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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,753,799
Shah 45) Date of Patent: May 19, 1998

(54) LIFE CYCLE TESTING OF SWIVELJOINTS 4,448,080 57.1984 Dressel et al. ............................ 73/799
5,083.47 1 1/1992 Ehret ........... ... 73/865.9
(75) Inventor: Jayesh Shah. Owings Mills, Md. 5,382.856 1/1995 Keck et al. ............................... 310/71
5,383,351 1/1995 Kotlyar ............ ... 73/40
73 Assignee: Assen Exports, Inc.. Owings Mills. 5,412.977 5/1995 Schmohl et al. ............................ 73/46
Md. 5.448.924 9/1995 Nagai et al. ... 73/865.9
5,461,903 10/1995 Harms ......................................... 73/40
21) Appl. No.: 738,019 Primary Examiner-Hezron E. Williams
Assistant Examiner-J. David Wiggins
22 Filed: Oct 25, 1996 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Leonard Bloom
(51) Int. Cl. ....................... G01N 19708; FO1D 3700; 57 ABSTRACT
GOM 3/28
52 U.S. Cl. .................................... 73/40; 73/46; 73/49.8 In a method for life cycle testing of a swivel joint having
58) Field of Search .............................. 73/40, 49.8, 49.7,
male and female conduit elements, a fluid is supplied to the
Swivel joint under a predetermining pressure; and a certain
mechanical load is applied to the swivel joint under test,
56) References Cited
thereby simulating typical operating conditions. While
maintaining one of the conduit elements of the swivel joint
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS immovable, the other conduit element is rotated continu
ously for a predetermined number of rotational cycles cor
1379,961 5/1921 Chilton. responding to a calculated life cycle. The direction of
3,167,964 2/1965 Dega et al. ............................... 73/432 rotation is periodically reversed after a predetermined time
3,332,277 7/1967 Blinder ........................................ 73/67 period. The swivel joint is continuously checked for an
3,400.580 9/1968 Haren et al. ... 73/119
3,580,059 5/1971 Dalton ................ ... 73/715 undesirable leakage. A test setup for the life cycle testing is
3.91,725 10/1975 Selivanov et al. . ... 73/15.4 provided.
3,987,663 10/1976 Repella ...... . 73/46
4.345,642 8/1982 Ernst et al. ............................... 165/86 33 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets


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U.S. Patent May 19, 1998 Sheet 2 of 6 5,753,799
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U.S. Patent May 19, 1998 Sheet 4 of 6 5,753,799

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U.S. Patent May 19, 1998 Sheet 5 of 6 5,753,799

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U.S. Patent May 19, 1998 Sheet 6 of 6 5,753,799

FG. 7
1. 2
LIFE CYCLE TESTING OF SWIVELJOINTS Lip-seals are usually used in swivel joints. The lip-seal is
an important part of a satisfactory performance of a swivel
FIELD OF THE INVENTION joint as a whole and, therefore, is to be tested.
The present invention relates to the testing of swivel U.S. Pat. No. 3.167.964 discloses testing of a seal quality,
joints, and more particularly, to a method and a test appa 5 prior to the association of the seal with the joint member and,
ratus (setup) for life cycle testing of swivel joints employed particularly, measuring the effect of centrifugal forces on
in fuel handling articulated equipment. lip-type seals employed in Swivel joints.
The rig for testing includes a conventional stroboscope, a
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION motor, and a test fixture having a test shaft. The flexible lip
Swivel joints are widely used in fluid handling equipment portion of the lip-seal is normally in peripheral engagement
for oil, gas and petrochemical industries. There is a variety with the test shaft. When the motor is energized, the test
of diversified swivel joints, such as flanged, threaded, butt fixture is driven to rotate, and the stroboscope emits a light
beam. If the lip-seal is in mechanical engagement with the
weld, with roller and/or ball bearings, etc., made of carbon test shaft, no light will be seen through the test rig; in an
steel, stainless steel, aluminum or bronze, employed in opposite case, if any deflection of the flexible lip portions of
loading/unloading systems. for the aviation industry, float 15
the seal leaves a gap between the lip portion and the test
ing roof tank drains. floating suction assemblies, hose shaft, the light will be seen, indicative of sealing loss. The
assemblies, oil drilling industry, and so on. pressure is measured by the centrifugal force necessary to
These swivel joints comprise two or three relatively cause the flexible lip to be moved radially outwardly out of
rotating pieces with ball and/or roller bearings therebetween. engagement with the test shaft.
The parts of the swivel joint are sealed to prevent leakage of 20 Another arrangement for testing a seal of the type having
the fluid (oil, gas, petrochemicals). The bearings are either a radial shaft-engaging lip is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No.
lubricated for the life of the swivel joints or require periodic 3.987,663. A rotatable test shaft has an outer periphery
lubrication. preferably slightly smaller than the shaft for which the seal
It is extremely important for the users of swivel joints to lip is designed. and the lip of the seal to be tested engages
know for how long (and under a certain load requirement) an 25 that periphery. The shaft centerline has a predetermined
installed swivel joint will function with no reliability prob degree of offset from its own axis of rotation, so-that the seal
lems. In other words, the user wants to know the rated life lip is subjected to a predetermined shaft run out when the
test shaft is rotated at a desired speed. A stationary means
cycle of the swivel joint, when the swivel joint has to be supports the seal in a normally leak-tight manner and
replaced. how often periodic lubrication needs to be 30 cooperates with the test shaft and seal to provide a chamber.
performed, etc. Conversely, the manufacturer of the swivel Air is sent under a desired pressure to the chamber. and it is
joints (for warranty purposes) must know the life of the determined whether there is leakage of air from the chamber.
Swivel joint before it fails, i.e., before leakage occurs. A method and apparatus for leakage testing in the joints
From a manufacturer's standpoint, knowing the life cycle of an oil filter is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3.400.580. The
of a swivel joint has a two-fold importance. The first is. 35 joint is sealed within a closed chamber. The interior of the
economical; that is, the longer a guarantee or warranty may joint is pressurized and a leakage is detected by sensing the
be provided for a certain swivel joint, the better the changing of the pressure within the closed chamber that
performance, and hence improved marketability. Second, on contains the joint.
the basis of studying the life cycle, design improvements can None of the above methods and rigs provides, however,
be made in the swivel joint and, ultimately, in the fluid for a life cycle (operating life) testing of a swivel joint unit
handling equipment. (as a whole) in real (normal) operating conditions.
Several methods and apparatuses for testing joints and In U.S. Pat. No. 3.911.725, life testing of electrohydraulic
parts thereof are taught in general industry. and hydromechanic units with a linear motion output mem
For instance. U.S. Pat. No. 1379,961 discloses the testing ber under conditions close to normal working conditions is
of universal joints for determining the transmission 45 disclosed. The method comprises the steps of establishing
efficiency, the frictional losses, and similar physical data the delivery pressure and temperature of the working liquid
thereof. As understood by those skilled in the art, a universal maximum admissible for the unit being tested; and feeding
joint connects two shafts with intersecting axes, and, in a control pulse to the unit being tested, thereby imparting a
operation, the common plane of these intersecting axes is cyclical reciprocatory motion to the output member of the
usually stationary while the shafts rotate. Under test, the unit. The amplitude and frequency which are constant during
joint is held from rotating and is flexed while so held. The the tests correspond to the maximum available velocity of
setup includes three universal joints. Each of the end joints the unit being tested. An external load is applied to the
is held by a torque force against relative movements about output member of the unit which is determined on the basis
their axes. A force is imposed on an offset end of the of the equivalent accumulation of the fatigue damages in
intermediate joint to rotate the common plane of the inter 55 load-bearing members of the unit. The reciprocations of the
secting axes over a planetary path about the common axes of output member continue for a testing time. The number of
the end joints at a regulated speed, and the force is measured. cycles and the testing time are determined on the basis of the
This is not, however, a hydro-test. equivalent wear of seals of the unit. A subsequent aging of
For joints employed in fluid handling equipment, a test is the unit takes place under non-conditions for a time which
of importance which would predict occurrence of a leakage is determined on the basis of the equivalent aging of seals of
in the seal. the unit being tested. This method is somewhat complicated
A device for predicting such a failure has been disclosed and does not apply to swivel joints.
in U.S. Pat. No. 5.448.924, according to which a behavior The operating life cycle of a swivel joint can be deter
monitoring system for a rotary body monitors displacement mined by actually observing the operation of the swivel joint
of parts of the rotary body in a plurality of directions. This 65 over the course of its useful life. That approach, however,
is not a hydro-test, however, and therefore does not provide may not be the most practical method for the user and the
a real working environment for a swivel joint to be tested. manufacturer.
3 4
A simple and effective life cycle testing of swivel joints second load arms are joined by an auxiliary swivel joint.
under conditions comparable to real working conditions is Preferably, a hydraulic jack supports the second load arm
desired in industry and, especially, for swivel joints and applies the predetermined mechanical load to the swivel
employed in a "pantograph' equipment for fueling/de joint under the test. The first load arm is rotated, thereby
fueling of aircrafts, jets and helicopters in the aviation driving the companion conduit element of the swivel joint
industry. under test.
A method of establishing the operating life, such as a test Preferably, the means for rotation of the first load arm
setup and a procedure for determining the anticipated oper includes a reversible motor, a gear on the first load arm, and
ating life of the swivel joint in the field, without actually a speed reducing means between the reversible motor and
requiring the swivel joint to be used in the field for several 10 the gear on the first load arm.
years, would be very useful. The primary purpose of this Preferably, the direction of rotation is reversed
test setup and procedure would be to know in advance the automatically, and is facilitated by a controller unit having
appropriate material of construction with the proper sealing a timer (or counter) and a switch controlled by the timer (or
material for a swivel joint with a specified operating life for counter) for automatic reversing of the direction of rotation
a particular application. 15
after a certain period of time or once a certain number of
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION rotational cycles has been accomplished.
It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to In accordance with the further teachings of the present
provide a method for life cycle testing of-swivel joints under invention, a test setup is disclosed which includes a rigid test
working conditions. bench having a horizontal platform, a pipe support at the first
end, and a hydraulic jack at the second end of the platform.
It is another object of the present invention to provide a A fluid supplying pipe is horizontally supported by the pipe
testing equipment (test setup) and to establish a procedure support. The first and second load arms (connected by the
for determining an operational life cycle for swivel joints auxiliary swivel joint) are supported horizontally and
having conduit parts (elements) relatively rotating by means 25
co-axially with the fluid supplying pipe. The fluid supplying
of balls and/or roller bearings, and further having seals pipe and the second load arm are maintained immovable.
preventing penetration of a fluid and outside dirt into the while the first load arm is capable of reversible rotation.
bearing races. Preferably, a reversible motor, which has a reversing switch.
Based on the information received from users in the field drives the first load arm to reversibly rotate, thereby driving
and working knowledge obtained from field engineers for the respective conduit element of the swivel joint. The
more than 30 years. various data has been obtained as to the rotation of the motor is conveyed to the gear on the first load
"average" number of swivel joint rotations/cycles/ arm through a reduction gear, speed reduction worm gear
operations per day, working loads on the Swivel joints under box and a chain drive, in sequence, such that the conduit
various conditions, operating environments, etc., that have element of the swivel joint under the test is rotated at a
allowed parameters to be established for testing and estab 35 desired speed of rotation which can be adjusted.
lishing the operating life of swivel joints in a controlled test Preferably, the swivel joint under test includes male and
area (other than field). A procedure has been established, female conduit elements, a main seal. and a removable plug
using a special test apparatus (test setup), to predict the within the female conduit element maintaining the main seal
operating life of swivel joints. in proper position for bridging the clearance between the
With the results obtained in the test, the customer will be female and male conduit elements. The plug is easily
able to maximize the use of particular type of swivel joint. removed once the main seal is to be replaced, and the plug
and a manufacturer will be able to manufacture the optimum is installed back in place once the main seal has been
swivel joint for a particular application. This information replaced without dismantling the bearings.
can also be used to establish a product warranty or guarantee These and other objects of the present invention will
period. 45 become apparent from a reading of the following specifica
The present invention finds particular utility for the life tion taken in conjunction with the enclosed drawings.
cycle testing of "pantograph" swivel joints for the aviation BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWTNGS
industry. However, it may also find utility as a fluid-test for
life cycle testing of any joints having a pair (or more) of FIG. 1 is a pictorial view of a life cycle test setup of the
co-axial relatively rotating parts with sealing therebetween. 50 present invention.
According to the teachings of the present invention, fluid FIG. 2 shows (somewhat schematically) a side elevation
under a certain pressure is supplied to the swivel joint, and of the test setup of the present invention.
a predetermined mechanical load is applied thereto to load FIG. 3 shows (somewhat schematically) a plan view of
the bearings within the swivel joint. While maintaining the test setup of the present invention.
either one of the conduit elements immovable, another one 55 FIG. 4 is a longitudinal cross-section of the swivel joint
of the conduit elements is continuously rotated by a prede and connected pipes (partially) taken along lines 4-4 of
termined number of rotational cycles, with the direction of FIG. 2 and drawn to an enlarged scale.
rotation being intermittently (periodically) reversed after a FIG. 5 shows (somewhat schematically) an electrical
predetermined time period. diagram of the control unit of the present invention.
The pressure of the fluid supplied to the swivel joint is FIG. 6 shows the control panel of the present invention.
monitored by a pressure gauge, such that any leakage FIG. 7 shows (somewhat schematically) a hydraulic jack
occurred is determined once the pressure drops. If the employed in the test setup of the present invention.
pressure does not fall within certain limits, the power is
cut-off such that the test is stopped. Optionally, the leakage DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
occurred may be observed visually. 65 EMBODIMENTS
First and second load arms are provided, and the first load The purpose of the life cycle test of the present invention
arm is attached to the rotated conduit element. The first and is to provide a quantitative and qualitative validation of the
5 6
warranty for swivel joints, which for most of the applica flanges. 20 and 38, are provided with annular grooves 39 for
tions is not less than 10 years of satisfactory use of the retaining a respective "O" ring seal 40 which fits into the
swivel joints for interconnecting pipe sections (or load arms) respective groove 39 for sealing the flanges 20, 38 of the
of articulated fluid, transfer equipment, for instance, of the male or female conduit elements 11, 12 with companion
"pantograph" assembly for refueling helicopters, aircrafts, flanges of the respective pipe sections. The "O" ring seal 40
and the like. prevents any flange joint leakage and requires much less
With reference to FIGS. 1-4, a swivel joint 10 under the forces to be applied in order to tighten the flange joints. By
test is a built-in flanged end type pipe swivel joint as employing the "O" ring seal 40, the installation of gaskets
disclosed in application Ser. No. 08/620.990, filed by the between companion flanges for maintaining pressure tight
present invention on Mar. 22, 1996. It will be appreciated, 10 flange joints can be avoided.
however, that the swiveljoint 10 is only an example and that The plug 23 includes a generally cylindrical body 41 and
other swivel joints may be tested by the disclosed apparatus an annular elevated portion 42 integral therewith. The plug
consonant with the teachings of the present invention. 23 is made of either carbon steel, stainless steel or an alloyed
With this in mind, and as best shown in FIG. 4, the swivel material. A passage 43 extends axially through the plug 23.
joint 10 comprises a male conduit element 11 and a female 15 When the plug 23 is installed, and the inner member 24 of
conduit element 12 rotatably secured together by annular the male conduit element 11 is received within the internal
ball bearings 13 and an annular roller bearing 14. The ball bore 35 of the female conduit element 12, the passage 27 in
and roller bearings 13. 14 also prevent the female and male communication with the passage 43 define a continuous
conduit elements 11, 12 from axial movement with respect passage for the fluid 17 transported through the pipe swivel
to each other. 20 joint 10.
Since the ball and roller bearings 13. 14 are so important The main seal 21 is supported by the plug 23 between the
for proper functioning of the swivel joint 10, they are to be upper surface 44 of the cylindrical body 41 and the proximal
end 28 of the inner member 24 of the male conduit element
protected from inside and outside contamination. The con 11, and between the outer surface 45 of the elevated portion
tamination of the ball bearing race chambers 15 and roller 25 42 and a portion of the internal bore 35 of the female conduit
bearing race chamber 16 usually takes place by a fluid 17 element 12.
transported through the swivel joint 10 via a clearance 18
existing between the male and female conduit element 11, The main seal 21 is a lip-type elastomeric seal having an
12. and/or by outside materials via a clearance 19 between annular body surrounding the elevated portion 42 of the plug
the female conduit element 12 and a flange 20 of the male 23 with an inward lip portion facing the outer surface 45 of
conduit element 11 (to be discussed further in a succeeding the elevated portion 42 and an outer lip portion facing the
paragraph). In order to protect the bearings 13, 14 from portion of the internal bore 35 of the female conduit element
inside and outside contamination, the swivel joint 10 is 12.
provided with a main seal 21 sealing the clearance 18 and a In combination with the dirt seal 22 (which is preferably,
second seal 22 (dirt seal) bridging the clearance 19. 35
a lip-type seal or "V" seal), the main seal 21 provides a
A removable plug 23 is secured to the female conduit reliable sealing of the clearance 18.
element 12 in order to maintain the main seal 21 in proper When the plug 23 (which threadingly engages the female
functioning position for bridging the clearance 18. Once the conduit element 12) is to be removed for the main seal 21
main seal 21 is to be replaced, the plug 23 can be easily replacement, the plug 23 is rotated by means of a special
removed and installed back in place as the main seal 21 has spanner (not shown) inserted into the holes 46 on the bottom
been replaced with a new one. of the plug 23. After the main seal has been replaced, the
The male conduit element 11 includes a generally cylin plug 23 is very easily installed into the swivel joint and
drical inner member 24 having an outer surface 25 and an (because of its configuration) cannot be installed incorrectly.
inner surface 26 defining a passage 27 extending axially the The ball bearings 13 are introduced into their race cham
length of the male conduit element 11. The inner member 24 45 bers 15 through threaded access passages 49.50 which are
has a proximal end 28 and a distal end 29. The distal end 29 closed by threaded plugs 51.52 built-in with grease nipples.
is a built-in flanged end provided with the annular flange 20 As it will be appreciated by those skilled in the art, the
for being connected to a respective pipe section. Holes 30 main elastomeric seal 21 is a combination seal (PTFE outer
are provided on the flange 20 for allowing a securing means seal with Viton Insert, Buna-N Insert or other elastomeric
31 through. Preferably, each flange 20 is provided with eight 50 materials) and provides extra sealing strength for the swivel
s" UNC tap holes circumferentially spaced apart along the joint 10.
flange 20 equally distanced from each other. The design and construction of the swivel joint 10 forms
The flange 20 has an annular groove 32 for retaining the no part of the present invention, having been disclosed and
dirt seal 22 bridging the clearance 19 between the flange 20 claimed on the applicant's aforementioned co-pending
and the end 33 of the female conduit element 12. 55 application Ser. No. 08/620,990 filed Mar. 22. 1996 and
The female conduit element 12 includes a generally entitled “A PPE SWTVEL JOINT WITH REMOVABLE
cylindrical outer member 34 having a first internal bore 35 PLUG FOR MAIN SEAL REPLACEMENT'.
and a second internal bore 36. Both internal bores 35, 36 Although discussed in association particularly with the
extend axially through the outer member 34 such that the above-mentioned swivel joint 10, the life cycle test setup 53
sum of the lengths of the internal bores 35 and 36. of the present invention is perfectly applicable to hydraulic
respectively, constitutes the length of the outer member 34. (and any fluid) testing of any swivel joint having co-axially
The internal bore 36 is wider than the internal bore 35. The rotating conduit elements and sealed to prevent leakage
outer member 34 has the end 33 (discussed above) and the through a clearance existing between the conduit elements.
opposite built-in flanged end 37 which has an annular flange It is highly desirable in the industry that users of the
38 serving for connection to a respective pipe section (or 65 swivel joints would require (and manufacturers of swivel
load arm). Similar to the flange 20, the flange 38 also has joints would have to guarantee) a certain life cycle of
eight holes facilitating the above-described connection. Both satisfactory operation, without leakage, for the swivel joints.
7 8
Since it is not practical to run the test for leakage over the achieved, a valve 74 is shut down. The fluid supplying pipe
course of useful life of a swivel joint (which, for instance, 64 is provided with a flange 75 opposite to the flange 66. The
may exceed 10 years), the simulation is made based on flange 75 is secured to the flange 20 of the male conduit
normal average operational regimes: four rotational cycles element 11 or to the flange 38 of the female conduit element
(operations) a day, 250 working days a year, 10 years. This 12 of the swivel joint 10. Similar to the flanges 20 and 38 of
means that during the life cycle testing, the swiveljoint must the swivel joint 10, the flange 75 is provided with eight holes
make 10,000 rotational cycles (operations) which will cor 76 (preferably, 5'8" UNC tap holes) circumferentially spaced
respond to 10 years of normal performance in articulated apart along the flange 75 and equally distanced from each
fluid transfer equipment. It will be appreciated by those other. The securing bolts 31 protrude through the aligned
skilled in the art, that the test can be run also a different O respective holes 30 and 76 and are tightened by means
number of rotational cycles (higher or lower) according to known to those skilled in the art to facilitate securing the
required life cycles in the industry, in order to meet respec fluid supplying pipe 64 to the swivel joint 10 under the test.
tive life cycles requirements of different users, different Two load arms 78 and 79 connected by an auxiliary
swivel joints, different equipment, and, different operational swivel joint 80 are supported horizontally and co-axially
conditions. 15
with the fluid supplying pipe 64 and the swivel joint 10
under the test.
The 10,000 operations duration test is disclosed hereinfor The load arm 78 has a flange 81 which is connected to the
the purposes of example, and in no way limits the present flange 20 or 38 (which is not connected to the flange 75 on
invention to this number. the fluid supplying pipe 64) of the swivel joint 10. Similar
If a leakage occurs during the test, the swivel joint 10 20
to the flange 75, the flange 81 has eight holes 82. which
under the test did not meet the life-cycle requirement, and when aligned with the holes on the companion flange (20 or
the swivel joint will be studied for the reasons which caused 38) of the swivel joint 10, allow the securing bolt 31
the problem, so that any design deficiencies may be removed therethrough for securing purposes.
for improvement of the swivel joint. If the leakage did not In contrast to the companion flange (20 or 38) of the
occur during the test, the swivel joint is considered capable 25
swivel joint 10 and to the flanges 75 and 66 on the fluid
of satisfactory working for the period not shorter than the supplying pipe 64, the flange 81 is a blind flange. As best
required life cycle, and the manufacturer can give a required shown in FIG.4, where the blindflange 81 is shown attached
guarantee. It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art. and secured to the flange 20 of the male conduit element 11
that the swivel joint under the test cannot be used for normal (similarly, the blindflange 81 can be secured to the flange 38
operations after the test. However, other swivel joints iden 30
of the female conduit element 12) the blind flange 81 stops
tical to the swivel joint under the test, i.e. of the same design. the fluid 17 in the swivel joint 10 and does not allow the fluid
the same materials, same suppliers of parts, etc., will be 17 into the load arm 78. As discussed above, the swivel joint
capable of normal satisfactory operations for the guaranteed 10 can be tested in both positions: either the male conduit
life cycle. element is fixed and the female conduit element rotates, or
With reference again to FIGS. 1-4, an apparatus for life the female conduit element is fixed and the male conduit
cycle testing, further also referred to as a test setup 53. element rotates. However, for the most of the swivel joints
includes a rigid test bench 54 with a horizontal platform 55. applications, the male conduit element is a rotating part;
A pipe support 56 is vertically secured to the platform 55 at therefore, for testing purposes, it is preferable to secure the
the end 57 thereof, while a hydraulic jack 58 is vertically male conduit element to the blind flange 81 (as best shown
secured at an opposite end 59 of the platform 55. The in FIG. 4).
platform 55 has a raised portion 60 which extends from a The load arm 79 is supported and held immovable by the
side 61 of the platform 55 for supporting a motor 62 and a hydraulic jack 58 horizontally and co-axially with the load
speed reduction worm gear box 63 (to be discussed below). arm 78. By means of the hydraulic jack 58, a mechanical
Afluid supplying pipe 64 is horizontally secured at an end load is simulated which would be typically found in the
65 thereof to the pipe support 56. For this purpose, the fluid 45
industry (for example, 3 tons) and is applied to the swivel
supplying pipe 64 at the end 65 is provided with a flange 66 joint 10 under the test such that to load the bearings 13, 14.
which is fixed to the pipe support 56 by a weld or other The hydraulic jack 58 is shown in FIG. 7, wherein a jack
suitable means known to those skilled in the art. piston is identified as P. a roller is identified as R, a handle
The pipe support, as best shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, has a is identified as H. a plunger of the pump is identified as B.
through opening 67 of a diameter smaller than the diameter 50
and a check valve is identified as CV: moreover, d is a
of the fluid supplying pipe 64. A rigid pipe 68, connected to diameter of the Jack Piston in inches, and p denotes hydrau
the fluid supplying pipe 64, protrudes through the through lic pressure in psi.
opening 67. The rigid pipe 68 provides an additional The mechanical force F through the hydraulic jack 58 to
mechanical support for the fluid supplying pipe 64 and be applied to the swivel joint, is calculated as follows:
serves for connection to a hose 69 supplying the fluid 17 55 The area of piston=T=n/4 d’=0.7854 d’
from a pump 70. The end 71 of the pipe 68 is threaded (not The force F-areaxintensity of pressure.
shown) to facilitate the connection to the hose 69. This F=0.7854 dxp
connection is known to those skilled in the art, and is not The bending moment BM (for a 4" pipe made of A 106 Gr,
intended to be discussed herein in detail. B.)=31716
The pressure of the fluid 17 is continuously indicated by It will be readily understood by those skilled in the art that
two pressure gauges 72 and 73. The gauge 72 indicates the the value of the bending moment (BM) is a standardized
pressure of the fluid 17 entering the hose 69, while the gauge value for particular material and a particular size of the pipe,
73 indicates the pressure of the fluid in the fluid supplying according to American Society of Testing Materials
pipe 64. In the beginning of the fluid supply, the gauge 72 ("ASTM") standards.
shows a higher pressure than the gauge 73. However, once 65 If the force F is acting at 30" from the central line of the
a dynamic balance has been achieved, the gauges 72.73 swivel joint 10, then the force F=31716/30=1057.20
show equal pressure. When the required pressure is lbs.
9 10
For the 3 tons jack, d=1.18" (30 mm). The life cycle testing, according to the present invention,
The area a=0.7854x1.18x1.18=1.093 sq. in. is performed according to the following schedule:
Hence p=1057.20/a=1057.20/1.093=967 psi. The fluid 17 is supplied to the swivel joint 10 through the
This is the pressure of oil in the hydraulic jack 58 cylinder hose 69, pipe 68 and the fluid supplying pipe 64, in
to be maintained in order to provide the required force to be 5 sequence, by means of the manual pump 70 until the
applied to the swivel joint 10. pressure of the fluid 17 reaches a certain value and then
It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art, that using the valve 74 is closed. The pressure is permanently
the similar pattern of calculations, the force F and the indicated by the pressure gauges 72 and 73.
pressure P can be calculated for different sizes of load arms A predetermined mechanical load is applied to the swivel
and different types of hydraulic jacks. (For different sizes O joint 10 through the load arms 78 and 79 by means of
and types of materials of the load arms, the value of BM is the hydraulicjack 58. The magnitude of the mechanical
to be determined from ASTM standards). load is permanently indicated by the pressure gauge 83.
The load conditions are constantly indicated by a pressure
gauge 83. As it will be readily understood by those skilled The timer 90 is preset for a certain time period of rotation
in the art from the above discussion, the load arm 78 is of the motor 62 in each direction.
capable of rotation, while the fluid supplying pipe 64 and the The motor is energized for continuous rotation in both
load arm 79 are maintained immovable. directions periodically reversing the direction of rota
For being rotated, the load arm 78 is provided with a gear tion after each period of time preset on the timer 90.
84 which is driven from the gear box 63 (discussed above) The counter 89 indicates number of rotational cycles
by means of a chain drive 85. In a preferred embodiment, the 2 which the swivel joint 10 passes. The overall number of
motor 62 is a 1 HP motor rotating at 1450 rpm. The rotation the rotational cycles (in both directions) corresponds to
rate of the motor 62 is reduced by 3:1 (to 500 rpm) through the required life cycle.
“V” belt 86, and further, through the speed reduction worm The swivel joint 10 is observed visually on subject of the
gear box 63, a 10 rpm rotational rate is provided to a driving leakage. Bubbles of the fluid on the surface swivel joint
pinion 87 of the chain drive 85. The chain drive 85 has a % 10 are evidence of the leakage. For more spectacular
pitch simplex/duplex chain which drives the gear 84 on the 25
load arm 78 (which is a driven gear) and provides a 10:4 results, as best shown in FIG. 4, a capillary 91 is made
speed reduction, resulting in rotation of the load arm 78 at through the wall of the outer member 34 of the female
4 rpm when the motor 62 is energized. It is understood by conduit element 12 slightly above the main seal 21. If
those skilled in the art, that the rotation of the load arm 78 the main seal 21 fails, the fluid 17 under the pressure
causes the rotation of the respective male or female conduit penetrates through the clearance 18 and further pen
element, 11 or 12, attached to the load arm 78 with the same etrates through the capillary 21. An observer will easily
rotational speed and in the same direction as the load arm 78. see the bubbles 92 of the fluid 17 on a surface of the
The motor 62 is a reversible type motor and is provided swivel joint 10 once the leakage occurred.
with a switch 88 changing a direction of rotation or switch The pressure gauges 72 and 73 are monitored. (Pressure
ing the motor off. 35 drop may be the evidence of the leakage.)
Each 360 angular degrees of the respective male or female If the leakage occurs during the test run, the motor 62 is
conduit element (11 or 12) rotation in either direction is switched off, and a serious investigation/study is made
considered a rotational cycle of the swivel joint 10. The of what evoked the leakage and what measures should
number of the rotational cycles passed by the respective
conduit element (11 or 12) in each direction is counted by a be undertaken to remove all reasons causing the before
counter (or rotation cycle indicator) 89. 40 time failure of the swivel joint.
Optionally, a timer 90 is provided for timing the time of The life cycle test discussed below was performed accord
rotation of the motor 62 in each direction. The timer 90 is ing to the teachings of the present invention. The data of the
electrically connected to the switch 88 in order to automati test are shown as the example, and in no way intend to limit
cally reverse a direction of the rotation of the motor 62 after the present invention.
a certain predetermined period of time. 45 PRODUCT UNDER TEST
It will be readily understood by those skilled in the art, Product: Pantograph SS Swivel Joint 10
that since the speed of rotation is maintained constant during Size: 4" (100 mm)
the test, this predetermined period of time always corre Body Material: Stainless Steel 304
sponds to a certain number of rotational cycles; and Seals Material: Main Seals 21 of PTFE with Viton Insert and
accordingly, if desired, the counter 89 and the timer 90 can Secondary seal 22 of Viton
be interchangeable units in the test setup of the present Bearings: Two Ball Bearings 13 and one roller bearing 14
invention. Special feature: The Main PTFE Seal 21 can be replaced by
Optionally, the motor 62 can be switched "OFF" once the removing the removable plug 23 at the bottom 21 of the
swivel joint 10 passed the overall number of the rotational swivel joint 10, without dismantling any bearings.
cycles corresponding to the required life cycle (indicated by 55 Lubrication: Lubricated for life with NO periodical lubrica
the counter 89) or after the timer 90 indicated an overall tion required.
predetermined duration of the test. TEST EQUIPMENTS. UTILIZED DURING THE TEST
Since the speed of the rotation is known (4 rpm) and, Driver Motor 62: Jyotl Ltd. Baroda
during the test, is maintained the same each given instant, Manufacturer & Model No. MEXL 16111 1 HP Type: TEFC
the swivel joint 10 will pass the overall number of the Accuracy: 3 Phase. 1400 RPM. volt 415; amp 212
rotational cycles (10,000) corresponding to the required life Hand Pump:
cycle (10 years) for a certain period of time (10,000 Manufacturer: Associate Engineers
rotations/4 rpm=2.500 min=41.7 hr.). Therefore, either a Model No. R100
number of rotational cycles or a time required for this Capacity: 0-1,500 psi
number of the rotational cycles can be considered a con 65 Hydraulic Jack 58:
trolling parameter for switching "OFF" or reversing the Manufacturer: Vankos & Company. Patna, India
Switch 88. Model No. SS-3/150; 3 tonx6": LIFT
11 12
Gauge 72.73 6. Reverse the direction of rotation.
Manufacture & Model No.: Pre-con. 6": DIAL, Sr. No. 7. Repeat this process continuously for 10,000 cycles (5
Timer 90 Range: 0-30 minute minute/rotation=20 cycles=day constant testing). NO
Manufacturer: L & T
Load Weight: Pr. Gauge It may be desirable to repeat the same basic test with
Manufacture: UDAY different operating pressures and various load moments
Model No. Sr. 3078 0-100 kg/cmg to establish more test data and life cycle information.
Accuracy: 4" Dia.: 0-1500 psi TEST DATA, TEST DATA FORM AND OBSERVA
Accuracy: +2% Information required to be recorded prior to, and during,
Ammeter: the testing of the Panograph Swivel Joint includes:
Accuracy: +2% 1. Fuel Pressure (PSI)
Reduction Gear Ratio: 50:1 2. Moment (Hydraulic jack loadXmoment arm)
Manufacturer: Elecon Engg., India 15 3. Place, Date, time and ambient temperature.
Sr. No. 228897
Model: 3 NU F 2 F 4. Motor voltage and current (to calculate torque required)
PRE-TEST PROCEDURE: 5. Number of turns clockwise (CW)
Prior to beginning the test, the Pantograph Swivel Joint 10 6. Number of turns counter-clockwise (CCW)
should be carefully checked visually that both ball 20 7. Rotational speed (RPMs)
retainer plugs 51.52 on the swivel joint 10 are in proper Throughout the test, the swivel joint will be constantly
place, observed for any indication of leaking.
For the test setup 53, perform a comprehensive visual TEST RESULTS
check of the test setup and ensure that all equipment is The Pantograph Swivel Joint has passed the test without
secured in place. Ensure that the Pantograph swivel any leakage for 10,000 (ten thousand) cycles. Based on this,
joint 10 is properly mounted in the test rig 53. the continuous use life of the swivel joint is established to be
Perform a comprehensive safety check of the test setup 10 years or more.
53, checking in particular, all explosion proof, electri In the preferred embodiment of the present invention, a
cal connections and wiring. the pressurized fitting and control unit 93 will control the test setup during the test as
connection, and all mechanical valves and coupling 30 best shown in FIG. 5. Preferably, the control unit 93 may
(i.e. the reduction gears 63, 86 and chain drive 85). include a programmable logic controller (PLC), and may
Check visually that the pressure on the fluid pressure have a control panel 94 (discussed below and best shown in
gauge (72. 73) indicates that the swivel joint 10 is not FIG. 6). Thermal protection is provided by means of a
pressurized. The test setup is now ready for testing. bi-metallic relay.
The location. date, time, and temperature should be 35 The control unit 93 provides the following control func
recorded prior to starting the test.
Prior to beginning the test, an independent certified test Change direction of drive motor rotation after a fixed
engineer should confirm a Pantograph SwivelJoint; the number of rotations or specific period of time (the time
Test Setup, and the Test Procedure according to the and number of rotations are adjustable);
documentation. 40 Initiate system start/stop operations;
TEST PROCEDURE: and the following monitor functions:
CAUTION: Monitor voltage and current consumed by the motor and
Discontinue pressurizing if the swivel joint or test setup provide indication (light/bellalarm flag). if specific
pipe show any signs of leakage when the pressure is being limits are exceeded.
increased. Monitor pressure of fluid in the swivel joint and terminate
1. Using the hand pump 70, carefully pressurize the operation if pressure is not within specified limits
swivel joint 10 and the fluid supplying pipe 64 to a (limits are adjustable).
pressure of 275 PSI. The control unit 93 also provides data to be displayed on the
control panel 94 such as:
Discontinue the application of force to the simulated Number of operations (cycles) since the start of the test.
"load arm” 79 if the hydraulic jack 58 does not appear to be Number of operations remaining to complete the test.
operating properly. Accumulated time since the start of the test.
2. Preload the swivel joint bearing using the calibrated Time remaining to complete the test.
hydraulic jack 58 to a moment of 31,716 inch/lbs. 55 As best shown in FIG. 6, the control panel 94 houses a
(moment arm is 30 inch, load is 1.057.2 lbs.). voltmeter V (0-500 V); an ampmeter A (0-10 amp);
3. Set the reversing switch 88 on the motor 62 to change optionally, the timer 90 (0-30 min.); the digital counter 89
the direction of rotation every five minutes complete (5 digits. 0-99999); a pressure switch PS; a pair of push
rotations of the fluid supplying pipe 64. buttons PB for test cycle start and finish; a voltmeter selector
CAUTION: switch VS; a selector switch AM (AUTOMANUAL);
Remove power from the motor 62 immediately if the forward push button FWD; reverse push button REV; and
motor 62 or the drive mechanism does not appear to be pilot lamps: blue (B), yellow (Y) and red (R) indicating that
operating properly. the motor rotates in forward, or reverse direction, or that the
4. Apply power to the 1 HP drive motor 62 and record the power is OFF due to certain conditions (for example.
voltage and current. 65 leakage).
5. Rotate the fluid supplying pipe 64 at 4 RPM for twenty Again, as shown in FIGS. 5 and 6, the counter 89, counts
complete rotations (for five minutes). the number of rotational cycles of the swivel joint. The
13 14
pressure switch PS cuts off the power supply as soon as the maintaining either one of said male and female conduit
pressure in the swivel joint drops to unacceptable lower elements immovable, while continuously rotating
limits for instance from 275 psi to 265 psi, that indicates that another one of said male and female conduit elements
the leakage occurred. Number of cycles performed before in a given direction and for a predetermined number of
the failure is displayed on the counter 89. It is also possible rotational cycles, and periodically reversing the direc
to set a certain number of cycles for the test and to check tion of rotation after a predetermined time period
whether the failure occurred prior to the test has been during the life cycle testings.
accomplished. The voltmeter V and ampermeter Ameasure wherein said another one of the female and male conduit
voltage and current consumed by the motor 62 and indicate elements is rotated at approximately 4 rpm.
if the specific limits are exceeded. The voltage and current 10 4. For testing a swivel joint comprising coaxially rotating
can be recorded at specific intervals (15 min., 30 min... and male and female conduit elements, respectively, wherein a
So on). clearance exists therebetween which is sealed to prevent a
Obviously, many modifications may be made without leakage of a fluid therethrough, and wherein a leakage may
departing from the basic spirit of the present invention.
Accordingly, it will be appreciated by those skilled in the art occur following the useful life of the swivel joint, a method
that within the scope of the appended claims, the invention 15 for life cycle testing of said swivel joint, comprising the
may be practiced other than has been specifically described steps of:
herein. supplying the fluid under a certain pressure to the swivel
I claim: joint and applying a predetermined mechanical load
1. For testing a swivel joint comprising coaxially rotating thereto;
male and female conduit elements, respectively, wherein a maintaining either one of said male and female conduit
clearance exists therebetween which is sealed to prevent a elements immovable, while continuously rotating
leakage of a fluid therethrough, and wherein a leakage may another one of said male and female conduit elements
occur following the useful life of the swivel joint, a method in a given direction and for a predetermined number of
for life cycle testing of said swivel joint, comprising the rotational cycles, and periodically reversing the direc
steps of: tion of rotation after a predetermined time period
Supplying the fluid under a certain pressure to the swivel during the life cycle testings,
joint and applying a predetermined mechanical load wherein the fluid is supplied to the swivel joint under a
thereto; pressure of approximately 275 psi.
maintaining either one of said male and female conduit 30 5. For testing a swivel joint comprising coaxially rotating
elements immovable, while continuously rotating male and female conduit elements, respectively, wherein a
another one of said male and female conduit elements clearance exists therebetween which is sealed to prevent a
in a given direction and for a predetermined number of leakage of a fluid therethrough, and wherein a leakage may
rotational cycles, and periodically reversing the direc occur following the useful life of the swivel joint, a method
tion of rotation after a predetermined time period 35 for life cycle testing of said swivel joint, comprising the
during the life cycle testings; steps of:
wherein the direction of rotation is reversed after approxi supplying the fluid under a certain pressure to the swivel
mately five minutes. joint and applying a predetermined mechanical load
2. For testing a swivel joint comprising coaxially rotating thereto;
male and female conduit elements, respectively, wherein a maintaining either one of said male and female conduit
clearance exists therebetween which is sealed to prevent a elements immovable, while continuously rotating
leakage of a fluid therethrough, and wherein a leakage may another one of said male and female conduit elements
occur following the useful life of the swivel joint, a method in a given direction and for a predetermined number of
for life cycle testing of said swive joint, comprising the rotational cycles, and periodically reversing the direc
steps of: 45 tion of rotation after a predetermined time period
supplying the fluid under a certain pressure to the swivel during the life cycle testings,
joint and applying a predetermined mechanical load wherein the mechanical load applied to the swivel joint is
thereto; approximately three tons.
maintaining either one of said male and female conduit 6. For testing a swivel joint comprising coaxially rotating
elements immovable, while continuously rotating 50
male and female conduit elements, respectively, wherein a
another one of said male and female conduit elements
in a given direction and for a predetermined number of clearance exists therebetween which is sealed to prevent a
rotational cycles. and periodically reversing the direc leakage of a fluid therethrough, and wherein a leakage may
tion of rotation after a predetermined time period occur following the useful life of the swivel joint, a method
during the life cycle testings. 55
for life cycle testing of said swivel joint, comprising the
steps of:
wherein the direction of rotation is reversed after approxi supplying the fluid under a certain pressure to the swivel
mately ten minutes. joint and applying a predetermined mechanical load
3. For testing a swivel joint comprising coaxially rotating thereto;
male and female conduit elements. respectively, wherein a
clearance exists therebetween which is sealed to prevent a maintaining either one of said male and female conduit
leakage of a fluid therethrough, and wherein a leakage may elements immovable, while continuously rotating
occur following the useful life of the swivel joint, a method another one of said male and female conduit elements
for life cycle testing of said swivel joint, comprising the in a given direction and for a predetermined number of
steps of: rotational cycles, and periodically reversing the direc
supplying the fluid under a certain pressure to the swivel 65 tion of rotation after a predetermined time period
joint and applying a predetermined mechanical load during the life cycle testings.
thereto: further comprising the steps of:
providing an auxiliary swivel joint, 14. The apparatus of claim 11, wherein said first and
providing first and second load arms, second conduit elements constitute a male and female con
attaching one end of the first load arm to the swivel duit elements, and wherein the swivel joint under the test
joint, further includes:
joining another end of the first load arm and the second 5 a main seal, and
load arm through said auxiliary swivel joint,
providing a hydraulic jack and a second pressure a removable plug within the female conduit element
gauge, wherein the hydraulic jack supports the sec maintaining the main seal in proper position for bridg
ond load arm and applies said predetermined ing said clearance between the female and male conduit
mechanical load to the swivel joint under the test 10
elements, such that the plug is easily removed once the
through said first and second load arms. and wherein main seal is to be replaced, and is installed back in
the second pressure gauge monitors said mechanical place once the main seal has been replaced.
load. 15. The swivel joint of claim 14. wherein the male conduit
7. The method of claim 6, further including the step of element includes a generally cylindrical inner member hav
providing a means for rotating the first load arm, thereby ing an outer surface and further having a first passage
driving said another one of the female and male conduit 15 portion extending axially therethrough;
elements of the swivel joint under the test. wherein the female conduit element includes a generally
8. The method of claim 7, wherein said means for rotating cylindrical outer member having first and second inter
the first load arm includes a reversible motor, a gear on the nal bores extending axially therethrough a first length
first load arm and a speed reducing means between the and a second length thereof, respectively, the second
reversible motor and the gear on the first load arm, such that internal bore being of a larger diameter than the first
the speed of rotation of the first load arm is approximately internal bore, such that the sum of said first length and
4 rpm.
9. The method of claim 8, wherein said reversible motor of said second length constitutes the length of the outer
rotates at approximately 1450 rpm. member;
10. The method of claim 6, wherein said another one of 25 wherein the plug includes a generally cylindrical body
the female and male conduit elements has a flange, wherein and an annular elevated portion integral therewith, a
a blind flange is provided at said one end of the first load arm second passage portion extending axially therethrough,
opposite to the auxiliary swivel joint, and wherein the flange wherein the generally cylindrical body has a first outer
on the swivel joint and the blind flange on the first load arm surface and an upper surface, and wherein the annular
are attached to each other. elevated portion has a second outer surface;
11. An apparatus for life cycle testing of a swivel joint wherein, when the first internal bore of the female conduit
having first and second relatively rotating conduit elements element receives the inner member of the male conduit
having a clearance therebetween which is sealed to prevent element and the second internal bore of the female
leakage through said clearance, the apparatus comprising: element receives the general cylindrical body of the
a rigid test bench having a horizontal platform with first 35 plug, then said first passage portion in the male conduit
and second ends thereof, a pipe support at the first end element in communication with said second passage
and a jack at the second end of the platform, portion in the plug define a continuous passage for the
a fluid supplying pipe horizontally supported by the pipe fluid to be transformed through said swivel joint.
support. 16. The swivel joint of claim 15, wherein at least one
an auxiliary swivel joint, 40 bearing element is provided between the inner member of
first and second load arms connected by said auxiliary the male conduit element and the outer member of the
swivel joint and supported horizontally and co-axially female conduit element for rotatably engagement
with the fluid supplying pipe, wherein the fluid sup therebetween,
plying pipe and the second load arm are maintained wherein said clearance is formed between the outer sur
immovable, while the first load arm is capable of 45 face of the inner member of the male conduit element
reversible rotation. and and said first internal bore of the outer element of the
a rotating means driving the first load arm to reversibly female conduit element,
Otate wherein said at least one bearing element may be con
the swivel joint under the test being attached by the first taminated by the fluid transported through the swivel
conduit element to the fluid supplying pipe and by the 50 joint entering said clearance,
second conduit element to the first load arm, such that, wherein the inner member of the male conduit element
during the test, the second conduit of the swivel joint has a proximal end, and
under the test is continuously rotated a predetermined wherein the main seal is-supported by the removable plug
number of rotational cycles, such that the direction of in tight sealing engagement between the upper surface
rotation is reversed after a predetermined time period. 55 of the cylindrical body of the plug and the proximal end
12. The apparatus of claim 11. wherein said rotating of the inner member of the male conduit element, and
means includes a reversible motor mounted on the platform, between the second outer surface of the annular
a gear on the first load arm, and means between the elevated portion of the cylindrical body of the plug and
reversible motor and the gear for reducing the motor speed the first internal bore within the outer member of the
to a rotational speed required for the test. female conduit element, such that the main seal pre
13. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein the reversible vents the fluid transported through the swivel joint from
motor is a 1 HP motor rotating at 1450 rpm, and wherein the entering said clearance.
rotation of the motor is conveyed to the gear on the first load 17. The swivel joint of claim 15. wherein the main seal is
arm through a 3:1 reduction gear, speed reduction form gear a lip-type seal comprising a substantially annular body made
box and a chain drive. in sequence, such that the second 65 of an elastomeric material surrounding the annular elevated
conduit element of the swivel joint under the test is rotated portion of the removable body and having an inward lip
at 4 rpm. portion and an outer lip portion, such that the inward lip
17 18
portion faces the second outer surface of the annular 27. The apparatus of claim 26 further comprising a
elevated portion of the plug, and such that the outer lip controlling means switching the motor "OFF" after a pre
portion engages the first internal bore of the outer member determined period of time.
of the female conduit element. 28. The apparatus of claim 27, wherein the jack at the
18. The swivel joint of claim 16, wherein said inner second end of the platform is a hydraulic jack which
member of the male conduit element includes a distal end provides a predetermined mechanical load applied to the
spaced from said proximal end thereof, wherein a first swivel joint under the test, and wherein a second pressure
annular flange is provided at said distal end, wherein said gauge monitors said mechanical load.
outer member of the female conduit element has first and 29. The apparatus of claim 11, further comprising a means
second ends. said first end engaging said first annular flange. O
to count a number of rotational cycles the swivel joint has
wherein a second seal is provided between the first annular been subjected to.
flange of the male conduit element and the first end of the 30. The apparatus of claim 29, further comprising a
outer member of the female conduit element preventing an controlling means reversing the motor after a predetermined
outer contamination from entering to said at least one number of said rotational cycles.
bearing element. 15
31. The apparatus of claim 11, wherein the first load arm
19. The swivel joint of claim 15, wherein said first outer is provided with a blind flange for being attached to the
surface of the cylindrical body of the plug is provided with
external threads, and wherein a second internal bore of the second conduit element of the swivel joint under the test.
outer member of the female conduit element is provided 32. The apparatus of claim 11, wherein the predetermined
with internal threads, such that the removable plug thread number of rotational cycles during the continuous rotation of
ably engages the female conduit element. the second conduit element of the swivel joint is indicative
20. The swivel joint of claim 18, wherein the swivel joint of a required life cycle thereof.
interconnects pipe sections of articulated fluid transfer 33. The method for measuring leakage of a fluid from a
equipment, wherein said second end of the outer member of swivel joint following the useful life of such swivel joint,
the female conduit element includes a second annular flange, 25 wherein coaxial rotating male and female conduit elements
and wherein said first and second annular flanges engage have a sealed clearance therebetween, and wherein the fluid
respective pipe sections to be connected. is supplied under a certain pressure while a predetermined
21. The swivel joint of claim 16, wherein said at least one mechanical load is applied to the swivel joint, the improve
bearing element is a ball bearing system. ment which comprises the steps of rotating the swivel joint
22. The swivel joint of claim 16, wherein said at least one 30 in a reverse direction after five or ten minutes at 4 rpm,
bearing element is a roller bearing system. supplying the fluid to the swivel joint under a pressure of
23. The swivel joint of claim 16, wherein said at least one 275 psi, and applying a mechanical pressure of three tons to
bearing element includes ball-and-roller bearing system. the swivel joint; and wherein said test method further
24. The swivel joint of claim 14. wherein the removable comprises the steps of providing an auxiliary swivel joint, a
plug is an integral member made either of carbon steel, 35 first load arm attached to the swivel joint at one end, a
stainless steel or an alloyed material. second load arm joined with the other end of such first load
25. The apparatus of claim 11, further including means for arm through the auxiliary swivel joint, and a hydraulic jack
supplying the fluid to the swivel joint under the test through to support the second load arm and deliver the mechanical
the fluid supply pipe under a required pressure. load to the swivel joint through such first and second load
26. The apparatus of claim 25. further including a first 2S,
pressure gauge monitoring the pressure of the fluid in the
swivel joint under the test.
PATENT NO. : 5,753,799
DATED ; May 19, 1998
it is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said letters Patent is hereby
corrected as shown below:

Column 8, line 54, "The area of the piston=TL =nf4 d = 0.7854 d" should read
---the area of the piston=a-TL/4d=0.7854d’--.

Signed and Sealed this

Twenty-ninth Day of June, 1999


Attesting Officer Acting Commissioner af Patents and Trademarks

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