Azgard Nine Ratio Analysis
Azgard Nine Ratio Analysis
Azgard Nine Ratio Analysis
We are working on textile sector industry Azgard nine here we discuss the relationship of this
firms with its competitor. Here we discuss the ratio analysis with respect to textile sector similar
industry under following head
Profitability Ratio;
In this section we will compare Azgard nine with respect to cross sectional analysis ,benchmark
and time series. Here we will calculate the gross profit ratio with respect to cross sectional
analysis, benchmark and time series,
Gross profit
Gross profit = ---------------------------------- x 100
Net sales
Now by putting the value in the formula and then we have time series analysis,
As we notice that in 2019 our (Azgard Limited) gross profit is 17.26% and our competitor have
less than us it would be in 14.43% it mean our sales is much better than our competitor may one
reason is that our focus on export is much than our competitor sales and it might also happen that
our cost grip is much better than our competitor, if we see the result of 2018 in previous year our
gross profit is much better than previous year our competitor gross profit is 12.00% and our
gross profit is 16.21% respectively, and in 2017 financial statement result shows that our gross
profit is about 14.93% and if we put a review on our competitor financial statement results of
2017 it shows 13.56% on this year we are also in better position than our competitor ,and in
2016 financial statement shows that 11.38% and our competitor shows a huge 16.29% this may
be his focus on sale and provide better quality and may be his focus on cost is as much as our
control on cost is not.
Operating profit
Operating profit ratio = ---------------------------------------- x 100
Net sales
Now we have to putting the value in the above formula and then we have ,
Cross Sectional Analysis of Azgard Limited with our competitor Koh e Noor;
In this context we see a comparison with our relevant industry sector whose are working in the
same environment here is some data of our company and our competitor performance;
As we see a result of our competitor we see in 2019 our competitor shows 8.94% and we are
much better position in operation 10.21% this might happen ;our sales is increase and it also
have another reason may be our grip on efficiency is much as our competitor and if we talk about
of previous year in 2018 our result is also satisfactory than our competitor and in 2017 our result
is also in better position than our competitor and in 2016 our result in terms of percentage is
4.55% and our competator is in much better in 2016 financial position as we see in 2016 their
percentage shows 7.64% we much away from our competitor because of our sales is not as much
as our competitor sales and may be our staff is not shows much efficiency as they can show and
may we conduct tanning session this also have effect on the operating profit
Net profit
Net Profit Ratio= -------------------------------x100
Net sales
Now we have to put the value in the above formula then we have;
As we see in above calculation in 2019 our result shows 1.51% while our competitor shows
5.22% this clearly shows that our company takes huge amount of long term loan that and our
taxes is also have effect on the profit. but as above from gross profit and operating profit result
shows that we our sales is satisfactory from our competitor and in previous year same like
situation as we see in 2016 our net profit ratio shows in loss (6.18%)and in 2017 it will be also
in loss but in better than in loss (1.04%) and in 2018 it is in profit than previous year of 1.23%
and in current year 2019 it is 1.51% from these calculation we see that in 2016 company is
working in short term loan rather than long term loan but in 2017 company gradually pay off its
short term and convert it in on long term financing and in 2018 we see in we are as much better
then previous year and in 2019 we finance our operation on the long term finance.
Liquidity Ratio;
Current Ratio;
Current ratio
Current liability
2017 2016
Current ratio =
Basically this ratio show the business current position in short term period. Now here we
calculate the current position of Azgard Nine which was a private sector organization in textile
industry,here we compare the current ratio in 2017 the current ratio of Azgard Nine is and in
2016 the current ratio is basically our main criteria of which preferred good as in industry is 2.