Shopify Dropshipping Guide
Shopify Dropshipping Guide
Shopify Dropshipping Guide
Dropshipping Guide
By: Carmine Mastropierro
All Rights Reserved ®
Table of Contents
Shopify & Aliexpress Dropshipping
Guide 1
Preface 4
Chapter 1: Product/Market
Research 7
Product Research 7
A Good Criteria To Follow 8
Issues You Face Yourself 8
Brick & Mortar 8
Websites & Tools 9
Google Trends 9
Trend Websites 12
Review Websites 13
Google Alerts 13
Aliexpress 13
Niche Research 16
Forums 17
Social Media 17
Press Releases 18
Industry Reports 18
Chapter 2: Keyword Research &
SEO 23
What Is SEO? 23
How Do Search Engines
Work? 23
So How Do I Rank? 24
How Your Audience Is Using Search
Engines 25
Why You Need It 25
Where To Use Keywords 25
Optimization Practices 26
Title Tags 26
Meta Tags 27
URL Structuring 28
Keyword Research 28
Chapter 3: Launching Your
Store 32
Settings 33
Payments Settings 33
Checkout Settings 34
Shipping Settings 35
Tax Settings 35
Notifications 35
Sales Channels 35
Account 35
Online Store/Design 36
Logo 36
Sliders 37
Pages 37
Domain Name 38
Preferences 38
Google Analytics 38
Adding Products 39
Shopify Apps 42
Blogging 48
Chapter 5: Customer Service 50
Fulfilling Orders 50
Customer Service 51
Tracking Numbers 51
Answering Emails 52
Refunds 53
Own Up To Your Mistakes 53
Adding Value 53
Chapter 6: Scaling Your
Business 55
Needed Practices 55
Growth Hacking 56
Influencer Marketing 56
Guest Posting 57
Finding Guest Post
Opportunities 57
Your Good Friend Google 57
Industry Leaders 58
Studying Your Competitors
Backlinks 58
Social Media 58
Preparing Your Proposal 58
Good Practices 59
Creating The Post & Bio 60
Legalizing Your Business 60
Graduating From Aliexpress 60
Reinvesting 61
Tools You Need 62
Organization 66
Good Luck! 66
Welcome to dropshipping
program/e-book. Thank you for being
our customer and we wish you the best
in your entrepreneurial ventures. This
program was created to teach
individuals how to create an profitable
online company and the business skills
to do so. You do not need high technical
ability or complex business knowledge
to excel with this program. It was built
with the beginner in mind so the more
experience you have, the easier it will
For this program, we will be
utilizing the Shopify platform and
Aliexpress. Shopify is a shopping cart
platform that hosts e-commerce stores
with beautiful and professional themes.
Aliexpress is a business-to-consumer
subsidiary of Alibaba, which is the
business-to-business parent company.
Suppliers on Aliexpress will take orders
and ship them directly to a customer, this
process has been coined
“dropshipping”. It is a simple business
model that outsources manufacturing and
distribution, leaving you with the
responsibility of marketing.
Course Benefits
These are the skills and benefits
you will gain from completing this
Google Alerts
Another useful tool from Google is
their alert service. This allows you to
input keywords and be notified by email
when related news is released. Keeping
up to date on your industry is important
for identifying trends and opportunities.
Putting quotation marks around
keywords like “digital marketing” will
return specific results. Leaving the
search term without quotation will give
you broader news. Include ~ before the
keyword such as ~digital marketing for
synonyms to also alert you.
In this dropshipping course, we
are utilizing Aliexpress as mentioned
previously. It only makes sense to look
for products on the platform we will be
ordering from. Visit and you will have
an infinite amount of product ideas at
your disposal.
Shipping Settings
Since we are dropshipping we do
not need to do much configuring in our
settings options. What we highly
recommend is you offer free worldwide
shipping. This is an incredible way to
add value to your business and increase
the users experience with your store.
Most businesses you see in todays world
don't charge for shipping anyway.
Amazon was one of the first pioneers to
start this trend and all modern
businesses need to follow suit.
Under the shipping zones you will
have “Domestic” which is your home
country and “Rest of world”. Click
“Edit” and you will be taken to a more
detailed page for these zones. Delete the
“Heavy Goods Shipping” and edit the
“Standard Shipping”. Rename it to “Free
Shipping” or alike and click the
checkbox below that says “Free shipping
rate”. You've now successfully created a
free shipping option for your customers.
Tax Settings
Taxes are a delicate area to cover.
To legally and properly collect taxes
from your customers you must have a
government registered tax number. The
requirements are different for every
country, state, and province so do your
due diligence. For example in Ontario,
Canada you not required to collect
HST/GST to remit unless your revenue
is above $30,000 in 4 quarters. This
means you have a healthy amount of time
to grow your business and earn profits
before taking this step.
Under notification options you
have templates that are used for various
events. These range from shipping,
fulfillment updates, and order
confirmations. By default Shopify
already has them taken care of so you
don't have to edit any of them unless
Sales Channels
With Shopify you can connect
other networks to sell your products for
a higher chance of success. These
include Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and
more. Until you have uploaded products
and understand the platform deeper,
leave this until later. We will be helping
you through it in a later chapter.
The only information you need to
enter under the account settings is billing
information. This will be used to pay for
your monthly subscription and also if
you decide to purchase themes or
upgrade. There are some very useful
apps you may want to consider
purchasing which we will cover later.
Online Store/Design
With the setting tweaks out of the
Adding Products
To add products to your Shopify
store begin by navigating to the
“Products” tab and selecting
“Collections”. These are groups of
products that are similar which are used
to create easier navigation and sorting.
For example you may create a
collections for t-shirts, pants, and
jackets to separate types of clothing you
Answering Emails
When you purchase from an online
store it's always nice to receive fast
replies and updates. You should be
checking your email on a regular basis.
One time in the morning, afternoon, and
evening is optimal. This keeps you from
getting distracted and allows you to put
more energy into productive tasks.
It's safe to presume you probably
have a mobile phone. In that case you
should connect your email to it so you
can also check it on the go and get
Speaking to your customers should
be done professionally and positively.
Be honest and transparent with them. If
they ask where your products are
sourced from, let them know you are
importing from China. If you try to avoid
this, it can seem suspicious and turn
people away. Most individuals don't
mind where it comes from as long as it
arrives in a timely manner and works as
Always keep the conversation
positive so at no costs insult or be rude
to them even if they are upset. Angry
customers are a normal part of business
but you do have a large control of
preventing them and calming them down.
It may seem tempting to persuade a
customer that wants a refund to think
twice so you can keep profits but do not
do that. If they wish to receive a refund,
give it to them and initiate it through the
order screen on Shopify. It will return
their money within a few business days.
Own Up To Your Mistakes
I am going to give you an example
of how owning up to your mistakes can
lead to success for your business. My
first e-commerce store sold streetwear
for both men and women. I accidentally
shipped the incorrect jacket to one of my
customers and found out later when she
emailed me. Upon hearing this I told
them they can keep that jacket and we
will ship the correct one as soon as
possible for free. On top of this I also
sent her a pair of shoes to make up for
the mistake. She was unbelievably
grateful for this act of customer service
and ended up being a repeat buyer in the
future. That mistake which cost the
business more resulted in being
profitable in the long run by creating a
loyal customer.
If you find yourself in a situation
in which you didn't fulfill an order,
shipped the wrong product or similar, be
honest and make up for it. It's the right
thing to do and you never know how it
may be returned.
Adding Value
The purpose of a business is to
add value for its customers. When
creating content, settings prices, and
making business decisions, consider if it
creates value. This can be done in
numerous ways such as offering discount
codes, special promotions, or
giveaways. Value is also offered in
bigger forms such as unique products
and good customer service. Keeping
value in mind as you build your business
will benefit you greatly.
Chapter 6: Scaling Your
If you've followed everything laid
out in this course, you should have a
profitable Shopify store up and running.
The number one goal now is to continue
scaling the business bigger on a daily
basis. This requires you to stay
consistant to needed practices that we
will outline in this chapter. We will also
be covering other methods to growing
your business for the future to increase
revenue, profits, and size.
Needed Practices
Throughout this course it outlined
all the information you need to know to
create your business properly. Here are
routines that are mandatory to keep your
store growing and active so you never
stagnant or feel stumped for what to do.
Social media: Don't slack on your social
media activity and presence. These
platforms and networks are only
growing more and more with new ones
popping up often. Continue to post
content every day, interact with other
users, and promote your brand. As stated
in chapter 4, post at least once a day per
platform but you should aim for more
Writing articles: Giving value is the
core concept of any business. This
doesn't just come through a great product
or pristine customer service. It also it is
given through content like articles/blog
posts which are huge in todays culture. It
represents that you are a dedicated and
consistent brand that wants to deliver
value to your audience. These pieces of
content can also be easily shared,
exposing your business to more potential
customers. Write a new article at least 3
times per week if not daily.
Optimizing advertising: As you begin
to invest into advertising campaigns on
the platform of your choice, you need to
pay careful attention to them daily.
Analyze which keywords are performing
the best and if any should be replaced.
This is the case mostly for Google
Adwords and if you do need to change
any out, simply perform more keyword
For Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest
and other networks, break down the
metrics. How much traffic is it
generating you? Where does the most
traffic come from? What are the
demographics? Use this information to
continually optimize your campaigns and
As you begin to become
comfortable with these platforms and
increase profits, invest more into your
Customer service: As you learned in
the previous chapter, customer service is
one of the top priorities for your e-
commerce store. Every day assure you
are checking your emails to answer
questions, address concerns, and know
when orders have been made. Fulfill
them as soon as you can and keep your
customer service practices consistent.
Studying analytics: Whether you are
using Google Analytics or other similar
tools, you need to be studying the data it
gives you often if not daily. At first it can
be very overwheleming with the amount
of information it presents but you'll
realize how useful it is quickly. Look at
bounce rate, traffic sources, popular
content, and similar metrics to
understand what's working or what's not.
Research: Researching is key in
business as you can continually apply the
new things you learn. You don't have to
spend hours upon hours reading every
day but dedicate some time to research.
Look up industry news, trending
products, new social networks, and
other topics you believe would benefit
your business.
Growth Hacking
Now that you understand what
your daily routine should be composed
of, here are tactics to “growth hack”
your business. These can instantly
improve traffic and generate sales when
performed correctly.
Influencer Marketing
You can witness influencer
marketing all the time on social media
and blogs. Any time a business reviews
another brands product or shouts them
out, your seeing this in action. It's a
modern marketing strategy that can
easily drive sales and expose your brand
to a targeted audience.
One way to go about influencer
marketing is to find other brands and do
mutual promotions. The simplest way to
do so is by searching for them on social
media through hashtags and related
terms. Reach out and ask if they'd like to
do a collaboration to grow both of your
businesses. State that you'll shout out
their brand if they do the same. You can
also propose to have a specific product
or service to be mentioned.
Instagram is an incredible
platform for influencer marketing. If you
wish to shout each other out, you can
simply post one of their photos with
them tagged. This is achievable on other
networks as well but be certain you have
permission to use their photo. Instagram
is especially great for influencer
marketing if you have a visual brand.
What we mean by visual is that your
products are best seen on a person or in
use. When a user posts a picture of them
wearing the shoes you sell, it instantly
shows their audience exactly how it
Reaching out to blogs and
websites in the same manner works as
well. Propose that you will send them a
product for review.
Guest Posting
Originally we were going to
include this under SEO as it is a
common practice in that area but it is
more important for business growth.
Guest posting is exactly what the name
implies, posting as a guess on another
website. This entails having a pre-
written article ready to deliver to
another blog that will post it on your
behalf. They will give you credit and
this usually includes your website, name,
and similar information. This creates
excellent backlinks but also generates
traffic. Assure you are reaching out to
sites that are relevant to your niche and
Finding Guest Post
When searching for guest posting
opportunities, we need to consider a few
factors. These include:
The audience of the blog you're
reaching out to will be interested in
your business.
The blogs content is already focused
on your industry.
Their blog has engagement such as
comments, likes, and shares.
The website is active on social
media thus you know their an active
Your Good Friend Google
Take a careful consideration about
what you are selling and who your
audience is. With the market research
you've performed already you should
have a good estimate so lets head to
Google. Use one of the following
formulas or similar:
Keyword “guest post”
Keyword “submit a guest post”
Keyword “submit guest post”
Keyword “Guest post guidelines”
Industry Leaders
Are you familiar with any well
known guest bloggers in your market?
As stated earlier, reading up on industry
related news is a great way to learn
about and get inspiration. If you notice
any names that appear often, take note of
them and check out who they are. Search
for their name followed by “guest post”
or a variation of it and you may stumble
upon gold. By gold we mean websites
that these influential individuals have
posted on before. More than likely these
blogs will be a fantastic place to
propose a guest post yourself. Better yet
if you know any of these industry
leaders, have them help you land a spot
on a well known blog.
Studying Your Competitors
You don't require expensive
software to analyze the backlinks of your
competitors websites. Tools such as
Open Site Explorer or Moz will allow
you to do it for cheap. Now you may be
wondering what this has to do with guest
posting. By inspecting these backlinks,
you will be able to locate blogs that
have given Them authoritative backlinks
which can likely be a result of guest
posting. To confirm this, search for the
chosen website followed by “guest post”
or a variation of such.
Social Media
You can utilize social media to
find both blogs to contact and guest
posting opportunities. Look for brands
within your industry and message or
email them with your proposal. Also
consider running a Twitter search for
“Keyword guest post” and see if
anything relevant pops up.
Preparing Your Proposal
Once you have found a blog that
you would wish to contact, it's time to
prepare your proposal. First you should
get to know their brand a bit more before
you jump right in. Lets take a look at a
few variables:
The level of audience their content is
written for. Is it for beginners,
intermediates, or advanced users? Is
it easy to read or has many complex
Are they writing towards customers
or other businesses? You want your
guest post to be seen by prospects,
not other businesses.
What kind of content do they
normally post? Is it industry news?
This will help you understand if
the website you've found is a good
candidate to reach out to. It also tells
you what the best kind of content to
submit would be as you want it to align
the average. Check how posts from
previous guests have performed. If they
received a healthy amount of engagement
then this is a good sign.
Good Practices
So you've narrowed down a few
websites you'd like to submit a guest
post to. The next step is understanding
some good practices you need to apply.
The first practice is to read their
rules. Any blog that accepts guest posts
will have guidelines that you need to
follow carefully. This typically includes
what format they want it in, what it
can/can't include, and similar
Secondly make the email you send
personal. Too many people start every
email with something bland such as
“Dear sir/madam” or similar. You
should easily be able to find the
webmasters name and use it when
contacting them. It's a small detail that
makes a big difference. Check their
contact page or look who publishes the
blog posts.
Next you have to actually send the
proposal. Here is a basic idea of what it
should look like:
Subject: Guest post proposal
Dear Website owners name,
I am the owner of Business name and I
recently came across your website. We
are a Business description and share
similar audiences. I am writing this
email to propose a guest post that
would greatly benefit both of us. You
would share great content with your
users that would link to us and we
would gladly accept a guest post from
yourself. Here are some articles I've
written that I believe are up to your
Links to articles.
Let me know what you think and I look
forward to hearing from you.