Nationalism Role On Local Brands Preference: Evidences From Turkey Clothes Market

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426

Nationalism Role on Local Brands Preference:

Evidences from Turkey Clothes Market
Nasr Abdulaziz Murshed
Istanbul Aydin University, Social Sciences Institute, MBA program, Istanbul, Turkey

Abstract: Consumers decide which brands they should choose, and which brands they should forget every day. In a globalized
marketplace, choices between worldwide and local brands are increasingly involved.Local brands link the domestic economy with the
well-being of individuals so It could be useful from a financial point of perspective to create a shared identity among the people of a
nation.The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of nationalism, the relationships between culture and society with the
brands, and their impact on consumer preferences for local brands. This study contains 6 variables which are: - National identity,
Tradition and Personal cultural orientation, local Brand bias, Local Brands social value, Brand Relevance in the clothes market, Local
brand loyalty.All the analysis Contacted by this research finalized that national identity has a strong relationship with local brand loyalty
so if the local brands pay more attention to promoting their national identity that may lead to more linkage with consumers self-national
identity which impact the loyalty for the local brands and in the end benefits the local brands preference and promote sales. Nationalism
self-concept may include several variables, this study analyzed some of them like traditional and personal culture orientation, brand
social value, and of course national identity. All of them proven to have a strong relationship with local brand loyalty, Therefore The
more consumers feel about those variables, the more loyal they become toward local brands.As proven in this research the main factor
impact consumer bias toward local bands is quality and price ratio which indicate consumer perceived price Is the most important factor
that the consumer care about when the judge a local brand and is that price associate with the quality, they got from that price point.

Keywords: Nationalism, Local Brand, Brand Loyalty, Brand Social Vale, Consumer Preference

1. Introduction This research is it trying to find the degree which consumers

identify themselves with their national identity and social
In today’s globalism, all communities and civilizations are culture after that it will analyze how the consumer receive
exposed to each other`s culture, including markets and trade their local brands and finally try to find the relationship
exchange, which affects the local markets in one way or between nationalism and social culture with local brands
another. due to that the need for local business`s share has loyalty.
risen dramatically for strengthen the national economic.
Because of that local business have to set so many strategies The important of that would be that's it could provide insight
and technique to keep up with the competition in their own for the local brands when they target their local customers
local market from the international mega brands. and what should they focus on is it their national identity or
it will be better if they embrace their global identity.
Some local brand tried to play the nationalism card to get
more costumer but is that game really work? , dose the That will be very helpful if we could understand the role of
costumer consider his/her own country brands before foreign nationalism in those days in the economic environment not
brand or the opposite? and dose the degree of the consumers only for the local brands but for all brands in the local
national identity effect the way they perceive local brand? market.

Branding and brand equity have been the topic of many Previous studies have shown that customers often assess
researches along the history of marketing studies however foreign products differently from national products [1].
the fuel of those studies has been focusing on the local
brands market and much fewer of them or maybe none had Bilkey and Nes [2] state that, Consumers in economically
considered the linkage between branding and local market developed markets have a particular preference for national
and nationalism with culture and identity.Those might seem products over foreign products, while customers in emerging
add related to each other but, especially with the rice of economies are more likely to prefer foreign products than
globalization and nationalism around the world, they national ones because they believe that foreign products are
become a huge force on the market. of higher quality than national products and that the use of
foreign products will impress others because they are linked
Many previous studies noted that consumers self-identity with high fashion or higher quality products.
and society culture have strong impact on any brand in the
market because they effect how the consumer perceived According to İZCİ [3] Two sections dominate Turkey's
each brand separately. textile and clothing industry:-Spinners and weavers using
high-quality national raw materials to create fabrics,
While it may seem easy to find that link between including (top) brand names such as Karaca, Beymen,
nationalism and consumer preferences for local brands; it Network, Mithat, Vakko, etc. With initial designs, these
isn’t, since every society has different angles do their shape companies maintain high market expectations.
of identity and how it reflects to the market.

Volume 8 Issue 11, November2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20202447 10.21275/ART20202447 259
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Apparel companies using a mixture of national and imported collective self-identities are strongly linked to social
clothing to create non-branded finished goods include non- identities like worldwide and national identities. The level of
branded companies that market their products through retail self-relation is based on personalized interactions and
chains of third parties. The majority of national and export associated private networks with others.
sales are presently made up of non-branded products.
Consequently, Turkish sentiments of domination and
In addition to being one of the world's entertainment and superiority (nationalism) do not seem to be achieved by
culture hubs, Istanbul is also a metropolitan listed as one of taking pride in their domestic products at the cost of foreign
the top shopping lovers’ destinations. In many sectors, these products ; therefore, foreign products are not seen as
shopping malls offer countless brands and services ranging opposed to or repudiating their nationalistic sentiments, so
from clothing to food and entertainment to electronics, and patriotism appears to be the primary motivation for
these centers are also considered recreational areas as well consumer ethnocentrism in Turkey [9].
as being a place to shop. Shoppers will find everything they
are looking for in Istanbul shopping centers that offer 2.3 Consumer Purchasing Behaviour
thousands of products and countless brands for every age
group. Consumer shopping is a confusing illustration of
uncertainty. Almost each consumer has his own unique
2. Literature Review history of product transactions over time in a multi-brand
environment. As a framework for aggregating the
2.1 Nationalism information and reducing it to manage-able (i.e.
Understandable) quantities, logical constructions are
When someone defines a certain party, say a country, as needed[10].
being non-democratic, patriarchal, collectivist, envious, and
full of hatred towards others, and compared with another Consumer behaviour is characterized as the system and
nation, defined as democratic, progressive, cooperative, and practices in which people search, choose, buy, use, review
individualistic, it is generally reasonable to infer that we are and dispose of products and services in order to meet their
dealing with biases and ethnocentrism. When we read that needs and wishes [11].
some nationalism is non-democratic, totalitarian, collectivist,
centered on the envy and hatred of others, while others are An important issue for marketers is to understand how
defined as liberal, progressive, civil, individualistic, we must consumers ' black box changes due to the buyer's
infer that we are dealing with nationalism theories , In this characteristics and how these affect the consumer decision
context, it has been common practice to present nationalisms process. In addition to the personal characteristics of
in a stereotypical way as uniquely unique to certain groups consumers, cultural factors, social factors and psychological
(nations) externally homogeneous ideologies.[4] factors affect the behavior of consumers.[12]

Nationalism is a claim made on behalf of a body of In internal quest and external search, Hoyer and MacInnis
individuals claiming to be a country to create a sovereign [13] described that judgments of "brands" were impacted by
state over a land; once that state is established, it must the system of knowledge quest. Consumers remember the
develop a national identity in order to differentiate itself label sets from their memories in the inner search (evoked
from another state. [5] . According to [6] , Nationalism set) wherever the question is remembered.
theories as a sociological phenomenon can be conveniently
divided into three classifications: primordialist, perennialist Generally, two or eight products are recalled at a time, and if
and modernist ; primordialist holds that countries, or at least customers are unable to remember goods from memory, the
excellent countries, have been around for thousands of years, collection of external factors such as market supply or a
nationality is one of humanity's natural building blocks, and salesperson's recommendation may influence the purchasing
any effort to deny nationality privileges violates one of the of consumers. Therefore, during internal quest, well-known
deepest demands ; Modernism argues that nationalism is a brands are easier to remember than new brands because the
result of the modern world and a development of the memory connections correlated with these brands appear to
increasing industrial state, rewriting and refurbishing be stronger[13].
historical narrative to assert the claims of an "imagined
community" to independence. This community is sometimes According to most experts, the product decision-making
perceived as unconsciously emerging as a "natural" response process consists mainly of five phases, which are: "need or
to the formation of industrial society and its class structures, concern, identification, search for information, analysis of
mass literacy, great cities and popular cities. alternatives, purchasing behaviour or action and actions after
purchase." [13].
2.2 National identity
More than just decision-making mechanisms, there are
Identity is created by shared experiences, memories and factors that impact consumer behavior that are defined as
myths in comparison to those of other collective identities, external and internal pressures. Culture, social class, and
often forged by resistance to the identities of important reference groups are the main needs and external influences,
others, as the history of paired war so often shows. [7]. while motivation, exposure, and attention are the main
Brewer and Gardner [8] Suggest three identification levels: internal factors; perception; personality, lifestyle, and
individual, relational and collective. Relational and attitude.[14]

Volume 8 Issue 11, November2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20202447 10.21275/ART20202447 260
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
2.4 Consumer preference toward local brands Shows that the domestic bias is motivated in part by the
need for improvement. This impact is greater for customers
In numerous isolated researches, customer preferences for who highly identify with their own nation and complements
national products over imported products have never been the impact of consumer ethnocentrism, which gives a nation
explored in a single model incorporating several customer with financial motivation.
orientations in the group and out-group at the moment. [15]
So, the most strides will be made in the next century by However , Steenkamp and De Jong [24] Show that many
multinational marketers who can figure out how to represent customers still prefer brands and products locally over
national identity in their advertisements. [16] . worldwide brands and products, and Steenkamp et al. [22]
Document that brands perceived as an icon of local culture
The drivers of worldwide brand decisions have been by customers also produce more favorable market reactions.
identified by relevant studies [17] (e.g., quality, prestige, Two autonomous (complementary) motives may drive home
status signaling ( ,and the reasons for local brand purchases country bias. The first is consumer ethnocentrism, well
[18] (e.g., local adaptability, symbolism, community identified in the literature. The second is domestic
support, and the requirements for whether customer identification, reflecting the desire for a positive national
preferences are based on worldwide or local products [19] identity generated by the need for a positive self-assessment.
(e.g., product category ) . [23] .

Davvetas & Diamantopoulos [20] point that ,even in the 2.5 Country-of-origin effect
presence of a superior forgotten alternative, a worldwide
brand can stay appealing after a buy due to its status and Stereotypical associations, consistent with the concept of
prestige, while a local brand selection can still be valued for stereotyping, apply not only to individuals, but also to every
moral or ethical reasons. (e.g., support for the local stimulus item attributed to the stereotypical category.
underdog or the national economy) Therefore, if we define the nation of origin of a brand,
stereotypical country views will pass impressions to our
Masella[21] argue that It could be useful from a financial product and lead to inferences about the product's
point of perspective to create a shared identity among the characteristics and nature [25] .
people of a nation.
While the main problem concerning country picture has long
Local brands link the domestic economy with the well-being been viewed as a relationship between product category and
of individuals. Global brands can be suspected of being a national origin, national branding study addresses all country
threat to domestic financial prosperity, as worldwide brands features, i.e. the geographical, political, economic and socio-
pose not only an economic but also a cultural danger in the cultural aspects of a country, taking into consideration the
minds of ethnocentric customers. Lower levels of features of both the product and the producer [26].
cosmopolitanism and openness to foreign cultures also
contribute to more ethnocentric consumers ' negative Pappu, et al.[27] argues that the macro and micro-country
assessment of global brands [22] . pictures of customers may influence the equity that they
associate with that country's brand. In other words, for a
Based on the concept of regret, Davvetas & Diamantopoulos chosen product category (e.g., computers), in a specified
[20] argues that the regret experienced after a suboptimal market (Australia), the consumer picture of a nation (e.g.,
purchase is a direct function of the perceived global / local USA) and the product picture from that nation may
accessibility of selected and forgiven products engaged in influence the consumer equity of a brand (e.g., IBM or
the purchase, and differs widely across product categories Apple) from that nation. Country picture can affect
and customers with distinct worldwide identification levels. important brand equity dimensions such as brand
associations, perceived quality, and brand loyalty.
Davvetas & Diamantopoulos [20] discovered that regret for
a poor purchase is becoming stronger if the purchase 2.6 Culture and Social effect
involved selecting a local (and rejecting a worldwide)
product in categories where worldwide brand purchases are Social identity theory [28] and social categorization theory
the schematic standard. [29] Suggest that identity includes both private identity (i.e.,
an individual sense of self) and social identity (i.e., a group
Whereas Davvetas & Diamantopoulos [20] noted the reverse to which one belongs or is affiliated).
impact in categories with more prominent local products in
the consumer classification scheme. These variations in Previous study has recorded the significance of cultural
regret (1) influence post-choice fulfillment and readiness to openness as essential notions of overseas and domestic
repurchase the brand or move to a forgotten alternative, (2) branded products consumption habits.
explain the distinction in the justification capacity of
worldwide forgiveness for local products versus global According to Shimp & Sharma[30, p. 280] , Consumer
choice over local products, and (3) regulate the worldwide ethnocentrism "represents consumer beliefs about the
identity of customers. appropriateness, indeed morality, of purchasing foreign
made products”.
In their evaluation of national products, consumers are often
favorably biased versus foreign options as Verlegh [23]
Volume 8 Issue 11, November2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20202447 10.21275/ART20202447 261
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Thus, the more ethnocentric customers are less interested in However only 100 respondswere collected which only
buying foreign products and services, believing that buying represent a return rate of 10% due to several Limitation
products and services manufactured outside the home is which will be explained below
morally wrong and detrimental to the national economy.
Cultural openness is more widely defined as the concern and The primary data source is filed data will be gathering by
experience of a person with foreign individuals, values and survey which will be discussed later. And The secondary
cultures; it is not specifically linked to the consumption of data source is published data related to subject (books,
foreign products and services as opposed to national magazines, websites, official statistics), and expert’s
products [31]. observations.

Culture can be seen as the metaphorical lens by which The data was collected from 10 June to 10 September 2019
customers view brands, decide strategies for information and the primary respondents are 18-25 years old, currently
processing and cognitive constructions that form their Student on bachelor’s degree with income range of 1,000 TL
decisions [32] . or less.

2.7 Brand social value 3.2 Limitation

The theory of social identity states that individuals get to Since this is research have never done before linking the
understand themselves with the community they belong to nationalism effect to the customer preferences and local
[33] , as individuals become part of the community they brands, the researcher had difficulties to find resources for
pursue with the same likes and dislikes [34] . The theory of that linkage.
social identity also illustrates that if individuals see that
particular group adopt the favorable picture, they will follow Also because of the researcher is not Turkish citizen, he had
them more frequently [33] . Social pressure affects people to some difficulties reaching the Turkish society. Even that the
carry out certain actions or to buy certain products and researcher distributed 1000 surveys as hard and electronic
brands in various social events or rituals [35] . version, he only received 100 responds, that's why the
sample was little.
According to Yang, et al. [36] , In order to recognize social
norms that determine what is and is not "socially" acceptable That’s may be outcome because some people prefer not to
conduct, individuals constantly scan their environment. discuss a national related subject with foreigners.
Hofstede [37] suggests that Country communities vary in
their systems of value. For instance, American society is This research is self-funded and with limitation in time , so
renowned more than German society for emphasizing There were some difficulties in the funding for all the
individual ism. Because brands can assist customers to procedures related to the research specially getting more
interact with themselves and differ from others. responds, therefore we cannot generalized the results of this
research to the hole population due to lack of enough
3. Research Methodology responds.

This study at first take the exploratory design as there isn’t 3.3 Variables and Model
any similar study to create the model for this research. And
for test and discuss the Hypothesis, this research will be The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of
using analytical and descriptive design in a quantitative nationalism, the relationships between culture and society
research study. with the brands, and their impact on consumer preferences
for local brands. As it mentioned before, there is not much
3.1 Sampling researchers link the nationalism rule do that consumers
preferences forward local brands. so, the researcher had to
Because the clothes market in Turkey is so big as noted in come up with a new model to test that theory. This new
the literature review chapter earlier , and this research is model contain multiple Variables link together so it will give
Exploratory type and never done before , the researcher had us a better understanding for research problem.
to choose a smaller sample to induct the study in, Of course
he cannot examine the whole market customers .so this The model for the for this research contains multi-level of
research conduct in clothes' customers in Mall of Istanbul, relationships the first one is the relationships between
one of Turkey's biggest shopping malls, houses the world's demographical variables and the main variables of this
leading brands and Turkey . research and the relationships between some of the
demographic variables and the brand relevance in the clothes
The population cant been detriment exactly, so it’s estimated market category which is important to understand do it
that the male daily visitors are 1000 person and within 5% central impact to other variables.
confidence interval and Confidence Level is 95% ; the target
sample was 287 respond ; therefore 400 questionnaires was The second level of relationships is between the four
distributed as hard copy as well as 600 was sent to the Nationalism variables (identity, Tradition and cultural, local
respondence via email among male and female, age 15 – 45 Brand bias and Local Brands social value) and local brand
with random sampling method . preferences which will be examine by the degree of local
brands loyalty Because local brand loyalty is a symbol for

Volume 8 Issue 11, November2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20202447 10.21275/ART20202447 262
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
local brands preferences.
And the demographical variables are (gender, Age,
So, this study contains 6 demographical 6 variables plus Education, occupation, income, usual clothing style).
which are: -
1) National Identity[38]The degree to which an individual Firstly, this study will try to analyze the impact of
recognizes a nation in question. And respect for an ethnic Demographical variables on the main 6 variables of the
or subcultural group.Alphas is 0.94,Q 7-11. study.
2) Tradition and Personal cultural orientation[39], [40],
[41]To what extent an individual value the culture, Secondly the relationships between the variables and local
traditions and heritage of one's family. Alphas is 0.72, Q brand loyalty, which deal with the variables (national
12-16. identity, traditional and personal culture, local brand bias,
3) Brand Relevance in the clothes Category [42], [43] The local brands social value, and Brand Relevance in the
significance of the brand to the purchasing choice of a clothes market) As dependent variables, while local brand
consumer in a product category rather than in all loyalty which is the indicator of local brand preferences as
categories . Alphas is 0.938, Q 17-20. independent variable.
4) local brand Social Value [44], [45]The usefulness
derived from a brand's perceived capacity to improve the 4. Data analysis and finding
self-concept and social acceptance of its user , Alphas is
0.94 , Q 21-26 . 4.1 Model testing
5) local brand loyalty [46], [47] The extent to which a
customer expresses his or her favorite category brands The literature-based model objects are evaluated with one or
and the tendency to concentrate on those brands when more statements of questions. The same weight was given to
shopping , Alphas is 0.914 ,Q 27-28. each of the questions. To see the relationship between
6) local brand bias [22], [45]The degree to which an products, the correlation was measured between the issues
individual think that products produced in his / her nation pertaining to the local brand loyalty product and the results
are of greater quality and more connected to national are shown in the table 1 below
customers than overseas brands , Alphas is 0.82 , Q 29-
33 .

Table 1:Scales Statistics

National Personal Cultural and Tradition Brand Relevance in local brand local brand local brand
Identity Orientation the clothes Category Social value loyalty bias
NValid 100 100 100 100 100 100
Mean 3.4860 3.7600 2.7500 2.7883 2.6800 1.5020
Std. Error of Mean .11499 .11046 .10511 .10607 .11710 .03712
Std. Deviation 1.14988 1.10463 1.05109 1.06069 1.17103 .37118
Variance 1.322 1.220 1.105 1.125 1.371 .138
Minimum 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Maximum 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00

since the questionnaire was the primary source of data in this

study, quantity analysis is performed on the primary source Table 3:Analysis of the Model Variance with Anova
of data to assess the internal consistency or accuracy of the Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
information in questionnaire, or in other words it shows the Squares Square
strength of the items selected in questionnaire. The author Regression 86.583 5 17.317 33.100 .000b
used the SPSS to check the accuracy of Cronbach's alpha Residual 49.177 94 .523
test Total 135.760 99
a. Dependent Variable: local brand loyalty
The alpha value of Cronbach performed for this analysis as b. Predictors: (Constant), local brand bias, Personal Cultural
shown in table 2 below indicates a value of 0. 919 showing a and Tradition Orientation, Brand Relevance in the clothes
very high reliability of the questionnaire items Category, local brand Social Value, National Identity

Table 2:Reliability Statistics The linear regression model was performed via SPSS to
Cronbach's Alpha Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items decide whether the selected independent variables
.919 76.83 319.637 17.878 27 influenced the local brand loyalty. The results show the
value of R and R square as shown in table 4 model summary
In addition, by looking at ANOVA's table 3 below where the table of regression analysis shows value In R row, the value
value of (Sig.) is shown as (0.000) and usually where the of which is 0. 799 is the simple correlation of 79.9%, which
value of sig is shown. Or p is less than 0.05 and has is very high
acknowledged statistically significant significance.
Therefore, we can say that our model is statistically
significant, as shown in the table below

Volume 8 Issue 11, November2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20202447 10.21275/ART20202447 263
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Table 4: Summary of the Thesis Model with Regression Analysis
Adjusted Std. Error Change Statistics
Model R R Square
R Square of the Estimate R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 .799a .638 .618 .72330 .638 33.100 5 94 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), local brand bias, Personal Cultural and Tradition Orientation, Brand Relevance in the clothes Category, local
brand Social Value, National Identity
b. Dependent Variable: local brand loyalty

4.2 Demographics Analysis means of the variables in the graph below, we can notice that
personal culture and traditional orientation and brand
1) Gender relevance in the clothes category curves have a more
48% respondents were females and 52% were males. Also a noticeable impact with a different education category.
seed from the graph, there is a slight decrease in the mean of
almost all the scales in which been used this model In the Test of Homogeneity of Variances shows the P value is
females response specially when we see the mean of local more than .05 For all the variables except local brand
brand social value which is for male 3.09 and for female is therefore we can’t trust Anova test for it however we can use
2.45 and also local brand loyalty which for Male is 3 and for it for the rest variables.
female is 2.33 which may indicate that females in general
does not prefer local brand as men do. ANOVA test above, education has an impact only on
Personal Cultural and Tradition Orientation with P=.020 and
The researcher used T-test and according to the results, there Brand Relevance in the clothes Category with P=.021. There
is a significant difference between male and female in the isn’t any significant Relationship between education and
factors that been used in this research especially social value national identity, local brand social value, local brand
for local brand with p=.002, local brand loyalty with p=.004, loyalty and local brand bias which all have P above 0.05
National identity with p=.018 And finally personal culture
and traditional orientation with p=.025. 4) Occupation
The major of the sample are Student with 64% responds
However, there is no difference between Males and females while the rest contain Government officer 10%, Private
in the factors trans relevance in the Clovis category and local company staff 13%, businessman – businesswomen 2%,
brand bias both have P value above .05 freelancer 4%, Housewife 2% and unemployed 3%.

2) Age All the variables pass the test of Homogeneity of Variances

Sample is composed of respondents between the ages 18 - as all the P values are less than 0.05 so we can see the
45. The age intervals grouped into five and the respondents ANOVA test , and according to its results, Occupation has
aged below 18 is 2% of the sample, 18-25 age group is 64 an impact only on local brand loyalty with P=.000 and
%, 26-30 age group is 11%, 31-40 group is 18 %, 41-45 Brand Relevance in the clothes Category with P=.018
group is 3 % and lastly above 45 age group is 2% of the
sample. There isn’t any significant Relationship between Occupation
and national identity, Personal Cultural and Tradition
The mean of almost all the variables is different in all age Orientation, local brand social value, and local brand bias
categories which may indicate that there is an impact of age which all have P above 0.05.
into this study variables. To check the degree of the impact
for each variable further analysis will be done. 5) Income
The major of the sample in the income category 1,000 TL
According to the results of Test of Homogeneity of or less with 42% from the total sample , while the rest
Variances the P value is more than .05 For all the variables spread between other categories with 1,001 - 2,000 TL
except brand relevance in the clothes category therefore we 17%, 2,001-3,000 TL 11%, 3,001-5,000 TL16 %, 5,001-
can use an Anova test for all of them and Welch test for 7,000 TL 8%, 7,001-10,000 TL 4% and More than 10,000
brand relevance in the clothes category. TL 2% .

According to the results of ANOVA test and Welch test, Test of Homogeneity of Variances results shows that the P
Age has an impact only on local Brand loyalty with P=.003 value is more than .05 For all the variables except local
and Brand Relevance in the clothes Category with P=.004. brand Social Value therefore we can use an ANOVA test for
There isn’t any significant Relationship between age and all of them and Welch test for local brand Social Value.
national identity, personal culture and traditional orientation,
local brand social value and local brand bias which all have According to ANOVA test and Welch test, income has an
P above 0.05 impact on local Brand loyalty with P=.000, local brand
social value with P=.004 and Brand Relevance in the clothes
3) Education Category with P=.034
Sample is composed of respondents with High School
education are 5% from the total sample, bachelor’s degree There isn’t any significant Relationship between income and
59%, master’s degree 23%, Above master’s degree 12% and national identity, personal culture and traditional orientation,
Other 2%. If we give a deeper look to the change of the and local brand bias which all have P above 0.05

Volume 8 Issue 11, November2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20202447 10.21275/ART20202447 264
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
6) Clothes Usual Style 4.3 variables Correlations
When the responds asked about their usual clothes, 16% said
Classic, 34% said Sport, 29 % said Casual and 21% we can see the outcome of statistically significant amount
preferred other which may indicate a mix clothes style. for each independent variable separately based on table 7 in
regression analysis. As formed in the Sig table. In National
We can notice that there isn't any huge different between Identity, the value of P is less than 0.05 at 0.001 and in local
clothes category in the variables mean curve. brand Social Value with Sig. 0.000 so, we can add that
National Identity and local brand Social Value contributes
Test of Homogeneity of Variances results shows that the P statistically significantly to local brand loyalty.
value is more than .05 For all the variables except local P>0.05 does not statistically significantly contribute to local
brand Social Value therefore we can use an ANOVA test for brand loyalty.
all of them and Welch test for local brand Social Value.
Table 7:Comparison of the Independents on Dependent with
According to ANOVA test and Welch test results, all the P Regression Analysis
values are more than .05 so There is no significant impact Unstandardized Standardized
from usual clothes style on the variable’s national identity, Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
personal culture and traditional orientation, Brand Relevance B Std. Error Beta
in the clothes category, local brand loyalty and local brand (Constant) -.263 .460 -.571 .570
bias. National Identity .325 .092 .319 3.524 .001
Personal Cultural
Summary of the Demographical factors impact on the and Tradition .054 .085 .051 .632 .529
Brand Relevance
in the clothes -.081 .074 -.072 -1.089 .279
Table 5: Summary of the Demographical factors impact on Category
the variables local brand Social
.604 .091 .547 6.633 .000
Demographical variables Sig. Value
local brand social value .002 local brand bias .098 .199 .031 .489 .626
local brand loyalty .004 a. Dependent Variable: local brand loyalty
Gender National identity .018
personal culture and traditional The findings with a confidence interval of 95 % can be seen
orientation on the table 7 below, when the correlations between the
local Brand loyalty .003 independents are examined. Considering the above point "a
Brand Relevance in the clothes Category .004 value close to + 1 or -1 suggests a strong correlation degree"
Personal Cultural and Tradition Table 7 below contain correlations test done by SPSS which
Education Orientation indicate a strong relationship between variables if the value
Brand Relevance in the clothes Category .021 above 0.4 so The strongest impact on local brand loyalty is
local brand loyalty .000 from social value for the local brand with value 0.740 , after
Brand Relevance in the clothes Category .018 that we see the impact of national identity with correlation
local Brand loyalty .000
value 0.676 and finally personal culture and traditional
Income local brand social value .004
orientation with value 0.488 .
Brand Relevance in the clothes Category .034
Also, we can see that there is a strong relationship between
The less P value the stronger the relationship.
social value for the local brand with national identity which
indicated by the correlation value of 0.606, And personal
As seen in the table 5 above , National identity Affected by
culture and traditional orientation has a stronger relationship
gender (p=.018), Personal culture and traditional orientation
with national identity with value of correlation 0.621.
affected by Education (p=.020) and gender (p=.025), Brand
Relevance in the clothes Category affected by age (p=.004),
Finally, there is also a strong relationship between personal
occupation (p=.018), education (p=.021) and income
culture and tradition orientation with local brand social value
(p=.034), local brand loyalty effected by income and
which indicated by the correlation value of 0.440
occupation at the same level at (p=.000), age ( p=.003) and
gender (p=.004), and finally local brand social value
effected by gender ( p=.002) and income ( p=.004) .

Table 7: Pearson Correlations between factors

Personal Cultural Brand Relevance
National local brand local brand local brand
Correlations and Tradition in the clothes
Identity Social Value loyalty bias
Orientation Category
p 1 .621** .100 .606** .676** .057
National Identity
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .323 .000 .000 .574
Personal Cultural and p .621** 1 .010 .440** .488** -.015
Tradition Orientation Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .925 .000 .000 .885
Brand Relevance in the p .100 .010 1 .296** .117 -.153
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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
clothes Category Sig. (2-tailed) .323 .925 .003 .247 .129
local brand Social p .606** .440** .296** 1 .740** -.038
Value Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .003 .000 .709
p .676** .488** .117 .740** 1 .039
local brand loyalty
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .247 .000 .702
p .057 -.015 -.153 -.038 .039 1
local brand bias
Sig. (2-tailed) .574 .885 .129 .709 .702
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
N = 100

The final Test will be to give an answer about Which Test for Equality of Variances so Equal variances assumed
circumstances the consumer will be favored the local brands (p >.05)After that we can see that all the sub variables have
and for that we will be doing T test for the local brand bias no impact on the independent local brands loyalty as Sig.
sub variables which are Overall quality, design and style (2-tailed) value is p>.05, however we can use Sig. (1-tailed)
,technological advancement ,quality and price ratio, and the then we can see an impact from the sub variable quality and
connected to the minds and hearts of local consumers which price ratio on the dependent local brand loyalty as the p =
all can measure how connected those sub variables to the .038
main independent which is local brand loyalty.
As the rest of sub variables remine with no impact Neither
Table 9 below contains the results which gathered from on Sig. (2-tailed) nor Sig. (1-tailed).
SPSS as we can see first all the sub variables pass Levine’s

Table 9: local brand bias sub variables Test

Levene's Test t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference
overall quality 3.766 0.055 -0.293 98 0.77 -0.06924 0.23605
design and styling 0.029 0.865 0.099 98 0.921 0.02354 0.2371
Technological advancement 0.267 0.606 -0.163 98 0.871 -0.03854 0.23579
quality and price ratio 2.154 0.145 -1.79 98 0.076 -0.41506 0.23183
connected to the minds and hearts of local consumers 1.279 0.261 0.706 98 0.482 0.16587 0.23499

4.4 Hypotheses results

As seen in Table 7 Regression Analysis the p = .000 and in
Hypothesis 1: Table 6 Correlations the p = .000 In both p>.05 which
H0: There is relationship between Brand Relevance in the indicated statistically significant relationship between
clothes market and local brand loyalty variables, that relationship shown by Pearson Correlation
Ha: There is no relationship between Brand Relevance in the with p=.740 which indicate a very strong and positive
clothes market and local brand loyalty relationship

As seen in Table 7 Regression Analysis the p = .5 and in There for H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected
Table 6 Correlations the p = .702 In both p>.05 which
indicated no statistically significant relationship between Hypothesis 4:
variables H0: There is statistically significant relationship between
local brands loyalty and Tradition and Personal cultural
There for H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted orientation
Ha: There is no statistically significant relationship between
Hypothesis 2: local brands loyalty and Tradition and Personal cultural
H0: There is a relationship between local brand Bias and orientation
local brand loyalty.
Ha: There is no relationship between local brand Bias and As seen in Table 6 Correlations the p = .000 so as p>.05
local brand loyalty. which indicated no statistically significant relationship
between variables, that relationship shown by Pearson
As seen in Table 7 Regression Analysis the p = .5 and in Correlation with p=.488 which indicate a strong and positive
Table 6 Correlations the p = .702 In both p>.05 which relationship
indicated no statistically significant relationship between There for H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected
There for H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted Hypothesis 5:
H0: There is statistically significant relationship between
Hypothesis 3: local brands loyalty and national identity
H0: There is a relationship between local brands loyalty and Ha: There is no statistically significant relationship between
perceived ability of local brand to enhance social approval. local brands loyalty and national identity
Ha: There is no relationship between local brands loyalty
and perceived ability of local brand to enhance social As seen in Table 7 Regression Analysis the p = .001 and in
approval Table 6 Correlations the p = .000 In both p>.05 which
Volume 8 Issue 11, November2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20202447 10.21275/ART20202447 266
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
indicated statistically significant relationship between local brands categories :
variables, that relationship shown by Pearson Correlation
with p=.676 which indicate a very strong and positive 1) Is it beneficial for the local brands to focus on their
relationship national identity?
There for H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected All the analysis Contacted by this research finalized that
national identity has a strong relationship with local brand
5. Summary andConclusion loyalty so if the local brands pay more attention to
promoting their national identity that may lead to more
5.1 Finding Summary linkage with consumers self-national identity which impact
the loyalty for the local brands and in the end benefits the
This study contains 6 demographical 6 variables plus which local brands preference and promote sales.
are: - National identity, Tradition and Personal cultural
orientation, local Brand bias, Local Brands social value, 2) Do consumers consider local brands as a part of their
Brand Relevance in the clothes market, Local brand loyalty, nationalism self-concept?
And the demographical variables which are (gender, Age, Nationalism self-concept may include several variables, this
Education, occupation, income, usual clothing style). The study analyzed some of them like traditional and personal
Relationships between the demographical factors and the culture orientation, brand social value, and of course
variables studied in this research. national identity.

National identity Affected by gender, Personal culture and All of them proven to have a strong relationship with local
traditional orientation affected by Education and gender, brand loyalty, Therefore The more consumers feel about
Brand Relevance in the clothes Category affected by age, those variables, the more loyal they become toward local
occupation, education and income, local brand loyalty brands.
effected by income and occupation at the same level at, age
and gender, and finally local brand social value effected by 3) What are the circumstances in which local brands would
gender and income. be preferable?
As proven in this research the main factor impact consumer
In regression analysis, it’s proven that National Identity and bias toward local bands is quality and price ratio which
local brand Social Value contributes statistically indicate consumer perceived price Is the most important
significantly to local brand loyalty. factor that the consumer care about when the judge a local
brand and is that price associate with the quality, they got
At correlations test, researcher found evidence which from that price point.
indicate the strongest impact on local brand loyalty is from
social value for the local brand, after that national identity The researcher noted that local brands need to promote their
and finally personal culture and traditional orientation. national heritage with a close attention to the traditions and
focusing on enhancing the social value of their brand as
Also, there is a strong relationship between social value for proven it's the most important factor that has an impact on
the local brand with national identity, and personal culture local brand loyalty.
and traditional orientation has a stronger relationship with
national identity, there is also a strong relationship between After that they need to find a right formula to justify the
personal culture and tradition orientation with local brand price they put on their goods as the consumer pay a lot of
social. attention on Associate that price, they pay with the quality
they got from a local brand.
Finally, after analyzing the sub variables of local brand bias
which are overallquality, design and styling, technological 5.3 Suggestions for Future Studies
advancement, quality and price ratio, and connecting to the
minds and hearts of local consumers. All have no 1) As this research has many limits especially the sample
correlations with local brands loyalty, however after size, the researcher suggests that same model test again
analyzing the impact as one way from the sub variables on with different and bigger sample.
the independent, then we can see an impact from quality and 2) Because national identity may differ from nation to
price ratio on the dependent local brand loyalty. As the rest nation the researcher suggest that same study conduct in
of sub variables remine with no impact Neither on Sig. (2- different countries with more nationalism and less
tailed) nor Sig. (1-tailed). nationalism as for example Germany and Middle East
5.2 Conclusion and Recommendations 3) This research shown that the strongest factor which
impact local brand loyalty is local brand social value
This research started to answer 3 simple questions so to therefore the researchers suggest a more detailed study to
summarize the conclusions we can answer those questions understand how the social value of a brand create and
which are listed below, but before starting with them it must how the brand could improve it by time.
mention that this research test the impact of Brand
Relevance in the clothes and finalized that there is no impact
from the important of brand in the studied category on the
studied variables so, we can generalize the results across all
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ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
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