Jaimini Astrology KNRao

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Kotamraju Narayana Rao belongs to an illustrious Andhra Brahmin family. He is the second
of the four sons of the famous journalist of the pre-independence era, Sri K. Rama Rao, the
founder editor of the National Herald and editor of more than thirty journals in his long
journalistic career. His elder brother K.Pratap Rao retired from the Indian Foreign service as
an ambassador. One of his younger brothers K.Vikram Rao was the President of the All
India working Journalists association and apart from being a BBC special correspondent,
retired as the Editor of Times of India Lucknow. His youngest brother retired as a bank
manager and is currently associated with him in the publication of the prestigious quarterly
“Journal of Astrology”.

K.N.Rao took his Masters in English Literature and was a lecturer in English before joining
the Indian Audit and Accounts Service, from which he retired as the Director General in
November 1990. During his service career, he was the planner, organizer and teacher of
three international courses on Audit of Receipts, as a joint director once and as a director

He was initiated into astrology by his late mother, Srimati K. Saraswati Devi, at the age of
twelve in 1943. He regards her as the best astrologer he has known in three areas,
marriage, children and Prashna (horary).

More interested in games and sports than in astrology in his youth, Rao won brilliancy prizes
in chess competitions and two state championships in bridge competitions. He played ten
other games, which is why in his astrological writings also there are references to games

His interactions with foreigners have been both on professional and astrological levels for
more than two decades which is why he has, as an astrologer, a large international network
of friends. He went on doing all his fundamental researches in astrology during his service
career because of which, he went on collecting horoscopes systematically in thousands.
He has in his possession more than 50,000 horoscopes with ten important events of each
individual noted with him. It is perhaps, the largest individual collection of horoscopes data
any astrologer has.

The strain of doing astrology as a mission without charging any fee, almost made him give
up astrology many times. But in December 1981, he was forced out of his shell to participate
in a three-day seminar on astrology in Delhi. After his ground breaking speech, there has
been a persistent demand for his astrological articles. From then onwards he has been
sharing with his readers his original researches for which he has won worldwide praise.

Between 1993 and 1995, Rao has visited the USA on five lecture tours. He was the Chief
Guest at the Second Conference of the American Council of Vedic Astrology in 1993. He
was requested to be present in the Third Conference also in 1994 on the opening day
because of the crowds he would draw. His name was advertised till November 1995 also for
the Fourth Conference though he had made it clear that he would not be available anymore
for the American conferences. As a result of his academic approach, he has now more than
a thousand students in India and more than two hundred in the USA.

He was instrumental in starting the Vedic Astrology course in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan,
New Delhi and is the Advisor and senior teacher of Astrology Courses. As on date the
Bharatiya Vidya Bhava is rated as the best Vedic Astrology institute and it produces
approximately 4000 astrology students every year

What impelled Rao to do it is well explained in his own horoscope where the lagna and the
10th lords get combined in the lagna, with an exalted Jupiter in the 10th house.

All this was foreseen by his Jyotish Guru, Yogi Bhaskarananda of Gujarat whom Rao
describes as the last of the Rishi astrologers in the purest classical mould. He had told him
that he would have to visit many foreign countries to give to Hindu astrology the honour,
recognition and dignity which it did not have till then. An American summed up the impact of
the first ever foreign visit of Rao to the USA in 1993 as, “Vedic astrology before Rao and
after Rao”.

What different yogis have said about astrology as a Vedanga which he must not give up has
been quoted in his book, Yogis, Destiny and the Wheel of Time. His desire never to turn into
a professional astrologer, has won him thousands of admirers and also some enemies from
the community of professional astrologers who felt threatened.

Both his mantra guru, Swami Paramananda Saraswati, and his jyotish guru, Yogi
Bhaskarananda, taught him some secrets of spiritual astrology which are not given usually in
any book of astrology. Rao has revealed some of these secrets in his book, "Yogis, Destiny
and the Wheel of Time".

His own mother, who was his first jyotish guru, knew many such traditional secrets, parts of
which Rao has revealed in his three books “Ups and Downs in Careers”, "Astrology, Destiny
and the Wheel of Time" and "Planets and Children". It was the mantra guru of Rao, Swami
Paramananda Saraswati, who first asked Rao not to give up astrology as it had to be an
integral part of his sadhana. Later a great yogi, Swami Moorkhanandji, prophesied in 1982
that he would be the architect of a great astrological renaissance. Whether that is already
fulfilled or not can be gauged from the impressive list of his researches published in his

Among his many fundamental and most original researches are his two books "Predicting
through Jaimini's Chara Dasha" and "Predicting through Karakamsha and Mandook Dasha".
He has authored 27 books and is the guide and editor for another dozen books written by
others. He is the chief editor of the prestigious “Journal of Astrology”.

One of his greatest achievements is the introduction of Vedic Astrology as a UGC course in
the Indian Universities and later defending it in the Supreme Court of India.

Among his many regular visitors and followers are former Indian President Narayanan and
the Human Resources Minister Murali Manohar Joshi. It is essentially his influence on them
which led to the BJP Govt. introducing Vedic Astrology as a study course in the Indian

The pseudo intellectual scientists and journalist criticized this and a writ was filed in the
Hyderabad High Court, describing astrology as unscientific and it as waste of public money
and “Safronising” India. The Hyderabad High Court Justice F.M.IBRAHIM KALIFULLA
upheld the appeal and directed the UGC not to introduce Vedic Astrology as a UGC
approved course!!

Appeal was made to the Supreme Court. The UGC & the Human Resources Ministry hardly
prepared any grounds to defend the case – so typical of our Govt organizations. That is
when K.N.Rao swung in to action. He was past 70 and because of a severe Diabetics attack
both his legs were almost paralyzed and he was barely able to move about in crutches. But
his mind and will were as good as ever. He hand picked several senior teachers and
research students of the Bharatity Vidya Bhavan study group and prepared the ground for
defense. Quotations from dozens of ancient scriptures describing astrological combinations
and were collected. Excerpts from the Moghul documents like Akbarnama, Jahangirnama
and Babar nama were collected showing that even the Muslim rulers frequently consulted
astrologers and rewarded them for accurate forecasts. A long list of accurate forecasts given
by several astrologers was prepared. Armed with irrefutable evidence, K.N.Rao himself went
and argued in the court.

The Supreme Court of India reversed the ruling of the Hyderabad High Court and permited
UGC to introduce Vedic Astrology as a course in the Indian Universities.

K.N.Rao gave a series of interviews in several Indian TV channels to dispel the several
misconceptions and myths about Vedic Astrology – like Kala Sarpa Dosha, Mangala Dosha,
and Sadesati etc. He repeatedly warns people not to be misled by the bogus astrologers
whose aim is to extract money through fear psychosis.
Predicting through Jaimini’s Chara Dasa
By K.N.Rao
Published by Vani Publications

This electronic copy, scanned with the permission of the author Sri K.N.Rao, is only
for the personal study of the students of astrojyoti astrology course. Copying,
publishing or using it for any commercial purpose without seeking the author’s
permission is strictly prohibited.

PART – 1
Distinctive Features of Jaimini Astrology

Since this is meant to be a primer on Jaimini Astrology to initiate an astrologer into some
predictive uses of this unique system, only such preliminary aspects will be discussed, as
may be found easy to understand.

Astrologers following Parashari system of astrology should first note the difference in
this system, to get used to what appears to be totally foreign to their conception and
assessment of a horoscope. These are being mentioned briefly here and will be elaborated
in different chapters, with illustrations.

1. Karakas
Seven planets (excluding Rahu and Ketu) become seven karakas according to their
degrees, in descending order, after excluding the signs. They are called:
Gnatikaraka and

2. Aspects
Aspects in this system are from one rashi to another.
Movable rashis aspect all fixed rashis except the adjacent one; all fixed rashis aspect all
movable rashis except the adjacent one; and all dual rashis aspect all other dual rashis. In
this scheme all rashis aspect three rashis each.
3. Dashas
Jaimini dashas are known as rashi-dashas. Unlike the Parashari system of astrology, where
dashas are nakshatra-based and are named after the lord of the nakshatra, the total dashas
are twelve; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,
Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

4. The Order of Dashas

Out of these twelve dashas, six move in direct manner and six in indirect manner.

5. The Length of Dashas

The maximum dasha of a rashi is of twelve years and the minimum is of one year. Here
there are a few controversies, which will be discussed later.

6. Yogas
Jaimini's Y ogas, the Raja-yogas, the Dhana-yogas, the ArishtaYogas are different. They
will be discussed in the chapters on Jaimini's Yogas.

7. Karakarnsha
The Navamsha occupied by the Atmakaraka (the planet with the highest degrees) is made
use of for important predictions.

8. Pada or Aroodha Lagna

Like the Karakamsha, the Pada Lagna is made use of for major predictions. The Pad a
Lagna is as many houses away from the position of the Lagna lord, as the Lagna lord is
from the Lagna.

9. Upapada Lagna
The Upapada Lagna is as many houses away from the position of the twelfth lord, as the
twelfth lord is from the twelfth house.

These nine features with illustrations shall be explained initially.

The first lesson which must be learnt in Jaimini astrology is about the karakas. To apply it
follow the steps given below:

1. Calculate the degrees of all planets properly, if necessary upto seconds.

2. Tabulate these planets (omitting Rahu and Ketu) from the highest to the lowest
degrees, after excluding the signs, in a descending order.

3. Now starting from the highest degree to the lowest degree they shall be known as

1. Atmakaraka
2. Amatyakaraka
3. Bhratrikaraka
4. Matrikaraka
5. Putrakaraka
6. Gnatikaraka
7. Darakaraka


It is always safe to use the planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn,
Rahu and Ketu also with their well-known significations. They are known as
Sthirakarakas. Again Aspects here a distinction is made. I have found after examining
thousands of horoscopes what Sitaram Jha has given (p.110) is quite dependable. The
scheme outlined is:
1. The stronger planet between the Sun and Venus represents all father.

2. The stronger planet between the Moon and Venus represents mother.

3. Mars represents younger brother, sisters, brother-in-law and even mother.

4. Mercury represents uncles and aunt, (maternal and paternal)

5. Jupiter represents paternal grandfather.

6. Venus represents husband.

7. Saturn represents sons. (It appears strange to me.)

8. Rahu represents paternal and maternal male grandparents.

9. Ketu represents paternal and maternal female grandparents. Note: Seven Karakas
alone may not be able to clarify some subtle points in a horoscope. Combined with
Sthirakarakas all areas get covered comprehensively.


Lagna 26°19' Mars 19°30' Venus 24°21'

Sun 8°46' Mercury 15°15' Saturn 11°05'
Moon 6°27' Jupiter 1°21' Rahu 26°32'

Karaka Planet Degrees

Atmakaraka (AK) Venus 24°21’
Amatyakaraka (Amk) Mars 19°30’
Bhratrikaraka (BK) Mercury 15°15’
Matrikaraka (MK) Saturn 11 °05’
Putrakaraka (PK) Sun 8°46'
Gnatikaraka (GK) Moon 6°27’
Darakaraka (DK) Jupiter 1°21’


Lagna 27035' Mars 20022' Venus 18033'

Sun 7023' Mercury 2024' Saturn 4050'
Moon 19032' Jupiter 20047' Rahu 17033'
Karakas : Matrikaraka (MK) Venus
Atmakaraka (AK) Jupiter Putrakaraka (PK) Sun
Amatyakaraka (AmK) Mars Gnatikaraka (GK) Saturn
Bhratrikaraka (BK) Moon Darakaraka (DK) Mercury


Lagna 26.19' Mars 9.30' Venus 27.21'

Sun 4"11' Mercury 6.20' Saturn 11"05'
Moon 16.06' Jupiter 7"21' Rahu 20"32'

Karakas : Matrikaraka (MK) Mars

Atmakaraka (AK) Venus Putrakaraka (PK) Jupiter
Amatyakaraka (AmK) Moon Gnatikaraka (GK) Mercury
Bhratrikaraka (BK) Saturn Darakaraka (DK) Sun

Sthirakarakas for all Twelve Houses are:

Lagna (Sun) 2nd house Gupiter) 3rd house (Mars) 4th house (Moon) 5th house Gupiter)
6th house (Mars) 7th house (Venus) 8th house (Saturn) 9th house Gupiter) 10th house
(Mercury), 11th house Gupiter) and the 12th house (Saturn).

Re-tabulated, the Sthirakaras, planet-wise will be:

Sun only once for the lagna.
Moon only once for the 4th house.
Mars twice for the 3rd and the 6th house.
Mercury once for the 10th house.
Jupiter four times for the 2nd, 5th, 9th and the 11th houses.
Venus only once for the 7th house.
Saturn twice for the 8th and. the 12th houses.

(a) Some Jaimini astrologers use eight Karakas. But here we shall stick to seven only
as a majority of astrologer-scholars are in favour of seven Karakas only.

(b) If out of the seven Karakas, two have similar degrees and minutes decide the order
on the basis of seconds.

(c) Here it must be noticed that Bhratrikaraka has been used before Matrikaraka
(mother). Does Bhratrikaraka then represent father whereas actually Bhratri means

The Navamsha occupied by the Atmakaraka is Karakamsha. In the first horoscope, Venus
is the Atmakaraka and is in the Navamsha of Leo. So Leo becomes the Karakamsha.

In the second horoscope, Jupiter is the Atmakaraka and is in the Navamsha of

Capricorn, which becomes its Karakamsha.

In the third horoscope, Venus is the Atmakaraka and is in the. Navamsha of

Gemini, so here Gemini becomes the Karakamsha.

Chara Dasha Order
In Jaimini astrology the dashas are of rashis and not of nakshatras (constellations).
Therefore, we speak of dasha of Aries, Taurus, Gemini ... Pisces etc.

Similar is the nomenclature of the sub-periods. Here we will describe a particular

period as, for example - Aries mahadasha or Aries major period and Scorpio sub-period.

The most important principle to remember is the order of the Chara dasha. And this
order is - six dashas are direct or forward and remaining six are indirect or backward.

How is this to be decided? Now follow the logic step by step.

The First Step: Note the ninth house from lagna. From Aries it is Sagittarius; from
Taurus it is Capricorn and so on.

The Second Step: If the ninth house from the lagna is Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra,
Scorpio or Sagittarius then the dasha order will be direct or forward.

The Third Step: If the ninth house from the lagna is of the remaining rashis, e.g., Cancer,
Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces then the dasha order will be indirect or

Thus the twelve houses of the zodiac get divided into two groups: the direct group and the
indirect group.
The Direct Lagna Group
Aries, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and Pisces.

Note: Remember Aries, Aquarius, Pisces and the seventh houses from them.

The Indirect Lagna Group

Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.
Note: Remember Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and the seventh houses from them.

The Chara dasha order for each lagna is being given here:

Aries: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,
Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Taurus: Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra,
Vigro, Leo, Cancer and Gemini.
Gemini: Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio,
Libra, Virgo, and Leo.
Cancer: Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius,
Scorpio, Libra, Virgo and Leo.
Leo: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus,
Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo.
Virgo: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries,
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo.
Libra: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus,
Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo.
Scorpio: Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces,
Aquarius, Capricorn and Sagittarius.
Sagittarius: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries,
Pisces, Aquarius and Capricorn.
Capricorn: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus,
Aries, Pisces and Aquarius.
Aquarius: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.
Pisces: Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,
Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.

The Chara Dasha Order

Lagna Order of Chara Dasa major period
Aries 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Taurus* 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
Gemini* 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
Cancer* 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
Leo 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
Virgo 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5
Libra 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
Scorpio* 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9
Sagittarius* 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10
Capricorn* 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11
Aquarius 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pisces 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
* These lagans follow indirect order of dasha.

Order of Sub Periods

The order of sub-periods in the major period of each rashi is decided according to the
same principles as given for major period: it will be indirect order or the direct one,
depending upon the rashi whose major period is running.

But there is one very important departure in the order of sub-periods from the
order of major periods: here each rashi takes its own sub-period last and not first. For
instance the sub-period of Aries in the major period of Aries will be the last. On this basis
the following table is being given:

Aries : Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,

(Direct) Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. (Note:
Aries comes last and not first).
Taurus : Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra,
(Indirect) Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini and Taurus.

Gemini : Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio,

(Indirect) Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer and Gemini.

Cancer : Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius,

(Indirect) Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo and Cancer.

Leo : Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces,

(Direct) Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo.

Virgo : Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries,

(Direct) Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo.

Libra : Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus,

(Direct) Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra.

Scorpio : Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Arises, Pisces,

(Indirect) Aquarius, Capricorn and Sagittarius.

Sagittarius : Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces,
(Indirect) Aquarius, and Capricorn.

Aquarius : Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,
(Direct) Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.
Pisces : Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, (Direct)
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Chara Dasha Sub Periods

Major Period Sub Period Sub-sub-Period

(Years (months) (days – hours)
12 12 30 – 0
11 11 27 – 12
10 10 25 – 0
9 9 22 – 12
8 8 20 – 0
7 7 17 – 12
6 6 15 – 0
5 5 12 – 12
4 4 10 – 0
3 3 7 – 12
2 2 5 –0
1 1 2 – 12


Aspects in Jaimini astrology are from one rashi to another rashi. There is no mention of
any planetary aspect in Jaimini. If a planet in a particular house aspects another planet in
another house, it is still not described as planetary aspect. But if a rashi containing a planet
aspects another rashicontaining another planet, then it leads to a planet's aspect on another

It will be explained first theoretically and then through illustrations. Three

principles are to be remembered to understand Jaimini's aspects.
A. The First Principle is that the chara or movable signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and
Capricorn) aspect all sthira or fixed signs except the adjacent sign. Which means
Aries aspects Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius (not Taurus).
Cancer aspects Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus (not Leo).
Libra aspects Aquarius, Taurus and Leo (not Scorpio).
Capricorn aspects Taurus, Leo and Scorpio (not Aquarius).

B. The Second Principle is that the sthira or fixed signs aspect chara or movable
signs except the adjacent one, which can be written thus:

Taurus aspects Cancer, Libra and Capricorn (not Aries).

Leo aspects Libra, Capricorn and Aries (not Cancer).
Scorpio aspects Capricorn, Aries and Cancer (not Libra).
Aquarius aspects Aries, Cancer and Libra (not Capricorn):

C. The Third Principle is that dwiswabhava or dual signs aspect each other. It can be
understood thus:

Gemini aspects Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Vigro aspects Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini.
Sagittarius aspects Pisces, Gemini and Virgo.
Pisces aspects Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius.

Note: In this scheme of aspects each sign aspects three other signs.

Illustration One
In the model horoscope one the Sun (PK), Saturn (MK) and Jupiter (DK) in Aries aspect
Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Mars (AmK) and Venus (AK) in Taurus aspect Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
The Moon (GK) in Libra aspects Aquarius, Taurus and Leo. The Mercury (BK) in
Pisces aspects Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius.

The Venus (Atmakaraka) is in the Navamsha of Leo. Thus Leo is the Karakamsha.

Illustration Two

Matrikaraka and Amatyakaraka in Taurus aspect Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Putrakaraka in Scorpio aspects Capricorn; Aries and Cancer. Bhratrikaraka in

Sagittarius aspects Pisces, Gemini and Virgo. Atmakaraka, Gnatikaraka and Darakaraka in
Aquarius aspect

Aries, Cancer and Libra.

Venus the Atmakaraka is in the Navamsha of Gemini hence Gemini becomes the

Note: The more you concentrate on these aspects the better and subtler will be your
understanding of a horoscope. These aspects, singly or doubly or more, are like the
Yogas of Parashari astrology.

In this book I have given examples to show how these aspects helped me give
some good predictions. In doing it, there is tendency to confuse Parashari aspects often.
When doing Jaimini forget Parashari astrology till you have become an adept.
Calculation of
Jaimini Chara Dasha

In this book only one dasha of Jaimini, known as Jaimini Chara dasha is being introduced
with the intention of helping astrologers start straight away with the predictive uses of
Jaimmi dashas. There are many books on Jaimini astrology but not a single one shows
how the Chara dasha is to be used for predictions. Dr. Raman's book, Studies in Jaimini
Astrology shows the uses of only Nirayana Shoola Dasha to a limited extent for timing the
death of father, mother, brother, wife, husband, etc. The question whether Chara dasha can
be made use of in timing all types of events in a man's life has been left untouched by all
writers on Jaimini astrology. This omission, it appears, is for two reasons: first is that in
Jaimini Sutras, there is no clear hint about the predictive use of various dashas; the second
reason is that the writers on Jaimini have not tried the various dashas and tested them
through repeated applications to various horoscopes for giving predictions.

The first ever published articles showing how Chara dasha could be used for
predictions were the series of articles written by me and published in the Astrological
Magazine in 1992. Here I referred to my differences with all other writers in the
computation of Chara dasha, inviting them to express their differences. No one wrote a
single letter against my writings. Obviously, they accepted what I wrote or had not done
their own research to have a definite difference with the practical application I showed in
the illustrations given by me.

Those papers have been included as case studies at the end of this book.

The steps to be followed in computing the Chara dasha are:

1. First write down the order of the dasha as explained in Chapter 3.

2. Now divide the twelve rashis into two groups of six rashis each. The first group's
counting is to be done in the direct way and the second group's counting is to be
done in the indirect way.
A very easy way of remembering this grouping is to write under direct group the
names of the first three rashis and then under the second group the name of next
three rashis.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Aries Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
7 8 9 10 11 12
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

3. Now count from the rashi concerned upto its lord directly if the rashi belongs to the
direct group and indirectly if the rashi belongs to the indirect group.
4. From the total figure obtained by this counting, deduct one year as will be shown
in practical illustrations.
5. The net total (gross years of count minus one year) is the dasha of the rashi in
6. Astrologers must remember that there are special rules for computing the dasha
periods of Scorpio and Aquarius.

In Jaimini astrology Scorpio has two lords, Mars and Ketu. Aquarius also has two lords,
Saturn and Rahu. It is because of this dual lordship that while computing the dasha scheme
of these two rashis special rules have to be applied. They will be explained in the
following three illustrations.
Illustration One
Take the first model horoscope with the Aries Lagna, falling in the direct group. Here the
dasha scheme will be direct, Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc. Now see how the dasha for each
rashi is to be calculated:

Rashi Lord's Placement Years Years Net

(from own house) Counted Deducted Years
Aries (Direct) Second house Two One One
Taurus (Direct) Own house Twelve None Twelve
Gemini (Direct) Tenth house Ten One Nine
Cancer (Indirect) Tenth house Ten One Nine
Leo (Indirect) Fifth house Five One Four
Virgo (Indirect) Seventh house Seven One Six
Libra (Direct) Eighth house Eight One Seven
Scorpio (Direct) Fifth house Five One Four
Ketu 26°32'
(Both are with one
planet each but Ketu
is of higher degree
and is to be seen)
Sagitt. (Direct) Fifth house Five One Four
Capri. (Indirect) Tenth house Ten One Nine
Aqua. (Indirect) Saturn is with Eleven One Ten
two planets and is
Stronger. Rahu is
alone, so weaker.
Pisces (Indirect) Twelfth house Twelve One Eleven
Now counting from the year of birth the same can be written in this way:

Aries 1940 + 1= 1941

Taurus 1941 + 12 = 1953
Gemini 1953 + 9= 1962
Cancer 1962 + 9= 1971
Leo 1971 + 4= 1975
Vngo 1975 + 6= 1981
Libra 1981 + 7= 1988
Scorpio 1988 + 4= 1992
Sagittarius 1992 + 4 = 1996
Capricorn 1996 + 9 = 2005
Aquarius 2005 + 10 = 2015
Pisces 2015 + 11 = 2026

Illustration Two

(Here one cycle is over. If a person lives beyond it, the second cycle is to be repeated in
exactly the same way.)

Lagna is Virgo so the dasha order would be direct, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio etc.

Rashi Lord's Placement Years Years Net

(from own house) Counted Deducted Years
Virgo (Indirect) Second house Two One One
Libra (Direct) Eleventh house Eleven One Ten
Scorpio (Direct) Tenth house Ten One Nine
(Ketu is stronger
since Mars is alone)
Sagitt. (Direct) Fourth house Four One Three
Capri. (Indirect) Fifth house Five One Four
Aqua. (Indirect) Sixth house Six One Five
(Rahu in lagna is
to be ignored. Sat
is in sixth house)
Pisces (Indirect) Own house Twelve None Twelve
Aries (Direct) Third house Three One Two
Taurus (Direct) Fourth house Four One Three
Gemini (Direct) Third house Three One Two
Cancer (Indirect) Fifth house Five One Four
Leo (Indirect) Second house Two One One

Now the same can be written as under:

Virgo 1951 + 1 = 1952
Libra 1952 + 10 = 1962
Scorpio 1962 + 9 = 1971
Sagittarius 1971 + 3 = 1974
Capricorn 1974 + 4 = 1978
Aquarius 1978 + 5 = 1983
Pisces 1983 + 12 = 1995
Aries 1995 + 2 = 1997
Taurus 1997 + 3 = 2000
Gemini 2000 + 2 = 2002
Cancer 2002 + 4 = 2006
Leo 2006 + 1 = 2007

Illustration Three
Rashi Lord's Placement Years Years Net
(from own house) Counted Deducted Years
Virgo (Indirect) Eighth house Eight One Seven
Libra (Direct) Fifth house Five One Four
Scorpio (Direct) Seventh house Seven One Six
Sagitt. (Direct) Twelfth house Twelve One Eleven
Capri. (Indirect) Second house Two One One
Aqua. (Indirect) Sixth house Six One Five
(Sat & Rahu both
are alone, Rahu is
of higher degree)
Pisces (Indirect) Fifth house Five One Four
Aries (Direct) Second house Two One One
Taurus (Direct) Tenth house Ten- One Nine
Gemini (Direct) Ninth house Nine One Eight
Cancer (Indirect) Third house Three One Two
Leo (Indirect) Seventh house Seven One Six

Special Rules for Calculation of Dasha Periods of Scorpio and Aquarius

1. Scorpio (Direct)
There are two lords of Scorpio: Mars and Ketu. The rules to be followed are:
(a) If Mars is in Scorpio and Ketu in some other rashi, count upto other rashi, where
Ketu is posited, ignoring Mars.
(b) If Ketu is in Scorpio and Mars in some other rashi, ignore Ketu and count, upto
(c) If both Mars and Ketu are in Scorpio give full twelve years without any deduction.
(d) If both Mars arid Ketu are in rashis other than Scorpio, then find out which of the
two is stronger. To decide the strength of the two follow the points mentioned
(i) A planet associated with another planet is stronger than an unassociated
one. In the model horoscope no. 3, Ketu is alone while Mars is with the
Moon. So Mars is stronger.
In horoscope no. 2, Ketu is with two planets, while Mars is alone. So Ketu
is stronger.
(ii) If both Mars and Ketu are associated with one planet each as in the case of
horoscope no. 1, one with the higher degrees will be considered stronger.
Here Ketu is stronger.

(iii) If Ketu and Mars are alone in the rashis other than Scorpio, again higher
degree will settle their strength.
(iv) If both Ketu and Mars are alone and have same degree and minutes then
decide their strength on the basis of higher seconds.

2. Aquarius (Indirect)

The same rules as have been given for Scorpio will apply, with the difference that the dual
lords are Saturn and Rahu and the method of counting is indirect.

Enough examples will be illustrated in the following chapters. Notes:

1. Commentators want one extra year to be added where a planet is exalted and one
extra year to be deducted in case of a debilitated planet. It has given me incorrect
results. I proved this in my papers and no one has countered me. This is for one
simple reason. Suppose Jupiter is debilitated, in Capricorn, then while counting the
dasha period of Sagittarius we will have to count two years and make one year's
standard deduction and then another year's extra deduction, which will give zero
years to Sagittarius. It appears illogical as Sagittarius dasha has also to give its
results. If there are zero years, then Sagittarius will become a non-functional rashi
and dashas will be of eleven rashis. After working on thousands of horoscopes and
timing events, I found that no rashi can ever have zero years.

Extending this logic I decided not to add one year extra for an exalted planet and
found my timings accurate as illustrated in this book.

2. Thus, the maximum a rashi can have is twelve years and the minimum one year.
Dr. P.S. Sastri calculates the fractions of each dasha period of each rashi. For
instance Venus in Libra will give twelve years. But if Venus is at 10 degree, he
will calculate one third (four years) as expired portion and give only eight years to
Libra. He wrote a series of articles in the Astrological Magazine in 1983 in which
he was not applying this. Though he has started applying it now he has not shown
through a single illustration that how this calculation 'Comes out correct.

Therefore, take full years and not fractions thereof.

3. Follow the special rules for Scorpio and Aquarius. These are two rashis where
most astrologers commit mistakes.

Avery unique feature of Jaimini Astrology is a Pada. Generally all Jaimini commentators
commit the mistake of calculating only two padas: the lagna or aroodha pada and the pada
of the twelfth lord, which is known as upa-pada.

Padas should be calculated for all planets and for all houses. It is being illustrated here:
1. See how far, in direct counting, the lord of a house has travelled from own house.
Suppose it has gone to the sixth house, then note six as the figure.
2. Now count six from that planet.
3. The position you have arrived now is the pada concerned.

Illustration One
House Placement of the lord Progression
Lagna Two houses 2nd from Taurus is Gemini
Second In own house So Taurus is pada for 2nd
Third Ten houses (Pisces) 10th from Pisces is Sagittarius
Fourth Four houses (Libra) 4th from Libra is Capricorn
Fifth Nine houses (Aries) 9th from Aries is Sagittarius
Sixth Seven houses (Pisces) 7th from Pisces is Virgo
Seventh Eight houses (Taurus) 8th from Taurus is Sagittarius
Eighth Seven houses (Taurus) 7th from Taurus is Scorpio
Ninth Five houses (Aries) 5th from Aries is Leo
Tenth Four houses (Aries) 4th from Aries is Cancer
Eleventh Three houses (Aries) 3rd from Aries is Gemini
Twelfth Two houses (Aries) 2nd from Aries is Taurus

Now put the padas in a horoscope thus:

You may do similar exercise yourself in the case of other two horoscopes.

1. Some Varanasi astrologers have given a few exceptions. For instance they say that
if the Lagna Lord is in the lagna then the pada will be the tenth house. This is not
followed by the majority of astrologers. Besides no Varanasi astrologer has ever
shown how this so called exception works and gives correct results. So follow the
method given here, ignoring the so-called exceptions.

Similarly they give another exception in the case of the 7th lord being in the
seventh from its position. They say that the 4th house will become the pada of the
7th. It again fails in actual practice.

2. Some Delhi computers have done totally wrong programming of these padas. They
give you wrong results.

3. The lagna pada is also known as Arudha or Aroodha pada and is a key-factor for
predictions. The pada of twelfth lord or the Upapada is also a very important key-
factor for predictions.

Lot of research on the use of padas will have to be done still. Here only the method is
being taught.


]aimini yogas are many, but for our purpose, we will confine ourselves to the following
only, so as to somehow begin, somewhere.

1. Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka together or aspecting each other.

2. Atmakaraka and Putrakaraka together or aspecting each other.

3. Atmakaraka and Fifth lord together or aspecting each other.
4. Atmakaraka and Darakaraka together or aspecting each other.

5. Amatyakaraka and Putrakaraka together or aspecting each other.

6. Amatyakaraka and Fifth lord together or aspecting each other.

7. Amatyakaraka and Darakaraka together or aspecting each other.


8. Putrakaraka and Fifth lord together or aspecting each other.

9. Putrakaraka and Darakaraka together or aspecting each other.


10. Fifth lord and Darakaraka together and aspecting each other.

Special Notes:

1. The Moon and Venus together or the Moon aspected by Venus is a rajayoga.

2. If the Moon is aspected by many pladets, it is an excellent rajayoga.

3. Now see the same rajayogas in the Navamsha and examine:

(a) If there are more rajayogas or;
(b) If there are less rajayogas or;
(c) If the rajayogas have become stronger or;
(d) If the rajayogas have become weaker.

4. If the Amatyakaraka is placed in kendras or trikonas from the Atmakaraka or in the

eleventh house in the birth horoscope or in the Navamsha, good positions in life
are attained with less struggle.

5. If the Atmakaraka and the Amatyakaraka are placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th
positions from each other in the birth horoscope or in the N avamsha, there will be
struggles in attaining positions.

6. See if any karakas are afflicted. They will create trouble.

7. If the karakas are aspected by benefits, their promises increase beneficially.


Predictive Techniques

Series of simple exercises is what a student of Jaimini Astrology should do first to see
himself how more and more research can be done. Astrologers should do honest
researches and share them, through published papers, with others. That not having
happened, what is being done is a pioneering work.

Now, before doing any prediction prepare a check-list,

1. List all the karakas, seven in number, excluding Rahu/Ketu.

2. Mark the Karakamhsa in the birth horoscope.
3. Mark the Pada- Lagna in the birth horoscope.
4. Mark the Upa-pada in the birth horoscope.
5. Note the dasha order, is it direct or indirect?
a. Calculate dasha periods,
b. Remember the special rules for the calculation of the dasha periods of
Scorpio and Aquarius.
6. Remember to calculate the sub-periods carefully, keeping in mind that the sub-
period of the major period comes last.
7. Finally notice to which house from the birth lagna, a particular dasha belongs, first
house, second house, etc.
Now follow the practical exercise as per the check-list.

Exercise One (Chart 1)

1. Karakas have been mentioned

2. The Karakamsha is Sagittarius.
Lagna 12°41' Mars 23°58' Venus 0°36'
Sun 18°16' Mercury (R) 15°46' Saturn 20°28'
Moon 25°28' Jupiter 29°36' Rahu 23°30'

Jaimini Kamkas :
AK Jupiter PK Sun Karakamsha Sagittarius
AmK Moon GK Mercury Pada Lagna Virgo
BK Mars DK Venus Upa-pada Libra
MK Saturn

3. Pada Lagna is Virgo.

4. Upa-pada is Libra.
5. Dasha order is direct: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. . .
6. For Scorpio counting is to be done upto Ketu because it is with two other planets
while Mars is alone.
For Aquarius counting is to be done (indirect) upto Rahu because its degree is
more. Both Rahu and Saturn are not associated with any other planet.
7. The calculation of dasha order will be given separately, with reasons.
8. Sub-periods will be given separately.
9. Interpretation of a particular dasha will be explained.

Dasha Periods

Virgo : Mercury is in Virgo so full 12 years : 1949-61

Libra : Venus is in the second house from Libra.

Deduct one from two.
The period will be of one year. : 1961-62

Scorpio : Count upto Ketu.

Eleven minus one is ten years
Sub-periods of Scorpio

1. It is a period of ten years. So each sub-period will be of ten months.

2. The dasha order will be indirect.
3. The sub-period of Scorpio will come in the last.
4. Therefore, the first sub-period will be of Libra.

Libra October 1962 to August 1963

Vngo August 1963 to June 1964
Leo June 1964 to April 1965
Cancer April, 1965 to February 1966
Gemini February 1966 to December 1966
Taurus December 1966 to October 1967
Aries October 1967 to August 1968
Pisces August 1968 to June 1969
Aquarius June 1969 to April 1970
Capricorn April 1970 to February 1971
Sagittarius February 1971 to December 1971
Scorpio December 1971 to October 1972

How Predictions are Made

From Scorpio whose dasha is running, the fifth house receives the aspects of the Sun,
Mercury, Ketu and Jupiter. The fifth house being the house of education, the native did
very well in studies in this period.

He appeared for the all India competitive examinations and was selected in the sub-period
of Sagittarius, which has from it a strong tenth house, Virgo, with the Sun (government
service). In the last sub-period of Scorpio which contains his Darakaraka (Dara means
spouse) he got married.

In making predictions the method to be followed in the simple exercise is :

1. First treat the rashi whose dasha is running as the lagna and see which houses are
2. Then note all the promises of that rashi dasha.
3. Now analyse each sub-period. Here Sagittarius proves good for the carrier and
Scorpio for marriage.
Exercise Two
Lagna 270 18' Mars 25° 46' Venus (R) 20°26'
Sun 5°27' Mercury 11°48' Saturn 28°09'
Moon 28°29' Jupiter 7°16' Rahu 13°31'

Jaimini Karakas : MK Venus

AK Moon PK Mercury Karakamsha Sagittarius
AmK Saturn GK Jupiter Pada Lagna Virgo
BK Mars DK Sun Upa-pada Gemini

1. All karakas have been mentioned.

2. The Karakamsha is Sagittarius.
3. The Pada Lagna is Virgo.
4. The Upa-pada is Gemini.
5. The dash order will be indirect: Taurus, Aries, Pisces, etc.
6. Calculated dasha periods are being given.
7. The dasha period of Scorpio will be calculated (direct) upto Ketu, ignoring Mars
which is in Scorpio itself. The dasha period of quarius (indirect) will be calculated
upto Saturn which, like Rahu, is with one planet but has higher degrees.
8. Sub-periods are being given.
9. The dasha of a particular house and its significance will be pointed out.

The Dasha Periods

The dasha order will be indirect; Taurus, Aries etc.

Taurus (counting direct) 9 - 1 = 8 years 1958-1966

Aries (counting direct) 8 - 1 = 7 years 1966-1973
Pisces (indirect) 6 - 1 = 5 years 1973-1978
Aquarius (indirect)
up to Saturn 4 - 1 = 3 years 1978-1981
Capricorn (indirect) 3 - 1 = 2 years 1981-1983
Note: From Aquarius, Amatyakaraka (position of importance) is in the tenth house of
profession. She was selected for the Vietnamese Foreign Service in 1980 in the dasha
period of Aquarius.

Note 2: Capricorn has Darakaraka (spouse) in it. She got married in October 1981.

Sub- Period of Capricorn

Sub-periods of two months each, starting from Sagittarius take us to Leo after eight
months from January 1981. Leo is aspected by Darakaraka, the Sun, and she got married.

In one year and six months after January 1981, we reach sub-period of Pisces.
Pisces is aspected by the Putrakaraka (childgiver) Mercury. In August 1982 she gave birth
to a daughter.

Early Years of Life

In Chicago and earlier in New York, I met some persons who objected to my habit of
starting any astrological reading beginning with the early years of their life. The objection
is untenable as they who claim to do psychological reading of any individual must first see
the influences that shaped the outlook of an individual.

This exercise must always be done to make sure that the horoscope you ore working on is
correct. Hindu astrology which is so well developed always starts with the analysis of a
horoscope with childhood influences because it is the most developed and most
sophisticated and refined method of psychological delineation of human character. It is
true that Indian astrologers do not use the jargon of modern psychology and refrain from
talking like western astrologers - "you must use your Sun-energy well during the present
period", etc.

Hindu astrology is spiritual first then material, three-dimensional in its approach because
the analysis of a horoscope is always divided, starting from the ascendant into three

(i) The first triangle consists of the first, the fifth and the ninth houses which
represent, brahmacharya or life of celibacy; the second, the sixth and the tenth
houses grihastha or the life of a house-holder, or the worldly duties of a man or
woman; the third, the seventh and the eleventh houses, vanaprastha or the
beginning of detachment from worldly duties and sincere devotion to the higher
spiritual life, and finally the fourth, the eighth and the twelfth houses are the
houses of sannyasa or a life of renunciation.

What counselling can be done if an astrologer is not able to see what energies are
getting released and when from the sub-stratum of an individual's personality?
(ii) The second triangle is to be divided thus: the first, the fifth and the ninth houses
pertain to dharma or ethical-religious conduct; the second, the sixth and the tenth
houses pertain to artha or the efforts put in to earn and accumulate wealth; the
third, the seventh and the eleventh houses pertain to koama or desires, sensual and
sexual; and the fourth, the eighth and the twelfth houses pertain to moksha or such
efforts as are put in to attain salvation.

(iii) The third triangle is a three fold division of the twelve houses and is to be used
only in those cases in which an astrologer's concentration is on spiritual questions.
Here the first, the second, the third and the fourth houses are the houses of spiritual
efforts to control extroversion; the fifth, the sixth, the seventh and the eighth
houses are the houses of introvert spiritual practices and finally the ninth, the
tenth, the eleventh and the twelfth houses are the houses of the blossoming of
spiritual practices.

These three triangles are made use of only by adept astrologers to answer deep
material and spiritual questions of an individual.

Most of the astrologers are only fortune-tellers or the so-called counsellors who
can do what they do without even a horoscope. In fact when I told someone who claimed
to be doing counselling through horoscopes without even understanding the meaning of
planetary combinations, that he could do what he was doing by merely holding a blank
piece of paper before his eyes, he felt hurt. I apologised to him. Nevertheless I stick to that

The First Lesson:


Now see the horoscope of a child born on January 30, 1992 at 07.21 a.m., New Delhi. The
lagna lord Saturn and the eighth lord Sun are on the same degrees. The Gnatikaraka who
represents the sixth house and therefore accidents and diseases, Venus is in Sagittarius
with Mars and Rahu and is heavily afflicted. In the Vimshottari dasha it was the period of
Mercury, the sixth lord.

The Chara dasha begins with Capricorn which contains two malefics. The first sub-
period is of Sagittarius, the rashi of accidents. It contains the Gnatikaraka, the karaka of
accidents. An alarming situation. The child got drowned in a tub, was somehow saved by
the doctors but his brain is totally dead.

Now see the horoscope of the mother born on September 4, 1967 at Gorakhpur
(lat. 26°45'N, long. 83°24'£) with Scorpio
Lagna 17028’ Mars 21043’ Venus 12006’
Sun 15040’ Mercury 6034’ Saturn 15030’
Moon 24042’ Jupiter (R) 19027’ Rahu 15053’

ascendant and the Putrakaraka and the Gnathikaraka in Leo whose period she was running
when the child was born to her.

Lagna 24°03' Mars 2°53' Venus(R)(GK)

Sun 17041' Mercury 27"21' Saturn (R) 17°45'
Moon (PK) 15°20' Jupiter 27"55' Rahu 5°24'

Analyse both the horoscopes and see how destinies are interlinked. Those who come under
the sway of western thinking and insist, that man has complete freedom, will be surprised
how it can be seen through Hindu astrology that man's freewill can operate only within his
predestined fate and never outside. But that is not the subject matter right now.
Time for Education
In India we are used to seeing children going to schools first, then to colleges and finally
for higher education or some specialisation in middle and upper middle classes mostly.
Among the poorer classes start of working life is generally earlier with some elementary

In USA and Europe higher education is unlike India, where proper education of the
child is given perhaps undue importance.

In USA it is not unusual to come across instances of middle aged or even old
persons joining colleges late if family burdens are less, which are less, unlike India where
an old man will never join such courses in old age because he feels socially inhibited.*

References: 1. Normal education at normal age. (p.2, Pro iii) 2. Computer Training at the
age of 22 in a foreign country. (pol3, ibid) 3. Education interrupted temporarily (p.97).

Keeping this background in the mind, Chara dasha should be used to see from
early childhood if a person is progressing smoothly in formal education or there are some
How this is to be seen is being shown here through examples.

Abbreviations Used in Illustrations :

Some abbreviations which will be used throughout in these illustrations are:

AK for Atmakaraka G K for Gnatikaraka

AmK for Amatyakaraka DK for Darakaraka
BK for Bhratrikaraka Aroodha for Aroodha or Pad a Lagna
MK for Matrikaraka UP for Upa-pada Lagna
PK for Putrakaraka KL for Karakamsha Lagna

The First Illustration (Chart 3)

Here the ascendant is Cancer so the dasha order will be indirect: Cancer, Gemini, Taurus,
Aries, Pisces, etc.

The Cancer period ran from 1963 to 1973.

The Gemini period was from 1973 to 1984.

The sub-periods in Gemini major period were: Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius,
Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio which ran from November 1979 to October 1980.

Now the features of the Gemini period are that from here two benefics, Jupiter and
Venus are in the tenth house while another benefic, the Moon is in the fourth house. Such
a period will be predominantly good.
In November 1979 when the native reached the sub-period of Scorpio, she got
again two benefics. in the fifth house aspected by the Moon. She did exceedingly well in
her studies and decided to appear for the competitive examination for a medical career.

She reached the sub-period of Libra from where the AmK is in the tenth house,
aspecting her fifth house of education. She succeeded in the competitive examination and
was selected.

Note: It is always necessary to cross-check such events by looking at the corresponding

Vimshottari dasha at that period.

Lagna 21020’ Mars 23006’ Venus 18049’

Sun 19044’ Mercury 6058’ Saturn 29004’
Moon 1001’ Jupiter 13036’ Venus 29040’

She was running the major period of Mars from 1977 and it is her fifth lord of
education and is aspected by Jupiter from the ninth house. The debilitation of Mars
also gets annuled by the aspect of Jupiter in such a case.

The Second Illustration (Chart 4)

Here the Chara dasha is being used to show the departure I have made from the widely
prevalent method of calculating Chara dasha.

The Gemini period ran from 1958 to 1961 (no extra addition has been taken for exalted
Mercury here).

The Taurus period was from 1961 to 1965 (no extra deduction has been given for
debilitated Venus).

The Aries period was upto 1966.

The Pisces period was upto 1971.
The Aquarius period was upto 1976 (here Rahu being with more planets is stronger).
The Capricorn period was upto 1978.
The Sagittarius period ran for full ten years upto 1988.

This young man underwent a special professional course in computer engineering

during this period in a foreign country and has made a very good career.

The first sub-period in this period was of Scorpio from where Amatyakaraka aspects the
fifth house.

Lagna 29013’ Mars 9013’ Venus 11048’

Sun 20041’ Mercury 22021’ Saturn 27023’
Moon 11034’ Jupiter 12042’ Rahu 29017’

Note: In Vimshottari dasha he was running the period of exalted Mercury from 1966 to
1983 when he completed his special technical education and started a very good

Pause and Think

Now pause and think whatever you have read so far. You will have noticed the following

1. Life is an eternal flow, a flux. In the greatest epic of the world, the Mahabharata,
Bhishma, the venerable warrior describes our meetings and partings in life and
likens them to logs flowing downstream, and getting driven in different directions
by the currents of water.

Jaimini's Chara dasha shows it as no other dasha ever can.

2. Have you noticed that your Atmakaraka (AK) is sometimes in one house and
sometimes in a different house from your major period. Even within one major
period, there are always changes manifesting as sub-periods are changing.
This is what is called the kaleidoscope of life.
3. If you find such changes visible in not one or two horoscopes but in hundreds of
them, do you find yourself in a position to accept that there is some unknown
karma which keeps on sprouting when you expect it the least?

4. Now combine it with Vimshottari dasha and seek confirmation of what you see
happening. Does it now convince you that there is Destiny?
5. From this stage do you feel convinced that it is astrology, through its refined
predictive techniques alone that can explain the strangest quirks of life?
6. Does it then not take you to the next step and force you to accept that you did not
know why, what happened to you happened?
7. So now do you get convinced that if astrology is not predictive it is not a super-
8. It must then lead you into the acceptance of the reality of transmigration of souls.
Is that correct?
9. Which nation or which religion or religions believe in the truth of the
transmigration of souls? You perhaps know the answer.

10. So in which country of the world do you think astrology originated, was
developed, respected and used effectively?

11. But there is the lurking fear in your mind that if every event in life is predestined,
where is the role of free-will?
No one can give a difinite answer to this, other than the Creator himself.

Let me tell you something still more significant which will arouse your hopes.
Even the best astrologer of the world commits enough silly mistakes in his readings. When
you get a bad prediction, do not become -gloomy. Two thoughts should spring up in your
mind: the first that the astrologer may have committed one of his silly mistakes and the
second that prayers do work miracles. I have seen that happen in life.

It is for this reason that astrology which is described as jyotisha in India was a
compulsory subject of study in the hermitages of great seers. Brought to the marketplace
now, if astrology has become a marketable commodity in most of the countries of the
world, it is because of the corrupting mercenary tendencies of the age of technology and
publicity in which we live.

The need to deliver this sermon arose from the fact that very few astrologers
remember that j yotisha (astrology) basically ought to remain, a spiritual-academic

Revision of Predictive Techniques

The techniques which have been described so far should be revised first, as in the
subsequent chapters full-length discussion will not be done.

Such an exercise must be done more and more these days when astrologers too,
like other persons in the technological countries have become slaves of computers. We are
living in such an era in which some brilliant inventors have given us supersophisticated
tools, the result of which is that the computer does what in earlier ages human brain was
required to do. Man has become the machine and the computer the brain. I found it to be
so in USA and in England with most of the literate persons. But computer cannot take the
place of man fir judgement of the horoscope. For that, man alone has to develop the
astrological agility of mind.
First Predictive Lesson

1. Why did he do well in his studies?

2. How did he get selected for an all-India service?

3. Why did the marriage take place in the Scorpio-Scorpio period?

Now prepare the navamsha, all the sub-periods of Saturn in the Vimshottari dasha,
explain why Saturn proved so fruitful.

Combine now both the Chara dasha of Jaimini and the Vimshottari dasha of
Parashara and see why both must give the same results. That is how predictive techniques
are to be developed and an astrological mind shaped.

I have called it the composite technique and it is being practised and revived now
by our students in India.

The Second Predictive Lesson

1. Prepare the navamsha and the Vimshottari dasha. You will see that in the period of
Mars, the seventh and the twelfth lord for this ascendant, both responsible for
preparation of a foreign services career and marriage become visible.

2. Why did she have a child in Rahu-Rahu-Moon period?

3. In doing this, go upto the sub-sub period.

4. Sometimes if the birth time has an error, both the sub-sub period in Vimshottari
dasha and the calculation of the degrees of the ascendant may be wrong.

5. As you gain more and more experience you will realise that the Chara dasha gives
you a hint and the Vimshottari dasha if worked upto sub-sub period" the correct
timing. If the ascendant is not changing, Chara dasha will in any case enable you
to see the event clearly though in timing it accurately, more sophisticated methods
of Vedic astrology will have to be used.
The Third Predictive Lesson

Now see the horoscopes of both the mother and the child and note the role of
Gnathikaraka! (GK) in both cases. GK can cause disease also and can bring into one's life
the active role of a relation.

Now prepare the horoscope of the father of the boy (the husband of this woman);
born on February 18, 1966 at 01 hours and 03 minutes at lat. 25 045’ and long. 84°09'E,
India. Work out yourself both the Chara dasha and the Vimshottari dasha. See if the same
event is reflected in it or not. This the Composite Technique I have evolved and illustrated
in my articles and books, and a full length portraits using this is given my book
Astrological Journey through History, Mystery and Horoscopes.

Such repeated exercises must be done to develop an astrological mind which no

computer will do for you.

The Fourth Predictive Lesson

Now do similar exercises in the illustrations under education (Chart 3 and 4). Take up
your own horoscope and do a similar exercise to find out the education-pattern in your
own case and other people known to you

Interruption in Education

Interruption in education can happen anytime in childhood, adolescence, adulthood or

even later when native runs into a bad astrological period. It is being illustrated.

Lagna 5020’ Mars 27048’ Venus 2035’

Sun 15040’ Mercury 20045’ Saturn (R) 20020’
Moon 7027’ Jupiter 27056’ Rahu 4010’

Chara dasha :

Aries 1977 to 1985

Taurus 1985 to 1995
The event to be examined is that her mother was quite sick in the middle of 1992.
If you calculate the Taurus sub-periods on the basis of ten years, this falls in the period
Taurus-Cancer. Her Matrikaraka representing mother is in Cancer.

The corresponding period in Vimshottari Dasha was Mars major period and
Mercury sub-period. Now first see the Vimshottari Dasha; Mars as the lord of the
ascendant and the eighth house is with Mercury, the third and the sixth lord. This girl got
seriously burnt on August 23, 1992 while her mother was ailing. The aspect of Jupiter (the
ninth lord) was the basis on which prediction of her recovery was made, inspite of more
than fifty percent burns.

In Chara dasha it was Taurus-Cancer. From Cancer three quadrants, Cancer, Libra,
Capricorn have maleficso. The fourth quadrant, Aries, has Jupiter but with Ketu.

From Cancer, finally, the fifth lord of education goes into the sixth house and is
with the twelfth lord Mercury.

Her education was interrupted for some months.


Love Relationship and Marriage

It is the Prophet who declares, "After me I have
not left any affliction more harmful to men than
women." (P591). Women constitute the majority in
Hell according to the Prophet.
Arun Shourie's The World of Fatwas,
Hindu Explanation of Brahma's Creation

The first progeny of Lord Brahma, the Creator, was known as manas putra (children born
through Lord's resolution). But when the first creation started seeking salvation right from
the start, the Lord faced a serious problem which was' solved through the advice given by
Lord Shiva, that in future, creation should be through sex.

Since then sex has become an adorable, artistic, enjoyable and joy giving act of
humans under ideal conditions, and a pure act of carnality, brutality and criminality under

The Questions They Ask

In traditional societies, parents of children particularly of daughters, ask when their

daughters would get married.

In USA and England it becomes a question about relationship. Now with homo-
sexuality getting legalised, astrologers face an odder question, male-male or female-
female compatibility for the purpose of marriage or relationships. In the USA a homo-
sexual came to me and asked me to match his horoscope with a gay for marital

Eighty persons out of hundred would ask this question, in whichever way they may
word it.

Some Parameters in Jaimini Astrology

Among the researches I have produced in Jaimini astrology, this had to receive
serious attention. I then formulated some parameters which have worked well in a very
large percentage of cases.

Note down the following :

1. The ascendant and the seventh house.

2. The rashi containing Darakaraka and its seventh house.
3. The rashi containing Upapada and its seventh house.
4. The rashi containing the pada of the seventh lord and its seventh house.
5. Put in the birth horoscope the navamsha of the Darakaraka and also mark the
seventh house from it. Call it the darakaraka's navamsha or use the abbreviation

6. Now note down where the Rahu-Ketu axis falls and which houses they are

7. Similarly note down the houses being aspected by the Darakaraka.

8. See if the Putrakaraka falls in the fifth house from a dasha period.

An, Astrologer's Intellectual Equipment

The great Parashara has used a word, 'uha-poha-patu' as one of the necessary qualities of
an astrologer, meaning that he should be able to weigh the pros and cons of a situation.

Here comes the greatest difficulty. One cannot become a really good astrologer
unless one has a sound sociological background of the country which the consultor comes

Samples of Astrologer's Ignorance

1. During my visit to USA in November 1993, I as a sportslover asked the Vedic

astrologers whether they had the horoscope of the famous woman tennis player,
Monica Seles, who had be stabbed in Germany in a tournament.

"Who is Monica Seles?" most of them asked me.

In USA emphasis is laid on counselling, not predictions which appeared strange to

me because an astrologer who cannot predict can never be a good counsellor. An
astrologer should be able to see what is going to happen in future and against the
background of that knowledge only his counselling can have substance and utility.
At least the client comes to the astrologer with that expectation. I was made to
listen to some cassettes of the so-called readings given by America's Vedic
astrologers. It was not astrology of Hindus at all. It is a mixture of psychology
predominantly with some jargon of Hindu astrology in it.

2. During my second visit to USA in June 1994 I asked them what was happening to
President Clinton's Health Bill since during my earlier visit, while giving world
predictions, I had hinted at difficulties for him. No astrologer could help me. Later
a doctor told me what was happening. How can such astrologers do mundane

The astrologer must become more and more aware of the sociology of times and
contemporary history to be able to do astrology well otherwise he will utter only
platitudes of psychology, with which he can escape for sometime and with some
people only. In short, the astrologer must be better informed and, endeavour not to
fall in the category of modern neo-illiterates.

3. I face similar difficulty when questions about marriage and relationships are asked
because I am not married. Relationships or dating as in the .west was my big area
of ignorance till some American women explained it to me.

Since eighty percent questions people in the west ask are about relationships, rarely
marriage, which seems to have become a less popular social institution there, I felt
that the question must be viewed under three heads.

First, the astrologers must know the traditions of the society concerned.

Second, the attitudes towards marriage and relationships must be known to the

Thirdly, there must be some knowledge of the stability of such institutions, be it

marriage or relationships.

Finally, one must know the societal changes taking place.


It is against this background that some cases are being discussed here astrologically.

Case Study One

In trying to verify the horoscope, as usual I put some questions about his past without his
having to tell me himself. I committed a silly mistake of asking him whether he was
married after the age of twenty and before twenty five.

His answer was, "married in the womb". He explained that his

Lagna 26035’ Mars 16003’ Venus 5044’
Sun 21007’ Mercury (R) 13031’ Saturn (R) 2033’
Moon 3030’ Jupiter 26053’ Rahu 28032’

father had promised his friend whose wife too was pregnant that if their children,
happened to be of opposite sexes, they would be married. But the formal marriage took
place wh r he was twelve years old, in 1938. The consumption of marriage took place
between 1944 and 1946, in the Chara dassha of Capricorn which is aspected by the
Darakaraka, Saturn, and IS also having the navamsha of the Darakaraka, in the', seventh,
in Cancer.

Case Study Two

Once bitten twice shy, I asked another person, knowing him to be an Indian of the older
generation when child marriages were common, whether he had married early. He was
married in 1933, when he was running the period of Libra from 1931 to 1940. From Libra,
the navamsha of the Darakaraka is in the senventh, Aries. A vital piece of information he
had suppressed from me was, that he had married second time in 1950 when he was
running the period of Sagittarius from 1946 to 1952.

Lagna 6°36' Mars 8°25' Venus 7040'

Sun 2030' Mercury 24°09' Saturn 26°20'
Moon 20'21' Jupiter 14°54' Rahu 27°27'

Cases Three and Four

Lagna 12°11' Mars 27°48' Venus 23015'
Sun 29017' Mercury 13°49' Saturn 12°07'
Moon 70'17' Jupiter 6°45' Rahu 11°49'

Someone argued with me that fate governed only fools. I requested him to give me his
horoscope and asked him some questions about the past. How did I know it, was his next
question? Since he did not believe in fate, instead of asking me how I knew it, would he
concede that I had seen astrologically what had happened to him? Here I am discussing the
horoscopes of the famous Charles and Diana case about which a prediction was made in
the first edition (May 1995) and later, in my weekly columns on the Internet.

In news for some years have been the royal couple of England, Prince Charles and
his wife, Diana. Their horoscopes are being given for a joint study of the application of the
Chara dasha for timing their marriage, since we know the date, which is February 2, 1981.
Lagna 6°22' Mars 8°21' Venus 1007'
Sun 16023' Mercury (R) 9°52' Saturn 4°30'
Moon 20'13' Jupiter (R) 11°46' Rahu 4°51'

Now a comparative tabulation of the principles given earlier are:

1. The Darakaraka of the Prince is Jupiter in Sagittarius and of Diana, Venus in


2. The one-seven axis of the Prince is Cancer-Capricorn, while of Diana, Sagittarius-


3. The Upa-pada of the Prince is in Aquarius while that of Diana is Taurus.

4. The navamsha of DK of the prince is Gemini while that of Diana is Capricorn.

5. The navamsha lagna of the prince is Libra while that of Diana is Taurus.

The Chara Dasha Sequence of Prince Charles

Cancer 1948 to 1951

Gemini 1951 to 1955
Taurus* 1955 to 1959
Aries 1959 to 1966
Pisces 1966 to 1969
Aquarius 1969 to 1979
Capricorn 1979 to 1984

(*No extra deduction for debilitated Venus)

Sagittarius 1984 to 1996 (notice three points here): Jupiter, the darakaraka is here; it is the
6th house of disputes from the lagna and the last sub-period in Saggitarius will be of
Sagittarius which will be in 1996. If an extra deduction for Taurus was taken because of
debilitated Venus, the timing will be wrong.

The marriage of the Prince was announced at least one year before but was performed only
after the start of the period of Capricorn which is the seventh house of his horoscope.
Capricorn Sub-Periods:

Sagittarius 14 Nov. 1979 to 14 April 1980 upto 14 Sept. 1980

Scorpio upto 14 Sept. 1980
Libra upto 14 Feb. 1984
Virgo upto 14 July 1981

The marriage was performed in Capricorn-Libra. Capricorn is the dasha of the

seventh house and Libra is aspected by the 'seventh lord Saturn.

The analysis of the horoscope of Diana is now being done in the same way.

Chara Dasha Sequence of Diana

Sagittarius 1961 to 1962

Scorpio upto 1971

(Counting has been done upto Mars whose degrees are more).

Libra upto 1978

Virgo upto July 1981
Leo upto July 1983
Cancer upto July 1988
Gemini upto July 2000

Now note that from Virgo in the fifth house there is the Putrakaraka. It promises that soon
after marriage Diana will become a mother, which she did when her first son was born on
June 21, 1982. The child birth of course came in the Leo sub-period.

Again note that in the case of Diana the Vimshottari dasha the time of marriage
was Rahu-Mars. Here in the navamsha the Rahu-Ketu axis falls in the lagna and the
seventh house and the sub period of Mars lasted upto October 19, 1981.

Two more points about Mars should be noted here. As the seventh lord of the
navamsha, he is the marriage maker. As the fifth lord of the birth horoscope, he is the
child giver. We had seen earlier that in Chara dasha there was already a promise of child
birth immediately after marriage. In the Vimshottari dasha it is confirmed.

Why is it a Troubled Marriage?

Diana has been running the period of Gemini, the seventh house of her horoscope, since
1988, and it will run upto 2000 A.D. It is in this period that her marriage continues to be in

The corresponding dasha in the Vimshottari is Jupiter (debilitated) and Mercury

sub period which began in 1988. In 1995 the sub-periods are of Mars and later, of Rahu.

Acting as the twelfth lord, Mars has taken her away from her husband. The twelfth house
is also the house of separation.

Prince Charles has been running the Chara dasha of Sagittarius since 1984, the
dasha of his sixth house of disputes, which will be over in 1996. In Vimshottari this will
be the period of Rahu and the sub-period of Jupiter. That is the period to be watched for
the much awaited upward swing in the life of the Prince, but there will still be no hope of
the marital tangle getting resolved.

Internationally noticed prediction about the separation:

This book had appeared in May 1995. In the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi classes
and in the USA, when I taught Jaimini, I took up this horoscope and explained in 1995
why this marriage would collapse in 1996. In an advance prediction, re-emphasizing the
statement made in the book in 1995, "but there will be no hope of the marital tangle
getting resolved."

I started writing for a website on the Internet since February 1996 which has been
given Gold Star Award on 6 September, 1996 for my astrological coloumn. The marriage
and divorce of the royal couple was discussed by me and when it came out correct, it was
displayed prominently on the Net many times later. Here are extracts of some of those
despatches reproduced here, for the sake of historical record.

Website: http://www.redifindia.com

29 February 1996

The British habit of recording royal births has helped Indian astrologers to test the validity
of many ancient techniques of Indian astrology, most ancient in origin but most useful for
the problems of any person of any age decade, century or country. One such system
known as the Jaimini astrology is under a great revival in the capital of India, Delhi. It
became possible after the publication of a book, Predicting through Jaimini’s Chara
Dasha by me.

Of interest to lovers of astrology, and also to critics of astrology is the following

from the book published in May 1995. On page 67 the discussion about the married life of
Prince Charles and Princess Diana reads thus :

“Diana has been running the period of Gemini the seventh house of her horoscope,
since 1988 and it will run up to 2000 AD. It is in this period that her marriage continues to
be in trouble.
The corresponding dasha in the Vimshottari is Jupiter (debilitated) and Mercury
sub period which began in 1988. In 1995 the sub-period is of Mars and later, of Rahu.

Acting as the twelfth lord, Mars has taken her away from a husband. The twelfth
house is also the house of separation.

Prince Charles has been running Chara Dasha of Sagittarius since 1984, the dasha of his
sixth house of disputes which will be over in 19961. That is the period to be watched for
the much awaited upward swing in the life of Prince, but there is no hope of the marital
tangle getting resolved."

The Future Events Visible in the Horoscopes

Prince has now run into a period of his life which will give him public prominence more
and more. Now it is as Prince. Later it will be as the king who will not be the type of
orthodox royal figure to which Englishmen are accustomed. Two years later, it will be
with royal grace and dignity, officially conferred on him. Chances of his succeeding his
mother in rather unusual circumstances strike the eye, if one sees the horoscope closely.

For Princess Diana, the period of change and long foreign trips will continue.

Round about July 1996 or even before her marriage dispute is likely to be settled.
Newspapers and the BBC have talked about her huge demand of 64 million pounds. It is
not within the realms of astrology to predict how much the amount will be. It is however
clear that it will be substantial, with a palace or palatial building alongwith it. But from her
horoscope it appears that the education of her children will be a matter of dispute. There
could be a change, in the nature of their education or their educational institutions.

In 1998 Princess Diana may not be very happy to see the opportunity she missed
which would have been hers, if her marriage had not run into trouble. Even from her
horoscope the year 1998 seems to be a very significant period for Prince Charles which
has already started. In the meantime, it is clear that she will make a huge investment most
profitably. It will be a good decision as it will take care of all her financial commitments
for the rest of her life. It is in the year 2001 that a strange development in her life will
bring her into news again, as prominently as she is now.

1998 Princess Diana may not be very happy to see the opportunity she will have
missed which would have been hers, if her marriage had not run into trouble. It clearly
means that even from her horoscope the year 1998 seems to be a very significant period
for Prince Charles which has already started.

In the meantime, it is clear that she will make a huge investment most profitably. I
must state here that I had not seen the horoscope of Princess Diana after writing this book.
I did make successful predictions about her which were noticed internationally If I had
seen it I might have predicted her tragic end which j did not. I have not missed it as I never
saw the horoscope from this angle.

In retrospect, it can be seen that in Vimshottari mahadasha of Jupiter in the second

house and Mercury the seventh lord she died
In subsequent chapters, particularly the dasha of Atmakaraka has been discussed.
Diana was passing through the dasha of Gemini which contains her Atmakaraka. Sun.


As has been stated earlier, there is no book showing how Jaimini's Chara dasha is used for
predictions. This is the first ever book on the predictive uses of Jaimini astrology. It is
after testing these techniques on thousands of horoscopes over some decades now that I
feel confident that Jaimini astrology can have big revival as a complementary or the main
element in the Composite Techniques of Predictions. The first attempt made by me in this
regard was in 1991 when I guided, got written and produced, after editing, the book, The
Advanced Techniques of Astrological Predictions in which all the students, whom I have
taught astrology and the composite techniques-, came out with their research in 1991.

Then in 1992 I produced my series of papers on 'Predicting through Jaimini's

Chara Dasha' in which I showed how the Chara dasha could be used and how I had given
predictions on this basis.

Those papers are being reproduced here after editing them and technical notes have
been added wherever required. It is after the students who have been taught Jaimini by me
show enough aptitude to come out with better results of their own that I will write a book
on the other Jaimini techn ques which work very effectively.

Marriage Related Problems

To start with, some simple principles of both Parashari and Jaimini are being taken up.
The differences in Jaimini calculations are being eXplained as a preliminary introduction

(a) Chara dasha for both male and female sexes is done the same way and not from the
seventh in the case of females.

(b) No extra addition is given for exalted planets and no extra deduction for debilitated

(c) In the case of Scorpio and Aquarius where there is dual ownership, a planet
associated with more planets is stronger. When Mars and Ketu or Saturn and Rahu
are alone, their strength is decided according to their longitude. The longitude of
Rahu or Ketu has not been taken in the reverse way.

In the first instalment some marital events are being taken up as experience has shown me
that the majority of astrologers are interested in marriage and marriage-related problems.

Data to be prepared

The data to be prepared for this over-simplified approach is shown in the first illustration
only. Here, mark the following:
(a) Darakaraka, Upapada and the Darapada (Rahu is not taken into account at all by us
for any Karaka because if calculations are done upto seconds, there is never any
confusion in choosing seven, not eight, Karakas.)

(b) But mark the Rahu-Ketu axis and their aspects, on different rashis, according to the
Jaimini method.

(c) Mark the Lagna and the seventh houses of the birth chart and the N avamsha.

(d) In Vimshottari dasha scheme mark the Darakaraka. (I had got a research produced
by a woman student* of Jyotish Visharad extending the principle of Jaimini to the
Vimshottari dasha. For instance the planet which is Gnatikaraka in J aimini can be
used as the sixth lord for the purposes of predictions in Vimshottari dasha.)

(e) In the Jaimini scheme mark the Darapada rashi and its lord.

Take only these five factors and proceed to analyse (see the earlier chapter also.
The First Illustration

The marriage took place in March 1972, in Sagittarius Cancer.

Lagna 14°50' Mars 14°31’ Venus 11°02'

Sun 25°38' Mercury (R) 0°06' Saturn 16°13'
Moon 1°53' Jupiter (R) 24°35' Rahu 8°18'

Atmakaraka Sun Gnatikaraka (GK) Moon
Amatyakaraka (AmK) Jupiter Darakaraka (DK) Mercury
Bhratrikaraka (BK) Saturn Darapada Leo
Matrikaraka (MK) Mars Upapada Cancer
Putrakaraka (PK) Venus Karakamsha Taurus

See the article 'Role of Darakaraka in Vimshottari Dashas' by SupriyaJagdish in Advanced

Techniques of Astrological Predictions, Vol. 1.

Chara Dasha
Gemini 1947-1948
Taurus 1948-1949
Aries 1949-1950
Pisces 1950-1955
Aquarius 1955-1962
Capricorn 1962-1968
Sagittarius 1968-1978

Antardashas in Sagittarius

Scorpio July 1968 to May 1969

Libra May 1969 to Mar 1970
Virgo Mar 1970 to Jan 1971
Leo Jan 1971 to Nov 1971
Cancer Nov 1971 to Sep 1972

1. Sagittarius is 7th from Lagna

2. Darakaraka Mercury is posited in Cancer
3. Cancer is Upa-Pada

Vimshottari Dasha

Venus / Mercury 12th July 1969 to 12th May 1972

1. Venus, Mahadasha lord is natural Darakaraka

2. Mercury, the Antardasha lord is Jairnini's Darakaraka of the horoscope
3. Venus is 7th lord from Moon; also the 2nd lord from Moon posited in Gemini the
lord of which is Mercury
4. Venus is the lord of Karakamsha lagna, Taurus

The Second Illustration

The horoscope of a couple is being given here. Their marriage took place on September
29, 1974.

The marriage was settled before the end of 1973.

In 'the horoscope of the husband:

1. The Darapada (pada of the 7th house) is Virgo.

2. The Upapada is Leo and it also has 7th lord Moon it.
Lagna 0°53' Mars 4°24' Venus 24°41'
Sun 28°27' Mercury 8°19' Saturn (R) 15°16'
Moon 12°28' Jupiter 23°53' Rahu 18°03'

Karakas : Putrakaraka (PK) Moon

Atmakaraka (AK) Sun Gnatikaraka (GK) Mercury
Amatyakaraka (AmK) Venus Darakaraka (DK) Mars
Bhatrikaraka (BK) Jupiter Upa-pada Leo
Matrikaraka (MK) Saturn Dara-pada Vugo

3. The Darakaraka Mars is in Taurus in the navamsha from where it is aspecting

Libra in which the natural marriage maker Venus is posited.

The Chara dasha when marriage took place can be worked out now.

Chara Dasha

Capricorn 1946 to 1952

Sagittarius 1952 to 1962
Scorpio 1962 to 1963
Libra 1963 to 1975

Libra dasha is of twelve years so the sub-periods will be of one year each. Proceed
Scorpio upto : 1964, Sagittarius : 1965, Capricorn: 1966, Aquarius: 1967, Pisces: 1968,
Aries: 1969, Taurus: 1970, Gemini: 1971, Cancer: 1972, upto 1973 the sub-period of Leo
is reached. The seventh lord being there, the marriage was fixed. The marriage took place
in the sub-period of Virgo which contains the Darapada.
Lagna 15053' Mars (R) 28055' Venus 23042'
Sun 9023' Mercury 6001' Saturn 3028'
Moon 0010' Jupiter 16043' Rahu 17052'

Karakas : Putrakaraka (PK) Mercury

Atmakaraka (AK) Mars Gnatikaraka (GK) Saturn
Amatyakaraka (AmK) Venus Darakaraka (DK) Moon
Bhatrikaraka (BK) Jupiter Upapada Sagittarius
Matrikaraka (MK) Sun Darapada Virgo

The Horoscope of the Wife

The ascendant is Cancer and the seventh house is Capricorn.

Darakaraka is the Moon and concentrate on it. The Darapada is Virgo.

The Upapada is Sagittarius.

Chara Dasha

Cancer 1956 to 1959

Gemini 1959 to 1962
Taurus 1962 to 1963
Aries 1963 to 1973
Pisces 1973 to 1980

The marriage was settled in Aries dasha. The marriage took place in the major
period of Pisces which is seventh from Darapada and in the sub-period of Taurus which is
the 7th house of the navamsha lagna.

The Role of the Vimshottari Dasha

In the case of the husband the sub-period was of Mars which is the Darakaraka (remember
the principle of extension of Jaimini's karakas to the Vimshottari dasha). The major period
was of the Moon, the seventh lord.

In the case of the wife it was the period of Venus which is a natural marriage
maker. Here the navamsha lagna is Scorpio from where the seventh lord is again Venus. It
was the right period of marriage. The sub-period was of Rahu who, like Venus, is a natural
marriage maker.

The horoscope is now being discussed for the tragedy that struck them.

The Tragedy

In June 1980 her husband died in an air accident in Pisces major period which is seventh
from Darapada.

In Vimshottari it was Venus-Mercury period. Venus is the sixth lord from Upa-
pada and is in the seventh house. Mercury is the sixth lord from Darakaraka.

The horoscope does not promise long married life is what must be understood first.

1. The seventh lord, Saturn falls under Rahu-Ketu axis.

2. The seventh lord from Venus is Jupiter with the Sun, and is being aspected by
retrograde Mars and also Saturn.

The Fourth Illustration

The question put to me was whether this man, an Indian in a foreign country, was married.
My answer was, if he was not, he was definitely in love with a foreign girl and he would
be forced to marry her before 1990 was over.

In Vimshottari he was running Jupiter dasha, his Darakaraka, and Saturn sub-
period, the seventh lord for his lagna. Then the Mars-Saturn opposition along the sixth and
twelfth axis shows compulsion in such a marriage.

In Jaimini, the period of Sagittarius containing Darakaraka began in 1983 and in

1990 (from 1989 actually) the two sub-periods are Gemini, seventh from Darakaraka,
Taurus, seventh from Dara-pada and Darapada is also navamsha lagna. So the Taurus sub-
period is showing marriage in two ways.

Note: Will be forced to marry needs explaining.

Lagna 15040' Mars 11029' Venus 11009'
Sun 14022' Mercury 5030' Saturn 18041'
Moon 21035' Jupiter 2059' Rahu 22016'

Karakas: Putrakaraka (PK) Venus

Atmakaraka (AK) Moon Gnatikaraka (GK) Mercury
Amatyakaraka (AmK) Saturn Darakaraka (DK) Jupiter
Bhatrikaraka (BK) Sun Upapada Aquarius
Matrikaraka (MK) Mars Darapada Scorpio

1. The fifth lord of love is Mars here in the twelfth house representing a foreign

2. The seventh lord of marriage, Saturn is in the sixth house aspecting Mars. The
mutual aspects of Mars and Saturn show compulsion. Here both the sixth house of
threat and the sixth lord, Jupiter are involved.

Subsequent to the writing of this article, it was brought to my knowledge that a

European woman got pregnant and threatened to sue him if he did not marry her. He not
merely married but became a father of a female child.

Subsequent to this, he met another girl of another nationality, in Sagittarius-

Aquarius also made her pregnant and was again threatened to marry her. In this case too,
he became the father of a female child. .

His Darakarika is Jupiter in Sagittarius.

His Upapada is Aquarius.
His Darapacla is Scorpio.
His navamsha lagna is Scorpio from where Taurus is the seventh house.
Chara Dasha

Cancer 1960 to 1966 Pisces 1977 to 1980

Gemini 1966 to 1970 Aquarius 1980 to 1982
Taurus 1970 to 1975 Capricorn 1982 to 1983
Aries 1975 to 1977 Sagittarius 1983 to 1995

Sub-Period of Sagittarius

At the rate of one year each move from Scorpio (1984), Libra (1985), Virgo (1986), Leo
(1987), Cancer (1988), Gemini (1989) the period when he met the foreign girl and made
her pregnant in Taurus (1990), the seventh house of the navamsha and seventh from the
Darapada. He had to marry that girl.

In Sagittarius-Capricorn he met another girl. Is she pregnant?

The Fifth Illustration

Compare it with the third illustration. The marriage of this girl took place in May 1984 in
Aquarius-Taurus. Here Aquarius period has given seven years as the degree of Rahu is
more than Saturn's.

Lagna 17000' Mars 2020' Venus 28005'

Sun 16054' Mercury (R) 22056' Saturn 11034'
Moon 12024' Jupiter (R) 10039' Rahu 13035'

Atmakaraka (AK) Venus Gnatikaraka (GK) Jupiter
Amatyakaraka (AmK) Mercury Darakaraka (DK) Mars
Bhatrikaraka (BK) Sun Upapada Sagittarius
Matrikaraka (MK) Moon Darapada Capricorn
Putrakaraka (PK) Saturn Navamsha lagana Sagittarius

Both Aquarius and Taurus are aspected by Darakaraka, Mars and Rahu.

In Vimshottari dashait was Mercury-Saturn period. Mercury being the lord of the
seventh house of navamsha and Saturn of the birth chart, a love affair resulted in a hurried

The Tragedy

In Aquarius-Sagittarius her husband died a violent death. Sagittarius well known in

Jaimini astrology for such incidents. The point that is being stressed here is - by not taking
one year extra for exalted Mercury and not taking one year's extra deduction for
debilitated Mars and the Moon, and Rahu's degree deciding the seven year period of
Aquarius and the seven month sub-periods bring us exactly to Sagittarius when the tragedy
struck the native.

In Vimshottari it was Ketu-Mars which is self explanatory.

Note: There is against me a criticism that I have made an alteration in the method of
Chara dasha calculation which is not sanctioned by any commentary. I will
answer that charge later.

First thing first. It is well known that Sagittarius, besides a power bestowing sign,
is also the sign for fall and accidents or sudden sicknesses.

Chara dasha

Cancer : from 1962 to 1970 is what I have taken while for the debilitation of
the Moon it should end in 1969.

Gemini : from 1970 to 1973 is what I have taken while here one extra year
should be taken because Mercury is exalted here. There is a
compensating error here.

Taurus : is from 1973 to 1978, no controversy.

Aries : is from 1978 to 1981 according to me because I am not taking an

extra year's deduction for debilitation here. If that is taken there will
be one year less now in our calculation and this period will end in

Pisces : will be from 1981 to 1982.

Aquarius : will be from 1982 to 1989 because of Rahu's degrees which are
more than Saturn's though both are associated with one planet.

The sub-periods of Aquarius

Pisces October 1982 to May 1983.

Aries May 1983 to December 1983.

Taurus which is aspected both by the Darakaraka Mars and Rahu shows an unusual
marriage, which it was.

Gemini upto July 1984.

Cancer upto February 1985.
Leo upto September 1985.
Virgo. upto April 1986.
Libra upto November 1986.
Scorpio from November 1986 to June 1987.

Sagittarius was from June 1987 to January 1988 when the first attempt to kill her
husband was made. The Darakaraka, Mars is eighth from here.

Now came the period of Capricorn the seventh house of the spouse. From
Capricorn, the seventh house has Mars, the Darakaraka, and Rahu, being aspected by
Jupiter, the Gnatikaraka, representing enemy.

In the navamsha Mars, the Darakaraka, is again in Cancer aspected by Rahu and
Ketu from Scorpio and Taurus respectively.

The Vimshottari dasha

It was the period of Ketu, with retrograde Saturn, being aspected by Mars, the
planet of violence. The tragic drama was unfolding in the seventh house, in company of
the seventh lord.

In November 1994 a rich American lady had asked me when I had traced out many
incidents of her life, "Tell me, what happened during this period". I had seen similar
violence in her horoscope and asked politely, "Anything violent to someone dear to you".
"Yes", she said. Her husband was killed similarly.


The identity of the natives has not been disclosed. I have called it an over-simplied
approach. Actually when a prediction is to be given, particularly in the tragedy that struck
in the third and the fifth illustration, fuller details should be prepared and crosschecked.

Detailed work in the beginning leads to the habit of looking at an event from
various angles and is more elaborate than a medical diagnosis. When a point of saturation
is reached, sound predictions can be made with lesser details. Then it is like an
experienced doctor's clinical diagnosis. At this stage or at any intermediate stage intuition
helps in getting the right prediction. But even without intuition, an astrologer should be
able to focus his attention on the right spot in a horoscope. That is the advantage of
learning more and more astrological techniques.
Amatyakaraka or
Important Persons

In no commentary of Jaimini has the role of Amatyakaraka, the planet with the second
highest degree, other than Rahu or Ketu, has been given any place of importance. I do not
recollect ever reading any article in any astrological magazine discussing the role of
Amatyakaraka in a horoscope. It is a superstition to think that commentators or translators
of Jaimini Sutras had even elementary grasp of this branch of astrology. If they had, it
would have struck them that Jaimini used sevenkarakas which were meant to be used. If
their use was not known, research should have been done. No such research has been done
by older generation of astrologers at all. I use all Karakas and get very good results. In this
book, I will show the use of some of them only.

Yet in my research in Jaimini astrology found Amatyakaraka to be the key karaka

for giving predictions to important persons.

In the second part of this book I have already given some instances outlining the role of

In the third instalment of my research on Jaimini which appeared in the February issue
of the Astrological Magazine in 1992 I discussed it. A reader complained that instead of
giving bare horoscopes I should have given full details. I replied that I was not writing a
book and within the space of 2500 words' I could not have done that. It is being done now.
No Jaimini scholar mad any technical attack on me while I did show an innovative
approach which was giving results.

The Amatyakaraka

Till the secrets of Nadi amshas are unravelled it will not be possible for astrologers to
make totally accurate predictions from birth to death of all the prominent events of a man's
life. When a consultor puts a question, concentrating on a portion of his life, astrologers
very often give sound and dependable predictions. This is why astrology continues to hold
sway as the only reliable and brilliant predictive science. The danger of more quacks and
charltans entering the profession will get checked to some extent when the elitist classes
take to the study of Astrology as seriously as is now happening in the Bharatiya Vidya
Bhawan, New Delhi.

Nadi amshas are the division of a rashi of thirty degrees into one hundred and fifty
parts; according to some astrologers these parts are again divided into two parts each,
which would give to each rashi three hundred parts. Predictions made on this basis are
infallible. But the technique is lost at the moment. It will have to be rediscovered and can
be done, I hope, in this age of computers.

The fact that the ancient rishis could go to such finer divisions and use them for
predictions stands proven historically and we have brilliant instances of such readings
recorded. Yet most of the Nadi readers (in northern India Nadi is known as Bhrigu
Samhita) are either fakes or use books without anything pertaining to astrology, or both.
I have developed my own technique of giving a total view of anyone's life pattern.
I have given some intances in my book, Astrology, Destiny and the Wheel of Time, and
have over two hundred acknowledged readings, in writing, with me.

I have tabulated over twenty raja yogas, combinations giving power and high
position, inJaimini astrology. Most of them have been tested by me.

Earlier when I wrote these they appeared to be the risk I was taking. Now, I feel, I
am on surer grounds.

I have taken such risks very often with my application of Jaimini astrology and
sometimes given dazzling, out of the way predictions, and sometimes failed so miserably
that I almost decided to give up astrology. However, my rate of high success in these
experiments has kept up my enthusiasm.

With this introduction, I am posing two questions to Jaimini scholars.

(i) Can the nature of the struggle in one's career be seen? What is shown as struggle is
a struggle only or has it some other meaning?

(ii) When will there be rise and when a fall, in a career full of vicissitudes?

Before this question is answered let me give ten instances here to show how it can
be seen through the position of the Amatyakaraka in one's horoscope, from the Lagna, not
from Karakamsha, Pada Lagna or the Moon.

1. Nehru's AmK is Mercury with Venus in Libra aspected by Saturn, the eighth lord
from Lagna and he rose late in life and never fell till death.

Lagna 2307' Mars 9059' Venus 7021’'

Sun 0016' Mercury (R) 1709' Saturn 10050’'
Moon 17053' Jupiter (R) 15010' Rahu 11013’'

Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first prime minister of India. Born in 1889 he
occupied this important position in 1947, at the age of fifty eight. He was never
defeated in any election. He died while in office in 1964.
2. Lal Bahadur Shastri’s AmK, like Nehru’s, is also in Kendra, in Virgo. The Sun,
his Amatyakaraka is with exalted Mercury and the Moon and he never suffered any
defeat in his life, though he too rose late in life.

Lal Bahadur Shastri was the second prime minister of India from 1964 to January

3. Sanjay Gandhi’s AmK, Venus is in his own house with Jupiter and he was
powerful at a very young age and died only after he had acquired alround power.

Lagna 2005' Mars 12012' Venus 17017’'

Sun 12058' Mercury (R) 7043' Saturn (R) 21054’'
Moon 23008' Jupiter (R) 3056' Rahu 24022’'

Lagna 0048' Mars 4024' Venus 24039’'

Sun 28026' Mercury (R) 8019' Saturn (R) 15016’'
Moon 12028' Jupiter (R) 23052' Rahu 18035’'

Sanjay Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi were the sons of Indira Gandhi, daughter of
Jawaharlal Nehru, and herself the prime minister of India. Out of her two sons, the
elder, Rajiv because the prime minister of India, later, while the more ambitious
second son, Sanjay had a short life.
4. Rajiv Gandhi’s AmK Venus is in the Lagna with all other benefics and even when
his party did badly in 1989 elections he retained cabinet status as India’s most
powerful opposition leader till date.

Lagna 14045' Mars 1012' Venus 18039’'

Sun 3049' Mercury 28034' Saturn (R) 14013’'
Moon 17010' Jupiter 12012' Rahu 4024’'

5. Contrast the four instances with Indira Gandhi's AmK Venus with Rahu in the
sixth house. She fought, lost and won back in her political battles.

6. Morarji Desai's AmK is the Moon in the third house aspected by three planets from
the eighth house and Saturn from Libra. A leader without a following, he became
the prime minister (1977-79) and lost power. How many times in his life he came
back to power only a well aspected AmK can explain.
Lagna 27056' Mars 16022' Venus 21000’'
Sun 04007' Mercury 13014' Saturn (R) 21047’'
Moon 05037' Jupiter 15000' Rahu 9012’'

Lagna 09050' Mars 05040' Venus 15024’'

Sun 18017' Mercury 21045' Saturn (R) 26041’'
Moon 25006' Jupiter (R) 07035' Rahu 10054’'

7. Again, see the AmK of three US Presidents and the story of the struggle is visible.
All these have been taken from the past issues of the Astrological Magazine but
converted to Lahiri's Ayanamsha. I am using these horoscopes for illustrations,
though some mistakes in these have been pointed to me. The AmK of Gerard Ford,
Mars, is in the Lagna, Aries. He faced no struggles and was not a very
distinguished president.

8. The AmK of President Carter, Jupiter, is in the second house, Scorpio, which gave
him a good and liberal image.

Lagna 17032' Mars 26055' Venus 13014’'

Sun 28033’ Mercury 23025' Saturn 20033’'
Moon 11010' Jupiter (R) 19011' Rahu 04042’'

Lagna 03016' Mars 03006' Venus 00034’'

Sun 15017’ Mercury 28021' Saturn 09008’'
Moon 21001' Jupiter 21029' Rahu 28042’'
9. But see President Nixon's AmK, the Sun in the fifth house with three planets. We
know the over-familiar story of Watergate and his fall.

10. Lastly, see the AmK of Queen Elizabeth, exalted Mars with Jupiter aspected by
Saturn, the lagna lord. She continues to be the world's most dignified royal figure
for over three decades now.

Two computers have given different degrees of Jupiter, one in Kumbha and
another in Makar. I have corrected myself and have

Lagna 26034' Mars 7007' Venus 10051’'

Sun 26046’ Mercury 7023' Saturn (R) 4051’'
Moon 27033' Jupiter 9002' Rahu 13040’'

Lagna 0021' Mars 28002' Venus 21008’'

Sun 7023’ Mercury 11050' Saturn (R) 1037’'
Moon 19020' Jupiter 29041' Rahu 27017’'

discussed the Kumbha position of Jupiter here. Of course I am responsible for

changing in this book. The fault is mine.
From the observation of over five hundred horoscopes, I have formulated a simple rule
which can be split into three parts:

(a) See how AmK is placed from the Lagna;

(b) See how it is aspected;
(c) Then see how it is conjunct with other planets.

The rules that can be applied through further research are:

(a) Placement: If placed in kendras or trikonas from the Lagna or in the 11th house,
the career will generally be smooth while its level will depend upon other factors.

(b) Aspects: Aspects .on AmK show the nature of problems in one s career.

(c) Conjunction: The planets associated with AmK reveal a good deal about such a

The rules flowing from these pivotal observations will be just the same as in the
case of any other astrological analysis, except that two new factors come into play -
Jaimini's aspects and karakas.

A series of observations made by me on this basis has helped me formulate some

more dependable, though not hundred per cent replicable, principles.

1. A malefic becoming AmK, ill-placed and aspected shows a man who has the dash
to push through in favourable periods but not without a controversial image. Or
else such persons may turn out to be technocrats.

2. A benefic becoming AmK, associated with benefics apparently but with one of
them debilitated and the other, an owner, say of the eighth house, ends up finally
with a broken career and dubious image, in unfavourable periods.

3. Invariably, any connection of AmK with the sixth lord, without any association
with the eighth lord indicates a man's ability to struggle in life in favourable
periods. If such an AmK receives the aspect of Jupiter and another exalted benefic,
such men do well and shine in intellectual, artistic, literary fields, including
astrological sciences.

Now I give some examples to illustrate it.

The Meaning of Amatyakaraka

The literal meaning of Amatya is "a companion or follower of a king, a minister". In

modern times, a very wide meaning should be given to it in the political, economic, social
and other fields. In giving predictions to beauracrats, I have generally concentrated on
their AmK and the Chara dasha after first seeing their Vimshottari etc. and have rarely
seen this princi.ple failing. Let this be shown through contrasting instances.
Illustration One

Some astrologer had given prediction to this native on the basis of debilitated Sun and
Saturn-Mars opposition along the 4-10 axis that he would not do well professionally. But
he had risen in the Moon dasha. Here the Moon which is the AmK, is aspected only by
benefics. In tracing his events I asked him what was the extent of his rise during the Moon
dasha and I narrowed down the period further to 1983-84 (starting with Libra and
continuing in Virg6 period) after working out his Chara dasha.

It will be noticed that when the rashi dasha of any house which has Amatyakaraka or when
the AmK is in the tenth or

Lagna 3002' Mars 19050' Venus (R) 7032’'

Sun 28033’ Mercury 11047' Saturn (R) 19002’'
Moon 27026' Jupiter 0032' Rahu 22043’'

eleventh house from that rashi, it will be a very favourable period, if the Vimshottari dasha
also shows it. How such an analysis is made is being shown here:

1. The Moon is the Amatyakaraka in Cancer receiving the aspects of three benefics,
Jupiter, Venus and Mercury.

2. When the dasha of Libra is reached, there is Amatyakaraka in the tenth house from
Libra, aspected by these benefics.

3. In the Virgo dash a it had to be better still as the same Amatyakaraka is now in the
eleventh house

Illustration Two
Lagna 27001' Mars 28036' Venus 12052’'
Sun 28043’ Mercury 23041' Saturn (R) 12054’'
Moon 2049' Jupiter 17059' Rahu 4004’'

As a contrast, see another horoscope. Here the AmK, Mars is in the eighth house aspected
by two malefics, Ketu and Sun. He rose very high in the judicial profession and was
elevated to the High Court in the Vimshottari dasha of Mars which is his AmK but
resigned after the Janata Government came to power in 1977, to defend Indira Gandhi. By
the time Mrs. Gandhi came back to power, his Rahu dasha had started and after suffering
the anti-Congress tirades all those years, he had expected Mrs. Gandhi to appoint him to
one of the top judicial posts under the Government.

I told him that it would elude him and he should be mentally prepared to be
betrayed by his erstwhile friends. My further warning to him was to be careful about his
health. His shock of not receiving the befitting judicial post was so intense that he died of
heart attack while on a tour to Patna, in September 1984 in Rahu-Saturn period or as soon
as the Virgo dasha began.

Now look at this case where the Amatyakaraka being not well aspected and ill
placed did all the damage.

1. Here the Amatyakaraka is Mars aspected by' Sun, no doubt good but also Ketu,
and all this is happening in the eighth house.

2. The Virgo dasha has a fatality which could be seen from another Jaimini angle, not
being discussed here.

3. It is enough to see that Virgo is the twelfth house from the Lagna and contains the
Gnatikaraka Venus causing his enemies to succeed in foilingallllis future
ambitions, which an ungrateful Indira Gandhi, then the prime minister, should have
easily remedied. But fate has its ways.

Illustrations Three and Four

Given here are two horoscopes, one that of the father and the other of the son.
The difference between the father's horoscope who built up a business and an
industrial empire for himself after a modest beginning and his son's who was, naturally,
born with a silver spoon in his mouth, is revealed by the AmK of both.

The father has his AmK, the Moon, in the Lagna aspected by Saturn from the
eleventh house, while the AmK aspects the

Lagna 19000' Mars (R) 28030' Venus 6039’'

Sun 16000’ Mercury 21027' Saturn 12033’'
Moon 21040' Jupiter 19051' Rahu 21033’'

Lagna 15011' Mars 13058' Venus 19043’'

Sun 10013’ Mercury 23056' Saturn 14008’'
Moon 13021' Jupiter (R) 29017' Rahu 3019’'

eleventh house and in turn, is aspected by the Sun, Venus and Mercury from the eighth
The son has his AmK Mercury in the fifth house with Sun and Venus, which
combination is aspected by Jupiter from the eleventh house.

Illustration Five

A well-placed AmK but debilitated and badly aspected, particularly by his enemy, can do
damage, as is clear in the horoscope given below.

Lagna 13032' Mars 26002' Venus 11000’'

Sun 26020’ Mercury 1018' Saturn 28019’'
Moon 21006' Jupiter (R) 20022' Rahu 24031’'

He had a very prosperous business at one stage in his life and would have risen
higher if the dasha of his retrograde Mercury had not come at a crucial stage in 1975 when
he had asked me about his ruined business. His AmK, the debilitated Sun, is aspected by
retrograde Saturn. Sagittarius dasha had started when he had put the question to me. But
he died before his son could salvage his ruined business.

Illustration Six

See another horoscope of an afflicted Amatyakaraka.

Much worse was the case of a police officer who had been
Lagna 05040' Mars 11025' Venus 06046’'
Sun 27049’ Mercury 09002' Saturn 11022’'
Moon 01050' Jupiter 17016' Rahu 23028’'

deprived of his promotions. I told h: in that he would have one promotion which he got
with a lot of difficulties. His AmK Jupiter is under worst afflictions in the sixth house. He
got one ordinary, long over-due promotion but died of food poisoning soon after.

Then comes a question - how to predict the periods of rise (and naturally fall also) through
Chara dasha. As I have said for quick and sound predictions, use of both dashas
simultaneously, gives fast, snapshot, yet very reliable results. But there are a lot of details
that should be worked out. What has been given is a shorter route to dependable
predictions, not the total in-depth analysis which takes the work of many days.

Illustration Seven

The last case is of a prediction given in 1991 to an important doctor of Delhi who knows
astrology and discussed his horoscope. My prediction to him was that he would get a
higher post, very dignified, after September 1991 and he is now a member of the Planning
Commission. In 1996, he again became a member of the Planning Commission though I
had told him that a better period was awaiting him outside India as a professor and
consultant. He got Padma Sri and Padma Bhushan in the period of Scorpio dasha (1976-
85) which contains his Amatyakaraka.
Lagna 17055' Mars 7007' Venus 4033’'
Sun 10029’ Mercury (R) 19021' Saturn (R) 25003’'
Moon 14039' Jupiter 24042' Rahu 5039’'

In 1991 when he asked me the question he was running Libra dasha which is generally a
very good dasha and from where both the Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka aspect the tenth
house. In the Aries sub period two benefics are in kendra from t, Venus, and the Moon,
and Jupiter aspects the 10th house. In the Vimshottari dasha he was running Saturn-
Venus, both trikona lords in their own houses.

But I must sound a warning that short cut methods in Vedic astrology should be
avoided. Those who want to go deeper must work diligently on a horoscope.
Rajayogas :
Position Givers

What we call rajayogas in astrology should be interpreted as combinations capable of

conferring such important and significant rise in life as brings one near the ci::ntres of
political and administrative powers as insider or even as an outsider.

I cannot help giving such a wide definition as in so many horoscopes. I have seen
rajayogas giving administrative powers to persons, but in private firms, and by virtue of
such positions they are actively in contact with administrative and political powers.

In these horoscopes what is clearly visible is that these persons are involved in the
nexus that exists between politicians, businessmen and bureaucrats.

The Number of Rajayogas

The number of rajayogas that exist in Jaimini run into over thirty but to test and illustrate
them is laborious and time consuming. About twenty of them have been tested to be
giving results, if thty are not missed from the Lagna, Karakamsha, Pada lagna, the lagna
lord, different lagnas like Bhava, Varnada, Ghatika, etc.

Is there a simple way of looking for them in a horoscope without much complexity
in approach? The answer to this lies in examining through, to start with, the following:

(a) The combination of the Atmakaraka with Amatyakaraka, Putrakaraka, Darakaraka

or the fifth lord from Lagna, giving us four.

(b) Of the Amatyakaraka with Putrakaraka, Darakaraka or the fifth lord from the lagna
giving us three.

(c) Of the Putrakaraka with Darakaraka or the fifth lord from the lagna giving us

(d) Of the Darakaraka with the fifth lord giving us one.

Looking at these ten rajayogas not missing similar Parashari rajayogas, gives
enough indications of one's rise in life. The quality, strength and time of such rise depends
on other factors and can be ascertained.

Note: There are many other types of Jaimini Rajayogas which are not being discussed
here. They are too advanced for a beginner. Later, a full book on them can be
produced to prove that if Jaimini system of astrology is mastered, no reference to
Parashari astrology need be made for predictions.
The Importance of the Navamsha

Here comes the importance of the N avamsha which must confirm the existence not
merely of such rajayogas, but will show what survives and is really effective. Enough it is
here to stress the importance of the Navamsha as otherwise most of the people born in
February 1962 will have most of the rajayogas ofJaimini which have or have not become
effective. If you look at the concentration of as many as eight planets in Makara
(Capricorn) on 5 February, 1962, you will see all Jaimini and Parashari yogas taking place
in one house. Unless the navamsha is examined and the process of necessary astrological
filtration done, it can cause a good deal of confusion.

In the horoscopes of all persons, particularly many politicians, there is a triangular

connection in the Navamsha of such rajayogas. This triangle is of the Charakarakas,
Sthirakarakas and houses involved.

Illustration One

He is an important figure of state level with three clear Jaimini rajayogas which get
reduced to two in the Navamsha but in good enough position to give his career of
vicissitudes, semblance of stability.

Here the Amatyakaraka, Mars forms two rajayogas, one with the Putrakaraka,
Moon through conjunction and one with the

Darakaraka, Venus through aspect. Then the third rajayoga is formed through the mutual
aspects between the Darakaraka and the Putrakaraka. And if the fifth lord is taken into this
combination, the number of rajayogas increases.

Illustration Two

In this horoscope of a successful businessman there is only one rajayoga I am discussing,

between the Putrakaraka Mars and the Atmakaraka Mercul)', who also happens to be the
fifth lord. In the Navamsha only one rajayoga survives. No wonder near the power of
centre, he enjoys more wealth than political or administrative clout.
I have seen many such horoscopes where men exceedingly prosperous have very
few rajayogas and men exceedingly powerful have very few dhanayogas. But in the
horoscopes of our new generation of politicians both such yogas are a plenty which may
be the signs of the times we live in.

Illustration Three

In the third illustration, which is that of a Secretary to the Government of India, three
rajayogas of the birth horoscope get reduced to two in the navamsha.

It is my experience that the rajayogas formed by the Atma, Amatya, Putra,

Darakaraka and the fifth lord of the lagna seem to assert themselves through one's life.

Illustration Four

Why the apparent is not the real is shown in the navamsha very clearly. See this example.

Lagna 2030' Mars (AmK) 27011' Venus (GK) 8012’'

Sun (DK) 6035’ Mercury (MK) 17018' Saturn (AK) 29011’'
Moon (BK) 26009' Jupiter (PK) 16009'

The rajayogas seen in the birth horoscope are:

1. AK, Saturn is aspected by AmK, Mars

2. AK, Saturn is aspected by DK, Sun
3. The fifth lord, Saturn is aspected by AmK, Mars
4. The fifth lord, Saturn is aspected by DK, Sun
5. In turn an exalted Moon also aspects the AK, Saturn.

No wonder he was selected for a prestigious service at a young age. But why was his rise
hot commensurate with the promise?

The first reason is that the AmK is in the eighth house from the AK in the birth
horoscope. But see the navamsha:

In the navamsha only AK and AmK remain connected and other rajayogas vanish.

The fifth lord of the navamsha, Venus is connected with both the AK and AmK but
due to its debilitation, it failed to give the native the higher post he had aspired to get.

Illustration Five

See the reverse of it in the following horoscope.

There are excellent rajayogas in the birth horoscope, due to combinations of the
AK, AmK and DK and the fifth lord, Mercury.

At one stage when there was a difficult court case against him he had feared severe
action against him. But a look at the horoscope and the navamsha was enough to convince
me that he had to rise higher. The reasons were:

1. AK and AmK are not merely vargottama but AmK is also exalted.

2. DK, Moon aspects these and the Moon is also the fifth lord of the navamsha.
Lagna 9°31' Mars 27°10' Venus 9°29’
Sun 29°18' Mercury 27°48' Saturn 24°15’
Moon 7°33' Jupiter 25°23' Rahu 11°25’

3. In turn all these aspect the tenth house of the navamsha, giving the promise of
higher rise.

4. The dasha was of Libra from where exalted Jupiter is. in the tenth house and the
sub-period was of Gemini where the tenth house gets all the focus of the rajayogas
manifest in the navamsha.

5. The mutual aspect of the Moon and Venus is a special type of Jaimini Rajayoga.

Illustration Six

The sixth example is one of the best I got in recent years to make a major prediction.

In the birth horoscope AmK is placed very badly, eighth from the lagna and twelfth
from the AK.
Lagna 8°01' Mars 28°09' Venus 7°18'
Sun 19°22' Mercury 7°41' Saturn 5°34'
Moon 27°04' Jupiter 28°24' Rahu 8°10'

Only AK, PK and DK join in a rajayoga which alone could not have given him
what he never dreamt of getting. He asked for astrological advice for premature
retirement. I advised him to wait as the best had yet to happen in his professional career.

Now see the Navamsha

Except the darakaraka all other karakas form a constellation of rajayogas. Then
there is the Moon-Venus combination.

The best is that all planets aspect the Moon, except Saturn, a rare rajayoga of

He became the Chairman of the Board of Direct Taxes, Government of India in

two sudden leaps while he was toying with the idea of retirement.

Illustration Seven

The classical example of the tragedy of a brilliant career :

President Kenneayt of the USA 'had become, a cult-figure during his life time but
look at his navamsha and the tragedy of his career is well explained.

Lagna 27°35' Mars (AmK) 25°43' Venus (MK) 24°02'

Sun (PK) 15°08' Mercury (AK) 27°53' Saturn (GK) 4°27'
Moon 24°30' Jupiter (DK) 0°20' Rahu 18°32'

1. The biggest rajayoga is taking place in the eighth house where both the AK and
AmK combine.

2. Other rajayogas are PK and DK in the ninth house.

In the Navamsha

AK is associated with no rajayoga at all.

AmK associated with debilitated Moon is aspected by debilitated darakaraka.

His career came to an end in the Chara dasha of Aries which began in 1957. He
contested elections in the sub-period of Cancer from where, in his birth chart, both the AK
and AmK were in the tenth house.
But his career came to an end when he was running the sub-period of Scorpio in
November, 1963 when both the AK and AmK were in the sixth house. The sub-period
was eighth from the Atmakaraka and the major period was the period of Aries in which
Atmakaraka itself is posited.

Let me give instances to show why the Kendra, trikona positions and the one-
eleven dispositions of both the AK and AmK in the navamsha are important.

1. In Jawahar Lal Nehru’s horoscope (given earlier) AK and AmK are in Kendra in
the birth horoscope while in the navamsha they aspect each other.

2. In Lal Bahadur Shastri's horoscope they are together both in the birth horoscope
and the navamsha.

3. In Rajiv Gandhi’s horoscope they are together in the birth horoscope and aspect
each other in the navamsha.

4. In Indira Gandhi's horoscope AK and AmK are in six-eight position in the birth
horoscope but in the navamsha the Amatyakaraka is in the tenth from the
Atmakaraka, which is the best position according to my research.

5. In Morarji horoscope they aspect each other in the birth horoscope but are in six-
eight position in the Navamsha.

6. In Sanjay Gandhi’s horoscope they do not even form any rajayoga but his mother,
Indira Gandhi tried to groom him into a future prime minister of India, so

What have been given in this part of the book are my own researches of years
which I have tested on hundreds of horoscopes.

Naturally I insist with absolute confidence that these researches can be made use of
for good and sound predictions and should be combined with the Vimshottari dasha also.
The reason for this will be explained under the heading, ‘Limitations of the Chara dasha’
in the chapter – ‘Conclusion and Suggestions.

In this chapter it has been shown how the Navamsha becomes the crucial tool for a
better analysis.

Then there are finer and finest tools in which our researches are giving us brilliant
results. They are not being given here for some reasons : first let people get used to the
Chara dasha in a simple way; when they show keen interest only then some of the other
researches can be published. Till now there existed no book in the world on the use of the
Chara dasha for predictions, just as there existed none on Yogini dasha till Jhanji and
Sharma published the first ever book in the world, and so brilliantly illustrated at that.
The Dasha of the

When I was writing this series for the Astrological Magazine, I received a letter from an
astrologer : why I had not seen the role of the sub period of Mercury, the Atmakaraka of
Rajiv Gandhi, the former prime minister of India, who was killed in a bomb blast, he
asked me; I explained it :

In August 1990 I shared with readers of the Times of Astrology, an astrological

journal, my research the most difficult dasha in astrology, the, Kaal Chakra: dasha I had
done that. To illustrate, I had taken Rajiv Gandhi’s horoscope and had discussed it ten
months before Rajiv Gandhi's horoscope and had discussed it ten months before Rajiv's
death. After the death of Rajiv Gandhi, newspaper men though with their usual ignorance
that no astrologer, had predicted this tragic event. Then a very' decent journalist of the
Times of India, Vandana Mandlekar, contacted me and after examining all the evidences,
wrote in the Times of India, June 6, 1991) the following:

In all fairness sample these hints…. K.N. Rao analyzing Rajiv Gandhi's' horoscope
in the August 1990 issue of the Times of Astrology wrote:

'The Pisces-Sagittarius period (June 6, 1990 to August 20, 1991) is a period of

Simhavlokan, a period of total change in his political style of functioning…. -a time of
risks and dangerous dare-devilry, a cataclysmic change which can be both fatal and
spectacular". Rao emphasises that he had detected a primary mar aka indicating-death) in
the June 1990 to August 1991 period.

Then why did Rao word it so cautiously in his interview to another magazine in
April? ("There will be attemps on the lives of big leaders" is all he said). He did not want
to invite the provisions of the AntiTerrorist Act, he explains.

The Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act ironically passed by the
Rajiv Gandhi government in 1987, has become the proverbial aunt Sally for astrologers
now. The act, for the first time, lumped star-gazers with terrorists to declare that action
would be taken against whoever "predicts, prophesises or pronounces or otherwise
expresses, in such manner as to incite, advise, suggest or prompt, the killing or the
destruction of any persons bound by oath under the Constitution. . ."

Thus, an astrologer predicting Rajiv Gandhi's assassination would have been liable
to a minimum of seven years' imprisonment.
- The Times of India

Rajiv Gandhi's death was seen by me by applying some other dashas of Jaimini
(the Sthira dasha, particularly), and also the Vimshottari dasha. But the application of the
Vimshottari dasha was purely classical, not the extension of the Atmakaraka of Jaimini to
the Vimshottari.

In my book, Predicting through Karakamsha and Jaimini's Mandook Dasha, which was
brought out after this book I have shown major events of the life of Rajiv Gandhi. Here
also a full length portrait of Rajiv Gandhi will be given at the end.
Yet when an astrologer wrote to me that I had missed the important event, I had to
remind him and others, that:

1. I was the only astrologer in India to have predicted it, and one year in advance, on
the basis of Leo lagna of Rajiv Gandhi to which I had stuck consistently. In a letter
to the editor of the Astrological Magazine I wrote that Rajiv Gandhi's lagna had to
be only Leo. Yet for another six years the magazine used Virgo for him.
2. The Astrological Magazine always discussed the horoscope of Rajiv Gandhi giving
him Virgo ascendant till the end of 1990. In 1984 the Astrological Magazine
discussed this horoscope with wrong birth time and used Chitra Paksha
Ayanamsha not Raman's. Then in 1991 the same horoscope was discussed with a
different birth time and with Raman Ayanamsha. If both horoscopes are compared,
the Karakas get totally mangled.

Then most enigmatically in 1991, the Astrological Magazine switched over to Leo
ascendant for Rajiv Gandhi and in March 1991 predicted the end of Rajiv era.

Most significantly, I chose the Kaal Chakra dasha to predict this event and not the
other dashas because, after checking in the other dashas I applied this for some
very clear reasons:

1. The Kaal Chakra dasha is a combination of the features of Parashara's nakshatra

dashas and Jaimini dashas - the discovery or invention of a super-genius or a great
yogi or both, which the great Rishi Parashara was.

2. In this dasha there is reference to Simhavlokan (the gaze of a lion) which is

represented by the sign Leo which means the lion.

3. The great leap that the lion takes is a fascinating indicator at dangers and changes
in the Kaal Chakra dasha system.

4. The longest leap that is taken in this system is from Sagittarius to Aries. Aries
represents the ram, sheep etc. Here there is the description of the lion taking such a
leap to pounce on its prey.

5. In Kaal Chakra dasha system Leo and Sagittarius become signs of great changes,
often taken with risks. Inferentially, they represent great fall also.

In Jaimini system also the dashas of these two signs, Leo and Sagittarius become
notable marks of achieving heights and falls in one's career, and often with risks.

Parashara refers to these in his classic.

The reference to: (a) Leo; (b) Sagittarius; and (c) the Atmakaraka in Jaimini
astrology must be made to detect dangers, but not so blindly as astrologers allover India
India's most ambitious men live in Delhi and for the success of whatever they
undertake they do not mind not merely consulting but even exploiting astrologers. The late
Sita-ram Jaipuria once told me that he had made use of astrologers for effective liaison
work. But there is something much worse. . . .

The fact is what Kanchi Shankaracharya told me in October 1986, political

predictions cannot be correct more than fifty percent times. I would say, considering the
poor quality of research done in mundane astrology and the absence of the right
horoscopes of those top leaders as cause swings in Indian politics, that it is less .than thirty

The recent astrological mania in Delhi and in the nearby states is to predict the fall
of a leader on the basis of the major or sub-period of the Atmakaraka. The success of a
chance prediction is paraded as proof of their understanding of J aimirii.

For years I have worked on the problem and I find it difficult to accept it as an
infallible maxim. Then there is another problem. When Mahadeva stated it as an aphorism,
did he refer to Jaimini dasha or the Vimshortari? So the best way is to examine it in both
ways and leave it to the readers to draw their final conclusions. I can give conclusions only
at the end, my conclusions.

Pandit Nehru was in jail for some part of his Moon dasha, his Atmakaraka, and
towards its end headed the interim government to become the first prime minister of
independent India. But Nehru was arrested in earlier dasha of the Sun and even Venus.
The dasha of AK was actually significant for his rise in, life. His next dasha of Mars, his
tenth lord was the best in his life.

I must apologise for using a slighty deftctive horoscope in the first edition of this
book of the Queen of England, in which Jupiter was shown in Kumbha which is what one
computer programme gave. me. Since for many years I have not been doingmanua1
casting, this mistake was detected by a student, to whom I am grateful. Later it was
checked through two other programmes and it was shown as the planet with the highest
degree in Makara. But this difference does not alter the argument being made out here
from the point of view of the Chara dasha. What is being examined is whether the dasha
of the atmakaraka causes a fall. In Jatak Tattwa, Mahadeva did not clarify whether he
was using the Vimshottari dasha or the Chara dasha when he talked about fall in the dasha
of the atmakaraka..

Now here, if the Atmakaraka of the Queen is Jupiter, she has passed through many
antardashas of Jupiter in Vimshottari
Lagna 0°21' Mars 28°02' Venus 21°08'
Sun 7°23' Mercury 11°50' Saturn (R) 1°37'
Moon 19°20' Jupiter 29°41' Rahu 27°17'

Karakas : Matrikaraka (MK) Moon

Atmakaraka (AK) Jupiter Puttakaraka (PK) Mercury
Amatyakaraka (AmK) Mars Gnatikaraka (GK) Sun
Bhratrikaraka (BK) Venus Darakaraka (DK) Saturn

But has not suffered any fall. She has not got the dasha of Jupiter Mahadasha. But this
prosposition of fall in the dasha of the Atmakaraka is to be tested through chara dasha
only, it seems. Though it is clear that the dasha of a rashi containing the atmakaraka or the
rashi dasha from where the atmakaraka is in the 10 th house has a significant meaning, it
need not mean a ‘fall’ always. I decided to test this on the horoscopes of monarchs for the
excellent reason that when Mahadeva wrote his Jatak Tattwa there was no democracy in
India. He must have seen ‘fall’ in the horoscopes of kings and courtiers only.
So the chara dasha sequence of the Queen may be seen first.

Makar 1926 to 1928

Dhanu 1928 to 1929 (no extra deduction for debilitated Jupiter)

Vrischika 1929 to 1931 (no extra addition for exalted Mars)

Tula 1931 to 1935

Kanya 1935 to 1941 (no extra deduction for debilitated Mercury)

Simha 1941 to 1945 (no extra addition for exalted Sun)

Karka 1945 to 1957 (the 7th house and she was married)

Mithuna 1957 to 1966 (no extra deduction for debilitated Mercury)

Vrisha 1966 to 1975

Mesha 1975 to 1984 (no extra addition for exalted Mars)

From here the atmakaraka, Jupiter is in the 10th house. The queen did not fall nor did she
relinquish her power in favour of her son, Prince Charles.

Meena 1984 to 1986 (no extra deduction for debilitated Jupiter)

Kumbha 1986 to 1994

Makar 1994 to 1996
(second cycle)

Makara contains the atmakaraka of the Queen and she has not suffered; any fall.
It can be seen here, that the Queen has passed two dashas, one with the atmakaraka
in the 10th house (Meshi dasha) and the other the rashi dasha containing the atmakaraka
(Makar) She has not suffered any fall.

Obviously the principle given in such an aphoristic 'way in Jataka Tattwa has to be
looked into more deeply. So I tested it on more than one hundred horoscopes from various
walks of life and through some-instances being shown here, it will be easy to draw some

Given below is the horoscope of a governor of a state. Incidentally he was also the
prince of a state which merged into the Indian 'Union after independence. He got the dasha
of debilitated Mars; his Atmakaraka from 1984 to 'Mardi 1991, after which, he was
appointed the governor' of a state. Throughout the dasha of Mars he suffered a political

'If contrasted with the horoscope of the Queen, it will be seen that the atmakaraka
is with exalted Amatyakaraka, Mars, receiving the aspect of Saturn. In the case of the
governor, the Atmakaraka has deep debilitation white the atmakaraka of the Queen is, far
ahead of its point of deep debilitation. The second

Lagna 24°13' Mars 29°02' Venus 20°37'

Sun 5°02' Mercury (R) 20°52’ Saturn (R) 4°13’
Moon 20°47' Jupiter 8°59' Rahu 26°21'

difference is that here Mars is in gandanta. Any planet on the junction of Cancer-Leo or
Scorpio-Sagittarius or Pisces-Aries is known as the gandanta area and is un-favourable.
So I have to make, necessarily, the exception of the Parashara rule that a debilitated 3rd
lord is as good as strong, does not apply here.

Interestingly, the Parashari adage of Rahu in Aries being excellent proved so in

this case out being with Venus cannot continue to be good,

I had concealed his identity and this paper was published in April, 1992 issue of
the Astrological Magazine but the prediction about his future was contained in being with
Venus cannot continue to be good. Someone identified it and this experience sent to me a
message that he was very unhappy with this prediction about his future. But few months
later he got involved in a big controversy which hit the headlines of national newspapers
and he had to quit his job. Now out of power he is out of politics.

In' Chara dasha also the contrary is visible. Towards the fagend of Libra from
where the Atmarnaka is in the 10th he became a governor.

I will now discuss the horoscope of a famous politician of his time who was
literally down and out in 1978, when I met him first and' got his authentic horoscope. I had
riot revealed his name in the first edition. It is the horoscope of late Raja Dinesh Singh
whose astro-portrait, with many events, has been

Lagna 23°25' Mars 21°45' Venus 26°10'’

Sun 3°08’ Mercury (R) 28°20' Saturn 14°51'’
Moon 14°15' Jupiter (R) 23°29' Rahu 15°00'’

discussed by me in my book, Astrological Journey though History; Mystery and


It was the period of Mercury (Vimshottari) his AK, and most of the astrologers had written
him off politically. But I insisted that he would progress inch by inch.

At the beginning of Saturn dasha, he joined politic and had so meteoric a rise that
his enemies had so increase. This position he retained till the beginning of Mercury dasha.
As soon as the period of Mercury Ketu came; he fell and, except some spasmodic
successes, it was a dismal story of failure. In the Navamsha, Mercury is debilitated. But
when other

Lagna 16°14' Mars 22°16' Venus 13°58'

Sun 5°12’ Mercury 27°48' Saturn 3°51'
Moon 12°42' Jupiter 27°15' Rahu 13°18’

Astrologers insisted that Ketu would be bad also, I differed and said that there 'will be
some prestigious rehabilitation in Ketu-Mars. Here Mars is exalted in the navamsha; and
he will get back into an important position then.

So the question worth asking does AK, debilitated in the, navamsha prove to be the period
or cause a falls it did in the second case when debilitated AK in the birth horoscope gave
no chance to him to stage a recovery? Such are the areas for future research in Jaimini.
Cases two and three are comparable.

The next horoscope is of very, gentle and unassertive stage politician who never
did never did anything spectacular yet was generally liked. His political, career actually
became noticeable only in the dasha of his AK, Mercury (Vimshottari). Otherwise in the
earlier period of Saturn, he had done very well as a lawyer but the lure of politics changed
his life.

There can be many explanations why the dasha of Mercury which is his AK
proved so good for him.

(a) It is his ninth lord joining in a big rajayoga with the tenth lord, the Moon in the
bhagyasthana (the house of luck).

(b) It is vargottama.

(c) It forms two Jaimni rajayogas by being with the Putrakaraka the Moon, and the
Darakaraka, Saturn.

(d) Those who claim to give correct predictions on the basis of exalted and debilitated
planets in the dashamasha should notice that in the dashamsha, Mercury is
debilitated and it did not do damage to his career.

(e) Obviously the navamsha position of a planet is more important for prediction than
its dashamsha position which can be used as corroborative and not the sole basis.

Look at the following instances to stimulate interest in proper research in mundane

astrology and prevent the misuse of titbits of astrology, like someone’s fall only on the
basis of the dasha of the Atmakaraka, without first ascertaining whether, Mahadeva
referred to the Vimshottari dasha or any of the dasha of Jaimini.

(a) Indira Gandhi became most- powerful as the prime minister of India in the dasha
of her AK, Saturn (Vimshottari), fell in Saturn Ketu, came back in the middle of
Saturn, Venus but was shot dead in Saturn-Rahu.

(b) Rajiv Gandhi lost power in Rahu-Mercury. Mercury (Vimshottari) is his AK so

excellently conjoined with- other benefics, still made him India s most powerful
ever opposition leader. It was not a fall in the accepted sense of the term. But he
died in Rahu-Mercury period, in the sub-period of his AK, while his mother Indira
Gandhi had died 31-10-84 in the major dasha of her AK.

But when the maraka period comes, one dies whether it is the dasha of AK or not. For
maraca certain other rules have to be applied.

I examined the horoscopes, of Some high placed bureaucrats and found the results of AK’s
dasha equally baffling. The horoscope of an officer of the Indian Administrative Officer is
given here
He went on getting his normal promotions. I gave him many predictions, one of which was
that he would have a lot of earnings in his Sun dasha from abroad which neither he nor his
wife would accept. He became an expert in oceanography and started international
consultancy while in the meantime he was denied his promotion to the post of secretary to
the government of India during the Sun-Jupiter period. After taking voluntary retirement
he has earned to much that he does not know h6wbest to invest it. Was it a fall? Or was it
a period of prosperity though he was denied promotions? I know of many cases when
promotions were denied and AK had no role in it.

Lagna 6032'Mars 11008'Venus 0045'

Sun 29024'Mercury 3055'Saturn 15025
Moon 9005' Jupiter. 13042'Rahu' 13059’

In another case of a man in legal profession, a very significant change came in his career
in the sub-period of his AK when he changed from one post to another with tremendous
financial benefit and also enhanced status.

All that can be said about the role of AK, whether it is the Vimshottari dasha or the Chara
dasha that one must wait and watch and do deep research and not to jump to sensational

Atmakaraka in Sagittarius

One of the favourite tricks of astrologers is to seek an explanation for their failures behind
a classical principle which they may not have tested themselves. Now one of the best
explanations is that if AK is in Sagittarius or if the Karakamsha lagna is Sagittarius there
will be a fall. Now what does fall mean? It tan mean, let me say from my experience, any
of these three things;

(a) Fall from a height physically, fall from a high position from a hill, from a top floor
or even an aeroplane.

(b) It can mean sudden death from such diseases as cause death.

(c) It can mean assassination or violent death.

But this is not coming correct in all cases if it is applied as a general rule to an individual.
I have worked on fourteen different dashas of Jaimini with varying successes in them and
now say confidently about nine of them have given me higher percentage of results. In all
these dashas what I have observed is that the results given by Jaimini seem to manifest in
the major or sub-periods.

An interesting corollary to this principle is that I have seen people making careers in
Sagittarius dashas.

Sagittarius as the kodanda rashi must bestow position of authority to allow someone to a
position of height. See four contrasting examples from the same family, the Nehrus.

(a) Pt. Nehru has his AK, the Moon, in Sagittarius navamsha but he died of an illness,
not suddenly.

(b) Indira Gandhi has her AK, Saturn, in Cancer with Capricorn navamsha and she
died a violent death.

(c) Sanjay Gandhi has his AK, Venus, in Libra and Taurus navamsha and he died a
violent death.

(d) Rajiv Gandhi has his AK, Mercury, in Leo and Sagittarius navamsha and he died
a gruesome violent death, like his brother and mother but, unlike his grandfather.

But I have seen in the case of violent deaths, some common features in the birth
horoscope, in the navamsha, drekkana and the condition of the AK and the Karakamsha
whether or not Sagittarius is involved.

Yet, I have seen repeatedly that Sagittarius dasha in Jaimini is a period of rise and also
sickness. Very few astrologers will apply triple check before predicting such events. The
triple check should be - first through the very familiar Vimshottari dasha, then Jaimini's
Chara dasha and a second Jaimini dasha, if one knows it.


1. This part of my research need not have formed an integral part of my revelations of
over two decades of research into the timing of events through Jaimini Chara dasha
as it is too advanced even for those familiar with Jaimini astrology and who have
translated the meaning of Jaimini Sutras, without first verifying through practical
studies, whether their understanding of the content and meaning of the Sutras was
sound enough or not.

2. At any rate, since it got published, I have done further research in these specific
areas from Jaimini angle and can now say with confidence that between 1991 when
I wrote these and now (1995) my research has come to a very satisfYing
conclusion, which, to say the least, is frightcning.

3. Part of the vast research referred to is now available in my other book on Jaimini,
Predicting through Karakamsha and Jaimini's Mandook Dasha.

Be Careful in
Sagittarius Dasha
Yadaacharati kalyaani shubhamva yadi vashubham,
Tadeva labhate bhadre karta karmaj-atmanab
Ayodhya-kanda, The Valmiki Ramayana

Whatever auspicious or inauspicious deeds man does, he gets happiness or agonies


Continuing the same theme, I find that the major or subperiods of Sagittarius do show
violent incidents but not necessarily of the person whose horoscope is being examined, but
of someone in his or her family. I have so many instances to substantiate this that I could
give too many horoscopes to prove it. I will give only three instances here.

Chart 1

Male born on May 22, 1967 at 4:30 p.m. with a balance of Rahu dasha of 2 years, 7
months and 19 days.

Lagna 1054’ Mars ® 21041’ Venus 20015’

Sun 7016 Mercury 19051’ Saturn 15051’
Moon 18002’ Jupiter 6027’ Rahu 13031’

AK Mars, AmK Venus, BK Mercury, MK Moon, PK Saturn, GK Sun and DK Jupiter.

Now I will show the full working of the Chara dasha:

Libra 8 years, 1967 to 1975.

Scorpio 11 years because Ketu is with one planet while Mars is alone.
Therefore from 1975 to 1986.
Sagittarius 7 years upto 1993. (Not taking additional one year for exalted Jupiter).

The Sub-periods of Sagittarius

Scorpio May 1986 to December 1986

Libra December 1986 to July 1987
Virgo July 1987 to February 1988
Leo February 1988 to September 1988
Cancer September 1988 to April 1989
Gemini April 1989 to November 1989
Taurus November 1989 to June 1990

(Notice the karakas in Taurus.

Here Mercury is the BK and the Sun, GK.)

Reading the meaning of it :

(a) It is the major period of Sagittarius (accidents).

(b) Accident to whom? The sixth house horn Sagittarius is Taurus where BK,
Mercury, is conjoined with GK, the Sun, representing the sixth lord almost.

(c) Between November 1989 and June 1990 the Taurus subperiod is reached, we have
seen. So this is the period of accidents.

(d) Now see from Taurus and you notice the Saturn-Mars axis along the 5th and the
11th house, showing elder brother or sister.

On May 17, 1990 the elder brother of this person died in a car accident.

The Cardinal Point to Remember

The cardinal point that must be kept in the mind here is that from the birth horoscope, the
BK is in the eighth house with GK.

The eleventh lord of the Lagna, the Sun, too is in the eighth house. It is because in the
birth horoscope itself such an accident is indicated that it happened.

It is because Sagittarius is associated with accidents that the accident occurred in

Sagittarius and Taurus period which not merely contains the BK but is also the eighth
house from the lagna, and the sixth from Sagittarius.

Such unhappy and tragic incidents should be checked before making a breezy prediction
about tragic incidents. Particularly in the case of political figures it should be checked
thoroughly. It is better not to give fatal predictions.

The accident in the horoscope of the younger brother shows the bad period for his elder
brother in the Vimshottari dasha also thus:

The corresponding Vimshottari dasha was the major period of Saturn which casts its third
aspect on the eighth house where the eleventh lord, the Sun is posited along with Jaimini's
BK, which is Mercury.

The Same Event in the Horoscope of the Elder Sister.

Chart No.2

AK is Mars, AmK Venus. BK Mercury, MK Saturn, PK the Moon, GK the Sun, and DK

Lagna 12°40' Mars 28°30' Venus 22°20'

Sun 5°42’ Mercury 19°53' Saturn 8°18'
Moon 7°28' Jupiter 3°52' Rahu 23°02’

The dasha

Libra 1959 to 1962

Scorpio 1962 to 1967
Sagittarius 1967 to 1978
Capricorn 1978 to 1979
Aquarius 1979 to 1981
Pisces 1981 to 1985
Aries 1985 to 1997
Notable Points here are:

(a) It is not the dasha of Sagittarius but of Aries which contains the AK, Mars. When
Mahadeva referred to fall in the period of the Atmakaraka, we must, as honest
researchers expand it, as elaborately as we can.

(b) Now see the Drekkana. Aries has in it Mercury, the BK.

(c) Counting at the rate of one year as sub period, the sub-dasha sequence will be
Taurus (1985-86), Gemini (1986-87), Cancer (1987 -88), Leo (1988-89), Virgo

And now comes the Libra sub-period from where:

In the birth horoscope:

1. BK, Mercury, is in the third house with Saturn, a malefic, aspected by Rahu and

2. In the fourth house is Venus, representing a vehicle with the Sun, the GK and the
cause of accidents.

In Drekkana :

1. Libra is seventh from BK who is in Aries.

2. But worse is Saturn and Mars in the third here again aspected by Venus,
representing vehicle.

In the Vimshottari dasha

It was the period of Rahu-Venus. In the birth horoscope:

1. Rahu in the twelfth house is aspected by Saturn from the third house (younger

2. Venus is not merely the eighth lord from the lagna but is the sixth lord from the
third house, Sagittarius.

3. From the third house, Venus is in the second house, a maraca place for the younger

In the Drekkana :

1. Rahu is with the Moon, the lord of the sixth house of accidents.

2. Venus is in the eighth house of agony aspected by Saturn.

But there is something more significant. In both the cases, first in that of the younger
brother and now in the case of the elder sister, it was the dasha period of the Atmakaraka
or the rashi aspected by AK.

I have seen this happening in many cases and the interpretation I put on Mahadeva's
Jataka Tattwa principle about fall in the dasha of AK seems to apply strictly to Jaimini's
dashas and not to Vimshottari.

The Person Who Died

We have so far seen the horoscopes of the brother and the sister from which we could see
the tragic event relating to their brother. Now look at the chart of the person himself, who
died in a vehicular accident.

Lagna 7°25' Mars 11°03' Venus 06°04'

Sun 14°19’ Mercury 11°37' Saturn 23°12'
Moon 3°39' Jupiter 18°09' Rahu 20°13’

Karakas: AK, Saturn; and DK, Venus, are enough for our purpose. Uparada is Capricorn.
The seventh house of the Navamsha Lagna is Sagittarius. Let us first see the Chara dasha

Leo 1963 to 1973

Virgo 1973 to 1984
Libra 1984 to 1985
Scorpio 1985 to 1986
Sagittarius 1986 to 1989
Capricorn 1989 to 2001
By not taking an extra year's debilitation for the Sun we get the first sub-period in
Capricorn, which is Sagittarius 1989-90, the seventh house of the navamsha, the period in
which he got married. (January 14, 1990).

In the same sub-period of Sagittarius, the house of accidents, he died on May 17, 1990.

He was running the period of the Atmakaraka in Capricorn.

In the Vimshottari dasha it was the period of the Sun, the lagna lord (representing the
body) in the third house of travels and the sub-period of Rahu who is aspected by Mars
from the fourth house, Mars is the planet of violence.

The sub-sub period was that of Saturn, the sixth lord of accidents, aspecting the Sun in the
third house.

To sum up, these three cases show:

(a) In the case of the younger brother, it was the Sagittarius dasha, aspected by AK, a

(b) In the case of the elder sister, it was the dasha of the AK.

(c) In the case of the person who died, it was the dasha of the AK.

The meaning of fall in the dash a of the AK can be tested by applying Jaimini dashas.

Sthira dasha done the way I learnt from a north Indian scholar, which is different from
what other astrologers give in their books, also shows the importance of the dasha of AK.

The meaning of fall in the dasha of the AK can be tested by applying Jaimini dasha.

Sthira dasha done the way I learnt from a north Indian scholar, which is different from
what other astrologers give in their books, also shows the importance of the dasha of AK.

One of the commonest principles that seems to repeat itself in Jaimini's Chara dasha is :
when the sub-period of a rashi which is the sixth or the eighth from the major rashi dasha
when, one has to be more careful, more if it is aspected by the AK.

Again be Cautious:

The other well known principle is : when AK falls in the eighth house from the current
rashi major or sub-period, predictions must be given carefully.

More Caution:

Yet another simple principle to be remembered is : when the rashi dash a of the sixth
house comes, one must be careful about children, it being second from the fifth house and
therefore a marakasthana for children.

Three examples are being given here.

In the first example (Chart 4) it was Virgo-Virgo in Jaimini and in the Vimshottari dasha it
was the period of retrograde Mercury and the sub-period of Rahu. Here Mercury is the
lord of the sixth house.

In the horoscope (Chart 5), the father of chart 6, it was Aquarius-Virgo. In the Vimshottari
dasha it was Venus-Jupiter. Here Jupiter is the sixth lord again.
In. the third example (Chart 6), it was Leo'-Sagittarius containing the AK.

The boy had gone to a hill station and was untraceable. My friend, A.B. Shukla, asked me
the question and I told him that I had an unfortunate prediction to give - the boy had fallen
from a height and was dead. Three days later, it was confirmed, and the dead body of the
boy was found in a canal into which he had fallen from a hill top.

Conclusion with Suggestions

It must be emphasised here that what has been given in this book is purely my own
fundamental research, in doing which I have had to spend the most tormenting nights of
my life. Nothing gave me so much pain, and so much ecstasy as when I discovered that I
could predict with remarkable accuracy, without riferring to the Vimshottari dasha at all.
In doing it, often I used more than one Jaimini dashas, about whose use I am now

Let me list out the problems I have been able to solve to my satisfaction, though the
research must continue. This is being shown through three examples. Reader can see what
a potent tool Chara Dasha can become for good and dependable readings and predictions
when the Vimshottari Dasha and divisional horoscopes may be doubtful.

Case One

Fixing the lagna and correct birth time

I have explained to successive batches of students how the Chara dasha has come to my
rescue when there existed any doubt about the correct lagna. I will explain it here through
an example. Now here the birth horoscope of a non-Indian woman whose birth time may
be 2.40 am or 1.40 am. If you take both and prepare the horoscope, the lagna and the
degrees of the Moon, and consequently the navamsha will undergo a change. Let me show
it by using three vargas simultaneously. I looked at both horoscopes and decided
straightaway that the 2.40 am horoscope was correct. The same events can be seen on the
basis of the 1.40 am horoscope. I am avoiding that tedious exercise here.
Events If 2-40 am
1 15 June 1958 Marriage Tula Vrischika Vimshottari : Saturn –
Moon See Saptamsha
2 Son born on 14 April, 1959 Tula-Dhanu (5th house) Vim : Saturn –
Rahu – Rahu
3. Son born on 14 Sep. 1961 Tula – Kimbha/Meena Vim : Vim : Sat –
Rahu – Rahu
4. Father was in Navy Decide the lagna roughly
5. She was a professional dancer Decide the lagna
6. 1953-54 was a waitress Kanya : The 2nd House Vim : Saturn –
7. 1950 had bronchial pneumonia. Kanya-Kumbha, Saturn – Ketu
8. 1972-73 travelled to Mexico. Tula – Makar, Mercurry – Moon
9. Learnt Music in 1939-40 Simbha-Dhanu (aspect of Venus on the 5th
house. Jupiter – Venus
10. 1976-78 son became a drug Dhanu – Simbha – Karka / Mithuna Vim :
addict Mercury – Jupiter (see Jupiter in
11 1978-79 vehicular accident. Dhanu – Karka
Vim : Mercury – Saturn

Note: I had tried to fix her birth time fast hen I had horoscopes based on both birth times
were before me with the chara and vimshottari dashas worked out on a computer

Her problems which could be seen in July 1995 when I did the reading for her were:

1. It was Venus-Mars period when she had been having land dispute. It was chara
dasha of Makar-Makar from where the 4th house receives the aspects of two
malefics, Mars and Saturn.

2. She is a devoted wife and had made anxious inquiries about her husband's health. I
told her that with the best medical facilities available in her country, she should get
him checked properly.

3. I saw that the next dasha would be of Kumbha which is the 7th house from her
lagna and has ghatikaraka. In Vimshottari dasha it would be Venus-Rahu which are
difficult periods. In the navamsha, Rahu is in the 6th house.

Note: She had taken readings from some Vedic astrologers in India and the USA and had
felt that Hindu astrology stressed negativity. I talked of the pleasant events of her life and
counselled her to have proper medical check up for her husband. She came out, and
waving her hands, remarked, "the wall between me and Vedic astrology has vanished from
today:" This extreme reaction is explainable. In the western astrology they have no ability
to predict events. Those who have learnt Hindu astrology and practise it in the west,
particularly also do only psychological reading as they avoid; predictive side, though they
have picked up some rudiments of it by 1996. It will take at least a decade for them to
acquire some standard. In the meantime, to 'ply their astrological trade', they will do more
of astro-psychologizing than emphasise the predictive side. There is also a good reason for
it. In the USA you can be sued for anything. Though astrology is not recognised as a
profession, and treated as an 'entertainment' in some states, one never knows, whether for
an astrological prediction one can be sued there or not. One such court case of the USA is
often referred to by' astrologers.

Case Two

President Nixon

In the case of Nixon the US President birth time available has been questioned by some
astrologers. There is no dispute about the Simha lagna, the planetary position. But there is
no way of
Lagna 26034' Mars 7007' Venus 10051'
Sun 26046' Mercury 7023' Saturn (R) 4051'
Moon 27033' Jupiter 9002' Rahu 13040'

knowing whether the birth time given was local time or not. The degrees of the Moon and
the Lagna do not change even if there is an error of some minutes. But the Vimshottari
dasha and the divisional charts will undergo a change.

In such cases if Jaimini's Chara Dasha is applied with Karakas remaining unchanged,
some events of his lift can be seen clearly.

Chara Dasha

Simha 1913 to 1921

Kanya 1921 to 1930
Tula 1930 to 1934
Vrischika 1934 to 1935

No details about the first jOur dashas, Simha to Vrischika are known.

Events Known :

Dhanu 1935 to 1947

1. Marriage: 21 June, 1940 (Dhanu Karka/Mithuna?) If there was any courtship it
could have been Dhanu-Simha from where DKN is in the 7th. In the next sub-
period there is Upapada in Karka.

2. Dhanu contains the Putrakaraka. Dhanu dasha running fur full twelve years from
1935 to 1947 does promise both marriage and the birth of children.

3. From 1942 to 1946 he was a naval officer. Dhanu contains his Amatyakaraka, Sun.
If the career started in Mesha with the Moon in the 10th house, naval connection is

4. In 1946, Dhanu-Dhanu with all the rajayogas here his political career started.

5. The next dasha of Makar-1947 to 1955 with no great planetary combinations in

kendras, trikonas or in the nth house could not have given him much.

6. Kumbha 1955 to 1966 was good for him to consolidate his position politically with
some notable successes and failures.

7. Meena 1966 to 1969 with all the rajayogas in the 10th house with the
Amatyakaraka he stood the best chance of becoming US President. It happened in

8. Mesha 1969 to 1977. Notice here the Atmakaraka in the 10th house. Nixon had the
fortune of getting re-elected for a second term but in the sub-period of Dhanu
September 1973 (remember it for rise and fall) the notorious Watergate case made
him vulnerable and he could not complete his second term as the President of the

9. Vrisha 1977 to 1986 with all the planets in the 8th house, he was now a retired

10. Mithuna 1986 to 1992 with Atmakaraka in the 8th house old age had its effect.

11. Karka 1992 to 1998. Karakamsha is Kanya. In Karka Kumbh January to July 1994
he died.

Case Three

Rajiv Gandhi - a full length portrait:

The method of tracing the events of anyone's life through Jaimini’s Chara Dashais being
given by discussing the life events of Rajiv Gandhi, .the former Prime Minister of India
who was killed in May 1991.

How events can be seen dasha by dasha can be seen here.

Simha : 1944 to 1956

All great Jaimi Rajayogas are taking place here but he was in his teens. Look at the

Lagna 14045’ Mars 01012’ Venus 18040’

Sun 03050’ Mercury 38034’ Saturn 14011’
Moon 17009’ Jupiter 12012’ Rahu 04025’

1. AK + AmK
2. AK + PK
3. AK + 5th lord
4. Amk + PK
5. AmK + 5th lord.
6. Moon + Venus

Simha Dasha-Vrischika antardasha was from 1946-47 with all the big rajayogas in the
10th house from Vrishchika, his grandfather, Jawaharlal Nehru, became the first Prime
Minister of free India.

Kanya : 1956 to 1957

2. MK in the 10th house aspected by DK. His mother, Indira Gandhi was made the
President of the Congress Party.

Tula : 1957 to 1967

3. In 1964 (20 April to 18 Feb 1964) in Tula-Karka which contains Rahu,
representing his grandparents, his grandfather, Jawaharlal Nehru died. MK is
aspecting Kanya.

4. With all the rajayogas in the 11th house it proved beneficial for his mother who
became the Prime Minister of India in Tula-Kanya, with the MK in the 10th house.
MK is aspecting Kanya.

5. During the same period with DK in Kanya he met Sonia Gandhi in London and fell
in love with her. DK being in the 12th house from Tula whose dasha he was
running, he met her in a foreign country.

6. Rahu aspecting the 5th house from Tula he took to studies in engineering which he
could not complete.

Vrischika: 1967 to 1969

7. Darakaraka aspects the 5th house, from Vrischika, together with Saturn. His
studies got distracted totally and he was an infatuated lover.

8. He finally married Sonia in Vrischika-Karka (February 19, 1968 to April 20, 1969)
the date of marriage being the last week of February 1968. See the navamsha of the
Darakaraka in Makar from here.

Dhanu : 1969 to 1977

9. With all the planets, particularly the Putrakaraka aspecting the 5th house from
Dhanu, he had two children born to him.

10. In Dhanu-Meena (December 20, 1974 to August 20, 1975) his mother lost the
election in the Allahabad High Court in June 1975 and, she saved her position by
imposing National Emergency.

11. In Dhanu-Dhanu (19 December 1976 to 20 August 1977), there was a: fall of his
mother, when she lost her elections in March 1977. MK is aspecting Dhanu.

12. In Dhanu-Simha (20 August 1971 to 20 April 1972), his mother became a glorious
national figure when in the Indo Pakistan war of December 1971, she dismembered
East Pakistan from West Pakistan, after concluding a treaty with the then USSR.

13. Dhanu is also his Kar kamsha it proved to be the worst period in his family

Makar: 1977 to 1984

14. From Makar as benefics fall in the 8th house while his Matrikaraka, Saturn in the
6th house aspected by Mars gave a power of resilience to his mother, Indira
15. In Makar Vrischika (21 March 1978 to 20 October 1978), his mother fought
elections from Chikamangalur in south India and won elections to enter the

16. But soon a breach of privilege motion was moved against her and she was removed
from the Parliament. Matrikaraka is in the 8th house from Vrishchika aspected by

17. In Makar-Simha (20 December 1979 to 20 July 1980Ywith all the rajayogas in
Simha and the Matrikaraka in the 11th house, his mother, Indira Gandhi won a
thumping election and became the Prime Minister of India again.

18. The, benefits of these rajayogas became available to Rajiv Gandhi also, as his
younger brother, Sanjay died in June 1980. Simha contains his Bhatrikaraka.

19. Simha, like Dhanu is the rashi of rise and fall. His younger brother' splane fell and
he' died. Rajiv was groomed from now onwards for the post of the Prime Minister.

20. In Makar- Mesha (20 April 1982 to 20 June 1983), he was the General Secretary of
the Congress Party and also entered the Indian Parliament. See the brilliant 5 th
house and all the rajayoga producing planets aspecting the 10th house.

Kunibha : 1984 to 1992

The Sub-periods are

21. Meena from 20 August 1984 to 20 April 1985. From here all the Karakas including
the Atmakaraka, the Sun and Venus fall in the 8th house. Then Saturn and Mars
aspecting each other from 6/9 axis gave him his gruesome death.

22. Matrikaraka, Saturn in the 5th house aspected by Mars from the 8th house and the
4th and the 10th houses from Meena, whose sub-period was on, his mother was
shot dead.

23. With all the rajayoga producing planets and karakas aspecting the 9th house of
ministership from Kumbha and the 11th house from Meena, his unusual luck
became manifest in strange way, when he became the Prime Minister and won
election for his party with an unbroken record of over 400 seats.

24. Mesha 20th April 1985 to 20 December 1985: See the brilliant 5th house and all
the rajayoga producing planets aspecting the 10th house.

25. He was at the height of his prosperity and became famous nationally and

26. Vrisha 20 December 1985 to 20 August 1986: A bad 5th house and Rahu aspecting
the 10th house led to trouble with Arun Nehru whom he had to drop from his
27. But from Kumbha, the aspect of Rahu falls on the 10th house while the 10th lord,
Mars goes into the 8th house. All the unsual events became visible. Saturn and
Mars also represent arms and armaments.

28. Kumbha-Mithuna from 20 August 1986 to April 1987. His differences with V.P.
Singh became so bitter that he dropped him from the cabinet and, V.P: Singh made
a big controversial issue of the Bofors and othe international arms deal, portraying
Rajiv Gandhi as a corrupt Prime Minister. See the afflicted 10th house.

29. Karka 20 April 1987 to. 20 December 1987. He survived because of the aspect of
the Rajayoga producing planets' aspect on the 10th house.

30. Simha 20 December 1987 to 20 August 1988. He still survived because Simha has
all the rajayogas but, the 10th receiving the aspecting of Rahu did irreparable
damage to his reputation

31. Kanya 20 August 1988 to 20 April 1989. A bad 10th house an all rajayoga
producing planets ruined his reputation now.

32. Tula 20 April 1989 to 20 December 1989. A strong 11th house saved him. He won
his own elections by becoming the leader of the single largest party and sat as the
Leader of Opposition in the Parliament.

33. Vrischika 20 December 1989 to 20August 1990. A strong 10th house made him
powerful and he secretly supported Chandrasekhar to topple V.P. Singh from the
post of the Prime Minister.
34. Dhanu 20 August 1990 to 20 April 1991. He succeeded in toppling V.P. Singh and
became a virtual king-maker.

35. Kumbha- Makar 20 April 1991 to 20 December 1991. All important karakas,
particularly the Atmakaraka, the Sun and Venus fall in the 8th house. Saturn in the
6th house aspected by Mars in the 9th house had to give him the tragic and violent
death he met finally.

The Chara Dasha

The method of calculation I have now adopted has given me over eighty percent correct
results as has been demonstrated in the charts given in this book. I also know the reason
why the timing has been erratic in some cases. Till that is rectified I will not disclose it
here. But that may be in one out of thousand cases. I can assure readers that my method of
calculation not given in any book, can be depended upon, mainly because there is no book
ever written by anyone showing how the Chara dasha could be made use of for timing
specific events, as has been shown in this book. And also because I have tested them.

I have two additional advantages in saying so first, for fifteen years I proved the soundness
of my research by giving predictions, which I have already discussed in the papers of
mine. Secondly I taught to many batches of students of the second year astrology class,
and they have tested these techniques openly in my classes. Many students of past batches
have been reporting to me that they have been using these methods for successful
predictions themselves.
By now, I have given predictions to many thousands in India, USA and England, the
places I visited in recent years, without looking at the Vimspottari dasha at all,
successfully, tape recorded or typed predictions on the basis of Jaimini astrology. But no
one can remain complacent and take the position that he has uttere4 the last word on the
subject, or on the technique of an astrological prediction because there will have to be
additions and alternations, as newer research will be done, as is bound to happen now.


To the modification I have made to the calculations of the Chara dasha, I can say with
utmost confidence, that the meaning of Karakas as I have demonstrated, have been my
mos satisfying pieces of research in Jaimini astrology. I have used the Karakas very
successfully for various areas of horoscopes, with fine shades of meanings emerging out
every time I looked into the depths of a horoscope. Most gratifying has been the results
obtained by our students over a period, now, of ten' years, in the use of these karakas, as
expansively as they are being by us. These are the areas in which our students are bound to
produce super brilliant results in future and surpass my generation. Some, a very-very
small number in the generations younger to mine, are better researchers. They have yet to
'come out with a fundamental and original research and not be satisfied with routine
writing to be able to establish astrology as a super-science in the next century.


Sri Sitaram Jha shows a method of doing the padas for all the twelve houses by referring
to some exceptions. I tried that and found it misleading. Then I found the south Indian
method of preparing padas more rewarding and have used them also, but sparingly, for

Limitations of the Chara Dasha

A question should be pos d. If two persons are born on the same day with same karakas,
same ascendant but with the degrees of the lagna being different, will the readings for both
of them be the same, astrologically. The answer to it is, yes.

What then is the solution? It can be answered thus:

(1) In the case of a person whose 'background is known, to whom predictions have
been given earlier, there is no problem. This case resembles a doctor's' familiarity
with the medical history of an old and familiar patient.

(2) In the case of a new person, predictions can be given, after verifying his past, with
the astrologer himself asking the questions and not his client reeling off his story of

(3) To the further question, if there is a slight difference only in the degrees of the
lagna; how should an astrologer deal with the answer, is very clear. There are
many subtle and finer dashas, specific to the planetary patterns of a horoscope both
in Parashari and Jaimini astrology.
The subtle divisions made in Vedic astrology through different dasha systems, through
divisional horoscopes meet the challenge of any situation.

We must always keep reminding ourselves that the surviving astrological legacy we have
is only a fragment. Then we have frauds galore in the world of astrology.
Other dashas of Jaimini

Though my major success, after the use of the Karakas, has been in the use of many other
dashas of Jaimini, I do not propose to write about them, as they can be misused by
unethical and gimmick loving astrologers whose number has been increasing allover the
world. I have in the meantime, after the first edition of this book was published, produced
another book, Predicting through Karakamsha and Mandook Dasha.

The Sthira Dasha

I tried to use the Sthira dasha as is generally done and found that while all horoscopes will
have Rtidra and Maheshwara, many will be without Brahma. The steps are:

(a) Find out the stronger of the houses between the lagna and the seventh.
(b) Then find out the strongest among the sixth, the eighth and the twelfth lords,
excluding Saturn, who never qualifies to be a Brahma.

Upto this point all are unanimous.

The point of difference comes in when it is said that the planet in the visible half and odd
sign alone can qualify to be Brahma.

Try this method and there will be many horoscopes without Brahma;

My problem was solved by a north Indian astrologer-scholar who told me to find out the
strongest among the sixth, eighth and the twelfth lords from the stronger of the two houses
between the lagna and the seventh house, after excluding Saturn:

This scholar quoted from a commentary of Neelakantha on Jaimini sutras.

Not satisfied with his solution, I gave him some horoscopes of dead persons and he
calculated their span of life very accurately in many of those cases by his method of doing
Sthira dasha. I have followed that method and found it giving me very good results even
for predicting good events of life. It is what I have taught to students and they too got good

For me it has been a long grope through the darknesses of the commentaries or translations
of Jaimini Sutras. It shocked me to see that not a single writer ever stated that he had
found Jaimini system working and proceeded to show it. In a train, as I have described
earlier, I discovered a clue and worked on it and then the readings of Vemuri Ramamurthy
Shastri showed the possibilities of the vast areas of unexplored Jaimini techniques. My
success since then has been very good. Yet, how much more is to be re-discovered is what
future? generations will have to find out. Mine is an absolutely original and pioneering
work is all that I am claiming. So I must conclude this book by stating very clearly that the
aim of this book is to try the predictive methods as shown by me and not treat me as a
final authority on the subject.

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