GRM Newsletter - July 2014
GRM Newsletter - July 2014
GRM Newsletter - July 2014
Editorial From the Desk of En. Aminul Rashid,
Welcome to the July issue of GRM’s newsletter. We are indeed very Head of Group Risk Management
excited to be able to communicate to everybody in GRM again
through this means. After publishing our Inaugural issue last month, Colleagues,
we received rave feedback from some of you and we truly
appreciate all the recommendations. I am encouraged with the
recent Risk Management
The second publication of GRM’s newsletter centers around one of Community of Practice
GRM’s value which is Loyalty. The term ‘Loyal’ has often been (RMCoP) kick off and the
misinterpreted when it comes in an organization’s context. It is not soft launch of Risk
about how long one has served in an organization. In other words it Management (RM) Website
is the quality, not the quantity that counts most. As En Aminul has and look forward to these
highlighted in his writing, Loyalty to the company could be translated platforms being effectively
into working committedly and devotedly and strive for better managed to enhance risk
performance. capability and knowledge
management. My sincerest
Features of this month’s issue include achievements and events gratitude for the commitment
held by various units in GRM. Guest editor of the month is Zakiah and effort especially the
Nursyan. She has shown that by being loyal to oneself, the organizing team and to
consequences would be fruitful. She worked hard against all odds those involved for making
and became part of the statistics of 5.5% woman engineers in the the event a successful one.
The month of Ramadhan is indeed the time that we devote
In conjunction with the holy month of Ramadhan, let us purify our ourselves to ibadah and increase good deeds towards becoming a
souls and intent, be it at work or daily lives. Avoid all the negativities better person. As work is part of ibadah, we should also strive in
and start respecting each other towards the betterment of GRM. diligently improving performance and enhancing capability to
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to wish Ramadhan achieve better outcome. Just as one of our shared values, Loyalty
Mubarak to all Muslims in GRM. May this holy month brings more that requires us to give our undivided loyalty and devotion to
barakah in the way we do our work. PETRONAS at all times and on all occasions, we should therefore
give our utmost commitment and devotion to the company and
- Editor in Chief. strive to improve our performance.
- Aminul
Group Risk Management (GRM) kicked off the Risk targeted to be captured on the Risk Management responsibilities, and the expected outcome of RMCoP
Management Community of Practice (RMCoP) at website. discussions. They were then broken up into three
DoubleTree by Hilton on 23rd June 2014. Themed groups of “communities” representing the current big
The event continued with a sharing session on the
“Towards Institutionalizing Risk Management Culture”, items in PETRONAS’ Risk Management, namely
journey of Upstream CoP by a representative from the
RMCoP is established to enhance Risk Management Country Risk, Risk Assurance and Business Continuity
Upstream Knowledge Management team. The
practices and capability through collaboration and Management. In their groups and facilitated by the
maturity of Upstream CoP enlightened the participants
active knowledge sharing between risk practitioners. Change Management team of GRM, they decided on
on the power of a strong CoP.
a focus area within their given field, and drafted out
The event started with a montage establishing the
Next, En. Aminul gave out appointment letters to the activities to share and capture knowledge in the
context of RMCoP, followed by an opening remark by
leaders and members of RMCoP to formalize his community, as well as to make it grow.
En. Aminul Rashid, Head of GRM, who reinforced the
recognition of the community, and to empower the
purpose of establishing RMCoP, and recognized the When the discussion was done, the event was
members of the community to be active in their
potential benefits that it will bring. concluded with lunch at DoubleTree by Hilton.
groups. There was a group photo session, and then
After that, En. Aminul launched the Risk Management the participants were given a short break for All in all, the RMCoP Kick-off was a great success and
website, which acts as a tool to bond and build the networking. the level of motivation exhibited by the participants
Risk Management Community of Practice. Outputs gave hope to the growth of a strong CoP in
After the break, the participants were briefed on the
from RMCoP discussions, knowledge sharing and PETRONAS’ risk fraternities.
RMCoP terms of reference, their roles and
creation, lessons learnt and success stories are
• Zack has been with PETRONAS since 2008 and is now blessed with two cute little boys (Danish and Ramadhan Health Tips
• There’s more than meets the eye – Zack is often perceived as someone who is timid and shy, but little
do we know that she is actually funny, quirky and a master of pantun
• In risk management unit, Zack is known for her tagline “I don’t know about Zakiah” :P
• She is a gym-junkie who often wears outfits two sizes bigger
• As the saying goes “A friend in need is a friend indeed”, Zack is the type of friend who is always there
for you (although she’s blur at times :P)
July 2014 Group Risk Management Newsletter 2nd Edition (Page 4)