Generalized Isocline Method of Plotting Phase-Plane Trajectories

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Generalized Isocline Method of Plotting Phase-Plane Trajectories

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control · February 1965

DOI: 10.1109/TAC.1965.1098064 · Source: IEEE Xplore


1 6,140

2 authors:

Bulusu Deekshatulu Ira Murphy

Institute for Development & Research in Banking Technology Singapore General Hospital


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Generalized Isocline Method of Plotting Example I

Phase-Plane Trajectories Consider the system with nonlinear damping given by
Abstracf-By considering simultaneously the N-x (or the N-x), On the phase plane by the existing isocline method one should
where N = d b / d x and the k-x planes, second order non-linear au- soh-e the quadratic equation in i namely ri-2+~Ti+x=0and both
tonomous systems (not easily amendable to the existing methods) the roots are valid.By the present method the procedureis as follows:
describedby the differentialequation ? = F ( x , k) canbestudied. 1 ) On the :\:-.s plane. curl-es of :\- vs. .u are plotted from the
Changes in system behavior due to changes in initial conditions, equation
Simple and general a s i t is, the method presented here is believed
to be novel.
for particular values of 2 , say 2 =0, f 1 , + 2 , . * . . This is a simple
TSTRODITCTIOS job since it amounts to dra\\-ing straight lines with different slopes
and different shifts from the origin. See Fig. 1 .
-4general second-order nonlinear autonomous system is governed 2 ) A number of horizontal lines corresponding to N= rt: 1 , k2,
b>- thedifferential equation . . . are then drawn. These are already present on the graph sheet.
= F ( x , +) (1) See Fig. 1.
3) Consider a horizontal straight line say for N = 1.5. Determine
If a.e denotethe slope of a trajectory on thephaseplaneby all possible points of intersections (x and L?) of this straight line with
iV( = d i / d x ) , ( 1 ) reduces t o
the curves obtained under 1). These are (0.5, - O S ) , (0.5, -l.O),
LV.f = F ( x , i) (2) ( - 1.0, 0.5) (-1.0, -2.0), (-2.5, l.O), ( - 2 . 5 , -2.5) and (-7.0, 2.0).
4) These points are plotted on the i-x plane, joined and the
There are numerous methods to construct indix-idual phase-plane
slope lines marked with slope N = 1.5. The procedure is repeated for
trajectories starting from a given set of initial conditions (like the
other x-alues of S , and the corresponding isoclines (u-ith the respective
methods of Lienard [7], [SI, Ku [4], and Pel1 [l]. But there are only slope lines marked on them) are obtained on the phase plane. Joining
a felv techniques which permit the study of the behavior of certain
these slope lines give the entire phase portrait as shown in Fig. 2.
class of nonlinear systems corresponding to many initial conditions.
The system represents thatif the initial point is interior to the sepa-
For example Szego [ 5 ] suggested a procedure. lvhich needs the plot- ratris,themotion is a n oscillation (not a harmonic motion). The
ting of curves of certain equations on a transparent paper which are singular pointis a center.
used later for plotting the trajectories. Brodestky's [6] method in-
volves the division of the phase plane into regions with positive and Example 11
negatix-e d x / d x and d2.+/ds?. Deekshatulu [ 7 ] made use of simple Consider the equation
transformations to effect rapid plotting of trajectories on the entire
phase plane or in any desired region. The existing isocline method s+ri+z=o
necessitates plotting the curves of f 1-s. s from ( 2 ) for different con-
stant values of ,??, from \vhich the phase trajectov may be con- we have :\:= -x(2+1)/
structedfroman>- chosen initialcondition,butplotting of i - x In this case the curves of :V vs, x for different values of f are
c u n e s for any given value of A ' is not alx\-a>-spossible; for example, straight lines through the origin. See Fig. 3. Therefore, the present
equations like f + cot is+ sin x=O, and f+f+.++ log x=O do not technique is much simpler than the usual isocline method (which is
yield to the existing isocline method. In what follon-s. a new, general applicable for this example) since latter method necessitates plotting
and simple method of plotting phase-plane trajectories forsecond- of the cur\-es of f vs. x from the equation i = -s/;V+x for different
order nonlinear systems governed by(1) is presented. values of S . The complete trajectories are shown in Fig. 4.

The following important points may be noted:
Equation ( 2 ) is rewritten as follows:
1) a ) \\-bile thepresentmethod is generall>- applicabletoany
S = F ( x , ?)/i i3) second-order nonlinear autonomous system, it is particularly useful
for the following equations:
1) On the :\'-x(~y-L?) plane, plot curves of :V vs x ( S vs. 2 ) for
different constant x-alues of ?(x). This is always possiblefor any
r +j(.i) + 2 =0

F ( s , x) j: +j(& + 2 = 0
2 ) Draw lines of constant K say corresponding to S = A',, :\'z, b ) For equations of the type x + j ( 2 ) + g ( x ) =O one would plot the
LV3,. . . . Thisamountstodrawing a number of horizontal lines ~ Y v xs curves from the equationX= - f ( f ) + g ( x ) / j for different con-
parallel to thes(i) axis. stant d u e s of i. Instead, a simple procedure would be t o imagine a
3 ) Keepingan>-horizontal line in viex,saycorrespondingto scale change of the I' axis from M to LV.?(L?being a constant each
N = :\'I, determine all possible points of intersection of this line with time) and to shift the cun-e of g(x) with the proper shift j(i)from
the curves of constant i(x) as obtained under 1). the origin depending on the value of 3E. The scale change of axis for
4 ) Plot these points on the 2 - x plane and join through a smooth each to be taken careof at the timeof reading the pointsof inter-
curye.Thiscurvethenrepresentsthe isocline curvefor : \ - = S 1 . sections of the :\7-s curves and the constantS lines.
Similarly other isocline curves corresponding to :Y= :\'z, 'V3, . . . are
2 ) Effect of variation of nonlinear damping and/or nonlinear restor-
ing forces on system performance can be studied easily by the pro-
5) Small slope lines with slopes S I . '\'?, :Y3,. . . are then marked
on each of the respective isocline curves corresponding to :V=-Tl, -Y?, po*d method since it amounts to only interpretation of the shifts
-V3, . . . . From these slope lines, the phase trajectory may be con- (from the origin)or of the scale change on the Sasis. For example the
S-s curve for the two equations f + h ( i ) + s = O and I+f(.+)+x=O
structed for any given initial conditions or the entire phase portrait
may be obtained. are theSame when the shifts are suitably interpreted.
To illustrate the procedure thetn.0 simple examples are 3) The nonlinear functions can be given either anal>-ticallyor in the
gix-en: form of curl-es.
4) Sometimes a S - x curve and the constantiViine may run so close
Manuscriut received June 29, 1964: r e v i d Septem,kr 23, 1964. to one another (for a certain range of x) as to make their points of
The authors are xx-ith the Dept. 01 Electrical Engmeermg. Indian Institnte of
Science, Bangalore. India. intersection difficult to locate. This is not a disad\.antage but merely
l?h5 91

, ++,
/ \
8 Fig. 3. J,'-.x curves for constant .i
for the equation : + x : +.x=O
Fig. 1. F - x curves for constant f for the equation ;+;*+x =O.

, , , , , , , , . ,, ,
-7 -5

Fig. 2. Isoclines and phase-plane trajectories for the equation ;+.iZ+x =O.
Fig. 4. Isoclines and phaw-plane trajectories for the equation ';+xi+x=O.
isocline curve is nearly vertical
indicates that on the phase plane that has been well developed, but i t is a trial-and-error procedure. It can
in that range of x. thereforebetediousandinaccurate.Insuch cases, a n analq.tical
solution is preferable. Fromtheanalyticalsolution, anaccurate
5 ) The well-known Leinardconstructionforplottingphaseplane
calibrated root locus can be obtained. The analytical procedure for
trajectories is clearly explained in \Yest [2] and Thaler and Pastel
obtaining the root locus of (1) is described in this paper. Anal>-tical
131. The Leinard procedureis a step by step construction for drawing
solutions of the root locus for some practical s>-stems are obtained
anyparticulartrajectorycorrespondingto a givenset of initial
and discussed. The gain or time constant is computed analytically.
conditions, whereas the present method determines the entire phase
The application of this method to solve higher-order algebraic equa-
portraitindicatingthesystembehaviorforallinitial conditions.
tions isdiscussed.
Further, the Leinard construction (even for drawing a n individual
trajectory) is not applicable to all second-order nonlinear differential AULYTICALSOLVTIOSS
equations, ahile the present method is applicable to every second-
orderautonomoussystem described bythe differential equation The functicn G ( s ) H ( s )in (1) can be writtenin the form
P = F ( x , i).

A new, simple, general, rapid, and useful method is presented to where K is a parameter which is proportional to the system gain.
determine the behavior of nonlinear second-order autonomous sys- Substituting (2) into (1)yields
tems for all pertinent initial conditions, and for changes in system
D(s) + RX(S) = 0 (3)
Let s=s+jy. From the binomial theorem, it can be shown that
The authors are grateful to Prof.H. h
'. Ramachandra Rao, Prof.
S . Ramaseshan, Dr. C. Ramasastry, and Prof. P. Venkata Rao for
their encouragement and discussions during the preparation of this where x and y are real variables. Then,(3) implies the two conditions
R,D(r + j y ) + KR,:h'(x + j y ) =0 (5)

[ I ] Gil+vm. John
E..A'oxlinear A z r h a f i c Confrol. Kew Yorl;: McGraw-Hill. 1963.
ImD(x jy) + + KI,,,:V(x + j y ) =0 (6)
cn 1.
121 West, John C., AnalTticalTechniques for A'rndisear Control Systems, London: where R, indicates the real part, andI , indicates the imaginary part
English University Press, 1960, ch 4. of a comples function. The gain constant obtained from (5) is given
[31 Thaler. G. J., and Pastel, hl. P.. Analysis and Design of Xonlinear Feedback
Control Sptems, New Yorl;: McGraw-Hill. 1962. by
[4l Ku. Y. H.. Analysis and CrnJrol of Xonlinear Sysfcms. Kew York: Ronald,
1958. chs 1 and 4.
[SI SzegS, G . P. -4 new procedure for plotting phaseplane trajectories, AZEE
T r a m . , pt 2, Jul 1962, pp 120-125.
161 Davis, H . T., Inlrodudion to Nonlinenr Diserenfial and Integral Equations.
Y, S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1960. pp 25-32.
[il Deekshatulu. B. L.. Techniques ior analysis oi certainnonlinear systems. Inserting this value of K into ( 6 ) , the equation of the root locus can
I E E E Trans. oa Applicatiom and Induslry. Jul 1964. pp 258-262.
be putin the form

Reference to (4)shows that the 1,s" has a factor y. Therefore ( 8 ) also

has a factor y, revealing that the real axis,y=O, is a part of the root
An Analytical Method for Obtaining the Root Locus locus, and the corresponding gain is R = - D ( x ) / X ( x ) , which may
with Positive and Negative Gain be either positive or negative. If D ( 5 ) and X ( s ) are polynomial in s,
then in view of (4),the factor inside the bracketof (8) is a function of
y? and x. For many practical control systems, the equation of root
Abstract-An analyticalprocedure for obtaining the root locus locus can be solved for y 2 in terms of x; then the root locus can be
with positive and negative gain is described. Solutions of various obtained with ease.
systemsconsisting of rational polynomial and/ortranscendental
functions of s are obtained. The root locus for a varying timecon-
stant is investigated. Accurate root locus curves can be plotted from 1) If
the analytical solution. The gain or time constant is calculated for K
each point on the root locus. Application of the method is particu-
larly suitable for obtainingthe root locus of a characteristic equation
G(s)H(s) =
(s + u1 fjwd(x + UI -jud(s + ud
containing a transcendental function or with a varying time constant where UI,W I ,uz are real numbers. The solutions are
for which the graphical method is dficult to apply.
ISTRODKCTION ]I;=-,( x + + 4 2 w121(5 + u2)

The root locus is defined to be the trajectory in the s plane, fol- and
lowed by a root of the characteristic equation as some parameter of
y? = 3x2 (&I + 2 4 2 + + 2u,u2 + w t
the corresponding system is varied continuously. The characteristic
equation of any system can be written in the form j K = yY3x +2Ul+ 02) - [(x + + Ud2 WlP](X + U?)

1 + G(s)H(s) = 0 (1) The second set of equations represents the root locus in the complex
portion of the s plane. Using the condition y==O permits evaluation
The functionG ( s ) H ( s )in general may bea rational polynomial andior of x at the break-in and break-away points. The resultis
a transcendentalfunction of s. Thegraphicalmethod [ l ] , [2], [3]
based on the angle condition
/G(s)H(s) = T + ha, IZ = 0, k l , . .

Case I . I f ( U I - U : ) ~ > ~ W ~ there

, arebreak-inandbreak-away
Manuscript received April 2i. 1964: revised September 21. 1964. points. The rootloci are the real asis plus a pair of hyperbolaas shown
The author is with the Dept. oi Electrical Engineering. Air Force Institute of
Technology. Wright-Patterson Air Force
OhioBase. in Fig. l(a).

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