Experiment No. 1 Gravimetric Determination of Calcium: Objectives
Experiment No. 1 Gravimetric Determination of Calcium: Objectives
Experiment No. 1 Gravimetric Determination of Calcium: Objectives
Gravimetric Determination of Calcium
The precipitate is soluble in acidic solutions because oxalate ion is a weak base. Large,
easily filtered, relatively pure crystals of product will be obtained if the precipitation is
carried out slowly. This can be done by dissolving Ca+2 and C2O4-2 in acidic solution and
gradually raising the pH by the thermal decomposition of urea. The precipitated is
collected in a previously weighed ashless filter paper (folded properly to provide air
passage between the funnel and filter paper), drying through constant weight between
103oC to 110oC.
All solids have a certain affinity for water, and may absorb moisture from the
laboratory air. Reagents that readily pick up water are termed hygroscopic. Those
that absorb so much water that they will dissolve in it and form a concentrated solution
are called deliquescent (e.g., sodium hydroxide, trichloroacetic acid). These types of
substances will continually increase in weight while exposed to the air. For this
reason, many types of laboratory procedures require that a sample be dried to a
constant, reproducible weight (i.e., absorbed moisture removed to some standard,
The filter paper and precipitate are cooled and weighed and the mass of calcium
oxalate is determined by difference. The calcium content of the sample is then
computed using the appropriate gravimetric factors.
0.1 M HCl solution Ammonium
Distilled water (previously boiled and cooled) Filter
Methyl red indicator Urea
Apparatus / Glassware