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IF : 4.176 | IC Value : 78.46 VOL- (3) ISSUE 211 ISSN 2017/2364
but Vasan eye care Main Specialty is customer care satisfaction .e TABLE2: OVERALL SATISFACTION
survey report has to examine the current customer satisfaction level
the level of customer satisfaction with the help of vasan eye care Overall satisfaction No Of respondent Percentage
address the shortfalls. Excellent 12 11%
Very good 66 65%
4.3 SCOPE OF STUDY Fair 20 19%
e project is to identify the “Customer satisfaction towards Vasan Poor 6 5%
eye care services” keeping this objective in mind, question was Total 104 100%
framed to elicit information that provided us with the required
answer. e collected data is analyzed in a systematic order to find the
consumer preferences for enabling the organization to achieve its INTERPRETATION
long run objective of maintaining the satisfaction. Among the 104 respondents, 11% of respondents rate the satisfaction
level is Excellent, 65% of respondents rate the satisfaction level is
4.4 RESEARCH DESIGN Very Good, 19% of respondents rate the satisfaction level is Good,
Research is under taken with the idea to know about the customer 5% of respondents rate the satisfaction level is poor.
satisfaction in Vasan eye care, anjavur .
Sampling techniques: e Sampling technique adopted for this study TABLE3: CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICE
is simple random sampling.
customer No Of respondent Percentage
Sample Size: e size of sample taken for this study is 104. support service gives
briefly 26 25%
4.5 Method of Data Collection: e Researcher has collected the clear 15 14%
primary data through the questionnaire. e questionnaire was satisfactory 58 57%
distributed directly by the researcher to their customers. not clear 5 4%
Total 104 100%
4.6 Tools for analysis:
Ÿ Simple Percentage Analysis
Ÿ Chi-Square e table no 3 content, reveals that the customer support to the
service, among the 104 respondents, 25% of respondents got the
information briefly, 14% of respondents says its not cleared, 57%
5. LIMITATION OF STUDY ofrespondents says it is satisfactory, 4% of respondents says it is not
Ÿ Accuracy of figures and data are subject to the customer's
statements and views. However an attempt was made to get as much ASSOCIATION FOR RELATIONSHIP
genuine information as possible. BETWEEN SATISFACTION WITH OPTICAL AND THE
Ÿ e project was based on findings of data collected from Null Hypothesis (Ho): ere is no significant association between
Tanjavur only; it may not be possible to generalize the study from optical and customer satisfaction with overall satisfaction with the
various towns and cities in India. vasan eye care.
Ÿ ough the number of customers is many only limited number Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): ere is significant association
of customers were surveyed considering the time and cost available at between optical and customer satisfaction with overall satisfaction
the disposal. with the vasan eye care.
Optical Fully Just Not dis Total
6. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION satisfied satisfied satisfi sats
ed fied
Satisfied 9 29 2 1 41
Prefered Service No Of respondents Perc Very 3 35 12 1 51
entage good
Various type of eye 42 41% Fair 0 2 5 3 10
problem poor 0 0 1 1 2
Headache subject to eye 28 27% Total 12 66 20 6 104
Purchasing contact lens 16 15%
Eye checkup 18 17% Calculated value = 39.2505
Total 104 100%
Degree of Freedom = 9
INTERPRETATION Among the 104 respondents, 41% of At 5% of significant level the table value is =16.919
respondents prefer vasan eye care for Eye problem, 27% of
respondents prefer for Head Ache, 15% of respondents prefer for Calculated value > Table Value
buying contact lenses, 17% of respondents prefer for EYE CARE.
39.2505 > 16.919
ere is significant association between optical and customer satis-
faction with overall satisfaction with the vasan eye care. So
Nullhypothesis (Ho) is rejected & Alternative hypothesis is accepted
Degree of Freedom = 9
ere is significant association between number of years a person is
receiving service and the services based on money value. So Null
hypothesis (Ho) is rejected & Alternative hypothesis is accepted.
is study was done to measure the customer satisfaction at
vasaneye care,tanjavur.e study included the quality ,pricing,
medication & consulting of the service provided by vasan eye
care towards their customer. e study concludes that
customers are very pleased towards the service provided &
vasan eye care has a good opportunity to expand its franchise.