board, and Deke Slayton's
Procedures Change Control Board .... Hardware changes.., are directly
under George Low's control. All computer program changes, both on board
and on the ground, are controlled by Chris Kraft's Board. Changes to the
Apollo Operations Handbook, flight crew procedures, crew checklists,
trainers and simulators are controlled by Slayton. Changes in software or
crew procedures that involve changes in schedule must additionally be
approved by George Low's Board. The system I described is working well
and, according to Sam Phillips, has resulted in a more disciplined change
control than anywhere else in the Apollo Program .... We are not making
discretionary software changes. We are only making those changes which
our managers deem to be necessary in their effort to carry out the Apollo
Program in the most effective manner."
Ltrs., Mueller to Gilruth, March 6, 1969; Gilruth to Mueller, March 11, 1969.
problems that plagued the LM propulsion system were recurring items in 1969
our management reporting, and the fact that essentially all major test March
10 and 3"
A Flight Readiness Review Board convened at MSC to determine the
readiness of Lunar Landing Training Vehicle No. 2 and the Flight Crew
Operation Directorate for resuming flight test operations. During the
briefing and discussion the board agreed that the operation test team was
operationally ready. However, a release for resuming flight test operations
was withheld until certain open items were resolved. The board reconvened
on March 31 and after examination of the open items, agreed that flight
testing of LLTV No. 2 should be resumed as soon as possible.
Minutes, Lunar Landing Training Vehicle Number Two (LLTV No. 2) Flight Readiness
Review Board (FRRB), April 1, 1969.
Apollo 10 was transferred to Pad B, Launch Complex 39, at KSC--for first
operational use of Pad B. Meanwhile, a revised work schedule providing for
a Flight Readiness Test on April 9 and launch readiness on May 18 was
being prepared for Apollo 10.
NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--March 17, 1969."
The additional direct cost to the Apollo research and development program
from the January 27, 1967, Apollo 204 fire was estimated at $410 million,
principally for spacecraft modifications, NASA Associate Administrator for
Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller testified in congressional hearings.
The accident delayed the first manned flight of the spacecraft by about 18
months. "During this period, however, there occurred a successful
unmanned test of the Lunar Module and two unmanned tests of the Saturn
V vehicle."
House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Subcommittee on Manned Space Flight. 1970
NASA Authorization: Hearings, 91st Cong., 1st sess., pt. 2, Feb. 28, March 6, 7, 8, II, 12, 14,
and 25, 1969, pp. 183-85.
George M. Low discussed the status of a fire detection system for Apollo in a
March memorandum to Martin L. Raines, reminding him that such a system had
12 been under consideration since the accident in January 1967. Low said:
"Yesterday, Dr. [Maxime A.] Faget, you, and I participated in a meeting to
review the current status of a flight fire detection system. It became quite
clear that our state of knowledge about the physics and chemistry of fire in
zero gravity is insufficient tO permit the design and development of a
flightworthy fire detection system at this time. For this reason, we agreed that
we would not be able to incorporate a fire detection system in any of the
Apollo spacecraft. We also agreed that it would be most worthwhile to
continue the development of a detection system for future spacecraft." (See
also entries of March 27 and September 28, 1967, and April 17, 1968.)
Memo, Low to Raines, "Fire detection system for Apollo," March 12, 1969.
MSC requested that Apollo Program Directive No. 41 delivery dates for the
LM be changed as follows: LM-6 from March 1 to March 26, LM-7 from
April 16 to May 15, LM-8 from May 31 to July 15, and LMs 9 through 14 two
months apart. The rescheduling was to permit incorporation of the
redesigned ascent-stage fuel-tank torus ring, installation and testing of the
liquid-cooled suit loop, replacement of the descent-stage tanks, and
incorporation of structural fitting changes to prevent stress corrosion.
TWX, George M. Low to NASA Hq., Atm: S. C. Phillips, March 13, 1969.
MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth forwarded plans for the MSC Lunar
Gravity Simulation device to Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips.
He informed Phillips that "we have moved out on the design and
fabrication of the inclined plane 1/6 g simulator and our schedule shows
that it will be completed and ready for checkout by May 1, 1969 [see February
5]. The vertical system approach is somewhat more sophisticated and our
scheduled completion is February 1, 1970." Phillips replied March 28 that
he was pleased to read that the simulator program was progressing so
rapidly and "I feel very strongly that this device will greatly contribute to
our capability to create useful lunar exploration missions."
Ltrs., George E. Mueller to Gilruth, Feb. 14, 1969; Gilruth to Phillips, March 14, 1969; Phillips
to Gilruth, March 28, 1969.
ASPO Manager George Low wrote NASA Hq.--referring to a briefing of
George Low at Downey on October 25, 1968--that "MSC has reviewed the
possibility of deleting the CSM boost protective cover. We have concluded
that deletion.., would require the following spacecraft modifications : a. A
new thermal coating would have to be developed to withstand the boost
environment, b. Protective covers would have to be developed for the
windows, EVA handholds, vent lines, etc .... We have further concluded
that a resulting overall weight reduction is questionable, and ... have
therefore decided that the cost of this change could not be justified and that
the boost protective cover should be retained."
Ltr., Low to S. C. Phillips, "Deletion of the Ix)ost protective cover," March 20, 1969.
NASA announced that Apollo 10, scheduled for launch May 18, would be a
lunar orbit mission during which two astronauts would descend to within
15240 meters of the moon's surface. The decision followed reviews of
technical and operational data from the Apollo 9 earth-orbit mission. The
prime crew would be astronauts Thomas P. Stafford, spacecraft command-
er; John W. Young, command module pilot; and Eugene A. Cernan, lunar
module pilot. Backup crew members were L. Gordon Cooper, Jr., Donn F.
Eisele, and Edgar D. Mitchell. With the exception of the actual landing, the
mission plan was the same as for the lunar landing mission. Stafford and
Cernan were to enter the LM, separate from the CSM, descend twice to
within 16 kilometers of one of the preselected landing sites, and then
rendezvous and dock with the CSM. Because of propellant limitations in the
ascent stage, landing and subsequent liftoff from the moon would be
NAsA News Release No: 69-46, "Apollo 10 Mission Scheduled," March 24, 1969.
The first flight-model ALSEP arrived at KSC, where it would undergo
software integration tests and be prepared for installation in the LM.
NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly' Report--April 1, 1969."
Following a report by the Apollo 9 astronauts that they were thrown
forward in their seats and had to grab their arm rests for support during the
S-IC/S-II stage separation, an evaluation working group were studying the
problem. Preliminary results indicated that the separation transients were a
dynamic characteristic of the Saturn V vehicle; that the measured
accelerations were within predicted range and below design limits;and that
the separation sequences were normal. Conclusions were that similar
separation dynamics could be anticipated on future Saturn V flights.
ASPO requested a plan for flight crew tests of sleeping pills and other drugs.
The plan was to include number of tests to be performed by each crew
member; time of the test with respect to the last sleep period; amount and
kind of food and drink taken during a specified time before the test; general
physical activity by the crew before taking a drug; and, for comparison
purpose, any available statistical information on the effect of these pills after
being taken.
Memo, George M. Low, ASPO Manager, to Charles A. Berry,, Medical Research and Operations
Directorate, MS(;, "Use of sleeping pills," April 3, 1969.
ASPO Manager George Low, commented on control of Apollo spacecraft
April weight. Following the January 1967 spacecraft fire at Cape Kennedy, there
5 had been substantial initial weight growth in the CSM. This was attributed
to such items as the new CSM hatch, the flammability changes, and the
additional flight safety changes. In mid-1967 the CSM weight stabilized and
from then on showed a downward trend. The LM weight stabilized in mid-
1968 and since that time had remained fairly constant. Conclusions were
that the program redefinition had caused a larger weight increase than
expected, but that once the weight control system became fully effective, it
was possible to maintain a weight that was essentially constant. Low told
Caldwell C. Johnson, Jr., of the MSC Spacecraft Design Division that the
weight control was in part due to Johnson's strong inputs in early 1968.
Johnson responded, "Your control of Apollo weight growth has destroyed
my reputation as a weight forecaster--but I'm rather glad."
Ltrs., Low to Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips, April 5, 1969; Phillips to Low, May
5, 1969; memos, Low to Johnson, "Apollo weight growth," April 5, 1969; Johnson to l.ow,
"Apollo weight growth," April 8, 1969.
Work on Apollo 10 continued on schedule for a May 18 launch readiness
date. The flight readiness test began on April 7 and was completed on April
10. A lunar module mission-simulation run was completed on April 10, and
a crew compartment fit and function test on April 11. Mission control
simulations were proceeding on schedule without major problems. The
Apollo 10 preflight readiness review was held at MSC on April 11.
ASPO Manager George Low informed MSC Director of Science and
Applications Wilmot N. Hess that he had signed paperwork increasing the
weight allowance for the Apollo scientific payload from 136 to 156.4
kilograms. Low said he was able to do this for the LM-6 (Apollo 12)
mission because of the favorable LM weight picture. He stated, however, "I
believe that we should understand that this increase in weight allowance
does not alter our basic agreement to provide for a scientific payload of 300
pounds [136 kilograms]. In the event that future difficulties with the Lunar
Module require additional weight growth in the basic spacecraft system, we
will have to once again reduce the scientific payload to 300 pounds [136
kilograms] .... I wanted to be sure that we agreed in advance that the added
45 pounds [20.4 kilograms] of scientific payload allowance would be the first
weight to be deleted .... " Hess concurred with the memorandum.
Memo, Manager, ASPO, to Hess, "Increased weight allowance for Apollo scientific payload,"
April 12, 1969.
Twenty-two astronauts trained in the MSC Flight Acceleration Facility
during the week, for lunar reentry. Closed-loop simulation permitted the
crews to control the centrifuge during the lunar reentry deceleration
profiles. Each astronaut flew four different reentry angles, which imposed
acceleration loads of from 4.57 to 9.3 g.
NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Activity Report--April 21, 1969."
ASPO announced changes in launch readiness dates for the Apollo 12 and
Apollo 13 missions. Apollo 12 was moved up from September 18 to
September 13, 1969; and Apollo 13 was moved up from December 1 to
November 10.
Memo, George M. Low to distr., "Apollo launch readiness dates for Apollo 12 and 13 changes,"
April 18, 1969.
The Director of Apollo Test in the NASA Hq. Apollo Program Office,
LeRoy E. Day, was detailed to head the MSF Space Shuttle Task Group. The
group would provide NASA with material for a report on the Space Shuttle
to the President's Space Task Group.
Memo, George E. Mueller, NASA OMSF, to distr., "Special Assignment of Mr. LeRoy E. Day,
Director of Apollo Test," April 21, 1969.
Discovery of six new mascons (mass concentrations of dense material)
beneath the moon's surface by William L. Sjogren, Paul M. Muller, and
Peter Gottlieb of Jet Propulsion Laboratory was announced. The first six
mascons had been discovered in 1968 by Sjogren and Muller. Each mascon
was found to be centered below a ringed sea, or an ancient, obliterated
circular sea on the side of the moon's surface facing the earth. Noticeable
acceleration variations were seen as moon-orbiting spacecraft flew over the
mascons. Information was not available concerning possible mascons on
the far side of the moon, since orbiting spacecraft could not be tracked while
the moon blocked them from the view of earth antennas.
NASA News Release 69-61, "New Lunar Mascons Discovered," April 25, 1969.
In an exchange of correspondence, Samuel C. Phillips, NASA OMSF, and
ASPO Manager George Low, MSC, discussed the possibility of carrying an
aseptic sampler and a closeup stereo camera on the Apollo 11 flight. They
decided the flight would carry the camera as an additional source of data;
Apollo 11 crewmen would use it on targets of opportunity during lunar
surface exploration. Because of the unrealistic schedule that would be
required to certify the flight worthiness of the aseptic sampler, however, they
decided not to fly it on Apollo 11.
TWX, Phillips to l.ow, "Assignment of Priority for Aseptic Sampler and Close-up Camera for
Apollo G-I Mission," April 25, 1969; ltr., Low to Phillips, April 26, 1969.
A power outage, required to permit maintenance work at the KSC Launch
Control Center, was relayed to the pneumatic controls of the S-IC stage of
the Apollo 10 launch vehicle, causing the prevalves to open and allowing
5280 liters of RP-1 fuel to drain from the vehicle. This, in turn, produced
negative pressure in the RP-I tank, which displaced the upper bulkhead.
After repressurization, the bulkhead apparently returned to its normal
April shape. An effort was under way to determine the nature of the damage to the
bulkhead and the effect on the May 18 Apollo 10 launch readiness date.
NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--April 28, 1969"; "Manned Space Flight
Weekly Report--May 5, 1969."
The NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight concurred in a
recommendation to carry an erectable antenna on the Apollo 11 mission.
However, it would be deployed only if required to obtain satisfactory
television, voice, telemetry, and biomedical data simultaneously from the
lunar surface.
Ltr., George H. Hage, NASA OMSF, to George M. l.ow, MSC, "LM Steerable Antenna Versus
Erectable Antenna," April 29, 1969.
A temporary fix to provide for an S-II-stage early center engine cutoff was
2 made for Apollo 10 and 11. Purpose was to eliminate oscillations of the
center engine and sympathetic structures. (See March 28, 1969, entry.)
Meanwhile, plans were being made to incorporate a permanent fix into
Apollo 12 and subsequent vehicles to eliminate the oscillations.
TWX, Samuel C. Phillips, NASA OMSF, to Lee B. James, MSFC, Roderick O. Middleton,
KSC, and George M. Low, MSC, "Permanent Fix for S-If Stage Oscillations," May 2, 1969.
Memo, ASPO Manager to Acting Manager for Flight Safety, MSC, "Incident involving an
out-of-configuration LiOH canister in an MSC manned altitude test," May 5, 1969.
Ltr., Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, MSC, to George W. Jeffs, North American Rockwell, May 5,
The fifth and final drop test of LM-2 was made on May 7. The first four drop
tests had been made to establish the proper functioning of all LM systems
after a lunar landing. The fifth test was made to qualify the functioning of
the pyrotechnics after landing. On May 8, the final test, physically
separating the ascent stage, was conducted.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips suggested to MSC Director
Robert R. Gilruth that a meeting be held at MSC during the period of the May
NASA Hq. informed MSC that, for planning purposes and Change Control
Board action, the following science sequence was being recommended for
the Apollo 12 mission: ( 1) contingency sample; (2) ALSEP deployment; and
(3) field geology investigations. The message said, "It is important that
ALSEP be deployed in the first EVA (extravehicular activity). Then the
entire second EVA could be devoted to Field Geology Investigations."
TWX, Samuel C. Phillips, NASA OMSF, to George M. Low and Wilmot N. Hess, MSC,
"Mission H-I Recommended Science Sequence," May 9, 1969.
MSC forwarded a plan for the Apollo 15 Lunar Surface Science Project to
NASA Hq. The plan provided for replacement of the ALSEP Array A-2
central station and lunar geological equipment, along with rework of the
Passive Seismic Experiment. Total cost of the project was estimated at $6.7
million excluding the cost of surveying instrument and instrument staff.
With a May 15 go-ahead, delivery could be made by one year from that date.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips in a message to MSC Director
Robert R. Gilruth approved the plan, saying that a June 1, 1970, delivery of
the array would be acceptable and requesting procurement action leading to
a definitive Bendix contract be submitted by June 20, 1969.
Ltr., Gilruth to George E. Mueller, NASA Hq., "Apollo 15 Lunar Sur[ace Science," May 9,
1969; TWX, Phillips to Gilruth, June 12, 1969.
Because the first flight of the ALSEP was scheduled on Apollo 12, NASA Hq.
asked MSFC to provide for installation at KSC of the prelaunch cooling
12 system for the ALSEP radioisotopic thermoelectric generator (RTG) on
instrument units 507 through 510.
NASA policy on release of manned space flight communications was
outlined. The policy was to release all air-to-ground conversations in real
time. However, if circumstances arose in which crew or mission director
requested a private conversation, the public information officer responsible
for the mission commentary would be notified and would monitor the
conversation with the mission director. A summary would be released at the
discretion of the Office of Public Affairs. Tapes of the air-to-ground private
conversations would not be released.
Memo, T. O. Paine, NASA Administrator, to S. C. Phillips, NASA OMSF, May 13, 1969; It1., G,
E. Mueller, OMSF, to R, R. Gilruth, MSC, May 15. 1969,
Apollo 10 (AS-505)--with crew members Thomas P. Stafford, Eugene A.
Cernan, and John W. Young aboard--lifted off from Pad B, Launch
Complex 39, KSC, at 12:49 p.m. EDT on the first lunar orbital mission with
complete spacecraft. The Saturn V's S-IVB stage and the spacecraft were
inserted into an earth parking orbit of 189.9 by 184.4 kilometers while the
onboard systems were checked. The S-IVB engine was then ignited at 3:19
p.m. EDT to place the spacecraft m a trajectory toward the moon. One-half
hour later the CSM separated from the S-IVB, transposed, and docked with
the lunar module. At 4:29 p.m. the docked spacecraft were ejected, a
separation maneuver was performed, and the S-IVB was placed in a solar
orbit by venting residual propellants. TV coverage of docking procedures
was transmitted to the Goldstone, Calif., tracking station for worldwide,
commercial viewing.
On May 19 the crew elected not to make the first of a series of midcourse
maneuvers. A second preplanned midcourse correction that adjusted the
trajectory to coincide with a July lunar landing trajectory was executed at
3:19 p.m. The maneuver was so accurate that preplanned third and fourth
midcourse corrections were canceled. During the translunar coast, five color
TV transmissions totaling 72 minutes were made of the spacecraft and the
At 4:49 p.m. EDT on May 21 the spacecraft was inserted into a lunar orbit of
110.4 by 315.5 kilometers. After two revolutions of tracking and ground
updates, a maneuver circularized the orbit at 109.1 by 113.9 kilometers.
Astronaut Cernan then entered the LM, checked all systems, and returned to
the CM for the scheduled sleep period.
Astronaut John W. Young in the Apollo 10 command module passes 97 kilometers
above unnamed craters on the far side of the moon while Thomas P. Stafford and
Eugene A. Cernan descend in the separated LM to within 25 000 meters of the
surface. The returning LM--its descent stage jettisoned--was photographed
from the CSM before the spacecraft redocked in orbit. On the near side of the
moon, Triesnecker Crater was photographed from the CSM; terrain features are
typical of the northeastern Central Bay area and highlands along the border of
Central Bay. The smooth floor of the Sea of Vapors extends from the highlands to
the horizon, 600 kilometers from the spacecraft. Triesnecker Crater is about 27
kilometers in diameter. The intersecting linear features to its right are the
Triesnecker Rilles.
pass at an altitude of 15.4 kilometers over the planned site for the first lunar
landing. The test included a test of the landing radar, visual observation of
lunar lighting, stereo photography of the moon, and execution of a phasing
maneuver using the descent engine. The lunar module returned to dock
successfully with the CSM following the eight-hour separation, and the LM
crew returned to the CSM.
The LM ascent stage was jettisoned, its batteries were burned to depletion,
and it was placed in a solar orbit on May 23. The crew then prepared for the
return trip to earth and after 61.5 hours in lunar orbit a service propulsion
system TEI burn injected the CSM into a trajectory toward the earth. Dur-
ing the return trip the astronauts made star-lunar landmark sightings, star-
earth horizon navigation sightings, and live television transmissions.
Apollo 10 splashed down in the Pacific at 12:52 p.m. EDT on May 26, 5.4
kilometers from the recovery ship. The crew was picked up and reached the
recovery ship U.S.S. Princeton at 1:31 p.m. All primary mission objectives
of evaluating performance and support and the detailed test objectives were
achieved. (Objectives of all the Apollo flights are shown in Appendix 5.)
MSC, "Apollo 10 (AS-505) Flight Summary," undated; MSC, "Apollo 10 Mission Report"
(MSC-00126), August 1969; NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Reports," May 9, 26,
1969; memo, R. O. Middleton, KSC, to distr., "Apollo 10 (AS-505) Quick Look Assessment
Report," May 22, 1969.
Recent serious incidents were reported at MSC, involving mercury and
affecting ground support equipment or Apollo flight hardware. These
incidents reflected the relaxation of safety disciplinary procedures required
in handling mercury and mercury-filled instruments. To preclude further
such incidents, stringent regulations were imposed governing the
acquisition, use, and disposition of mercury at MSC.
Memo, Robert R. Gilruth, MSC, to distr., "Mercury Contamination Control," May 19, 1969.
Vision distortion was found when looking through the pressure garment
assembly helmet during Water Immersion Facility training activities at
MSC. Curvature of the helmet caused objects to appear distorted, hampering
crew training. Studies were being made in an effort to correct the problem.
Negotiations were also under way with the Department of the Navy to
provide a modified indoctrination course in open-circuit SCUBA for a
number of astronauts, to ensure their safety while training in the Water
Immersion Facility.
Memo, Director of Flight Crew Operations to Director of Medical Research and Operations,
"Vision distortion while training in the Water Immersion Facility (WIF)," May 19, 1969; ltr.,
D. K. Slayton, MSC, to B. J. Semmes, Jr., Department of the Navy, May 19, 1969.
In a telephone conference, MSC personnel and members of the Interagency
Committee on Back Contamination agreed to eliminate the requirement
for a postlanding ventilation filter for Apollo 12, approve a plan for
sterilization of the CM in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL), release
the spacecraft at the same time as the crew release, and approve the LRL
Bioprotocol Summary. The ICBC planned to meet on June 5 to complete Msy
MSFC was authorized to proceed with development of a manned lunar
roving vehicle for use on the Apollo missions beginning in mid-1971. A
meeting was scheduled for June 6 in Washington to establish requirements
for development of the vehicle.
TWX, Lee R. Scherer, NASA Hq., to Wernher von Braun and William R. Lucas, MSFC; Robert
R. Gilruth and John D. Hodge, MSC; and Kurt H. Debus, KSC, May 27, 1969.
Apollo Program Director Sam C. Phillips wrote to MSC regarding a Flight
Readiness Review action item on translunar injection (TLI : insertion into a
trajectory toward the moon) dispersions after manual guidance for TLI on
Apollo missions. He enclosed a memorandum prepared by W. G. Heffron of
Bellcomm, Inc., on the subject. Phillips stated that fuel reserves on Apollo
10 were such that dispersions seemed acceptable and he would have
permitted use of manned guidance during TLI if it had been needed. He
pointed out that margins would be much less for the Apollo 11 mission, and
that it would be necessary either to reduce the dispersions or limit the use of
the capability. ASPO Manager George M. Low replied to the letter on June
13 and submitted the following comments for consideration : "... I see little
advantage to not attempting manual launch vehicle guidance for TLI ....
If the dispersions are within the 120 feet [37 meters] per second budgeted for
translunar midcourse corrections, the mission would be continued as
planned. If the dispersions are within 270 feet [82 meters] per second, the
mission would be completed utilizing a slower transearth trajectory. If the
dispersions are very large, the mission would be limited to a circumlunar
flight in which all of the service propulsion system and LM descent stage
propellants could be used for midcourse corrections .... "
Ltrs., Phillips to Low, "Manual Launch Vehicle Guidance--TL1 Dispersion," May 27, 1969;
Low to Phillips, "Manual launch vehicle guidance--TLI dispersions," June 13, 1969.
Apollo Program Office Change Control Board (CCB) Directive No. 140
assigned Experiment S080, Solar Wind Composition, to the first lunar
landing mission. CCB Directive No. 156 requested MSC to also include this
experiment on the second lunar landing mission.
The basic performance of the Saturn V was satisfactory, but the following
problem areas were identified for more extensive investigation: (1) The
S-IVB stage auxiliary hydraulic pump performance degraded during
June S-IVB second burn. The hydraulic system cycle after second burn also
indicated degraded pump performance. (2) Astronauts reported low-
frequency lateral and longitudinal oscillations throughout the S-IVB first
and second burn, with high-frequency vibration superimposed beginning
at 4 minutes 40 seconds into second burn and continuing until engine
cutoff. While the associated amplitudes of both high and low frequency
were well within structural and component vibration qualification levels, a
priority effort to identify the source of these vibrations was under way.
Ltr., Lee B+ James, MSFC, to Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., June 3, 1969, with encl., "Saturn
AS-505 M + 5 Day Report," June 3, 1969.
MSC informed NASA Hq. on June 12 that it had analyzed landing terrain in
Hipparchus and Fra Mauro and concluded that these areas were too rough
to be given consideration for the Apollo 12 mission. At the same time, MSC
recommended that ASSB reconsider the Surveyor Ill site as a prospective site
for that mission. On June 16, Apollo Program Director Sam C. Phillips
wrote that Fra Mauro and Hipparchus would not be considered as
landing sites for the Apollo 12 mission and that he would entertain
consideration of the Surveyor III site following analysis of its scientific
desirability in a meeting of the Group for Lunar Exploration Planning at
MSC on June 17 and subsequent recommendations by MSC and NASA Hq.
OMSF staff members.
Memos, Benjamin Milwitzky, NASA Hq., to Apollo Lunar Exploration Office Director, NASA
Hq., "Biasing Apollo Missions to Land Near Surveyor Spacecraft on the Moon," Jan. 10, 1969;
Chief, Systems Engineering Div., MSC, to ASPO Manager, "Apollo Site Selection Board trip
report--June 3, 1969," dated June 10, 1969; TWXs, G. M. Low, MSC, to S. C. Phillips, NASA
Hq., "Lunar Landing Sites for H-I Mission," June 12, 1969; Phillips to Low, "Lunar Landing
Sites for H--I Mission," June 16, 1969.
The CSM 107 (Apollo 11) Flight Readiness Review Board met at MSC. The 1969
board heard reviews of government-furnished equipment problems, a June
Studies were being conducted to determine the feasibility of intentionally
impacting an S-IVB stage and an empty LM stage on the lunar surface after
jettison, to gather geological data and enhance the scientific return of the
seismology experiment. Data would be obtained with the ALSEP seismo-
graphic equipment placed on the lunar surface during the Apollo 11 or
Apollo 12 flight. MSFC and Bellcomm were examining the possibility of the
S-IVB jettison; MSC, the LM ascent stage jettison. Intentional impacting of
the ascent stage for Apollo 11 was later determined not to be desirable.
TWXs, Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., to George M. Low, MSC, "LM-5 Ascent Stage
Disposition after Jettison," June 13, 1969; Phillips to Low, "lmpact of the Ascent Stage on
Apollo 11," June 25, 1969; Phillips to MSFC and MSC, "This Is APO CCB Directive No. 158,"
June 30, 1969; NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--June 9, 1969."
In establishing a task force for hardware development, Apollo Program
Director Samuel C. Phillips stated: "We have recently been given ...
approval on our plans for continuing the lunar missions through Apollo
20. We have given authority to the field centers to issue CCA's for the design
and the procurement of long lead time items for modifications to the LM
and CSM. We have also authorized the procurement of a wheeled vehicle for
lunar surface transportation. We are in the process of evaluating over 50
proposals for lunar orbital experiments, and have given MSC authority to
procure an already approved experiment group. In short, we are becoming
very rapidly involved in the definition and management of the lunar
exploration missions."
Ltr., Phillips to distr., "Task Force for Hardware Development," June 11, 1969; NASA OMSF,
"Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--June 16, 1969."
Apollo Program Director Phillips wrote MSC ASPO Manager George
June Low, that "based on the excellent results of the color TV coverage on the
13 Apollo 10 mission... I concur with your plan to carry and utilize a color
TV camera in the Command Module for Apollo 11 and subsequent
missions .... "
Ltr., Phillips to Low, "Apollo On-board Color TV," June 13, 1969.
NASA Hq. authorized MSC to modify its contract with Bendix to include a
60- to 90-day effort to define a modified ALSEP design. Additional cost was
not to exceed $300 000.
TWX, Samuel C. Phillips to Robert R. Gilruth, "Design Definition of Modified ALSEP," .June
13, 1969.
The NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, in a message
to MSC, said he understood that, subsequent to the MSC Flight Readiness
Review (FRR) and the NASA Headquarters Readiness Review of the LLTV,
additional modifications had been made to that training vehicle. He
requested a return wire indicating the date of the delta Flight Readiness
Review and evaluation of the readiness for astronaut LLTV flight. In a
reply, several hours later, MSC informed Mueller that a delta FRR had been
conducted that date; that the changes in avionics had been extensively
ground-checked and demonstrated on two separate test flights on June 9 and
June 12; that the MSC board concluded the overall system was ready for
astronaut training; and that the plan was to start the Apollo 11 Critical
Design Review on the following day.
TWXs, George E. Mueller to Robert R. Gilruth, .June 13, 1969; Gilruth to Mueller, June 13,
A seven-day simulation was successfully completed in the Lunar Receiving
Laboratory at MSC. The test simulated processing of lunar samples,
operation of the mobile quarantine facility and crew reception area, and
biolab activities. Action was under way to overcome procedural and
equipment difficulties encountered in the vacuum laboratory.
NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--June 23, 1969/'
Sigurd A. Sjoberg, MSC Deputy Director of Flight Operations, informed
MSC management of a list of records that could be set m the Apollo 11 flight.
Plans were made to file claims with the F_d_ration A_ronautique
Internationale for:
6. Duration of stay in lunar orbit (The Apollo 10 record would be
broken if the optional sleep period after rendezvous and before transearth June
Memo, Sigurd A. Sjoberg to distr., "World Space Flight Records for the Apollo 11 Mission,"
June 30, 1969.
Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., MSC Director of Flight Operations, recommended
that the following fundamental requirements be considered during the
lunar roving vehicle (LRV) design approach: "a. A means of continuous
voice communication with one crew member, on or off the LRV to the
mother station (LM) and from the mother station to earth, must be provided.
b. A simple dead reckoning system should be considered for determining the
LRV and crew location at all times in order to provide a safe return of the
astronauts to the LM. The accuracy should be sufficient to permit the
astronauts to rendezvous with the LM from any point on a sortie, c. The
vehicle should be designed so that a telemetry system is not required for
operation. However, for crew safety and systems operations, instrumenta-
tion may be required."
Memo, Kraft to Manager, Advanced Missions Program, "FOD criteria for manned Lunar
Roving Vehicle," June 20, 1969.
Preparations for the first manned lunar landing continued on schedule for a
July 16 launch of Apollo 11. Dress rehearsal of the countdown was
scheduled to begin on Friday, June 27, and to run for 113 hours, including a
6-hour built-in hold. Spacecraft hypergolic loading started on June 18 and
was completed on June 23, despite delays caused by weather conditions. A
lunar module landing-radar problem was resolved by repainting the base
heatshield to reduce the reflectivity. In flight operations, the crew, the
controllers, and the recovery operations team were moving ahead with
training sessions on schedule. Two days of discussions were held with senior
recovery officials on the U.S.S. Hornet and no major problems were
identified. A second mobile quarantine facility was being deployed aboard
the Hornet to provide backup support on the bioprotocol. A significant
milestone was reached June 18 when the scientific investigators and the
Apollo 11 astronauts went through a successful simulation of the EASEP
(Early Apollo Surface Experiments Package) activities, ranging from the
data plans and procedures to the use of the facilities.
NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--June 23, 1969."
The status of the Apollo 11 crew training program as of June 15 was
reported to NASA Headquarters by MSC. The summary indicated the crew
had completed more than 70 percent of the briefing and reviews, had spent a
total of 143 hours on procedures against a programmed 100 hours, had spent
a total of 71 hours on spacecraft test and checkout procedures against a
June programmed 68 hours, had spent 167 hours in command module simulators
against a requirement for 156, and had accomplished 96 percent of the
required 226 hours of training in the LM simulators and about 94 percent of
the 180 hours of required special-purpose training. Overall, 92 percent of
the training program had been accomplished. The special-purpose train-
ing included such items as lunar surface timeline walk-throughs, lunar sur-
face operations preparation and post-walk-throughs, and bench checks. As-
tronaut Nell Armstrong had successfully completed his LLTV training
program by flying a ground run and eight flights on June 14, 15, and 16.
Ltr., Robert R. Gilruth, MS(;, to George E. Mueller, NASA Hq., "Flight crew training
summaries," June 27, 1969, with end., "Apollo l I Crew Training Summary Status as of June
15, 1969."
How the decision was reached on who would be the first man to step out
onto the moon was reported in a letter by ASPO Manager George M. Low :
"Some time during the middle of the night, I had a call from Associated
Press informing me that they had a story that Neil Armstrong had pulled
rank on Buzz Aldrin to be the first man on the surface of the moon. They
wanted to know whether it was true and how the decision was reached
concerning who would get out of the LM first.
"a. There had been many informal plans developed during the past
several years concerning the lunar timeline. These probably included all
combinations of one man out versus two men out, who gets out first, etc.
"b. There was only one approved plan and that was established 2 to 4
weeks prior to our public announcement of this planning. I believe that this
was in April 1969.
"c. The basic decision was made by my Configuration Control Board.
It was based on a recommendation by the Flight Crew Operations
Directorate. I am sure that Armstrong had made an input to this recommen-
dation, but he, by no means, had the final say. The CCB decision was final."
Preparations continued on schedule for a July 16 launch of Apollo 11.
1 Edwin Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins were in good physical
condition and on schedule for their training and mission preparations.
Descent and landing simulations were successfully completed. The recovery
ship U.S.S. Hornet was prepared for the recovery operation. The Goldstone
64-meter dish antenna was ready to support both the Apollo 11 and the
Mariner requirements. [Mariner VI and VII, launched February 24 and
March 27, were on their way to July 31 and August 4 flybys of the planet
Mars]. Mission control and the worldwide network stations were
completing final simulation and tracking preparations, and the flight plan
was ready for distribution. July
A cutaway of the lunar module shows critical components and areas of the ascent
stage, top, and the descent stage, below.
authorized to appoint persons at each location and phase of the mission who
July would have the responsibility of exercising the quarantine authority if
necessary., Apollo Mission Director George H. Hage to NASA General Counsel, "Back
Contamination and Quarantine--Apollo 11," July 2, 1969.
The ASPO Manager for the command and service modules expressed belief
that costs could be reduced and others avoided by the effective use of agency
resources in many areas. However, he pointed out that the very nature of the
program--that is, one operating in a research and development atmos-
phere-would result in higher costs than would a mass-production
Ltr., Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, MSC, to George W. Jeffs, North American Rockwell Corp., ]ulv
9, 1969. ' ' "
Apollo 11 (AS-506)--with astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins,
and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., aboardIwas launched from Pad A, Launch
Complex 39, KSC, at 9:32 a.m. EDT July 16. The activities during earth-
orbit checkout, translunar injection, CSM transposition and docking,
spacecraft ejection, and translunar coast were similar to those of Apollo 10.
(See entry for May 18-26, 1969.)
At 4:40 p.m. EDT July 18, the crew began a 96-minute color television
transmission of the CSM and LM interiors, CSM exterior, the earth, probe
and drogue removal, spacecraft tunnel hatch opening, food preparation,
and LM housekeeping. One scheduled and two unscheduled television
broadcasts had been made previously by the Apollo 11 crew. July
The spacecraft entered lunar orbit at 1:28 p.m. EDT on July 19. During the
second lunar orbit a live color telecast of the lunar surface was made. A
second service-propulsion-system burn placed the spacecraft in a circular-
ized orbit, after which astronaut Aldrin entered the LM for two hours of
housekeeping including a voice and telemetry test and an oxygen-purge-
system check.
At 8:50 a.m. July 20, Armstrong and Aldrin reentered the LM and checked
out all systems. They performed a maneuver at 1 : 11 p.m. to separate the LM
from the CSM and began the descent to the moon. The LM touched down on
the moon at 4:18 p.m. EDT July 20. Armstrong reported to mission control
at MSC, "Houston, Tranquility Base here--the Eagle has landed." (Eagle
was the name given to the Apollo 11 LM; the CSM was named Columbia.)
Man's first step on the moon was taken by Armstrong at 10:56 p.m. EDT. As
he stepped onto the surface of the moon, Armstrong described the feat as
"one small step for a man--one giant leap for mankind."
Aldrin joined Armstrong on the surface of the moon at 11:15 p.m. July 20.
The astronauts unveiled a plaque mounted on a strut of the LM and read to a
worldwide TV audience, "Here men from the planet earth first set foot on
the moon July 1969, A.D. We came in peace for all mankind." After raising
the American flag and talking to President Nixon by radiotelephone, the
two astronauts deployed the lunar surface experiments assigned to the
mission and gathered 22 kilograms of samples of lunar soil and rocks. They
then reentered the LM and closed the hatch at 1 :ll a.m. July 21. All lunar
extravehicular activities were televised in black-and-white. Meanwhile,
Collins continued orbiting moon alone in CSM Columbia.
The Eagle lifted off from the moon at 1:54 p.m. EDT July 21, having spent
21 hours 36 minutes on the lunar surface. It docked with the CSM at 5:35
p.m. and the crew, with the lunar samples and film, transferred to the CSM.
The LM ascent stage was jettisoned into lunar orbit. The crew then rested
and prepared for the return trip to the earth.
The CSM was injected into a trajectory toward the earth at 12:55 a.m. EDT
July 22. Following a midcourse correction at 4:01 p.m., an 18-minute color
television transmission was made, in which the astronauts demonstrated the
weightlessness of food and water and showed shots of the earth and the
At 12:15 p.m. EDT July 24 the Apollo ll's command module Columbia
splashed down in the mid-Pacific, about 24 kilometers from the recovery
ship U.S.S. Hornet. Following decontamination procedures at the point of
The Apollo 11 space vehicle thrusts upward from Kennedy Space Center July 16,
1969, on the flight that fulfilled President Kennedy's May 26, 1961, challenge to
land man on the moon and return him safely to the earth by the end of the decade.
On the lunar surface July 20-21, astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin's helmet visor
splashdown, the astronauts were carried by helicopter to the Hornet, where 1969
they entered a mobile quarantine facility to begin a period of observation JuLy
under strict quarantine conditions. The CM was recovered and moved to the
quarantine facility. Sample containers and film were flown to Houston.
1969 All primary mission objectives and all detailed test objectives of Apollo 11
July were met, and all crew members remained in good health. (Objectives of all
the Apollo flights are shown in Appendix 5.)
MSC, "Apollo 11 (AS-506) Flight Summary," undated; MSC, "Apollo 11 Mission Report"
(MSC-00171 ), November 1969; "Apollo 11 Sequence of Events," July 30, 1969; KSC, "Apollo 11
(AS-506) Quick Look Assessment Report," July 23, 1969; NASA Hq., "Mission Director's
Summary Report, Apollo 11," July 24, 1969; Apollo 11 Mission Report (NASA SP-238, 1971).
The scientific experiments planned for the Apollo 11 mission were reported
successfully accomplished. The passive seismometry had recorded a series of
minor events and withstood temperatures of up to 364 kelvins (195°F). The
average temperature in the central station reached 361 K (190°F)at solar
noon on July 27 and dropped to 243 K (157°F) on July 31. MSC appointed
a study group to investigate the causes of the higher than predicted
temperature levels. Lick Observatory in California successfully acquired
beams from the laser retroflector on August 1 and was continuing ranging
Ltr., Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., to George M. Low, MSC, "Control and Disposition of
Apollo 11 Hardware," July 28, 1969.
NASA issued a tentative planning schedule for the Apollo program:
Tentative Landing Area
Flight Launch Plans 29
Apollo 12 November 1969 Oceanus Procellarum lunar lowlands
Apollo 13 March 1970 Fra Mauro highlands
Crater Censorinus highlands
Apollo 14 July 1970
Littrow volcanic area
Apollo 15 November 1970
Apollo 16 April 1971 Crater Tycho (Surveyor VII impact area)
Apollo 17 September 1971 Marius Hills volcanic domes
Schroter's Valley, riverlike channel-
Apollo 18 February 1972
Apollo 19 July 1972 Hyginus Rille region-Linear Rille,
crater area
Crater Copernicus, large crater impact
Apollo 20 December 1972
The Secretary of Defense announced the assignment of Lt. Gen. Samuel C.
Phillips (USAF), who had been serving as Apollo Program Director in the
NASA Office of Manned Space Flight, to be Commander of the Air Force
Space and Missile Systems Organization (SAMSO) in Los Angeles. He
would assume his new reponsibilities in the Air Force effective September 1.
During the Apollo 11 management debriefing, the ASPO Manager noted a
number of items requiring investigation. During separation from the S-
IVB stage, the CSM autopilot apparently had difficulty determining
direction of rotation. After the CSM hatch removal, there was a strong odor
of burnt material in the tunnel. The leveling device on one of the
experiment packages did not work. The closeup stereo camera was hard to
operate and tended to fall over. The temperature in the lunar module was
too cold during sleep periods. The biological isolation garment was
uncomfortably hot and its visor fogged. The crew observed flashes at the rate
of about one per minute in the command module at night.
Memo, George M. Low, MSC, to Donald D. Arabian, MSC, "Apollo 11 management
debriefing," Aug. 1, 1969.
George Low, James McDivitt, Neil Armstrong, and Edwin Aldrin discussed
lunar exploration that could be carried out by astronauts walking in
spacesuits or riding roving vehicles. The following conclusions were
reached: "a. A possible mode of exploration would be to walk 1 hour (3 to 5
miles [5 to 8 kilometers]) to an exploration site; spend 1 to 2 hours at that
site; and then return to the LM. b. It would be easy to carry anything that
need be carried, provided that it did not require the hands for the purpose.
c. A roving vehicle might work if it had extremely large wheels. There
August appeared to be no significant advantage of using the presently conceived
roving vehicle instead of walking, d. All extravehicular excursions should
be carried out by two men at a time. e. Excursions should not be carried out
beyond the radius of ground communications."
ASPO Manager, Memo for the Record, "Lunar Exploration," Aug. 13, 1969.
Ltr., Saverio F. Morea, MSFC, to William E. Stoney, Jr., NASA Hq., Aug. 7, 1969.
The Interagency Committee on Back Contamination met in Atlanta, Ga.
Basing its decision on medical and biological data obtained during a 21 -day
observation period, the committee lifted the quarantine on the Apollo 11
crew and the personnel in quarantine with the crew. The CSM was also
released from quarantine. However, all loose equipment removed from the
spacecraft and held in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory would remain in
quarantine until the lunar samples were released. The committee also
agreed that a postlanding ventilation filter would not be required on Apollo
During lunar module checkout activities at KSC, the LM-6 (for Apollo 12)
guidance computer was removed and replaced because of an unexpected
restart during panel revalidation.
S. C. Phillips, NASA Hq., suggested that for communications on the lunar
surface a long, deployable antenna might work. He suggested that an
antenna about 30 meters long could be used. The antenna would be rolled
up like a tape measure and would curl into a cylinder when deployed,
somewhat like an antenna that had been used on the CSM.
Ltr., G. M. Low, MSC, to J. A. McDivitt, MSC, "Discussions with General Phillips," Aug. 13,
The Lunar Roving Vehicle Task Team, which had been established at
MSFC on April 7, was reconstituted as the Lunar Mobility Task Team. Its
function would be to direct and coordinate MSFC efforts to conceive, design,
and develop various modes of lunar transportation systems.
MSFC Organization Announcement, "Lunar Roving Vehicle Task Team Reconstituted as the
Lunar Mobility Task Team," Aug. 18, 1969.
The Apollo 11 seismic experiment package on the moon was reactivated.
Indications were that the unit was fully functional. The laser reflector was
also operating well. Scientists at the McDonald Observatory, Fort Davis, 1969
Tex., conducted ranging operations that established the distance between August
the earth and the moon, to within an accuracy of 4 meters as 373 794.3333
MSC rejected a Grumman proposal to use the LM as a lunar reconnaissance
module. MSC pointed out that an MSC special task team had recently
studied a number of proposals for lunar reconnaissance. These included use
of a command module test vehicle, the AAP multiple docking adapter, the
subsystem test bed, the ascent stage of the LM, and the entire LM vehicle.
Ltrs., Joseph G. Gavin, Jr., Grumman Aerospace Corp., to Robert R. Gilruth MSC, July 18,
1969; Gilruth to Gavin, Aug. 20, 1969.
NASA named Rocco A. Petrone, Director of Launch Operations at KSC, to
succeed Samuel C. Phillips as Director of the Apollo Program effective
September 1. (See also July 31, 1969, entry.)
NASA News Release 69-124, "Petrone Named Apollo Director," Aug. 22, 1969.
In response to a query from MSFC, MSC took the position that primary
batteries as opposed to secondary (rechargeable batteries) should be used to
power the lunar roving vehicle. Concern was expressed that a solar array
recharge assembly would introduce an extra complexity into the LM
payload packaging and the roving vehicle servicing requirements and
would contribute to a loss in effective EVA time because astronauts would
need time to deploy the solar array and connect it to the rover.
l.trs. Saverio F. Morea, MSFC, to John D. Hcx:lge, MSC, July 14, 1969; Hodge to Morea, "Power
requirements for the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV)," August 26, 1969.
Analyses of the radioactive decay of Argon 40 and Neon 21 in two lunar
samples indicated that the minimum age of the part of the Sea of 2
Tranquility from which the samples were obtained was about 3.1 billion
years--plus or minus 200 million years.
NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--September 2, 1969."
The first reported weights of Apollo 11 lunar samples were inaccurate
because of a number of variables that could not be eliminated until after
quarantine was lifted, MSC told NASA Hq. Because of the concern this
inaccuracy had generated, procedures were being developed for future
missions to permit more accurate determination of sample weights early in
September the Lunar Receiving Laboratory processing cycle.
Memo, George M. Low, MSC, to Rocco A. Petrone, NASA Hq., "Apollo 11 Lunar Samph.
Weight," Sept. 16, 1969.
The Interagency Committee on Back Contamination recommended
changes in Apollo mission recovery procedures, including:
Memo/or record, Richard S. Johnston, MS(;, "Apollo 12 Back Contamination Program," Sept.
17, 1969; memo, Donald K. Slayton, MSC, to Special Assistant to Director, "Crew comments on
the use of biological isolation garment (BIG)," Oct. 6, 1969.
MSC replied to a query that 136 flags of other nations, the U.N. flag, and
flags from each state and territory of the United States had been flown on
Apollo 11. The flags, measuring 10.16 cm x 15.24 cm and made of silk-
screened rayon, were procured through available commercial sources.
Vacuum packed and stowed in Beta cloth bags for flammability protection
the flags were not removed from the containers during the flight. The
American flag left on the surface of the moon would probably last for a con-
siderable period, since the only deterioration expected would be from the
solar wind.
Ltr.. Donald K. Slayton, MSC, to Mrs. Seddon Sadtler, ca. Sept. 19, 1969.
In response to a query from Guinness Superlatives, London, as to the
maximum distance from the earth reached by Apollo 8 and Apollo 11, MSC
said the maximum distance for Apollo 8 was 377 348.704 kilometers, during
the 10th lunar revolution. The maximum distance from the earth for Apollo
11 was 389921.3764 kilometers, during lunar orbit insertion. However,
because of the requirement to exceed previously established space records by
10 percent, the altitude achieved on Apollo 8 was still the recognized record.
l.ll., (;eolge M. Low, MS(', to Norris D. M(Whi_ter, (;utrmess Superlatives, ,_pt. 23, 1969.
James A. McDivitt was appointed ASPO Manager at MSC. George M. Low,
former ASPO Manager was temporarily on special assignment at MS(] to
plan future MSC programs and work on organizational matters.
MS(: News Release, 69-66, Sept. 25, t969.
A Manned Space Flight Awareness seminar was held at MSC. The seminar,
attended by some 500 industry and government representatives, emphasized
the need for maintaining the dedication and motivation that led to the
success of Apollo 11.
An exchange of correspondence that had begun in April formalized the
suggestion that a series of handbooks on the "lessons learned" from the October
Ltrs., Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., to George M. Low, MS(;, April 30, 1969; I.ow to Phillips,
May 5, 1969; memos, l.ow to Director of Flight Operations, "Apolloexperience reports," Sept.
23, 1969; Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., MSC, to distr., "Documentation of FOD Atxfllo exlwri-
ence," Oct. 3, 1969.
Program responsibility for the Saturn launch vehicles was divided, at the
Headquarters level, between the Apollo Program Office and the Apollo
Applications Program. Overall responsibility for the Saturn V remained
with the Apollo Program Office, while overall responsibility for the Saturn
IB vehicle was assigned to Apollo Applications.
Major milestones were reached for extending astronauts' staytime on the
moon and increasing their mobility for the Apollo 16-20 missions.
Modifications in the A7L spacesuit incorporating improved waist mobility
were authorized, and letter contract authority for the portable life support
system/secondary life support system was approved.
Minutes of Manned Space Flight Management (;ouncil Meeting, Oct. 15, 1969.
A portion of the Apollo 12 mission would be devoted to an examination of
Surveyor III and recovery of its TV camera and thermal-switch glass mirror
fragments, MSC announced. Recovery of the glass fragments was important
to Jet Propulsion Laboratory, to provide data for designing thermal
switches for the Mercury-Venus Mariners to be flown in 1973. However,
recovery of the splinters could easily cause cuts and leaks in the astronauts'
gloves; extreme caution would be required. The following procedures were
recommended: use of a line during the initial solo descent into the Surveyor
III crater, to determine the footing and climbing situation before both
crewmen descended into the crater, and recovery of thermal-switch glass
fragments by a suitable tool such as tweezers, to prevent glove damage.
Memo, James A. McDivitt, MS(;, to distr., "Apollo 12 Surveyor Ill safety review and recom-
mendation," Oct. 18, 1969; Apollo 12 Surveyor III Safety Report, Oct. 10, 1969.
Apollo 12 film from the onboard cameras would be delivered in two batches
to the Lunar Receiving Laboratory for decontamination within 24 to 36
hours after recovery, MSC reported. Decontamination was expected to take
an additional 47 hours for each batch. Film would then be released for proc-
essing at the Photographic Technology Laboratory. Photography contain-
ing earth views would be prepared at once, but would not be released until
authorized by the MSC Director. The flight crew logs would be photo-
graphically copied from outside the crew reception area of the LRL using
procedures previously developed and agreed on. Original logs would be
retained within the crew recovery area during the quarantine period, after
October which they would be picked up by the flight crew.
Memo, Donald K. Slayton, MSC, to l)irccmr oi Engineer ng and D('velopInent, "lama) [l_'('I
MSC Flight Operations informed the Apollo 12 commander that records
could be set in a number of areas on the Apollo 12 mission. MSC planned to
file claims with the F_d_ration AOronautique Internationale for:
Memo, Sigurd A Sjoberg, MSC, to the Apollo 12 Commander, "World Spat(' Flighl Records
[or the Atmllo 12 Mission," Oct. 27, 1969.
A lunar roving vehicle (LRV) cost-plus-incentive-fee contract was awarded
to the Boeing Co. LRV-1 was scheduled for delivery on April 1, 1971,
leaving only 17 months for vehicle development, production, and tests. The
LRV project was managed at MSFC by Saverio F. Morea as a project within
the Saturn Program Office. The Boeing Company would manage the LRV
project in Huntsville, Ala., under Henry Kudish. General Motors Corp. AC
Electronics Defense Research Laboratories in Santa Barbara, Calif., would
furnish the mobility system (wheels, motors, and suspension). The Boeing
Co. in Seattle, Wash., would furnish the electronics and navigation system.
Vehicle testing would take place at the Boeing facility in Kent, Wash., and
the chassis manufacturing and overall assembly would take place at the
Boeing facility in Huntsville, Ala.
Memo, .]ames A. McDivitt, MSC, to distr., "l.unar Roving Vehicle," Nov. 1, 1969; NASA
OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--Nmember 3, 1969."
KSC Director Kurt H. Debus, left, confers with Launch Operations Director Walter
J. Kapryan in the Launch Control Center during the Apollo 12 countdown
demonstration test, October rehearsal for the second lunar landing mission, set
for November 14, 1969, launch.
The Interagency Committee on Back Contamination made the following
decisions regarding Apollo 12. The biological isolation garment would not October
be used. A biological mask and flight suit would be used instead. (See entry
of September 17, 1969.) Sterilization of flight film was eliminated. Data tapes
would be sterilized if required before the release of samples. The command
module would not be decontaminated unless access for postflight testing
was required before the sample release date of January 7, 1970.
Memos, Richard C. Johnston, M SC, to distr., "Minutes of ICBC Meeting of October 30, 1969";
Johnston to Director of Medical Research and Operations and Director of Science and
The spacecraft walk-down team, established by ASPO in July in an effort to
stem the increased number of human errors found in flight hardware, made 3
Memo, S_ott t1. Simpkinson, MSC, to ASPO (k_mmand and Service Modules Manager,
"Action items resuhing from CSM-110 engineering walkaround inspection," Nov. 10, 1969.
Memo, Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., MSC, to James A McDivitt, MSC, "SLSS," Nov. 3, 1969.
Memo, James A, McDivitt, MSC, to Robert A. Gardiner, MS(', "Lunar surface temperatures,"
Nov. 4, 1969.
Preparations for a November 14 launch of Apollo 12 continued on sched-
ule. Final lunar surface simulations with the crew, network, and Mission
Control Center were completed on November 4. The instrument-unit com-
mand system, with a replacement transponder and decoder, was successfully
retested and in-place repair of four LM-6 circuit breakers was completed,
also on November 4. The recovery quarantine equipment and mobile
quarantine facility completed checkout for shipment to the recovery ship on
November 7. The final consumable analysis showed positive margins for all
phases of the mission. Also, on November 7, the countdown to launch began
at KSC (T minus 98 hours). A 31-hour hold was scheduled for November 8
with the count resuming at 9:00 a.m. November 9 (T minus 84 hours). The
hold was designed to avoid premium wage cost.
NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--November 10, 1969."
Ltrs., Saverio F. Morea, MSFC, to ,James A. McDivitt, MSC, "LRV Weight Growth," Nov. 6,
1969; McDivitt to Roy E. Godfrey, MSFC, Dec:. 12, 1969.
At the request of the Apollo 12 crew, the internal primary guidance and
navigational control system targeting for descent was being changed so that
the automatic guidance would land LM-6 at Surveyor IH rather than at a
point offset 305 meters east and 153 meters north as originally planned.
Memo, .lames A. McDivitt, MSC, to distr., "AI_)llo 12 PGNCS descent targeting is being
changed," Nov. 10, 1969; TWX, McDivitt to C. and R. Sheridan, NASA Hq., Nov. 4, 1969.
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1969 (NASA SP-4014, 1970), pp. 368, 405; NASA News Release
69-151; NASA Announcement, Dec. 11, 1969.
President Nixon nominated George M. Low, former Apollo Spacecraft
Program Manager at MSC, as NASA Deputy Administrator. Low had been
with the space program since 1949, when he joined NACA. The Senate 13
confirmed the nomination on November 26. (See also entries of September
25 and December 3, 1969.)
Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, Weekly, Compilation of
Presidential Document._, Nov. 17, 1969, p. 1597; Congressional Record, Nov. 26, 1969, pp.
S15140, D1126.
Apollo 12 (AS-507)--with astronauts Charles Conrad, Jr., Richard F.
Gordon, Jr., and Alan L. Bean as the crewmen--was launched from Pad A,
Launch Complex 39, KSC, at 11:22 a.m. EST November 14. Lightning
struck the space vehicle twice, at 36.5 seconds and 52 seconds into the mis-
sion. The first strike was visible to spectators at the launch site. No damage
was done. Except for special attention given to verifying all spacecraft sys-
tems because of the lightning strikes, the activities during earth-orbit
checkout, translunar injection, and translunar coast were similar to those of
Apollo I0 and Apollo II (see entries of May 18-26 and July 16-24, 1969).
During the translunar coast astronauts Conrad and Bean transferred to the
LM one-half hour earlier than planned in order to obtain full TV coverage
through the Goldstone tracking station. The 56-minute TV transmission
showed excellent color pictures of the CSM, the intravehicular transfer, the
LM interior, the earth, and the moon.
At 10:47 p.m. EST, November 17, the spacecraft entered a lunar orbit of
312.6 x 115.9 kilometers. A second service propulsion system burn
circularized the orbit with a 122.5-kilometer apolune and a 100.6-kilometer
perilune. Conrad and Bean again transferred to the LM, where they per-
formed housekeeping chores, a voice and telemetry test, and an oxygen
purge system check. They then returned to the CM.
Conrad and Bean reentered the LM, checked out all systems, and at 10:17
p.m. EST on November 18 fired the reaction control system thrusters to sep-
arate the CSM 108 (the Yankee Clipper) from the LM-6 (the Intrepid). At
1:55 a.m. EST November 19, the Intrepid landed on the moon's Ocean of
Storms, about 163 meters from the Surveyor III spacecraft that had landed
April 19, 1967. Conrad, shorter than Neil Armstrong (first man on the moon,
July 20), had a little difficulty negotiating the last step from the LM ladder to
the lunar surface. When he touched the surface at 6:44 a.m. EST November
19, he exclaimed, "Whoopee! Man, that may have been a small step for Neil,
but that's a long one for me."
Bean joined Conrad on the surface at 7:14 a.m. They collected a 1.9-
kilogram contingency sample of lunar material and later a 14.8-kilogram
selected sample. They also deployed an S-band antenna, solar wind
composition experiment, and the American flag. An Apollo Lunar Surface
Experiments Package with a SNAP-27 atomic generator was deployed
about 182 meters from the LM. After 3 hours 56 minutes on the lunar
Apollo 12 astronauts Alan L. Bean,
descending from the LM, and Charles
Conrad, Jr., explore the lunar surface
in the Ocean of Storms November 19-
20, 1969, using tools from a carrier
and deploying experiments. The
Cold Cathode Ion Gauge would
indicate atmospheric density and any
particle density variation, and the
Lunar Ionosphere Detector would
measure characteristics of positive
ions at the surface. In the second EVA
period, Conrad examines Surveyor
II1, which had landed on the moon
April 19, 1967; the LM Intrepid is on
the horizon.
surface, the two astronauts entered the I_trepid to rest and check plans for
November the next EVA.
The astronauts again left the LM at 10:55 p.m. EST November 19. During
the second EVA, Conrad and Bean retrieved the lunar module TV camera for
return to earth for a failure analysis, obtained photographic panoramas,
core and trench samples, a lunar environment sample, and assorted rock,
dirt, bedrock, and molten samples. The crew then examined and retrieved
parts of Surveyor III, including the TV camera and soil scoop. After 3 hours November
49 minutes on the lunar surface during the second EVA, the two crewmen
entered the LM at 2:44 a.m. EST November 20. Meanwhile astronaut
Gordon, orbiting the moon in the Yankee Clipper, had completed a lunar
muhispectral photography experiment and photographed proposed future
landing sites.
At 9:26 a.m. EST November 20, after 31 hours 31 minutes on the moon,
Intrepid successfully lifted off with 34.4 kilograms of lunar samples.
Rendezvous maneuvers went as planned. The LM docked with the CSM at
12:58 p.m. November 20. The last 24 minutes of the rendezvous sequence
was televised. After the crew transferred with the samples, equipment, and
film to the Yankee Clipper, the Intrepid was jettisoned and intentionally
crashed onto ttle lunar surface at 5:17 p.m. November 20, 72.2 kilometers
southeast of Surveyor III. The crash produced reverberations that lasted
about 30 minutes and were detected by the seismometer left on the moon.
Apollo 12 commander Conrad talks by phone from the Mobile Quarantine Facility
to members of his family. Conrad and astronauts Bean (right) and Gordon arrived
at Ellington Air Force Base from Hawaii on a USAF C-141 transport aircraft
November 29, 1969, after November 24 splashdown.
At 3:49 p.m. EST November 21, the crew fired the service propulsion system
engine, injecting the CSM into a transearth trajectory after 89 hours 2
minutes in lunar orbit. During the transearth coast, views of the receding
moon and the interior of the spacecraft were televised, and a question and
answer session with scientists and the press was conducted.
MSC "Al_ollo 12 (AS-507) Flight Summary " undated MSC, "Atx_llo 12 Mission Report"
(MSC-01855), March 1970; MSC Apollo Program Summary Report," preliminary draft, p. 2-
38, undated; TWX, F. A. Speer, MSFC, to C. M. Lee. NASA Hq., "Apollo 12 (AS-507) HOSC
Retx)rt," Nov. 14, 1974; ltr., E. R. Mathews, KS(:, to distr., "Apollo 12 (AS-507) Quick Look
Assessment Report," Nov. 26, 1969; Apollo 12 Prehmumry Science Report (NASA SP-235,
A review of North American Rockwell Space Division's in subcontract man-
agement indicated that its subcontractor schedule and cost performance had
been excellent. The quality had been achieved, for the most part, by effective
North American Rockwell subcontract management planning and
execution of these plans.
Ltr., Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, MSC, to George W. lefts, North American Rockwell Corp., Nov.
15, 1969.
NASA selected an Apollo Orbital Science Photographic Team to provide
scientific guidance in design, operation, and data use of photographic sys-
tems for the Apollo lunar orbital science program. Chairman was Frederick
Doyle of the U.S. Geological Survey. The 14-man team comprised experts
from industry, universities, and government.
NASA discontinued the use of names such "LEO," "ALEM," and "Apollo
Lunar Exploration Program" that had been used sinceApollo 11 to identify
the lunar exploration phase of the Apollo program. Henceforth, the single-
word title "Apollo" would be used when referring to the program. However,
additional descriptive language, such as "lunar exploration phase of
Apollo" and "Apollo lunar exploration" would continue to be authorized
for defining the Apollo program activity. The action was taken to establish
uniformity and eliminate misunderstanding.
Ltr., George E. Mueller, NASA Hq., to Robel t R. Gilruth, MSC, No',,. 17, 1969; memo, James A.
McDivitt, MSC, to distr., "Identification of the turrent hmar exploration phase of the Apollo
Program," Nov. 26, 1969.
Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., was appointed Deputy Director of MSC. Kraft,
Director of Flight Operations at MSC since November 1963, succeeded November
NASA Announcement, Jan. 18, 1972; NASA News Release 72-11; MSC News Release 69-70.
The MSC Flight Crew Operations Directorate submitted its requirement [or
a simple lightweight Rover (lunar rovingvehicle) guidance and navigation 1
system that would provide the following displayed information to the crew:
vehicle heading and heading to the LM, speed in kilometers per hour, total
distance traveled in kilometers, and distance to the LM. Requirements were
based on the assumptions that the landing area was as well known as for
Apollo 12, all traverses were preplanned, accurate photo maps were avail-
able, and there was MSFN support through voice communications. The
Directorate emphasized that it had no requirements for a display of pitch
and roll, X and Y coordinates, or time.
Memo, Donald K. Slayton, MSC, to ASPO Manager, "Rover guidance and navigation sys-
tem," Dec. l, 1969.
Many scientists were reluctant to accept the long times between conceptual
design and data gathering in space experiments--often 6 to 10 years. The
question was not only of patience, graduate student support, and funding
continuity, but also of scientific obsolescence.
Scientists felt that science was not as well represented in upper NASA
management as were engineering and project management and that high-
level decisions were often made without consideration of scientific
viewpoints. While recognizing that the space program also had other prime
objectives--such as advancement of technology, national achievement,
applications, earth resources, and "bringing the world closer together"--
they felt that "science is still a stepchild in this family of program
December objectives."
The analysis said that a good portion of the problems could be relieved by
actions taken by Centers and NASA Hq. over the next few months and years.
NASA space projects should be structured to give more scientists an
opportunity to launch experiments. With the few present scientific flights,
only a few scientists could hope to have their experiments flown in their
lifetimes. The situation would improve when the Space Shuttle and Space
Station were available, but that would not be before 1978 or 1979. With low
emphasis on OAO, HEAO, Pioneer, ATM, and planetary flights suggested
by the President's Space Task Group, "we will have almost no good flight
experiments prepared, and almost no scientists left in the program, by the
time the gates of the shuttle and the station open for science."
NASA should also find ways to reduce the time span between conception
and flight of an experiment. "For Bill Kraushaar, who proposed a
measurement of gamma rays with a simple (now almost obsolete) sensor on
a Saturn launch vehicle, this time is now 8 years, with no end in sight." For
the Apollo telescope mount principal investigators, "this time will be 8
years, provided that ATM-A is launched early in 1972."
"Many scientists inside and outside NASA have suggested that NASA
should establish, at a high level in the Administrator's Office, a 'Chief
Scientist' position with no other functions than to act as a spokesman for
. . . scientists who wish to participate in the space program."
Ltr., yon Braun, MSFC, to Gilruth, MSC. Dec. 3, 1969, with end., memo, Ernst Stuhlinger,
MSFC, to yon Braun, "Notes on 'Science in NASA,'" Nov. 7, 1969.
NASA was considering incorporation of a mobile equipment transporter on
LM-8, LM-9, and LM-10, to help with problems such as the Apollo 12
astronauts had in carrying hand tools, sample boxes and bags, a stereo
camera, and other equipment on the lunar surface. The MET also could
extend lunar surface activities to a greater distance from the lunar module. A
prototype MET and training hardware were being fabricated and were December
A lunar roving vehicle preliminary requirements review was held at MSFC.
MSC was asked to review the requirement for a roll bar which it had
requested in the interest of astronaut safety. Navigation system require-
ments as defined by MSC would require changes in the design presented by
Boeing (see entry of December 1, 1969). Full-length fenders and effects of
dust on radiators, sealed joints, and vision needed to be considered and
appropriate measures taken in the vehicle design, the review found.
Ltr., William E. Stoney, NASA Hq., to Roy E. Godfrey, MSFC, and James A. McDivitt, MSC.
"Lunar Roving Vehicle Preliminary Requirements Review, December 16-18, 1969," Dec. 24,
1969; memo, Donald K. Slayton, MSC, to David B. Pendley, MSC, "Lunar Rover Vehicle (LRV)
crew safety provisions," Dec. 12, 1969.
A configuration control panel for Apollo GFE scientific equipment was
established at MSC, with Robert A. Gardiner as chairman. The panel would
control proposed changes in Apollo spacecraft GFE science equipment.
Memo, James A. McDivitt, MSC, to distr., "Configuration control panel for GFE scientific
equipment," Dec. 18, 1969.
Correlation of the Apollo 12 descent film with the crew's comments during
landing indicated that lunar dust first became apparent at about 30 meters
from the surface and that from about 12 meters above to the actual
touchdown the ground was almost completely obscured by the dust. Because
of both Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 landing experiences, studies were begun
and discussions held about various aspects of lunar dust. An MSC
management review in the latter part of January 1970 would include
discussions of the basic mechanism of erosion during landing, the
possibility of alleviating the effects of erosion on visibility, and an estimate
of what could be expected at future lunar landing sites.
Memo, James A. McDivitt, MSC, to distr., "Investigation of the effects of lunar dust during LM
landing," Dec. 22, 1969; NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly Report--December 22,
1969"; hr., Robert R. Gilruth, MSC, to Rocco A. Petrone, NASA Hq., "Landing site for Apollo
13," Dec. 18, 1969.
MSC announced the appointment of Sigurd A. Sjoberg as Director of Flight
Operations, replacing Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., who had been appointed
MSC Deputy Director Nov. 26. Sjoberg had been Deputy Director of Flight
Operations since 1963.
MSC News Release 70-1, Jan. 1, 1969.
NASA had canceled the Apollo 20 mission and stretched out the remaining 1970
seven missions to six-month intervals, Deputy Administrator George M.
Low told the press in an interview after dedication of the Lunar Science
One of the samples collected by Nell
Armstrong and Ed Aldrinon the
n_on July 20, 1969, during the
Apollo 11 mission. This rock was
studied at the Lunar Receiving
Laboratory; other samples were
distributed to scientists in nine
Institute (next to MSC in Houston). Budget restrictions had brought the
January decision to suspend Saturn V launch vehicle production after vehicle 515
and to use the Apollo 20 Saturn V to launch the first U.S. space station in
1972. (See also Jan. 7.)
UPI, "Apollo Missions Extended to '7't," New York Times, .Jan. 5, 1970, p. 10; NASA
Administrator Thomas O. Paine in NASA News Release, "NASA Future Plans," press
conference transcript, Jan. 13, 1970.
Detailed reports on the Apollo 11 sample analyses were presented at the
Lunar Science Conference at MSC. Principal investigators covered the fields
of geology, mineralogy, petrology, radiogenic isotopes, inorganic and
organic chemistry, solar wind and cosmic ray spallation products, magnetic
and electrical properties, physical properties, impact metamorphism, and
micropaleontology. The results added up to the greatest single advance in
the understanding of a planetary-size body attained to date.
Abstract, N. W. Hinners, Bellcomm, Case 340, "Significant Results Reported at the Apollo 11
Lunar Science Conference," Jan. 30, 1970.
Memo, James A. McDivitt, MSC, to distr., "Apollo Experiments Review Group " Jan. 6, 1970.
Ltr.. J. Leland Atwood, North American Rockwell Corp., to Robert R. Gilruth, MSC, .Jan. 6,
North American Rockwell declined to become a member of the Coordinated
Aerospace Supplier Evaluation (CASE) organization. North American
Rockwell stated that its Certified Special Processors system provided greater 6
effectiveness, that there was no real assurance that a supplier listed in the
CASE Register was capable of performing to all the requirements of the
indicated specifications, and that participants in CASE were prohibited
from any exchange of information concerning supplier inadequacies.
Several processors discontinued by North American Rockwell because of
poor performance were still enjoying the full benefit of listing in the CASE
Register, with the implication of system acceptability and certified-
processor status that the listing provided.
Ltr., George W. Jeffs, North American Rockwell Corp., to Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, MSC, .]an.
6, 1970.
NASA issued instructions for deletion of the Apollo 20 mission from the
program (see January 4). MSC was directed to take immediate action to:
Dale D. Myers' appointment as NASA Associate Administrator for Manned
Space Flight was announced effective January 12, to succeed Dr. George E.
Mueller, who had joined General Dynamics Corp. in New York City as a
Vice President. Before this appointment, Myers was Vice President and
General Manager of the Space Shuttle Program, North American Rockwell
NASA News Release 70-4, Jan. 8, 1970.
The scientific debriefing of the Apollo 12 astronauts indicated there were
areas of strong interest for which there was no data and that the data could
have been provided by an Apollo lunar surface closeup stereo camera. These
included three distinct kinds of soil noticed by the astronauts, strangely
patterned surface in certain areas, glazings in craters, and fillets around
certain rocks. To assist the Apollo 13 astronauts in making scientific
judgment of targets to be documented, the following photography list was
established: unexpected features, glassy features, rock-soil junction,
undisturbed surface, surface patterns, rock surface, and craters.
Memos, Anthony J. Calio, MSC, to .]ames A. McDivitt, MSC, "Experiment S 18,t on Apollo 13,
Apollo Lunar Surface Close-up Photography," Jan. 14, 1970; Richard S. Johnston, MS(;, to
Lee R. Scherer, NASA tiq., "Close-up stereo camera utilization on Atx)llo 13," Jan. 27, 1970.
An MSC meeting to realign the Apollo 16-19 lunar orbital science
January experiments recommended that the Sounding Radar Experiment, S-167, be
16 deleted and the Lunar Electromagnetic Sounder, S-168, should be
developed and flown. Scientificvalue for the experiments was ranked in the
following descending priorities for the various scientific disciplines:
geochemistry, particles and fields, imagery and geodesy, surface and
subsurface profiles, and atmospheres.
Minutes, Lunar Orbital Experiments Review |an. 16, 1970; memo, James A. McDivitt, MSC,
to Rocco A. Petrone, NASA Hq., "Lunar orbital science experiments," Jan. 21, 1970.
Ground rules for service module design and integration, established during
recent changes in the lunar orbital science program (see January 16), were
reported. The Apollo LM experiment hardware would be installed and
tested at KSC. A single scientific instrument module configuration was
being proposed for Apollo 16-19 with modification kits developed, as
required, to install Apollo 18 and Apollo 19 experiments. An expanded
Apollo LM data system would be available for Apollo 16 (spacecraft 112).
Memo, James A. McDivitt, MSC, to Rocco A Petrone, NASA Hq., "Apollo lunar orbital
science program," Jan. 29, 1970.
North American Rockwell completed an investigation, requested by NASA,
5 of the Apollo 12 flight anomalies associated with apparent vehicle
electrostatic discharges at 36.5 and 52 seconds into the flight. The
investigation indicated the most logical recommendation consistent with
cost and schedule considerations to minimize or eliminate similar
occurrences was for more restrictive launch rules. When atmospheric
conditions exhibited electrostatic gradients in excess of several thousand
volts with severe fluctuations or when heavy cloud conditions associated
with frontal passages existed even in the absence of precipitation or reported
spherics activities, delay of launch should be considered.
Ltr., George W. Jeffs, North American Rockwell Corp., to .lames A. McDivitt, MSC, Feb. 5.
A statement of agreements was reached between NASA Hq. and the Centers
covering the requirements for a lunar roving vehicle (LRV). Appropriate
portions of the agreements were being incorporated in a revised Apollo
Program Specification and in Apollo Program Directive No. 4.
Memo, Rocco A. Petrone, NASA Hq., to MSFC, MSC, and KSC, "Lunar Roving Vehicle
Requirements," Feb. 6, 1970.
MSC appointed a panel to investigate a February 13 accident at the Aerojet-
General plant in Fullerton, Calif., that had damaged a lunar module descent
tank beyond repair. Panel findings were reported to a review board later in
the month, which recommended needed safety measures.
Ltr., O. G. Morris, MSC, to R. H. Tripp, Grumman, Feb. 17, 1970; memo for record, S. H.
Simpkinson, MSC, "LM descent tank incident at Aerojet-General Corporation, California, on
February 13, 1970," March 6, 1970.
In a White House release, President Nixon listed six specific objectives for
the space program : continued exploration of the moon, exploration of the
planets and the universe, substantial reductions in the cost of space 7
Wernher von Braun was sworn in as NASA Deputy Associate Administrator
for Planning. He left MSFC on March 1 and was succeeded as MSFC
Director by Eberhard F. M. Rees.
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1970 (NASA SP-4015, 1972), pp. 88-89.
Apollo 13 (AS-508) was launched from Pad A, Launch Complex 39, KSC, at
2:13 p.m. EST April 11, with astronauts James A. Lovell, Jr., John L.
Swigert, Jr., and Fred W. Haise, Jr., aboard. The spacecraft and S-IVB stage
entered a parking orbit with a 185.5-kilometer apogee and a 181.5-kilometer
perigee. At 3:48 p.m., onboard TV was begun for five and one-half minutes.
At 4:54 p.m., an S-IVB burn placed the spacecraft on a translunar trajectory,
after which the CSM separated from the S-IVB and LM A q uarius. (The crew
had named lunar module 7 Aquarius and CSM 109 Odyssey.) The CSM then
hard-docked with the LM. The S-IVB auxiliary propulsion system made an
evasive maneuver after CSM/LM ejection from the S-IVB at 6:14 p.m. The
docking and ejection maneuvers were televised during a 72-minute period in
which interior and exterior views of the spacecraft were also shown.
The severely damaged Apollo 13 service mod-
ule, whose oxygen tank explosion aborted
the lunar landing mission, was photo-
graphed from the LM/CM after SM jettison
for reentry. An entire panel had been blown
off, exposing fuel cells. The interior view of
the LM--after astronauts had transferred to
use the emergency "lifeboat" for return to
earth--shows temporary connections and
apparatus rigged to use LM supplies and
systems. An astronaut holds the PLSS feed
water bag connected to a hose from a lunar
camera. An astronaut-buih "mailbox" in the
background used CM lithium hydroxide
canisters to purge carbon dioxide from the
LM. John L. Swigert, Jr., holds a hose. Just
before reentry, astronauts returned to the CM
and jettisoned the LM, photographing it as
they bid their lifeboat Aquarius farewell.
10 000°C) temperature generated by the impact or that particles had reached 1970
an altitude of 60 kilometers from the lunar surface and had been ionized by April
Meanwhile back in the CSM/LM, the crew had been performing the routine
housekeeping duties associated with the period of the translunar coast. At
30:40 ground elapsed time a midcourse correction maneuver took the
spacecraft off a free-return trajectory in order to control the arrival time at
the moon. Ensuring proper lighting conditions at the landing site. The
maneuver placed the spacecraft on the desired trajectory, on which the
closest approach to the moon would be 114.9 kilometers.
At 10:08 p.m. EST April 13, the crew reported an undervoltage alarm on the
CSM main bus B, rapid loss of pressure in SM oxygen tank No. 2, and
dropping current in fuel cells 1 and 3 to a zero reading. The loss of oxygen
and primary power in the service module required an immediate abort of the
mission. The astronauts powered up the LM, powered down the CSM, and
used the LM systems for power and life support. The first maneuver
following the abort decision was made with the descent propulsion system
to place the spacecraft back in a free-return trajectory around the moon.
After the spacecraft swung around the moon, another maneuver reduced the
coast time back to earth and moved the landing point from the Indian Ocean
to the South Pacific.
Joy and cigar smoke. Mission Operations Control at MSC relaxes after the safe
splashdown of Apollo 13 astronauts. Lt. Gen. Samuel C. Phillips (USAF), former
Apollo Program Director, is at left; MSC Director of Medical Research and
Operations Charles A. Berry, third from left; NASA Administrator Thomas O.
Paine, center; and NASA Deputy Director George M. Low, right.
1970 About four hours before reentry on April 17, the service module was
April jettisoned and the crew took photographs and made visual observations of
the damaged area. About one hour before splashdown the command module
was powered up and the lunar module was jettisoned. Parachutes were
deployed as planned, and the Odyssey landed in the mid-Pacific 6.4
kilometers from the recovery ship U.S.S. Iwo Jima at 1:07 p.m. EST April
17. The astronauts were picked up by helicopter and transported to the
recovery ship less than an hour after splashdown.
MSC "Apollo 13 Mission Report" (MSC-02680), 5;Cl)t. 1970; MS(; "Atx)llo 13 (AS-508) Flight
Summary," undated; memos, ('. M., NASA tlq., 1o distr., "Mission Dire( tot's Sununary
Report, Apollo 13," April 17, 1970; E. R. Mathews, KS(:, "Apollo 13 (AS-508) Post-Launt h
Report," April 24, 1970.
MSC informed NASA Hq. that the Apollo 12 ALSEP left on the moon in
November 1969 was continuing to transmit satisfactory data. Status of
experiments feeding data into the station was as follows:, James A. McDivitt, MSC, to Rocco A, Petrom,, NASA H(I., "Operational Status olAl_fllo
12 AI.SEP," April 13, 1970.
April 13-
"Hey, we've got a problem here." The message from the Apollo 13
June 15 spacecraft to Houston ground controllers at 10:08 p.m. EDT on April 13,
initiated an investigation to determine the cause of an oxygen tank failure
that aborted the Apollo 13 mission. The investigation terminated on June
15, when the Review Board accident report was released by NASA at a Head-
quarters press conference.
a. After assembly and acceptance testing, the oxygen tank no. 2 that
flew on Apollo 13 was shipped from Beech Aircraft Corp. to North American April
temperature limit, they were welded permanently closed by the resulting arc
April and were rendered inoperative as protective thermostats.
k. Failure of the thermostatic switches to open could have been
detected at KSC if switch operation had been checked by observing heater
current readings on the oxygen tank heater control panel. Although not
recognized at the time, the tank temperature readings indicated that the
heaters had reached their temperature limit "and switch opening should
have been expected."
1. Subsequent tests showed that failure of the thermostatic switches
probably permitted the temperature of the heater tube assembly to reach
about 1000°F [810 K] in spots during the continuous eight-hour period of
heater operation. Such heating had been shown by tests to damage severely
the Teflon insulation on the fan motor wires near the heater assembly.
"From that time on, including pad occupancy, the oxygen tank no. 2 was in
a hazardous condition when filled with oxygen and electrically powered."
m. Nearly 56 hours into the mission, the fan motor wiring, possibly
moved by the fan stirring, short-circuited and ignited its insulation.
Combustion in the oxygen tank "probably overheated and failed the wiring
conduit where it entered the tank, and possibly a portion of the tank itself."
n. The rapid expulsion of high-pressure oxygen which followed,
"possibly augmented by combustion of insulation in the space surrounding
the tank, blew off the outer panel to bay 4 of the SM, caused a leak in the
high-pressure system of oxygen tank no. 1, damaged the high-gain antenna,
caused other miscellaneous damage, and aborted the mission."
b. Changing the caution and warning system logic to prevent an out- 1970
of-limits alarm from blocking another alarm if a second quantity in the Aprll
same subsystem went out of limits.
c. Establishing a second level of limit sensing in Mission Control on
critical quantities, with a visual or audible alarm that could not be easily
d. Providing independent talk-back indicators for each of the six fuel
cell reactant valves plus a master alarm when any valve closed.
5. MSC should complete the special tests and analyses under way to
understand more completely the details of the Apollo 13 accident. In
addition, the lunar module power system anomalies should receive careful
attention. Other NASA Centers should continue support to MSC in the
areas of analysis and test.
June NASA Hq. and Center actions were initiated on recommendations of the
26 Apollo 13 Review Board. The Associate Administrator for Space Science
and Applications would take specific action on recommendations 6, 7, and 9
of the report as they applied to spacecraft, launch vehicles, aircraft, ground
systems and laboratories under OSSA jurisdiction. Lewis Research Center
Memos, George M. l.ow, NASA Hq., to Associate Administrator for Space Science and
Applications. "Recommendations of the Apollo 13 Review Board," June 26, 1970; l.ow to
Director, 1.ewis Research (;enter, "Expansi(m uf ASRDi Oxygen Syslems Review," June 26,
1970; T. O. Paine, NASA Hq., to Director, Lewis Research Center, "Review of Oxygen
Handling in Aerospace Programs to be Conducted by the Aerospace Safety Research and Data
Institute (ASRDI)," May 19, 1970; Bruce T. Lundin, Lewis Research Cenwr to Deputy
Administrator, "Proposed oxygen handling program," July 14, 1970; Deputy Associate
Administrator [ol Sl)a{ e Science and Applications (Engineering) todistr., "Recommendations
of the Apollo 1"_ Review Board," Aug. 5, t970.
Efforts of MSC personnel that had been redirected to support the Apollo 13
investigation would again be concentrated on the Apollo-experience- 14
Memo, Scou It. Simpkinson, MSC, to distr., "Apollo experience reporting," July 1,t, 1970.
MSC moved to reassess all Apollo spacecraft subsystems and the engineering
organizations responsible for them at MSC and its prime contractors, in
response to Apollo 13 Review Board recommendation 9 (see April 13-June
During the anniversary of Apollo 11, NASA Administrator Thomas
O. Paine said : "The success of Apollo 11 marked the beginning of a new and
important phase of mankind--not just the triumphant end of a mission.
The mission was a voyage of discovery, and an important part of the
discovery was the revelation of the infinite human potential for achievement
as an endless new frontier was opened for future generations.
"Our remarkable progress in the first dozen years of the space age
demonstrates that no dreams are impossible of realization, that the prospects
for progress and human betterment here on earth as well as in space are
limitless. And you may be sure that despite changing program directions,
NASA will continue to play an exciting and vigorous role in the avant-garde
of human progress."
North American Rockwell announced that William B. Bergen, who had
been serving as president of North American's Space Division, would
become a corporate vice president with the title Group Vice President-
Aerospace and Systems. This was one of a number of key organizational
Astronauts Edgar D. Mitchell, left,
and Alan B. Shepard, Jr., partic-
ipate in lunar surface simulation
at Kennedy Space Center. Both
wear extravehicular mobility
units as they check out the mobile
(or modular) equipment trans-
porter they will use on the moon
during the Apollo 14 mission.
1970 steps taken since January to improve and strengthen the North American
August management structure in response to significant changes that had occurred
in the aerospace environment.
Ltr., Robert Anderson, North American Rockwell Corp., to Robert R. Gilruth, MSC, Ang. 11,
"Statement by Dr. Thomas O. Paine," Sept. 2, 1970; Astronauts and Aeronautics, 1970 (NASA
11 Modifications were made in MSFC's lunar roving vehicle simulator and the
static mockup to eliminate extreme arm and hand fatigue felt by a flight
crew member and other test subjects after driving 10 to t5 minutes in LRV
simulator evaluation tests. A T-shaped handle was added to the pistol grip;
a parking-brake release and a reduced brake-travel distance were incorporat-
ed; and a mechanical reverse lockout was added.
Memo, .lames A. McDivitt, MSC, to Richard G. Smith, MSFC, "I.tmar roving vehicle hand
controller," Sept. 11, 1970.
November MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth reported MSC actions on the Apollo 13
• Fan motors had been removed from oxygen storage tanks in the serv-
ice modules; the electrical leads had been encased in stainless steel sheaths
with hermetically sealed headers and had been shielded from contact with
the remaining Teflon parts.
• The modified cryogenic oxygen storage system had been subjected to
a comprehensive recertification program developed in close coordination by
' TO
North American Rockwell, Beech Aircraft Corp., and NASA. Requirements 1970
Ltr., Dale D. Myers, NASA Hq., to Robert R. Gilruth, MSC, Dec. 16, 1970; Congressional
Record-Senate, Nov. 30, 1970, pp. S19001-02
1971 NASA was considering several methods for providing real-time television
January coverage of lunar surface activities with scientific commentary to the news
media during future Apollo flights. A recommended approach would place
scientific personnel from within NASA, including Apollo Program
principal investigators, in the MSC news center briefing room with a panel Janumry
The space vehicle for the Apollo 14 mission was determined ready for
launch on January 31. The Flight Readiness Review had been held at KSC
on December 17, 1970; all required action and open work had been com-
pleted; and the Pre-Liftoff Readiness Review had been favorably completed
January 29.
Memo, Rocco A. Petrone, NASA Hq., to Apollo 14 Flight Readiness Review Record,
"Confirmation of Flight Readiness for the Apollo 14 Mission," Jan. 29, 1971.
January 31-
The Apollo 14 (AS-509) mission--mann.ed by astronauts Alan B. Shepard,
Jr., Stuart A. Roosa, and Edgar D. Mitchell--was launched from Pad A, February 9
Apollo 14 entered lunar orbit at 1:55 a.m. EST on February 4. At 2:41 a.m.
the separated S-IVB stage and instrument unit struck the lunar surface 174
kilometers southeast of the planned impact point. The Apollo 12
seismometer, left on the moon in November 1969, registered the impact and
continued to record vibrations for two hours.
After rechecking the systems in the LM, astronauts Shepard and Mitchell
separated the LM from the CSM and descended to the lunar surface. The
Antares landed on Fra Mauro at 4:17 a.m. EST February 5, 9 to 18 meters
short of the planned landing point. The first EVA began at 9:53 a.m., after
intermittent communications problems in the portable life support sys-
tem had caused a 49-minute delay. The two astronauts collected a 19.5-
kilogram contingency sample; deployed the TV, S-band antenna, American
1971 flag, and Solar Wind Composition experiment; photographed the LM,
lunar surface, and experiments; deployed the Apollo lunar surface
experiments package 152 meters west of the LM and the laser-ranging
retroreflector 30 meters west of the ALSEP; and conducted an active seismic
experiment, firing 13 thumper shots into the lunar surface.
A second EVA period began at 3:11 a.m. EST Februrary 6. The two
astronauts loaded the mobile equipment transporter (MET)--used for the
first time--with photographic equipment, tools, and a lunar portable
magnetometer. They made a geology traverse toward the rim of Cone Crater,
collecting samples on the way. On their return, they adjusted the alignment
of the ALSEP central station antenna in an effort to strengthen the signal
received by the Manned Space Flight Network ground stations back on
Just before reentering the LM, astronaut Shepard dropped a golf ball onto
the lunar surface and on the third swing drove the ball 366 meters. The
second EVA had lasted 4 hours 35 minutes, making a total EVA time for the
mission of 9 hours 24 minutes. The Antares lifted off the moon with 43
kilograms of lunar samples at 1:48 p.m. EST February 6.
Ascent of the LM from the lunar surface, rendezvous, and docking with the
CSM in orbit were performed as planned, with docking at 3:36 p.m. EST
February 6. TV coverage of the rendezvous and docking maneuver was ex-
cellent. The two astronauts transferred from the LM to the CSM with
samples, equipment, and film. The LM ascent stage was then jettisoned and
intentionally crashed on the moon's surface at 7:46 p.m. The impact was
recorded by the Apollo 12 and Apollo 14 ALSEPs.
The spacecraft was placed on its trajectory toward earth during the 34th
lunar revolution. During transearth coast, four inflight technical demon-
strations of equipment and processes in zero gravity were performed.
All primary mission objectives had been met (see Appendix 5). The mission
had lasted 216 hours 40 minutes and was marked by the following
Tracks of the modular equipment
surfaceto the distant LM Antares
during Apollo 14 EVA. Also during
EVA, Shepard assembles hand tools
from the transporter. The large
boulder was found by Shepard and
Mitchell during the excursion. In
recovery operations _fter splashdown,
CM pilot Roosa is hoisted up to one of
the recovery helicopters.
MSC, "Apollo 14 (AS-509) Flight Summary," undated; MSC, "Apollo 14 Mission Report"
(MSC-04112), April 1971 ; NASA OMSF, "Manned Space Flight Weekly ReportiFebruary 16,
1971"; TWX, F. A. Speer, MSFC, to C. M. Lee, NASA Hq., "Apollo 14 (AS-509) HOSC
Report," Jan. 31, 1971; hr., Chester M. Lee, NASA Hq., "Mission Director's Summary Report,
Apollo 14/' Feb. 9, 1971; NASA Hq., Apollo 14 Preliminary Seience Report (NASA SP-272,
MSC requested removal of sharp corners from the lunar roving vehicle February
unit) tests, a nicking or tearing of the portable life support system thermal
cover had been discovered. Observation revealed that the thermal cover was
1971 Apollo 15 astronauts James B. Irwin, left, Alfred M. Worden, and David R. Scott
display the experiments and equipment to be loaded into their LM for its July
1971 mission to the moon.
contacting sharp corners on the LRV seats, when the test subject entered and
left the vehicle.
Ltr., .|ames A. McDivitt, MSC, to Richard (;. Smith, MSFC, "Sharp corners on current lunar
roving vehicle design," Feb. 22, 1971.
Ltr., Richard G. Smith, MSFC, to Rocco A. Petrone, NASA Hq., "LRV Manual Deployment
System," March 1, 1971.
Action was initiated to determine the feasibility of providing photographic
coverage of a lunar eclipse from the lunar surface or the CSM during the
Apollo 15 mission. The eclipse would occur on August 6, three or four days
after the scheduled Apollo 15 mission lunar surface liftoff.
TWX, Rocco A. Petrone, NASA Hq., to James A. McDivitt, MSC, "Lunar eclipse during
Apollo 15 mission," March 10, 1971.
The improved design of the extra-
vehicular mobility unit (EMU) to
be used by astronauts on the
moon for Apollo 15 and subse-
quent missions permitted in-
creased lunar surface EVA peri-
ods, extended range of
operations, and greater mobility
than previous units. Shown are
the pressure garment assembly
with thermal overlayer, the porta-
ble life support system on the
back with oxygen purge system
on top, the remote control unit
fitting the chest, with Goertz
lunar surface camera attached,
and the lunar extravehicular
visor assembly. Lunar surface
boots are not shown.
Acting NASA Administrator George M. Low discontinued the quarantine
for future Apollo flights to the moon beginning with the Apollo 15 mis- Aprll
Change 1, 2)," April 26, 1971; ltr., Dale D. Myers, NASA Hq., to MSC Director, "Decision to
Terminate Quarantine," May 10, 1971 ; TWX, J. W. Humphreys, NASA Hq., "Discontinuance
James C. Fletcher was sworn in as NASA Administrator at a White House
ceremony. President Nixon had nominated him for the position on March 1,
and the Senate had confirmed the nomination on March 11. George M. Low,
NASA Deputy Administrator, had been Acting Administrator since the
resignation of Administrator Thomas O. Paine on September 15, 1970.
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1971 (NASA SP-4018, 1972), pp. 56-57, 59, 68, 69, 72, 114.
Lee B. James, Director of Program Management at MSFC, would leave for a
position in the academic community effective May 31, MSFC announced.
On June 1, J. T. Shepherd would assume the duties as Acting Director,
Program Management. James had been active in the space program since
MSFC Key Personnel Announcement, April 30, 1971; ltr., Eberhard F. M. Rees, MSFC, to
The Apollo Site Selection Board selected Descartes as the Apollo 16 site.
May However, after the selection, a discussion began as to whether the Kant or
5 Descartes region would be the better choice. NASA finally decided to go with
the original selection of the Board: Descartes would be the prime Apollo 16
Ltr., Lee R. Scherer, NASA Hq., to distr., "Apollo 16 and 17 Site Selection Discussions," May 5,
1971; TWX, Rocco A. Petrone, NASA Hq., to James A. McDivitt, MSC, et al., "Apollo 16
I.anding Site," June I l, 1971.
NASA was considering a plan for obtaining contamination measurements
on the remaining Apollo flights for use in Skylab planning. The plan
required photography on Apollo 15 of liquid dumps, limited magnitude
starfield, and window deposition photography. Apollo 16 and 17 would
carry instrumentation to measure cloud intensity and effects, deposits and
their effects, critical surfaces, particle count, surface charge potential, and
TWX, Leland F. Belew, MSFC, to William C. S(hneider and John Ft. Disher, NASA Hq.,
Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, James A. McDivin, and Ronald W. Kubicki, MSC, "Contamination
Measurements on Apollo," May 13, 1971; memo, l,eland F. Belew, MSFC, toASPOand Skvlab
Managers, MSC, "Background and Justification lot Apollo 16 Skylab Data Request " Sept'. 10,
Apollo 15 (AS-510) with astronauts David R. Scott, Alfred M. Worden, and
James B. Irwin aboard was launched from Pad A, Launch Complex 39, July 26-
KSC, at 9:34 a.m. EDT July 26. The spacecraft and S-IVB combination was
August 7
placed in an earth parking orbit 11 minutes 44 seconds after liftoff. Activities
during earth orbit and translunar injection (insertion into the trajectory for
Apollo 15 astronaut David Scott sits on the Rover awaiting his partner James Irwin
for the return to the LM Falcon with samples of rocks and soil. The view of a
portion of the Hadley-Apennine landing site shows the 4500-meter-high Mount
Hadley on the left, on which crewmen noted a layering feature.
1971 the moon) were similar to those of previous lunar landing missions.
July Translunar injection was at about 12:30 p.m., with separation of the CSM
from the LM/S-IVB/IU at 12:56 p.m. At 1:08 p.m., onboard color TV
showed the docking of the CSM with the LM.
S-IVB auxiliary propulsion system burns sent the S-IVB/IU stages toward
the moon, where they impacted the lunar surface at 4:59 p.m. EDT July 29.
The point of impact was 188 kilometers northeast of the Apollo 14 landing
site and 355 kilometers northeast of the Apollo 12 site. The impact was
detected by both the Apollo 12 and Apollo 14 seismometers, left on the moon
in November 1969 and February 1971.
After the translunar coast, during which TV pictures of the CSM and LM
interiors were shown and the LM communications and other systems were
checked, Apollo 15 entered lunar orbit at 4:06 p.m. EDT July 29.
The LM-10 Falcon, with astronauts Scott and Irwin aboard, undocked and
separated from the Endeavor (CSM 112) with astronaut Worden aboard. At
6:16 p.m. EDT July 30, theFalcon landed in the Hadley-Apennine region of
the moon 600 meters north-northwest of the proposed target. About two
hours later, following cabin depressurization, Scott performed a 33-minute
standup EVA in the upper hatch of the LM, during which he described and
photographed the landing site.
The first crew EVA on the lunar surface began at 9:04 a.m. July 31. The crew
collected and stowed a contingency sample, unpacked the ALSEP and other
experiments, and prepared the lunar roving vehicle (LRV) for operations.
Some problems were encountered in the deployment and checkout of the
LRV, used for the first time, but they were quickly resolved. The first EVA
traverse was to the Apennine mountain front, after which the ALSEP was
deployed and activated, and one probe of a Heat Flow experiment was
emplaced. A second probe was not emplaced until EVA-2 because of
drilling difficulties. The first EVA lasted 6 hours 33 minutes.
At 7:49 a.m. EDT August 1, the second EVA began. The astronauts made a
maintenance check on the LRV and then began the second planned traverse
of the mission. On completion of the traverse, Scott and Irwin completed the
placement of heat flow experiment probes, collected a core sample, and
deployed the American flag. They then stowed the sample container and the
film in the LM, completing a second EVA of 7 hours 12 minutes.
The third EVA began at 4:52 a.m. August 2, included another traverse, and
ended 4 hours 50 minutes later, for a total Apollo 15 lunar surface EVA time
of 18 hours 35 minutes.
While the lunar module was on the moon, astronaut Worden completed 34
lunar orbits in the CSM operating scientific instrument module experi-
ments and cameras to obtain data concerning the lunar surface and envi-
ronment. X-ray spectrometer data indicated richer abundance of aluminum
in the highlands, especially on the far side, but greater concentrations of
magnesium in the maria. July
Liftoff of the ascent stage of the LM, the first one to be televised, occurred at
1:11 p.m. EDT August 2. About two hours later the LM and CSM
rendezvoused and docked, and film, equipment, and 77 kilograms of lunar
samples were transferred from the LM to the CSM. The ascent stage was
jettisoned and hit the lunar surface at 11:04 p.m. EDT August 2. Its impact
was recorded by the Apollo 12, Apollo 14, and Apollo 15 seismometers, left
on the moon during those missions. Before leaving the lunar orbit, the
spacecraft deployed a subsatellite, at 4:13 p.m. August 4, in an orbit of 141.3
by 102 kilometers. The satellite would measure interplanetary and earth
magnetic fields near the moon. It also carried charged-particle sensors and
equipment to detect variations in lunar gravity caused by mascons (mass
Orbiting the moon, the Apollo 15 CSM Endeavor exposes its scientific instrument
module bay with instruments gathering lunar data. The solar corona just beyond
the lunar horizon was photographed from the CSM about one minute before
sunrise July 31, 1971. Three series of photos--man's first view of this part of the
sun's light--were made by astronaut Alfred Worden during his solo flight, while
his fellow crewmen explored the surface below. The bright object on the opposite
side of the frame is the planet Mercury. The bright star near the center is Regulus,
and smaller stars form the head of the constellation Leo.
MS(;, "Apollo 15 Mission Report" (MSC-05161), December 1971; MS(;, "Apollo 15 (AS-510)
Flight Summary," undated; TWX, H. F. Kurtz, MSFC, to C. M. Lee, NASA Hq., "Apollo 15
(AS-510) ttOSC Rep_Jrt," July 26, 1971; MSFC, "Saturn Evaluation Bulletin," No. I, 2, and 3,
Aug. 3, 1.3.27, 1971 ; hr.. Lee, "Mission I)iret lot's Summary Report, Al_fllo 15," Aug. 7, 1971 ;
KSC, "Apollo 15 Post-Launch Report," Aug. t2, 1971.
Major items of discussion during the Manned Space Flight Management
6-7 Council meeting in Washington were the Apollo 15 anomalies. These
included parachute collapse during landing, lunar module descent battery,
lunar surface drill, and steering mechanism on the LRV. Also discussed
were the Apollo 16 preparations and the feasibility of TV coverage of the
lunar rover during traverse.
The most likely cause of the parachute collapse was damage from burning
raw RCS fuel (monomethyl hydrazine) being expelled during depletion
firing. Corrective action included landing with reaction control system
propellants on board for a normal landing and biasing the propellant load
to a slight excess of oxidizer and increasing the time delay inhibiting the
rapid propellant dump, to avoid fuel contacting the parachute riser and
suspension lines during low-altitude-abort land landings.
Highlights of Manned Space Management Council Meeting," Oct. 18, 1971.
Some members of the Lunar Sample Review Board expressed concern that,
unless provisions were made to retain vital parts of the Apollo science
program for a number of years after the lunar landings were completed,
tangible returns from the lunar landings would be greatly diminished.
Three main areas of concern were the lunar sample analysis program, the
curatorial staff and facilities for care of the sample collection, and the lunar
geophysical stations and Apollo orbital science.
Ltr., William W. Rubey and Robert A. Phinney, Cochairmen, Lunar Sample Review Board, to
John E. Naugle, NASA Hq., Oct. 21, 1971.
A detailed objective assessment of the lunar roving vehicle (LRV) used on
18 the Apollo 15 mission indicated:
• Average speed during traverse was 9.3 kilometers per hour; 1971
maximum speed 13 kilometers per hour. Maximum slopes negotiated were November
up to 12 °. Braking distance was 4.6 meters from 10 kilometers per hour.
• The navigation system was extremely accurate.
• Forward visibility was generally excellent.
Ltr., Richard (;. Smith, MSFC, to ASP() Manager, "Al)ollo 15 ()bje_ rive Assessmenl Report,"
No','. 18, 1971, with end., "I.RV Detailed Objective Assessment.'"
A meeting was held at NASA Hq. to formulate a plan to provide the
National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) with the material required to 7
• Prepare index map overlays and frame indexes for all lunar photos
from command module and scientific instrument module cameras.
• Evaluate the photos in terms of the correctness of the exposure
settings and the visible effects of any camera malfunctions.
• Manage the preparation of the photo support data and camera
calibration data to ensure their suitability for the photogrammetric
reduction and subsequent analysis of the photographs.
• Manage the preparation of microfiche imagery of all command
module photographs and every third mapping camera photograph,
supplying masters and/or copies of the fiches to NSSDC.
• Provide paper prints to NSSDC for the preparation of lnicrofihn
imagery of the panoramic camera photographs.
Ltr., Rocco A. Petrone, NASA Hq., to .lames A. McDivitt, MSC, "Revised Apollo Photo Data
Package," Jan. 7, 1972.
Manned Spacecraft Center Robert R. Gilruth was appointed to the newly 1972
created position of NASA Director of Key Personnel Development. He
would integrate NASA planning to fill key positions, identify actual and
potential candidates, and guide them through appropriate work experience.
Sigurd A. Sjoberg was named Deputy Director of Manned Spacecraft Center.
Sjoberg succeeded Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., who was named Director of
MSC January 14.
MSC News Release 72-16, "Sjoberg Named Detmty Director of MSC," Jan. 18, 1972.
A directive establishing policy and procedure and assigning responsibilities
January governing articles to be included in astronaut preference kits flown on board
Apollo spacecraft was promulgated.
Memo, Dale D. Myers, NASA Hq., to Apollo Program Director, "Astronaut Preference Kits--
Apollo Missions," Jan. 19, 1972.
April The Apollo 16 (AS-511) space vehicle was launched from Pad A, Launch
16-27 Complex 39, KSC, at 12:54 p.m. EST April 16, with a crew of astronauts
John W. Young, Thomas K. Mattingly II, and Charles M. Duke, Jr. After
insertion into an earth parking orbit for spacecraft system checks, the
spacecraft and the S-IVB stage were placed on a trajectory to the moon at
3:28 p.m. CSM transposition and docking with the LM were achieved,
although a number of minor anomalies were noted.
Spacecraft operations were near normal during the coast to the moon.
Unexplained light-colored particles from the LM were investigated and
identified as shredded thermal paint. Other activities during the translunar
coast included a cislunar navigation exercise, ultraviolet photography of
the earth and moon, an electrophoresis demonstration, and an investigation
of the visual light-flash phenomenon noted on previous flights. Astronaut
Duke counted 70 white, instantaneous light flashes that left no after-glow.
Apollo 16 entered a lunar orbit of 314 by 107.7 kilometers at 3:22 p.m. April
19. After separation of LM-11 Orion from CSM 112 Casper, a CSM active
rendezvous kept the two vehicles close together while an anomaly discovered
on the service propulsion system was evaluated. Tests and analyses showed
the redundant system to be still safe and usable if required. The vehicles were
again separated and the mission continued on a revised timeline because of
the 5_-hour delay.
Apollo 16 astronaut Charles M. Duke, Jr., above left, collects lunar samples with
surface rake and tongs. John W. Young, standing on the edge of Plum Crater,
uses a geological hammer for more samples, having left the Rover on the other
side of the 40-meter crater. An oblique view of the moon's far side was
photographed from lunar orbit by a camera in the scientific instrument module
bay of the CSM. The most conspicuous feature is the smooth-floored
Kohlschutter Crater at upper center of the photo; about two-thirds of Mills Crater
is at bottom right. Back on earth in MSC's Mission Control Center, Apollo
Program Director Rocco A. Petrone (standing) and Dr. Gary Latham (kneeling),
from Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, examine a seismic reading of the
Saturn's third-stage impact on the lunar surface.
1972 The lunar module landed with Duke and Young in the moon's Descartes
Aprll region, about 230 meters northwest of the planned target area at 9:23 p.m.
EST April 20. A sleep period was scheduled before EVA.
The first extravehicular activity began at 11:59 a.m. April 21, after the eight-
hour rest period. Television coverage of surface activity was delayed until
the lunar roving vehicle systems were activated, because the steerable
antenna on the lunar module could not be used. The lunar surface
experiments packages were deployed, but accidental breaking of the
electronics cable rendered the heat flow experiment inoperable. After
completing activities at the experiments site, the crew drove the lunar roving
vehicle west to Flag Crater, where they performed the planned tasks. The
inbound traverse route was just slightly south of the outbound route, and
the next stop was Spook Crater. The crew then returned via the experiment,
station to the lunar module and deployed the solar wind composition
experiment. The duration of the extravehicular activity was 7 hours 11
minutes. The distance traveled by the lunar roving vehicle was 4.2
kilometers. The crew collected 20 kilograms of samples.
The second extravehicular traverse, which began at 11:33 a.m. April 92, was
south-southeast to a mare-sampling area near the Cinco Craters on Stone
Mountain. The crew then drove in a northwesterly direction, making stops
near Stubby and Wreck Craters. The last leg of the traverse was north to the
experiments station and the lunar module. The second extravehicular
activity lasted 7 hours 23 minutes. The distance traveled by the lunar roving
vehicle was 11.1 kilometers.
Four stations were deleted from the third extravehicular traverse, which
began 30 minutes early at 10:27 a.m. April 23 to allow extra time. The first
stop was North Ray Crater, where "House Rock" on the rim of the crater
was sampled. The crew then drove southeast to "Shadow Rock." The return
route to the LM retraced the outbound route. The third extravehicular
activity lasted 5 hours 40 minutes, and the lunar roving vehicle traveled 11.4
Lunar surface activities outside the LM totaled 20 hours 1B minues for the
mission. The total distance traveled in the lunar roving vehicle was 26.7
kilometers. The crew remained on the lunar surface 71 hours 14 minutes and
collected 96.6 kilograms of lunar samples.
While the lunar module crew was on the surface, Mattingly, orbiting the
moon in the CSM, was obtaining photographs, measuring physical
properties of the moon and deep space, and making visual observations.
Essentially the same complement of instruments was used to gather data as
was used on the Apollo 15 mission, but different areas of the lunar surface
were flown over and more comprehensive deep space measurements were
made, providing scientific data that could be used to validate findings from
Apollo 15 as well as add to the total store of knowledge of the moon and its
atmosphere, the solar system, and galactic space.
The SIM bay of the Apollo 16 scientific instrument module housed sensors and
experiments to gather data on the moon's atmosphere and surface, as well as a
subsatellite to be launched in lunar orbit. Gamma ray and mass spectrometer
sensors extended on a boom when in use.
The LM lifted off from the moon at 8:26 p.m. EST April 23, rendezvoused 1972
with the CSM, and docked with it in orbit. Young and Duke transferred to Aprll
the CSM with samples, film, and equipment, and the LM was jettisoned the
next day. LM attitude control was lost at jettison; therefore a deorbit
maneuver was not possible and the LM remained in lunar orbit, with an
estimated orbital lifetime of about one year.
The particles and fields subsatellite was launched into lunar orbit and
normal system operation was noted. However, the spacecraft orbital
shaping maneuver was not performed before ejection and the subsatellite
was placed in a non-optimum orbit that resulted in a much shorter lifetime
than the planned year. Loss of all subsatellite tracking and telemetry data on
the 425th revolution (May 29) indicated that the subsatellite had hit the
lunar surface.
The mass spectrometer deployment boom stalled during a retract cycle and
was jettisoned before transearth injection. The second plane-change
maneuver and some orbital science photography were deleted so that
transearth injection could be performed about 24 hours earlier than
originally planned.
Activities during the transearth coast phase of the mission included
photography for a contamination study for the Skylab program and
completion of the visual light-flash-phenomenon investigation that had
been partially accomplished during translunar coast. A 1-hour 24-minute
transearth extravehicular activity was conducted by command module pilot
Mattingly to retrieve the film cassettes from the scientific instrument module
cameras, inspect the equipment, and expose a microbial-response
experiment to the space environment. Two midcourse corrections were
made on the return flight to achieve the desired entry interface conditions.
Owen G. Morris was appointed Manager, Apollo Spacecraft Program
Office, at MSC. Morris, who had been Manager for the Lunar Module,
succeeded James A. McDivitt, who was appointed Special Assistant to the
Center Director for Organizational Affairs. Both appointments were
effective immediately.
MSC Announcement 72-70, "Key Personnel Assignment," April 28, 1972; MSC Announce-
ment 72-71, "Key Personnel Assignment," April 28, 1972.
May A tank cart at the San Diego Naval Air Station, defueling the Apollo 16
7 command module after its April 27 return from its mission to the moon,
exploded because of overpressurization. Forty-six persons suspected of
inhaling of toxic fumes, were hospitalized, but examination revealed no
symptoms of inhalation. An Apollo 16 Deactivation Investigation Board
completed its report on the accident June 30. The ratio of neutralizer to
oxidizer being detanked had been too low because of the extra oxidizer
retained in the CM tanks as a result of the Apollo 15 parachute anomaly.
Changes were made in ground support equipment and detanking procedure
to prevent future overpressurization.
Ltr., Scott H. Simpkinson, MSC, to Thomas J. Walker III, Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S.
Pacific Fleet, June 30, 1972; "Apollo 16 Mission Anomaly Report No. 1, Oxidizer Deservicing
Tank Failure" (MSC-07032), June 1972.
for any work on these spacecraft; and skills would not be retained 1972
specifically to work on them. June
Memos, Harry H. Gorman, NASA Hq., to Directors, Apollo Program and Skylab Program,
July 6, 1972; Myers to Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., MSC, "Storage and Utilization of Apollo
Command and Service Modules," Oct. 30, 1972; Itr., Kraft to Myers, NASA Hq., Sept. 27, 1972.
A meeting at NASA Hq. reviewed the proposed photographic and visual July
-Memo, George F. Esenwein, NASA Hq., to distr., "Apollo 17 CM Photographic and Visual
Observation Tasks," July 26, 1972.
The Lunar Science Institute's summer study on post-Apollo lunar science
arrived at a number of conclusions and recommendations. Some conclu-
sions were: Lunar science would evolve through three rather distinct
phases. For two years immediately following Apollo 17, high priority
would be given to collection, organization, and preliminary analysis of the
wealth of information acquired from the exploration of the moon. In the
next two years ( 1975 and 1976), emphasis would shift to a careful first look at
all the data. In the next years, investigations would be concentrated on key
During the Apollo 17 mission, MSC would be responsible for the medical
briefing at the mission reviews, would provide the medical staffing of the 26
Ltr., Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., MSC, to Dale D. Myers, NASA Hq., Sept. 26, 1972.
Apollo 17 (AS-512), the final Apollo manned lunar landing mission, was
launched from Pad A, Launch Complex 39, KSC, at 12:33 a.m. EST 7-19
December 7. Crew members were astronauts Eugene A. Cernan, Ronald E.
Evans, and Harrison H. Schmitt. The launch had been delayed 2 hours 40
minutes by a countdown sequencer failure, the only such delay in the
Apollo program caused by a hardware failure.
The first EVA began about 4 hours later (6:55 p.m.). Offloading of the lunar
roving vehicle and equipment proceeded as scheduled. The Apollo Lunar
Surface Experiment Package was deployed approximately 185 meters west
northwest of the Challenger. Astronaut Cernan drove the lunar roving
vehicle to the experiments deployment site, drilled the heat flow and deep
core holes, and emplaced the neutron probe experiment. Two geological
units were sampled, two explosive packages deployed, and seven traverse
gravimeter measurements were taken. During the 7-hour 12-minute EVA, 14
kilograms of samples were collected.
The second extravehicular activity began at 6:28 p.m. EST December 12.
Because of geological interest, station stop times were modified. Orange soil
was discovered and became the subject of considerable geological
discussion. Five surface samples and a double core sample were taken in the
area of the orange soil. Three explosive packages were deployed, seven
traverse gravimeter measurements were taken, and observations were
photographed. Samples collected totaled 34 kilograms during the 7 hours
and 37 minutes of the second EVA.
The third and final EVA began at 5:26 p.m. EST December 13. Specific
sampling objectives were accomplished. Samples--including blue-gray
breccias, fine-grained vesicular basahs, crushed anorthositic rocks, and
soils--weighed 66 kilograms. Nine traverse gravimeter measurements were
made. The surface electrical properties experiment was terminated. Before
reentering the LM, the crew selected a breccia rock to dedicate to the nations
represented by students visiting the Mission Control Center. A plaque on
the landing gear of the lunar module, commemorating all of the Apollo
lunar landings, was then unveiled. After 7 hours 15 minutes, the last Apollo
EVA on the lunar surface ended. Total time of the three EVAs was
Last Apollo mission to the moon:
Saturn V thrusts Apollo 17 into
flight in the first nighttime Apol-
lo launch. In explorations on the
lunar surface six days later,
astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt
was photographed by Eugene A.
Cernan as he studied the huge
split boulder found at the base of
North Massif during their third
EVA. After their liftoff to rejoin
the CSM and Ronald E. Evans in
orbit, and just after they entered
the return path for home, the N,_| MAN COmPL|ltO NIS _$T
graphed with one-third of its far WL_T|': PNT_a uv_$ OF *_L MAN_mD
While Ceman and Schmitt were exploring the lunar surface, Evans was
conducting numerous scientific activities in the CSM in lunar orbit. In
addition to the panoramic camera, the mapping camera, and the laser
altimeter, three new scientific instrument module experiments were
included in the Apollo 17 orbital science equipment. An ultraviolet
spectrometer measured lunar atmospheric density and composition; an
infrared radiometer mapped the thermal characteristics of the moon; and a
lunar sounder acquired data on the subsurface structure.
Challenger lifted off the moon at 5:55 p.m. EST December 14. Rendezvous
with the orbiting CSM and docking were normal. The two astronauts
transferred to the CM with samples and equipment and the LM ascent stage
was jettisoned at 1:31 a.m. December 15. Its impact on the lunar surface
about 1.6 kilometers from the planned target was recorded by fourApollo 17
geophones and the Apollo 12, 14, 15, and 16 seismometers emplaced on the
surface. The seismic experiment explosive packages that had been deployed
on the moon were detonated as planned and recorded on the geophones.
During the coast back to earth, Evans left the CSM at 3:27 p.m. EST
December 17 for a 1-hour 7-minute inflight EVA and retrieved lunar sounder
film and panoramic and mapping camera cassettes from the scientific
instrument module bay. The crew conducted the Apollo light-flash experi-
ment and operated the infrared radiometer and ultraviolet spectrometer.
MSC "Apollo 17 Mission Report," March 1973; MS(" "Apollo 17 (AS-512) Flight Summary,"
undated; KSC. "Apollo 17 Post-Launch Report" (RCS-76-0000-0048), Dec. 19, 1972.
Science stations set up on the lunar surface by Apollo astronaut crews,
Former President Lyndon B. Johnson--who as Senator had drafted the
National Aeronautical and Space Act of 1958 establishing NASA and as Vice Janua_
President had chaired the National Aeronautics and Space Council at the 22
time of the U.S. decision to land a man on the moon--died of a heart attack
in Austin, Tex., at the age of 64.
A letter Johnson had sent was read at the National Space Club's "Salute to
Apollo" in Washington, D.C., in the evening. Johnson commended the
"space pioneers who have made the Apollo miracle a living reality." He
said: "It has been more, so much more than an amazing adventure into the
unexplored and the unknown. The Apollo Program... will endure as a
monument to many things, to the personal courage of some of the finest
men our nation has ever produced, to the technological and managerial
capability which is the genius of our system and to a successful cooperation
among nations which has proved to us all what can be done when we work
together with our eyes on a glorious goal.
"I rate Apollo as one of the real wonders of the world and I am proud that my
country, through the exercise of great ability and daring leadership, has
given it as a legacy to mankind."
Washington Post, Jan. 23, 1973, p. A1 ; Congressional Record-Senate, Jan. 29, 1973, p. Si467;
transcript of proceedings, "Salute to Apollo," Jan. 22, 1973.
Ames Research Center requested that six R4D rocket engines designed for
use in the Apollo program be transferred from MSC to Ames. Possibly the
1973 engines would be suitable for the retro-injection function in the Pioneer
January Venus series of atmospheric probe and orbiter missions. First launch was
planned for early 1977.
Ltr., R. R. Nunamaker, Ames Research Center, to M. A. Faget, MSC, "Apollo surplus R4D
rocket engines for Pioneer Venus," Jan. 26, 1973.
The Manned Spacecraft Center was renamed the Lyndon B. Johnson Space
17 Center by Public Law 93-8. The late President's interest and support of the
space program began while he was Chairman of the Senate Committee on
Aeronautical and Space Sciences and continued during his tenure as Vice
President and President (see January 22).
MS(: Announcement 73-34, "Renaming of the Manned Spacecraft Center," Feb. 27, 1973.
The Apollo Spacecraft Program Office, with Glynn S. Lunney as Manager,
6 was reorganized. Lunney was also Manager for ASTP (Apollo/Soyuz Test
Project), an assignment to which he had been appointed in June of 1972.
JSC Announcement 73-37, "Reorganization of the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office," March
6, 1973; MSC Announcement 72-98, "Key Personnel Assignments," June 26, 1972; ltr.,
Christopher C. Kraft, Jr. IS(;, to Dale D. Myers, NASA Hq., March 2, 1973.
A Lunar Programs Office, under which the Lunar Data Analysis and
Synthesis Program would be conducted, was established in the Office of
Space Science, NASA Hq. The office was responsible for continued
operation and collection of data from the Apollo lunar surface experiment
packages and the Apollo 15 subsatellite; Apollo surface and orbital science
data analysis by principal investigators; development of selenodetic,
cartographic, and photographic products; continued lunar laser ranging
experiment; continued lunar sample analysis; lunar supporting research
and technology; and advanced program studies.
National Air and Space Museum Director Michael Collins advised JSC that
7 NASM had established a center for research and study with responsibility for
a complete library of lunar photos to document scientific results of the
Apollo missions. The library would be used for original research and for
planning and updating scientific parts of exhibits.
Apollo Soyuz Test Project Program Director Chester M. Lee, Office of
Manned Space Flight, NASA Hq., was assigned as the management official
to take actions necessary for the final phaseout of the Apollo program. All
Apollo program inquiries, activities, and actions not covered by specific
delegations of authority would be referred to Lee for appropriate decision
and disposition.
NASA Notice 8020, "Apollo Program Phaseout Activities," Aug. 27, 1973.
A stained glass window de-
signed to contain a 7.18-
gram rock from the Moon's
Sea of Tranquility was
dedicated at the Washing-
ton Cathedral in a July 21,
1974, service marking the
fifth anniversary of the
Apollo 11 lunar landing.
Former NASA Administra-
tor Thomas O. Paine donat-
ed the window, designed by
St. Louis artist Rodney
Winfield with whirling
stars and orbiting planets in
orange, red, and white on a
deep blue and green field--
an abstract interpretation of
man's spiritual reflections
in space. The rock would be
set in place later.
With the support of the trustees of the Washington Cathedral, Francis B.
Sayre and Thomas O. Paine commissioned a large stained glass Space November
Window to be installed in the south wall of the nave, the main auditorium of
the Cathedral. The window would be 5.4 meters high by 2.7 meters wide.
The center of the window would contain an Apollo 11 lunar sample 2
centimeters in diameter.
Ltrs., Paine, former NASA Administrator, to President Nixon, Nov. 2, 1973; Paine to J. IS:.
Fletcher, NASA Hq., Nov. 2, 1973 ; Nixon to Paine, Jan. 14, 1974 ; G. P. Chandler, NASA t tq., to
E. A. Cernan, MSC, Jan. 23, 1974; Fletcher to C. C. Kraft, Jr., MS(;, Feb. 5, 1974.
Universal Studios filmed a program for the ABC TV Network entitled,
"Houston, We've Got a Problem." Although fictitious, the show revolved Januaw
around mission control and the flight controllers during the Apollo 13
mission. The production was televised March 2, 1974. the
Memo, John P. Donnelly, NASA Hq., to Deputy Administrator, Feb. 21, 197't.
Memo, John P. Donnelly, NASA Hq., to the Administrator and Deputy Administlator, "Status
Report on Presentation of Atx_llo 17 Lunar Plaques," March ,t, 197.t.
1974 In recognition of the fifth anniversary of the Apollo 11 flight, which landed
the first men on the moon, President Nixon proclaimed the period July 16
through July 24 as United States Space Week, stating: "The knowledge to be
gained from space will lead to scientific, technological, medical and
industrial advances which cannot be fully perceived today. In time man may
take for granted in the heavens such wonders as we cannot imagine--just as
superhighways across America would amaze the Puritans of 1620 or
transatlantic flights would astound those who passed on the legend of
Icarus. But we know that a beginning has been made that will affect the
course of human life forever."
Presidential Proclamation 4303, "United States Space Week, 1974," July 13, 1974.
LC Launch Complex
LEM lunar excursion module
LeRC Lewis Research Center
LES launch escape system
LGI lunar geology investigation
LION Lunar International Observer Network
LLRF Lunar Landing Research Facility
LLRV lunar landing research vehicle
LLTV lunar landing training vehicle
LM lunar module
LMP lunar module pilot
LMS lunar module simulator
LMSS lunar mapping and survey system
LOI lunar orbit insertion
LOLA lunar orbit and landing approach
LOX liquid oxygen
LRL Lunar Receiving Laboratory
LRV lunar roving vehicle
LSI Lunar Science Institute
LTA lunar module test article
m meter(s)
mascons mass concentrations of dense material on lunar surface
Mc megacycles
MCC (H) (K) Mission Control Center (Houston) (Kennedy)
MCP mission control programmer
MCR master change record
MDF mild detonating fuse
MDOP maximum design operating pressure
MET mobile equipment transporter
MeV million electron volts
MHz megahertz (million cycles per second)
min minute(s)
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
NASM National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution
mm millimeter
MMH monomethylhydrazine
MOL Manned Orbiting Laboratory
MRB Material Review Board
MSC Manned Spacecraft Center (became Johnson Space Center February 1973)
MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
MSFN Manned Space Flight Network
MSOB Manned Spacecraft Operations Building
M&SS Mapping and survey system
Mw megawatt(s)
NAA North American Aviation, Inc. (until Sept. 22, 1967)
NAR (NR) North American Rockwell Corporation (Sept. 22, 1967-Feb. 16, 1973; then
Rockwell International Corporation)
NAA !:::::!!::!::ili
i ::i:iLockheed
system Launch escape motor I
Aeronca uardt ]
_;anels s_MRcs ....... I
NAA :;
: : Pratt Fuel
and Whitney
cell :iii:.i Service module
[_!ii ! !iNAAiii
[ IUtApollo adapters ....... s/MJe!:Generalengine
i: Ma rq ua rdt i!i!i;iiiiiiiii!iiiii
i : Bell Aerospace
Environmentalcontrol and Rocketdyne
LM ascent stage
[ NAAIRocketdyne;!i
I and Space Tech Lab!::.
iii :i:i:}: RC_AI :
1C_-_ _ ....... LM guidance
C-->-. _..J
' ;i;
.Honeywe!! C£mpany.i_iiii ic9_U_i_i_ad!_9`_i_i_::_ii;_:i!i:ii!_ii_ii_i_i_:_i_i_.Li_n_k_
iii:_ .A.!r.c,:ari..ii;iii;ii
Spacecraft mission Supercritical gas RCS positive
Stabilization, control Telecommunications simulators storage iexpulsion fuel tanks
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16. Verify prelaunch and launch support equipment compatibility with launch
vehicle and spacecraft systems.
1. Demonstrate CSM/SLA/LTA/Saturn V structural compatibility and determine
spacecraft loads in a Saturn V launch environment.
2. Determine the dynamic and thermal responses of the SLA/CSM structure in the
Saturn V launch environment.
3. Determine the force inputs to the simulated LM from the SIJA at the spacecraft
attachment structure in a Saturn V launch environment.
4. Obtain data on the acoustic and thermal environment of the SLA/simulated LM
interface during a Saturn V launch.
5. Determine vibration response of LM descent-stage engine and propellant tanks in
a Saturn V launch environment.
6. Evaluate the thermal and structural performance of the Block II thermal
protection system, including effects of cold soak and maximum thermal gradient
when subjected to the combination of a high heat load and a high heating rate
representative of lunar return entry.
7. Demonstrate an SPS no-ullage start.
8. Determine performance of the SPS during a long-duration burn.
9. Verify the performance of the SM/RCS thermal control subsystem and engine
thermal response in the deep space environment.
10. Verify the thermal design adequacy of the CM/RCS thrusters and extensions
during simulated lunar return entry.
11. Evaluate the thermal performance of a gap and seal configuration simulating the
unified crew hatch design for heating conditions anticipated during lunar return
12. Verify operation of the heat rejection system throughout the mission.
13. Evaluate the performance of the spacecralt emergency detection subsystem (EDS)
in the open-loop configuration.
14. Demonstrate the performance of CSM/MSFN S-band communications.
15. Measure the integrated skin and depth radiation dose within the command module
up to an altitude of at least 3700 kin.
Primary Objectives
1. Demonstrate the structural and thermal integrity and compatibility of the launch
vehicle and spacecraft, confirm launch loads and dynamic characteristics (partially
2. Demonstrate separation of:
a. S-II from S-IC (dual plane).
b. S-IVB from S-II.
3. Verify operation of the following launch vehicle subsystems: propulsion
(including S-IVB restart), guidance and control (optimum injection), and
electrical system (partially accomplished).
4. Evaluate performance of the space vehicle EDS in a closed-loop configuration
5. Demonstrate mission support facilities and operations required for launch,
mission conduct, and CM recovery (accomplished).
14. Obtain television coverage during the lunar stay period (accomplished).
15. Obtain photographic coverage during the lunar stay period (accomplished).
NOTE: CapCom (capsule communicator) assignments are listed as they appeared in the
manning documents (by shift), not as they might have been heard in chronological sequence
during flight.
*On this four-shift flight, Dickie K. Warren, James O. Rippey, James L. Lewis, and Michael R.
Wash were backup CapComs. This was the first time in the American manned space flight
program that this position was filled by non-astronaut personnel.
**Swigert moved from the backup to the prime crew at the last minute, when command
module pilot Mattingly was exposed to a contagious disease.
SOURCE: Mission reports, news releases, NASA Astronauts (NASA EP-34, Washington, 1967),
and manning documents issued before each mission by the JSC Flight Operations
Directorate and written, for the most part, by Cecil E. Dorsey.
[Compiled by F. B. ttopson,
Administrative and Program Support Directorate, NASA]
Original budget re- NASA: $4 575 900 Command and service
quest--no supple- Apollo: 2 997 385 modules: $ 615 000
mental for prior fiscal Lunar excursion module: 310 800
year Guidance and navigation: 115 000
Integration, reliability,
Fiscal budget appro- NASA: 4 511 644 and checkout: 34 400
priation-no supple- Apollo: 2 967 385 Spacecraft support: 95 400
mental for prior fiscal Saturn I: 800
year Saturn IB : 274 185
Saturn V: 1 177 32O
Engine development: 134 095
Apollo mission support: 210 385
Original budget re- NASA: $4 246 600 Command and service
quest Apollo: 2 974 200 modules: $ 560 400
Lunar excursion module: 472 500
Fiscal budget appro- NASA: 4 175 100 Guidance and navigation: 76 654
priation Apollo: 2 916 200 Integration, reliability,
and checkout: 29 975
Spacecraft support: 110 771
Saturn IB : 236 600
Saturn V: 1 135 600
Engine development: 49 800
Apollo mission support: 243 900
Original budget re- NASA: $4 324 500 Command and service
quest including Fis- Apollo: 2 606 500 modules: $ 455 300
cal Year 1967 supple- Lunar excursion module: 3 9 600
mental Guidance and navigation: 113 000
Original budget re- NASA: $3 677 20O Command and service
quest Apollo: 2 O38 800 modules: 346 000
Lunar excursion module: 326 000
Fiscal budget appro- NASA: 3 193 559 Guidance and navigation: 43 900
priation Apollo: 2 025 000 Integration, reliability,
and checkout: 65 100
Spacecraft support: 121 800
Saturn IB : 41 347
Saturn V: 534 453
Manned Space Flight
Operations: 546 400
Original budget re- NASA: $3 168 900 Command and service
quest including Fis- Apollo: 1 651 100 modules: $ 282 821
cal Year 1969 reserve Lunar excursion module: 231 433
Guidance and navigation: 33 866
Fiscal budget appro- NASA: 3 113 765 Science payloads : 60 094
priation including Apollo: 1 686 145 Spacecraft support: 170 764
Fiscal Year 1969 re- Saturn V : 484 439
serve Manned Space Flight
Operations: 422 728
Original budget re- NASA: $2 606 100 Flight modules: 245 542
quest Apollo: 956 500 Science payloads: 106 194
Ground support: 46 411
Fiscal budget appro- NASA: 2 555 000 Saturn V: 189 059
priation Apollo: 913 669 Manned Space Flight
Operations: 314 963
Advance development: 11 500
Original budget re- NASA: $2 517 700 Flight modules: $ 55 033
quest Apollo: 612 200 Science payloads: 52 100
Ground support: 31 659
Fiscal budget appro- NASA: 2 507 7O0 Saturn V: 142 458
priation Apol lo: 601 200 Manned Space Flight
Operations: 307 450
Advance development: 12 500
Original budget re- NASA: $2 600 900 Spacecraft: $ 50 400
quest Apollo: 128 700 Saturn V: 26 300
[From "Manned Space Flight Report: Block I! Spacecraft" in House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Subcommittee on
NASA Oversight, Investigation into Apollo 204 Accident: Hearings, 90th Cong., 1st sess, 3, no. 4, May 10, 1967, 223-35.]
Structure :
Command module Docking provisions, mechanism, and hatch
Extravehicular capability
CM/SM mechanical connection
Scientific airlock available
Service moaule Propellant tanks
Empty bay
Internal rearrangement
Structural redesign
Radiator areas
RCS mounting panels
Propulsion :
Service module
propulsion system Mixture ratio
Thrust chamber
Gimbal actuator
Service module
reaction control Propellant capacity
Monomethylhydrazine fuel
Crew support :
Environmental control
system Redundant cooling loop
Radiator design and area
Spacesuit Apollo suit
Extravehicular capability
Displays and controls Panel structure
Electroluminescent lighting
Entry monitor system
Power and communication:
Electrical power
system Radiator area
Distribution bus added
Cable harnessing
Pyrotechnic initiator
Wire deadfacing at separation
Unified S-band Primary mode for all communications
Simultaneous data and tape dump or TV
Electrical redundancy
Voice VHF Redundant and duplex
Guidance and control:
Guidance and navigation Digital autopilot
Computer repackaged
Electronics repackaged
Navigation base support
Stabilization and
control system Revised interface
Electronics repackaged
Redundant attitude display
Atmospheric entry and
touchdown :
Heatshield Redistributed ablative thickness
Truncated apex
Umbilical location
Flush antennas
Article Test Purpose
Article Test Purpose
The lunar surface experiments were of two kinds: (1) The Apollo Lunar Surface
Experiments Package (ALSEP) systems, which were left on the lunar surface by the astronauts
and which continued sending telemetry data until turned off Sept. 30, 1977, and (2)
experiments conducted on the lunar surface by the astronauts and returned to earth in the
command module. The dates and lunar coordinates are given in the following listing. The
ALSEP-related experiments are listed next, by experiment number, with Apollo mission
Apollo 12: TheApollo 12 ALSEP was deployed on November 19, 1969, at latitude 3°11' S,
longitude 23023 ' W in Oceanus Procellarum.
Apollo 13: Because of service module problems, a lunar landing was not accomplished
during the Apollo 13 mission.
Apollo 14: The ALSEP was deployed on February 5, 1971, at latitude 3040 ' S, longitude
17027 ' W in the Fra Mauro formation.
Apollo 15: The ALSEP was deployed July 31,1971, at latitude 26006 ' N, longitude 3039 ' E
in the Hadley-Apennine region.
Apollo 16: The ALSEP was deployed April 21, 1972, at latitude 8°59'34" S, longitude
15030'47 " E in the Descartes Highlands.
Apollo 17: The ALSEP was deployed on December 12, 1972, at latitude 20009'55 " N,
longitude 30045'57" E in the Taurus-Littrow region.
Apollo Mission
Number Experiment
12 14 15 16 17
Apollo Mission
Number Experiment
12 14 15 16 17
Most of the lunar orbital experiments were added to the Apollo program during missions
15, 16, and 17. The objectives of these experiments were to determine and understand regional
variations in the chemical composition of the lunar surface, to study the gravitational field of
the moon, to determine the induced and permanent magnetic fields of the moon, and to make a
detailed study of the morphology and albedo of the lunar surface. These experiments and the
missions during which they were performed are listed in the following table.
Apollo Mission
Number Experiment
12 14 15 16 17
Apollo Mission
Number Experiment
12 14 15 16 17
The principal investigators for the lunar surface and lunar orbital experiments are listed
by experiment numbers. The lunar surface group is listed first.
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CSM. See CSM 017.
designation, 100, 130
launch, 116, 172-73 il., 384
AAP missions (see also Apollo Applications program)
LTA-10R, 172
AAP-I, 100
objectives, 172, 402-03
AAP-2, 100
recovery, 172, 173 il.
Abbey, George W. S., 101, 219, 238 results, iii, 179, 384
Abort, mission
Apollo 5 (AS-204/LM-1), 153 il., 162, 191
Apollo 13, 264, 330 i!.-37, 338-40
alternate mission plans, 196
crew training, 203, 269
checkout and readiness, 143
high-altitude, 246
designation, 97, 100, 130
launch, 62, 170, 203, 254
flight readiness review, 181
LM landing, 270
launch, 116, 196, 384
near-pad, 163, 180-81, 269
launch date, 193
pad, 62, 147, 170, 198, 269
LM. See LM-I.
studies, 14-15, 21, 22, 62, 208, 269
objectives, 170-71, 196, 403
time-critical, 14-15
results, 384
AC Electronics Div. See General Motors Corp.
schedule difficulties, 153-54
Adair, Rear Adm. J., 44
Apollo 6 (see also AS-502), 179, 222
Adams, Mac C., 158
Abort and Alternate Mission Study, 208
Adams, T. Jefferson, 73, 87
Aerojet-General Corp., 212-13, 328, 372 adapter failure, 269
CSM. See CSM 020.
Aeronca, Inc., 260, 372
debris hazard, 208
Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, 361
Aeronutronic Div. See Philco Corp. designation, 130
flight readiness review, 181, 207, 210
Aerospace Corp., 21, 185
J-2 engine failure, 215-16, 222, 232
Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel, 332-35
Aerospace Safety Research and Data Institute, 337 launch, 117, 215-16 il.-17, 384-85
launch date, 52, 68-69, 171, 210, 215, 222
Agriculture, Department of, 151, 165
Aircraft, 277 LTA-2R, 207, 215-17
B-52, 192, 213 objectives, 52, 171, 183, 217, 404
C-133A, 169 results, 217, 384-85
pogo problems, 215, 222, 233-34, 237, 242
helicopter, 277, 287, 309, 322, 332
Saturn V, 117, 191, 215-16 il.-17, 222
Pregnant Guppy, 42
Super Guppy, 35 Apollo 7 (see also AS-205), iv, vi, 140, 191, 222
AiResearch Div. See Garrett Corp. adapter panel, 268-69
Air Force. See U.S. Air Force. Block II CSM (see also CSM 101), 80, 117, 232-
Air Force Systems Command (AFSC), 21 33, 258 il.-59
Airite Div., Sargent Industries, 252, 267, 372 constraints, weather, 254
Aldrin, Edwin E., Jr., 264, 304-08 il.-10, 375, 381, 389, crew, 41-42, 116, 133, 257-58 il., 385, 408
4O8 Crew Safety Review Board, 253, 254
Algranti, Joseph S., 224, 264, 272 critical action items, 257
Allen, Maj. Gen. Brooke F., 220 Design Certification Review, 241-42
Allen, H. Julian, 34 earth-orbital mission, 238-40, 257-59
Allen, Joseph P., 409 first manned flight, iv, vi, 88, 110, 117, 126-27,
Aller, Robert O., 140 139, 140, 385
Alley, C. O., 130 flight readiness review, 233, 241-42, 251, 253, 254
Allison Div., General Motors Corp., 252, 267, 372 fuel cells, 259
America. See Apollo 17 and CSM 114. Hurricane Gladys, 259 il.
American Bosch Arma Corp., Arma Div., 37-38 integrated system testing, 242
American Broadcasting Co., 363 launch, 117, 257-59, 385
Ames Research Center, 9, 33-34, 161, 269, 361-62 objectives, 88, 240, 259, 404
Anders, William A., 56, 224, 243, 275, 374, 386, 408 CSM/S-IVB rendezvous, 88, 123, 139, 140,
Anderson, Sen. Clinton P., 340 142, 258, 404
Anderson, Frank W., Jr., xiv operational philosophy, 254
Anderson, Robert, 338 optical rendezvous, 259
Ann Arbor, Mich., 138 orbital rendezvous maneuvers, 258
Antares. See Apollo 14 and LM-8. reaction control system, 231, 258
Apollo 1. See AS-204 and Apollo 204 Review Board. records, 374
Apollo I-A (rejected number). See AS-201. recovery, 258 il., 259, 385
Apollo 2 (rejected number). See AS-202. results, iv, vi, 240, 259, 268, 385
Apollo 3 (rejected number). See AS-203. service propulsion system, 231, 258
Apollo 4 (see also AS-501), 156, 191, 217, 222 flight combustion stability monitor, 231
ad hoc Safety Group, 146 S-IVB stage (see also objectives), 257-58
checkout and readiness, 143 TV, llve, 117, 218, 258-59, 385
Apollo 8 (see also AS-503), iv, vi, 191 Apollo 10 (see also AS-505), iv
AS-503/CSM 103/LM-3, 162, 168, 222-23, 237 CM tunnel insulation, 306
mission D canceled, 242-43 crew, 291, 296-98, 388--89, 408
crew, 56, 243, 275, 386, 408 crew compartment fit and function test, 292
crew recovery briefing, 272 CSM Charlie Brown. See CSM 106.
CSM. See CSM 103. designation, 268
distance from earth, 314 experiment support facilities, 295
earth orbital possibility, 238 flight readiness test, 289, 292
final countdown, 273 fuel cells, 279
final flight plan, 272 launch, 264, 296-98, 388-89
fogging effect, 279 Launch Complex 39, Pad B, 289, 296
helicopter, 277 launch preparations, 273, 279, 289
launch, 264, 275-77, 386 launch readiness date, 279, 289, 294
escape system, 255 LM Snoopy. See LM-4.
pad, 255, 262, 275 LM-CSM separation and docking, 296-97 il.-98,
preparations, 237, 242-44, 253, 255, 262, 268-- 388-89
69, 272-73 lunar orbit mission, iv, 171, 264, 282, 291, 296-97
schedule, 239, 243, 246, 253, 268 il.-98, 388-89
LM-3 problems (see also LM-3), 242 mission plan, iv, 298
LTA-B, 175, 239, 243-44, 268-69 objectives, iv, 264, 298, 299-300, 405
mission, lunar orbit, iv, 117, 168, 171, 179, 237--41, records, 374
264, 271, 275-76 il.-77, 386 recovery, Pacific, 264, 298
decision, 117, 241 results, 298, 388
Mission Control Center test, 272 S-IC stage, 293-94
MSFN test, 272 S-IVB stage, 296, 299-300
objectives, iv, 57-58, 168, 179, 242-43, 277, 404 SA-505, 282
records, 314, 374 schedule, 171, 282, 291
recovery, 264, 276 il., 277 spacecraft docking test, 279
results, 277, 386 translunar insertion dispersions, 299
rollout, 253, 255 il. TV, color, 264, 296-98, 302
S-IC stage refueling, 272
Apollo 11 (AS 506), iv-v, 295, 314, 337, 364
Saturn V launch vehicle, 222, 242, 244, 247, 255
anniversary, 265, 337, 363 il., 364
il., 264, 268-69, 301, 386
CM postflight security, 310
service module, 277
crew, 264, 304, 305, 389, 408
reaction control system, 268, 275
training, 272, 299-300, 301,303-05
service propulsion system, 271, 272, 276
CSM Columbia. See CSM 107.
spacecraft hoisting loop, 283
distance from earth, 314
special task team, 268-69
erectable antenna, 256, 294
TV, 275-77, 386
EVA, 59-60, 155, 168, 207, 245-46, 247, 256,
Apollo 9 (see also AS-504), iv 260-61, 307-08 il., 324, 375, 389, 405-06
Atlantic Ocean recovery, 264, 282, 287 experiments, 142-43, 155, 245-49, 256, 261, 280,
computer delay, 279 295, 301-03, 307-08 il., 310, 312-13, 361 il.
countdown, 284
first men on moon, iv, v, xiv, 264, 304, 307, 389
test, 285 il. flags, 307-08 il., 314
crew, 243, 278, 286-87, 289, 387, 408 flight readiness test, 301
CSM Gumdrop. See CSM 104. launch, 264, 306-08 il.-10, 389
designation, 268 launch preparations, 301-05
EVA, 264, 286, 287 i1., 374, 388, 405 LM Eagle. See LM-5.
flight readiness test, 279 lunar dust, 325
launch, 264, 286-87, 387-88 lunar samples, 155, 261, 265, 307, 313, 326 il.,
launch preparations, 237, 262, 273, 278, 279, 281, 363
285 il. analyses, 264, 313, 326
LM Spider. See LM-3. management debriefing, 311
LM--CSM separation, rendezvous, and docking, iv, mission activities, 155, 246, 247, 261, 306-08 il.-09
264, 286, 287 il., 289, 388 il.-10, 324, 389
mission, manned orbital, iv, 171, 243-44, 264, 282, mobile quarantine facility, 302, 303, 309
284, 286-87 il., 291, 387-88 Nixon, President, talk with, 307
modifications, 279 objectives, v, 261, 264, 282, 310, 405-06
objectives, iv, 243-44, 264, 287, 404-05 oscillations, 294
records, 374 quarantine, 305-06, 309, 310, 312
results, 264, 288-89, 291, 387-88 records, 302-03, 314, 375
rollout, 278 recovery, 264, 282, 304, 307, 309
schedule, 170-71, 282 results, 310, 389
software integration test, 278 stereo camera, 293, 311
thermal vacuum test, 278 Tranquility Base, 307-08 il., 313, 361 il., 389
training, 278, 281 translunar insertion dispersions, 299
TV, 273, 277, 286 TV, color, 264, 302, 306-07
Apollo 14 (AS-509), v
Apollo 12 (AS-507), v, 171
achievements (see also objectives), 342--43
ALSEP, v, 295, 319, 332, 361 il., 400, 420-25
ALSEP, v, 342, 361 il., 400, 420-25
biological isolation garment, 317, 322
anomalies, 341
crew, 319, 391, 408
Crater Censorinus, tentative landing area, 311
problems, 323, 324
crew, 338 il., 340 il., 341-343 il., 394, 409
program/project debriefing, 323
scientific debriefing, 327 CSM Kitty Hawk. See CSM I10.
docking difficulty, 341
CSM Yankee Clipper. See CSM 108.
EVA, v, 265, 341-43 il., 375-76, 394, 406
EVA, 264, 295, 316, 319-20 il.-21, 324, 375, 391,
flight readiness review, 341
Fra Mauro landing site, 265, 341-43 il., 361 il.,
experiments, 295, 301, 319-20 il., 332, 361 il., 400,
hold for weather, 341
film, 315, 321, 326
launch, v, 265, 341-43, 394
guidance and navigation control system, 318
LM Antares. See LM-8.
helicopter, 322
lunar samples, 341-43, 394
launch, 264, 319-22, 391
mission activities, 341-43 il., 394
launch preparations, 293, 318
mobile equipment transporter, v, 265, 338 il., 342,
lightning, 319, 328, 391
343 il. 394
LM Intrepid. See LM-6.
objectives, v, 342, 406-07
lunar dust, 323, 324
oxygen storage system, 33940
lunar samples, 264, 295, 313, 320-21, 393
photography of Descartes region, 342
mission activities, 295, 315, 319-20 il., 322, 391
pre-liftoff readiness review, 341
mobile quarantine facility, 318, 321 il., 322
quarantine, 342
objectives, v, 282, 322, 406
records, 375
Ocean of Storms (Oceanus Procellarum), 311,
recovery, 265, 342, 343 il., 394
319-320 il., 361 il., 391
results, 342-43, 394
onboard camera, 315
S-IVB lunar impact, 341
oxygen purge system, 319
schedule, 311, 325, 338
proposed lunar landing site, 300
seismometer, 342, 348, 349, 352, 358, 360
quarantine, 322
TV, 340-42
records, 316, 375
recovery, 264, 282, 322, 391 Apollo 15 (AS-510), v
results, 322, 332, 391 ALSEP, 295, 344 il., 348, 361 il., 400, 420-25
schedule, 282, 311 anomalies, 350
scientific payload weight, 292 Apollo 16 redesignated 15, 338
seismometer, 329, 341, 342, 348, 349, 352, 358, color TV, 347
360 crew, 344 il., 347 ii.-50, 395, 409
Surveyor III, parts retrieval, 264, 300, 315, 318, crew quarantine discontinued, 345
321, 391 CSM Endeavor. See CSM 112.
TV, 319-22 EVA, v, 265, 345 il., 346, 347 ii.-49, 376, 396,
Velcro use, 300 407
Apollo 13 (AS-508), v, vi, vii, 363 extravehicular mobility unit (EMU), 345 il.
abort, v, 264, 330 il.-40, 392 Hadley-Apennine landing site, 265, 347 ii.-49, 361
ALSEP, 318 il., 396
crew, 329-32, 392, 409 launch, 265, 347-50, 395-96
CSM Odyssey. See CSM 109. LM Falcon. See LM-10.
Fra Mauro, tentative landing area, 311 lunar orbital science experiments, 348--49 il.
free return trajectory, 264, 331 lunar roving vehicle (Rover), 265, 346 il., 347
launch, 264, 329-32, 392 il.--48, 350-51, 396
launch readiness date, 293 lunar samples, 348-49, 396
LM Aquarius. See LM-7. Lunar Surface Science Project, 295
lunar sample photography list, 327 mission activities, v, 344, 346-47 il.-49 il.-50, 396
objectives, v, 406 objectives, v, 350, 407
oxygen tank failure, v, vi, vii, 264, 330 il.-339 photography, 344, 346, 348, 349 il., 396
il.-40, 392 quarantine, 265, 345
records, 375 records, 376
recovery, v, 264, 282, 331 il., 332, 392 recovery, 265, 350
results, 392 results, 350-51, 395-96
S-IVB lunar impact, 329 schedule, 311, 325, 338
schedule, 171, 282, 293, 311, 325 scientific instrument module, v, 349 il.-50, 396
soil thermometer, 318 seismometer, 349, 352, 358, 360
TV, 329, 363 subsatellite, 349, 362, 396
Apollo 13 Review Board televised lunar liftoff, 265, 349
established, 264, 332 Apollo 16 (AS-511), v
findings, 332-34 ALSEP, 354, 361 il., 398, 400, 420-25
recommendations, 334-35
anomalies, 352
actions initiated, 336-40
Apollo 15 experiment validation, 354
MSC actions, 338--40
No. 18, Integration Analysis, 74, 86, 103, 107, radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG ; SNAP-
133 27), 56-57, 138-39, 146-47, 170, 214, 234, 319
No. 19, Safety of Investigation Operations, 66, sample collections (see also Apollo 11-17 and Lunar
74 samples), 143, 155, 207, 230, 245-46, 272, 295
No. 20, Inflight Fire Emergency Provisions weight, 60, 102, 138, 142, 214
Review, 71, 74, 85-86 Apollo Mission Planning Task Force, 21
No. 21, Service Module Disposition, 73, 74, Apollo Mission Simulator (AMS). See Simulators.
86-87 Apollo Orbital Science Photographic Team, 322
recommendations, 78, 79, 110-14, 124-25 Apollo program, iv, vi
reviews of findings, 124-25 budget, 2, 11, 16, 127, 150, 205, 289, 325-26, 338,
SM 012 disposition, 75
task panels. See panels. change control, iii, 44, 128, 144, 157-58, 192-93,
witness statements, 71, 83-86 204-05, 223-24, 236-37, 250, 257, 288
communications. See Communications.
Apollo Applications program (AAP), 25, 27, 30-31,
33, 40, 47, 100, 228-29, 315
Apollo Crew Safety Review Board, 246-47, 254, 256, crew safety, 22-23, 79-81, 110, 126-28, 144,
269 146-47, 159, 180-81, 196-98, 203, 207-08,
229, 236-37, 241
Apollo Design Certification Review, 20, 42-43, 47, 149,
mission success, 110, 127-28, 146-47, 160,
181-82, 202, 232-33, 236-37, 241-42
Apollo Entry Performance Review Board, 160-61
Apollo Executive Committee, Apollo 8 decision, 240-41 costs, vi, 2, 16, 41, 127, 163, 289, 306, 410-11
Apollo Experiment Pallet program, 18, 37 CSM/LM configuration differences, 196
definition of program termination, 205
Apollo Failure Contingency Plan, 68
Apollo Guidance Software Task Force. See Software Design Certification Review Board. See Apollo
Task Force. Design Certification Review.
Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP; first manned flight, iii, iv, vi, 2, 42, 47, 51 il, 110,
see also Experiments and Appendix 9), 155, 205, 261, 117, 126-27, 139, 140, 218, 254, 257-59
282, 295, 357, 361 il., 362 flight requirements before lunar landing, 123
ALSEP I, v key program decisions, 191, 361
ALSEP II, v, 102 management assignments, 13-14, 30-31, 152-53
ALSEP III, 102 manned flight planning, iii, 2, 29-31, 41-42, 69,
ALSEP IV, 102 81-83, 126-27, 138-40, 170, 182, 191, 218,
Apollo 12 ALSEP status, 332 242-43, 254, 264, 382
Array A-2, 295 two-burn lunar orbit insertion, 26-27, 232, 241
mission schedule, 12, 68-69, 163, 170-71, 191, 222,
Array B, 102, 131-32
contract, 13, 57, 131-32, 138-39, 295, 302 242-43, 311, 325-36
deletion from early missions, 245-46, 247-49, 261 objectives (see also Apollo missions and Appendix
deployment, v, 29, 59-60, 207-08, 245-46, 295, 5), 20, 140, 205, 207, 225, 243
photographic operations in flight, vii, 214, 226
319, 342, 348, 354, 358, 361 il.
priorities, 29, 116, 191, 207, 227
experiments, v, 9, 261, 301
active seismic, 9, 102, 301, 321, 342, 360 problems (see also Apollo 204 Review Board and
central station, 56, 58, 295, 310, 345, 361 il. AS-204), 45, 116, 144, 153-54, 205, 223-24
charged particle lunar environment, 102 safety, 22, 29, 144, 196-98, 229
cold cathode gauge, 9, 102, 272, 320 il., 332 stress corrosion, 12, 48-49, 187, 191, 196-97,
heat flow (with lunar drill), 9, 56, 102, 348, 199, 219, 281, 290
358 weight, 2, 21, 138, 139-40, 144, 154-55,
laser ranging, 246, 256, 272, 310, 312-13, 342 161-62
lunar geology, 29, 155, 261, 272, 295 quality control and inspection audit, 87
lunar soil thermometer, 318 reliability, vi, 110
lunar surface magnetometer, 9, 58, 143, 152, spacecraft delivery schedules, 12, 126-27, 138, 144,
332 145-46, 151, 154, 161, 168, 211-12
mass spectrometer, 355 test flight program, iii, 82, 138, 170-71, 182
TV. See Television.
passive seismometer, 9, 58, 102, 256, 272, 295,
310, 312, 321, 329, 332, 341, 342, 348, 349, vacuum chamber tests, 38, 39-40, 72, 184
352, 358, 360 Apollo-Saturn. See AS-201, etc.
solar wind spectrometer, 9, 58, 256, 272, 299, Apollo Site Selection Board, 102, 182-83, 250-51, 300,
319, 332, 342
suprathermal ion detector, 9, 58, 102, 272, 332 Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, vi, 362
first flight model, 291 Apollo Spacecraft Program Office (ASPO), MSC, 6,
funds, 9, 302 33, 139, 149, 315
geological tools, 56, 143 Apollo Spacecraft Configuration ( "Change" )
LM ascent stage, 56-57, 138 Control Board (CCB), 44, 139-40, 157-58, 164,
management assignments, 13-14, 30-31 174, 204-05, 211, 218, 222-24, 234, 268, 269,
mission assignments, 9, 59-60, 143, 207, 229-30, 288, 295, 304
245--46 CSM Panel, 164, 204-05
modified design, 302 Government Furnished Equipment Panel
prototype test program, 131-32 (Board), 164, 165-66, 288
mapping agencies, 17, 35 Evans, Ronald E., 357-60, 376, 399, 408-09
Secretary of Defense, 234, 311 Experiments (see also Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment
Bennett, Armistead, 143 Package and Appendixes 5 and 9), 2, 5, 24, 30-31,
Denver, Colo., 37 139, 226, 301, 310, 328
D008---Radiation in Spacecraft, 144-45 world records (see also Appendix 3), 302-03, 316
D019---Simple Navigation, 139 Extravehicular mobility unit (EMU), 188, 253--54,
High-Z Cosmic Ray, 246 270-71, 278, 338 il., 343-44, 345 il.
light-flash, 352, 355, 358, 360
lunar environment visibility, 280, 348
lunar geological equipment, 29, 143, 295, 327
M005--Bioassays Body Fluid, 52, 139
M006--Bone Demineralization, 52, 144-45 F-1 rocket engine, 35 il., 43 il.
M011--Cytogenic Blood Studies, 52, 144-45 Faget, Maxime A., 6, 16, 19, 21, 33, 62, 63, 65-66, 71,
M023--Lower Body Negative Pressure, 52, 144-45 73-74, 80, 83, 101, 123, 130-31, 133, 142, 158, 160,
mapping and survey system, 30, 360 161, 163, 165-66, 169-70, 172, 175-76, 186, 193,
microbial response, 356 201, 220, 224, 230, 231, 246, 283-85, 288, 290, 362
neutron probe, 358 Falcon. See Apollo 15 and LM-10.
optical experiments evaluation, 52 Fansteel Metallurgical Corp., Airtek Die., 171
pallet, 18, 37
Farrand mission effects projector, 151-52
passive microwave, 226 Federal Aviation Agency, 65-66, 71
radar-laser altimetry, 47, 286, 360 F6d&ation A&onautique Internationale (FAI), 220,
S005--Synoptic Terrain Photography, 144-45 302-03, 316, 373-76
S006--Synoptic Weather Photography, 144-45 Feltz, Charles H., 174
S015--Zero-g Single Human Cells, 54 Filipchenko, Anatoly V., 390
S017--Trapped Particle Asymmetry, 54 Fire detection system, 101, 220, 290
S018--Micrometeorite Collection, 54 Fire extinguisher, 101, 129, 159, 299
S019--UV Stellar Photography, 139 Fire hazards. See CSM, fire hazards.
S020--UV-X-ray Solar Photography, 139 Flammability Review Board. See Senior Flammability
S027--X-ray Photography, 25 Review Board.
S031--Lunar Passive Seismology, 9, 58, 102, 256, Flammability Test Review Board (MSC), 158
272, 295, 301, 310, 312, 321 Fletcher, James C., 345, 363
S033--Active Lunar Seismology, 9, 102 Flight Mechanics Panel, 56
S034--Lunar Tri-axis Magnetometer, 9, 58, 272 Guidance and Performance Sub-Panel, 56
S035--Solar Wind (see also S080), 9, 272 Flight Research Center, 224
S036--Suprathermal Ion Detection, 9, 58, 102, Flory, Donald A., 26
348, 358 Fort Davis, Tex., 313
S037--Heat Flow, 9, 56, 123, 348, 358 Fort Detrick, Md., 261
S038--Charged Particle Lunar Environment, 102 Fort Hood, Tex., 20
S058--Cold Cathode Ionization Gauge, 102, 272, Foster, John S., Jr., 17
32O il. Framingham, Mass., 40
S059--Lunar Geological Investigation, 28, 245-46, Franklin, George C., 34
261, 272, 275, 295, 342 Frazer, Robert R., 281
S068--Lunar Meteoroid Detection, 53 Freeman, J. W., Jr., 9
S078--Corner Relector for Laser Ranging, 246, Freeman, Orville L., 151
256, 272, 310, 312-13, 342 Fullerton, Charles G., 409
S080--Solar Wind Composition, 9, 58, 246, 256, Fullerton, Calif., 328
272, 299, 319, 332, 342
S167--Sounding Radar, 328
S168--Lunar Electromagnetic Sounder, 328, 360 O
S169--Ultravi01et Spectrometer, 226, 360
S171--Infrared Scanning Radiometer, 47, 226, Gaithersburg, Md., 33
360 Gardiner, John S., 151
S199--Traverse Gravimeter, 358 Gardiner, Robert A., 166, 318, 325
subsatellite, v, 226, 349, 355, 362, 396, 398-99 Garrett Corp., 44-45, 156
T004--Frog Otolith Function, 54 AiResearch Die., 2, 22-23, 44-45, 71, 129, 156-57,
T033--Contrast Perception on Moon, 280, 348 175-76, 372
T034--Color Perception on Moon, 280, 342 Garrett-AiResearch Safety Audit Review Board,
T035--Distance Estimation on Moon, 280, 348 156-57
Explorer 35 (IMP-E), 383 Garriott, Owen K., 408
Extravehicular activity (EVA; see also Apollo 9, 11, 12, Gasich, W., 194-95
14-17), 205 Gates, Sally D., 408
AS-204, 59 Gavin, Joseph G., Jr., 27, 41, 137, 155, 157-58, 196-97,
AS-503, 57-58, 168 212, 227, 236, 256, 313
Block I CSM, 59 Gay, C. C., Jr., 196
Block II CSM, first flight, 139 Geer, E. Barton, 64, 65, 73-74, 133, 143, 261
Gemini, iii-iv, 208, 379, 381 Gemini V, 373
planning for lunar landing mission, 59-60, 155, Gemini VII, 12, 30, 373, 377
168, 187-88, 202, 207, 207-08, 256-57, 260-61, Gemini VIII, 2, 12-13, 15, 373, 377, 379
275, 284-85, 311-12, 316, 340-41 Gemini IX-A, 269, 278-79
pre-lunar landing, 168 Gemini X, 373, 379
Soyuz, 387 Gemini XI, 7, 373, 380
Houston, Tex., 46, 50, 67, 143, 278, 326, 342 Director of Launch Operations, 45-46, 70, 268-69,
Hoyler, Wilburne F., 73, 283 313
Hughes Aircraft Co., 25-26 Director of Spacecraft Operations, 64
Humphreys, J. W., 345 firing room, 285 il.
Hunter, Bob, 240 KSC Apollo Program Manager, 44, 45-48, 179, 181,
Huntsville, Ala., 238, 241, 316 229
Hurricane Gladys, 259 il. launch and launch preparations. See Apollo missions.
Launch Control Center, 293-94
Manned Spacecraft Operations Building, 51 il., 77,
78, 86
Material Analysis Laboratory, 83
Illinois Institute of Technology, 136 Mission Briefing Room, 65, 69-70
Indian Ocean, 331 Pyrotechnic Installation Building, 68, 75-77, 98--99,
Instrument unit, 2, 25, 28, 37, 190, 196, 241, 296
lnteragency Committee on Back Contamination, 22, Safety Office, 280
151, 165, 283, 298-99, 305-06, 312, 314, 317, 345 Simulator Building, 71
Intercenter Coordination Panels, 198 Vehicle Assembly Building, 23 il., 134, 255 il., 278
Interior, Dept. of the, 69, 78, 151, 165 Kent, Wash., 316
International Aeronautical Federation. See Frd_ration Kerwin, Joseph P., 143, 261,336 il., 410
A_ronautique Internationale. Khrunov, Yevegeny V., 387
International Business Machines Corp. (IBM), 7, 33, King, Elbert A., 26
185, 203-04, 240 King, John W., 71
International Latex Corp., 58, 274 Kingsbury, James E., 149
Intrepid. See Apollo 12 and LM-6. Kitty Hawk. See Apollo 14 and CSM 110.
Irwin, James B., 347-50, 376, 395-96, 408-09
Kleinknecht, Kenneth S., viii, 19, 77, 101, 102, 109-10,
Itek Corp., 151-52
116, 120, 126, 128, 133, 136, 144-151, 161, 166-67,
169, 174, 177, 1811 186, 189, 190, 192-93, 195, 197,
199-201, 204, 208, 212, 219, 231, 238-39, 249-52,
262, 281,289, 294, 301, 306, 322, 327
Klopfenstein, Wayne, 222
J-2 engine, 215, 222, 232 Kohhchutter Crater, moon, 353 il.
James, Lee B., 132, 222, 235, 238-41, 244, 249, 251, Kollmorgen Corp., 152
294, 300, 345 Kollsman Instrument Corp., 152, 372
Jeffs, George W., 64, 65 66, 69, 71, 74, 174, 193, 222, Komarov, Vladimir M., 382
294, 306, 322, 327, 328 Kotanchik, Joseph N., 19, 26, 101, 120, 123, 137, 142,
Jenkins, Morris V., 59-60, 123 195, 211,222, 238-39, 244, 284
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), 9, 24, 35-36, 293,
315 Kovach, Robert L., 9
Kovitz, Carl, 59
Johnson, Caldwell C., Jr., 292
Johnson, President Lyndon B., 82, 361, 362 Kraft, Christopher C., Jr.
MSC Director of Flight Operations, 19, 22, 28, 29-
Johnson, Robert E., 158
Johnson Space Center. See Manned Spacecraft Center 30, 52-53, 59, 77, 88, 123, 131, 138, 148, 158,
(renamed JSC Feb. 17, 1973]. 175, 187, 193, 202, 204-05, 208, 224, 225, 231,
Johnston, Col. Edward H., (USA), 63 237-40, 243--44, 246, 255 il., 288, 303, 315, 317-
Johnston, Richard S., I01, 158, 166, 219, 295, 299, 312, 18, 323
314, 317, 327 MSC Deputy Director, 323, 325
Jones, Jack A., 133, 136 MSC Director, 351,356, 357, 362, 363
Jones, Sydney C., Jr., 120-21 Kranz, Eugene F., 123
Joslyn, Allan W., 195 Kraushaar, William L., 324
Kubasov, Valet'y, 390
Kubat, Jerald R., 177
Kudish, Henry, 316
Kuehnel, Helmut A., 249
Kapryan, Walter J., 47-48, 179, 317 il. Kupperlan, James E., 146
Kaskey, B., 59 Kurtz, Herman F., Jr., 350
Kearfott Products Div., General Precision, Inc., 37
Kelly, G. Fred, 70-71, 74
Kelly, Thomas J., 27, 222, 230
Kennedy, President John F., xiv, 23, 82, 264.
Kennedy Space Center (KSC), xv, 2, 6, 23 il., 45--46,
148, 153 il., 255 il., 293, 338 il. Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, 353
Apollo Configuration Control Panel, 47--48 Langley Research Center (LaRC), xv, 6, 12, 19, 24, 64,
AS-204 accident (see also Apollo 204 Review Board 161, 185, 261,332
and AS-204), 63 Apollo Block II CM/LM docking study, 74
crawler-transporter, 23 il. custodian of Apollo 204 Review Board material, 80,
Design Engineering Office, 280 97
LM/S-IVB withdrawal study, 32, 48, 54, 74 delivery schedule, 127, 138, 168, 222-23, 235
LOLA simulator, 15 descent stage, 27, 262, 283, 305 il.
Lunar Landing Research Facility, 10-11, 34, 55, 212 ALSEP, 56-57, 139, 146-47, 383
Lunar Orbiter Project Office, 42 engine, 36, 58, 190, 206
reaction control engine tests, 36 landing gear, 29, 57, 58, 230, 281
Luna 19, 397 Apollo 16, v, 265, 350, 353 il., 354
Luna 20, 397 Apollo 17, v, 265, 358-60
Lunar and Planetary Missions Board, 202 approval, 264, 299, 301
Lunar excursion module (LEM). See LM (lunar contract, 316
module). MSFC management, 316
Lunar exploration (see also Apollo 11-17), vii, 282-83 power alternatives, 313
astronaut energy expenditure, 285-86 requirements, 188, 303, 312, 325
ground rules, vii, 155, 186, 188, 207-08, 247, weight, 312, 318
311-12 Lunar Roving Vehicle Task Team, 312
missions, vii, 301, 311-12 Lunar sample program (see also Lunar Receiving Lab-
plans, 40, 46, 155, 182, 186, 187-88, 190, 207-08 oratory and Appendix 5), 39, 151, 165, 264, 265,
program objectives, 278 307, 313-14, 317, 319-21, 326 il., 341-42, 348-49,
roving vehicle. See Lunar roving vehicle. 350, 353 il., 354-55, 357, 358-60, 362
Lunar exploration program (ALEM, ALEP, LEO, etc.), Lunar Sample Review Board, 350
205, 278, 322 Lunar samples, U.S.S.R., 392-93, 397
Lunar flyer development, 316 Lunar Science Conference, 264, 326
Lunar International Observer Network (LION), 310 Lunar Science Institute, 325-26, 357
Lunar landing mission (see also Apollo 11-17), 60-61 Lunar Worm Planetary Roving Vehicle, 19
basic missions, vii, 157, 182 Lundin, Bruce T., 225, 337
EVA, 245-49, 256-57, 260-61 Lunney, Glynn S., 362
first mission, 116, 155, 190, 192, 207-08, 245--49, Lunokhod roving lunar vehicle, 340, 392
256-57, 260-61, 272 Luskin, Harold T., 250
landing radar, 303
LM insulation, 169-70
LM testing, 178 M
parking orbit, 60--61
S-IVB restart requirement. See S-IVB.
McCandless, Bruce, II, 408-09
Saturn V performance, 60-61
site selection. See Lunar landing sites. McClanahan, Jack T., 51
TV, 15-17, 50, 245-47, 256-57, 261 McClintock, John G., 83
Lunar Landing Research Facility (LLRF), 10-11, 34, McCoy, Hugh E., 26, 71, 88
55, 212 McCullough, Hugh, 27
Lunar landing" research vehicle (LLRV), 2, 148--49 McDivitt, James A.
crew training, 55, 148--49, 212 ASPO Manager, 314, 315, 318, 322, 324-26, 328,
LLRV-1, 55,224, 225, 260 332, 336-38, 341,344, 346, 351,356
LLRV-2, 224 astronaut, 47, 56, 286-87, 289, 311,374, 387,408
Lunar landing sites. 6, 25, 34-35. 42, 50. 62. 102, 141, McDonald Observatory, Fort Davis, Tex., 313
McDonnell Aircraft Corp. (McDonnell Co., October
150, 265, 300, 307-08 il., 311,316, 319-20 il., 341-43
il., 346, 347 il.-49, 354, 358-59 il., 361 il. 1966-April 1967), 8, 18, 37, 65, 66
Lunar landing training vehicle (LLTV), 32, 340 il. Astronautics Co., 70
contract, 55, 148, 171 McDonnell Douglas Corp. (merged from Douglas Air-
crew training, 11, 34, 55, 148-49, 171, 174, 340 il. craft Co. and McDonnell Co., April 28, 1967), 166,
defects, 148-49, 171 240
Flight Readiness Review, 272,289, 302 McNair, Lewis L., 56
flight test program, 32, 272 McNamara, J. P., 190-91
ground tests, 224 McWhirter, Norris D., 314
LLTV-I, 260, 264, 272 Madden, Robert T., 165
LLTV-2, 289 Madrid, 50
Lunar mapping and survey system (LMSS), 148, 214 Magliato, Frank, 49
Lunar Mission Planning Board, 2, 62, 187-88 Malley, George T., 64, 74
Lunar Mobility Task Team, 312 Mallick, Donald L., 224
Lunar module. See LM. Mangan, William D., 101
Lunar module test article. See LTA. Manned Flight Management Council, 56, 139, 199, 202-
Lunar Orbiter I, 2, 34-35, 42, 62, 379 03, 249, 290
Lunar Orbiter 1I, 2, 49-50, 62, 102, 381 Apollo 8 decision, 240-41
Lunar Orbiter llI, 62, 381 Apollo 15 anomalies, 350
Lunar Orbiter IV, 382 Apollo capability augmentation requirements,
Lunar Orbiter V, 102, 116, 148, 150, 383 282-83
first lunar landing activities, 247-49, 256-57
Lunar Orbiter Project Otfiee, 34-35, 42, 50
"Hideaway" meeting, 46-47
Lunar polar orbit science package, 283
Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL), 17, 22, 26, 31, 32, Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL), 128, 220
Manned space flight awareness program, 210, 223, 314
38, 41, 54-56, 165, 261, 264, 279, 298, 302, 312, 314,
Manned Space Flight Experiment Board (MSFEB), 54,
Lunar roving vehicle (Lunar Rover), 328
Manned Space Flight Network, iv, 15, 59, 272
Apollo 15, v_ 265, 346 il., 347 il., 348, 350-51
Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC; Johnson Space Center Lunar Exploration Working Group, 225
after Feb. 17, 1973; see also Appendix 10) Lunar Receiving Laboratory. See Lunar Receiving
Advanced Spacecraft Technology Div., 16, 33 Laboratory.
Advanced Systems Office, 57 Lunar Surface Programs Office, 102, 234
Aircraft Maintenance-Quality Assurance Br., 224 Lunar Surface Project Office, 57
Aircraft Operation Office, 224 Lunar Surface Technology Br., 5
Apollo 13 Investigation Team, 336, 337
manned space flight mission responsibilities, 9, 31,
Apollo Back Contamination and Configuration 46-47
Control Office, 295 Medical Research and Operations Directorate, 165
Apollo Entry Performance Review Board, 160-61 Mission Control Center. See Mission Control Center.
Apollo Mission Simulator Office, 38 Mission Planning and Analysis Div., 7, 179-80
Apollo Procurement Br., 25, 27, 35, 38, 4.2 Mission Operations Div., 10, 49, 102, 123
Apollo-Soyuz Test Program Manager, 362 Operations Analysis Br., 60
Apollo Spacecraft Program Office. See Apollo organization changes, 16
Spacecraft Program Office. Photographic Technology Laboratory, 315
Apollo Test Office, 273-74
Procurement and Contracts Div., 27, 35, 38, 42
Applications Plans and Analysis Office, 57 Propulsion and Power Div., 191, 231
Applications Project Office, 57 Reliability and Quality Assurance Office, 225
Assistant Director for Flight Crew Operations, 6 Reliability, Quality and Test Div., 120
Assistant Director for Flight Operations, 7, 17 renamed Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC),
Astronaut Office, 224 viii, 362
Center Medical Office, 16-17, 70 Rendezvous Analysis Br., 7
Change Control Board. See Apollo Program Office. Science and Applications Directorate, 139, 165
Checkout and Test Div., 5 simulators. See Simulators.
Chief of Center Medical Programs, 16 Space Environment Simulation Laboratory, 13 il.,
Crew Systems Div., 16, 76, 135, 269, 273-74 39, 40, 143, 195, 270-71, 273, 326 il.
Crew Systems Laboratory, 101 Space Medicine Directorate, 16
Deputy Director. See Kraft, Christopher C., Jr.; Space Physics Div., 57
Low, George M.; Sjoberg, Sigurd A.; and Space Science Div., 16-17
Trimble, George S., Jr. Space Science Office, 16
Director. See Gilruth, Robert R., and (after Jan. Spacecraft Design Div., 292
14, 1972), Kraft, Christopher C., Jr. Special Assistant to the Director for Organizational
Director of Administration, 55 Affairs, 356
Director of Engineering and Development. See Structures and Mechanics Div., 121, 130-31,
Faget, Maxime A.
136-37, 172, 211, 244
Director of Flight Crew Operations. See Slayton, Systems Engineering Div., 8, 134, 139-40, 155,
Donald K. 158, 284
Director of Flight Operations (see also Kraft, Technical Assistant for Apollo, 7, 15, 38, 58
Christopher C., Jr.), viii, 323, 325 Test and Operations Office, 57
Director of Medical Research and Operations, 135, Thermochemical Test Area, 122-23
145, 165, 298, 305 Thermodynamics and Materials Br., 219
Director of Science and Applications, 139, 145, 273 Water Immersion Facility, 147, 298
dynamic load testing, 241 Mapping and survey system, 30
Engineering and Development Directorate, 16-17, Mardel, Alfred D., 65, 74
120, 159, 163, 220, 221, 225, 283-84 Mariner program, 304
Engineering and Development Manager, Experi- Mercury-Venus flights, 315
ments, 16 Markley, J. Thomas, 83, 87-88
Engineering Office, 32 Marquardt Corp., 206, 372
Environmental Medicine Office, 39 Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), 6, 22, 185
Experiments Program Office, 9, 24, 30 Apollo Program Manager, 181
Experiments Review Group, 326 Director. See von Braun, Wernher.
Flammability Test Review Board, 158 Director of Program Management, 345
Flight Acceleration Facility, 292-93 Director of Quality and Reliability Assurance, 24.1
Flight Control Div., 7, 14, 25, 60 LRV simulator, 338
Flight Crew Operations Directorate, 5, 25, 33, 88, manned space flight mission responsibilities, 25, 30,
119, 120, 158-60, 202, 283-84 31, 35 if., 46-47, 316, 318
Flight Crew Support Div., 34, 38 Mission Operations Manager, 235-36
Flight Experiment Selection Board, 19, 26 planetary vehicle experiments, 47
Flight Operations Directorate, 22, 123 Propulsion Div., 142
Flight Program Review, 271-72 Research Projects Laboratory, 47
Flight Safety Office, 120-21, 153, 163, 225 Saturn IB Program Manager, 253
Guidance and Control Div., 6, 33 Saturn Program Office, 35, 83, 316
Instrumentation and Electronic Systems Div., 121, Saturn V Program Manager, 235, 244, 278
Saturn V Test Management Office, 267
Landing and Recovery Div., 217 scientific survey module, 4-7
Lunar and Earth Sciences Div., 57 Martin Co., The, 18, 37, 240
Simpkinson, Scott H., 71, 73, 126, 163, 167, 174, 214, Software Review Board, 203-04
226, 317, 328, 336, 337, 356 Software Task Force, 117, 185, 204, 250
Simulators (see also Lunar Landing Research Facility, Sonett, Charles P., 9
Lunar landing research vehicle, and Lunar landing Source Evaluation Board, 13, 18, 132
training vehicle), 39, 51 il., 72, 288 Soyuz l through 11, 382-95
Ames Research Center flight simulator, 33-34 Space Environment Simulation Laboratory. See Manned
Apollo Mission (AMS), 38, 128, 147, 159-60, Spacecraft Center.
197 iL, 246 Space program
command module. See CM, mockups. objectives, vii, 40, 323-24, 329
computers, 33, 40, 53, 288 scientists and, 323-24
Configuration Control Panel, 159 trends, 340
Dynamic Crew Procedure Simulator, 203 Space rescue, 21, 53-54, 59
helicopter, 55 Space Sci.ence Steering Committee, 39, 130
large space environment, 13 il., 39-40, 143, 195, Planetary Biology Subcommittee, 39
270-71, 273, 326 il. Space Shuttle program, vi, 293, 324
launch vehicle, 33-34, 120 Space Shuttle Task Group, 293
LM, 9, 15, 32-33, 40, 53, 56, 146 Space station, 40, 324
Lunar Orbit and Landing Approach (LOLA), 15 Space Task Group (MSC forerunner), 351
lunar roving vehicle, 338 Space Task Group, President's, 293, 324
I/6-g, 11 il., 290 Space treaty, 63
'partial gravity, 316 Space Window, 265, 363 il.
Rendezvous Docking, 74 Spacecraft-lunar module adapter. See SLA.
zero-g, 54 Spacecraft reentry, uncontrolled, 208
Sjoberg, Sigurd A., 123, 220, 302-03, 316, 325, 351 Spacesuit, 345 il.
Sjogren, William L., 293 A7L suit modifications, 315
Skylab program, iii, v-vi, 346, 356 A9L suit procurement, 282
SLA (spacecraft-lunar module adapter), 5, 30, 37, 78, Apollo Block I, 18
134, 146-47, 153 il., 175, 190 Apollo Block II, 58, 106, 145, 150, 232, 345 il.
SLA-9, 207 constant-wear garment, 18, 173-74
SLA-101, 175 dust problem, 323
Slayton, Donald K. ("Deke'), 5, 6, 10, 19, 25, 29, 30, failure, 76, 98, 106, 109, 144, 145
38-39, 52-54, 56-58, 60, 78, 88, 144, 145, 147, 158- integrity, 144, 147, 323
60, 164, 170, 171, 180, 188, 193, 201, 207-08, 218, mobility, 226-27, 315, 345 il.
224, 231, 238-41, 246, 256, 268, 274-75, 298, 300, pressure suit, 11, 338, 345 il.
314, 316, 323, 325 review, 232-33, 274
SM (service module), iv, 82, 330 il., 339 il. test, 72, 81, 150
Block II, 25, 208, 248 il. Special Task Team for Spacecraft 103 Contamination
experiment hardware, 18, 25, 37 Control, 195, 198-99
explosion. See Apollo 13. Speer, Fridtjof A., 235-36, 322
modifications, 25, 328 Spider. See Apollo 9 and LM-9.
reaction control system (RCS) 36, 46, 58, 166-67, Stafford, Thomas P., 42, 56, 133, 291, 296-98, 374,
177-78, 206, 211,230 378, 388, 408
scientific instrument module (SIM), v, 25, 328, Stahl, Cdr. Charles J. (USN), 63
349 il.-50, 353 il., 355 il., 356, 358, 360, 396, Stanford Unix, ersity, 9
399 Stem, Eric, 122
service propulsion system (SPS), iv, 2, 12, 14, 19, Stevenson, John D., 182, 203, 208, 225, 250, 282
110, 193-94, 208, 209, 212-13, 216, 220, 231, Stewart, William, 28
258, 268, 271, 272, 276-77, 298, 307 Steyer, Wesley A., 194
SM 011, 19 Stoner, George H., 159, 178, 201
SM 012, 75, 77, 87-88 Stoney, William E., Jr., 6, 62, 312, 325
SM 017 propellant tank failure, 48-49, 109 Stoops, Gordon J., 74, 133
SM 020, 211 Strang, Col. Charles F. (USAF), 64, 65, 66, 68, 71,
SM 101, 48, 166-67, 179, 193-94, 208, 230 74
SM 102, 179, 191, 193-94, 208 Strickland, Arthur T., 5
SM 105, 227 Structures Advisory Board, 269
SM 111, 219 Stuhllnger, Ernst, 47, 182, 251, 324
Smith, Arlin G., 267 Sunnyvale, Calif., 37
Smith, Francis B., 55 Super Guppy (transport aircraft), 35
Smith, Hinchman & GryUs, 32 Surveyor I, 2, 24, 34, 36, 300, 378
Smith, R. L., 313 Surveyor 11, 40, 380
Smith, Richard G., 338, 344, 351 Surveyor III (Surveyor C), v, 102, 141, 264, 300, 315,
Smylie, Robert E., 195 318, 320 il., 321,382, 391
SNAP-27. See Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Surveyor IV, 141, 384
Package, radioisotope thermoelectric generator. Surveyor IT, 383
Snedeker, John C., 14 Surveyor VI, 383
Snyder, Conway W., 9 Surveyor Vll, 311, 384
Surveyor program, 36, 40, 148 U.S. Congress, iii, 20, 140, 205
Sutton, George, 9 Apollo 204 fire, 72, 80, 110-11, 125, 131, 157
Swieda, Ernest, 71 Apollo program costs, 2, 16, 289, 338
Swigert, John L., Jr., 329, 330 il., 375, 392, 408-09 House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 16,
81-83, 131, 157, 289, 335
Subcommittee on NASA Oversight, 110-11,
131, 157
Senate, 16, 319
Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sci-
Taeuber, Ralph J., 166, 190-91
ences, 72, 80, 110-11, 131, 157, 340, 362
Talbert, Rexford H., 143
U.S. Geological Survey, 9, 35, 322
Taylor, Clinton L., 23
U.S. Navy, 63, 78, 173 il., 298
Taylor, James J., 187
Navy Deputy Commander for Ship Acquisitions, 44
Taylor, William H., 195
, San Diego Naval Air Station, 356
Teir, William, 75, 253
U.S. Public Health Service, 28
Television, 50-51, 134, 356, 363
USNS Msrcury (tracking ship), 44
CM, 15-17, 25, 50-51, 117, 168-69, 218, 258-59, USNS Redstone, 44
264, 273, 275-77, 296-98, 302, 306, 319-22,
USNS Vanguard, 44
329, 341-42, 348, 385
U.S.S. Bsnnington (recovery ship), 172, 173 il.
color, 264, 296-98, 302, 306-07, 319, 348
U.S.S. Essex, 258 il., 259
LM, 25, 168-69, 273, 277, 286, 306, 319-30, 348
U.S.S. Guadalcanal, 281, 287
lunar surface, 15-17, 24, 50, 265, 309, 340--41, 349,
U.S.S. Hornet, 37, 303, 304, 308-09
U.S.S. lwo lima, 332
Thibodaux, Joseph G., Jr., 48, 158, 231
U.S.S. Mason, 13
Thompson, Floyd L., 6, 11, 19, 33, 42
U.S.S. New Orleans, 342
Chairman, Apollo 204 Review Board, 3, 63, 66,
U.S.S. Okinawa, 216, 350
67, 71, 73, 75, 77-80, 97, 101, 128, 133, 136
U.S.S. Princeton, 298
Thor-Delta launch vehicle, 383
U.S.S. Ticonderoga, 337, 360, 399, 400
Tindall, Howard W., Jr., 7, 179-80, 191-92, 217, 236,
U.S.S. Yorktown, 277
241, 255, 278
U.S.S.R. (see aim Luna, Salyut, and Soyuz), 63, 340
Titan II Launch vehicle, 377-81
Titterton, George F., 27, 41, 134
Tracking ships, 44
Trimble, George S., Jr., 163-64, 205, 275, 301, 323
Tripp, Ralph H., 256, 277, 328
Trott, Jack, 177 Van Dolah, Robert W., 65, 69, 73, 75, 76, 78, 97, 219
Truszynski, Gerald M., 40 Vaughn, N., 74
TRW Inc., 185, 203-04 Vavra, Paul H., 261
Systems Div., 206 Vecchietti, George J., 24
Turnock, James H., 182, 251 Vehicle Assembly Building. See Kennedy Space Center.
Vienna, Austria, 238--39
Vincze, John, 190
U Vitagliano, H. Douglas, 146
Volkov, Vladislav N., 390, 395
Volynov, Boris V., 387
Udall, Stewart L., 151
yon Braun, Werner, 30, 46-47, 125, 146, 148-49, 176,
United Kingdom, 63
United Nations General Assembly, 63 178, 238-39, 281, 299, 323-24, 346 ii.
United States Space Week, 265, 364
Universal Studios, 363
University of Houston, 26
University of Maryland, 130
U.S. Air Force, 71, 78, 148, 213 Wade, Donald C., 222
Bioastronautic Operational Support Unit, 63, 78 Wagner, R. L., 27, 283
Brooks AFB, Tex., 66, 68 Wake hland, 37
Eastern Test Range, 66, 70, 150, 170 Walker, Thomas J., III, 356
Ellington, AFB, Tex., 19 Walton, Bruce H., 59
Manned Orbiting Laboratory Systems Program Of- Wardell, Anthony W., 132-33, 136
rice, 128, 220 Warren, Dickie K., 408-09
Norton, AFB, Calif., 225 Warzecha, Ladislaus, 176
Space and Missile Systems Organization (SAMSO), Wash, Michael R., 408-09
311 Washington Cathedral Space Window, 265, 363 il.
space rescue studies, 21 Washington, D.C., 15, 63, 78, 79, 148, 187, 239, 265,
Space Systems Div., 128 350, 361
Systems Command, AFSC, 21 Watkins, Allen H., 48
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 101, 220 Watklns, J. S., 9
U.S. Army, 63 Weaver, Charles H., 36
Webb, James E., 3, 13, 16, 20, 56, 57, 68, 76, 78, 79, Williams, W., 71
110, 131, 132, 140, 150, 151, 164, 175-79, 185, 194, Williamson, David, Jr., 78
222, 238--41,248 Willoughby, Willis Jr., 87
Wedun, A. G., 261 Wilmarth, Verl L., 165
Weissman, Don, 138 Wilson, T. A., 240
Weltz, Paul J., 408 Wise, Donald U., 262
West, Julian M., 213 Witherington, Guy N., 102
West, Robert B., 169 Woomera, Australia, 150
West Point, N.Y., 67 Worden, Alfred N., 195, 344 il., 347-50, 376, 395, 408
Western Operations Office, 9 World records. See F_d_ration A_ronautique Interna-
Western Ways, Inc., 199-200 tionale.
Westinghouse Electric Corp., 36, 372 Wrlght-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 101, 220
Aerospace Div., 36 Wydler, Congressman John W., 81
Atomic Defense and Space Group, 36 Wyle Laboratories, 241
Wetter, C. F., 245
White, Edward H., II, iii, 2, 47, 63, 67, 68, 100, 112
White, George C., Jr., 64, 73, 126-28, 133, 170 X Y Z
White, Hugh D., 48
White, Lyle D., 226
White, Maynard E., 174 Yale University, 9
White House, 287, 329 Yankee Clipper. See Apollo 12 and CSM 108.
White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), New Mex., 20, Yardley, John F., 65-66, 70
78 Yeamans, Fred, 219
White Sands Test Facility (WSTF), 2, 8, 12, 48, 87, Yeliseyev, Aleksey S., 387, 390, 394
109, 116, 145, 188-89, 197, 225, 270 Young, Earle B., 261
Whitten, James B., 225 Young, John W., 56, 133, 291, 352-53 il., 373, 374,
Williams, Clifton C., Jr., 56 376, 388, 397-98, 408-09
Williams, John J., 64--66, 73-74 Young, R. Wayne, 122
Williams, Robert W., 25, 73, 83, 134, 144 Yschek, Henry P., 26
Ivan D. Ertel has been a contract historian to NASA's History Office since
November 1972. He retired from NASA's Johnson Space Center in June
1972 after serving as the Center's Assistant Historian since September 1964.
Born in Marion, New York (1914), he received his B.B.A. degree from
Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia (1958). He was news editor of
Atlanta' s Suburban Reporter, East Point, Georgia, and the Decatur-De Kalb
News, Decatur, Georgia (1954-1957). Before coming to NASA in 1961, he
was Press Officer at Headquarters, Third U.S. Army. Ertel established the
Manned Spacecraft Center's official news organ, Space News Roundup,
authored fact sheets and brochures about each Mercury and Gemini manned
flight, and is coauthor of The Apollo Spacecraft: A Chronology, Volume I
(1969) and Volume III (1976), and Skylab: A Chronology (1977).
Anderson, Frank W., Jr., Orders o] Magnitude: A History of NACA and NASA, 1915-1976, NASA SP-4403, 1976. GPO.*
Benson, Charles D.. and William Barnaby Faherty, Moonport: A History o[ Apollo Launch Facilities and Operations, NASA
SP-4204, 1978, GPO.
Byers, Bruce K., Destinat,on Moon: A History o] the Lunar Orbiter Program, NASA TM X-3487, 1977, NTIS.'t
Corliss, William R., NASA Sounding Rockets, 1958-1968: A Historical Summary, NASA SP-4,t01, 1971, NTIS.
Ezell, Edward C. and Linda N., The Partnership: A History of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, NASA SP-4209, 1978. (;PO.
Green, Constance McL., and Milton Lomask, Vanguard: A History, NASA SP-4202, 1970, GPO; also Washington:
Smithsonian Institution Press, 1971.
Hacker, Barton C., and James M. Grimwood, On the Shoulders o] Titans: A History of Project Gemini, NASA SP-4203, 1977,
Hall, R. Cargill, Lunar Impact: A History of Project Ranger, NASA SP-4210, 1977, GPO.
taartman, Edwin P., Aaventures in Research: A .History o] the Ames Research Center, 1940-1965, NASA SP-.t302, 1970.
Link, Mae Mills, Space Medicine in Project Mercury, NASA SP-4003, 1965, NTIS;
Rosholt, Robert L., An Administrative History of NASA, 1958-1963, NASA SP-4101, 1966, NI'IS.
Sloop, Jolm L., Liquid Hydrogen as a Propulsion Fuel, 1945-1959, NASA SP-4404, 1978, GPO.
Swenson, Loyd S., James M. Grimwood, and Charles C. Alexander, This New Ocean: A History of Project Mercury, NASA
SP-4201, 1966, GPO.
Aeronautics and Space Report of the President, annual volumes for 1975-1977, GPO.
The Apollo Spacecraft: A Chronology, NASA SP-4009: vol. 1, 1969, NTIS; vol. 2, 1973, GPO; vol. 3, 1976, GPO.
Astronautics and Aeronautics: A Chronology of Science, Technology, and Policy, annual volumes 1961-1974, with an earlit_
summary volume, Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1915-1960. Early volumes available from NTIS, recent ones from (;PO.
Hall, R. Cargill, ed., Essays on the History o] Rocketry and Astronautics: Proceedings of the Third through the Sixth H istor),
Symposia o/the International Academy of Astronautics, NASA CP-2014, 2 vols., 1977, GPO.
Roland, Alex F., A Guide to Research in NASA History, HHR-50, 2d ed., Nov. 1977, looselea[, available from NASA Histol3'
Van Nimmen, Jane, and Leonard C. Bruno, NASA Historical Data Book, 1958-1968, NASA SP-4012. vol. 1, NASA Resour(es.
1976, NTIS.
Wells, Helen T., Susan H. Whiteley, and Carrie E. Karegeannes, Origins o] NASA Names, NASA SP-4402, 1976, GPO.
"GPO: Order from Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
tNTIS: Order from National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161.