Camel Research of Selected Private and Public Sector Banks in India
Camel Research of Selected Private and Public Sector Banks in India
Camel Research of Selected Private and Public Sector Banks in India
Abstract—Banks are the mainstay of any country’s economic role in the economy by helping the government to smoothen
development. The money is stored in the bank, wherein the their spending.
people are risk free of keeping money at home, and whenever Liquidity provision — Individuals, households and
required can take their money. The banks also help for any
businesses would like to protect themselves from the sudden
business growth or any start up business. And to meet all this
peoples’ requirement and even gain profits, banks sees their cash crunch. Banks provide such liquidity, through a
financial growth and analyze as what to be done to meet the provision by which they can withdraw money at any time
requirements. Even the people should know, whether the bank in and also the banks can offer lines of credit. Banks offer
which they have gone on their money is stable and can give back liquidity by trading in securities and the related products
their money back when needed or when the bank fails to shut when needed, at a relatively lesser transaction costs.
down due to unavailability of assets or loss which cannot be
Risk management services — the individuals and
reclaimed. This report examines the execution of certain private
and public sector banks. Five banks from private sector viz. corporations are able expose to risks by way of financial and
ICICI, HDFC, Axis, YES, Kotak Mahindra and five banks from commodity trading. This is possible only with the help of
public sector viz. SBI, PNB, BOB, UBI and Canara bank were banks. Banks provide such facility through derivative
chosen for this analysis. The data were collected for a period instruments dealings. Banks also help them indirectly by
from 2012-2013 to 2016-2017 (5 years). CAMEL analysis taking part in the universal exchange markets and product
(Capital adequacy, Asset quality, Management efficiency,
markets. It is highly complex for any business to import or
Earning quality, and Liquidity) was applied towards assessing the
performance. Based on CAMEL rating, HDFC & AXIS Bank are export without the help of the bank, as the bank plays as an
considered as performing above average; whereas PNB & important actor in the global currency markets and help in
Canara Bank is seen as below average. Thus, it could be foreign currency exchange.
concluded that in all the parameters of the CAMEL Model and Remittance of Money — Now in today‘s scenario,
its sub-parameters, the performance of the private sector is found anyone can easily transfer the cash from anywhere and
to be better than the public sector. .
everywhere with the help of a bank. This helps in expanding
the domestic and international trade. The bank has helped
Keywords: Performance, Public sector banks, Private sector
banks, CAMEL model the individuals to be free of the risks which they had when
carrying cash, gold, silver etc. with them. To facilitate the
I. INTRODUCTION transit of money the banks help in issuing the credit
Bank is an institution wherein the deposit is accepted
Rapid Economic Development — Banks assist in the
from the public and lends to individuals and institutions.
process of economic development by way of providing
Capital market helps in contributing the amount both by
loans to agriculture, trade and industry.
directly and indirectly. Banks are regulated in most of the
Promoting Entrepreneurship — Banks provide loans
countries since, financial stability of the country is of most
at a fair rate and also make it easily available. This increases
importance. Most of the nations have a fractional reserve
the participation of the private sector in the economic
banking system. Under this, each bank has to hold liquid
development which promotes entrepreneurship.
assets equal to certain portions of their current liabilities.
The reason behind the preference of banks by anyone is :
Also, it is mandatory that banks have to keep minimum
Security: As banks are the most secure place to keep
capital as per the global capital standards fixed by Basel
money, jewelry, etc. where there is no risk of losing it.
Convenience: It‘s not safe to keep money or jewelry in a
Bank’s role in the economic activity: home or personally with us in large amounts every time. So
Credit provision — Credit allows the individuals or any for this ATMs are there where we can take money out
households in purchasing homes without having entire cost whenever needed and it‘s convenient to take out money out
in advance in their savings, businesses in investing beyond from banks, ATMs when needed.
their cash on hand limit, etc. Hence credit plays an essential Saving and Investing: By doing this we get a financial
security in the future and which will help in future for the
unexpected happenings or when there is emergency for
Revised Manuscript Received on August 05, 2019. To insure above functioning of banks properly and
Dr.S.Panboli, Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, regularly, the main thing that is needed is the financial
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology,
Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. functioning of the bank. If the banks are stable and running
Ms. Kiran Birda,Alumnus, Department of Management Studies, B.S.
Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai,
Tamilnadu, India.
Published By:
Retrieval Number L39791081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3979.1081219 1237 & Sciences Publication
Camel Research of Selected Private and Public Sector Banks in India
smoothly, then the above requirement of the peoples can be analysis and also the CAMEL model. Bank of Baroda was
fulfilled and hence which in turn will increase the bank‘s in the first position in all the aspects of CAMEL. Punjab
profit. To know the performance of banks, whether it‘s National Bank was leading into Capital adequacy,
running smoothly, meets the criteria and have sufficient Management efficiency and Earning capacity. Bank of India
balance with them, etc., which all can be evaluated by using was leading in Asset Quality.
the CAMEL approach. G. L. Meena (2016) has made a study on ―Financial
Analysis of Select Banks Using CAMEL approach - a Study
II. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM with Reference to Indian Banking Industry‖. This survey
An analysis of bank performance: A study on select concluded that the four major dependent factors such as
public and private sector banks in India. debt-equity ratio, earnings per employee, total assets to total
deposits ratio, net non performing assets to total advances
III. OBJECTIVES ratio are impacting the financial operation of the banks
when taken into account the return on assets as an
To examine the fiscal execution of select private independent variable.
and public sector banks by the CAMEL Model Jagjeet Kaur, Dr. Harsh Vineet Kaur (2016) analyzed
To rank them according to the parameter under the the public sector bank‘s performance from 2004 to 2014 by
CAMEL model. means of the CAMEL model. The results showed that the
first position is taken by Bank of Baroda, next by PNB and
IV. REVIEW OF LITERATURE last position by Central Bank of India. Bank of Baroda and
Rohit Bansal and Anoop Mohanty (2013) in their study PNB were considered the more steady banks, next by Indian
―A Study on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks bank and IDBI banks as per CAMEL model. Canara bank &
in India: Application of Camel Model‖, have taken 5 banks SBI were considered as medium performance. Union Bank,
(Kotak Mahindra bank, ICICI bank, Axis bank, HDFC bank Bank of India, Syndicate Bank & CBI were considered
and State Bank of India for the period 2007-2012) and the below average performance.
ratios were calculated using camels model. From the Mohammad Kamrul Ahsan (2016) in his work on
weighted results of ratios, the ranking were given to the ―Measuring Financial Performance Based on CAMEL: A
bank and based on the overall performance HDFC bank is Study on Selected Islamic Banks in Bangladesh‖, examined
ranked 1st, SBI as 2nd, Kotak Mahindra as 3rd, ICICI Bank as the performance of three Islamic banks during 2007 and
4th and Axis Bank as 5th. 2014. The effects showed that all the three Islamic Banks
Sushendra Kumar Misra and Parvesh Kumar Aspal selected were in the best performance in their composite
(2013) on ―A Camel Model Analysis of State Bank Group‖, rating system. All the three banks were good in all the
showed that in Capital Adequacy norms, SBP and SBBJ aspects of CAMEL.
ranked first while SBI ranked last. Under the parameter Muralidhara P. and Chokka Lingam (2017) in their
‗Asset Quality‘, the SBBJ topped. Under the parameter study took five nationalized banks for finding the economic
‗Management efficiency‘, SBT ranked top and SBBJ was at performance using the CAMEL model for a period between
the last. Under the ‗Earning Capability‘, the SBM is ranked 2006 and 2016. In this study the Central Bank of India
first and SBP at the last. Under the Liquidity parameter, the occupied first position in three parameters.
SBI was ranked at the first and SBM at the last.
Golam Mohiuddin (2014) studied the ―Use of CAMEL V. METHODOLOGY
Model: A Study on Financial Performance of Selected Sources of Data:
Commercial Banks in Bangladesh‖, by taking two major
banks as the base for the study (NCB & PSB) operating in The data source was secondary to this subject. The
Bangladesh. This survey concluded that the banks were all performance of the banks was taken from the banks‘
at satisfactory place. websites, annual reports, Money control, Equity master,
CA. Ruchi Gupta (2014) studied the public sector bank‘s Economic times, various journals and research papers on
performance from 2009 to 2013 using CAMEL. The survey financial performance. The prime five banks each from
result shows that there is a considerable distinction between public sector and private sector were brought from this
the public sector banks using CAMEL. The ranks were comparative survey.
given differently for the banks based on 5 parameters. Period of Study:
Hare Krishna Karri, Kishore Meghani & Bharti The work period is from 2012-2017 (5 years).
Meghani Mishra (2015) have studied the Performance of
Public sector banks in India using the CAMEL model. Their Sampling:
study concluded that Bank of Baroda‘s performance as The prime five banks from private and public sector were
better than the Punjab national bank. taken for this analysis and their operation was examined
Jaspreet Kaur, Manpreet Kaur and Dr. Simranjit based on different parameter in CAMEL model.
Singh (2015) examined the performance of prime public
sector banks using the CAMEL. Punjab national bank, Bank
of Baroda, State Bank of India, Bank of India, and Canara
Bank were considered for this study from 2009 to 2014. The
study used many aspects to evaluate the functioning of
banks using the weighted average cost of capital, Regression
Published By:
Retrieval Number L39791081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3979.1081219 1238 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, October, 2019
d) Equity / Total assets ratio: d) Gross Non Performing Assets / Gross advances:
This ratio helps to find out the fate of assets of the Here gross Non Performing Assets are considered, which
company that are owned by investors. If the company is is the equal to the amount without subtracting the
highly levered then, debt holders will take the control at the provisions. The lower ratio
time of bankruptcy. If it is less leveraged, then it means will be favored.
most of the company‘s assets are owned by the company
Published By:
Retrieval Number L39791081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3979.1081219 1239 & Sciences Publication
Camel Research of Selected Private and Public Sector Banks in India
Published By:
Retrieval Number L39791081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3979.1081219 1240 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, October, 2019
the same time offer the liquidity. The following ratios are of it. For the lending purpose the higher the ratio is
considered here. preferred.
Total advances
a) Liquid assets / Total assets:
Credit deposit ratio = ----------------------------- X 100
Cash in hand & with other banks (India and abroad), cash Total deposits
in Reserve Bank of India and money at call and short notice
are called liquid assets. The liquidity position of the bank d) Current Ratio:
could be assessed by this ratio. A higher ratio is chosen. The ability of the banks to pay back its short term
Liquid assets obligations is called current ratio.
Liquid assets / Total assets = ------------------------- X 100 Current assets
Total assets Current ratio = ----------------------------
Current liabilities
b) Liquid assets / Total deposits:
If this ratio is less than 1 then, it shows that the company
The ability of the banks to quickly convert their deposits is not in a situation to pay off its short term obligations. If it
into cash is measured by this ratio. Total deposit includes is more than 3, then it does not mean the company is in
demand, saving, and term deposits and deposits in other serious shape with regard to the financial being. Because all
institutions. The bank with higher ratio is chosen. depends on how a company allocates its assets. A high
Liquid assets current ratio may also sometimes suggest that the troupe is
Liquid assets / Total deposits = ---------------------------- not utilizing its current assets and working capital
X 100 efficiently.
Total deposits Analysis: Rating 1 represents the stable nature of the
banks. A rating of 2 or 3 represents the average and a rating
c) Credit deposit ratio: of 4 or 5 represents below average performance. Banks with
a below average rating needs to be supervised closely.
The amount of advances made by the depository financial
institution against its total deposits is measured by this ratio.
If the ratio is low, then it shows that the bank is not fully
employing its resources and a higher ratio means the reverse
Fig 1 (b): Graphical representation of the calculated ratios under the Capital adequacy parameter.
Published By:
Retrieval Number L39791081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3979.1081219 1241 & Sciences Publication
Camel Research of Selected Private and Public Sector Banks in India
Interpretation: It is found that ICICI Bank has ranked 1 lending. In the final ratio equity to total assets, Kotak
with highest capital adequacy. The Union Bank of India is Mahindra has larger assets to compensate off their
ranked last with least capital adequacy ratio, still it is shareholders in case of winding up, followed by ICICI
meeting the 8% minimum Basel II norms. Every bank has (10.77), HDFC (9.945), AXIS (9.73) and the least equity to
fulfilled the minimum requirement of 8%. Regarding Debt - assets ratio of Union Bank of India (3.97).
Equity ratio (level of leverage of a depository financial Based on the average of all the four sub-parameters,
institution), Kotak Mahindra Bank is using minimum debt to Kotak Mahindra (2.25) ranked number 1 followed by HDFC
operate their line of work, whereas Union Bank is using (2.75), ICICI (3.25), AXIS (4.75), SBI (5.25), YES Bank
higher debt and their capital adequacy ratio is too low. As (5.75), followed by all three Bank of Baroda, Canara bank
per the advances to total assets ratio, HDFC Bank is really and Union Bank of India, together at rank 8. Union Bank of
violent in lending. The next is Union bank of India (65.69), India is the only bank which is not doing well in all the 3
followed by SBI (62.186) followed by PNB (61.92) in sub- parameters individually as well as a composite.
Fig 2 (b): Graphical representation of the calculated ratios under the Asset Quality parameter.
Published By:
Retrieval Number L39791081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3979.1081219 1242 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, October, 2019
Fig 2 (c): Overall performance of the banks under the Asset Quality parameter
Interpretations: Fig 2(a) shows that HDFC Bank (.175) most unpleasant gross NPAs to gross advances ratio is in
is having the lowest net NPAs against total assets , and Canara Bank (7.71). Regarding net NPAs to net advances,
Canara bank (4.65) has the maximum net NPAs against total YES Bank has got less non performing asset to net advances
assets. This indicates that Canara Bank advances are not followed by AXIS Bank (.99), Kotak (1.06), HDFC Bank
safer. With regard to gross NPAs to total assets YES Bank (1.53).
has got finest quality of loans followed by HDFC Bank (. As per the averages of four sub-parameters under asset
62) and Kotak Mahindra (1.38) and the maximum gross quality, the YES Bank (1.25) is in number 1 position,
NPAs to total assets is of Canara Bank. Regarding gross non followed by HDFC Bank (2.25), AXIS and Kotak Bank
performing asset to gross advances, YES Bank is in first (3.75), ICICI and SBI Bank (5.5), Union Bank of India (7),
place followed by HDFC Bank (. 99) and Kotak (2.24). The PNB (8.5), Bank of Baroda (8.75), and Canara Bank (8).
Fig 3 (b): Graphical representation of the calculated ratios under the Management Efficiency parameter.
Published By:
Retrieval Number L39791081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3979.1081219 1243 & Sciences Publication
Camel Research of Selected Private and Public Sector Banks in India
Fig 3 (c): Overall performance of the banks under the Management Efficiency parameter
Interpretations: Fig 3 (a) shows each parameter of the employees of PNB. Regarding the return on assets,
management efficiency. Regarding business per employee, Kotak is having highest profit followed by HDFC, YES
Bank of Baroda is having a more secured business, followed bank and AXIS bank. The next ratio under this parameter is
by Union Bank and Canara Bank. The business per return on equity. In this parameter YES Bank is in the first
employee is very low in Kotak bank. That is Kotak is having position, the second is HDFC (17.84) and the third is AXIS
more employees as compared to the job. The next ratio is Bank (14.28). The minimum yield on equity calculated is of
profit per employee. This ratio shows each employee‘s PNB. With regard to the group average of this parameter,
contribution to the bank‘s profitability. The maximum HDFC is on the upper side, next by AXIS, YES, ICICI and
donation is established by the employees of HDFC Bank (. Kotak in the same rank. Union bank.and SBI has the same
68) followed by the ICIC Bank (. 58), AXIS Bank (. 537). rank. Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank & PNB are at last.
The final contribution in the profitability is established by
Fig 4 (b): Graphical representation of the calculated ratios under the Earnings parameter.
Published By:
Retrieval Number L39791081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3979.1081219 1244 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, October, 2019
Fig 4 (c): Overall performance of the banks under the Earnings parameter
Interpretation: - Fig 4 (a) shows that parameter E of the Bank (31.85). The least interest income of selected banks is
camel rating. Under this parameter operating profits to total Canara Bank (20.33), reasoning that this bank is earning
assets ratio (OP/T.A) is taken. This ratio indicates that profits through investments rather than its principal origin of
maximum operating profits are earned by AXIS Bank (7.88) income (interest). The Net profits to total assets (N.P/T.A)
followed by ICICI (7.6), Canara Bank (7.53). The bank, ratio shows that YES Bank is earning maximum net profits
which is earning least operating profits is YES Bank (4.75). as operating profits followed by the Kotak &HDFC bank.
The next ratio is the dividend payout ratio (DPO) that shows The least net profits against total assets are realized by the
ICICI Bank is paying maximum dividend to its shareholders Canara Bank. On the foundation of composite E, HDFC &
followed by Canara Bank (25.1), Bank of Baroda (22.6) & ICIC Bank (3.25) are best in regard to the earnings followed
SBI (19.52). The lowest dividend payout ratio is of Kotak by AXIS Bank (4.5), Kotak (5), SBI (5.5), Canara Bank
Bank (3.8). In respect to Net Interest to total income ratio (6.25), YES Bank & PNB (6.5) Bank of Baroda (7), and
(NET INT/T.I), the maximum interest income is earned by Union Bank (7.25).
HDFC Bank (39.01) followed by Kotak Bank (36.72), AXIS
Fig 5 (b): Graphical representation of the calculated ratios under the Liquidity parameter.
Published By:
Retrieval Number L39791081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3979.1081219 1245 & Sciences Publication
Camel Research of Selected Private and Public Sector Banks in India
Interpretation: In this Bank of Baroda (16.17) has got best bank is ICICI Bank and the least ratio is of PNB. The
more liquid assets, next by AXIS (15.12) and Union Bank of final ratio is Credit Deposit Ratio (CDR). This ratio shows
India (14.95). The smallest amount of liquidity is that ICICI bank followed by Kotak bank relies on deposits
maintained by the Canara Bank (11.48). for their lending activities. It is found that the Bank of
With respect to liquid asset to total deposits (L.A/T.D) Baroda is not using its deposits adequately.
ICICI Bank is throwing the highest value. The smallest The high liquidity to fulfill the short term obligations are
liquidity is held by the Canara Bank (15.73). The current held by ICICI (2.5), followed by AXIS (2.75), HDFC (4.25),
ratio must be between 1 and 2. With compliments to this Kotak (4.75), SBI (5), YES Bank (5.5), Bank of Baroda
ratio all the banks are keeping up their current ratio. But the (6.5), Union Bank (6.75), PNB (8) and Canara Bank (9).
Fig 6 (b): Graphical representation of all parameters for the banks under the CAMEL model
Published By:
Retrieval Number L39791081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3979.1081219 1246 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, October, 2019
Interpretation:-Fig 6 (a) shows the composite ranking of 9. Hari Krishna Karri, Kishore Meghani & Bharti Meghani
all the selected banks from 2012 to 2017. HDFC is ranked in Mishra (2015), ―A Comparative Study on Financial
the first place. AXIS Bank, ICICI Bank, Kotak Bank, YES Performance of Public Sector Banks in India: An
Analysis on Camel Model‖, MPRA Paper No. 62844.
Bank, and Canara Bank are all in the late position. 10. Jaspreet Kaur, Manpreet Kaur and Dr. Simranjit Singh
As per CAMEL rating, HDFC & AXIS Bank are in the (2015), ―Financial performance analysis of selected
above average status; ICICI & Kotak Bank, YES bank & public sector banks: A CAMEL model approach‖, I J A
SBI Bank are in the average status, and the Union Bank, B E R, Vol. 13, No. 6, 4327-4348
Bank of Baroda, PNB & Canara Bank are in the below 11. Ahmad Waleed, Muhammad Bilal Shah and Muhammad
average status. Kashif Mughal (2015), ―Comparison of Private and
Public Banks Performance‖, IOSR Journal of Business
and Management (IOSR-JBM), Volume 17, Issue 7.Ver.
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Published By:
Retrieval Number L39791081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3979.1081219 1247 & Sciences Publication
Camel Research of Selected Private and Public Sector Banks in India
Published By:
Retrieval Number L39791081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3979.1081219 1248 & Sciences Publication