Distributed Systems: CDLM Ingegneria Informatica (Politecnico Di Bari)
Distributed Systems: CDLM Ingegneria Informatica (Politecnico Di Bari)
Distributed Systems: CDLM Ingegneria Informatica (Politecnico Di Bari)
(Politecnico di Bari)
A.A. 2016-17
Distributed systems
Prof. S.Pizzutilo
Distributed Systems
A Distributed System is a collection of autonomous processors :
• interconnected by a communication network,
• with own resources (processing capabilities, local memories, local
data and softwares ),
• with the ability to coordinate their activities and to share the
everywhere located resources.
Distributed Systems types
Pervasive systems:
• Home automation systems
• Distributed systems for health care
• Sensors network
• Multiagent systems
OLTP is characterized by a large number of short on-line transactions
(INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE). The main emphasis for OLTP systems is put on
very fast query processing, maintaining data integrity in multi-access
environments and an effectiveness measured by number of transactions per
Backup religiously; operational data is critical Instead of regular backups, some environments
Backup and Recovery to run the business, data loss is likely to entail may consider simply reloading the OLTP data as a
significant monetary loss and legal liability recovery method
source: www.rainmakerworks.com
Transactional systems (1)
TS Components:
• End-user device: is someone who requests the execution of transactions, such as a customer of a bank
or of an Internet retailer. An end-user device could be a physical device, such as a cash register or gasoline
• Front-end program: is an application code that interacts with the end-user device. Usually it sends and
receives menus and forms, to offer the user a selection of transactions to run and to collect the user's input.
Often, the device is a web browser and the front-end program is an application managed by a web server
that communicates with the browser via HTTP.
• Request controller: is responsible for receiving messages from front-end programs and turning each
message into one or more calls to the proper transaction programs. In a distributed TP system, it requires
sending the message to a system where the program exists and can execute.
• Transaction server: is a process that runs the parts of the transaction program that perform the work the
user requested, typically by reading and writing a shared database, possibly calling other programs, and
possibly returning a reply that is routed back to the device that provided the input for the request.
• Database system: manages shared data that is needed by the application to do its job.
Transactional System Software (3)
The ERP is the integrated management of core business processes, often in real-
time and mediated by software and technology. It provides an integrated and
continuously updated view of core business processes using common databases
maintained by a database management system.
Technical solutions for the Enterprise application integration include (a) rewriting part of the
delivered software, (b) writing a homegrown module to work within the ERP system, or (c)
interfacing to an external system. These three options constitute varying degrees of system
customization, with the first being the most invasive and costly to maintain.
Pervasive Distributed Systems
Universitat Linz - Institut fur Pervasive Computing
Technologies for pervasive computing
WI-FI architectures
A MANET example
A stronger notion of Agent
Agent conceptualised or implemented using concepts that are more usually
applied to humans
q Agent using mentalistic notions, such as knowledge, belief, intention, and
obligation [Shoham, 1993].
q Emotional agents [Bates, 1994][Bates et al., 1992°] = designing and building
agents in terms of human-like mental states .
q Agents visually represented , by using a cartoon-like graphical icon or an
animated face [Maes, 1994a] –
Intelligent Agents
Software entity with :
ü Ambient perceptors (sensors)
ü Capability to execute actions in an enviornment (effectors).
[Russel & Norvig]
Functional properties
Agent types
ref;: B.De Carolis “Sistemi ad Agenti” CdLM Informatica UNIBA 2003
Agent Classification
Software Agent Types
New concepts :
• Mobile New interfaces:
• nomadic • Intuitive
• Pervasive • Seamless interfaces
• disappearing / invisible • Tangible artefacts
• Wearable computers • Haptic devices
• Embedded interactive objects
New Paradigm basics
A conversational multiagent system
Wearable Computers
(from MIT Media Lab)
• A.Tanenbaum, M.Van Steen “Distributed systems” Pearson Prentice Hall 2007 ) cap. 2
• L.Manelli “ Abstract State Machine per Modellare Servizi di Grid Computing” tesi di
dottorato in Informatica A.A.2012-13
• B.De Carolis “Sistemi ad Agenti” lucidi corso per “Informatica” magistrale Uniba 2003
• F. de Rosis “Interazione Uomo-Macchina” lucidi corso per CdLT in ICD Uniba A.A.