Chapter-2 Analytic Functions

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Chapter-2: Analytic Functions

Dr. Jajati Keshari Sahoo

Department of Mathematics
BITS Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus

March 01, 2018

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1 Preliminaries

2 Complex functions

3 Limits and Continuity

4 Continuity

5 Derivatives

6 Analytic functions

7 Harmonic functions

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1 Preliminaries

2 Complex functions

3 Limits and Continuity

4 Continuity

5 Derivatives

6 Analytic functions

7 Harmonic functions

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A complex number is a pair (x , y ) of real numbers x , y .

Observe the complex number z = (x , y ), where the real number x is called

the “real part” of the complex number written as x = Re z, and the real
number y is called the “imaginary part” of the complex number z written
in symbols as y = Im z.

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A complex number is a pair (x , y ) of real numbers x , y .

Observe the complex number z = (x , y ), where the real number x is called

the “real part” of the complex number written as x = Re z, and the real
number y is called the “imaginary part” of the complex number z written
in symbols as y = Im z.

The complex numbers z1 = (x1 , y1 ), z2 = (x2 , y2 ) are “added” and

“multiplied” as follows:

z1 + z2 = (x1 , y2 ) + (x2 , y2 ) = (x1 + x2 , y1 + y2 )

z1 z2 = (x1 , y1 )(x2 , y2 ) = (x1 x2 − y1 y2 , x1 y2 + x2 y1 )

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Let us identify the complex number (x , 0) with the real number x ,

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Let us identify the complex number (x , 0) with the real number x , Observe
that from the definition it is clear:

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Let us identify the complex number (x , 0) with the real number x , Observe
that from the definition it is clear:

(x , 0) + (0, y ) = (x , y )

it is also clear that

(0, 1)(y , 0) = (0, y )

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Let us identify the complex number (x , 0) with the real number x , Observe
that from the definition it is clear:

(x , 0) + (0, y ) = (x , y )

it is also clear that

(0, 1)(y , 0) = (0, y )

So we can write a complex number (x , y ) as a sum (x , 0) + (0, 1)(y , 0)

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Let us identify the complex number (x , 0) with the real number x , Observe
that from the definition it is clear:

(x , 0) + (0, y ) = (x , y )

it is also clear that

(0, 1)(y , 0) = (0, y )

So we can write a complex number (x , y ) as a sum (x , 0) + (0, 1)(y , 0)

identifying (x , 0) and (y , 0) with the real numbers x , y respectively we see

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Let us identify the complex number (x , 0) with the real number x , Observe
that from the definition it is clear:

(x , 0) + (0, y ) = (x , y )

it is also clear that

(0, 1)(y , 0) = (0, y )

So we can write a complex number (x , y ) as a sum (x , 0) + (0, 1)(y , 0)

identifying (x , 0) and (y , 0) with the real numbers x , y respectively we see
that: (x , y ) = x + (0, 1)y .

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Let us identify the complex number (x , 0) with the real number x , Observe
that from the definition it is clear:

(x , 0) + (0, y ) = (x , y )

it is also clear that

(0, 1)(y , 0) = (0, y )

So we can write a complex number (x , y ) as a sum (x , 0) + (0, 1)(y , 0)

identifying (x , 0) and (y , 0) with the real numbers x , y respectively we see
that: (x , y ) = x + (0, 1)y .
Note that (0, 1)(0, 1) = (−1, 0) = −1, so denoting (0, 1) by the symbol i,
we can write a complex number (x , y ) = x + iy , where i 2 = −1.

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Let C = { Set of complex number}.

Note that every complex number is generated by (1, 0) and (0, 1)
since (x , y ) = x (1, 0) + y (0, 1). Hence C is a vector space with
dimension 2 and B = {(1, 0) = 1, (0, 1) = i} is the standard basis for

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Let C = { Set of complex number}.

Note that every complex number is generated by (1, 0) and (0, 1)
since (x , y ) = x (1, 0) + y (0, 1). Hence C is a vector space with
dimension 2 and B = {(1, 0) = 1, (0, 1) = i} is the standard basis for
If we define a map T : C → R2 by T (x + iy ) = (x , y ), then we can
easily show T is a bijective map and hence C ∼
= R2 .

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Let C = { Set of complex number}.

Note that every complex number is generated by (1, 0) and (0, 1)
since (x , y ) = x (1, 0) + y (0, 1). Hence C is a vector space with
dimension 2 and B = {(1, 0) = 1, (0, 1) = i} is the standard basis for
If we define a map T : C → R2 by T (x + iy ) = (x , y ), then we can
easily show T is a bijective map and hence C ∼
= R2 .
We can relate some properties of R2 to C such as continuity,
differentiability etc.

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Argand plane/ Complex Plane/z− Plane

The complex number x + iy may be visualized as a point in a plane with

coordinated (x , y ),

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Argand plane/ Complex Plane/z− Plane

The complex number x + iy may be visualized as a point in a plane with

coordinated (x , y ), this plane is thought to be the plane where the
complex numbers reside, as a result it is called “the complex plane”.

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Argand plane/ Complex Plane/z− Plane

The complex number x + iy may be visualized as a point in a plane with

coordinated (x , y ), this plane is thought to be the plane where the
complex numbers reside, as a result it is called “the complex plane”.
Sometime this plane is also called “the Argand plane” after the
mathematician Argand who popularized this visualization method.
Absolute value
The distance from the origin to the point (x , y ) is called the absolute value
of the complex number z = x + iy . Which is denoted by |z| and defined by

|z| = x2 + y2

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Algebraic Properties

1 |z|n = |z n |.
2 Triangle inequality: |z1 + z2 | ≤ |z1 | + |z2 |.
3 |z1 + z2 | ≥ ||z1 | − |z2 ||.
4 Conjugate: For a complex number z = a + ib, the complex number
a − ib is called the conjugate of z and it is denoted by z.
5 Using the conjugate one can write |z|2 = zz.
6 |z| = |z|.
7 Observe that z 6= 0 if and only if |z| =
6 0.
8 The conjugate satisfies z1 z2 = z1 z2 .
z1 z1
9 For z2 6= 0 we have z2 = z2 .
10 Parallelogram Law: |z1 + z2 |2 + |z1 − z2 |2 = 2(|z1 |2 + |z2 |2 ).

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Polar form

A complex number z = (x + iy ) on the complex plane has a polar

coordinate description (r , θ) where r = |z|and θ, called the argument of
−1 y
the complex number z or arg(z), is tan x .

The argument of a complex number is decided up to an integer multiple of

2π. The value of the argument in the interval (−π, π] is called the
principal value of the argument. So we can write a complex number
z = |z| cos(arg (z)) + i|z| sin(arg (z))

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Polar form

A complex number z = (x + iy ) on the complex plane has a polar

coordinate description (r , θ) where r = |z|and θ, called the argument of
−1 y
the complex number z or arg(z), is tan x .

The argument of a complex number is decided up to an integer multiple of

2π. The value of the argument in the interval (−π, π] is called the
principal value of the argument. So we can write a complex number
z = |z| cos(arg (z)) + i|z| sin(arg (z))
arg(z) = Arg(z) + 2nπ, n ∈ Z.
arg(z1 z2 ) = arg(z1 ) + arg(z2 ).
arg z2 = arg(z1 ) − arg(z2 ).

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De Moivre’s identity

Euler’s formula
The expression e iθ = cos θ + i sin θ is called Euler’s formula.

From the previous slides we can write a complex number z as

z = |z|e iθ where θ = argz.
Roots: The distinct nth roots of z0 are obtained by the following
√ θ0
+ 2πk

ck = n
r0 e i n n , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1, r0 = |z0 |, θ0 = Arg(z0 ).

Find all the values of (1 − i) 3 .

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1 How to define a real power of a complex number? say iπ ?

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1 How to define a real power of a complex number? say iπ ?

2 How to define a complex power of a complex number? say ii ?

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1 How to define a real power of a complex number? say iπ ?

2 How to define a complex power of a complex number? say ii ?

3 Is it possible to get a real number from a complex power of a complex

4 We can answer these problems in Chapter 3.

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1 Given z0 a complex number and  a real positive number, we have a 

neighborhood of z0 defined as the set {z ∈ C : |z − z0 | < }

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1 Given z0 a complex number and  a real positive number, we have a 

neighborhood of z0 defined as the set {z ∈ C : |z − z0 | < }

2 A deleted neighborhood of z0 is the set of points

{z ∈ C : 0 < |z − z0 | < }.

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1 A point z is called an interior point of a set S ⊂ C if there is an 
neighborhood of z for some  which is completely contained in S.



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1 A point z is called an interior point of a set S ⊂ C if there is an 
neighborhood of z for some  which is completely contained in S.



2 It is called an exterior point if there is a neighborhood which is

completely not contained in S. Or completely contained in the
complement of the set S.

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1 It is called a boundary point if it is neither an interior point nor an
exterior point of the set S.



2 The set of boundary points is called the boundary of the set.

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1 A set is called open if it contains none of it’s boundary points or every
point is an interior point.

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1 A set is called open if it contains none of it’s boundary points or every
point is an interior point.

2 A set is closed if it contains all it’s boundary points.



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1 A set is called connected if given any two points in the set there is a
polygonal line connecting the two points.

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1 A set is called connected if given any two points in the set there is a
polygonal line connecting the two points.

2 A nonempty open connected set in the complex plane is called a


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1 A domain with some ( none or all ) of it’s boundary points is called a

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1 A domain with some ( none or all ) of it’s boundary points is called a

2 A region is called bounded if it is contained in a circle of radius R for

some R.
H = {z ∈ C : Re(z) > 0} is an example of an unbounded region.

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1 A domain with some ( none or all ) of it’s boundary points is called a

2 A region is called bounded if it is contained in a circle of radius R for

some R.
H = {z ∈ C : Re(z) > 0} is an example of an unbounded region.

3 A point z is called an accumulation point ( or a limit point) of S if

every deleted neighborhood of the point contains a point of the set S.


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1 Preliminaries

2 Complex functions

3 Limits and Continuity

4 Continuity

5 Derivatives

6 Analytic functions

7 Harmonic functions

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Complex functions

A function defined on a subset of the set of complex numbers is

called a complex function.
Mathematically: Let S ⊆ C, a mapping f : S → C is is called a
function if it is well defined and denoted by w = f (z).

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Complex functions

A function defined on a subset of the set of complex numbers is

called a complex function.
Mathematically: Let S ⊆ C, a mapping f : S → C is is called a
function if it is well defined and denoted by w = f (z).
The set S is called the domain (you should not confuse with earlier
definition of domain) of the function. Sometime if the domain is not
mentioned then the largest possible set where f is well defined is
taken to be the domain.

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Complex functions

A function defined on a subset of the set of complex numbers is

called a complex function.
Mathematically: Let S ⊆ C, a mapping f : S → C is is called a
function if it is well defined and denoted by w = f (z).
The set S is called the domain (you should not confuse with earlier
definition of domain) of the function. Sometime if the domain is not
mentioned then the largest possible set where f is well defined is
taken to be the domain.
1 z
f (z) = Arg z , f (z) = z+z .

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Complex functions

We visualise the function in w − plane and represent the function as

f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ), where u and v are respectively called real
and imaginary part of f .

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Complex functions

We visualise the function in w − plane and represent the function as

f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ), where u and v are respectively called real
and imaginary part of f .
Polar form: Replace z as re iθ or x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ. So
w := f (r , θ) = u(r , θ) + iv (r , θ).

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Complex functions

We visualise the function in w − plane and represent the function as

f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ), where u and v are respectively called real
and imaginary part of f .
Polar form: Replace z as re iθ or x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ. So
w := f (r , θ) = u(r , θ) + iv (r , θ).
Example: Let f (z) = z + z1 . We can easily find u(x , y ) = x + x
x 2 +y 2
v (x , y ) = y − x 2 +y 2 . Also its polar form is

1 1
f (r , θ) = r + cos θ + i r − sin θ.
r r

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1 Preliminaries

2 Complex functions

3 Limits and Continuity

4 Continuity

5 Derivatives

6 Analytic functions

7 Harmonic functions

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Let the function f be defined on a deleted neighborhood of a point z0 then
we say
lim f (z) = w0

, if for each positive real number  there is a positive real number δ such
that |f (z) − w0 | <  whenever |z − z0 | < δ

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Let the function f be defined on a deleted neighborhood of a point z0 then
we say
lim f (z) = w0

, if for each positive real number  there is a positive real number δ such
that |f (z) − w0 | <  whenever |z − z0 | < δ

As we “move” closer to the point z0 the value of the function moves closer
to the value wo . Note that a limit may or may not exist. But if it exists
then one can show as in the next theorem that it is unique.

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Let f (z) = z + iz. Show that lim f (z) = 1 + i.


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Let f (z) = z + iz. Show that lim f (z) = 1 + i.


|f (z) − (1 + i)| = |z + iz − 1 − i|
= |z − 1 + i(z − 1)|

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Let f (z) = z + iz. Show that lim f (z) = 1 + i.


|f (z) − (1 + i)| = |z + iz − 1 − i|
= |z − 1 + i(z − 1)|
≤ |z − 1| + |z − 1| using triangle inequality and |i| = 1

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Let f (z) = z + iz. Show that lim f (z) = 1 + i.


|f (z) − (1 + i)| = |z + iz − 1 − i|
= |z − 1 + i(z − 1)|
≤ |z − 1| + |z − 1| using triangle inequality and |i| = 1
= 2|z − 1| since |z − 1| = |z − 1|
< 2δ

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Let f (z) = z + iz. Show that lim f (z) = 1 + i.


|f (z) − (1 + i)| = |z + iz − 1 − i|
= |z − 1 + i(z − 1)|
≤ |z − 1| + |z − 1| using triangle inequality and |i| = 1
= 2|z − 1| since |z − 1| = |z − 1|
< 2δ

|f (z) − (1 + i)| <  if we chose δ ≤ 2 .
Hence lim f (z) = 1 + i.

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Let f (z) = z + iz. Show that lim f (z) = 1 + i.

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Let f (z) = z + iz. Show that lim f (z) = 1 + i.

|f (z) − (1 + i)| = |z + iz − 1 − i|
= |z − i + iz − 1|

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Let f (z) = z + iz. Show that lim f (z) = 1 + i.

|f (z) − (1 + i)| = |z + iz − 1 − i|
= |z − i + iz − 1|
= |z − i + i(z + i)|
= |z − i + i(z − i)|

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Let f (z) = z + iz. Show that lim f (z) = 1 + i.

|f (z) − (1 + i)| = |z + iz − 1 − i|
= |z − i + iz − 1|
= |z − i + i(z + i)|
= |z − i + i(z − i)|
≤ |z − i| + |z − i| using triangle inequality and |z| = |z|
= 2|z − i| < 2δ

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Let f (z) = z + iz. Show that lim f (z) = 1 + i.

|f (z) − (1 + i)| = |z + iz − 1 − i|
= |z − i + iz − 1|
= |z − i + i(z + i)|
= |z − i + i(z − i)|
≤ |z − i| + |z − i| using triangle inequality and |z| = |z|
= 2|z − i| < 2δ

|f (z) − (1 + i)| <  if we chose δ ≤ 2 .
Hence lim f (z) = 1 + i.

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Let f (z) = Re(z) . What about lim f (z) ?

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Theorem 1
If a limit lim f (z) exists then it is unique.

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Theorem 1
If a limit lim f (z) exists then it is unique.

To prove the assertion let us assume if possible there are more than one
limits, let us say w1 , w2 are two limits.

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Theorem 1
If a limit lim f (z) exists then it is unique.

To prove the assertion let us assume if possible there are more than one
limits, let us say w1 , w2 are two limits. So for each positive  there are
δ1 , δ1 positive

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Theorem 1
If a limit lim f (z) exists then it is unique.

To prove the assertion let us assume if possible there are more than one
limits, let us say w1 , w2 are two limits. So for each positive  there are
δ1 , δ1 positive such that |f (z) − w1 | <  whenever |z − z0 | < δ1 and
|f (z) − w2 | <  whenever |z − z0 | < δ1 .

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Theorem 1
If a limit lim f (z) exists then it is unique.

To prove the assertion let us assume if possible there are more than one
limits, let us say w1 , w2 are two limits. So for each positive  there are
δ1 , δ1 positive such that |f (z) − w1 | <  whenever |z − z0 | < δ1 and
|f (z) − w2 | <  whenever |z − z0 | < δ1 . So whenever we have
|z − z0 | < δ = min{δ1 , δ1 }

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Theorem 1
If a limit lim f (z) exists then it is unique.

To prove the assertion let us assume if possible there are more than one
limits, let us say w1 , w2 are two limits. So for each positive  there are
δ1 , δ1 positive such that |f (z) − w1 | <  whenever |z − z0 | < δ1 and
|f (z) − w2 | <  whenever |z − z0 | < δ1 . So whenever we have
|z − z0 | < δ = min{δ1 , δ1 } we have

|w1 − w2 | = |(f (z) − w2 ) − (f (z) − w1 )| ≤ |f (z) − w1 | + |f (z) − w2 |

< 2

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Theorem 1
If a limit lim f (z) exists then it is unique.

To prove the assertion let us assume if possible there are more than one
limits, let us say w1 , w2 are two limits. So for each positive  there are
δ1 , δ1 positive such that |f (z) − w1 | <  whenever |z − z0 | < δ1 and
|f (z) − w2 | <  whenever |z − z0 | < δ1 . So whenever we have
|z − z0 | < δ = min{δ1 , δ1 } we have

|w1 − w2 | = |(f (z) − w2 ) − (f (z) − w1 )| ≤ |f (z) − w1 | + |f (z) − w2 |

< 2
Note that above inequality is available to us for arbitrary positive real
number .

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Theorem 1
If a limit lim f (z) exists then it is unique.

To prove the assertion let us assume if possible there are more than one
limits, let us say w1 , w2 are two limits. So for each positive  there are
δ1 , δ1 positive such that |f (z) − w1 | <  whenever |z − z0 | < δ1 and
|f (z) − w2 | <  whenever |z − z0 | < δ1 . So whenever we have
|z − z0 | < δ = min{δ1 , δ1 } we have

|w1 − w2 | = |(f (z) − w2 ) − (f (z) − w1 )| ≤ |f (z) − w1 | + |f (z) − w2 |

< 2
Note that above inequality is available to us for arbitrary positive real
number .
We choose an  smaller than |w1 − w2 |/2 we arrive at a contradiction
|w1 − w2 | < |w1 − w2 |.
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z 2 −z 2
Let f (z) = z . Find lim f (z).

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z 2 −z 2
Let f (z) = z . Find lim f (z).

Let f (z) = 1−z . Find lim f (z) if exists ?


x (1,0)

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Along horizontal line y = 0, the limit is:

1−z 1−x
lim = lim = 1.
z→1 1 − z x →1 1 − x

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Along horizontal line y = 0, the limit is:

1−z 1−x
lim = lim = 1.
z→1 1 − z x →1 1 − x

Along vertical line x = 1, the limit is:

1−z 1 − (1 − iy ) −iy
lim = lim = lim = −1.
z→1 1 − z y →0 1 − (1 + iy ) y →0 iy

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Along horizontal line y = 0, the limit is:

1−z 1−x
lim = lim = 1.
z→1 1 − z x →1 1 − x

Along vertical line x = 1, the limit is:

1−z 1 − (1 − iy ) −iy
lim = lim = lim = −1.
z→1 1 − z y →0 1 − (1 + iy ) y →0 iy

Therefore, the limit does not exist.

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Along horizontal line y = 0, the limit is:

1−z 1−x
lim = lim = 1.
z→1 1 − z x →1 1 − x

Along vertical line x = 1, the limit is:

1−z 1 − (1 − iy ) −iy
lim = lim = lim = −1.
z→1 1 − z y →0 1 − (1 + iy ) y →0 iy

Therefore, the limit does not exist.

Example: Show that lim does not exist.
z→0 z

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Along horizontal line y = 0, the limit is:

1−z 1−x
lim = lim = 1.
z→1 1 − z x →1 1 − x

Along vertical line x = 1, the limit is:

1−z 1 − (1 − iy ) −iy
lim = lim = lim = −1.
z→1 1 − z y →0 1 − (1 + iy ) y →0 iy

Therefore, the limit does not exist.

Example: Show that lim does not exist.
z→0 z

Example: Show that lim z = 0.


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Let f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) where z = x + iy . Also let z0 = x0 + iy0 and
w0 = u0 + iv0 then
lim f (z) = w0

if and only if
lim u(x , y ) = u0
(x ,y )→(x0 ,y0 )

lim v (x , y ) = v0
(x ,y )→(x0 ,y0 )


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Let f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) where z = x + iy . Also let z0 = x0 + iy0 and
w0 = u0 + iv0 then
lim f (z) = w0

if and only if
lim u(x , y ) = u0
(x ,y )→(x0 ,y0 )

lim v (x , y ) = v0
(x ,y )→(x0 ,y0 )


This theorem will help disproving existence of limits.

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Find lim if exists.
z→0 z

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Find lim if exists.
z→0 z

x 2 −y 2
Since f (z) = z
z = x 2 +y 2
+ i x 22xy
+y 2

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Find lim if exists.
z→0 z

x 2 −y 2
Since f (z) = z
z = x 2 +y 2
+ i x 22xy
+y 2

So the non existence of the limit lim v (x , y ) implies the non

(x ,y )→(0,0)
existence of lim .
z→0 z

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Basic Properties

Let us assume
lim f (z) = w0

lim g(z) = p0

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Basic Properties

Let us assume
lim f (z) = w0

lim g(z) = p0

1 lim (f (z) + g(z)) = w0 + p0

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Basic Properties

Let us assume
lim f (z) = w0

lim g(z) = p0

1 lim (f (z) + g(z)) = w0 + p0
2 lim f (z)g(z) = w0 p0

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Basic Properties

Let us assume
lim f (z) = w0

lim g(z) = p0

1 lim (f (z) + g(z)) = w0 + p0
2 lim f (z)g(z) = w0 p0
f (z) w0
3 If p0 6= 0 then lim =
z→z0 g(z) p0

The proof is follows from definition and properties of limits.

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Limit at ∞ and Infinite Limit

Extended Complex Plane: C∞ = C ∪ {∞}.

Note: There is no −∞ in complex place. One single point
1 lim f (z) = ∞ if and only if lim =0
z→z0 z→z0 f (z)

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Limit at ∞ and Infinite Limit

Extended Complex Plane: C∞ = C ∪ {∞}.

Note: There is no −∞ in complex place. One single point
1 lim f (z) = ∞ if and only if lim =0
z→z0 z→z0 f (z)

2 lim f (z) = w0 if and only if lim f = w0 .
z→∞ z→0 z

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Limit at ∞ and Infinite Limit

Extended Complex Plane: C∞ = C ∪ {∞}.

Note: There is no −∞ in complex place. One single point
1 lim f (z) = ∞ if and only if lim =0
z→z0 z→z0 f (z)

2 lim f (z) = w0 if and only if lim f = w0 .
z→∞ z→0 z

3 lim f (z) = ∞ if and only if =0
z→∞ lim f (1/z)

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Show that lim = ∞.
z→1 (z − 1)3


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Show that lim = ∞.
z→1 (z − 1)3


lim = lim (z − 1)3
z→1 f (z) z→1
= 0.
So by part (1), of the above theorem, we get lim = ∞.
z→1 (z − 1)3

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4z 2
Show that lim = 4.
z→∞ (z − 1)2


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4z 2
Show that lim = 4.
z→∞ (z − 1)2

 
lim f = lim  
 
2 
z→0 z z→0 1

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4z 2
Show that lim = 4.
z→∞ (z − 1)2

 
lim f = lim  
 
2 
z→0 z z→0 1
lim 4
= 2
lim (z − 2z + 1)
= = 4.

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4z 2
Show that lim = 4.
z→∞ (z − 1)2

 
lim f = lim  
 
2 
z→0 z z→0 1
lim 4
= 2
lim (z − 2z + 1)
= = 4.
4z 2
So by part (2), of the above theorem, we get lim = 4.
z→∞ (z − 1)2
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z2 + 1
Show that lim = ∞.
z→∞ z − 1


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z2 + 1
Show that lim = ∞.
z→∞ z − 1


1 1/z − 1
lim = lim
z→0 f (1/z) z→0 (1/z)2 + 1

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z2 + 1
Show that lim = ∞.
z→∞ z − 1


1 1/z − 1
lim = lim
z→0 f (1/z) z→0 (1/z)2 + 1
= lim z
z→0 1 + z2
= 0 × 1 = 0.

z2 + 1
So by part (3), of the above theorem, we get lim = ∞.
z→∞ z 2 − 1

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1 Preliminaries

2 Complex functions

3 Limits and Continuity

4 Continuity

5 Derivatives

6 Analytic functions

7 Harmonic functions

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A complex function is called continuous at a point z0 if the following
conditions are satisfied:
1 lim f (z) exists.
2 f (z0 ) exists.
3 lim f (z) = f (z0 ).

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A complex function is called continuous at a point z0 if the following
conditions are satisfied:
1 lim f (z) exists.
2 f (z0 ) exists.
3 lim f (z) = f (z0 ).

, δ definition
Given  > 0 real number there is a δ > 0 real number such that
|z − z0 | < δ =⇒ |f (z) − f (z0 )| < .

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A complex function is called continuous at a point z0 if the following
conditions are satisfied:
1 lim f (z) exists.
2 f (z0 ) exists.
3 lim f (z) = f (z0 ).

, δ definition
Given  > 0 real number there is a δ > 0 real number such that
|z − z0 | < δ =⇒ |f (z) − f (z0 )| < .

We sometime say “f is a continuous function” to mean that the function

is continuous at all the points of it’s domain or the region in context.

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Properties of continuous functions

Let f (z), g(z) be two functions defined on a domain D and continuous at

z0 , then:
1 f (z) + g(z), f (z) − g(z) are continuous at z0 .
2 f (z)g(z) is continuous at z0 .
3 If g(z0 ) 6= 0 then the quotient f (z)/g(z) is continuous at z0 .
4 The composition function f ◦ g or g ◦ f are continuous.

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Properties of continuous functions

Let f (z), g(z) be two functions defined on a domain D and continuous at

z0 , then:
1 f (z) + g(z), f (z) − g(z) are continuous at z0 .
2 f (z)g(z) is continuous at z0 .
3 If g(z0 ) 6= 0 then the quotient f (z)/g(z) is continuous at z0 .
4 The composition function f ◦ g or g ◦ f are continuous.
Corollary (a) A polynomial function is continuous at any point z0 .
Corollary (b) f n is continuous.

Example: Show that |z|n (n ∈ N) is continuous.

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If a function f is continuous and non-zero at a point z0 then there is a
neighborhood around z0 where the function is non-zero.

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If a function f is continuous and non-zero at a point z0 then there is a
neighborhood around z0 where the function is non-zero.

The proof is simple so left for students.

A function f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) is continuous at z0 = x0 + iy0 if and
only if the functions u(x , y ), v (x , y ) are continuous at (x0 , y0 ).

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If a function f is continuous and non-zero at a point z0 then there is a
neighborhood around z0 where the function is non-zero.

The proof is simple so left for students.

A function f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) is continuous at z0 = x0 + iy0 if and
only if the functions u(x , y ), v (x , y ) are continuous at (x0 , y0 ).

A demonstration of this theorem is easy and is left to the reader.

If a function f is continuous in a closed and bounded region R, then there
is a real number M > 0 such that |f (z)| ≤ M for all z ∈ R and
|f (z)| = M for at least one z ∈ R.

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If a function f is continuous and non-zero at a point z0 then there is a
neighborhood around z0 where the function is non-zero.

The proof is simple so left for students.

A function f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) is continuous at z0 = x0 + iy0 if and
only if the functions u(x , y ), v (x , y ) are continuous at (x0 , y0 ).

A demonstration of this theorem is easy and is left to the reader.

If a function f is continuous in a closed and bounded region R, then there
is a real number M > 0 such that |f (z)| ≤ M for all z ∈ R and
|f (z)| = M for at least one z ∈ R.

Proof The assertion follows from calculus of two real variables.

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1 Preliminaries

2 Complex functions

3 Limits and Continuity

4 Continuity

5 Derivatives

6 Analytic functions

7 Harmonic functions

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Let f be a function defined in a neighborhood of a point z0 . Derivative of
f (z) at z0 is defined to be the limit

f (z) − f (z0 )
f 0 (z0 ) = lim
z→z0 z − z0

If we use a new variable ∆z = z − z0 then we have:

f (z0 + ∆z) − f (z0 )
f 0 (z0 ) = lim
∆z→0 ∆z

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Discuss the differentiability of |z|2 .

Solution: Case-I (Consider at z = 0)

f (0 + ∆z) − f (0)
f 0 (0) = lim
∆z→0 ∆z

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Discuss the differentiability of |z|2 .

Solution: Case-I (Consider at z = 0)

f (0 + ∆z) − f (0)
f 0 (0) = lim
∆z→0 ∆z
|∆z| 2
= lim
∆z→0 ∆z

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Discuss the differentiability of |z|2 .

Solution: Case-I (Consider at z = 0)

f (0 + ∆z) − f (0)
f 0 (0) = lim
∆z→0 ∆z
|∆z| 2
= lim
∆z→0 ∆z
= lim
∆z→0 ∆z
= lim ∆z = 0.

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Solution: Case-II (Consider at z = z0 , where z0 6= 0)

f (z0 + ∆z) − f (z0 )

f 0 (z0 ) = lim
∆z→0 ∆z

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Solution: Case-II (Consider at z = z0 , where z0 6= 0)

f (z0 + ∆z) − f (z0 )

f 0 (z0 ) = lim
∆z→0 ∆z
(z0 + ∆z)(z0 + ∆z) − z0 z0
= lim
∆z→0 ∆z

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Solution: Case-II (Consider at z = z0 , where z0 6= 0)

f (z0 + ∆z) − f (z0 )

f 0 (z0 ) = lim
∆z→0 ∆z
(z0 + ∆z)(z0 + ∆z) − z0 z0
= lim
∆z→0 ∆z
(z0 + ∆z)(z0 + ∆z) − z0 z0
= lim
∆z→0 ∆z
∆z∆z + z0 ∆z + z0 ∆z
= lim
∆z→0 ∆z

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Solution: Case-II (Consider at z = z0 , where z0 6= 0)

f (z0 + ∆z) − f (z0 )

f 0 (z0 ) = lim
∆z→0 ∆z
(z0 + ∆z)(z0 + ∆z) − z0 z0
= lim
∆z→0 ∆z
(z0 + ∆z)(z0 + ∆z) − z0 z0
= lim
∆z→0 ∆z
∆z∆z + z0 ∆z + z0 ∆z
= lim
∆z→0 ∆z
= 0 + z0 + z0 lim = 0.
∆z→0 ∆z

Therefore, f 0 (z0 ) does not exist since the limit does not exist.

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Differentiation formulas and Properties

d n
dz z = nz n−1 for any natural number n.
d d d
dz (f (z) + g(z)) = dz f (z) + dz g(z).

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Differentiation formulas and Properties

d n
dz z = nz n−1 for any natural number n.
d d d
dz (f (z) + g(z)) = dz f (z) + dz g(z).

d d d
dz f (z)g(z) = f (z) dz g(z) + g(z) dz f (z).

d d
dz cf (z) = c dz f (z) for any c ∈ C.

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Differentiation formulas and Properties

d n
dz z = nz n−1 for any natural number n.
d d d
dz (f (z) + g(z)) = dz f (z) + dz g(z).

d d d
dz f (z)g(z) = f (z) dz g(z) + g(z) dz f (z).

d d
dz cf (z) = c dz f (z) for any c ∈ C.
d d
d f (z) g(z) dz f (z)−f (z) dz g(z)
dz g(z) = g(z)2 .

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Differentiation formulas and Properties

d n
dz z = nz n−1 for any natural number n.
d d d
dz (f (z) + g(z)) = dz f (z) + dz g(z).

d d d
dz f (z)g(z) = f (z) dz g(z) + g(z) dz f (z).

d d
dz cf (z) = c dz f (z) for any c ∈ C.
d d
d f (z) g(z) dz f (z)−f (z) dz g(z)
dz g(z) = g(z)2 .

6 The chain rule: If F (z) = g(w ), w = f (z) then

d d d
dz F (z) = dw g(w ) dz f (z).

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Cauchy-Riemann Equation

Next we will find a method to test whether a function is differentiable or

not ?.
Cauchy-Riemann Equation
Let f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ). Then the following equations

ux (x , y ) = vy (x , y )
uy (x , y ) = −vx (x , y )

are called Cauchy-Riemann equations.

Next will discuss some necessary and sufficient conditions for


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Necessary Conditions for Differentibility

The following conditions are necessary for differentiability:

If a complex function f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) is differentiable at a point
z0 = x0 + iy0 , then
(a) the first order partial derivatives of the functions u and v must exist

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Necessary Conditions for Differentibility

The following conditions are necessary for differentiability:

If a complex function f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) is differentiable at a point
z0 = x0 + iy0 , then
(a) the first order partial derivatives of the functions u and v must exist
(b) u and v must satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations at (x0 , y0 ).

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Necessary Conditions for Differentibility

The following conditions are necessary for differentiability:

If a complex function f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) is differentiable at a point
z0 = x0 + iy0 , then
(a) the first order partial derivatives of the functions u and v must exist
(b) u and v must satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations at (x0 , y0 ).
(c) f 0 (z0 ) = ux (x0 , y0 ) + ivx (x0 , y0 ).

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Necessary Conditions for Differentibility

The following conditions are necessary for differentiability:

If a complex function f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) is differentiable at a point
z0 = x0 + iy0 , then
(a) the first order partial derivatives of the functions u and v must exist
(b) u and v must satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations at (x0 , y0 ).
(c) f 0 (z0 ) = ux (x0 , y0 ) + ivx (x0 , y0 ).

Note: This theorem helps to disprove differentiability.

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Test whether the following function is differentiable or not ?

(a) f (z) = z.
(b) f (z) = Im(z).
(c) f (z) = Re(z).
(d) f (z) = 2x + ixy 2 .
(e) f (z) = e z = e x e −iy .

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Sufficient Conditions for Differentiability
We will show that the Cauchy-Riemann equations are also sufficient for
differentiability under certain conditions.

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Sufficient Conditions for Differentiability
We will show that the Cauchy-Riemann equations are also sufficient for
differentiability under certain conditions.
Let the function f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) be defined in some 
neighborhood of a point z0 = x0 + iy0 , and suppose that
(i) the first partial derivatives of the functions u and v exists everywhere
in the neighborhood.

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Sufficient Conditions for Differentiability
We will show that the Cauchy-Riemann equations are also sufficient for
differentiability under certain conditions.
Let the function f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) be defined in some 
neighborhood of a point z0 = x0 + iy0 , and suppose that
(i) the first partial derivatives of the functions u and v exists everywhere
in the neighborhood.
(ii) those partial derivatives are continuous at (x0 , y0 ) and satisfy the
Cauchy-Riemann equations at (x0 , y0 ) :
ux = vy ;
uy = −vx ;
then f 0 (z0 ) exists and it is equal to ux (x0 , y0 ) + ivx (x0 , y0 ).

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Sufficient Conditions for Differentiability
We will show that the Cauchy-Riemann equations are also sufficient for
differentiability under certain conditions.
Let the function f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) be defined in some 
neighborhood of a point z0 = x0 + iy0 , and suppose that
(i) the first partial derivatives of the functions u and v exists everywhere
in the neighborhood.
(ii) those partial derivatives are continuous at (x0 , y0 ) and satisfy the
Cauchy-Riemann equations at (x0 , y0 ) :
ux = vy ;
uy = −vx ;
then f 0 (z0 ) exists and it is equal to ux (x0 , y0 ) + ivx (x0 , y0 ).

Note: This theorem helps not only existence but also finding the derivative.
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Test whether the following function is differentiable or not ? If so, then

find f 0 (z).

(a) f (z) = iz + 2.
(b) f (z) = x 2 + iy 2 .
(c) f (z) = zIm(z).
(d) f (z) = e −z = e −x e −iy .

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Some more application of Cauchy-Riemann

Example. Show that the function f (z) = e z is differentiable everywhere.

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Some more application of Cauchy-Riemann

Example. Show that the function f (z) = e z is differentiable everywhere.

Solution. The function is f (z) = e x +iy = e x e iy = e x cos y + ie x sin y .

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Some more application of Cauchy-Riemann

Example. Show that the function f (z) = e z is differentiable everywhere.

Solution. The function is f (z) = e x +iy = e x e iy = e x cos y + ie x sin y .

So u(x , y ) = e x cos y , v (x , y ) = e x sin y are continuous throughout the
complex plane and also all the partials exist.

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Some more application of Cauchy-Riemann

Example. Show that the function f (z) = e z is differentiable everywhere.

Solution. The function is f (z) = e x +iy = e x e iy = e x cos y + ie x sin y .

So u(x , y ) = e x cos y , v (x , y ) = e x sin y are continuous throughout the
complex plane and also all the partials exist.

Let us calculate the partial derivatives

ux = e x cos y , uy = −e x sin y , vx = e x sin y , vy = e x cos y .

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Some more application of Cauchy-Riemann

Example. Show that the function f (z) = e z is differentiable everywhere.

Solution. The function is f (z) = e x +iy = e x e iy = e x cos y + ie x sin y .

So u(x , y ) = e x cos y , v (x , y ) = e x sin y are continuous throughout the
complex plane and also all the partials exist.

Let us calculate the partial derivatives

ux = e x cos y , uy = −e x sin y , vx = e x sin y , vy = e x cos y .

So we see that ux = vy and uy = −vx satisfies CR equations everywhere.

So the function is differentiable everywhere on the complex plane.

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Example. Show that the function f (z) = |z|2 is not differentiable

anywhere other than at the origin.

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Example. Show that the function f (z) = |z|2 is not differentiable

anywhere other than at the origin.


The function can be written as f (z) = (x 2 + y 2 ) + i0,

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Example. Show that the function f (z) = |z|2 is not differentiable

anywhere other than at the origin.


The function can be written as f (z) = (x 2 + y 2 ) + i0, u = x 2 + y 2 and

v = 0, the partials are ux = 2x , uy = 2y , vx = vy = 0,

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Example. Show that the function f (z) = |z|2 is not differentiable

anywhere other than at the origin.


The function can be written as f (z) = (x 2 + y 2 ) + i0, u = x 2 + y 2 and

v = 0, the partials are ux = 2x , uy = 2y , vx = vy = 0,

the partials are continuous, but they don’t satisfy CR unless x = y = 0.

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Example. Show that the function f (z) = |xy | satisfies CR equations
but not differentiable. Explain why.

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Example. Show that the function f (z) = |xy | satisfies CR equations
but not differentiable.
p Explain why.
Solution. u = |xy |, v = 0, so the partials at the origin are
ux = uy = 0 = vx = vy , so it satisfies the CR equations.

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Example. Show that the function f (z) = |xy | satisfies CR equations
but not differentiable.
p Explain why.
Solution. u = |xy |, v = 0, so the partials at the origin are
ux = uy = 0 = vx = vy , so it satisfies the CR equations.But the partial
derivatives are not continuous since away from x = 0

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Example. Show that the function f (z) = |xy | satisfies CR equations
but not differentiable.
p Explain why.
Solution. u = |xy |, v = 0, so the partials at the origin are
ux = uy = 0 = vx = vy , so it satisfies the CR equations.But the partial
derivatives are not continuous since away from x = 0 the partials of u are
 1/2  1/2
ux = 12 |y |
|x | if x > 0 and ux = − 12 |y |
|x | if x < 0 and at (0, 0) it is 0,
so ux is not continuous.

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Example. Show that the function f (z) = |xy | satisfies CR equations
but not differentiable.
p Explain why.
Solution. u = |xy |, v = 0, so the partials at the origin are
ux = uy = 0 = vx = vy , so it satisfies the CR equations.But the partial
derivatives are not continuous since away from x = 0 the partials of u are
 1/2  1/2
ux = 12 |y |
|x | if x > 0 and ux = − 12 |y |
|x | if x < 0 and at (0, 0) it is 0,
so ux is not continuous. One can show that the √ function is not
|∆x ∆y |
differentiable by showing that the limit lim∆z→0 ∆z does not exist by
choosing some appropriate lines of approach.

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Let (  
|z|2 sin |z| if z 6= 0.
f (z) =
0 if z = 0.
Show that the function f is differentiable at z = 0 but the partial
derivative of Re f (z), i.e, ux (x , y ) is not continuous at (0, 0).

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Remark on C-R equations
Let z = x + iy . So x = z+z z−z
2 and y = 2i .
Now, if f = F (x , y ), then by chain rule

∂f ∂f ∂x ∂f ∂y 1 ∂f ∂f
= + = +i . (1)
∂z ∂x ∂z ∂y ∂z 2 ∂x ∂y

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Remark on C-R equations
Let z = x + iy . So x = z+z z−z
2 and y = 2i .
Now, if f = F (x , y ), then by chain rule

∂f ∂f ∂x ∂f ∂y 1 ∂f ∂f
= + = +i . (1)
∂z ∂x ∂z ∂y ∂z 2 ∂x ∂y

Using equation (1), we can easily show that, if f = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ), then

∂f 1
= [(ux − vy ) + i(uy + vx )] (2)
∂z 2

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Remark on C-R equations
Let z = x + iy . So x = z+z z−z
2 and y = 2i .
Now, if f = F (x , y ), then by chain rule

∂f ∂f ∂x ∂f ∂y 1 ∂f ∂f
= + = +i . (1)
∂z ∂x ∂z ∂y ∂z 2 ∂x ∂y

Using equation (1), we can easily show that, if f = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ), then

∂f 1
= [(ux − vy ) + i(uy + vx )] (2)
∂z 2
From equation (2), it follows the following theorem,

Let f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ). Then ∂z = 0 if and only u and v satisfies
the C-R equations.

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Cauchy-Riemann Equation in polar form

Sometime it is useful to know CR equations in polar form. Let us consider

a function
f (z) = u(r , θ) + iv (r , θ), z = re iθ
Since x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ, it is easy to show
∂x ∂y
ur = ux + uy
∂r ∂r
= ux cos θ + uy sin θ.


vθ = −vx r sin θ + vy r cos θ = uy r sin θ + ux r cos θ.

Therefore, rur = vθ . Similarly we can show uθ = −rvr .

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Cauchy-Riemann Equation in polar form

Cauchy-Riemann Equation
Let f (z) = u(r , θ) + iv (r , θ). Then the following equations

rur = vθ
uθ = −rvr

are called Cauchy-Riemann equations in polar form.

Next will discuss some necessary and sufficient conditions for


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Sufficient Conditions for Differentiability in
polar form

Let the function f (z) = u(r , θ) + iv (r , θ) be defined in some 
neighborhood of a point z0 = r0 eiθ0 , and suppose that
(i) the first partial derivatives of the functions u and v exists everywhere
in the neighborhood.
(ii) those partial derivatives are continuous at (r0 , θ0 ) and satisfy the
Cauchy-Riemann equations at (r0 , θ0 ) :
rur = vθ ;
uθ = −rvr ;
then f 0 (z0 ) exists and it is equal to e −iθ (ur (r0 , θ0 ) + ivr (r0 , θ0 )) .

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Let f (z) = r e iθ/2 (r > 0, α < θ < α + 2π, α ∈ R). Check the
differentiability of f (z) ? Also find f 0 (z) if exists.

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Let f (z) = r e iθ/2 (r > 0, α < θ < α + 2π, α ∈ R). Check the
differentiability of f (z) ? Also find f 0 (z) if exists.

Solution: f 0 (z) = √1
2 r e iθ/2

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Let f (z) = r e iθ/2 (r > 0, α < θ < α + 2π, α ∈ R). Check the
differentiability of f (z) ? Also find f 0 (z) if exists.

Solution: f 0 (z) = √1
2 r e iθ/2

Question: Why θ defined like this ?

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1 Preliminaries

2 Complex functions

3 Limits and Continuity

4 Continuity

5 Derivatives

6 Analytic functions

7 Harmonic functions

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Analytic functions

A complex function f is called analytic ( or regular or holomorphic ) at a
point z0 in it’s domain if it is differentiable at each point in some
neighborhood of z0 .

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Analytic functions

A complex function f is called analytic ( or regular or holomorphic ) at a
point z0 in it’s domain if it is differentiable at each point in some
neighborhood of z0 .

Example: f (z) = |z|2 is nowhere analytic since it is only differentiable at

the origin.

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Analytic functions

A complex function f is called analytic ( or regular or holomorphic ) at a
point z0 in it’s domain if it is differentiable at each point in some
neighborhood of z0 .

Example: f (z) = |z|2 is nowhere analytic since it is only differentiable at

the origin.
Note that if a function is analytic at a point then it is also analytic in a
neighborhood of that point.

A function is called entire if it is analytic everywhere on the complex plane.

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Analytic functions

A complex function f is called analytic ( or regular or holomorphic ) at a
point z0 in it’s domain if it is differentiable at each point in some
neighborhood of z0 .

Example: f (z) = |z|2 is nowhere analytic since it is only differentiable at

the origin.
Note that if a function is analytic at a point then it is also analytic in a
neighborhood of that point.

A function is called entire if it is analytic everywhere on the complex plane.

The polynomials are entire functions, e z (exponential function) is also


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Singular Points

If a function f fails to be analytic at a point z0 but is analytic at some

point in every neighborhood of z0 then the point z0 is called a singular
point of the function or singularity of f .

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Singular Points

If a function f fails to be analytic at a point z0 but is analytic at some

point in every neighborhood of z0 then the point z0 is called a singular
point of the function or singularity of f .

Example: z1 is analytic at all point except at 0, and it is not analytic ( not

even defined ) at 0 so the origin is a singular point for the function. Using
polar form, you can also check f is differentiable everywhere except 0.

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Singular Points

If a function f fails to be analytic at a point z0 but is analytic at some

point in every neighborhood of z0 then the point z0 is called a singular
point of the function or singularity of f .

Example: z1 is analytic at all point except at 0, and it is not analytic ( not

even defined ) at 0 so the origin is a singular point for the function. Using
polar form, you can also check f is differentiable everywhere except 0.

Example: The functions f (z) = |z|2 has no singular points since it is not
analytic anywhere.

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Singular Points

If a function f fails to be analytic at a point z0 but is analytic at some

point in every neighborhood of z0 then the point z0 is called a singular
point of the function or singularity of f .

Example: z1 is analytic at all point except at 0, and it is not analytic ( not

even defined ) at 0 so the origin is a singular point for the function. Using
polar form, you can also check f is differentiable everywhere except 0.

Example: The functions f (z) = |z|2 has no singular points since it is not
analytic anywhere.

Example: The functions f (z) = z has no singular points since it is

nowhere analytic.

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Singular Points

If a function f fails to be analytic at a point z0 but is analytic at some

point in every neighborhood of z0 then the point z0 is called a singular
point of the function or singularity of f .

Example: z1 is analytic at all point except at 0, and it is not analytic ( not

even defined ) at 0 so the origin is a singular point for the function. Using
polar form, you can also check f is differentiable everywhere except 0.

Example: The functions f (z) = |z|2 has no singular points since it is not
analytic anywhere.

Example: The functions f (z) = z has no singular points since it is

nowhere analytic.

Example: The function f (z) = xy + iy has no singular points since it is

nowhere analytic.

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Properties of Analytic functions

The sum and difference of two analytic functions is analytic.

The product of two analytic functions is analytic.

The quotient is also analytic wherever defined.

The composition of two functions if defined is analytic.

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Theorems based on Analytic function

If f (z) is a complex constant then f 0 (z) = 0.

If f 0 (z) = 0 for all z ∈ D in a domain (open and connected). Then f (z)
constant for all z ∈ D.

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Theorems based on Analytic function

If f (z) is a complex constant then f 0 (z) = 0.

If f 0 (z) = 0 for all z ∈ D in a domain (open and connected). Then f (z)
constant for all z ∈ D.
Since f 0 (z) = 0 = ux + ivx = vy − iuy = 0 or all the partials are zero.

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Theorems based on Analytic function

If f (z) is a complex constant then f 0 (z) = 0.

If f 0 (z) = 0 for all z ∈ D in a domain (open and connected). Then f (z)
constant for all z ∈ D.
Since f 0 (z) = 0 = ux + ivx = vy − iuy = 0 or all the partials are zero. This
means the functions u, v are constant along any line parallel to the
coordinate axes.

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Theorems based on Analytic function

If f (z) is a complex constant then f 0 (z) = 0.

If f 0 (z) = 0 for all z ∈ D in a domain (open and connected). Then f (z)
constant for all z ∈ D.
Since f 0 (z) = 0 = ux + ivx = vy − iuy = 0 or all the partials are zero. This
means the functions u, v are constant along any line parallel to the
coordinate axes. Now any two points in the domain D can be joined by
paths with segments parallel to the axes.

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Theorems based on Analytic function

If f (z) is a complex constant then f 0 (z) = 0.

If f 0 (z) = 0 for all z ∈ D in a domain (open and connected). Then f (z)
constant for all z ∈ D.
Since f 0 (z) = 0 = ux + ivx = vy − iuy = 0 or all the partials are zero. This
means the functions u, v are constant along any line parallel to the
coordinate axes. Now any two points in the domain D can be joined by
paths with segments parallel to the axes. As the functions are constant on
the segments it is constant throughout.

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Theorems based on Analytic function

If f (z) is a complex constant then f 0 (z) = 0.

If f 0 (z) = 0 for all z ∈ D in a domain (open and connected). Then f (z)
constant for all z ∈ D.
Since f 0 (z) = 0 = ux + ivx = vy − iuy = 0 or all the partials are zero. This
means the functions u, v are constant along any line parallel to the
coordinate axes. Now any two points in the domain D can be joined by
paths with segments parallel to the axes. As the functions are constant on
the segments it is constant throughout.

Question: Is the above theorem true when f is defined on non connected

set ?

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Counter Example

Define f : C \ {z : 1 ≤ z ≤ 3} → C by
0 if |z| < 1.
f (z) =
i if |z| > 3.

Clearly f is analytic and f 0 (z) = 0 on both sets but f is not constant.

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Some more Applications

If f (z) and f (z) are both analytic in a domain then f is constant on the

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Some more Applications

If f (z) and f (z) are both analytic in a domain then f is constant on the
Solution. Let us write f (z) = u + iv since f is analytic the CR equations
are satisfied everywhere ie ux = vy and uy = −vx ,

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Some more Applications

If f (z) and f (z) are both analytic in a domain then f is constant on the
Solution. Let us write f (z) = u + iv since f is analytic the CR equations
are satisfied everywhere ie ux = vy and uy = −vx , Now f (z) = u − iv is
also analytic so the CR equations are satisfied for this function hence
ux = −vy and uy = vx , together these equations mean
ux = vx = uy = vy = 0,

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Some more Applications

If f (z) and f (z) are both analytic in a domain then f is constant on the
Solution. Let us write f (z) = u + iv since f is analytic the CR equations
are satisfied everywhere ie ux = vy and uy = −vx , Now f (z) = u − iv is
also analytic so the CR equations are satisfied for this function hence
ux = −vy and uy = vx , together these equations mean
ux = vx = uy = vy = 0, so by the theorem above f is constant on the

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Some more Application

Let f (z) be an analytic function on a domain D. If any one of the
following holds
(i) Re f (z) is constant,
(i) Im f (z) is constant,
(i) Arg f (z) is constant,
then f is constant on that domain.

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Some more Application

Example. Let f (z) be an analytic function on a domain such that |f (z)| is

constant on the domain, then f (z) is also constant on that domain.

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1 Preliminaries

2 Complex functions

3 Limits and Continuity

4 Continuity

5 Derivatives

6 Analytic functions

7 Harmonic functions

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Harmonic functions

A class of functions related to the analytic functions, very important for

applications, is the harmonic functions. Let us define the harmonic

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Harmonic functions

A class of functions related to the analytic functions, very important for

applications, is the harmonic functions. Let us define the harmonic
A function H : R2 → R is called harmonic if it satisfies Laplace’s equation,
ie Hxx (x , y ) + Hyy (x , y ) = 0.

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Harmonic functions

A class of functions related to the analytic functions, very important for

applications, is the harmonic functions. Let us define the harmonic
A function H : R2 → R is called harmonic if it satisfies Laplace’s equation,
ie Hxx (x , y ) + Hyy (x , y ) = 0.

Harmonic functions play a pivotal role in Physics and Engineering as many

problems in such fields arise as Laplace’s equation.

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Necessary conditions for Analytic

Let f (z) = u + iv be an analytic function then u, v are harmonic functions.

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Necessary conditions for Analytic

Let f (z) = u + iv be an analytic function then u, v are harmonic functions.

One sees the proof immediately, as ux = vy we have uxx = vxy and

uy = −vx so uyy = −vxy

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Necessary conditions for Analytic

Let f (z) = u + iv be an analytic function then u, v are harmonic functions.

One sees the proof immediately, as ux = vy we have uxx = vxy and

uy = −vx so uyy = −vxy thus uxx + uyy = 0.

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Necessary conditions for Analytic

Let f (z) = u + iv be an analytic function then u, v are harmonic functions.

One sees the proof immediately, as ux = vy we have uxx = vxy and

uy = −vx so uyy = −vxy thus uxx + uyy = 0.
(Why ux is differentiable again ? It is because we will show in Chapter-4
that if a function f (z) is analytic at a point z0 , then all its derivatives of
all orders are also analytic

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Necessary conditions for Analytic

Let f (z) = u + iv be an analytic function then u, v are harmonic functions.

One sees the proof immediately, as ux = vy we have uxx = vxy and

uy = −vx so uyy = −vxy thus uxx + uyy = 0.
(Why ux is differentiable again ? It is because we will show in Chapter-4
that if a function f (z) is analytic at a point z0 , then all its derivatives of
all orders are also analytic

Similarly we show that v is harmonic.

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Necessary and sufficient condition for

If u, v are harmonic functions defined on a domain D such that they
satisfy the CR equations namely ux = vy ; uy = −vx , then we will call v
to be a harmonic conjugate of u.

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Necessary and sufficient condition for

If u, v are harmonic functions defined on a domain D such that they
satisfy the CR equations namely ux = vy ; uy = −vx , then we will call v
to be a harmonic conjugate of u.

A function f (z) = u + iv is analytic if and only if v is a harmonic
conjugate of u.

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Necessary and sufficient condition for

If u, v are harmonic functions defined on a domain D such that they
satisfy the CR equations namely ux = vy ; uy = −vx , then we will call v
to be a harmonic conjugate of u.

A function f (z) = u + iv is analytic if and only if v is a harmonic
conjugate of u.

The proof is simple,

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Necessary and sufficient condition for

If u, v are harmonic functions defined on a domain D such that they
satisfy the CR equations namely ux = vy ; uy = −vx , then we will call v
to be a harmonic conjugate of u.

A function f (z) = u + iv is analytic if and only if v is a harmonic
conjugate of u.

The proof is simple, if v is a harmonic conjugate of u then they satisfy the

CR equations and continuous (since harmonic). Thus differentiable in D
and hence analytic.

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Necessary and sufficient condition for

If u, v are harmonic functions defined on a domain D such that they
satisfy the CR equations namely ux = vy ; uy = −vx , then we will call v
to be a harmonic conjugate of u.

A function f (z) = u + iv is analytic if and only if v is a harmonic
conjugate of u.

The proof is simple, if v is a harmonic conjugate of u then they satisfy the

CR equations and continuous (since harmonic). Thus differentiable in D
and hence analytic. The convere follows from previous theorem and
differentiability of f .

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Remark on Harmonic conjugate

It is not always true that if v is a harmonic conjugate of u then u is a

harmonic conjugate of v ,

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Remark on Harmonic conjugate

It is not always true that if v is a harmonic conjugate of u then u is a

harmonic conjugate of v , let us give an example to demonstrate it:

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Remark on Harmonic conjugate

It is not always true that if v is a harmonic conjugate of u then u is a

harmonic conjugate of v , let us give an example to demonstrate it:

Example. Let u(x , y ) = x , v = y , now f (z) = u + iv = x + iy is analytic.

Hence v is a harmonic conjugate of u.

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Remark on Harmonic conjugate

It is not always true that if v is a harmonic conjugate of u then u is a

harmonic conjugate of v , let us give an example to demonstrate it:

Example. Let u(x , y ) = x , v = y , now f (z) = u + iv = x + iy is analytic.

Hence v is a harmonic conjugate of u.

Suppose on contradiction. Let u be harmonic conjugate of v . So by the

above theorem v + iu = i(u − iv ) = iz is not analytic (Think about |z|2 ).
Which is the contradiction. Therefore u is not harmonic conjugate of v in

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Remark on Harmonic conjugate

It is not always true that if v is a harmonic conjugate of u then u is a

harmonic conjugate of v , let us give an example to demonstrate it:

Example. Let u(x , y ) = x , v = y , now f (z) = u + iv = x + iy is analytic.

Hence v is a harmonic conjugate of u.

Suppose on contradiction. Let u be harmonic conjugate of v . So by the

above theorem v + iu = i(u − iv ) = iz is not analytic (Think about |z|2 ).
Which is the contradiction. Therefore u is not harmonic conjugate of v in

Question: What will happen to f when both u and v are harmonic

conjugate to each other ?

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Results on harmonic conjugate

Let f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) defined on a domain D. If u is harmonic
conjugate of v and v is harmonic conjugate of u, then f is constant.

Solution: Since v is a harmonic conjugate of u. This implies

ux = vy , uy = −vx . (3)

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Results on harmonic conjugate

Let f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) defined on a domain D. If u is harmonic
conjugate of v and v is harmonic conjugate of u, then f is constant.

Solution: Since v is a harmonic conjugate of u. This implies

ux = vy , uy = −vx . (3)

Similarly as u is a harmonic conjugate of v , we have

v x = uy , vy = −ux . (4)

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Results on harmonic conjugate

Let f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) defined on a domain D. If u is harmonic
conjugate of v and v is harmonic conjugate of u, then f is constant.

Solution: Since v is a harmonic conjugate of u. This implies

ux = vy , uy = −vx . (3)

Similarly as u is a harmonic conjugate of v , we have

v x = uy , vy = −ux . (4)

Combining equation (3) and (4), we obtain ux = vx = 0 and hence

f 0 (z) = 0. Thus f is constant.

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Results on harmonic conjugate

Question: Which function will be harmonic conjugate of v ?

Let f (z) = u(x , y ) + iv (x , y ) defined on a domain D. Show that −u is a
harmonic conjugate of v .

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Existence and construction of harmonic

Let us describe a method to construct a harmonic conjugate from a given

function u.

Let u be a harmonic function defined on a domain D. Then harmonic
conjugate of u is exists and equal to v , where
Z y Z x
v (x , y ) = ux (x , t)dt − uy (s, 0)ds.
0 0

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Example Find a harmonic conjugate of u(x , y ) = y 3 − 3x 2 y .

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Example Find a harmonic conjugate of u(x , y ) = y 3 − 3x 2 y .

Find the partials: ux = −6xy , uy = (3y 2 − 3x 2 ).

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Example Find a harmonic conjugate of u(x , y ) = y 3 − 3x 2 y .

Find the partials: ux = −6xy , uy = (3y 2 − 3x 2 ).
Evaluate: ux (x , t) = −6xt, uy (s, 0) = −3s 2 .

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Example Find a harmonic conjugate of u(x , y ) = y 3 − 3x 2 y .

Find the partials: ux = −6xy , uy = (3y 2 − 3x 2 ).
Evaluate: ux (x , t) = −6xt, uy (s, 0) = −3s 2 .
Z y Z x
v (x , y ) = ux (x , t)dt − uy (s, 0)ds
Z y Z 0x
= −6x tdt + 3 s 2 ds
0 0
= −3xy + x 3 + C ,

where C is the complex integration constant.

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Example. Show that any two harmonic conjugates of a harmonic function

u differs at most by an additive constant.

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Example. Show that any two harmonic conjugates of a harmonic function

u differs at most by an additive constant.
Solution. let us say v is a harmonic conjugate and also v + g(x , y ),

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Example. Show that any two harmonic conjugates of a harmonic function

u differs at most by an additive constant.
Solution. let us say v is a harmonic conjugate and also v + g(x , y ), so
f (z) = u + iv is analytic and f1 (z) = u + iv + ig(x , y ) is also analytic

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Example. Show that any two harmonic conjugates of a harmonic function

u differs at most by an additive constant.
Solution. let us say v is a harmonic conjugate and also v + g(x , y ), so
f (z) = u + iv is analytic and f1 (z) = u + iv + ig(x , y ) is also analytic so
the difference is analytic,

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Example. Show that any two harmonic conjugates of a harmonic function

u differs at most by an additive constant.
Solution. let us say v is a harmonic conjugate and also v + g(x , y ), so
f (z) = u + iv is analytic and f1 (z) = u + iv + ig(x , y ) is also analytic so
the difference is analytic, namely f1 − f = ig(x , y ) is analytic,

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Example. Show that any two harmonic conjugates of a harmonic function

u differs at most by an additive constant.
Solution. let us say v is a harmonic conjugate and also v + g(x , y ), so
f (z) = u + iv is analytic and f1 (z) = u + iv + ig(x , y ) is also analytic so
the difference is analytic, namely f1 − f = ig(x , y ) is analytic, call this
function h(z) = ig(x , y ) any constant multiple of an analytic function is
analytic hence

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Example. Show that any two harmonic conjugates of a harmonic function

u differs at most by an additive constant.
Solution. let us say v is a harmonic conjugate and also v + g(x , y ), so
f (z) = u + iv is analytic and f1 (z) = u + iv + ig(x , y ) is also analytic so
the difference is analytic, namely f1 − f = ig(x , y ) is analytic, call this
function h(z) = ig(x , y ) any constant multiple of an analytic function is
analytic hence −h(z) is also analytic, but −h(z) = h

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Example. Show that any two harmonic conjugates of a harmonic function

u differs at most by an additive constant.
Solution. let us say v is a harmonic conjugate and also v + g(x , y ), so
f (z) = u + iv is analytic and f1 (z) = u + iv + ig(x , y ) is also analytic so
the difference is analytic, namely f1 − f = ig(x , y ) is analytic, call this
function h(z) = ig(x , y ) any constant multiple of an analytic function is
analytic hence −h(z) is also analytic, but −h(z) = h now since both h(z)
and h(z) are analytic h(z) must be constant.

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