CHN Finals
CHN Finals
CHN Finals
This course focuses on the care of population groups and community as clients utilizing
concepts and principles in community health development.
It also describes problems, trends and issues in the Philippine and global health care systems
affecting community health nursing practice.
Learning Outcomes
population groups.
Learning Outcomes
RLE Guide:
2. Provide for actual care of individual, family, population group and community as a client
which requires competencies with emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention.
• Hospital Nursing
Community health nursing is defined as the “Synthesis of nursing knowledge and practice and the
science and practice of public health, implemented via a systematic use of the nursing process and
other processes to promote health and prevent illness in the population groups
• The responsibility of the Nursing society is to guide individuals and families in choosing
possibilities in changing the health process which is accomplished by intersubjective
participation with people
and Community)
environmental Factors)
The Goals of Professional Practice are the following (Clark in Maglaya, 2009)
• Promotion of Health
• Prevention of Disease
“Community health nursing practice is comprehensive, general, continual, and not episodic” (Clark in
Maglaya, 2009)
Community health nursing includes different levels of clientele with the population as a whole as the
focus. (Maglaya, 2009)
• Individuals
• Families
• Population Groups
• Community
Health Advocate
Health Educator
Health Care Provider
Community Organizer
Health Trainer
“There are different level of clientele—individuals, families, and population groups and the
practitioner recognizes the primacy of the population as a whole
The hallmark of community health nursing is that it is population-focused and that the primary client
is and recipient of care is a group of people in the community.
3 important concept:
• Community - “client”
• Health - “goal”
“Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health and
sufficiency through organized community effort…” (Hanlon and Pickett in Maglaya)
Policy Development – “involves advocacy and political action to develop policies in various levels of
decision making.”
Assurance – “making sure that health services are effective, available and accessible to the people”
5. Developing Policies and Plans that Support Individual, Family, and Community Efforts.
and Safety
Emphasis on CHN
• Prioritization of health services and activities focuses on the principle of the
“greatest good for the greatest number”
• Another guiding principle also includes the fair, equitable, and appropriate
distribution of health services. This is also known as the equity rule or
distributive justice.
Diagnosis – “the identification of the client’s wellness status or needs and problems based on an
analysis of the data/information gathered.” (Maglaya. 2009:35)
NANDA focuses on an individual level. Maglaya proposed the Typology of Nursing Problems in Family
Nursing and the three categories of Community Health Nursing Problems as Health Status Problems,
Health Resources Problems, and Health Related Problems
Planning – it the creation of a step by step process of attaining set of desired goals and outcomes
“Desired outcomes could be in the terms of health, knowledge, attitudes and practices and the
ability to cope with problems
• CHN Interventions should be directed to improve the standards of living and quality of life of
the community by improving the health status and improving the capability of the
community to manage its own health described as community competence.
• Quality of Life
• Functional Status
• Patient Satisfaction
• Compliance Measures
is determining the capability of the family to perform the family health tasks to maintain
wellness or to address specific health problems in the family –
• health deficits
• health threats
• foreseeable crisis/stresspoints.
• Impact – the outcome of the program effects; a broader statement of attainment of a long-
ranged program objective
• Outputs – Successful full implementation of the Micronutrient program of DOH in schools &
• Effects – Decrease number of malnourished children
The data gathering methods concerns are the accuracy, validity, reliability, and adequacy of the
assessment data.
Observation – gathering information through observing. This method includes the use of sensory
capacities-sight, hearing, smell and touch
Records Review – gathering of information which are stored. It is done by reviewing existing records
and reports which may be in the forms of electronic databases or written
Interviews – It is considered to be “the most common and widely used method of data collection.” It
is accomplished by asking questions to the participants in a systematic manner
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) – It is a qualitative research technique with a considerable number of
participants selected based on the variables being observed.
A. The family is the unit of care; the community is the patient and there are four levels of clientele
in CHN
1. Individual – CHN considers the individual sick or well to be the entry point in the different
levels of client.
3. Population Group
– a group of people who share a common characteristics, developmental stage or common exposure
to particular environmental factors, and consequently common health problems, issues and
4. Community - group of people sharing common geographic boundaries and/or common values
and interest within a specific social system.
• health system
• family system
• economic system
• educational system
• religious system
Characteristics of Community
1. From the General Systems Theory, all communities are considered the same.
Characteristics of Community
6. The core of the assessment of the community is the people and it includes:
Characteristics of Community
6. The core of the assessment of the community is the people and it includes:
– Physical Environment
– Education
• CHNs, together with other health care workers participate in the planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of health programs.
C. The community health nurse works with and not for the individual patient, family, group or
D. The practice of community health nursing is affected by changes in society in general and by
developments in the health field in particular.
• Peace
• Clean Water
• Education
• “There is a strong link between a society’s health and its economic development determined
by its social and political structures and processes.
• “By promoting health and preventing disease, CHN’s, therefore, contribute to the country’s
economic and social development.”
E. CHN is part of the community health system, which in turn is part of the larger human services
• The Health Care Delivery System influences and is influenced by community health
The Roles and Functions of CHN
defined by (RA 9173) and standards that are developed by PNA, OHNAP & and the League of
Philippine Government Nurses and agencies such as the DepED
• Caregiver
• Educator
• Counselor
• Referral
• Resource
• Role Model
• Case Manager
• Coordinator
• Collaborator
• Liaison
– it is identified as the “totality of societal services and activities designed to protect or restore the
health of individuals, families, groups, and communities”.
Preventive health care are the focused activities of the government owned health centers and
curative care are the focused activities of both government and private hospitals.
(RA) 7160
• Provincial, district and municipal hospitals were under the provincial government
and the Rural Health Units (RHU) and the Barangay Health Stations (BHS) to the
municipal government.
• The decentralization of the health care leadership resulted in the improvement and
deterioration of health care delivery because some local government units (LGU) have the
capability to support their own health care and needs while others are not.
Principles OF PHC
5. Feasibilty
– it is identified as the “totality of societal services and activities designed to protect or restore the
health of individuals, families, groups, and communities”.
Preventive health care are the focused activities of the government owned health centers and
curative care are the focused activities of both government and private hospitals.
– Referral system
• health care provided by health center physicians, PHN, RHM, BHW, traditional healers and
others at the barangay health stations and RHU
• is usually the first contact between the community members and the other levels of health
• Secondary Level of Care
• rendered by specialists in health facilities including medical centers as well as regional and
provincial hospitals, and specialized hospitals
• Health Promotion
• In psychology, it explains personality in terms of how a person thinks about and responds to
one's social environment.
• For example, in the 1960s Albert Bandura argued that when people see someone else
awarded for behaviour, they tend to behave the same way to attain an award.
• People are also more likely to imitate those with whom they identify.
• Phase 2: Identifying and setting priorities among health or community issues and their
behavioral and environmental determinants that stand in the way of achieving that result, or
conditions that have to be attained to achieve that result; and identifying the behaviors,
lifestyles, and/or environmental factors that affect those issues or conditions.
• Phase 3: Identifying the predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors that can affect the
behaviors, attitudes, and environmental factors given priority in Phase 2.
• Phase 4: Identifying the administrative and policy factors that influence what can be
PROCEED has four phases: the actual implementation of the intervention and the careful evaluation
of it
• Phase 6: Process evaluation. Are you actually doing the things you planned to do?
• Phase 7: Impact evaluation. Is the intervention having the desired impact on the target
• Phase 8: Outcome evaluation. Is the intervention leading to the outcome (the desired result)
that was envisioned in Phase 1
• In Phase 1, social diagnosis, you ask the community what it wants and needs to improve its
quality of life.
• In Phase 2, epidemiological diagnosis, you identify the health or other issues that most
clearly influence the outcome the community seeks.
• In these two phases, you create the objectives for your intervention.
• In Phase 3, behavioral and environmental diagnosis, you identify the behaviors and lifestyles
and/or environmental factors that must be changed to affect the health or other issues
identified in Phase 2, and determine which of them are most likely to be changeable.
• In Phase 4, educational and organizational diagnosis, you identify the predisposing, enabling,
and reinforcing factors that act as supports for or barriers to changing the behaviors and
environmental factors you identified in Phase 3.
• In Phase 5, administrative and policy diagnosis, you identify (and adjust where necessary)
the internal administrative issues and internal and external policy issues that can affect the
successful conduct of the intervention.
• Those administrative and policy concerns include generating the funding and other
resources for the intervention.
• In Phase 8, impact evaluation, you evaluate whether the intervention is having the intended
impact on the behavioral and environmental factors it’s aimed at, and adjust accordingly.
• In Phase 9, outcome evaluation, you evaluate whether the intervention’s effects are in turn
producing the outcome(s) the community identified in Phase 1, and adjust accordingly.
• May 1977 – (WHO) Main health target/goal of all governments & WHO shall be “Health for
all by year 2000” which will permit them to become socially and economically productive.
• September 1978 – Alma Ata Declaration USSR): Achieve the goal of world health thru
Primary Health Care which represents a global idea how to achieve world health.
– BEC practices home visits, community teaching, assemblies and they help to form
groups that can serve as leaders in helping the community to address their needs,
whether spiritual, educational or environmental needs.
• Community Health Development is both a means and an end towards achieving health as
total well being and not just the absence of disease. CHD is based on the Primary Health
Care (PHC) philosophy and approach. The module on CHD Principles and Practices includes
the definition of PHC as defined in the Alma Ata Declaration in 1978.
A most recent review of the PHC as a philosophy and strategy to attain health for all, emphasizes
these concepts of health care: (WHO, 2002)
1. Health care is not just about doctors and drugs; it is about people acting for their own well-
2. Health care is not just the obligation of governments; it is the responsibility of society as a
3. Health care is not just fighting disease; it is about dealing with the constant changes in social
systems and institutional structures
4. Health care is not just about delivering and using services; it addresses all factors affecting
health status
Community Development (CD) is the end goal of community organizing and all other efforts
towards uplifting the status of the poor and marginalized.
Only when the participation of the basic sector or stakeholders is elicited can development be
meaningful and sustained by the basic sectors themselves.
“Community development” will have to be defined and visualized by the community members and
their participation is important in the attainment of this vision.
Elements at Varied
of Partnerships
• Community Participation
• Strengthened
Partnership Building
Community Health
Community Organizing and the Nursing Profession:
• One of the roles of Public Health Nurses is Community Organizer and as such, nurses work
with the local government in facilitating Community Health through Community Organizing.
• The nursing curriculum includes Community Development and COPAR as stated in the
CHED’s Instructional standards for Nursing Education. Student nurses with their clinical
instructor act as facilitator of CO in selected barangays following the COPAR process.
• In this way, the Schools of Nursing act as one of the NGO’s who reach out and help in the
implementation of the WHO in achieving health for all especially to those who are in the
remote areas.
• It “is a process whereby the community members develop the capability to assess their
health problems, plan and implement actions to solve these problems, put up and sustain
organizational structures which will support and monitor implementation of health
initiatives by the people.” (Maglaya)
• Phases of CO by Maglaya
A. Preparatory Phase
B. Organizational Phase
E. Phase out
• Phases of CO by Maglaya
A. Preparatory Phase – activities includes area selection, community profiling, entry in the
community, and integration with the people.
1. Area Selection:
• Phases of CO by Maglaya
3. Entry: Integration
• Make house calls and seek out people where they usually gather.
• Participate in some social activities.
• Phases of CO by Maglaya
1. Social Preparation – the nurse deepens and strengthens her ties with the people.
2. Spotting and Developing Potential Leaders – the potential leaders are chosen
• The leaders should be able to identify and understand with the community
the problems
• The Potential Leaders should have deep concern and understanding of the
conditions of the community and is willing to work for the desired change.
• Phases of CO by Maglaya
3. Core Group Formation – consists of the identified potential leaders that will form the people’s
• The core groups forms their members in their respective sectors of the
community and the nurse helps facilitate the development of the skills in
the core group members.
• Phases of CO by Maglaya
The nurse facilitates the formulation of a health committee that initially includes the identification of
prospective community health workers (CHWs).
The nurse facilitates and coordinates the assistance and support from external sources from the
E. Phase-Out
The community assumes greater responsibility in managing their own health and the nurse prepares
for the turnover of the work to the community.
An investigation of the problems and issues concerning the life and environment of
the under privileged in the society by way of a research collaboration with the under privileged,
whose representatives participate in the actual research process as equal partners.
1. Encourages consciousness of their problems and develop competence for changing their
3. Enhances the knowledge of the researchers and the community on the social reality
before them.
I. Preparatory Phase
1. Pre-Entry Phase
2. Entry Phase
1. Client
3 Important Approach
• Community-Based Approach – empowers the people to address their health needs and
• Comprehensive Approach – addresses the root of the problem and addresses the social
determinants of health
• Capacity-building strategies
• Health Education – “Health education is one of the strategies of health promotion and a
major function and intervention of a CHN.”
Networking - relationship among organizations that consists of exchanging information about each
other’s goal and objectives, services or facilities.
Interdisciplinary collaboration - CHNs, together with other health care workers participate in the
planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of health programs.
Advocacy - nurses uphold the client’s autonomy to make their own decisions.
3. Design a family nursing care plan and teaching plan from assessment findings of an actual
family, to be presented on day 4
Definition of family
The family is an open and developing system of interacting personalities with structure and
process created in relationships among the individual members regulated by resources and
existing within a larger community. (Smith & Maurer, 1995)
Definition of family
-Values, beliefs, and customs of society influence the role and function of the family (invades
every aspect of the life of the family)
Definition of family
Constitute a single household, interacts with each other in their respective familial roles and
create and maintain a common culture.
Two or more people who live in the same household (usually), share a common emotional bond,
and perform certain interrelated social tasks (Spradly & Allender, 1996)
Definition of family
People may have different definitions of family depending on the context on which they
understand it.
Types of family
According to structure
Nuclear - a father, a mother with child/children living together but apart from both sets of parents
and other relatives.
Extended - composed of two or more nuclear families economically and socially related to each
other. Multigenerational, including married brothers and sisters, and the families.
Types of family
According to structure
Blended - combination of two families with children from both families and sometimes children of
the newly married couple. It is also a remarriage with children from previous marriage.
Types of family
According to structure
Foster - substitute family for children whose parents are unable to care for them
Single-parent - divorced or separated, unmarried or widowed male or female with at least one
Dyad - husband and wife or other couple living alone without children
Types of family
According to structure
No – Kin - a group of at least two people sharing a relationship and exchange support who have no
legal or blood tie to each other
Types of family
According to authority
Patriarchal - full authority on the father or any male member of the family e.g. eldest son,
Matriarchal - full authority of the mother or any female member of the family, e.g. eldest sister,
Matricentric - the mother decides/takes charge in absence of the father (e.g. father is working
Types of family
According to authority
Egalitarian - husband and wife exercise a more or less amount of authority, father and mother
Types of family
According to function
Family of procreation
Family of orientation
Types of family
According to locality
Patrilocal - family resides / stays with / near domicile of the parents of the husband
Children not only have to respect their parents and obey them, but also have to learn to repress
their repressive tendencies
1. Reproduction
2. Status placement
5. Social control
The family as a group generates, prevents, tolerates and corrects health problems within its
The family is the most frequent focus of health decisions and action in personal care
The family is an effective and available channel for much of the effort of the health worker
A family is different from other family who lives in another location in many ways.
A family who lived in the past is different from another family who lives at present in many ways.
Develop its own patterns of behavior and its own style in life.
Balance-the parents and children have their own areas of decisions and control.
A family is a unit in which the action of any member may set of a whole series of reaction within a
group, and entity whose inner strength may be its greatest single supportive factor when one of its
members is stricken with illness or death.
An individual is unique human being who needs to assert his or herself in a way that allows him to
grow and develop.
Sometimes, individual needs and group needs seem to find a natural balance;
a. The need for self-expression does not over shadow consideration for others.
The relationship between the families is wholesome and reciprocal; the family utilizes the
community resources and in turn, contributes to the improvement of the community.
There are families who feel a sense of isolation from the community.
Families pass through predictable development stages (Duvall & Miller, 1990)
Dominant family members in terms of decision making especially on matters of health care
Relationship of the family to larger community-nature and extent of participation of the family in
community activities
C. Home Environment
Sleeping in arrangement
Presence of breathing or resting sites of vector of diseases (e.g. mosquitoes, roaches, flies, rodents,
Medical Nursing history indicating current or past significant illnesses or beliefs and practices
conducive to health and illness
dietary history specifying quality and quantity of food or nutrient per day
Developmental assessment of infant, toddlers and preschoolers- e.g. Metro Manila Developmental
Screening Test (MMDST).
Risk factor assessment indicating presence of major and contributing modifiable risk factors for
specific lifestyle diseases-e.g. hypertension, physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle, cigarette/ tobacco
smoking, elevated blood lipids/ cholesterol, obesity, diabetes mellitus, inadequate fiber intake,
stress, alcohol drinking, and other substance abuse.
Adequacy of:
Use of protective measure-e.g. adequate footwear in parasite-infested areas; use of bed nets and
protective clothing in malaria and filariasis endemic areas.
Others. Specify.
Healthy lifestyle
Spiritual well-being
Others. Specify
II. Presence of Health Threats-conditions that are conducive to disease and accident, or may result
to failure to maintain wellness or realize health potential. Examples of this are the following:
A. Presence of risk factors of specific diseases (e.g. lifestyle diseases, metabolic syndrome)
Broken chairs
Pointed /sharp objects, poisons and medicines improperly kept
Fire hazards
Fall hazards
Others specify.
II. Presence of Health Threats-conditions that are conducive to disease and accident, or may result
to failure to maintain wellness or realize health potential. Examples of this are the following:
Ineffective breastfeeding
Care-giving burden
II. Presence of Health Threats-conditions that are conducive to disease and accident, or may result
to failure to maintain wellness or realize health potential. Examples of this are the following:
Air pollution
II. Presence of Health Threats-conditions that are conducive to disease and accident, or may result
to failure to maintain wellness or realize health potential. Examples of this are the following:
Alcohol drinking
Cigarette/tobacco smoking
Personal abuse
Non use of self-protection measures (e.g. non use of bed nets in malaria and filariasis endemic
II. Presence of Health Threats-conditions that are conducive to disease and accident, or may result
to failure to maintain wellness or realize health potential. Examples of this are the following:
K. Health History, which may Participate/Induce the Occurrence of Health Deficit, e.g. previous
history of difficult labor.
L. Inappropriate Role Assumption- e.g. child assuming mother’s role, father not assuming his role.
N. Family Disunity-e.g.
O. Others. Specify
Examples include:
B. Denial about its existence or severity as a result of fear of consequences of diagnosis of problem,
Economic/cost implications
Physical consequences
Emotional/psychological issues/concerns
D. Others. Specify
II. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to:
Economic consequences
Physical consequences
Emotional/psychological consequences
Negative attitude towards the health condition or problem-by negative attitude is meant one that
interferes with rational decision-making.
Physical Inaccessibility
Others specify.
III. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the sick, disabled, dependent or vulnerable/at risk
member of the family due to:
Lack of/inadequate knowledge about the disease/health condition (nature, severity, complications,
prognosis and management)
III. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the sick, disabled, dependent or vulnerable/at risk
member of the family due to:
2. Financial constraints
Significant persons unexpressed feelings (e.g. hostility/anger, guilt, fear/anxiety, despair, rejection)
which his/her capacities to provide care.
Philosophy in life which negates/hinder caring for the sick, disabled, dependent, vulnerable/at risk
Member’s preoccupation with on concerns/interests
III. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the sick, disabled, dependent or vulnerable/at risk
member of the family due to:
2. Role strain
3. Role dissatisfaction
4. Role conflict
Role confusion
Role overload
Others. Specify.
IV. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal
development due to:
Failure to see benefits (specifically long term ones) of investments in home environment
Negative attitudes/philosophy in life which is not conducive to health maintenance and personal
Lack of/inadequate competencies in relating to each other for mutual growth and maturation (e.g.
reduced ability to meet the physical and psychological needs of other members as a result of
families’ preoccupation with current problem or condition.
Others: specify
Physical/psychological consequences
Financial consequences
Social consequences
1. Cost constrains
2. Physical inaccessibility
Feeling of alienation to/lack of support from the community, e.g. stigma due to mental illness, AIDS,
Others, specify
Problem Identification