Vector and Tensor Analysis Course by E. Kogan: February 2018
Vector and Tensor Analysis Course by E. Kogan: February 2018
Vector and Tensor Analysis Course by E. Kogan: February 2018
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1 author:
Eugene Kogan
Bar Ilan University
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COORDINATES 11 B. Scalars and Vectors as Tensors
A. Contravariant and Covariant Vectors 11
B. Tensors in Curvilinear Coordinates 12 Definition B.1 A scalar we’ll call a tensor of zero or-
C. Metric Tensor 12 der.
VI. TENSOR CALCULUS IN CURVILINEAR After the Cartesian coordinate system is chosen, a ge-
COORDINATES 13 ometric vector a is a column of three numbers, called
A. Derivatives of Basis Vectors and Christoffel vector components (in a chosen system). From now on
Symbols 13 the vector is these three numbers (a1 , a2 , a3 ). (This def-
B. Covariant Differentiation 13 inition will be completed later.)
C. Vector Operators in Tensor Form 14
D. Affine Geodesics 14 Definition B.2 A vector we’ll call a tensor of the first
E. Metric Geodesics 15 order.
Definition B.3 The operations with vectors are defined or in vector notation
in the following way
f = b(a · c) − c(a · b) (12)
c=a+b ⇐⇒ ci = ai + bi
c = ra ⇐⇒ ci = rai Also
α=a·b ⇐⇒ α = ai bi a·(b × c) = ijk ai bj ck = (a × b)·c (13)
c=a×b ⇐⇒ ci = ijk aj bk , (3)
Problem B.2 Prove that
where ijk is the Levi-Civita symbol
δik ikm = 0,
+1 if i, j, k is an even permutation of 1,2,3, iks mks = 2δim ,
ijk = −1 if i, j, k is an odd permutation of 1,2,3, .
0 otherwise iks iks = 6.
C. Tensor of Inertia
Pay attention that the same symbol appears in the defi-
nition of the determinant of the matrix 3 × 3
The connection between angular momentum and an-
a1 a2 a3 gular velocity
b1 b2 b3 = ijk ai bj ck , (5)
c1 c2 c3 J= mr × (ω × r) = m[r2 ω − r(r · ω)], (14)
or more generally in tensor notation is
|A| lmn = ali amj anl ijk . (6) Ji = Iik ωk , (15)
Problem B.1 Prove Eqs. (5) and (6). where
Let us prove a very important relation X
Iik = m (xl xl δik − xi xk ) (16)
ijk klm = δil δjm − δim δjl , (7)
is the moment of inertia tensor (of the second order)
where δij is the Kronecker delta P
2 2
P + z ) P− 2mxy 2
m(y − P mxz
1 if i = j, Iik = − P mxy P + z ) P− 2myz 2
m(x .
δij = . (8)
0 otherwise − mxz − myz m(x + y )
As each of the three suffixes i, j, l, m can take three val- CM
The tensor of inertia for the center of mass Iik gives
ues, at least two of them should be equal. Because i 6= j
opportunity to calculate tensor of inertia for any other
there is only one value of m which makes ijk different 0
point Iik . Taking into account that x0i = xi − Xi , we
from zero, and hence the only one value of l and m that
makes klm different from zero is i and k taken in any
order. If the order is the same then both are either 1
Iik = m [(xl − Xl )(xl − Xl )δik
or −1 and the product is 1. If the order is different the
product is −1. Hence −(xi − Xi )(xk − Xk )] = Iik + M (Xl Xl δik − Xi X(18)
k ),
ijk klm = 0 (i = j) where M is the mass of the body and R is the radius-
= 0 (l = m) vector of the point relative to the center of mass.
= 1 (i = l, j = m) Problem C.1 Find the principal moments of inertia of
= −1 (i = m, j = l) a uniform solid cube of mass m and edge length 2a (a)
= 0 (i 6= l or m, or j 6= l or m). (9) with respect to the mid-point of an edge, and (b) with
respect to a vertex.
Comparing this with the rhs of Eq. (7) we complete the
proof. For the rotation about the fixed axis only the projec-
Consider tion of the Equation of torque to the axis of rotation is
relevant, ω is always directed along the axis and can be
f = a×(b × c). (10) presented as the derivative of the rotation angle. Thus
we obtain
Using relation (7) we get
d(J · n)
fi = bi aj cj − ci aj bj , (11) = G · n, (19)
where n is the unit vector determining the direction of Problem D.1 By explicitly writing out the terms in
the axis. We get Cartesian coordinates
(a) prove that for r 6= 0, where r is modulus of the radius
J · n = Ji ni = Iik ωk ni = Iik ωnk ni = I ϕ̇, (20)
vector r,
where the moment of inertia about the axis of rotation is
I = ni nk Iik . (21)
If we chose axis x3 along the rotation axis, Eq. (21)
∇· 3 = 0
becomes just
Z rr
∇× 3 = 0
I = I33 = ρ(x2 + y 2 )dV. (22)
1 r
The Eq. (18) has the form ∇ =− 3
CM r r
I = ni nk Iik + M (Xl Xl δik − Xi Xk )
h i (b) prove that for any scalar ψ and any vector A
= I CM + M R2 − (n · R)
∇ × (∇ψ) = 0
= I CM + M (n × R)2 . (23) ∇·(∇ × A) = 0
Kinetic energy of the rotating body can be written in ∇×(∇ × A) = ∇(∇ · A) − ∇2 A;
the form
(c) show that for any vectors a, b and c
1X 2 1X
T = m (ω × r) = m ijk ωj xk iln ωl xn . (24)
2 2 [c·(b · ∇) − b·(c · ∇)]a = (∇ × a)·(b × c).
Using formula
(d) show, that
ijk iln = δjl δkn − δjn δkl , (25)
∇·(A × r) = r·(∇ × A).
we obtain
Problem D.2 Using coordinate notation prove that
ijk ωj xk iln ωl xn = (δkj xl xl − xj xk )ωj ωk . (26)
Hence ∇(φψ) = φ∇ψ + ψ∇φ;
1 ∇ × (φu) = φ∇ × u + (∇φ) × u;
T =Iik ωi ωk . (27) ∇·(u × v) = v·(∇ × u) − u·(∇ × v);
Notice that Eq. (25) in vector notation can be presented ∇×(u × v) = u(∇ · v) − v(∇ · u)
as +(v · ∇)u − (u · ∇)v;
2 2 1
(ω × r) = ω 2 r2 − (ω · r) , (28) 2
∇u = u×(∇ × u) + (u · ∇)u.
and proved in the framework of vector algebra.
D. Vector Calculus in Cartesian Coordinates (∇(φψ))i = ;
∂(φuk )
In vector calculus in Cartesian coordinates it is conve- (∇ × (φu))i = ijk ;
nient to introduce vector operator ∂xj
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂(uj vk )
∇ = e1 + e2 + e3 , (29) ∇·(u × v) = ijk ;
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂xi
∂(ul vm )
Applying this operator we obtain (∇×(u × v))i = ijk klm
(grad ψ)i = (∇ψ)i = (30) ∂(ul vm )
∂xi = (δil δjm − δim δjl ) ;
div A = ∇ · A = (31) ∂um
∂xi (u×(∇ × u)i = ijk klm uj
∂Ak ∂xl
(curl A)i = (∇ × A)i = ijk (32) ∂um
∂xj = (δil δjm − δim δjl )uj ;
∂2ψ ∂2ψ ∂2ψ
∇2 ψ = + + (33) Problem D.3 Show that if a is a constant vector
∂x21 ∂x22 ∂x23
∂ 2 Ai
a×r (2 − n)a nr(a · r)
(∇2 A)i = (34) curl = + .
∂xj ∂xj rn rn rn+2
II. LINEAR OPERATORS (INFORMAL Theorem A.1 If we apply successively two operators
INTRODUCTION INTO TENSORS) one represented by matrix T (1) and the other by matrix
T (2) the result is represented by the matrix T (1) T (2) . If
A. Linear Operators an operator, represented by a matrix T , has an inverse
operator, the latter is represented by a matrix T −1 .
Linear operator is a vector function of a vector argu-
ment Proof A.1 From
y = T̂ x, (35) (1)
T̂ (1) ei = Tji ej
which satisfies the following rules. For any vectors x1 , x2 T̂ (2) ej = Tkj ek (44)
and an arbitrary number λ
we get
T̂ (x1 + x2 ) = T̂ x1 + T̂ x2
(2) (1)
T̂ (λx1 ) = λT̂ x̂1 . (36) T̂ (2) T̂ (1) ei = Tkj Tji ek . (45)
Similar to Eq. (51) we can introduce resistivity tensor lmn = Sli Smj Snk ijk . (70)
by the Equation
These are the examples of isotropic tensors, whose com-
Ei = ρij jj . (66) ponents are unaltered by rotation of the axes. It is ob-
vious, that δij is an isotropic tensor in the space of any
Problem C.5 If the conductivity tensor is given by Eq. dimensionality. The existence of ijk for d = 3 is a par-
(65), what is the resistivity tensor? ticular case of a general theorem.
Theorem B.1 In a space of the dimensionality d there
Problem C.6 ** The components of two vectors A and
exists an absolute antisymmetric isotropic tensor of order
B and a second-order tensor T are given in one coordi-
nate system by
√ +1 if i, . . . , p is an even permutation of 1,. . . ,d,
1 0 √2 3 0 ij...p = −1 if i, . . . , p is an odd permutation of 1,. . . ,d, .
A = 0 , B = 1 , T = 3 4 0 . 0 otherwise
0 0 0 0 2 (71)
For example,
In a second coordinate system, obtained from the first by
rotation, the components of A and B are
0 1
ij = . (72)
√ −1 0
3 −1
1 1
A0 = 0 , B 0 = √0 . Proof B.1 If we recall that arbitrary orthogonal matrix
2 1 2 3 2 × 2 can be presented as
Find the components of T in this new coordinate system. cos θ sin θ
, (73)
− sin θ cos θ
When we contract tensor Si1 i2 of order r with re- Consider two frames of reference: inertial one, which
spect to any two indices, say i1 and i2 , we obtain another we will call the Laboratory System (LS), and another one,
tensor of order n − 2 rotating relative to the first, which we will call the Ro-
tating System (RS). Let us introduce orthonormal basis
Vi3 = Si1 i1 i3 . (77) in each of these systems. Thus any vector X has com-
ponents (x1 , x2 , x3 ) in the first system, and components
(x01 , x02 , x03 ) in the second one, which we will present by
3. Multiplication of tensors column vectors X and X 0 respectively. The connection
between the the components can be presented in a matrix
Let Vi1 and Wk1 be two tensors of order r and form
p respectively (not necessarily the same ). In every co-
X = SX 0 , (83)
ordinate system we can calculate the (outer) product of
appropriate components where S is some orthogonal (time-dependent) matrix.
The matrix S is by itself a tensor. Differentiating Eq.
Si1 k1 = Vi1 Wk1 . (78) (83) we obtain
We claim that k1 are components of tensor of the Ẋ = S Ẋ 0 + ṠX 0 , (84)
order equal to the sum of the orders. For example, an
outer product of two vectors ai and bi is a second order or equivalently
tensor ai bj . If we make a contraction of outer product S −1 Ẋ = Ẋ 0 + ΩX 0 , (85)
with respect to a pair (or several pairs) of indices, we
obtain an inner (or contracted) product. where Ω = S S. Let us try to present Eq. (85) in vector
It is worth to look at the scalar and vector products form. The first two terms are obvious. The question is
of vectors from the tensorial point of view. From two what to do with the third term?
vectors ai and bi we can construct a second order tensor
ẊLS = ẊRS + . . . . (86)
cij = ai bj . (79) Let us introduce vector ω
Contracting this tensor we obtain a scalar 1
ωi = ijk Ωjk . (87)
α = cii = ai bi , (80) Differentiating Equation
which is called the scalar product of the vectors a and b. ST S = I (88)
Multiplying the third order tensor klm with the second
order tensor cij we obtain the fifth order tensor we obtain
dijklm = ijk al bm . (81) S T Ṡ + Ṡ T S = 0 ⇐⇒ S T Ṡ = − S T Ṡ . (89)
Contracting twice thus obtained tensor we obtain the first Hence, the matrix Ω is antisymmetric ΩT = −Ω, and Eq.
order tensor (87) can be solved for Ω
In vector form Eq. (85) can be presented as which can be contracted into a scalar
vLS = v + ω × r. (93)
This tensor has applications in elasticity.
Differentiating Eq. (93) we obtain
Thus from the scalar field ψ we can construct a vector pij = cijkl ekl , (106)
∂ψ where cijkl is an elasticity tensor. For example, consider
, (97) Hooke’s law in isotropic medium.
which is called gradient of the scalar. From the vector Theorem F.1 In a 3d space there are three independent
field ai we can construct a second order tensor field tensors of the forth order, namely
∂aj (1)
= bij . (98) cijkl = δij δkl
∂xi (2)
cijkl = δik δjl
From the last one we can construct the scalar field (3)
cijkl = δil δjk . (107)
bii = , (99)
∂xi Proof F.1
which is called divergence of the vector, and the vector Hence, the most general forth-order isotropic tensor is
∂ak cijkl = λδij δkl + ηδik δjl + νδil δjk , (108)
ijk bjk = ijk , (100)
and the Hooke’s law in isotropic medium can be written
which is called curl of the vector. From the second deriva- as
tive of a scalar ψ we can produce a second order tensor
pij = λekk δij + 2µeij , (109)
, (101)
∂xi ∂xj where η + ν = 2µ. (λ and µ are called Lame constants.)
∂(h1 f1 )
To calculate the divergence it is convenient to present ∇ × (h1 f1 ∇u1 ) = ∇u1 × ∇u1
a vector F ∂u1
∂(h1 f1 ) ∂(h1 f1 )
+ ∇u2 × ∇u1 + ∇u3 × ∇u1
F = f1 e1 + f2 e2 + f3 e3 (132) ∂u2 ∂u3
1 ∂(h1 f1 ) 1 ∂(h1 f1 )
as =− e3 + e2 . (143)
h1 h2 ∂u2 h1 h3 ∂u3
F = (h2 h3 f1 )∇u2 × ∇u3 + (h3 h1 f2 )∇u3 × ∇u1 Hence
+(h1 h2 f3 )∇u1 × ∇u2 . (133)
1 ∂
(∇ × F)i = ijk (hk fk ) . (144)
Taking into account that hj hk ∂uj
In Cartesian coordinates
To find the curl of F we present it as
∂2f ∂2f ∂2f
F = h1 f1 ∇u1 + h2 f2 ∇u2 + h3 f3 ∇u3 . (142) ∇2 f = + + (150)
∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2
1 ∂
1 ∂2f ∂2f u2 = const, u3 = const, (155)
∇ f= ρ + 2 + (151) i
ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ ρ ∂ϕ2 ∂z 2 and similar to other vectors. The basis vector e is normal
to the coordinate surface
In spherical coordinates
ui = const. (156)
2 1 ∂ 2 ∂f From the chain rule we obtain
∇ f= 2 r
r ∂r ∂r ei ej = δji . (157)
1 ∂ ∂f 1
+ 2 sin θ + 2 2 (152) hence ei form a set of vectors reciprocal to the ei . We
r sin θ ∂θ ∂θ r sin θ ∂ϕ2 can expand any vector relative to each of the bases
Problem B.1 For each of the following orthogonal co- a = ai ei = ai ei , (158)
ordinate systems i
1. Rectangular coordinates x, y, z. where ai are covariant components, and a are contravari-
2. Cylinder coordinates r, θ, z. ant components.
3. Spherical coordinates r, θ, ϕ. In orthogonal systems the two bases are the same
4. Elliptic-cylinder coordinates η, ψ, z. (apart from the normalization).
Problem A.1 Find covariant and contravariant bases
x = a cosh η cos ψ in spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems.
y = a sinh η sin ψ Under an arbitrary transformation between the coor-
z=z dinate systems
B. Tensors in Curvilinear Coordinates To find the volume element dV let us present Eq. (174)
in a matrix form
We define tensors with arbitrary numbers of covariant
G = ST G0 S, (175)
(subscript) and contravariant (superscript) indices by de-
manding where we have introduced matrix
0i 0j 0k d e f
0ij...k ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u ab...c ∂u0i
Tlm...n = ... T (167) sij = . (176)
∂u ∂u b ∂uc ∂u0l ∂u0m ∂u0n de...f ∂uj
Let Tki11
and Wki11 ...i
...ks be two tensors of the same
r Hence
...k s
order . They are equal if all the components are g = J 2 g0 . (177)
equal in one coordinate system where
Tki11 i1
...ks = Wk1 ...ks . (168) g = det[gij ], (178)
a · b = g ij ai bj , (184)
C. Metric Tensor where
Γkij = ek . (194)
∂v i
∂v i k ∂v i k
By differentiating reciprocity relation (157) we obtain = + Γ kj v e i = + Γ kj v ei . (204)
∂uj ∂uj ∂uj
= −Γikj ek . (195) The quantity in brackets is called a covariant derivative
∂uj It can be shown that covariant derivative of a vector is a
The symbol Γkij is called a Christoffel Symbol. The second order tensor.
Christoffel Symbol is not a tensor. In fact, in a new Similarly we can define a covariant derivative of a co-
coordinate system variant vector
∂u0k n ∂ − Γkij vk .
0k ∂e ∂u vi;j ≡ (205)
ij = e = e el (196) ∂uj
∂u0j ∂un ∂u0j ∂u0i
Problem B.1 Show, that in cylindrical polar coordi-
The Christoffel symbol is symmetrical with respect to nates
the interchange of its two subscripts
1 ∂ ∂v ϕ ∂v z
Γkij = Γkji . (197) v;ii = (ρv ρ ) + + .
ρ ∂ρ ∂ϕ ∂z
Problem B.2 Show that where [blk ] = A−1 . Taking into account that the ma-
trix of covariant metric tensor is inverse to the matrix of
∂ √
Γiik = k
ln g, contravariant metric tensor we get
1 ∂ √ i
where g is the determinant of the matrix [gik ], which has div a = √ ga , (209)
g ∂ui
the covariant components of the metric tensor as its ele-
ments. where g is the determinant of the contravariant metric
Problem B.3 (a) Find an expression for the second co-
Curl: In a general space we can define an antisymmet-
variant derivative vi;jk ≡ (vi ; j);k of a vector vi .
ric tensor
(b) We may define the components of Riemann tensor
by ∂vi ∂vj
(curl v)ij = vi;j − vj;i = j
− . (210)
∂u ∂ui
vi;jk − vi;kj ≡ Rijk vl .
In three dimensions with every antisymmetric tensor Ajk
Show that these components are given by we can connect the vector
1 1 ijk
l ∂Γlik ∂Γlij pi = √ Ajk . (211)
Rijk = − + Γm l m l
ik Γmj − Γij Γmk . 2 g
∂uj ∂uk
Hence we can define the vector of curl
(c) By first considering Cartesian coordinates, show that
all the components Rijk ≡ 0 for any coordinate system 1 1 1 ∂vk
in three-dimensional Euclidean space. (curl v)i = − √ ijk (∇ × v)ij = √ ijk j . (212)
2 g g ∂u
Problem B.4 We may define Christoffel symbols of the Laplacian of a scalar function:
first kind by
∇2 ψ = g ij ψ;ij . (213)
Γijk = gil Γljk .
Substituting Eq. (209) we obtain
(a) Show that these are given by
2 1 ∂ √ jk ∂ψ
∇ ψ=√ gg . (214)
1 ∂gik ∂gjk ∂gij g ∂uj ∂uk
Γijk = + − .
2 ∂uj ∂ui ∂uk
For the case of orthogonal coordinates we get
(b) By permuting indices, verify that ∂ψ
(grad ψ)i =
∂gij ∂ui
= Γijk + Γjik . 1 ∂
∂uk h1 h2 h3 ai
div a = i
h1 h2 h3 ∂u
(c) Using the fact that Γljk = Γlkj , show that 1 ∂vk
(curl v) = ijk j
gij;k ≡ 0. h1 h2 h3 ∂u
1 ∂ h1 h2 h3 ∂ψ
∇2 ψ = . (215)
h1 h2 h3 ∂uj h2i ∂uk
C. Vector Operators in Tensor Form
Caveat: In vector analysis, in distinction to tensor
analysis, when considering orthogonal coordinates, it is
From the definitions of the vector operators in Carte-
accepted to normalize basis vectors. That is why the
sian system we can obtain formulas valid for any coordi-
there exists the following relation between the compo-
nate system
nents of vectors:
∂ψ 1
(grad ψ)i = ψ;i = (206) avec = ai = hi ai . (216)
∂ui i
+ Γ jk
ds ds
= 0. (221) = 2gab ẍb + 2Γbca ẋb ẋc . (227)
The rhs of Eq. (226) produces
E. Metric Geodesics
∂L2 dL
∂ b c d ds
2 = 2 (gbc ẋ ẋ )
∂ ẋa du ∂ ẋa du du
If we introduce the Lagrangian
d2 s
d s ds
= 2(gbc ẋb ẋc )−1/2 gad ẋd 2 = 2 / gab ẋb .(228)
L(ẋa , xa , u) = [gab (x)ẋa ẋb ]1/2 , (222) du du2 du
where ẋa ≡ dxa /du, the length of the curve between the
points P1 and P2 , given by the functions xa (u) is Finally we obtain
Z P2
s= Ldu. (223) ẍa + Γabc ẋb ẋc = (s̈/ṡ)ẋa . (229)
The metric geodesic is defined as the curve of minimal If we choose the parameter u = s we obtain
length. Hence the functions xa (u) satisfy Euler-Lagrange
ẍa + Γabc ẋb ẋc = 0. (230)
∂L d ∂L
− = 0. (224)
∂xa du ∂ ẋa