Construction Financial
Risk Risks Operation and
Maintenance Risks
Design Cost
Ground Traffic/
Conditions Users Real
Political/Change of Law/
Regulation/Force Majeure
1 The PPP forms or models vary from short-term simple management contracts (with
or without investment requirements) to long-term and very complex BOT form, to
These models vary mainly by:
Ownership of capital assets
Responsibility for investment
Assumption of risks, and
Duration of contract
The PPP models can be classified into following broad categories in order of
generally (but not always) increased involvement and assumption of risks by the
private sector (figure 5). These are:
Supply and Management contracts
Turnkey projects
Private ownership of assets.
Fig. 5: Forms of PPP with extent of Private Sector Participation
2 Management Contracts:
A management contract is a contractual arrangement for the management of a part
or whole of a public enterprise by the private sector. Management contracts allow
private sector skills to be brought into service design and delivery, operational
control, labour management and equipment procurement. However, the public sector
retains the ownership of facility and equipment. The private sector is provided
specified responsibilities concerning a service and is generally not asked to assume
commercial risk. The private enterprise is paid a fee to manage and operate
services. Normally, payment of such fees is performance-based. Usually, the
contract period is short, typically two to five years. But longer period may be used for
large and complex operational facilities such as a port or airport.
3 Turnkey
Turnkey is a traditional public sector procurement model for infrastructure facilities.
The private contractor designs and builds a facility for a fixed fee, rate or total cost,
which is one of the key criteria in selecting the winning bid. The contractor assumes
risks involved in the design and construction phases. The scale of investment by the
private sector is generally low and for a short-term. This type of private sector
participation is also known as Design-Build.
4 Lease
In this category of arrangement an operator (the leaseholder) is responsible for
operating and maintaining the infrastructure facility and services, but generally the
operator is not required to make any large investment. Under a lease, the operator
retains revenue collected from customers/users of the facility and makes a specified
lease fee payment to the contracting authority. Fixed facilities and land are leased
out for a longer period than for mobile assets.
5 Concessions
In this form of PPP, the Government defines and grants specific rights to a private
company to build and operate a facility for a fixed period of time. The Government
may retain the ultimate ownership of the facility and/or right to supply the services. In
concessions, payments can take place both ways: concessionaire pays to
government for the concession rights and the government may also pay the
concessionaire, which it provides under the agreement to meet certain specific
conditions. Usually such payments by government may be necessary to make
projects commercially viable and/or reduce the level of commercial risk taken by the
private sector, particularly in the initial years of a PPP programme in a country when
the private sector may not have enough confidence in undertaking such a
commercial venture. Typical concession periods range between 5 to 50 years.
Concessions may be awarded to a concessionaire under two types of contractual
BOT type of contracts
5.1 Franchise
Under a franchise arrangement the concessionaire provide services that are fully
specified by the franchising authority. The private sector carries commercial risks
and may be required to make investments. This form of private sector participation is
historically popular in providing urban bus or rail services. Franchise can be used for
routes or groups of routes over a contiguous area.
BTO is a contractual arrangement whereby the public sector contracts out the
building of an infrastructure facility to a private entity such that the Concessionaire
builds the facility on a turn-key basis, assuming cost overrun, delay and specified
performance risks. Once the facility is commissioned satisfactorily, title is transferred
to the implementing agency. The private entity however, operates the facility on
behalf of the implementing agency under an agreement.
BOT Annuity is the contractual arrangement quite similar to BOT but return on
investment is not through the levy and collection of user fee directly from the users.
Instead the owner/ Government pay to the Concessionaire an amount annually or
bi-annually (Annuity) which he bids for. The concessionaire builds facility as per the
core requirements and operates the facility for the period of concession and gets
paid for the services based on the performance as per the key performance
indicators. In this type of arrangement, Concessionaire generally, does not take risks
associated with use of facility and resulting return on investment.
6.3 Divestiture
This third type of privatization is clear from its very name. In this form a private entity
buys an equity stake in a state-owned enterprise. However, the private stake may or
may not imply private management of the enterprise. True privatization, however,
involves a transfer of deed of title from the public sector to a private undertaking.
This may be done either through outright sale or through public floatation of shares
of a previously corporatised state enterprise. Full divestiture of existing infrastructure
assets is not very common. However, there are many examples of partial divestiture.
Date of Completion
Sr. Project Cost Share of Partners
Project Name Sector Sanction Status Type of PPP
No. In Rs. Crore In Rs. crore
Andhra Pradesh
GOI 55.00
Urban State 22.00
4 Rajkot BRTS.(RAJ 005) 117.50 20-Jul-07 98% BOT
Transport ULB 33.00
Private 7.50
GOI 234.51
Urban State 93.80
5. Surat BRTS 540.02 7-Mar-08 40% BOT
Transport ULB 140.71
Private 71.00
GOI 5.49
Upgradation of Anjana State 2.20
6 Sewerage 10.98 27-Mar-06 Completed Service contract
Sewage Treatment Plant ULB 3.29
Private -
GOI 7.55
Augmentation of Bhesan State 3.02
7 Sewerage 15.09 27-Mar-06 Completed Service contract
Sewage Treatment Plant ULB 4.53
Private -
GOI 6.61
Secondary Seweage State 2.64 Service
8 Sewerage 13.22 26-May-06 Completed
Treatment Plant at Bamroli ULB 3.97 Contract
Private -
9 Sewerage Disposal Network Sewerage 21.28 GOI 10.64 28-Jun-06 Completed Service
and STP for Pal-palanpor State 2.64 Contract
area ULB 6.38 Private
GOI 17.19
Sewerage Disposal Network State 6.87 Service
10 Sewerage 34.37 28-Jun-06 Completed
and STP for Vesu area ULB 10.31 Contract
Private -
GOI 55.33
Sewerage and Sewage
State 22.13 Service
11 Treatment system for New Sewerage 110.66 28-Jan-08 98%
ULB 33.20 Contract
East Zone Areas - Surat
Private -
GOI 92.02
Sewerage system for New Service
Sewerage 184.04 State 36.81 14-Mar-08 86%
Northern Drainage Zone of Contract
12 ULB 55.21
Private -
Design, Development,
Operation & Maintenance of
Phase I of the Secured
GOI 15.49 concession
Engineered Landfill Facility
State 6.19 basis but with
13 at Jambua for disposal of SWM 30.98 20-Jul-07 82%
ULB 9.30 Private out capital
Municipal Solid Waste
- contribution
Generated in Vadodara
from operator
Municipal Limit under
JnNURM Scheme
GOI 26.25
Surat Solid Waste up State 10.50
14 SWM 99.00 26-Mar-07 98% BOO
gradation system ULB 15.75
Private 46.50
GOI 4.34
Rajkot Integrated Solid State 1.73
15 SWM 18.67 14-Jul-06 85% BOOT
Waste Processing Plant. ULB 2.60 Private
GOI 30.66
BRTS 12 Km. Long Urban State 13.14
16 105.80 11-Aug-06 Completed BOOT
Ahmedabad Transport ULB 43.80
Private 18.20
Urban GOI 142.00
17 BRTS Ahmedabad 405.72 6-Oct-06 90% O&M Contract
Transport State 60.86
ULB 202.86
Private -
GOI 170.85
Urban State 73.22
18 BRTS Ahmedabad Phase II 496.14 19-Aug-08 20% OMT
Transport ULB 244.07
Private 8.00
GOI 23.88 State
Development of Integrated
24 SWM 29.85 2.99 ULB 2.99 19-Dec-08 55% DBFO
Disposal Facility in Mysore
Private -
GOI 65.06
Nagpur Recycle& Reuse of State 26.02
31 Sewerage 130.11 22-Dec-06 7% (Rs 15 Crore
Waste Water (NAG-016) ULB -
Private 39.03
GOI 35.22
Solid Waste Management at State 14.09
32 SWM 100.44 22-Dec-06 BOT
PCMC ULB 21.13
Private 30.00
GOI 39.73 State
Integrated Solid Waste
36 SWM 108.00 9.93 ULB - 22-Jan-09 45% BOOT
Management for Puducherry
Private 58.34
Uttar Pradesh
GOI 15.42 State
Solid Waste Management in
42 SWM 31.20 6.17 ULB 9.25 5-Mar-07 80% BOOT
Private 0.36
West Bengal
Model Documents
Link to website of Committee on Infrastructure and to Model Documents for
Selection of Bidders; Request for Qualification (RFQ)
Selection of Bidders: Request for Proposal (RFP)
Model RFP
Model RFQ
Model PIM
Term Sheet
Bid Documents - ISWM
Bid documents - Other Options
Model PIM
Model RFP
Term Sheet Collection & Transportation
Term Sheet Integrated Processing & Disposal System
Term Sheet MRTS
Term Sheet Processing