English Task The Summery of Health Illness, Part of The Body, Medical Practicioners, Oncology and X-Ray & CT Scan
English Task The Summery of Health Illness, Part of The Body, Medical Practicioners, Oncology and X-Ray & CT Scan
English Task The Summery of Health Illness, Part of The Body, Medical Practicioners, Oncology and X-Ray & CT Scan
Nim : 1701076
2. Sickness
Sickness has a similar meaning to illness. It is also used in the names
of a few specific diseases, for example sleeping sikness and travel sickness.
Patients also talk about sickness when they mean nausea and vomiting.
3. Recovery
When patients return to normal health after illness, they have
recovered. We can also say :
1. Jaw = mandible
2. Neck = cervical
3. Shuolder = shuolder
4. Armpit = axilla
5. Upper Arm = humerus
6. Elbow = elbow / cubiti
7. Back = back
8. Buttock = nates
9. Wrist = wrist
10. Thigh = femur
11. Calf = calf
12. Shin = cruris
13. Chest = chest
14. Breast = mammae
15. Stomach = abdomen
16. Navel = umbilicus
17. Hip = hip
18. Groin = inguinal
19. Kneecap = knee
Axilla Armpit
carpus Wrist
Coxa Hip
Cubitus Elbow
Mamma Breast
Nates Buttock
Abdomen Stomach
a. Practitioners
In britain, doctors, also known as medical practitioners, must be qualified: have a
university degree in medicine.
b. Specialties
Specialist doctors, for example paediatricians, generally work in hospitals.
A cardiologist (seorang dokter jantung)
Cardiology (objek jantung)
Doctor is divided two are : medical practicioner or clinician and general
Medical practicionre or clinician is a doctor who treats patients, as opposed to
one who only does research.
General practicioner is a doctor who provides primary care for patients.
c. Choosing speciality
a. Neoplasms
A neoplasms is an abnormal new growth of tissue. Malignant neoplasms-
cancers- are likely to spread and cause serious illness or death. Benign neoplasms
do not spread and are less harmful.
A lump or swelling is a collection of tissue or fluid which is visible or palpable-
can be palpated or felt with the fingers.
Mallignant tumors are characterized by rapid growth and invasiveness. The
tumor may invade local tissues or may spread to distant parts of the body
(metastasis). Neoplasms which are the result of metastasis are called secondaries,
as opposed to the original tumour which is primary.
b. Symptoms and signs of malignancy
The symptoms of mallignant disease may be related to the size and locatons
of the tumour. For example, a space occupying lesion in the brain causes raised
intracranial pressure and symptoms such as headache, vomitting, or visual
c. Treatments of tumors
A tumour can sometimes be completely removed or excised by surgery. It
may be possible to destroy it by radiotheraphy or by chemotheraphy.
Verb Noun (s) adj
Cure Cure Curative
Excise Excision -
Invans Invansition Invansive
Obstruc Obstruction obstructive
Palliate Palliation Palliative
Palpab Palpabletion palpable
Spread Spread Spreading
Swell Swell/swelling swelling
X-Ray and CT