Exploration History and Petroleum System

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Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 63, June 2017, pp.

x – x

Exploration history and petroleum systems of the onshore Baram

Delta, northern Sarawak, Malaysia
John Jong1*, Harun Alrashid Bin Mohamad Idris2, Peter Barber3, Franz L. Kessler4,
Tran Quoc Tan1 & Ryuichi Uchimura1
JX Nippon Oil and Gas Exploration (Deepwater Sabah) Limited
Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS)
Retired Consultant/Sequence Stratigrapher (peter@barber-family.id.au)
Goldbach Geoconsultants O&G and Lithium Exploration, Germany
*Corresponding author: jjong2005@gmail.com

Abstract: The onshore portion of Baram Delta petroleum province in northern Sarawak is largely covered by the Block
SK333 exploration permit, most recently operated by JX Nippon. It contains a complete sedimentary succession ranging
in age from Mid Eocene to Holocene. A sequence-stratigraphic investigation of the area, based on 2009 2D seismic,
integrated with recent biostratigraphic analyses conducted in 2010-2011, suggests that the sedimentary section has been
affected by three major episodes of deformation which are: (1) Late Cretaceous to Eocene (79.5-36Ma) block faulting,
(2) Late Oligocene to Mid Miocene (30-20.5Ma) wrench movement and related folding, followed by (3) Mid Pliocene
to Holocene (4.0-0Ma) uplift and compressional folding. These tectonic episodes have resulted in a subdivision of the
Block SK333 area into two major anticlinal trends: the Engkabang-Karap Anticline in the south, and separated by the
large Badas Syncline, the northern Miri-Asam Paya Anticline.This configurationes resulted in two distinct petroleum
systems and respective hydrocarbon zones: (i) A southern overmature gas system sourced probably from deeply buried
and carbonaceous Eo-Oligocene basinal shales containing reworked terrestrial organic matter, which charged wrench
induced traps such as at the Engkabang-Karap Anticline that were later overprinted by compressional folding. The
surface expression of this petroleum system is manifested by an active mud volcano on the western Engkabang-Karap
Anticline axis, which emits thermogenic C1 gas. Burial history modelling indicates that an earlier oil charge probably
occurred during deep Oligocene burial, preceding basin reversal during the Pliocene-Holocene inversion episode, with
the wrench-induced anticlinal closure which subsequently has been charged by late gas. (ii) A block-wide oil and gas
system sourced from peak mature Mid-Late Miocene carbonaceous shales and coals in the synclines, charging inversion
and compressional fold structures along the northern Miri-Asam Paya anticlinal trend, and also the Miocene section at
the Engkabang-Karap Anticline. Expulsion and charge to traps commenced during the Late Miocene and is continuing
to the present-day. Although the exploration results of the southern Eo-Oligocene carbonate play have been disappointing
to date, the onshore Baram Delta still contains a number of attractive, both untested and partially tested plays that are
yet to be fully explored. Lowstand delta and turbidite plays, a highstand delta shoreface play in the Miri-Asam Paya
anticlinal area and a moundform stratigraphic play in the southern limb of the Badas Syncline are among the untested
play identified in the study area.

Keywords: Onshore Baram Delta, northern Sarawak, petroleum systems, sequence stratigraphy, SK333

INTRODUCTION In the late 1880’s and similar to the other oil regions
The Baram Delta, an area of some 7000 km2, is a of the world, oil seeps provided the first motivation for oil
roughly triangular-shaped feature with its apex located exploration in northern Sarawak. In Brunei, exploration
in onshore northern Sarawak and extended to include started in 1899 with the first recorded well drilled close to
neighbouring Brunei in the northeast (Tan et al., 1999; Brunei town, now known as Bandar Seri Begawan (Sandal,
Figure 1). Approximately 85% of the basin is located 1996). The onshore Baram Delta is the birthplace of the
offshore, mostly in shallow water of less than 50 m depth. Malaysian oil and gas industry with the 1910 discovery of
The sedimentary fill, believed to be entirely Tertiary-aged, the first commercial oil field, the Miri Field. Encouraged
ranges in thickness from 3000 m in the inboard area to an by the significant discovery, enthusiasm was high across
estimated 10000 m offshore. Towards the southeast, the the border in Brunei and six companies were involved in
basin is confined by a thrust front of metamorphic Rajang the oil search including Royal Dutch Shell, which started
Group deposits. Regional interpretation of the basin operations in 1913 after discovering the Miri Field. By
architecture based on gravity and seismic data suggests 1918, all other companies had pulled out except Royal
that two northeast-southwest ridges are dividing the deeper Dutch Shell, which continued to search and found some
Palaeogene sedimentary section into the Balingian, Tinjar, accumulations of oil and gas in Labi, Belait in 1924.
Belait and Baram Delta basins (Figure 2), resulting into likely However, the find was too small to be commercialised. In
different hydrocarbon charge and migration mechanisms in 1925, the search for oil shifted to the Seria-Belait coastal
the various parts of the Baram Delta. strip and it was in 1929 that, the first giant commercial oil
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Figure 1: Location map of Block SK333

in northern Sarawak and existing well and
seismic database (with ~3000-line km of
2D). Inset map shows the outline of Baram
Delta as defined by Tan et al. (1999) in the
stippled area with bounding lineaments of
Tinjar-Baram lines defining the western
boundary and the Morris Fault-Jerudong
Line forming the eastern boundary.
Overlaid on the topography map is the
gravity data acquired by JX Nippon (Jong et
al., 2016) with Engkabang-Karap Anticline
highlighted as positive anomalies.

Figure 2: Interpreted depth to economic

basement basin architecture of onshore
Sarawak/Brunei and nearby offshore areas
based on seismic and gravity data.

find in Brunei was made at the Seria Field by the British Oilfields Limited, a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell in
Malayan Petroleum Company, owned by Royal Dutch 1981. The chronology of the earlier exploration history
Shell, which was the forerunner to the present Brunei Shell and key events that led to the discovery of the Miri Field
Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd (BSP) (Sandal, 1996). For have been well documented by Sandal (1996), Tan et al.
a long time, the onshore Miri and Seria oil fields were the (1999), and also more recently by Sorkhabi (2010) and
only producing fields despite more than 65 exploration Wannier et al. (2011). In addition, Shell published internally
wells were drilled between 1914 and 1960. With the lack a number of geological field guides and excursion reports.
of further onshore exploration success and the breakthrough Kessler & Jong (2014) provided a potential explanation
that came in the 1960’s when technological advances such for the formation of the Canada Hills including an update
as shallow water 2D seismic acquisition made offshore of the structural interpretation of the Miri Field. The
exploration feasible, the exploration focus has since been main objective of this paper is focussed on the petroleum
shifted to offshore Baram Delta (Tan et al., 1999). geology and hydrocarbon habitats of the onshore Baram
This paper provides a brief review on the exploration Delta in Block SK333. The evaluations are largely based
history of the study area in the Malaysian territory with an on recently acquired 2D regional and reprocessed seismic
emphasis on the exploration activities and data acquisition lines (Jong et al., 2013; 2015). It is noted that the subject
after the relinquishment of the Miri Field by Sarawak has been partially addressed by Jong et al. (2016) in their
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discussion of the structural development, deposition model significantly dwindled as a result of rapid pressure loss,
and petroleum system of the Palaeogene carbonate of the as too many production wells (> 600!) had be drilled by
Engkabang-Karap Anticline. then. After producing approximately 80 million barrels of
oil the Miri Field was abandoned on 20th October 1972 in
EXPLORATION HISTORY spite of various enhancement efforts, and this was followed
The area covered by Block SK333 has been licensed by the whole concession relinquishment in 1981 (Wannier
several times (Figure 3). It was initially granted to the Anglo- et al., 2011). After this Shell ceased to carry out onshore
Saxon Petroleum Company Limited (later Sarawak Oilfields exploration. During Shell’s 72 years of active concession
Limited, both part of the Royal Dutch Shell). The initial period, outside of the Miri Field, 32 exploration and
exploration of the area during this period led to the discovery appraisal wells were drilled onshore. However, apart from
and development of the Miri Field in 1910 (Figure 4), and Miri No.1, none of the wells encountered any economical
the drilling of several prospects in the area. The Miri Field hydrocarbon accumulation (Tan et al., 1999). Nonetheless,
reached its peak annual production of 5.548 million barrels it was noted that Well No. 604 hit a deeper, overpressured
of oil in 1929. From 1931 onwards, the annual production gas-/condensate-bearing zone of some 120 m thickness
within the Setap Shale at a depth of 1783 – 1905 m. The
reservoir was described as discontinuous lenses of fine sand,
and possibly of turbidite origin (Kessler & Jong, 2014).
In 1984, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. (PCSB)
carried out a 2D seismic survey, but no further exploration
activity was carried out (JX Nippon, 2015). In 1987,
Malaysian Baram Oil Development Company (MBODC),
as an operator, together with PCSB, as a partner, were
awarded a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for Block
SK14 (Figure 3). In 1987 they conducted a 738-line km
2D seismic survey and in 1991 drilled three exploratory
wells; Kuala Baram-1 in 1988, Asam Paya-1 in 1989 and
Padada-1 in 1991.
Kuala Baram-1 tested Late Miocene highstand and
Figure 3: Onshore Baram Delta exploration history and permit transgressive system tract shoreface sands and was plugged
assignment since Shell relinquished the area in 1981. Former and abandoned due to operational limitations. Minor gas
onshore Block SK14 and Block SK17 were operated by Malaysian
kicks and weak oil shows were recorded. It is noted that
Baram Oil Development Company (MBODC) and Idemitsu Oil
the east-west closure of the Kuala Baram structure was
Exploration (East Malaysia) Co. Ltd., respectively. Block SK333
was only recently relinquished by JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration difficult to resolve; hence, one of the potential reasons for
(Onshore Sarawak) Limited in 2015. JX Nippon drilled 4 exploration the failure may be lack of an effective trap. Padada-1 was
wells with a sub-commercial oil and gas discovery made by well drilled to test a 3-way dip footwall closure. It had minor
Adong Kecil West-1. oil shows but failed, possibly due to cross fault seal failure.

Figure 4: Schematic Miri Field -

Miri East structural cross section.
Stratigraphic framework of
the Miri Field is shown on the
left with estimated formation
tops of Miri East interpreted
from Miri Field data based on
seismic interpretation. Main
oil accumulations in the Miri
Field are inferred from MBODC
report (after JX Nippon, 2012b).
Post-drilling, no hydrocarbon
accumulation was encountered
in Miri East-1 and -2, which
were drilled downdip of the fault
blocks. The wells confirmed
the presence of migrated
hydrocarbons based on weak oil
shows from the T, 456 and 105
Sands but failed possibly due to
fault seal failure.
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The drilling of Asam Paya-1 was triggered by the oil migrated hydrocarbons based on weak oil shows from the T,
discovery by Rasau-2 in Brunei. Similar to Rasau-2, Asam 456 and 105 Sands, and also based on the gradual increase
Paya-1 targeted Late Miocene sands of the South Rasau of gas levels with heavier n-alkane components below the C
structure - a fault bounded northeast trending anticline that Sand, which resulted in a major gas kick at the 105 Sand.
straddles the Sarawak-Brunei border. The well discovered From the same surface locality of Miri East-1, Miri East-2
oil and gas accumulations in the Middle to Lower Cycle V was drilled targeting a similar play. However, it resulted
coastal sandstone reservoir facies, which led to drilling of in a similar outcome as Miri East-1 (JX Nippon, 2012a
2 appraisal wells, Asam Paya-2 and Asam Paya-3 in 1989 and b; Figure 4).
and 1990, respectively. Asam Paya-3 was not successful The third exploration well, Adong Kecil West-1/ST1/
and is possibly located in a separate fault compartment. The ST2, drilled in 2012, tested the Late Miocene deltaic
block was relinquished in 1993 without the development sandstone reservoirs of the most up-dip hanging-wall fault
of Asam Paya Field (Tan et al., 1999). Presently, the field block on the Miri-Asam Paya anticlinal trend. 23 years
is on production under a unitization agreement between after the last discovery of onshore economical oil at Asam
PETRONAS and BSP (Jong et al., 2015). Paya, the Adong Kecil West-1/ST1/ST2 exploration well
Block SK17 (Figure 3) was awarded to Idemitsu Oil encountered a 510 m hydrocarbon column (gross thickness)
Exploration (East Malaysia) Co. Ltd. (Idemitsu) in 1991. within the Lower Cycle V sandstone reservoirs confirmed
The exploration phase kicked-off with the acquisition and by 2 drill stem tests (JX Nippon, 2013).
processing of 1018-line km of 2D seismic data in 1991 Engkabang West-1 was the fourth and last exploration
and was followed by the drilling of 2 exploration wells, well drilled by JX Nippon in 2013/14. It was aimed to
namely Aman-1 and Penipah-1. Aman-1 was drilled in 1993 test a different play type - the Eo-Oligocene carbonate
to test the Mid to Late Miocene sediments in a 3-way dip bank play. The well penetrated 3 distinct target zones: (1)
closure on the Pasir Nose located on the southern limb of thickly developed silty claystone with thin intercalations
the Badas Syncline. The well was plugged and abandoned of sandstone and limestone layers, correlated with the
with both oil and gas shows across the targeted reservoir transition zone above the massive carbonate section in
section. Penipah-1, drilled in the same year targeted the Engkabang-1, (2) a massive and very tightly-cemented
equivalent reservoir in a downthrown 3-way dip closure of carbonate that was correlated biostratigraphically to the
the same structure. Oil shows ranging from poor to good massive carbonate observed in Engkabang-1, and (3) a
quality were recorded in ditch cuttings, sidewall cores calcareous shale zone below the massive carbonate similarly
and conventional cores. Both oil and gas were recovered encountered in Engkabang-1. The well’s total depth was
to surface during wireline logging operations. The block, called shallower than expected due to operational constraint,
however, was then relinquished in 1995 as both discoveries and consequently, the inferred deeper and older carbonate
were deemed uneconomical at the time. section remained untested. Although gas shows were
In 2007, after a long hiatus in exploration activities, JX recorded from fractures within the carbonate section, a drill
Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration Onshore Sarawak Limited stem test confirmed tight reservoir and no hydrocarbon flow
(JX Nippon), as an operator with PCSB as a partner signed a (JX Nippon, 2014; Jong et al., 2016).
PSC for the onshore Sarawak Block SK333. During the first 3 In summary, many of the old wells (pre-1980’s) drilled
years of the exploration period, extensive data acquisition and based on geological mapping, seep detection, gravity surveys
seismic processing projects were undertaken; including the (1900-1940) and sparse low-fold seismic (1940-1980)
reprocessing of 1730-line km of 2D seismic line, acquisition appear to be off-structure, when compared with the currently
and processing of 850-line km of new 2D seismic lines, available and mostly adequate high-fold 2D coverage. The
block-wide high-resolution gravity and magnetic surveys seismic data varies both in coverage and quality across the
and a prospect-focussed surface geochemical survey. Four area (Figure 1). The north is covered by a regularly-spaced
wildcat exploration wells were drilled namely Miri East-1, 1987 (geophone and bay cable) 2D grid on both sides of
Miri East-2, Adong Kecil West-1/ST1/ST2 and Engkabang the Baram River. The main shooting direction is northwest-
West-1 (JX Nippon, 2015). southeast, parallel to the strike of the Baram River. The line
The Miri East-1 wildcat exploration well was drilled spacing is about 1 km. These lines are linked by a few strike
in 2011 with the objective to test the foot-wall equivalent lines, shot in southwest-northeast direction. A coarse grid of
of the Late Miocene reservoir units of the Miri Field 2D exists over tracts of the Lambir Hills. Line spacing is
(Figure 4). Good reservoir development was observed in the order of 5-7 km. A regular grid with ca. 1.5 to 2 km
in the section above the Lower C Sand, but no reservoir spacing, acquired by Idemitsu in 1991, is available in the
facies were observed beneath the T Sand section. Post-well southern plain area (Marudi-Engkabang), and is infilled by
re-calibration of the time-to-depth relationship with the some 850-line km with a similar grid space acquired by JX
newly acquired data revealed that the initially interpreted Nippon in 2009. In 2010, a few 2D test lines were also shot
faults and seismic horizons are much gentler in their dips, over the Miri Field to further delineate the structure’s fault
and thus the deviation of Miri East-1 well was towards the compartments. The results were mixed, but the data were
down dip of the fault block. No hydrocarbon accumulation later used to infer a possible wrench-related structuration
was encountered, but the well confirmed the presence of with pop-up feature associated with the formation of the
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Canada Hills (Kessler & Jong, 2014). critical to better understand the observed styles of structural
In order to further enhance reservoir characterization development in the onshore Sarawak area. These onshore
and to address concern on fault connectivity over the Adong structures play a vital role in providing migration pathways
Kecil cluster, following the Adong Kecil West oil and gas and traps for the subsequent migration and preservation of
discovery, a first onshore 3D seismic survey in Malaysia hydrocarbon accumulations.
was conducted. It covers an area approximately 181.98 The Baram Delta is situated on the north-eastern margin
km2 across the Miri-Asam Paya anticlinal structure (Figure of Sundaland, which is strongly influenced by three major
1). Despite the enhanced imaging of the subsurface via dynamic plate tectonic vectors (Figure 5): (1) northward
the 3D seismic survey and potential for the Adong Kecil subduction of the Indo-Australian Plate, (2) westward
West development, JX Nippon officially relinquished Block subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate along with the trailing
SK333 in early 2015 in the light of falling crude oil prices subduction of the Pacific Plate, and (3) south-easterly
and hence a reduced economic outlook for the project. extrusion of Mesozoic continental blocks of the southern
Table 1 summarises the key exploration well results Sunda Plate as a wedge between the Indo-Australian and
drilled in Block SK333. Philippine Sea plates.
The delta is separated from the relatively stable
REGIONAL SETTING, DEPOSITIONAL Mesozoic Sundaland Craton by the northwest-southeast
HISTORY AND DEFORMATION SUMMARY trending Baram (or West Baram) and Tinjar lines, which are
The Cenozoic evolution of the NW Borneo margin palaeo-transform faults, but are presently zones of large-scale
records a diverse array of tectonic events including steeply NE-dipping normal faults (Cullen, 2014). The eastern
subduction, block faulting, compression and large-scale part of the delta is separated by the Morris Fault-Jerudong
continental strike-slip faulting occurring in spatially and Line (see Figure 1 inset for location), a palaeo submarine
temporally complex relations. An understanding of the continental slope commonly referred to as a ‘sinistral wrench
northern Borneo plate tectonic evolution is therefore fault zone’ by Hutchison (1994) from the old and highly

Table 1: Summary of key exploration well results in Block SK333. The exploration drilling efforts, from the Miri Field discovery in
1910 until the drilling of well North Lutong-1 in 1965, were carried out in a complex structural setting without modern technology such
as 3D seismic and were hence based on poor seismic resolution. See Figure 1 for well locations.

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Figure 5: SE Asia present-day

plate tectonic setting. The Baram
Delta lies on the NE margin of
Sundaland at the juxtaposition of
three major tectonic plate vectors
with northward subduction of
Indo-Australia Plate, westward
subducting Pacific/Philippines
plates and the south-easterly
extruding Sunda Plate (including
Indochina). After Teas, 2005. Inset
map shows key tectonic elements
on gravity anomaly map of Block

deformed Inboard Belt of offshore NW Sabah. the Engkabang-Karap Anticline and associated structuration.
A summary for the geological setting of the study During the Mid Miocene, well-defined major
area is provided by Kessler (2009) and Jong et al. (2016), unconformities exist caused by simultaneous tectonic
which encompasses the Baram Delta Block and the adjacent deformation episodes in the Borneo surrounding areas. This
foot-wall terrain of the Luconia/Tinjar Block (Figure 6). resulted in major phases of uplift and erosion and hiatuses
While the hanging-wall Baram Delta Block was rapidly of sedimentation in the uplifted areas (Leong, 1999; Madon,
subsiding during clastic sedimentation, the Luconia/Tinjar 1999; Kessler & Jong, 2015a). One of the Mid Miocene
Block had a lower subsidence rate. Being only moderately unconformities is covered by the Setap Shale. This formation
folded, this latter terrain is characterized by a number of is a deep marine, prominent sequence of dark clays and
synclines with minor overthrusting (see Figure 5 inset). shales with minor intercalations of siltstones and sandstones
The Baram Line acted as a tectonic discontinuity linking (Kessler & Jong, 2015b). Rapid deposition of the Setap Shale
the relatively stable Luconia/Tinjar Block to the mobile and and hence limited dewatering during compaction resulted
siliciclastic-dominated Baram Delta Block. A simplified in its ductile and overpressured characteristics. The shale’s
chrono-stratigraphic summary for northern Sarawak and ductility was later responsible for the present deformation
adjacent Brunei covering the study area is provided by of the overlying sediments. A release of pressure and
Kessler & Jong (2016) and is shown in Figure 7. liquids from the Setap Shale can still be observed today
Many oil and gas wells have been drilled into the in mud volcanoes around the Miri and Engkabang-Karap
delta’s sedimentary sequence, but most reached total depths areas (Hutchison, 2005; Kessler et al., 2011; Jong et al.,
within the Neogene section. For this reason, there are
hardly any well data available for the deeper Early Miocene
and Palaeogene basin fill. The older sedimentary sections
crop out in one location in northern Sarawak, namely in
Limbang (Kessler & Jong, 2016 and this volume). This
outcrop, together with a couple of deep well penetrations
in Engkabang-Karap area located on the southern fringe of
the onshore Baram Delta suggest that there are potentially
no Rajang Group turbidite sequences present beneath the
delta, but might have been thrusted over the Sarawak
Foreland Basin (Jong et al., 2016; Kessler & Jong, 2016
and this volume).
A tentative description of sedimentary sequences and
tectonic events characterising the study area is presented
Figure 6: Schematic block diagram of northern Sarawak with a
regional perspective of Late Miocene/Pliocene times. Luconia/Tinjar
During the Late Eocene, the onshore Sarawak area Block constitutes the foot-wall, the Baram Delta the hanging-wall
was covered by a bathyal basin with the development of NW of the Baram Hinge Zone defined by the Baram Line. Given
transgressive carbonate banks and shoals along its northern the folding of areas such as the Badas Syncline, Lambir Hills, Miri
shore (Kessler & Jong, 2016 and this volume). A period of etc., northern Sarawak serves as an example of relief-inversion
wrench-folding occurred along the Baram Line resulting in (after Kessler, 2009; Jong et al., 2016).
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Figure 7: Chrono-
stratigraphic table of the
major formations of the
Miri Zone covering northern
Sarawak and adjacent Brunei
area. The Upper Cretaceous to
Upper Eocene Rajang Group
(flysch) forms the Sibu Zone
and potentially underlies the
Miri Zone. The Sarawak
Orogeny caused low-grade
metamorphism and strong
folding characterized by
steep dips of the Rajang
Group. The overlying
formations (molasse) are
much less deformed, and un-
metamorphosed, except in
localized shear zones. After
Kessler & Jong (2016) and
modified after Hutchison
(2005, Figure 22).

2016). The calcareous and relatively fossil-rich upper part al., 1999). The Tukau Formation (laterally equivalent to
of the Setap Shale due to marls and thin limestone layers the Miri Formation), is however poorly consolidated with
is distinguished as the Sibuti Formation by Wannier et al. alternating soft clays and finely dispersed lignitic material.
(2011) and Khor et al. (2014). By Late Miocene, the onshore The Lambir, Tukau and Miri formations are overlain by
northern Sarawak area is characterised by shelf deltaic Pliocene, marine transgressive successions of sands and
progradation and aggradation systems, as well as turbiditic clays with minor lignite contributions referred to as the
sedimentation in slope to basin floor settings. The large Miri Liang Formation (Wannier et al., 2011). During this time,
listric growth faults started to develop creating the future the onshore northern Sarawak area was an area of highstand
foot-wall of the Miri-Asam Paya Anticline. deltaic progradation with turbidite deposition in the present-
From Pliocene to Pleistocene, deltaic progradation day offshore area. Major deformation episodes that occurred
continued with re-deposition of sediments supplied from during the Pliocene resulted in the present-day distinct
the uplifted and eroded Borneo hinterland forming the truncation of the folded strata.
sand-rich Baram Delta system with the deposition of the The succession of the major tectonic episodes (Table
Lambir, Tukau, Miri and Liang formations. The Lambir 2) resulted in the observed deformation structural styles in
Formation is described as an alternation of shallow marine the northern Sarawak region (Figure 8):
sandstones with limited calcareous shales (Kessler & Jong, 1. Late Cretaceous to Eocene (79.5-36Ma). Block faulting
2015b). The Miri Formation, the prolific zone of the Miri of the crystalline basement of a metamorphic complex
Field (Figure 4), is a succession of deltaic, well consolidated, (Leong, 1999), which became faulted and truncated by
mostly fine grained sands with moderate porosity (Tan et erosion as a result of the tectonic break-up of Celebes
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Sea. The erosional surface was later non-conformably 3. Mid Pliocene to Holocene (4.0-0Ma). Continuous
overlain by marine sediments and the development of compressional folding resulted in a distinct folding
an Eo-Oligocene carbonate platform with nummulitic overprint over the onshore Sarawak area (Kessler &
shoals in the Engkabang-Karap area. Jong, 2014; 2015a; 2016). This compression event led
2. Late Oligocene to Mid Miocene (30-20.5Ma). Wrench to the inversion of listric foot-wall sedimentation in the
faulting and inversion tectonics, possibly related to the northern Miri area.
cumulative effects of the spreading of the proto-South
China Sea, subduction along the Borneo Trench and SEISMIC FACIES INTERPRETATION AND
the uplift of the Borneo hinterland. Wrenching along MAPPING OF DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS
the Baram and Tinjar lines accommodated these effects, In 2010-2011, JX Nippon conducted a detailed sequence
producing the wrench structuration over the Engkabang- stratigraphic study covering Block SK333, with the objective
Karap Anticline. of establishing a stratigraphic correlation framework
in support of sequence stratigraphic and depositional
models covering the Paleogene to Neogene successions
of the onshore Baram Delta. The palaeo-geographic and
environments of deposition (EODs) maps generated are
used for predicting the potential source, reservoir and
seal distributions and to help identify and rank drillable
leads and prospects. The study was based on block-wide
remote sensing interpretation of a high resolution gravity
and magnetic dataset to firstly identify regional structural
trends. A total of approximately 3000-line km of 2D seismic
data were interpreted (Figure 1), and more importantly, 10
key wells were selected for high resolution biostratigraphic
analysis (CoreLab, 2010) in order to establish a more reliable
well-based sequence and lithofacies interpretation. These
Figure 8: Observed structuration styles in Block SK333 as a
dataset forms the main input for this integrated palaeo-
consequence of three major tectonic episodes: (1) Late Cretaceous
to Eocene (79.5-36 Ma) block faulting, (2) Late Oligocene to Mid environmental and sequence stratigraphic study.
Miocene (30-20.5 Ma) wrenching and folding and, (3) Mid Pliocene The 10 key wells mentioned include Kuala Baram-1,
to Holocene (4.0-0 Ma) compressional tectonism. Ensalai-1, Asam Paya-1, Pasir-3, Pasir-2, Aman-1, Pasir-4,

Table 2: NW Borneo - summary of key chrono-stratigraphic events (compiled from various sources including Hall, 2002;
Teas, 2005; Balaguru & Hall, 2009; Cullen, 2010; Balaguru & Lukie, 2012). The highlighted red events are potentially
associated with and impacting on the two younger observed tectonic episodes: Late Oligocene to Mid Miocene (30-
20.5 Ma) wrenching and folding and, Mid Pliocene to Holocene (4.0-0 Ma) compressional tectonism experienced in
Block SK333.

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Penipah-1, Pasir-1 and Engkabang-2, all of which are the Block SK333 area (Figure 12). Most SBs interpreted
geographically located along the Baram River, and proved in this project are third to fourth order (1-3 and 0.1-1 Ma,
invaluable for a well to seismic correlation exercise. respectively), largely related to global-eustatic events. Local
Figure 9 shows a regional onshore-offshore correlation tectonic events are responsible for disturbances to the Haq
of sedimentary facies across the Baram Delta, where a et al. (1987) coastal on lap curve. High-frequency cycles
continuous Miocene to Holocene sedimentary succession (0.01 to 0.1 Ma) seem to be too narrow to be resolved on
could be studied. The products of the high resolution our chrono-stratigraphic chart (Figure 12), but may still
biostratigraphic analyses such as the interpreted EOD maps be recognised on litholog profiles as coarsening and fining
and the identified sequence boundaries (SB) represent the upward cycles.
critical geological controls of the study. Hence updating In this study, three generic depositional models for Block
of the geological data base was carried out, especially the SK333 were developed based on analogue studies: (1) steep
well to seismic ties and correlation to seismic of the various carbonate bank and shoal model for the southern part of the
EOD’s and lithofacies types. This is an important exercise study area (Figure 13), (2) delta plain to shoreface model
for understanding seismic facies responses. Subsequently, applicable for the entirety of the study area (Figure 14), and
integrated well lithofacies logs (lithologs) with interpreted (3) turbidite model for the northern part of the study area
well sequence boundaries, maximum flooding surfaces (Figure 15). The Ypresian nummulitic steep carbonate shoal
(MFS) and EODs were generated for each of the studied model of northern Tunisia (Vennin et al., 2013) serves as
wells (Figure 10). The well SBs and EOD annotations were an analogue for the carbonate interval (Melinau Formation-
carefully correlated with seismic picks and stratal geometries equivalent) encountered at depth in Engkabang West-1 well
as shown in the example of the well to seismic ties at wells (JX Nippon, 2014). Coastal delta plain to shoreface models
Penipah-1 and Pasir-4 (Figure 11). The results suggest an were used to address the prograding Palaeogene to Neogene
excellent correlation of litholog calibration to seismic data successions of the onshore Baram Delta, including forced
that show a pronounced monoclinal dip to the northeast in regression and carbonate bank and shoal growth during
this particular example. the transgressive and highstand periods (Catuneanu, 2002).
Based on the well lithofacies and sequence stratigraphic For the palaeo-deepwater environment of the northern part
results, a chrono-stratigraphic chart was constructed for of Block SK333, a lowstand turbidite model was adopted.

Figure 9: Regional onshore-offshore correlation of sedimentary facies across the Baram Delta. The lithological succession shows a mega
progradational, upward coarsening sequence with several occurrences of shaly intervals reflecting several pulses of marine flooding
events as bottomsets of local para-sequences. Well tops were stratigraphically repositioned (after JX Nippon, 2015). Inset map shows the
locations of selected wells (in red), geographically located along the Baram River for biostratigraphic analyses (CoreLab, 2010), where a
continuous Miocene sedimentary succession could be studied and established. Overall 18 sequence boundaries (SB) with key maximum
flooding surfaces (MFS) were identified based on biofacies and well lithofacies interpretation, and in good agreement with seismic data.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 63 , June 2017 9
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Three regional composite seismic sections striking

across the study area from southeast to northwest were
utilised to create seismic sequence stratigraphic profiles.
An example is shown in Figure 16. The interpretation
of seismic facies matches fairly well with the interpreted
biostratigraphic data. The recognition of shelf breaks for
each interpreted horizon is critical for the understanding
of facies distribution: topsets updip of the shelf break are
shoreface to delta plain facies, and bottomsets downdip of
the shelf break are dominantly turbidites to basinal shale
facies. From the seismic sequence stratigraphic sections,
five main potential plays have been identified (Figure
16): (1) Eocene carbonate banks and shoals affected by
wrench inversion structuration with anticlinal closure in
the Engkabang-Karap area, (2) Mid Miocene turbidites
affected by inversion deformation with potential anticlinal
closure in Engkabang-Karap area, (3) Late Miocene to
Pliocene highstand shoreface sands with structural and,
potentially, stratigraphic traps in Miri-Asam Paya Anticline
area, (4) Late Miocene to Pliocene lowstand delta sands
with stratigraphic traps in Miri-Asam Paya Anticline area,
and (5) Late Miocene lowstand turbidites with structural
and stratigraphic trapping in Miri-Asam Paya anticline area.
These play types with seismic examples will be discussed
in more detail in the play summary section.

Southern area
Focusing on the Eo-Oligocene Engkabang-Karap
carbonate bank and shoal play in the southern part of Block
Figure 10: An example of integrated well lithology. SK333, the study reveals carbonate development initiated

Figure 11: An example

of well to seismic tie
illustrating lithofacies
well log calibration to
seismic data. Note the
excellent correlation of
picks and pronounced
monoclinal dip to the
northeast. See Figure 10
for lithofacies legends
(after Jong et al., 2013;
10 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 63 , June 2017


Figure 12: Chrono-stratigraphic chart for Block SK333. Global relative change of coastal onlap after Haq et al. (1987) with comparison ages from Gradstein et al. (2004).

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atop the sequence boundary (angular unconformity) of the with shingled to oblique clinoforms, is interpreted as
pre-rift faulted sequence (50.5 Ma SB) (Figures 16 and a prograding transgressive and highstand system tract
17). Several distinct seismic facies packages with their carbonate shoal. Stratum 4 to 5 represents highly continuous,
respective stratal geometries and amplitude characteristics high amplitude parallel reflectors interpreted as weathered
are present between the 50.5 to 23.8 Ma SBs. Stratum 1 to 2, vadose zone above the highstand system tract carbonate
characterised by opaque, moderately continuous amplitudes, shoal, and stratum 5 to 6 is characterised by continuous
is interpreted as biohermal banks or shoals. Stratum 2 to 4, moderate amplitudes, interpreted as a combination of pelagic
characterised by continuous moderate amplitude reflectors carbonates and basinal shales (Figure 17).
From the stratal geometries of the Mid to Late
Eocene section, an active development of a transgressive
and highstand system tract carbonate shoal is interpreted.
This carbonate shoal is interbedded with hard grounds
believed to have been formed during lowstand system
tract erosional periods. This carbonate growth possesses
an overall geometry of a progradational and aggradational
shoal morphology with thinning at both of its inboard and
outboard wedges. The absence of high relief bioherms or
classic onlap facies suggestsa lack of framework builders.
This was later proven from the well results of Engkabang
West-1 (JX Nippon, 2014). Such characteristics are also
evident in the local outcrops of Batu Gading and Gunung
Figure 13: Eocene prograding carbonate reservoir model adapted Mulu (Melinau Formation-equivalent) (Kessler & Jong, 2016
for the southern Engkabang-Karap Anticline carbonate based on and this volume). The Eocene carbonate section of Gunung
the model of Ypresian nummulitic steep carbonate ramp model of
Mulu is made up of large shoal of nummulites, as coral
northern Tunisia (picture courtesy of Dr. Peter Barber).

Figure 14: Schematic delta to shoreface facies

and environmental setting adapted for SK333
block-wide evaluation (picture courtesy of Dr.
Peter Barber).

Figure 15: Turbidite model adapted for the

analysis of northern Block SK333 area (picture
courtesy of Dr. Peter Barber).
12 lume63BuletinofhGgcaSyMs,Vo ,June2017
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framework builders are not prevalent until Late Oligocene An alternative explanation for the observed variations
(Wilson & Rosen, 1998; Wilson, 2008). Above interpretation in the carbonate facies evolution from the Late Eocene to
is also based upon the analogue Ypresian steep nummulitic Middle Miocene in northern Sarawak is suggested by Kessler
carbonate shoal model in the El Garia Formation of northern & Jong (this volume). According to Kessler & Jong the older
Tunisia – an oil producing reservoir and the second largest Late Eocene-Oligocene carbonate platform has developed
oil field in Tunisia (Anz & Ellouz, 1985). during a deepening upwards cycle, whereas the younger

Figure 16: Interpreted composite seismic sequence stratigraphic profile striking across the study area in the southeast-northwest direction
highlighting the identified play types at Engkabang-Karap area in the south to Miri-Asam Paya anticlinal areas to the north. Annotated
are key SBs established based on well to seismic integration. The red numbers 1, 2 and 3 represent the three major deformation episodes
described in Figure 8. Colour code for depositional facies: light blue = carbonate, light green = slope to basin shale, light yellow = sandy
shoreface facies, light brown = turbidite fairway trends downdip of shelf breaks (after Jong et al., 2013; 2015).

Figure 17: Interpreted seismic facies of Engkabang-Karap carbonate play along Strike Line NOEX09-04. This strike section very clearly
demonstrates at least 3 prograding clinoform ramp cycles (stratum 2-3, 3-4 and 5-6). Distinct geometries can be identified ranging from
opaque to high amplitude continuous representing inferred ramp and biohermal shoals with erosional cycles of interbedded hardgrounds
related to lowstand system tract erosional episodes (after Jong et al., 2013; 2015).
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Early-Middle Miocene platform represents a shallowing lie within the southern limb and central part of the Badas
upwards sequence. Consequently, the authors propose Syncline. From 14.5 Ma SB onwards, these younger sections
that the sequence comprising two carbonate platforms and subcrop towards the south and southeast of the study area
clastic intervals as one mega-cycle caused by successive due to compressional tectonic deformation that occurred
drowning, with a maximum water depth in the Oligocene. from Mid Pliocene to Holocene times. The main reservoir
Subsequently it was followed by a gradual uplift of the area facies are expected to be shoreface, tidal and turbidite
culminating in renewed carbonate deposition. facies with tidal and delta plain peats rich in coaly organic
The facies map (Figure 18b) illustrates the first stage matter as the potential source rock facies. From 10.0 to 9.2
of a carbonate bank and shoal development in a northward Ma SBs (base to middle Tortonian age, Figures 18g and
progradation along an east-west trending facies belt of 18h), the shelf break was located within the northern limb
likely benthic foraminiferal banks locally incised by tidal of the Badas Syncline and the Miri-Asam Paya Anticline.
channels (stratum 1 to 3). An erosion episode followed and During this time, most of the northern area is covered by a
later a drowning phase of the area causing the retreat of southwest-northeast trending swath of tidal flats, shoreface
the carbonate bank to the eastern part of the area (stratum and shelfal facies. The main reservoir facies seems to be a
4 to 5). Post 41.0 Ma SB, subsequent carbonate bank likely turbidite facies beneath the Miri-Asam Paya Anticline,
development was restricted to high relief localities and was which later continued to be deposited in the northern flank
later smothered by abundant clastic influx. Based on the of the anticline. The shoreface facies is also one of the
biostratigraphic analysis of Engkabang West-1 ditch cuttings, primary reservoirs representing the Miri Field producing
the carbonate palaeo-environment is interpreted as a middle zone. Again, the tidal and delta plain peats represent the
to outer neritic, deep marine depositional environment (JX probable source rock for the area.
Nippon, 2014; Kessler & Jong, this volume). The shelf break continued to further prograde north-
westward to the present-day offshore area from 9.2 to 4.0
Northern area Ma SBs (middle Tortonian to Zanclean; Figures 18i to 18n).
The northern part of Block SK333 refers to the area The shelf break at 8.0 Ma SB was located approximately
northwards from the southern limb of the Badas Syncline. at the present-day coastline (Figures 18i and 18j). During
In the sequence stratigraphic profiles (Figure 16), the shelf this time interval, the northern area remained covered
breaks show a general north-westerly migration during 50.5 by tidal flats, shoreface and shelfal facies with the main
to 5.7 Ma SBs. The geometric profile of the Early Miocene reservoir being shoreface facies and the peats of tidal and
to Pliocene section is predominantly progradational with the delta plains as the potential source rock facies for the area
exception of two aggradational episodes during 10.0 to 9.6 (Figures 18i to 18n).
Ma SBs and 7.6 to 6.4 Ma SBs, and one retrogradational
episode from 9.2 to 8.0 Ma SBs (Figure 18a). SUMMARY OF PETROLEUM SYSTEMS
Environment of deposition maps were generated for The integrated well and seismic sequence stratigraphic
the Mid Eocene - Early Pliocene, 4.0 – 50.5 Ma SBs investigation has narrowed down the prospective key
(Figure 18). The Mid to Late Miocene interval (41 to 50.5 structural and reservoir development in Block SK333 to two
Ma SBs; Figure 18b) represents an interplay of several zones: (1) Eo-Oligocene carbonate in the Engkabang-Karap
composite progradational and aggradational carbonate Anticline with possibly reduced porosity and permeability
banks and shoals, resulting in series of east-west trending due to its deep burial depth prior to uplift deformation
belts ranging from paralic to carbonate shoal to basinal associated with later inversion tectonism, and (2) Late
facies. The second composite interval covers 21.0 to 41.0 Miocene to Pliocene clastics deposited along strike of
Ma SBs (Figure 18c), where the 33.7 Ma SB shelf break is the Miri-Asam Paya Anticline with viable porosity and
within the Engkabang-Karap Anticline area. Main reservoir permeability properties (Figure 19).
facies are expected to be shelfal to upper slope facies with For the majority of Late Miocene to Pliocene clastics
potential basinward turbidites, while pro-delta and basinal within the central part of the Badas Syncline, poor reservoir
shales (containing reworked terrestrial algal matter) could characteristics are anticipated due to likely considerable
be the main source rock. compaction, which itself has a low chance for hydrocarbon
During the interval 21.0 to 14.2 Ma SBs (Burdigalian entrapment but provides an effective source kitchen area
to base Langhian age; Figure 18d), the shelf break was for hydrocarbon generation (Figure 19). The three tectonic
within the northern limb of the Engkabang-Karap Anticline phases of structural deformations have resulted in the above
and the southern limb of the Badas Syncline. The main anticlinal trends with two different petroleum systems (Jong
reservoirs are expected to be shoreface to shelfal facies et al., 2013; 2015). While trapping is not considered a
with potential turbidites downdip. The basinal shales, with critical risk for the onshore Baram Delta with the presence
potentially reworked terrestrial matter, are again expected of inversion anticlines and fault-bounded foot-wall and
to form the source rock of the area. From 14.2 to 10.0 Ma hanging-wall traps, the inherited risks of other petroleum
SBs (base Langhian to base Tortonian age; Figures 18e system elements are higher. The associated risks and
and 18f), the shelf breaks prograded north-westward to uncertainties of these elements are summarised below.

14 lume63BuletinofhGgcaSyMs,Vo ,June2017
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Figure 18: Interpretation of environments of deposition (EOD) from the onshore Baram Delta from 50.5 - 4.0 Ma based on an integrated
approach of well lithofacies and seismic sequence stratigraphic study (modified after Jong et al., 2013; 2015).

Source rock model and hydrocarbon generation show that the shales possess fair organic carbon richness
The southern gas system is the older petroleum system and poor hydrocarbon generating potential (Ismail & Abu
believed to be sourced from the deeply buried and present- Hassan, 1999). The Setap Shale samples contain Type III
day overmature Eo-Oligocene basinal shales. They are organic matter with potential to generate predominantly
likely age-equivalent to the Belaga and Tatau formations gas, and their biomarker assemblages are characterised by
(Figure 7). However, the source rock potential of these shaly features that suggest the source rocks were derived from
formations remain uncertain. For example, the younger terrestrial organic matter input and higher land plant resins
Oligo-Early Miocene, slope to basinal Setap Shale was (Ismail & Abu Hassan, 1999).
found to contain generally poor source rock. Source rock Oil charge, however is believed possible with the
studies carried out on both outcrop and subsurface samples re-deposition of delta source material containing organic
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 63 , June 2017 15
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matter that consists of oil-prone resins, plant leaves and

coal fragments that were subsequently transported into the
deepwater basin by turbidity currents (Dunham et al., 2003;
Longley, 2005). According to Dunham et al. (2003) and
Saller et al. (2006), the organic matter is not disseminated
within the turbidite; rather, the kerogen becomes concentrated
into laminae that can reach up to 15% TOC. This method
of deposition is in marked contrast to typical marine source
rocks, which become enriched in organic matter during
periods of exceptionally low terrigenous clastic influx, as
during times of condensed sequence deposition. In contrast,
terrestrial oil-prone kerogen becomes concentrated in the
deepwater during times of high clastic-influx from the shelf.
However, it is noted that this model has so far been proven
only in the Miocene section of the Kutei (e.g., Peters et al.,
2000; Dunham et al., 2003; Saller et al., 2006) and Sabah
(e.g., Algar, 2012; Jong et al., 2014) basins.
During the Early Miocene, this petroleum system
was believed to have charged the Late Oligocene to Mid
Figure 19: Block SK333 reservoir presence and effectiveness map.
The Badas Syncline has poor reservoir characteristics with low Miocene wrench-induced traps of the southern Engkabang-
effectiveness anticipated due to its likely considerable compaction, Karap Anticline (Figure 20). They were later influenced
but provide an effective source kitchen area of mature Cycle V by Mid Pliocene to Holocene folding. This still active
carbonaceous shales and coals for hydrocarbon generation and petroleum system is leaking at the present-day surface
migration to the Miri-Asam Paya Anticline. by an active mud volcano in Karap, atop the western
part of the Engkabang-Karap Anticline. It releases mostly
un-burnable gas (Kessler et al., 2011; Jong et al., 2016),
however another seep on the nearby Bakong River releases
C1 gas. Burial history modelling of the Tatau-equivalent
source rock with Organofacies D/E of Pepper & Corvi
(1995), equivalent to the Type III terrestrial organic matters
of paralic/lagoonal shales and coals behind the shoreline
suggests that an earlier oil charge probably occurred during
deep Oligocene-Miocene burial, preceding basin reversal
during the Pliocene-Holocene inversion episode (Figure 20).
The wrench-induced anticlinal closure was subsequently
charged by late stage gas.
The northern, younger and more extensive oil and gas
petroleum system is sourced from Mid to Late Miocene
tidal and delta plain peat deposits, carbonaceous shales and
coals at depth in the Badas Syncline. According to Longley
(2005), the Baram Delta contains prolific shelf production
area characterised by structural grains orthogonal to the
depositional dip resulting in a mechanism that control
deposition and enrichment of source intervals called ‘delta
top ponding’ (Figure 21). In this model, the presence of
tannin in the waters of the mangrove and back mangrove
areas, peat swamps and lagoons creating bacteria free water
columns that effectively impede organic matter degradation
by bacteria. The rapid burial of this land plant material in
swampy lower coastal plain and delta top environments
Figure 20: Southern SK333 hydrocarbon generation history. results in sub-oxic conditions that also inhibit the degradation
Top - modelled Belaga-equivalent source rock (~35.5 Ma) starts and therefore better preservation of organic matter. In our
expelling hydrocarbon around 20 My ago, peaked and ceased fieldwork of the Miri Field outcrops, we observed source rock
expulsion at around 9 Ma preceding the Late Miocene-Holocene intervals containing oil-prone bituminous coals occurring
uplift. Bottom - modelled Tatau-equivalent source rock (~28.5 Ma) as thin-bedded organic-rich layers beyond the resolution of
suggests expulsion began ~ 19 My ago with gas and associated oil,
conventional logging tools. These bituminous units are high
peaked and ceased expulsion at around 7 Ma preceding the Late
Miocene-Holocene uplift.
in waxy organic and liptinitic contents for oil generation.
16 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 63 , June 2017
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The Late Miocene to Holocene hydrocarbon expulsion

and migration charged the inversion and fold structures along
the Miri-Asam Paya Anticline area (Figure 22). The Mid
Miocene section at the Engkabang-Karap Anticline, where
oil shows were encountered by Engkabang-1 and Engkabang
West-1 wells (JX Nippon, 2014), was likely charged by the
same petroleum system. Figure 23 summarises the outcomes
of charge modelling study conducted in Block SK333.

Reservoir quality and effectiveness

In southern SK333, uncertainty in the initial
Engkabang-1 (Shell, 1960) well test quality and the potential
for a large in-place resource led to the drilling of Engkabang Figure 21: Schematic summary of the ‘delta top ponding’ model
for the accumulation and preservation of organic matter (after
West-1 in 2013-2014 on the western culmination of the
Longley, 2005).
Engkabang-Karap Anticline by JX Nippon (JX Nippon,
2014; Jong et al., 2016). The well discovered non-economic
gas due to tightly-cemented carbonate reservoirs. In the study
of the Engkabang-Karap carbonates by Jong et al. (2016), the
authors concluded that relatively deep burial of carbonates
has led to partial dissolution of grains and formation of
stylolites. Mobilized carbonate (calcite) likely filled fractures
and prevented major fracture porosity systems. Observation
from a time-equivalent section of Late Eocene/Oligocene
carbonate rock exposed in the Batu Gading outcrops shows
the matrix rock there is very tightly cemented and dissected
by major and minor fault and fracture systems, which
display calcite re-mineralisation implying that there is little
or no fracture permeability retained. Current circumstantial
evidences from the study point to porosity/permeability
occluding diagenetic processes could be more prevalent in
affecting carbonate reservoir quality, hence a medium chance
is assigned for the reservoir presence and effectiveness for
the Engkabang-Karap Anticline (Figure 19).
The primary reservoir targets in northern SK333
are the highly porous and permeable, generally medium
to fine grained deltaic shoreface sands.The Upper Cycle
V containing a number of thick sandy units is the most
fruitful interval in terms of the hydrocarbon discovery in
and around northern SK333. Although the seismic events
are monotonously dominated with flat events, the well data
shows upward coarsening sequence with alternation of thick
shallow marine shales and deltaic shaly sandstones.
The rocks exposed around the Miri city, Sarawak, Figure 22: Northern SK333 hydrocarbon generation history.
which belongs to the Upper Miocene Miri Formation, are Top – burial history modelling at Asam Paya-1 with the modelled
the uplifted part of the subsurface, oil-bearing sedimentary Cycle V source rock interval entering oil window at around 9 Ma.
strata of the Miri Field (Figure 24) and possibly also for the Bottom - the modelled Cycle V source rock (10.7 Ma) suggests oil
offshore fields (Teoh & Abd. Rahman, 2009). Liechti et al. expulsion begins ~ 9 My ago and plateaued at around 4 Ma with
continued uplift.
(1960) described the formation as a predominantly shallow
marine arenaceous succession, based on observations of
outcrops of the Miri Anticline (Figure 25) and examination preservation with an average of 15% total porosity down
of subsurface material from the Miri and the Seria fields. The to a depth of 3500 m below surface along the Miri-Asam
basal contact with the underlying Setap Shale Formation is a Paya anticlinal trend (Figure 26).
gradual transition from an arenaceous succession downward
into a predominantly argillaceous succession. The maximum Sealing capability
total thickness of Miri Formation estimated in the Seria A top seal is expected to be present over the entire
Field in Brunei is over 6000 feet (1830 m). Overall, the study area in the form of either the regional Late Oligocene-
general porosity-depth relationship indicates good reservoir Early Miocene Setap Shale, particularly for the southern
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 63 , June 2017 17
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Figure 23: Charge

modelling for Block SK333
indicating the chance for
dominantly gas sourced
from now overmature Eo-
Oligocene basinal shales
with reworked terrestrial
matter in Southern SK333
(top left), and a Northern
SK333 oil and gas system
sourced from mature Mid-
Late Miocene carbonaceous
shales and bituminous coals
(Organofacies D/E) in the
synclinal area of the Badas
Syncline (bottom right).

carbonate play or more locally by the fourth to fifth order SUMMARY OF PLAY CONCEPTS AND
shaly maximum flooding surfaces forming intra-formational EXPLORATION POTENTIAL
seals. Sometime a sub-regional ‘master-seal’ often provides Block-wide, new and existing exploration plays that
the top seal to larger structures and ‘stacks’ of reservoir- range from the Eo-Oligocene carbonates to the Late
seal pairs (Figure 27). In the Adong Kecil West structure, Miocene-Pliocene clastics were identified across three
oil and gas intervals were discovered in multiple stack main areas: (1) Engkabang-Karap Anticline, (2) Southern
reservoirs. Each reservoir has independent pressure system limb of Badas Syncline, and (3) Miri-Asam Paya Anticline
as the reservoirs are being separated by thick and massive (Figures 16 and 29). These play concepts, as summarised
intra-formational shale. Top seal effectiveness in the study below admittedly need further evaluation to mature them
area is generally excellent, except where wrench faulting to individual prospect for resource ranking.
potentially causing seal failures. Lateral seal failure can be The shallower clastic Mid Miocene section in the
a risk for stratigraphic traps, however cross fault sealing Engkabang-Karap Anticline area may have potential as oil
capacity has been demonstrated in a number of discoveries shows with low resistivity log responses were encountered
such as the Miri, Seria and Adong Kecil West (Figure 27) in Engkabang-1 (Figure 16). An equivalent play was tested
fields with excellent shale gouge ratios in an overall shaly by the Engkabang-2 appraisal well (Shell, 1960). A drill stem
system. Limited seal effectiveness is also expected within test resulted in poor flow of both oil and water suggesting
the northern and southern limbs of the Badas Syncline due high water saturation. Located downdip, Engkabang West-1
to their monoclonal dips that may cause leakage for the encountered the Mid Miocene clastic play with oil shows
hydrocarbons. at shallow depth. Based on the post Engkabang West-1 re-
In summary, two major zones of optimum play fairway mapping exercise, the well is apparently located outside
development are separated by the Badas Syncline: (1) Miri- closure, while Engkabang-1 is at the oil-water contact.
Asam Paya Anticline with prolific hydrocarbon charge likely Both wells seem to have penetrated the residual/dead oil
from the Late Miocene coals and peats complimented by trapped in the palaeo-migration pathway and suggests the
excellent Mid Miocene to Early Pliocene shoreface-shelfal possibility of attic oil in the shallower part of the structure
reservoir sands with an upside of deeper turbidite sand, and (JX Nippon, 2014).
(2) Engkabang-Karap Anticline with a higher risk-reward The monoclinal dip at the southern limb of Badas
potential than the Miri-Asam Paya trend due to its high Syncline has the potential for stratigraphic pinchout traps
maximum depths of burial (5-6 km?) of the objective Eo- (Figure 16). Moundforms of uncertain origin (basin floor
Oligocene carbonate reservoir and consequent tight reservoir fan?) lying above the 14.5 Ma SB have been recognised
characteristics. There is a confirmed oil migration fairway and the environment interpreted from seismic facies analysis
from the Badas Syncline to shallower Mid Miocene turbidite suggests an outer shelf to upper slope depositional setting
reservoirs (Figure 16). The turbidites are poorly imaged (Figures 29 and 30).
on the existing seismic and may only be resolved by 3D Across the Miri-Asam Paya anticlinal trend, a number
seismic. These two petroleum systems from the onshore of different play types were identified (Figure 29). The
Baram Delta are well illustrated and summarized in the 4-way dip or fault closure dependent anticlinal play has
petroleum system summary chart (Figure 28). been tested and proven by the discovery of the Miri Field,
18 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 63 , June 2017
E s t t t u t tB Dt ,

Figure 24: Type log and

properties of the reservoir units
in the Upper Miri Formation,
Miri Field. The simplified
structural map of Top Upper
C Sand is shown on the right
(modified after Tan et al.,

Figure 25: An outcrop of Upper Miocene Miri Formation showing

cross bedding in the deltaic sandstone (after Sorkhabi, 2010).

and also by the recent oil and gas discovery made at Adong
Kecil West-1 in 2012 (JX Nippon, 2013). Nevertheless, the
equivalent hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir intervals located
on the foot-wall along the Miri-Rasau fault system remain
untested (Jong et al., 2015). In the northern flank of the
Miri-Asam Paya Anticline, a lowstand delta play related
to the 9.2 Ma SB forced regression of shoreface sand with
stratigraphic pinchout configuration was identified. The top
seal of this play is inferred to be provided by the marine
Figure 26: Total porosity versus depth plot from Adong Kecil
shales of the MFS from the subsequent transgressive system
West-1 and Asam Paya-1.
tracts. This lowstand delta play was also identified by seismic
below the technical TD of well North Lutong-1 (Figure 31). prominent yet only partially tested play is the highstand
Hence, the play remains untested. system tract shoreface play. This play is characterized by
Another untested lowstand turbidite play was observed a strong continuous seismic signal with distinct clinoform
in the deeper part of the anticline overlying the 9.6 Ma SB. geometry between the 9.6 to 9.2 Ma SBs on the northern
The play, which has the potential to trap both oil and gas, flank of the Miri-Asam Paya Anticline where the shoreface
is stratigraphically contained by a condensed sequence of sands were deposited at the edge of the shelf break. The
marine shales acting as a potential top seal (Figure 32). A play is also observed beneath well Kuala Baram-1. This
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 63 , June 2017 19
J J ,H A s M. Is , Pt t B t ,F L. Kt t ,T Q rT

Figure 27: Hydrocarbon distributions in the

Asam Paya-Rasau structure within multiple
stack reservoir-seal pairs (left). The Adong
Kecil structure with sealing Adong Kecil West
and Adong Kecil East faults (right). After JX
Nippon (2015).

Figure 28: Block SK333 petroleum system summary chart. The chart shows the occurrences of both the older southern overmature gas
system and the younger northern oil and gas system. The three major tectonic episodes of deformation that resulted in trap formation
and the critical moments of both petroleum systems are also annotated on the chart.

well was plugged and abandoned above the identified play of the hydrocarbon habitats and petroleum systems.
(Figure 33). The 2D seismic data acquired in 2009 indicate
significant structural deformations including block faulting,
CONCLUSIONS wrench and folding tectonism, local overthrusting and
After a hiatus of Sarawak onshore exploration activity compressive folding, not recognised on older seismic or
since 1995, JX Nippon acquired and operated Block from geological surface mapping. The structural styles in
SK333 to revive the oil and gas exploration of the Baram Block SK333 observed on seismic are the results of three
Delta. Activities commenced in 2007 with extensive data major tectonic episodes: (1) Late Cretaceous to Eocene
acquisition followed by multi-disciplinary geological and (79.5-36 Ma) block faulting, (2) Late Oligocene to Mid
geophysical studies in order to enhance the understanding Miocene (30-20.5 Ma) wrenching and folding and, (3) Mid
20 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 63 , June 2017
E s t t t u t tB Dt ,

Pliocene to Holocene (4.0-0 Ma) compressional tectonism.

The sequence stratigraphic study conducted in 2010 –
2011 found two distinct petroleum systems that had likely
generated hydrocarbons and charged entrapments in the
study area. The study also identified new untested plays
in three major areas of the Miri-Asam Paya Anticline, the
southern limb of the Badas Syncline and the Engkabang-
Karap Anticline.
The highest ranking prospect was drilled by well Adong
Kecil West-1/ST1/ST2 in 2012. This well discovered oil and
gas. After the Adong Kecil Westwell results, JX Nippon
acquired the first 3D onshore seismic in Malaysia covering
the Miri-Asam Paya anticlinal trend. However, resources
were considered sub-commercial and Block SK333 was
therefore relinquished in 2015.
The southern area seemed to have experienced strong
tectonic stresses caused by movements along the nearby
and converging Baram Line and Belait Wrench system, as
evidenced by active mud volcanism. Although the petroleum
system for the Engkabang-Karap carbonate area is fairly
well-established with potentially significant volume upside
(Jong et al., 2016), further de-risking of the carbonate play
is required. Only a well-established fracture system or
fracking would make the tight carbonates a decent reservoir Figure 29: Block SK333 summary of play concepts (after Jong et
with acceptable permeability. The confirmation of a fracture al., 2013; 2015).
system will require high density 3D seismic coverage.
The onshore Baram Delta still contains a number of
both untested and partially tested plays yet to be fully
explored. The lowstand delta play, the lowstand turbidite
play, the topset highstand delta shoreface play in the Miri-
Asam Paya Anticline area and the moundform stratigraphic
play in the southern limb of the Badas Syncline are among
the identified untested plays. The identified and assessed
prospects and leads within the block suggests that the study
area may contain a total undiscovered in-place resource of
up to one billion barrel of oil equivalent (JX Nippon, 2015).
In addition to above, the Miri Field presents a significant
near field exploration opportunity with deeper untested fault
compartments. The gas-condensate with some 120 m of
hydrocarbon column discovered by Miri No. 604 deserves
further appraisal. A development plan for Adong Kecil
West is still outstanding. In case of future improving crude
oil prices, more enticing exploration terms and additional
3D seismic data, we foresee a new revival of oil and gas
exploration activities in the onshore Baram Delta area.
Figure 30: Badas Syncline southern flank stratigraphic mound,
potentially an untested basin floor fan moundform (14.5 Ma SB).
This paper is based on the technical findings presented University in Miri. This is gratefully acknowledged. The
previously by the first author at the Petroleum Geoscience encouraging technical support and discussions endowed by
Conference and Exhibition (PGCE 2013), Kuala Lumpur our JX Nippon exploration colleagues are highly appreciated.
followed by an updated presentation given at the SEAPEX Our gratitude is extended to Mr. Alvin Alexander Idin for
Conference and Exhibition (SEC 2015) in Singapore. We drafting assistance to help finalise the figures accompanying
would like to convey our appreciation to PETRONAS for this paper. Last but not least, we also thank our reviewers Dr.
the permission to present the paper. This study has benefited Mike Scherer and Prof. Harry Doust for their constructive
from the support of Mr. Hajime Kusaka, GM Exploration of comments that enhanced the quality of this paper, and our
JX Nippon in Miri from 2009-2011 for sponsoring the project colleague Mr Steven Barker for improving language and
and endorsing field studies, provided by staff of the Curtin final presentation of the paper.
lume63BuletinofhGgcaSyMs,Vo ,June2017 21
J J ,H A s M. Is , Pt t B t ,F L. Kt t ,T Q rT

Figure 31: Lowstand delta play, North

Lutong-1 Area. This untested play
(highlighted by the black arrows) was
identified in the deeper section of North
Lutong-1 well, which was plugged
and abandoned before penetrating the
interpreted seismic response due to
operational constraints (after Jong et al.,
2013; 2015).

Figure 32: Another untested play of

lowstand turbidite was observed in the
deeper part of the Miri-Asam Paya
Anticline simply overlying over the 9.6
Ma SB. The play, which also has the
potential for both oil and gas trapping,
is stratigraphically contained with the
condensed sequence of marine shales
potentially acting as the top seal (after
Jong et al., 2013; 2015)..

Figure 33: Highstand delta play, Kuala

Baram-1 to Miri-Asam Paya Anticline.
The partially tested play is characterized
by the strong continuous seismic signal
with distinct clinoform geometry between
the 9.6 to 9.2 Ma SB on the northern flank
of the Miri-Asam Paya Anticline (after
Jong et al., 2013; 2015).
22 lume63BuletinofhGgcaSyMs,Vo ,June2017
E s t t t u t tB Dt ,

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