Waterjet Propulsion of Small-Draught Inland Waterways Ships
Waterjet Propulsion of Small-Draught Inland Waterways Ships
Waterjet Propulsion of Small-Draught Inland Waterways Ships
This paper presents some aspects of ship waterjet propulsion. Advantages and limitations of its applica-
bility are discussed. Also, possible use of waterjet propeller to move a small-draught inland waterways
ship, is considered .
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Nowadays many firms build waterjets of a wide range out-
OF SHIP WATERJET PROPULSION put: from a few hundred kW to a few dozen MW.
Rolls-Royce company, a leader of modern waterjet con-
Waterjet propulsion of ship is based on application of 3rd structions, offers complete propulsion systems for very fast
principle of Newton’s dynamics : „If two bodies mutually ferry ships, cargo vessels, warships, cruise ships and yachts. Up
interact, their interaction forces are equal to each other and to now about 1400 assemblies of the output from 22.000 kW
pointing in opposite directions”. In the waterjet propulsion to 70.800 kW have been built. And, a ship propulsion system
a crucial role is played by a pump. Located nearby ship’s of 250 MW output is under development
stern, it takes in water through a recess in ship’s bottom. From Due to the advantages of waterjet propulsion, its application
outlet of the pump the water is directed under high pressure range has become wider and wider. The most important of
to a nozzle placed in the ship’s stern. The force pushing out them are : good manoeuvrability of ship, environmental safety,
the water from the stern is equal – as to its value – to the force comfort for passengers. Out of the ship waterjet propulsion ap-
moving the ship in the opposite direction. As to rotate the noz- plications made so far the following are worth mentioning :
zle is possible practically by an arbitrary angle the same ship
propulsion force can be obtained at any arbitrary position of In the navy – it serves for propelling the patrol crafts, tor-
the nozzle. The ship propulsion force depends on water flow pedo boats, destroyers, frigates and cruisers, first of all in
rate at the nozzle outlet. USA, but also in France, Italy, Norway, Australia, Spain,
The pump is driven – through the shaft – by a diesel engine Thailand, Canada, Japan, Republic of South Africa and
(in most applications which have been realized so far) or a gas Germany
turbine. The waterjet propulsion may even be of a higher energy In the passenger fleet – it serves for propelling small inland
efficiency as compared with that of the conventional propulsion waterways ships, fast yachts, recreation ships, including
(screw propeller), however only in the case if the nozzle, pump fishing ones
and driving engine are properly selected.
The steering of waterjet-propelled ship (change of direction In the merchant fleet – it has so far had rather narrow ap-
of its motion) is effected by an appropriate change of outlet plication, first of all for propelling fast ferries.
nozzle position. Astern motion is ensured by application of
a deflector with the use of which the change of sense of ship ADVANTAGES OF WATERJET PROPULSION
propulsion force can be obtained. In general, the waterjet pro-
pulsion is considered favourable at the ship speed exceeding 25 The waterjet propulsion – as far as its application to rec-
knots. However, a correctly designed waterjet propulsion may reation passenger ships is concerned – shows many important
be competitive against conventional one also at much smaller advantages.
speeds. The waterjet propulsion extends its application to the
recreation ships and sea-going coastal ships of special use. As Safety
compared with conventional one the waterjet propulsion has
many advantages which are discussed below. In contrast to the screw propeller drive the waterjet propul-
sion is not endangered by floating solid fragments, ropes or
EXAMPLES OF WATERJET PROPULSION fishing nets. In particular, the waterjet propulsion correctly
APPLICATIONS MADE SO FAR fulfils its role in shallow waters (like in the considered case
of its application to an inland waterways ship). Also, persons
Attempts to apply waterjet propulsion to ships have ap- remaining in water : swimmers, water skiers, divers etc are not
peared as early as in the ancient ages.* However the Hamilton’s exposed to hazards from the side of such device. Any overload
low-power waterjets (1954) intended for propulsion of fast river of main engine is excluded as its power demand maintains
boats can be considered as the first developed construction.** constant regardless of developed ship speed.
* Archimedes axial water pump (287-212 AChN), Leonardo da Vinci pump (1452-1519),
Toogwood’s & Hayese’s patent (1661), Beniamin Franklin’s pulsators (1706-1790).
** So-called „First Hamiltonians”.
substitute the crew propeller drive. As usually the proper way NH – power of elevating the water stream which flows out
is to choose one of the two kinds of ship propulsion system by of the nozzle, up to the level H (H is the height
selecting that suitable for a given ship’s type and function. of nozzle axis over the water level).
Hence it can be stated that the waterjet propeller
is well adjusted to propelling fast ships.
40 A2 [m2]
30 0.9
Fig. 2. The waterjet propeller driven by the gas turbine 10
6 0.7
2 u = w = 0.6
An important design problem of waterjet propeller is strong 1.5
( )
Nu 1 6
A2= 3 (6)
1− u 4
w z u 3
u2 2
1.5 [
where : 0.1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Nu – propulsion power Fig. 3. The outlet area of two-nozzle waterjet propeller, A2 , in function
of the ship resistance power coefficient α and the velocity index u .
u = wu – velocity index
2 4
ρw – water density
z – number of outlet nozzles.
where : 3
α – coefficient of ship resistance power, one can obtain 2 0.5
1.0 2.0
the following area of a single nozzle :
( )
A2= (8) 0.1
1− u 8 H=0
w z 7
u2 6
The ship resistance power coefficient α is defined 5
kW 3
Dw2 KM 2
5. 40 (9)
m3 s3 C0 knot 3
u [m./s]
In Fig.3 the A2 - α relationship is presented for the selected 0.01
values of the velocity index u = 0.6; 0.7; 0.8 and 0.9, and the 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
assumed number of outlet nozzles z = 2.
Fig. 4. Diagram of total energy losses in flow passage of waterjet propeller .
And, as shown in Fig. 4 the smaller ship speed the greater
hydraulic losses. The coefficient of total hydraulic losses has SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS
been defined as follows [10] : FOR WATERJET PROPULSION
i = 2
i =1 m u2
The propulsion system of the two-segment recreation
where :
passenger ship intended for inland waterways service, is here
NL – power of hydraulic losses considered. Such application requires to take into account a few
in flow passage of waterjet propeller specific conditions. The following belong to them :
limited width of waterway (limited width of locks) possible to fully make use of driving power at any ship speed
limited depth of waterway (a small draught of ship is de- value, a very small too.
possible events of ship grounding on shallows OF SHIP WATERJET PROPULSION
environmental protection requirements
ensuring a necessary travelling comfort for passengers Application of high-speed diesel engine or gas turbine as
limited ship speed. a waterjet driving motor requires a transmission gear to be
installed between the engine and pump.
Possible application of waterjet propulsion should Choice of a waterjet propeller depends a.o. on ship’s hull
be analyzed with taking into account a.o. form, on one side, and on the other side, in designing the
the above mentioned aspects : ship hull form the specificity of such kind of propulsion
As far as the aspect of limited waterway width is concer- should be taken into account.
ned, the waterjet propulsion makes it possible to precisely In selecting the waterjet propulsion an important role is
control ship motion at an arbitrary speed. Ship steering at a played by the ratio of propulsion power to weight of power
very low speed („zero speed”) facilitates berthing the ship plant.
as well as keeping it stopped short. The waterjet propulsion A driving engine and propeller itself should be so selected
ensures also precise steering the ship during its moving for a given ship speed as to eliminate phenomenon of ca-
astern. vitation.
In the waterjet propulsion there are no elements protruding As ship propulsion thrust force does not affect the driving
below the hull bottom . This way, ship sailing in very shal- engine (through shafting and transmission gear) the shaftline
low waters is possible. Water-outlet area and ship’s bottom can be inclined by a small angle to make alignment of shaft
surface are matched up. Nozzle’s outlet can be located over and waterjet propeller, easier. The maximum values of shaft
water level. The more shallow water the lower efficiency slope angle depend on shaft’s rotational speed and are equal
of ship screw propeller. It does not concern the waterjet from about 3° at 5000 rpm to about 8° at 2000 rpm.
propeller. The underwater exhaust gas pipe has not to be located before
If waterjet-propelled ship grounds its refloating is facilitated the water inlet to propeller so as to avoid gas sucking -in
by two circumstances : firstly, such ships usually have no to the pump, which could result in lowering the propulsion
elements protruding below hull bottom surface, secondly, thrust force. It should be placed aft the water inlet.
waterjet propulsion ensures large value of thrust in moving The fuel oil tank should be placed in longitudinal position
astern. It is also important that in those conditions to cause close to ship’s centre of gravity so as to avoid ship’s trim
a failure to waterjet propeller by carried - away sand and disturbing as a result of fuel consumption or refuelling
gravel is much less probable as compared with the case of operations.
screw propeller. The driving engine and electric generator (if a shaft ge-
Waterjet- propelled ships are much less hazardous to the nerator is provided for) should be placed close to ship’s
environment than screw-propelled ones. It concerns po- centre of gravity. For this reason they should be installed,
ssible mechanical failures of living organisms (fauna and if possible, on guides to facilitate ship balance correction
flora), as well as waterborne noise. after trials.
Passengers onboard waterjet- propelled ship enjoy a higher In ship design calculations an additional weight of the water
travelling comfort as compared with that on screw-propelled contained in the propeller should be taken into account.
ship. As thrust force is directly transferred from waterjet Application of gas turbine to waterjet propulsion for small-
propeller to hull, without help of any shafting and screw -draught inland waterways ship
propellers the engine and pump can be seated on an ela- The output power of waterjet propellers is contained in
stic foundation, that reduces hull vibrations generated by the range of 75 ÷ 900 kW. Like in the ship screw- propeller
propulsion system. There are neither hull vibrations due to propulsion, also in the waterjet propulsion the application of
transmission shafting and screw propellers nor cavitation high-speed diesel engines prevails. Gas turbines are also used
noise effected from the side of screw propellers. In waterjet however their share is lower.
propulsion system, engine shaft’s rotational speed is much Gas turbines – in a simple arrangement – are of a lower
greater than that in screw propeller drive system. Moreover thermodynamic efficiency as compared with that of piston
the whole propulsion system is secured by a tight casing to engines (in some cases regeneration is applied to improve the
lower effects of noise emitted to environment. efficiency of gas turbines). Whereas it seems that other features
As assessed, the waterjet propulsion system is most effi- of gas turbine could prevail in the considered application of
cient at ship’s operational speed in the range from 20 to 40 waterjet propulsion to the passenger inland waterways ship
knots. And, at a given ship speed the screw-propeller drive in question.
system is a little more efficient than the waterjet propulsion.
However the difference is balanced by a little higher ship In the above mentioned application the following features
hull efficiency (due to a lower hull resistance to motion), of gas turbine should be considered favourable :
resulting from lack of screw propellers, shafts, rudders low sulphur content in exhaust gas (exhaust gas cleaning
and shaft brackets located outside the hull. As a matter devices - unnecessary)
of fact the influence of the above mentioned elements on low level of bending and torsional vibrations and noise
hull resistance to motion decreases along with ship speed (passenger cabins can be located close to propeller)
decreasing. low cost of maintenance, overhauls and lubricating oil
Application of waterjet propulsion to large fast floating units high serviceability (high reliability, and possible fast repair
is wider and wider. And, to decrease ship resistance to motion or replacement of engine)
special hull forms are applied such as : catamarans, slender hulls small dimensions.
(of a large L/B ratio) fitted with side sponsons to improve ship’s The features predestine gas turbine for propelling the
stability. Worth mentioning, the waterjet propulsion makes it passenger inland waterways ship in question. Therefore in the
preliminary concept of waterjet propulsion system for the ship FINAL REMARKS
a gas turbine was chosen to drive the pump, an element of the
waterjet propeller. Summing up, the following aspects of the ship waterjet
propulsion system are worth attention paying :
APPLICATION OF WATERJET The waterjet propulsion system is of important advantages
PROPELLER TO MOVE THE PASSENGER as compared with the conventional screw - propeller pro-
SHIP INTENDED FOR BERLIN – pulsion system :
KALININGRAD ROUTE Lack of any movable elements behind the hull
Much lower hull-propeller interaction resulting
a waterjet propeller, selected out of the units available on in the hull efficiency increase by 13 ÷ 19%
the market (produced e.g. by Castoldijet or Hamilton Wa- Favourable energy indices at partial load
terjet), should be adjusted to the assumed nominal velocity Lower torsional vibrations
u = 4,166… m/s, by matching - up its nozzle outlet area to Easy execution of turns and astern moving
the required A2 value and output power Possible elimination of need of blade rudder
if to apply – instead of the proposed gas turbine – a diesel (which results in lowering hull resistance to motion).
engine, to obtain total efficiency more than two times greater
will be possible. Similarly, if to assume that the centre of Losses in flow passage are inversely proportional to u2
outlet nozzle is not placed over water level, i.e. H = 0, the and monotonically increasing along with the ship speed u
total efficiency will increase by ~13% increasing (Fig.4). The losses depend only slightly on the
in Fig.5 and 6, on the basis of Casteldijet’s offer drawings, velocity index u. Moreover they depend on smoothness of
are presented the gas- turbine-driven propulsion devices flow passage, hence its high smoothness should be ensu-
arranged in ship’s engine room. red.
Large dimensions of flow passage constitute an important
design problem of waterjet propulsion. The circular cross-
-section area of its outlet, A2, is proportional according to
some expression as follows :
(1 −u u )
where :
α – acc. (15) – coefficient of hull resistance to motion
1− u – the expression proportionally associated with the ef-
u ficiency : i.e. the greater the assumed efficiency the
greater the required dimensions of outlet nozzle (and
flow passage).
Reliable performance of waterjet propeller is ensured by :
protection of its pump and flow passage against hard
Fig. 5. Arrangement of the waterjet propeller
solid fragments,
in ship’ engine room – side view . better control of turning and astern moving,
modernization of load - carrying bearing installed inside
the pump, e.g. by applying a bearing fitted with water-
-lubricated ceramic sleeves.
The small-draught inland waterways ship in question has to
operate with a low speed. It affects its propulsion efficiency. The
ship is slender - hence its flow passage dimensions are restric-
ted, which as a result limits waterjet propulsion efficiency.