Pseudomonas Aeruginosa - Pathogenesis and Pathogenic Mechanisms
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa - Pathogenesis and Pathogenic Mechanisms
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa - Pathogenesis and Pathogenic Mechanisms
2; 2015
ISSN 1916-9671 E-ISSN 1916-968X
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Received: December 9, 2014 Accepted: January 3, 2015 Online Published: February 3, 2015
doi:10.5539/ijb.v7n2p44 URL:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common bacterium, Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen capable of infecting
humans with compromised natural defenses and causing severe pulmonary disease. It is one of the leading
pathogen associated with nosocomial infections. It has a vast arsenal of pathogenicity factors that are used to
interfere with host defenses. Pathogenesis in P. aeruginosa facilitates adhesion, modulate or disrupt host cell
pathways, and target the extracellular matrix. The propensity of P. aeruginosa to form biofilms further protects it
from antibiotics and the host immune system. P. aeruginosa is intrinsically resistant to a large number of
antibiotics and can be acquired resistance to many others, making treatment difficult. P. aeruginosa provokes a
potent inflammatory response during the infectious process. The majority of mortalities in immunocompromised
patients; cystic fibrosis, can be attributed to the progressive decline of lung function resulting from chronic
infection by pathogens such as P. aeruginosa. Antibiotic treatment of chronic P. aeruginosa infections may
temporarily suppress symptoms; however, they do not eradicate the pathogen. Lung diseases caused by P.
aeruginosa are a leading cause of death in immunocompromised individuals as well as in children. Although
immunocytes recruitment is critical to augment the host defense, excessive neutrophil accumulation results in
life-threatening diseases, such as acute lung injury, as well as acute respiratory distress syndrome. Several
virulence factors have been studied for their roles as potential vaccine candidate, although there is currently no
clinically accepted vaccine. Understanding host-pathogen interaction is critical for the development of effective
therapeutic strategies to control the damage in the lung.
Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, nosocomial infection, virulence factors, antibiotic resistance, cystic fibrosis
P. aeruginosa is a motile, non-fermenting, Gram-negative organism belonging to the family Pseudomonadaceae.
In 1850s, Sédillot observed that a blue-green discharge was frequently present and associated with infection in
surgical wound dressings (Lyczak, Cannon, & Pier, 2000). The infectious organism has a rod-shaped and
blue-green pigmented bacterium (Lartigau, 1898). By 1961, the ability of this organism to cause both severe
acute and chronic infections was recognized (Freeman, 1916). In 1960s, P. aeruginosa emerged as an important
human pathogen (Doggett, 1979). Despite anti-pseudomonas activity being one of the pharmaceutical drug
discoveries for several decades. It remains one of the most recalcitrant and difficult to treat organisms.
Accordingly, P. aeruginosa result has achieved Superbug status.
At 6.3 million base pair (Mbp), P. aeruginosa genome is markedly as a large genome (encoding 5567 genes)
compared to 4.64 Mbp (4279 genes) in Escherichia coli K12, 2.81 Mbp (2594 genes) in Staphylococcus aureus
N315, and 1.83 Mbp (1714 genes) in Haemophilus influenza Rd. Also, the proportion of predicted regulatory genes
in P. aeruginosa genome is greater than in all other sequenced bacterial genomes (Stover et al., 2000; Lambert,
2002), thus lending to its adaptability to varying environments. P. aeruginosa has a broad range of growth substrate,
minimal nutrient requirements; non-fastidious microorganisms (Favero, Carson, Bond, & Petersen, 1971). The
organism is tolerant of temperatures as high as 50ºC and is capable of growing under aerobic conditions, as well as
anaerobic conditions (van Hartingsveldt & Stouthamer, 1973). Despite possessing a large number of virulence
factors. In spite of this, P. aeruginosa is truly a challenging pathogen in the hospital setting as it is resistant to many
antibiotics. Also, it is capable of forming hardy biofilms, both within the body and on the surfaces of medical
instruments (Consterton, Stewart, & Greenberg, 1999; Hancock, 1998, Moreau-Marquis, Stanton, & O’Toole,
2008). P. aeruginosa continues to be problematic from a treatment perspective.
44 International Journal of Biology Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
P. aeruginosa is armed with potent virulence factors. Although ubiquitously present in the environment, P.
aeruginosa never causes disease in an immunocompetent host as the immune system effectively prevents the
infection. However, the pathogen causes severe infections in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients. In CF, a genetic
defect in lung innate immunity underlies the development of persistent infection with P. aeruginosa that
gradually leads to irreversible tissue damage. Several conserved microbial structures in P. aeruginosa are
recognized by Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and NOD-like receptors (NLRs); which have been implicated in
activating the host innate immune responses to P. aeruginosa (DiMango, Zar, Bryan, & Prince, 1995; Skerrett,
Wilson, Liggitt, & Hajjar, 2007).
There are a number of clinical diseases associated with P. aeruginosa infection. However, P. aeruginosa is an
opportunistic organism infecting; burn, CF, leukemic, transplant, neutropenic, long-term urinary catheters, and
diabetic patients as well intravenous drug abusers.
1. Nosocomial Infection Due to P. aeruginosa
Nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections are those not present or incubating at the time of hospital admission,
but usually develop post-admission. The 2006-7 report by National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) at the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ranked P. aeruginosa as the sixth most common healthcare
associated pathogen-causing infection. Also, it is typically found at even higher rank in studies focused on the
intensive care unit (ICU). The NHSN reports that in United States in 2006-7, 8% of all hospital-associated
infections were due to P. aeruginosa, with P. aeruginosa causing 3% of central line-associated bloodstream
infections, 6% of surgical site infections, 10% of catheter-associated urinary tract infection and 16% of
ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) infections (Hidron et al., 2008). Mechanical ventilation, antibiotic
therapy, surgery, and chemotherapy are the major predisposing factors contributing to the acquisition of a P.
aeruginosa infection in the hospital (Thuong et al., 2003). It is worth noting however that difficulties in
treatment of such infections and the associated morbidity and mortality, have made P. aeruginosa on of the most
feared hospital pathogens.
1.1 Burn Wound Infections
P. aeruginosa is the leading cause of invasive infections in burn patients; 75% of all deaths in patients with
severe burn are related to sepsis from invasive burn wound infection (Baker, Miller, & Trunkey, 1979; Bang,
Sharma, Sanyal, & Najjadah 2002; Barrow, Spies, Barrow, & Herndom, 2004). In addition to wounded skin
injury, inhalation injury is common in burn patients. This results in edema and sloughing of the respiratory tract
mucosa and impairment of the normal mucociliary clearance mechanism, thus making these patients more
susceptible to upper respiratory tract infections as well as P. aeruginosa pneumonia (Church, Elsayed, Reid,
Winston, & Lindsay, 2006).
Although Gram-positive organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyrogens are typically the
first microorganisms to colonize the site of infection, after that other microbes including P. aeruginosa being to
colonize these wounds (Altoparlak, Erol, Akcay, Celebi, & Kadanali, 2004; MacMillan, 1980). Success with
early wound excision practices was shown to contribute to the prevention of invasive infections disseminating
from the wound site (Barret & Herndon, 2003). Animal studies of partial-thickness cutaneous burns showed that
mature biofilms could develop in 48 to 72 hours, indicating a major potential source of further difficulties in
antimicrobial therapy at these sites (Trafny, 1998).
In addition to the P. aeruginosa virulence factors that undoubtedly contribute to the success of P. aeruginosa as
a pathogen in the burn patients, described later, the impairment of host immunity, beyond simple loss of the
skin’s physical barrier, plays a role in enhancing susceptibility to infection. Recent studies have demonstrated
that thermal injury causes impaired production of the host defense peptides β-defensins in the tissues
surrounding the wound. These immunomodulatory peptides have been proposed to play an important role in
primary defense against P. aeruginosa and synthetic β-defensin was recently shown to be protective against P.
aeruginosa infection in a burned mouse model (Kobayashi et al., 2008).
1.2 Bacteremia
P. aeruginosa is among the five leading causes of nosocomial bacteremia and frequently leads to sepsis. In the
1960s and early 1970s, aminoglycosides and polymyxins were the only options for treatment of P. aeruginosa
bacteremia but were found to be fairly ineffective for these infections. Mortality of greater than 50% was reported
when mortality was used as the end point (Fishman & Armstrong, 1972; Whitecar, Luna, & Bodey, 1970), and was
as high as 70% in febrile neutropenic patients (Bodey, Jadeja, & Elting, 1985). Despite the introduction of effective
anti-pseudomonal β-lactams and the associated reduction in mortality rates, P. aeruginosa bacteremia is still one of
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the most feared nosocomial infections. These infections are generally associated with higher mortality than with
other infecting pathogens, and persistence, particularly related to device-related bacteremia, continues to plague
patients (Rello, Ricart, Mirelis, Quintana, Gurgui, Net, & Prats, 1994).
The main distinguishing feature of P. aeruginosa sepsis is the presence of ecthyma gangrenous, and these
infarcted skin lesions occur only in markedly neutropenic patients (Pier & Ramphal, 2005). When P. aeruginosa
disseminates from a site of local infection, it gains access to the bloodstream by breaking down epithelial and
endothelial tissue barriers (Kurahashi et al., 1999). To evade the bactericidal activity of the serum complement,
P. aeruginosa produces a smooth lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (Hancock et al., 1983; Pier & Ames, 1984);
full-length O side-chain of the bacteria.
1.3 Hospital-Associated Pneumonia
The human respiratory tract presents a favorable environment to which P. aeruginosa has become particularly
well adapted. P. aeruginosa has the formidable ability to cause both chronic infections in the lung of CF patients
and acute nosocomial pneumonia (Blondel-Hill and Fryters, 2006). Animal model studies of P. aeruginosa
pneumonia have demonstrated the involvement in virulence of proteases, flagella, pili and LPS O side chains as
well as the delivery of the extracellular toxins ExoS, ExoT and ExoU via a type III secretion system (T3SS). For
example, administration of anti-pcrV antibodies blocking the T3SS has been shown to offer protection against
acute P. aeruginosa pneumonia when tested in animal studies (Faure et al., 2003; Shime et al., 2001).
1.4 Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
P. aeruginosa is commonly found to be the first or second major pathogen causing VAP (Hidron et. al., 2008). It
is the most common multidrug resistance pathogen involved in this disease and recovery rate of P. aeruginosa is
increased with increased duration of mechanical ventilation. In addition to being amongst the most common
pathogens causing VAP, P. aeruginosa is also amongst the most lethal pathogens, since reports suggest up to
70-80% mortality when the organism remains confined to the lung (Chastre & Fagon, 2002), with directly
attributable mortality rates reaching 38% (Fagon et al., 1993).
2. P. aeruginosa Infections in Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is; an autosomal receive genetic disorder, the most common fatal genetic disease. CF is
caused by a mutation in a gene on chromosome 7 known as CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance
regulator). Most common mutant allele is ΔF508 (or F508del) mutation, which is a three-nucleotide deletion of a
phenylalanine residue and subsequent defective intracellular processing of the CFTR protein that is an important
chloride channel (Bobadilla, Fine, & Farrell, 2002). CF is affecting 1:2,500 in the Caucasian population (Ratjen
& Doring, 2003). CF is multi-system disease, which affects mainly lung and digestive system. Most CF-related
deaths are due to lung disease (Bobadilla, Fine, & Farrell, 2002).
Mortality in this afflicted population is mainly attributed to chronic respiratory infections and the associated
gradual deterioration of lung function. There are several pathogens known to play a role in CF lung infection,
with Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenzae being the predominant pathogens colonizing in infancy
and early childhood, and eventual replacement by P. aeruginosa. However, P. aeruginosa is often isolated from
patients less than 2 years of age and is the most predominant concern in adults (Gibson, Burns, & Ramsey, 2003;
Hudson, Wielinski, & Regelmann, 1993). Up to 90% of individuals suffering from CF become infected with P.
aeruginosa during their lifetime, and this organism is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among those
patients. It is dominant pathogen in chronic lung infection in CF. In the majority of cases, colonization of the CF
airway by P. aeruginosa leads to a chronic infection that is resistant to antimicrobial therapy (MacEachran et al.,
2007; Döring et al., 2014). Chronic colonization and infection with P. aeruginosa is an inevitable reality for the
majority of adults with CF, as over 80% of adults over the age of 18 years return positive cultures for P.
aeruginosa (Hodson, 2000). The nature of this disease is critical in understanding why P. aeruginosa dominates
as the primary pathogen in CF patients and so host pathology is addressed below.
The defective gene involved in CF encodes for CFTR resulting in pathological changes in organs that express
CFTR, including lungs. In a normal airway epithelial cell, the gene encoding for CFTR, regulates the transport of
chloride, sodium, and water. Abnormalities of the CFTR gene product lead to a thick and dehydrated mucous
secretion that impairs mucociliary clearance of bacterial pathogens (Collins, 1992). In the normal lung, the
mucus layers function in binding and clearance of inhaled pathogen, and although the bacterial load can be quite
high in the upper airways, the lower airways remain free of bacteria (Bals, Weiner, & Wilson, 1999). Due to the
characteristic thickened mucus associated with CF lung disease, and resulting an inability of ciliary beating to
remove the mucus, invading pathogens become trapped in the mucus layer. As a result, a constant presence of
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bacteria with expression pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) leads to chronic inflammation,
consequently damaging the epithelial surface (Donaldson et al., 2006; Greene et al., 2005; Kolberg, Mossberg,
Afzelius, Philipson, & Camner, 1978).
A novel concept of host susceptibility emerged that the epithelial cells use CFTR as a receptor for internalization
of P. aeruginosa and subsequent removal of bacteria from the airway surface (Pier, Grout, & Zaidi, 1997; Pier et
al., 1996). Accordingly, CFTR is considered as a pattern recognition molecule that extracts P. aeruginosa LPS
from the organism’s surface into epithelial cells (Schroeder et al., 2002). The prevention of CFTR-P. aeruginosa
interactions led to decrease bacterial clearance and increased bacterial burdens in the lungs.
2.1 Adaptation Occurring During Chronic Infection
CF patients frequently become colonized in the upper airways by unrelated environmental isolates of P.
aeruginosa (Salunkhe et al., 2005; Speert et al., 2002). During the process of infection, a number of adaptations
occur leading to the characteristic persistence and antibiotic resistance of isolates found from chronic infection.
Amongst the most common adaptations of P. aeruginosa found in CF isolates, is the conversion to mucoid
phenotype due to overexpression of alginate (Govan & Deretic, 1996). Environmental isolates usually present a
non-mucoid phenotype, as P. aeruginosa penetrates the thickened mucus lining of the airways, travelling down
the oxygen gradient, increased expression of alginate and a switch to a mucoid phenotype occur (Grimwood,
1992; Starner & McCray, 2005). This phenotype often occurs coincidently with the establishment of chronic
infection and becomes stabilized by regulatory mutations as described earlier. The mucoid form of P. aeruginosa
is associated with 90% of P. aeruginosa CF infections compared to only 2% of P. aeruginosa non-CF infections
(Doggett, 1969; Doggett, Harrison, & Carter, 1971). This phenotype is often coordinately regulated with a loss
of flagella by the alternative sigma factor AlgT (Tart, Wolfgang, & Wozniak, 2005). The loss of flagella causes
not only loss of motility, but also decreased activation of host inflammatory mediators (Cobb, Mychaleckyj,
Wozniak, & Lopez-Boado, 2004).
Other easily identified morphological adaptations of P. aeruginosa include the switch from smooth to rough
colony morphology and the appearance of small colony variants. The rough colony morphology is representative
of strains that have lost the LPS O-antigen (Hancock et al., 1983). As the O-antigen is the immunodominant
portion of the LPS, this adaptation leads to a less virulent phenotype. It also makes rough isolates more
susceptible to complement killing and perhaps explains in part why these organisms virtually never cause
invasive infections. Modifications to the lipid A moiety of the LPS are also observed. These include the addition
of palmitate, aminoarabinose and the retention of 3-hydroxydecanoate (Ernst et al., 2007). The small colony
phenotype is less well understood but is of considerable interest as these isolates exhibit increased antibiotic
resistance. Isolates exhibiting this phenotype have been found to be hyperpiliated with increased abilities in
twitching and biofilm formation, and with decreased ability for swimming (Haussler et al., 2003).
Another phenotype of relevance to antimicrobial therapy and resistance is the hypermutator phenotype, which is
frequently observed in CF isolates, but less commonly in nosocomial isolates of P. aeruginosa (Oliver, Canton,
Campo, Baquero, & Blazquez, 2000). This phenotype, characterized by an up to 1000-fold increased mutation
frequency, has been attributed to mutations in genes encoding DNA replication and repair mechanisms, such as
mutS, mutL, and mutY. Most importantly, these hypermutator isolates can develop mutational resistance more
readily during a course of antimicrobial therapy than do non-mutator isolates. The hypermutator phenotype can
give rise to a variety of mixed morphologies within the lung, including those described above (Hogardt et al.,
2007). These diverse populations can colonize or infect different compartments within the lung and often have
variable antimicrobial susceptibilities with virulence properties (Foweraker, Laughton, Brown, & Bilton, 2005;
Irvin, Govan, Fyfe, & Costerton, 1981; MacLeod et al., 2000; Pai & Nahata, 2001).
Comparison of P. aeruginosa isolates from the CF lung to strains from non-CF patients showed clearly that CF
isolates tend to demonstrate an overproduction of β-lactamase, loss of OprD and an overproduction of MexXY.
This efflux pump overproduction leads to high-level aminoglycoside resistance and the overproduction of this
and other efflux systems also lead to quinolone resistance, amongst which MexCD-OprJ was the most frequent
(Henrichfreise, Wiegand, Pfister, & Wiedemann, 2007).
2.2 Antimicrobial Therapy for Treatment of P. aeruginosa
P. aeruginosa isolates from CF patients frequently develop multi-drug resistance. Combination therapy can be
used to avoid resistance development and to exploit the synergistic effects of the bactericidal antibiotics. The use
of aerosols allows for drugs to be delivered directly to the lung in CF patients and a number of antibiotics
including gentamicin, tobramycin, colistin, ceftazidime, carbenicillin aztreonam and amikacin have been
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administered as aerosols to CF patients, although approved formulation and adequate controlled studies have not
been performed on most of these (Hodson, Penketh, & Batten, 1981; Stead, Hodson, & Batten, 1987).
2.2.1 Antimicrobial Therapy for Colonization and Initial Infection
Eradication of P. aeruginosa from the CF lung is possible only in the early stages of colonization. At this point,
the bacterial load tends to be low, and the organism is non-mucoid and has not begun to undergo significant
morphological changes. Aggressive antimicrobial treatment upon first isolation of P. aeruginosa has been
demonstrated in most cases to delay and occasionally prevent the onset of chronic infections resulting in a better
quality of life and a greater life expectancy (Nixon et al., 2001; Rosenfeld, Ramsey, & Gibson, 2003). Successful
eradicating is judged by the observation of at least three consecutive negative cultures at intervals of at least
month. After one year of negative cultures following the onset of antimicrobial therapy, any isolation of P.
aeruginosa is considered to represent a new isolate (Gibson, Burns, & Ramsey, 2003). Aggressive antimicrobial
use at the early stage has proven in certain cases to be successful, with a number of patients having remained
culture negative for P. aeruginosa for several years after treatment (Frederiksen & Hoiby, 1997; Ratjen, Doring,
& Nikolaizik, 2001).
2.2.2 Antimicrobial Therapy for Chronic Infections
Once chronic infection has been established by P. aeruginosa, the high bacterial load present in the lung, as well
as the phenotypic changes occurring in the pathogen complicates antimicrobial therapy. The high bacterial load
and thickened mucus are barriers to the attainment of sufficient exposure of the entire bacterial population to
bactericidal concentrations of antibiotics (Mendelman et al., 1985). Administration of insufficient concentrations
of antibiotics adds increased selective pressure for resistant phenotypes, thereby enhancing the diversity of the
population, lending further difficulties to effective treatment (MacLeod et al., 2000; Pai & Nahata, 2001).
Antimicrobial therapy is used during chronic infections in CF for two main purposes: maintenance therapy and
treatment of acute exacerbations of infection (Doring et al., 2000). Maintenance therapy is recommended for CF
patients with chronic P. aeruginosa infections in order to reduce bacterial load and maintain overall lung
function. Unfortunately, a number of side effects are associated with long-term antimicrobial use including loss
of hearing, increased cough, alterations of the voice, and the appearance of antibiotic resistant strains. The use of
on/off cycles of intermittent drug administration led to the reduced occurrence of these side effects (Ramsey et
al., 1999).
3. Pathogenesis and Major Virulence Factors
Pathogenesis in P. aeruginosa is mediated by multiple bacterial virulence factors that facilitate adhesion and/or
disrupt host cell signaling pathways while targeting the extracellular matrix (Figure 1). P. aeruginosa stands out
as a unique and threating organism as it is capable of causing severe invasive disease and of evading immune
defenses causing persisting infections that are nearly impossible to eradicate (Pier & Ramphal, 2005). The
subsequent tissue damage, invasion, and dissemination of P. aeruginosa are likely attributed to the many
virulence factors it produces. These virulence factors play an initial role in motility and adhesion to the
epithelium. These virulence factors are thought to be critical for maximum virulence of P. aeruginosa; however,
based on observations of diverse plant and animal models, the relative contribution of any given factor may vary
with the type of infection (Preston et al., 1995; Rahme et al., 1997; Tamura, Suzuki, & Sawada, 1992; Tamura,
Suzuki, Kijima, Takahashi, & Nakamura, 1992; Tang et al., 1996). Several of these virulence factors have also
been studied for their roles as potential vaccine candidate although there is currently no general accepted vaccine.
The following section briefly outlines several prominent putative virulence factors produce by P. aeruginosa and
their proposed roles in contributing to disease.
3.1 Lipopolysaccharide
The LPS is a predominant component of the outer membrane of P. aeruginosa. Bacterial LPS typically consist of
a hydrophobic domain known as lipid A (or endotoxin), a non-repeating core oligosaccharide, and a distal
polysaccharide (or O-antigen) (Raetz & Whitfield, 2002). The composition of O-antigen determines the
serotypes of the P. aeruginosa isolate and currently there are 20 serotypes based on serological reactivity of the
O-antigen (Liu & Wang, 1990). LPS plays a prominent role in activation the host’s innate (TLR4, NLRP1,
NLRP2, and NLRP3) and adaptive (or acquired) immune responses; and, eventually causes dysregulated
inflammation responses that contribute to morbidity and mortality (Heine, Rietschel, & Ulmer, 2001).
Recognition of LPS occurs largely by TLR4–MD2–CD14 complex, which is present on many cell types
including macrophages and dendritic cells. Recognition of lipid A also requires an accessory protein,
LPS-binding protein (LBP), which converts oligomeric micelles of LPS to a monomer for delivery to CD14,
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which is high-affinity membrane protein that can also circulate in a soluble form (Poltorak et al., 1998; Wright,
Ramos, Tobias, Ulevitch, & Mathison, 1990; Shimazu et al., 1999; Qureshi et al., 1999; Hoshino et al., 1999). In
addition, NLRs regulate both inflammation and pyroptosis. The activation of NLRs results in an assembly of
complex structures called inflammasomes (Franchi, Muñoz-Planillo, & Núñez, 2012). The NLRP1
inflammasome was first described in 2002 in human monocytes as a molecular compound that responds to LPS
(Martinon, Burns, & Tschopp, 2002). Many stimuli that trigger assembly of the inflammasomes have been
described. LPS also reported to activate NLRP3 when administered in the presence of ATP (Stutz, Golenbock, &
Latz, 2009), as well as NLRP2 (Lamkanfi, & Dixit, 2009). A number of LPS vaccines have been investigated for
use in CF patients in phase II and III clinical trials; however, these have not been successful (Doring & Pier,
2008; Hanessian, Regan, Watson, & Haskell, 1971; Langford & Hiller, 1984; Pennington, 1979; Pennington &
Miler, 1979). The LPS based vaccines provided little immunity and did not appear to protect the patients from
infection with P. aeruginosa (Pier, 2003).
3.2 Flagellum
The single unsheathed polar flagellum of P. aeruginosa is responsible for the swimming motility of this
organism (Kohler, Curty, Barja, van Delden, &Pechere, 2000). Nonetheless, its role in virulence goes beyond
simple motility. Flagellar proteins have been shown to play critical roles in attachment, invasion, biofilm
formation and the mediation of inflammatory responses. Flagellar protein synthesis, assembly and regulation
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involves more than 40 genes and is intricately controlled through transcriptional and post-translational events by
the four primary regulators RpoN, FleQ, FleR and FliA (Dasgupta et al., 2003).
Non-flagellated mutants are often isolated from chronic infections in CF patients (Mahenthiralingam, Campbell,
& Speert, 1994) due to the repressor activity of AlgT, which acts on the FleQ regulator (Tart, Wolfgang, &
Wozniak, 2005). The loss of flagella in these isolates is believed to be useful for the invasion of the host immune
system. Flagellin mediators the inflammatory response via the innate immune system, through its specific
interaction with a number of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) of the host (Verma, Arora, Kuravi, & Ramphal,
2005). Flagellin is recognized by both TLR5 (Hayashi et al., 2001) and NLRC4 (Franchi et al., 2007; Cohen, &
Prince, 2013); as well NLRP3 (Kim & Jo, 2013). However, different amino acid residues of flagellin were
critical for sensing by NLRC4 and TLR5 (Franchi et al., 2007). Moreover, cytosolic delivery of P. aeruginosa
flagellin is required for the activation of NLRC4 (Miao, Ernst, Dors, Mao, & Aderem, 2008). Surprisingly, the
NLRC4 inflammasome can be activated independently of flagellin. The flagellin-deficient strains of P.
aeruginosa can efficiently activate caspase-1 in an NLRC4-dependent manner. This discrepancy as to the
requirement for flagellin in NLRC4 inflammasome activation was recently explained in an elegant study by
Maio and colleagues (Miao et al., 2010). They found the NLRC4 inflammasome was activated in response to the
basal body rod component of the T3SS apparatus from P. aeruginosa (Pscl), as well as, other microorganisms;
such as S. typhimurium (PrgJ), Burkholderia pseudomallei (BsaK), Escherichia coli (EprJ and EscI), S. flexneri
(MxiL) (Miao et al., 2010). These rod proteins contain a sequence motif that resembles one found in flagellin;
hence, NLRC4 is activated by both of these similar stimuli. Furthermore, flagellar vaccines have been
investigated in pre-clinical studies in mouse models and have reached phase III clinical trials for CF patients;
however, limited protection was observed with a monovalent vaccine and development of a bivalent vaccine has
been terminated (Doring & Pier, 2008).
3.3 Type IV Pili
The type IV pili of P. aeruginosa have a role in adhesion to many cell types and this is likely important in such
phenomena as tissue tropism (attachment to particular tissues), initiation of biofilm formation and non-opsonic
phagocytosis, which is mediated by phagocyte receptors that recognize corresponding adhesions on microbial
surfaces (Barken et al., 2008; Mahenthiralingam & Speert, 1995; Punsalang & Sawyer, 1973). Several studies have
indicated a direct correlation between the presence of glycosphingolipid on host cells and P. aeruginosa adherence,
thus demonstrating the role of this glycosphingolipid as a bacterial receptor. In particular, P. aeruginosa pili bind to
glycosphingolipid contained within host epithelial cell membranes; ganglio-N-tetraosylceramide (asialo-GM1)
(Comolli, Waite, Mostov, & Engel, 1999). The interaction of pili and asialo-GM1 is mediated the internalization of
P. aeruginosa in host epithelial cells. In addition, these pili also mediate twitching motility, a factor found to be
important in the formation of biofilms in vitro (Klausen et. al., 2003); as well as, in the initiation of dissemination
from an initial point of colonization (Hahn, 1997, Klausen et. al., 2003). Although more than 50 genes have been
identified to play either a direct or indirect role in the synthesis, functioning and control of the type IV pili of P.
aeruginosa, the pili are composed of a single type IV pilim protein encoded by pilA (Hansen & Forest, 2006). Five
alleles of pilA have been identified with group I pili being the most prevalent in CF and environmental isolates (Kus,
Tullis, Cvitkovitch, & Burrows, 2004). P. aeruginosa pilin, the major component of the type IV bacterial pilus, is
identified as an inflammasome-activator factor (Cecilia, Arlehamn, & Evans, 2011); as purified pilin activated
caspase-1 and led to secretion of mature IL-1β.
3.4 Type III Secretion System
P. aeruginosa has a variety of secretion systems of which at least four likely play a role in virulence (Type I, II,
III, and IV). One of the most intriguing is T3SS that involves a flagellum-basal-body related system for
delivering proteins directly from the cytoplasm of P. aeruginosa into the cytosol of host cells. A functional T3SS
contributes to the successful evasion of phagocytosis by P. aeruginosa as well as damage to host tissues,
promotion of immune avoidance and bacterial dissemination. The T3SS of P. aeruginosa delivers up to four
cytotoxins ExoS, ExoT, ExoU and ExoY, directly to host cells (Frank, 1997; Goranson, Hovey, & Frank, 1997;
Yahr, Mende-Mueller, Friese, & Frank, 1997).
ExoS and ExoT are bifunctional cytotoxins that possess both Rho GTPase-activating protein and ADP
ribosyltransferase activities. These molecules can inhibit phagocytosis by disrupting actin cytoskeletal
rearrangement, focal adhesions and signal transduction (Barbieri & Sun, 2004). Moreover, ExoU is a
phospholipase that contributes directly to acute cytotoxicity towards epithelial cells and macrophages; while
ExoY is an adenylate cyclase that affects intracellular cAMP levels and cytoskeleton reorganization (Sato &
Frank, 2004; Yahr, Vallis, Hancock, Barbieri, &Frank, 1998). Recent evidence has implicated a role for the
50 International Journal of Biology Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
T3SS in virulence in humans. The presence of large amount of T3SS products, particularly ExoU, in P.
aeruginosa cultures from intubated patients was linked to increased mortality regardless of whether these
patients had symptoms or confirmation of VAP (Zhuo et al., 2008). Also, P. aeruginosa T3SS activates NLR
inflammasome. However, in the absence of any of the known effector proteins, P. aeruginosa T3SS apparatus is
sufficient to trigger the activation of caspase-1 by the inflammasome via NLRC4 (Hauser, 2009). In another
words, a functional T3SS is critical for the induction of caspase-1 activity, IL-1β secretion and cell death,
whereas the effectors ExoS, ExoT and ExoY are dispensable (Franchi et al., 2007).
3.5 Exotoxin A
There are several critical virulence factors that are secret through Type II secretion mechanism, which use a
pilus-like apparatus to secrete proteins into the extracellular environment, including exotoxin A, lipase,
phospholipase, alkaline phosphatase, and protease; animal experiments have indicated the significant role of
these factors in model infection (Passador & Iglewski, 1994). For example, exotoxin A has been demonstrated to
be involved in local tissue damage and invasion. This cytotoxin is encoded by the gene toxA and has been found
to be present in most clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa, although its role in virulence is poorly understood
(Passador & Iglewski, 1994). Besides, exotoxin A enters host cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis and
catalyzes the ADP-ribosylation of eukaryotic elongation factor-2 (EF-2) (Iglewski, Liu, & Kabat, 1977). EF-2
inhibits protein synthesis, which ultimately leading to cellular death.
3.6 Proteases
P. aeruginosa produces several secreted proteases including the zinc metalloprotease (elastase) LasB, the
metalloendopeptidase LasA, and alkaline protease. These proteases work in a concerted fashion to destroy host
tissue; thus, play a significant role in both acute lung infections and in burn wound infections (Bielecki, Glik,
Kawecki, & Martins dos Santos, 2008; Galloway, 1991; Rumbaugh, Griswold, & Hamood, 2000). A definite
role of these destructive proteases in acute infections has been established. LasA and LasB elastases have also
been found in the sputum of CF patients suffering from pulmonary exacerbations of infection (Hollsing,
Granstrom, Vasil, Wretlind, & Strandvik, 1987; Jagger et al., 1982); yet, their role in chronic infection is not
well understood.
3.7 Alginate
P. aeruginosa can produce a mucoid exopolysaccharide capsule, comprised of alginate, an acetylated random
co-polymer of β 1-4 linked D-mannuronic acid (poly-M) and L-guluronic acid (Gacesa & Wusteman, 1990). The
overproduction of alginate is believed to play a role in cell adherence within the CF lung and is also thought to
be involved in resistance to host defense by reducing susceptibility to phagocytosis (Pier, Coleman, Grout,
Franklin, & Ohman, 2001), also in resistance to antibiotics. The small minorities of CF patients, who are
carrying only nonmucoid P. aeruginosa, have significantly better lung function over time compared to those
patients infected with mucoid P. aeruginosa (Parad, Gerard, Zurakowski, Nichols, & Pier, 1999). The tendency
of P. aeruginosa to change to a mucoid phenotype is one of the most striking and clinically relevant features of
infection by this bacterium. Additionally, poly-M shares with LPS the ability to stimulate human monocytes to
cytokines production; in a CD-14-dependent manner (Otterlei et al., 1993). Involvement of TLR2 and TLR4 in
cell activation by poly-M has been studied in primary murine macrophages (Flo et al., 2002).
3.8 Quorum Sensing
Quorum sensing is a mechanism of bacterial “cell-to-cell” communication via diffusible chemical compounds. A
critical number of bacteria (the quorum) are required to produce a sufficient amount of a secreted signal
molecule (termed an autoinducer) to trigger expression of a large regulon (Diggle, Cornelis, Williams, & Camara,
2006; Heurlier et al., 2004; Smith, Harris, Phipps, & Iglewski, 2002). Quorum sensing and biofilm development
are two social phenomena exhibited by bacteria. The connection between quorum sensing and biofilms has been
named sociomicrobiology (Bjarnsholt et al., 2005; Parsek & Greenberg, 2005). In addition, P. aeruginosa is
regarded as a "model organism" in the quorum sensing field, which studied in the most detail. Quorum sensing is
known to control a number of bacterial genes. More than 300 genes are regulated during quorum sensing in P.
aeruginosa (Schuster et al., 2003).
The most common class of autoinducer used by Gram-negative bacteria is acyl-homoserine lactones (AHL),
which diffuse freely across bacterial membranes. AHL signals produced by P. aeruginosa are
oxohexanoyl-homoserine lactone and butanoyl-homoserine lactone (Pearson et al., 1994; Pearson et al., 1995).
AHL signals produce by AHL synthase (LasI/RhlI), which diffuse into the environment. Increasing in bacterial
density during infection leads to an increase in autoinducer concentration. When autoinducer reaches a particular
51 International Journal of Biology Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
threshold, it subsequently binds to transcriptional activator (LasR/RhlR) forming a complex that activates genes
involved in biofilm formation and coding virulence factors (Kipnis, Sawa, & Wiener-Kronish, 2006; Davies et
al., 1998; Hirakawa & Tomita, 2013). The production of virulence factors, such as extracellular enzymes and
cellular lysins (e.g. rhamnolipid) are important for the pathogenesis of infections as a protective shield against
phagocytes (Jensen et al., 2007; Van Gennip et al., 2009; Alhede et al., 2009). Quorum sensing has been shown
to determine the tolerance of P. aeruginosa biofilms to antibiotic therapy (Bjarnsholt et al., 2005).
Recent advances in the understanding of quorum sensing in P. aeruginosa have generated interest in using
quorum sensing as a target for therapeutics. The macrolide antibiotic, azithromycin, has been a promising
candidate in this regard as it has been demonstrated to be capable of both penetrating biofilms and interfering
with quorum sensing (Hoffmann et al., 2007).
52 International Journal of Biology Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
of cells to the surface and development of biofilm matrix including extracellular DNA (eDNA)(Whitchurch,
Tolker-Nielsen, Ragas, and Mattick. 2002), exopolysaccharide (Psl, Pel, and alginate) (Ma et al., 2009; Karatan
& Watnick, 2009), iron siderophore pyoverdine, biosurfactant rhamnolipid (Harmsen, Yang, Pamp,
Tolker-Nielsen, 2010), and proteinaceous surface appendages such as type IV pili, flagella (Klausen,
Aaes-Jorgensen, Molin, & Tolker-Nielsen, 2003), Cup fimbria (Vallet et al., 2001). Nevertheless, there are still
numerous factors that are involved in biofilm formation process and dispersion, which are related to signals,
regulatory networks, and materials, reviewed elsewhere (Harmsen, Yang, Pamp, Tolker-Nielsen, 2010; Wei &
Ma, 2013; Karatan & Watnick, 2009).
During biofilm formation, cell differentiation occurs, and oxygen and water-filled channels are formed to provide
nutrition to the deep-rooted cells of the mature biofilm (Davies, 2002; Friedman and Kolter, 2004; Kirisits, Prost,
Starkey, & Parsek, 2005; Ryder, Byrd, & Wozniak, 2007). P. aeruginosa has been demonstrated to form biofilms
on a variety of indwelling medical devices (Choong & Whitfield, 2000; Khoury, Lam, Ellis, & Costerton, 1992). It
is particularly problematic for patients requiring mechanical ventilation and catheterization, as the surfaces of
medical devices can readily develop P. aeruginosa biofilms that are difficult to remove. Also, P. aeruginosa has
been demonstrated to grow as a biofilm within the body particularly at the site of burn wounds. It has been
proposed that P. aeruginosa exists as a biofilm in the CF lung (Consterton, Stewart, & Greenberg, 1999; Singh et.
al., 2000) and this has been observed in a mouse model of CF lung infection (Hoffmann et al., 2005).
In addition to evasion of the host immune system, the highly antibiotic resistant nature of biofilms to killing by
bactericidal antibiotics contributes to bacterial persistence in chronic infections (Mah, Pitts, Pellock, Walker,
Stewart, & O'Toole, 2003). It has been demonstrated that cells growing in a biofilm can be up to 1000 fold more
resistant to antibiotics than free-swimming, planktonic cells (Hoyle & Costerton, 1991). Biofilms present not only a
diffusion barrier to antibiotics, but also the cells in a biofilm have been demonstrated to have significantly different
expression patterns compared to their planktonic counterparts (Sauer, Camper, Ehrlich, Costerton, & Davies, 2002).
3.10 Type VI Secretion Systems
Bacterial pathogens frequently possess number of secretion systems that function to translocate protein secretion.
The T6SS represents one of the most recently recognized examples of these secretion systems. An interest in
T6SS has led to its rapid study in P. aeruginosa in term of structure, mechanical function, assembly, and
regulation of secretion (Mougous et al., 2006; Ho, Dong, & Mekalanos, 2014). P. aeruginosa T6SS provides
defense against other bacteria in the environment (Ho, Dong, & Mekalanos, 2014; Russell, Peterson, & Mougous,
2014) and facilitates interactions with other eukaryotic (Jiang, Waterfield, Yang, Yang, & Jin, 2014). P.
aeruginosa encodes three distinct T6SS, which are known as H1-, H2-, and H3-T6SS, each involved in
bacterium’s interaction with other organisms. The H1-T6SS delivers at least six toxic effectors into host bacteria
and is a model for studying physiological function of T6SS antimicrobial activity (Ho, Dong, & Mekalanos,
2014; Russell, Peterson, & Mougous, 2014; Whitney et al., 2014). H2- and H3-T6SS have a dual role allowing
interaction with both eukaryotic and prokaryotic target cells. The antibacterial activities mediate through
H2-T6SS-dependent phospholipase D (PLD) PldA and H3-T6SS-dependent PldB. Both T6SS effectors, PldA
and PldB, can degrade membrane phospholipids, resulting in antibacterial activity. T6SSs, H2-T6SS-dependent
PldA and H3-T6SS-dependent PldB, have also been linked to P. aeruginosa immune evasion by promoting
internalization into human epithelial cells (Jiang, Waterfield, Yang, Yang, & Jin, 2014). Interestingly, mutations
in the catalytic domains of both PldA and PldB reduced P. aeruginosa internalization into epithelial cells, which
shows that phospholipase activity is essential for invasion of the mammalian epithelium by P. aeruginosa (Jiang,
Waterfield, Yang, Yang, & Jin, 2014).
Previous works have shown that the internalization of P. aeruginosa is dependent on the activation of the
eukaryotic phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), which results in AKT phosphorylation in presence of phosphatidic
acid subsequent actin rearrangement and protrusion formation (Jiang, Waterfield, Yang, Yang, & Jin, 2014; Sana
et al., 2012; Kierbel, Gassama-Diagne, Mostov, & Engel, 2005). In addition, PI3K/AKT signaling pathway is
crucial to a range of cellular processes including cell growth, proliferation, and programmed cell death (Krachler,
Woolery, & Orth, 2011). Notably, epithelial cells that were infected with P. aeruginosa mutants (PldA, PldB,
H2-T6SS, or H3-T6SS deficient) displayed reduced levels of AKT phosphorylation compared with the wild type
strain. Furthermore, PldA and PldB were shown to bind to AKT, and both PldA-AKT and PldB-AKT complexes
localized close to the epithelial cell plasma membrane (Jiang, Waterfield, Yang, Yang, & Jin, 2014). These data
suggest that PldA and PldB have a central role in the activation of the PI3K-AKT signaling pathway to promote
the invasion of epithelial cells by P. aeruginosa. Whereas P. aeruginosa is known to colonize the lungs of CF
patients, previous studies have indicated that PldB and H3-T6SS loci are both up-regulated under low-oxygen
conditions (Alvarez-Ortega & Harwood, 2007) and also during biofilm formation (Dötsch et al., 2012). For this
53 International Journal of Biology Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
reason, induction of both PldB and H3-T6SS in these conditions may allow better colonization of the lung
epithelium through invasion. These findings reveal a function for the P. aeruginosa H3-T6SS effector PldB and
show that PldB and PldA can influence both bacterial competition and interaction with mammalian hosts. T6SSs
are promising targets for the development of new approaches to diagnosis, vaccine development and
antimicrobial drug design (Yahr, 2006; Baron & Coombes, 2007).
3.11. Oxidant Generation in the Airspace
Oxidative stress refers to an imbalance in the redox status of the cell favoring an oxidizing environment.
Extensive reactive oxygen species (ROS) production leads to the depletion of antioxidants and results in cellular
damage. In particular, ROS can damage DNA strands by reacting with base pairs and the deoxyribose phosphate
backbone of DNA, the primary target of radical damage (Gram, 1997). Without the protection of antioxidants,
ROS can also initiate lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acid components of cell membrane
phospholipids, affecting cellular integrity (Rahman & Adcock, 2006). Amino acids can also be damaged by ROS,
leading to protein denaturation and enzyme deactivation (Gram, 1997; Rahman & Adcock, 2006). When left
unmanaged, oxidative stress can eventually lead to cell death.
During the infectious process, P. aeruginosa induces ROS production within epithelial cells in a few ways.
Following its secretion into the microenvironment, pyocyanin permeates the epithelial cell membrane and
directly oxidizes intracellular pools of NADPH and glutathione, producing superoxide and downstream ROS
(Rada, Gardina, Myers, & Leto, 2011). Recognition of P. aeruginosa LPS by the epithelial cells leads to ROS
production through protein kinase C (PKC)-NADPH oxidase signaling pathway in human epithelial cells (Yan,
Li, Jono, Li, Zhang, Li, & Shen, 2008). Other potential sources of ROS are derived from the activated epithelium
via induction of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, cytochrome p450, and xanthine oxidase. In the case
of mechanical ventilation, the introduction of excess oxygen can also fuel the production of ROS (Chow, Herrera,
Suzuki, & Downey, 2003). In acute lung injury, however, stimulated phagocytes produce the majority of ROS
(Ward, 2010). Overwhelming oxidant injury may lead to alveolar collapse and extensive fibrotic scarring,
impairing gas exchange between the affected airways and the capillary system (Ward, 2010).
4. Antimicrobial Resistance
P. aeruginosa can be an especially challenging organism to treat once infection has been established as it is
intrinsically resistant to many of the available antibiotics. Three mechanisms have been studied by which P.
aeruginosa resist the action of antibiotics. The outer membrane of P. aeruginosa is restricted the penetration of
antibiotics and the efficient removal of antibiotics molecules by efflux pumps before acting on their targets. P.
aeruginosa has the genetic capacity to inactivate and modify of antibiotics. This bacterium can become resistant
through mutational changes in antibiotic’s targets (Lambert, 2002). Consequently, P. aeruginosa has now
achieved the status superbug. This section will provide an overview of the main mechanisms of resistance
present in clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa.
4.1 Intrinsic Resistance
P. aeruginosa exhibits intrinsic resistance to almost all of the available antibiotics, indicating that the wild-type
strain possesses number of genetic mechanisms that contribute to reducing susceptibility of the organisms. One
of the major factors contributing to this intrinsic resistance is the low permeability of its outer membrane. The
outer membrane is essential for passively determining the rate of uptake of antibiotics and small molecules
(Hancock, 1998). However, by itself this is insufficient to mediate significant resistance, and antibiotics will
equilibrate across the outer membrane. Thus, intrinsic resistance arises from the combination of slow uptake and
secondary mechanisms that benefit from this slow uptake including degradative enzymes such as periplasmic
β-lactamase and particularly multidrug efflux systems. There are at least four antibiotic efflux systems have been
described including MexAB-OprM and MexXY-OprM, MexCD-OprI, and MexEF-oprN elsewhere (Hancock,
1998; Poole, 2001; Lamber, 2002; Lister, Wolter, & Hanson, 2009).
The P. aeruginosa outer membrane is an asymmetric membrane composed of an inner leaflet of phospholipid,
predominantly phosphatidylethanolamine, an outer layer of polyanionic LPS. The latter presents a negatively
charged surface, which, together with the divalent cations bridging the individual LPS molecules, forms a matrix
around the cell that is relatively impermeable to polar compounds except polycations (Hancock, 1997).
Multidrug efflux pumps also mediated resistance to many classes of antibiotics. The P. aeruginosa genome
contains a large number of drug efflux systems (Stover et al., 2000), which have been categorized into five
superfamilies include: the small multidrug resistance family, the ATP-binding cassette family, the multidrug and
toxic compound extrusion family, the resistance-nodulation-cell division family, and major facilitator
54 International Journal of Biology Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
superfamily (Gotoh, Itoh, Tsujimoto, Yamagishi, Oyamada, & Nishino, 1994; Kohler, Michea-Hamzehpour,
Plesiat, Kahr, & Pechere, 1997; Masuda, Sakagawa, Ohya, Gotoh, Tsujimoto, & Nishino, 2000; Masuda,
Sakagawa, Ohya, Gotoh, Tsujimoto, & Nishino, 2000; Lister, Wolter, & Hanson, 2009).
P. aeruginosa also expresses periplasmic β-lactamases to degrade β-lactan antibiotics. β-lactamases are
hydrolyzing enzymes that cleave the lactam ring of penicillins, carbapenems, cephalosporins and monobactams,
thus leading to inactivation of the antibiotic (Richmond and Sykes, 1973; Sanders, 1992; Sykes and Matthew,
1976). In P. aeruginosa, this activity is due to a chromosomally encoded AmpC β-lactamase. The AmpC
β-lactamase of P. aeruginosa can degrade and contribute to intrinsic resistance to ticarcillin, piperacillin and the
third-generation cephalosporins. It is strongly induced by carbapenems, particularly imipenem, although these
inducing carbapenems are stable against its hydrolytic activity (Balasubramanian et al., 2012).
4.2 Adaptive Resistance
Discrepancies between in in vitro susceptibility of P. aeruginosa isolates and treatment outcomes in CF patients
have been observed, and, can be attributed to the phenomenon of adaptive resistance. Adaptive resistance occurs
when cell populations are exposed to non-lethal concentrations of antibiotic and undergo specific changes in
gene expression that result in reduced susceptibility. It is a form of inducible resistance that does not require the
presence of mutations; it has been demonstrated in in vitro using CF isolates and in mouse models, when isolates
were pre-incubated with subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics (Barclay, Begg, Chambers, Thornley,
Pattemore, & Grimwood, 1996; Brazas and Hancock, 2005; Gilleland, Gilleland, Gibson, & Champlin, 1989).
However, the concern arises that this induction may allow small population to survive and acquire stably
resistant mutations. Similarly, polymyxin susceptibility in P. aeruginosa is associated with the LPS structure,
which is determined by arnBCADTEF and modulated by PhoPQ and PmrAB (Barrow and Kwon, 2009).
Adaptive resistance to polymyxins and antimicrobial peptides has been shown to occur through altered
expression of the PhoPQ and PmrAB systems in response to these agents. This also leads to modulation of Lipid
A fatty acid composition (Moskowitz, Ernst, & Miller, 2004), which ultimately affects resistance to not only
polymyxin and antimicrobial peptides, but also the aminoglycosides, which rely on the LPS binding for
self-promoted uptake.
4.3 P. aeruginosa as a Superbug
The accumulation of multiple resistance mechanisms in clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa has resulted in strains
that are resistance to all available antibiotics. This pandrug resistance, which means resistant to all antimicrobial
agents, together with high attributable mortality, has thrust P. aeruginosa into the spotlight as an emerging
superbug. According to report by the National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) System, which
focused on nosocomial infections in ICU, not only were resistance rates increasing, but the incidence of
occurrence of most infection types was also increasing (Gaynes and Edwards, 2005). In 2003, the NNIS reported
a 9% increase in resistance to the third generation cephalosporins, a 15% increase in ciprofloxacin resistance,
and most alarming, a 47% increase in imipenem resistance over a five year period. According to the European
Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System 18% of P. aeruginosa isolates were multidrug resistance with 6%
of all isolates being resistant to piperacillin, ceftazidime, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides and carbapenems
(Souli, Galani, & Giamarellou, 2008). The drug of last resort for infections with multidrug resistance P.
aeruginosa is colistin (polymyxin E), and while resistance rates remain low (approximately 1% in most
countries), mortality of 80% has been observed for infections caused by colistin resistance Gram-negative bacilli
(Beno, Krcmery, & Demitrovicova, 2006).
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, it would be impossible to remove P. aeruginosa from the environment, even the internal
environment of the hospital because it is so hardy and metabolically versatile. However, the last two decades
have seen a remarkable addition to active medication and therapy to the regimen for treating CF lung infection.
These therapies have enhanced the overall health of patients with CF and, they are apparently part of the reason
that demanded survival has increased. However, these therapies do not offer a cure and they primarily treat
downstream complications of the pathophysiology of CF lung infection, meaning that patients persist to undergo
the morbidity associated with chronic airway infection; predicted survival still lags well below what is normal.
However, innate immunity is critical in protecting the host from bacterial invasion, but at the same time it can
directly & indirectly damage tissues. In addition, these therapies add to a considerable treatment burden and are
thus also associated with poor adherence. What is more, it appears likely that the antibiotic resistance will
continue to be a problem in dealing with P. aeruginosa infections. The fundamental issues underlying this
problem are the condition of the patients that are prone to such infections, and, the high intrinsic resistance of
55 International Journal of Biology Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015
this bacterium, which have remained constant. Chronic P. aeruginosa airway infection and the accompanying
inflammatory response are clearly the significant clinical problems for CF patients today. Instead, we need an
urgent alternative therapeutic strategy.
This work was supported by scholarship award granted to A. Alhazmi, from Jazan University, through Saudi
Arabian Cultural Bureau in Canada.
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