Submitted By-Ayush Singla: Indiabizforsale
Submitted By-Ayush Singla: Indiabizforsale
Submitted By-Ayush Singla: Indiabizforsale
Submitted By-
Ayush Singla
of determining the fair market value of a business, or in simple terms, the true
worth of business.
IndiaBizforSale also organizes various events in different cities like Surat,
Ahmedabad, and Mumbai, etc. in which multiple investors and the person who
needs money for their business interact with each other and can make a deal.
There can be a plan for various industries like Pharma, FMCG, and Healthcare,
etc. IndiaBizforSale majorly focuses on the easiness of doing business, which is
a unique selling point of the company.
The platform website shows recently closed deals which encourage customers
to make deals with IndiaBizforSale and shows the trust of present customer on
the company. The platform has a section of FAQ, which helps customers solve
various problems. The company has good news coverage on the media like
eChai, India Today, Economic Times, and many more.
LinkedIn Facebook
YouTube Twitter
YouTube- Firstly, If we talk about the YouTube platform, there are around
1100 subscribers. But views on the videos are very less. Also, the last video was
uploaded about a month ago. So, specific actions have to be taken to increase
the views on videos. Also, subscribers have to be raised by posting videos daily.
LinkedIn- Today, LinkedIn is one of the most important platform for the
corporate world in which various stakeholders interact with each other.
IndiaBizforSale has around 680 followers, and the platform is well maintained.
The daily post is uploaded on LinkedIn, giving information about the services of
the company. With time, followers must be increased.
Facebook- Facebook has approximately 1700 followers, and daily posts of
services offered by the company are maintained. The company can also post
some other material like more about companies' goals and policies to increase
the presence and visibility of the company.
Twitter- Twitter has most followers from all the social media platform which
the company has. Twitter has approximately 2250 followers, which shows a
good presence on social media, and daily posts are uploaded, and information
is given about new opportunities.