Words in Action - UNIT 1 PDF
Words in Action - UNIT 1 PDF
Words in Action - UNIT 1 PDF
Benjamin Franklin
Unit 1 Revision
UNIT 1 > Benjamin Franklin > passage
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin was an American printer and publisher,
author, inventor and scientist, and diplomat. He is best
known for playing a key role in the writing of the
Declaration of Independence and for signing the original
United States Constitution. Benjamin Franklin was born on
January 17, 1706, in Boston. His father, Josiah Franklin,
had seven children with first wife, Anne Child, and ten
more with second wife, Abiah Folger. Ben was his 15th
child and youngest son. He learned to read at an early age
and was a good student, but he stopped going to school
when he was ten and started working full-time. When he
was twelve, he started working at his brother’s print shop.
He learned a lot about publishing and newspapers. In 1723,
he moved to New York and then to Philadelphia. In
Philadelphia, Franklin worked as a printer. He wanted to
start his own printing shop and travelled to London to buy
the things that he needed for it. In London, he had to work,
but he also had a lot of fun. He went to coffee houses and
swam in the Thames. He returned to America in 1726 and
continued his printing activities. He also continued studying.
Franklin bought The Pennsylvania Gazette and made it one
of the most successful newspapers in America. In 1732, he
started publishing Poor Richard’s Almanack. Franklin
became one of the richest men in Pennsylvania. In 1748, he
moved into a new house and bought his first slaves. Later,
he came to see that slavery is evil and he freed his slaves in
the 1760s. Franklin also became interested in electricity and
made some important scientific discoveries. He also took
part in politics. In 1776, he became one of the five men
who wrote the Declaration of Independence. After the USA
became independent, Franklin went to France as America’s
first ambassador. He was very popular with French
aristocrats. After ten years in France, Franklin returned to
America. He was politically active and worked against
slavery. Benjamin Franklin died on April 17, 1790, in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at the home of his daughter,
Sarah Bache. His Autobiography got published in 1794.
1. Benjamin Franklin was his father’s youngest child. 5. Benjamin Franklin did some experiments with electricity.
A) true A) true
B) false B) false
2. When he was twelve, Benjamin Franklin worked for his brother. 6. Benjamin Franklin stopped taking part in politics after he returned
from France.
A) true
B) false A) true
B) false
A) true A) true
B) false B) false
A) true
B) false
active (adj): etkin play (v): oynamak rol almak (enstrüman) çalmak
age (n): yaş çağ yaşlanma politics (n): politika siyasi görüş
important (adj): önemli etkili stop (v): durmak bitmek engellemek kalmak
key role : önemli rol become interested : ilgili hale gelmek
early age : erken, küçük yaş become independent : bağımsız olmak
politically active : politik olarak faal play role : rol oynamak
have fun : eğlenmek make discovery : keşifte bulunmak
scientific discovery : bilimsel keşif
popular with : ... arasında popüler at age : .... yaşında
move to : …ya taşınmak learn about : ...yı öğrenmek
interested in : …ya ilgili work as : ... olarak çalışmak
known for : ...ile ünlü, tanınan, bilinen at home : evde
UNIT 1 > Benjamin Franklin > match activity 1
1. constitution a. imzalamak
2. slavery b. anayasa
3. ambassador c. kölelik
4. take part in d. büyükelçi
5. slave e. yayıncı
6. key f. köle
7. independent g. geri dönmek
8. declaration h. ...ya katılmak
9. sign i. mucit
10. return j. önemli
11. publisher k. ilan etme
12. inventor l. özgür, bağımsız
UNIT 1 > Benjamin Franklin > synonyms
A survey of 8,000 people by the UK Institute of Personnel
and Development found that one in three people work more
than 48 hours per week and claim to be addicted to their
jobs. One in six people work more than 60 hours a week
and three-quarters of employees currently work overtime
but only one-third gets paid for it. Workaholism can be
described as the inability to stop working. Whether you are
in the office, at home, in bed, or socializing, if you find that
you cannot stop thinking about work or talking about work
then it is very likely that you are or you are about to
become a workaholic. Until recently, many people described
workaholism as a respectable addiction, and half thought
that it was an excellent trait. However, the condition is now
recognized as a serious problem and many theories have
been offered to better understand what motivates the
workaholic. Some theories see it as a strategy to hide
underlying emotional problems such as anxiety, low self-
esteem, depression and obsessive-compulsive traits. Some
scientists define a workaholic as a person whose need to
work has become so excessive that it disturbs (upset)
physical health, personal happiness, interpersonal relations
or the ability to function socially. Thorne and Johnson
identify two types of workaholics: the active and the
passive. Active workaholics work simply for pleasure of
working. They have energy for working longer hours and
they believe that such hard working brings special rewards.
On the other hand, passive workaholics are driven
(motivated) to work by insecurities, fear or paranoia until
overwork becomes a habit, damaging the balance of their
lives almost without them realizing it. Workaholics are often
stressed. Studies show that Japan has the largest number of
workaholics worldwide and overwork is responsible for
10,000 deaths there each year. The Japanese even have a
word for death by overwork - karoshi’. Physical or mental
exercise such as positive thinking, relaxing meditation, or
spiritual comfort from family and friends can all help to
overcome workaholism.
1. The main idea of this passage is ----. 3. A workaholic is a person who ----.
A) people in the UK are addicted to work but don’t get paid for it A) is absent from work every week
B) workaholism is a respectable addiction B) thinks about holidays while at work
C) workaholism is a serious problem all over the world and C) has family problems
should be identified and treated D) cannot stop working
D) physical and mental exercises are important to treat
4. Workaholism may be a way of hiding ----.
A) The UK
B) India
C) Japan
D) The US
6. Workaholics who work out of fear and insecurities are ----. 8. Which type of workaholic is more energetic and has more fun
doing work?
A) active workaholics
B) passive workaholics A) Japanese
C) damaging the balance of their lives B) passive
D) both B and C C) active
D) Karoshi
A) 8,000
B) One in six people
C) 10,000
D) 1,000
ability (n): yetenek likely (adj): olası
addicted (adj): bağımlı low (adj): alçak derin (ses) kısık (ışık) keyifsiz
claim (v): iddia etmek talep etmek obsessive-compulsive (n): obsesif kompulsif
comfort (n): rahatlık teselli refah overcome (v): üstesinden gelmek etkisine kapılmak
define (v): tanımlamak belirtmek physical (adj): fiziksel şiddete başvuran maddi
development (n): büyüme gelişme imar realize (v): farkına varmak gerçekleştirmek
disturb (v): rahatsız etmek endişelendirmek düzenini bozmak relation (n): bağ akraba bağlılık
family (n): aile ailedeki çocuklar familya self-esteem (n): kendine saygı
fear (n): korku simply (adv): tam anlamıyla yalnızca kolayca sade bir şekilde
work overtime : fazla mesai yapmak become habit : alışkanlık haline gelmek
very likely : büyük ihtimalle have word : söz sahibi olmak
become excessive : aşırı olmak physical exercise : fiziksel egzersiz
physical health : bedensel sağlık mental exercise : zihinsel egzersiz
personal happiness : kişisel mutluluk positive thinking : olumlu düşünme
interpersonal relation : kişiler arası ilişki spiritual comfort : manevi rahatlık
have energy : enerjiye sahip olmak underlying problem : altında yatan problem
bring reward : ödül getirmek
per week : her hafta talk about : ... hakkında konuşmak
addicted to : …ya bağımlı drive by : ...nın yanından geçmek
pay for : ...için ödemek responsible for : ...dan sorumlu
think about : ...hakkında düşünmek recognize as : ... olarak tanımak
UNIT 1 > Workaholism > match activity 1
1. responsible a. olası
2. recently b. altında yatan
3. addiction c. bağımlılık
4. likely d. şu anda
5. identify e. üstesinden gelmek
6. overcome f. sorumlu
7. offer g. özellik
8. trait h. teklif etmek, sunmak
9. currently i. son zamanlarda
10. underlying j. tespit etmek, tanımlamak
UNIT 1 > Workaholism > match activity 4
1. pleasure a. yalnızca
2. simply b. kendine saygı
3. claim c. iddia etmek
4. excessive d. rahatsız etmek
5. disturb e. gizlemek, saklamak
6. realize f. aşırı
7. hide g. zevk
8. believe h. farkına varmak
9. fear i. inanmak
10. self-esteem j. korkmak
UNIT 1 > Workaholism > synonyms
excellent (adj) very good, satisfactory, wonderful, outstanding, superb, perfect X bad poor
A) true A) true
B) false B) false
A) true A) true
B) false B) false
3. Isaac Newton was a little younger than other students. 6. Isaac Newton gave some of his money to other people.
A) true A) true
B) false B) false
7. Isaac Newton didn’t have a wife.
A) true
B) false
alchemy (n): alşimi mathematician (n): matematikçi
nervous breakdown : sinir krizi following year : sonraki yıl
natural philosophy : doğa felsefesi very rich : çok zengin
mental health : ruh sağlığı make discovery : keşifte bulunmak
important work : önemli iş recover quickly : çabucak iyileşmek
work on : ...üzerinde çalışma retire from : ...dan emekli olmak
member of : ...nin üyesi interested in : …ya ilgili
react to : ...ya tepki göstermek fear for : ... için endişe etmek
at the age of : ... yaşında, yaşındayken towards the end of : ...nın sonuna doğru
with the help of : ...nın yardımıyla during this time : bu süre zarfında
of all time : tüm zamanların
UNIT 1 > Sir Isaac Newton > match activity 1
fall (v) decline, drop, decrease, diminish, sink, come down, go down, descend, sink
1. Which of the following are included as causes for floods in the 3. A broken human-made dam is compared to what?
reading passage?
A) a tsunami
A) droughts B) a tidal wave
B) large lakes C) a broken ice dam
C) poorly built roads D) overflowing
D) melting snow
A) melting snow causes flooding A) The ice in the river melts too quickly and causes a flood.
B) too much rain causes flooding B) The ice in the river cracks causing the water to overflow.
C) sudden warm temperatures combined with heavy rains causes C) The ice in the river cracks into pieces that eventually create a
flooding dam causing the water to overflow.
D) freezing water causes flooding D) The water behind the ice dam collects and when the dam
breaks, it causes flooding upstream.
5. How far can dam water travel when it is unleashed from a broken 8. What is the most common natural disaster?
A) flood
A) less than 10 kilometres B) fire
B) tens of kilometres C) wind damage
C) thousands of kilometres D) rain
D) tens of thousands of kilometres downstream
absorb (v): emmek anlamak dikkatini vermek exactly (adv): tam olarak
broken (adj): kırık bozuk zarara uğramış yerine getirilmeyen(kural/ fire (n): ateş yangın ateş etme (silah)
kanun/ söz) sona ermiş
float (v): batmadan durmak
capacity (n): kapasite görev
flood (n): sel bolluk
certain (adj): kesin belirli
force (n): güç kuvvet (askeri vs)
collect (v): toplamak koleksiyon yapmak gidip almak
freeze (v): donmak
common (adj): yaygın ortak sıradan
ground (n): yeryüzü toprak neden konu
condition (n): durum şart rahatsızlık
happen (v): olmak tesadüfen olmak
consequently (adv): sonuç olarak
high (adj): yüksek kafayı bulmuş
contain (v): kapsamak kontrol altına almak
hold (v): tutmak düzenlemek
cover (v): kaplamak içermek
hopefully (adv): inşallah
crack (n): çatlak şangırtı uyuşturucu yersiz şaka
huge (adj): kocaman
create (v): yaratmak
knowledge (n): bilgi
creature (n): yaratık
lead (v): öncülük etmek
crush (v): ezmek kırıştırmak üzmek/şaşırtmak yenmek
likely (adv): muhtemelen
dam (n): baraj
melt (v): erimek yumuşamak
damage (n): zarar
move (v): hareket etmek taşınmak duygulandırmak
death (n): ölüm
mud (n): çamur
debris (n): enkaz
occur (v): meydana gelmek
destructive (adj): yıkıcı
path (n): patika izlenen yol
devastate (v): yok etmek perişan etmek
piece (n): parça eser
disaster (n): afet
predict (v): tahmin etmek
downstream (adj, adv): akıntı yönündeki
probably (adv): muhtemelen suddenly (adv): aniden
recognize (v): tanımak kabul etmek takdir etmek surrounding (adj): çevredeki
rise (v): yükselmek doğmak (güneş) ayağa kalkmak try (v): denemek sınamak sabrını zorlamak
serious (adj): ciddi ağırbaşlı ciddi miktarda kararlı weak (adj): zayıf
stream (n): dere akış insan seli weather (n): hava durumu
strong (adj): güçlü kesin muhtemel wet (adj): ıslak yağmurlu zayıf kişilikli
heavy rain : yoğun yağmur tidal wave : gelgit dalgası
frozen ground : donmuş toprak/ zemin human error : insan hatası
destructive force : yıkıcı güç widespread damage : geniş çapta hasar
predict exactly : tam olarak/doğru şekilde tahmin etmek deep snow : derin kar
melting snow : eriyen kar cause damage : zarara sebep olmak
in the world : dünyada break into : zorla girmek
result in : ...ile sonuçlanmak amount of : …nın miktarı
on the ground : yerde knowledge of : ...nın bilgisi
lead to : …ya yol açmak second to : ...nın ardından ikinci
top of : ...nın üstü a number of : çok sayıda .... , birçok ...
contribute to : …ya katkıda bulunmak tens of : onlarca ...
cover in : ... ile kaplı olmak potential for : ... için potansiyel
UNIT 1 > The Causes of Flood > match activity 1
1. as a. ...dığı zaman
2. consequently b. …se, …sa
3. although c. her ne zaman ...sa
4. if d. ...e rağmen
5. whenever e. şimdiye kadar
6. when f. … olarak
7. then g. o zaman, o halde
8. like h. … gibi
9. so far i. sonuç olarak
UNIT 1 > The Causes of Flood > match activity 5
1. unleashed a. yaygın
2. hopefully b. yıkıcı
3. suddenly c. emmek, anlamak, dikkatini vermek
4. widespread d. inşallah
5. predict e. sebep olmak
6. contribute to f. kocaman
7. absorb g. tahmin etmek
8. huge h. tam olarak
9. devastating i. aniden
10. exactly j. zincirlerinden kurtulmuş
UNIT 1 > The Causes of Flood > match activity 6
1. weak a. donmuş
2. probably b. ilave
3. destructive c. erimek
4. probably d. meydana gelmek
5. additional e. muhtemelen
6. drown f. muhtemelen
7. melt g. yıkıcı
8. occur h. kaplamak
9. frozen i. suda boğ(ul)mak
10. cover j. zayıf
UNIT 1 > The Causes of Flood > synonyms
so far (adv) thus far, until/till now, until/till today, to date, ever
large (adj) big, great, enormous, huge, massive, vast, tremendous, immense, giant, colossal, substantial
1. Which of the following is not a common problem caused by 3. Which of the following doesn't show how stress can affect the
stress? emotions?
2. According to the essay, which of the following parts of the body 4. Which of the following can result from long-term stress?
does not have physical problems caused by stress?
A) bliss
A) the arms B) whimsy
B) the stomach C) alcoholism
C) the lungs D) enthusiasm
D) the heart
5. Choose the best answer to explain how alcoholism is caused by 7. Stress doesn't affect the respiratory system by ----.
A) causing stomach problems
A) alcohol is used to relieve stress B) causing asthma
B) alcohol is popular C) a loss of carbon dioxide
C) alcohol is a chemical D) causing breathing problems
D) alcohol is similar to medicine
ache (n): ağrı food (n): yiyecek
beat (n): kalp atışı müzikte vuruş devriye increase (v): artmak
depression (n): bunalım buhran mean (v): anlamına gelmek niyet etmek
digest (v): sindirmek akıl erdirmek mind (n): akıl zeki kimse
eventually (adv): en sonunda overreact (v): abartılı rol yapmak/oynamak aşırı tepki göstermek
range (n): çeşit seri (ürün vb) sıra (dağ) aralık suffer (v): muzdarip olmak
serious (adj): ciddi ağırbaşlı ciddi miktarda kararlı yell (v): bağırmak
high blood pressure : yüksek tansiyon long term : uzun vade, süre
respiratory system : solunum sistemi reduce stress : stresi azaltmak
feel anxious : endişeli hissetmek pulse rate : nabız sayısı
relieve stress : stresi azaltmak/gidermek blood pressure : kan basıncı
serious problem : ciddi sorun digest food : besin sindirmek
mental illness : akıl hastalığı feel tired : yorgun hissetmek
mental health : ruh sağlığı all the time : her zaman
wide range : çok çeşit great influence : büyük etki
for a while : bir süreliğine result from : …dan kaynaklanmak
lead to : …ya yol açmak suffer from : ...dan muzdarip olmak
at risk : tehlikede, riskte under stress : stres altında
influence on : …üzerinde etki at work : işte, iş yerinde
overreact to : ...ya aşırı tepki göstermek yell at : ...ya bağırmak
cause of : …nın sebebi a glass of : bir bardak ...
result in : ...ile sonuçlanmak a variety of : çok çeşitli ...
effect of : ...nın etkisi result of : ...nın sonucu
loss of : … kaybı as a result of : ...nın sonucu olarak
UNIT 1 > The Effects of Stress > match activity 1
1. famous a. because of
2. relax b. make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size
3. common c. to fail to perform or attend
4. lead to d. make greater in size, amount, or degree
5. increase e. a feeling or state of despair
6. miss f. occurring, found, or done often
7. hopelessness g. known about by many people
8. relieve h. to result in something
9. obvious i. make or become less tense or anxious
10. well-being j. the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy
11. reduce k. to cause (pain, difficulty) to become less severe
12. as a result of l. easily understood; clear, or apparent
UNIT 1 > The Effects of Stress > match activity 2
1. tension a. bağımlılık
2. pulse rate b. çok çeşitli
3. respiratory c. nabız sayısı
4. moody d. duygusal
5. nervous e. hastalık, bozukluk
6. addiction f. gerginlik
7. disorder g. endişeli, sinirsel
8. for a while h. bir süreliğine
9. emotional i. (taşıt) inmek, ayrılmak
10. breathe j. nefes almak
11. a variety of k. ters, aksi
12. get off l. solunumla ilgili
UNIT 1 > The Effects of Stress > synonyms
1. fall a. ability
2. vast b. sort
3. main c. tremendous
4. suddenly d. relation
5. superb e. abruptly
6. competence f. powerful
7. strong g. excellent
8. association h. reason
9. always i. constantly
10. kind j. primary
11. harmful k. decline
12. cause l. detrimental
UNIT 1 > Unit 1 Revision > synonym match 2
1. rarely a. think
2. young b. mistake
3. consider c. extra
4. additional d. juvenile
5. error e. seldom
6. finish f. drop
7. important g. end
8. predict h. significant
9. so far i. choose
10. select j. foresee
11. giant k. immense
12. diminish l. until now
UNIT 1 > Unit 1 Revision > synonym match 3
1. rich a. notorious
2. tired b. trouble
3. trait c. go through
4. famous d. prosperous
5. path e. exhausted
6. undergo f. nearly
7. eventually g. feature
8. almost h. store
9. buy i. effect
10. problem j. way
11. shop k. finally
12. influence l. purchase
UNIT 1 > Unit 1 Revision > synonym match 4
1. currently a. affluent
2. claim b. release
3. pleasure c. practically
4. evil d. maintain
5. disturb e. harm
6. virtually f. property
7. route g. interrupt
8. wealthy h. complication
9. problem i. wrong
10. damage j. track
11. quality k. joy
12. free l. presently
UNIT 1 > Unit 1 Revision > synonym match 5
1. large a. wonderful
2. disastrous b. clear
3. key c. central
4. excellent d. enormous
5. help e. lead to
6. result in f. assistance
7. type g. get over
8. exactly h. catastrophic
9. reduce i. capability
10. relation j. decrease
11. obvious k. precisely
12. overcome l. kind
13. ability m. connection
UNIT 1 > Unit 1 Revision > synonym match 6
1. form a. cause
2. main b. harmful
3. link c. evident
4. aid d. version
5. bring about e. defeat
6. destructive f. chief
7. huge g. perfect
8. skill h. massive
9. apparent i. talent
10. accurately j. exactly
11. beat k. tie
12. lower l. backup
13. outstanding m. bring down
UNIT 1 > Unit 1 Revision > synonym match 7
1. common a. join
2. contain b. permit
3. quickly c. simply
4. illness d. widespread
5. die e. require
6. allow f. due to
7. reward g. sickness
8. likely h. probable
9. take part in i. happen
10. occur j. include
11. solely k. rapidly
12. need l. pass away
13. because of m. award
UNIT 1 > Unit 1 Revision > synonym match 8
1. potential a. disorder
2. hastily b. reward
3. common c. die
4. need d. solely
5. merely e. prevalent
6. permit f. on account of
7. participate g. call for
8. occur h. let
9. perish i. swiftly
10. disease j. prospective
11. prize k. encompass
12. owing to l. take place
13. involve m. take part in