Design and Analysis of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine For Household Application
Design and Analysis of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine For Household Application
Design and Analysis of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine For Household Application
5, September 2017
measured and concluded that, the helical rotors with shaft Where m is the mass loaded on the pan in kg, s is the spring
have lower coefficient of power than the helical rotor without balance reading in kg and g is the gravitational acceleration in
shaft. M. Abid, K. S. Karimov have constructed and tested kg/s2
Darrieus wind turbine with 3 blades and reported slow 7. Reynolds number: R = VD ,
starting at low wind speed. A separate Savonius rotor on the
top of an existing Darrieus turbine was mounted to make the 8. Tip speed ratio: λ =
turbine self start at low wind speed [9]. Taher G.
Abu-El-Yazied created twelve models with different number 9. Coefficient of power: Cp= =
of blades and blade chord lengths to study their effect on the
10. Coefficient of torque: Ct=
performance of Darrieus wind turbine using the CFD analysis.
The results show increase in blade chord length increases the 11. Coefficient of static torque: Cts
power coefficient till a certain limit after which power
coefficient is considerably decreases due to increase in
solidity and decreasing corresponding tip speed ratio [10]. S.
Brusca et al. analyzed performance of H-rotor with different
aspect ratio and concluded that, H-rotor coefficient of power In the present work three turbines namely Savonius,
is better at low aspect ratio [11]. Darrieus and Hybrid turbine combined with Savonius and
Gupta et al. made a combination between Savonius turbine Darrieus are designed, fabricated and tested with wind tunnel
and Darrieus turbine. They compared the results obtained for wind speed range 0-12 m/s. Fig. 1-3 show the tested
with those of conventional Savonius rotor. They observed that turbines and various design parameters of these turbines are
there is improvement in the power coefficient for the given in the Tables 1-3.
combined Savonius-Darrieus rotor [12].
Robert Howell et al. made combined experimental and
computational study into the aerodynamics and performance Sr. No. Parameters Values
of a small scale vertical axis wind turbine. The straight turbine 1 Rotor diameter, D (mm) 600
2 Rotor height, H (mm) 600
rotor blade, with an aspect ratio of 4:1, operates at relatively
3 Diameter of shaft, ds (mm) 40
low tip speeds and its performance shows a clear dependence 4 Blade diameter, d ( mm) 380
on the rotor blade surface finish. Performance is enhanced by
having the surface of the turbine roughened at a critical
Reynolds number 30,000 [13]. Fang Feng combined Savonius
rotor with H-rotor and reported that, H-rotor is self-started at
low tip speed ratio [14]. According to S. M. Rassoulinejad -
Mousai Savonius rotor was low efficient but self-started at
low speed. On the other hand H-rotor Darrieus is high
efficient but not self-started [15].
Present study includes the performance analysis of
Savonius turbine with two, three and four blades with cover
plate and Darrieus turbine with three and four airfoil blades
experimentally. The coefficient of power between modified
hybrid turbine, Savonius and Darrieus rotor is determined
experimentally and compared.
Fig. 1. Savonius turbine with two blades.
Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, Vol. 5, No. 5, September 2017
Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, Vol. 5, No. 5, September 2017
Fig. 7. Variation of coefficient of power with wind speed for Savonius rotor
with two, three and four blades.
Fig. 10. Variation of turbine speed with wind speed for Darrieus turbine with
three and four blades.
Fig. 8. Variation of coefficient of torque with wind speed for Savonius rotor
with two, three and four blades.
Fig. 11. Variation of turbine power with wind speed for Darrieus turbine
with, three and four blades.
Fig. 9. Variation of coefficient of static torque with wind speed for Savonius
rotor with two, three and four blades.
Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, Vol. 5, No. 5, September 2017
from the Fig. 15 that the coefficient of power of 3 Savonius present study.
and 3 airfoil is 0.23 at low wind speed and it is higher than the Coefficient of power of the Savonius turbine is 0.19 at wind
other combinations of this turbine and also higher than the speed 3 m/s and it suddenly decreases as wind speed increases.
individual Savonius and Darrieus turbine. The hybrid turbine Savonius turbine with three blades performs better at low
with 3 Savonius and 3 airfoil blades is recommended for wind speed than two and four blades Savonius turbine.
house hold application. Darrieus turbine is not self-started at low wind speed but it
is more efficient than the Savonius turbine in the range of
wind speed 5-9 m/s. Coefficient of power of Darrieus turbine
with four aerofoil blades is 0.21 at 7 m/s wind speed.
Coefficient of power of hybrid turbine is 0.23 at low wind
speed which is higher than the Savonius and Darrieus turbine.
Generally wind speed range 0-6 m/s is available at the rural
and urban areas. Since the Hybrid turbine coefficient of
power is more than the Darrieus and Savonius turbine at low
wind speed it is suitable and recommended for house hold
application for power generation in rural and urban area. The
drawback of self starting for Darrieus turbine is overcome by
Hybrid turbine combined Darrieus with Savonius blades.
Fig. 13.Variation of turbine speed with wind speed for Hybrid turbine of
various combinations. A = Swept area (m )
D = Diameter of turbine (m)
H = Height of turbine (m)
d = Diameter of blade (m)
ρ = Density of air (kg/m3)
V = Wind velocity (m/s)
T =Turbine or mechanical torque (Nm)
Tw =Wind torque (Nm)
ω = Angular speed (rad/s)
N = Shaft speed (rpm)
Pw = Wind power available (Watts)
Pm = Turbine power output (Watts)
μ = Dynamic viscosity of air (kg/m).
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Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, Vol. 5, No. 5, September 2017
[11] S. Brusca, R. Lanzafame, and M. Messina, “Design of a vertical axis Ghanegaonkar at Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Engineering and Technology,
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International Journal of Energy Environ Engineering, vol. 5, pp. currently working as an Associate Professor in mechanical engineering at
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[12] R. Gupta, A. Biswas, and K. K. Sharma, “Comparative study of a
three–bucket Savonius rotor with a combined three–bucket Pravin M. Ghanegaonkar was born on August 21,
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[13] R. Howell, N. Qin, J. Edward, N. Durrani, “Wind tunnel and numerical 1984. He did his post-graduation (M. Tech.) degree in
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[14] F. Feng, S. M. Li, Y. Li, and D. Xu, “Torque characteristic simulation 1986. The author has obtained his PhD degree in 2005
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[15] S. M. Rassoulinejad–Mousavi, M. Jamil, and M. Layeghi, computational fluid dynamics (CFD). He has been engaged in active
“Experimental study of a combined three bucket H – Rotor wind research in the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), fluid
turbine,” World applied Sciences Journal, vol. 28, pp. 205–211, 2013. mechanics and heat transfer. He has published 25 research papers in various
national and international journals. He has worked as Principal at D. Y. Patil
Ramesh Krishnat Kavade was born on Feb. 7, 1966, College of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune and Sinhagad College of Engineering,
graduated in mechanical engineering from Govt. Narhe, Pune, for two and three years respectively. Presently, he is working as
College of Engineering, Karad, Maharashtra, India, in the Dean Academics and Professor in mechanical engineering at Dr. D. Y.
1988. He did his post-graduation (M.E.) in Patil Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pimpri, Pune. He is the
mechanical engineering with specialization in heat chairman, board of studies in Automobile Engineering at Savitribai Phule
power engineering at College of Engineering, Pune. Pune University, Pune.
He is a research scholar and doing research on vertical
axis wind turbine under the guidance of Dr. P. M.